A MiSTer uner $120 will be available in under a month (hopefully)

The $99 DE-10 Nano clone board is almost out, with the RAM expansion being $20, or $115 for the two together. Going to come out in July.

So much for all those $650 trolls

Though some might want to wait, since he's planning on making a cheaper stripped down version, a handheld version, and I think a more powerful version as well... and then there is the MiSTeX project that's making a lot of headway as well as the Replay2 and MARS on the horizon if cost isn't an issue over features.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Only reason it's not out this month is because of the huge backlash over the horrible horrible original name he was going to give it "Mr. Pi" to the point where people were willing to put up with a 1 month delay just to have it be renamed to something else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oh thank god. I thought there would be no convincing him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pretty much says it all about mistercoper fragility

    • 2 weeks ago

      red flag red flag red flag red flag

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >So much for all those $650 trolls
    They only ever existed in your head.

    • 2 weeks ago

      shit lemme confer with tbharchive... some quotes:
      >You spent $600 dollars on your Mister. You had your fun. But your FPGA generation is over. Mars is here.
      >Why can't Mistergays simply admit: Yes the Mister is a little pricey at around $500 to $600
      >It's $600 dollars for a Mister with everything you need. You might as well buy an actual comput
      >No thanks mister. I'd rather emulate than waste $600 dollars.
      >It's that we don't see it being worth $600. So we WON'T spend $600 on it.
      >he unironically needs to be explained why a $600 piece of hardware that will play a few 32 bit systems .0001% more accurately than software emulation is bad
      >Not a single person claimed it was 600 dollars.

      Nah. Either my head can make things corporeal, or you're the same homosexual who rambles about it costing 600 dollars in every frickin mister thread.

      • 2 weeks ago

        lol those were all me. I was just pretending mister was $600. u got trolled

    • 2 weeks ago

      >and I think a more powerful version as well
      How would that happen though?
      What was this again?
      >Replay2 and MARS
      I'm still waiting for one of these to be out, not overpriced, and working well before I go into FPGA gaymen but they're taking so damn long.


      • 2 weeks ago

        >How would that happen though?

        There are options for more powerful FPGAs out there now. How do you think the MARS and Replay2 are going to exist? This dude basically made his own clone board from laying out the PCB himself and putting on the components and now is is going to mass-produce it. He can do that with a more powerful FPGA too, especially if he is no longer constrained to making it a 1:1 copy of the DE-10 Nano in that case.

        >What was this again?

        A project/framework to make it easy to port MiSTer cores to other FPGA platforms, both more and less powerful ones. Obviously that doesn't mean every core will work, such as trying to port the N64 core to a much weaker platform, but it opens up the MiSTer project even further by not having it be so tied to the DE-10 anymore and makes it easy to move it over to a more powerful FPGA in the future, which might happen soon with all the recent developments in cheaper FPGAs and recent interest in FPGA emulation rising.

        >I'm still waiting for one of these to be out, not overpriced, and working well before I go into FPGA gaymen but they're taking so damn long.

        There is no way MARS won't be overpriced, no idea about Replay2. Replay2 will be fully open-source though, even the board itself IIRC, so that leaves a lot of room for improvements and cutting costs with 3rd parties.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Now add on all the extra stuff that actually makes the Mister fully usable with all systems it's supposed to emulate. No half ram or partial ram. And Yes I mean a CASE too. No one wants a naked exposed Mister. No card board boxes or shoeboxes.

    And no, I don't accept "3D print one yourself" or "I'm friends with a dhadh Chinese guy downtown who 3D prints stuff for me for free in exchange for favors. Find a Chinese guy who will do it for you."

    I want a fully loaded Mister with a proper case preferably from just one website. Not 10 different websites.

    This is not an exercise in how cheap I can an assemble one and be annoying as possible. I also factor in convenience.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >this homie can't even find his own chinese guy
      They're everywhere!

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Now add on all the extra stuff that actually makes the Mister fully usable with all systems it's supposed to emulate.

      That's the board and RAM, I already mentioned that.

      >No half ram or partial ram.

      No such thing

      >And Yes I mean a CASE too.

      You argued "actually makes the Mister fully usable with all systems it's supposed to emulate", a case has zero impact on this whatsoever. And there are literally hundreds to choose from, you can even 3D print one.

      >I want a fully loaded Mister with a proper case preferably from just one website. Not 10 different websites.

      So you want to try to argue for the intentionally overpriced pre-built systems because you are too moronic to put together like 3-5 interlocking pieces. That or you are intentionally trying to cherry-pick an argument that will jack up the price so you can b***h about it, you $600 trolls REALLY are trying desperately to cling to this aren't you?

