>overhype a game for weeks. >obsess over it and force it on people while it's still fresh and "viral"

>overhype a game for weeks
>obsess over it and force it on people while it's still fresh and "viral"
>abandon it once it's no longer hot, being like "urrrgghh its a singleplayer game, what do you want? People played it and moved on, that's it"

No. I'm tired. I'm sick and tired of this stupid fricking argument.
The past decades of gaming had LOADS of singleplayer games, games that even though were singleplayer had an actual IMPACT. They sticked in people's memories, they caused excited long-lasting discussions and fanbases, they gave people hunger for more. Games used to spawn copycats, inspirations, new genres, tributes, spiritual successors... games used to be considered iconic and be remembered for fricking YEARS despite being singleplayer titles. Deus Ex, Thief, Doom, Quake, Command and Conquer, StarCraft, Diablo, Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Hotline Miami... the list is gigantic.

The fact is, if a game is singleplayer, it doesn't mean that it's something that you play once and move on from it forever. If a game is great it STICKS with you, you want to come back to it, it attracts people who want to do the same and replicate its success. But every single fricking game that got astroturfed on this website for the past months has been the same shit - getting overhyped, a period of "excitement", then silence. Because "its a singleplayer game". No dumbass, because 98% of the games coming out recently is bland, unimaginative, forgettable trash that does nothing special and doesn't change the industry in any way. Stagnation.
The last fricking game I can think of that had ANY impact on the gaming scene and had some legacy was fricking Breath of The Wild. And then it's fricking sequel shares the same fate where it does NOTHING special, changes nothing and gets forgotten. What a fricking joke. Gaming is collapsing.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Sincere question, why can't autists move on?

    • 11 months ago

      >ruins your hobbies
      >"um, like yikes dude... why can't you just move on and stuff?"


      No gay, it's a genuine fact. You morons keep doing it - you keep overhyping games and calling them "10/10 perfect revolutionary gamechanging masterpieces" and then each and every single one just dies with the impact of a soft fart. If a game is ACTUALLY a 10/10 masterpiece, it STICKS with you and has an actual impact. But apparently every single one of these perfect 10/10 GOTD titles is also one that you just play once and move on completely because of being that uninteresting. Curious.

      • 11 months ago

        Why did you respond to me while responding to nothing I said?

  2. 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    Just consoom product then get excited for next product

  4. 11 months ago

    >LOL hey, so I've been playing Baldur's Ga-

    SHUT UP. Just shut. The frick. Up. Holy FRICK this is a board of brainwashed NPCs. Never in my life have I seen such a transparent astroturfing attempt. You think you're special or unique? You're a fricking sheep.

    FACT: The general populace are morons. There has literally never been anything that has been popular on a widespread scale that has been of genuine quality. Why do you think gatekeeping exists? If people had taste and didn't ruin franchises with their preferences, there'd be no GATE TO KEEP.

    Have some respect for yourselves! You're no better than normies and their FOMO; "oh, my feed is full of this game, better play it so I can be part of the newest trend!" You vapid, vapid c**ts.

    Everywhere I turn it's Shitdur's Gate this, Baldumb's Gay that. Who even the frick is Baldur anyway? Nobody gave a crap the first two times his gate opened. I feel like this is a gigantic psyop.

    It's like the shitty Barbie movie which nobody was actually interested in but a combination of pandering and social media saturation created a social obligation to go and see it. I still haven't actually spoken to anyone in real life who's seen it, and I expect this game will be the same.

    So stop fricking posting about it. 10-20 threads on every sodding platform I use. Evidently purchased.

    Shall I be playing? I think not. I'll be sticking to my backlog of actual good games, thanks (I.e. things I've cultivated an interest for myself and not things the internet has told me to like.)

    Grow a spine, you twats. Just say no.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't care whether it's reddit copypasta or not this is genuinely a trvthnuke doe

    • 11 months ago


      Normies are too vulnerable to astroturfed bullshit. AI has already taken over mankind, not with laser beams but with fricking thumbs ups.

  5. 11 months ago

    Ganker only cares about single player games if they have memes to shitpost or waifus to jerk off over

    • 11 months ago

      Every single thread about these forgettable titles is full of waifugayging and trying to force memes. Look at an average BG3 thread.

  6. 11 months ago

    >see promising trailer/commercial for game
    >get game
    >its not as promised
    >say game is not good
    >get accosted, slandered, insulted
    >money stolen
    >try to prevent others from getting tricked too
    >get called a hater, toxic, reviewbombing, nazi, autist, schizo, etc.
    >others money stolen
    viscous anti consumer cycle, videogames eh?

    time to admit your parents were right about vidya.

