"A Link to the Past" that's a link to a past, that isn't really "A Link to the Past"

Likely mentally deficient for even still making a thread like this, especially after scrolling through the board briefly. I'm getting tired of calling garbage garbage to pigs rolling in shit.

But a social media platform is for free expression...lol. So it goes on.

A Link to the Past is a game that reminds me that "bad" things are worse than "poorly done" things. So many experiences in this game had me yelling "this is the worst game of I have ever played".

What is worse? And unbelievably boring game? Or an engaging game that is a horrible experience?

The problem with A Link to the Past is two things: Combat and Combat.

The problem with the combat in this game is that it's broken, moronic. And doesn't make sense. Revisiting this game was a trip. Because I don't remotely remember it being this obnoxious. This is one of the cheapest games I've ever played. I don't know what the frick is up with the movement in this game. But I has that same almost "slippery" imprecision that OoT has where walking on a narrow platform feels like more work than it should for a game with a literal auto jump button.

But this is a FAR more serious problem in Alttp. A game where the game just decides to spam enemies at you in tight enclosed spaces. And if it's feeling particularly moronic. Randomly moving traps, and projectiles, and a circulating fire beam.

It's crazy how everybody looks at DS2's gankfest and goes "that's obviously moronic" (I think it's actually more complicated than that but whatever). But NOBODY every talks about how much this game pulls that garbage and worse

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    okay, just realized I posted this during summer game fest and fricked up. now it DEFINITELY won't be touched

    • 2 weeks ago

      >okay, just realized I posted this during summer game fest and fricked up. now it DEFINITELY won't be touched
      Yeah, you fricked up posting this today. Instead of worrying about how 30 year old games could be designed better, check out the new monster hunter wilds trailer.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Skill issue.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Okay so there are a couple things here:
    -Link's slash isn't actually remotely consistent. Sometimes you'll slash at something that you think should hit but doesn't. Anybody who denies this is a liar

    -Link's shield is inconsistent. This means positioning is meaningless even ignoring the fact the game will throw projectiles from all directions. You can stand in the same spot and not get hit by an arrow, and then get hit the next time. Especially if you move the slightest frame. I noticed this most clearly in the second visit to Hyrule Castle before the dark world. The game puts you in this room where you're surrounded by 3 statues. There are 2 arrow soldiers and one red trident guy. The ARROW guy can literally should you through the statue from the side, even with your shield up (even tho this shouldn't matter since the statue should stop it)

    -Because of the two combined factors I mentioned above. Projectiles are moronic. You can't even consistently slash arrows out of the air because of what I mentioned. Enemies are two fast and recover from you slashing them anyway. Despite the game locking you into the slowest animation ever for missing a sword swing.

    Hold on. Let's break this combat down even further.

    So the game has no mechanical depth. Actions are simple, timing never needs to be considered, you can barely fricking control your character enough for it to even matter as I established. But It doesn't have any strategic depth either.

    Something that can happen. Is that you play smart You get the jump on an arrow guy, you dodge his arrow, and get right up to him and whack him...guess what this shitty game does? Guess what it allows for? For some stupid reason. He can INSTANTLY knock another arrow even when you do this. The enemies for some reason have random animations where they're just not stunned. You can never be proactive.

    • 2 weeks ago

      shield works fine for me and is consistent. You're just bad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Despite the game locking you into the slowest animation ever for missing a sword swing.
      Black person you can swing the sword again mid swing and cancel your swing animation.
      You can use a rapid fire controller and swing like 20 times a second.

      What a stupid fricking thread. I'm not even going to bother with all the other wrong shit you posted, cause clearly you never played this fricking game or are determined to be the most autistic shitposter for it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        what does the word "lock" mean? and how would being able to swing multiple times, necessarily contradict being LOCKED in place? and what are the very words that come right before those set of words you quote. So that even if you don't understand what is LITERALLY being said. You can understand based on context clues:
        >Enemies are two fast and recover from you slashing them anyway.

        I actually almost let this gaslight me somehow. Even though I knew what I meant, knew what I experienced. There's something about "confidently" and "aggressively" insisting that somebody is wrong, and what they say isn't true, and that they don't know what they're talking about. Combined with the consideration that this entire thread has been misunderstanding and anti jerk...that makes on doubt what they shouldn't.

        At times it feels like
        >I'm not even going to bother with all the other wrong shit you posted

        people just look for any convenient reason they can to dismiss something they already don't like. they were never going to care for or appreciate in the first place.

        And it's so weird. Because I've just realized this isn't the first time something like this has happened. Where somebody has suggested or implied I didn't play a game because I expressed an opinion different from there's despite the fact I objectively did.

        I'm tired. I'm tired of thinking and putting so much effort into this shit when it's so easy to tear down. Even if not really, then effectively.

        What kind of word is it. Where somebody can do strongly make a claim that is objectively wrong? I think that's what threw me off. The fact that he so strongly and almost "self righteously" assorted that I clearly didn't play the game.

        I'm stupid. I keep posting expecting any of this to be understood. Reciprocated. For somebody to see and point out the same flaws of engagement I find. But rather. I'm likely to get "schizo", "autist", "shitposter", "homosexual". and the worst "you don't want discussion"

        • 2 weeks ago

          Genuinely, I hope you have a nice day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      get good moron

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I don't know what the frick is up with the movement in this game. But I has that same almost "slippery" imprecision that OoT has where walking on a narrow platform feels like more work than it should for a game with a literal auto jump button.
      This is the charm of the game though. It doesn't automatically guide you down a hallway like a cinematic third person shooter would. Your actions have to be constantly controlled, and you can't be sloppy in combat or terrain traversal. Not unless you want to fall down and be in a completely different area away from your objective. It's part of what makes the game feel adventurous, that there's no guard rails protecting you from your own mistakes.

      >A game where the game just decides to spam enemies at you in tight enclosed spaces. And if it's feeling particularly moronic. Randomly moving traps, and projectiles, and a circulating fire beam.
      Again, this is the whole point. When you're knee deep in a dungeon, or exploring a dangerous area, you're not supposed to feel comfortable. Enemies and traps coming in to attack you should make you feel claustrophobic. To my knowledge, no trap is "random" and they all have a set pattern. This isn't like a spinner trainer from Pokemon, everything should be easy to discern. As for enemies, they teach you to remember weaknesses and act on them as fast as possible. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "spammed enemies" when you'll rarely see more than 4-5 enemies on screen. The SNES couldn't handle that much really.

      >-Link's slash isn't actually remotely consistent.
      This has more to do with enemy hitboxes being slightly inconsistent. It's not always obvious where you're supposed to hit them. Like those big eyeball guys that throw bombs, I've had my fair share of sword swipes completely go past them. You want to learn their attack patterns and analyze what you should use against them. Sometimes your sword might not do the job.


    • 2 weeks ago


      >-Link's shield is inconsistent. This means positioning is meaningless even ignoring the fact the game will throw projectiles from all directions.
      I would pit this on the game's hit detection sometimes not registering that your shield is up. You might not be in the perfect position to shield the arrow. It might be a projectile that can penetrate your shield, regardless. Your shield can also stop working if you're attacking, since you're putting it away to sword slash or use a bow and arrow. Above all, I'd say not to rely it on as an ironclad defense. It's mostly something in case of an emergency, for specific puzzles like beamos eyes that need the mirror shield to protect you.Otherwise, the name of the game is dodging attacks. You'll want to be on your toes at all times.

      >Projectiles are moronic. You can't even consistently slash arrows out of the air because of what I mentioned.
      I didn't even know you could slash arrows out of the air. Again you should treat it like a last resort. The game isn't expecting you to shield against and attack projectiles head on. It's much more reliable to simply dodge the attack and use the timing window to return fire. Is it a perfect system? It could use improvement, but as it is the game allows you many reliable venues to deal with enemy attacks.

      >Actions are simple, timing never needs to be considered,
      It's serviceable enough for what the game wants to accomplish. It wants to throw you into a combat situation, while asking you to circumnavigate the overworld, AND solve puzzles. it doesn't want to overwhelm you with these things, so they may not be as fleshed out as modern games would do. For its time, and even today, it stands as a balanced bulwark of all these ideas.

      >He can INSTANTLY knock another arrow even when you do this.
      This is why you never stay infront of them. I don't know a single enemy that can attack you regardless of where it's facing.


    • 2 weeks ago

      >You can stand in the same spot
      >Especially if you move

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Enemies are two fast
      stopped reading

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Link's slash isn't actually remotely consistent. Sometimes you'll slash at something that you think should hit but doesn't. Anybody who denies this is a liar
      Call me a liar then because I can't think of a single instance where the sword visually touches something and doesn't register it as a hit.

      >Link's shield is inconsistent. This means positioning is meaningless even ignoring the fact the game will throw projectiles from all directions. You can stand in the same spot and not get hit by an arrow, and then get hit the next time
      Again, not even remotely true. Link's shield has a size and it's pretty small. Standing in the same spot doesn't mean shit if the arrow itself comes in slightly to the left and doesn't physically touch the shield. There's a reason why blocking becomes a lot easier once you have the mirror shield. It's significantly bigger. The same applies to when Link is facing sideways. An arrow hitting him in the chest gets blocked because that's where his shield is. Something hitting slightly above just goes above the shield and hits him in the face.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Please do not respond to this adhd troon schizo. He has been making various Zelda threads recently and before that he was spamming TLOU threads and System Shock threads.

    Be aware this is the Tomb Raider/Alan Wake 2 schizo, formerly known as Socrates and more recently known as "essaygay". A neurotic individual who repeatedly claims he wants to discuss games he usually never finishes (nor gets 1/3 in) who types like he's writing a script to a 6 hour video essay. If you look at the timeline of some of his archived posts alone, it becomes obvious he's a lying freak. He was shilling out the ass for Alan Wake 2 before he even finished the game a single time, while decrying all comparisons to games like REmake 2 (while he shat on the game, pretending to have played it). This then led to the freak actually attempting to play a Resident Evil game a week later.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Thanks for clearing this up.
      Like this poster, I also have ADHD and am on the autism spectrum, but I am a sperg, whereas the OP is an actual autist.
      There's nothing bad about long-winded analyses (though making the same thread thrice a day is spam, and even once a day is still borderline spam and definitively annoying). Of course, not everyone can be a top tier essayist, but that's just the nature of things and you can always improve.

      But I hope OP realizes he wastes a lot of time for something with no audience.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I read his posts, but there's nothing to debate in this case because I largely agree.

        • 2 weeks ago

          In those situations I usually shut down dishonest dissent putting up a wall between discussion, or encourage challenging that dissent. Now I'm kinda triggered tho so I'll respond to something else to prove how stupid these morons are.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You shut down honest discussion and call it dishonest.

