>Protagonist becomes irrelevant washed and useless in the sequel.

>Protagonist becomes irrelevant washed and useless in the sequel.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >Sequel flops
    I hope they completely killed TWEWY, shitty gameplay, shitty franchise

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >he can’t multi-task

    • 6 months ago

      t. yoctogram

    • 6 months ago

      honestly thank god maybe people will learn to shut the frick up and just appreciate what they have

  2. 6 months ago

    Pic unrelated? He basically steals Rindo's spotlight in the end and literally every character kneels to him.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah Rindo kneels to him and lets him take lead to avoid responsibility of taking charge

      • 6 months ago

        And Shibuya got destroyed because of it. Neku came, didn't accomplish anything, gave Rindo worthless advice. Then Rindo travels back in time uses his leadership skills to coordinate the entire cast of characters to save the city.
        Neku is basically just there for Rindo's development, to teach him that he can't keep passing responsibility to other people, not matter how great they're made out to be. He gets wanked on the surface, but he is practically useless. For all his power, the Soul Pulvis is beyond him almost as much as everybody else.

        • 6 months ago

          >Then Rindo travels back in time uses his leadership skills to coordinate the entire cast of characters to save the city.
          lolno he got a deus ex machina with Haz

          • 6 months ago

            By, as I said, travelling back in time with the pin that Haz gave him.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah but it was his choice, if he really wanted to do nothing, he would have taken the bad end. Instead he (selfishly which is interesting), went back to face an even greater danger than before, taking responsibility

        • 6 months ago

          >Neku came, didn't accomplish anything
          He’s one of the main cornerstones of the Wicked Twisters and everyone in general, really, gaining their happy ending by connecting the souls of the entirety of Shibuya with one another in order for Nagi and Fret to activate their powers on them, thus bringing everyone out of Shibuya Syndrome and bringing all of the Dissonance into a single point (Phoenix Cantus) for them to take care of.
          The entire point of Operation Awakening was for it to be a collaborative effort between both Shibuya and Shinjuku’s values and have everyone pull their weight to save the city and bring everything back to the way that it was. Neku isn’t the sole reason for any of this happening but he’s far from useless and helps out in ways beyond just raw battle power.

    • 6 months ago

      Why didn’t they just make him the MC in the first place? Why’d they need a new guy?

      • 6 months ago

        Because TWEWY as a series is a period piece and Neku and Rindo’s respective problems take inspiration from the eras they find themselves in. Going back to having Neku as the MC would be missing the point.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't like how they just made him Mr. Perfect in the sequel. He loses his snark, which IMO was important to his character in the first game. After he gets his character development, he still has the same personality, he's just not an antisocial prick. The same wit he used to push Shiki away by saying hurtful stuff, he uses to make banter with Beat in the endgame.

      • 6 months ago

        I think you’re also forgetting that he had, like, three years of living in a purgatory with only Coco as company to deal with. Neku seems more muted because he IS muted, though he still kept going on due to the lessons that were imparted onto him. There’s also the fact that he’s not the viewpoint character anymore and his seemingly perfect disposition was used to further drive home Rindo’s character arc since Neku sort of ends up becoming a pseudo-leader due to Rindo subconsciously pushing that aspect onto him, only for Rindo’s arc to conclude with him not just following Neku blindly. Uzuki even calls out Rindo on this.

        • 6 months ago

          If anything he should be an even bigger prick if his only social interaction for 3 years was Coco. She's insufferable.

          • 6 months ago

            Coco’s sweet to her friends and a b***h to the people she doesn’t particularly like so as long as you stay on her good side, you’re good to go.

            • 6 months ago

              Nothing in the game hinted Coco wasn't a b***h to Neku. Or anyone else.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                >Rindo asks Coco to do something
                >he gets blown off
                >time travels to ask Neku to ask Coco to do something
                >she does it for him with no problem
                Come on, anon.

                I found Neku and Coco’s friendship to be sweet and hilarious. He’s one of the only people she actively isn’t a b***h to.

              • 6 months ago

                >Rindo asks Coco to do something
                >he gets blown off
                >time travels to ask Neku to ask Coco to do something
                >she does it for him with no problem
                Come on, anon.

                Gimme a break, it's been a year.

              • 6 months ago

                That’s why you should replay the game, man.

              • 6 months ago

                Coco’s sweet to her friends and a b***h to the people she doesn’t particularly like so as long as you stay on her good side, you’re good to go.

                Kinda sad they cant interact with the UG after the game is done.

                But knowing the full screw up angels are I wouldnt be surprised if they get dragged back in.

              • 6 months ago

                >she's on her side now
                Coco is the true v.i.p, looking forward several years in advance. She knew Kibo and company were about to move in.

              • 6 months ago

                >Rindo asks Coco to do something
                >he gets blown off
                >time travels to ask Neku to ask Coco to do something
                >she does it for him with no problem
                Come on, anon.

  3. 6 months ago

    TWEWY really didn't need a sequel but there were worse ways they could've gone about it

    • 6 months ago

      It's really a miracle it turned out the way it did when you consider it was coming hot off the heels of a genuinely awful fanfiction tier story.

  4. 6 months ago

    he was irrelevant and useless in his own game so if anything it's very character consistent

    • 6 months ago

      no he could use every kind of psych and use many at once too.
      then the shitty sequel comes and ooopsy he can only use one now because frick you. well just destroy the whole point of him.

      They ruined a perfectly good plot too. god that shitty anime voice acting just why.
      just go back to text instead of cringe VA please.

      • 6 months ago

        >then the shitty sequel comes and ooopsy he can only use one now because frick you. well just destroy the whole point of him
        You do realize that’s due to the circumstances of Shinjuku’s ruleset, right? Even Sho himself goes "wait, what the frick" when he sees how Rindo and Fret can just use whatever pin they can.
        >They ruined a perfectly good plot too. god that shitty anime voice acting just why. just go back to text instead of cringe VA please.
        Awful take. NEO’s voice acting was great.

      • 6 months ago

        homie, what? NEO’s dialogue is some of the most naturalistic I heard in a game. Characters will interrupt each other at random intervals, talk over one another, and there’s little to no awkward pauses, which makes convos flow much more smoothly. This is also helped by the game’s great paneling style as well.

        • 6 months ago

          neo is in the same vain as FF7R and KH3. it's anime shit.
          there's nothing natural about most of it.

          that homosexual screaming out the guys name at the start made me close the game and pace around the room from cringe.

