>10,000 hrs on record. >This game sucks!

>10,000 hrs on record
>‘This game sucks!’
Do you trust reviews like this?

Stratton Oakmont Wolf of Wall Street Shirt $21.68

Anus Alien Shirt $21.68

Stratton Oakmont Wolf of Wall Street Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago


  2. 2 months ago

    Just post the sexy chibis from 2

    Also my fave song is Mu Lung

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        It's a crime all these MS2 girls have gone to waste

        • 2 months ago

          A massive loss

          • 2 months ago

            how do you make a game so devoid of content you have to shut it down in like a year when your main selling point was to gooners? took 24 hours to reach level cap and all end game content was time and rng gated. the game took more time to develop than it was alive

            • 2 months ago

              It was bizarre. They designed it as a social MMO but forgot that half way through development and tried to focus on raiding.
              Global version also had the problem of compressing all the stuff that Korea slowly gained over time into a quickfire dump of content that encouraged nothing but pushing harder and faster and generally not seeing anything but endgame.
              All the charm of the world was lost because you were expected to constantly grind raids. A lot of the earlier content was fun but no one ever played it because it wasn't purple enough.
              They removed a lot of the cashshop roadblocks for global to allow for more social stuff and then never highlighted it.

              They just shot themselves in the foot trying to recreate the original experience, grown over many years, in a month.

            • 2 months ago

              asiatics gonna asiatic.
              Reminder the same publisher tried to astroturf their biggest release last year by pretending it was an indie game.

            • 2 months ago

              They fricked up by not making leveling glacially slow. Fast leveling in a brand new mmo is cringe

            • 2 months ago

              It was doing fine. They shut it down prematurely because they're fricking morons. I played on the Australian server, and I was still able to find parties in decent time for raids. Nexon are complete and utter morons.

          • 2 months ago

            >fat ass bunny girls
            >black engineer
            >gyaru sailor girl

            • 2 months ago

              same reason GMS is getting shit on right now:
              They made too many stupid changes that nobody asked for, and were never going to improve, only worsen, the game.
              MS2 is an unfortunate study because even as early as the alpha tests/technical tests they were switching shit up that people enjoyed for no discernable reason. Zakum went from a full 3D arena, completely modeled, sound track, tons of attacks, multiple phases, really enjoyable fight to some random 2d "MEMBER THIS?" garbage (which was already served perfectly fine by mushmom).
              They switched it from being deathball and grind-to-level to a boring MSQ that no one wanted or enjoyed (and everyone just skipped through).
              GMS2 got it worse because they ALSO upped exp rates on just about everything except msq so you'd level by fishing or erping in your house, then have to blitz through msq at a snail's pace, it was brutal, the lack of equalization in ilvl made it impossible to find parties unless you were playing from day 1 and getting through all the shit and getting gear to keep up, and they only fixed it after shutdown was announced. Launched with a bunch of classes missing for 0 reason, it was just awful.
              KMS2 as is, is on life support, but GMS2 never stood the remotest chance.
              I think them leading all marketing with "WE HAVE A BATTLE ROYALE" was just... A fricking wild decision. Especially considering that was a limited time, novelty mode meant to be a joke in KMS2, but they treated it like a main feature of MS2, and for the first 3 months after launch everyone thought I was trying to get them on ANOTHER fricking battle royale.

              • 2 months ago

                damn, I thought ms2 was just bad from design, sounds awful that they actively ruined it. playing through on launch it was genuinely depressing to see the makings of a really cool game buried under a mountain of godawful systems

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, they lead really REALLY hard with all of the non-game systems, and made them so useful and efficient for leveling that most people never played the base game, and as such, never had gear to do the dungeons which ended up being all they released after launch. Instead of releasing the extra content piecemeal, they only held back the core game stuff, so it seemed like the game had 0 content (It did, but that's an aside).
                It was just never going to work no matter what they did because it was fricked up at the source though. All the promises they made, dungeon maker with LUA got spun off as maplestory worlds (a roblox type creation tool but using maple assets, which has a pre-bb clone which is far and away the most popular game on it and has been since it opened up in beta in 2022, look up "mapleland" if you want to see it), the racing minigame just got completely scrapped, the housing updates also never game, basically the game is on bare minimum crew, gets it's 2 solstice updates and that's really it, lots of event repeats in KR, I'm pretty sure chinese ms2 shut down recently as well, which is not a good sign.

