>2 mo after the demo drop. >basically 0 hype

>2 mo after the demo drop
>basically 0 hype
they're gonna pull the plug aren't they

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

CRIME Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    >roguelike/moba shit
    it's doa regardless

    • 3 months ago

      >roguelike/moba shit
      wait, for real?

      • 3 months ago

        Not totally.
        The roguelite part is an entirely seperate game mode distinct from campaign or skirmish. I didn't dislike it, the game itself just didn't feel good to play so I couldn't decide if the game mode itself was fun or not.

        • 3 months ago

          >I didn't dislike it, the game itself just didn't feel good to play so I couldn't decide if the game mode itself was fun or not.
          This is the problem. It requires a very high level of autism to be able to judge the games mechanics in the absence of a functional UI. Sadly such levels of 'tism tend to go hand-in-hand with rampant fanboyism so you're unlikely to get an objective review.

          • 3 months ago

            All things considered once I got used to the ui I could ignore it because I began to no longer need it. The problem was nothing about the game felt good even beyond the ui. Megastructures are cool in theory but then they randomly block out your camera. They don't even shift to a wireframe in the sensor mode so during a pitched battle you have to fight the shit camera controls on top of the garbage unit selection click registration and pathfinding with a sensor mode that is entirely useless. The fundamentals were so bad I reinstalled remastered just to hop into hw2 to see if it was this bad and I was just being a nostalgia boomer. Nope, even ignoring the ui difference everything about 2 was quick and snappy. Whatever I clicked on was selected and I did not once feel like I was fighting against the game itself for basic control.

    • 2 months ago

      The demo was so fricking bad they might as well cancel the game.

      That's only the one game mode it isn't the campaign.

      >roguelike/moba shit
      wait, for real?

      There is a coop vs ai "wargames" mode where 3 players pick a type of fleet and go do missions vs the AI. It's kind of different every time. Even if you get the same maps you get like 5-7 diff objectives on each map. And you do 3 maps and hyperspace jump between areas and have a boss fight vs some heavy battle cruiser at the end or whatever.
      Anyway it's like a skirmish / multiplayer mode not the main campaign. That said I'm sure the campaign is full of women and Black folk and horrifically bad writing

      • 2 months ago

        Oh no, that game where the mothership and head commander is a woman might be full of women. What will they add next, judaism?

      • 2 months ago

        >The demo was so fricking bad they might as well cancel the game
        Fricking hell, imagine being in their shoes now. People had such high hopes for yet another quality entry in a beloved franchise and all the hype, the big credit of trust was snuffed out by that shitty demo.
        They know they are fricked because they immediately delayed it, but there's only so much you can do in that short period. We'll be lucky if they managed to at least unfrick the camera.

    • 2 months ago

      welp, I'm not buying that then

  2. 3 months ago

    They should, it's a disgrace.

  3. 3 months ago

    The development should not have cost them more than 10$. The demo was ~20 3D models floating in space, and very simple ones without much detail. That's it. The code is just copy-pasted from previous games. Just add some voices and the ugly speaking faces and you're done. The game is completed in a matter of days. It's simple stuff. Impossible to fail. All HW fans wanted is more of the same. But they still managed to fail.

    • 3 months ago

      >The code is just copy-pasted from previous games
      If it was it would not have been missing half the features from those games. Copy pasted from the mobile game I can believe. Copy pasted from 1 and 2? No way.

    • 2 months ago

      I installed the demo and never got around to playing it. Guess I didn't miss much.

    • 2 months ago

      This is what blows my mind. There are barely any 3d assets and they aren't very detailed. There's basically no environment because it's set in space. There's no triple A mocap character action because it's a strategy game
      How did this take years and millions of dollars for a giant team with a triple A budget to throw together? What the frick happened?

      • 2 months ago

        i liked the demo <3

        • 2 months ago

          Buy an ad.

          Maybe the franchise will find its way to more competent hands after BBI shuts down. I'd like to see what Japan or Korea could do with it.

          Aside from the chuds having a meltie it's obvious blackbird mismanaged their hw3 team. I doubt anyone who remained on it had experience from deserts of kharak.

          BBI is extreme dogshit. Didn't you guys know about Crossfire legion?