        • 2 weeks ago

          anyway. the real reason I made this thread was in hopes that one sufficient enough person would read everything I said and notice this line: >The entire time playing alttp I was WISHING for a 3D Zelda dungeon that felt like it and didn't have the redundancy problem.

          and hopefully give an answer to this. the closest I can think of is OoT water temple. But the rest of the 3D series temples are too unique and distinctly puzzle themed to be similar. of course TP is the only 3D Zelda game I haven't completed most of or finished for reasons. But the 4 dungeons I did do, definitely don't apply.

          maybe I'm just expecting too much. it's stuff like this that makes me sad when I see stuff like this

          >I read his posts, but there's nothing to debate in this case because I largely agree.

          assuming this isn't a troll of course. because whether you agree or not. I did give something to engage with. and in an ideal world. literally getting a satisfying enough answer for this would be enough to get me off the app for a good while. to go seek out my interest

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The entire time playing alttp I was WISHING for a 3D Zelda dungeon that felt like it and didn't have the redundancy problem.
            I noticed that, but also it's something that was already debated in your previous thread a few days ago.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    will just post all this slowly while I'm watching summer game fest I guess. I'm too lazy to post all this later

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Another example of this is the yellow armoured guys with a ball and chain. You have to wait for them to swing the b and c in a wide arc before attacking or else you'll ALWAYS get hit.

    If the game only ever pits 1 or 2 of these enemies against you, this would be fine. Even though there'd still be no strategic depth. Because it's NOT about skill. You're not making any decisions. Or exploiting any weakness. You're simply waiting for the enemy to end their turn.

    BUT. The game is so stupid and poorly designed that it'll pair this enemy with an arrow guy and a trident guy at the same time. And I already established how you can't be proactive against arrow guys. I barely remember trident guys enough to say for sure. But even one enemy disallowing you any proactivity is bad. Because I already said the shield is fricking worthless, and the the slash is inconsistent. So you barely have any reliable defensive options anyway. But the game also makes you wait. Giving the enemies longer opening for their stupid barely avoidable projectiles to hit you.

    Other aspects is that enemies are way too fast for how limited and committal your movement is. Something about the fact that you're technically not moving in 4 directions (you can move diagonally) but you can only attack in 4 directions (doesn't matter that it's horizontal slash, especially cuz it's inconsistent as frick).

    Lastly I want to talk about the bosses because the emphasize something greatly about this combat...randomness.

    This game LOVES "random" movement. I don't know how to explain this if you haven't played the game. But the enemies don't move in ways that make sense. There are act two enemies that exemplify this before we get to the bosses.

    searched up and learned these enemies are called "bubbles" or "anti fairies" (picrel).

    I swear to god they move randomly. The way they bounce off walls is unnatural, as if they change trajectory just to hit you.

    then there's the blue things in picrel aswell.

    • 2 weeks ago


      >You have to wait for them to swing the b and c in a wide arc before attacking or else you'll ALWAYS get hit.
      If you're daring, you can get a hit in if you're fast enough. But unfortunately the rest of the monster's design is quite intentional. You're not supposed to blindly rush in and attack him. You wait for a timing window to strike before he can hurt you. It's not the most complicated, but it helps the player understand that enemies have more complex attack patterns than simply wandering around. Aghanim would teach the player this as well, later in the game, when simple sword slashes can't hurt you, and you have to reflect his magic back at him.

      >You're simply waiting for the enemy to end their turn.
      You could view it like that, but you can also take a risk and get extra damage in if you're so inclined.

      >BUT. The game is so stupid and poorly designed that it'll pair this enemy with an arrow guy and a trident guy at the same time
      That's why the game teaches you to pick and choose your battles. The trident and arrow guy can't be in the exact same place at the exact same time, so eventually you can trick them into fighting you separately. You can also take advantage of the environment. Most enemies are still subject to the environment, just like you are. So why not use it to segment them and pick them off?

      >Other aspects is that enemies are way too fast for how limited and committal your movement is.
      I don't remember any enemies that were too fast for you to dodge. Maybe the lynels on death mountain? Either way, you can still deal with them thanks to how they telegraph their attacks. If anything, once you figure out their pattern, it's quite easy to understand where you should go next, to take advantage of their attack windows.

      >This game LOVES "random" movement.
      This is intentional. It helps keep them from being too predictable. You can still predict what they're gonna do, but they'll have more options to choose from (continued)

      • 2 weeks ago

        >If you're daring, you can get a hit in if you're fast enough.

        That's not the point. You objectively cannot attack in any remotely proactive way without getting hit unless accidental and inconsistently hitting your shield which I think only ever happened once or twice. Therefore the game has no depth.

        I think I'm satisfied with that. Good on you for putting the effort. But it has no relevant basis to what I said. Just asserts the opposite or blindly affirms exactly what I am arguing against without meeting the argument.

        Whatever. Hate this board so much. It's so conveniently ignorant and dismissive.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Whatever. Hate this board so much. It's so conveniently ignorant and dismissive.

          I understand your frustration, I really do. I’ve been posting on forums for 20 years. You’re not far from where you need to be. Just remember that you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar. It’s unfair but it’s how life works.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >That's not the point. You objectively cannot attack in any remotely proactive way without getting hit unless accidental and inconsistently hitting your shield which I think only ever happened once or twice. Therefore the game has no depth.
          That's why you don't rely on your shield as much. It's moreso a last defense of protection. LTTP's best argument in favor of survival is to NOT get hit. You can't expect to survive every attack, so don't bank on your defenses protecting you. You need to be proactive.

          By the way, just out of curiosity, I booted up LTTP on the ol' Retroarch to test something I remember. If you're good enough, you can actually quick kill the ball and chain soldiers with some fancy tech. Basically, if you turn your back to them and charge up a spin attack, then you hit them twice, and the first hit does double damage. It kils them immediately, while giving you plenty of time to avoid the B&C.

          The game has plenty of options to let you approach combat, it just doesn't expect a player to rely solely on their defensive armaments. Maybe it's just a limitation of the SNES. I wouldn't know.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yup. I fricking knew it. I KNEW something was off about what you said. But I was only relying on vague memory and intuition and so I wanted to be good faith and check.

            It's not as if my point would be lost. The weakness of the spin attack is limiting movement. That doesn't stop the problem of projectiles, or multiple enemies.

            I remember the ball and chain guys at this point (I did mention yellow ones specifically) took atleast what? 3 to 4 hits to kill? That was half the problem with them. The fact that they force a waiting game AND are tanky. There's no way a spin attack is going the job if they take that many hits.

            Even if I assume you get a hit in before you do the spin attack, there is NEVER a moment you're fighting one enemy at a time. And even ignoring that, they would never let you charge up a spin attack to pull it off. The spin attack is the biggest bait in this entire game. I TRIED to use it. It's useless. You either don't remember this game and don't realize how fast enemies are, or how much bullshit is on the screen at any given time.

            >That's why you don't rely on your shield as much. It's moreso a last defense of protection. LTTP's best argument in favor of survival is to NOT get hit. You can't expect to survive every attack, so don't bank on your defenses protecting you. You need to be proactive.

            I feel like you do this thing where you ignore all my arguments and then say something affirming the game. Did you miss what I said about projectiles? About enemies? About the directions of your attacks being so limited and inconsistent despite enemies and traps being able to attack diagonally too?

            You frame not relying on your shield as a "plus" or as if it's "okay". But that completely ignores everything I painstakingly mentioned to justify why the game disallowing any proactivity is bad. Defense is being proactive too.

            It's stuff like this that makes it hard to take responses in good faith. Even tho I believe you're good faith.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >It's not as if my point would be lost. The weakness of the spin attack is limiting movement
              The benefit is doing double damage and repelling all enemies near you. Think of it as crowd control on multiple levels. If you have like 3 guys near you, then even if you only damage one, it'll still push the others back, unless it's a boss.

              >I remember the ball and chain guys at this point (I did mention yellow ones specifically) took atleast what? 3 to 4 hits to kill?
              You're assaulting Aghanim's fortress, so yeah they're gonna be stronger than what you've fought before. If they were easy to dispatch, it would take the wind out of the sails.

              >Even if I assume you get a hit in before you do the spin attack, there is NEVER a moment you're fighting one enemy at a time.
              That's why you take advantage of the environment. In your own screencap, the two gold B&C soldiers are separated by rails. You need to use these to keep them separate and attack them when it's convenient. They will always follow you in a predictable pattern, so it's even easier to lure them away from eachother.

              As for using the spin attack, you gotta charge it up before you move in to attack, and you need to attack them before they start swinging their ball around.

              >you either don't remember this game and don't realize how fast enemies are, or how much bullshit is on the screen at any given time.
              I've been playing this game for 30 years, and I just booted it up now to test something, and the enemies really aren't that bad. Then again, I'm also used to shmups.

              >Did you miss what I said about projectiles? About enemies? About the directions of your attacks being so limited
              I'm saying that I never had problems with this. Enemies couldn't hit me because I studied their attacks and always planned a safe route to get out of any hairy situation.

              >You frame not relying on your shield as a "plus" or as if it's "okay".
              Because I don't find it hard to believe that a shield won't help in all situations.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The benefit is doing double damage and repelling all enemies near you. Think of it as crowd control on multiple levels.

                Yes, and the benefit of a shield is blocking attacks. I'm not talking about the literal function of a thing. I know how it works, it's obvious and surface level. I'm talking about how something integrates overall into combat and how directly relevant it is based on a number of other factors.

                >You're assaulting Aghanim's fortress, so yeah they're gonna be stronger than what you've fought before. If they were easy to dispatch, it would take the wind out of the sails.

                Okay wait. Are you actually just memeing now? I don't get it? Like I actually don't get it? The point of me bringing up them being stronger wasn't to complain. Although that is part of why they're a shit enemy. It was to disprove your assertion that you can just conveniently walk up to them, spin attack them and be done with them.

                >That's why you take advantage of the environment. In your own screencap, the two gold B&C soldiers are separated by rails. You need to use these to keep them separate and attack them when it's convenient. They will always follow you in a predictable pattern, so it's even easier to lure them away from eachother.

                You're missing the point. I got through this room without taking any damage, and the entire castle. My point is that the waiting game they force is fundementally anti combat depth. And anti proactivity. And that when you consider those factors and combine them with a gank of enemies. It's moronic and unbalanced.

                >As for using the spin attack, you gotta charge it up before you move in to attack, and you need to attack them before they start swinging their ball around.

