Heaven Burns Red

Don't let Sharo's upcoming event distract you from the fact that Akari is the final character without an SS.
Have you finished the latest main story chapter? How would you rate it?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago
  2. 1 year ago

    Kakinuma they probably haven't cleared 4.2 yet...

  3. 1 year ago

    Another set of nice outfits we will never see in the actual game.

    • 1 year ago

      This looks like someone attached the heads in photoshop or something. Weird as frick.

      Anyways, Akari getting the last SS definitely means it's gonna be really awesome, right? She gonna be a godlike blunt breaker with an element that will redefine the Breaker meta and will everyone pull for her. And then she woke up as an Attacker with an anti HP light aoe ultimate and a trashy anti HP single target non elemental 8sp cost skill on top.

    • 1 year ago
  4. 1 year ago

    >endless loading after the update

  5. 1 year ago

    >double yunyun+double element buff+field
    You can remove Sharo from her "showcase" and nothing would change.

  6. 1 year ago

    English version when!?

  7. 1 year ago

    When AOE finally becomes meta. When breakers get their role back

    • 1 year ago

      What then?

  8. 1 year ago

    Wait, I just realized that Maria has an actual heal, they finally did it, you can get a healer from the event. Now it's time to add a generic debuff, there's not a single one available from the events, only thunder for Kojuu.

    • 1 year ago

      Uhh Irie was already a healer. In fact this Vritika is just the powercrept version of her. Though I suppose Irie is limited

      • 1 year ago

        >Uhh Irie was already a healer
        Just tell someone who started playing last month to get Irie real quick.

    • 1 year ago

      It's actually sort of too late. Technically you can grind yourself S coins from older events and upgrade a regular S healer if necessary. By now, there are enough available as you go through the chapters, that your S healer should always be strong enough to not be a liability.

      Still, at least it exists. Now to not have the event require 4.1 or 4.2...

      • 1 year ago

        >Now to not have the event require 4.1 or 4.2...
        If they haven't specified any requirements on stream, then it should be ch.1.

        • 1 year ago

          That would be good. That way you don't even need to pull the gacha in hopes for an S healer, because so early you are probably fine with A.

  9. 1 year ago

    New expressions among the usual new things now in the mega folder. Sharo and Yunyun have new cutins, and Sharo and Carol new minicutins, too.
    Karerin: Neutral2, Superiority
    Risa: Anger, LittleJoy, Sadness, Surprise2, TightSmile
    Tsukasa Swimsuit 2022: Upset2

    • 1 year ago

      Is Risamama of all people seriously going to be the first non-A/B/C/G member to get an SS2?

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe Akari's event is supposed to happen later in the future, either due to plot or because of it referencing other future events, so she's the only 31D who can be an event MC now.

    • 1 year ago

      >Updating swimsuit expressions
      It's coming. Too bad they probably won't spoil the new ones like that.

    • 1 year ago

      >New expressions for Karen and swimsuit Tsukasa
      >Konomi coming on next steam
      Is it too early to say that the mid month rate up will be a Karen SS?

      On a unrelated note, are debuffs applied before or after damage?

      • 1 year ago

        Hard to say. They often prepare these things 1-2 months in advance, so it could be the anni/swimsuit stuff already. But a June 31A release is also possible, especially if we look at this year's schedule so far, where they do a 31A banner every other month.

      • 1 year ago

        Depends on the debuff. hbr quest shows it. Ultimates are generally before damage, normal skills are after.

        That said, I recently realized the website introduced an error for buffs on attacks. They made it look like the buff isn't affected by enemy border, but that should be wrong. Compared to buffs not affected by border, their stat threshold is way lower, precisely because they should be calculated vs border. Realistically the threshold doesn't matter for buffer/healer but yeah. Unless the game changed something there, and I missed it being mentioned.

        Anyways, fun fact, there are currently only 2 teams without major meta characters. One is Misato's where we don't even have all SS yet, and none of them has two, making it understandable. And the other is.. 31a. The one with by far the most styles. Hilarious.

        • 1 year ago

          >And the other is.. 31a. The one with by far the most styles. Hilarious.
          I don't see how Megumi SS3 is less meta than any 30G style.

          • 1 year ago

            e-girlta is one of the hardest hitters in the game, period. Megumi ss3 does nothing. She enables things.. other chars also enable, just very slightly better. She's also fire, which currently is ass, as fire has no good damage dealer, period.

            She is extremely mid, to the point you are likely getting better results using her ss2 and just making her into a def down + fragile bot in boss fights, while aoe nuking dungeon encounters. This is a lot more versatile, then going with ss3.

            • 1 year ago

              >e-girlta is one of the hardest hitters in the game, period.
              e-girlta was overrated on release, she's actually doing worse than LB3 Monaka in a lot of scenarios.
              > Megumi ss3 does nothing. She enables things..
              Yes, she only enables the most optimal elemental composition in the entire game that allows characters like Yuri and Ruka to compete with the infinitely superior units in damage output.
              >She's also fire, which currently is ass
              You know, actually you don't have to reply to this post, I have no time to argue with mentally disabled.

              • 1 year ago

                >Monaka is better
                I have an LB2 Monaka since forever, and no she's not. Monaka needs to buff herself 5 times to reach max stacks, which doesn't actually add anything otherwise, buff-wise. That's 25SP. Ult costs 13 -> 38sp cost.

                e-girlta buffs three times, which including ultimate costs: 7+7+3+7= 24sp cost. That is 14 less. Even if we assume we want to attack twice, her SP cost is still lower.
                Monaka may need less turns to buff, but at the same time she's harder to set up, as her self buff CAN'T be used. She absolutely needs something from an orb.

                Now, that out of the way, e-girlta allows you to ditch YunYun, opening up a slot. Even if we ignore that, Monaka caps out at 8k base damage (4k with full stacks, + 100% from yunyun), while e-girlta caps out at 8.8k base damage with her hit buff. She's not only way faster to set up like this, she also hits harder. Monaka's only gain is vs aoe, but comparing single target with aoe is kinda dumb anyways.
                Also, and this isn't unimportant. If you do not have YunYun SS, and a lot of people don't, you simply can't even remotely compare to innate hit buff users, period.

                And I'm not going to talk about your illusion about fire hitting for comparable damage. You need a bunch of specialized units only working with fire to get an extremely small advantage that is nullified by having no good Attacker or otherwise strong self buffing offensive style. If you can't see that.. I dunno what to tell you.

  10. 1 year ago

    >2 dark debuffer releases in just over 2 months
    >meanwhile ice is still waiting for their first real debuffer with its first ST defense down
    At least they finally fixed Vritika being a debuffer even though she had defender-like skills on both of her styles.

    • 1 year ago

      Miko will get her SS2 soon enough.

    • 1 year ago

      How broken do you want to make ice? It's already absolutely disgusting. Sure it hard relies on having the right characters, but I suppose that's true for all elements.

  11. 1 year ago

    I know they added those skill upgrade items, but is wasting electricity auto running around story dungeons for dozens of hours still the best way to level skills...?

    • 1 year ago

      I noticed skills level up way frequently now from lvl 13 Prisms. I do my daily 5x life run and 2 skills usually level up in the end.

      • 1 year ago

        Since when? It's not that long ago that I pushed my new A-San to a billion prisms (10 revives and 140 level cap), and her new skills grew exactly 0 times.

        Maybe you are just lucky. It's like the moment I equipped my Karen with a lvl 8 skill, it grew twice in a dungeon run I do daily, while tons of low level skills permanently equipped never even grew once..

        • 1 year ago

          A week ago maybe? today 3 skills levels up, usually it's just one.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, we'll get new prisms to grind with the event, so I may as well pull someone through and see for myself.
            Would be good qol.

  12. 1 year ago

    >anti Aoi mechanics
    If you didn't add this broken shit ability at all, you would not need to dance around it.

  13. 1 year ago

    Nice, I didn’t know they were giving us more free pulls on this banner

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I didn't watch the stream so it was a nice surprise seeing that.

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks for the reminder.
      >A Akari
      Thanks for making me sad too.

  14. 1 year ago

    My monthly "any news about a possible EN release?"...

    • 1 year ago

      They want every language to have the anniversary on the exact same date, and we're already past this year's anniversary, so it's pointless to ask this until later in the year.

      • 1 year ago

        Frick man. See you next month then.

  15. 1 year ago

    >double boss
    >boss mechanic is specifically designed so that you can't simply AoE them
    Does anyone actually believe in the "upcoming AoE meta"?

    • 1 year ago

      You still get something out of AOEs at least. AOE debuffs get applied twice on the front enemy, and while I haven't tested AOE damage I see no reason why it wouldn't be dealt twice as well.

      • 1 year ago

        >I haven't tested AOE damage I see no reason why it wouldn't be dealt twice as well.
        Why would it, it's a single attack instance, your characters don't get attacked three times when they provoke an aoe attack. Effect redirection is a new anti-cheese mechanic because they don't want characters like Aoi to completely break the fight.

        • 1 year ago

          It does work like that. Aoi does take three times the damage if her damage block isn't up while covering. And yes, all aoe hits the enemy twice, including aoe debuffs.

          That said, because the fight really hates you using Aoi and even Tama, I figured I'd do a quick rush strategy. I fricked up royally, but still managed to do 100+35 without the super move coming out. That's what I usually do, so I'm fine.

          I feel if I actually do not mess up as much, I could go quite a bit higher. I fricked up and buffed chars too early, so I couldn't set up correctly. Also Monaka's self buff giving an extra turn is a fricking shit thing by now, with how many buffs do not allow chars to attack afterwards.
          Still Mari ss2 is so fricking god (the more I have her, the more I realize how much more useful she is than Higuchi who falls off so hard the moment you actually don't rely on one big hit and that's it), and A-San with no buffs other than one second use Mari ult and two of her hit buffs, still bopped the boss for 800k setting up all the destruction for Monaka.. who wasn't needed anymore. Double aoe is pretty lethal. Even Iroha dealt good damage.

          Anyways, long story short. This boss is about speedrunning or about major damage reduction. I think it's possible to live with someone like Seira alt, but I like the quick method more. For those doing max difficulty, I recommend Tama. It's a 2 hit attack, so you can probably not die with damage reduction, though the guard WILL silence her on that turn. Pray to RNG and pick up your frontrow afterwards. Bad design, but alas.

          • 1 year ago

            I just checked, and apparently it's 8 hit aoe? I figured it's 2, because one test I only broke, and one test I died where I tested if it's single hit only.

            Guess the damage was just really barely enough for a oneshot.. strange.

  16. 1 year ago

    I honestly don't understand why 31X just have a unique broken mechanic exclusive to them and then all the other squads don't get anything like that. It's not like they actually balance the game around 31X styles having it, like any other healer gets a heal skill, Vritika gets the exact same heal, but she can use it at any SP, YunYun has one of the strongest buffs in the game and she can use it at any SP too. I don't ask WFS to nerf them or to remove it, just make it fair and give every squad their own mechanic or something.

    • 1 year ago

      They can't use all abilities like that. Maria's new skill is the same heal all other healers have, while the SS defender india girl's heal actually costs 1 more than the limited S's heal, and they are otherwise identical.
      SP=0 is "positive trait" to a skill, and those raise the cost in this game. Likewise downsides make stuff cheaper. It's actually pretty awful for every long running fight, and only good for rushes. If yunyun didn't have def down AND no alternative for the hit buff, you'd ditch her for anything that isn't quick prism fights, just like you ditch qed, hero and co.

      • 1 year ago

        I have never seen a YunYun user being unsatisfied with her SP costs or struggling with her due to that ever. I do see them utilizing her SP mechanic all the time. Now you have Sharo who can do her debuffer double ult sequence in 14SP while all the other debuffers have to use like 26-30 on their shit. It isn't completely broken yet, but when they will start getting their alts with the powercreep abilities, the insanity of them just being able to do this will be much more pronounced.

        • 1 year ago

          Meanwhile a 7 turn Feeler, brought to you by Team Ninja. No OD. No SP 0.

          There's a lot of powerful stuff in this game. Sp0 is still relatively harmless. And once that gets stronger, other things will as well. Probably.

  17. 1 year ago

    I forgot to upload the new song SV0079 yesterday. That's fixed now.

  18. 1 year ago

    How is the event?

    • 1 year ago

      The story is pretty nice. Pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a Sharo + 31X event. But they may as well not have bothered with the gameplay. Outside of the dungeons that are piss-easy to auto through, the dialog sometimes get interrupted by sections where you make Sharo go left for 20 seconds.

      The 31X dynamic was a bit more fleshed out. It's fun to see how they keep ignoring Yunyun's attempts at strategizing.

    • 1 year ago

      I liked how the story/character, character styles and boss all fit well together.
      Go in first, think later is kinda their theme, and it's nicely reflected in their sp=0 styles, and the boss. While you can live the super attack with def up, it also encourages rushing.

    • 1 year ago

      Extremely safe, trying too hard to elevate Sharo as a character. You would expect something interesting from an event about a yandere, one of the spiciest character in the entire roster, but it's just your normal feels good story. It's competent, I can see how a lot of people would find this very appealing, especially coming from that fricking cat event, but I found it to be kind of boring.
      I'm also not sure if this event actually takes place after 4.2 or what, because 4.2 Sharo was pretty much the same as usual.

      • 1 year ago

        >especially coming from that fricking cat event
        Understatement of the century. Apparently Kai is confirmed to have written this with Maeda's supervision, so that might be part of the reason for it. I haven't gotten around to reading it, but anything that's safe but good is unlikely to be any worse than Maeda's recent obsession with cats, mermaids and other episodic characters.

        • 1 year ago

          >Maeda's recent obsession with cats, mermaids and other episodic characters.
          I can actually understand where he is coming from, trying to do more exotic/special things and explore scenarios that he will never be able to touch in the main story, but what he wants to try is just too disconnected from what the player base actually wants to see. Nobody wants to read about random cats when it could have been a story about Byakko's everyday life showing her interactions with random seraph girls we never got to see, or something that explores her past in a more meaningful way.

    • 1 year ago

      It was pretty much what I had expected. We had a Maeda event last month so it was clear we'd get another Adelheid-like event this month.

      Extremely safe, trying too hard to elevate Sharo as a character. You would expect something interesting from an event about a yandere, one of the spiciest character in the entire roster, but it's just your normal feels good story. It's competent, I can see how a lot of people would find this very appealing, especially coming from that fricking cat event, but I found it to be kind of boring.
      I'm also not sure if this event actually takes place after 4.2 or what, because 4.2 Sharo was pretty much the same as usual.

      I don't know if I can express it well, but I kinda knew it was going to be safe despite Sharo's personality. I mean what do we know about Sharo prior to her event? She's a yandere for Ruka and she has abandonment issues because she keeps outliving her team. There's really no room for any major surprises if the event is just going to tackle her past. Personally I'm happy enough with the interesting tidbit we got about her spoiler thing. The parts I'm not satisfied with is the missing lore about her stuffed cat and the jarring transition to becoming a yandere.

      When it comes to these events, especially at this stage they really have no other choice but to play it safe. There's probably a certain level of information they're willing to dish out while maintaining the rest for the main story. Kai does a pretty good job with what he's allowed to show. I think the mafia and underworld connections thing are the most interesting parts from his events
      Concerning writing levels though, Maeda certainly has him beat. I mean just compare the final scenes in requiem, 1186, tropical, karen's speech in color of the sea, survival island graduation, and even AB collab to anything Kai wrote. There's a different weight to them. We don't talk about the Byakko event.

      Anyway this is how I feel about the current status of characters and how their events may play out

      • 1 year ago

        Don't remember. Was that the Ichigo recap? I think it was.
        Complete garbage recap episode, the only event I ended up skipping voices to this day. Not even cats made me do that.
        Largely fun stuff, though I do think the final part was alright.
        >Iroha sub episode
        >Survival island
        Pretty blegh, don't even know what you mean.
        >AB colab
        Outside of the jokes, really not good. Felt pretty forced and rushed. Not surprising. This was probably supposed to be very different, and much longer.

        I don't know. I like Maeda and all, but not everything he touches is automatically gold. Personal bias is a big part. Though one thing I will never get, how some people seriously think these weird recap events are in any way good. None of them added anything of value, as far as I'm concerned. And I'm not sure why Maeda would've directly written these. Doubtful actually, unless it was done like this to save time.
        The Ichigo one was a sad attempt at making people like her, which you either do anyways, or won't do from that event.
        Kura's was just flatout terrible, with slow as frick talk that just went on and on and on.. god dammit, that was so fricking shit and unnecessary as frick.
        And let's not talk about the Yuina one.. at least it had some funny scenes, but still.

        Still, recap or not, I suppose that was still better than.. cats.

        • 1 year ago

          I appreciated 1186 more for the way it handles Kura of course, and I don't even like her. It's a rare case where a recap works for in-universe reasons, and it has that same kind of thoughtfulness to it that you also see in his best bits of writing.
          Conversely, I don't think there's anything good I could say about Iroha's event, and it and 4.1 irreparably damaged my view of Karen, so even though it actually progresses the story I rate it significantly lower than 1186. I still get why people liked it, but like in your case, personal bias is a big part.

