
Does anyone here remember the good old days of pre-Big Bang Maplestory? Do you have good memories?

You now remember:
>J>PQ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
>are you israeli?
>those fkin expensive work gloves

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  1. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >he went mage
      The warrior city was way comfier

    • 2 months ago

      for me it's

    • 2 months ago

      my homie my homie


      • 2 months ago

        This specific BGM has taken on different forms for me over the years. These days, it just makes me long for those good old days.

      • 2 months ago

        Happily grinding for green and spike mushrooms for hours just for a stupid Pan Lid.

    • 2 months ago

      remember going to a sleepover to a friends house and we would play maplestory for hours before playing mariokart double dash until we went to sleep.
      During those 3 hours of maplestory I still remember showing off my lvl 32 character in ellinia one shotting all the slimes and my friends were so jealous

  2. 2 months ago

    Postbb is just superior and early postbb was peak kino.
    Only thing is that they need to revert the maps to prebb.

    • 2 months ago

      BB didn't ruin the game, it made it better.

      It actually made the game better in a lot of ways and brought a much needed fresh outlook to the game.

      One of the bad things it did do though was revamp the Victoria Island map. They streamlined and simplified everything. It was no longer a world to be explored, it became a series of linear, flat-platorm maps optimized for grinding and progressing. They also moved the travel station from Ellinia to the middle (where the dungeon entrance is), got rid of the boat and replaced it with either instant travel or these stupid planes you have to rent.

      Big Bang made the game objectively better.
      It was everything that came AFTER that ruined it.
      >Nexon claims it will no longer be pay-to-win
      >managerial paradigm shift shortly after
      >game becomes more and more pay-to-win with every patch

      Imagine right after bb (when Hero got Intrepid Slash) but with prebb maps.
      Soul overload. Hoping somewhat makes that in MSW.
      Personally I think like every class post Cygnus feel too different from the default classes so they shouldn't be included but battle mage can come.

      • 2 months ago

        What was wrong with Wild Hunter?

        • 2 months ago

          I said "different," not wrong.
          Bam is pretty close in gameplay with the explorers while Aran, Evan, DB, Wild Hunter and Mech all have their own unique systems that felt experimental for the time. Nothing wrong with this, but if we're going for the classic style I just think it's offputting to have like 15 classes who are pretty close in style then have like 2 or 3 who play completely different.

  3. 2 months ago

    I remember the first time I saw someone spawn a big ass monster on a screen that is usually completely safe. I immediately among the dead who were all chatting together.

  4. 2 months ago

    Everyone sucks fangblade's dick but all the real homies loved Curryishott

  5. 2 months ago

    Back in MapleStory's beta, I remember doing this shit for hours in Perion or Henesys or Kerning. I remember the autoclicker spam required to get into party quests. I remember how fricking long it took to grind. Being level 40 or 50 mean you were in the top 1%

    I didn't play very much when it went live, but I did get the name "Jesus", which I gave to an old in game friend, and I heard later that it was sold for $200, so you live and you learn I guess

    • 2 months ago

      I had fricking forgotten about Perion being the previous marketplace. It was so dead afterwards. Damn.

      On a different note, does anyone remember giant Balrogs invading cities and tearing shit up or is that a heavily distorted memory of mine?

      • 2 months ago

        either mystery bags that the asshats used to use or GM events

      • 2 months ago

        >On a different note, does anyone remember giant Balrogs invading cities and tearing shit up or is that a heavily distorted memory of mine?
        I remember that people used to hack them into Free Markets. I've seen a screenshot of it happening in a major city, so it absolutely did happen, but I never witnessed it. I was personally killed in a Free Market though, back when those were empty

        • 2 months ago

          I spawned a bunch of enemy bags in a regular town merchant building once. Perfectly legal

          • 2 months ago

            I'm talking about before there were publicly available items that let you do it

      • 2 months ago

        That was for traveling, and it was a thing.
        Some crimsom barlorgs randomly spawned when using the boats from ellinea to orbis.

    • 2 months ago

      Dude, I was the fricking clicking boss, even when everyone else was using autoclickers.

      I used to get angry whispers because I would get my party in 4+ times in a row.

      I remember one time I was running a train on KPQ, at least 5 times in a row. We were losing a guy, though, and I sent one of my party members out to grab someone. Turns out the guy he grabbed was actually in another party and was tricking us into coming out without a full party.

      I got right back in on the next run, and his entire party defamed me the next time we came out.

      It was a fricking blast.

    • 2 months ago

      My friend owns a league account that is named GioGio and someone offered him $200. Dude never took it what a fricking loser.

  6. 2 months ago

    Anyone remember the Maplestory Youtuber called Greencream? He actually went on to make his own game called Wuppo. Some fun trivia.

    • 2 months ago

      Oh wow. That name unlocked an entire area of my memory involving Maple animators and maple music videos.
      I hope Greencream is doing alright. Dude was chill

    • 2 months ago

      Loved his videos, but for me, it was Dray86.

  7. 2 months ago

    1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
    2. B>FAME
    3. are you israeli?
    4. Got track?
    5. cc plz
    6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
    7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
    8. Tiger and Suuushi
    9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
    10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
    11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
    12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
    13. Hidden-street
    14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
    15. Waiting for mushmom
    16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
    17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
    18. Autoclick hack
    19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
    20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
    21. Hype when Ludi came out
    22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
    23. Henesys hunting ground
    24. F3
    25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
    26. +15 speed with Red Whip
    27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
    28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
    29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
    30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200

    • 2 months ago

      >You have been playing Maplestory for 16 hour(s). We suggest you take a break from Mapling

      • 2 months ago

        Summer well spent.

  8. 2 months ago

    Real homiez remember when when the high level person was MildSoss

  9. 2 months ago

    maplestory was never good
    i still played the shit out of it back then just to talk to online friends

  10. 2 months ago

    You guys will absolutely love this:

    >The Complete History of MapleStory Global: From Beta to Big Bang
    I watched it and it was so nostalgic.

  11. 2 months ago

    >tfw going deep into the ant tunnel for the first time

    • 2 months ago

      I fricking remember this place, training with the yellow eyes, before it was way longer and took more time to go trough it because you didn't had the ability to flight trough the screen in seconds like you do now.
      Resting in the sauna, normal bathrobes were popular as frick so were the premium ones talking with other people, etc.
      Scared how big the place was, etc.

      Also the 100 floor towers when you had to go trough them instead paying 5k mesos to skip all the traveling, the path towards the mine from el nath was amazing, now is just linear climbing or use teleporters to teleporters, going deep and farming those fricking gold teeth, also the fricking zakum jump quest took me months.
      Glitching fishes in the top of the map, etc.

      Also the whole ludibrium clock tower was amazing.

      Everything pre-BB was really amazing to explore, they fricked up all the feelings the maps gave with BB. also removed most of the hidden streets and made them visible.

      • 2 months ago

        The game world was just that
        a world.

        You had all sorts of shit like the path from henesys to the dungeon with the jumps you had to make or fall into the golem pit of certain death for low hp classes.
        That and the game was not afraid to kill you ever.

        There was shit to find, places to go, and it didn't feel like copy pasted shit.

        Then they killed all of that.

        • 2 months ago

          >Grinding in Pig Beach
          >Just won a KS war
          >An iron hog shows up
          >Get the frick outta there, the map belongs to him now

      • 2 months ago

        I miss when everyone was wearing bathrobes on their top tier characters.

        >You'll never see a 50 LUK sauna robe again and imagine what godly powers it'd be able to grant you
        >Every single equip on a high level character will now have +6% LUK, +11% LUK, +45% damage against bosses, +8% LUK, per piece

      • 2 months ago

        I remember being a broke ass homie and going down Orbis Tower to Aqua Road to Ludi, then climbing up while chatting with other broke ass homies like me on the way.

        Later on I would escort newbies down the other tower to Omega Sector.

        Good times

      • 2 months ago

        The game world was just that
        a world.

        You had all sorts of shit like the path from henesys to the dungeon with the jumps you had to make or fall into the golem pit of certain death for low hp classes.
        That and the game was not afraid to kill you ever.

        There was shit to find, places to go, and it didn't feel like copy pasted shit.

        Then they killed all of that.

        I miss when everyone was wearing bathrobes on their top tier characters.

        >You'll never see a 50 LUK sauna robe again and imagine what godly powers it'd be able to grant you
        >Every single equip on a high level character will now have +6% LUK, +11% LUK, +45% damage against bosses, +8% LUK, per piece

        I remember being a broke ass homie and going down Orbis Tower to Aqua Road to Ludi, then climbing up while chatting with other broke ass homies like me on the way.

        Later on I would escort newbies down the other tower to Omega Sector.

        Good times

        Hey, I liked your posts, pretty rare to see genuine discussion on Ganker nowadays, and because of that I made a friend group and am inviting anons who are genuine to join.
        To any anons reading this, you're welcome as well!

        t. Never got to 3rd Job because I fricking sucked. Mechanic was my favorite

  12. 2 months ago

    I was level 53 pre bb. Warrior, grinding was slow and everyone would bully me with ranged attacks

  13. 2 months ago

    It was beautiful game.

  14. 2 months ago

    >Stand outside KPQ
    >B> 60% att scrolls for 100-200k from noobs
    >S> 60% att scrolls for 1m at FM

  15. 2 months ago

    it's over anon, let it go

  16. 2 months ago

    We knew it was bad then too, but it’s still hilarious that they made raids with only one instance PER SERVER. It took literally all afternoon for a chance to do one run

  17. 2 months ago

    What did bb ruin? I left before that

    • 2 months ago

      BB didn't ruin the game, it made it better.

    • 2 months ago

      It actually made the game better in a lot of ways and brought a much needed fresh outlook to the game.