          • 2 months ago

            why would I buy and ad?

      • 2 months ago

        A company filled with woke bastards, that re-purposed a game to make it a vector for marxist propaganda and saw fit to employ Jennifer-fricking-Scheurle is unable to efficiently and competently produce digital entertainment?
        Clearly one of the great mysteries of the universe.

        • 2 months ago

          >that re-purposed a game to make it a vector for marxist propaganda
          You're talking about Homeworld 3?

          • 2 months ago

            No, Hardspace.
            Though if HW3 follows a similar trajectory I can't say I'd be too surprised.

          • 2 months ago

            Ship breaker which could've been actually good.

            • 2 months ago

              Be honest. It was good early on. It wasn't the "marxist propaganda" that made it bad, it was being forced to sit and listen to said "marxist propaganda" before being able to go into your next job., which was a change later in early access. Any game that forces you to sit and listen to fluff instead of playing the game is bad regardless of whatever fluff is being presented.

              • 2 months ago

                As a skilled semi blue collar worker (power generation) in a union that I'm glad to be part of there is nothing more annoying than listening to some pampered soft-hands bugman coder hamfist xis misinformed opinions about unions and labor rights into a game im playing to relax. I love ship breaker but the entire 'story' is god fricking awful and could have benefitted from being more lighthearted and unserious. The main antagonist is written like a fricking Saturday morning cartoon villain but the entire tone and context surrounding the narrative wants you to take it seriously. It fricking sucks.

              • 2 months ago

                if you are legitimately over 20 years old you should not be on this site. go to your wife and kids and stop worrying about wokeness in a strategy games storyline this is actually pathetic. i burst out laughing reading your post. you are likely picking a fight with someone who is not even a sophmore in college yet

              • 2 months ago

                Shut the frick up zoomer
                Lurk for 10 years before posting

              • 2 months ago

                I dont think I will, plus you're fricking PATHETIC for being this old and still posting on Ganker. no joke: my friends and I are laughing so fricking hard about some old ass homosexual "POWER GENERATION" worker posting on Ganker.

              • 2 months ago

                see you in another ten years

              • 2 months ago

                no thanks - i couldn't imagine being over 25 and on this site discussing (much less playing) literal videogames with other old people lol

              • 2 months ago

                I dont think I will, plus you're fricking PATHETIC for being this old and still posting on Ganker. no joke: my friends and I are laughing so fricking hard about some old ass homosexual "POWER GENERATION" worker posting on Ganker.

                no thanks - i couldn't imagine being over 25 and on this site discussing (much less playing) literal videogames with other old people lol

                what is the point of being a person like this? just makes me sad seeing someone behave this way. you could engage with other people in a 100 different ways and you choose to be like this. it's even worse if you're actually a kid like you say you are

              • 2 months ago

                It's just some embittered 'revolutionary' who thinks they have conquered Ganker, which is adorable as the anonymous nature of the board means their stalking and cancellation tactics don't work. They have no power here.

              • 2 months ago

                that was me, and the reason is was saying those things was for fun 🙂

                It's just some embittered 'revolutionary' who thinks they have conquered Ganker, which is adorable as the anonymous nature of the board means their stalking and cancellation tactics don't work. They have no power here.

                okay OLD ASS MAN lmfao

              • 2 months ago

                You talk like some homosexual who gets stabbed in a river by a boomer

              • 2 months ago

                lmfao getting mad at an 20 yr old and imagining him getting stabbed meanwhile youre 35 (OR OLDER) and posting on a videogame forum mad about wokeness. going to laugh at you with my friends tn

              • 2 months ago

                b***h you're crying about how a 35 year old is too old to post on Ganker. You have no friends and if you brought this up with anyone you'd get punched in the mouth.

              • 2 months ago

                lmfao a 35 yr old posting on Ganker is pathetic im not complaining im actually in disbelief. its insane to think anyone over the age of 25 posts here i cant believe it.

              • 2 months ago

                You're in a homeworld thread Black person, the entire fanbase is almost entirely 30 plus. Yeah there are old games that are trendy with Gen Z but Homeworld is not one of them.

              • 2 months ago

                i dont give a frick about the homeworld fanbase - im talking about posting on Ganker past 25, which is unbelievably pathetic. you are actually an adult posting on Ganker - how the frick are you not ashamed LMFAO what does your fricking wife think?

