Advance Wars - Get in here and play/talk some Advance Wars!

Picrel is some recommended rom hacks curated by a few anons.
>Commander Wars: open-source AW engine
>Tiny Wars: Days of Ruin PVP
>AWBW: Standard PVP

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Like most of us I imagine, I've been playing a lot of Mangsvance Wars lately. Good fun project, obviously not balanced at all. What are our views on the tiers of the COs in the game?

    From what I've played enough to develop full opinions:

    Top Tier
    - Gustav (living proof that even the smallest economy advantage matters enormously)
    - The Twins
    - Pyre (fuel largely doesnt matter, and 1 or so APCs can neutralise it entirely, plus a good SCOP)

    High Tier
    - Tondra (dependent on spamming fighters)
    - Taka (requires a bit of brain rewiring)

    Md Tier
    - Orwell (higher on fog against humans)
    - Folter (very strong on small maps, hopelessly bad on large maps_
    - Misairu (those Anti-Airs are authentic menaces)

    - Ricard (just a worse max with a gimmick SCOP, which is itself a glorified glitch)
    - Alice (ammo matters more than fuel but it's still too infrequent, too suicidal, easily countered with 1+ APCs and nixed by local cities)

  2. 2 years ago

    What's your AWBW elo? I'm at 1200.

    • 2 years ago

      I was slightly below 1200 for some time, recently I fell to slightly below 1100 after only playing STD. Still kinda good considering that I usually play T4/T3 COs. But in standard you just can't make up that easy for being in a major disadvantage from the very start.

    • 2 years ago

      floofie, is that you?

    • 2 years ago

      I've been hovering around 1150 for a while. Every match it feels like either me or my opponent makes one or two huge mistakes and then it devolves into a stomp. But I never know whether it's me or my opponent who's going to go full moron, so I guess that's suspenseful. For example in my last loss, I gave away a battle copter to an Adder sideslipping copter even though I thought I had checked the range and placed it out of position. I guess I can't count to seven

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe one needs to know more details of the match to judge. To me it doesn't sounds like much of a deal because I use to throw out bcops as a bait for movement extending COs to waste their power on a less meaningful turn.

  3. 2 years ago

    >only play awbw twice a week, show up for timer every time

    who else /chessbymail/ here

  4. 2 years ago

    Everyone ignore please

  5. 2 years ago

    Advance Wars Returns' COP mechanic is genius and it makes me kinda sad it will never be a thing in the official games.

    • 2 years ago

      I consider it a neutral trade-off with the regular mechanics, Satan-kun. (nice trips)

      On the one hand, a bifurcating chocie at equal amounts of level allows for more immediately varying tactics, but there's a certain lack of strategic depth from having no bigger build-up option. Do you go for the immediate frag now and hope to push through to an early victory, or do you call a patient one and save up for the storm?

      There's an ideal best-of system that I've had in mind for a long time. I'll put that in a seperate post.

      • 2 years ago

        What has struck me as the ideal system for a long time how has been a fully flexible system. Say all COs have a 12 star metre, and a number of powers that cover all their basics. You would then pick whichever combination you wanted and pay the combined star price for those abilities. Indiidual powers can be doubled for double the price.

        Eg/ Andy has "Repair", which heals 3 HP for 3 stars, "Upgrade", which provides +20% offense for 2 stars, and "Hyper Boost", which grants +1 movement for 2 stars. If you have all 12 stars charged, you could pop a doubled version of each power at once, the strongest combination, for 6 HP restored, +40% offense and +2 movement.

        The system might take a little longer to learn than the current one, but would grant a high degree of grain for fine-balancing the roster of characters and provide new and fitting options that aren't possible with just two powers, whether they use the same charge ala AWR or not. If I saw this implemented in a romhack, I'd be thrilled.

        • 2 years ago

          (meant to type 2 stars for "Repair", making the maths add up to 12 for each being doubled)

  6. 2 years ago

    have you signed up to the open tournament hosted by the bald fraud already?

    • 2 years ago

      Contemplating it. Since it's just going to be a mess-about in any case (Nell is COMPULSORY for one bracket of the tournie? wtf) I might as well just roll some dice.

      • 2 years ago

        >Nell is COMPULSORY for one bracket of the tournie?
        where did you get your info from? as far as I remember it's one round where you can only pick between Flak and Jugger. Nothing about only Nell.

        • 2 years ago

          starting around the 5 minute mark he starts talking about the maps for each round
          1st round is standard, but each one after that has a different gimmick

          • 2 years ago

            Nice idea but the major issue with this is that he treis hard to make a meme out of almost every single round:

            >le based mix baserino dynamic front switch map
            Caustic Finale is based though, because due to the unique mirror mechanic it's still a very balanced map. Plus essentially all ground battle maps are way too rare in competitive play. T4 sucks though because losers will spam Jake/Adder matches.

            >constant rain + FOW gimmick
            yeah, no. Way too early to pull off this bullshit. Such things should only be L8 onwards.

            >mixed base, high funds, T1
            oh, god, here we go! First of all High funds suck balls and all maps of the high funds GL pool are crap. Mix base maps are crap, mix base maps with isolated combat fields are especially crap. And play against Kanbei sucks.

            another mixed base shitter. plus only Flak and Jugger pick. This is where I would leave the tournament if I had joined it in first place.

            First real match in the fifth round. Like I said, I wouldn't even be able to play it because I wouldn't survive the preceding round to begin with.

            High funds, bullshit mixed base match, bullshit random airport lock, >Hatchi, dumb ass pipe circlejerk.

            Seriously, this could have been great but sadly the bald coomer falls for literally all the dumbest gimmicks the game has to offer and it seems like he tries to shove it down everybody's throat on any given occasion.

            • 2 years ago

              Weather effects are kino though, and the only downside to fow+rain is that he placed it second in a tourney that he shilled as for noobs. Having random weather on a regular map (not mixed base) would have been a fine second round.
              He should have eased into the non-standard rounds, instead of throwing a hodge podge of random get ups. Keeping the tourney theme simple would be better too, either focusing more on mixed base + random COs, weather, or high tier on wide maps.
              High funds is a bad meme in every instance and should be shot down on sight.

          • 2 years ago

            Behead those who play advance wars by web.

    • 2 years ago

      500 entrants wtf

      • 2 years ago

        that's still only 9 rounds to play. kinda remarkable nonetheless if you consider that there are about 1000 active players.

        I somehow cannot sign up because it tells me to login but I don't know how. lol

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder howmmany of them are smurf accounts of salty people losing in the first rounds.

  7. 2 years ago

    >(cancelled) remake draws in tons of newblood, but is so shit that it revitalized the romhacking scene
    >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out because they associate with the bald coomer
    >Collabs with both fans for a >500 man tourney and new rom hackers in order to create a rom hack
    and to think, egghead almost jumped off a bridge two years back

    • 2 years ago

      For once, AW received a good ending

    • 2 years ago

      >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out
      explain pls

      Are you the guy who cucked the bald fraud with Jess?

      also why do people call m*ngs things like the bald fraud and coomer
      just to shit on him cause it's funny?

      • 2 years ago

        we call him a coomer bcause he's a horny simp (not that most people itt were any different though)

        we call him bald fraud bcause despite his content is quite entertaining to watch for thirds, he's actually not that good of a player. despite him playing for 20 years he "discovered" some fundamentals only recently:

        >joining is good for your technique score
        >deleted units count as losses
        >how the power/technique score is calculated

        Also he has been making some questional calls on the COs ranking or general play style:

        >">le rapairs are bad"
        >infantry going for a luck hit on heavy vehicles because it's CE

        • 2 years ago

          This isn't reddit, gay, you can just say Mangs.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            wew, I completely forgot about this thread.

            Yeah, basically what


            . Don't get me wrong. It's nothing against manegs, I have no problem admitting that I sometimes watch his stuff for entertainment. Still I think that there is fundamental wrong with society when there are professions like "ytuber", "content creator", "e-celebrity" or "influencer".
            I'm not intending to fuel this crap by promoting any specific instances of this kind. Even if they're providing decent content. Do it for fun if you like or don't - but don't prostitute yourself out for internet fame and advertiser's money.

            Regarding those reddit remarks I just want to say that I didn't dig for info on that bald coomer during his reddit days and only loosely it got to me that he was somehow involved in some kind of a me2 incident. Probably he deserves shit for that but like 90% of people jumping on that train deserve it even more. So I prefer not to give a frick about this entire thing at all. So, yeah, it's pointless to accuse me of redditerism since I don't frequent this site for good reason.

        • 2 years ago

          Mangs before he met Deejus and other AWBW players wasn’t a great player, but things like deleting units counting as loses definitely could easily be missed.
          He also doesn’t believe most of the things he said back then after reaching 1200.

          • 2 years ago

            Man, you serious? I mean like playing for 20 years you'd expect someone to know all the basics right? Like somewhere at a point you'd delete units that you expect to die and you'd realize that your technique score still goes to shit, right? Miss it once, miss it twice, miss it like a dozen times but in 20 years you'd have to notice it at least once.

            And on the improvement claim, maybe he got better and that's cool. But doing stuff because someone with real comprehension told you so does not equal real skills. If you listen to Deejus he also talks a lot of crap (check out his recent 1300 video).
            Also, he's just leaning towards the most opinion of anyone who knows his shit. Like his opinion on Jess for example:

            >M: meah, 10% on vehicles isn't big, -10% on infantry is irrelevant either way
            >D: Jess sucks, infantry important LMAO
            >M: yeah, just realized Jess is shit
            >SF: Jess tanks get 2HKO on cities with 1 CT
            >M: *releases a Jess simp vid*

  8. 2 years ago

    Where should a newbie start in this series?

    • 2 years ago

      It's probably best to start with the first Advance Wars but you could conceivably start with any of them. AW2 and AWDS are very similar just with extra stuff added while DoR is more of a rework.

    • 2 years ago

      Start at the beginning.
      1 & 2 are simple and fun.Maps in 1 are short and the AI can act dumb, but it's a good place to start. No real mechanical changes between them, mostly just minor tweaks to AI and COs.
      Dual Strike campaign is enjoyable but it adds a ton of new features that the AI can't really take advantage of, so the game can feel way too easy at times.
      Days of Ruin has a very different aesthetic style which divides people. Some of its changes to mechanics are for the better, some are changes for the worse. The most divisive game, but I'd reccomend trying it because if it clicks for you then it's a great addition to the series.
      Also be sure to check out the romhacks in the OP

      • 2 years ago

        Good post

        holy... these threads are so dead. someone of you finally post some cringy opinion so we get this thread going by ton of unqualified responses shitting on the one who made an actual on topic post.

        Recons are the most underrated unit on AWBW even in standard, they are pretty much the only unit whose counters are strictly more expensive. Might even be my favorite unit

        any yt channel's worth following beside the coomer's?

        Go7 is the highest rated player on AWBW and recently started making videos and streaming. I don't like his intro but it's interesting to get insights into how he thinks

        >Always stuck below 950 ELO
        Why is it so hard

        Post replays
        I'm 1125 though so don't expect much

        Who is responsible for the maps in the gl pool? It seems like there is zero regular battle maps anymore, every single one has some le funney cancerous gimmick.

        I mean you're still going to end up on wyj maps plenty...

        • 2 years ago

          >blocks your path

          • 2 years ago

            Next you'll tell me to build missiles against air units

            • 2 years ago

              I accept your concession

        • 2 years ago

          here's a truely underrated opinion: recons are better in std than in fog. Recons are good at interrupting caps/preventing the enemy from their designated properties. In std this can be game changing from the very start while in fog it ends up losing a unit for denying 1k income for like 3 days.

          • 2 years ago

            I'd draw the line at better in standard, just because vision is so crucial in fog - i.e. 1hp recons still have massive utility in fog. But forcing tanks to peel off in std to deal with your recon is really fun

            If you're losing your recon and not getting anything for it, you're yeeting it too hard. You want to engineer situations where them taking out your recon means losing their tank (true in std and fog)

          • 2 years ago

            Tanks almost entirely invalidate recons in std. They can move almost as far on roads, move much further on any other terrain and do more damage against all targets.
            Sure, recons are cheaper and can be a nuisance in any game but their vision range is the main advantage they bring to the fight.

            • 2 years ago

              The recon isn't a replacement buy for a tank, it's more like a replacement buy for an infantry when you can spare the 3k extra. I made sure here that I could build my recon and still build tanks two turns in a row. It's awkward for him to go in on my recon since his tank will get first struck on weak terrain, and he can't build a copter this turn without double base skipping (which would be like two free infantry kills). I mean there's an argument for saving the 3k for something bigger down the line, but I like getting the funds to the front line as fast as possible

              I actually think he still could have gone in here, because the ensuing tank chain fight would eventually go badly for me once his copter comes out. And on a side note I don't fully get how to play this map, Hellfire Mk. V. But anyway that's how I like to use recons - they go ahead to "claim" favorable terrain

              I accept your concession

              If we're brawling and your mech is hitting my recon instead of my tanks, that's good for me. My point generally is that anything that can do damage to a recon would much rather be attacking something else

              I'm not a mech hater though. They're just not as cheap as they seem because they borderline require transports. IMO all units are "situational" mechs and recons just happen to be more situational than a lot of units

  9. 2 years ago

    holy... these threads are so dead. someone of you finally post some cringy opinion so we get this thread going by ton of unqualified responses shitting on the one who made an actual on topic post.