      One of the bad things it did do though was revamp the Victoria Island map. They streamlined and simplified everything. It was no longer a world to be explored, it became a series of linear, flat-platorm maps optimized for grinding and progressing. They also moved the travel station from Ellinia to the middle (where the dungeon entrance is), got rid of the boat and replaced it with either instant travel or these stupid planes you have to rent.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, there aren't many maps off the beaten path. All of the areas in the game got significantly reduced to make travel time smaller.

        Crimsonwood Keep PQ was my favorite content they added to the game. My guild was one of the first to do runs and sell Marks of Naricain to the public. The PQ itself was fun and managing the bosses in the final stage was enjoyable.

        • 2 months ago

          Dude you're kidding me right?
          Half of the time I spent was me and my friend roleplaying in various offbeaten paths adventuring and finding the places in the game that looked cool.

          My friend and I would roleplay like we used to live in this swamp hut in kerning like we were orphans and shit, then go to the big city.
          God I did some stupid fricking stuff as a kid.

          • 2 months ago

            NTA but they streamlined the maps because 99.99999% of Maplestory players do NOT walk anywhere. They buy Hyper Teleport Stones since those can be picked up with reward points or meso which allows them to teleport anywhere they want.
            PIc related is how ALL maplestory maps look like now with their pathing. Notice the one main path with small branches sticking out. There is no more exploration.

    • 2 months ago

      Big Bang made the game objectively better.
      It was everything that came AFTER that ruined it.
      >Nexon claims it will no longer be pay-to-win
      >managerial paradigm shift shortly after
      >game becomes more and more pay-to-win with every patch

      • 2 months ago

        Changing the Victoria Island map sucked bro.

        • 2 months ago

          Nobody liked the platforming.
          And not a single boss pre big bang incorporated the movement/platforming. It was all a matter of "just have enough HP to tank bro", which prevented half the classes from ever taking on Horntail or Pink Bean without either overleveling or abusing exploits requiring real, actual cash, and a lot of it. The redesign was fine, you just hate it because it's different. It's objectively less tedious to get around, especially for lower mobility classes (before ever single class ended up getting flash jump).
          Fricking up the boats was a mistake, I'll give you that.

          • 2 months ago

            >Nobody liked the platforming.
            Speak for yourself spastic.

          • 2 months ago

            u mean osm?
            at least it had its moment

            • 2 months ago

              >u mean osm?
              no thanks shill

              >more shady pservers
              just let the game be

              • 2 months ago

                osm has been shut down for years, there's nothing to shill

        • 2 months ago

          >removed useless maps
          >made walking around and traveling faster
          >made game more enjoyable
          yeah, it sucked

          • 2 months ago

            More enjoyable for small-brained people like yourself, sure.
            People with bigger brains appreciated the scope and sense of adventure the old maps had. Exploring the Ant Tunnel dungeon actually felt like a journey into the deep.

            • 2 months ago

              >Exploring the Ant Tunnel dungeon actually felt like a journey into the deep.
              yeah, when you were 10 years old

    • 2 months ago

      >it's another preBB shill thread despite how flawed preBB was
      Reminder that Chaos was the peak maple experience with reasonably balanced classes and a good endgame.
      Reminder that the game didn't go to shit until Unleashed, which was such a dogshit patch that it nearly killed the game in Korea

      The only "bad" thing it did was revamp Victoria Island by removing a few maps that were only used as AFK spots by people who never left the island to explore other continents (i.e. henehoes)
      Everything else was an objective upgrade, outside of how busted the Resistance was for the first couple of patches.

  18. 2 months ago

    I liked exploring and finding hidden portals and of course passing the time grinding that 1% exp talking to randos. Maple could've been alot better if you did more than spam 1 button, but thats korean mmos for ya.
    I also miss PQs, but they made em useless now.

  19. 2 months ago

    when did you guys play this game?

    around 2005, 2006 for me.

    • 2 months ago

      I played legit 2005-2006 then I started playing Extalia around 2012(?). Then I started playing again when reboot came out until I got banned for FMA blaze wizard farming.

    • 2 months ago

      I played for the entire Beta and then maybe for a couple months on Scania full release. I played a couple MS private servers for like a week over the years just to check it out. Post big-bang is an objectively better game, but nothing will ever be as comfy and kino as early MMOs were

    • 2 months ago

      I started playing right after beta, made me sad because I wanted the beta bandanna

  20. 2 months ago

    I WANT TO GO BACK mmorpg culture was so much better when everybody didnt look up guides for everything and rushed to endgame

  21. 2 months ago

    I met my wife through MapleStory, so yes, I remember it every day.

  22. 2 months ago

    >rolling stats on the character creation
    >first time getting raped by the Balrog on the Orbis flight
    >hitting 30 for the first time
    >becoming a Fighter so everyone would want me for Rage (also crusaders are cool)
    I miss it so much

    • 2 months ago

      Check out my sick roll.

      • 2 months ago

        >dice rolls
        >sitting for hours trying to roll 4/4
        >get it
        >accidentally hit roll again

  23. 2 months ago

    I got to level 62-63 in pre-bb maplestory as an Bowman. At the end I was just logging in to talk to people, only a couple of my other friends had the patience to farm zombies in the snow area to get past 70

  24. 2 months ago

    The game that turned me into a racist as a child with the israeli beggars.

    • 2 months ago

      why were they so common in mardia?

      • 2 months ago

        I was on multiple servers, Scania/Broa/Bellocan/Windia/Mardia
        They were fricking everywhere man.

        • 2 months ago

          Remember when Scania was always full?

          • 2 months ago

            All other worlds other than scania are merged into 2 worlds.
            Scania is still the world with most population of the 3, should give you a idea how dead the game is.

    • 2 months ago

      I would have never guessed Tenma loved GrapleStory

      • 2 months ago

        Come to think of it I don't think any of the phase girls played the game during the pre BB kino era.

  25. 2 months ago

    Remember that feeling of being a low level mage in Ellinia?

    Remember training on the stumps and slimes with your fellow low-level magebros? Congratulating each other as you leveled up in your noob state?
    Remember getting Magic Claw for the first time? And feeling like you've just become a badass?
    Remember not leveling Improve Max MP on Level up enough in the early stages, realizing you fricked up but going oh well.
    Remember those feelings? All the magebro friends you had? All the PQs you joined along the way? Job advancing? Grendel the Really Old? The Slime Tree?

  26. 2 months ago

    NO, pre-bb servers are shit
    they will NEVER have the same feeling

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody mentioned anything about private servers until you showed up, my moronic friend.

      • 2 months ago

        Just making sure that didnt happen

  27. 2 months ago

    I remember making a lot of friends online in Broa and making a lot of "henehoe" friends. Those were fun times.
    Middle school was almost ten years ago... frick.

    • 2 months ago

      I genuinely forgot about the existence of this word until now
      Jimmy Neutron tier brain blast right now, holy shit

    • 2 months ago

      I genuinely forgot about the existence of this word until now
      Jimmy Neutron tier brain blast right now, holy shit

      i wonder if this was just a broa term

  28. 2 months ago

    I befriended an older Scandinavian chick that I added on MSN through Maplestory. We would talk about random shit. We even cammed once. was that grooming?

  29. 2 months ago

    this game was such bullshit, the amount you needed to claw and grind just to get anything
    it was awful
    but i kinda find myself missing it, now that every game is a short romp through the story to endgame where you look up a guide and join some group

    isn't it ironic how MMOs as a genre suffered the most from the prevalence of the internet and the ensuing availability of information? Mysterious tricks and esoteric game design gets datamined and posted on twitter 24 hours after a patch so nobody really bothers anymore

  30. 2 months ago

    Nothing like minding your own business and suddenly getting disconnected.

  31. 2 months ago

    What I miss most would be the boat

    That shit was possibly the best addition to any mmo I've ever seen.

    That shit built a community.

    • 2 months ago

      a forced period where players couldn't do anything but socialize or chill out for 10 minutes
      all players from newbies to veterans
      modern MMORPGs are sorely missing it

  32. 2 months ago

    S>TRACK 5k @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.

  33. 2 months ago

    the original v-bucks

    • 2 months ago

      >tfw biking an hour round trip for a bit of this shit caused me to change from a fatfrick child to a relatively healthy weight
      Thanks nexon

  34. 2 months ago

    I tried playing Maple again when Demon slayer dude came out.
    Holy shit that was some broken shit. What even happened to the class system? They want full moronic with all those named hero classes and shit.
    Also the map design is shit now in the name of streamlining, the shit killing MMOs.
    Also they removed HHG1, and that us a fricking criminal offense.
    Aran is pretty fun though I'll admit, his combo mechanic should be how all melee classes work.

    • 2 months ago

      HHG1 was like the heart and soul of the game
      that stupid b***h maya's house would be the ass of the game

      There was just something special about seeing higher levelled characters showing off/chilling there and seeing what you could be when you were a newbie

      and going there to flaunt your dick when you reached a high level.

  35. 2 months ago

    You guys gonna make a /mswg/ on /vg/ once Maplestory Worlds global drops later this year? I'm sure there are people working on a prebb server already.

    • 2 months ago

      >more shady pservers
      just let the game be

      • 2 months ago

        You're a fricking idiot.

        • 2 months ago

          to be fair it IS run by Nexon so "shady" still applies

        • 2 months ago

          The only idiots are the ones that still fall for the constant pump and dump pservers that miraculously pop up and vanish every few months.

          • 2 months ago


            I know you're still hung up over your furgay porn history being stolen 5 years ago, but stop shitting up this thread with your crying. Maplestory Worlds is official.

            • 2 months ago


              Is Worlds the one working on a pre-bb server?

          • 2 months ago

            >more shady pservers
            just let the game be

            >anon decides to play a maplestory private server
            >instead of playing one of the well-known, popular private servers like legends or royals, he decides to play one of the dime a dozen sub-100 population private servers because um... it's like oldschool runescape but they're applying it to maplestory!
            >surprised to learn this unknown, dodgy server logged his activity
            >spends the next 7 years seething in every single maplestory thread about private servers, desperately insisting all private servers are evil
            >is still an embarrassing loser

      • 2 months ago

        I know you're still hung up over your furgay porn history being stolen 5 years ago, but stop shitting up this thread with your crying. Maplestory Worlds is official.