              • 2 months ago

                >zoomers in charge of crying about anything
                sasuga, btw i'm over 40, cry about it little b***h.

                anyway, HW3 will never satisfy diehard fans expectations, because no game at this point will. Homewolrd peaked with cataclysm and the only thing that will do justice to the franchise is a complete cataclysm 1:1 remaster a'la broodwar.


              • 2 months ago

                >peaked with cataclysm
                Which is hilarious seeing as it contains many of the things purist spergs supposedly hate (consolidation of utility units, no fuel, projectiles upgradable to guided versions, unit caps, plot not being 'in the spirit' of the predecessor)

              • 2 months ago

                LMFAO YOURE OVER 40 AND POSTING ON Ganker LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO. im less than half your age and i cannot imagine being here and seriously participating in discussion. you are actually pathetic ngl. no wonder your opinions are all "old thing better" because you probably had potential and hope for a future when cataclysm came out LMFAO. going to tell my friends i met a fricking 40+ Ganker poster. dont you have kids or a wife to hang out with

              • 2 months ago

                it's worse to be wasting your youth here than it is to be posting at 40+
                but you sound like a typical mentally ill 40 year old incel who's been here since somethingawful so i guess it doesn't really matter

              • 2 months ago

                >all this sperging
                u fricked ur mum Black person

                instant seethe from grampa - im sorry it's over and you wasted everything - maybe you can post more about how every modern game is bad though, that might help LMFAO

              • 2 months ago

                it is time for medications

              • 2 months ago

                yes - its time for you to take your blood pressure medications because arguing with someone who is not even halfway through college is making you apoplectic

              • 2 months ago

                you have to take medication if you want finish collage

              • 2 months ago

                i dont take medication because I'm not over 40 and posting on Ganker out of a genuine fear to grow up - but thanks for reminding me I should take my multi-vitamin for today 🙂

              • 2 months ago

                you take medication, yes? doctor told you you need medication for brain chemistry

              • 2 months ago

                >i dont take medication because I'm not over 40
                nta but point of note. The 'youth' of today, which includes you, are the most heavily medicated mentally unstable generation ever recorded. The closest we ever got to this level was after the world wars when those who fought came back with PTSD.

              • 2 months ago

                assuming this guy's even a college kid (he sounds more like some Ganker autist imitating one) there's practically zero chance he's not on some kind of sperg meds. he's been at this for over a week now

              • 2 months ago

                >all this sperging
                u fricked ur mum Black person

              • 2 months ago

                at what age are you going to commit suicide?

              • 2 months ago

                never because unlike you I wont sleepwalk through my life and wake up 45 unbelievably unhappy and mad at a videogame for not being as good as it was when I was a kid and then posting on Ganker about it

              • 2 months ago

                you are already mad
                you must see doctor for diagnosis

              • 2 months ago

                so by sheer amount of meme gigachad you are become to be the games in the future will be amazing? good, then work harder

              • 2 months ago

                did you have a stroke old b***h LMFAO

              • 2 months ago

                yo you should ease off on those hormone treatments

              • 2 months ago

                Cartoons both exist and can be taken seriously.

              • 2 months ago

                I don't think you have to have hands-on blue collar experience to realize Shipbreaker's "story" is little more than propaganda reels. A quick assessment of how the story could even interact with gameplay tells you its just set-dressing. The Company won't do shit about the debtslaves unionizing because the gameplay doesn't support them sending in strikebreakers, or even just docking your pay. The Union won't do shit because striking would just mean not playing the game, and if they actually got what they wanted it would frick with the gameplay loop, so that doesn't happen either. So all it amounts to is setdressing where irritating ethnically diverse cardboard cutouts chatter at you and delay you from playing the damn game with their uninteresting bullshit.

                Shipbreaker has game design issues beyond Wokie Wendy's shitty attempts at discussing labor rights though. BBI wanted that game to be slow and methodical, but for some moronic reason decided to put a hard 15 minute timer on each shift (real smart of Evil Corp to force their debtslaves to only work 15 minutes a day, very progressive), which functionally upends the intended playstyle and turns the entire game into a time-trial where you basically just memorize an order of operations for each ship class to pull it apart as fast as possible.