                You realize that the spin attack slows movement right? They aren't just going to let you walk up them charged up. The ball and chain is literally a ranged ability.

                Well. Before I was certain you were just good faith but obtuse. Now I'm wondering if you're trolling.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Yes, and the benefit of a shield is blocking attacks.
                And LTTP's shield is admittedly a little unreliable. I don't know why it doesn't always work for you, but from the first time I played the game, it was never something I relied on. There's too many different attacks in the game to reliably shield against all of them.

                >It was to disprove your assertion that you can just conveniently walk up to them, spin attack them and be done with them.
                It worked for me. 3 decades of experience taught me everything about how to counter them, separate them from other enemies, and even the exact timing windows of their attacks, down to the very frame. At this point it's second nature. Even if you don't use fancy spin attacks, you can still get in two sword swipes or, if you're afraid of getting in close, hit them with sword beams. If you're not aware, they are also susceptible to a myriad of other weapons. Boomerangs stun them, pots can be thrown at them, bombs can be set in their path, and arrows can even kill them. There's plenty of variety here.

                >My point is that the waiting game they force is fundementally anti combat depth
                See my above point. Your sword isn't the only thing that can hurt them.

                >You realize that the spin attack slows movement right?
                Only slightly, and the BC soldier doesn't start swinging until you're really close. It's fairly consistent for me to pull off.

                >The ball and chain is literally a ranged ability.
                They only start swinging when you're close enough.

            • 2 weeks ago

              too dumb to use adblockers too, of course

    • 2 weeks ago


      >I swear to god they move randomly. The way they bounce off walls is unnatural, as if they change trajectory just to hit you.
      Anti-fairies actually have a set ruleset of movement. From what I remember, they bounce off walls at 90 degree angles. I don't remember any of them that will ever chase you or deviate from these movements, unless it's a very specific thing. Don't forget that the game also gives you an option to deal with them, if you did the sidequest for the magic powder. It even turns them back into fairies, for free health. so the game gives you an option to handle them.

      As for the bubbles, those too follow a set pattern. They're different from anti-fairies, but still predictable. They just seem chaotic because of how randomly they can appear. I don't remember seeing them outside of the water dungeon though, so it shouldn't be something you have to deal with constantly.

      Alright. We can finally talk about the bosses. Worst bosses of all time. I will get it straight out of the gate and say, place of darkness and ice palace have the only good bosses. They have projectiles. But they have strict paths. And they don't move randomly or have some tiny specific hitbox. Still shit bosses, but atleast moderately fun.

      Picrel might just be the worst boss designed in all videogames.

      Here are the problems:
      -moronic random fricking stupid fricking random moronic movement.
      -Comically tiny hitbox, that the game simply HAS to be trolling.
      -Mentally moronic "crutch" design. What I call "crutch" design is when a game can't think of a way to actually make fighting an enemy interesting, so it adds a bunch of random accompanying shit. In this case... BOUNCING YOU OFF THE FRICKING PLATFORM. This boss made me want to harm my poor 3DS. It didn't deserve any harm. But I felt the compulsion. Luckily I realized that it didn't deserve any of my hate and calmed down but that's besides the point.

      You want proof this boss is random garbage? The fact that when I randomly beat him. I took absolute zero hits. Or zero damage. I got every single opening. And killed him in like 10 seconds.

      Some moron is going to suggest holding down B but that doesn't work for two reasons. Movement too limited. Just makes it easier for him to knock you off multiple times in a row, even if the knock back is reduced. Second thing is that if you mess up remotely, the spin attack almost guarantees you'll get knocked over the platform.

      The moth boss was horrible too, but for some reason I just locked in, and beat that mfer 3rd try. But on principle he's probably worse.

      All the bosses follow this pattern btw, and if they don't have random movement. Then they have random projectiles.

      >Picrel might just be the worst boss designed in all videogames.
      In your defense, yes that boss is infamous for being frustrating. Not every boss is gonna be a masterclass of design. I guess the devs wanted something to shake up the player, since it is the final dungeon before you hit the dark world. Guess they wanted it to be something tough to deal with. IDK.

      >The moth boss was horrible too, but for some reason I just locked in
      The moth boss is perfectly fine. The only issue is that they don't tell you that he takes zero damage if he touches the spikes on the wall. Remove that weird glitch, and he's a far more tolerable boss.

      >All the bosses follow this pattern btw, and if they don't have random movement. Then they have random projectiles.
      Right from the get-go, the first boss is as formulaic as it gets. He has a set pattern, and even when he's down to one statue, he still follows you in a predictable manner. I guess the moldorms are more random, but they still have tells. every boss has a tell of some kind. (continued)

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Alright. We can finally talk about the bosses. Worst bosses of all time. I will get it straight out of the gate and say, place of darkness and ice palace have the only good bosses. They have projectiles. But they have strict paths. And they don't move randomly or have some tiny specific hitbox. Still shit bosses, but atleast moderately fun.

    Picrel might just be the worst boss designed in all videogames.

    Here are the problems:
    -moronic random fricking stupid fricking random moronic movement.
    -Comically tiny hitbox, that the game simply HAS to be trolling.
    -Mentally moronic "crutch" design. What I call "crutch" design is when a game can't think of a way to actually make fighting an enemy interesting, so it adds a bunch of random accompanying shit. In this case... BOUNCING YOU OFF THE FRICKING PLATFORM. This boss made me want to harm my poor 3DS. It didn't deserve any harm. But I felt the compulsion. Luckily I realized that it didn't deserve any of my hate and calmed down but that's besides the point.

    You want proof this boss is random garbage? The fact that when I randomly beat him. I took absolute zero hits. Or zero damage. I got every single opening. And killed him in like 10 seconds.

    Some moron is going to suggest holding down B but that doesn't work for two reasons. Movement too limited. Just makes it easier for him to knock you off multiple times in a row, even if the knock back is reduced. Second thing is that if you mess up remotely, the spin attack almost guarantees you'll get knocked over the platform.

    The moth boss was horrible too, but for some reason I just locked in, and beat that mfer 3rd try. But on principle he's probably worse.

    All the bosses follow this pattern btw, and if they don't have random movement. Then they have random projectiles.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Picrel might just be the worst boss designed in all videogames.
      lol. I knew you'd hate this one. That boss is specifically designed to frustrate you, and in that sense it's a success.
      >This boss made me want to harm my poor 3DS
      uhh, why are you playing this on DS...?
      This was a TV console zelda, meant to be enjoyed in full screen ideally on some shitty old CRT.

      >You want proof this boss is random garbage? The fact that when I randomly beat him. I took absolute zero hits. Or zero damage. I got every single opening. And killed him in like 10 seconds.
      That's actually the intent. The point is that more health won't save you from falling. You have to learn the positioning and understand the openings, so when you finally get him it's this clean kill that feels really satisfying. At least for some people. Obviously you are not that kind of person, a rage game fan.

      Okay. Now, the dungeons. This was actually what even kept me playing the game.

      Dungeons in this game stumped me a bit. No. they weren't "hard" beyond the cheap combat. I mean they stumped me in the sense that I couldnt understand why I was enjoying them.

      I already laid down a basic framework for evaluating the value of level design, particularly when applied to Zelda. I'm tempted to just link that thread, but there are mentally ill psych ward patients that can't apply basic critical thinking or capacity to seek and interpret information so that triggers them.

      Instead I'll just skip all the relevant basis and you'll have to believe I'm right because I've thought about this more than you:

      There are 3 pillars of a level:

      This is far more complicated than I'm giving it credit for but basically in Zelda it's like this:

      Largely there is no navigation, because in most levels there is only ever 1 door you can unlock at a given time. This is MOSTLY the case for alttp too. I think some levels like palace of darkness and ice palace maybe? (I feel like this one is linear but at the same time it doesn't feel like it) Legitimately allow you multiple doors at a given time to use multiple keys on. There's actually a flaw to this that I'll get to sooner or later.

      But because the game is so heavily reliant on keys. Theres no "navigation" here either. If you're missing a key...just check every room you haven't been to... obviously. You can only ever be gated by a obvious locked door because...THIS GAME HAS NO PUZZLES.

      I have no idea when and how Zelda got this legacy of "puzzle solving" when SO many of its defining original games are SO heavily combat focused. I had this revelation first with OoT. But I'm realizing here too.

      The AMOUNT of times you just get a key by defeating enemies is ridiculous. Or lifting a pot, or skull, or just stepping on a switch, or pushing something onto a switch. There's NO thinking demanded.

      >Dungeons in this game stumped me a bit. No. they weren't "hard" beyond the cheap combat. I mean they stumped me in the sense that I couldnt understand why I was enjoying them.
      I don't think it can be explained. It's a subjective feeling, fun.
      I appreciate you trying though. Glad you found some enjoyment playing the best zelda game.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Okay. Now, the dungeons. This was actually what even kept me playing the game.

    Dungeons in this game stumped me a bit. No. they weren't "hard" beyond the cheap combat. I mean they stumped me in the sense that I couldnt understand why I was enjoying them.

    I already laid down a basic framework for evaluating the value of level design, particularly when applied to Zelda. I'm tempted to just link that thread, but there are mentally ill psych ward patients that can't apply basic critical thinking or capacity to seek and interpret information so that triggers them.

    Instead I'll just skip all the relevant basis and you'll have to believe I'm right because I've thought about this more than you:

    There are 3 pillars of a level:

    This is far more complicated than I'm giving it credit for but basically in Zelda it's like this:

    Largely there is no navigation, because in most levels there is only ever 1 door you can unlock at a given time. This is MOSTLY the case for alttp too. I think some levels like palace of darkness and ice palace maybe? (I feel like this one is linear but at the same time it doesn't feel like it) Legitimately allow you multiple doors at a given time to use multiple keys on. There's actually a flaw to this that I'll get to sooner or later.

    But because the game is so heavily reliant on keys. Theres no "navigation" here either. If you're missing a key...just check every room you haven't been to... obviously. You can only ever be gated by a obvious locked door because...THIS GAME HAS NO PUZZLES.

    I have no idea when and how Zelda got this legacy of "puzzle solving" when SO many of its defining original games are SO heavily combat focused. I had this revelation first with OoT. But I'm realizing here too.

    The AMOUNT of times you just get a key by defeating enemies is ridiculous. Or lifting a pot, or skull, or just stepping on a switch, or pushing something onto a switch. There's NO thinking demanded.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >There are 3 pillars of a level:
      >This is far more complicated than I'm giving it credit for but basically in Zelda it's like this:
      very complex and deep analysis, you're truly a master of intellectual game design, thank you for enlightening me, now at last I finally see

      • 2 weeks ago

        what did you not understand about what was said there? what was wrong with it that went over your head?