          • 6 months ago

            >neo is in the same vain as FF7R and KH3
            You are moronic if you actually think this. Neku’s "all the world need is me" monologue is way more anime-esque than a majority of NEO’s scenes.

          • 6 months ago

            >that homosexual screaming out the guys name at the start made me close the game and pace around the room from cringe.
            Sounds like autism to me.

          • 6 months ago

            >neo is in the same vain as FF7R and KH3. it's anime shit. there's nothing natural about most of it.
            What in the hell are you on about?

            How is this in anyway like NEO?

          • 6 months ago

            Show us where the awkward grunting and long pauses are in NEO. Unless you mean the small voice clips to signify when a character is talking, which the original TWEWY also did as well.

      • 6 months ago

        >just go back to text instead of cringe VA please.
        The large majority of the game’s cutscene is done via text, with the beginning and end of each day mainly being the ones that are voiced. What the hell kind of complain is this?

      • 6 months ago

        Are you the same autist behind this post?
        Other anon was right. You’re like a little kid with an action figure when it comes to this shit.

  5. 6 months ago

    No one at Squirt Enix knows how to write.

    • 6 months ago

      More like Ganker doesn’t know how to fricking read.

  6. 6 months ago

    he becomes NEO's poochie it's not even funny. Rindo basically stops being an MC

    • 6 months ago

      The entire ending is literally driven by Rindo’s own choices.

  7. 6 months ago

    Not exactly the same since he's still mostly competent but man, they fricked over Lloyd so bad in Symphonia 2 for cheap drama

    • 6 months ago

      Eh, Lloyd is incompetent as frick in his own game

    • 6 months ago

      Tried a bit too hard to be like pops.

  8. 6 months ago

    Someone post the pic with the one handed anon who 100% both games

  9. 6 months ago

    I want to learn to dress like him

  10. 6 months ago

    It was a fun game but thought the story sucked. The character they first used to hint that a sequel was coming was barely in the game.

    • 6 months ago

      I think Rindo's story was quite compelling at the cost of the sequel bait content

      • 6 months ago

        >sequel bait content
        How so? The only real loose NEO has is Math Man still wanting to take Joshua out, but aside from that the game's story was pretty close ended.

        • 6 months ago

          I meant from the switch version of the first game

          • 6 months ago

            I see. I misunderstood you anon.

  11. 6 months ago

    Not what happens in the slightest

  12. 6 months ago

    they've got make it relatable to the average member of the target audience?
    do you think CEOs play self-insert japanese adventures? or fathers raising children? or anyone living their best life?
    no, the target demographic is schlubby losers who feel that life has passed them by because it totally has

  13. 6 months ago

    NEO's story was such a massive disappointment. Gameplay was alright

  14. 6 months ago

    Is Neo worth a play of I really enjoyed the first on DS? If it is, should I get the PS4 or Switch version?

    • 6 months ago

      Get the PC version

    • 6 months ago

      Yes. There's a lot of really fun callbacks to the first game in side character stories, areas, arcs of the protags, and general tone. The first week was rough for me to get into because the pacing is a lot different than the first game, but I enjoyed it immensely. PC > PS4 > Switch for versions.

    • 6 months ago

      I think it's a lesser game than the original but I'd give it a play still.

      Don't play the switch version of any multiplat that isn't an indie game

    • 6 months ago

      >Hey guys, should I play in 540p 30fps or 1080p 60fps?
      Your question makes no sense. Get the game if you liked the first one. Get it on PC. If you're a casual then get it on PS4. If you're a drooling moron get it on switch.

  15. 6 months ago

    Neo's story was fine aside from the parts got fricked over by having to follow up on Final Remix's shitty sequelbait. The game just has too much padding on a low budget so the pacing is poor compared to the first game's tight narrative that contains little superfluous material.

    • 6 months ago

      >that contains little superfluous material.
      "To right the countless wrongs of our days…

      • 6 months ago

        That sucked, but it wasn't so bad if you just ran straight for where you need to go to advance the story and only got whatever extra shit you want in the postgame.
        I really wish Neo got DLC with new bosses and enemies since I mostly just want new content from the game, but it's too bad it flopped. TWEWY3 never.

        • 6 months ago

          >but it wasn't so bad if you just ran straight for where you need to go to advance the story and only got whatever extra shit you want in the postgame.
          They were still pretty bad in my experience.

    • 6 months ago

      >neo's story was fine except for [half the damn story]
      the problem was they tried to make NEO its own thing but at the same time a true sequel to the original and both sides suffer for it. They should have picked one thing to focus on (true sequel instead of the rindo bullshit since they were teasing it with final remix and the like).

      TWEWY should have lived and died on dual screens in my opinion

      • 6 months ago

        Godawful opinion. TWEWY as a franchise is a deliberate snapshot/time capsule into the respective styles, trends, and statements of the current youth culture, with OG being framed around early to mid 2000s culture to NEO being framed around late 2010s to early 2020s culture. The problems the youth from back then faced won’t be the exact same problems of the youth of right now, and in a series that’s so heavily focused on trends and modern culture, just going back to focus on Neku and co’s adventures would be missing the point. It’s why the old guard acts as mentors towards the new cast: to help them grow and expand their own horizons, whether directly via just talking to them or influencing them through their actions. Even the game itself says this. To quote Owari-Hajimari (NEO mix):
        Plus, imo, it expands on what was properly needed such as Uzuki’s character arc, Sho’s burgeoning role in taking a stand against the Higher Plane, and the social commentary concerning toxic work culture that was present in the original and expanded on in NEO.

        • 6 months ago

          That's all well and good but what made the story of the original entertaining was the worldbuilding and the twists, not any of that dressing you mentioned or the characters themselves. NEO does scant little to expand on that (like, the secret reports are woefully thin compared to those of the original) and the twists were very weak in comparison as well. There's a lot of horseshit in it too, Joshua not instanuking Kubo makes no sense and the justification they tried to give with the secret reports is laughable

          • 6 months ago

            >what made the story of the original entertaining was the worldbuilding and the twists, not any of that dressing you mentioned or the characters themselves.
            What a godawful take. The worldbuilding and twists were used in service of the characters/themes, which is still the case in NEO via having the Higher Plane be used as a direct contrast to the UG residents. Don’t tell me that you’re one of those folks who used Hanekoma’s biased account as actual objective claims considering how he himself doesn’t even uphold the values he talks about half the time in the original.
            >Joshua not instanuking Kubo makes no sense and the justification they tried to give with the secret reports is laughable
            This is the same dude who staked the entire survival of a city on the growth and development of a traumatized 15 year old boy that he gaslighted throughout their time together. What part of that is out of character for him?