                So in short Hardspace sends a clear signal that BBI has zero clue what they're doing game design wise. Which the HW3 demo seems to confirm.

              • 2 months ago

                >turns the entire game into a time-trial where you basically just memorize an order of operations for each ship class to pull it apart as fast as possible.
                that seems like the entire point of the game, I don't see anything wrong with that. On what basis is gmod with points
                >the intended playstyle

              • 2 months ago

                The BBI constantly saying the game is 'measure twice, cut once' both in and out of game maybe?
                There's not enough time to be careful when you've got to get the entire ship apart in fifteen minutes or less. Half the time you end up just peeling the thing like an orange, yanking the reactor, and never bothering with the rest. Especially the bigger ships, which basically always require you to spend two shifts if you want to actually get them apart.

                Every time BBI has talked about that game, it has lead me to wonder if they actually played the damn thing at all, because the game they describe (slow, methodical job sim where you carefully work your way over a dangerous ship with unpredictable hazard) and the game they actually made (a frantic time trial where you disreguard all of the above to tear as many hull panels off the ship as possible, tear out the reactor and then scramble around looking for valuables in the last five minutes) seem to be almost completely different. I can do either, but it's a matter of the game just flat-out not being the thing they claim it is and them not seeming to understand that.

              • 2 months ago

                >The BBI constantly saying the game is 'measure twice, cut once' both in and out of game maybe?
                if that's true then yeah it makes no sense, but I don't think that makes the timed design bad.

              • 2 months ago

                >Game is about taking your time
                >Game has a time limit
                I swear BBI stands for Bullshitters Bullshitting Incredulously

              • 2 months ago

                >As a skilled semi blue collar worker (power generation) in a union that I'm glad to be part of there is nothing more annoying than listening to some pampered soft-hands bugman coder hamfist xis misinformed opinions about unions and labor rights into a game im playing to relax.
                I remember back in the day one of the gaming magazines I read (yes an actual physical magazine) ran a regular piece comparing games to real life. Used to take the format of a photo than a professional giving their opinion.

                One of my favorites was an engineer giving feedback on a ventilation shaft with the traditional spinning blade of death. His reaction was basically "why the f**k would you build a vent shaft that big and why would you put that there, it serves no purpose! Shit like this makes us look incompetent".

        • 2 months ago

          They´re deserved the same hell as for those who still think that the old kind of LAN multiplayer parties still had a chance against the Korean cybers.

        • 2 months ago

          >woke bastards
          its bedtime mr peterson

          • 2 months ago
          • 2 months ago

            And is this 'peterson' in the room with us now?

        • 2 months ago

          four day work week is based thoughbeit
          0 day work week would be the best but i'll take what i can get

        • 2 months ago

          Why do you keep insisting with linking the 4 workday policy with the firing of freshly-hired that were set to work on unnannouced small projects instead of seeing it as HR post-nut clarity (and the loss of government gibmedat supposedly)?
          Why do you insist on Quinn Duffy's departure being a blow to the company when you can simply access his linkedin and see that when HW3 was announced he was still at relic working on AoE4 and when he joined blackbird he was only put on one of the now-cancelled projects?
          Why do you omit the fact all those who got let go received a hefty severance package regardless?

          Do you actually care about homeworld or strategy games at all or are you just a tourist with a vague recollection of playing them being corrupted by your present day doomer bullshit?

          • 2 months ago

            >linking the 4 workday policy with the firing of freshly-hired that were set to work on unnannouced small projects
            >Quinn Duffy's departure being a blow to the company
            >all those who got let go received a hefty severance package
            A lot of assertions and assumptions here, none that I have ever made or seen from others. But those points have been brought up by myself and others as evidence of a greater issue at the heart of the company, that it consistently makes poor choices, is extremely over-ambitious while failing at even the fundamental and undemanding levels.
            You also conveniently glaze over the Scheurle issue, a woman who was already notorious (and things have only gotten worse since then) when BBI decided she was not only the right kind of person to not only work for them but to be LEAD GAME DESIGNER on Shipbreaker.
            Either they are fully aligned with Scheurle or they are so utterly detached from reality that getting through closed doors is a monumental undertaking.
            And I'm not sure how paying wages followed by a 'hefty severance package' for people who didn't make any money for the company paints them in a positive light

            >Do you actually care about homeworld or strategy games
            Criticism of a single development company, making a single game is tantamount to contempt for not only an entire franchise but and entire GENRE?