      • 2 months ago

        I wish the nu-disgaea 3d models looked as good as maple story 2s models.

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          shortstack PREGNANT

      • 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    Critics don't stop critiquing their hobbies just because they turn to shit or they run into a bad product. People who continue to play for thousands of hours even after admitting it's shit are the heroes we need, because there are always going to be idiot consumers who are going to ask, "sHoUlD i PlAy DiS?" and just base their decision off the first moron with 3 hours invested who gives it a glowing review.

    • 2 months ago

      What compels someone to play something for thousands of hours even if they hate it?

      • 2 months ago

        People also hate their jobs but they do it anyway.

        • 2 months ago

          Because they have to to pay the bills. A game is a form of recreation and entertainment. Not in the least bit mandatory.

          Because the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy, if someone bothered to hate or criticize something, it's because they care about it.

          I would hate to stick my hand in a pot of boiling water though.

          • 2 months ago

            That's because you love your hand. Don't you get his point?

            What compels someone to play something for thousands of hours even if they hate it?

            In addition to the rest, it can just be that you wanted the game to improve and kept playing in the hopes that it did. Or you believed "it gets better 500 hours in" and kept trying to justify it until you eventually quit.

          • 2 months ago

            >food analogy

      • 2 months ago

        Sunk cost fallacy

      • 2 months ago

        Could be a variety of reasons, habit, actual addiction, sunk cost as someone else mentioned, laziness/reluctance/fear to find something else to do
        Could also legitimately be the best entertainment available but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck nor is it an excuse to let it suck

      • 2 months ago

        Because the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy, if someone bothered to hate or criticize something, it's because they care about it.

      • 2 months ago

        Go to steam and open Dota2 reviews

      • 2 months ago

        Here's one of many scenarios. Imagine trying to be the absolute best at a video game. That amount of focus will inevitably cause you to be hyper aware of any element that works against achieving that goal. It doesn't automatically make the game unplayable or detestable, but it does make you attentive to its flaws should you wish to criticize it.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't mind being critical of a game, and wanting to see it be the best it can be. But you cannot hate something if you pumped 1000 hours into it. It had to have elements that appeal to you, hook you in and keep your attention.

          Or you're just a defective human being easily manipulated.

          • 2 months ago

            Or, you enjoyed it for a significant portion, and after a major change, you kept playing in hopes that it would improve, only for it not to, until you're fed up.
            That totally happened to me with a game called hero siege. To a much smaller degree (150 hours before a big update that completely revamped leveling, items, weapons, the economy, etc) and I played for about 20 hours after, before I completely gave up and left a less than glistening review.

          • 2 months ago

            Well, no shit. But no game is perfect, my dude.

      • 2 months ago

        Generally because they have other gays doing it with them. They all have a collective need to play a shit game to maintain their relationships.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't want good games. I want bad games to complain about.

    • 2 months ago

      If someone plays 100+ hours and negatively reviews a game they’re moronic.

      If someone had played Baldur's Gate 3 all the way through, instead of giving the game a 10/10 after finishing the Act 1 the devs spent 2 years polishing, it could've saved us all a lot of disappointment.
      Sometimes devs frontload fun to avoid bad reviews and refund time limits.

      • 2 months ago

        frontload is right
        >dozens of dead bodies to talk to
        >tons of hidden content
        and then act 2 is just
        >explore this tiny map and kill things until you get to the tower, where they tell you to go kill things on the other side of the map
        >typical larian design of 'heh, our players don't know the two dudes in the rafters who are hidden have smokepowder bombs and we placed barrels and other such things nearby to cause massive reactions to 1 shot your team'

        • 2 months ago

          skill issue, opinion discarded

          • 2 months ago

            not an argument.

    • 2 months ago


      >10,000 hrs on record
      >‘This game sucks!’
      Do you trust reviews like this?

      On Steam, i only ever look at negative reviews for a game
      Shilling culture has destroyed all methods of discussion
      You can never know when you are talking with a pajeet being paid to talk about something, or a robot

      Not only that, the people not on the shilling train, end up becoming (free) shills themselves.
      ><funny joke about game, not an actual review>
      >1 word about the game, not a review
      >a huge ass TLDR post about the game that somehow manages to cram alot of words into a message that basically doesnt say anything
      >Minecraft tier [x]
      >Crysis!!! []
      >Not a fricking review, its a fricking checklist you stupid Black person

      Then you got the fricking guy that actually played the game (hundreds of hours), said the game sucks and is only worth it for quarter the price if it ever goes on sale
      Thats way more honest to me than any other review

      • 2 months ago

        Let's not pretend the negative reviews aren't the same shit, anon. Steam reviews are full of people like me who can't be funny off the cuff but think they can once around other people.
        Reviews are only worth looking at either way if they clearly outline various reasons they have for which side they're on, and don't require you to look at their shitty worthless video to see them.