            • 6 months ago

              >The worldbuilding and twists were used in service of the characters/themes
              other way around, the characters were in service of the world they built.
              >Don’t tell me that you’re one of those folks who used Hanekoma’s biased account as actual objective claims considering how he himself doesn’t even uphold the values he talks about half the time in the original.
              "hanekoma is lying because of my headcanon" isn't an argument. Speaking of Hanekoma, his omission is a huge missed opportunity again going back to the worldbuilding woes of NEO
              >This is the same dude who staked the entire survival of a city on the growth and development of a traumatized 15 year old boy that he gaslighted throughout their time together. What part of that is out of character for him?
              the fact that he clearly changed his mind on shibuya at the end of the original

              • 6 months ago

                >other way around, the characters were in service of the world they built.
                In what way? The world-building and dual screen aspect was used in service for Neku and other characters’ growth.
                >"hanekoma is lying because of my headcanon" isn't an argument.
                How is it a headcanon when we see him changing his mind on Rindo and the benefits of Internet communication throughout the Reports? Not to mention that, again, he’s shown to be lying multiple times throughout the original game. He’s a heavily biased source, which is what makes him interesting. Plus, with the shit he got up to in OG, it’s no wonder that he got locked out by the Higher Plane.
                >the fact that he clearly changed his mind on shibuya at the end of the original
                That’s still present in NEO. He wanted to show off to the Higher Plane/Kubo that Shibuya is worth saving and that they can take charge of their own lives and Rindo was the perfect representative of that as his character growth revolves around him taking the initiative to take charge and bring about change. Contrast this to his portrayal in the original game, where he was all for Shibuya getting destroyed but was willing to try and accommodate Kitaniji in order to try and see value in it before having his mind changed by Neku. He even talks to Haz about this in the secret ending.

              • 6 months ago

                >In what way?
                a large portion of the game's story focuses on the rules of TWEWY's "game". The characters are nobodies who could have been literally anyone else.
                >he’s shown to be lying multiple times throughout the original game
                I don't remember him lying. He omitted details about him, joshua, and the rest of the game for obvious reasons
                >He wanted to show off to the Higher Plane/Kubo that Shibuya is worth saving
                why? Shibuya's survival is on Joshua alone, why would he give 2 flying fricks about what a rouge angel thinks?

                >the fact that he clearly changed his mind on shibuya at the end of the original
                He did. The fact that he even opposed Kubo trying to destroy Shibuya says as much.

                that's literally my issue, he had no proper reason not to annihilate kubo in week 1

              • 6 months ago

                >a large portion of the game's story focuses on the rules of TWEWY's "game". The characters are nobodies who could have been literally anyone else.
                Neku was explicitly chosen, the Secret Reports literally states this.
                >I imbue my art with two command codes. The first is "Enjoy the moment more". This strengthens the Imagination. The proxy received this signal loud and clear, though past trauma precluded him from responding accordingly.
                >The second code, "Gather", calls to those with strong Imaginations. Hence the inevitability: why wouldn't the Composer find his worthy proxy standing in front of my graffiti?
                Joshua picked Neku because he represented what he personally hated about Shibuya’s residents: someone with the capacity to bring about great things yet pisses away that potential due to being too self-centered/afraid to open up to the world around them. And Joshua hates that, seeing the populace as nothing more than mindless sheep who wouldn’t be able to amount to anything and in Joshua’s eyes, Neku, a youth who loves the city of Shibuya but hates the populace, is a prime example of that. If Neku could change for the better and use his gifts for the benefits of people other than himself, than maybe there’s hope for Shibuya after all. It’s when you look at it from this lens that his decision to make Rindo his proxy in NEO also makes sense. If Joshua was only concerned with seeing if the city was worth saving (even though he already decided that three years ago), then he wouldn't have even said he'd have stepped in if things were hopeless, because the city would have "failed" at that point. Again, he wanted to show off to the Higher Plane/Kubo that Shibuya is worth saving and that they can take charge of their own lives and Rindo was the perfect representative of that as his character growth revolves around him taking the initiative to take charge and bring about change.

              • 6 months ago

                There still no reason why joshua needs to show anybody, especially kubo, reasons to keep shibuyra existing

              • 6 months ago

                Because the Higher Plane is incredibly biased towards wanting to destroy Shibuya and wanted to jump on any opportunity to assure that. To the Higher Plane (which the writing strongly indicates is a very order based society) the UG, the various UGs, are gardens to be tended; the HP is certainly NOT averse to "Weeding" (Purification), or even ripping up an area and planting anew (Inversion).
                This is where Sho comes in. Whatever his arguments with the Higher Plane, he is a native of the UG, he lives there, it's the only place besides the UG that has melon cream soda, and (especially in the Japanese text) by the time W3D4 rolls around in NEO, Sho has literally done the math that a) Rindo's pin is a threat, b) Rindo's Replay is NOT a natural psych, c) The Higher Plane is the actual threat or at least the threat is coming from the Higher Plane.
                There's also been more evidence coming out that whatever the hell Sho is doing, it's likely meant to protect Shibuya, though Sho would almost certainly disagree vigorously over whether an "HP-ification" of the UG is its natural course of evolution at all (which is a pretty fair take to have considering how bad shit starts happening when the HP and its denizens start mucking about.)
                Sho and Joshua are very interesting foils to each other and ironically may be working towards a same goal of "free Shibuya from the HP's Meddling" via VERY different methods, some even thematic contrasts, etc…

              • 6 months ago

                I fricking love the triangle of foils between Josh, Neku, and Kitaniji and how each rub off of each other the way they do. I just wish we had more time to see Shades interact with Neku before getting inevitably erased. It would've been a neat look into both of their incredibly similar psyches.