            >a tourist with a vague recollection of playing them being corrupted by your present day doomer bullshit?
            So those are the choices then? Doomer or Consoomer? I don't think so, people who genuinely care are not afraid to be critical, to express misgivings or point out that new additions to highly-regarded franchises are just coasting on the legacy and pre-existing good will without living up to the standards set by talented and dedicated people in the past.
            Franchises are degraded and ultimately killed by mindless Consoomerism, not criticism.
            Don't believe me? Just look at Command and Conquer.

            • 2 months ago

              >A lot of assertions and assumptions here, none that I have ever made or seen from others.
              Brother, this come from the very article that the lots of you keep parading the title for.
              Do not pretend that your laziness is a valid excuse for ignorance, even if it is the work of a sensationalist journo shithead, you should be reading shit through archives anyway.
              The one poor choice BB made was their absurd ambition, unlike other studios who fell into the same pit (Creative Assembly, for one), they woke the frick up and corrected course before it gained too much momentum.
              Hardspace shipbreaker got into EA in 2020, she became lead design around january 2021, the drama about her was revealed around september and despite not finding any evidences of doing the same abuse she was accused of, they still let her go by the end of 2021.
              Why are you hyperfixating on another irrelevant moron and trying to pin it as the main reason homeworld will crash and burn.
              >And I'm not sure how paying wages followed by a 'hefty severance package' for people who didn't make any money for the company paints them in a positive light
              If they can afford to let go of a good chunk of their newly-hired workforce with a generous offer, it is a good sign that they are not in financial precarity like a lot of morons assume.
              >Criticism of a single development company, making a single game is tantamount to contempt for not only an entire franchise but and entire GENRE?
              Your "critic" is hollow, it is the same bullshit you leverage against recent games regardless of the genre, your talking points are a recurring pattern that never focus on the game at any point and just seek outrage farming.
              >So those are the choices then? Doomer or Consoomer?
              That these type of vocal minorities are the only two choices that come to your mind show how jaded and uninterested you are in videogames as a whole.
              >Just look at Command and Conquer.
              Terrible example, everyone know it was killed by EA's greed.

      • 2 months ago

        >millions of dollars for a giant team with a triple A budget to throw together?
        Haven't they been spreading themselves pretty thinly over a bunch of different projects? Though some might have been canned after the firings.

      • 2 months ago

        Aside from the chuds having a meltie it's obvious blackbird mismanaged their hw3 team. I doubt anyone who remained on it had experience from deserts of kharak.

        • 2 months ago

          Maybe the franchise will find its way to more competent hands after BBI shuts down. I'd like to see what Japan or Korea could do with it.

          • 2 months ago

            Gacha garbage.

          • 2 months ago

            And another francise that goes into gacha hell!

            • 2 months ago

              Gacha garbage.

              They already have a mobile game

      • 2 months ago

        Did they make a custom engine for this game? I've heard RTS engines are among the most complex, especially if they have multi-player.

  4. 3 months ago

    ui and camera is huge particularly for a 3d game where units move in 3d space and they fricked up it so rip

  5. 2 months ago

    playable demos come right before release usually, to determine the price and do some user testing.
    worst case, it'll stay in development for a bit longer.

  6. 2 months ago

    Did you follow the updates on fig before it went down? It looked like they knew what HW should be, what we wanted and what there were doing.
    So why was the demo like this? You're not helping with your attach thread, they're going to fix evury thingu. Yes. And it'll come out as a good game.

    • 2 months ago

      >did you follow the updates where poeple who want your money said *thing* will be totally like you want it to be?
      based moron

      • 2 months ago

        I don't think so. Your implication is stupid, they wouldn't release a demo if they had the intention of hiding the game until it was too late to refund it. It's why i wrote that this thread was shit with a typographical error. You are imagining conspiracies in which we're getting tricked by your scary people of choice.
        My conspiracy is that the demo was released as a joke and that the version they're going to release in May will be the build on which the stupido has been working since before 2020.

