Against The Storm

Come embark on a new settlement. Blightrot rework part 2 just dropped featuring all new water mechanics, more events, and balance changes.
>not rolling a blueprint for a building that makes planks
>harpies leaving your settlement in the first fricking year
>living matter
>running out of wood
>running out of food
>taking the +2 to reed production cornerstone and then never finding a reed field for the entire rest of the game
>can't afford to buy that thing you really need from the trader
>where the frick is the fertile soil I've opened two glades already
>Fungal Guide cornerstone in the mushroom biome
>lazy workers immediately take a break instead of working on the glade event that will kill your entire settlement
>double food consumption
>goods worth 50% less
>double luxuries consumption

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    How does corruption work if you're not using rainpunk? I got blightBlack personed.

    • 1 year ago

      >new events can give you blight
      >prestige 2+ gives you blight every 3 drizzle seasons
      and i think thats it

  2. 1 year ago

    If you've unlocked Harpies then you also now have the option to vote for the next species to be added to the game. Your options are
    >frogs, must be Zhorg's species, "resilient and strong"
    >bats, love brawling and luxury
    What will you choose anon?

    • 1 year ago

      I picked bats, but furbait is going to win. I don't even know why they bothered.

      • 1 year ago

        Tbh blightrot symbiosis sounds way cooler than "they love luxury and brawling"

        • 1 year ago

          Sounds like they'll like blightrot while everyone else dies from curses.

          • 1 year ago

            No probably they get bonuses from blightrot

            Wonder what them living in the wilderness means. No shelter needed?

    • 1 year ago

      Hope they add frogs.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm torn between bats and frogs. Bats got the funky body augmentation going on (and are top cute) while the frog dudes just look cool. Foxes look like generic furbait which makes me fear that the rest of the community are going to latch onto them despite being objectively inferior to the other two choices.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      frogs = dwarves
      bats = dark elves
      fox = elves


      • 1 year ago

        really don't like how the game gets worse after every level up.
        >hey here's 5 more non-essential buildings for cosmetics and dye so it get that much harder for you to find planks and simple tools buildings

        >frogs = dwarves
        but beavers are already drwarves.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon, those are all furbait.

      • 1 year ago

        really, even the frogs?

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          ESPECIALLY the frogs

    • 1 year ago

      aren't the bats just harpies

      • 1 year ago

        Harpies are alchemists and weavers. Bats seem to be WHEN I FIRST LEARNED THE WEAKNESS OF MY FLESH.

        • 1 year ago

          *bat-cipation intensifies*

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, it looks rigged, as in it's like choosing between the childhood friend, the tomboy and the ugly bastard. Bats got an upgrade since the last time, huh. Captcha: YXTH0T

      • 1 year ago

        I take it back, bring in the foxes!

    • 1 year ago

      Cute cyborg bats that can be saved by my care and love.

      • 1 year ago

        It's over.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh shit is this a more fantasy-oriented citybuilder? Seem right up my alley.

      I can already tell just from a glance the foxes are going to win unfortunately. Do the devs intend to ever add the others or are they just cool ideas now thrown into the sewer?

      • 1 year ago

        I think the devs wanted to do the foxes in the first place and added two more options that were guaranteed to lose to make it seem like it was the decision of the community.

    • 1 year ago

      i am going to buy this just so i can vote for the furries
      I have no clue what this game is about aside that its fantasy frostpunk

      • 1 year ago

        it's not fantasy frostpunk

        • 1 year ago

          What is it then?
          >inb4 why would i tell you about video game on video game board

          • 1 year ago

            it is fantasy Frostpunk but done well
            >no morality
            >truly random elements
            >tons of QoL features
            >still being updated

            • 1 year ago

              FP is really good though. Its more railroaded but its still great to play.

      • 1 year ago

        furries already won

    • 1 year ago

      Could be cool if foxes actually had a positive interaction with Blightrot. Hope the other two will be added as well!

      • 1 year ago

        as long as it isn't another low threshold low resilience species like harpies they'll be fine.

        • 1 year ago

          It will be most likely based on how they were presented unless something gets in the way during planning.

