>100% of assets are reused. >No new gameplay mechanics, the same shit since 2009. >Only 10 bosses

>100% of assets are reused
>No new gameplay mechanics, the same shit since 2009
>Only 10 bosses
>No Shadow Of The Colossus style bosses like people asked for since ER announcement
>The size of the DLC is 1/8th of the base game, despite costing 2/3 of it
>No improvements to the base game whatsoever
>No endings
>No improvements to the PVP
>Reuses bosses from the main game
>Even harder than base game which already was too hard
>No covenants
>Alternative dimension AGAIN, instead of DLC actually happening in the game's world
>Final boss is just a boss from the main game (LOOOL)
>All bosses are shit
>That'll be 40$!
Is this the worst DLC of all time?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    it's over

  2. 1 week ago

    >didn't expand Melina's story
    >didn't bother to make any boss relevant to the lore
    >dlc is a boring mess at a scam price
    100% deserved to flop

  3. 1 week ago

    yet still better than any other games being released nowadays. Specially compared to western games which are nothing but homosexual propaganda.

    • 1 week ago

      You tell 'em, ESL anon!

    • 1 week ago

      >well at least my shit isn't diarrhea!

    • 1 week ago

      Dude you're gonna overdose!

    • 1 week ago

      >likes simple games
      >cries about homosexual propaganda
      You people are modern version of rural trash

    • 1 week ago

      >complaining about homosexual propaganda when talking about souls games positively

    • 1 week ago

      Dude, ER has type A/B bodytype stuff. It's as pozzed as it gets.

      • 1 week ago

        Not to mention the DLC turned Radahn into a homosexual

    • 1 week ago

      grrrr gross woke trash!!!
      >LGBT, Japan
      Uhhhh it’s different because… japan!

    • 1 week ago

      Your game has a barahomosexual coveting the bussy of a femboy, it has body type A/B and all the stupid assets were made by Poojets.

  4. 1 week ago

    The best DLC they have ever produced was The Old Hunters

  5. 1 week ago

    Don't worry Tendiebro, From will release a game for the Switch 2.

  6. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >I refuse to play my own slop becuase I know I know whats it made of.
      Shazam was right...

      • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          Sorry bro, can't hear you over all these people playing.

          Slop being popular doesn't make it not slop
          When will you people realize this?
          I'm not actually Shadow of the Erdtree is bad, in fact I haven't played it yet
          What I am saying, is that your posts are stupid

          • 1 week ago

            >in fact I haven't played it
            Yeah, we're well aware. You have strong opinions about things you haven't played and love using labels such as "slop." I think you're mentally unwell.

            • 1 week ago

              I have strong opinions about idiots equating popularity with quality
              It may or may not be slop, but its popularity is unrelated

              • 1 week ago

                Popularity is indeed entirely unrelated and was brought up by absolutely no one but you in response to overwhelmingly positive reviews. You are an unintelligent individual.

              • 1 week ago

                >and was brought up by absolutely no one
                Do you understand the concept of implication? If I'm unintelligent, you're an absolute moron.

      • 1 week ago

        I'm the original Shazam and I loved Elden Ring.

        Cyberpunk is still a disappointment.

    • 1 week ago

      >make the games you want to play
      >doesn't want to play it
      Shit confirmed.

    • 1 week ago

      It's massively common for creatives not to engage with their own media.
      Why would they? not only is it their job and they've probably spent 100s of work hours making it so they know what's going to happen but it sprung from them. It's human to seek new experiences.

      That's not to say the DLC is good. Just a weird way to try attack it.

      • 1 week ago

        HOLY BASED

        Yup, and most actors don't watch their own movies.

      • 1 week ago

        >I'm a cook
        >eat what I cooked? No. You are eating it

  7. 1 week ago

    >literally wrong on every single count
    kek holy shit

  8. 1 week ago

    Sorry bro, can't hear you over all these people playing.

    • 1 week ago

      >popular = good!!!!
      Shit, I guess KFC is the peak of culinary achievement then.....

      • 1 week ago

        >food analogy

        • 1 week ago

          American board, American analogies

          • 1 week ago

            >japanese site
            >american analogies
            Yeah I don't think so.

        • 1 week ago

          >shocking truth

          • 1 week ago

            How braindead are you? There's nothing there to imply dis/agreement. Only pointing out the typical food anology. Frickin' yanks really are dim.

  9. 1 week ago

    itt mindbroken shazamtrannies

  10. 1 week ago

    Is he the new Yoshi Piss?

  11. 1 week ago

    have a nice day ninteBlack person

  12. 1 week ago

    Is Ganker finally ready to admit that ds3 was the last soulful souls games?