          It was pretty much what I had expected. We had a Maeda event last month so it was clear we'd get another Adelheid-like event this month.
          I don't know if I can express it well, but I kinda knew it was going to be safe despite Sharo's personality. I mean what do we know about Sharo prior to her event? She's a yandere for Ruka and she has abandonment issues because she keeps outliving her team. There's really no room for any major surprises if the event is just going to tackle her past. Personally I'm happy enough with the interesting tidbit we got about her spoiler thing. The parts I'm not satisfied with is the missing lore about her stuffed cat and the jarring transition to becoming a yandere.

          When it comes to these events, especially at this stage they really have no other choice but to play it safe. There's probably a certain level of information they're willing to dish out while maintaining the rest for the main story. Kai does a pretty good job with what he's allowed to show. I think the mafia and underworld connections thing are the most interesting parts from his events
          Concerning writing levels though, Maeda certainly has him beat. I mean just compare the final scenes in requiem, 1186, tropical, karen's speech in color of the sea, survival island graduation, and even AB collab to anything Kai wrote. There's a different weight to them. We don't talk about the Byakko event.

          Anyway this is how I feel about the current status of characters and how their events may play out

          You're not wrong about the writing levels, but Kai also doesn't suffer quite as much from Maeda's tendency to go off the rails whenever he has free rein. In a game like this, it makes me appreciate both of them.

          • 1 year ago

            I wouldn't say Maeda has free reign here. If you give him enough control you would get something like Air. I think these events suffered from the same problems as his original anime (trying to do too many things with too little run time). Especially since the one-off characters for these events don't have the build up like the squad members.
            The mermaid event actually is pretty weird. It's feels more like a summer event, the shop character (Mari) has nothing to do with the story and the christmas mini event right before is about Wakki and Bungo, there was only one picked up SS gacha character. My theory is that the new year event was supposed to be a 31C event but they had to scrap it for whatever reason and rushed this event out. Well, it has some interesting bits of lore to speculate about I guess.

            • 1 year ago

              >for whatever reason
              Mari's VA was ill during that time from what I remember, so you're probably not far off.

              • 1 year ago

                That would explain it then.

                I've seen speculations that Megumi/Kura+Mari were supposed to be the NY units because they all have this "kimono in snow" winter theme, but then they decided to reshuffle it.
                Mermaid event feels like it was supposed to be swimsuits 2.0, but then they fast tracked it and removed the swimsuit part.

                If this is true then I wonder what excuse they're trying to make to have the girls running around in swimsuit when we get the next summer event.

            • 1 year ago

              I've seen speculations that Megumi/Kura+Mari were supposed to be the NY units because they all have this "kimono in snow" winter theme, but then they decided to reshuffle it.
              Mermaid event feels like it was supposed to be swimsuits 2.0, but then they fast tracked it and removed the swimsuit part.

  19. 1 year ago

    What do you guys hope/expect from half ani?
    I personally hope they finally bring in a costume choice for your chars. Chances are there will be 3 more swimsuits, and it'd be a shame to not be able to use a full team with them.

    It's like the last really dire thing I feel the game needs. That and dungeons actually respecting your chosen looks.
    If I could wish for one specific thing, it'd be different animations for ninja Mari. The maid ones really don't fit well. The general body stance in battle for example.

    • 1 year ago

      I still hope they will buff or introduce some sort of a style upgrade mechanic for the original styles that got fricked on release/in the early stages like Yuki, Megumi or Misato. It's not that important for me, but imagine being a new player getting your precious SS and it's one of these, it's more sad than any character's death.

    • 1 year ago

      A good chunk of quartz and either a Key collab event or swimsuits. Both will happen, just not sure which one will happen first.

      I still hope they will buff or introduce some sort of a style upgrade mechanic for the original styles that got fricked on release/in the early stages like Yuki, Megumi or Misato. It's not that important for me, but imagine being a new player getting your precious SS and it's one of these, it's more sad than any character's death.

      I'm not getting my hopes up for anymore buffs to past SSes. There's nothing that's going to stop me from using Ichigo and Sumomo, but they've only just started showing signs of slowing down the constant powercreeping and I only see them going back to that next month.

      • 1 year ago

        Please powercreep Miya, either light or dark!

      • 1 year ago

        >There's nothing that's going to stop me from using Ichigo and Sumomo, but they've only just started showing signs of slowing down the constant powercreeping and I only see them going back to that next month.
        +30% ST elemental ults are a good thing, you can put them on an alt later, the only really shit part about them is 1 hit. I'm talking about abilities that are just plain shit like Yuki's ult is non-elem 1 hit aoe with 2 turn recoil, it's just sad. Megumi's SS abilities are 10 SP aoe stun that you will never use and 14 SP ult stun that you will never use.

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly, I'd love to pull Yuki1 and drop Yuki2 for her so I can finally run a full 31A SS1 squad. Barring that, I fully get your point, but how long has it even been since the last round of buffs? All I remember is the one where Misarin got buffed, and she's still weak.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, if they keep insisting that you should play the story with the canon 31A formation, then they should make it so playing the most canon styles possible isn't total pain in the ass. Especially considering that, according to the lore, they are all unstoppable beasts now.
            I guess it kind of depends on the unit too. Megumi is actually salvageable if you give her a free event S with some debuff on it. This way her SS will get something to use, and you can roll for her S too to get a solid 2 skill debuffer. But Yuki... I don't know if there's a way to improve her style without changing her ult.

            • 1 year ago

              >then they should make it so playing the most canon styles possible isn't total pain in the ass
              We can automatically assume that this will never be a thing anymore, at least when it comes to Yuki1. They've fallen in love with their nonelem resistance now and I don't see that changing any time soon.

        • 1 year ago

          In the end it needs to synergize. The chars that are attacker on ss2, but breaker on ss1 have it harder, just like chars that element swap. And then you have beasts like A-San who just does everything (other than elemental aoe, but that being required is still rare).
          For simple boss fights, without a dungeon in mind, it doesn't really matter. You usually pick a style for their ultimate and not versatility. But when dungeons come together with fights, it becomes more interesting.

          Chars like Mari are just really fricking godly there. Field, good aoe elemental pierce nuke or non elemental pierce nuke, super buff.. she does it all. Of course she can't do it all, sp cost being a thing, but she's so damn comfy. I actually do my dungeon run with her + higuchi ss2, and interchange her between a buffer and aoe pierce attacker. It just works so damn well. Her ss1 ulti can be used to kill with the help of additional buffs of Higuchi, or she uses her own super buff and basic ~7sp cost aoe attack suddenly hit for ~40k on weakness. Compared to Higuchi's one trick pony (you buff, as everything else is single target and more cope) that's really nice.

          Ice is so fricking comfy right now, just with Mari SS2+1, ASan SS2+1 and Seira SS2 (1 is honestly not needed, I haven't even generalized her ult..). You cover all physical elements, synergize well and are already one hell of a party. I already called their banner one of the best banners ever when it was running, and after a good month of using them.. I use them really all the time. All the fricking damn time. Mari made so many things possible, Higuchi alone could've never done. Like the 2 turn current event prism. And we don't need to talk about A-San.

          Here's hoping Tsukasa ss3 is better than ss2. I feel all ss1 aoe field characters have the chance to become another Mari.

          • 1 year ago

            >Here's hoping Tsukasa ss3 is better than ss2. I feel all ss1 aoe field characters have the chance to become another Mari.
            I feel like they just abandoned the idea of Tsukasa being a fire buffer, her fire field role went to SS3 Megumi and her SS3 is probably going to be a thunder buffer, maybe something like Yotsuha.

            • 1 year ago

              She doesn't need to be a fire buffer. Mari ss2 isn't an ice buffer either. Just a normal pierce style.

              Of course if she really gets a different element, she's fricked and useless trash, again. At least very likely. You may as well keep the swimsuit.

              • 1 year ago

                How does having more elements to pick from make her trash?

              • 1 year ago

                Because dual element is (so far) very far removed from meta.
                It's the same why Kozue is weird. Elec def down, yet her ss2 has an ice fragile ultimate. If you use her in an ice team she only has fragile, if you use her in an elec team, she likely doesn't benefit from this fragile herself and her damage is shit.

                In Kozue's case she'd be much better if her ss2 was elec as well. So if Tsukasa was for example an elec buffer, she would no longer make any use out of her fire field skill (in fact, it'd be downright bricking, if you put up an elec field before).
                Compare that to Mari, who can benefit from her own super buff and actually deal mattering damage with her ice field as a result.

  20. 1 year ago

    I love this guy's minmax videos. It's so useless, but it's still fun.

  21. 1 year ago

    Do you think they will ever introduce the new squad that was datamined during beta or is it an abandoned concept?

  22. 1 year ago

    They will likely announce the anniversary stream during one of this month's streams. Time flies so fast.

    • 1 year ago

      *half anniversary

  23. 1 year ago

    Any tips for what I should craft with cat and orbes stuff in priority? bracelet seems good since they give an elemental attribute but idk

    • 1 year ago

      This is just my opinion but I think you should try getting high defensive stat bracelets(+36 or better) >= high DP earrings(+700 or better) > Critical Thinking from fire orb boss > chains > everything else. Higher stats and other orb skills are a luxury you can focus on later.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks, will farm the 装飾の回廊5 for bracelets and craft those earrings then, unless the wiki isn't updated and better ones exist

  24. 1 year ago

    It's been a while since the last unit crossover group event, I wonder if 31D are going to tank it this time.

  25. 1 year ago

    The minmax/number autism guy has made some really in-depth calcs, but it's done via google spreadsheet, so you might want to have a nice day while using it.

  26. 12 months ago

    I was always more a fan of practical use. Theoretical use is nice if you want to aim at big numbers, but completely dismiss usability and actually usefulness.
    I honestly don't care about 50% more damage that takes several turns more to set up and isn't needed, as an example.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean, you can use it in different ways, like checking what kind of support your favorite girl needs to shine. He himself uses it to explore fun meme things like this Minori A vid

  27. 12 months ago

    If the next month's event is 31D or 30G, it'll be 2 months of dark back to back

    • 12 months ago

      If it's Risa event

      New expressions among the usual new things now in the mega folder. Sharo and Yunyun have new cutins, and Sharo and Carol new minicutins, too.
      Karerin: Neutral2, Superiority
      Risa: Anger, LittleJoy, Sadness, Surprise2, TightSmile
      Tsukasa Swimsuit 2022: Upset2

      then she's getting an alt, so it can be any element they want(including dark). And Akari is a breaker so nobody fricking cares, unless her style isn't actually functionally a breaker.
      If 30G style is Monaka, then she already has a dark style, so she'll get something else, maybe fire, they haven't had a proper attacker for a while.

      • 12 months ago

        I was thinking that if it's a 31D event, Akari would most likely be a dark blunt breaker, which we don't have yet. And if they're keeping in theme with teams completing their element sets like 31C, then Risa could be dark too.
        With 30G, Monaka would most likely be light, but the next Yuina will probably be dark. Then Miya could either be dark or lightning, but at this current trend of dark 30G, dark is the more likely choice (then again we did just get a pierce dark debuffer)

        • 12 months ago

          >Then Miya could either be dark or lightning, but at this current trend of dark 30G, dark is the more likely choice (then again we did just get a pierce dark debuffer)
          These are the most obvious options, but she can also get some generic non-elem ability like what they did with Aina. There's also the case of Tsukasa(2 styles are considered fire) and A-san(2 styles are considered ice) so they can strengthen her light position like that. And changing classes is also always a possibility.
          But in general, there are just too many debuffers for only 5 elements, it's fricking ass to design around it. You begin to see it with this "Huh? A dark debuffer when we just had 2?" moment already, but it will get even worse when more of them will start getting their alts.

          • 12 months ago

            I mean I'm sure new field debuffers will still change up the meta. We also still haven't gotten st ice and light debuffers and most aoe debuffers yet. In the grand scheme of things debuffers are actually quite influential. I guess they just feel bad to use since they're sitting around for most of the fight

            • 12 months ago

              >I mean I'm sure new field debuffers
              We don't actually know yet if "field debuffer" is a generic thing or if it was a random effect combination one unit got. People just assume it is, but it doesn't have to be.

      • 12 months ago

        >nobody cares
        I dare to say that this isn't because breaker are bad, but because there are none so you don't even know how good they are.

        If you can choose any two of breaker, attacker and blaster, anyone would choose breaker + blaster. Attacker is by far the worst role in the game, regardless of how much they push it. An Attacker only does good AFTER breaking and AFTER DR. But after DR you do pretty damn good with a breaker as well, likely having no issue killing with that, while as long as the DP shield is up, there's no DR given them a further push.
        Realistically speaking, Attackers are only nice for artificial big numbers after lots of set up, while breaker and blaster do the job of only killing better. In the past enemies generally didn't have HP pools so people dismissed blaster, but this changed. Not only is the DR of blasters better than ever, you also have the hit buff further pushing them to pretty good amp really quickly. (and then there's A-San)

        It's hilarious how there's 0 ice breaker. The only sorta fitting one is the very old Bungo style, but the ult has no anti dp bonus. If they ever stop trying to shill the worst category of characters, people will see what they've been missing out. The only time I use an attacker is for finishing off a weekend boss with team 2. And not consciously. One day I just realized how they all kinda disappeared from my usual characters I use for SA and such.

        • 12 months ago

          >If you can choose any two of breaker, attacker and blaster, anyone would choose breaker + blaster.
          I sometimes get the feeling you're a guest from a different universe or something.

          • 12 months ago

            He's not wrong about people's addict tier obsession with huge numbers, but it's less about breakers being magically great and more about the fact that there's a lot that you can make work with a bit of common sense.

            • 12 months ago

              >He's not wrong about people's addict tier obsession with huge numbers
              While there are some people like that, I don't think that's the reason why attackers are so favored by the player base. It's much simpler. The vast majority of enemies in this game have shit paper-tier DP numbers that can be broken by anyone putting minimal effort. On the contrary, there are a LOT of enemies with really fat HP bars that people struggle with, especially those who don't understand how powerful blasters are.
              So the anti-HP units are considered much more useful than the anti-DP units. It doesn't even matter if it's mathematically correct or not, what is more convenient to use etc. unless WFS pushes for a high-DP meta, most players will treat them as an inferior class.

              • 12 months ago

                >unless WFS pushes for a high-DP meta
                And they are doing the opposite if hard mode is any indication.

              • 12 months ago

                The thing with new blasters is, that they replace attackers. That's why I say this.

                Take Byakko. She has 30 DR against weakness. With a typical boss, that's 150% extra damage. The way DR works is that even the move using it benefits. In other words every hit gets more and more powerful. So if you buff Byakko with a yunyun hit buff, you not only get more damage, but also EVEN MORE DR.
                In practice that means that Byakko deals more damage than an Attacker vs. a just broken Enemy. Even Ruka. The only way an Attacker can compete is by being bundled with a Blaster. But once the DR is up, everyone deals good damage. The 30%/50% extra isn't a big deal anymore. Still, before the DP isn't broken, no DR.

                They really buffed Blaster performance and every single Blaster that's going to be in this style will be stronger than an Attacker, unless the Attacker get supported by a Blaster. Given that being the case, specializing on just quickly removing the field with something that isn't a Blaster makes sense. And Attackers don't do that. If you can get by with supports doing that, sure. But DP values get too big for that. (good luck having a support hit for 500k-1000k without massive buff and debuff stacking)

                Back when Blasters weren't buffed like this, people used Attacker because Blaster weren't really worth it. Now it's kinda the other way around. Gonna take a while till enough good Blaster are in the pool though.

  28. 12 months ago

    >Ruka isn't blonde

  29. 12 months ago

    Should I just ignore 異時層 if I only have one team of SSR's? Not doable with welfares right?

    • 12 months ago

      It depends on your team. Deathslug, Rotary Mole, Red Crimson, and Feeler should be doable, but anything after that probably would need two teams unless your single team is just that cracked.

      • 12 months ago

        For a lategame account you can do that with one team no problem, but Red Crimson and Feeler are really tough for newer players.

        Red Crimson has a time limit, no weakness, and on top of that no OD generation during most turns. This one actually does require basic team building. Sure, a well build team can basically oneshot the guy immediately, but chances are someone with so little SS does have no synergy or anything, making this REALLY tough.

        Feeler is similar. You hard require 2 healers, and without synergy, you'll quickly realize that its HP pool is actually a thing.. even if a good team can kill it in a few turns.
        This really depends on what SS you have. A godly reroll definitely has a chance, but if I remember back when I didn't have more than, say, 10 SS.. heh. Oh god.

        getting my ass handed vs c4d6 boss, any tips? already have bracelets +38 and DP+700 for each one

        You are at the point where you shouldn't have styles lacking basic upgrades in your team. That includes levels and the normal style stat upgrades. (not the very last category) You don't have many options, so this is definitely the first thing.

        • 12 months ago

          >you shouldn't have styles lacking basic upgrades in your team
          Well, besides the mats from 異時層 which I can't do and the frickton of 宝珠 I need, I'm already caped in upgrade, only levels are left


          Thanks anon, it will take me a long while but I'll try

          • 12 months ago

            Your Sharo has 46/88 on the screen. There's a whole lot normal stuff missing.