        • 2 months ago

          Negative reviews are easily better though not perfect. You can get a pretty good idea of how good or bad a game is by looking either exclusively at negative reviews or the absence of them. There's no doubt disingenuous reviewbombing exists but it is nowhere close to the prevalence of fake positive reviews. This is probably because it's stupidly easy to make a fake positive review that looks genuine whereas if you want to give something a decent criticism you have to give it some thought.

      • 2 months ago

        Shills and review bombers are two sides of the same coin, same as wokeism and the far right. You all are literally the blight of our times.

        • 2 months ago

          Only people who sympathize with woke shills think this

          • 2 months ago

            You are not immune to propoganda

            • 2 months ago

              Actually I am, and soon when AI generation becomes indistinguishable from real life everyone with enough braincells for friction will be forced to join me in disregarding all evidence and going by strict principles only.

  4. 2 months ago

    There's nobody better to listen to, assuming they also mention the new player experience at least

  5. 2 months ago

    Yes, because they can give an indepth explanation of a game and have shown they probably know what they're talking about.

  6. 2 months ago

    >Do you trust reviews like this?
    never and i've been here pre-2010

  7. 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    >'content creator' does something for attention

    whoa what the frick?!

  9. 2 months ago

    I trust the reviews of someone with 100s of hours over those with less than 10 saying it's great or sucks or those morons that make a meme for a review.

    • 2 months ago

      If someone plays 100+ hours and negatively reviews a game they’re moronic.

  10. 2 months ago

    Yes, i'd trust someone who spent literal autism hours in the game over the developer himself.
    developers are not your friend, they are trying to milk you for all the money you are worth

    • 2 months ago

      devs dont even play their own games these days, they just look at the player metrics and add the bare minimum that keeps people playing

  11. 2 months ago

    Plot twist: This was all a set up to draw new players to the game

    • 2 months ago

      You know too much.

  12. 2 months ago

    This is basically a modern "knight slays a dragon" style concept

  13. 2 months ago

    No I do not trust them. Their dopamine receptors are so fricked at that point to play a game they actively hate for so long, I cannot even conceive of how we would have the same mindset when in comes to fun, engaging gameplay.

    If the tldr version of their review is "latest patch ruined it", only then will I give them consideration.

  14. 2 months ago

    if he quit at 299.99, then he wasn't the first level 300 player now was he?

    • 2 months ago

      what number is 299.99 mathematically close to

  15. 2 months ago

    It's not even that he "ranted", he pointed out concisely and clearly why the game was fricked for reg because of the insane favoritism on reboot, it was only made worse after an announcement earlier in the month where they said "We see reboot has more players so the people who are playing characters from the original launch almost 20 years ago can go get fricked, we don't care".
    Dude basically lined them up and took a fat shit all over them, after they promoted him ingame and on ALL of their social media, in front of 20k people, including players from different regions.

    If he ragequit over something stupid that'd be one story, but he pretty much just said "this is shit that's bothered everyone for years, I don't want to keep playing if you won't fix it".
    And the best part it, he's still 6 months at the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM ahead of the next person to hit it.
    And you know what's gonna happen if they don't commit to fixes? He's gonna log in before the next person can hit it, and snipe 300 again and fricking obliterate them AGAIN.
    It was fantastic and when you have no actual power, being given just a taste like he had, I gotta admit I'd probably have just taken the tour of the office and the free trip to korea, he's got a fricking massive pair of balls.

    • 2 months ago

      >and fricking obliterate them AGAIN.
      God I don't follow this game but I hope someone makes a thread then that sounds hilarious

    • 2 months ago

      >front of 20k people
      Does this title really pull that much views? I think I haven't heard the name Maplestory mentioned in like 20 years.

