40k Primarch Rolling Table

It's been a fair few months since we've done this, so a little bit of a premier might be needed. Basically, we're rolling up a different batch of Primarchs and find out what might happen in an alternate 30k universe. First roll is going to be a 2d20, to find out which Legion the guy's from and when he was found by the Emperor.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    Rolled 75, 90, 51, 41, 26 = 283 (5d100)

    don't wanna bogart all the rolls but thread is quiet so ill go ahead again.

    • 5 months ago

      democratic, xenophobic, capitalist, inbetween and impoverished. sounds shitty

      • 5 months ago

        Rolled 21, 100, 30 = 151 (3d100)

        Rolling for his life on the homeworld

        • 5 months ago

          found by nobility, hated them so much he vows an oath of revenge and distrusts his siblings. shits looking rough

          • 5 months ago

            Rolled 71, 96, 94 = 261 (3d100)

            >Poor planet
            >Raised by corrupt nobles
            >Absolutely hates them
            Possible kino in the making

            • 5 months ago

              >Pre-Conquest: Unstable
              >Conquest: Enslaved or Imprisoned by locals
              >Opinion of homeworld: Disgusted by it
              Oh this guy got the Angron treatment. 1d100 for his mutation

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 21 (1d100)


              • 5 months ago

                …The dice are just giving us Angron.

                4d100 for his personal development

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 92, 82, 74, 48 = 296 (4d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Defining Struggle: Crucial Technology
                >Notable Injury: Partial Hearing Loss
                >Personality: Academic(+20 Tzeentch) and Naive(+10 Nurgle)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolling for his specialization

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 29 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Oh Big E must be disappointed. 5d100 to see what combat he prefers

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 36, 54, 14, 57, 90 = 251 (5d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Looks like his preferred method of fighting is unconventional. 1d100 for what it is

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 73 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Special Power
                So he weaponizes his empathy?

                On to the Great Crusade, 2d100 for his meeting with the Emperor

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d10)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 40, 31 = 71 (2d100)

                Wrong dice

                His horrible upbringing has hardened his soul to suffering, of both him & others. Allowing him to use his empathic even when the target is experiencing incredible anguish or suffering.
                Either under the Imperium or at the will of his hated Masters he honed his powers further to almost a simple form of mind reading, able to literally read enemies in battle, & somewhat cruelly provide the perfect counterstrategy. Honing it mid battle according to what he sense causes maximum distress.

                Despite this he hope to use such powers as a means to an end to overall improve the quality of life for the people in the galaxy, conquer those in his way as quickly as possible, & then ease them into the new Imperium using similar methods for a more pleasant outcome. Though whether someone as cold as him can genuinely hold such ambitions in his heart is debateable. For all his empathy it's very hard to tell what he's feeling.

                I dig it anon

              • 5 months ago

                -Friendly Meeting
                -Loves & is Loyal

                well he did free him from slavery

              • 5 months ago

                >Friendly first meeting
                >Deep friendship with the Emperor
                Good for III. 3d100 for his relations during Crusade

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 61, 83, 11 = 155 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Friend: Mortal from Terra
                >Rival: Monster of some kind
                >Passive towards Primarchs
                Interesting his friend is mortal. 3d100 for his Legion

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 59, 18, 54 = 131 (3d100)

                >Rival: Monster of some kind
                Weird that's it's a monster considering the whole Empath thing

              • 5 months ago

                Not a Physical Monster but a mental one.
                Some Deldar's quest to become the most fricked up sentient creature in the galaxy was faced with sweet sweet vindication by our lad's disgust at his soul

              • 5 months ago

                >Attitude: Old/New Schism
                >Tactics: Ranged Combat
                >Specialization: In poisoned Conditions
                3d100 for the legion’s wargear

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 96, 42, 47 = 185 (3d100)

                3 D100s for Trips
                Perhaps the Old Guard don't trust their distant leader, & his reactive ways of war.
                Perhaps he uses his Empathetic abilities to earn the new recruit's trust & keep them close under his control, alienating the old legion even more.

                Range Combat is interesting, but Poisoned even more so. Is this a skill he brings from his time in the Ice Jungles or something that the Legion did before they met him or both?

                Do they bring their own "poison"? If so what is it?

              • 5 months ago

                >Exclusive Unit: Vindicator Variant
                > Veteran Assault Squad

                Rolled 3, 99, 59 = 161 (3d100)

                >Rhino Variant
                Then its actual crusade time
                >Speed of Conquest: Unusually fast
                >Loyalty of Worlds: Standard
                2d100 to wrap that section up

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 41, 1 = 42 (2d100)

                Unique Rhino? Maybe they found it on his Home world, Fully Submersible & Climate Controlled the "Crawler" was a vital tool for taxying the rich & important around their realm. The Primarch associates it with his enslavers, by identifying it as variant of the same STC that held the rhino it was reverse engineered & many formerly lost pieces of engineering were implemented into his Legion's Armoured Transport pool. His homeworld would have viewed the mass production of such vaunted technology as an insult to the nobility they took it from, which the Primarch approves of.
                Perhaps the Vindicator also makes use of these, I think they use the Rhino chassis?

                Assault Squad? Like a tradition from the old legion that the Primarch has enhanced, many would think they simply are trained to fight with or within the deadly conditions the Legion specialise in, but in truth they have trained to take advantage of their Empathic abilities in battle to read their opponents on an instinctual level & act accordingly. This is a short range power however, & so is the Squad. In smaller conflicts they are able to execute shocking flank-manoeuvres, knowing exactly where the enemy isn't looking. & in the huge battles fought by the Imperium they are able exploit openings in the enemy line with terrifying speed, knowing that a defence may be faltering the moment the enemy does. This does not mean they are unwilling to storm an entrenched position however, & if they sense the enemy is expecting to be outflanked they can time a head on assault to be launched at the best possible second.

                OK I looked it up & the Vindicator is the SPG Rhino variant. Whatever our special Rhino has it doesn't stop us from optionally mounting a big gun in the front

              • 5 months ago

                >State of Conquered Worlds: As good as before
                >Rule: Left to the Imperium
                Seems like he’s doing everything as the Emperor intended. 1d100 for his great deed during the Great Crusade

              • 5 months ago

                Leaves pretty standard conquered worlds to the Imperium, pretty much par.
                But incredibly quick to take them.
                I think the Primarch is leveraging his Empathic abilities. Both to sweat talk planets into willingly joining, taking the initiative if he gronks that they won't. & installing the best (most loyal) to govern the new Imperial world, though his methods are seen as somewhat manipulative in hindsight by the governments installed, which kind of works against his intentions levelling the loyalty of the world out. He would probably alter his approach if he checked how things were shaking out but he leaves the world behind once it is "stable" & to the growing Imperium. realisation that he probably used psychic powers to manipulate the government into placation doesn't set in on these conquered worlds until it is well out of his hands, his absent behaviour painting a poor picture of him.
                This leaves a decidedly neutral world in the hands of the Imperium, with some variance, though the truly impressive rate at which he conquers these system has the Imperium happily shouldering the awkward aftermath, & his installed governments really are overall good picks even if they do sour to the Primarch himself a couple years after he leaves

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 81 (1d100)

                I dig the assault squad using empathic abilities. Maybe they use chain scimitars also to refflect III’s homeworld

                >State of Conquered Worlds: As good as before
                >Rule: Left to the Imperium
                Seems like he’s doing everything as the Emperor intended. 1d100 for his great deed during the Great Crusade


              • 5 months ago

                I don't think he's too mad about his homeworld's culture since he was enslaved by them

              • 5 months ago

                >Won a series of small battles that culminated in turning the tide of a large conflict (+10 Tzeentch)
                This man is really making up for not conquering his planet. 1d100 for his side in the Heresy

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 15 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                I’m sure Tzeentch is mildly disappointed. 1d100 for his great deed during the Heresy

              • 5 months ago

                A Series of Small battles that turned the Tide of a massive conflict.
                His mining Homeworld was a thrall to a Xenos power. The Poles held ancient warm-dome cities & the only Landmass on the world above sea-level. Here the "Rulers" live like they are in modern day Dubai, having the workers toil in the Ice-Sheets for materials which they traded to the Xenos for spectacular wealth.
                The Lower Classes lived like medieval Dubai, froze to death regularly, & suffered immensely in the Mines below the sea below the ice-sheets. Whatever live thrives on the ocean floor & equatorial jungle is as hostile to man as the temperature.

                Anyway, planning to invade this realm, the Emperor sends a sneaky rescue party after sensing one of his sons to be enslaved by the Aliens, they get our lad out but the follow-up invasion is not easy, & when the Primarch is introduced to his legion, pre-pared for leadership & sent out, it's still grinding on. Sent to aid the forces he very quickly proves his worth with a series of small but decisive victories against raiding fleets & minor worlds that caused the Xenos to focus all their forces on breaking the Stalemates that had built up on the 3 major planets at the frontline of the war. Anticipating this the Primarch moved behind the enemy, cutting off the brunt of Xenos forces. The triple blockade proved extremely hard to maintain but with the majority of alien troops tide up in 3 faltering warzones further imperial attacks could be launched unimpeded, turning the tide of the war.