              • 6 months ago

                I think a really interesting thing about Kitaniji is how he sees Joshua as someone to worship and deem absolute in his judgement (hence why he deems him with a capital H much like someone would refer to God) when Joshua is a very flawed individual and it’s due to these rose-colored glasses that Kitaniji sees him through that he thinks that the best solution is try to and change the city to what he views as best in order to sway Joshua’s opinions instead of actually connecting with him. After all, if Joshua truly did view his plan as right, then what would be the point of the entire ramen plot? Especially since he agrees with Neku that the people of Shibuya are sheep and seemed genuinely invested in trying to help out Ramen Don? Hell, the rules of the Shibuya Game, which Joshua himself made, practically require communication and compromise between different individualistic personalities and mindsets in order to succeed, which run counter to Kitaniji’s hive mind plan.
                In that sense, both Kitaniji and Shiba idolized aspects of their Higher Plane cohorts but in different ways.
                Kitaniji idolized Joshua as the almighty Composer but failed to actually connect with the man himself and see him for what he truly is, hence why he goes with the hive mind. It’s a combination of what HE personally wants due to his dislike of other people and what he believes Joshua himself wants when the game shows evidence that is quite contrary to that assumption.
                Shiba, on the other hand, idolized what Kubo fed to him to satiate his ego and groom him as the big man in town, giving him the impression that he WANTS to ascend to the next plane of existence within the Higher Plane, regardless of the connections that still keep him tied to reality (his relationship with the Shinjuku Reapers).

              • 6 months ago

                >Neku was able to succeed by actually coming to value Joshua as his own person and choosing the bond they made over Shibuya
                >Rindo succeeds by getting Shiba to reconnect with the people who turned away due to his lust for power and to actually confront his problems and take responsibility, something Rindo himself struggled with
                Holy kino.

              • 6 months ago

                >the fact that he clearly changed his mind on shibuya at the end of the original
                He did. The fact that he even opposed Kubo trying to destroy Shibuya says as much.

              • 6 months ago

                I think the problem here is that you expected Joshua to try and rise up to be Shibuya’s protector when what happened in NEO is way more in line with his characterization. He likes to make cutting remarks/questions towards people to test them (primarily Neku) on their values and potentially have them reflect on their lives and even made the Reaper’s Game and Entry Fee rules with this mindset. He did actually get his faith in humanity restored by Neku, and he was very much willing to give a chance IF things could be turned around, otherwise he'd have just gone for the Inversion. In a way, both he and Sho are doing the "get the Higher Plane to stop fricking with things by having the souls of Shibuya show their worth, including their individuality" route. Mind, they're also sufficient opposites in this regard that getting them to actually agree on anything is like trying to shoot fish in a barrel. But ironically they're both kind of going to the same cause and conclusion though neither realize it.

                Mind, Minamimoto is coming at it from below coming to the above, and Joshua coming above and descending below (insert alchemical imagery here)

              • 6 months ago

                This would be great if it wasn't for the opposing figure being a rouge angel from an external district trying to erase shibuya for basically no reason; it's not an internal issue which was the case with Joshua's initial disinterest in shibuya with the original game.

              • 6 months ago

                >This would be great if it wasn't for the opposing figure being a rouge angel from an external district trying to erase shibuya for basically no reason
                Kubo is basically NEO’s Satan analogue in the same way that Hanekoma was for the first game. While Hanekoma is more the Book of Enoch Watcher-turned-Fallen, Kubo is basically ha-Satan circa Book of Job (where all of humanity is being put on trial with God/the Higher Plane as judge, and at the point the Book of Job was written, ha-Satan was seen very much as working for God and specifically as God's prosecuting attorney and is still held to that particular role in Judaism. ha-Satan has a reputation for engaging in a LOT of manipulation and *entrapment* to build a case that humans were a mistake and thus totally fit for retribution.
                NEO actually in part mixes the Christian interpretation of "God and Satan had a bet" (in the original israeli context, it's literally *ha-Satan brings suit against humanity, with Job as proxy, to the Higher Plane Court) AND the original context of "humanity is put on trial, and the Executor (aka ha-Satan) is pretty much given outright carte blanche to use ANY tactic to prove his case, up to and including playing on people's pride, hence why he uses Shiba, who foils Rindo's "mistaking the values of others as my own" by taking that aspect to its absolute worst extent conclusion.
                This isn’t even getting into the business and corporate culture commentary with how obsessed Kubo is with getting promoted.

          • 6 months ago

            >the twists were very weak in comparison as well.
            The twists in the original were telegraphed a mile away, don’t kid yourself. Like, was anyone expecting Joshua to NOT be extremely important and a Christ analogue? Frankly, by the time he started summoning holy beams of light, I had already figured that he would be the Composer at some point, not to mention his interactions with Neku concerning the latter’s death would make no sense if he didn’t actually kill Neku. Don’t even get me started on Rhyme being Beat’s sister.

        • 6 months ago

          >with OG being framed around early to mid 2000s culture to NEO being framed around late 2010s to early 2020s culture
          rofl, what fricking subcultures? they died in the mid 2010s. closest you can get are e-genders, people following meme rap subgenres and """alt""" which is just an homogenised pastiche of 90s-00s fashion and trends
          you're reading too hard into nomura designs

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              japan isnt any better, menhera and jiraikei is literally just gothic e-girlta but with troonyism bolted onto it

          • 6 months ago

            >rofl, what fricking subcultures
            The rise of the Internet, gacha games, and social media for starters? What did you think Rindo’s whole thing with Motoi concerning the pitfalls/benefits of parasocialism was all about?

          • 6 months ago

            Nagi is a explicitly an otaku/nerd who’s heavily into gacha games, for starters. Then there’s Shoka’s whole Jirai-kei style, which started in the early 2020s.

          • 6 months ago

            >you're reading too hard into nomura designs
            >Jirai Kei has strong associations with some darker or disturbing themes, though not in the style on its own like Yami Kawaii. In this case, Jirai Kei may be associated with self-harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, street partying, illegal sex work, and other rebellious and shocking behaviors.
            >Shoka is heavily implied to have a passive suicidal ideation, depression, and a shitty home life before coming into the UG
            It’s not rocket science, anon.

  16. 6 months ago

    Does anyone has that image of someone playing the first game and yelling Black person.

  17. 6 months ago

    >all of these dumbass takes
    I legit wonder if any of you guys actually know how to read. Like, this is a franchise aimed at teenagers, how does it miss you that badly?

    • 6 months ago

      Ganker in general is awful when it comes to actual story/character analysis. Which is a shame considering how both TWEWY games are well-done on that front.