      >This is not an exercise in how cheap I can an assemble one and be annoying as possible. I also factor in convenience.

      The convivence of not having to spend about two minutes putting together 3-5 pieces? I assume you are incapable of cooking anything for yourself if something like this is too much of a hassle? Clearly you are rich then if the "convivence" of not having to look at more than one website or spend two minutes of your own time doing an infant-level assembly job is too much for your precious time, just get a laughably overpriced MARS when it comes out then, or buy several of those Analogue systems. Your time is clearly too valuable to use your two braincells thinking of otherwise, or clearly, to even bother spending here if you are that rich and important.

      That, or you are a moronic-ass troll that could not even come up with an original argument than "B-b-but what if I only want to buy a pre-assembled one from a single website!" which has been done a hundred times before and is the same as the "It costs $600!" argument.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >reddit spacing
        >5 paragraphs
        >easily offended
        >holier than thou
        holy shit you HAVE to go back

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Now add on all the extra stuff that actually makes the Mister fully usable with all systems it's supposed to emulate. No half ram or partial ram. And Yes I mean a CASE too. No one wants a naked exposed Mister
      i been doing that for 2 years so far. i dont see what's wrong with that

      Handles up to N64/GBA. Though a handful of N64 games (sadly, a few big ones like Conker) are crashy and Saturn is still in development. The Turbo N64 core fixes some of the crashes though.

      It's a FPGA implementation of the systems, basically, the chip replicates the hardware on an electronic level rather than mimicking it in software. It's basically on par with Analogue systems in terms of being able to accurately reproduce the hardware. It can also natively output to analog/CRTs and natively accept original controllers.

      Software emulation, even cycle-accurate emulation, has additional lag, and would add more lag attempting to do such things like use the original controllers with any PC adapter.

      How good is N64? I havent bothered since I have a real n64 setup, but the compatibility chart makes it seem like even if it doesnt crash, most of the games are still not great

      • 2 weeks ago

        Compared to real hardware, standard version of the N64 core isn't much different, warts and all. But it also has a so-called Turbo fork that runs at a higher clock speed, which has higher game compatibility and all games have a more stable framerate. For example, with GoldenEye, you're not gonna get more than 30 fps but its gonna be a locked 30 all game.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >But it also has a so-called Turbo fork that runs at a higher clock speed, which has higher game compatibility

          From my understanding, that's due to RAM timings. IIRC the N64 core doesn't even use up all of the FPGA and still has quite a bit of room left on it, the issue is more that the I/O pins can't access the RAM fast enough and in a few games that are very sensitive to it and push it hard can crash. I guess by "overclocking" the N64 with that Turbo core it's brute forcing past it. I assume it's more a case of the game finishing processing something faster without having to swap so much in/out of memory than a case of it somehow making the memory access faster.

          From my understanding of what Robert has said about the DE-10 a lot of the limitations and even systems it can't do are not due to the size of the FPGA itself (Though that is also a limit if you are trying to go past 5th gen I believe) but how fast the FPGA can internally process and the speed of it's I/O. Also the amount of on-die memory of the FPGA.

    • 2 weeks ago

      there are consolized mister clones complete with a case coming from Taki as well

  4. 2 weeks ago

    so what's the deal with this? will it emulate all systems through a certain generation or something?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Handles up to N64/GBA. Though a handful of N64 games (sadly, a few big ones like Conker) are crashy and Saturn is still in development. The Turbo N64 core fixes some of the crashes though.

      It's a FPGA implementation of the systems, basically, the chip replicates the hardware on an electronic level rather than mimicking it in software. It's basically on par with Analogue systems in terms of being able to accurately reproduce the hardware. It can also natively output to analog/CRTs and natively accept original controllers.

      Software emulation, even cycle-accurate emulation, has additional lag, and would add more lag attempting to do such things like use the original controllers with any PC adapter.

      • 2 weeks ago

        that's pretty cool. conker sucks dick so I'm not too worried about that one.
        will I have to buy new hardware when Saturn support launches? it feels like this isn't something you can just patch in with software, I could be wrong tho.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >will I have to buy new hardware when Saturn support launches?

          Not unless you want to use the original controllers, no. It's all been software, the only additional hardware that was needed for compatibility has been installing a RAM module, which is almost considered a necessity these days anyway as many cores won't work without it.