          • 1 year ago

            ffs even beavers get fricked on higher difficulties if you don't roll a hostility decreasing cornerstone because they're low resilience. we don't need another low resilience low threshold species with stupidly specific production bonuses. they damn well better have the woodworking production bonus. at least then that might excuse their low threshold.

            • 1 year ago

              Resolve or resilience?

              • 1 year ago

                Does the game even have a resilience mechanic?

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, resilience is how fast resolve moves. Not many things affect it. Mostly glade events.

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks. Didn't know that.

              • 1 year ago

                I meant both. harpies are a low base resolve species with low resilience and it seemed like the foxes were going to be another one of those from what that anon said.

              • 1 year ago

                why would you think an anon's opinion has any bearing on what the devs intend? It's much more sensible to expect them to make a new race meaningfully different than the others.

                >muh furry
                foxes won because they are the most aesthetic species, if fact they are happen to be furry bait because of said aesthetic, but 100% most non-furries also picked fox

                They were all furry tbh. Frogs looking bara fr

              • 1 year ago

                >It's much more sensible to expect them to make a new race meaningfully different than the others
                >he believes the devs to be sensible

              • 1 year ago

                Bara furries love wolf and lizard

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      I'd vote for the bat. Love cyborg races.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Furries won

        • 1 year ago

          what the frick

          • 1 year ago

            Furry update almost finished. Maybe then bloatlords get their chance. Guessing their speciality will be "brawn" and work stone/workshops etc. Maybe give woodcutting camp a resolve bonus for frogs.

            • 1 year ago

              No resolve loss in storm, but low resolve across the board in general. -30% movement speed but highly effective in workshops and mining. Boosts rainpunk bonuses if used where they're working.

  3. 1 year ago

    Really what I wanted was a race that likes stoneworking.

  4. 1 year ago

    I like to bring the 42 oil as one of my embark bonuses. Sometimes you can get fricked when the first glade you open is something that requires resources that you don't have and can't get early, but oil is always one of the options to deal with the event. Just abandoned a prestige 20 run because of a fishman cave in the first glade that I had no way of dealing with because I decided not to embark with oil this time. Force called traders twice but by the time I was able to buy the oil to deal with the cave its negative event had already gone off twice and there were so many fishman totems and my impatience was so high that it was pretty much game over.

    • 1 year ago

      Embark bonuses are incredibly important yeah. If I go to the marshlands (with harpies) I pick up the herbalist shack.

  5. 1 year ago

    Need cute drawings of each species, especially human girl, harpy girl and batgirl.

  6. 1 year ago


    I actually thought that one was aids.. until I realized it didn't matter how many fields you had seemingly. When I had one field it sucked because fields meant I would get one every 70 seconds. But if I had 3 farms? Still only one per 70 seconds.

  7. 1 year ago


    I actually thought that one was aids.. until I realized it didn't matter how many fields you had seemingly. When I had one field it sucked because fields meant I would get one every 70 seconds. But if I had 3 farms? Still only one per 70 seconds.

    just tear up the fields and rebuild them after.

    • 1 year ago

      Too slow

      • 1 year ago

        no, you can build a ridiculous amount of fields for the labor that goes into cleaning up a living matter

        • 1 year ago

          One living matter per storm isnt bad if you have multiple farms running. Trying to build them after the storm with a single builder? Not time time effecient and just becomes annoying to delete.

          • 1 year ago

            >a single builder
            ah, a moron. carry on.

            • 1 year ago

              Not him, but sometimes you don't have a choice.

              • 1 year ago

                you allocate workers according to your current needs. need to rebuild some farms? have the lumberjacks help out. they're not on station after storm anyway. maybe draft a miner or carpenter. etc.

                less efficient? of course. you're trying to deal with a penalty here. the question is, is it less painful than clearing up living matter, or not farming at all? and the answer is yes, it is less painful.