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 78 (1d100)

                Upon return to his world, the Primarch found that the now human-hating Xenos had destroyed the 2 luxury dome cities of his homeworld out of spite, exterminating his hated enslavers, but the Peasant, still clung to life in the caverns no worse than how they lived under his old masters. Disappointed that he could not wreck personal revenge but feeling no ill-will to his fellow slaves he turned his back on the world, signing it over to the burgeoning administratum.
                It was then assigned as the primary recruitment grounds for his legion, the hard life the free-men must carve out on the planet viewed as beneficial for potential Marines. These new recruits feel alienated by their distant saviour, & somewhat of a rift has built up between the Old Legion, who view their Primarch as a tactical genius, & the new legion, who see him as aloof & cold.

                Maybe, while goading the enemy into overcommitting is widely viewed as a stroke of genius, the legion these guys fought alongside during that war weren't told what our lad was planning, & got hurt bad on those 3 planets when the large numbers of xenos troops started getting desperate. That could lead to some bad blood for sure

                Anyway, Heresy deed time

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 78 (1d100)

                Upon return to his world, the Primarch found that the now human-hating Xenos had destroyed the 2 luxury dome cities of his homeworld out of spite, exterminating his hated enslavers, but the Peasant, still clung to life in the caverns no worse than how they lived under his old masters. Disappointed that he could not wreck personal revenge but feeling no ill-will to his fellow slaves he turned his back on the world, signing it over to the burgeoning administratum.
                It was then assigned as the primary recruitment grounds for his legion, the hard life the free-men must carve out on the planet viewed as beneficial for potential Marines. These new recruits feel alienated by their distant saviour, & somewhat of a rift has built up between the Old Legion, who view their Primarch as a tactical genius, & the new legion, who see him as aloof & cold.

                Maybe, while goading the enemy into overcommitting is widely viewed as a stroke of genius, the legion these guys fought alongside during that war weren't told what our lad was planning, & got hurt bad on those 3 planets when the large numbers of xenos troops started getting desperate. That could lead to some bad blood for sure

                Anyway, Heresy deed time

                Good shit dude
                >Nearly slaughtered an enemy legion
                III is efficient. 1d100 for his fate

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 88 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                He's, On Ice!

              • 5 months ago

                >Later died fighting for the Imperium

                These threads tend to be fun. Gonna go thru all 20?

                I kinda see it like battle meditation from star wars.

                Hopefully. We’ll see how long we can go

                That’s it for III. I’ll get a summary up ina bit

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 3, 99, 59 = 161 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                His horrible upbringing has hardened his soul to suffering, of both him & others. Allowing him to use his empathic even when the target is experiencing incredible anguish or suffering.
                Either under the Imperium or at the will of his hated Masters he honed his powers further to almost a simple form of mind reading, able to literally read enemies in battle, & somewhat cruelly provide the perfect counterstrategy. Honing it mid battle according to what he sense causes maximum distress.

                Despite this he hope to use such powers as a means to an end to overall improve the quality of life for the people in the galaxy, conquer those in his way as quickly as possible, & then ease them into the new Imperium using similar methods for a more pleasant outcome. Though whether someone as cold as him can genuinely hold such ambitions in his heart is debateable. For all his empathy it's very hard to tell what he's feeling.

              • 5 months ago

                These threads tend to be fun. Gonna go thru all 20?

                I kinda see it like battle meditation from star wars.

              • 5 months ago

                >Meek scholarly guy dropped in the middle of space-arab megacorps squabbling over an extraction world
                Shaping up interesting!

  2. 5 months ago

    Ok, one thing. Their specialisation was Poisoned environments, do you think they are just generally resilient? or is this a specific kind of poison/hazardous stuff they bring with them for war?

  3. 5 months ago

    >3rd Primarch
    >15th founded
    >World is in Tempestus Segmentum
    >Moderate distance from Terra in a lone star
    >Homeworld: Mercury sized, unusually lush, freezing, water world
    >Classification: Mining
    >Culture: Medieval Arab and/or Modern Arab
    > Politics: democratic, xenophobic, capitalist, inbetween centralization and impoverished
    >Parents: Nobility
    >Relationship: Hatred and Oath of vengeance
    >Distrusts Siblings
    >Mutation: Empath
    >Defining Struggle: Crucial Technology
    >Notable Injury: Partial Hearing Loss
    >Personality: Academic(+20 Tzeentch) and Naive(+10 Nurgle)
    >Pre-Conquest: Unstable
    >Conquest: Enslaved or Imprisoned by locals
    >Opinion of homeworld: Disgusted by it
    >Specialization: Warfare/Tactics
    >Combat Style: Special Power(Empathy)
    >Friendly meeting with the Emperor
    >Deep friendship with the Emperor
    >Friend: Mortal from Terra
    >Rival: Monster of some kind
    >Passive towards Primarchs
    >Attitude: Old/New Schism
    >Tactics: Ranged Combat
    >Specialization: In poisoned Conditions
    >Vindicator Variant
    >Assault Squad Variant
    >Rhino Variant
    >Speed of Conquest: Unusually fast
    >Loyalty of Worlds: Standard
    >State of Conquered Worlds: As good as before
    >Rule: Left to the Imperium
    > Crusade Deed: Won a series of small battles that culminated in turning the tide of a large conflict
    >Heresy deed: Nearly slaughtered an enemy legion
    >Fate: Later died fighting for the Imperium
    Any name ideas before we roll the next one?

    • 5 months ago

      If mine google-fu has not failed me. Fahum means "to understand" in arabic.

    • 5 months ago

      If mine google-fu has not failed me. Fahum means "to understand" in arabic.

      Fahum sounds fine to me. I think the legion’s name should have Emperor or Imperial in it given how much they’ve seem to have done

      • 5 months ago

        Hounds of the Emperor?

      • 5 months ago

        Aurora wardens
        Imperial sentinels
        Shield vermilion
        Topaz scorpions
        Mantis pincers
        Storm scythes
        Doom scions
        Implacable hunters
        Stars of the basilisk
        Noble shadows
        Storm imperious

        Gotta drive, but it's a start.

        • 5 months ago

          I think White & Gold would be cool,
          The Emperor's Hellcats maybe.
          I do like Aurora Wardens though.
          The Heavy Hands.

          Quicksilver Legion. & they are Silver coloured instead of gold. Or just Gold & Silver coloured

          I’m partial to Imperial Wardens.

    • 5 months ago

      Nice rolls and actually interesting backstory

    • 5 months ago

      If mine google-fu has not failed me. Fahum means "to understand" in arabic.

      I think I've got it. Fahum Soft-spoken.
      Due to his poor hearing and empathy he talks low, but his words penetrate you. And as a tongue in cheek joke I suggest he wields a large concussive staff so he may carry a big stick.

      Fahum sounds fine to me. I think the legion’s name should have Emperor or Imperial in it given how much they’ve seem to have done

      Agreed. He had a very close relationship with big E. Maybe we give them red/gold like the blood angels. But it's inverted custodes colors gifted to them by the Emperor himself.

      • 5 months ago

        I definitely feel like they should have the gold in their colors. I’m not sure about red. I feel like it should be a cool color like a blue or purple

        • 5 months ago

          I think White & Gold would be cool,
          The Emperor's Hellcats maybe.
          I do like Aurora Wardens though.
          The Heavy Hands.

          Quicksilver Legion. & they are Silver coloured instead of gold. Or just Gold & Silver coloured

          • 5 months ago

            I definitely feel like they should have the gold in their colors. I’m not sure about red. I feel like it should be a cool color like a blue or purple

            Blue Armour with the Right arm & Pauldron in red.

            Or Red Armour with the Right Arm & Pauldron in Gold.
            or Silver & Gold in the same style you get it.

            The Elite Assault Squad have a different coloured arm.#


            >Nearly Slaughtered an enemy Legion.
            >Died fighting for the Imperium.
            I think the same Legion is what gets him in the end. Maybe when finishing them off he grew overconfident in his empathic abilities & got bluffed into a trap, perhaps betrayed? After his death his Marines entered a decade long depression due to the psychic feedback, & now his geneseed holds the same hardened soul their Primarch displayed.

            • 5 months ago

              >one arm/pauldron
              I got you.

              One more. Since its a damn sexy scheme. Shame what happened to it.

              I’m cool with the silver and gold.

              Any ideas for the Unique Rhino/Vindicator?
              Are the Unique Rhinos & Unique Vindicator different thing? (I. unique for different reasons)

              Or is the same vehicle with a Transport variant & SPG variant?

              I like/prefer the full arm/s design

              I think an idea for both, replaces hunter killer missile with grimdark equivalent of mustard gas. Vindicator canon variant dispenses the same thing

              • 5 months ago

                A Gas-Rhino, saturates the battlefield as it moves, also mounts Chemical Missiles
                & a Missile SPG variant of the Vindicator that can saturate/carpet bomb areas, & loads the chemical missiles. A suite of chemicals is employed, tailored for their targets, though Phosphex is also commonly employed.

          • 5 months ago

            Blue Armour with the Right arm & Pauldron in red.