        • 2 weeks ago

          what did you not understand about me making fun of you saying the most basic shit but acting like it's a profound revelation
          you write so much while saying nothing of worth
          learn to be concise and less self indulgent if you want people to engage with you, you fart sniffing mongoloid

          • 2 weeks ago

            well. you can't just respond to my question with a question, when you were firstly responding to something I said in the first place. if one always "responds" to something without actually responding to something, then they never have to be held accountable for what they said. they can always just say "heh actually YOU didn't get what I was saying" because they never actually meant to say anything of relevant point. they were using your words as a springboard to validate some idea.

            this is a pretty common phenomenon that anybody who has experienced will be able to understand.

            if I had to draw the closest analogy. it would be like saying: "does your mom know you're gay". unfortunately I couldn't think of something better. But that quotes response embodies the purpose. to "prove" a point without actually proving a point.

            actually a much better example is "mocking" in general. in principle. I think that one says it all the most. if anybody can draw the question on principle.

            • 2 weeks ago

              4 lines to say absolutely nothing. Genuinely impressive.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's not complicated, you're just throwing in flowery prose. Are you looking into a writing career?

          • 2 weeks ago

            his prose isnt even flowery

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Largely there is no navigation, because in most levels there is only ever 1 door you can unlock at a given time.
      This is because LTTP isn't just about unlocking doors. Even if you have a key, you wont' know where to use it until you actually see a key door. Plenty of the dungeons require you to understand them spatially and even find secret entrances. They're not all linear. Take the palace of darkness for example. You need to understand how each of the three initial branching paths will lead you into the dungeon. You'll have to take all of them eventually, and how long you spend here will be determined by how you understand their interconnectivity. And once you have the dungeon item, the hammer, it opens up even more opportunities, as you can sequence break past alot of the dungeon and avoid alot of pointless backtracking.

      I really cannot agree with this notion. The game's puzzles are more about making you understand the layout of the dungeon itself. Take the ice palace for instance. One later part of the dungeon requires you to circumnavigate all around the dungeon, because you're on the wrong side of a switch puzzle. You have to figure this out on your own, since the game won't tell you what to do or where to go in here. Eventually it clicks, and you think to yourself "wait a second, if I can be on that end with the switch turned orange, then I can go further!". So you chart a path back to this room, but from another direction. Not the most traditional puzzle, but I'd say it tests your lateral thinking more than a simple block pushing affair.

      >There's NO thinking demanded.
      For every simplistic puzzle like that, there's another that asks you to remember an earlier mechanic, or combine your items, like how you can't defeat a stalfos without bombs, how you need to defeat those floor crawlers with a hammer, or even remembering what you learned earlier by segmenting enemies and picking them off. (continued)

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Okay. I already established why alttp combat is garbage. And it's no genius like dark souls, where combat is inextricably linked to navigation, and bonfires, and healing, which is also linked to navigation, and bonfires, and combat, which is linked again to bonfires, but bonfires are actually linked to navigation because shortcuts, which is linked to healing, which is linked back to combat, which allows for navigation.

    Literally no game will ever be this genius and coherent in design. So let's get that out of the way.

    I already said that a level is made up of navigation, traversal, and interaction. Ive said why alttp doesnt have navigation (or does it?) traversal is pretty obvious. Pretty brain-dead. You don't even jump as often in this game as in OoT, and that game has a literal auto jump.

    Interaction for the sake of this analysis just means combat or puzzle solving.

    I already showed how the game has no puzzle solving. And its combat is so shit, nor is it as expertly linked to the actual process of navigating the level like Dark Souls unless you're moronic enough to count the game arbitrarily hiding a key in an enemy's buttocks or something. (one creative and unique way Zelda could actually integrate combat seamlessly. Is by making the defeat of an enemy provide you with a temporary dungeon restricted puzzle solving tool. Wind Waker sort of does this in its first dungeon with the centipede like things that could be used to hold down switches, but Zelda isn't good enough for a consistent focus of that)

    • 2 weeks ago


      >Okay. I already established why alttp combat is garbage. And it's no genius like dark souls
      Not to pull the nostalgia card, but Dark Souls has had 20 years of Zelda games to learn from. LTTP is just like OOT, in that it's basically a trailblazer for its genre. I wouldn't fault super metroid for not having the amenities of modern Metroidvanias, even if those QOL features would improve it.

      >I already said that a level is made up of navigation, traversal, and interaction. Ive said why alttp doesnt have navigation
      I already disagreed with this in an earlier post, but I think it needs to be said again. The whole point of LTTP is making you understand your position in relation to the overworld. every spot on the map is a question of "how do I get there". Unlike TOTK where you can fly over everything, LTTP demands that you keep a keen eye and look out for hidden spots and secret passages. You may have to backtrack a great deal just to find a secret entrance. The Skull woods are a perfect example of this. If you know the layout of the dungeon well enough, you can skip 90% of it. Hell, all you need is the big key, and then you can bomb jump past the holes in the big chest room. Not intended by the devs, I know, but it's still something cool to consider, and I do not think you give it enough credit.

      So what's even left? Well. Actually alttp does have navigation...MENTAL MAPPING.

      This took me a while to figure out. But something alttp will do often. Is that it'll show you the big chest early or in the middle of the dungeon. Or show you a place you can only progress with a certain thing, and expect you to remember and return there. Now this alone doesn't sound that great. But you wouldn't believe how rare this is for games to do. Not all games employ "mental mapping" in the same way or to the same effect. In dark souls you have no map. So you're LITERALLY mentally mapping the entire level. Every single path, branch, dead end, and the levels (Floor 1, 2 etc) to it.

      Level design is actually very hard to analyze. Dark Souls isn't GOOD just because it gives you no map. DS2 and 3 have no map either and they're brain-dead to navigate. Resident Evil gives you a map, and it's one of the few games I always feel the need to check the map (I never did even in alttp)

      But I'm rambling. We're talking about Zelda. Technically every Zelda game "does" this...but not really.

      In the fire temple, when you acquire the hammer, the game basically takes you in a roundabout right back to the beginning of the dungeon where you need to use it. In the forest temple, when you get the bow, you can't go any further, you've checked everywhere else already too. So even though you need to backtrack, the path is obvious. Just go back to the eye you never interacted with.

      What am I doing here? I'm ruling out contradicting arguments that could challenge the basis of my assertions, so as to more clearly outline what makes it distinct. The way the fire temple in OoT functions, is how most 3D Zelda dungeons post OoT function. It's crazy that the water temple is the dunegon that reminds me the most of an alttp one...without all the flaws.

      >So what's even left? Well. Actually alttp does have navigation...MENTAL MAPPING.
      See, you understand my point. This is what I was talking about. A puzzle is more than just asking you to put a block in a hole. It's about asking you to remember things and use that knoweldge.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    So what's even left? Well. Actually alttp does have navigation...MENTAL MAPPING.

    This took me a while to figure out. But something alttp will do often. Is that it'll show you the big chest early or in the middle of the dungeon. Or show you a place you can only progress with a certain thing, and expect you to remember and return there. Now this alone doesn't sound that great. But you wouldn't believe how rare this is for games to do. Not all games employ "mental mapping" in the same way or to the same effect. In dark souls you have no map. So you're LITERALLY mentally mapping the entire level. Every single path, branch, dead end, and the levels (Floor 1, 2 etc) to it.

    Level design is actually very hard to analyze. Dark Souls isn't GOOD just because it gives you no map. DS2 and 3 have no map either and they're brain-dead to navigate. Resident Evil gives you a map, and it's one of the few games I always feel the need to check the map (I never did even in alttp)

    But I'm rambling. We're talking about Zelda. Technically every Zelda game "does" this...but not really.

    In the fire temple, when you acquire the hammer, the game basically takes you in a roundabout right back to the beginning of the dungeon where you need to use it. In the forest temple, when you get the bow, you can't go any further, you've checked everywhere else already too. So even though you need to backtrack, the path is obvious. Just go back to the eye you never interacted with.

    What am I doing here? I'm ruling out contradicting arguments that could challenge the basis of my assertions, so as to more clearly outline what makes it distinct. The way the fire temple in OoT functions, is how most 3D Zelda dungeons post OoT function. It's crazy that the water temple is the dunegon that reminds me the most of an alttp one...without all the flaws.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    FUUUUUUUUCK it's only when I'm typing this stuff out that I ever realize how much I fricking have to say about this. Nothing to be done about it. I already frequently make cuts. I always want to talk about things holistically. I basically copy paste my thoughts into words. When I was figuring out how to understand alttp dungeons. I considered OoT dungeons, and TP dungeons, and Skyward Sword dungeons. And what the differentiating factors were beyond puzzle solving. So including mentions of those games is FUNDEMENTAL to understanding alttp's level design.

    Because I was watching a boss keys video on alttp to try and help me understand and something he said makes alttp dungeons feel "less linear" is "optional rooms" and "winding paths" (basically backtracking) but I know OoT has that aswell, so does TP. Yet those games don't feel like AlttP. This is something I've noticed people don't do often. They don't look for contradicting arguments to their own point to refine their argument, so they end up making no sense unless you dance between the moronic lines of subjectivity where nothing needs to make sense (which another Zelda tuber I watched recently, did and triggered me)

    Okay. I'm rambling. but it's just something to understand. You can skip all this and go to the next one if you don't care about the thoughts behind an analysis. Anyway Ive ruled out what alttp ISNT. But what is it? So I said "backtracking" doesn't work when it's the only way you can go. You don't really need to mentally map anything unless you have the memory of a goldfish. But even then, the solution is typically just "a key" so it's still obvious.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >youtube homosexualry

      I wish I could take you more seriously. You're always willing to articulate your thoughts... they're just never consistent and you keep making exceptions. You use the whole "thinking holistically" bit as an excuse to run your fricking mouth, because the actual goal of holistic thinking is to understand the fundamental forces at play and how they interact, and you refuse to even look at the fundamental forces. You insist on getting lost in the weeds of whatever bullshit distraction the game jangles in front of your face. When following the jangling keys causes you to double back on a point you've insisted on previously, you get hostile to anyone who points it out. Your entire critique of every game I've seen you talk about is founded on reinforcing the first impression you had of a game because GOD FORBID you have gotten something "wrong" at any point. No fricking wonder you never finish a game when you make your entire playthrough about proving your assumptions right.


  12. 2 weeks ago

    So let's get specific. The best example of this is Skull Woods. Literally the very first room of the dungeon (it just obviously is) shows you the big chest. This is like the extreme opposite of OoT's (you can only go one way). You LITERALLY cannot go anywhere. So you have to explore further elsewhere, find keys, and open up the dungeon. You won't be getting the big key for a while. But something I forgot to mention is that you can't get to the big chest AT all. There's a sort of wall and gaps you can't get over. (picrel).