  7. 11 months ago

    nice fricking game simbabs

    • 11 months ago

      nice culturally relevant game, homosexual

      >muh playercount
      people talk about these games to this day doe, fotm slop like baldurs gate will be forgotten in a year

      • 11 months ago

        >URRRRGGGHHHH muh playernumbers
        Deus Ex is still a relevant game capable of spawning meaning full discussion even today, especially after we've seen what it "predicted". Hotline Miami was a massive success that spawned a full "genre" of copycats wanting to achieve its own success and it single-handedly caused the Synthwave genre to massively blow up & turned artists like Perturbator into millionares. There are STILL games coming out today that want to be like Hotline Miami, and people are still eager for this fix. None of the games this board has shilled recently has achieved this level of cultural impact.

        You guys said that people were still playing them.

        • 11 months ago

          >games that even though were singleplayer had an actual IMPACT. They sticked in people's memories, they caused excited long-lasting discussions and fanbases, they gave people hunger for more. Games used to spawn copycats, inspirations, new genres, tributes, spiritual successors...

          • 11 months ago

            >they're totally important!
            >nobody plays them at all
            Uh huh

            • 11 months ago

              >w-well I don't see them having millions of players!!!

              Keep missing the point Black person

              • 11 months ago

                Well yeah I don't see them cause they're not important.

    • 11 months ago

      nice culturally relevant game, homosexual

      >URRRRGGGHHHH muh playernumbers
      Deus Ex is still a relevant game capable of spawning meaning full discussion even today, especially after we've seen what it "predicted". Hotline Miami was a massive success that spawned a full "genre" of copycats wanting to achieve its own success and it single-handedly caused the Synthwave genre to massively blow up & turned artists like Perturbator into millionares. There are STILL games coming out today that want to be like Hotline Miami, and people are still eager for this fix. None of the games this board has shilled recently has achieved this level of cultural impact.

    • 11 months ago

      nice culturally relevant game, homosexual

      all this fricking dick riding and worshiping and yet nobody's replaying these games, ain't that fricking silly

      you are trying too hard
      never tryhard

      • 11 months ago

        You can't read filenames.

        • 11 months ago

          i read your ieslb filename
          its gibberish nonsense
          exactly why i called you tryhard for trying to bait so hard

  8. 11 months ago

    nice culturally relevant game, homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      Hotline Miami only got popular because of the music

  9. 11 months ago

    all this fricking dick riding and worshiping and yet nobody's replaying these games, ain't that fricking silly

  10. 11 months ago

    Shut up homosexual

  11. 11 months ago

    >fricking Breath of The Wild. And then it's fricking sequel shares the same fate where it does NOTHING special, changes nothing and gets forgotten
    Try playing it before you make your next thread

    • 11 months ago

      >try playing it
      Dropped it after beating two of the "dungeons". TotK is a glorified $70 expansion pass

  12. 11 months ago

    Just play new doom wads & modded minecraft.

  13. 11 months ago

    people been swimming in a pool of shit for a about a decade now that any 7-8/10 game is considered a masterpiece worth getting hyped for

    and let reviewers rotten in hell for not calling shit games shit and mediocre games for what they are, I believe that have a big impact to we are seeing now

  14. 11 months ago

    No. Even the best, most perfect singleplayer games run dry with a few hundred hours of play time if fricking that. No singleplayer game has ever just retained players long term.
    People still talk about these games, they just don't play them. They mock you when you post steamcharts like a fricking moron.
    >Deus Ex, Thief, Doom, Quake, Command and Conquer, StarCraft, Diablo, Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill
    How many of those games released within 4 years of each other? People CHURNED through games back then, rapidly. They did not stick with one or two and play them forever.

    • 11 months ago

      >They did not stick with one or two and play them forever.
      But they did and still do.

  15. 11 months ago

    >Breath of the Wild
    Elden Ring took hold of gaming discussion everywhere when it released. It's gameplay content was fervently discussed months after it's release. Hell, to this day, people seethe about it daily on Ganker, refusing to accept that it's one of, if not the best game released in the past ten years.
    >"but it's multiplayer!"
    You didn't beat the game

    • 11 months ago

      Elden Ring is a bad Souls game, that was popular because people who never played those games started paying attention for the first time, due to George RR Martin's name being attached.
      Literally didn't even beat it. I got bored. I've beaten DS2 twice.

      • 11 months ago

        I hated DS series but enjoyed few souls-like roguelites.

      • 11 months ago

        >Elden Ring
        I too transheart bad dark souls with open world to lure in the normgroids and copy pasted enemies, lmao. Irrelevant game.

        What fuels contrarians? It's so sad seeing people act like "criticizing" """""bad""""" (i.e: popular) games is the reason for their whole existance

    • 11 months ago

      >Elden Ring
      I too transheart bad dark souls with open world to lure in the normgroids and copy pasted enemies, lmao. Irrelevant game.

  16. 11 months ago

    >This thread
    I thought it'd be hilarious to see official confirmation of just how badly TORtanicgays were assraped by BG3
    It's not. It's horrifying. Jesus fricking christ yoy sad wastes are one step away from running around screaming on the streets.
    ....is what I want to say to the guy who wrote all that pasta, atleast.

  17. 11 months ago

    >you need to have an active general up for years or "the community is dead"
    You're a Sonic fan, aren't you?

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