            Or Red Armour with the Right Arm & Pauldron in Gold.
            or Silver & Gold in the same style you get it.

            The Elite Assault Squad have a different coloured arm.#


            >Nearly Slaughtered an enemy Legion.
            >Died fighting for the Imperium.
            I think the same Legion is what gets him in the end. Maybe when finishing them off he grew overconfident in his empathic abilities & got bluffed into a trap, perhaps betrayed? After his death his Marines entered a decade long depression due to the psychic feedback, & now his geneseed holds the same hardened soul their Primarch displayed.

            >one arm/pauldron
            I got you.

            • 5 months ago

              Alternatively, since I kinda like the silver gold more then my idea.

              • 5 months ago

                One more. Since its a damn sexy scheme. Shame what happened to it.

              • 5 months ago

                Any ideas for the Unique Rhino/Vindicator?
                Are the Unique Rhinos & Unique Vindicator different thing? (I. unique for different reasons)

                Or is the same vehicle with a Transport variant & SPG variant?

                >one arm/pauldron
                I got you.

                I like/prefer the full arm/s design

            • 5 months ago

              Continuing to look for good color scheme baselines. How's this for the leviathan?

              • 5 months ago

                I like the idea of almost black armour just with a hint of blue if you get the angle right

              • 5 months ago

                Kinda struggling with the angels. We'll have to discuss colors in the future. Found this little gem tho. Could work for the full tainted scheme. White is as often the color of death as purity. The flayed skin is a nice touch to the depraved shit they get up to.

                I like the idea of almost black armour just with a hint of blue if you get the angle right

                Kinda like night lords without the lightning?

              • 5 months ago

                Forgor pic, like a damned fool.

              • 5 months ago

                Why not go all in with sadist angle and make them look like flayed ones?

              • 5 months ago

                Not all are chugging on that chaos jungle juice to the same level.

                Maybe we could actualy steal a page from night lords book, and instead of lighting it could be stars and supernovas?

                For the leviathan? That could be cool. If we go with the cloth and robes maybe they can project the stars. Like a grimdark Yensid.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not gonna say this is it. I'm just sparking convo on color schemes. But I really like this scheme, and think it could work for the angels.

              • 5 months ago

                >Kinda like night lords without the lightning?
                we need to go darker

              • 5 months ago

                Maybe we could actualy steal a page from night lords book, and instead of lighting it could be stars and supernovas?

        • 5 months ago

          Mainly gold with some black and purples for spot colours?

      • 5 months ago

        I definitely feel like they should have the gold in their colors. I’m not sure about red. I feel like it should be a cool color like a blue or purple

        Maybe a compromise of blue armor and then red pauldrons.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know why but I'm really seeing the elite assault squad as some kind of like fedayeen death commando, like immediate martyrs who are willingly go on suicide missions.

  4. 5 months ago

    So consensus seems to his name is Fahum, his legion is the Aurora Wardens and their color scheme is silver and gold.

    On to the next primarch 2d20

    • 5 months ago

      Rolled 6, 13 = 19 (2d20)

      • 5 months ago

        >6th Primarch
        >13th founded
        3d100 for where he ended up

    • 5 months ago

      Rolled 16, 97, 23 = 136 (3d100)

      I'd say we come back to the name. "Something" Wardens does seem to be the trend tho.

      >6th Primarch
      >13th founded
      3d100 for where he ended up

      • 5 months ago

        >Segmentum: Pacificus
        >Distance from Terra: Far
        >Average Star Density
        4d100 for homeworld info

        • 5 months ago

          Rolled 94, 93, 44, 100 = 331 (4d100)

          Another late arrival.

          • 5 months ago

            >Planet size: Asteroid Cluster
            >Biodiversity: Lifeless
            >Climate: Hot
            >Aquasphere: Desert World
            Oh this place fricking sucks. 1d100 for its classification

            • 5 months ago

              Rolled 73 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Feral World(+10 PcMe)
                2d100 for their culture

              • 5 months ago

                formerly a large scientific compound in the Dark Age of Technology, millennia cut off from space travel has seen the total collapse, barely able to sustain themselves in the bare-minimum terraforming the planet has experienced, the people devolved into savages, a type of Abhuman even

              • 5 months ago

                >Feral World(+10 PcMe)
                2d100 for their culture

                >Lifeless asteroid
                >Feral World
                You know these savages sustain themselves off cannibalism

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 47, 74 = 121 (2d100)

                Why it not roll?

                anyway I hope there's an option for "He's alone up there lol"

              • 5 months ago

                >Ancient Egyptian and/or Solar Punk
                DAoT accidentally awakened a tomb world. They won but at what cost…

                5d100 for the world’s politics

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 35, 64, 91, 36, 75 = 301 (5d100)

                Solarpunk Egyptians or just Savages?
                Maybe they have some cursed, junked together tools for getting around the Asteroids, now owned by an ever shrinking number of Tribes, as their machines fail & they kill eachother.

                Maybe they use tech left behind from the Dark Age to easily cross the Asteroids, they take the form of pre-gyza Step-Pyramids powered by the baking sun. Whatever it's mechanics, its operation is all that remains to the Savages.

                The Old Ones defied the tyranny of the sun, tricked it out of its power to build the barques, crossed across the rockway & claimed this land. But the Tyrant Sun was wily & spiteful, he had tricks of his own & after 10 generations of prosperity he finally bit them back. The Old Ones are gone now, cooked alive, their bodies were made sand. Only their Barques are left. the Barques, & the Water Terminus

              • 5 months ago

                I am reminded of a black crusade game a buddy ran in college. Took place in an asteroid field where just enough atmosphere and gravity existed that you could struggle to live, and even jump between rocks if you were brave enough.
                Part of the plot was figuring out how the hell such a thing could exist. Might be cool.

              • 5 months ago

                Could even potentially be a Knight world, just after thousands of years of neglect and some broken cobbled together giant robots used to traverse the place.

              • 5 months ago

                >Government: Oligarchy
                >Ethnocentrism: Neutral
                >Economic: Communist
                >Centralisation: Inbetween
                >Wealth: Rich
                well that happened

                3d100 for his life on the homeworld

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 21, 33, 29 = 83 (3d100)

                >Lifeless Feral World
                What the frick…

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 65, 100, 55 = 220 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Parents: Nobility/Upper Class
                >Attitude: Gratitude and loyalty
                >Loves one sibling

                >Pre-conquest: Conflict with Xenos
                >Enslaved or captured by locals
                >Attitude towards homeworld: Passive
                He’s just Fahum with a healthier home life

                1d100 for his mutation

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 28 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >Winged(+10 Slaanesh)
                4d100 for his personality

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 5, 60, 100, 8 = 173 (4d100)

                The real question is nice seperate feathery wings or gross arm skinflap pterodactyl wings.

              • 5 months ago

                >Defining Struggle: Survival
                >Notable Injury: PTSD
                >Personality: Perfectionist(+10 Slaanesh) and self hating
                Oh he has big time imposter syndrome. 1d100 for his specialization

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 17 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Specialization: Warfare/Strategy
                5d100 to see what his preferred fighting style is

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 66, 7, 100, 82, 44 = 299 (5d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Honorable mention to melee being 76 and mobile being 82

                1d100 what type of psyker he is

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 80 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                2d100 for his meeting with the Emperor

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 14, 92 = 106 (2d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Meeting with the Emperor: Contest/Challenge
                >Relationship: Bad Blood Bordering on Sedition
                So Big E fricked up with this one. 3d100 for his relations during the Crusade

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 37, 69, 53 = 159 (3d100)

                This guy does sound like the type just to assume the worst at every turn, which probably quickly alienated him if the Emperor beat him.

              • 5 months ago

                >Friend: Astartes of his legion
                >Rival: Rebel Human Commander
                >Distrusts other primarchs
                3d100 for his legion

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 89, 11, 2 = 102 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Legion Attitude: Begrudging Respect to Primarch
                >Legion Tactics: Ranged Combat
                >Specialization: Skirmish Conflict
                3d100 for legion equipment

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 11, 80, 19 = 110 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Unique Large Long Range Weapon
                >Unique Unit: Outrider Squad
                >Unique Unit: Rhino Variant
                4d100 for Crusade performance

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 17, 56, 35, 18 = 126 (4d100)

                This is an aside at this point but I think it would be interesting if his wings were more like eldritch insect wings or even a naturally occurring solar sail. Something that would allow him to fly through space like a mi-go or elder thing in Lovecraft.

              • 5 months ago

                Insect wings would be an interesting direction
                >Disappointingly slow conquest
                >Standard loyalty
                >Quality of worlds: Military Reconstruction
                >Rule: Left to the Imperium
                Well this must be frustrating for a perfectionist. 1d100 for his great deed

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 64 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Stayed behind to protect mortals when no one else would (+10 Nurgle)
                1d100 for he’s loyalty

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 55 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                1d100 for his flavor of Chaos

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 96 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Specific Chaos God
                4d100 to see which one he follows

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 68 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 52, 70, 21 = 143 (3d100)

                Forgot the kther 3 whoops

              • 5 months ago

                >Manipulated into joining Chaos
                >Great Deed: Showed up out of no where to turn the tide of a losing battle
                >Fate: Fled into the Eye of Terror
                And thats it for him

              • 5 months ago

                That’s not surprising. 1d100 for why he fell to Chaos

              • 5 months ago

                If he was a noble who got enslaved and there are xenos involved somewhere perhaps some sort of pro alien uprising led to his predicament

            • 5 months ago

              Hot Lifeless Asteroid.
              Would be funny if he was alone on there lol.