    Why this is important is because it just obfuscates things.

    You'll actually likely PHYSICALLY reach the chest before you even have the key. (you can technically get it before that, but literally all the levels become brain-dead linear if you play them with prerequisite knowledge of exactly where to go instead of naturally exploring, I watched playthroughs of the dungeons and literally all my favourite dungeons were ruined by this.) This does two things. It layers the mental map. Because you need to find out how to get to that chest AND have the key to open it. So you can find the key, but not know how to get to the chest. Or find the chest, but not know how to get the key.

    The game does this so many times. There's a room right beside picrel seperated by a gap, but there's ANOTHER room also separated by a different gap and you have to figure out how to get over that gap. Now if this was a puzzle game, this could be some genius level design. The result you get is something like the Sandship in SS, but that dungeon is a lot smaller generally than alttp for one key reason...it doesn't waste your time.

    The reason I picked skull woods as an example is because it represents this theme of dungeons in alttp. Dungeons will sometimes have rooms with absolutely zero point beyond some stupid trap or enemy to frick with you. I'd pull up another pic, but those who know know. It's the room with the falling floor and those green armoured dogs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      FUUUUUUUUCK it's only when I'm typing this stuff out that I ever realize how much I fricking have to say about this. Nothing to be done about it. I already frequently make cuts. I always want to talk about things holistically. I basically copy paste my thoughts into words. When I was figuring out how to understand alttp dungeons. I considered OoT dungeons, and TP dungeons, and Skyward Sword dungeons. And what the differentiating factors were beyond puzzle solving. So including mentions of those games is FUNDEMENTAL to understanding alttp's level design.

      Because I was watching a boss keys video on alttp to try and help me understand and something he said makes alttp dungeons feel "less linear" is "optional rooms" and "winding paths" (basically backtracking) but I know OoT has that aswell, so does TP. Yet those games don't feel like AlttP. This is something I've noticed people don't do often. They don't look for contradicting arguments to their own point to refine their argument, so they end up making no sense unless you dance between the moronic lines of subjectivity where nothing needs to make sense (which another Zelda tuber I watched recently, did and triggered me)

      Okay. I'm rambling. but it's just something to understand. You can skip all this and go to the next one if you don't care about the thoughts behind an analysis. Anyway Ive ruled out what alttp ISNT. But what is it? So I said "backtracking" doesn't work when it's the only way you can go. You don't really need to mentally map anything unless you have the memory of a goldfish. But even then, the solution is typically just "a key" so it's still obvious.

      So what's even left? Well. Actually alttp does have navigation...MENTAL MAPPING.

      This took me a while to figure out. But something alttp will do often. Is that it'll show you the big chest early or in the middle of the dungeon. Or show you a place you can only progress with a certain thing, and expect you to remember and return there. Now this alone doesn't sound that great. But you wouldn't believe how rare this is for games to do. Not all games employ "mental mapping" in the same way or to the same effect. In dark souls you have no map. So you're LITERALLY mentally mapping the entire level. Every single path, branch, dead end, and the levels (Floor 1, 2 etc) to it.

      Level design is actually very hard to analyze. Dark Souls isn't GOOD just because it gives you no map. DS2 and 3 have no map either and they're brain-dead to navigate. Resident Evil gives you a map, and it's one of the few games I always feel the need to check the map (I never did even in alttp)

      But I'm rambling. We're talking about Zelda. Technically every Zelda game "does" this...but not really.

      In the fire temple, when you acquire the hammer, the game basically takes you in a roundabout right back to the beginning of the dungeon where you need to use it. In the forest temple, when you get the bow, you can't go any further, you've checked everywhere else already too. So even though you need to backtrack, the path is obvious. Just go back to the eye you never interacted with.

      What am I doing here? I'm ruling out contradicting arguments that could challenge the basis of my assertions, so as to more clearly outline what makes it distinct. The way the fire temple in OoT functions, is how most 3D Zelda dungeons post OoT function. It's crazy that the water temple is the dunegon that reminds me the most of an alttp one...without all the flaws.

      Something else I found in Ice Palace. Was that I had explored in such a way where I already got to a room...but when I explored some more, the game brought me back to that room from another way. But it's not like that room really had an important item or anything. So it just felt like a redundant waste of space.

      In that sense. I sort of understand a bit why the 3D dungeons can be so linear. OoT likely couldn't waste space so pointlessly like that being one of the first 3D games. I'm sure space was more valuable. And it's not as if they NEEDED to waste that space anyway. I know some morons will say "it makes the dungeon feel bigger more interconnected blah blah blah. But that's moronic. And most people that use the word "interconnected" have no idea what the frick they're talking about because every Zelda game has "interconnected" dungeons. It's about what a game does with that interconnectivity.

      Besides. The existence of the water dungeon and the somehow brilliant fact that I can't remember it wasting ANY space at all. Proves that you don't need moronic redundant or pointless rooms to make a "complicated" dungeon.

      This feature of dungeons is what kills them for me, alongside the combat. It feels so stupid walking into a room that just gives me nothing, or walking down another path that takes me to the same room I've already visited and gotten a key out of from a different direction. Just pads shit out.

      The entire time playing alttp I was WISHING for a 3D Zelda dungeon that felt like it and didn't have the redundancy problem.

      That's all I guess. Don't feel like playing Links Awakening for some reason. I'm still obsessed with 3D Zelda for some reason even though I've played all of them (technically) except for TotK. But I guess I should play LA.

      Overall, I feel like you're too stuck in the mentality of game puzzles needing to fit a certain archetype. Ironically TOTK and BOTW suffer from this as well. When they think of dungeons, they just think of puzzles like putting a block in a hole for a korok seed, or making you jump over a gap with your glider for a shrine orb or something. The dungeons themselves are fairly easy and kind of small. They don't give you that feeling that you're lost in a big dungeon. TOTK and BOTW try to give a big world, but since none of it is mandatory, and like I said before, you can skip it all, there's no real threat. LTTP was special in that it gave you some freedom, a taste of it, and yet you still had to conform to restrictions. These restrictions made you better appreciate the world around you. It helped you to feel grateful when you could make a wacky sequence, or use an item you found to get another item long before you needed it. Can you imagine the shock on a player's face when they're randomly exploring Hyrule and they come across a super important item like the ice rod?And they'r elike "I'm never gonna use it" and then you find out how useful it is to kill enemies, and Trinexx forces you to use it, so suddenly your'e happy that you found it. And you can technically get it at any point. I think you only need either bombs or the hermes boots.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Something else I found in Ice Palace. Was that I had explored in such a way where I already got to a room...but when I explored some more, the game brought me back to that room from another way. But it's not like that room really had an important item or anything. So it just felt like a redundant waste of space.

    In that sense. I sort of understand a bit why the 3D dungeons can be so linear. OoT likely couldn't waste space so pointlessly like that being one of the first 3D games. I'm sure space was more valuable. And it's not as if they NEEDED to waste that space anyway. I know some morons will say "it makes the dungeon feel bigger more interconnected blah blah blah. But that's moronic. And most people that use the word "interconnected" have no idea what the frick they're talking about because every Zelda game has "interconnected" dungeons. It's about what a game does with that interconnectivity.

    Besides. The existence of the water dungeon and the somehow brilliant fact that I can't remember it wasting ANY space at all. Proves that you don't need moronic redundant or pointless rooms to make a "complicated" dungeon.

    This feature of dungeons is what kills them for me, alongside the combat. It feels so stupid walking into a room that just gives me nothing, or walking down another path that takes me to the same room I've already visited and gotten a key out of from a different direction. Just pads shit out.

    The entire time playing alttp I was WISHING for a 3D Zelda dungeon that felt like it and didn't have the redundancy problem.

    That's all I guess. Don't feel like playing Links Awakening for some reason. I'm still obsessed with 3D Zelda for some reason even though I've played all of them (technically) except for TotK. But I guess I should play LA.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    kek OP is legit moronic if he thinks anybody is reading any of that go back this is a bait and news cycle board you're not welcome

    • 2 weeks ago

      b-but... i actually read it anon... Where is my cookie?

      • 2 weeks ago

        what does a cookie have to do with what I said ain't nobody reading all that and you have no proof you did

  15. 2 weeks ago
  16. 2 weeks ago

    AI-generated thread

  17. 2 weeks ago

    That reminds me i have a LttP run that barely started. Going to pick it up again after finishing Octopath II

  18. 2 weeks ago
  19. 2 weeks ago

    Don't think it's ever possible for me to write as little as people on here need for their attention spans to be satisfied and in general I've been feeling disconnected. I don't ACTUALLY want to talk about Zelda all the time. Or have to make my own threads. But I'm every thread in general I'm always seeing something antithetical to discussion that simply nobody pushes back on. Couple that with the abundance of bait that never gets addressed, especially femboy bait. Because it feels like the weirdest type of coomer bait to stay up so long when it's so blatantly superficial. But even as somebody who loves femboys, those threads are unbearable.

    It's really when even off topic threads feel like shit that it seems hopeless. But I remember one good off topic thread. It was a house thread. Had some good discussions actually talking about the games. Not purely memeing, or circlejerking. Was fun. It's stuff like that I think that trap me here. The hope of having discussions like that, but ideal on topic. Except I don't think the problem is just the baiters or shitposters. It's the abundance of people who supposedly value discussion that do nothing to push back or encourage it more.

    Well. Whateva I hate how often I feel the need to say stuff like this.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Well. Whateva I hate how often I feel the need to say stuff like this.
      you should seek therapy

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Didn't you post your criticisms about Wind Waker too

  21. 2 weeks ago

    didnt read

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Shut up moron

  23. 2 weeks ago

    >likely mentally deficient
    hey! its self aware now!

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I wish I could take you more seriously. You're always willing to articulate your thoughts... they're just never consistent and you keep making exceptions. You use the whole "thinking holistically" bit as an excuse to run your fricking mouth, because the actual goal of holistic thinking is to understand the fundamental forces at play and how they interact, and you refuse to even look at the fundamental forces. You insist on getting lost in the weeds of whatever bullshit distraction the game jangles in front of your face. When following the jangling keys causes you to double back on a point you've insisted on previously, you get hostile to anyone who points it out. Your entire critique of every game I've seen you talk about is founded on reinforcing the first impression you had of a game because GOD FORBID you have gotten something "wrong" at any point. No fricking wonder you never finish a game when you make your entire playthrough about proving your assumptions right.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >they're just never consistent and you keep making exceptions

      What I consistencies have there been?