        • 2 months ago

          Is Worlds the one working on a pre-bb server?

          • 2 months ago

            Maplestory roblox
            Obviously people took the chance and made prebb servers with it, although a bit jank in terms of UI and updates.
            You can still play the Korean one with a vpn, but I think most are blocked because you need to verify now. When I played it the gameplay itself was pretty close.
            Also iirc the prebb servers are now even more popular than the retail Maplestory in Korea which I thought was funny.

  36. 2 months ago

    this was literally a different universe that the LHC took away

  37. 2 months ago

    >no one heres plays mabinogi

    • 2 months ago

      I want to get back in to it. But being cute in that game costs a lot of money. Not a fan of it. Plus the rampant gacha loot boxes and actively making the game more tedious so players are forced to spend money on QoL.

      • 2 months ago

        >no one heres plays mabinogi

        Nexon rescued mabinogi out the market crash after hackers ruined it IIRC, but like always it was too late.

        Im still angry how they killed combat arms too.
        >Lets remove all the ways to become p2w
        >Lets give the players permanent weapons for free and the ability to get every paid weapon for ingame currency for any duration they want!
        They removed everything, every single way that a penny affected your gameplay, and ofcourse people who spent $1000 every week on the game got pissed as frick because all they paid for years was worth nothing now and quit, game literally died and closed in months because they forgot that they had to make money somehow.

        • 2 months ago

          That sucks

          The game really got as close as I've ever seen to being that mmo that sucks you in and feels like a world.
          The combat was unique and attacks had weight to them
          and you could do so much different shit

          I still remember shortly after it released, doing ciar dungeon runs and having everyone sit down around a fire infront of the boss door while people chatted, shared food, played shit on musical instruments, bandaged each other, and just talked.

          That was all I ever wanted from an mmo.

          Then once ready we would go in and get murdered horribly by a golem and some skeletons.

    • 2 months ago

      I want to get back in to it. But being cute in that game costs a lot of money. Not a fan of it. Plus the rampant gacha loot boxes and actively making the game more tedious so players are forced to spend money on QoL.

      Call me casual but I found Mabinogi way too complex.

      • 2 months ago

        It has a learning curve, that's for sure. But once you learn it it gets pretty fun. The combat was so unique at the time.

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't played it in years but frick me if it isn't my ideal mmo.

      If only it didn't suffer from nexon na it would be perfect.

      You're free to do whatever you want in any way, magic was fricking amazing, you could play as your pets, campfires, instruments, completely open pvp with just a toggle

      It was just every good idea rolled into one.

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't Vindictis related to Mabinogi? That means any of the coomer discussion Ganker recently had is by default an extension of Mabinogi discussion

  38. 2 months ago

    I miss when seeing a high-level person walking around was actually an event. This one dude on Broa (ALEX I think?) was close to or past 100, and literally had a crowd of other players following him around whenever he popped into a city

  39. 2 months ago

    >you now remember reaching lvl 70 for the very first time

    • 2 months ago

      HHG1 was like the heart and soul of the game
      that stupid b***h maya's house would be the ass of the game

      There was just something special about seeing higher levelled characters showing off/chilling there and seeing what you could be when you were a newbie

      and going there to flaunt your dick when you reached a high level.

      I got to level 77 on my crusader and played for almost a year after never leveling even once because I spent most of my time chilling with my crew at the schoolyard, finding trouble never lookin too hard at HHG1 in my big comfy blue chair.

    • 2 months ago

      I remember reaching lvl 120 with my cleric after literally a month of getting out of school and starting to grind till i feel sleep.

      When i got it all i did was spam genesis on training grounds 1.

    • 2 months ago

      >You now remember killing cbalrog with your unfunded cbandit way way earlier than most people did way back.

  40. 2 months ago


  41. 2 months ago

    watch for: scammed, runescape, immense deflection

    • 2 months ago

      fricking nailed it

      >anon decides to play a maplestory private server
      >instead of playing one of the well-known, popular private servers like legends or royals, he decides to play one of the dime a dozen sub-100 population private servers because um... it's like oldschool runescape but they're applying it to maplestory!
      >surprised to learn this unknown, dodgy server logged his activity
      >spends the next 7 years seething in every single maplestory thread about private servers, desperately insisting all private servers are evil
      >is still an embarrassing loser

  42. 2 months ago

    there was a guy named stereo on IRC who took a dick pic for steelies
    he didnt get the steelies i think but we all saw his red pubes

  43. 2 months ago

    >be priest
    >good at the kerning jump quest to reach the wraiths
    >would grind for hours in there
    >get a lot of red whip drops
    >just gave them away to friends and in ch1 kpq area
    good times

  44. 2 months ago

    I wonder, does anyone have the blue israeliteel mouse cursor? Before the hand cursor.

  45. 2 months ago

    Mechanic was one of the coolest job ever.
    Until Nexon fricked it up.

    • 2 months ago

      I really loved the idea of riding a robot. It was so cool. It was busted as frick when it first came out then they gutted it so hard.

    • 2 months ago

      It's ugly and no one played it

      • 2 months ago

        Nah, it might have looked jank but there was nothing like setting up a field of lazers and then using your teleporter to move to the other side of the map and frick shit up while your field fricked shit up

  46. 2 months ago

    >getting stuck in Orbis as a low level player
    >reaching jr balrog with a group of your friends
    >hiding from the balrog that attack the ship
    >the fricking monster invasion event with maladies just flying in town
    >zakum boss announced
    >community has a schedule for it since you can only do it on 2 channels
    >4th job announced
    >ludi update with new pap boss
    >finally being able to kill balrog and have people look up to you
    >selling big foot leech and the f/p exploit it had

    frick, take me back

    • 2 months ago

      we can never get it back anon

  47. 2 months ago

    Loved the game to bits, even had a cute virtual gf on it. Used to grind all day in henesys with her.

  48. 2 months ago

    We just need Nexon to die, so the private server scene takes over. The assets are out there, so the game will never die.

    • 2 months ago

      You're going to be waiting until you're dead. Maplestory is huge in Korea, they never stopped playing it.

      Even GMS is still big (although it used to be a lot bigger), mainly Reboot.

      • 2 months ago

        It will dry up eventually. The game is a walking corpse in its current state

        • 2 months ago

          >dry up
          Last summer was the biggest point ever for Maplestory in Korea. It's just that it immediately got hit with trucks and trucks of scandals and is dying now.

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              theres a lot of scandals involving maplestory and explaining them all would take a lot of time
              the most recent one was about the upgrading gacha system. it gives favorable odds to those that don't spend a lot of money so it entices them to spend more since they 'got lucky'. whereas the whales had their rates dropped so they would spend more since they already spend a lot of money trying to get the outcome they want
              they had a name for it and nexon patented it. they got fined a lot of money

            • 2 months ago

              you know the feminist tiny pp hand sign thing? it began in MS
              Right after thag it was revealed that Nexon was manipulating rank up rates on cubes. It was originally 1.8% on release, then was lowered 1.4%, then previous KMS director/current GMS director lowered it to 1%. They did all these secretely and no one knew because the rates were only disclosed after a major scandal that happened recently. After disclosing the rate as 1% the same director then said he will increase the rate to to 1.2% then eventually to 1.4% which people cheered for because they didn't know anything

        • 2 months ago

          No it won't, scrub.

          • 2 months ago

            >Sunk cost loser

            Time to take a bath.

            • 2 months ago

              I haven't played Maplestory for over 7 years, idiot.
              I am simply telling you it is an objective fact it's still wildly popular in Korea, and Reboot in global is still far more popular than you will ever realize.

              • 2 months ago

                i wish i could play it on deck
                frick anti-cheat

    • 2 months ago

      aeon was so fricking bad

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, yes it was.

        • 2 months ago

          i told everyone but they shunned me for it. well look who's laughing now.gif

  49. 2 months ago

    I like how you could play and still never talk to anyone if you want. Was great social interaction for introverts

    • 2 months ago

      But that's a lot of MMOs. In fact, one of the biggest complaints about modern ones is that they don't encourage enough social interaction via the gameplay. People just log in to do daily quests, rush the latest content, and then dip out.

      • 2 months ago

        People are so jaded, cynical, and politically charged that frankly I don't WANT to interact with the losers of today's society. People only ever want to talk about politics, work, and "Boohoo my life sucks" nowadays. Frick off. Let me play my game in peace.

        • 2 months ago

          This. Also i literally don't get anything from interacting with players. I just want to play the game and get some progression in the time that i'm playing

          • 2 months ago

            I feel you and the other anon, but at this point, why even bother playing MMOs? Surely there are other better single-player games you could be playing.
            For me, playing Maplestory without a party was leagues above the single-player experience.

            • 2 months ago

              Now you understand why MMORPGs are dead. Why play them when you can play a much better single-player game?

  50. 2 months ago

    Is Maplestory the game that changed the most over the years? I don't think wow doesn't even come close to how different the game is now.
    Even the genre morphed from an mmo to an arpg.

  51. 2 months ago

    i played the shit out of this game when i was 13
    i still remember the first guild i joined after getting randomly invited in kerning. i was so attached to it that i didnt leave it until half a year after literally everyone but me went inactive
    my best bro in the guild was this aran dude who i would grind exp with all day, his last words to me was about how much he enjoyed pokemon heartgold

    • 2 months ago

      I remember the first guild I joined.
      I was still a level 30-something loner in the game. Some high levels were making a guild in Orbis but needed one more member to make it and I happened to be wandering Orbis at the time. They asked me to join and I did.
      I remember the guild leader was called SwiftTachi and he typed like a moron. I was still an impressionable noob moron though and it felt really cool being in a guild with all these high levels.
      Then one day, this guild leader SwiftTachi tells me to come to the free market and asks me to give him 1.5m as guild taxes. Not only that but he asks that I drop it in 50k bags to avoid the trade tax. I actually fricking did it because I was moronic and thought this was normal for guilds for some reason. Literally one of the stupidest things I have ever done in my life.