  5. 5 months ago

    >6th Primarch
    >13th founded
    >Segmentum: Pacificus
    >Distance from Terra: Far
    >Average Star Density
    >Planet size: Asteroid Cluster
    >Biodiversity: Lifeless
    >Climate: Hot
    >Aquasphere: Desert World
    >Feral World
    >Culture: Ancient Egyptian and/or Solar Punk
    >Government: Oligarchy
    >Ethnocentrism: Neutral
    >Economic: Communist
    >Centralisation: Inbetween
    >Wealth: Rich
    >Parents: Nobility/Upper Class
    >Attitude: Gratitude and loyalty
    >Loves one sibling
    >Pre-conquest: Conflict with Xenos
    >Enslaved or captured by locals
    >Attitude towards homeworld: Passive
    >Mutation: Winged
    >Defining Struggle: Survival
    >Notable Injury: PTSD
    >Personality: Perfectionist and self hating
    >Specialization: Warfare/Strategy
    >Combat: Psychic(Telekensis)
    >Meeting with the Emperor: Contest/Challenge
    >Relationship: Bad Blood Bordering on Sedition
    >Friend: Astartes of his legion
    >Rival: Rebel Human Commander
    >Distrusts other Primarchs
    >Disappointingly slow conquest
    >Standard loyalty
    >Quality of worlds: Military Reconstruction
    >Rule: Left to the Imperium
    >Crusade Deed: Stayed behind to protect mortals when no one else would
    >Fell to Slaanesh
    >Manipulated into joining Chaos
    >Great Deed: Showed up out of no where to turn the tide of a losing battle
    >Fate: Fled into the Eye of Terror
    So that's our second Primarch done. I kina like how he's similar to Fahum but he's just kinda awful

    • 5 months ago

      Wow. Slaanesh got ripped off on this guy. Unless we roll someone better. Added booty blasting would be if his staying behind to protect mortals ends up being what leads to his fall.

    • 5 months ago

      Now. Feel me out here.

      • 5 months ago

        After he falls and gets some blessings sure

        • 5 months ago

          Now. Feel me out here.

          It legit didn't fricking post my Post just fricking disappeared frick

          • 5 months ago

            *Bit about their Performance in the Heresy & how they waged War that just didn't post for some reason & I don't want to write again*
            *They like Fast Moving destroyer squads & efficient killing fields, preferring to fight a series of decisive skirmished & small massacres than full scale wars with enemy counter action met by swift firepower & mechanised heavy infantry, this combined with their obsession with destroying the enemy in detail & killing most of their forces gave them a scary reputation as slaughterers but slowed their conquest to a crawl & leave the planets they eventually conquered exhausted & devastated*
            *They were called the Angels Resplendent before the Heresy & the Ascended Angels once they fell*

            This would change after a long drawn out & humiliating war against the Ork Waaaagh! "Gitkicker" who happily sent scores of boys & buggies into the the Angel's efficient killing fields, seemingly immune to attrition. The Battle of Kraxxus III saw the Angels abandon their lofty ways in a desperate attempt to change strategy, meeting the Orks on their terms in order to buy time for civilian evacuation. the colossal hive city "Terminus" became a massive warzone as Orks poured into the megastructure's North Side & Astartes Armour clashed with Battlewagons on its West, South & East. initially planning to use the Ork Chaff against them by clogging up the streets with low-tier boys, the plan failed & the battle soon became a brutal slog on all fronts. The Battle ended when Warboss Gitkicker himself crashed through the Southern front before dying to the Primarch's blade. But not before most of the Chapter lay dead.

            • 5 months ago

              With a meagre 2000 Marines left in the tattered legion, the Angels were allowed to return to their homeworld & begin rebuilding from there & the surrounding systems, while the Primarch meditated on his approach to warfare. The Evacuated citizens were also discharged into his care, as the small fiefdom he was assigned for rebuilding would have room enough to house them all.

              Here it is thought he was presented with a set of solid gold scrolls, written in the pink blood of some unknown Xenos. A gift from his most trusted Captain, a veteran of the 1st wave of Space Marines made on holy Terra at the onset of the crusade & close personal friend of the Primarch.

              Labelled "Musings on the perfect war", it was thought they could aid him in his mediations, captured as they were from a rebel uprising who displayed remarkable strategic capabilities.
              This was a lie, They were false, created by a Demon-Scribe enslaved to Slaanesh for the sole purpose of enticing this perfectionist Primarch.

              He cast them aside after a year, they were full of nonsense, mad things. But they intrigued him. Surely his good friend the Captain knew of similar writings that weren't so strange.

              His captain obliged, stating he knew were the rebels found the scrolls, & that the Primarch could find far better secrets directly from the source.

              • 5 months ago

                As the Heresy began, few payed much attention to the Primarch's small fiefdom, & exactly what he was doing to the citizens within it, when he claimed to be fending off traitor raiding parties whilst re-growing his legion the loyalists believed him, they were too busy to check. He even had the small Forge World in his system divert all resources to Marine Arms & Armour for both his legion & the loyalists.
                3 years into the Heresy he re-emerged, at the 2nd battle of Kraxxus. He was horrifying, his proud wings now a retched abomination, his newly grown legion now festooned in gory trophies & limbs, many of the civilians he had evacuated from the Hive world were in his legion now, some as brainwashed recruits, most as cloaks. The rest had reportedly been eaten, same for the inhabitants of almost all the worlds under his charge. The Small Forge World was squeezed dry, & his Legion had been stealing civilian ships to amass a small armada of ships daubed in chaotic imagery.
                They were the Angels Ascendant.
                They had found their perfect way of war.

              • 5 months ago

                Which in practice was very similar to their old one, only calous & brutal. Fear of casualties always had them fighting slow wars but now they were almost reckless, screaming into enemy positions with intent, more then willing to trade fire & casualties if it won them the day overall. They suffered heavy losses in the initial drop into the loyalist lines of Kraxxus but it soon gave way to a massacre, setting the stage for the Ascendant way of war.
                With the Primarchs of other Traitor legions flagging under the madness of chaos at this point in the Heresy, the Angels ascendant were a welcome strategic boon, executing daring blitzkriegs & encirclements, willing to take high risk-medium reward missions, large number of thralls were employed to eat the brunt of the losses if things went poorly. The carful killing fields of old would even return if the enemy thought they could anticipate the Angel's aggression, but not for long, if the war waged on for too long they Marines would almost get bored & leave, much to the chagrin of other traitors who would find themselves essentially abandoned without word. At the siege of Terra the Angels spent a full 6 months in the Sol system before leaving to engage guerrillas in the Traitor supply lines, this worked well ensuring the siege could continue even longer, & upon their return the Angels deployed in the single largest Drop-Pod assault in history, securing a permanent foothold on the world's southern pole.
                After a month of constant fighting however the Angels Ascendant would abandon the Siege, & the Heresy. pillaging their way to the Eye of Terror wherein the inner circle still remains. Angel Warbands are sent out on random errands & missions by the Primarch but the legion as a cohesive unit is effectively defunct, the Primarch got close to the Perfect war & got bored. His current occupations are unknown.

            • 5 months ago

              With a meagre 2000 Marines left in the tattered legion, the Angels were allowed to return to their homeworld & begin rebuilding from there & the surrounding systems, while the Primarch meditated on his approach to warfare. The Evacuated citizens were also discharged into his care, as the small fiefdom he was assigned for rebuilding would have room enough to house them all.

              Here it is thought he was presented with a set of solid gold scrolls, written in the pink blood of some unknown Xenos. A gift from his most trusted Captain, a veteran of the 1st wave of Space Marines made on holy Terra at the onset of the crusade & close personal friend of the Primarch.

              Labelled "Musings on the perfect war", it was thought they could aid him in his mediations, captured as they were from a rebel uprising who displayed remarkable strategic capabilities.
              This was a lie, They were false, created by a Demon-Scribe enslaved to Slaanesh for the sole purpose of enticing this perfectionist Primarch.

              He cast them aside after a year, they were full of nonsense, mad things. But they intrigued him. Surely his good friend the Captain knew of similar writings that weren't so strange.

              His captain obliged, stating he knew were the rebels found the scrolls, & that the Primarch could find far better secrets directly from the source.

              As the Heresy began, few payed much attention to the Primarch's small fiefdom, & exactly what he was doing to the citizens within it, when he claimed to be fending off traitor raiding parties whilst re-growing his legion the loyalists believed him, they were too busy to check. He even had the small Forge World in his system divert all resources to Marine Arms & Armour for both his legion & the loyalists.
              3 years into the Heresy he re-emerged, at the 2nd battle of Kraxxus. He was horrifying, his proud wings now a retched abomination, his newly grown legion now festooned in gory trophies & limbs, many of the civilians he had evacuated from the Hive world were in his legion now, some as brainwashed recruits, most as cloaks. The rest had reportedly been eaten, same for the inhabitants of almost all the worlds under his charge. The Small Forge World was squeezed dry, & his Legion had been stealing civilian ships to amass a small armada of ships daubed in chaotic imagery.
              They were the Angels Ascendant.
              They had found their perfect way of war.

