Why do Zelda fans hate Wind Waker and Twilight Princess?

Why do Zelda fans hate Wind Waker and Twilight Princess?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Same reason they used to hate Zelda 2. They convince themselves that these games break some imaginary 'formula' essential to a Zelda game and basically go into convultions until someone snaps them out of it.
    That's 'Zelda fans' though. People who like the games like the games.

    • 3 years ago

      Exactly as said. I love Zelda but I fricking hate Zelda fans. Most of the people who shit on Skyward Sword had never even played it. It's not the best game in the series but it's also not a bad game by any means.

      There are literally no bad games in the Zelda series unless you count that CD-i shit. The problem is that most Zelda "fans" don't "get" Zelda (or Nintendo for that matter) and they get mad when every game isn't a clone of whichever game in the series they played first.

      • 3 years ago

        >The problem is that most Zelda "fans" don't "get" Zelda
        This is why I hate the idea of a "Zelda timeline." I couldn't care any less if the games were connected besides the ones that are direct sequels. Them being connected doesn't feel all that important or meaningful, it's moreso about having similar themes rather than similar lore. They feel like alternate universe retellings of similar stories, so it feels weird to consider them apart of the same continuation.

        I can understand trying to get the most out of a franchise and imagining how it's world is all connected, but at some point, trying to get it to all make sense feels detrimental towards them trying to be their own thing.

        • 3 years ago

          I treat it like any folklore hero tale where the central characters and story themes are similar but retold in different ways.

          • 3 years ago

            This. It pains me that some fans don't treat it this same way or aren't also fans of folklore. I wouldn't even call myself a dedicated Zelda fan, I enjoy most of the games, but it seems odd to try and make it out to be more than it is. Folklore is fun when it feels like it can exist in a variety of ways with a lot of different interpretations.

    • 3 years ago

      I love Zelda 2 and all the games before Wind Waker. Twilight Princess was a step in the right direction, but it's still gay, boring Aonuma garbage. FSA was the only good GC Zelda.

    • 3 years ago

      Care to back up your claims that people hated Zelda 2? It's the best game in the entire series so I'm doubting your post.

      • 3 years ago

        Opinions are indeed mixed on Zelda II

        • 3 years ago

          The pattern seems to be that it was liked when it came out, then disliked more when Link to the Past came and was perceived as a return to the style of the original, even though it isn't. It's just a return to the perspective. So people who cant reconcile the differences call it a 'black sheep' and poo poo it even though it is a high quality game.

        • 3 years ago

          Opinions were it was different but still a good game on release.

      • 3 years ago

        >shit on by almost everyone for 30 years
        >"well, i didn't see that so it didn't happen"

        • 3 years ago

          A simple game review would suffice but it wasn't hated on like you're claiming so you won't do that.

          • 3 years ago

            Or when you read something that challenges what you think you could fricking google it instead of sticking your head in the sand and demanding strangers on an Internet forum spoon feed you proof.

            • 3 years ago

              I wasn't the one who made the claim it was hated.

  2. 3 years ago

    I’ve always liked Wind Waker, in spite of being unfinished

  3. 3 years ago

    Personally? I don't hate Twilight Princess, but there's a lot of bloat, handholding, and cutscenes that makes it's replay value frustrating and annoying, especially some of the early Twilight Realm segments. The artstyle on some characters throws me off too, it's a bit to close to the uncanny valley at times, especially with a lot of humans. I wouldn't say it's a bad game, just one I don't care for.

    Wind Waker is a love/hate relationship. There's a lot about I like, there's a lot I dislike. It's pretty obvious what those are if you've played the game yourself. The endgame Triforce quest, the ocean, the reefs, the sidequests. It's the opposite of Twilight Princess honestly where the beginning is smooth, but the ending is rough. Both of them have great dungeons though.

    Really, it all depends on what sort of padding you find enjoyable, that's what everyone's "Favorite Zelda Game" boils down to because none of them are really inherently better than each other and they all do different things.

  4. 3 years ago

    Imagine if Zelda 2 was iterated on with a snes game.

  5. 3 years ago

    I like all Zelda games. Never finished Zelda 2 but still liked what it did. I'm bad at vidya

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