            • 12 months ago

              it's missing because her chapter to unlock her upgrade IV is after day 6, so I can't do it yet

              • 12 months ago

                You can also do the events to get free level 120 characters. If you do the Kura event you can get your Monaka to level 120 and her free S style have a skill to build her stack if I remember correctly. You can also get Yotsuha (enhance) and Mari (field enhance) from the Ichiko and Survival Island event as your buffer. S Akari from the Misato event is nice too since she can build your OD gauge while also buff dark attack with her LB3 ability.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh.. I would've hoped they'd not do that this late. That's a game design flaw then. Chapter 4 is endgame, and not being able to have a style maxed is just shitty.

              • 12 months ago

                This was already a problem with styles released after chapter 3, looks like they made it even worse.

  30. 12 months ago

    Thank you, Sharo

  31. 12 months ago

    getting my ass handed vs c4d6 boss, any tips? already have bracelets +38 and DP+700 for each one

  32. 12 months ago
  33. 12 months ago

    The next stream seems to be purely about music, so don't expect much.

    • 12 months ago

      Hmm if there's no new styles tomorrow, then it'll be on the 22nd since there's another stream then for whatever reason. I guess Xai was only available today or something. I do wonder though, why they almost always have their streams and updates on a thursday

      • 12 months ago

        They want to have a stream every two weeks on the same day of the week for buzzword marketing reasons. So they regularly get this pointless stream in the middle of the month that they have to fill with something. Well, they might have some minor game announcements or some interesting non-game announcements there, but I have no expectations.

  34. 12 months ago

    Honestly, I would love to see more progression-based styles plot integration.
    Not as in locking basic shit behind it, but more like Tsukasa basic style getting a 2nd stronger ult after you clear 3(she awakens during its animation). Or Megumi getting some new psychic-based skill(s) after you clear 4.2.

  35. 12 months ago

    We might have a filler SA week ahead of us. Next event on the 7.7.? That would explain the skipped week for new SS.
    Has to happen once in a while.

  36. 12 months ago

    They tease something "big" for the news section. Half-anni event news, I guess? Some IRL collab? No idea.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah probably half anni. Since SiL is here, could be another concert. But if it's really big then anime maybe?

      • 12 months ago

        Anime is anni/half-anni/its own stream level news, I don't expect to get something of this magnitude.

    • 12 months ago

      Half-anni is probably a given, but what that entails, I have no clue. Game-wise I'm fully expecting a swimsuit Karen SS3 soon enough, but I don't know what they'll do with Risamama and her 5 new expressions.

      • 12 months ago

        >Game-wise I'm fully expecting a swimsuit Karen SS3 soon enough,
        They have her VA for the half anniversary event, so they will probably announce her swimsuit there, it fits perfectly timing-wise.
        >but I don't know what they'll do with Risamama and her 5 new expressions.
        There's a July event still, maybe there.

  37. 12 months ago

    This song making segment is actually really cool. Also, I miss Maeda's twitter where he posted about this kind of stuff.

  38. 12 months ago

    >no Ruka, Megumi, Tama VAs
    That's barely better than a normal stream, try harder.

  39. 12 months ago

    The next stream will be "500 days since launch celebration" they pulled out of nowhere, so they will probably drop more promo/collab stuff there as well. Maybe even a new visual, I really liked the visual they did for the 100 days celebration.

  40. 12 months ago
  41. 12 months ago
  42. 12 months ago

    There was an update to Risamama's expressions, but don't ask me what's actually different compared to the one from 2 weeks ago. At worst they're just cropped better.

  43. 12 months ago

    >half anni guests are Ichigo and Karen VAs
    This year's swimsuit gacha will just directly mirror the Tsukasa/Sumomo one, isn't it?

    • 12 months ago

      Aimi did poke fun at the whole 1.5 thing earlier...

  44. 12 months ago

    Is this just me or is the score attack much harder? The damage is insane. The single target punch almost oneshots for example lb1 Yunyun, and I don't wanna know how the damage after the charge turn is. (praise Aoi)
    100+35 for reference. I don't go higher. Still wasn't really an issue, but I didn't expect this damage.

    • 12 months ago

      They want you to use vritika after all

      >half anni guests are Ichigo and Karen VAs
      This year's swimsuit gacha will just directly mirror the Tsukasa/Sumomo one, isn't it?

      Who in their right mind would want to see Ichigo in a swimsuit

      • 12 months ago

        I would, but I'd also much rather see her in something cooler. Swimsuits are boring.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think Sumomo was a very good choice for a swimsuit style either, yet they went for it anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        I doubt she'd be useful. If anything, this is an Ichiko fight. I don't have her though.

  45. 12 months ago

    >Two SSRs from the free pulls
    Nobody tell Maeda I haven't even gotten around to finishing the new chapter yet

  46. 12 months ago
  47. 12 months ago
  48. 12 months ago

    Wait, the next stream is this week? I somehow missed this.

    • 12 months ago

      I figured they'd be doing something weird after the last non-stream. The current banners end on the 24th too.

    • 12 months ago

      What are these images? Are we actually getting something important?

      • 12 months ago

        new battle event? + game balance + 500 quartz

        • 12 months ago

          It says balance adjustments(whatever it means) are planned for August. So, just the new battle thing + quartz.

          • 12 months ago

            >whatever it means
            Given the wording, I think they themselves don't know yet, hence why it's planned for August.

        • 12 months ago

          How would people feel if they announced that monthly events would no longer be monthly?

          • 12 months ago

            People would react negatively, but that has nothing to do with this message.

          • 12 months ago

            It depends. You need to have really fun side contents to hold people's interest if that is the case. I think there are probably different ways to go about this, like having multiple parts events. Consider the reception for the Mua and A-san events I've seen is mostly positive it might not be a bad idea. Also a pure gag event once in a while is nice too.

        • 12 months ago

          According to the dev post, this new mode is meant to be challenging. What I get out of this is that they are making new whale/gameplay rollers-focused consent, while nerfing the story again to make it even more accessible. But their pride still prevents them from admitting that this was always the way to go, so their wording is very uncertain with all this
          >uhhh we don't need to jump to conclusions early
          >uhhh we must listen to every voice equally.
          >uhhh it's different if you're a new player or an experienced player

        • 11 months ago

          >game difficulty will be rebalanced in August
          shit, I came back from hibernation too early
          sorry but I'll have to keep you waiting for another month, chapter 4.2
          frick the combat in this game is so cancerous but I can't bring myself to watch the story on youtube...

      • 12 months ago

        Looks like that weird ass tower we have been climbing.
        Maybe they jump on the roguelite train and give us a randomized version to spend our life in for.. who knows what. New accs, also randomized?

        • 12 months ago

          That would be really cool and fit well

  49. 12 months ago

    Will this game ever get an English version?

    • 12 months ago

      My dad works at WFS and says no

  50. 12 months ago

    New players have the issue that they get to later chapters so fast, that they simply had no time to build an account. I honestly don't even think that needs changes. Just require a certain account level or whatever. Something that's no essentially free.
    It's not ideal, but so is the way of gacha. And it gives people time/opportunity to interact with the optional stuff.

  51. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Quite a lot of people in the replies are pointing out the possibility of a collab. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

      • 12 months ago

        Really? I thought it's like Tsukasa/Miya or something.

        • 12 months ago

          Tsukasa's my main bet as well. We're still a week away from the end of the current event and she got a single new expression which I assume will be part of her memory event.

      • 12 months ago

        I really hope it isn’t Rewrite because I have nowhere near enough quartz.

    • 12 months ago

      Prima Doll Collab I think

    • 12 months ago

      I bet 5000 justice that it's bridal Karen. They did maids last month for may so it only makes sense that they would do brides for June

      • 12 months ago

        >PTSD Awareness Month, Gun Violence Awareness Month, Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month
        Yep. It's Karen and Tsukasa. Not as brides though.

      • 12 months ago

        They've just posted another image. Yeah, this has to be it.

  52. 12 months ago

    Who else fits this silhouette and can realistically get an alt right now?
    Tsukasa, Miya, Tenne, Nikaido, Ichiko, I guess. Someone else?
    Well, and a collab, I suppose, but I don't know about that.

  53. 12 months ago

    It honestly baffles me how they just randomly created a celebratory event out of thin air, especially considering there's a half anniversary in less than 2 months.

  54. 12 months ago
  55. 12 months ago

    Oh really now, the 3rd form of the boss in d12c4 is timed, guess it's goodbye for those 2000 quartz, as a f2p player it hurts
    How much quartz can I expect to get for a month ?

  56. 12 months ago

    why mari?

  57. 12 months ago

    >Mari getting another alt already
    What in the actual frick, that's faster than 31A

  58. 12 months ago

    >2 alts in 2 months
    Anything is on the table now, literally any character can get an alt at any point.

    • 12 months ago

      Considering only Akari is the only one without an SS now, that's to be expected.

      • 12 months ago

        > that's to be expected.
        How do you expect a unit to get 2 alts in 2 months?

        • 12 months ago

          By watching today's stream

  59. 12 months ago

    She also got an S alt too recently if you think about it.

    • 12 months ago

      What's more, Ichiko2 is still fire while Mari3 is still ice. At this point you can no longer even expect alts to have different elements.

      Given that her VA was ill back then, I would not be surprised if she was originally meant to get her SS2 back then.

  60. 12 months ago

    What's the point of quick back to back alts when you can't share the alt ults? If you're a Marigay, you literally have to make a choice now.

  61. 12 months ago

    Such an odd pair to get new outfits

    • 12 months ago

      Wedding dress Mari actually has story significance, so it's not like miko megumin/kura. Surprised it is not tied to an event

  62. 12 months ago

    I don't understand the idea of pushing every defender to be an attacker.

    • 12 months ago

      With the game being as simple as it is, DPS sells.

    • 12 months ago

      Because they are pushing attackers to have even more specialized HP damage skills given new Mari. These defenders are not going to generate nearly the same damage, making older styles further more obsolete

  63. 12 months ago

    I just realized that Tenne still doesn't have her first alt, yet Mari gets the second one, nice.

    • 12 months ago

      Still expecting her ice SS2 to come bundled with an ice Ichigo2 soon.

  64. 12 months ago

    >4 teams

    Sorry for benching you Shiki please carry my shitter team again.

  65. 12 months ago

    Skipping for the half anni banner~

  66. 12 months ago

    2nd powercreep fire Ruka style is guaranteed to happen, I guess. 2nd light Ruka and light Megumi too?

  67. 12 months ago

    What the frick is happening

  68. 12 months ago

    >you can change your dencho background-color with the points
    Literally who asked for this shit. Medals also do nothing again. They're still handing out battle reports. You don't even get a Nordstrom Crystal. Well I guess the quartz is worth doing all this pointless nonsense

    • 12 months ago

      Looks like 1500 quartz if you can full clear. I wonder how often the battles refr3sh

    • 12 months ago

      It's appealing to those of us that aren't robots

    • 12 months ago

      Asians love gobbling up bland shit.

    • 12 months ago

      It’s the beta version of the new system, so they came up with some random bullshit

      Did they say that they're changing the healing hoshu skill to be consecutive heals are stronger?

      I think the change was that healing effectiveness now also applies to Tama’s regeneration skill.

  69. 12 months ago

    Did they say that they're changing the healing hoshu skill to be consecutive heals are stronger?

    • 12 months ago

      Healing buffs and debuffs now properly affect regen skills. Regen skills so now count as healing for missions that limits their use, i.e. you will now fail a no healing mission if a regen skill is used

      • 12 months ago

        Might as well just call it a Tama nerf.

        • 12 months ago

          I can count on one hand how often I used regen. I didn't even know it is not affected by stuff that usually affects healing..

  70. 12 months ago

    Now, can they release a new 31A SS4 before Karen or Tsukasa get their SS3.

  71. 12 months ago

    There was really no reason not to give Tsukasa a wedding dress, considering her massive swimsuit waifugay/coomer popularity. Easiest money imaginable. What is their master plan?

    • 12 months ago

      Appealing to the actual audience instead of the one you just invented

      • 12 months ago

        >Appealing to the actual audience
        Are you implying that Tsukasa is less appealing to the actual audience than Mari, or that these styles aren't pure waifu(literally)gay pandering?

  72. 12 months ago

    L2Ds when, even low budget gachas have them.

  73. 12 months ago

    Does ice even need a new attacker so soon after Maria and A-san releasing earlier this year? The only thing their comp truly lacks is a proper debuffer and they still don't have one.

    • 12 months ago

      Ice basically needs a Megumi, yeah. Attacker is pointless if you have A-San. She out damages attackers anyways.

      • 12 months ago

        This Mari definitely outdamages A-san, by a decent margin too. She's also faster than A-san if you don't have ice Seira.

        • 12 months ago

          If that is true, this game is completely busted. Doubt that though. Not talking about the theory "I set everything up for the highest number". That doesn't matter.

  74. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Get in line.

      • 12 months ago

        inb4 Akari will never get her SS to be true to her character

        • 12 months ago

          She already has an SS in my heart.

  75. 12 months ago

    So when was the last time we had any gacha besides the normal rate-up that wasn't paid quartz only? I could swear step-ups weren't paid only like half a year ago.

  76. 12 months ago

    So Ichiko got the dark e-girlta skill set but without her buff, which is the only reason her ult is actually good? Weird. She has a fragile effect on her ult instead, but you don't really want to use this as a debuffer, so it's more of a convenience thing for the current fire comps, so Megumi doesn't have to sell her house for SP to do a full combo. Maybe her raw numbers are really good, I don't really get it right now.

    • 12 months ago

      >Maybe her raw numbers are really good
      Yeah, it seems her base damage is higher than average

    • 12 months ago

      I think the main advantage Ichiko has is that she fulfills multiple roles, in this case she can be attacker, buffer, partial debuffer, and defender (pretty crazy). Only relevant if you really need the extra slot and want to spend the extra turns for the damage, but it's there.

  77. 12 months ago

    >no new light SS style since anniversary
    >It's almost been half a year since the last light SS style
    >light is still using hisame, waki, and kura
    It's joever

    • 12 months ago

      Don't forget that anni light style was limited, so it isn't even available anymore. But honestly, light was fricked as an element from the start, the moment they decided to waste their debuff on Hisame and not give any light multiplier to light Megumi, it was already over. They will probably fix it one day, but when.

  78. 12 months ago

    So why exactly did people even assume there would be a collab? Nothing about that silhouette was out of place for this game's random alt, it was so bizarre.

    • 12 months ago

      Cause they're moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      People will always see what they want to see, but what turned out to be Ichiko's silhouette very closely matches the pose in some old official Lucia art. Couple that with Rewrite's release date anniversary coming up and you can start to see why Rewrite was trending for a bit yesterday.

  79. 12 months ago

    There will be another stream next week. That one is for the next event, I assume.

  80. 12 months ago

    Alrighty, new styles:

    Ichiko: The more I see new styles, the more I feel like they hold back on potentially power creeping the colab chars. How the not even that great Yuri style is still the best way to deal damage past setup.. I can only explain it that way.

    Mari: Hard requires a blaster (her gf). This style would be an immediate pick up, but it means you can't use the best buffer in the game (Mari ss2). Worth? Doubtful. To be expected, honestly.
    She'd simply not fit into a current day ice team. There is a slot "free" in the ice team, provided you don't need a fourth defensive support (which is actually necessary against the current weekend boss if you wanna have any chance of living a while), but it'd slow down the team hard if you'd try to get two chars going with Higuchi alt. This slot is still better to be filled by Maria or Kozue alt instead. Unfortunately I have neither myself.

    So yeah, I can see Ichiko being kinda useful for fire teams, and Mari ss3 to be dead on arrival until they make it possible to generalize ss2 ultimates, at which point Mari ... is still shit until someone relieves her of field duty. Because really, her SP pool is the most stressed in the team already. (32 sp required, compared to Seira 18, A-San 24. If you'd also want to attack that'd be 46sp)

  81. 12 months ago

    I still don't understand how this "use a 3sp ability and your ult is now 8sp instead of 16sp" mechanic is fair to all the other characters who have to use their 14-15sp ults that do less. I wouldn't even call it power creep, it's more like preferential treatment.

  82. 12 months ago

    The new paid banner being for alts only makes me sad.

  83. 12 months ago


    >There's also the question of what effect their +50% attacker(they will probably get her before their token) will have on their attack, like suit Ruka(defence down) and Tenshi(light attack up). If she gets either fire def down or fragile, their comp optimization is going overdrive.
    I called the fragile fire attacker addition at the time because it was just obvious and it rounds things off perfectly. I didn't expect her to be a defender type, though.

  84. 12 months ago

    Weren't they supposed to show some Tezuka score attack high scores on stream or something?

  85. 12 months ago

    well profiles are out. They don't do anything, but you get 100 quartz for messing with it.

    • 12 months ago

      >They don't do anything
      You get to show off your favorite!

    • 12 months ago

      They have shitposting potential at least.

  86. 12 months ago

    Risamama got yet another new expression Thought2. Tama's set also changed, but I can't tell you what's different about it now.

  87. 12 months ago

    What was your initial profile style? I wonder if it's based on which style you use the most or if it's just random. Mine was Yunyun

    • 12 months ago

      Mine was Hisame. I've been using her a lot for arena, but I wonder if its simply the most powerful character in your party when you opened the app?