      >you to double back on a point you've insisted on previously

      What double back was made?

  25. 2 weeks ago

    lol op mogged by the better thread with real zelda discussion where everybody can agree and talk about videogame things like whether link was a hero


  26. 2 weeks ago

    it's good you are writing everyday on this board but definitely your parents/school system failed you somewhere down the line. Ppl dont get narcissistic about topics like this without insights. if u were insightful your paragraphs would be interesting but u arent. Most of your text is the stuff i would get from copilot and very mmorpg NPC in energy. plus you are very insecure man. i feel for you and simultaneously bad for you ngl. i know u post here cus you dont want accountability but if ur so insecure u need to tackle it and make a blog somewhere else. ur kinda like that mentally ill aunt that films herself yelling at the playground. u should stick to movie reviews. summarize one insightful point you made in this thread, and keep it to a sentence? you cant

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Ppl dont get narcissistic about topics like this

      not op what's narcissistic about his post? i didnt read it i see this word thrown around a lot more in the modern day

      • 2 weeks ago

        OP is a notorious shitposter who can be spotted from a mile away. He exhibits tell-tale traits of narcissism and a potent lack of self awareness

      • 2 weeks ago

        im not the same person as

        OP is a notorious shitposter who can be spotted from a mile away. He exhibits tell-tale traits of narcissism and a potent lack of self awareness

        if u browse this board while taking a potty youll see a zelda screenshot that activates something in ur lurker soul, expecting a lttp discussion, etc then be met with blahblahblah. it's such a let down even anons are recognizing it. this might as well be viral marketing shoved in our eyes. in reality a special needs person that really needs to get into working a forklift or plumbing or some other blue collar work so he is paid/recognition doing repetitive tasks instead of suffering openly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >i know u post here cus you dont want accountability

      what are you talking about

  27. 2 weeks ago

    op is a homosexual

  28. 2 weeks ago

    playing zelda 1 nes rn and having a blast, 2d zelda is much more fun than 3d ones

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I'm finally doing a playthrough of it and intending to finish it now, because I never did as a kid. Pic unrelated.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >moron keeps talking about how he only does this shit because he specifically wants to argue with people over these points (not discuss, I mean actually argue for the sake of arguing)
    >Acts surprised when people argue with him but not on the things he wants to argue about

  31. 2 weeks ago

    why does this moron keep comparing a snes game to dark souls lmao

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Zelda isn't about combat

  33. 2 weeks ago

    OP the gaylord of the homosexual lands fails at playing video games the thread

  34. 2 weeks ago

    isn't this that moron who thought wind waker had one of the greatest puzzles of all time and then proceeded to get filtered by the game and not finish it

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago


  35. 2 weeks ago

    I thought this was pasta, but then the posts kept coming.

    • 2 weeks ago

      OP's brain is pasta.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    it's that feeling, of having so many directly relevant things to say and knowing no matter how you say it, or the way you say something it'll almost be as if it doesn't exist, or as if it was something completely different. I keep saying the same thing hoping for something different: is this the only way people can respond to things on here? I can explain the specific ways and why it's unconducive but it's like I'm not talking to anyone. Not to someone that can understand and respond to me. But something that already has a specific preconceived way of filtering and interpreting things. Ive likened it to AI before. But either nobody thinks of AI the way I do. Or nobody cares whether what I say could be relevant or right.

    you hope at the very least that you can and will appeal to somebody that understands but it's always the same, and even when somebody "understands" it's so short lived that it doesn't feel real. they respond for a moment and then have to go. it almost feels like an illusion how much this happens. as if my brain is conjuring up the type of person I'd want to have a discussion with.

    well. I can't do more but be honest. it's easy to not want to express at all. but I have to because...there's no point to anything if not.

    • 2 weeks ago

      its how you say it and the way you say it

    • 2 weeks ago

      Try not being extremely fricking autistic and people might care.
      As you've been told a thousand times, go chat with ChatGPT. It'll analyze what you're saying a spew out a response you want.

    • 2 weeks ago

      ever occured to you the problem might not be others but might be you

    • 2 weeks ago

      >it's that feeling, of having so many directly relevant things to say and knowing no matter how you say it, or the way you say something it'll almost be as if it doesn't exist,

      As someone who solved this problem the only way to get around it is to train yourself to word your arguments flawlessly and then ignore any negative replies unless you want to argue for fun. You’ll never be able to convince someone that you’re arguing with, but people watching will see you even if they don’t say anything. With the correct opinions and the right approach you can start suggesting ways of looking at things. But you’re getting ahead of yourself, you want the power but you don’t have the insight yet, like that other anon said.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >As someone who solved this problem the only way to get around it is to train yourself to word your arguments flawlessly and then ignore any negative replies unless you want to argue for fun.

        The substance of an argument isnt it's expression. It's the content. But I sort of get what you mean. If you word your argument in a sort of unappealing way, people can pick apart at that. Like how 2 people jerked themselves for quoting me breaking down the essence of level design. Not understanding that the context of me saying "It's more complex than I give it credit" Is a past thread where I wrote literally 3 character limit posts about it and STILL mentioned how there's so much more I could still say.

        But at that point. When it's so simple and easy to twist what one says into a convenient way to interpret it how you want them dismiss it. I can't really care about how to "word" it. A long time ago. When I was younger. Something I realized is that people can characterize "criticism" as mean. No matter how earnestly, or nicely you intended it. Just because they're fundementally antithetical to the idea of true hitting criticism.

        You could say my arguments are "worded poorly". But if somebody TRULY cared about discussion, they would specifically point out what's wrong, so that it can be resolved and the discussion can be continued. That's what I do when I see somebody doing something I know to be wrong. And I'm not even that strict on grammar or expression, despite the abundance of natural ways Ganker expresses themselves that are distasteful.

        Well *sigh* whatever.
        >But you’re getting ahead of yourself, you want the power but you don’t have the insight yet, like that other anon said.

        Have a feeling you have no idea what you're talking about. It's so easy to make these vague non direct responses. So easy.

        I already make arguments near "flawless" atleast by any meaningful standard (of which nobody can refer to) I do this for new perspective or input.

        man whatever

        • 2 weeks ago

          >it's that feeling, of having so many directly relevant things to say and knowing no matter how you say it, or the way you say something it'll almost be as if it doesn't exist,

          As someone who solved this problem the only way to get around it is to train yourself to word your arguments flawlessly and then ignore any negative replies unless you want to argue for fun. You’ll never be able to convince someone that you’re arguing with, but people watching will see you even if they don’t say anything. With the correct opinions and the right approach you can start suggesting ways of looking at things. But you’re getting ahead of yourself, you want the power but you don’t have the insight yet, like that other anon said.

          Stop replying to yourself.

        • 2 weeks ago
        • 2 weeks ago

          >The substance of an argument isnt it's expression. It's the content.
          you can make all the excuses you want but thats a fundamental rule of communication

  37. 2 weeks ago

    It's triforce of the gods you fricking blazing moron

    • 2 weeks ago

      OP has the trifart of dogs

  38. 2 weeks ago

    This is a troll thread, right?

    • 2 weeks ago

      No. It's earnest autismo shitposting by someone who really fricking sucks at video games, and thinks he has something meaningfull to say.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This dude has been posting back to back about Zelda games for like a month straight, all his posts read the same and he always goes on about how nobody has anything salient to say to him and that his perfect arguments cannot be refuted.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >a month straight
          >since around the time summer break started
          Further reinforcing my hypothesis this is a schoolboy with a ADHD prescription that has nothing to do but abuse speed and b***h about videogames on the internet. Go outside OP

  39. 2 weeks ago

    B^U in thread form

    • 2 weeks ago


      nta what does this mean?

      • 2 weeks ago

        No one knows

      • 2 weeks ago

        It’s called regex, dummy.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    No one cares redditer mutt shitskin. Take it to youtube

  41. 2 weeks ago


  42. 2 weeks ago
  43. 2 weeks ago

    I think OP has just been brain-broken because Joseph Anderson doesn't make videos anymore. He doesn't have anything to do so he just types words words words and then gets angry at anyone who tries to seriously engage with him. This is his form of entertainment (because clearly he struggles to enjoy games).

  44. 2 weeks ago

    *sigh* why do we end up with the reddit/resetera reject. This autistic zoomer got banned there and the only reason they're still here is because mods are too fricking lazy to ban his phoneposting ass here too.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    post your face with a time stamp or i'm not taking anything said in this ostensibly schizo troony thread seriously

  46. 2 weeks ago


  47. 2 weeks ago

    >hey all, here's a ton of effort taking a 40 year-old game that had to deal with the limitations of its platform and lamenting how it isn't as good as new games
    too bad it's still the 2nd best zelda game ever

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Black person

  49. 2 weeks ago

    posting in a genuine autism thread

  50. 2 weeks ago

    >2000 word essay on why one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time is "actually" bad
    >get mad when people notice immediately you're just being a contrarian fricktard with too much free time and an inflated sense of self-importance

  51. 2 weeks ago

    OP, if you're still here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and analyze everything you've said, and offer insight of my own.

    • 2 weeks ago

      sure. not that I have much hope. but I appreciate effort and good faith atleast. aslong as your present sufficient understanding of what I am saying. but I don't want to waste my time so please just pick whichever post interests you most to dissect and then if I feel like you understand enough we can continue

  52. 2 weeks ago

    >shitty gba version
    >shitty dslite dpad
    You did it to yourself

  53. 2 weeks ago

    How difficult is the Japanese in the Zelda series?

    • 2 weeks ago

      have a nice day.

      It's fairly simple. If you have vocab from other fantasy games then it won't surprise you too much.

      • 2 weeks ago

        what if i don't have vocab from other fantasy games? what japanese level should i be at before playing zelda or kirby? N3?

        • 2 weeks ago

          If you've gone through a grammar textbook then you're ready to read it. The dialogue and language isn't all that hard to understand and the non-Switch games aren't even that text-heavy.

          And thinking you need to have a level of competency before you start reading is a trap. Just read. Practice is the best way of internalizing your lessons.