      • 2 months ago

        holy yikes

      • 2 months ago

        and here's my old character.
        This guy goes all the way back to 2007. *cracks open a monster*. Yep, those were the days. Watch a few episodes of Naruto on youtube in shit quality split across 3 parts, then 7-8 hours in Maplestory trying to get into Ludi PQs on Bera.

        • 2 months ago

          I forgot my IGN for my character in Scania. It even had the beta bandana.
          Rien02 was my character in Broa then switched to Khaini as Nitchii. I lost the characters since the name was deleted and replaced with numbers. The account was hacked too.

          • 2 months ago

            >It even had the beta bandana.
            tfw still got mark of beta on some completely forgotten account
            i always wonder how much this shit would sell for today.

        • 2 months ago

          And this was my IRL friend Jeremy, who first got me into Maplestory in 2005. He was a tall skinny white kid who liked gangsta rap like 93 til and Drop it like it's hot. I think that's why he made a black character. I don't remember him ever getting past level 30 so I guess he must've started playing the game again at some point. There were no Maple Weapons in 2005, that's for sure.

        • 2 months ago

          giving me xXxsasuke420xxX flashbacks

  52. 2 months ago
  53. 2 months ago

    >walking around one day
    >some dude in Sleepywood has one of those makeshift signs using omoki or whatever
    >text says "B > DAME 15k"
    >misread it as if the dude was buying a defame instead of a fame
    >defame him and whisper him asking for my money
    >he comes back and sees I defamed him, gets super ultra angry
    >try to explain my mistake, he is having none of it
    >starts hutning me down and defaming with multiple accounts
    >can't run away because he just uses /find on me
    >he finally gives up

    Overall was like -5 fame on my character and I was just a random noob so no big deal, but I remember being hella scared lol.

  54. 2 months ago

    All I remember is grinding for the Bishop job change and then losing all motivation to keep playing once I got it.

  55. 2 months ago

    133 221 333 123 111

  56. 2 months ago

    >Making a male Warrior
    I literally only made female warriors because of this armor.
    Males didnt get speed increase armor and this with the boots and a red whip I could get around sofricking fast.

  57. 2 months ago

    nu-maple is good

  58. 2 months ago

    Tfw i started playing before you had to have a pin to log in version 0.06 or something like that
    Tfw grinding slimes in that tree near ellinia ksing everyone.
    Tfw i never got above lvl 35
    Tfw you get an atk scroll from kpq and suddenly youre rich

    I will never get to experience that again frick

  59. 2 months ago

    Love this game some cool memories longing to go to the temple of time. It’s so easy to get there now…

  60. 2 months ago

    For me it was trying to download the installer while tapping into my neighbour's wifi
    >download complete
    >installation is corrupted

  61. 2 months ago

    For me it was.
    >Be archer
    >Can hit and kill the iron pig at pig beach
    Frick yeah.
    I also figured out how to jump shoot. You have to shoot and jump at the same time as an archer and it acts as if you shot from the ground but you keep moving forward.
    Get fricked, sins.

    • 2 months ago

      I remember that using AltGr allowed you do jump shoots easily.

  62. 2 months ago

    i fricking loathe maplestory and i played starting 2006

  63. 2 months ago

    Played in beta then was a Scania Spearman, got to 108 before BB. Led a guild for several years.
    Tried Reboot and got a 253 Blaster with an 8k grid thing.
    It was good times, tons of good memories were made. So many fricking stories heh
    I met curryishott randomly through friend groups and it was pretty cool getting to reminisce about the old days with him.

  64. 2 months ago

    *uses for the first time*

    • 2 months ago

      >accidentally overwrote it with rage

  65. 2 months ago

    No because I joined right after Big Bang. Still the nostalgia era though.

  66. 2 months ago

    >Forgot everything related to my old nexon account
    >Will never be able to play MS/Mabinogi again

    Isn't there a new Maplestory that's Korea only? A 3D one I think.

    Is any chance of a localisation/translation NEVER EVER?

    • 2 months ago

      I wish someone would make a game like this again, you'd think with how simple the original maplestory was it would be easy to make a spiritual successor.

      You mean maplestory 2? It already came out in english and then shut down.

      • 2 months ago

        >You mean maplestory 2? It already came out in english and then shut down.
        Is the skin customisation still there?

    • 2 months ago

      There was, and Nexon deemed it a flop because even thought it made profit (citation needed, just shit i was told), it didn't profit as hard as og MS. It is considered a failure. Not sure if KR version of it is still alive.

    • 2 months ago

      There was, and Nexon deemed it a flop because even thought it made profit (citation needed, just shit i was told), it didn't profit as hard as og MS. It is considered a failure. Not sure if KR version of it is still alive.

      It was fun, but it only had content for like 2 weeks and then there was nothing to do. Nothing new was released and it just shut down.

  67. 2 months ago

    2012 character from when Kaiser came out.

    I remember being extremely nostalgic for old Maplestory at this time, and desperately yearning to play Guild PQ, which had long since been removed from the game.
    ...and this was all 12 fricking years ago. Jesus christ.

  68. 2 months ago

    Maple had such a broken fricking economy.
    The Meso was worth jack shit. Gatchapon made shit so bad, but when they legit sold Mesos on the cash shop that broke fricking everything.
    Maple didnt even have an item that could act as a substitute currency like PSO with Photon Drops.
    Why dont MMOs do shit like PDs on purpose? It worked so fricking well. Literally everyone has the same chance of finding them regardless of level, they drop one at a time so even one drop has value, and they have a in game use people want that consumes them keeping the number of them on the market down. It was unintentional brilliance

  69. 2 months ago

    Prebb is such a shit game from a gameplay and balance perspective. If nexon weren't greedy morons they could exploit the market for nostalgia by remaking old maple

    They could just:
    >Make money with cosmetics
    >Leave everything gameplay related not P2W

    • 2 months ago

      It's not just nostalgia. Sometimes simplicity in general is just more appealing.
      Modern Maplestory has too much shit, and a lot of it has been made obsolete by powercreep anyway. Too many classes, all with the same linear progression, and they all feel samey. Back in the old days, being a warrior or a mage actually meant something.

      • 2 months ago

        >It's not just nostalgia. Sometimes simplicity in general is just more appealing.

        It's both

        • 2 months ago

          Ok? I was simply extrapolating to say it wasn't just nostalgia.

    • 2 months ago

      you don't need balance to have a good game

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, you do need some semblance of balance. Prebb isn't balanced, nor fun.

  70. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      still one of my favorite videos on the internet

  71. 2 months ago

    >played a thief (throwing stars) pre-bb
    >played a pirate (fists) post-bb
    >played a mechanic when it came out
    >played Angelic Buster when she came out
    >played Zero when it came out
    And I'm soon to try playing again to check out the new 6th job content
    I still remember how big a deal perm pets were when they first started selling them rarely, I even still have my husky from back then

    • 2 months ago

      there's now pets with item vac, which having one is practically mandatory if you want to farm moronic amounts of meso while grinding
      in reality you can get by just on boss crystals and maple tour for meso and just save while using normal pets just fine

      • 2 months ago

        That figures, I sorta recall them changing the items that pets needed into skills they had, it's been a few years since I've last logged in, I think back in 2018 or 2019 or so.

        • 2 months ago

          i guess the bonus with vac pets is you dont need to buy skills for them
          fricking expensive though, again not worth it unless you're serious about grinding meso
          5th job really does make things more interesting, i havent played recently but i can only imagine 6th would be the same

    • 2 months ago

      I've been wanting to get more perm pets as I have a Kino perm from an old event. Would be fun to get a perm Snail pet and perm Microslime.

  72. 2 months ago

    Did anyone else love doing jump quests? I fricking love them I don't know why. The newer ones are ridiculous compared to the older kerning/ellinia/sleepywood/zak ones.

    • 2 months ago

      Those fricking ninja stars had hitboxes bigger than fricking saturnholy shit.
      Based as frick guild master logged ito my account, did all the jump quests and leveled me up while I was busy once, shit was so cash.

      • 2 months ago

        The first few jump quests were really fun, things like Shumi's Lost Coin and the first Sleepywood JQ
        Then you get to later JQs like Ninja Castle and it's just fricking awful because it comes down to knowing exactly how to utilize hit knockback and i-frames and even then it still feels random because the client is so fricking janky
        Zakum was pretty piss easy though, sure the first time you do it it's gonna make you rage but eventually you realize ZJQ is one of the easier ones, and you only needed to do it once

        • 2 months ago

          >ninja castle jq
          homie that shit takes like a minute and you can get through it without taking damage, just that the iframes and such let you cheese it

    • 2 months ago

      I loved them but hated them too. They were fun to do but some of them had really bullshit sections.

    • 2 months ago

      Some of them were surprisingly relaxing when they weren't stupidly frustrating. Sometimes I'd go back and redo a few of them for kicks.

    • 2 months ago

      >shitty internet
      >get near the top
      >internet lags out for a second mid jump
      >fall to the bottom

      The one with the electric grid was hell for me.

  73. 2 months ago

    Was this the biggest massacre in the history of MMOs?

    • 2 months ago

      >don't hit it
      That's what I would say before using stealth

    • 2 months ago

      >I suck at Omok
      > <--- Both of them suck at Omok
      >holy fcuk
      >GO MAGE!
      >so fcken laggy
      >I'm taking a pic of this
      >HOLY SHET!!
      >dont hit it
      >imma take a picture
      >I took a pic
      >LORITH HAS ILBIS!!!!!!!!
      >who summoned?
      take me back...

      • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        HAS ILBIS!!!!!!!!
        I feel this guy so much. All I ever wanted back then was some Ilbis. Hell I would have settled for some steelies.