          Anything else such as an I/O board or a USB hub is just extras that aren't related to being needed to play games on the cores.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Damn that's pretty cool.
            For 115 I think I can get on board with that

      • 2 weeks ago

        please stop spreading misinformation. most cores are not replications of hardware. they are reverse-engineered approximations of functionality, just like software emulation.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I said the hardware is capable of it, not that every core does it. Also a lot of it is not just simple approximation, it's studying uncapped chips.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Wow, that's not accurate at all.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It's still just an emulation box. At this new price point it would be attractive if it could at least do Saturn, Dreamcast and N64 full speed like most cheap old office computers can. But it can't, so into the trash it goes.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People aren’t ready to take the old computer pill, just let them enjoy their epic gamer box

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Saturn, Dreamcast and N64 full speed like most cheap old office computers can

      Shut up ape.

    • 2 weeks ago

      refurbished workstations are way too slept on

      it's all i buy now that i'm not a habitual g*mer

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Next they gotta make a new crt for everyone.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Still a hundred bucks too much when my PC can play the same games and more.
    >but muh obscure arcade board core!
    Can it run Namco System 12 well? If no then frick off.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >my PC


  8. 2 weeks ago

    I have an old shitty laptop that I use for emulation and pirating.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Can you even still preorder it? It says its sold out.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's because it hasn't even gone on sale yet.

      >reddit spacing
      >5 paragraphs
      >easily offended
      >holier than thou
      holy shit you HAVE to go back

      >Thinks any type of spacing is "reddit spacing" or that trying to being up the reddit boogeyman covers up the fact that he was BTFO


      • 2 weeks ago

        go back.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Kid, I'm from here, before Reddit even existed.

          • 2 weeks ago

            instead of larping, you should be going back.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Instead of being a zoomie, you should kys

              • 2 weeks ago

                I was born in the 80s. I'll kms when I'm good and goddamn ready.
                you will go back. now.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Also born in the early 80s junior, you need to kys, now.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >early 80s
                Holy frick imagine being in your 40s still posting on Ganker lol
                that's absolutely pathetic

              • 2 weeks ago

                Imagine being a zoomie and posting on Ganker

  10. 2 weeks ago

    i'll wait till all the kinks are worked out

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I want an FPGA already to get rid of my albeit soulful SNES and PSX, and so I can play Neo-Geo and Saturn and arcades, because I'm definitely not about to buy a fricking Neo-Geo. nor a Saturn. Release the Sharts or ReShart 2 already.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    part of what makes the MiSTer so good is that it has a ton of add-on boards available for all kinds of needs. Are those going to be compatible with this new Retro FPGA thing?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I believe so, the whole point is to create a drop-in replacement, though I believe it does have a few changes, but I don't believe it makes it incompatible. He's making his own I/O and USB add-on boards that most MiSTer setups use anyway.

      Obviously the other versions that are handheld or superpowered are not going to be 1:1.

      red flag red flag red flag red flag

      How exactly?

  13. 2 weeks ago

    This is great! i will be able to afford one then, so excited to try it as soon as i can.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I bought my DE-10 for $130. You think today's morons will be willing to play with this just because it's cheaper? It was cheaper in 2019 and 2020. Yet they didn't get one because they don't care to know. All this will do is make the people who "make" MiSTers for Profit even more money.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Meh, Misteraddons just had a father's day sale so I snagged a whole kit on discount. I really don't like the "I created the retroid pocket 3+" guy so I have no interest in supporting him or his products.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>>Aya Neo pro>Aya Neo Pocket Air>>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>Ayn Odin 2>>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>Retroid Pocket 4 Pro>Anbernic Win600>Retroid Pocket 4 Pocket 3/3+>>Ayn Loki Max>Anbernic RG552>Odroid>>Ayn Loki>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita


    Pi A13>>KTR1>Powkiddy X18s>>Aya Neo regular>Caanoo>RP2S


    RG505>Miyoo Mini Flip A12>>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X28>Trimui Smart Pro>Anbernic RG35XX PLUS RG 552>Miyoo Mini +>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic Arc D>Anbernic 353ps 351p Pocket 2/2+


    ARC S RGB 10 MAX RG 405V and CFW injected 3DS>Powkiddy RGB30 Mini>>CFW-injected PSP


    Smart Model S>Game Park 32>Anbernic 405M>Minisforum>Anbernic RG35XX>>Revo k101 330 RGB 20S>>MARS>Powkiddy RGB 10 Max 320


    Boy/Game Console R36S>Pocket Boy R33S>Anbernic 353v>Powkiddy v90 Pocket Pocket 1 q90>>Data Frog SF2000>Powkiddy q80>Gamebox SP


    q20>Coolboy rs-97+ multicart>Powkiddy v90 Boy R35S>RG300X>MiSTER 380 Flip>Playdate>PolyMega>Powkiddy a66 rs-97

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Looks complicated, im more of a plug n play kinda guy: openemu, mini consoles or carts in hardware.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    >No Composite output

    And inti the trash it goes

    • 2 weeks ago

      There are analog I/O boards you can plug into it for that

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