5 min of gameplay were enough to tell me this game is shit

5 min of gameplay were enough to tell me this game is shit
Even Hardline beta's was better than this shit

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  1. 3 years ago

    >no chat, no voip, no com wheel
    >only one gadget slot
    >terrible animations
    >batshit clone wars specialists, enemy team doesn't even have different colored camo.
    >scoring is fricked, no points for spotting, no points for vehicle assists from gunners.
    >no more scoreboard
    >current scoring system and scoreboard actually discourage playing the objective
    >batshit moronic UI
    >tons of options in the settings do nothing but aren't greyed out
    >terrible hit detection
    >moronic AI bots
    >vehicle call in system randomly doesn't work even when vehicles are available
    >removed movement mechanics from previous games
    >no crouch sprinting, no mounting, no leaning, no moving while prone ads, no prone on your back, crouching behind cover and ADSing doesn't peak over low cover.
    >no functional in game map
    >Players phasing through the ground and solid objects
    >Rubberbanding air vehicles make it impossible to get locks
    >AA missiles randomly disappear or decide to miss even with no flares
    >Low tickrate server (bullets bunch up and all damage happens in a single tick, just like BFV had issues with)
    >Terrible visibility on pretty much every graphics mode, lack of spotting doesn't help
    >looks worse than previous games
    >Spotting broken or nerfed to shit, spotter seats and the drone are fricking basically pointless, plus you don't get points for spotting anyway.
    >DMR with long range ammo has less bullet drop than sniper with normal ammo, sniper doesn't have long range ammo.
    >No zeroing for snipers.
    >Tornado literally does nothing to the map except blow up the rocket and distract players.
    >Trying to revive ends up with picking up guns on the ground
    >Long ass revive time making it mostly pointless to do.
    >Gun hardpoints on vehicles have terrible range of movement, jerk around when vehicles rotate, and are near impossible to control at times.
    >Not even mentioning the multiple technical and performance issues.

    There is actually way more but i've gone on long enough.

    • 3 years ago

      How did DICE frick up so many things that they got right in their previous games?

      • 3 years ago

        A bunch of white dudes higher up demanding the game be just like other billion dollar properties (Apex Legends, Warzone) without a care about the Battlefield franchise.

        • 3 years ago

          No, that doesn't explain it all
          So many issues are the fault of tech debt, insufficient time to get work to 100% or just inexperienced devs

          • 3 years ago

            Devs is just workforce, you have to look for people who actually taje decision to find where it all went wrong.

            • 3 years ago

              men in suits aren't making on the spot decisions for what players take specific issue with like "only one gadget slot"
              At most it's the manager(s) or director

          • 3 years ago

            tech debt is not an excuse for some of the absolutely moronic game design decisons. nor is it an excuse to release the beta in the current state it's in. It would have taken a few artists a weekend to make alternate color palettes for the uniforms of players on the opposite team. This was either an active choice to make the game worse, or the people working on the game are so brain dead that they thought it was fine that the only thing that distinguishes friend from foe is a blue dot.

            • 3 years ago

              you post as if EA or Dice care, which is more damaging than any legitimate cause of player grievances

        • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        I'm starting to think after they got hacked they literally deleted everything (including their brains) and started from scratch.

      • 3 years ago

        As all the talent has long gone from DICE.

      • 3 years ago

        All the classic series devs have now left.

      • 3 years ago

        because previous games didint sell well

    • 3 years ago

      The biggest issues were me to lack of differing camo for enemy teams, moronic bot AI (I legit have punched out several bots who were just standing around or walking in small circles), and the broken vehicle call-in system. Oh and sometimes when I got revived, I was randomly holding another gun instead of the one I had before I went down.

      • 3 years ago

        >sometimes when I got revived, I was randomly holding another gun instead of the one I had before I went down
        That’s because the revive button shares the key with the pick up shit button. That’s why you’ll have people picking up a weapon kit over and over until they can finally revive you.

        • 3 years ago

          No, no, I wasn't doing the reviving, I was BEING revived. I didn't press anything and when I got ressed I was holding some weird fricking AK when I was initially holding the LMG.

          • 3 years ago

            Yeah they probably dropped their kit with yours trying to revive you is what I’m saying.

          • 3 years ago

            new to battlefield? or just got no exp?

            • 3 years ago

              I'm a newBlack person, yeah. I saw it was free so I just decided to give it a try.

              • 3 years ago

                thats a common thing, if you run medic, someone else can pick up your kit if you die and revive you, ofc you got their kit once back to life.

            • 3 years ago

              seems like a noob

          • 3 years ago

            when you die your primary weapon drops to the ground, team mates and enemies can pick up and use all your weapons and gadgets, in turn their primary weapon drops to the ground
            If you then get revived you'll be using the weapons+gadgets of who ever took yours

            • 3 years ago

              they got rid of it changing your kit (at least for the beta, no clue about release). You only pick up their weapon now. Also you pick it up with full ammo which I guess is nice cuz no one resupplies unless it's a sniper who is resupplying themselves.