    • 2 months ago

      >I suck at Omok
      > <--- Both of them suck at Omok
      >holy fcuk
      >GO MAGE!
      >so fcken laggy
      >I'm taking a pic of this
      >HOLY SHET!!
      >dont hit it
      >imma take a picture
      >I took a pic
      >LORITH HAS ILBIS!!!!!!!!
      >who summoned?
      take me back...

      >people in the PQ area cheering "go mage!" because he's the only one who is a high enough level to hit it
      This is what made the old community so beautiful.
      Why can't thinks be like this anymore?

  74. 2 months ago

    >Do kerning pq
    >Kill all the slimes that spawn after the boss dies
    >Everyone rages because they think killing them will make the pq give worse rewards

  75. 2 months ago

    I miss ExtaliaMS bros... My 200 DB was wrecking everything.

  76. 2 months ago

    >login after over a decade
    >permanently banned the next day

  77. 2 months ago

    ToT. Always makes me nostalgic as frick.

  78. 2 months ago

    If you were to guess, what percent of global Maplestory was Asian Americans?

    • 2 months ago

      in 2007? it was at least 50%

  79. 2 months ago

    Am I the only one that pretended to be a girl to get all the good loot when the guild did zakum?

    • 2 months ago

      i have also catfished for free stuff
      got me a lot of archer gear

  80. 2 months ago

    I had a maple gf when i was 13 and she was 20. She even showed me pics with her writing my ign down on a piece of paper. That was back in like 2005

    • 2 months ago

      same, i had an older maple gf. wonder why it's common

  81. 2 months ago

    >tfw Wonderking was better in every way and it fricking died for no reason
    Probably assassinated by Nexon, nothing good in this world can ever happen

  82. 2 months ago

    People would get so fanny flustered if you didn't change channel. It was pretty funny.

    • 2 months ago

      >finally became dragon knight
      >go brag at level 60 grind spot
      >mass defame
      Those days were great

    • 2 months ago

      people still get ass ravaged over it
      they will try to bully you out, or you try to bully them out, and most of the time their patience will run out since they aren't grind in optimal conditions, wasting their precious buffs they saved
      and all they can do is defame you as if that does anything

    • 2 months ago

      What's funny is that the newest maps are all instanced, so you'll have multiple people optimally grinding on the same map now since they all have their own monsters.

    • 2 months ago

      >get a KSer in the map I was in for a while
      >know he is going to KS me
      >buff up, buff potions, contact a guildie saying "KSer here, come get em"
      >start jumping and flash jumping everywhere
      >hit all the mobs he was going to hit
      >he fricks off
      >guildie comes
      >"he gone lol"

  83. 2 months ago

    >like four classes are immune to knockback
    >every class starting with Pirate has a bunch of high jump or long jump techs
    The only time falling matters these days is in places where move techs are disabled.

  84. 2 months ago

    When I was a kid I played this game a bunch but never got past Victoria Island because I was moronic. Then I tried playing it again with a couple friends via Mapleroyals last year and was really excited to get to Orbis and beyond. Imagine my disappointment.

  85. 2 months ago

    That one homosexual who'd get his priest in the channel to KS you if you didn't CC
    That one homosexual was me.

  86. 2 months ago

    >briefly afk in town (i.e. safe area)
    >some gay summons monsters
    >die and lose exp
    why the frick was that even a feature

  87. 2 months ago

    Maplestory is way better now than it was back then.
    The problem with "modern Maplestory" is simple: Legacy quests and content confuse new players.
    EVERYTHING that those crying for a "Classic Maplestory" server want is actually available later in the game (think level 235+). This is because the content focus has been shifting farther and farther, resulting in reaching level 200 becoming easier and easier JUST to get people to the content being focused.
    The only valid complaint is the flashiness of skills. Modern jobs are definitely unique, but it's just far too much going on.

    • 2 months ago

      the grind really hurts
      and if you're on reboot, the mid game will get many players dogstuck and frustrated unless you somehow get someone to carry you
      legion grinding is also an abstract kind of hell
      i myself have been struggling to get past easy lucid for months now, likely because my gear isn't starforced high enough so stats are low, but i don't have good luck with enhancements or cube rerolling

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          What the FRICK

        • 2 months ago

          fricking madness
          jesus fricking christ

        • 2 months ago

          Playing MS is a waste of life.
          It's pathetic.
          What satisfaction is there?
          At least with regular video games, you can reach the ending.
          With hobbies, you can learn something and create something.
          I thank myself for being able to free myself a long time ago from playing this anymore than I had.

        • 2 months ago

          What the FRICK

          fricking madness
          jesus fricking christ

          Playing MS is a waste of life.
          It's pathetic.
          What satisfaction is there?
          At least with regular video games, you can reach the ending.
          With hobbies, you can learn something and create something.
          I thank myself for being able to free myself a long time ago from playing this anymore than I had.

          >Niru is the highest leveled player across all servers currently at level 295 10%+. This guy plays the game literally nonstop, on stream taking close to 0 breaks, he sleeps in the chair he plays in, uses a horn to keep himself awake, and averts his eyes from the screen to not sear the game into his literal retinas. You can see within minutes the sleep deprivation he is enduring, not to mention the psychological damage he is getting. Please take care of yourself Niru.

          • 2 months ago

            Damn, so it's gonna take him like 2+ years to get to 300?
            That is fricked.

            • 2 months ago

              That video was 2 years ago.
              He reached level 299 in January this year. He has one more to go.

              • 2 months ago

                someone did the math and he's like a month or two away from 300 iirc

                The madman himself.

                Is using macros bannable?
                Of course when he is not streaming, cause it just looks like mindless key spam.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                he's unironically streaming most of his grinding so that nexon doesn't go schizo mode and ban his ass like they have for several other people

              • 2 months ago

                Nexon unironically, without exaggeration, HATES the fact that Niru is so close to reaching level 300.
                Back when Maplestory attempted to monetize critical systems last year, Niru posted his opinion on how fricked up things were to which Nexon (Wonky) directly responded by calling him a drama-seeking nobody.

            • 2 months ago

              someone did the math and he's like a month or two away from 300 iirc

        • 2 months ago

          What the FRICK

          fricking madness
          jesus fricking christ

          It's worse in KMS.
          According to estimates in Korean Maplestory, it will take roughly 9.5 years of non-stop continuous grinding to go from level 275 to 300.

        • 2 months ago

          Holy fricking shit.
          How do people sit and farm for 8 hours straight without getting bored?

          • 2 months ago

            i used to sit and grind in maple for 2 to 4 hours randomly. it was honestly the best part of this game for me. everything else was terrible: bossing, weeklies, dailies, timegates, geargates, starforcing, flames, FOMO, vacpets-- all horrible and will proceed to be horrible until EOS. nexon are the masters of one step forward and three steps back.

      • 2 months ago

        Jesus christ there a 300 now. I remember when like 250 was the cap and I peaked at 220 and that was fricking terrible. I started in like 2008 too. Legion farming is fricking awful, but really helpful. I wish they made gear progression smoother frick CRA, the most gimmicky bullshit bosses that are m mandatory for decent gear

      • 2 months ago

        I started then stopped playing Reboot after a few months in 2018 in the Gankervg/ guild Page10(now called Archived I think).
        Got to around level 221 but then it hit me that this game was literally designed to trap you into logging in every day to complete your dailies and everything, and make it feel like you wasted a day if you didn't. If you ever wanted to take a break for a few days, you couldn't, because that's delaying the completion of your absolab set for a few more days. At some point you just gotta clear your mind, realize it's all pointless and break free from the mind control spell.

      • 2 months ago

        If you're not 260 that would make clearing the stat requirement for elucid much lower since 6th job is such a huge damage boost. Up to the point where I'm at, the biggest hurdles were elucid followed by nlucid, then hlomien, hlucid, and now I'm stuck at hdarknell.

        • 2 months ago

          Only 251 if I recall.
          So I'd need 9 more levels. Would have to get a few grind sessions in then. If I ever get back to playing this game again, god forbid.

    • 2 months ago

      10 reward points have been added to your wallet

  88. 2 months ago

    Ok but seriously how the frick were you supposed to level up quickly back in the day? I think I capped out at 56 before I threw in the towel and thats when I was 15 and had all the time in the world. But some people dinged to level 120 in 3ish months

    I was not only always behind the curve but broke as shit ontop of that. Was the game just really gear reliant?

    • 2 months ago

      Pros would leech their own characters using their bishop on a separate account and setting up multi-client.

  89. 2 months ago

    >tfw traveled all the way to El Nath with a friend on level 15 characters and got stuck there for a month

  90. 2 months ago

    it's kinda funny how when they took the most boring parts out of the game it got even worse/more boring

  91. 2 months ago

    i miss maplestory 2

  92. 2 months ago

    > tfw Maplestory was the only MMORPG I ever got into
    Met some really awesome people in that game back in like 2007 during highschool. I even had a Maple gf and all that.
    Sadly I quit the game and lost contact with all of them. I kinda miss kicking the shit with my guild talking on VoIP all day and grinding hours for 10%

  93. 2 months ago

    Back then when you saw a GM it's like you saw a Jesus but in video game.

    • 2 months ago

      GMs are way more active now though. It's almost a guarantee to see them in Henesys, at least on Reboot.

  94. 2 months ago

    >Everyone wearing class armor and class weapons, most people have default hair styles

    >Everyone wears nothing but shitty vanity items, with hair that looks like it was shot out of the plastic butthole of a kpop idol.

    • 2 months ago

      >most people have default hair styles
      Most people had some shit styles due to the free hair change coupon and were rocking sauna robes

  95. 2 months ago

    Now that I think of it, Nexon was really ahead of the game when it came to making free mmos that give you the option to pay to circumvent some grind.

  96. 2 months ago

    i miss my boy enker

  97. 2 months ago

    I got a pan lid, that was one of my greatest accomplishments in the game. Took hours of grinding in that toy world's hidden tower full of purple octopi because I had to do a dumb grind quest of killing 2000 of the bastards.