    • 12 months ago

      Mine was Yurippe. I think it is your most used character (style).

    • 12 months ago

      Mine was Hisame. I've been using her a lot for arena, but I wonder if its simply the most powerful character in your party when you opened the app?

      Mine was Yurippe. I think it is your most used character (style).

      It is most definitely neither your strongest, nor your most used one. It's random. I can say this with ABSOLUTE confidence.

      Mine was Misato...
      For what it's worth, she also wasn't my first SS. She was an early style, but even then I barely used her.

      Anyways, I tackled this week's weekly boss, but this boss is the most boring one in the entire weekly boss catalogue, and one of the worst cases of whale bait in general, the only one in this game. It's piss easy to stay alive but you deal no damage unless lb3+. Cool design. Not. At least make whales put some effort into surviving. 2k damage aoe nukes without any special defense is easy to deal with, and the stronger nuke can also be reduced to that with a simple def up, has a charge turn so you can easily always time it (or use Aoi), let alone that is has only 1 hit, making Tama an easy solution as well. If it even kills dp.
      Weekly bosses are unfortunately having a bit of a bad reputation in terms of what you need to have for them. This one.. doesn't help this case. I'd like more people to try the actually well designed ones. The general idea of building 1 fighting team to break, blast and survive, and one to finish off is pretty nice. And all but the current are quite doable by lb0 damage dealer, lb1 would help though. (to put this in comparison, against most weeklies lb0 perform better than lb3 against the current, making lb1 largely just comfy because of sp regen)
      Shame. Guess they really wanted to give whales a reason to lb3+. But at the same time they are afraid they would then need to play the game instead of just being able to flex? Boring.

    • 12 months ago

      Mine's Monanyan and I don't intend to change it. I really like her and use her a lot, but it still must be a random pick.

  88. 12 months ago

    >Tama can't find a single good thing to say about Yuki

  89. 12 months ago

    So, this new Mari seems to be suboptimal damage-wise compared to both Maria and Adelheid, has a limiting condition on her ult and doesn't let you use her SS2 ult. What's the point? The non-ult ability is good to clear trash, I guess.

    • 12 months ago

      But this Mari is (1.2 > from ult + 0.5 > from yunyun + 1) x (0.5 > HP50% + 1) = 4.05
      while A-san is just (2.4 > from skill + 1) = 2.4

      • 12 months ago

        >0.5 > from yunyun
        Why do you count it like A-san doesn't get an another party member with its own multipliers in place of YunYun? Like, what?
        >(2.4 + 1) = 2.4

      • 12 months ago

        You do not use yunyun in an ice party, or rather if you use A-San. That's the big advantage.
        Also if you take away Mari ss2, you need a different buffer, which in itself is a big issue, or have to embrace the jank and RNG, and slow down.

        I've been playing ice a lot, and the general way I do it is: Flex, Mari ss2+1, A-San ss2+1, Seira ss2, healer (Muah if enemy has a weakness, otherwise Yanagi), Aoi ss1.

        Note that this is a team going up against dangerous shit that actually fights back. Like the double orb boss, where the flex is Swimomo (vs fire), potentially score attacks and whatnot. Also my team 1 vs basically all weekend bosses.

        Now the ideal "flex" that isn't in the game yet would be an ice Megumi, or in general just an ice debuffer that does a bit more than Kozue ss2. Not like I have her.
        Anyways. You see the issue. If you take Mari ss3, flex yunyun in there, you are stuck with no crit buffer, unless you go back to Seira ss1. But ss1 can't use ss2's ultimate (def +, ice enhance), and ss2 can't get 100% crit rate. Not sure if ss1 even can do that (it should if the bonus critchance buff of the style upgrades work like the enhance versions), but ss2 definitely can't. Yunyun would also imply you don't get 2 big enhances on both. Her big enhance sucks ass, lowering your DP. Because the hit buff is wasted on A-San, you also waste 1 enhance. Getting rid of Seira would work, but not be in favor of Mari ss3, and losing the def buff is significant.

        Now of course, you can go gamble the crit chance. But it's all so jank, sp management-wise, enhance wise and whatnot.
        Against the dual fire orb boss I set my party up by turn 8, where I hit od1, and have ice field active, all buffs (double Mari, double Seira, one Muah), crit damage orb x1 , 2 hit buffs on A-San. It all falls into place really well.
        If Mari ss3 would be a different char, like Wakki for example, that'd be a really good flex addition. Alas. I can see her being good in the future though.

  90. 12 months ago

    Does leveling with houjyu make other styles stronger or only the one you level?

    • 12 months ago

      Finally got around to clear the new mode. It was fine I guess. It's nice to be able to use different styles of the same character.

      I think they only affects the style you upgrade.

  91. 12 months ago

    Did they record even more voice lines for the live mode? I'm pretty sure I've heard Megumi and Karen say lines they've never said before.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't know about the rest, but Megumi's lines kinda feel like it's her 4.2 personality update. He missed a few lines, though.

  92. 12 months ago

    I barely beat the X class boss. My Tama didn't have any healing skills left.
    I need more SS, especially Buffers.

  93. 12 months ago

    So this is what the heaven burn fanbase looks like

  94. 12 months ago

    I like what they're trying to do with the A-only and S-only fights. Would like to see more of those. Shame the boss is too easy to exploit with autoattacks though.

    • 12 months ago

      The other two side bosses were also interesting for me because I tried to beat them with S teams with some generalized skills or low-tier SS characters.

      It’s an interesting idea for a mode, but I’ll be screwed if future bosses don’t let me exploit light element.

      • 12 months ago

        I did something similar to an extent: I didn't know if the boss was going to force you to use one (or more a la hard mode) of your 4 miniboss teams and I didn't know the exact details of the element change gimmick, so for the non-A/S fights I explicitly fielded squads with less synergy (multi-element, including weaker SSes like Misarin) just in case. It made those fights more interesting too.

  95. 12 months ago

    >Mari is a good unit, but is basically a downgrade option for the ice comp
    >Ichiko is a good unit and adds a lot of convenience, but doesn't provide any damage upgrade to fire at all
    What a weird banner. Can't complain about them not outright powerecreeping stuff though.

    • 12 months ago

      I thought about it and this is how I see the idea behind these units now:
      Ichiko is a unit targeting 31E squad-only roleplayers. She's a direct upgrade to Minori as a damage dealer, adds fragile that Isuzu was lacking as a debuffer and removes her fire buff redundancy with Yotsuha, rounding up their comp a lot.
      Mari is a style designed around the upcoming ice version of Yotsuha. You probably wouldn't want to use that unit together with Mari SS2, so she gets an alternate role in that squad. It would be better to release her AFTER that unit, but they decided to rush her new style for non-gameplay reasons.

      • 12 months ago

        I seriously hope there's not gonna be another buffer, because what ice needs direly is a debuffer.
        This ss should've been Wakki's or Bungo's ss3. Simple as that. They are currently essentially dead for ice, and especially Wakki would benefit from a good offensive ice unit and would fit right in with her self (small) hit buff.

        In the end this is just a very weird thing to do. You can use Mari ss3, but ss2 is 2 months old. That just feels awful. I hope people in Japan actually complain about this. I wasn't far away from whaling for the new Mari style, and if I ended up doing so, I'd probably never spend again on the game.

        • 12 months ago

          It's possible that they're saving Wakki for the 4.2-adjacent event/fragment about 31C, if such a thing is planned, of course.

        • 12 months ago

          >In the end this is just a very weird thing to do
          What baffles me the most is that they did this 2 months = 2 alts thing with Mari. I could understand if it was 31A with their MC privilege or Yuina/Aoi because of their popularity and eternal shilling, that would be simple and obvious greed, but why rush Mari's alts like that.

  96. 12 months ago

    Is there time gating on the space raid thing or can I do it all on the last day?

  97. 12 months ago

    Are leftover pink points from this new mode going to go away next week? I've got the maximum but I don't care about about the rewards so I want to save them.

  98. 12 months ago
  99. 12 months ago

    New event. Well, expected from the expressions datamine.

    • 12 months ago

      I just want Akari's SS to be good.

      • 12 months ago

        Just for story reasons it has to be shit. The entire team doesn't have any good SS. If she had the only good SS.. how.

  100. 12 months ago

    Okay, I waited till I have a good amount of time for this and started to theory craft how in the world I can do the X fight in 8 fricking turns.
    Turns out I figured out pretty quickly that the weakness isn't RNg but based on what element of attacks it eats -> Equip fire auto attack pieces to trigger ice weakness.

    Then I was trying to find a way to get od3 by turn 7, and get all the setup done to get two A-San attacks in. I figured I'd need that. Luckily I decided to test how much I can get in turn 3, with an incomplete setup. Turns out.. it's just dead. From full dp to zero. A little.. anti climactic, but alas.
    Also yunyun and Miya's sole use were the debuffs. Good ice debuffer when.

  101. 12 months ago

    Yuugen's famitsu interview.

  102. 12 months ago

    Hi, decided to start this kusoge because it's probably never getting released in the west and God knows I need to practice my Nip more.

    Is there anything I need to look out for as a newbie?
    I just rerolled for the limited girls currently on banner, so I hope I'm fine with that.

    • 12 months ago

      tldr you're going to be in for a bad time if you don't have a crit buffer or meta healer. There's a world of difference between having one/not having one. Unfortunately there's no meta styles on rate-up right now, so rerolling for the best ones is nigh impossible. I'd suggest rerolling for Seira (the buffer) in the initial guaranteed SS gacha. The next event rate-up (on Thursday) should have a good healer so maybe wait till then to try getting Seira and the new Murofushi. But if you want to reroll now, you can try rerolling for Seira and Tama in the guaranteed SS gacha and new player ticket gacha. Tama is a top tier healer herself and might be even better than whatever is coming on Thursday
      Once you have a good buffer and healer, there's nothing much to be aware of. Just try doing all the starter missions whenever possible. Those quests will tell you pretty much all you need to know about what's in the game and strengthening. Other than that, you just need to understand the basics of buffs, debuffs, and destruction.
      tldr of tldr - different buffs & debuffs are multiplicative so having many different buffs and debuffs = big damage. You can only use two of the same buff/debuff at the same time. You can tell which buffs/debuffs are the same by their icon. The crit buff is the most important for dealing damage. As for destruction, that's a number that starts racking up once you take down the enemy's shield. The more you attack the enemy at that state, the more their destruction increases. Higher destruction = higher damage taken by the enemy. It's basically a system for lucklets to handle the game's fights without having a variety of buffers/debuffers

      • 12 months ago

        I see, thanks anon.
        If I notice that I'm having issues I'll restart on Thursday, as I mostly want to experience the story rn.

        Could you tell me about A and S characters? Are they usable at all, or just there to fill the trash pool?

        • 12 months ago

          A styles are pretty much worthless unless you need them for specific buffs and debuffs that you don't have on a higher rarity.
          S styles are 99% worthless too, but a few of them are ok. There's like 2 that are actually top tier because of their broken passives. The welfare S styles you get from event shops can be used to a certain extent too (because you can max them out by farming), but only a handful of them are actually good. S styles are mainly just used for increasing the level limit of your SS styles

      • 12 months ago

        >a system for lucklets to handle the game's fights without having a variety of buffers/debuffers
        You kinda need both. The current ongoing thing is a good example. Even if you use typical buffs, crits and a normal blaster, you can easily struggle.

        This fight is a good tutorial for how to play the game. I'd love it to be there forever. It essentially forces you to not only get to know how important it is to hit a weakness, but also forces you to do so as hard as possible, because this very weakness only opens up for a turn before you'd need to wait again.
        It's not relevant at first, but for people who can actually manage to attempt this (aka have enough styles to get all buffs), it's a really neat thing. No handholding at all though, so I can see people giving up on this relatively early.

        • 11 months ago

          They really need to add a better tutorial explaining multipliers. Not too long ago, I watched a youtuber clear the final fight of 4.1 and she still had absolutely no fricking clue how debuffs work, when to use them and that you actually need to stack them, even though she had 2 debuffers on her team.

  103. 11 months ago

    They finally stopped patching the game and spoiling everything before the stream, it seems.

    • 11 months ago

      Or not, it's there.
      >Akarin got cucked out of her SS in her own squad event
      >Tenne gets a 14 SP def down, only exists to get powercreeped by the next ice debuffer
      >Risamama is literally just a healer without anything else

      • 11 months ago

        What the frick, WFS?

      • 11 months ago

        Okay, it seems that Tenne has a condition where her ult is half cost if there's another defense down on the target, but it still looks so bad? You're basically jumping through hoops to get something other debuffers just do normally and you don't even get rewarded with anything else like fire Megumi. Doesn't have a fragile skill too.

  104. 11 months ago

    >Fubuki event S is aoe stun, probably the most unused ability in the entire game.

    • 11 months ago

      Ailments in general. Always funny to see Imprison Trigger on A-San's ss2 ulti. It surely matters.

      One day this will change. Right? There'll be a new debuff that grows stronger the more ailments the enemy gets afflicted with, lasting indefinitely and stacking up to a certain amount. Basically a field that starts at 0%, growing by 20% damage bonus for every ailment you inflict during the battle, capping at.. for example 200%. Maybe it also has a 50% bonus to ailment chance.. so you actually hit them.

      Ailments do not exist right now.

      • 11 months ago

        >One day this will change. Right?
        The hope is always there but uhh... To me it's crazy that we have Megumi, a main cast character with TWO stun ults, we know they are completely worthless, and they still haven't done anything about it in over a year. And it's not like they've accepted that it's worthless, Fubuki just got a new stun. Do they still think that this mechanic is perfectly fine?

        • 11 months ago

          >Do they still think that this mechanic is perfectly fine?
          I've given up trying to understand what WFS thinks.

  105. 11 months ago

    So, who's intended to be the "real" ice debuffer if Tenne isn't it?

  106. 11 months ago

    >more half-anni info
    >score attack challenge results
    >new event&styles reveal
    Nothing unexpected today.

  107. 11 months ago

    >introducing 31D squad
    Are they so irrelevant that people need to be reminded of them?

  108. 11 months ago

    I never noticed that the unifying theme for 31D was that they each could belong to a different club in school

  109. 11 months ago

    Can't say I'm impressed with anything they're showing right now, but it's one month until the half anniversary, I guess.

  110. 11 months ago

    I really don't want every fricking alt to be a clowny fanservice style. If every unit is going have an ult like this "nyan nyan nyan" or Aoi's soda one, the fights are going to get obnoxious real fast.

    • 11 months ago

      The world of gacha, where your new year alts, swimsuit alts or christmas alts end up meta and you use them the entire damn year.

      They are likely just running out of ideas. It's much easier to design an alt based on a basic concept (like maids, shrine maiden and so on) than to do it differently. You can just do that on several chars at once.
      Some of the older chars had a bit more interesting stuff going on, like Karen's red riding hood or MC's gothic outfit.

      • 11 months ago

        Do you have some disability that doesn't let you use her name?

  111. 11 months ago

    So initial Tama finally got powercrept by a better pure healer.
    This new Tenne is fine enough I suppose. At the very least ice won't have to use Bungo anymore. But ST ice defense down really should be on a regular skill instead. Though Tbh I really don't see them making another style like Miko Megumi or initial Yotsuha anytime soon (well for ice at least). Fire just seems to get special treatment.
    Well here's hoping Akari will finally show up on the 13th. It'd be tragic if they want to continue the meme and wait until the next 31D event to release her SS

    • 11 months ago

      >Though Tbh I really don't see them making another style like Miko Megumi or initial Yotsuha anytime soon (well for ice at least).
      I don't know, this new Tenne style feels like it was intentionally made to be powercreeped soon. Like, they plan to release a better style, but they have to release Tenne too, so she gets a style that's sub-optimal and won't last long, any basic optimization on a new style instantly beats it.

  112. 11 months ago

    I think Tama is still better because you can reuse her ability on any style she will get in the future. With Risa you just get this heal and that's all, enjoy.

  113. 11 months ago
  114. 11 months ago

    I don't know what is the point of this Risamama. Why would you want a pure healer like that now, when we know what they can have? If you got her randomly, then sure, why not, but why would anyone roll for it?
    Tenne is a solid serviceable style by herself, she's decent, does what's she's supposed to do, 10x times better than using Bungo too. But she has zero longevity in my opinion. Someone like Megumi, but ice is released? Or someone with a normal skill ice debuff and a useful ult? Poof, her relevance is gone. Completely fine for now though.
    Also, I really hate the babu gimmick so this event already looks terrible to me from the preview. I will still give it a chance, but I expect nothing.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly, I'm happy. HBR had too much power creep in the last months. Someone like Miko ss2 seems weak only because of that. I also feel like giving ice anything really good right now is a recipe for disaster.
      This weird Miko style feels like it's heavily targeted at A-San ss2. A-San really wants someone to deal good damage before she goes in, and offers debuffs for her. But the way they designed Miko, this isn't easy to do. Hitting your normal def down first means you lose crit/normal enhance stuff, while doing your ult first means it costs 14 and is still rather.. weak. (less base damage than Tama ss3 even) You can do a quick second one though.