    • 2 years ago

      Okay, here's mine: Md tanks are super underrated in a battle with mostly low cost units. They will oneshot or cripple basically everything cheaper than them and are difficult to deal with without your opponent building md tanks of their own due to their high defense.

      • 2 years ago

        Depends. They're not so strong in fog though because they're blind on their own and for slightly less money you can get a tank+artillery or copter+artillery combo which is pretty efficient against Md tanks.

        I genuinely won matches without building heavy unit against someone who spammed them just because of greater mobility, more units and ambush attacks (Neo gets hit by two copters and two tanks of which one on a city).

    • 2 years ago

      2 Base 1 Airport > 3 Base 1 Airport
      Gippy was right, reddit or not, I don't care

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        First of all
        Second of all, the guy doesn't even play PVP anymore since he called out AWBW for being a hodgepodge of AW2/3

        • 2 years ago

          Like anything that isn't dor would matter for pvp.
          As far as I know he still accepts challenges it's just that nobody else plays.

      • 2 years ago

        I read some of his guides and kind of want to compile them off of reddit.
        He also made a damage calculator excel sheet for both old AW and days of ruin

    • 2 years ago

      Meter gain being x1 for defender and x0.5 for attacker is stupid in any game it appears in
      Why should I/my opponent get rewarded for losing?

      • 2 years ago

        >Why should I/my opponent get rewarded for losing?
        Hello, my dear newfriend. The mechanic that you refer to as "being rewarded for losing" derives from the times of Super Famicom Wars. Or more precisely from moving from SFW to it's successor Advancw Wars. The Super Famicom Wars games did not feature the first strike advantage ( something that was heavily questioned ever since the first AW game). By introduing the first strike mechanic, there were concepts developed to balance the disadvantage of the attacked player so that most matches would not effectively end after the very first attack. To try to balance this out there were introduced the CO power mechanic and the powerbar. Of course the CO ower comeback only works if the heavily crippled player receives more charge than the successful attacker (otherwise the CO power would work in favour of the attacker in addition to the already questionable first strike advantage).

        Now of course I can here you calling this bullshit but here is the thing: even with the current system people are complaining that competitive matches are already decided when only one property is flipped.

        So before you complain about this any further I'd rather appreciate you coming up with a better idea to balance out the disadvantage the attacked player has. Surely giving him simply more money would be even more moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          >the current system
          The current system is rewarding CO charge only to the attacking player, as of AW4.

          • 2 years ago

            careful, DoRbabby, you're only on parole itt

    • 2 years ago

      There needs to be more unit specialist type COs. I feel like we have way too many generalist types and not enough specialist, which is why I find AW2 campaign so boring compared to AW1 and even Dual Strike.
      >Max for non footsoldier direct attackers
      >Sami for infantry and transports
      >Grit for indirects
      >Sensei for infantry and copters
      >Eagle for air
      >Jess for vehicles
      There's still room for more creative combinations

      Okay, here's mine: Md tanks are super underrated in a battle with mostly low cost units. They will oneshot or cripple basically everything cheaper than them and are difficult to deal with without your opponent building md tanks of their own due to their high defense.

      >surround with infantry
      >blast with arty/copters

      • 2 years ago

        >map has many tiles with bonuses for *unit*
        >pick CO that has bonus for *unit*
        Wow... such strategy... el gen de la tacticus genius...

      • 2 years ago

        Sami should get 120/120 infantry. Same as other easy to kill is pretty weak for an infantry specialist. There I said it.

    • 2 years ago

      Grimm should've had AW1 Max's D2D along with still keeping his own personal defense debuff
      >175/90 during CO power
      >200/90 during Super CO power

    • 2 years ago

      Mechs are overrated.
      If you have the facilities, two Infantry units are almost always better, let alone 3, if you don't have the facilities, you are better off saving 3000 to afford a Tank, AA, or Copter later.

      Mechs are only consistently worthwhile if they have tons of mountains or rivers to gain a movement advantage over Infantry, some Sami shenanigans, or Sensei getting them through his super.

  10. 2 years ago

    What I found so far:

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't think Days of Ruin was that popular
      Or maybe he's just an autist, idk

      • 2 years ago

        Basically everything he says about DoR being better for competitive play is true. But he's not a very good ambassador for the game. And he's fighting uphill because people dislike the game for reasons unrelated to the gameplay.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it might of been the case of "unpopular when it came out but becomes popular overtime" type of thing.

    • 2 years ago

      I love DoR

  11. 2 years ago

    I made this list of custom units/COs when I was younger (10+ years ago?) Anything viable/cringe?

    • 2 years ago

      Cringe is you posting it on every thread ever.

  12. 2 years ago

    any yt channel's worth following beside the coomer's?

    • 2 years ago

      Deejus' channel is good if you like commentary on matches

      • 2 years ago

        deejus is okay, his content is more on the entertainment side though. Can't really say that I learned anything from his vids.

        Dpsi and Go7 are really good though. Dpsi is more basic stuff, while Go7 is at times really insightful.

  13. 2 years ago

    God do I need to lick Rachel's tomboy navel

  14. 2 years ago

    Dead thread for a dead series

  15. 2 years ago

    Where the hell are the leaks of porn lash from the reboot camp?

    • 2 years ago

      >porn lash from the reboot camp
      explain this in greater detail, i desire to know more

      • 2 years ago

        It was a dumb rumour. Allegedly anninsider who was involved in the project an knew the new art disign dropped some bits that Lash had underwent an entirely change in her appearence shifting her childsih look from AW2 towards a more womanly look similar to DS but with way more curves and bust having an obvious sexualized nuance in her appearance.

        Even if this was true, this ismgoing to be a big fail if they don't remodel completely the entire art. Either it will look comically bad or it will really look hot but then it will be a major contrast to the other characters and therefore look weird

        • 2 years ago

          big if true

  16. 2 years ago

    fricking release it already. I don't care about the game itself anymore. I'm only waiting for the burst in popularity it will create to the game series.

    • 2 years ago

      No thanks

    • 2 years ago

      its not coming out until ukraine wins

      • 2 years ago

        yeah, we have smell-o-vision by then

        • 2 years ago

          My wife

      • 2 years ago

        so it's never coming out?

  17. 2 years ago

    i was grinding co exp in ds for awhile and having fun but then i looked up a youtube video on how to quickly beat a map that took me forever and realized the whole game is based on rng and making moronic moves that the AI responds to with an even more moronic move

    • 2 years ago

      yep that's the single player

  18. 2 years ago

    Will the remake be Nintendo only? Or is there hope of it being ported to PC?

    • 2 years ago

      Its a nintendo product, so no
      Closest you'd get is hacking AW2

  19. 2 years ago

    Do you guys have a main? if yes, which one is it? Do you play your main even if you have to play below in tiers?

    >can't remember her not being highest tier but definitely would

    • 2 years ago

      I don't play often enough to have a main yet.

    • 2 years ago

      When I'm not using Andy, I like to live dangerous.

  20. 2 years ago
  21. 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago

    anyone here does know master kanbei? just now I noticed I completely btfoed him to a degree where he rage-quit in a live match on day 12 or something like that a few months ago. sadly it seems that this didn't make it to his yt channel. lol

  23. 2 years ago

    It's not fricking fair bros
    Why does IntSys love FE, but not AW

    • 2 years ago

      so this is... the power of outsourcing to the guys who made Shantae...

      • 2 years ago

        The west should not be allowed to touch japanese games
        Translations should be done with a gun to the head of the localizers
        Sub only as well

  24. 2 years ago

    did anyone here try building/installing the Replay Viewer?

  25. 2 years ago

    >Always stuck below 950 ELO
    Why is it so hard

    • 2 years ago

      Try playing less games at a time. Also if you're not a brainlet but don't have the patience to sit in front of the move planner for hours play more fog and less standard.

      • 2 years ago

        I only play fog, standard seems super boring. I think my problem is I overextend too much, and try to push on both fronts.

        • 2 years ago

          main mistake in fog is to believe that income lead is as valuable as in std. it's not and you can easily run into an ambush when you try to hold a property that is clearly in your opponent's half.

          Also you have to improve your vision game. Your own vision is less important than denying your opponent his vision.

          The main difference between fog and standard is easily explained on a simple example: if you have two infantry and the chance to attack two enemy infantry that is on ~8hp, in std it would be the better move to attack both 1 on 1 to maximalize the damage and make them useless as shields. In fog you rather want to finish one off to take away the vision.

          • 2 years ago

            btw. t. 60-40% in std an 90-10% in fog winrate speaking

            I am currently around 1100 but dropped because I only played std recently.

          • 2 years ago

            This all makes a lot of sense, and I definitely feel the income lead part. Most games I will I earned less then my opponent, but still won most engagements. I'll try to work on my vision, I need to build more recons, I almost only build my turn 4 one.

          • 2 years ago

            >f you have two infantry and the chance to attack two enemy infantry that is on ~8hp, in std it would be the better move to attack both 1 on 1 to maximalize the damage and make them useless as shields.
            I'm not sure that's true. Unit count is still important in standard and a 1hp infantry can still soak a shot for something else.

  26. 2 years ago

    I have hit my highest GL ranking of 976

    • 2 years ago

      Are you the guy who cucked the bald fraud with Jess?

  27. 2 years ago

    I am now officially a 1k player

  28. 2 years ago

    Where's the AWBW Discord?

  29. 2 years ago

    I just started playing GL again. Let's see how bad it goes.

  30. 2 years ago

    Who is responsible for the maps in the gl pool? It seems like there is zero regular battle maps anymore, every single one has some le funney cancerous gimmick.

    • 2 years ago

      Name some of the maps

      • 2 years ago

        you can almost list every single one:

        >1v1 Normandie
        all bases clumped together, bottle neck to main land, naval transport circlejerk, exposed HQ

        2 base on huge map, bullshit pipe seam in front of the airport, exposed HQ

        >Settles as Still Water
        isolated bases, exposed HQ, blackboat on HQ, naval transport circlejerk, pipe crap in middle of map

        >Vadum of Valhalla
        BB in a pond, cancerous pipes, pointless micro islands

        >Frost Leaf
        oh boy, don't make me even start

        >The Static
        gay ass pipe crap plus pointless artillery, exposed HQ, useless harbour

        >To Athos
        2 base on huge map (which are also way too far apart from each other), pipe crap circlejerk, pointless recon, useless airport

        This can go on forever, almost every map has something that makes it much worse then it would have been if said stuff wasn't there. There are also some classics that have left the map pool. Witchcraft Trials, Rivendell, Tornado Road or Brush with Death.

        Like I said, there's tons of it but I don't see a point in just dropping any more random names.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick pipes, I don't think I've played a single map in PVP or PVE where they're fun to engage with
          At least Days of Ruin had the meteor remove all the plasma once destroyed

  31. 2 years ago

    >You pick Hachi on any map besides the smallest maps or just lose
    >Winning is entirely match-up dependent and centers around Sasha who by far the most annoying CO and is like T0.5 or so (really, Nell is T0 but not Sasha is a crime)
    >Entirely map dependent
    >Eagle dittos are about as fun as slamming a rock on your balls
    >Only the most vanilla of COs in Jake, Adder, and Jess are viable and you might as well just play without powers on
    T3 Chads, who is your main?

    • 2 years ago

      Andy on most maps and Kindle on others

    • 2 years ago

      Kindle and Lash.
      dittos are about as fun as slamming a rock on your balls
      I'd rather not even play tbh

    • 2 years ago

      If they already messed up Sturm and Drake and every AW3 CO, why not just go all the way and restructure them to fit into 2 or 3 tiers?

      • 2 years ago

        Drake’s buff is only defense on his Navel units (one that he should have and only marginally increases his viability) and Sturm’s mix of AW1 Multiplayer and AW2 Sturm are the most they’ll do since they don’t want to do too many changes to characters.
        Though I would like to see the different versions of COs implemented like AW1 Max or AWDS Jess as seperate characters.

  32. 2 years ago

    >turn starts
    >dun dududun dun dun dun dun duun
    >turn ends

  33. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      >(cancelled) remake draws in tons of newblood, but is so shit that it revitalized the romhacking scene
      >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out because they associate with the bald coomer
      >Collabs with both fans for a >500 man tourney and new rom hackers in order to create a rom hack
      and to think, egghead almost jumped off a bridge two years back


      For once, AW received a good ending

      said, much rather the community create their own content at this point than some shit company having their claws on it
      I could say the same for a lot of franchises actually

  34. 2 years ago

    >Advance Wars turns 21 years old today
    Happy Birthday!

    • 2 years ago

      Happy 21 years of survival, here's hoping you get laid to rest instead of getting your mangled corpse raped even further.

      >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out
      explain pls
      also why do people call m*ngs things like the bald fraud and coomer
      just to shit on him cause it's funny?