        • 2 months ago

          i regret that i'm at work right now and don't have a folder with reaction images because this entire fricking post

        • 2 months ago

          Either you are severely underage or I'm getting baited hard. No fricking way anyone near adulthood could be so naive, you remind me of diehard NMS fans who were still believing in the hidden multiplayer component even on launch day.

          • 2 months ago

            Why would they use the bait and switch gambit on Homeworld. Such a big name doesn't need it. Would they have lied for a cheap sell? No.
            No, anon. No maybe you would have done that because you're full-tarded. It doesn't add up. A deliberate refusal to sell their own game.
            They're going to trick like 500 people instead of making the actual game and sell thousands of copies, was that their plan? Anon says of course it was. Did Gearbox hire a hitman to bomb the fig.co servers?

            • 2 months ago

              >Why would they use the bait and switch gambit on Homeworld
              Who even says it's a bait and switch? You can promise all kinds of shit on fig, but making it into a good game is a whole different thing and demo has shown exactly that.
              The naive hope that they will somehow fix everything in the few extra months of delay is laughable, at most they will fix the dogshit camera controls and it's only one of the major problems uncovered by the demo.
              I'm sorry but the dream is over, HW3 will become worst game in the series and we'll be lucky if it will be at least "ok" as a game on its own.

  7. 2 months ago

    If there's ever a point where you'll be too old to do something you're never too young to start not doing it.

    • 2 months ago

      >If there's ever a point where you'll be too old to do something
      disregard doomers anon, i'm 40+ and play video games every day, so does my wife and we both have regular jobs and other hobbies. just do what YOU want to do anon.

  8. 2 months ago

    This game failing is going to actually hurt. I generally don't care about game franchises going ass-up, but this one bombing is going to kill it forever and we all know it.

  9. 2 months ago

    to be fair, the devs pull out a long post explaining the changes that there will be after the demo feedback. just the fact that the devs didn't put their heads into the sand and acknowledged the flaws it's a good sign.
    Is it sufficient? Dunno, I didn't see a proper foundation on the combat mechanics, no real rock paper scissor or any positional mechanic.

    A question: I was one of the fools who put money into the kickstart campaign of HW3, I recall many years ago to see one of the few update that they put on their ks page talking about ship damages and how they where graphically in depth, with actual holes into the armor of the ships and all sort of destructive effects. In the demo I've not seen any of that, even on the capital ships, did anyone notice it?
    Because I am certain to have read about it, I recall that this feature was showcased even at jurno on vg conferences, so if was real years ago then why is not in the game?

    • 2 months ago

      amegaygin, anyway this is an article just 1 year old and contains the thing in question

    • 2 months ago

      >In the demo I've not seen any of that,
      i saw it, and I believe they also confirm that it was bugged on alot of ships. it worked on some of them though and it looked cool

      • 2 months ago

        ah ok

    • 2 months ago

      All they mean is as a capital ship gets more damaged you'll see shots blow right through. You could see this with ion frigates shooting at destroyers in the demo. It's a neat detail but as the demo was everything was so fast with such a low ttk and the controls were so bad you couldn't take time to appreciate any of it.
      Single unit fighters and corvettes really didn't help either and I think even if they correct everything else, if they don't switch to hw2 style squadrons the game is only going to be half as good as it could be. Nobody wants to click 20 times to queue replacement fighters and do mental math to calculate needed replacements mid battle.

  10. 2 months ago

    Like who do you think was here before you?

  11. 2 months ago

    I am so fricking sorry Kahad Sajuuk. Forgive us all.

    • 2 months ago

      At least he managed to escape to a different desert planet.

  12. 2 months ago

    >Homeworld thread
    >Is just two guys sucking each other's dicks over age differences
    This game is going to be dead on arrival, isn't it?

  13. 2 months ago

    who cares about Homoworld

    • 2 months ago

      i do

    • 2 months ago

      my Kh'rak is burning.

  14. 2 months ago

    I want it to be good, I'll even settle for okay.

    • 2 months ago

      BBI did keep on patching Deserts of Kharak for like 7 years after release so they do have the the bullet point of not abandoning their game on their track record.
      I'm already at "patches will fix it".

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