      • 2 months ago

        Not usually, this is a one-in-5-years event though (usually takes abt 5 years between level caps)
        plus, it was being shilled EVERYWHERE by nexon, including their official twitter, and in-game, with a GM-pushed banner advertising his twitch channel. It also had people from servers all over the globe tuning in to see as it was a true world first.
        on a good day maple pulls around 1k viewers for GMS, KMS pulls about 4-5k, the rest pull around 2k combined (SEA, jms, tms). CMS gets more but it's china so it doesn't count.

        pserver streaming used to be pretty big, royals/legends would get around 3-4k viewers on average, but nexon whined to twitch and had pserver streams banned so no one watches them anymore.

    • 2 months ago

      >He's gonna log in before the next person can hit it, and snipe 300 again and fricking obliterate them AGAIN.
      They won't allow that to happen.

      • 2 months ago

        how are they seriously gonna stop him? if they delete or suspend his account so he can't he's gonna make it immediately public

        • 2 months ago

          set a flag on his account server side that forbids any xp gain that'd take him to 300 from ever registering. he wouldn't be able to know until he's tried to snipe it away from the next guy.
          personally, it's based that he'd sacrifice 10k hours of his life just to shit on a bad company AND ditch the ultimately meaningless digital bragging rights despite having no lifed for so long, but it'd be cringe if he then decided he wanted the trophy anyways. would just make him out to be nothing more than an attention prostitute using outrage as a moral basis to grandstand for more eyes on him. apparently it's a troon too so you already know what's going to happen

          • 2 months ago

            >apparently it's a troon too
            rent free

            • 2 months ago

              I've been playing maple since 2005 and dropped it when the pirate island shit was released. probably before this guy's even heard of the game. I've been seething at nexon for so long I'm not even willing to give blue archive a try (thank god I didn't)
              this moron's a fricking buffoon. his arguments suck too, and in the worst possible way at that. he's mad at nexon for wanting to pivot from p2w regular to reboot, alienating him and his character in the process (devaluing it). he is in fact seething that nexon is not letting him pay to win.

              • 2 months ago

                nexon makes it cost more to do basically anything in gms than it does in korea and refuses to port QOL korea got years ago
                this is true in reboot too where the only way to get cosmetics is gacha gambling
                it's still pay to win, it's just greedier and incompetent

              • 2 months ago

                sucks for the reg players (all nexon slaves are suckers in my eyes) but how are cosmetics p2w?

  16. 2 months ago

    if ms2 was like fall guys with bosses making the environment hazards, as well as your char ability to deal damage and interact with physics, be able to aerial-attack spring on a boss etc, that shit would be popular
    rip it was fun until 'that part' in end game

  17. 2 months ago

    >boot up maplestory
    >40+ classes
    >entire world has been gutted and streamlined for maximum grind with no other features or points of interest
    >you can teleport anywhere in the world, the only difference between environments is the amount of xp you get for instant-killing monsters
    >entire sets of gear arbitrarily stuffed into your inventory
    >stats are so hilariously fricked that you see damage numbers in the billions, against bosses with trillions of hp
    who the frick plays this trash

    • 2 months ago

      >entire world has been gutted and streamlined for maximum grind with no other features or points of interest
      what were all the epic points of interest in old maplestory

  18. 2 months ago

    >sunk cost fallacy game
    >moron screeching "water is wet" for clout

    This isn't the win or own people think it is. Everyone knows that Nexon is shit and you gave them your most precious resource which is time.

  19. 2 months ago

    What is the "correct" amount of playtime to leave a bad review?

    • 2 months ago

      hours should just be correlation to how many things you tried in the game, the more hours the more things you could have tried. but you could spend 10 minutes in a game and leave a bad review about the UI and it's still a worthy review

  20. 2 months ago

    No. Often their criticism of the game is simply the result of playing it so much. They've ground away every bit of enjoyment until all that's left is frustration. This is doubly true for competitive games where hyper subjective feelings of frustration at things like stagnating skill and balance can factor in.

  21. 2 months ago

    >smoking for 30 years
    nah i would smoke

  22. 2 months ago

    The strongest hate is born of the strongest love.

  23. 2 months ago

    the ultimate shitpost

  24. 2 months ago

    I remember seeing Nexon points at my local Walmart years and years ago.

    • 2 months ago

      They still sell them. They rebranded as "Karma Koin" around 10y ago, they were hoping to get other publishers to agree to the system so they'd get a cut of all purchases (lmao), as you can imagine, literally no one else bought into it, so karma koins are exclusively nexon cash cards.