      >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out
      TL;DR: Discord homosexualry, nothing new
      Couple gays from the "normal" AW subreddit/discord (thats their normal server image, that wasn't from June) got in a tizzy about Mangs being allowed on AWBW and tried to get him banned from the site/report the AWBW subreddit. XenesisXenon (Guy who created the original AW hacking scene from the 2000s-2010s, but trooned out) is a server mod there and Mangs lives rent free in his head 24/7, 365.
      >why do people call him bald fraud/coomer
      Affectionate nicknames, same as calling him the egg, baldy, etc

      • 2 years ago

        Frick, forgot the image
        Ultimately, its just powertripping trannies trying to ban some norwegian from a website they don't even use

        • 2 years ago

          Happy 21 years of survival, here's hoping you get laid to rest instead of getting your mangled corpse raped even further.
          >AWBW gatekept twitter trannies out
          TL;DR: Discord homosexualry, nothing new
          Couple gays from the "normal" AW subreddit/discord (thats their normal server image, that wasn't from June) got in a tizzy about Mangs being allowed on AWBW and tried to get him banned from the site/report the AWBW subreddit. XenesisXenon (Guy who created the original AW hacking scene from the 2000s-2010s, but trooned out) is a server mod there and Mangs lives rent free in his head 24/7, 365.
          >why do people call him bald fraud/coomer
          Affectionate nicknames, same as calling him the egg, baldy, etc

          oh, thanks for the explanations anon. well frick them for that. I'm rather fond of mangs just because I found AWBW through YT recommending one of his videos to me when I was on a random kick of listening to some OSTs

          Do women (women) play this series?

          no, and that's a good thing

      • 2 years ago

        >XenesisXenon (Guy who created the original AW hacking scene from the 2000s-2010s, but trooned out)
        Did he really? I used to talk to that guy on forums after the original AW came out when I was a kid

      • 2 years ago

        Xenesis trooned out? Damn. I used to run a SaGa Frontier hacking board on his server.

        >XenesisXenon (Guy who created the original AW hacking scene from the 2000s-2010s, but trooned out)
        Did he really? I used to talk to that guy on forums after the original AW came out when I was a kid

        Zodiac trooned out too, in like 2011. From ffhacktics. Ton of dudes from romhacking sites too.

        • 2 years ago

          >"there are no girls on the internet"
          >*troons out* "what about now?"
          >"there are still no girls on the internet"
          But yeah, I noticed that too how tons of dudes on hack based communities have done so.

          • 2 years ago

            What crack did to the black community in the 70s is what trooning out is doing to nerds right now.

  35. 2 years ago

    Do women (women) play this series?

    • 2 years ago

      >no story or romance to speak of (sami/eagle barely get mentioned in the story)
      >days of ruin's grim setting and artstyle scared many off
      >barely any options for shipping
      >little to no fanart outside of shitty western artist
      >highly gameplay centric
      >turn based, but not an RPG
      >COs are barely seen outside CO powers, most of your time spent is looking at generic nameless/faceless goons
      >dead nintendo franchise that I struggle to even name as a D-lister
      lmao even

  36. 2 years ago

    guys, im probably moronic but i cant find the enhanced or extended hack of op image

  37. 2 years ago

    >713 ELO
    what am i doing wrong

    • 2 years ago

      holy frick hahaha
      for real though post a game link I'll try to help you out

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          Ok lots going on here. First of all I would say avoid picking Grit until you have some more games under your belt. His playstyle is unique, and he's a fairly broken CO so he's only not banned on league maps where he's weaker. For example that map has 2 bases per player whereas most maps have 3 bases per player. That means you won't have as many meatshields for your artillery

          I'm the recon defender from earlier in the thread, but 2 recons that early is not really worth it. And then you start splitting up your vehicles. You want to have them cover each other, like your arty gets found in the forest and damaged, but imagine if your other arty had been covering it? You could get a shot at his tank in retaliation, and then retreat your arty (preferably so it's covering the other). Your recons would also make good bait to draw in targets for your arty

          By the time you're building mechs the game is against you. I actually like mechs as guards for artillery but they're hard to use. Try to keep it to one, maybe 2 mechs per game for now

          In fog, try to build an anti-air around day 8-11 (rule of thumb) in anticipation of bopters. Resist the urge to use this AA to merc infantry, as strong as that urge is: your opponent will hit your AA with a tank and then go ham on you with his copters

          Oh fug. I'm in round 4 of the Egg Cup right now. I'm playing against fyram, rank 6 on fog and 22nd overall. And I think i'm clearly ahead by a good amount. I'm trying to not play stupid, it's definitely not over yet.
          Pls wish me luck

          I believe in you. Remember that everyone comes to the table with the same tools. Don't get greedy and impatient. Good luck!

    • 2 years ago

      Anon I am so so sorry

    • 2 years ago

      First things first is you shouldn’t be throwing away units like you do in that game. Don’t recklessly throw your units at the enemy.
      Also heal your units, especially your infantry.
      Second, when you play as Grit, Artillery are absolutely better than Rockets. In fact, most of your army should be Artillery and everything else are meatshields or Anti-Air. This may seem to contradict the previous statement, but you want your meatshields all healthy and hard to break through.
      You also want to typically use cheaper units in the death ball with the occassional Md Tank or Bomber.

      Also, get to know what your strong side and weak side are on maps and know when to front switch, typically when your opponent has filled one side that can’t chase you.

      • 2 years ago

        any hope of an release date?

        best of luck m8, bulldoze those redditors

        dude, you just played like 6 games, its normal to get smashed at the beggining, you obviously need more experience and those games provide you with that

        >turn 9
        >he puts an artillery in a forest alone IN FRONT OF AN TANK AND AN RECON
        what where you thinking? that your enemy doesn't check the replay?
        well... he didn't, or else he would have wiped it out outright
        >he does it again
        >oh god, he is spaming mechs
        >compleatly blind on the left flank
        >TWO APC'S
        >no AA
        you surely have some serious work to do

        Ok lots going on here. First of all I would say avoid picking Grit until you have some more games under your belt. His playstyle is unique, and he's a fairly broken CO so he's only not banned on league maps where he's weaker. For example that map has 2 bases per player whereas most maps have 3 bases per player. That means you won't have as many meatshields for your artillery

        I'm the recon defender from earlier in the thread, but 2 recons that early is not really worth it. And then you start splitting up your vehicles. You want to have them cover each other, like your arty gets found in the forest and damaged, but imagine if your other arty had been covering it? You could get a shot at his tank in retaliation, and then retreat your arty (preferably so it's covering the other). Your recons would also make good bait to draw in targets for your arty

        By the time you're building mechs the game is against you. I actually like mechs as guards for artillery but they're hard to use. Try to keep it to one, maybe 2 mechs per game for now

        In fog, try to build an anti-air around day 8-11 (rule of thumb) in anticipation of bopters. Resist the urge to use this AA to merc infantry, as strong as that urge is: your opponent will hit your AA with a tank and then go ham on you with his copters

        I believe in you. Remember that everyone comes to the table with the same tools. Don't get greedy and impatient. Good luck!

        thanks for the grilling, anywhere i should go to learn how the game works more generally or should i just watch replays
        i shouldve clarified too, im coming straight out of singleplayer without much time on even that so im assuming ive got real bad PvE-brain

        • 2 years ago

          Depends on how you like to learn. I'm not sure if there are any great general writeups or FAQs. I think the assumption is most people come to AWBW after playing single player. PvE brain is definitely real... the AW CPU is notoriously insane, doing things like using a bomber to attack an infantry when you have AA or missiles covering (I love the campaigns though)

          Watching replays is good, both yours and others. When I get a new global league match, I like to find a replay between higher level players on the map. That can give you an idea of openings, property capture order, and a sense of where and how the fighting happens on the map

          Plenty of high level players do hang out on the discord strategy channel. I haven't posted there but I hear they're helpful

          There are a number of replay commentaries on youtube. Deejus (top 5 fog player) vids are a good mix of funny and teaching though he can be a little dogmatic IMO. Go7 (probably best player of all time so far) recently started making videos

        • 2 years ago

          General question: did you start with AW/AW2 or did you get straight via AWBW to there?

          • 2 years ago

            i started with AW1 and it pulled me in immediately, playing days of ruin right now and that one's pretty cool too
            the coomer introduced me to AWBW

  38. 2 years ago

    I don’t know where else to ask this but is there or has there ever been a separate fire emblem general in vst that’s more focused on the games themselves? The general in vg seems to be all 3H waifu posting

    • 2 years ago

      There was one thread a few months back
      Would probably have to make one yourself since both /vg/ (except the late night hours when anon post his DLATMOL ironman) and to lesser extent Ganker are cancer to discuss FE

      any hope of an release date?

      best of luck m8, bulldoze those redditors

      dude, you just played like 6 games, its normal to get smashed at the beggining, you obviously need more experience and those games provide you with that

      >turn 9
      >he puts an artillery in a forest alone IN FRONT OF AN TANK AND AN RECON
      what where you thinking? that your enemy doesn't check the replay?
      well... he didn't, or else he would have wiped it out outright
      >he does it again
      >oh god, he is spaming mechs
      >compleatly blind on the left flank
      >TWO APC'S
      >no AA
      you surely have some serious work to do

      Some random Ganker thread said expect bad news, kek

  39. 2 years ago

    Oh fug. I'm in round 4 of the Egg Cup right now. I'm playing against fyram, rank 6 on fog and 22nd overall. And I think i'm clearly ahead by a good amount. I'm trying to not play stupid, it's definitely not over yet.
    Pls wish me luck

    • 2 years ago

      any hope of an release date?

      best of luck m8, bulldoze those redditors

      >713 ELO
      what am i doing wrong

      dude, you just played like 6 games, its normal to get smashed at the beggining, you obviously need more experience and those games provide you with that

      >turn 9
      >he puts an artillery in a forest alone IN FRONT OF AN TANK AND AN RECON
      what where you thinking? that your enemy doesn't check the replay?
      well... he didn't, or else he would have wiped it out outright
      >he does it again
      >oh god, he is spaming mechs
      >compleatly blind on the left flank
      >TWO APC'S
      >no AA
      you surely have some serious work to do

      • 2 years ago

        good luck mate. I beat once a ~1400 player in std although I picked a CO two tiers lower. long story cut short: I had a pretty decent d2d while he was stuck with an epic scop but virtually non-existent d2d. When we both reached the unit cap and I was outmanuvering him by a solid indirect positioning, he resigned with like only 1 respectively 3 dead infantries on both sides.
        Even the best players have their weak matches, so go for it. Just don't be too over-cautious and don't make any stupid mistakes.

        Ok lots going on here. First of all I would say avoid picking Grit until you have some more games under your belt. His playstyle is unique, and he's a fairly broken CO so he's only not banned on league maps where he's weaker. For example that map has 2 bases per player whereas most maps have 3 bases per player. That means you won't have as many meatshields for your artillery

        I'm the recon defender from earlier in the thread, but 2 recons that early is not really worth it. And then you start splitting up your vehicles. You want to have them cover each other, like your arty gets found in the forest and damaged, but imagine if your other arty had been covering it? You could get a shot at his tank in retaliation, and then retreat your arty (preferably so it's covering the other). Your recons would also make good bait to draw in targets for your arty

        By the time you're building mechs the game is against you. I actually like mechs as guards for artillery but they're hard to use. Try to keep it to one, maybe 2 mechs per game for now

        In fog, try to build an anti-air around day 8-11 (rule of thumb) in anticipation of bopters. Resist the urge to use this AA to merc infantry, as strong as that urge is: your opponent will hit your AA with a tank and then go ham on you with his copters

        I believe in you. Remember that everyone comes to the table with the same tools. Don't get greedy and impatient. Good luck!

        Whew I ended up winning! I'm ranked between 1000 and 1100 so he was well above my rank, but I only have 13 or so games in global league. It was super intense, feels good knowing it's something within reach!
        Thanks guys, feels good being able to share this

        • 2 years ago

          Well done anon! Your GL rank is definitely meaningless with that small a sample size

          >AW is dead in official capacity

          >radio silence Reboot Camp
          >still have rom hacks and AWBW to play
          and nothing of value was lost


          So FE is now permanently about boatlights Idolmaster otakushit.

          I wish the Japanese race was exterminated.

          Better that they stop making AW games than have them go the way of FE. If they ever shut down AWBW I'll be piss though

          • 2 years ago

            teach us your wisdom, which number makes your GL legit?

            Not that guy btw. before you randomly decide to jump on him again

            • 2 years ago

              the higher the amout of games played the more precice it gets
              non leauge matches don't get count into that number so you could have smashed hunderets of players in z games and still have a low elo from playing agains smurfers

            • 2 years ago

              >don't give advice to people asking for advice

              >If they ever shut down AWBW I'll be piss though
              I always wondered why they never did pursue legal action against them
              Do they not care that much about AW that?

              I guess. It's surprising given how n*ntendo usually is about legal stuff. AWBW getting more visible on YT worries me though

          • 2 years ago

            >If they ever shut down AWBW I'll be piss though
            I always wondered why they never did pursue legal action against them
            Do they not care that much about AW that?

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks! I'm hopeful I can keep climbing up the ranks and improve my gameplay.