    • 6 months ago

      Shitposters on Ganker revel in bad takes on good games because they have no means of comprehension.

    • 6 months ago

      Both games have some pretty subtle writing in some of their aspects, with NEO in particular going all in on that front with how many convos have double meanings, foreshadowing for what happens later on, or layers in how it reveals a character’s mindset.

      • 6 months ago

        Honestly, I think it's wild how often there's a pretty wider misunderstanding of NEO’s writing that tends to get perpetuated by surface level readings of the game but then there are the people who can't even get the surface level right. I remember this one Hispanic NEO review a friend of mine translated where the person who made that accused Shoka of being a "shallow hypocrite who didn’t hesitate to betray Rindo for her own benefit" and claims that Nagi was annoying. Keep in mind that she said while also being a Joshua fan.

      • 6 months ago

        I feel like TWEWY is a easy game to pick up on things first time but Neo is absolutely a story that needs a second playthrough to pick up on all the details

    • 6 months ago

      Discussion was good until sales numbersgays and translation shitposter that hadn't even played the game showed up.

      • 6 months ago

        Discussion in these threads is always bad because the same exact 3-4 tripgays without tripcodes monitor these threads and defend anything about the games (even actual flaws) again and again while shitposters shitpost for the sake of shitposting (and you can't win because the sequel did bomb for several reasons). There are two polar opposites of posters (rabid fanboys and blatant shitposters) and both make these threads awful. Nowadays I just tend to ignore TWEWY threads because I can already predict 99% of thread's posts and posters. Yes, for whatever reason I've visited this thread in pointless hope of seeing something different but nope, same shit, so I'm outta here.

        • 6 months ago

          You can feel free to leave at anytime anon. It’s not like the threads have much to gain from your inclusion anyway.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh boo fricking hoo. Take the massive stick out of your ass.

  18. 6 months ago

    I was expecting a 5/10 soul crushing disappointment to my favorite game. I received an 8/10 surprise.

  19. 6 months ago

    A new TWEWY thread is a new opportunity to remind everyone Coco is the best girl of all!

    • 6 months ago

      Coco no pico is a b***h-ass poser

  20. 6 months ago

    >finally give the protagonist a happy ending so he can hang out with his friends and waifu
    >sequel comes out
    >"Uhhh no actually he just fricked off and spent the last couple years doing fricking nothing in the UG of another city"

    • 6 months ago

      whatever happened in shinjuku is pretty much mmz's elf wars/castlevania 99 tier

  21. 6 months ago

    This is what I love about TWEWY threads. Even in low-effort bait threads like OP’s, I’m always learning something new that gets me to see the games in a new light.

    • 6 months ago

      One thing I love about the character designs is how they actually look like they fit within the budget of a typical teenager/young adult. Rindo’s coat is fancy but it’s an outlier over what is essentially a pretty normal outfit (branded hoodie over some ripped jeans and basic sneakers). I can easily imagine him saving just enough money after seeing the coat on sale and going "yeah, this speaks to me" and then just wearing it whenever he can to show it off. I even did the same myself as a teen.

  22. 6 months ago

    am i moronic, cause i dont understand why neku is so chill when he comes back despite being trapped in the ruins of shinjuku for about 3 years. i would be seething

    • 6 months ago

      A combination of his development from the first game where he came to not forgive Joshua but still trust him and a couple of other factors such as him and Coco having three years in the void of Shinjuku in order to work out any complications between them and it’s heavily implied that they just that.
      When Joshua comes back on the final day, Neku is reassured and happy to see him because in his mind, if Joshua is there, that means Shibuya is in good hands even if things somehow go wrong. However, after all is said and done, it’s implied that he’s not the happiest camper when it comes to what Joshua did and is a LOT less positively receptive towards him after the whole she-bang with Phoenix Cantus and is shown to be rather annoyed/uncomfortable throughout their entire convo. I think what’s interesting is how this time, instead of Neku making an offer to Joshua to come see him in the RG like in the original game, Joshua is the one who offers him a chance to stay in the UG and work towards becoming Composer, which Neku immediately rejects, not even offering Joshua to come by and see them.

      • 6 months ago

        Another interesting point is that when Josh reassures him that he would’ve intervened anyway if things had gone wrong, Neku finally relaxed. Another thing too is how in A New Day, he’s shown moving on from Joshua when he doesn’t take his offer to meet up in the UG. He gets together with Shiki and Beat to hang out with them and is more or less just continuing on with his daily life without much concern for Joshua. He treats his potential friendship with Joshua as a "what could’ve been." And when Josh DOES get brought up, he’s usually talked about in a negative light by Beat and his counterpart Yoshiya is constantly being threatened by him during their convo. And Neku, notably, doesn’t really object to any of this and doesn’t exactly greet Josh warmly either. This is in contrast to how he would be defensive in regards to opinions concerning Joshua after his "sacrifice" and more notably, how he actually defends Coco when he talks to Beat and explains why she took the actions she did in A New Day when they meet up with her again in NEO, since she actually took the time to reconcile her actions towards him. What Joshua did really hurt Neku at his core and I find Neku and Joshua’s relationship is an incredibly interesting and complex one in regards to how one deals with betrayal and coming to understand one another but still drifting apart due to various circumstances.

        • 6 months ago

          Amazing how two people can shoot you yet one can be forgiven due to not doing it out of being a selfish prick

        • 6 months ago

          I like to think that Joshua did come to regard Neku as a genuine friend but due to Composer duties and what-not, he feels that he can’t be a part of Neku’s world. They are mirrors of each other and they will each haunt each other's actions forever, with Neku as Joshua's guilty conscience and Joshua as Neku's ironic shoulder devil, a reminder of what he could’ve been like.

  23. 6 months ago

    I just thought the game should've been like 50% shorter and the cast cut by about the same amount.
    Still in love with the aesthetic and music though, but it's hardly a game I could recommend to everyone.

    Dog bless Ishimoto for putting out music despite getting frickall for views.

    • 6 months ago

      I think the game used it’s time well as a slow-burn to develop the relationships between the characters as well as their respective arcs. Everytime I revisit NEO, I’m always finding something new.