  25. 2 months ago

    Pretty funny stunt.
    If you're not gunna listen to a guy who got this far, who WILL you listen to? I know you should form your own opinions, but it's clear he did this specifically to make a point and be heard.

  26. 2 months ago

    mmos are just mindless grinding bullshit
    what the frick could there be to complain about
    you're signing up for literal torture because you're a masochistic frick if you play on of those

  27. 2 months ago

    Now he's gonna get banned, everyone will forget this ever happened in a week and the devs will continue their predatory tactics
    He should've taken the statue and trip to Korea tbqhwyf

  28. 2 months ago

    Way more than someone who has only played 3 hours and calls it the greatest game ever.

  29. 2 months ago

    they know the game better than anyone else

  30. 2 months ago

    Its insane to me that someone can play a single game for that long. I've been playing games from the NES and the amount of games I have put even 100 hours into would be less than a dozen and none would be over 200. Someone playing 1 game for 1000s of hours is complete lunacy to me.

    • 2 months ago

      mmo's have bloated times cause theres lots of down and idle time

  31. 2 months ago

    Then he isn't the first level 300 player, is he

    • 2 months ago

      The next closest player is 298 which at least 6 weeks of grinding

      He can snipe the first 300 at any point

      • 2 months ago

        And if he does, he reveals himself to be a lying b***h with no conviction to his morals.

        • 2 months ago

          No it wouldnt, it would just spite the koreans because they couldnt get it and just invalidates the other attempts at being first

          • 2 months ago

            >"ree i'm going to quit at 299.99 and stop playing the game forever"
            >"actually nvm"
            Yeah nah he'd be a coward.

            • 2 months ago

              he didn't say forever, and never said forever. He said "Until they respond". He just wants a response which is more than GMS ever gets.

            • 2 months ago

              Its just an enhancement to his statement that their most dedicated player still can easily be first even after everything and that they could easily be not shit if they just werent being greedy israelite equivalents

  32. 2 months ago

    It isn't how long they played it before leaving a negative review, it's how much more they played after.

  33. 2 months ago

    I know nothing about MS, but this guy is a legend.

  34. 2 months ago

    Yes, especially since so many games these days are Live Service or Seasonal or have constant updates of some kind, meaning it's perfectly possible for a game to have at one point been good and fun but now being garbage. Paradox games also fall into this category where they get so many DLC and updates over the years the experience is essentially a completely different game, and sometimes the updates completely break the fricking game to the point it's unplayable (galactic paragons wrecked Stellaris with OP leader spam bullshit for MONTHS...)

  35. 2 months ago

    Did that actually happen? I wish I had half of the balls and dedication needed to do this.

    • 2 months ago

      It did
      I laughed so hard when he fricking quit without even leveling up

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't played Maplestory in like 15 years holy shit what the FRICK is that game, look at all that visual puke.

      • 2 months ago

        God I miss when things were simple, like the game is so bloated with conflicting shit and there's way too many visual effects. The fricking gameplay isn't even the same anymore, it's like a totally different game altogether. The "press 1 button to kill mobs" shit was actually kino, the animations used to be simple and pretty good. Now it's over the top rainbow shit thrown into a blender that spits out 50 lines of 1 billion damage and covers the entire screen in shit. There was something about the old pixel maple art style that has so much soul that I don't even think it can be recreated faithfully.

  36. 2 months ago

    Can't blame him, regular servers are 100% pay to win, reboot is getting nerfed, and the grind is hell, it's basically doing dailies and weekly quest and relying on luck.

    • 2 months ago

      You have it backwards.
      They removed any element of trading and turned reg into reboot after 260, reboot is not only NOT getting nerfed, but is getting giga-buffed while reg gets nerfed because we don't get meso-for-cube.
      Dailies and weeklies are shit though yeah, but events shit out anything you'd need to do dailies for, so you pretty much just boss, and work on legion, but even that is getting changed to the artifact system since all anyone did was make a handful of bossing mules, that's how you get your stat boosts.

      • 2 months ago

        great, reg servers are trash

        • 2 months ago

          If that's how you feel, sure. No reason for them to get cucked even harder than they already are though, all it will do is drive players away, people who have accounts built up on reg aren't gonna move to reboot, and their attempt at a new reboot world failed MISERABLY and it kept fricking nobody.

  37. 2 months ago

    How is this fun? What the frick even is this, do people actually play Maplestory in 2024.