              Which in practice was very similar to their old one, only calous & brutal. Fear of casualties always had them fighting slow wars but now they were almost reckless, screaming into enemy positions with intent, more then willing to trade fire & casualties if it won them the day overall. They suffered heavy losses in the initial drop into the loyalist lines of Kraxxus but it soon gave way to a massacre, setting the stage for the Ascendant way of war.
              With the Primarchs of other Traitor legions flagging under the madness of chaos at this point in the Heresy, the Angels ascendant were a welcome strategic boon, executing daring blitzkriegs & encirclements, willing to take high risk-medium reward missions, large number of thralls were employed to eat the brunt of the losses if things went poorly. The carful killing fields of old would even return if the enemy thought they could anticipate the Angel's aggression, but not for long, if the war waged on for too long they Marines would almost get bored & leave, much to the chagrin of other traitors who would find themselves essentially abandoned without word. At the siege of Terra the Angels spent a full 6 months in the Sol system before leaving to engage guerrillas in the Traitor supply lines, this worked well ensuring the siege could continue even longer, & upon their return the Angels deployed in the single largest Drop-Pod assault in history, securing a permanent foothold on the world's southern pole.
              After a month of constant fighting however the Angels Ascendant would abandon the Siege, & the Heresy. pillaging their way to the Eye of Terror wherein the inner circle still remains. Angel Warbands are sent out on random errands & missions by the Primarch but the legion as a cohesive unit is effectively defunct, the Primarch got close to the Perfect war & got bored. His current occupations are unknown.

              Flesh crafter perfectionist is a pretty good angle. And I really dig the names.

    • 5 months ago

      Any name ideas for him?

    • 5 months ago

      I think the PTSD and self hatred could stem from his initial attempts at rising to power on his homeworld that ends with him getting imprissoned for a while and absolutely shredding his self confidence.

    • 5 months ago

      For this dude, maybe his name can just be Seth or Amon.

      • 5 months ago

        I like Amon
        with the hand wings

  6. 5 months ago

    >Ancient Egyptian Solar Punk
    he is literally Horus(the god)

  7. 5 months ago

    >19th Legion, 16th found.
    >Way the frick out in Segmentum Pacificus, Average Density.
    >Homeworld: A Barren, Freezing, Super-Earth Water-World.
    How the Frick?
    >Medieval Iberian Culture, Modern Latino Tech.
    >Xenophilic Oligarchy, Centralized Capitalist, Impoverished.
    I Wonder Why.
    >Disdainful Relationship with Soldier Parents, Loves some siblings though.
    >World was peaceful, conquered it and a few surrounding systems, not attached.
    >Mutation Roll: 99. Body Dismorphia, Extra Eyes, Unnatural Skin Color.
    >Defining Struggle: Prophesy, Honest & Brave though.
    >Jack of All Trades, personal Spec
    >Power Fists Melee
    >Mobile Shooting Ranged.
    >Pyromancy if Psyker?
    >Heavy Vehicles for Mobile, Nat 100+10 selection
    Psychic Steam Pyromancy w/ Heavy Submarines?
    >Special Power
    >Friendly 1st Meeting
    >Friends w/ another Primarch (17th?), Rivalry w/ Daemon Prince or Greater, Passive toward most Primarchs.
    >Legion is Fanatical, Terror Tactics, Specialized in Darkness and Obfuscation.
    Steam, Smoke & Mist stealth.
    >Exclusive Unique Melee Weapon, Terminator Squad, Rhino Variant.
    >Disappointingly Slow Conquest, Constant Uprisings, Military Reconstruction, Standard Bureaucracy.
    >Chosen to personally accompany and fight alongside the Emperor for a lot of it.
    "Can't let this kid go anywhere unsupervised."
    >Loyalist in the Heresy
    >Maimed a Primarch at some point.
    >Post-Heresy, Hunting Traitors in the EoT.

  8. 5 months ago

    Time for more Primarch fun time™
    someone roll 2d20 please

    • 5 months ago

      Rolled 12, 17 = 29 (2d20)

      • 5 months ago

        >12th Legion 17th found
        3d100 for homeworld location

        • 5 months ago

          Rolled 89, 13, 43 = 145 (3d100)

          • 5 months ago

            >Ultima Segmentum*
            >Average density
            Pretty close to Terra and still took ages to be found, Emps get your shit together.

            As for homeworld type we'll take

            Rolled 70, 80, 52 = 202 (3d100)

            just need one more d100

            • 5 months ago

              Rolled 4 (1d100)

        • 5 months ago

          Rolled 70, 80, 52 = 202 (3d100)

          • 5 months ago

            Rolled 4 (1d100)

            >Earth Sized
            >Water World

            1d100 for Homeworld type

            • 5 months ago

              Rolled 91 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Scholarly World [+10PcP] [+10Tzc]
                I guess being stuck in the ocean is a good way to concentrate on your studies.

                2d100 for the culture

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 4, 8 = 12 (2d10)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 36, 85 = 121 (2d100)

                I’m a moron

              • 5 months ago

                >Ancient Roman
                >Nazi Germany

                5d100 for politics

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 78, 67, 72, 13, 81 = 311 (5d100)

                Oh boy

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like quite a nice place. Let's see how our boy got on growing up.

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 30, 46, 80 = 156 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Nobility/Upper class parents
                >Deep love and familial bonds
                >Hatred of sibling
                Aside from one dickass sibling seem like he's got a pretty sweet deal.
                3d100 for Homeworld development

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 33, 53, 47 = 133 (3d100)

                So far he seems like he’s going to be a Guilliman or Magnus

              • 5 months ago

                >Chaos uprising
                >Conquest nearly finished upon Emperors arrival
                >Passive/Not attached
                Not managing to conquer the world before daddy showed up, how embarassing for him.
                1d100 for mutations

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 15 (1d100)

                He only acted to scrub out the chaos worshippers, though the world was not conquered, the chaos worshippers had been dealt with, & so he returned to his scholarly pursuits

              • 5 months ago

                >No mutations
                well ok then.
                4d100 for his personal development

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 1, 70, 3, 39 = 113 (4d100)

                >No mutations
                As the Emperor intended

              • 5 months ago

                >Defining struggle survival
                >Lost leg
                >Asceticism [-20 Sls]
                I'm just going to assume a chaos cultist and/or seamonster got the leg or something.

                1d100 for personal specialisation

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 39 (1d100)

                Hysan. We got a name.

              • 5 months ago

                >Scholarly pursuits [+20 PcP] [+20 Tzc]
                No real surprise there.
                5d100 to see what his perfered form of combat is

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 52, 44, 58, 34, 9 = 197 (5d100)

                I kinda hope he’s not a psyker despite being a nerd

              • 5 months ago

                Despite our best efforts he unfortunately is.
                1d100 for it

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 68 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Oh god, another one.
                Time to see how his meeting with the Emperor went
                2d100 please

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 4, 88 = 92 (2d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >The Emperors arrival was expected [-10RE]
                >Feels unappreciated by the Emperor
                No doubt he's been aware of the emperor zipping around and collecting most of his other sons before finally bothering to show up here, bound to be some resentment there.

                3d100 for relationships during the crusade

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 8, 53, 21 = 82 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 11 (1d20)

                >Friend: Another primarch
                >Rival: Daamon prince/greater daemon
                >Loves only one primarch
                Having a chaos enemy makes sense, especailly considering his homeworld, might even be the same daemonic entity that's been messing with him for years.
                3d100 for how meeting his legion goes

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 6, 42, 61 = 109 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Relationship with legion:Fanatical to primarch
                >Legion tactics: Psychic warfare [+10 tzc]
                >Specialisation: Darkness and Obscuration

                3d100 to see what equipment our little psychic warriors have

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 5, 27, 24 = 56 (3d100)

                These are our Turbo-Nerds?
                I bet the Darkness is psychically aided, With a cool Deep-Sea theme

              • 5 months ago

                >Exclusive wargear: Unique small ranged weapon
                >Exclusive unit #1: Devestator squad
                >Exclusive unit #2 Predator variant
                Who needs stealth when you've got magic bullshit to make up for it, bring on the big guns.
                Any thoughts on what the small ranged weapon might be?

                4d100 for crusade performance

              • 5 months ago

                >Predator variant
                I'm not saying it should be tripple Volkite but I'm not not saying that either.

              • 5 months ago

                >Telekensis to immobilize the vehicle
                >Volkite to cook them in it

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 52, 99, 64, 33 = 248 (4d100)

                >Exclusive wargear: Unique small ranged weapon
                >Exclusive unit #1: Devestator squad
                >Exclusive unit #2 Predator variant
                Who needs stealth when you've got magic bullshit to make up for it, bring on the big guns.
                Any thoughts on what the small ranged weapon might be?

                4d100 for crusade performance

                Tossing out Astral Leviathans for their Legion name.