  54. 2 weeks ago

    you're a literal moron man, like you're totally mentally deficient. why are you even aspiring to what you think is an elevated discourse when you're so clearly moronic and will get no value from it? you're like a little kid. just stop

  55. 2 weeks ago

    I am overall not very good at video games. I like them, but I'm not "good" at them. I've beaten ALttP a half dozen times. This may be the singular biggest case of "skill issue" I've ever witnessed. Get some help.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You didn't finish the assignment. Try reading the essay again.
      OP wasn't filtered by difficulty.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Try reading the essay again
        No. I'm not wasting that much time on autistic brainrot. Give me the tl;dr

        • 2 weeks ago

          >combat bad
          >bosses bad
          >rng bad
          >dungeons good - specifically map layout/navigation

          • 2 weeks ago

            >>rng bad
            As I said, skill issue

          • 2 weeks ago

            good - specifically map layout/navigation

            no actually I'm mixed on the dungeons, and said that water temple does everything it tried to do, but better and without the flaw of redundancy/pointless rooms. And relying heavily on one dimensional ways of getting keys. and too focused on combat, that's also bad. and moronic traps...yeah all these detract from dungeons. But if we're talking just about navigations, then the redundancy definitely spoils the experience.

            still mostly enjoyed them tho

      • 2 weeks ago


        I'm not going to lie. I have been so mindbroken by this unbelievably shitty board that I'm almost certain this is somehow a troll comment mocking me by expressing the obvious non bot answer that I'm looking for. So that some dude can go on to say "OP only responds to people that agree with him!".

        But if you're not being dishonest...then thank you for understanding. And I know for a fact we are not going to have a good conversation to save this thread because all the "good" people I meet on Ganker always seem to disappear as soon as I find them.

        Ive tried to theorize on this.

        Cynical me says that they just happen to not be a bot. But still probably likely contribute to bait and circlejerk threads somehow. Because I don't understand why they wouldn't just hunker down in discussion threads, because if I could (and when I rarely do) find any indepth discussion threads. I just hunker down in them for almost the entire day cuz they're fun.

        But the other me. Just theorizes that these people are probably sane and don't even stay on Ganker at all for that long period because they know how unbelievably garbage it is.

        Either answer means they don't value discussion enough (or have somewhere else to get it I guess) but id understand the bottom answer. I just don't believe in humanity enough to not think that the cynical answer is atleast half right.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don’t know why you even come her when every post you write just complains about the board and everybody on it

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's a troll

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the obvious non bot answer that I'm looking for
          Answers other than the one you're looking for may come from ordinary, or even intelligent, people who simply haven't arrived at the same conclusions as you on every topic. The answer you're looking for is NEVER obvious, by the way.
          >all the "good" people I meet on Ganker always seem to disappear as soon as I find them
          You likely get at least one or two more replies from some of them, they just stop saying things you like and therefore you stop recognizing them as the same person.
          Often when you get legitimate engagement it comes in the form of engagement on a specific point because NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT GODDAMN MIND IS GOING TO GO BACK AND FORTH WITH YOU ANALYZING AN ENTIRE GAME ON Ganker. People want to break it down to more focused and digestible topics and focus on them one at a time. Holistic thinking should allow you to easily process and adapt to the idea of understanding slices of something before you understand the whole.
          >But still probably likely contribute to bait and circlejerk threads somehow
          Have you considered that not every thread you dislike is a bait/circlejerk thread? That people may just like different things than you and make threads about them because they like those things?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Answers other than the one you're looking for may come from ordinary, or even intelligent

            Doesn't matter how intelligent you are if you're not good faith. Literally the most worthless thing ever. There are people with high IQ points that fail school, never succeed in life, and are cursed by mental illnesses. Not only because mental illness is highly correlated with high IQ. But for the simple fact, that there can be an abundance of surrounding factors. Namely personality, demeanor and disposition (all these can be reduced to mental illness or IQ or environment, or a combination of all) that can either misguide ones intelligence or cloud it.

            >people who simply haven't arrived at the same conclusions as you on every topic.

            everybody (well everybody that isn't a literal bot I guess) knows logic. you don't need to reach the same conclusions to abide by logic. you seem to understand what I meant when I said "got the answer I'm looking for" which I literally anticipated with the people that go "omg he like person who agree with him". sometimes giving an answer isn't about being right. it's about proving you understand the material. that's what tests are for. when I was in elementary school you'd get marks for getting the right answer, and showing your work. "showing your work" is an answer in its own way. I'd personally argue it's actually maybe even more important than the answer? but that's besides the point. I was satisfied by his response because he seemed to understand a basic tenet of my analysis. it's a lazy answer that seeks only to validate ones own feelings to say "skill issue" it's a convenient way to dismiss.

            For all I know the person that gave the "answer I wanted" could still disagree with me and I'd be fine with it.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Doesn't matter how intelligent you are if you're not good faith
              Doesn't matter how much faith someone shows you in a post when you will disregard it for tripping one of your billions of unmentioned, invisible triggers.
              >you don't need to reach the same conclusions to abide by logic
              You often act like your conclusions are the only logical ones in an entire thread, no matter who you're speaking to.
              >it's a lazy answer that seeks only to validate ones own feelings to say "skill issue" it's a convenient way to dismiss.
              And yet your complaints are founded on the idea that the game is unfair and your tools are weaker than what you'd need to beat the game while having fun. Many people, sentient and intelligent people who have souls and everything, would disagree, because they've played the game and did not feel like they lacked control anywhere they needed it.

              >You likely get at least one or two more replies from some of them, they just stop saying things you like and therefore you stop recognizing them as the same person.

              Uh no. Unless they're legit trolling for some reason. These "people" (honestly not even sure they exist, still not convinced they're a figment of my imagination) often talk about how they would like to meet me again in another thread to discuss. And i haven't exactly been told that my style of typing is anything but distinct. Not that I intend for it to be or not be. And not that I care.

              But if they really are what you suggest they are...then that just points to my cynical theory. That they are likely the same as everybody else, participate in the same things as everyone else, value the same things as everyone else. But simply happened to "understand" in that very moment because they're not bots. They're human beings. Just the subhuman kind. But they'll revert to the same as everyone else in any other context. This isn't what I want to believe. Just what it almost feels I have to.

              >Have you considered that not every thread you dislike is a bait/circlejerk thread? That people may just like different things than you and make threads about them because they like those things?

              Have you considered that not every drug dealer is addicted? That people may just like different things than you and take addictive substances because they like those things? -(I say, in the crime ridden city of Chicago)

              Nice argument bro.

              >These "people" (honestly not even sure they exist, still not convinced they're a figment of my imagination) often talk about how they would like to meet me again in another thread to discuss
              If you can show me more than one or two of these posts I'd be curious to see, but I honestly think you might just have been misreading sarcasm.
              >That they are likely the same as everybody else, participate in the same things as everyone else, value the same things as everyone else
              Are you genuinely positing that you are the sole judge of whether people are people are NPCs? Because whether you'll accept that people understand your views on a game seems to boil down entirely to your judgement, and you are now saying that everyone who doesn't understand you is an NPC, unless I'm misreading this.
              >Nice argument bro.
              You have written off entire games as purely being maintained and enjoyed by shitposters. Forgive me for not trusting your definition.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Doesn't matter how much faith someone shows you in a post when you will disregard it for tripping one of your billions of unmentioned, invisible triggers.

                Sure bro. It's nice you feel that way. Can't do anything about your feelings, so whatever. Let's not have an interaction again after this okay?

                >You often act like your conclusions are the only logical ones in an entire thread, no matter who you're speaking to.

                It's good for you that you feel that way.

                >And yet your complaints are founded on the idea that the game is unfair and your tools are weaker than what you'd need to beat the game while having fun. Many people, sentient and intelligent people who have souls and everything, would disagree, because they've played the game and did not feel like they lacked control anywhere they needed it.

                I don't know what you mean to say here. Animals are sentient. Souls don't exist. But if they did. Animals would likely have them too.

                >If you can show me more than one or two of these posts I'd be curious to see, but I honestly think you might just have been misreading sarcasm.

                I don't have anything to prove to someone like you. You can believe whatever makes you feel better. No point trying to correct the engagement of somebody like you. You could likely never have the type of discussions that feel satisfying and rewarding to me.

                >Are you genuinely positing that you are the sole judge of whether people are people are NPCs?


              • 2 weeks ago

                >h-haha, imagine having FEELINGS, couldn't be me, I am a purely rational and objective thinking machine
                >*sigh* I'm so lonely I just wish one other person would emotionally validate me by talking about how pointless emotions are and that my opinions are all objective fact

          • 2 weeks ago

            >You likely get at least one or two more replies from some of them, they just stop saying things you like and therefore you stop recognizing them as the same person.

            Uh no. Unless they're legit trolling for some reason. These "people" (honestly not even sure they exist, still not convinced they're a figment of my imagination) often talk about how they would like to meet me again in another thread to discuss. And i haven't exactly been told that my style of typing is anything but distinct. Not that I intend for it to be or not be. And not that I care.

            But if they really are what you suggest they are...then that just points to my cynical theory. That they are likely the same as everybody else, participate in the same things as everyone else, value the same things as everyone else. But simply happened to "understand" in that very moment because they're not bots. They're human beings. Just the subhuman kind. But they'll revert to the same as everyone else in any other context. This isn't what I want to believe. Just what it almost feels I have to.

            >Have you considered that not every thread you dislike is a bait/circlejerk thread? That people may just like different things than you and make threads about them because they like those things?

            Have you considered that not every drug dealer is addicted? That people may just like different things than you and take addictive substances because they like those things? -(I say, in the crime ridden city of Chicago)

            Nice argument bro.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >-(I say, in the crime ridden city of Chicago)
              I reaffirm what I said the last time you posted: get yourself on antipsychotics. Chicago's rate of psychosis-related conditions is much higher than the national average.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I reaffirm what I said the last time you posted: get yourself on antipsychotics. Chicago's rate of psychosis-related conditions is much higher than the national average.

                Holy shit. Actually zero reading comprehension or critical thinking. And this guy is haughtily pulling the literal subhuman "well that's just YOUR opinion man! who says you can be le judge of le NPCs".

                What I hate most about threads like this is how predictable they are. Don't know how to escape this place.

                What are your favorite games? I want to play objectively good games.

                >What are your favorite games? I want to play objectively good games.

                Not interested in your opinions of them. You're not slick. A prerequisite amount of thoughtfulness is necessary for me to even consider entertaining your self aggrandizement tactic.

                Why are all the arguments about the combat focused solely around sword swings? You know the game gives you a large toolkit of items for a reason right?

                >You know the game gives you a large toolkit of items for a reason right?

                You might just not know this, but actually every single other item the game gives you is even simpler than the sword, and generally very contextual. Maybe you didn't think about that. But I'm not surprised. It's not atypical for people to constantly fall back on the crutch of "variety" or "many things!" to bolster shallow combat. Not interested.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >and generally very contextual
                Yeah, that's the fricking point. You complain about ranged enemies when you have a boomerang and a bow. You complain about large numbers of enemies when you have room clearing medallions. The fact that your monkey brain just says "swing sword over and over. why no killing good?" is extremely ironic considering this high IQ persona you're trying to put on.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I tried conversing with him earlier. He complained about the ball and chain soldiers being a waiting game, when they can be beaten with a number of weapons, not just the sword. I don't know if he's having a giggle, or if he's just bad at the game.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Yeah, that's the fricking point.