  24. 6 months ago

    Many such cases

  25. 6 months ago

    First game is stupid hard in a bad way, artificial difficulty.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        He bad at two screens but in his defense, the two screens are hard, it fricks me up too, i can only beat normal mode

      • 6 months ago

        He bad at two screens but in his defense, the two screens are hard, it fricks me up too, i can only beat normal mode

        First game is stupid hard in a bad way, artificial difficulty.

        some bosses are just blatantly unfair honestly
        kitanji first phase acts way too quickly to actually dodge with Beat
        most are fine though

        A literal one hand cripple 100% the game frick off

        • 6 months ago

          How the frick does that have anything to do with what you said? I’m still asking how.

    • 6 months ago

      some bosses are just blatantly unfair honestly
      kitanji first phase acts way too quickly to actually dodge with Beat
      most are fine though

    • 6 months ago

      not an argument
      git gud

  26. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
  27. 6 months ago

    One of the funniest things to come out of the whole debacle when it comes to NEO is how some of the fans trashing on it are acting EXACTLY like
    Hanekoma when it comes to his views on Shibuya’s Game vs Shinjuku’s, to the point that they even prop up his surface-level understanding of Shinjuku’s mechanics for not being what he personally wanted it to be.

    • 6 months ago

      There’s a certain level of hilarious meta-irony when you put it that way, especially signs Hanekoma himself seems to come around to changing his mind at the end of the Reports, mainly when it comes to Rindo and his growth.

    • 6 months ago

      TWEWY is itself the game where "expand your horizons or else your world is tiny" is right in the game's name and Ganker has people that violently reject the game's message in favor of the box they've placed themselves in

    • 6 months ago

      I love how NEO commentates on its status as a sequel by inverting a lot of concepts within the original but not with the intent to foil it just because. There are certainly a lot of deliberate callbacks to the original in NEO (An0ther basically being Rindo’s CAT, Shoka sharing traits with both Neku and Joshua and even having Sakura in her last name, having the three weeks again, a full-on team structure as opposed to just duos, the ideals of Shinjuku vs Shibuya, etc), but the game puts forth its own unique twists on these concepts to have them fit within NEO’s themes and make them feel natural. Fret shares a very similar backstory to Neku when it comes to having dead best friends that shaped their personalities but Fret chose to cope with his grief in a different way and as a result, he has his own problems to deal with. NEO uses the skeleton of the original but aims to tell a story to add on to its lessons of human communication and reflect on the struggles of teens and adults alike in the modern era. In that regard, it’s a fantastic sequel to the original TWEWY.

      • 6 months ago

        That’s what I love about the game. It callbacks to and parallels the original but it doesn’t do so out of spite like a lot of misguided sequels out there. It felt like the team really knew what they were along and wanted to meaningfully expand on what made TWEWY, well, TWEWY.

    • 6 months ago

      I feel like what a lot of people don’t get with Hanekoma is that he has Dances with Wolves syndrome. He's an HP denizen from some level of the angelic choirs where they've already had at least a partial hive-mind happen (as he comments in TWEWY), and tends to see individuality as something exotic. A lot of the Secret Reports, especially where it's talking about denizens of the RG and UG, read like an ethology paper on great apes or an anthropology paper on some recently-contacted indigenous group
      And honestly Mr. H STILL has a bit of a settler mentality. "Well, the souls of the UG will eventually over time "evolve" into something like the hive mind/semi-hive-mind that exists in the Higher Plane, let's just try to uplift them gently by encouraging their Imagination" (in almost the sense of, well, great ape ethologists leaving rocks and sticks near popular foraging spots to see if the chimpanzees or capuchin monkeys will figure out how to use them as tools, or how first-contacts with uncontacted indigenous groups used to offer things like metal tools to be picked up in conspicuous places before "forcing first contact" got to be seen as destructive)
      He honestly considers individuality as something exotic, something they don’t exactly have in the HP and wouldn't it be nice if they could remain individuals before their inevitable Higher-Plane-ification?
      He’s utterly fascinated by humanity and individuality and as such, he becomes infatuated with Shibuya and comes to value Imagination over all. It’s why he’s so dismissive of Rindo at first in contrast of how supportive he was of Neku in the first game because he viewed the former’s average Imagination to be something to not make much ado about it.

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody cares troony

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody cares troony

        I care

      • 6 months ago

        I think another interesting thing about Hanekoma as a character is that he tries to impart onto Neku the value of opening up towards other people and making connections when he himself tries to manipulate others to follow his goals and tried to have Sho kill Joshua in order to try and save Shibuya without actually taking some consideration to try and convince Joshua otherwise about his decision directly. He’s the nicest of the Angels we see so far but he has no problem with sacrificing innocent lives and manipulating others if it’s to achieve his goals, even if it is ultimately for the greater good. Like when he taught Sho how to make extremely dangerous Taboo Noise that wipe out both Players and Reapers alike in a bid to take down Joshua as his back-up plan.

        • 6 months ago

          Yep. It’s why Neku succeeds where both he and Kitaniji failed because he had come to regard Joshua as a genuine friend and his own person, which is what convinces Joshua to ultimately change his mind about Shibuya.

    • 6 months ago

      >If these stupid angels and their stupid rules allow me to have a 5 minute talk with Rindo I could fix this shit so easily.

  28. 6 months ago

    NEO TWEWY has a shit localisation and loads of references to RuPaul's Drag Race


    • 6 months ago

      >this autist is still at it
      It’s been two years. Get over it.

      • 6 months ago

        You're not playing the game with the story the developer's created. You're playing a shitty butchered version that trannies and SJWs at Square Enix in the west modified.

        • 6 months ago

          >You're not playing the game with the story the developer's created. You're playing a shitty butchered version that trannies and SJWs at Square Enix in the west modified.
          It’s funny that you say this considering how the localizers and devs worked extremely closely with one another, to the point that the main head of the localization team even wrote the lyrics for both Breaking Free and Insomnia.

          • 6 months ago

            Then explain why the images on varishangout of scenes in the japanese and western versions have different dialogue with shitty memes inserted into the western version and explain why there are references to RuPaul's Drag Race in the western version.

            • 6 months ago

              I’ll do you one better. I’ll show you a doc explaining the intricacies of the localization.
              Of course, this also depends on whether you actually care to learn instead of acting like a shitposting homosexual, which I’m going to assume is not the case here.

              • 6 months ago

                I love how you left out the "and I oop" reference from rupaul's drag race and the other shitty memes that were added into the localisation. We both know NEO TWEWY's localisation was ruined and so does everyone not on Ganker if you do some googling.