    • 1 week ago

      >fanservice souls 3

  13. 1 week ago

    This DLC proves that it's pointless to speculate about anything lore related in the game. There is literally MISSING INFORMATION. It can literally be anything. GEQ, Erdtree, Empyreans, Fingers? Could be any random thing

    • 1 week ago

      That was apparent since Dark Souls 3 fanfiction. It's very shallow and always has been. They just do vibes really well. It's wierd seeing so many still take lore specifically seriously. The background inspirations are cool and all but there's no thought behind a lot of the actual story.

  14. 1 week ago

    >4 years for this BTW
    I have no idea what From was doing besides Armored Core at the same time, but taking at long as they did when it's just a glorified Dark Souls expansion pack is insane to me.

    Then they fricked up. DS2-3's DLC was out within a year. You can't blame the PS4 generation for how long it took.

  15. 1 week ago

    >>No Shadow Of The Colossus style bosses like people asked for since ER announcement
    That sounds like a horrible idea for a Souls-like

  16. 1 week ago

    >>No Shadow Of The Colossus style bosses like people asked for since ER announcement
    Literally who has even asked for this?

  17. 1 week ago

    Souls should have ended at 1 and probably had one spin off like BB. Miyazaki should have experimented more with point and click games like Deracine even if they were going to fail. He would have been respected like Suda51 but chose to shit out slop instead.

  18. 1 week ago

    when the dust finally settles, ER dlc will be remembered that it has a homosexual power couple as final boss while people still talk about atoria and such from ds1 dlc

    • 1 week ago

      I can already tell. Everybody will just stop talking about it but when asked will say the DLC was great but never ever expand on why.

    • 1 week ago

      seriously, not a single memorable boss from dlc and it took 2 FRICKING YEARS

    • 1 week ago

      >lower case
      >typos everywhere
      India has the smallest penis size in the entire world

      • 1 week ago

        why did you bring up poojeet out of nowhere? Is criticism not a thing for ER anymore?

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            yeah, so name 1 memorable boss that you like from the dlc bro

        • 1 week ago


  19. 1 week ago

    elden ring is a better open world game than legend of the copy pasted moblin camps no matter how much you seethe, discord nintentrannies 🙂

  20. 1 week ago

    The last good Souls game was the original DeS. Since then, the series has evolved into
    >le big boss enemy doing big swing attacks that force you to roll at the right moment which then gives you a windows of 1-2 attacks while grandiose and epic orchestra music is playing
    The game became more about the combat than anything else, which is terrible, because the combat is quite terrible.

  21. 1 week ago

    It just pisses me off that he can't write a good cast of characters in a rpg despite having good designs and voices sometimes. They always have to end up dead if they have any semblance of personality. His work is too cookie cutter to allow anything to flourish.

  22. 1 week ago


  23. 1 week ago

    This DLC just makes the lore even more moronic
    shit doesn't make sense at all
    everything pointed to Miquella trying to bring back Godwin but somehow this fricking twink brings back Radahn even though this fat redhead homie's story was pretty much done in the base game
    what about Marika ? what do we learn ? nothing useful
    Miquella was actually more interesting when his whole story was missing from the base game
    now he's just a stupid twink with a crush on Radahn for some fricking reason
    what pisses me off the most is that everyone will act like it's some genius storytelling because a lot of content creators live off Fromslop lore videos

    • 1 week ago

      >coherent storytelling
      How many Souls games have you played? Haven't you learned yet?

    • 1 week ago

      Miquella wants someone strong so wants Radahn who can likely bring the eclipse.

    • 1 week ago

      Radahn is the strongest non-outer god in the setting why would miquella not want to recruit him?

    • 1 week ago

      2 years and 40$
      anyone that defends this shit is a fricking moron
      also this

    • 1 week ago

      They brought back Radahn because Reddit loves him

    • 1 week ago

      Next Vivadyorwhateverfrickhisnameis title:
      Why Trans Right Is Human Right | An Elden Ring Lore Analysis

    • 1 week ago

      the zanzibart guy won.

      apologize to borderlands writing team.

    • 1 week ago

      >This DLC just makes the lore even more moronic
      There wasn't any lore or story before so you can't make it worse

      Where legends and forgotten histories intertwined, there existed an enigmatic figure known as Miyazaki the Cattle Driver. He presided over an impossible kingdom, a realm that defied conventional boundaries and existed on the fringes of mortal understanding. It was said that from this realm, Roller the Slopper was born—a creature whose origins were as obscure and elusive as the shifting shadows that danced across Elden Ring's forsaken landscapes.

      Miyazaki, ancient and inscrutable, held dominion over a realm where the laws of reality were bent and reshaped at whim. His kingdom was a mosaic of paradoxes and contradictions, where whispers of past deeds and future destinies echoed endlessly through labyrinthine corridors and towering citadels.