    • 2 years ago

      good luck mate. I beat once a ~1400 player in std although I picked a CO two tiers lower. long story cut short: I had a pretty decent d2d while he was stuck with an epic scop but virtually non-existent d2d. When we both reached the unit cap and I was outmanuvering him by a solid indirect positioning, he resigned with like only 1 respectively 3 dead infantries on both sides.
      Even the best players have their weak matches, so go for it. Just don't be too over-cautious and don't make any stupid mistakes.

  40. 2 years ago

    I wanna see a game mode where units cost credit to resupply. Not just repair, but for fuel and ammo. And resupply units can't resupply infinitely but must return to bases to load supplies

    • 2 years ago

      frick me I thought this was the nintendo direct stream slot

    • 2 years ago

      frick me I thought this was the nintendo direct stream slot

      here's the official™ link

    • 2 years ago

      Mangs is really overeager. They probably won't even mention the Advance Wars delay, they'll probably quietly cancel the remake altogether in a month or two.

  41. 2 years ago

    No word about Advance Wars.
    Remake's been cancelled.

  42. 2 years ago

    RIP advance wars

  43. 2 years ago

    where the frick is the Advance Wars news? I watched 30 minutes of farming game trailers and 15 minutes of other games I don't care about.

    • 2 years ago

      >where the frick is the Advance Wars news?
      its dead jim

  44. 2 years ago

    they better leak the lash design before binning the whole thing.

  45. 2 years ago

    >radio silence Reboot Camp
    >still have rom hacks and AWBW to play
    and nothing of value was lost

  46. 2 years ago

    So FE is now permanently about boatlights Idolmaster otakushit.

    I wish the Japanese race was exterminated.

  47. 2 years ago

    >We're killing this franchise because it's both unprofitable and gamefies warfare
    >Also we're going to C&D anyone making any effort to revive it

    • 2 years ago

      The worst part is that they pretty much intentionally made it unprofitable today
      >Last released game is gritty and serious and completely different tone to the rest of the series
      >Remove the only reference to the series in Smash 4
      >Make almost no references to AW in other games
      >Shit self with advertisements for games
      >Give Remake of GBA games to Wayfoward who has no experience with strategy games and with a game primarily with Male characters
      >Shitcan the reboot with the excuse of Ukraine War, but more likely because Wayfoward were shitting the bed with map sharing and online play and probably got 0 help
      They did the same shit with Star Fox Zero and Chibi-Robo

  48. 2 years ago

    when is commander wars getting a non-schizo ui

    • 2 years ago

      shill it to mangs so he can donate money to it

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like that thing should be better than what it currently is
      >No OpenAW project that has all three games fully playable and moddable with various add-ons, custom games or community servers
      Feel like this is something that should've existed already

      • 2 years ago

        feel like you could expand that out to concept of AW on PC
        >a simple nes era strategy game that's had a sizeable cult following for nearly 20 years and no has made anything that has not felt really janky and clunky

    • 2 years ago

      shill it to mangs so he can donate money to it

      I feel like that thing should be better than what it currently is
      >No OpenAW project that has all three games fully playable and moddable with various add-ons, custom games or community servers
      Feel like this is something that should've existed already

      feel like you could expand that out to concept of AW on PC
      >a simple nes era strategy game that's had a sizeable cult following for nearly 20 years and no has made anything that has not felt really janky and clunky

      that golden age of online gaming is gone guys
      SBMM and MMR on the same crappy map pool is so ingrained into people's minds that they can't imagine a world without it now.
      You have to move on

  49. 2 years ago

    >choked vs Von Bolt because I couldn't resist taking my turn at 2a.m.
    god dammit

  50. 2 years ago

    Shouldn't Rachel be also b& from GL?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes she is extremely ugly.

      • 2 years ago

        I always thought she looked like femboi jake

    • 2 years ago

      for luck reasons? nah it's fine. lucky lass isn't good enough to use in most situations, even 2 turns in a row of it is not likely to get more value than covering fire

      but then I'm on team luck COs should be allowed in GL. luck damage is already a mechanic and the chess club types who cry about luck COs can get fricked

      • 2 years ago

        some on the discord already want luck to be removed from GL games
        just like the no spread homosexuals in tf2, instead of 0-10 added to every roll they just want a flat 5 luck damage applied to every attack lmao

        • 2 years ago

          most of us here are old men. don't expect us to know what spread in tf2 is

          • 2 years ago

            just have to hope the devs dont cave to the biggest tryhard homosexuals, which in my experience they tend to do for strategy games

          • 2 years ago

            shotguns and some other weapons in TF2 have a random offset to where the hits will go. with "no spread", the offset is always the same, turning a close range weapon into a considerable long-range tool since the center pellet will always land in the center.
            with no Luck in AW, moves that could go either way and thus present a risk would instead be reduced into no-risk math games. and that is very boring.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't get why you start play a game and then complain about fundamental mechanics. People who feel overstrained by certain aspcts just should consider either to play less ambitious or just switch to a different game. Same with AW and the luck mechanics.

              • 2 years ago

                Normally I would disagree by saying that luck shouldn’t overshadow other mechanics, namely the “if you don’t like this one single element of a game you should play completely different games” arguments found in several games.
                But with AW the luck element is so small. For most COs, it’s literally just doing 1 more HP of damage (technically 10) and only under the right circumstances. And that is for 1 out of hundreds of engagements.
                “Bad Luck” also only really happens when you let it happen. Like it is your fault for leaving a unit out that has a 50% chance to be OHKO’d.
                It’s not like Pokemon where 1 attack is capable of entirely freezing 1/6th of your entire army unable to do anything for a random amount of turns.

      • 2 years ago

        2/3 of the luck COs aren't even good anyway and Nell is overrated I find. Not piss poor, but not this harbinger of chaos

        • 2 years ago

          Nell's cop and scop are Grimm tier. Would be insane with a move bonus but without it's just hey you get overkill damage, but not enough to 1 hit units

          some on the discord already want luck to be removed from GL games
          just like the no spread homosexuals in tf2, instead of 0-10 added to every roll they just want a flat 5 luck damage applied to every attack lmao

          wow that would be a shame. some people really want to suck all the charm out of AW to satisfy their autism

  51. 2 years ago

    My question is, whose idea was it to even greenlight the remake?
    IntSys was pretty hands off (not getting localized in its own home country, banded the development to American devs, etc) with this project, so who gave them the ok? It cant be solely because AW1 turned 20 that year.

    • 2 years ago

      Million dollar question right here

  52. 2 years ago

    They really just up and made a unit for homosexuals didn’t they?

  53. 2 years ago

    just five more years and I'm BACK

    • 2 years ago

      Will he be released before the remake? Stay tuned!

  54. 2 years ago

    I am almost at the end of the days of ruin campaign (my first aw game) and have a good grasp on the gameplay and strategy. Is their anything related to aw strategy that is not obvious from just playing the game that I should know before jumping into multiplayer or other games?

    • 2 years ago

      Can't tell how it is in competitive DoR play but a fair amount of units works significantly different in the old school AW games, strategy-wise. Don't expect much from your knowledge of baiting and exploiting the ai because it's completely useless against human opponents. However, it still is an efficient training of spacing and using the grid and unit shielding.
      If you want to compete in classic AW I'd still recommend you playing the original games. Other than that you can watch some awbw basic videos on yt.

    • 2 years ago

      Multiplayer is more about unit count and types than cost.
      Bcopters and air in general is an absolute menace in AW1/2 and should never be underestimated, bring AA a turn before you think you or your opponent can afford one. This doesn't apply to Tcopters, treat those as slightly more mobile but weaker APCs that don't cost a factory turn.
      A 1hp infantry is just as useful as a 10hp infantry if you force the opponent to waste a turn killing it to get to kill something else, at the end of the day a Tank needs to kill 7 infantries to earn itself in.
      Don't expect walls to survive if the opponent has a way to 2shot them or boost his firepower with a COP, they'll go for it and your artillery. Plan around that fact and keep your vehicle count high.
      Being down in infantries is still being down in units, make sure to take good engagements when you can.
      If you see three tanks, the best counter is, in manner of affordability: Md. Tank > your own 3 tanks in advance > copter > arti on chokepoint with infantry tarpit >>>>>> shit > mechs
      If you have an income of 19000 or more, consider switching from infantry, vehicle, tank to infantry, infantry, Md Tank OR infantry, infantry, vehicle/tank, copter. Triple infantry copter is also viable if your income is lower, but expect to be fricked by AA if you suicide all your tanks.
      Md tank's counter is an artillery. Don't let it get free shots without making the opponent pay for it. Md tank is also your best way to remove infantry walls, but don't waste its turn if there's better options available to shoot.
      CO powers are strong enough to justify suiciding units, learn them, plan around them, use them. Don't justify playing grimm for this.

      naval sucks outside of DoR don't make bts lmao

  55. 2 years ago

    >IDS units during the final part of DoR are suppose to be automatic
    >uses the same army type as the blue guys
    >black hole land units (besides the infantry) do not have any soldiers in them from the sprites
    IDS really should of had black hole style

    • 2 years ago

      DoR was rushed from what I understand and a lot of animations and assets were reused as a result. There should have been more sprites than just Lazurian and Rubinelle armies. The plot also had to be railroaded and a fifth faction was scrapped as well.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh a 5th faction was suppose to be on the game? Guess that was suppose to be the green faction, though it is interesting how DoR is the one game in which you can place down the black army in the map editor.
        Brenner’s wolves and the NRA having the same sprites for their units make sense as they where part of the same nation.
        however IDS clearly had their own look if that IDS soldier is anything to go by, hell in the first image of the great owl you see aircraft you don’t see anywhere else flying with it, I suspect that’s what the IDS bombers are suppose to look like.
        There was probably suppose to be a lot more COs and he’ll maybe Isabella was suppose to command an army at some point in the game.

      • 2 years ago

        I do wonder what a yellow comet and green earth sea planes and dusters would look because green earth’s fighter is the Rubinelle‘s sea plane and yellow comet’s fighter is a plane like the duster units, so if those units ever come to the original setting, green earth and yellow comet might have to change the fighter look for their COs.

  56. 2 years ago

    How big was the great owl anyways? The damn thing apparently was big enough to paradrop aircraft carriers, and the runway for the thing must of been massive.
    Also why does Caulder need a lab that is several times larger then a city?

  57. 2 years ago

    which <CO> only alt accounts are there?

    >inb4 grimm

    • 2 years ago

      There are Lash accounts since she's (on most maps) the bottom of T3, so if you're tryharding you don't usually pick her. There might be Jess accounts... and of course all the Kanbei and Colin mains :^)

      Maybe one needs to know more details of the match to judge. To me it doesn't sounds like much of a deal because I use to throw out bcops as a bait for movement extending COs to waste their power on a less meaningful turn.

      It was in standard on Lucifer. I was already slightly behind and using my copter as deterrence for his copters. It actually was pretty much the deathblow to that game, otherwise I had been hanging on by being down on income but up on unit count. He interrupted a ton of my caps I got to kill those infantry as a result.

      Basically there were 3 big mistakes: I opened recon but went full back-cap, thinking my pressure would arrive when I was done with secure caps. But it would have been better to send infantry forward to get the contested cities. Then I gave a big hit on an anti-air since I figured it would be fine after his tank hit it, but he also got to hit it with a 4hp tank (actually a roll that he didn't get the kill, but who cares about a 1hp AA). And shortly after that I lost the copter. So I was staring down air superiority and income lead.

    • 2 years ago

      There are Lash accounts since she's (on most maps) the bottom of T3, so if you're tryharding you don't usually pick her. There might be Jess accounts... and of course all the Kanbei and Colin mains :^)

      It was in standard on Lucifer. I was already slightly behind and using my copter as deterrence for his copters. It actually was pretty much the deathblow to that game, otherwise I had been hanging on by being down on income but up on unit count. He interrupted a ton of my caps I got to kill those infantry as a result.

      Basically there were 3 big mistakes: I opened recon but went full back-cap, thinking my pressure would arrive when I was done with secure caps. But it would have been better to send infantry forward to get the contested cities. Then I gave a big hit on an anti-air since I figured it would be fine after his tank hit it, but he also got to hit it with a 4hp tank (actually a roll that he didn't get the kill, but who cares about a 1hp AA). And shortly after that I lost the copter. So I was staring down air superiority and income lead.

      Grimm main
      Kindle main
      Sonya main
      Adder main

      in that order. Occasionally Jess and Sami simps. Koombei obviously hf only. Colin? Is there even maps where he is allowed? Don't think so, at least in competitive play.
      Nver seen a Lash main account. Players good enough to worry about their ranking and therefore making a >only challenge account don't play Lash. The ones that don't care about creating a separate account for it.

      • 2 years ago

        THE known Lash (and Grimm) account I'm thinking of is a heavily suspected Tordread alt called Izaya Orihara

        • 2 years ago

          I always wondered, how do people find out who a smurf account belongs to anyway?