              • 1 year ago

                You always have a choice.
                >delete farmfields
                >wait for storm time to tick down to 69 seconds
                >start rebuilding them with all the lumberjacks you had already put on pause because it IS THE STORM season

  8. 1 year ago

    and obviously on any plot that's small enough to get fully planted by clearance the farmers can just do it themselves

  9. 1 year ago

    >have lots of flower, herbs, and shrooms
    >bakers won't bake shit
    >have tavern with lots of beer
    >nobody goes there

  10. 1 year ago

    I did it bros, I failed like 4 runs in a row before this but now I did it

    • 1 year ago

      Congratulations! I too am on the road to 02 prestige.

      >have lots of flower, herbs, and shrooms
      >bakers won't bake shit
      >have tavern with lots of beer
      >nobody goes there

      Did you mess up the recipe and/or creation quota for the Bakery?
      By the way, nobody goes to any building other than
      Service need is satisfied at the Hearth. Of course that requires you to build a service building ENTIRELY within the influence radius of a Hearth. Surely you did that?

      • 1 year ago

        No, people do visit taverns and temples briefly to receive their whatevers. It's a quick trip, but it happens.

        • 1 year ago

          nope, that's the service workers restocking the inventory

  11. 1 year ago

    The higher in prestige I climb, the less I find myself enjoying the game. Probably because increased difficulty adds nothing while removing viable options.

    • 1 year ago

      For me the higher difficulty made me appreciate the game design more, up to a certain point. Like for instance having less choices of building blueprints sounds terrible, but once you play with it a while you start to appreciate how almost every building has 3 recipes and the odds of you not getting something you need are kinda low. However when traders start paying you 50% less and charging you 50% more is one of the first moments where I thought "ok this is getting less fun now". And then at even higher prestige levels, Impatience starts decreasing by half, you get charged money (or lives) to open glades, and losing villagers for any reason has double the impatience effect. That's when I really started to get pissed off, I lost like 4 games in a row because all the prestige modifiers started forcing me to play very optimally and carefully. When I play this game in the future I can definitely see myself lowering the prestige level down a bunch now that I got my P20 win.

      • 1 year ago

        Come embark on a new settlement. Blightrot rework part 2 just dropped featuring all new water mechanics, more events, and balance changes.
        >not rolling a blueprint for a building that makes planks
        >harpies leaving your settlement in the first fricking year
        >living matter
        >running out of wood
        >running out of food
        >taking the +2 to reed production cornerstone and then never finding a reed field for the entire rest of the game
        >can't afford to buy that thing you really need from the trader
        >where the frick is the fertile soil I've opened two glades already
        >Fungal Guide cornerstone in the mushroom biome
        >lazy workers immediately take a break instead of working on the glade event that will kill your entire settlement
        >double food consumption
        >goods worth 50% less
        >double luxuries consumption

        I though it was a warcraft clone and my heart skipped a beat

        I miss that aesthetic so much

        • 1 year ago

          Its probably the closest visual interpretation of WC3 with modern fidelity.

          • 1 year ago

            I though it was a warcraft clone and my heart skipped a beat

            I miss that aesthetic so much

            It's a pale imitation of Reforged, which has breathed new life into WC3.

            • 1 year ago

              Why do you feel the need to shitpost? Why are you so obsessed with going on the internet and making moronic claims just to bait people? What compels you to do this?
              Are you that much of a vapid loser attention prostitute that unnamed strangers on the internet replying to you gives you that immense satisfaction?

    • 1 year ago

      i only enjoy the higher prestiges because that's the only point where my choices actually matter

      i usually play on p15 though, the last five have a bad challenge:annoyance ratio

  12. 1 year ago

    Is this game just base building and economy managing?

    • 1 year ago

      clearcutting and birdkeeping simulator

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Glade events are kinda like quests.
      No combat.

    • 1 year ago

      Someone compared it to Warcraft, and I think that's right on.

  13. 1 year ago

    >Need a market or a tavern
    >need a market or a tavern
    >need a market or a tavern
    the powers that be decided to frick my settlement.

    • 1 year ago

      The True Powers can help... for a price.