          • 3 years ago

            Revive is on E, weapon pick-up that was dropped is on E.

            ...Do you see the problem now, and why DICE are moronic? You can't revive without picking up, you can't pickup without reviving. It's so fricking stupid and it baffles me nobody at DICE caught that in five minutes.

    • 3 years ago

      This game is for normies who literally do not care for any of this

  2. 3 years ago

    Which way BFbabs ?
    >Planetshart 2
    >Ape Sex Legends
    >Halo Infinite
    >Wait for someone to make a good game, could take a up to a decade
    Older BFs and CoD not an option, and no I won't play your autism simulators with no HUD, no medic class with revives where you die in 2 bullets set in WW2.

    • 3 years ago

      >Older BFs not an option
      Why are you a tech illiterate b***h?

      • 3 years ago

        They are not an option because I already played to death all the worthwhile ones.

        • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      If you can play nice with others, Squad. I mean most of the developers made the PR BF2 mod.
      It's just arcadey enough that you can form a non-serious squad and tell the other squad leaders sperging at you to frick off while you have fun.

    • 3 years ago

      its in development

  3. 3 years ago

    the beta map is clearly made for BR, in fact the whole fricking game is made for br
    >the spot button pings locations
    >armor packs
    >revive system is exactly like every BR on the market
    >janky ass animations fit the BR feel
    >the map has no flow, no cover, its designed for br with large areas of of pointless space so people can drop safely
    >the weapon attachment system was only put in for BR,
    >that is why the game has 128 players
    its not so you have bigger fights, the shitty map design means it feels no different that 32v32, they just added a larger player count to compete with warzone,
    this game has no soul once you actually get past the graphics, its trying to be battlefield, a battle royal game and high skill fps all the at the same time
    i look forward to buying the game in a year from now when its 4 dollars like bfv

    • 3 years ago

      It was made for Hazard Zone, which we still haven't heard anything about outside of leaks saying it's basically like an Escape from Tarkov mode.

      • 3 years ago

        hazard zone will be BR, it will be nothing like tarkov.

        • 3 years ago

          its already been datamined anon. Multiple squads drop into the map at different points, you have to recover data from satellites and loot random shit. Recovering satellites give random perks and other bullshit. You need to reach an extraction point before time runs out to keep your rewards. Has progression like currency and weapon unlocks and other shit.

          Not saying that's better than a BR, still sounds moronic and like a waste of dev time. especially with how bad the game currently is at its core.

        • 3 years ago

          the gamemode itself is not a BR. dont know where you got that idea from.

  4. 3 years ago

    I just can't make this game work on PC, it's just so clunky and unfun. I don't think they ever even tested the jets on PC because there's no way i'm actually supposed to swipe my mouse across my mousepad 18 times to turn my jet.

  5. 3 years ago

    How can shitflinging bozos on the internet figure out the multitude of problems with the game after just a few minutes of playing it while a multi billion dollar studio making a product worth tens of millions of dollars if not more can't?
    Was there nobody at team meetings at DICE going "wait wait wait stop what are we doing here?" or pointing out any of this?

    • 3 years ago

      They don't care because the game will sell like hotcakes no matter how much they frick up.

      • 3 years ago

        But that's not even guaranteed. Both battlefield V and Hardline sold less than expected at launch. And even though BFV improved it never reached the level of games like Battlefield 4. Even if they're only in it for the money and are ready to cynically squeeze their fanbase dry it would still make sense to make some changes. Hell, the stuff that needs fixing (mostly) wouldn't even take that much time or effort to do. Yet by release nothing will have changed.

    • 3 years ago

      The majority of the devs probably never played a BF game in their life. The few that have either are making design excuses to appease their peers / bosses, or haven't actually been playing any of the builds. During EA Play conference or whatever the lead designers were talking about how much fun they were having playing it in the office. I genuinely would love to know what build of the game they were playing and if we will ever get to play it.

    • 3 years ago

      The overall direction of the studio, skillset and inspirations of the developers has changed just enough for the new game to be so different that any long time BF player wouldn't consider it a Battlefield game
      Look at 4 then 1 then V (maybe HL) alongside Battlefront 1 and 2, it was very obvious there were changes occurring inside Dice which resulted in games that increasingly diverge from Battlefield

  6. 3 years ago

    Am I supposed to feel bad or laugh at Battlefieldkeks?

  7. 3 years ago

    Why does the gunplay feel so bad?

    • 3 years ago

      Mainly bad server tickrate and pozzed hit detection. I've literally unloaded a full round into an enemy, saw the bullets hit them, and none of them did damage. Lemme see if I still have the recording.

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