          • 2 years ago

            I think gossip is a big way. The community seems to be pretty tight knit. And a lot of those accounts aren't super secret, they're more about clean records or challenges or whatever

            An actual real way to know is if an account has a bunch of drawn games against a specific player. It's a big no-no to win/lose against yourself because then one of the accounts is feeding the other Elo points. Apparently you can have as many accounts active as you want, and you can even play against yourself up to a point, as long as the game ends in a draw

            I always wondered why a bunch of high level players have so many draws on their record, and I think that's why

          • 2 years ago

            In this case, apparently Izaya Orihara is an anime character and Tordread's pfp on discord is him.

            • 2 years ago

              well that'll do it

              Grimm main
              Kindle main
              Sonya main
              Adder main

              in that order. Occasionally Jess and Sami simps. Koombei obviously hf only. Colin? Is there even maps where he is allowed? Don't think so, at least in competitive play.
              Nver seen a Lash main account. Players good enough to worry about their ranking and therefore making a >only challenge account don't play Lash. The ones that don't care about creating a separate account for it.

              which <CO> only alt accounts are there?

              >inb4 grimm

              There's also an account I ran into and that has some comments on maps called "Uncharted: Jake's Fortune"

              100% Jake with a pretty damn solid winrate

              • 2 years ago

                Somehow inspired by this post , is there any COs you hate guts to go up against?

                As for me, it's definitely Jake. I cannot stand this zoomer Andy. Also in my experience T4 Jake mains are one of the rare truely insufferable c**ts on awbw.

                Close second is Nell's little bawd sister. Her scop is even more annoying that Sturm's.

                Honorary mention is Eagle. Although I generally don't really mind going up against him, there's a reason why I literally never pick him and this is because I'm scared to death to end up in an Eagle mirror (which is single handedly the most annoying match up possible).

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                I stopped playing T0 since playing as anyone besides Hachi is an automatic lose. So technically Hachi but I also dislike Colin and Kanbai. Colin is just Hachi but worse on most maps and Kanbai reduces nearly all damage by half.
                Sasha obviously and she’s definitely boarderline T0. She basically has perma 110/110 stat because of how cheap her power is (made worse since its the fastest charging CO power) and her power is just “I want to play with CO powers on, but not play with powers”. Unless you play Javier or a low tier, you will basically never get your Super Power.
                While Eagle by himself isn’t bad, Eagle dittos are a nightmare to do. Who ever gets their lightning strike first just wins with how devistating it is, so you just end up stalling until you hit unit cap.
                Also another obvious choice in Kindle and coincidentally it’s because of her CO power doing exactly 1 more damage than what you can heal. It’s more managable in Fog but it’s still very annoying
                I’d have to say Sonja solely because of her hidden HP mechanic that’s completely useless outside of Fog.
                Also not annoying but rather makes me shit myself in fear is Grimm on a high rated account. Grimm is usually the worst CO, but because his weakness makes him hard to use. When you see someone with a good rating, you’re going to get your absolute shit kicked in by Grimm since they know how to use him and you don’t know how to fight him.

              • 2 years ago

                >Jake & Rachel hater
                As someone who started with Dual Strike, I cri
                Jake is definitely my comfort pick for T4 but I get it. I think as you improve you start seeing the value of Adder and even Jess on certain maps. I always find Jake mirrors pretty fun but I'm an arty boy

                God I hate Jake's dialogue though. So cringe. I mean I know I'm not treading new ground here but ugh

                Any CO with a missile SCOP. The move planner should be an optional tool to supplement gameplay, not a requirement!

                really? of my first 30 games I lost like 5 and was aroundish 1150. ever since I feel like my game does not improve in any way and I'm stuck between 1k and 1.2k.
                I feel like it's even more frustrating than those who started weaker but make progress 🙁

                Same thing happened to me and happens to a lot of people. You can get to 1150 - 1200 pretty much just by not going full moron, building the right units, and knowing how to brawl. You win every big fight, so you don't really need a strategy because there will be a point in the match where your opponent simply does not have an army.

                Currently I'm at 1140 overall and 1170 fog... focusing on fog now because I keep throwing my standard games. I think at this level it starts helping to have real plan for the map and the CO matchup. If you want you should post a replay, it sounds like we're at a similar level but maybe I can fill a gap in your gameplay

              • 2 years ago

                >Uncharted: Jake's Fortune
                That's Lost and Found, a map designer, Grand League map committee member and noted Jake simp

                Somehow inspired by this post , is there any COs you hate guts to go up against?

                As for me, it's definitely Jake. I cannot stand this zoomer Andy. Also in my experience T4 Jake mains are one of the rare truely insufferable c**ts on awbw.

                Close second is Nell's little bawd sister. Her scop is even more annoying that Sturm's.

                Honorary mention is Eagle. Although I generally don't really mind going up against him, there's a reason why I literally never pick him and this is because I'm scared to death to end up in an Eagle mirror (which is single handedly the most annoying match up possible).

                >is there any COs you hate guts to go up against?
                Definitely Sonja. The hidden HP mechanic just slows your turns down because you need to check the power bars to calculate exactly how much damage you're doing and watch the replay over and over to keep track of every damaged unit. Plus, it feels like every decent Sonja player has some cheesy strategy for the map to compensate for their underpowered pick.

              • 2 years ago

                >Plus, it feels like every decent <CO> player has some cheesy strategy for the map to compensate for their underpowered pick.
                well, doesn't everybody though? when I play a tier down (two tiers for T4) I use every dirty trick possible

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, but at least when you get cheesed by any other CO you don't have to spend 15 minutes every turn figuring out what the ?HP values are (again, it's almost always possible to determine exactly what they are, it's just time consuming). It's also annoying because there's hardly any cheesy strats that only Sonja can execute (even in fog), so your opponent is probably better advised to just play the same strategy with a better CO, but they decided to pick the one with toxic hidden HP values instead. I guess that gives you a better chance of winning the game despite the cheese (and it's almost always possible to come back from getting cheesed in the early game in AWBW, if annoying), but this basically makes the game as unfun as possible

          • 2 years ago

            You can usually tell by amount of games they played and their GL ranking.
            If they are mysteriously a 1000s with only 30 total games, they are definitely Smurfing.

            • 2 years ago

              really? of my first 30 games I lost like 5 and was aroundish 1150. ever since I feel like my game does not improve in any way and I'm stuck between 1k and 1.2k.
              I feel like it's even more frustrating than those who started weaker but make progress 🙁

              • 2 years ago

                30 games in total or 30 Global League games?
                If you player a bunch of game before it would be somewhat understandable, and losing only 5 isn’t too unrealistic.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, I was referring to the GL. obviously, I didn't start with it though. I guess I had a record of like 50 games before signing up for the GL. Although most of it were either meme games or games that ended after like days 6 because people either didn't take their turn, resigned because fricking up the opening or just throwing the game by simply not returning to the game despite being active in others.
                This was btw the only reason why I signed up for the GL because people there at least take their games serious there.

  58. 2 years ago

    I don't like neither max nor grit mains.
    I'm indifferent about olaf and sami.
    Hawk mains are all style no substance.
    btw nerf infantry t. sonja main

  59. 2 years ago

    I can't win any games. Frick this shit.

    • 2 years ago

      just join meme games like T0 high funds pixel art maps. easy wins will come to you if you know how to spam your SCOP properly

      • 2 years ago

        Last time I joined a meme game it was one of those 4v1 tower defense like games with no CO limits. We ended up 4 Nells vs Javier with like a million com towers. Needless to say we were stomped pretty badly.

        Mem games ain't free.

  60. 2 years ago

    Anything new on the horizon? Any romhacks or developments in the online game sims?

    • 2 years ago

      I always wanted an advance wars equivalent of pic related

  61. 2 years ago

    >mangs started casting a n00b game commentary series

    • 2 years ago

      I got a laugh out of that video because of all the bad advice he was giving like how the guy could've boosted 2 infantry with an APC to get a city earlier when they would've been on the same tiles even without boosting.

      • 2 years ago

        >the guy sends two artillerty to blow a single pipeseam, one of which even goes backwards into the backcap deadzone of the map
        >"yeah, I guess that's okay"

  62. 2 years ago

    So what will happen first, will they release that Eagle the lightning guy or will we get the reboot?

  63. 2 years ago

    Kek this fricking game is cursed, nothing but fricking shitheads are the content creators for it

  64. 2 years ago

    Kek, someone should make a rom hack out of this ukraine whole shitshow

  65. 2 years ago

    so uh I poured down hundreds of hours into AW1 as a kid and I feel confused about awbw. Can someone give me a qrd on what to ban and lab units in a friends game? Also is there some vid about unit interaction for my brainlet friends? (They dont like to read)

    • 2 years ago

      When I started playing I remember banning all units from DS. Although in reality only black bombs and black boats have an influence on the game.
      Restricting things to only AW1 stuff doesn't make much sense since pipes are a essential part of almost every map, so you better get familiar with AW2.

      And keep in mind that the COs are mainly based on their AW2 concept. Max blows chunks.

    • 2 years ago

      Play aw2 first. The AWBW community is the dictionary definition of sperglords, do not interact with them if you wanna have fun

      • 2 years ago

        Really? The staff or the user base?

        • 2 years ago

          The userbase, they tend to sperg out if you do not know something they do. They also have a tendency to borderline sexualize their standing in the global league. Think of it like Ganker autism, except that you cannot call em homosexuals or morons.

          • 2 years ago

            t. 750 player

  66. 2 years ago

    Anyone good advices/strategies on how to play stally matches?

    • 2 years ago

      Tech up, Md.s and Neos are excellent for wallbreaking but can also be used to oneshot the shit in the back if you can break without them
      Adquire bombers and use them before the opponent can use fighters
      Adquire artilleries.
      I've never seen rockets win out against mass vehicles, unit count is pretty essential, but if you can afford them it can be pretty strong.
      Try and bait them out to an unfavourable engage by sacking an AA or arti.
      Properly setup to use your SCOP or COP depending on your CO to do a devastating attack. but always make sure to account for enemy's retaliation.
      Numbers are everything. Just because you have an Md doesn't mean you're gonna win if they have 6 tanks and 3 artis vs your 4 artis and 3 tanks. More units means more venues to attack after all.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't let it stall if you have an income disadvantage unless you're eagle, olaf, or hawke.
      If it's early game and you've lost momentum on a front then just leave. Rotate your vehicles to another front and be passive on the stalled front until the situation changes. Chances are they'll rotate their vehicles in answer of yours and it may free up the front.
      Once a match devolves into a stall where each deathball is just staring at the other, it's kind of fricked. If they don't have a clear weak point to exploit then you're mostly resigned to just accumulating unit value and jockeying to be in a good position once your super comes online. Look for surprise sacks. Running your own bcopter into their AA if it gives you a surprise super and wallbreak will let you win deathball stalls in a lot of games. Higher players will wall their AA because of this.
      On open maps don't be the first to tech up. A bcopter-tank-inf buy gives you a lot more to work with than a md-inf buy. It's better to have a wider, more versatile army if it gives you the option to win sides or even eat the flank of their deathball.
      Don't buy rockets. They're slow, they can't move and shoot, value targets can just rotate and the rocket is left in the dust, meaning either it sits as dead value or you have to slow down your gameplan a lot to protect it as it rotates.
      A rocket that only eats inf and tanks would have been an immeasurably better arty-bcopter buy.

    • 2 years ago

      Not only do you keep yourself fortified, but also take your time with each turn. Let the timer go down for each important turn so that your opponent gets tired and decides to just say frick it and charge at you unsuccessfully.

    • 2 years ago

      Related to his question, does anyone have tips for causing a match to stall? I'm good at being aggressive and fighting, but I struggle in situations where I actually want to avoid a fight and build

      • 2 years ago

        You kinda can't afford to do that.

        Though I guess the best way is to just keep spamming tanks.

        • 2 years ago

          What do you mean you can't afford to? I mean if factors like income/unit count/positioning are roughly equal, and I have a matchup like I'm Drake vs. Rachel, or I'm Hawke vs. Von Bolt - my guess is in theory I want our armies to trend toward reaching the unit cap, because when the SCOP's finally come out, they'll only ever have 3/1 missiles, while my power will hit their whole army. Or being Eagle vs. anyone, I figure Eagle always prefers being near unit cap for that huge Lightning Strike (disclaimer, I have literally never played Eagle in a GL match)

          In my experience getting a match to stall works best when you just secure your own properties and sit on them not even trying to make a move at the enemy.
          Also those stally stand offs only kinda work when there weren't any real skirmishes before. If one side gets a serious advantages stalling the match out obviously isn't favourable for him.
          My matches typically stall after killing 2 infantry, getting a 7-5 tank engagement, and - maybe - preventing the enemy from capping one of his properties.
          If you just have to sit and defend, being two down in unit count plus being 1k in income behind isn't really much of a deal. Especially because at this point even CO powers are not a deal.

          t. dancing around the 1200 mark

          Nice dubs. I'm also bouncing off the 1200-12500 ceiling in fog. Theses games are getting so damn hard haha
          >If one side gets a serious advantages stalling the match out obviously isn't favourable for him.
          I might be misunderstanding what you mean. Like if you're up 6k income (big number for effect), why not chill and build a bit? I.e. if you're ahead, isn't it better to solidify your position rather than go aggressive and risk throwing?