    • 2 months ago

      Have you seen the video of old people just mindlessly pulling slot machines? Now you know

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, that was the first thing that came to mind when I found that video actually haha. But those boomers have the potential to make money... what does he or the average player get from end game maplestory??

        • 2 months ago

          in reg? Everyone's selling services.
          People sell lib carries for around $100/mo, eternals gear goes for around a thousand a piece.
          reboot too, but they can only sell carries (or powerleveling which is a big thing).
          they tried to introduce antibotting measures for 6th job by limiting tradability on the main 6th job resource, but accidentally made it so everyone just bots it instead because they have to grind it themselves and no one wants to spend 50+ hours a week to do it.
          But yeah, nothing "officially" besides progression.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm grinding The Hell 3, a single player Diablo 1 mod which takes approximately 2 years to complete

  38. 2 months ago

    God I hate Nexon. If have 10 new EA's spout up if it meant killing Nexon. Frick Nexon.

  39. 2 months ago

    Yes, those are always the most trust worthy reviews. Assuming it's a live service/multiplayer game. If it's a singleplayer game, absolutely not, those reviews are almost entirely shills.

  40. 2 months ago

    what a fricking hero

  41. 2 months ago

    Who else would you trust? Noobs?

  42. 2 months ago

    I mean, yeah
    Actually listening to some of what he said and he really calls Nexon out on core problems the game has had for YEARS (all while claiming "we're listening to the playerbase!")
    I doubt Nexon will do anything other than fume over this for a brief period of time though
    Really at this point I don't even know if you can blame Global Nexon exclusively when most (definitely not all) of the shit design decisions come from the top (KMS)

    • 2 months ago

      They do come from the top, but the point is, GMS has been the redheaded stepchild for over a decade, and has been given updates (crucial, critical, CORE updates) YEARS after everyone else.
      GMS didn't get fricking auction house until after reboot launched, 0 surprise reboot obliterated reg, and somehow they pretend it's an "anomaly". We know exactly why.
      Don't forget how we kept the pre 2008 cash shop until reboot''s launch and only changed it after an underflow exploit happened where you could get cap mesos and 99 black cubes just by... choosing to buy 99 black cubes. Complete oversight, that showed they didn't have even basic QA or testing going on.
      The rumor mill has long been that GMS isn't even staffed, they have the CM, and then the 'producer' who is the head of nexon NA, and the longer the game goes, the more it seems like that's true. BASIC shit isn't tested or explored.

  43. 2 months ago

    what better way to truly know the game than through the eyes of an obsessive?

  44. 2 months ago

    No, clearly they're morons. 60-200 hours is the semi Normie review sweet spot.
    Anyone that gets enjoyment grinding an mmp for 10k hours isn't going to have a good opinion anyway.

  45. 2 months ago

    >life ruined by crack
    >'don't end up like me'
    These are the people you should trust the most.

  46. 2 months ago


    Addiction is a hell of a drug, if you say you've never been addicte to anything before it's only because they havent found what you are weak to yet.

  47. 2 months ago

    >10,000 hrs on record
    that is how mmo's work and that is why i've never played a single mmo in my live and never gonna do it because i know mmo's are useless life drainers. there was a time in my life where i wasted alot of time parting, drinking and doing drugs but some how i feel like was not that bad because atleast i made/lost friends, meet a lot of people, kissed girls and got my dick sucked a few times, even got a "gf" and lost a serious job and a few of shitty jobs, but even that is better than wasting that time playing a mmo

    • 2 months ago

      ummm, congrats on your "gf" or whatever bro

      • 2 months ago

        she was not a real gf, we were more like friends spending time togheter, after a day of wageslaving she used to come to my place and we drank cheap beer and smoke weed while watching movies we used to have sex or just cuddling untill falling sleep and she leave around the 6 am because she must be in her place to take a bath and wageslaving again

    • 2 months ago

      Nah MMOs were alright or at least the ones back in the 2000s. They were glorified chat rooms with side content no different than something like Facebook games. You could dick around with bros and fembros killing monsters or stand around town talking about your day. They were the closest thing to a modern real life medieval tavern. They had very little content but gave players enough freedom to make up their own adventure and they encouraged you to play with others because you couldn't do shit on your own. The games would be 3/10 gameplay wise but playing cool people or a fun community turned that game into 11/10 AAA game.