      The only question is if Miko ss2 actually has wis growth. This could fix the style's damage issue. But unlike Tama, Vanilla Miko's wis SUCKS. So wis scaling might not be an advantage for her. Tama ss1 and ss3 have exactly the same wis.

      • 11 months ago

        According to the usual website, it does.

      • 11 months ago

        >The only question is if Miko ss2 actually has wis growth.
        Yes, she does, I think it's the second debuffer style in the game to have that after og Megumi.

        • 11 months ago

          According to the usual website, it does.

          I don't mean the ability itself, but the stats.
          Miko always had her wis ultimate even on ss1, but her wis was like 55% or some shit. Meanwhile Tama has 70%.
          That REALLY matters. Tama basically deals the damage as if she'd be one LB higher compared to normal str dex styles. Miko deals less damage than others, because her normal abilities get fricked, damage-wise, if you invest into more wis, and her ulti only gets to be at best on par to typical str dex styles. In other words, while her ulti on ss1 was actually, for its time, insanely good (1.9k base, 6 EVEN hits, def down, aoe), the bad wis growth held her back really hard.

          It's also garbage for a debuffer to have no wis, because you know.. def down largely scales with wis. She only had luck.

          • 11 months ago

            The answer is still yes.

          • 11 months ago

            I also meant the stats. Most SS debuffers in this game have high DEX/meh WIS growth for some reason, even though they don't really scale with DEX specifically. The only exception(I think) was Megumi(the original one, her alts are also DEX) who had healer/buffer level WIS, and now Tenne SS2.

            • 11 months ago

              >Most SS debuffers in this game have high DEX/meh WIS growth for some reason
              One reason is that high dex pairs with high luck, which is the other debuff stat. Some debuffs are weighted towards luck more than wis, like fragile. This is presumably why Megumi SS2 is dex/luck rather than wis/spirit.

              • 11 months ago

                The fragile thing is likely a bug, that was never fixed.

                Everything else should be:
                A chance hitting ailment? Luck scaled
                Always hitting debuff? Wis scaled.

                This also makes sense. I didn't even know fragile was different.. but yeah. That sounds like it wasn't intended. Luck generally is a stat governing chances in this game. Shit like crit rate, hitting an ailment, Bungo's terrible ss1 ult.. stuff like that.

                Might also be different in the game and the data we have is just wrong. Like Seraph isn't correct everywhere. I just checked and Bungo's success condition is no longer listed at all, while A-San's ss1 ult still says 1 turn confusion, while it's 2. There are likely more things missing/wrong.

              • 11 months ago

                No, it scales from it properly, people were testing this.

              • 11 months ago

                Looking at stuff like boss resistances, its possible that fragile WAS a chance and they changed it to be 100%. Boss's have 50% fragile resistance in the games, but it doesn't do anything (whereas it halves stun chance).
                I know with Seraph they've been struggling to make a good UI that can fit all the random stuff (like the conditional stuff). Not sure about why Adel says 1 vs 2 turns, but I can confirm from the game files that it is weighted towards luck.

      • 11 months ago

        >Someone like Miko ss2 seems weak only because of that.
        Well, not only because of that. One of the problems with her is that her strengths are quite pointless for her skill set. The main selling point of her ult is that it's cheap to combo. Okay, but her original defense down selling point was that it was also extremely cheap to combo. It was already so cheap that it would combo with any ability, no matter how much it cost. So now she saves all these SP from her ult and from her normal skill for... what exactly? It's pointless, she has nothing to do anyway. If it was cheap defense down + expensive but extremely strong ult, it would be much better for her. The ult mechanic just doesn't show its full potential because its effect is so normal. If she was like Megumi, it would be amazing, but for a single defense down, it's just... okay?
        She doesn't have a fragile skill too. Having non-ult fragile + 4 SP defense down on the same unit would be braindead, so she didn't get it. But... Ice kinda needed a fragile unit. Still do. So how do you do it? You don't want to have Megumi and Tenne on the same team, it's redundant. You also don't want to replace A-san with Maki. So they need an another style now just to fix this.
        Another thing about her ult being a normal defense down is that this style is actually an alt. And because it's an ult, you can't transfer it. Unless they will introduce some new mechanic, it's her strongest ability, she already hit her ceiling with this. So while this style is decent and does its job well now, the future competition will completely destroy it, and it won't even come close.

    • 11 months ago

      They roll because it's risamama
      This is a game where the majority of players don't give a shit about power level

      • 11 months ago

        Is she even popular? Tenne style got like 2x more engagement than her on twitter and I wouldn't say Tenne is that popular either.

        • 11 months ago

          She seems more popular in universe than out of it.

        • 11 months ago

          It's not so much about popularity as it is about coom. God if we weren't so close to half anniversary and summer I would've been tempted too. As for Tenne I guess she's more popular with barren women with no children

          • 11 months ago

            The game has definitely taken a turn towards fanservice lately. Can't say I'm a fan.

          • 11 months ago

            Those fricking hips my god

  115. 11 months ago

    So based on how things were like last year, the next rate up on the 13th should be the last one before the half anni gacha and then the swimsuit gacha.
    I think Akarin is pretty much guaranteed to show up on the 13th. They did the same thing with Isuzu last year where Ichiko was on rate up with A-san for her event and then Isuzu got a solo mid month. For this year though, I think there's a chance that someone from 31F will be sharing the rate-up since the Seraph Blade pickup event is coming on at around the same time.
    As for anniversary and swimsuit I have no clue. Though I think it's 100% guaranteed that a Tsukasa, Karen, and Yuina SS are coming. It would make a lot of sense for Tsukasa and Karen to get the anni units and then Yuina to get the swimsuit event with 30G, but the half anni guests gives me doubts. It is about time for Ichigo to get her alt, especially when they just finished the 31C alts with Tenne. And I have no doubt that a Nanamin SS would rake in boatloads of money, but it wouldn't really make much sense lore-wise.
    Finally, on the possibility of a collab, I kinda doubt it since the survey we just got is seemingly hinting that the next collab will probably be the most realistic and popular of the choices (and will probably come during 2nd anni at this rate)

    • 11 months ago

      I thought that Karen was 100% this year's swimusit style because it just made sense to me. Then they pulled Mari SS3, so now I have no idea because they can just pick anyone for any theme at any point. I would be surprised if we do not see a 31A swimsuit(it's free money every year), but KarenTsukasa half-anni banner makes more sense with them saving their alts like that. Maybe 3 31A styles back to back, first KarenTsukasa, then someone else swimsuit + non 31A swimsuit?

      • 11 months ago

        After thinking about it again, it'll probably make the most sense for Tsukasa and Yuina to be the half anniversary styles. Heck we might even see the return of the Yukata theme there. Then for swimsuits it'll be Karen and Ichigo to line up with last year's Tsukasa and Sumomo. As for the welfare, probably Yuki to pair with last year's Ruka maybe. I gotta say though, getting Nanamin out of nowhere would be insane

    • 11 months ago

      You got very close to calling it.

  116. 11 months ago

    Man this event is a joke, it feels like an April Fools event

  117. 11 months ago

    Maeda it's almost 20 years since Air. Please let go already...

  118. 11 months ago

    If you have a debuffer with an LB3 defense down passive, it will proc Tenne condition when it triggers. Doesn't feel like this was intentional, they probably just didn't think about it.

  119. 11 months ago

    It seems that 31A dialogue assets got updated in the datamine, have they actually added anything or is it just some random file optimizations?

    • 11 months ago

      No new poses or expressions.

  120. 11 months ago

    >spark this banner
    >get 6 SRR but my roster of useful SSR's increases by exactly 1
    This despite a tiny roster (6) to begin with. Anyone else hate this game's gacha?

    • 11 months ago

      All things considered the lack of almost any limited characters and the fact that pretty much the only time you need a meta team is to grind even more meta items has made me less angry about it compared to others.

      • 11 months ago

        True. As long as I can beat the story bosses shouldn't matter too much.

        Why would you spark on this banner though? Risa and Tenne don't feel like meta units at all.

        I like Risa and lacked any SSR healers. Was hoping for some good spooks since there's no double SSR banners yet.

        • 11 months ago

          Consider how many styles the game has and you are supposed to build element specific team for real power I think it's probably better to spark during the single squad or role only banners depends on your need.

    • 11 months ago

      Why would you spark on this banner though? Risa and Tenne don't feel like meta units at all.

    • 11 months ago

      I am anti gacha in general but yes, 99% of the time I don't feel excited about the idea of getting a new SS because most of them I wouldn't be able to fit into any of my potential squads.

    • 11 months ago

      That should be more of a late problem than early. When you aren't having much yet, you should be finding ways to use chars much easier.
      At the point where I am, having not at least lb1 basically makes it worthless, so every new SS is a question of "is it worth putting LB mats into it", where often the answer is "no" -> benched till a dupe comes.

      • 11 months ago

        LB1 is only needed for damage dealers. The others having lv 120 from max S is usually enough since you can use all defense chips and accessory rolls. There are only a few characters that cannot do their jobs without the +1 sp

        • 11 months ago

          This has nothing to do with "what you need", but rather what it competes with in my roster.
          Also the bonus +1sp (or better, +50% sp gain) in the front is rather important. Most supports are sp starved, and healer need all they can get.

          Offensive styles can work a lot better without direct LB and just high enough lvl. Unless they rely on tons of self buffs. Supports? They are STARVED.

  121. 11 months ago

    Question about the event, spoiler:
    So when Nikaidou calls out Risamama breaking code when she picks up Hitoyo, what was the actual problem? Taking stuff during the mission to the base is done all the time.

    • 11 months ago

      >Taking stuff during the mission to the base is done all the time.
      It's inconsistent and depends on the writer. In mermaid event Yuki also didn't let Tama take the mermaid's gift home.

  122. 11 months ago

    It was an incredibly baffling decision on their part not to include this bit at 1:52 with 31A singing in the live show PV. If they did, it would probably be one of the most memorable event songs/PVs in the game, rather than being merely a "random monthly event song" as it is now.

  123. 11 months ago

    I was told I needed healers and buffers, is this fine for a reroll account?
    Rather sick of rerolling at this point.

    • 11 months ago

      Looks good enough for me. You probably won't have problem surviving the earlier chapters since base Tama and Mua are two of the best healers in the game. A bit more fire power would be nice but free SS Ruka and Sumomo would be fine for now. Since you have both Tsukasa styles consider building a fire team.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks anon.

        Healers are very good. Tsukasa is "lol lmao" if you want to be a cool meta kid, but for someone who's just starting she's more than enough, especially if you don't want to reroll anymore.

        I mainly want to enjoy the story without being bothered by the gacha.
        Gotta say that I would've liked an account with the cute new "nya nya", but she seems to be avoiding me like the plague.

    • 11 months ago

      Healers are very good. Tsukasa is "lol lmao" if you want to be a cool meta kid, but for someone who's just starting she's more than enough, especially if you don't want to reroll anymore.

  124. 11 months ago

    Done with the event, and regardless of anything else, this was full of soul.

    They rerecored the battle lines for only the first day of it, and then there was also the permanent Risa buff present in combat, explained by the story. Also banger song.
    Cat event aside, we are getting spoiled recently. Babu

    Small warning for people not having done the score attack yet, there are 4 modifiers this week. I promptly overlooked it and had to do it a second time.

    • 11 months ago

      Literally the only bad events so far this year were Tama's and Byakko's, which just so happen to be the only events this year that were written directly by Maeda. The man needs a break.

      • 11 months ago

        I thought mermaid story was fine if you just ignored the mermaid part. I laughed a lot and the cooking minigame was fun to mess with since they had different voiced lines for each recipe. Cat was pure garbage though.

        • 11 months ago

          I really think they need to start doing pure SoL/gag events from time to time, without any character drama or twists. Nobody complains about character stories or memories being like that, why would an event be different.

        • 11 months ago

          Conversely I thought Byakko's event was fine if you ignored the cat part and couldn't extend that courtesy to Tama's event. Still rate both at the bottom for this year though.

          I really think they need to start doing pure SoL/gag events from time to time, without any character drama or twists. Nobody complains about character stories or memories being like that, why would an event be different.

          >Nobody complains about character stories or memories being like that
          They're some of the best content the game has to offer. I don't understand why they insist on this formula for monthly events but also refuse to go beyond chapter 2. All you're usually left with are the character interactions, which Kai is simply better at than Maeda right now and which the memory events almost always do a better job of handling anyway.

  125. 11 months ago

    >Did you hear? Ichigo said "Babu~" the other day.

  126. 11 months ago

    KakiP got promoted due to HBR success.

    • 11 months ago

      He should give us quartz to celebrate his promotion!

  127. 11 months ago

    Seraphless KatoEri style... when...

    • 11 months ago

      This just made me realize I never went back to level up my fishing and get those better chips

  128. 11 months ago
  129. 11 months ago

    This game had a surprisingly high budget, huh?

    I'm genuinely surprised with the amount of voice work they put in, from the girls just shouting random shit in the background to having certain cute cut scenes with a girl of your choosing, all of it is voiced.
    Here's hoping to this keeping up, it just adds so much personality.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think there's been any unvoiced VN segment. While running through dungeons you often get lines with generic audio.

    • 11 months ago

      The game has a lot of small details. For instance there are like 7 unique voiced lines that you can hear only by intentionally going the wrong way in a very specific part of the story. The skin of a character gets slightly more tanned on her model over time to reflect her spending a lot of time in the sun, and fairly inconsequential dialog options are sometimes remembered and yields different lines of dialog in later story chapters

      • 11 months ago

        >inconsequential dialog options are sometimes remembered and yields different lines of dialog in later story chapters
        Yea, I think I just found one with "Go to Hell" and "Go to Heaven", it's pretty cool that the game remembers what you picked earlier on.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh, and I decided to reroll a bit more so I could pick up Miko as I really like her character design.
          Main issue I'm currently facing is the lack of a crit buffer(?), so I'm wondering if there is any S style I should look out for to fill that role temporarily. Aside from that I'm just saving everything for pity so I can guarantee myself one of the meta supports.

          • 11 months ago

            Shiki S can give a minor crit buff with her unique skill. Otherwise the orb boss skill 'critical thinking' is your best bet. BTW how many rolls did you need to get 8 SSR at reroll? That seems kind of cracked.

            • 11 months ago

              Meh, hopefully I'll get her off of a ticket. Certain bosses are somewhat difficult to DPS down.

              >rolls needed
              I think I got 32 rolls each reroll, and I got this after 4~ days of rerolling.
              I couldn't say how many accounts I've seen exactly, as I mostly got out my phone whenever I was watching some animu or reading a book.

  130. 11 months ago

    I just spent my 200% charge on Adelheid

    • 11 months ago

      I spent (almost) all I had to get her to lb3, and have yet to regret it.

      Now I'm in the ice debuffer/Maria ss2 waiting room. (sorry, but Miko isn't really enough) The step up gave me Maria's base, so I'm ready to hyper invest into her ss2, if it's ice again and has some not sucky charge building ability. Maria ss1 basically requires lb3, but that's stupid to do for a half year old ss1.

      Maybe one day they allow to generalize every single SS. I hope it's either that, or they stick to ss1 only. I think it was a mistake doing it in such a limited way, extending the limit would just repeat this.
      Regardless of how good an SS is nowadays, if the ss1 is completely shit, it's a hard sell, likewise investing into any ss1 is literally stupid. The moment this repeats with ss2, investing into any ss2 is automatically a bad idea, and then the question of regretting to invest into an ss2 before rises. It's just yank, and I doubt it'd be very popular. SS1 generalize was added pretty early. But now it's a very different situation. It having been so quiet about this, while we probably see the first ss4 this year, or at the very latest next ani, is concerning. It'd be very weird if they just.. leave it as is without ever talking about it.

  131. 11 months ago
  132. 11 months ago

    Who should we expect to see get mid-month SSes? There's another stream tomorrow.

    • 11 months ago

      The art of guessing is kind of dead after they did that Mari SS3 thing, it can be basically anyone. The most obvious thing for them to do is to finally release Akari, perhaps coupled with another 30G SS2, like they did with Aina/Hisame and Fubuki/e-girlta before, but who really knows anymore.

      • 11 months ago

        But nobody will expect another Mari

        • 11 months ago

          speak for yourself, but I've been saving up for Mari-P style in September

          It's been over a year since Akari got any new expressions, but then the same holds for Aoi and she got her SS2 not long ago so I'm inclined to agree with you.

          She already has expression for discomfort, nervousness, resignation, despair, and burgeoning yandere. What other expressions would she need?

          • 11 months ago

            Happiness after finally receiving an SS. Poor girl deserves better.

          • 11 months ago

            >speak for yourself, but I've been saving up for Mari-P style in September
            I unironically started saving for Megumi SS4 just in case, even though I was sure it wouldn't happen until the 2nd anniversary at least. Shit is fricked.

      • 11 months ago

        It's been over a year since Akari got any new expressions, but then the same holds for Aoi and she got her SS2 not long ago so I'm inclined to agree with you.

        • 11 months ago

          I mean, there's always the possibility of a character simply not using any new expressions in their new memory story, not all of them require any additional stuff. Also, they don't always preload memo story assets, I remember Seira's face being added at the same time as her style.