      • 1 year ago

        i always feel like i'm cheating when i use these

        • 1 year ago

          The real difficulty is unlocking all the bonuses in the smoldering city. Once that happens and you dont need those resources... Things can become smoother. Too many people right now? BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD

        • 1 year ago

          They're practically required to beat the final prestige levels.

          • 1 year ago

            i didn't need them

  14. 1 year ago

    Okay, I officially hate harpies. Bratty little shits.

    • 1 year ago

      They actually arent so bad the more I play but their buildings usually are kind of mediocre until you get the planks/flour/waterskin one. That one is a banger if you dont have beavers. Their low resolve threshhold for rep and new engine system makes it possible to gigapump their resolve too.

      • 1 year ago

        On my last run they were chimping out for no reason despite having all needs met. I eventually just let them all leave and built a nice lizard human town. Frick em.

        • 1 year ago

          Lizard/harpies in same town is a pretty bad combo. Both can be hard to please. Along with humans means youll need a good complex food chain asap with ranch to secure long term.

          • 1 year ago

            just keep the lizards warm and feed them some jerky and they're no trouble

          • 1 year ago

            >Lizard/harpies in same town is a pretty bad combo.
            Almost the same food and fighting, what more do you need?

            Beavers are the odd ones out, sharing almost nothing with anyone.

            • 1 year ago

              Beavers dont ape out hard in the storm like lizards and have higher resolve initially than harpies which allows you to use more *lighter treatment to keep people happy. If you get both harpies and you dont get a good skewer/jerky building in your first three its a downhill journey.

    • 1 year ago

      Harpies are superb just for their firekeeper bonus. Double carrying capacity is just broken.

    • 1 year ago

      Early to mid game Harpies can be a very unpleasant experience because of how low their base resolve is, literally year 1 storm and they already want to leave. However, their resolve thresholds are comparatively lower than all other species so once you provide them with a service and some complex food they can sit there pumping out reputation for a long time. I hated them at first but I really appreciate their lower thresholds now.

  15. 1 year ago

    I'm still on the fence for this game. Shill me on it and convince me to buy it. Is it worth doing multiple playthroughs and runs? Anything to be excited for in future updates? I have a huge mental block for early access games.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. I personally HATE rogue-likes because you often feel like nothing you do matters because everything is reset, but in this the plot justifies the whole concept. You're building outposts for a main city that can survive a giant superstorm, and you get better shit for your colonies as you upgrade the main settlement.

    • 1 year ago

      i really don't give a shit if you play this or not

    • 1 year ago

      >I have a huge mental block for early access games.
      Game's full of content and extremely polished. There's no EA jank or a feeling of
      >something's obviously missing/just a placeholder
      Devs just keep improving the game mostly based on player requests and they do it on clockwork two week schedule. Also, if you get the game now you have the opportunity to vote for best race, pic related.

  16. 1 year ago

    >struggling along in the marsh, starved for parts and good cornerstones but making progress
    >Forget my high hostility forest masteries
    >Get to hostility 5 and check
    >5% chance to have villagers die every 15 seconds
    >Dead villagers spawn living matter
    >Sac fricking everything to keep hostility low
    >Run out of coal and wood on last 20 seconds
    >Surely it won't be that bad
    >Lose 25 percent of settlement in one tick
    >6 living matter at once
    >They reward parts
    And then the queen was impatient and we all died

    • 1 year ago

      Did you turn off lumberjacks?

  17. 1 year ago

    I have terrible luck. No Drizzle water geyser yet.

  18. 1 year ago

    I actually had a painless prestige 11. Firekeepers armor seems almost nessecary if you are going to blight up. The one that reduces hostility per couple blight burned is also based since you get 10 every three years on top of what your industry produces.

    • 1 year ago

      I got fricked over by the (new?) mystery that caused cysts burning duration to last 5s longer. I underestimated how big of a difference it would make on prestige 10+ and then ran into a glade mystery spawning additional cysts every 45 seconds. So many deaths that storm.

  19. 1 year ago
    Anonymous hm, they really want you to lose villagers during storms eh. For some reason it feels that the game slowly becoming less fun with little steps. I mean juggling with species favor is not exactly fun but I'm became too reliant on it. Now I can't juggle them and now I'm gonna lose villages. That's great ?