      • 2 years ago

        In my experience getting a match to stall works best when you just secure your own properties and sit on them not even trying to make a move at the enemy.
        Also those stally stand offs only kinda work when there weren't any real skirmishes before. If one side gets a serious advantages stalling the match out obviously isn't favourable for him.
        My matches typically stall after killing 2 infantry, getting a 7-5 tank engagement, and - maybe - preventing the enemy from capping one of his properties.
        If you just have to sit and defend, being two down in unit count plus being 1k in income behind isn't really much of a deal. Especially because at this point even CO powers are not a deal.

        t. dancing around the 1200 mark

  67. 2 years ago

    While I agree that having one round that is off meta to catch metagays offguard was cool and all, you still have to make sure it isn't just an autowin for Javier...

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Dude probably upset about Com Tower-reliant maps being Javier auto-wins by default.

  68. 2 years ago

    dpsi made an alt for stall games. so far he's just steam rolling over some boons

    >*day 12 victory*
    >"...yeah... I guess this one was a bit stally... especially in the middle part..."

  69. 2 years ago

    Glad to see a thread here. How do I get better? Yesterday I got served hard:

    I watched the replay and realized that my loss was due to me wasting turns blowing the pipe whereas recons and tanks were having fun but besides that I don't know.

    I'm new on the site, played AW2 and Dual Strike on my 3ds so I'm kinda familiar with the game. I like to think that I'm not completely brain damaged but I feel like that the two other matches I won were not deserved at all, in comparison to this defeat.

    Also, should I try standard mode instead of focusing on fog matches? I figured that PvP would be more interesting in fog since I'm playing against actual humans so it allows for more surprise and mindgames

    • 2 years ago

      post sauce

      You're on the right track watching your replays and trying to understand your own mistakes. Fog vs. standard for, I think fog is way more fun for exactly what you mentioned. You can play fog using a lot of feel and intuition; high level standard players are universally move planner robots

      I actually think breaking the first pipe seam is great, it improves the 2 bases a lot. Though you go for it too early as you already know. The second seam only saves 2 movement for air units, idk if it's worth it. You also did a good job of anticipating copters by building AA

      I think your recon and APC should be built from the more forward of the 2 bases. And the recon shouldn't be your first combat vehicle if you're building it that late. If you want to go recon first for harassment, day 3 is the general rule. Even day 4 is often too late to interrupt captures.

      If you want the APC, you should build that earlier too (before any other vehicle probably). There's basically 3 main openings for most maps: recon, transport (copter or APC), and tank. They're kind of rock-paper-scissors, with artillery first being outside that triangle being its own thing

      In the early tank engagements, you get some good strikes but your tanks end up on roads a lot. Try to fight on defensive terrain and force your opponent onto the bad tiles. You'll get better at fighting naturally as you do it more though!

      Main takeaway I guess would be: build more tanks earlier, group them up, and clap cheekz with them

      • 2 years ago

        dayum, I would gladly let her lock down my airport if you catch my drift

        >post sauce
        I wish I knew, I'd there's even an original. I saw it in a Ganker thread talking about the remake being cancelled due to the war I think, funnily enough it's what made me take an interest in the series. I mean I knew about the airport meme so I finally wanted to see
        >In the early tank engagements, you get some good strikes but your tanks end up on roads a lot.
        Now this I didn't pay much attention, or rather I believe I felt I had to take these negative engagements no matter what because I couldn't just let those tanks roam free. I was surprised by how much Sasha had available.

        >Playing against Sasha as Hawke
        All you can do is pray that your opponent is moronic and suicide his units into your frontline.
        She is basically borderline T0.

        I picked Hawke first, she joined my game and the turn automatically began. I think that instead of the market crash what really did me in was her income advantage, allowing her to build recons/tanks earlier.

    • 2 years ago

      dayum, I would gladly let her lock down my airport if you catch my drift

      • 2 years ago

        lol, Anyone remember that one time Mangs was browsing /misc/ during an AW2 game?

        post sauce

        You're on the right track watching your replays and trying to understand your own mistakes. Fog vs. standard for, I think fog is way more fun for exactly what you mentioned. You can play fog using a lot of feel and intuition; high level standard players are universally move planner robots

        I actually think breaking the first pipe seam is great, it improves the 2 bases a lot. Though you go for it too early as you already know. The second seam only saves 2 movement for air units, idk if it's worth it. You also did a good job of anticipating copters by building AA

        I think your recon and APC should be built from the more forward of the 2 bases. And the recon shouldn't be your first combat vehicle if you're building it that late. If you want to go recon first for harassment, day 3 is the general rule. Even day 4 is often too late to interrupt captures.

        If you want the APC, you should build that earlier too (before any other vehicle probably). There's basically 3 main openings for most maps: recon, transport (copter or APC), and tank. They're kind of rock-paper-scissors, with artillery first being outside that triangle being its own thing

        In the early tank engagements, you get some good strikes but your tanks end up on roads a lot. Try to fight on defensive terrain and force your opponent onto the bad tiles. You'll get better at fighting naturally as you do it more though!

        Main takeaway I guess would be: build more tanks earlier, group them up, and clap cheekz with them

        • 2 years ago

          I knew this bald coomer was based. lol
          Probably still browses here every now and then.

          I like the covered version better but those delicious abs on Jess... MAMMA MIA... I want to lick it badly.
          And holy frick what did they to my dear Lash's ass. Looks very unnatural.
          Would be bad if they gave at least one of the girls more hair. I don't think that shaving down there is huge in the military.

        • 2 years ago

          > one other pic by the artist
          Sad! but thanks anon

          >post sauce
          I wish I knew, I'd there's even an original. I saw it in a Ganker thread talking about the remake being cancelled due to the war I think, funnily enough it's what made me take an interest in the series. I mean I knew about the airport meme so I finally wanted to see
          >In the early tank engagements, you get some good strikes but your tanks end up on roads a lot.
          Now this I didn't pay much attention, or rather I believe I felt I had to take these negative engagements no matter what because I couldn't just let those tanks roam free. I was surprised by how much Sasha had available.
          I picked Hawke first, she joined my game and the turn automatically began. I think that instead of the market crash what really did me in was her income advantage, allowing her to build recons/tanks earlier.

          lol that is hilarious and awesome, welcome to advance wars

          Yeah on day 12 it would be fine to group up your tanks with your mech and arty to set up a better fight. Backing up and giving up a city or two to bait an over-extension is just fine. Below say, 1100 mmr, it is practically guaranteed that your opponent will overextend (cross into your half of the map) at some point. And that's when you crush them.

          Especially your tank that ends up on a road next to your opponent's city, that already has a feakin tank on it... don't ever do that haha.

          Sasha vs Hawke is a big frick match-up against Hawke because of both Market Crash and Sasha’s extra income, especially on most maps.
          There needs to be a large skill gap between players for Hawke to beat Sasha.
          Vol Bolt at least has +10% Attack/Defense to match universal COP boost, and Javier is the only real counter to Sasha (and only on maps he’s good on).

          I mean if you're Hawke, your best option is probably to open recon, delay her economy, and then stall right? Build up enough so that you can take a fight big enough to charge your power in one turn. Sasha can't stall out Hawke's power forever.

          • 2 years ago

            Not every map lets just lets you build recons to stall her income, and Sasha can just counter this with tanks.
            Sasha players can also be conservative with their Market Crashes and use it only when Hawke is getting close to Black Wave/Storm. Yeah, this does mean that Hawke has a 10% fire power advantage not being nullified by Market Crash, but Sasha still has a 10% larger army anyways.
            All the Hawke player can really do is hope the Sasha player is moronic and makes constantly bad plays.
            Only reason why I ever beat Sasha with Hawke is when the opponent would suicide their bombers and Neotanks into my frontlines with Anti-Air and Artillery.

    • 2 years ago

      >Playing against Sasha as Hawke
      All you can do is pray that your opponent is moronic and suicide his units into your frontline.
      She is basically borderline T0.

      • 2 years ago

        VB has an easier matchup but Hawke's day-to-day can carry him through

        • 2 years ago

          >post sauce
          I wish I knew, I'd there's even an original. I saw it in a Ganker thread talking about the remake being cancelled due to the war I think, funnily enough it's what made me take an interest in the series. I mean I knew about the airport meme so I finally wanted to see
          >In the early tank engagements, you get some good strikes but your tanks end up on roads a lot.
          Now this I didn't pay much attention, or rather I believe I felt I had to take these negative engagements no matter what because I couldn't just let those tanks roam free. I was surprised by how much Sasha had available.
          I picked Hawke first, she joined my game and the turn automatically began. I think that instead of the market crash what really did me in was her income advantage, allowing her to build recons/tanks earlier.

          Sasha vs Hawke is a big frick match-up against Hawke because of both Market Crash and Sasha’s extra income, especially on most maps.
          There needs to be a large skill gap between players for Hawke to beat Sasha.
          Vol Bolt at least has +10% Attack/Defense to match universal COP boost, and Javier is the only real counter to Sasha (and only on maps he’s good on).

  70. 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago


  71. 2 years ago

    When does the reboot camp get released?

    • 2 years ago


  72. 2 years ago

    I need advise on the CO pick for the next GL match. I expect my opponent to go with Max. Which T3 + Sami would be best to go up against Max on a small map (2B+A)?

    Map is small and chokey, artillery may be viable. Airport is exposed, so I'm a bit afraid of an airport lock. Despite the small size bases are pretty limited due to rivers and shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Standard or Fog? Any reason you're dropping a tier and not playing Max or Eagle?

      In T3 with 2 bases, Rachel is a generically strong pick. Your opponent won't have enough units to fight without bunching up to get owned by the missiles.

      • 2 years ago


        Also Eagle is completely garbage. You'll never get your SCOP. The only airport is is in 2-days-range of both, your enemy's and your closest base (obviously slightly closer to yours but it doesn't matter). If I try to stall out the game he takes my airport and goes in with max stealths.

        Clearly Max is the strongest pick and considering that this guy is a max main in T2 it's 100% sure I will face him.

        I need someone who can fight back max on a max map. I cannot lose advantage in the early engagements and think that a (S)COP will fix it. Therefore, I think I need a CO with a good d2d.
        Rachel's d2d is a non-factor in this regard. Same goes for Andy because the time that repairs begin to matter, I've already lost.
        Currently, I'm thinking of Lash or Kindle and if Lash had her terrain bonus for air units as well, I would clearly pick her.
        A crazy thought was to pick Jess. Strong vehicles, strong indirects and I actually don't expect that much infantry on infantry fight. Or I could go in the opposite direction and go with Sami to kill off his infantry early and thus take away his shields. Even Sami does surprisingly well with tank-on-tank or copter-on-copter against max if I can firststrike.
        The absolute weirdest thought was to pick Adder, mechspam and keep the power as a threat.

        Max himself is not an option for me because, one, I suck balls at mirrors (in fact I haven't lost all that many games but literally every single mirror) and, two, I can't play Max for shit. I simply cannot play without indirects. I don't know how to preasure, I don't know how to advance, I don't know how to gain field advantage. Without indirects ranging my my lazy ass tanks just sit on cities and do nothing like jannies on sp.
        Meanwhile this guy is Max main.

        Generally I need to turn this into an asymmetric war.

        • 2 years ago

          >one of the strongest COs is actually shit guys, trust me.
          >it's clearly a max map, and so clearly I can't choose max
          >max has such an advantage on the map that I need to downtier because I just do alright?
          >perhaps I'll even use an infantry co on a baselight map
          >no, better yet I'll downtier twice and use a co that has zero d2d and the same movement bonus that max does, or max-lite who has 30% weaker infs and deals 10% less damage across the board elsewhere
          You're overthinking it. You're likely correct that if the map is small enough that max with be able to aggro eagle and keep him from having the vehicle count for a devasating lightning strike, but just suck it up and choose the max mirror. Call it a learning experience.

  73. 2 years ago

    Anyone knows of any good day to day guides for advance wars 2? Following one because I am not that good at the game (nor that smart) and the one I am following doesn’t seem to be correct (and ask you to do the bizzare thing of capturing a city you already own)
    I am mostly stuck on the blue moon mission with the giant ass rocket.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually nevermind, the anti-air unit that would not die in one hit finally did.

  74. 2 years ago

    Alright, made my choice, the game has started. Little spoiler: I completely fricked up because I'm a moron. However, switching radio off now, no further details until the match is over. Maybe I will post how it went if this thread is still alive until then.

    • 2 years ago

      Best of luck.

    • 2 years ago

      Good luck anon

    • 2 years ago

      Okay, the game ended and I actually won. When I goofed up, I meant that it wasn't T2 but T1 actually. Good thing that I dodged Max, although in anticipation I went with Lash for a stally Indirect+Mech sucker.
      Ironically, in T1 matches something weird occurs that I like to call the 'Lash paradox', where although in slight disadvantage against all favourable T1 COs (Hawke, Javier, Sahsa, Van Bolt, the occasional T1 Eagle) Lash isn't all that far outclassed as you couldn't make up with good play. Luckily, my opponent didn't go for Van Bolt, as he is by far the hardest match-up for Lash, but for Hawke instead. D2D this means that I was basically always at least tie with him on ground units and even could get a few good terrain usage.