  133. 11 months ago

    I'm interested in what they're going to do with the gacha S2 distribution. It was easy before, they spammed unreleased S gacha styles fairly often, while gacha S2 were rare, but now every character has at least one S. So will they start releasing more S2 styles, or will S gacha releases become much rarer from now.

  134. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      No way

  135. 11 months ago

    Lmao at Akari being the strongest unit out of her squad simply due to her being on the latest level of powercreep. I expected something more gimmicky rather than a pure unga bunga style though.

  136. 11 months ago

    A breaker? In mid 2023? HOLY SHIT.
    Now dark only needs a blaster. That Kura is too shit due to aoe and generally being unimpressive.

    That said, rip other elements. Dark and elec really don't need a breaker given their "defenders". So realistically speaking nothing changed. e-girlta is still the better breaker.

    • 11 months ago

      Hilarious when you consider that there's gonna be a dark rerun banner running alongside Akari's... which will also feature Chie2. Even when she finally gets an SS (and a good one at that), Akari still manages to get screwed over.

  137. 11 months ago

    >Akari's seraph's name is FallingExpecter
    I never noticed that, my sides.

  138. 11 months ago

    I wonder if recent characters only getting a single hit-buff on their abilities is a setup for the future hit-buff orb. So they could get a weaker 2nd hit-buff from it and that would be more efficient than fielding Yunyun with them still.

    • 11 months ago

      If there's gonna be a hit buff orb, it'd be like 2 or 3 hits of 10% at best. Probably 1 use as well.
      Unlike crits, hit buffs aren't mandatory, and anything that could be good other than crit orbs has been traditionally weak. Like 1 use OD gain orb, the bonus SP gain orb and such. The crit damage orb can be used more often but has super weak power (like 15% instead of the 30% from the buffs)

      They are probably afraid of making orbs so good the styles having native stuff becomes less important. Which, to be fair, the crit orb did cause. If they'd create a 5 hit with 10% potency 3 use 5sp cost orb.. you can imagine what that would do. Yunyun would die immediately, and Wakki would cry as well.
      In a way it'd possibly make crit chance more important again, because using two orbs on one char is pretty harsh. (need to master one, and then it take a lot of set up)

      • 11 months ago

        Even if it's +30%, it would probably still be more efficient for Akari or Mari SS3 to get +150% multi-hit with the orb rather than using a slot on YunYun only to get +170%.

        • 11 months ago

          Those styles already don't care about Yunyun. It's about the others. The bonus yunyun brings those two isn't worth an entire slot. You are very likely finding chars offering more for the team.
          That's also likely why ice and dark got these styles, because both elements have a natural hit buffer aka do not want yunyun.

  139. 11 months ago

    He's seriously trying to "explain" the gameplay idea behind the unit while showing 31E that powercreep each other, the guts on this dude.

  140. 11 months ago

    >Akari is barely holding her seraph
    >uses a self-buff
    >instantly lifts it up with a gigachad pose like Monaka/Megumin
    Make some unique character animations already.

  141. 11 months ago

    >Debuffs are strong, huh
    Yuki's VA is ruining KakiP's attempt to fool people.

  142. 11 months ago

    Free daily pulls for the Akari banner almost makes up for the injustice that is running a Chie2 rerun banner at the same time. Almost.

  143. 11 months ago

    Question though. Akari's DP+50% activates when she's hitting DP, right? Isn't that better than an attacker's HP+50% if you're planning to kill the boss in one hit without any prior damage? Granted if you're looking to get high numbers you would want destruction, which +DP can't make use of. Though to be honest the higher level SAs do so much damage that I don't even have time to rack up destruction

    • 11 months ago

      >if you're planning to kill the boss in one hit without any prior damage
      I've been wondering why people constantly sing the praises of multi-hit abilities. Is this the meta right now?

    • 11 months ago

      If you want to kill a boss ASAP, you need a "super blaster". Basically only A-San can do shit like that right now easily, but you can probably make it work with Byakko ss2 and yunyun stacking twice. Still ~60 destruction vs ~96 destruction is quite a difference. (assuming lb3 + weakness)

      Anti dp is better, because your super blaster doesn't want to get through DP, as they suck at that. After they did their work however, even a breaker can deal bazillions of damage, though it should not be necessary. A fully set up weakness + HP hitting A-San / Byakko will oneshot anything existing in the current game. Other elements simply don't have that blaster yet though. A-San has a bit more leeway when it comes to DP still existing, due to how much overkill she is, but only really at lb3. Also when it comes to setup. Ice lacks a lot of debuff related stuff after all.

      Against non weakness enemies however, there's currently only really one threat in the game, and that is whale bait, requiring multiple lb3 offensive chars. A-San works quite well against this one as well, and can deal easily with all the other non weakness enemies, but Byakko will suffer a lot more.
      The new style is good there, because of the harsh turn limit and the DP being a real wall with the insane border. But well, lb3+ required. The lack of a good dark blaster also means you are likely too slow to really benefit from the fast DP break. Rather irrelevant and boring fight though.

  144. 11 months ago

    Why is she torturing herself trying to use Misato, just switch to 31A with fire Megumi, big enhance Tsukasa and a proper blaster Karen.

    • 11 months ago

      Because they're showing off the full squad, of course.

  145. 11 months ago

    >When the VAs don't even know how to play their own game (well mostly just Yuki it seems)
    Is she stalling for time or something? This is painful to watch

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe they forced her to play 31D-only to shill Akari. If she had just switched to 31A, the fricker would have been dead 10 minutes ago already.

      • 11 months ago

        There would also be no point in showing that fight. Running full 31D is more immediately relevant.

        • 11 months ago

          Why? The idea of this segment was to show VA playing this boss, 31D showcase was the previous segment.

          • 11 months ago

            Do people normally care about her doing that? Without the immediate relevance of 31D the segment sounds pointless to me.

            • 11 months ago

              >Do people normally care about her doing that?
              Yes. HBR actually doesn't do it that often, but a lot of games have constant "variety" segments of VAs playing games or doing random shit in their streams, JP audience actually likes that(while western audience is crying about it).

  146. 11 months ago

    A stream next week? I thought it's pointless filler, but it seems that Shimoda will be there.

    • 11 months ago

      The main banners end on 8/6. Makes me wonder if we're gonna get another filler week with no new event and no stream.

      >Do people normally care about her doing that?
      Yes. HBR actually doesn't do it that often, but a lot of games have constant "variety" segments of VAs playing games or doing random shit in their streams, JP audience actually likes that(while western audience is crying about it).

      Man, nips are weird as shit.

      • 11 months ago

        No event is expected, it will probably be like Half-anni stream > Swimsuit event 2. Not sure about no stream, they can just do an empty stream full of nothing because they can.

    • 11 months ago

      Did they implement the 4.2 nerfs yet? Could just be a stream going over that

      • 11 months ago

        That's a really good guess. It was supposed to happen in August, but nothing stops them from talking about it now.

  147. 11 months ago

    Today's patch is the assets update patch, right? Maybe they will drop something interesting there.

  148. 11 months ago

    It was funny when they did a retrospective of the og styles and they started with 31A and I guess I was supposed to feel really nostalgic about it, but the only thought I had in my head was "fricking buff them".

  149. 11 months ago

    By the way, I don't think they ever said that it would be 4.2 nerfs specifically, just the "balance adjustments". So it could be something more general like what they did with the level caps last year, something on this level.

  150. 11 months ago

    I didn't get anything from today's free pull, but my 7 S tickets gave me christmas Bungo (new) and yunyun lb2 (useless).
    I dunno why I get these meta buffer lb2 recently. First Higuchi alt from the most recent paid scam, and now yunyun. I barely even use them, and since the "recent" rework of enemy damage, lb2 on supports does nothing. Alas.

  151. 11 months ago

    >Akari's banner is doing awful, most likely the worst new character gacha performance this game ever had
    I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to release a single unpopular character banner right before the half-anniversary, but I hope they achieved what they wanted.

    • 11 months ago

      Where are you getting this info? Not that I have much sympathy for WFS after the bridal banner.

      • 11 months ago

        The usual ranking autism site.
        It did not even make it into the top 50 on the first day. I don't think I've ever seen that before for this game.

        • 11 months ago

          Not even last year for Isuzu's banner? This is almost an identical scenario.

          • 11 months ago

            No, that one did fine. Well, the game was still in the later stages of its honeymoon period back then, so the weaker banners were generally doing better on average, I don't know if it's fair to Akari to compare it like that.

  152. 11 months ago

    Is there no new Zeitaku na Kanjou version in the mega or did I somehow miss it? I've checked every SV0012 variation and none of them have the new part they added for 4.2.

    ?t=668 (mega spoilers, be careful)
    This part at 11:08. You can compare it to SV0012_no_Loop_C to hear the difference.

    • 11 months ago

      I upload all the new music they add as awb files. The sound file table also doesn't list any other variations of SV0012, so either it's stored somewhere else or the audio in that scene is pre-mixed.

      • 11 months ago

        I see. Well, maybe they'll put it on the 2nd SiL album whenever it happens, it's a new arrangement too.

  153. 11 months ago

    Really glad I got her because I can finally make a full Blunt SS team.

  154. 11 months ago

    Tama's VA profile.

    • 11 months ago

      Karen's VA profile.

      >After 1.5 years
      Do none of the VAs actually play the game?

      • 11 months ago

        it makes sense, they probably voice others characters from a lot of gachas
        iirc even most anime and games seiyuus don't watch/play stuff they were in, unless it's a big thing

      • 11 months ago

        Most of VAs are too busy to play every single thing they voice, Tama's VA is also in Genshin, GBF, FGO etc. Her being on ch.4 is already somehow impressive.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember during an Arknights stream two weeks after its release one of the seiyuu said she was so addicted to the game she had reached level 3. Meanwhile I was already at level 40 lol.

        It’s not a big deal really, it’s quite unreasonable to expect them to no-life every game they’re involved in.

    • 11 months ago

      >three favorite members, all 31A
      >favorite team 31A
      Wow, kinda borin-

      Karen's VA profile.


  155. 11 months ago

    Karen's VA profile.

  156. 11 months ago

    Someone here wrote that they want to change something about 4.2. I've been slowly going through it now (day 6 is the next one), and I feel like aside of completely changing the encounter design, no balance change is going to encourage people that haven't beaten it yet even though they tried.

    I have a good team for dungeons : A-san ss2+1 lb3, Mari ss2+1 lb1, Seira ss2+1 lb2, Seika ss2+1 lb2, Yanagi lb2, Yuina ss2+1 lb2.
    It feels more annoying than it should be with this.

    -Usually 2 enemies. Neither aoe is really good (often featuring resistances that make it hard to aoe, and 2 enemies being still kinda shit for it), nor single target is really good. It also means getting OD is a lot slower than when you have 3 enemy encounters, implying you get less SP/turn.
    -Uncalled for resistances. It wasn't that bad in past, but now with elemental and not elemental resistances, and your average enemy having 50k+ HP, it's more of a problem, aside of resistances also often doing bigger damage cuts than in the past.
    -Non elemental resistance on normal enemy. With how many styles having 0 access to elemental attacks, this is a terrible idea. Doubly so when you then pair them with a single enemy that has specific elemental resistance on top. Before the counter to the latter was simply not using an element, giving non elemental its own value.
    -No way to change your party in a dungeon and afterwards (when the boss comes, without carrying over OD), 0 information about what to be ready for. In older chapters they actually DID give you a warning about the boss weakness at least.

    I'm sure you don't need meta, but would it be fun to subject yourself to this without it? No way. Vanilla ch3 made me fear enemies. Kill before getting killed. This? Padding average battle length. That's it. The less overpowered, the more you will suffer.. for all the wrong reasons. I can understand anyone getting angry at this, even if I can just ignore all the problems with brute force.

    • 11 months ago

      That's the gist of it, yes. The 4.2 dungeons are by far the worst in the game: not challenging, just literally there to pad things out with bullshit resistance combinations and all-around stats. I got through all of it with a significantly weaker team LB-wise, whether for dungeons or for regular fights, but it was a slog, not helped by how you can't quit back to the menu without having to start the current dungeon over the next time you go in. It's not like it's anything new, it's just that they've never taken it quite this far before and there's no fun to be had in powering through them.

    • 11 months ago

      >Someone here wrote that they want to change something about 4.2.
      We don't know that yet, they've deliberately worded it so that it doesn't specifically mention 4.2. The stream with Shimoda is in 2 days, we'll see if they'll do something about it or if they'll double down.

  157. 11 months ago

    Is CON scaling even good? Chie and Aoi have broken multi-hit/tokens, so it's irrelevant for them, but every time I see anyone using Ichiko SS2, it feels like she does less than she should with such high base damage.

  158. 11 months ago

    New orb is literally just a 1 use defense down because frick debuffers who specialize on it, I guess.

    • 11 months ago

      The problem is that debuffers need to do def down, elemental def down, and fragile. Twice too and can only stack them during overdrive. This orb takes the load off them immensly. Though it does frick over some outdated debuffers like miko, it's for the greater good

      • 11 months ago

        It fricks with pretty much every unit that has defense down as an ability.
        Miko SS2/Isuzu are the elemental debuff+defense down debuffers, now they're the one ability characters.
        Miko SS1/Megumi SS1 only had defense down as their single debuff, so they're even more worthless now.
        Megumi SS2 was unique for having fragile+ST defense down on a single character and now it's insignificant.
        YunYun was really good because she can use multi-hit+defense down, now not only more and more characters get their own multi-hit abilities, defense down is also available to everyone.
        It's kinda "balanced" because it's one use and 9SP cost, but there are a lot of healers and attackers and even some buffers who will have the time/SP to use it anyway.

    • 11 months ago

      Perfect for me since I don't usually have a regular def down source.

  159. 11 months ago

    About to start. Shimoda is in there today, let's see what he has to say.

  160. 11 months ago

    They will finally start uploading SiL live scenes on youtube.

  161. 11 months ago

    >I need to buy 6 more boosters and 24 more chips for ch4.2
    shit, I knew not logging in for 100 days out of laziness would bite me in the ass, time to start grinding GP again

  162. 11 months ago

    Clear rates actually look better than expected.

    • 11 months ago
  163. 11 months ago

    They're removing clock tower?

    • 11 months ago

      More exp in early stages.
      Clock tower removal?
      Something about prisms, I missed it
      moronic obnoxious mobs will get nerfed
      Non-element resistance will remain, but will get nerfed
      Some kind of mechanic for players who get hard stuck on bosses will get introduced
      More efficient gem/orb farm

      I hope they give a fair warning so people can collect the quartz in there if they haven't yet.. or beat mainstory chapters to unlock more.

      Or just keep it and just don't update it anymore.

      • 11 months ago

        I think they already said they're completely gone in 2 weeks (anni) with no other way to get the rewards you missed. Buckle up.

  164. 11 months ago

    More exp in early stages.
    Clock tower removal?
    Something about prisms, I missed it
    moronic obnoxious mobs will get nerfed
    Non-element resistance will remain, but will get nerfed
    Some kind of mechanic for players who get hard stuck on bosses will get introduced
    More efficient gem/orb farm

  165. 11 months ago

    He's basically saying that decided to restructure the whole game design

    • 11 months ago

      *they decided

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Really? Will new units get new creative mechanics on their skills and passives or will it be just another copy paste ability with a different element/sp cost/number of targets?

      • 11 months ago

        I think his point was more in the sense that that they're abandoning their initial gameplay philosophy of it being an intentionally "hard" game. Like every new chapter getting more obnoxious in some way, expecting players who can't do it to git good, some farming parts being really annoying, this kind of shit. The main point of this game is the story, and they will try to make it so the game complements it instead of locking the players out of it.

        • 10 months ago

          Thank frick. Every even remotely story focused game makes it accessible to casual.

    • 11 months ago

      I agree with this, I quit within 3 months then come back on AB collab and find hard to farm stones, equipment, good enchantments, and level-up skills. Ding dungeons, shuttle runs, and the terrible RNG on accessories is annoying me

      • 11 months ago

        I forgot to mention the orb skill leveling that is also a headache

  166. 11 months ago

    Another stream in a week.

  167. 11 months ago

    Live scenes are up.

  168. 11 months ago

    I don't like the disproportionate amount of attention She is Legend songs get from management when Yanaginagi's OST songs are actually much more important for the game.

    • 11 months ago

      I feel very much the opposite. I don't care much about lyrics in music, and from a melodic/instrumental standpoint I'm not a fan of most of Maeda's compositions for Yanaginagi's songs.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, this is your musical preference. But from the objective standpoint, OST songs make this game best moments, SiL isn't even close in that regard. Like compare the impact of After You Sleep in ch.2 to Dance! Dance! Dance, that's not even a discussion. If you someone asks you what THE song of 4.2 is, is it Kishi Kaisei or is it Shini Yuku Kisetsu no Kimi e?

        • 11 months ago

          I'd completely disagree on a personal level actually, hence my point. DDD and After You Sleep is probably the only one that's hard for me to call - in almost every other case (can't compare 4.2 because I found it and its songs to be very forgettable), the relevant SiL songs and the moments where they played were significantly more memorable and meaningful to me than the Yanaginagi counterpart.
          Even beyond personal preference trumping objectivity though, SiL songs are marketable bangers and great to listen to out of context as well, so I'm not at all surprised by them getting more focus.