    It was a grindfest that pioneered BS like microtransactions, but the game's art style, music, and world design really kept it enjoyable to explore.

    • 2 months ago

      either u got ur pan lid from green mushrooms or u didnt really beat the game

  98. 2 months ago

    Did curryishot get banned at some point? He's not on the old rankings.

  99. 2 months ago

    The eternal debate: F3 or F5?

    • 2 months ago


  100. 2 months ago

    >played in 2006
    >grinded and spammed PQ for what felt like forever to finally get to level 30
    >ice/lit wizard
    >new lightning spell sucks monkey frick and does almost no damage
    >power through and level a few more times
    >still does almost no damage

    >play again in like 2009 or so, post-bb
    >get to level 54 or so before getting bored of endlessly aoe spamming mob grinding
    Legitimately how do people play this game to max level? There's nothing to do but endlessly mob grind.

    • 2 months ago

      maplestory unironically has a raid progression these days

  101. 2 months ago

    I just got done beating Monster Boy and it reminded me a lot of MapleStory. Shame Maple will never be good again. A product of its time.

  102. 2 months ago

    The madman himself.

  103. 2 months ago


    no there aren't you lying Black person, rankings are publically available
    niru is causing lots of seethe because he leveled significantly faster due to GMS having frenzy totem

    • 2 months ago

      Is it true that Niru is basically a normalgay compared to the high ranking KMS players?
      296 in KMS seems like it would be exponentially more difficult than 299 in GMS.

  104. 2 months ago

    Does a bigger powercreep in vidya exist?

    • 2 months ago

      I miss when Maplestory was balanced around damage caps. I think the current damage cap was risen to 785 billion damage per line.
      I get that by the time you're supposed to be fighting these things, you're technically more powerful than the Gods that inhabit the world, but it's still ludicrous.

      • 2 months ago

        linestory was the worst times in maple history

  105. 2 months ago




    are level 300s already in KMS

  106. 2 months ago


    You are such a stupid idiot. Imagine exposing yourself this badly.

  107. 2 months ago

    >royals is full of chinks
    >legends is full of chinks
    >every other server tries too hard to follow meta or closes down immediately
    >the servers that sound fun (1x old school) are dead as frick
    There's no hope

    • 2 months ago

      Why are mmo private servers always flooded with chinks, no matter the game?

      • 2 months ago

        I dunno but it's so funny how ALL of them cheat. What is wrong with Chinese players?

        • 2 months ago

          cheating is chinese culture
          no, literally, they don't view cheating as morally wrong unless you get caught

    • 2 months ago

      tbh i'd say that most maplestory private servers have a bigger problem with Israelis than chinks

    • 2 months ago

      >want a pre bb server that has no hp washing, no boss farm for x item to increase hp. Just straight up hp/mp increase
      >find one, but its kinda dead
      >find out the creator pumps n dumps these servers
      well shit...was still kinda fun tho

  108. 2 months ago

    you're not getting out of this one that easily

  109. 2 months ago

    stop being autistic and talk about maple

    • 2 months ago

      i already asked if you guys were going to make /mswg/ and no sane reply

      • 2 months ago

        have you seen /msg/
        no thanks bro

  110. 2 months ago
  111. 2 months ago

    >you will never adventure down Ludi tower with your bros at lvl 15 just to see whats at the bottom again

    frick. good times...

  112. 2 months ago

    >farming panlid in the henesys training grounds for hours
    >trying to find empty mushmom and zombie mushmom channels
    >doing the ludi pq over and over
    >trying to make money selling the stupidest shit by spamming in towns because the free market never existed yet

    2005 was a good year.

    • 2 months ago

      >killing slimes in ellinia
      >pan lid drops
      >nearly shit myself
      >get so excited trying to get it I jump into a big group and die
      >random guy comes by and grabs it
      >come back and beg for it
      >he says no
      >start crying

      I miss the old days

  113. 2 months ago

    >This game is like a decade old and the sequel is already out
    >still can't fight the black mage

    when are they gonna wrap this shit up and release MineCraftStory 2 outside of Korea?

    • 2 months ago

      Now you're just intentionally being moronic.

    • 2 months ago

      can't fight the black mage

  114. 2 months ago

    >Be me
    >lowly marksman playing on toaster
    >scrimp and save several mill for a zak run
    >spend hours doing that fricking jq
    >frick that jq
    >killed some zombies with my bro
    >got the eyes of fire
    >paid the top bossing guild in my server to take me on a run
    >lagged out
    >they feel bad and let me go on a second run
    >get my hopes up
    >tfw having hope is always a mistake

  115. 2 months ago

    Why were korean games from the early to mid 2000s so soulful? Why were they all hacked to shit? Did koreans just cannot into security?

    • 2 months ago

      While North Korea is a communist dystopia, South Korea is a capitalist one unironically. Shit is ingrained in their culture, they view all of their games as "investments" which is why P2W is so obscene over there and why the games eventually lost all their soul.

      As for cybersecurity, well that somewhat ties in with the above. You could make quite a bit of money hacking/selling hacks.

  116. 2 months ago

    >tfw obtaining your first shitty cape

    • 2 months ago

      >Ragged Cape from Kerning
      >Papulatus cape

      • 2 months ago

        >Icarus Cape

    • 2 months ago

      >Icarus Cape 1

  117. 2 months ago

    mood for some modern maple bops?

  118. 2 months ago

    >be me
    >kerning city, trying to sell my steel plates for 10k
    >some guy trades me (called ninjagaidenz), asks if i want to duplicate my items
    >excited, i accept. he leads me to the hospital
    >tells me to drop my best shit at the far left of the shaft, then they will duplicate
    >drop items
    >he uses a speed hack to beam straight to said items and steal them
    >lose my stinger, my brown bamboo hat and mokbi stars
    >go back outside and start spamming "ninjagaidenz is a hacker, report him@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" for 10 minutes

  119. 2 months ago

    haven't plyed maple in a long ass time, are the events still comfy? always loved thanksgiving and chirstmas

  120. 2 months ago

    >Played Beta
    >Stopped when SHOWA town first came out and made Sauna's useless.
    >Highest toon was lvl 70 sader. Had a 40 Dit and 30 Sin.
    >Roses and surfboards cluttered in my bank.
    >No idea half the shit people are seeing with their nostalgia goggles.

    Pre-4th job, b***hes. Who remembers back when the cap was 200 and Fangblade was that homie?

    Pig Beach and Slime tree aint ever coming back. It takes a fricking week to get to 100. And hackers plauge every fricking LHC in every server and nobody gives a frick. All you have to do is have NX or mesos to pay off hackers to leech and you're golden.

    Maple is fricking dead, do you hear me?!

    • 2 months ago

      homie tiger was the fangblade way before fangblade was even a thing.

      • 2 months ago

        What happened to Tiger again? Why did he get banned?

    • 2 months ago

      Haha it doesn't take a week to get to level 100. It takes hours.

      • 2 months ago

        1-100 event makes it take like 3 minutes

        • 2 months ago

          Well, to be fair I'm not some maple pro, if you have hyper burning and do the quests you can do it in a couple hours.

      • 2 months ago

        1-100 event makes it take like 3 minutes

        10 years ago this video blew peoples minds:

  121. 2 months ago

    >grinding 8 hours straight during the middle of the night at voodoos just to get from level 64-65

  122. 2 months ago

    >tfw was excited for yeou since it could be played in the browser
    >lasted two days

  123. 2 months ago

    This job needs to go global.

    • 2 months ago

      >hasn't uploaded in almost two months
      uh oh

      • 2 months ago

        My boy coppersan got married last year and is expecting. He still makes Maplestory videos but it's been 14 years. He's a Father now.

        • 2 months ago

          i hope he named her shumi or mai

        • 2 months ago

          >makes youtube videos for maple
          >met his wife in maple
          he truly is winning

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        >modern video

        Real OGs will remember this one:

  124. 2 months ago

    I remember being a level 15-18ish warrior in pig beach fighting the iron pig doing 1dmg per hit to him. Took like 5 mins to kill him.

  125. 2 months ago

    post 'em

    • 2 months ago

      I prefer this version.

    • 2 months ago
  126. 2 months ago

    I continuously feel the itch to get back into it but I realize it's never about the game itself. I just miss the 2000s internet culture that came with these Korean MMOs. It's a constant temptation that won't go away.

  127. 2 months ago

    I had more fun just dicking around and exploring than I did doing quests and bosses. Didn't even bother grinding, if there's any game where hacking is justified it's MS.
    >the best grind spots had 0.02% exp per kill
    Frick that shit. 100+ it wasn't worth the effort.

    >Wandered around ludi offering free heals/holy symbol
    >Jumped from guild to guild doing GPQ
    >Explored the new maps for hidden streets
    >Checking drops for equips I needed and traveling around hunting them down from mobs
    >Soloing zmush or killing crogs with bros on the boat ride
    Good times

    I still don't get why nexon decided removing rewards from PQs was a good idea. Single handedly killed the community.

  128. 2 months ago

    I remember adding some MapleStory players as friends on YouTube. Back when YouTube friends were a thing...

    Take me back bros...

  129. 2 months ago

    Anyone else remember loving this shit when you were younger?

    • 2 months ago

      These types of videos made me want to animate Maplestory videos myself. I didn't get very far with learning Adobe Flash, even though I told my friends I was going to be famous.

    • 2 months ago

      god FRICK, i used to follow that shit

      this one for me was pretty inspirational 9 years ago

  130. 2 months ago

    Fricking love this place in the game. Fricking green apple suit and large TVs with areas.

  131. 2 months ago

    be honest Ganker
    did you have a maplestory gf?
    you didn't play as a girl, did you?

    • 2 months ago

      >he doesn't remember the sleepywood sauna cabal of asian girls looking to groom people

    • 2 months ago

      I had online gfs, but none of them ever came from Maplestory.
      The last one I had broke me so hard I only play as female characters in MMOs now because I don't wanna go through that shit again.