              • 6 months ago

                >so does everyone not on Ganker if you do some googling.
                A couple of autists on one forum does not represent the majority, anon. You’re on Ganker, you should know this already. Also, OG TWEWY had references to the Sixth Sense, the Beastie Boys, and Internet lingo at the time yet I don’t hear you b***hing about that.

              • 6 months ago

                You’re assuming that he actually played the original game and isn’t just a tourist looking to start shit.

              • 6 months ago

                I did play the original game, along with the Android version, Switch version and NEO. You just refuse to accept that your favourite video game got butchered by localisers

              • 6 months ago

                >I did play the original game, along with the Android version, Switch version and NEO.
                Then maybe you can prove it. Also, again, what makes the original game exempt from your b***hing?

        • 6 months ago

          it's not that bad if you're not autistic, my biggest issue is that there are some instances of mistranslations that mislead EOPs about the characters and story

          • 6 months ago

            >not wanting shitty memes and references to rupaul's drag race added into the game that weren't in the jap version makes you autistic

            You're moronic

            • 6 months ago

              I wonder if you’re aware that the original JP version of NEO was also full of memes/references.

            • 6 months ago

              I don't like the memes in it either, but obsessing over it is moronic. not sure what rupaul's drag race is or what neo takes from it, I'm not into that shit

              • 6 months ago

                Fret saying "And I oop" is a quote from that show, there are also other references to the show. Square Enix fricked with Nier Replicant's translation as well.

              • 6 months ago

                it's a meme same as any other, spreg

  29. 6 months ago

    One of the NEO TWEWY VAs raped a 6 year old boy

    • 6 months ago

      Ok you can't say shit like that without immediately following it up anon, spill the beans

  30. 6 months ago

    >ending of Kingdom Hearts 3 had a heartless tornado killing everyone and then the protag using time travel to bring everyone back
    >ending of Neo:TWEWY had a noise tornado killing everyone and then the protag using time travel to bring everyone back

    • 6 months ago

      The funny thing is that both games are also thematically similar, with both protags learning to find value and confidence in themselves and take action yet KH3 stumbles so fricking hard before mildly correcting itself to make sure the fall doesn't kill itself while Neo does a triple backflip and makes the landing

  31. 6 months ago

    >snarky protag spend 3 years in purgatory
    >comes out as a unemotive big brother
    How is it that they can make beat feel like beat, but Neku feels like an imposter?

    • 6 months ago

      Neku is still pretty snarky. He just has no reason to show that side of him to a couple of young-ins (and Nagi) who look up to him for guidance in the middle of a stressful situation. You can still see from his interactions with Beat and Joshua that he’s still got plenty of bite in him. There’s also the fact that a lot of his snarkier moments in the original came from his internal monologue, which we aren’t privy to as much due to Rindo being the viewpoint character this time around. Then there’s this line from him on W3D7.
      >Neku: I get it: you’re nervous about the big fight. So am I.
      >Fret: You sure don’t look nervous.
      >Neku: Just good at hiding it.
      When you combine this with his "the fighting never ends" comment when you enter into some fights, you can read it as the guy just internalizing a lot of his real thoughts so that he doesn’t make the kids around him nervous, which Another Day actually explicitly shows.

      • 6 months ago

        I love how in the Japanese version, he even says "looks like my summer vacation is over" as a reference to Roxas, which is doubly funny considering how they share the same Japanese VA.

        • 6 months ago

          Holy shit really? I am glad that they brough back another Day, I do wish it was bit longer and maybe it had a small cameo from characters like Kitaniji, Konishi, Higashizawa, Shuuto Dan, Sota and Nao since we know they exist in the another day universe

      • 6 months ago

        Neku had a hard life.

  32. 6 months ago

    >teenagers make pop culture references in japanese: 🙂
    >teenagers make pop culture references in english: >:(
    the neet girl who plays gacha has a fumo keychain of the character she likes on her backpack btw

  33. 6 months ago

    If you're not asian you shouldn't be playing NEO TWEWY. You should only play games made by your own race.

    • 6 months ago

      >he says while on a board discussing Japanese games made by a Japanese man

      • 6 months ago

        Ganker was made by Moot, a white man.

  34. 6 months ago

    magine Rhyme from TWEWY saying cringy shit and embarrassing herself without realizing it. Is there anything more pathetic than a cute, obedient 10 year old preteen e-girl wearing edgy "radical" clothes (black hat with a skull pin, long-ass sleeves covering her entire hands, baggy pants that leave half her ass exposed and a trashy oversized sweater that conveniently covers her exposed ass crack), drawing graffiti and cursing like a sailor just because she wants to be accepted by her delinquent onii-chan and his skater friends? She is literally dressed like a badass delinquent e-girl despite not really understanding or sharing any of that edginess and being too young to be angsty. What a tool!

    The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is always making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. Young girls are pathetic tools by nature. Nomura may be a shit game director, but he sure knows how to make realistic characters.

    That character is the most pathetic little b***h I've ever seen in fiction. And I love her for it. I want to strip her naked in front her older "friends" and watch her face as she realizes that she never really fit in, that she was just the stupid tag-along kid sister of one of them! Not even old enough to be considered a woman! Humiliating! Cringy!

    >you'll never have a cute imouto who thinks she's a rebel because she listens to shitty rap songs
    Why live?

    • 6 months ago

      She is super nice and polite, never tries to act cool and never says anything bad to anyone. That's why her design is so baffling. What the frick is such a nice kid doing wearing such clothes?

      I don't think Nomura intended any of this, but I can't help but think that she's just a nice girl with few friends who likes to spend her free time with her brother. But Beat makes her wear that stuff because he's the coolest guy in town and wants his imouto to fit his style.

      This is why such a nice e-girl wears shit that doesn't fit her personality or interests at all. It's kind of pathetic in a lewd way. A gentle e-girl walking around with such an edgy outfit.

      The most pathetic element of the human condition is a e-girl's mind. They are easily influenced and oftend end up making complete fools of themselves. I can totally imagine Rhyme innocently wearing a T-shirt that says "DID YOU CUM TWICE TOO? I NEED A TONGUE BATH" Just how pathetic is that?

      Humans are pathetic.

      • 6 months ago

        The fashion style portrayed in TWEWY is pretty erotic even in the real world. Girls really like "bad guys". But in the case of a young female like Rhyme, I think the eroticism comes from the contrast between the superficiality of her edgy outfit and the naked human body that lies underneath. I'm sorry if I sound like human condition anon, but he has some good points even though he's a shameless pervert.