      Best of luck.

      Good luck anon


  75. 2 years ago

    >feel good and confident in myself after winning some matches thanks to me following some advices here
    >go full moron and get BTFO pretty hard all of a sudden

    How do I win against the adder slideslip?
    How do I learn to read maps and understand when I overextend etc?
    How do I stop suiciding recons into enemy range?
    How do I stop being a brainlet?

    • 2 years ago

      After the first engagement, add +1 to any calculation of movement regarding the enemy base and the frontline. Use infsntry as blockers more effectively. Deploy a CO with a good D2D (not jess). Nullify his mobility advantage by placing units whenever possible in defensive positions.
      >read maps
      Watch replays of maps from players higher than you. Specially both FoW and STD even if all you play is STD. Play more.
      Deploy by day 3 and not latter. Check enemy reinforcement ranges. Do not let it stay within 3 tiles of an infantry if they're advancing (the forest is useless if you can't hold it, recons die faster than inf)
      Calm down and just keep playing. You will get better. I believe in you anon.

      • 2 years ago

        >defensive positions.
        I assume you mean placing infantry on properties/forests or just positioning the units in such a way that moving around would be difficult?
        >Deploy by day 3 and not later
        Yeah this is something I think I realize now, like unless I can use it to interrupt several captures in a row without it being damaged it's pretty easy to get BTFO by enemy tanks being in superior number. But I love the vision

        >your first two vehicle builds are on your weakside
        don't do that. build on your strong side and force them to answer
        >turn 7 letting them get first strike on your over extended tank without a fresh tank in reserve
        sitting on cities is good
        being way overextended and letting them get first strikes with no counter is not good
        >turn 8 retreating your tanks (good), but yeeting your recon into the middle of nowhere with no plan(bad)
        if you really wanted information while risking your recon you should have moved the recon into the forest on the other side of the city and killed the infantry. that interrupts the cap, gets you vision of both their airport and the previous days build on their base. it also requires them to move 3 units away from the front lines to gain vision of the forest and to kill the recon.
        >turn 10
        you did the same thing down south as turn 7, leaving your tank on the comtower with no fresh unit to back it up. your damaged tank you didn't leave on a city for some reason, so it's too weak to do anything in response.
        up north you left 2 inf out to dry. moving forward with some units and away with other units just gives your opponent free hits

        By day 12 you've lost their comtower and you haven't even captured your own com tower.
        On day 14 after his power you're at half his unit value and in no position to fight his neo, but you advance anyways. In fog you can't see his unit count and value on the sidebar, but if you check menu > stats you'll be able to see that he's up 40k in kill value and will be ahead in vehicle count. Fall back at that point and consolidate your forces, force him to overextend into your bomber and reinforcements.

        Before you start a map, look at it to determine which areas you're strong in, and which areas you're weak in. Even though the map looks like a left vs right, the fronts are not a vertical line through the middle. Let your opponent push into your weak side while you focus on your strong side.

        >In fog you can't see his unit count and value on the sidebar, but if you check menu > stats you'll be able to see that he's up 40k in kill value and will be ahead in vehicle count. Fall back at that point and consolidate your forces, force him to overextend into your bomber and reinforcements.
        I realized that I had been losing more valuable units than him, but didn't know it was possible to actually check down to the value detail and count how much I lost with this tool, thanks. Some matches really left me hanging wondering if I was doing good/bad and often turns out I was winning the entire time.

        >Fall back at that point and consolidate your forces, force him to overextend into your bomber and reinforcements.
        I actually thought of completely pulling back at that point. I had a rough idea that he was ahead of me, so my reasoning was to not let him snowball the advantage he had since I lost a lot of units already, thinking I could salvage the situation by taking good engagements. I was also ahead one property (literally counted during the match) as well so I thought I could like outfund him eventually. That didn't work well kek 1000g isn't enough to feel confident.

        Thanks for the lengthy reply and explanations anons, now it looks a little clearer. Especially about the strong/weak side thing, I find it easier to recognize those on maps with 3 bases

    • 2 years ago

      >your first two vehicle builds are on your weakside
      don't do that. build on your strong side and force them to answer
      >turn 7 letting them get first strike on your over extended tank without a fresh tank in reserve
      sitting on cities is good
      being way overextended and letting them get first strikes with no counter is not good
      >turn 8 retreating your tanks (good), but yeeting your recon into the middle of nowhere with no plan(bad)
      if you really wanted information while risking your recon you should have moved the recon into the forest on the other side of the city and killed the infantry. that interrupts the cap, gets you vision of both their airport and the previous days build on their base. it also requires them to move 3 units away from the front lines to gain vision of the forest and to kill the recon.
      >turn 10
      you did the same thing down south as turn 7, leaving your tank on the comtower with no fresh unit to back it up. your damaged tank you didn't leave on a city for some reason, so it's too weak to do anything in response.
      up north you left 2 inf out to dry. moving forward with some units and away with other units just gives your opponent free hits

      By day 12 you've lost their comtower and you haven't even captured your own com tower.
      On day 14 after his power you're at half his unit value and in no position to fight his neo, but you advance anyways. In fog you can't see his unit count and value on the sidebar, but if you check menu > stats you'll be able to see that he's up 40k in kill value and will be ahead in vehicle count. Fall back at that point and consolidate your forces, force him to overextend into your bomber and reinforcements.

      Before you start a map, look at it to determine which areas you're strong in, and which areas you're weak in. Even though the map looks like a left vs right, the fronts are not a vertical line through the middle. Let your opponent push into your weak side while you focus on your strong side.

  76. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >teasing Nell about being a cake and a hag

      >d2d repairs 1 more hp than usual
      >cop makes her like her sister for a day
      >scop just drops 3 varying nukes on the enemy
      Her toolkit has no synergy or themeing at all and shes FLAT too

      >Rachel's navel
      belly erotic

  77. 2 years ago

    >DiscoDave is still around
    based. I wish I had this guy's spirit.

  78. 2 years ago

    Well in the yellow comet factory mission adder just screw himself over by not moving his medium tank at all resulting in the factory getting clogged so it became extremely easy to S rank.

    • 2 years ago

      Lucking out with the AI like that is what you have to hope for if you don't want those missions to be hell.

      • 2 years ago

        Especially when the AI isn’t doing what I want it too (which makes following a day to day guide hard when the AI deciding to do something else or gets lucky with the damage)
        Well good thing I am not doing an S-rank run on my first time through the game seeing how many points COs and their colors cost (that and you also have to buy the sound room and the hard campaign as well) which means I have to go through the game multiple times, plus I still have to get used to the game (as DoR was my first advance wars so I keep thinking battleships can move and attack in the same turn which would of made some missions impossible to beat)

  79. 2 years ago

    >d2d repairs 1 more hp than usual
    >cop makes her like her sister for a day
    >scop just drops 3 varying nukes on the enemy
    Her toolkit has no synergy or themeing at all and shes FLAT too

    • 2 years ago

      >all COs have alternate outfits
      >we could of has both advance wars 1 and 2 sturm
      Another missed opportunity by having sturm not be in advance wars DS (I mean sure he got killed at the end of 2, he could of be a secret CO to unlock for VS and you could just use cloning to justify why he is still in the game) I mean a CO tag team of sturm and con bolt would probably be a better final boss. Plus imagine the power of a sturm mega tank? Though the question is would he still be overpowered with how fricking broken the new COs and tag system were?

      • 2 years ago

        >120/120 with move cost = 1

      • 2 years ago

        AW2 Sturm be even more broken with the new coom tower and changes to snow. He’d also be Kanbei without the extra costs since Kanbei is back to 120/120 stats.

        • 2 years ago

          how does snow work?

          • 2 years ago

            Snow doesn't reduce movement, it instead doubles fuel consumption for two turns. Olaf was strong in aw2 and got turned into a jobber in DS

            • 2 years ago

              kek, is that true? who the frick thought this would be a good idea? old man got absolutely wienerblocked

              • 2 years ago

                Even more humiliating is that lash, the girl that destroyed his hometown got to join the good guys and get away with everything in DS.

            • 2 years ago

              It makes running a tag power with olaf and drake synergise quite well though.
              You deal 4hp of damage, drain half their fuel and then the double fuel consumption on top of that means that enemy units are at serious risk of running out of fuel.

            • 2 years ago

              Even more humiliating is that lash, the girl that destroyed his hometown got to join the good guys and get away with everything in DS.

              >Olaf Cuckitini

        • 2 years ago

          >120/120 with move cost = 1

          The scary thing is we already seen what sturm would be like if he had access to mega tanks and com towers through the likes of Tabitha from DoR, just imagine said CO with the ability to move though terrain and without the limits of the CO zone and you would get what sturm would be like in DS.

  80. 2 years ago

    >AWBW buffs Drake and does a bunch of changes to Sturm to rebalance him
    >Sonja still hasn’t changed
    I get that they don’t want to balance every CO so it’s closer to the original game, but fricking christ Sonja has 0 reason to have -10% luck and hidden HP stats.
    Every other CO who have damage pentalties actually make somewhat sense. Sonja’s 150 Firepower bonus is already balanced out by only applying to counterattacks. She doesn’t need to be doing about 10% less damage.
    And her hidden HP is just completely annoying. Not only does it literally do nothing in the original game since you can just turn on battle animations, but you also have replay function in the site itself. In standard, all it means is that your opponent has to watch the replay of the game and track down damage dealt (since it still shows you the damage rolls you deal to each hit anyways and after playing a while you get to know certain damage numbers by heart). At best, this is marginally useful in FoW and against new players on live matches. Even in places where it isn’t countered by simplying keeping track of her unit’s HP themselves with replays and moveplanner, this would-be slight advantage can be countered by knowing damage numbers.
    For the love of God, remove bad luck and hidden HP on Sonja. She really needs it.

    • 2 years ago

      also because the AI can see through the fog, she is really only useful against real players and not the AI.
      Also why does Sonja have a bad luck status anyways? isn't she like yellow comet's smart girl?

      • 2 years ago

        the joke is that despite all her genius and planning that there is still something out of her control

        • 2 years ago

          Feels like she should have some good luck to balance that out.

  81. 2 years ago

    Well I am on the last mission of black hole rising, any advice and suggestions for it?
    also I feel like I could of done better then I actually did on the green earth mission (like realizing I made a mistake when it is too late so a unit gets killed or keep making stupid moves, or become too focus on one front that i forgot about an air unit that then crashes)

    • 2 years ago

      >any advice and suggestions for it?
      CO picks? Don't listen to brainlet moron who tell you to pick Max and Colin. Easiest way to score 300 is with Kanbei and Grit.

      I assume you mean the final mission on easy though. No shame in picking Kanbei there since it's much harder to perfect score than the final mission on the hard campaign.

      • 2 years ago

        > I assume you mean the final mission on easy though.
        Well seeing how This is my first play through of AW2, it is the east version.
        Though I can see why Kanbei is a good choice as his strong units are strong enough to go against sturm’s and there is quite a few properties around, though his Meteor Strike‘s are probably the main issue.
        >Don't listen to brainlet moron who tell you to pick Max and Colin.
        I guess it’s because his units are the cheapest.
        Also I am not going through a S-rank run right now but will next the next run considering I messed up some of the ranks for the first few missions and I already ran out of points to spend on the shop, so I probably don’t have the currency to buy the hard mode, the black hole COs, the sound room or anything else I unlock. Note I haven’t tried the war room yet and I don’t know if you can get points form that.

      • 2 years ago

        Would using massive amounts of artillery and rockets as grit work too?

      • 2 years ago

        Well I just finished it, got an overall A-rank campaign, now for me to do an S-rank run to unlock sturm. Also holy shit the black hole COs are expensive.

        • 2 years ago

          well, done. buy Nell.

          Would using massive amounts of artillery and rockets as grit work too?

          If you plan on s-rank (or even 300) the mission in the future, I figured out the best strat is to play Grit in the middle and Kanbei on the side. Then there's still two possible ways to play which both work: either you decide to fight with Grit in the middle and draw Sturm's forces away from the flanks or you move your shtooff towards Kanbei. In the latter case consider that Grit moves first and then Kanbei. Means you clear the way with grit artillery and then move forward with Kanbei's foot soldiers to shield Grit units.

          • 2 years ago

            > well, done. buy Nell.
            I will after my next run of the campaign do to how expensive she and the black hole COs, hard mode and the sound room are, of course with her unlocked I just need to unlock sturm and Hachi.
            >If you plan on s-rank (or even 300) the mission in the future, I figured out the best strat is to play Grit in the middle and Kanbei on the side.
            Ah so Kanbei is the shield and grit is the gun. Which Army is scored for power and technic?
            I also learn you can actually clog up the sturm’s left units with a T-copter if he decides to built his first B-copter I’m one of his middle bases as the units he builds on the sides have to move through a one space, not only did this prevent my left side from gettign overwhelmed but sturm is wasting his unit cap and money by building units over there (and once his units stop in front of the T-copter blocking their way, they seem to not want to move, not to even let AA unit like a fighter get close, it’s pretty funny to watch)
            Should I try doing that again?
            >In the latter case consider that Grit moves first and then Kanbei. Means you clear the way with grit artillery and then move forward with Kanbei's foot soldiers to shield Grit units.
            So girt on the middle and Kanbei on the side? Probably use max, Andy, or eagle on the other side? Though I find that sensei and Sami can clog up those areas with t-copters the fastest.
            Probably need to create a cluster of throwaway units to attract the Meteor strikes.