      Modern MMOs changed all that by adding daily/weekly grinds and events and gave players too much shit to do, creating this new aged addiction in games that you'll eventually see in mobile games. Classic MMOs, you weren't forced to play everyday and it was easy a shit to put those games down because content was very little. Modern MMOs turned them into full blown jobs. Yeah there were people who got addicted to classic MMOs but those people(no life) who would often take the game too seriously which were in the few.

      While it might not sound as fun as catching STDs like you, you still could meet some interesting fun people. A lot of times, people found their life partner or best real life friends. A lot of fun and laughs can be made when something like trying to organize 20+ people on a Friday night to down a high level or end game boss with specific patterns where 1 of the crucial player(s) are high or drunk on their ass.

      Its sad that most people will never experience classic MMOs back in their heyday. The internet community today is just too different than back then.

      • 2 months ago

        this is mostly just wrong, only KMMOs have dailies, wow has none and ffxiv doesn't really have any besides beast tribes. I don't know what games you played but mmos used to have a much more serious grind than they do now. If anything not giving players enough of a grind is the issue. It takes a week to get bis in ffxiv and a month in wow. There's no socializing because everyone is fricking offline.

        However you're right that the community has changed, and that's imo the only real reason MMOs don't feel like they used to. Everyone just uses discord for social interaction now, which takes away half the reason to login and a lot of the fun of playing when you do.

        • 2 months ago

          >wow has none
          WoW has always had dailies in the form of bonus loot from Group Finder or in the form of daily quests for faction reps. You do know that the blue question mark denotes a daily repeatable quest?
          It took over two weeks of doing daily quests to get a netherdrake back in TBC.

          • 2 months ago

            Group finder is only for leveling which you can finish in a day. As for faction reps, those aren't important in current wow, and no one does them unless they're really looking for something to do. If you think the timegating of Tuskarr reputation and Loporrit renown are the downfall of MMOs I'm not really sure what to tell you.

            MMOs start to feel more like jobs the more you play them, this is true regardless of what systems are in place. Different systems work for different people but at the end of the day, no player and no game can escape from this inevitability.

            • 2 months ago

              >As for faction reps, those aren't important in current wow,
              They used to be and that's the point.
              >downfall of MMOs
              No but it just goes to show that daily quests, the idea of getting you to come back to the game daily, was around a long time ago.

      • 2 months ago

        i remember those times because was the time when WoW and RO was a hot thing, i made a lot of friends lan parting counter strike before they made the step into the mmo's but somehow i've never feel i wanted to be part of it specially when they started the drama of who wasted the special items

  48. 2 months ago

    Yes. Who would you rather believe?
    >some liberal arts major who played a game for an hour at most and doesn't know anything about it
    >some autist who played a game since 2009 (or whenever) and knows every in and out about it

  49. 2 months ago

    S+ tier villain

  50. 2 months ago

    i kneel

  51. 2 months ago

    why are Korean men so good at creating things that make my wiener hard, isn't that a weird skill to acquire?

  52. 2 months ago

    Yes get FRICKED
    pile of SHIT

  53. 2 months ago

    yes, i have only posted one review on steam and it's for eu4 telling people to turn back. ive got 4500 hours

  54. 2 months ago

    no. just like how i trust the 0.5 hour review because fanboys are screaming "you have to play many hours before you know you liked it" kek that makes me more inclined to think the negative review may be onto something

  55. 2 months ago

    Yeah warframe sucks don't play it.

    • 2 months ago

      >implying warframe is the only one with a problem
      Any game with drop tables to ultimately obtain better weapons and equipment rather than skill has this problem. You can thank Blizzard for popularizing this shit.
      At least with warframe you do have enjoyable gameplay mechanics not only in sliding and wall running, but it has a large variety of firearms and even melee weapons that have unique animations and even some can be used to improve player movement.

  56. 2 months ago

    Am I supposed to care?
    Cuz I don't

    • 2 months ago

      You're not meant to participate or be interested in every thread.
      This website wasn't made for you.

  57. 2 months ago


    >evil bad guy
    japs legitimately see themselves as white. it's about as moronic as the weeaboos who think and style themselves as japs. ironic that their self insert stand in is an arab cause the nips are actually too dumb to know otherwise.
    the character is not ridiculing jap culture, but that of an adversary. in the scene where he cries the jap news caption also has a sympathetic tone. an anon said this was organized by the yakuza making it even less likely to have been painting anything china as the good guy.

  58. 2 months ago

    People can make judgements by themselves they don't need reviewers journos or critics you van tell a game is good or not by just watching the trailer.

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