      • 2 months ago

        >The last one I had broke me so hard I only play as female characters in MMOs now because I don't wanna go through that shit again.

        What happened anon?

        • 2 months ago

          >meet girl on MMORPG that will go unnamed in 2012
          >play together a lot because she was impressed by my game knowledge
          >eventually exchange Skype contacts
          >we hook up a year later
          >eventually MMORPG shuts down
          >we still hang out playing other multiplayer games, calling each other, talking, even watching movies and cartoons together
          >exchange hobbies, exchange photos (and nudes of course), I even taught her how to play Pokemon and she fell in love with it
          >constantly tease each other about meeting up and getting married
          >even helped her break it off with her other "best" friend who was a completely cancerous person and she was much better for it
          >we spend the next six years together
          >2017 we both get jobs
          >one of the first things I was saving up for was a ring so I could travel down and propose to her
          >February 2018
          >one paycheck away from the ring I've been eyeballing
          >she suddenly breaks up with me out of nowhere with vague reasoning
          >can only assume she "met" someone local to her
          >break contact because I didn't handle the breakup well

          >run into her again a few years later on private server of the same game we met on
          >says she has a boyfriend
          >we exchange discords
          >half the times I try to talk to her like a normal person she brings up her boyfriend to the conversation
          >cannot handle that shit
          >stop messaging her altogether
          She broke me. I haven't been the same since. Now I only play female characters so that never happens again. I'd probably kill myself if I had to do all that a second time.
          I didn't name the MMORPG because she's actually a very involved person with the private server and don't want to identify anyone.

          • 2 months ago

            >I'd probably kill myself if I had to do all that a second time.

            Damn anon, that hurt. Such is love, enjoy that you experienced it, no matter how brief.

            I'm sure you can find someone else IRL no problem. For me, it's actually harder to meet women online, there are way too many simps online and face to face you instead hold her entire attention when interacting.

            You had that playing against you and it didn't work out, but all is not lost.

          • 2 months ago

            if its any consolation, it sounds like it never would have worked out. Can't be down about it forever, there's a lot of things to enjoy, and you know you can't owe the world back for that. Live to be and perpetuate happiness.

          • 2 months ago

            Sounds like she saved you from making the biggest mistake of your life

    • 2 months ago

      >did you have a maplestory gf?

      >you didn't play as a girl, did you?
      worse, me and my friend decided to create a character and catfish our other friend. looking back it was kind of fricked up lol

      • 2 months ago

        >>you didn't play as a girl, did you?
        >worse, me and my friend decided to create a character and catfish our other friend. looking back it was kind of fricked up lol
        what happened with this?

    • 2 months ago

      when i was like 13 i got married to a 20yo fem beta, good times

    • 2 months ago

      I played as a crossbow MAN not a crossbow WOMAN

    • 2 months ago

      i had one
      for exactly 3 hours

    • 2 months ago

      Had 3 maple gfs during my time playing. And they were all cute Asian girls. The one I remember the most was the one I used to talk to on the phone for hours with and listen to Fall Out Boy/MCR/Panic at the Disco! with and watch anime together past midnight. I miss being 13...

  132. 2 months ago

    >look up maplestory worlds on youtube
    >a channel gets a bunch of consistent views
    and people said prebb maple is dead in korea

    • 2 months ago

      Post the link coward

      • 2 months ago

        just look up "메이플랜드" (Mapleland aka the biggest and most faithful prebb server) on youtube
        they have a ton of views

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty sure there has always been a nostalgia crowd in Korea. You see a decent amount of korean text comments in the old school Maplestory BGM videos uploaded by SlipySlidy.

  133. 2 months ago

    >that stupid exp event due to glitch or something
    >x3 exp which stacked with other buffs
    >x12 exp or more maybe
    >got max level at the time CK due to increased exp
    >easy max stat boost passive
    >reborn into whatever that shit was where you keep some CK skills
    >brawler with CK shark punch thing
    That was probably the most fun I actually had outside of the jaguar mount class.
    Got to about 150 on the reborn class in 2 days including 120 for CK, friends and myself doing this farming stupidly good exp.
    >High level with crappy gear
    >bored because can't really do anything once exp resets to x1
    >stop playing
    >haven't played since
    >200 isn't the cap anymore apparently
    I don't think I'll ever go back

  134. 2 months ago

    i remember some rivalry between maplestory and wow, my cousins were trying to convince me wow was better because it's 3D and not cartoony

  135. 2 months ago

    S>fame 4k @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    Jesus this game was fun i remember getting the slime slippers straw hat and bath robe and just stylein it up.

  136. 2 months ago

    Was Mabinogi really that good?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      it's not good but it's not bad either, it's "unique" so that's why it's stayed alive for so long

  137. 2 months ago
  138. 2 months ago

    >tfw finally found the maplestory 2015 Ganker thread that lead to the creation of the NotAgain guild, originally lost in the purge

    • 2 months ago

      well post it homosexual. as long as it's mildly interesting

      • 2 months ago

        Post what? It's not on any online foolfuuka archive. I literally had to download the archive (which has taken me years to find), open it in an sql browser and use my memory from 9 years ago to find it through database queries.

        The archive is here:
        Good luck opening it if you don't know sql.

        • 2 months ago

          >and use my memory from 9 years ago to find it through database queries.
          By it I meant to say the thread*

  139. 2 months ago

    any Hyperion bros?
    add me

    • 2 months ago

      Thought about going into Hyperion.
      But then I would have to grind my 4k legion again and lose some shit that is no longer available.
      Don't think I could stomach that. But good on Nexon for actually making another fresh.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah there's nothing to play. All MMos are dead or dying, more koreaslop on the horizon. May as well play Maple at this point.

        Reboot Hyperion is a good place to pick the game up again with for anyone not already invested on other servers or whoever missed out the past 8 or so years of nu-maple

        • 2 months ago

          Reboot Maplestory is a trap designed to make you addicted to playing daily. Avoid.

          • 2 months ago

            But dailies take literally 15 minutes max. Maybe 30 if you're slow.
            Outside of dailies you can go as fast or slow in progression as you want.
            >t. someone with 9000 legion who doesn't have a character above level 260

            • 2 months ago

              One day it's going to hit you that all this shit is pointless.

              • 2 months ago

                All games are pointless my man.
                I'll continue having fun with them before I'm too jaded to enjoy them anymore.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not that anon but I agree with him, though if you are having fun anyways, its skin off no one's back. If you wanted a grind thats actually fun that lets you wear cool clothes, there's always monster hunter, or if you want games with actual combat and mechanics, I hear ni-oh 2 is good.

              • 2 months ago

                Other games you can play on your own time, or play until you get bored.
                Your little Reboot is designed to trap helpless losers like you into making sure you play every day.

              • 2 months ago

                Just seems to me that you're sad you can't find games fun anymore.

              • 2 months ago

                >don't play a cynical, addiction-inducing daily simulator
                >this means "i can't find games fun anymore"
                You could've just said you were a moron from the beginning.

              • 2 months ago

                >Have fun with a game for maybe thirty minutes a day while playing with friends for some bosses
                >"Damn how can you do such a thing? Don't you know they're literally evil and that you shouldn't have fun? Stop enjoying things like me!"
                I dunno sounds like you have a personal problem

              • 2 months ago

                >a day
                This is the problem your defective brain just isn't understanding. You have permanent brainrot.
                Games should never ever make you feel like you need to play every day. Alas, stupid people like you will forever be trapped in the endless loop, all for nothing.
                Meanwhile smarter videogame enjoyers will continue playing a variety of different games, and not get hung up on a 20 year old braindead korean dailysim.

              • 2 months ago

                >Games should never ever make you feel like you need to play
                But I never said I felt the need to play. It's just that the only thing that "requires" playing daily are the "dailies" which basically take minutes to do. They're not even that useful considering events can give you the same rewards months of dailies give in less than a week.
                Hopefully this cynical worldview you have improves and you learn how to enjoy things again anon. This can't be healthy for you.

              • 2 months ago

                >idiot keeps missing the point and failing to understand the issue with dailies

              • 2 months ago

                >Being this upset over something that's optional because you don't play the game and thus don't understand why it doesn't matter
                Damn.. so this is the power of.. not playing.. games..

              • 2 months ago

                We already know you're an idiot mate. And no, nobody is going to join you on reboot.

              • 2 months ago

                At least have more of a rebuttal than "don't play it because uhhh bad??" next time then.
                >nobody is going to join you on reboot
                I think the game will live even if someone who's never reached the level where dailies start skips out on playing.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Again, nobody will play with you, moron.
                Not everyone is stupid enough to be fleeced into doing dailies every day with no light at the end of the tunnel.

              • 2 months ago

                >Not everyone is stupid enough to be fleeced into doing dailies every day
                But I literally just said you don't need to, just that it's the only thing that would "require" you to play the game daily. With that lack of comprehension it's no wonder you hate games.

              • 2 months ago

                It doesn't matter what you keep trying to say, my sad moronic friend. You're an addict, you have brain rot. You are clearly an illiterate moron too. Being so addicted does not help your life in any way.

              • 2 months ago

                Seems less like you care about dailies and more about wanting the last word here anyway. Guess when you don't play games anymore you have a lot of free time to argue.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm more than happy to keep correctly labeling you a sad, addicted moron

              • 2 months ago

                >it's no wonder you hate games.
                it's pretty bizarre you're trying to cope by repeatedly insisting anon hates games because he doesn't waste his life on maplestory...

              • 2 months ago

                Not him but I play 2 hours a day. How is that being a loser?

              • 2 months ago

                Playing Maplestory at all is the sign of a loser.
                Playing Maplestory every day is beyond embarrassing.

              • 2 months ago

                No it's not. There's people who spend thousands a week on this game and I got all my power from my own efforts on reboot.

              • 2 months ago

                >There's people who spend thousands a week on this game
                And they're all losers like you.