      Zamzibart the Zamzilord and Roller the Slopper, guided by a sense of purpose that transcended mortal comprehension, ventured into Miyazaki's domain. They sought not just answers to the mysteries that bound them together but also a deeper understanding of forgiveness—a concept that Miyazaki, in his timeless wisdom, embodied in ways that defied mortal logic.

      As they traversed Miyazaki's kingdom, they encountered trials that tested their resolve and forged bonds stronger than steel. Roller, rolling through realms where time itself flowed like a river with no beginning or end, found solace in the quietude of Miyazaki's presence. The cattle driver's gaze held the weight of countless eons, his understanding of Elden Ring's mysteries a beacon in the endless night.

      • 1 week ago

        in the base game there were a bunch of hints that Miquella wanted Godwyn

        • 1 week ago

          They make the story using ChatGPT, you can't expect fromsoftware to remember whatever the AI spouted 3 years ago

    • 1 week ago

      >mfw a while back I shitposted about how nothing about Melina will be revealed and instead you get Melani instead - a new, never before mentioned character
      >they actually did it with Rennala and Rellana
      This shit is beyond parody.

  24. 1 week ago

    Leave the Souls genre to me.

  25. 1 week ago

    >LGBT shit
    I hate japan

  26. 1 week ago

    how many video will be made on just WHY MIQUELLA HAS 3 ARMS?

    • 1 week ago

      wiener, balls, prostate.

  27. 1 week ago

    I've just finished Lies of P prior to this game, and it really shows how much From can still improve in terms of visuals, hitboxes (especially hitboxes) and performance. The fact that you're still getting hit by whatever lingering hitbox that has 0 match with the animations most of the time 5 games after the og DS came out is fricking moronic.

  28. 1 week ago

    >fromdrones and normies will eat it up because its cool to like dark souls 4
    the entire franchise is only alive because of drones
    even worse, knowing they can make a good game like sekiro

    • 1 week ago

      It is alive because even after so many clones and shit it is still a very much unique experience that no one managed to fully replicate still. And yes, jank is part of it.

    • 1 week ago

      and Armored Core 6

      • 1 week ago

        and that too

    • 1 week ago

      and Armored Core 6

      Same bros. It sucks that we will probably get another bloated open world DeS reskin sloppa as the next game instead of actually good Fromkino like Sekiro or King's Field.

  29. 1 week ago

    Shazam malding.

  30. 1 week ago

    the game was extremely tiresome in its 2nd half. bosses were just spazzing around the screen shooting lasers and explosions and doing 20 attack combos which they can interrupt if they detect you making an attack, to jump back half way across the arena while throwing daggers at you

    1st half where most of the polish went was still fun, the most fun boss is that menacing knight who has angel wings at low hp and the big glowing bug/alien, most of the other stuff was just annoying or forgettable

  31. 1 week ago

    Is this the first time shazamhomosexuals actually win?

  32. 1 week ago

    >No endings
    >Alternative dimension AGAIN, instead of DLC actually happening in the game's world
    Its time to except from games are just glorified dungeon crawlers with barely any story. All of this convoluted shit is just an excuse to throw more bosses at you.

  33. 1 week ago

    You forgot to talk about the massive health bloating issue with every enemies in the dlc who hit like a truck needing 10000000000 slashes from your sword to go down,

    you forgot to talk about the completely moronic special dlc item system used at bonfires slowly equalizing the damage output and defense stats of your character and summons in relation with every enemies ( because without farming those items you do shit for damage and you get deleted in two swipes ),

    you forgot to talk about the performance issues, it's running like trash on PC and consoles. For the first time both sides are being equally mistreated,

    You forgot to talk about the prevalence of +20 hits combos being used even by normal enemies, the flanderization of soulslop continues, it has never been this fricking bad they never fricking stop attacking, having AOE attacks, particles covering the screens, jumping everywhere and going out of sight away from the camera

    You forgot to talk about legacy dungeons being less complex or smaller than the base game counterparts

    Great job fromslurp.

  34. 1 week ago

    >writes a better lore than the DLC

  35. 1 week ago

    Dark Souls 2 did it right

    • 1 week ago

      My honest reaction to shadow of the erdtree

  36. 1 week ago

    >>No Shadow Of The Colossus style bosses like people asked for since ER announcement
    Fromsoftgays asked for this? What's the point? They're happy with slashing at a giant's feet for 3 minutes, so boss size wouldn't change much.

  37. 1 week ago

    The bone dude in the slimy pits was kinda cool and the frenzy lord looked amazing, but both sucked as fights. I didn't like how hard the base game was, but these two were too easy!

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