                For unique small weapon, maybe they have special bolt rounds made from the Primarch’s homeworld

              • 5 months ago

                >Speed: Standard conquest
                >Loyalty of conquered worlds: Devoted servants
                >Quality of conquered worlds: Better than before
                >Rule of conquered worlds: Indirect rule
                They may not be the quicket but goddamn do they get results.
                1d100 for the primarchs great deed during the crusade.

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 29 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 3 (1d20)

                >Rescued another primarch from overwhelming danger
                Now the big one; traitor or not. 1d100 please.

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 29 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                You have no idea how relieved I am.
                Last rolls now, just need 2d100 for Great deed and their fate

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 35, 43 = 78 (2d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Personally destroyed relics/archaotech/facilities key to the enemies war effort
                >Hunting traitors in the eye of terror
                That's XII done. Feel free to argue about names and colour schemes, I am fond of Astral Leviathans for the legion name though.

              • 5 months ago

                Isiah Hecate for his name. For color scheme maybe just nightlords blue with black trim

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds cool.

                The Idea of the Psychic Legion using their powers to conceal Heavy Weapons & Armour for a heavy-stealth army is very cool I like it. With a Deep-Sea vibe layered on top of that, like it's what their powers take inspiration on & when they use their powers offensively it's stuff like rapidly compressing /Decompressing enemies or flash boiling the water in their veins.

                I think the Unique Small Ranged Weapon. Unique Devastator Squad & Unique Predator are all using multiple "Calibres" of the same kind of weapon. Not sure what weird tech should be Legion exclusive though. Ideally something that fits with deep-sea-shroud vibe.

              • 5 months ago

                Well looking at Thousand Sons they’re exclusives for Horus Heresy they get Aether fire canon(plasma canon modified by psychic) and asphyx rounds(psychic bolt rounds). So they could have done something similar and that’s part of the reason why the Primarch’s relationship with the Emperor is strained

              • 5 months ago

                Aetheric-Naptha. A treated form of Promethium imbued with psychic power by practitioners in the Astral Leviathans. Developed by Isiah as a fuel-source which could burn underwater, it has been refined into a deadly weapon, creating both a massive fireball that scorches mind as well as flesh & leaving behind a white hot core of chemical residue that melts the soul as easily as adamantine. Skilled users of the weapon are able to psychically tweak the mix before firing, resulting in a bigger fireball or hotter residue.
                Is loaded into special Bolts where the Naptha replaces the explosive payload (though only particularly stable batches can be loaded this way) & given to elite squads,
                The less stable (& more common batches) are reserved for Heavy Flamers which spew the stuff wholesale, no need to worry about bolts detonating mid-air.
                The least responsive batches are loaded into Bolts, where the large concentration of the substance & accompanying explosive charge ensure the less potent batches still detonate correctly, less capable of being psychically influenced these rounds are instead employed with explosive prejudice most Heavy Bolters are used for, & are great tools for indiscriminate suppression.
                While the most volatile, but responsive batches are loaded in small amounts into Autocannons, which make full use of the psychic-adjustability of the substance, allowing for Anti-Armour shells to scorch holes into sheer metal & explosive shells that spew fireballs directly into enemy tanks through the smallest of breaches or scorching wide areas around impact, which the operator able to decide how each shell will react in-between trigger-pulls.
                Various batches will also be loaded into Rockets & Missiles, for obvious reasons.

              • 5 months ago

                Naphtha-Loaded Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolter, Autocannons & Missile launchers are collectively rare but potent weapons in the Leviathan arsenal, & a standout source of power among the heavy & destructive Leviathan arsenal, they are given to the infamous "Trident Devastator" Squads who leverage their psychic abilities to launch a hail of bespoke Aetheric firepower alongside a barrage of mental attacks. Often Legion Librarians would remain in these squads as sergeants, a testament to their respect in the legion.
                As well as the infamous "Aetheric Predator", which can use it's twin Naphtha-Autocannons to incredibly efficient ends thanks to it's Psychic Pilot, with Flamer, Heavy Bolter & Missile Launcher variants rolled out during the Heresy to great effect (though the Naphtha-Flamer & Bolter variants were originally created to combat the remains of Waaaagh!!! Gitkicker after the Resplendent angels abandoned the front, the flamers to chew through the massive hordes the Waaagh was infamous for, while the Heavy Bolters to blow apart the lightly armoured Greenskin Scrap-Vehicles whilst still presenting a heavy threat to mobs of boys).
                The practice of stationing powerful Librarians in the vehicle, often as the gunner, made the psychic tanks being among the most feared armour on the Loyalist side. & while enemy Psykers could muck with the Naphtha "Settings" mid-air, they could never stop a round from detonating, nor force it to go-off in the enemy gun. With the unresponsive "Heavy Bolter Batches" being especially difficult to muck with

              • 5 months ago

                Naphtha-Loaded Heavy Flamers, Heavy Bolter, Autocannons & Missile launchers are collectively rare but potent weapons in the Leviathan arsenal, & a standout source of power among the heavy & destructive Leviathan arsenal, they are given to the infamous "Trident Devastator" Squads who leverage their psychic abilities to launch a hail of bespoke Aetheric firepower alongside a barrage of mental attacks. Often Legion Librarians would remain in these squads as sergeants, a testament to their respect in the legion.
                As well as the infamous "Aetheric Predator", which can use it's twin Naphtha-Autocannons to incredibly efficient ends thanks to it's Psychic Pilot, with Flamer, Heavy Bolter & Missile Launcher variants rolled out during the Heresy to great effect (though the Naphtha-Flamer & Bolter variants were originally created to combat the remains of Waaaagh!!! Gitkicker after the Resplendent angels abandoned the front, the flamers to chew through the massive hordes the Waaagh was infamous for, while the Heavy Bolters to blow apart the lightly armoured Greenskin Scrap-Vehicles whilst still presenting a heavy threat to mobs of boys).
                The practice of stationing powerful Librarians in the vehicle, often as the gunner, made the psychic tanks being among the most feared armour on the Loyalist side. & while enemy Psykers could muck with the Naphtha "Settings" mid-air, they could never stop a round from detonating, nor force it to go-off in the enemy gun. With the unresponsive "Heavy Bolter Batches" being especially difficult to muck with

                I like the fluff for then.

                Just a quick reminder post. We have;
                Fahum Soft-spoken, of the Aurora(?) Wardens
                Amon, of the Angels Resplendent
                Isaiah, of the Astral Leviathan

                I think Imperial or Emperor’s Wardens would be better but thats just me

              • 5 months ago

                Imperial Wardens is a good name for a Legion I agree.
                Aurora Wardens are like the 2nd founding chapter that's already forming as the heresy begins

              • 5 months ago

                Imperial Wardens is a good name for a Legion I agree.
                Aurora Wardens are like the 2nd founding chapter that's already forming as the heresy begins

                I kinda agree. He has a close relationship with big man emps and aurora, while a nice ref to his homeworld, sounds like it would be better on one of their unique units.

              • 5 months ago

                Maybe their unique assault squad are called the Aurora Warriors

              • 5 months ago

                >Astral Leviathans
                Brutal, I like it.

              • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Summary for Isiah(?)
    >12th Legion 17th found
    >Ultima Segmentum* close to Terra
    >Average density
    >Earth Sized
    >Water World
    >Classification: Scholarly World
    >Culture: Roman Empire and/or Nazi Germany
    >Nobility/Upper class parents
    >Deep love and familial bonds
    >Hatred of sibling
    >Chaos uprising
    >Conquest nearly finished upon Emperors arrival
    >Passive/Not attached
    >Defining struggle survival
    >Lost leg
    >Specialization: Scholarly Pursuits
    >Prefer Combat: Psychic (Telekensis)
    >The Emperors arrival was expected
    >Feels unappreciated by the Emperor
    >Friend: 11th Primarch
    >Rival: Daamon prince/greater daemon
    >Loves only 11th Primarch
    >Relationship with legion:Fanatical to primarch
    >Legion tactics: Psychic warfare
    >Specialisation: Darkness and Obscuration
    >Exclusive wargear: Unique small ranged weapon
    >Exclusive unit #1: Devestator squad
    >Exclusive unit #2 Predator varian
    >Speed: Standard conquest
    >Loyalty of conquered worlds: Devoted servants
    >Quality of conquered worlds: Better than before
    >Rule of conquered worlds: Indirect rule
    >Crusade Deed: Rescued the 3rd Primarch from overwhelming danger
    >Heresy Deed: Personally destroyed relics/archaotech/facilities key to the enemies war effort
    >Fate: Hunting traitors in the eye of terror

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe it's the lost leg. But I'm getting a sane Ahab vibe from this guy. His rival being a daemon and his destroying their stuff while hunting traitors thru the eye really seals it for me.

    • 5 months ago

      So Isiah() loves Paul Hogman. Wonder how that friendship started

      • 5 months ago

        The Hog is looking to be the kinda guy you'd either love or hate, but it would be with a hint of respect.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, I see it as Isiah kind of idolizing Paul because he's both really good at this whole primarch thing and because he's able to do it in spite of starting from behind, so to speak. Paul is probably also willing to be open minded about all his nerd suit and psyker issues, even if only in an objective/utilitarian sense. Paul probably sees Isiah as very useful but not someone he's really on an emotional level with.