                You're an absolute fricking moron. That it's a waste of time to even respond cuz only a genuine sub 70iq moron could be stupid enough to respond to a pointed criticism with "well that's the point!".

                The arrow is convenient but isn't actually that useful. There are two things that break it. The fact that enemies are fast, and the fact that they have range. Something that will often happen against a ranged enemies, is that you'll hit their arrow or trident and it'll break.

                Guess what tho? There's this funny fact about this game...I can't quite figure it out...oh yeah, it's the fact that enemy arrows are unlimited whereas yours are not you fricking moron. And this is ignoring the fact that arrow dudes are mostly only vulnerable when they STOP to start shooting. Otherwise they run and dance around looking for an opening to shoot. And move too fast for arrows to hit. Not that it matters. I already highlighted the flaw of that. The only enemy I'll admit to the arrow truly being broken against is the yellow chain and ball dudes.

                Next boomerangs. You guys legit have no brain...boomerangs aren't proactive. They don't stop the waiting game. You have to stun from range before you attack them. Then walk all the way up to them and spam attack. And this STILL doesn't work in group fights or projectile fights anyway. Especially cuz the flaw I mentioned about the sword not being able to properly attack diagonally applied EVEN more to a weapon like this. Sure you can mention how it come back on a curve but that's not consistent especially in the heat of battle.

                And lastly screenwide shit? I never got any. I preferred to search for bottles than anything else. But regardless. They don't solve the problem. They just ignore it. Arguably even worse to have something so unbalanced in the opposite end. Magic Meter is both meaningless, and limiting.

                hookshot makes boomerang redundant and anything else is too contexual or useless that's all

              • 2 weeks ago

                >And lastly screenwide shit? I never got any.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Holy mother of filtered

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Magic Meter is both meaningless, and limiting
                If it limits your use of something then it has meaning. It's a resource to be managed

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If it limits your use of something then it has meaning. It's a resource to be managed


              • 2 weeks ago

                >And lastly screenwide shit? I never got any
                its all lategame side stuff anyway

              • 2 weeks ago

                There's at least one you need to enter a dungeon, right? It's been a while since I played last

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it's subhuman to point out that no one person is a perfect judge of character and writing off anyone you don't like the look of as being part of some huge unqualified group is insane

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Don't know how to escape this place.
                You just stop using the website, and if you have trouble with that very simple solution add another step of seeking a therapist for help with compulsive behavioural patterns.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Don't know how to escape this place.
                Helium masks are in style this time of year

        • 2 weeks ago

          Implying people bothered to read OP's gargling of wieners in text form.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >unbelievably shitty board
          Frick off then, stop being a whiny baby b***h. You certainly aren't improving it.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    schizo fight!

  57. 2 weeks ago
  58. 2 weeks ago

    >reddit spacing
    >in the middle of summer
    >essays only a schoolboy abusing his adderall prescription can make
    >bitching about a game from the early 90s
    You have to be 18 to post here

  59. 2 weeks ago

    >Did you like A Link To The Past?
    >Nah, wasn't really for me

    It's that simple. You don't need a college thesis on why an early SNES game from 1991 failed to meet your modern standards.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If this was a college thesis he should have his previous degrees revoked. I have read better writings from middle schoolers

  60. 2 weeks ago

    >The part of Link to the Past where Link turns into a Pink Rabbit

  61. 2 weeks ago

    OP you are just an incompetent midwit that thinks he's more intelligent than he really is
    Literal children have 100% this game without guides or struggling whatsoever

  62. 2 weeks ago

    Get a fricking trip already, people are getting sick of you.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    homie what are you aiming to do? Here's the thing: You will never convince someone NOT to like a game. The only response someone has to give to your endless prattles is "Well, I liked it" and the discussion ends there.

    Simple fact is ALTTP is a masterpiece. You just don't get it, that's fine.At the end of the day the only thing you could possible be getting out of this is getting the satisfaction as larping as some kind of game critic. A game critic who sucks so bad at ALTTP. You're so different man you really get games on a deeper level it must be such a burden being surrounded by such fools.

    You realize someone could make an autistically screeching thread just like this about YOUR favorite game? What IS the rubric for these morons threads anyway, what are your favorite games post your 9/9.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >You realize someone could make an autistically screeching thread just like this about YOUR favorite game?

      No they couldn't lmao. They would be wrong. For every game I like I've already included and considered the aspects that are flawed. Nobody understands my favourite games more than me. They may understand certain aspects more. But they won't understand the whole more. I am waiting for that person.

      I guarantee you not a single person could break down any of my favourite games. Unless you're stupid enough to just think any criticism is valid because it's all subjective. You clearly don't understand what I'm doing, and there's no more proof of that than the fact you couldn't actually engage with my criticism. Just suggest that a criticism, could be said about something I like.

      It's fine. We'll never understand eachother, but I have more reason than you could ever have for saying all the things I do.

      I'm not looking for people like you lmao. You don't even create contradicting arguments for the things you like if you unironically say shit like this
      >Simple fact is ALTTP is a masterpiece. You just don't get it, that's fine.

      In the face of all that I have said. You're simply not an honest minded man. It's fine. Just go. Most people aren't like me. They're like you an unironically ask "why would you ever try to understand anything deeper if it'll never convince anybody????".

      Please go.

      • 2 weeks ago

        What are your favorite games? I want to play objectively good games.

        • 2 weeks ago

          homie what are you aiming to do? Here's the thing: You will never convince someone NOT to like a game. The only response someone has to give to your endless prattles is "Well, I liked it" and the discussion ends there.

          Simple fact is ALTTP is a masterpiece. You just don't get it, that's fine.At the end of the day the only thing you could possible be getting out of this is getting the satisfaction as larping as some kind of game critic. A game critic who sucks so bad at ALTTP. You're so different man you really get games on a deeper level it must be such a burden being surrounded by such fools.

          You realize someone could make an autistically screeching thread just like this about YOUR favorite game? What IS the rubric for these morons threads anyway, what are your favorite games post your 9/9.

          His fav games are as follows which he tends to post in 9x9 threads.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >roll and wait simulator remastered in the #1 spot
            Says it all really

          • 2 weeks ago

            This homie likes death stranding

            • 2 weeks ago

              Hey, Death Stranding is good.

              What you should be sickened by is the fact he has likely never finished it himself judging from his steam profile and his knack for not finishing most games.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That homie never finished Death Stranding

          • 2 weeks ago

            Unironically good taste.

      • 2 weeks ago

        See you really do think you're superior huh? For what? Liking video games better? That's very sad. So you're not like a pro player, or an actual critic or a developer you just...like games the right way? That's your claim to fame? Don't quit your day job (if you even have one).

        I don't respond to your criticism because you just suck and are beneath . The combat in ALTTP is fine, I don't find it frustrating or annoying at all because I don't suck balls at video games, homosexual. how can you say you know games when you transparently stink? What's the HARDEST game you've ever beaten?

        Also, these are a LOT of words for someone who is too scared to post their favorites. I dare you to make a thread listing your top 10 favorites games and then inviting anons to attack them like a pack of wild animals. You'll just cry and say "b-b-b-but you don't GET IT!!! They're ART made for ME NOT YOU!!!". We've seen this before pal, nut up or shut up.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Sigh… okay FINE.

          Halo: Combat Evolved

          Alan Wake 2

          Donkey Kong Country

          Sea of Thieves

          Halo: Reach

          Super Mario Sunshine

          Get Force Gemini

          Mr. Mosquito

          Half Life

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Why are all the arguments about the combat focused solely around sword swings? You know the game gives you a large toolkit of items for a reason right?

  65. 2 weeks ago

    Are you the resident evil schizo?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes he is

    • 2 weeks ago

      It is indeed him

      That homie never finished Death Stranding

      The only game he's completed in the last year or so is The Last of Us.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    A Link to link to the past to link to the past

  67. 2 weeks ago

    Are you the Resident evil gay what's your fricking deal

  68. 2 weeks ago

    Some boomer 50 years ago thought it's a "pun", the boomer in question probably being a Nip to who speaks English as well as you do Jap.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    what a thread Ganker got filtered kek Nintendo board don't criticize Zelda

  70. 2 weeks ago

    OP got filtered hard

  71. 2 weeks ago

    A link to the past is literally the perfect game. I prefer 3D zelda cause my preferences are 3D games but i can still see how perfect alttp is

    How did OP get filtered so hard by the most perfect video game ever created?

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I've finally remembered what it is that his writing style reminds me of

    • 2 weeks ago

      How did this ever get published?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Bad leadership or lack there of.

        Entertainment needs tard wranglers.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    are you brown or black

    • 2 weeks ago

      these are the people by the way going "it's sad that you literally consider me dumb!!!" lol

      • 2 weeks ago

        post hand

  74. 2 weeks ago

    >this guy is so obnoxious that even ACgay noped out of the thread

  75. 2 weeks ago

    this is the same moron who made 10 threads whining about system shock
    then some anon found his steam profile and it turned out he had 30 minutes playtime
    then he spent two weeks spamming prey threads
    literally just repeating youtube reviews
    and in the end he never ended up playing prey
    did the same shit with resident evil, kept making tldr threads shitting on the games
    he never even finished re1 despite it being a 5 hours long game

    • 2 weeks ago

      >tries to pass off second-hand knowledge from reviews/etc as his own opinion
      He is Ganker incarnate and yet pretends to hate Ganker.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He does always talk about all the game reviews he watches. Chances are this is a zoomer who watched one too many "How Outer Wilds...changed...EVERYTHING" 2 hour long video essays and decided that was what he wanted to do with his life. Problem is he's like moronic and likely malformed so youtube isn't an option, hence his schizo posts here.

  76. 2 weeks ago

    protip: he probably hasnt even played any of the zelda games himself
    dont argue with this schizo

    • 2 weeks ago

      He's played them, but has beaten none. I don't think he ever gets past the halfway point in any of them

  77. 2 weeks ago

    >actually witnessing an anon get so filtered by ALttP of all things that he breaks out into a 6000 word diatribe about why everyone else is stupid

    Sometimes it takes a village idiot to bring a community together for a common cause.

  78. 2 weeks ago
  79. 2 weeks ago

    The fight with this autist and ACgay would be legendary

    the most obnoxious stupid schizos ever battling it out

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