        Basically, Rhyme's outfit expresses a lot of personality, it's very bold in its message. It surrounds her in an edgy aura. She looks badass without even saying a word, all because of her clothing.

        Instinctively (and consciously too), we are all aware that this is a facade. It's all superficial. Even if she really had the kind of personality that her outfit suggests, her cool aura would be greatly diminished if she was wearing anything else. Her clothes play a crucial role in maintaining that image of a cool girl who does whatever she wants and doesn't give a shit about the rules of society.

        As I said before, this is all superficial. Most of her personality is in her clothes. So, by "stripping her of her clothes" (by being aware of the fact that she is naked under her clothes), not only is she degraded to subhuman status like any other human being. She is ALSO stripped of her personality, her values, all she apparently stands for. Her temporary kid tattoos, her hat, her pins, her sweater with an offensive word written on it, her baggy pants, her colorful bracelets, her flashy shoes... Once all of that is taken away, she is just a naked human girl with an embarrassing barely developed body. A sweaty butt crack. Smelly feet. A pathetic bald pussy.

        • 6 months ago

          This would be humiliating enough for any human, but it's even worse if her clothing IS her personality. Not only her dignity, but also her ego itself. All of that is taken away the moment she loses her clothes. Under her clothes, she doesn't have flashy colors or edginess. On the contrary, her whole body is boring, soft and flesh-colored. A lame piece of meat, no different from all the others. Her naked body has no personality without clothes. And she herself has forgotten how to show her personality without relying on her clothes to do it for her.

          That is the reason why girls who wear overdesigned edgy clothes are hot. You realize that without her clothes she is nothing. When she takes a bath, she is like a completely different person. She can't be "herself" without wearing lots of pins, bracelets and other shit. The very act of visiting her at home feels pervy and voyeuristic because you get to see her true, pathetic, bland appearance, devoid of personality.

          Also, the kind of personality they try to project by wearing those clothes is pretty hot anyway, no need to dig deeper into her psychology in order to expose her miserable human condition. But there is a lot to gain by doing it.

          Also, it makes you wonder how long she spends every day in front of the mirror, putting on all that crap. It makes her come off as an insecure tryhard, totally the opposite of the carefree personality that she tries to project through her clothes.

          Every second you spend with her, you are aware of the fact that she is very concerned with her appearance despite what she might want you to think. This knowledge itself feels perverted, like you are seeing something that she really doesn't want you to see.

          • 6 months ago

            Beat doesn't consider his sister a tag-along kid, dude. He truly loves her (in a non-sexual way).

            If a reaper threatened to kill Rhyme in front of Beat but promised to spare her life if Beat does anything they say, he would accept without a doubt. Even if the reaper's request was for Beat to eat shit directly from Rhyme's butthole, he would do it without thinking twice about it.

            Rhyme would try to refuse and beg the reaper to spare her life without making her do that, but she would eventually give up. She would reluctantly drop her pants and shit inside Beat's mouth. And Beat would take it like a champ, not a single feeling of disgusting crossing his mind, because he TRULY loves his sister and is willing to even swallow shit directly from her butthole if it's necessary to save her life. Beat has the power of a brother's love, literally 10 times stronger than the power of friendship.

            He would keep loving Rhyme, but after that experience, their relationship would be pretty much ruined. Every time he looked at his cute sister, he would remember the taste of her shit in his mouth. And she wouldn't be able to look at her brother ever again after having the dirtiest part of her body, her butthole, licked clean by him. She'd feel humiliated and her self-esteem would drop below zero.

            I really enjoy both of them as characters. It's a shame that Rhyme wasn't a partner and spent most of the game dead.

  35. 6 months ago

    >tfw when Neku realizes that was right all along and shouldn't have associated with other people, because humans are the worst
    How does it feel, Neku? Realizing that your friends are human beings and have buttholes? Realizing that your waifu Shiki poops like any other human? Realizing that every time you hang out with Rhyme, her e-girl anus is only a meter away from your face? Did you know that the average human being farts around 50 times a day without even noticing it? You've been hanging out with such disgusting creatures, what a loser. You were better off as a loner.

  36. 6 months ago

    Hi-Fi Rush is the better game. You can tell love was poured into that game and that the developers gave it their all unlike the NEO TWEWY devs

    • 6 months ago

      >he’s still trying to use Hi-Fi Rush to bait out opinions
      Anon, people just want to discuss NEO TWEWY. I also consider NEO to have far more depth and interactivity in its combat.

    • 6 months ago

      What the hell do HFR and NEO even have in common besides rhythm-based mechanics and cel-shading?

      • 6 months ago

        Both have a similar style to them visually and the assist system in HFR does let you multi-task in a way that's like a simplified version of NEO's system, while HFR's rhythm mechanics is a more advanced version of how NEO gives you bonuses for dashing on-beat with Soundsurfing.

  37. 6 months ago


  38. 6 months ago

    I wish NEO's Another Day wasn't trash but I guess the dev team was running on fumes at that point

  39. 6 months ago

    Neku won, fujoshits lost

    • 6 months ago

      I love how Neku even goes NWF on Josh when he asks if he wants to stay in the UG.

    • 6 months ago

      I love how Neku even goes NWF on Josh when he asks if he wants to stay in the UG.

    • 6 months ago

      glory be to shiki

  40. 6 months ago

    Do books count? Because if so, holy shit, Tidus and Yuna where butchered in that book after FFX2, the director did NOT want a 3rd game and just ruined everything.
    I guess The 3rd Birthday also fits here, poor Aya.

  41. 6 months ago

    Whats the deal with Kariya.

    • 6 months ago

      It’s heavily implied that he knows a lot more about the Higher Plane and it’s workings beyond just everyone else.
      >actually knew about Taboo Noise when not even Joshua was aware of them
      >actively rejects wanting to be a part of Reaper hierarchy because he knows about how corrupt it all is
      >is explicitly in the know when it comes to the Higher Plane even though that’s something that is usually only privy to high-ranking Reapers

      • 6 months ago

        I personally think that he was an Ex-Angel who got fed up with the Higher Plane being a couple of weirdos and just left.

  42. 6 months ago

    Barry destroyed twewy threads by the WAY.

    • 6 months ago


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