          • 5 months ago

            >Weakened Body
            >Defining Struggle: Membership
            >Injury: Incurable but nonlethal disease
            >Personality: Bitter and Chaste
            >Intense jealousy towards the Emperor

            >Defining struggle survival
            >Lost leg
            >Specialization: Scholarly Pursuits
            >Feels unappreciated by the Emperor

            There's definitely room here to build a relationship. Both have suffered in life, both have minor beef with their father. Paul can appreciate Isaiah's honest nature as one of the few things that break thru his bitter shell.
            Isaiah might see how badly Paul wants acceptance and uses his academics to help Paul bridge gaps. Maybe try and help manage his illness, and gaining a respect for Paul being able to even survive long enough to be found.

            • 5 months ago

              Other thing the two have in common is some Daemon keeps trying to frick with them

  10. 5 months ago

    Just a quick reminder post. We have;
    Fahum Soft-spoken, of the Aurora(?) Wardens
    Amon, of the Angels Resplendent
    Isaiah, of the Astral Leviathan

  11. 5 months ago

    Should we start with the next Primarch?

    • 5 months ago

      Rolled 12, 11 = 23 (2d20)

      I just like rolling dice

      • 5 months ago

        Rolled 98, 77, 66 = 241 (3d100)

        11th legion
        11th found

        • 5 months ago

          >Average Star Density

          Rolled 46, 57, 99 = 202 (3d100)

          >Earth Sized
          >Standard Biodiversity
          Another 1d100 for the planet info

          • 5 months ago

            Rolled 95 (1d100)

            • 5 months ago

              >Desert World
              So its freezing world and there’s no water. 1d100 for classification

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 60 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Civilized World (+20PcR)
                2d100 for its culture

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 13, 7 = 20 (2d100)

                How can you have civilization on a frozen desert, we talking underground cities or something

              • 5 months ago

                Since there is standard biodiversity, and its civilized world people could live in giant domes (remnants of DAoT) that adjust the climate to be more temperate inside

              • 5 months ago

                >Medeival Iberian and/or Modern American
                5d100 for its government

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 16, 44, 21, 50, 97 = 228 (5d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Neutral Ethnocentrism
                >Inbetween Centralization
                3d100 for the primarch’s home life


              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 91, 12, 45 = 148 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Grew up in the wild
                >Deep Familial Bond
                >Rivalry with sibling
                So I don’t know if this means its a Lion situation and he gets adopted eventually or if his family are wolves or something.
                3d100 for his conquest

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 28, 21, 84 = 133 (3d100)

                Raised by polar bears

              • 5 months ago

                >Pre-conquest: Endless Plotting
                >Conquered Homeworld
                >Disdainful of homeworld
                1d100 for his mutation

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 43 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Weakened Body(+20PcR, +20 PcMo)
                4d100 for his personal development

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 24, 92, 88, 71 = 275 (4d100)

                ouch, that's got to be pretty detrimental out there in the wilds

              • 5 months ago

                >Defining Struggle: Membership
                >Injury: Incurable but nonlethal disease
                >Personality: Bitter and Chaste(-20 Slaanesh)
                1d100 for his specialization

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 7 (1d100)

                Incel wolfman detected

              • 5 months ago

                >Personal Combat (+40 PcMe, +40 PcR)
                5d100 for his preferred combat

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 72, 43, 79, 66, 48 = 308 (5d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Though it should be noted Melee is 113 to Range’s 122. So we can roll for both if we want

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 5, 98 = 103 (2d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Melee: Sword
                >Range: Short Range Shooting
                2d100 for his meeting with the Emperor

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 9, 96 = 105 (2d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Emperor’s arrival was expected
                >Intense jealousy towards the Emperor
                3d100 for his relationships

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 48, 49, 24 = 121 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Friend: Mortal from his homeworld
                >Rival: Daemon Prince or Great Daemon
                >Loved only one Primarch
                1d20 for what he Primarch he loves

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 10 (1d20)

              • 5 months ago

                >10th Primarch
                3d100 for his legion

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 88, 5, 86 = 179 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Begrudging respect towards Primarch
                >Tactics: Close Combat
                >Specialization: All rounder/ None
                3d100 for the Legion’s exclusives

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 24, 36, 42 = 102 (3d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Unique Melee Weapon
                >Veteran Tactical Squad
                >Vindicator Variant
                4d100 for Crusade performance

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 94, 78, 80, 88 = 340 (4d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Unusually fast conquest
                >High Loyalty
                >Quality: Better than before
                >Rule: Dictatorial
                That’s surprising. 1d100 for his great deed

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 97 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                >Collected many artifacts, relics and pieces of archeotech from worlds he conquered(+10 Slaanesh)
                1d100 for his loyalty

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 38 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago


                Rolled 41 (1d100)

                Weak body from an incurable disease he caught in the wilds, jealous of the Emperor for not making him resistant.
                But from years of studying the blade he can cut down stronger opponents. Maybe lightsabers for the collected archeotech/Unique Melee weapon

                Imagine how deadly he’d be if he didn’t get sick.
                >Assumed leadership over large portion of Loyalist forces
                1d100 for his fate

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 23 (1d100)

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 41 (1d100)

                >Weakened Body(+20PcR, +20 PcMo)
                4d100 for his personal development

                >Defining Struggle: Membership
                >Injury: Incurable but nonlethal disease
                >Personality: Bitter and Chaste(-20 Slaanesh)
                1d100 for his specialization

                Weak body from an incurable disease he caught in the wilds, jealous of the Emperor for not making him resistant.
                But from years of studying the blade he can cut down stronger opponents. Maybe lightsabers for the collected archeotech/Unique Melee weapon

              • 5 months ago

                I see it more as his having some kind of inherent flaw and he resents the Emperor for making him that way/not being able to prevent it, he believes that if he didn't have this inherent flaw he would be perfect and the best Primarch.

              • 5 months ago

                it has to be hirsuitism the idea of hairy astartes running around on an ice world is too good to pass up.

              • 5 months ago

                This makes me think he is literally some of regressed ape man or beast man, like not physically weaker than any of his brothers but just constantly underestimated and unable to persuade most people because he seems subhuman. That's kind of a stretch from the mutation role but it feels very appropriate.

              • 5 months ago

                He should be the dwarf primarch, mad cause he's short

              • 5 months ago

                No hes entirly a human/primarch he just has something like Hypertrichosis. Maybe the imperium/his homeworld see him as such.

                like pic related

                He should be the dwarf primarch, mad cause he's short

                That could be his illness he cauught some form transmissable dwarfism disese when he was young so he never grew up properly. Nothing to say he cant be hairy and a dwarf.

              • 5 months ago

                Is say we go the opposite. Chewbacca primarch. Unfortunately, he's the super lean and lanky type. Lacking the raw strength of his brothers.

              • 5 months ago

                We could, especially if the archotech is lightsabers an army of wookie astartes with lightsabers, shame they arnt all psykers....

              • 5 months ago

                So beastial appearance and dwarf is a mutation that come up so I don’t think he looks Chewbacca freakish.

                Rolled 23 (1d100)

                >Died during the Heresy

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I feel like making him too particularly mutated in any direction is going against the result of the roll. The main thing is that he's physically weak we than a normal primarch and generally just kind of unwell. I imagine some kind of latent consumptive disease. In any case his mutation should make him a pathetic freak without any physical advantages, which alienates him from the Emperor and the world as a whole but maybe is what incentivizes him to do so well capturing and setting up new worlds for the imperium.

              • 5 months ago

                It's weird that his specialization is personal combat, he would use a sword or short range gun, his legion uses close combat and melee, and they begrudgingly respect him so he must be pretty impressive in combat, but he's weak for a primarch.
                His mutation makes him better at ranged and mobility for some reason. I could see him in a tank-like wheelchair with some kind of shotgun.

              • 5 months ago

                His mutation is a weakened body I thought? Nothing seems to really help him except maybe the stuff he finds and hordes. All the more impressive really. Especially since he seems to end up controlling a good chunk of loyalists. I can see him dying with dignity in the end, a "I was here. I mattered. A pox upon the haters" sort of thing.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, it seems genuinely poignant to have this guy with an obvious chip on his shoulder rise up from being the physical least of all his brothers to being the most singular for the total war effort. Maybe he's even the guy that writes the Codex Astartes or some version. I feel like his death would have to be at the hands of one of the most physically capable of the traitors but in the moment he rubs it in the face of the guy killing him. "You can beat me here but what I've put in motion has already beaten the traitor cause and saved the Imperium."

              • 5 months ago

                If I remembering right Sanguinius mutation was technically because of Baal. It could be whatever the Emperor intended for this guy got fricked because of the disease he got on this frozen hell world. Since despite having a weakened body, he's an excellent duelist and he's one of the more efficient Primarch's in the Great Crusade.

              • 5 months ago

                He could be kinda based on FDR and be much more of a dictatorial war strategist rarely fighting on the front lines.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not particularly Roman or Modern German but I was picturing like a Doc Holliday-esque gunslinger. Maybe his illness even contributes to his having really steady hands and a dead eye, like he's physically incapable of having a raised heartrate anyway.