  169. 11 months ago

    So there's no chance we get a collab or limited units for 1.5 anniversary right? I want to roll the 1.5x gacha since I barely have 30SS but not at the cost of missing out on units I won't be able to get again.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd be shocked if we got anything other than a regular swimsuit event with regular (non-limited) SSes, so you're probably safe. Everything we've seen so far, from their communication to yesterday's asset update, points to this.

    • 11 months ago

      I dunno, the fact that they're making a website specifically for 1.5 means that we're getting SOMETHING, probably.
      Most likely. They can easily repurpose the website for the collab if say it happens mid August or September
      >Chapter 5
      Extremely unlikely, but not 100% implausible. Depends on how elaborate the chapter is, how streamlined their development is, how big their team has grown, etc. If anything it could just be a teaser
      Highly unlikely. Makes more sense as a side announcement for something like a collab. I'd imagine they'd also want to rethink their globalization process first considering the state of TW and KR
      Likely, but I'd worry
      >Just more concerts/merch shilling

      • 11 months ago

        An announcement of the anime on the event that only has 3 31A members(without Ruka too) would be moronic. WFS are moronic though, so it's within the realm of possibility.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd recommend against it. The rate-up is a scam, because the banner has everything, including all the outdated garbage, on it.
      You are better off pulling on a normal rate-up banner with actually good/newer SS on it. The odds to get something good are better that way.

      • 11 months ago

        Well it's too late. Bros why does this game hate me. I did 130 rolls on it and got 2 SS, dupes of Suit Ruka and Tama SS1. I said 30 SS but thats including dupes basically, only 23 distinct SS without the free Ruka and Yuri and I've been playing for a year now getting basically every f2p quartz possible except a few score attacks and X on the wakusei mode. Dupes were Tama 1, Megu 2, Maria, Ichigo, and goddamn LB2 for stupid Chiroru. How is this shit even possible?

  170. 11 months ago

    Those of you who play the rhythm mode, what am I doing wrong on Houkago no Melody? I'm having a hard time not completely missing segments where I have to hold a diagonal note on one side and flick on the other, and I keep losing something like 500 points in the middle part of the song and when Karen starts her final line.

    • 11 months ago

      As cliché as it sounds as advice, you have to keep practicing. Aside from that, even I still don't get consistent hits on flicks at the end of holds which Houkago no Melody has a lot of. To deal with those, I consciously make an effort to exaggerate my movements just a little to make sure the game interprets my movements as a flick, and I still don't get them 100% of the time. The chart is a little awkward to play so there's not much specific advice I can give. Just keep at it is all I can say.

      • 11 months ago

        I got it after another 30 or so tries. If anything what worked for me was the opposite: bring my non-holding hand down as low as possible, and then do the tiniest flick I can and intentionally missing the next note on that side. Past that point, it was just a matter of resetting until I got more than one +32.5% bonus.
        Thing is, I still don't get what I'm doing differently to make songs like this a problem. Besides only using my index fingers, I can't think of anything.

    • 11 months ago

      When in doubt, gradually raise the speed. As counterproductive as that sounds it does help you get better.

  171. 11 months ago

    I gave up playing in hard in the rhythm mode, too old to have those reflexes, idk how you guys manage to clear them

  172. 11 months ago

    >Swimsuit event recap
    >New orb boss fight
    That's a filler stream if I've ever seen one.

    • 11 months ago

      So no new styles until 08/05? That's different from last year then.

      • 11 months ago

        Last year's anni steam was closer to the end of July, this year it's in August, of course it's different. I just don't know why they wouldn't simply skip a stream if there's literally nothing to present tomorrow, we had like 2 or 3 streams in a row already.

  173. 11 months ago

    Looks like VisualArts is getting acquired by Tencent.

  174. 11 months ago

    uhhhh guys? What does key getting bought out mean for us?

    • 11 months ago

      The upside is global possibly happening sooner than it would've otherwise. The downside is, well, Tencent.

    • 11 months ago

      They didn't get bought out

    • 11 months ago

      Global soon

    • 11 months ago

      Expect Maeda, yuugen, and HBN director to get direct order from tencent manager about what's they can and can't write/draw/do gameplay wise
      more outsourcing, even writers for the main story too if maeda is too slow

      • 11 months ago

        Baba is still on as an advisor and Maeda is an executive. He can do what he wants.

        • 11 months ago

          I hope anon, I hope

    • 11 months ago

      I think it's co-owned with WFS, so don't expect much.

  175. 11 months ago

    >hoe-girlve collab promo again
    These b***hes aren't even playing the game, they're not even willing to give it a chance and start a playtrough, why do they keep doing this.

  176. 11 months ago

    So I read https://visual-arts.jp/blog-2023-july/, the ex-president says the reason is
    >I'm getting old
    >I own all the stocks
    >if anything happens to me the company will cease to exist
    >normally in this case the company should go public on the stock market but I can't do that for reasons
    >so I looked for a big media corporation to transfer the stocks to so the company can attain stability
    >in the end I chose Tencent, they are super sugoi, super huge, super global
    >I can't wait to see how Visual Arts expands on the global market with Tencent's backing
    What I don't understand is why sell out to a chink megacorp instead of picking a successor, handing over the company to him and having Visual Arts continue business as usual?

  177. 11 months ago

    Megumin's pose is really nice, I expected more boring from the text description. The face could have been better, but it's still decent. Tama's pose is a bit weird, I'm not sure if I like it.

    • 11 months ago

      Also, they REALLY put a lot an emphasis on getting her breasts right, holy frick.

      • 11 months ago
  178. 11 months ago
  179. 11 months ago
  180. 11 months ago
  181. 11 months ago

    The official pages are up if anyone is interested. They kinda failed to bait me into spending with these faces, I'd rather wait more.

    • 11 months ago

      I wonder if there will be black voids underneath. Or will we finally get official pantsu?

      • 11 months ago

        They most likely will, but most of these franchise figurines usually get generic white pantsu.

    • 10 months ago

      They have added a bunch of pictures to both pages.

  182. 11 months ago

    Huh, I don't remember if the 4.2 boss's multiple DP bars allowed you to deal overflowing damage, but you can here. Looks like on 101+ here if you break the first or second bar before your ult's done dealing its hits, the leftover damage gets applied to the next bar so you can leave it on 1 DP and break it with an autoattack the next turn, trivializing the fight.

    • 11 months ago

      You couldn't, though the story version had so little DP, your setup attacks likely oneshot them one by one anyways. I was shocked when Higuchi's elec field broke the boss' DP bar, barely even dealing damage...

  183. 11 months ago

    >tencent censors the tropical event due to ghost

  184. 10 months ago

    Score Attack gave me a wonderful pre ani gift: Kozue alt. It was my most wanted style (meta aside). I'm happy I finally got this girl's alt. I pulled for 1 SS on her banner way back than, but got the other one (Higuchi ss2). Since then I got Higuchi 2 more times, yet it took till today to finally have her come home.

    Funny how this game gives me all the ice in the world. 2 Marias and now this in like 1 month. There also was a Bungo alt, though that's more light than ice. (I do have the base though) And I also got two random Swimomos a few months ago.
    The only ice styles I miss are the newest ones (Miko ss2, Mari ss3) and.. Wakki. Rip Wakki. She still eludes me with any of her SS to this day. The only char of the "SS heavy" 4 squads I don't have any for.

  185. 10 months ago

    One week until the clock tower is being completely removed. What the hell are they going to do about that one bell that everyone who's finished the tower is STILL missing relative to the other two types?

    • 10 months ago

      Wait what, they're removing it? I'm not done

      • 10 months ago

        Tick tock motherclocker.

    • 10 months ago

      Wait what, they're removing it? I'm not done

      Tick tock motherclocker.

      wtf why

      • 10 months ago

        It was the least cleared mode. Though I think they're just going to revamp it

        • 10 months ago

          Weird, it's free gems. I feel like the only issue you can ever have in there is the crabs, if you lack pierce. But that's entirely a new player problem and not relevant until the 4.1 content. If people actually struggle with 4.2's part, then I really wonder how they managed to get through the dungeons to begin with. Did every encounter take 10+ turns?

          Well, hard for me to say. The days where I had "the average" account are over. Almost for a year by now.

          • 10 months ago

            >Did every encounter take 10+ turns?
            Before I switched to a dedicated dungeon lineup, the fights with the Molarms regularly went beyond that for me, yes. Even after that they would sometimes take 5+ turns if I wasn't lucky with the encounter rate.

            • 10 months ago

              That isn't strange considering you need SP, and where they appear everything is similar in tank anyways, and they come with a (usually counter element) friend. But that is still fast enough for the tower, as they come with 10 turns as a limit.

              I feel like the only way you could struggle is if you really have nothing and spend forever fighting literally anything in 4.2 and still making it through. The bosses aren't really much of an issue, unless you have absolutely nothing for a second party maybe. But with so little SS, I'm not sure how you'd get mentally past the 4.2 dungeons, unless your few SS are all godly.

  186. 10 months ago

    They could at least remove the restriction since I'm not even far enough to clear it. Unless removing it is story related.

  187. 10 months ago

    Damn, looks like you still get far too many points from overkilling an SA boss. I just threw my usual lazy team at 112+35 and didn't realize that even with 5 breaks and only 2 debuffs you can easily get 400k.

  188. 10 months ago

    Coming back from long break, have there been any limited banners yet?

    • 10 months ago

      Aside of the ani colab, no. Kanade and Yuri from Angel Beats, and some free S who's name I forgot.

  189. 10 months ago

    Light is such a meme element, holy frick.
    >Best attacker isn't even available anymore
    >Buffer is awful
    >Debuffer(it's STILL Hisame) is awful
    >Field unit is solid, but underwhelming compared to modern Fire, Ice or Thunder options
    >Blaster is one of the weaker ones
    >No defensive styles available at all

    • 10 months ago

      I'd assume they stop protecting colab chars either now with half year ani or in half a year. It's very obvious they don't want them to get replaced by other units. Only fire and light have been avoided like the plague with new offensive styles.
      Wouldn't be surprised if half ani shit is going to be those elements. On the flipside I'd also not be surprised to see ice. (Swimomo was ice, and maybe we get Swichigo to match)

  190. 10 months ago

    I hope they rework multiple break bars, if they ever do it again. This weird limitation to not be able to go further than one break per turn is artificial as frick and not changing anything of the fight outside of stretching it a few turns longer. I can understand if one attack can't do more than one break, but limiting it by turns? Frick that.
    In the end it is the same battle, just that instead of having 3 chars attack in one turn, it's 3 chars in 3 turns. Same thing, really, provided you match the border.

    On another note, I used my new Kozue ss0 lb0 for the first time, and even with her ult lvl1 (didn't exactly matter, as debuffers could only use their skill twice anyways.. and I used it once), she dealt pretty respectable damage compared to Mari's ice field (lb1). Ice may not have a breaker (no, Bungo doesn't count), but she can sub if the enemy has a weakness.

    • 10 months ago

      >no, Bungo doesn't count
      Why not? If it's the miss chance, you can always reset. She was monstrous for me in the Adel event SA.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't like RNG. I had to fish for 20% crits back when there weren't crit orbs/I couldn't get them yet, and Shiki was all I had. I'm traumatized and happy I can do battles without doing that. It was really frustrating. Even the first orb bosses I eventually was able to cheese were relying on some 1hit ultis to charge crit. Those were awful awful times.

        Do you really praise a generic 14 SP damage ST attack because it's on the character you care about?

        It's the best option I have. Like I said, Bungo isn't something I want to deal with, Maria is way too slow to deal damage vs DP (lb1), so Kozue does much better there. Unfortunately the meaning of permanent -20stats isn't quite that relevant anymore, as border isn't influencing damage taken that much by now, and is more about damage dealt (and it does nothing on crits.. or did they fix this?) All it needs to do is get rid of the DP, and if the enemy hates ice/slash the fragile helps there.

        But anyways. Using chars you like >> anything else anyways. If you like Bungo, that's enough reason to reset hell with her. I have both invested into and play ice so much simply because it has a lot of chars I like. (especially Adel/Mari) It being really damn powerful is a nice bonus though.
        Still use other teams if the battle encourages it. Not because it's necessarily better, but because every color has some chars I'm quite fond off.

    • 10 months ago

      Do you really praise a generic 14 SP damage ST attack because it's on the character you care about?

      • 10 months ago

        Not them, but why not if it gets the job done?

    • 10 months ago

      >no, Bungo doesn't count
      Frick you, she does. Bungo is the best.

  191. 10 months ago

    Do you think they have anything special for the half-anni? If it's just new styles+swimsuit event, "people" are going to doompost like crazy.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably more advertising and other real life shit.

    • 10 months ago

      What hypothetical people are these?
      That's exactly what I want for it

      • 10 months ago

        Mostly 5ch, but we have our share of whiners as well.

        • 10 months ago

          Helps make up for the idiots who fellate gachashit companies for a living.

  192. 10 months ago

    [世紀に一度の天才] 東城つかさ
    [未来を切り拓く光] 14 SP
    全体の光属性スキル攻撃力, 光属性クリティカル率, 光属性クリティカルダメージを上げる. 戦闘中初めてこのスキルを使用したなら, 適用されたバフは、初めて消費されることはない.

  193. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Too many mobile games of every nationality make girls wear high heels at the beach now.

    • 10 months ago

      Huh are we not doing half anniversary styles this year and going straight into swimsuits? I guess that works too

      • 10 months ago

        That makes sense to me, especially if they are going to make the swimsuit event the centerpiece of the half-anni celebration. They can still do both though, like they did with anni RukaYuki into AB collab gacha, they were only 5 days apart.

  194. 10 months ago

    I got Yotsuha from the daily pull today, but I'm not up to date on the current tier list. Does she outdo Tsukasa1+2 in a fire party when both are LB0? I already have Ichiko at LB2 as my extra fire damage buffer.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, she got crits, that's not even a competition.

      • 10 months ago

        Normally I'd agree. It's my LB1 Seika2 who makes this more complicated since it turns this into a competition between Tsukasa's fire field and whatever's left of Yotsuha in terms of usefulness.

        • 10 months ago

          Her crit buff(both chance and damage) is stronger than Higuchi for fire too. Her entire point is that she kinda replaces Ichiko+Higuchi as a single slot, if you want to use them still, then yeah, don't bother with her.
          IIRC, fire and non-fire crit buffs actually stack in some way, but I have never seen any meta autist use them together, so it's probably insignificant.

          • 10 months ago

            Problem is that you (usually) want 100% crit chance anyways, so it having a better crit rate doesn't matter. Either you super buff twice anyways (giving it a little crit damage advantage, but still requires you to big enhance.. which she can do, but then you gonna wait forever), or you use a crit orb in addition. Or you will likely lose out on damage compared to 100% crit rate.

            Yotsuha is one of those "in theory really good, but takes forever" kinda chars if you solo her, which I personally consider impractical. It's why I even combo Mari ss2 and Higuchi ss2 a lot. (or Mari ss2 and Yunyun + crit chance orb) I'd recommend to do the same, really, if you'd use her. Super buffers go best in tandem, otherwise you sit there for too many turns before you are finished buffing, which in most cases just wastes time.

            If people actually use her, I can't tell you why they'd not use a second. Hitting a good timing is much easier that way. Wasting SP of damage dealers because the setup takes too long is inefficient, though if you only care about the absolutely biggest number possible I guess it might be okay? Though past A-San this concept lost a lot of meaning. She sure raises the destruction rate, but there's only 1 enemy in the game that's not dead in that one attack. And that enemy is a terrible target for BIG NUMBERS (no weakness), so any BIG NUMBERS attempt has to purposefully hold back. I don't see the point.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, last night I tried running just her as the main buffer against the 101+ SA, with Ichiko doing double duty on the fire buff and giving the crit orb to my DPSes, but it didn't feel particularly better than running my Seika2. I think I need to get used to Yotsuha first before running her again.

              • 10 months ago

                I can understand not wanting to ditch Ichiko with her def buff. It's gonna be fugly.
                Finding the sweet spot so all chars have something to do and nobody needs to just waste their time, while one specific char needs to wait as they need 10sp more than all the others, is what the ideal team accomplishes. I'm not very experienced with fire, so I can't help there. I'm sure there's a decent way. There is for ice, at the very least.

  195. 10 months ago

    Welp, looks like just about everything under the sun got leaked. No Ichigo or Karen, but a shitload of freebies, and most people are probably going to like the swimsuit styles this year.

    • 10 months ago

      Tama swimsuit SS4, Yuina swimsuit SS3, Yuki swimsuit (yesterday's shadow preview, probably the event S). 100 free pulls, an extra 5 10pulls and one GSS if you've at least done chapter 3, plus 6000 quartz. Also some UI redesigns plus more vague stuff like rebalancing. Not sure if I've missed anything because I'm going off of what others have been saying.

      • 10 months ago

        >Tsukasa and Karen not getting shit
        >Yuki swimsuit (yesterday's shadow preview, probably the event S).
        I knew that either Yukki or Megumin were going to get screwed like that. One warrior is down, I still hope they are not moronic enough to waste Megumin's swimsuit like that next year too.