              • 2 months ago

                Maplestory remains un-pozzed theres no shame in playing it

              • 2 months ago

                It doesn't matter what you keep trying to say, my sad moronic friend. You're an addict, you have brain rot. You are clearly an illiterate moron too. Being so addicted does not help your life in any way.

                Grinding mobs is still king. Reboot has the bonus of 500% meso base and 5x boss crystal price. It beats out having a market and trading fast.

              • 2 months ago

                >500% meso base

              • 2 months ago

                This is you, except in Maplestory:

          • 2 months ago

            I've played since November. It's not too bad. I don't like legion, dailies, or boss mules and just do them when I have the time and wait for my eventbux, otherwise I just mob grind or do bosses.

            • 2 months ago

              Sex with Orange Mushroom

  140. 2 months ago


  141. 2 months ago

    I wish I could just go back in time 20 years ago for a couple hours and just sit in my parents living room as a ghost and watch myself play maplestory on that cool autumn evening with the front door open and the fall breeze seeping in.

  142. 2 months ago

    >I remember playing maplestory
    >oh yea? What level did you quit
    >oh lvl 21, I mostly hanged out in henesys

    I don't take nostalgiagays like these seriously

  143. 2 months ago

    Nostalgia bait thread.

    Black person I went back to try prebb maple on a private server and the chat was just filled with people looking for or selling boosts. Exactly the same shit in classic wow just boosting.

    You think you do, but you don't.

    • 2 months ago

      No you just didn't play old Maplestory, underage moron

  144. 2 months ago

    Why did people get so mad if you defamed them?

    • 2 months ago

      Good equipment USED to require fame.

    • 2 months ago

      its a social status game, ofc you'd get mad. Imagine the little shit defaming you and logging off before you could do it back. It's like a twisted game of tag, made even harder when they got rid of ./find

    • 2 months ago

      >tfw had a bunch of defame accounts and defamed random people and watching their reactions whenever i got bored

  145. 2 months ago

    I hated it, farming those stupid pigs as thieve/rogue was gay.

  146. 2 months ago

    I remember shitting my pants as a kid when a Red Drake dropped a Steely.

  147. 2 months ago

    nostalgiagays, don't look

  148. 2 months ago

    >befriended two Chinese girls
    >one from NJ, other from Vancouver
    >cammed with both of them
    >one of them said "I like the way you look"

    Wonder how they're doing nowadays

  149. 2 months ago

    >tfw first time I bought a 2x exp card from 6-10 PM
    >logged on religiously at 6 and spent the entire four hours grinding nonstop
    >did that every single day until the card expired
    >tfw I essentially was doing a part time job

  150. 2 months ago

    If you want the classic MS experience just play BDO it's the same game but 3D and better class variety

    • 2 months ago

      >but 3D
      So it's clearly not the "classic MS experience", moron.
      The whole point of playing Maplestory over other MMOs is that it's a 2D sidescroller.

  151. 2 months ago

    >rebootcuck desperately wanting people to join him on his sad quest

  152. 2 months ago

    >can you give me some mesars?

  153. 2 months ago

    Im currently playing and leveling an Aran on reboot, currently 191 and still in level 130 set armor with SW weapon and some boos accessories. Should i keep going?

    • 2 months ago

      Aran is one of the best low-legion jobs to play since it has high damage and survivability. If you like the playstyle then keep at it until 210. If you don't, then just drop it now and raise another job.
      The event going on currently is one of the best for leveling so you can try out different jobs to find out one you like, and the more you level up the stronger everyone becomes thanks to legion grindan.

      • 2 months ago

        i like Aran, fun command skills and nice survivability/damage. I did look at the legion stuff and level an Evan as well to 140 for the free mana on hit... How impactful is legion shit?

        • 2 months ago

          >How impactful is legion shit?
          It's both the most important thing on your account and also something you shouldn't really rush. It'll be one of the largest sources of damage you'll get and also make every subsequent character you level easier to play, but you shouldn't grind it out.
          Instead just focus on a main and then whenever you get a burn, get a new character to 141 and park their ass there. Then, whenever an event pops up, have your 141 characters gorge on the inevitable wave of bonk pots you'll get to get them to 200.

  154. 2 months ago

    >Does anyone here remember the good old days

  155. 2 months ago

    Should I comeback play Maplestory for nostalgic or its time to move on?

    • 2 months ago

      Maplestory is not the same game as it was back then. You will find as much nostalgia playing the game as you will just listening to the BGM on Youtube, as that's the only thing that's really the same.

    • 2 months ago

      Join us on Hyperion

      • 2 months ago

        You are such a sad loser lmao

        • 2 months ago

          Cope. Hyperion won

    • 2 months ago

      >coming back to this

      brother don't do this to yourself, you deserve happiness

  156. 2 months ago

    when will i be able to make a zero/beastmaster on reboot?

  157. 2 months ago

    Current Maplestory is the most fun it's ever been if you're into grindy arpg but it's really sad that can't even bring up the game since there's a chance the game might be killed for literally no reason.
    Personally I think there's 70%-80% chance it'll be fine but still absurd. I heard there's gonna be a roadmap this week so hoping for a good news.
    Nevertheless to say I hate the direction of 6th job being another dumb grindfest and the new kns director seems absolutely shameless to drain the wallet of any remaining mushroom devotees. Hopefully gms just doesn't bring even more p2w garbage since $15 every week and $100 each pass season is pathetic even for this game.

    • 2 months ago

      >Current Maplestory is the most fun it's ever been
      >proceeds to list negatives about the game

      Nice. Also I hope the games does die, I honestly can't believe how many times the players get fricked over and they still continue to play. I lost my patience with nexon a long time ago.

      • 2 months ago

        >you can't see the negatives if you're having fun
        did Ganker brainrot you
        Besides the game really is fun but as always it's the garbage direction that hurts it massively. It's just that they do make good changes that make the game better then proceed to add new changes that actively make it worse, sometimes even conflicting with what they were trying to improve in the first place

        • 2 months ago

          watch it, unlike most of the posers in this thread, I actually played maplestory up to endgame (twice). I know what I am talking about. I can have fun while seeing the negatives, but as you said, they keep doing it and never improve, and for how long I was playing, I just couldn't take it anymore. The garbage direction is something that will never change, despite the great potential it had, and arguable still has.

          • 2 months ago

            The game does get better overall though. Does the moronic and greedy shit Nexon do leave a shit taste in your mouth? Yes, but at the same time you can't deny thay the game has been steadily been improving since the flame scandal. Even in New Age with the massively flawed 6th job, the game has become much easier with the exp changes and 6th job powercreep.
            I absolutely despise how nexon treats the game like a cattle to be milked instead of a respectable game(unless another game-ending scandal #2148 happened and they need to please the players), but the game will still become better and more fun over time with the increased access and quantity of content, unless they judt decide to kill Heroic of course.

            • 2 months ago

              I ain't coming back but if what you are saying is true, at least the game will be alive and fun for its new audience. I'm part of the oldgays, and for me personally, I just can't let go of pqs, exploration, and when damage wasn't everything. When that changes I'll take a look, but no farther than that. Unlike other oldgays though, I also think old maple kinda sucked, but it had the ability to be something greater. I just don't see it now, not for me.

      • 2 months ago

        Game is more fun but it's still a mindless 2D grindathon
        If you seek interaction there are guilds for that

        • 2 months ago

          yea I can't wait to do stuff with my guild like gpq, cwkpq, gay race

          • 2 months ago

            you do uh, bosses with your guild, like real MMOs

            • 2 months ago

              all the endgame guilds I've seen need you to be in their clique and suck their dick, so I never bothered. But I can see how it'd be fun.

  158. 2 months ago

    This game lost it's soul when they removed FM

  159. 2 months ago

    So... are we going to take a trip back to the past and make a MapleRoyals Ganker guild?

    • 2 months ago

      Bro you can't keep making the same thread just to shill your private server guild

      • 2 months ago

        You are completely moronic.

        • 2 months ago

          I'll accept that as a concession

          • 2 months ago

            Accept whatever you want, you're still an idiot at the end of the day.

            Nobody is playing Royals right now and there is no guild. Sometimes Ganker has an appetite to start a nostalgia trip, and sometimes that isn't the case.

            • 2 months ago

              When was the last time anyone had an "appetite" for your bullshit, and how many threads about maplestory have you made

              • 2 months ago

                It's only natural a newbie idiot like you wouldn't have a clue.
                Also I didn't make this thread you sad moron.

  160. 2 months ago

    This shit's the most fun thing in maple ever along with mushroom moba and mushroom minecraft.
    They should just make these event rpg pq a permanent weekly thing and not just during events

    • 2 months ago

      Exp points are actually a great way to make party quests viable again.
      >set a limit of 3 times a week so you don't have to do it daily
      >make the reward smaller than the event party play content if you're worried about players progressing too fast
      >make all party quests give the same reward so the player doesn't feel pigeonholed into doing the same one every time
      Of course, this would also require either revamping all of the old party quests or making entirely new ones.

      • 2 months ago

        we've had this discussion before, there are many ways they could make it work but they simply do not wish to do it

  161. 2 months ago

    >being the hero that goes out and kills the crimson balrog on the orbis ship, then coming inside the cabin to tell everyone it's safe

  162. 2 months ago

    >Does anyone here remember the good old days of pre-Big Bang Maplestory?
    no and i dont give a shit. nu-maple was unironic fun and kino, best mmo on the market until those rtarded asiatic dogs killed reboot for no reason.

  163. 2 months ago

    >look up Lynn's skills
    >her big fifth job support skill explicitly doesn't stack with benediction
    So did they just kill off Chase and replace her with a soulless chink ripoff out of spite?

  164. 2 months ago

    any good maple story servers? IDK what I'd even do in one.

  165. 2 months ago

    Me and my friends almost wasted a summer grinding to 60 or whatever. We never made it, my friends quit and I quit shortly after, my level was 44.

    I think this game is the reason I don't want to play ANY games that involve grinding or farming anymore.

  166. 2 months ago

    Why do I always miss the big Maplestory threads?

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