                Either that or he offsets his physical deficiency with an incredible rigorous study of martial arts. That could even be reflected in his legion, like they fight as a perfectly disciplined Legionary formation in close combat. No loose regiments of despoilers but regimented blocks of swords and shields.

              • 5 months ago

                Aw shit I got this guys cultural background confused with the previous one. Modern America makes the cowboy/gunslinger thing even more appropriate I feel.

                He could be kinda based on FDR and be much more of a dictatorial war strategist rarely fighting on the front lines.

                Well he's gotta be on the front lines, given he's specialty, but I really like the FDR comparison all the same. I think the legion having some WW2 American design would be sick.

              • 5 months ago

                What about just really beefy power armor that is also life support/mobility or he's just way weaker than other Primarchs without it.

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 18 (1d20)

              • 5 months ago

                >Unique Melee Weapon
                >Veteran Tactical Squad
                >Vindicator Variant
                4d100 for Crusade performance

                Hear me out here.... Gunswords

              • 5 months ago

                Rolled 24, 92, 88, 71 = 275 (4d100)

                ouch, that's got to be pretty detrimental out there in the wilds

                Sad we dont have native american on the origins. Would have been cool to to have a biggfoot/wendigo/skinwalker legion that just goes around its homeworld kidnapping kids to make into astartes.

              • 5 months ago

                Its partialy modern American, i could see it being more Alascan than mainland focused, and then we still can have it be skinwalkers or bigfoot inspired in some way

              • 5 months ago

                >the sibling rivalry was with a bear that was in the same "litter" as him

              • 5 months ago

                Inwit kinda fits the bill. And they had a space empire by the time Emps found Dorn.

  12. 5 months ago

    Rolled 46, 57, 99 = 202 (3d100)

  13. 5 months ago

    This thread contains insane amounts of kino, unknown to /tg/ for a long time.

  14. 5 months ago

    Summary, any names for this guy?
    >11th legion
    >11th found
    >Average Star Density
    >Earth Sized
    >Standard Biodiversity
    >Desert World
    >Civilized World (+20PcR)
    >Medeival Iberian and/or Modern American
    >Neutral Ethnocentrism
    >Inbetween Centralization
    >Grew up in the wild
    >Deep Familial Bond
    >Rivalry with sibling
    >Pre-conquest: Endless Plotting
    >Conquered Homeworld
    >Disdainful of homeworld
    >Weakened Body(+20PcR, +20 PcMo)
    >Defining Struggle: Membership
    >Injury: Incurable but nonlethal disease
    >Personality: Bitter and Chaste(-20 Slaanesh)
    >Personal Combat (+40 PcMe, +40 PcR)
    >Ranged (113 Melee)
    >Melee: Sword
    >Range: Short Range Shooting
    >Emperor’s arrival was expected
    >Intense jealousy towards the Emperor
    >Friend: Mortal from his homeworld
    >Rival: Daemon Prince or Great Daemon
    >Loved only one Primarch (10th)
    >Begrudging respect towards Primarch
    >Tactics: Close Combat
    >Specialization: All rounder/ None
    >Unique Melee Weapon
    >Veteran Tactical Squad
    >Vindicator Variant
    >Unusually fast conquest
    >High Loyalty
    >Quality: Better than before
    >Rule: Dictatorial
    >Collected many artifacts, relics and pieces of archeotech from worlds he conquered(+10 Slaanesh)
    >Assumed leadership over large portion of Loyalist forces
    >Died during the Heresy

    • 5 months ago

      I think I've got it! He's the Khan of this timeline. A bike gives him the movement to make up for his frail body while supplying the shooting. Maybe he picks up a xenos weapon that his boys reverse engineer. Kinda like a necron warscythe. Don't need superstrength if it cuts thru everything.

    • 5 months ago

      So I feel like if we're leaning into American culture then his Legion and his name could be derived off of Big Foot/Sasquatch. Since he's essentially a mountain man.
      >Astra Ursas
      >Bear Brothers
      >Bear Rangers
      >Bear Guard
      >Brothers of Ursus
      >Untamed Angels

      I think I've got it! He's the Khan of this timeline. A bike gives him the movement to make up for his frail body while supplying the shooting. Maybe he picks up a xenos weapon that his boys reverse engineer. Kinda like a necron warscythe. Don't need superstrength if it cuts thru everything.

      Well technically he wouldn't be the Khan cause Mobility isn't his preferred method of fighting

      Rolled 72, 43, 79, 66, 48 = 308 (5d100)

      >112 Melee ,123 Range , 79 Psychic, 86 Mobile, 48 Special
      I feel like he's just comparitively weaker than other Primarchs. His strength is probably on par with Custodes but he's just weaker than his brothers.

      • 5 months ago

        Ursus Legion? Iron Rangers? Star Wardens? Rampant Stags?

        Your mention of mountain men has immediately connected this guy to Theodore Roosevelt in my head. I agree thay he shouldn't really be at a human or even normal space marine level. Maybe the greatest physically in other legions can surpass him but he's still a primarch.

        • 5 months ago

          I think Star Wardens pre-Primarch and Rampant Stags after they discover him. Since Legions original names are usually given by the enemy. A group of rebels said they were the Emperor's wardens amongst the stars for how fierce they hunt down the enemy until they're eliminated. They go with the Stag moniker post-primarch because the Primarch has an austic fixation on them.

          • 5 months ago

            I really like the idea of using stag imagery. Stags are great heraldry animals, and he doesn't strike me as a predator kinda guy.

            • 5 months ago

              Agreed, it feels more appropriate than a bear or wolf especially if he and his legion leave world's much better off than when they arrived.

              Color wise I'm thinking some shade of green with gun metal trim rather than any ostentatious gold or silver.

              • 5 months ago

                That sounds good to me

              • 5 months ago

                Maybe Iron Stags then? And have the Stag on their pauldrons being metallic. Do we want to keep going and start rolling the next guy in this thread?

              • 5 months ago

                We're almost to bump limit so I'd say start rolling next thread for easier book keeping.

              • 5 months ago

                Truth. We got a few small things to pad out the rest of this thread. Full names and legion colors at least.

      • 5 months ago

        Ok, yeah, not 1:1 Khan. I meant to get across how a bike could be his way to get around his weak ass body. We could take it in the direction of a 100% custom armor built to overcompensate in battle.
        Give him the baby carrier mech from the grey knights codex...

      • 5 months ago

        That's just his home world's culture, and he hates his home world. I'm imagining his planet like a really cold medeval Spain with cupolaed dome cities but with American ww2 tanks rolling around it.

    • 5 months ago

      >Grew up in the wild
      >Deep Familial Bond
      >Rivalry with sibling
      >Friend: Mortal from his homeworld
      So I assume his friend is some mortal that's responsible for giving him his name. 11th grew up in the woods amongst the animals and would be an urban legend amonst the population. Eventually his mortal friend comes across him and he starts to learn more about humanity/society. His friend gets caught into one of the political schemes so Paul Hogdad decides to rip and tear every noble. When he finished his conquest, he came to loathe how most people weren't good like his friend.They would still plot and scheme for personal gain instead of helping the herd like his "parents".

    • 5 months ago

      Tried to stay away from green. Wild man buts hates his home world. I'll post a few I found starting with the one I like most.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              Last, and probably least. But I like it.
              And now I must sleep.

      • 5 months ago

        I assume he hates his home because of humans rather than the environment. His struggle is membership so he probably just hates the reminder that his “people” would never accept him.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe his "sickness" is the result of some petty plot to kill him after he grew to popular after getting reintroduced. It was bioengineered to be the perfect neurotoxin, and sprayed into his home outside the Domes.
          His physiology was advanced enough to defeat the toxin, but not before it ravaged his body, the normally lethal organ atrophy haunting him to this day.

          What's worse is that the herd of deer who raised him, and the mortal friend he made, were not so lucky.
          Learning that the attack which physically scared him and killed all his closest companions was orchestrated for incredibly petty reasons (he accidentally showed someone up at a party or something) is what inspires the Hodag to leave his home on nature and Conquer his world.
          Would also be cool if he had to use what was essentially a Dreadnought to lane up for his physical condition.

          • 5 months ago

            Also we've hit the bump limit and should probably make a new thread

            • 5 months ago

              Is OP going to make one or should I?
              Normally I'm quite sceptical off 30k AUs but this is quite fun

  15. 5 months ago

    So for actual name for the 11th Paul Hogdad

    • 5 months ago

      "For the Emperor, for the Hogfather!"

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly I would just go straight to Paul Hodag, if you're alluding to the fearsome critter. Hogdad just reads as hog dad. I do like the implication that he lived as some kind of mythic folklore animal on his homeworld before taking it over.

  16. 5 months ago

    III: Fahum Soft-Spoken
    Primarch of the Imperial Wardens
    VI: Amon
    Primarch of the Angels Resplendent
    XI: Paul Hodag(Hogdad)
    Primarch of the Iron Stags
    XII: Isaiah "your name here"
    Primarch of the Astral Leviathan

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