  196. 10 months ago

    Unfortunately I wasn't there when the leak happened, but here are some random screenshots I found:
    Swimsuit banner.

    • 10 months ago

      Let's guess how will Tama top the current meta healers, or will she become an attacker?

  197. 10 months ago

    Event style(?)

  198. 10 months ago

    Another look at swimsuits

    • 10 months ago

      Am I blind or the colors are different from

      Event style(?)

      Unfortunately I wasn't there when the leak happened, but here are some random screenshots I found:
      Swimsuit banner.

  199. 10 months ago

    Photo mode or some shit

  200. 10 months ago

    New main screen(?)

    • 10 months ago

      It seems that the style you put on the main screen is supposed to become l2d and they will slowly roll out animations for every style.

    • 10 months ago

      I really hope this isn't the main screen. It looks way too messy. Also from past experience when the devs keep redesigning the main screen for no reason, it's a bad sign

      • 10 months ago

        It is, the JP version of this pic says ホーム画面リニューアル

        • 10 months ago

          Frick it looks so generic

          • 10 months ago

            There is a home button in the pic so I'm thinking they will let you customize the homescreen but still let you use the old one.

  201. 10 months ago

    Apparently this event will get the first 3d live performance instead of the usual l2d one. Event's name is
    It will focus on Yuina because she didn't get enough wank at this point.

    • 10 months ago

      Are we seriously getting robbed of a 30G event this way? Monanyan deserves way more than the tiny bits she's gotten so far.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't think so, last summer event being about Aoi and having Sumomo in it didn't affect Koju event at all. This one will most likely be similar.

  202. 10 months ago
  203. 10 months ago

    Ruka, Megumi and Tama are going to use officially licensed Fenders now, trying to bait fools into wasting money.

  204. 10 months ago

    >Clock tower got removed
    >main screen Ruka got replaced with a more generic menu
    I wonder if they changed their mind about what the meta main menu part of the plot was supposed to be.

    • 10 months ago

      Well it will be years before the story reaches that point.

      • 10 months ago

        >Well it will be years before the story reaches that point.
        I'm not so sure about it anymore. The spiritual world thing that Megumi mentioned in the preview of chapter 5 could be just that, and that's how they can introduce it into the story.

  205. 10 months ago

    It started

  206. 10 months ago

    So all the relevant stuff will be in the 2nd part, it seems.

    • 10 months ago

      I assume that means we're definitely not getting an additional new banner besides the swimsuit one? Gonna pass on the stream then.

  207. 10 months ago
  208. 10 months ago

    You can finally use 5 tickets per dungeon run, and the hoju dungeon encounter rate has apparently been halved. Thank frick.

    • 10 months ago

      Drop rate of the various gems from prism battles is also being increased. I’m glad I have a bunch of tickets saved up.

      Looking forward to the new live2D animations. Always felt weird that they appeared in trailers but didn’t appear ingame.

      • 10 months ago

        But that's literally the only mode to grind, everyone SWIMS in this absolutely useless shit.
        Given how if you'd do orb bosses, you only get to 14 fights per week (not enough), this is the go to mode to quickly get rid of life.

        I'd hope they finally add a new thing so you can grind skill guides, even if one takes 50 life. Something worth doing. Anything..

    • 10 months ago

      I frick up I use 50% of my tickets recently

  209. 10 months ago

    hehe ongeki is dumb fun for a rhythm game

  210. 10 months ago

    Yuina's animation is so boring

  211. 10 months ago

    >+SP skill locked to a specific element
    I'm not sure how to feel about it

  212. 10 months ago

    Why did they powercreep Hisame that quickly? We don't even have a good light aoe attacker yet

    • 10 months ago

      At this point, the devs really hate Light element

      • 10 months ago

        The next 31A element is light, so they should get some goodies soon. Expect Ruka and Megumi, I don't know if they will get a different element or the 2nd light styles.

  213. 10 months ago

    The update seems to be up on Android at least.

    • 10 months ago

      The new app icon looks kind of ugly on iOS

  214. 10 months ago

    I wonder how are they going to justify it in universe that Karen and Megumi are not wearing swimsuits, while 5/7 members do.

  215. 10 months ago

    It still baffles me how they can some drop broken stuff like YunYun on some random week for a literally who character, then the anni styles with the most popular character like just ok. I'm not complaining, it's just funny.

  216. 10 months ago

    Isn't light only +SP too dumb of an effect? Higuchi or Yunyun don't benefit from it. Hisame isn't actually light either. Tama herself doesn't get the effect. So you only boost like 2 characters in your party by it. Or have I misunderstood something?

    • 10 months ago

      but 11 SP for heal all and regen is good for survival

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not saying the skill itself is useless or anything, this specific part is just weird, I don't see who they designed this for. Maybe some future styles.

  217. 10 months ago

    Until they make it so you can change the bgm, most SS pictures aren't fitting to the atmospheric music. This one here probably is still the best fitting.

    • 10 months ago

      I really don't understand why they didn't allow you to do this with all styles and not just SSes. It's not like live2d is an argument here because hardly anyone has that right now, and there are a lot of S style images that are more fitting in that regard.

      • 10 months ago

        Same reason why they still don't allow you to choose the outfit of chars you use, while we now get a second never to be seen swimsuit.
        Likely marketing reasons. Homescreen SS are good advertisement, and if you use a different outfit, people might not understand what SS is actually used. Given how there are a ton of screenshots, videos and whatnot all around, providing free advertisement, it is a valid point.

        I wonder how long they can keep this up though. The voices have to get louder.

    • 10 months ago

      Personally, Kura's dark alt fits best.

  218. 10 months ago

    >no KatoEri in the diorama
    Add her style, cowards

  219. 10 months ago

    Good night rice princess

  220. 10 months ago

    new music:
    SI0076, SV0076, SB0154, SB0136_B, SB0083_F

    new expressions:
    Mion: Fatigue
    Ruka Swim2022: a cool hoodie or maybe a jacket
    Tama Swim2023
    Tsukasa Swim2022: Pose_04
    Yuina Swim2023
    Yuki Swim2023

  221. 10 months ago

    I just bought the lvl 80 booster, because apparently prisms now give money.. and if you can't get it, it's in your gift box.
    Now I can take 28m more money.. and have an item I can never use.

  222. 10 months ago

    Extreme amount of nice new (PR) art

    • 10 months ago

      I like it more than that old contest.

  223. 10 months ago

    180/200 came to 3 tama, finally 1 yuina, SS2 seira, a dupe SS inori, and a hell of a lot of rolls with 1-3 S's at most...oh and christmas wakki from the ticket at 100 rolls. Tempted to just finish the last 20 rolls, but meh. Really wanted it to be karen this year, so back to saving until next year I guess

  224. 10 months ago

    These new styles really suck ass. I was pretty sure ani styles wouldn't be great, but dang. No wonder they are trying to bait with additional goodies.
    Yuina needs 20 SP to ult, and still requires orbs to get set up by allies. If you want to get 2 dark enhance stacks, you need OD or finish the turn with an orb. Absolutely garbage.
    Tama is okay for light if you have Kanade, but I still think for most cases you'd prefer Muah or even Yanagi. It's a good heal, yeah. But.. that's about that.

    Rip. Whatever will be the next styles, it can only get better. In before those are actually good and this is just a massive bait..

    • 10 months ago

      I'm still trying to process Tama's light styles only SP recovery thing. It probably sounded really cool in their head, but then all of the meta buffers aren't light, light's only elem def down style isn't light, any blasters you normally want to use aren't light, any addition survivability/utility styles aren't light. Is it just purely a setup for people playing 31A-only lore friendly party when they all get light styles?

      • 10 months ago

        I’ll just think of it as a small bonus. 3 SP is only one or two turns worth. And maybe it’ll become more useful in future when there’s more light styles, or when there’s more orb skills for light styles to use their SP on.

        Finished the event. The impact was quite lessened by me forgetting the details for 30G. And the way the song was inserted was quite awkward.

    • 10 months ago

      What's the tierlist, the one on game8? is anything below tier 0 shit like
      said? since it was tier1 for Tama et t2 Yuina

      • 10 months ago

        No, gameplay autists aren't a good judge of how people actually play the game.

        • 10 months ago

          They're only a bad judge for two categories: people who use their favourites (who hardly need tier lists to begin with), and the nips themselves who are hopelessly bad at games like this.

      • 10 months ago

        That tier list is unfortunately wrong in so many ways, to the point I'd not be surprised if whoever maintains that doesn't play the game. For example, even all my love for Kozue can't make me consider her ss2 tier 1, and there are many many others that aren't in a low enough (or high enough) tier. A char that loses her entire meaning the moment fragile doesn't do anything and has counter intuitive elements (ice ultimate, elec def down) is most definitely not at the very top in any game.
        To me a tier list should provide information how useful a char is overall, and how good in those situations. Which ultimately boils down to how often would you use this char in case you had all chars available.

        Anyways. They forgot a normal hard difficulty. I checked hbr quest, and the normal fight isn't worth calling a fight, while hard is exactly the weekend boss, but you don't get a second team.
        I kinda wondered if hard would be that, and ended up correct, but dang. That's one heck of a SPIKE between the second highest and highest difficulty. Could've at least given a reward.
        I was still sweating a little when the boss does the scan in phase 2 for the first time. I gambled there hoping it's the weekend boss and as such a fake out. I won that gamble.

        • 10 months ago

          I actually can't understand why literally every single tierlister/youtuber/etc. rate the ult fragile characters and the normal fragile characters as the same thing, when the normal ones are so much more convenient to use, it's not even close. Like, you have Miya who can just spam fragile in any encounter ever, and then you have a character who needs an actual setup to apply it.

          • 10 months ago

            I consider them different concepts. On an ultimate I expect the char to deal damage, function as a breaker further pushing what comes after. Kozue can actually do that to an extend (Fragile is basically similar to a DP bonus damage, but also applies to later coming attacks), but I know not every char can. (Maki, no element and a Blaster..)

            When it comes down to it, breaking is an unthankful job in this game. If you can do it while setting up, that's ideal in my book. That is something for example Miya can't do with her fragiles. She is obviously better when you have your od3 and try to stack as much as possible, but in a more normal environment, a char like Kozue can still function very well. Just differently well. Mari ss2 allows this kind of stuff very easily (and works wonders with ice), as she can super buff 2 other chars, and Muah also works well like this. If you rely on Higuchi ss2 alone however, this concept is much harder to do.

            So, to put it in weekend boss terms: Kozue ss2 is a team 1 fragile char, Miya a team 2. (that gets often ignored nowadays but alas) Though like I said, Kozue ss2 is definitely no tier 1 style. She's good if you use her in the right situation with the right team. In fact, she's extremely good then. But at the same time she's absolutely replaceable. Though to be fair, this is largely because of how absurdly broken A-San is. Adelheit needs no fragile, as long as the DP is gone, she's fine and gonna one-shot. Because she exists, a lot of styles lose quite some edge.

      • 10 months ago

        Aside from a few standout characters and some bad ones, a tierlist doesn't matter much when almost every ability functions the same with just different elements and numbers. No fun gimmicks, just crit your way through every content.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know how you can make combat interesting in this game. The exponentially stat scaling makes it fundamentally broken, and anything that shuts down buff debuff crit teams will be obnoxious to play against since it necessarily turns into a puzzle boss that require specific comps. I have played a lot of turn based games and there has not been a single one where this type of stat scaling worked.

          I think that's fine. I am not touching this game for the gameplay anyways. I do like some of the minigames they put into various events though

          • 10 months ago

            >stat scaling
            They already nerfed this heavily. The times of defensive chips and subs are basically over. 4.2 has generally much higher borders than what you could deal with if they didn't. Of course, stuff like the orb bosses still exist the way they always were, aka stat checks. But the new level cap basically made that a non issue.

        • 10 months ago

          I actually have fun with some of the bosses.
          Like the X boss we had, with the unique gimmick and speedrun you were incentivized to do, or now the hard version of the final event fight. Sure, the general idea is always the same: Stack, and unleash. I don't think that's in itself an issue though. It's definitely exciting. Enemies are so oppressing if you stumble and attack too early, you dig your own grave.
          When I first fought Flathand in ch3 pre nerf, it was a long and extremely planned out battle I was barely able to win. Now it was faster, but a lot more dangerous. In part because of my playstyle being less careful now, with no pre planning and no od3 saving for phase 2, but also in part because of how brutal the attacks can be. In the end both, the very old first battle, and now the repeat were ending in a similar way. I would've failed if it didn't die right there. That's quite an accomplishment and made the event function better to me.

          Now the dungeons, trashmobs and generally easy fights a lot of the game is plagued by, that is pretty whatever, yeah. But "just critting" only carries you so far. Admittedly, most players never touched weekend bosses, will not do the hard fight in the event, and likely didn't get the dimension X fight either, or if they did, never thought about how to kill it within 7 turns.
          But you can do a whole damn lot in this game if you try to learn how to play it. It's ultimately the user-base that simply doesn't care. The game still throws bones to those that do care, even if it's only once in a while. I appreciate that. Though it's also the game that made people dislike the gameplay due to its dungeons. It also can't be denied that you need quite a lot of SS before the game's depth opens up.

  225. 10 months ago

    God, the half ani paid scam is actually not doing what they did before and cut out garbage styles. It's a full one.. which is just double scam. The amount of bad value is staggering.

    I was thinking about buying a package, but I'm not sure anymore. It's like they finally learned a little, just to throw it all away again.

  226. 10 months ago

    We are finally able to change the difficulty. I can fricking clear the main story now.

  227. 10 months ago

    >Every summer event will feature 31A with a guest from another team
    >Every summer event will feature a dead member
    >The next most popular/story relevant team after A, B, and G is C
    >Which means there's a high likelihood that someone from 31C dies in chapter 5 before next year's summer event
    Or the next summer event can just be Katoeri

    • 10 months ago

      >Or the next summer event can just be Katoeri
      It's the most obvious thing to do, especially since she doesn't have a swimsuit style yet. But maybe they would like to break out of this format next time and try something different so that it does not become too formulaic.

  228. 10 months ago

    Am I supposed to use debuffers?

    • 10 months ago

      depends on what character and what element your team is; debuff stacking is always a good idea

  229. 10 months ago

    Looking at the manufacturer's website, MeguTama figurines seem to be doing well enough.

  230. 10 months ago
  231. 10 months ago

    1.5 anni interview. There's a lot of interesting stuff in this one, here are some bits:
    Ch.4 was supposed to be a single chapter, they decided to split it up to make it flow better.
    They decide the main characters of events based on the style release schedule, not the other way around.
    Yuina swimsuit wasn't picked by Maeda, he doesn't force it like that.
    3D lives won't become the new norm, they will be only used for special occasions.

    • 10 months ago

      I immediately believe the ch4 thing, even just because that explains the feeling that I always had with it: It was very long for what little it actually did. Given the cliffhanger and generally new knowledge about their origin I was seriously surprised basically nothing progressed there and takes an entire main chapter break. Now it makes sense. It was never supposed to be an entire main chapter dedicated to nothing else but the obvious return of Megumi.

      Luckily for them people generally liked it. All the problems I however had with 4.2's story are explained like this, to the point, I wonder why I never considered this possibility. Personally speaking, I hope they don't do this again. But I'm glad I have an explanation for this weird feeling I had about this chapter.

  232. 10 months ago

    Doesn't this actually count as a 30G event, considering the ending character is Yuina and not Ruka? 31A being there doesn't matter, it's not the first event to do this.

  233. 10 months ago

    is it worth to use a flower to do past event which have the bonus clear but not medal x3? idk how often you get flowers so it might be not worth just for that

    • 10 months ago

      You get one every event so you'll never really run out

      • 10 months ago

        I honestly have no idea why this lock is ever a thing still.

  234. 10 months ago

    I don't know if it was mentioned, but they lowered a lot the encounter rate in the "Labyrinth of Growth". You can easily get from B46 to B20.

    • 10 months ago

      I only narrowly got to 22, but that was good enough for me. It still takes far too long to get there in the first place so I'm going to stick with 41-40-50 in the future.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, it used to take me all of my stamina to go from 46-50, now I can do it with about 30 stamina remaining. And sometimes I can go the entire stretch between the 48-50 bosses without a single mob

  235. 10 months ago

    Doesn't seem like they have anything special saved up for tomorrow's stream.

  236. 10 months ago

    There is a game updates roadmap in the new staff letter.
    Mid August
    1. Main screen styles are also going to get voiced(like every gacha but HBR does) They will slowly add them one by one, just as they promised with the l2ds.
    2. Changing the hardmode bosses schedule so that the easier ones appear more often than the harder ones.
    Early September
    New orb boss + skill.
    Late September
    New permanent "challenging" content. New materials obtained from this content will be used to strengthen older SS styles(fricking finally?)
    Early October
    An official launch of that game mode they tested recently.

    • 10 months ago

      Most of that sounds good. The real question is what that's all going to mean in practice, because for all we know, the new permanent "challenging" content could just be yet another dungeon.

    • 10 months ago

      >strengthen older SS styles
      The exact wording is "evolve skills", I wonder if that means functional or just numerical upgrades.

  237. 10 months ago

    ok cool but english when

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