            • 2 years ago

              >Which Army is scored for power and technic?
              For calculating the score only the CO who finishes off the laser is taken into account. This is why people like playing Eagle because 1) he can finish the laser with one bomber hit and 2) Lightning Strike for the power score.
              Last time I tried this I didn't even get the power charge for LS so I ended up doing it with Kanbei SS.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah thanks, so basically just make sure the CO i plan on nuking the laser gets the most kills and survives got it.
                Also I did pretty badly on the green earth factory mission, any suggestions for that one (other then the fact that yellow comet is suppose to shoot at the pipe with a rocket)
                and is there any missions that are OK for me to skip?
                Also how does the game rank your overall campaign S-rank?

              • 2 years ago

                >any suggestions for that one (other then the fact that yellow comet is suppose to shoot at the pipe with a rocket)
                Not really. Except for the one in Blue Moon factory missions suck and you have to cheese them out. When I played this mission in total domination I barely managed an S-rank but never a perfect 300 despite re-loading and re-playing countless times.
                Regarding CO picks I'm usually going with Eagle who is the default choice here. But there is also strategies involving Drake and spam his cop. The reason is that his land units will easily clog up the narrow pass and basically only his air units matter which will on this huge ass map run very fast out of fuel.

                >Also how does the game rank your overall campaign S-rank?
                I'm not going to pretend that I know for sure. But I think it's simply the average score of all missions (note that the rank labels S, A, B, etc are just thresholds to surpass with your score)

                >and is there any missions that are OK for me to skip?
                not sure if you mean this score-wise? I'm pretty sure skipped missions do not ruin your overall campaign score. I assume they are simply not taken into account.
                I don't see actually any point in skipping missions unless you really hate them or you're doing some weire challenge run. I mean if you do the math and consider that you score 300 in 29 of 30 missions and an impossible 0 in the last it's still 290 average overall thus S-rank.
                The only advise I can give here is to re-play easy missions until you get a perfect score early in the game so you can compensate 3-4 A/B ranks later.

              • 2 years ago

                > the math and consider that you score 300 in 29 of 30 missions and an impossible 0 in the last it's still 290 average overall thus S-rank.
                The only advise I can give here is to re-play easy missions until you get a perfect score early in the game so you can compensate 3-4 A/B ranks later.
                Well I got a prefect 300 score on the organize star missions, A prefect 300 score on all of the blue moon missions except for the lab mission (only 2 points from being a prefect 300) and I skipped the 2-weeks trial, got imperfect S-ranks on the yellow comet missions I payed (skipped the fortress fog of war mission thus the lab mission too), an A-rank on the factory mission for yellow comet and drakes dilemma (cannot figure out how to get drake to do enough damage, still better then the be rank I got) and a prefect S-rank score on sea fortress. How am I doing?

              • 2 years ago

                I looked at another conversation on a forum about how the campaign scores you, apparently it adds your total score up then divide it based on the amount of missions you play.

              • 2 years ago

                Don’t forget that air units have a lot of movement range so they are able to get past the black cannons or even kill them.

  82. 2 years ago

    So how would war worlds CO handle if you where to port them over to days of ruin’s CO system?

    • 2 years ago

      with no change at all? probably would break the entire system wide open on large maps, mbut be manageable on smaller ones. with some minimal change to make them fit the formula? will be the most underpowered thing unless the numbers get touched up too. but i'm no balance expert, so all this is just approximation.

      • 2 years ago

        It probably would be a massive nerf to a lot of COs because they do have weaknesses unlike the DOR COs, of course penny’s immunity to weather being applied to all units regardless of the CO zone would probably be applied to COs like Olaf. Of course if the DoR and War world Cos were in the same game, both sets probably would require modifieds so they don’t end up similar like penny and Olaf would be.
        Also imagine fighting a Sonja with access to flares, probably might of been the one unit that gets a boost from her.
        And imagine fighting a grit with access to anti-tanks and battleships that can move and fire at the same time?
        Sturm probably would play somewhat similar to Tabitha just with the ability to ignore Terrain and possibly given an Actual CO zone unlike her (though I think Tabitha’s defense and attack boosts are higher)

        • 2 years ago

          Sturm is only 130/130 right? Lin already has this minus the terrain ignoring bonus. He'd actually be more balanced in DoR because of the new mechanics to Atk and Def essentially counteracting eachother instead of being isolated stats. It's why despite brenner having 110/130 units with radius 3 out of the gate is only A tier and not completely broken like tabitha's 180/180 single unit. You could have Wars World COs at their stongest like AW1 Max or AWDS Jess with their Radii being their normal CO power bar cost (eg 3 stars = 3 radius, 4+ stars = less radius with exceptions like olaf, 2 star = 4 or 5 depending on who it is) and they'd be completely fine, with any negatives to their army being global.

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting, so basically the CO zone system would balance the old COs even at there strongest probably because only a few units gets boosted.
            I think Collin and hachi might not be effected by the change as their powers have more to do with cheaper units plus CO powers spread the zone across the map.
            > It's why despite brenner having 110/130 units with radius 3 out of the gate is only A tier and not completely broken like tabitha's 180/180 single unit.
            The scary thing is, the only thing keeping Tabitha in check is the CO zone system itself and her zone started out as zero.
            >You could have Wars World COs at their stongest like AW1 Max or AWDS Jess with their Radii being their normal CO power bar cost (eg 3 stars = 3 radius, 4+ stars = less radius with exceptions like olaf, 2 star = 4 or 5 depending on who it is) and they'd be completely fine, with any negatives to their army being global.
            That’s a good way of translating that over, of course because DoR COs only have normal COs powers, the old COs would probably go back to just having their Advance wars 1 powers (so just their normal powers, though sturm and Eagle would have their super powers as they had those as their normal in 1)
            Of course with the advance wars 2 and DS COs, it’s hard to tell who would have their CO power or super CO power be their only power on the transfer. The again we already do have COs without any powers so maybe they would get to use both.
            Though with the new units of the sea planes and dusters looking like the fighters of green earth and yellow comet, Their fighters might be changed to being German and Japanese fighters respectively.
            Of course who knows how well the old COs would work with the DoR units or the units that were changed.

          • 2 years ago

            >Sturm is only 130/130 right?
            Sturm is 120/120 in AW2. Also the way damage is calculated in DoR every CO that relies on high defense would suck donkey balls.

            > the math and consider that you score 300 in 29 of 30 missions and an impossible 0 in the last it's still 290 average overall thus S-rank.
            The only advise I can give here is to re-play easy missions until you get a perfect score early in the game so you can compensate 3-4 A/B ranks later.
            Well I got a prefect 300 score on the organize star missions, A prefect 300 score on all of the blue moon missions except for the lab mission (only 2 points from being a prefect 300) and I skipped the 2-weeks trial, got imperfect S-ranks on the yellow comet missions I payed (skipped the fortress fog of war mission thus the lab mission too), an A-rank on the factory mission for yellow comet and drakes dilemma (cannot figure out how to get drake to do enough damage, still better then the be rank I got) and a prefect S-rank score on sea fortress. How am I doing?

            Sounds good. If you know exactly what your score was in the previous missions you can always check how you're doing by considering that with 30 missions played you can drop up to 600 points over the entire campaign.

            • 2 years ago

              > Sounds good. If you know exactly what your score was in the previous missions you can always check how you're doing by considering that with 30 missions played you can drop up to 600 points over the entire campaign.
              Thanks! For two of the yellow comet missions I did get a prefect 300-S rank though not surprising as Sonja had artillery protected by mountains, so lash has no way to fight back except with her one artillery.
              Anyways since on the a volcano mission and on navy vs air I got prefect S-ranks, though I got a B rank on the Great Sea Battle (C rank last time), I think it would be higher if Hawke didn’t keep sending infantry at yellow comet thus holding up the rockets.
              > If you know exactly what your score was in the previous missions you can always check how you're doing by considering that with 30 missions played you can drop up to 600 points over the entire campaign.
              Well I bought the sound room which is 5000 (expensive for something that allows you listen to the game’s music) and current have above 3100 points currently, so I need to prefect S-rank the next mission if I want to buy sturm immediately after unlocking him (he is 4000 points right?)

            • 2 years ago

              > Sounds good. If you know exactly what your score was in the previous missions you can always check how you're doing by considering that with 30 missions played you can drop up to 600 points over the entire campaign.
              Thanks! For two of the yellow comet missions I did get a prefect 300-S rank though not surprising as Sonja had artillery protected by mountains, so lash has no way to fight back except with her one artillery.
              Anyways since on the a volcano mission and on navy vs air I got prefect S-ranks, though I got a B rank on the Great Sea Battle (C rank last time), I think it would be higher if Hawke didn’t keep sending infantry at yellow comet thus holding up the rockets.
              > If you know exactly what your score was in the previous missions you can always check how you're doing by considering that with 30 missions played you can drop up to 600 points over the entire campaign.
              Well I bought the sound room which is 5000 (expensive for something that allows you listen to the game’s music) and current have above 3100 points currently, so I need to prefect S-rank the next mission if I want to buy sturm immediately after unlocking him (he is 4000 points right?)

              A-rank the first mission against sturm, would of been an S if I remembered to moved grits battleship two turns ago.

  83. 2 years ago

    Mongs has a new account?

  84. 2 years ago

    Why does the remake have 3D models instead of sprites? I mean advance wars was sprite based and wayforward as far as I can tell never done any 3D model games.

    • 2 years ago

      I assume you mean the gameplay look not the CO animations during dialogue and stuff? Looks to me like whoever was responsible for the decision tried to model it after the Battalion Wars games.

      My dream is to make Advanced Wars inspired indie game.
      Do you think at least 100 people would buy something like that if I charge 5€ on Steam?

      Probably. Question is that if you make an entire game and are worried to even reach the 100 copies, why don't you just give it away for free instead? I don't know your situation but you can't be that dependant of these 500 eurobucks.

      • 2 years ago

        it is more that I place value my time and want some validation for it, rather making a profit.

        I have made several small games for free, and I feel like time was wasted. So, I'm not going to it anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      because the entire remakewasn't made by Nintendo, but rather got handed off to Wayforward, who obviously don't really care about this project

  85. 2 years ago

    My dream is to make Advanced Wars inspired indie game.
    Do you think at least 100 people would buy something like that if I charge 5€ on Steam?

    • 2 years ago

      I mean I bought wargroove so yeah I would

    • 2 years ago

      So you're planning to develop it alone in two days or what?

      • 2 years ago

        clearly not, why would you assume that?
        are you implying I should charge more than 5€?

    • 2 years ago

      There was that AW with cowboys on Android, but now I cannot find it

      • 2 years ago

        >AW with cowboys on Android
        It and Strategery 2012 ( are probably the closest to playing like genuine AW with the mechanics and all (theming and motifs aside). Wargroove got too messy at times and COs sucked.
        Super Combat Squadron was a nice RTS styled AW clone, but it sadly became abandonware
        Now the real question is whether or not this will release before the remake:

  86. 2 years ago

    Any news on the re-boot camp?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      scrapped and is currently being remade fully, like the sonic movie after the first trailer with the ugly face

  87. 2 years ago

    When I heard that Sturm's units ignore terrain, I don't know why but for some reason I thought that his units could go literally everywhere, like a tank crossing the ocean on it's own or a battleship on land.

  88. 2 years ago

    Are there any AWBW maps that Sturm's terrain-gliding dominates?

    • 2 years ago

      Anything with low amount of roads and high amount of forest.

    • 2 years ago

      compared to what? I mean it's hard to find a map where Sturm's lower terrain cost don't give him a significant advantage.
      Generally with Sturm you have to gain the upper hand in the early game. As a the game proceeds and both players end up with their own properties, the terrain cost d2d becomes less and less significant.

      Also his 80/120 aren't that overpowered as people say unless he parks his units on properties. Getting a first strike, you'll almost guaranteed come out on top because 80 defense on a counter attack with a wounded unit sucks troony balls.

  89. 2 years ago

    Cool video

  90. 2 years ago

    I'm happy that this thread lasted this long
    Goes to show you that at least someone cares about this franchises 3 decades worth of...survival

    • 2 years ago

      Its hilarious how cursed this franchise is whereas fire emblem was also on the brink of death a decade back, but now gets content regularly at the cost of its fanbase becoming insufferaby shattered and mindbroken beyond repair.

      • 2 years ago

        >AW becoming like the FE fanbase
        Maybe it's for the best that Advance Wars died...

  91. 2 years ago

    Where do I find the advanced war extended and enhanced hacks? I cant find them anywhere.

  92. 1 year ago

    I don’t understand why there’re so many hate comments on the AWBW Global League maps. Why they dont choose map that every love ?

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