1st time playing paladin

Some friends started a new game and needed a tank or a healer.I foolish decided to play as paladin but after reading the class restrictions I don't know what to do.
How do I play as a Paladin and make sure that the other players don't hate me?Also one of the players might be a rogue.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Just don't be a narc.

  2. 2 years ago

    just play your character, you're not supposed to be a wet tissue that molds to the party completely

  3. 2 years ago

    Exercise proper judgement. Suppose you have a thief in the party who is known for doing picking people's pockets when you go into town. The Paladin doesn't have to approve of nor partake in the acts of thievery, however they should be willing to look the other way since the thief is also helping your party defeat the evil lich or demon that's plaguing the town.

    • 2 years ago

      rogues doing random crimes in town is really stupid.

      Woods: filled with things trying to kill you.
      Dungeons: filled with things trying to kill you.
      Towns: generally NOT filled with things trying to kill you.

      • 2 years ago

        Towns are where most of the money is.

        • 2 years ago

          You must be going to the wrong dungeons then

          • 2 years ago

            Dungeons are a static source of money. You go in, you loot the shit, and then you spend it on stuff back at the town, meaning that even after looting a dungeon, towns still tend to be where the money is.

        • 2 years ago

          Dungeons are where most of the wealth is.

          Towns are where you make alliances, get jobs, buy equipment, sell stuff, and often sleep in separate rooms without anyone standing watch.
          A list of towns you can never go back to is a common thing when you have someone being a jerk at the table (doesn't have to be a rogue).

          If you want a game where the party robs citizens and kills town watchmen, go ahead. Don't have a paladin in the party. Some people just love beating on beggar children for the lulz.

          • 2 years ago

            Tbf both Paladins and Rogues tend to be equally likely of beating up beggar children, just for different reasons. Really though,

            Just switch to cleric. Even if you've already played a session you can still ask to change classes. Cleric can still tank and heal.

            is right.

            • 2 years ago

              In my experience, players who cause trouble in towns for shits and giggles are not worth sitting at a table with and don't last long in a group.

              On the other hand, if the rogue pisses off the paladin, I think it would be awesome for the paladin to smite him down to 0, chop off his hand, then heal him back to 1 hp.

              There is a scenario everyone would remember.

  4. 2 years ago

    >How do I play as a Paladin and make sure that the other players don't hate me?
    Talk to them. Tell them that your character is a Paladin, and tell them that you have a code to uphold. That should clear up most problems.
    The other thing I would recommend you do is trying to serve as the moral compass of the party, particularly during social interactions. Guide the party toward good and justice, to ensure they don't try to fight with your codes and vows.

  5. 2 years ago

    Be honest and brave, but not suicidal.
    If the other people play characters that are jerks, have your paladin leave the group, then make a new character that fits in better.

  6. 2 years ago

    change character, it's literally impossible to play a paladin to any degree when people look down on anything that looks like morality. You're going to have to act like someone who doesn't give a single shit about anything or automatically become the lawful stupid party pooper.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh nuRPG players have morals. The group I'm in has a girl that doesn't want to kill goblins, because that's like racism man, but she constantly talks about how her character smokes weed.

  7. 2 years ago

    Just switch to cleric. Even if you've already played a session you can still ask to change classes. Cleric can still tank and heal.

  8. 2 years ago

    >the class restrictions

    What game, and what class restrictions?

    • 2 years ago

      Probably Pathfinder considering the op image.

    • 2 years ago

      Tormenta 20.Yes my friends are weebs.

      Basically my paladin must uphold his oath or lose his MP for the day.He can't kill any enemy and must never lie

      • 2 years ago

        >Basically my paladin must uphold his oath or lose his MP for the day.He can't kill any enemy and must never lie
        So keep your mouth shut, avoid witnessing the party's crimes if you can, and knock dudes the frick out instead of killing them

  9. 2 years ago

    Frick it and go full balls to the wall awesome.
    You can't half ass a Paladin. You can't make a Paladin morally grey.
    Paladins are all about drive, power, conviction, passion.
    FRICK worrying about being loud or overshadowing, other players can play just as good. FRICK trying to be cheap or budget, make a noblebright/nobledark character Tolkein would respect.
    Then you make him human again. You give him his conflictions, his wants and wishes.

    Then you've got a Paladin people will like. Because he's not cheap, he's not just a normal dude with a bend for rules but who still acts the same as anyone else. He's a Paladin. What a knight aspires to be. What Nobles gnash their teeth over wishing they were admired so in the poems.
    And yeah, saying no to an easy fix for the sake of morality or dignity is hard in games. A lot of people play DnD for power fantasies, or escapism, where they don't have to be good guys all the time, and they can be buttholes, so they will rebel against this kind of thing.
    The way you get around it, is through charisma, and through making such a damn cool person, that people like to RP with him.
    Doesn't need to be out there, proclaiming his name to kings like he's special, or going full deus vult on anything not of the approved races, but he needs some distinction, in behavior and identity. An inner core of nobility and class, even if the exterior does not reflect such.
    Don't be the browbeaten fixer-upper, party carry, or problem solver either. Let the other PC's lie in a bed of their own making to teach them that while you are good, the Paladins handbook states strength and kindness literally as "To correct a friend".
    Play a Paladin like you play a bard. Frick being small. Never forget your drive, never loose your way, never sacrifice your passion.

    • 2 years ago


      Be Clark Kent, friendly, and nice, but won't tolerate meanies.

      • 2 years ago

        >but after reading the class restrictions I don't know what to do
        What are these restrictions? What system is this, PF 1e? 2e? DnD?
        Either way, do you know the Rogue player will be a source of conflict?
        The same way that you can play a Paladin a myriad of ways, a Rogue character can also be so many different things.

        Play the world-weary "dad" of the group, accepting that his party are flawed and never relenting on his mission to make them better. He can berate them without being antagonistic, and when he celebrates their moral growth it can be a nuanced moment

        These are my favorite.

  10. 2 years ago

    Play the world-weary "dad" of the group, accepting that his party are flawed and never relenting on his mission to make them better. He can berate them without being antagonistic, and when he celebrates their moral growth it can be a nuanced moment

  11. 2 years ago

    Why would they hate you? What exactly do you think a paladin is?

  12. 2 years ago

    The mechanical specifics of a paladin's "fall," how easy that might be and how severe and irreversible the consequences might prove, will vary from edition to edition.
    If you're worried about how a paladin will fit into the party then the best thing to do is talk to your group and establish whether or not your character concept will conflict of those being pitched by other players. You won't find an IC solution to an OOC problem.

  13. 2 years ago

    >How do I play as a Paladin and make sure that the other players don't hate me?
    if you have to ask us, it's already too late

  14. 2 years ago

    What game system are you using? You posted the nigadin from pathfinder, but if you're playing 5e then it's not a problem at all. You can just pick whatever oath fits your party and character and run with in.
    The oath of vindication from the players hand book lets you be an angry blood thirsty edge lord, who can do minor evils if its lol to fight the lol greater evil lol

    Being a paladin means nothing in 5e. It just means that you get spells and heavy armor

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