    • 1 year ago

      Hilarious. it used to be
      >after small camps update
      >you didn't beat the game
      now it's going in the opposite direction. All P20 wins should be revoked.

      Favour-juggling was annoying enough on its own, I see no reason for this punishment.

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder if it'll even be possible to not lose anyone on storms 1 and 2 if you have both lizzers and harpies.
      You sure won't be cutting any wood during a storm ever, that's for sure.

      • 1 year ago

        They tend to change the experimental branch quite a lot based on feedback. I don't think the favouring cooldown is meant as a difficulty increase (though it is), they just don't want people to have to micromanage it because it wasn't fun.
        The logistics change is nice, I've wanted that for ages.
        Sacrificing is going to be more important, so if one or two woodcutters don't actually push you over to a higher hostility level you'll probably want to keep them on during storm to keep fuel supplies up.

        Yeah I guess we're going from favor juggling into sacrifice juggling. Sac just long enough to get hostility down and resolve up, then stop and wait for resolve to hit 0, repeat until storm's done. And also to 3 or even 4 cutter camps to have enough wood to burn.

        It doesn't really solves anything, besides you having harpies. They should rebalance or overhaul the whole system. I believe that people's whining about CD will put this change to a shelf, but how can you make a punishing mechanic that makes villages leave, that is also is not fricking obnoxious to deal with

    • 1 year ago

      They tend to change the experimental branch quite a lot based on feedback. I don't think the favouring cooldown is meant as a difficulty increase (though it is), they just don't want people to have to micromanage it because it wasn't fun.
      The logistics change is nice, I've wanted that for ages.

      I wonder if it'll even be possible to not lose anyone on storms 1 and 2 if you have both lizzers and harpies.
      You sure won't be cutting any wood during a storm ever, that's for sure.

      Sacrificing is going to be more important, so if one or two woodcutters don't actually push you over to a higher hostility level you'll probably want to keep them on during storm to keep fuel supplies up.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I guess we're going from favor juggling into sacrifice juggling. Sac just long enough to get hostility down and resolve up, then stop and wait for resolve to hit 0, repeat until storm's done. And also to 3 or even 4 cutter camps to have enough wood to burn.

      • 1 year ago

        >they just don't want people to have to micromanage it because it wasn't fun.
        Then they should make resolve easier, not cripple you.

  20. 1 year ago

    I've only completed the first two 'quests/missions' and hit level 2, and like this a lot. I'm a townbuilding babby so I like how it gives me general guidelines of what to do and doesn't feel too difficult (yet). When does it all go astray? And what are some obvious things I should know?

    • 1 year ago

      Learn to trade if you haven't already.

      • 1 year ago

        Can you tell me where my fabric/planks/x material is going if I'm not actively building/creating anything, etc.? Where does it disappear to?

        • 1 year ago

          Are you making packs of building materials out of them? You should disable everything if you build a makeshift post unless you specifically need it.

          • 1 year ago

            Its a good practice to do this with everything as well

    • 1 year ago

      >And what are some obvious things I should know?
      Unlock the trade meta upgrade.
      Almost everything has multiple different recipes to produce it.
      ***= most efficient
      no star = least efficient

  21. 1 year ago

    When is a good time to hit my first dangerous glade?

    • 1 year ago

      I usually pop my first dangerous glade in the drizzle after the first year but I also bring coal/oil with me which is an extremely common dangerous glade input.

    • 1 year ago

      First drizzle of first year.
      It's either something that only costs labour or you've come prepared with embarked goods.

  22. 1 year ago

    I am starting to think forbidden glades are moronic unless you are down bad and gambling to try and get something. I got the storm bird. -4 per hostility level on top of what you get normally from the storm. Literally impossible to not get a queens agitation loss unless you have a kiln/ton of coal. I was even running 3 sacs of bones to speed it up and within 30 seconds of storm I had gotten 40% of my agitation bar.

    • 1 year ago

      To be honest forbidden glades should offer hints as to what they contain, given the danger. Because unless you know what you are getting into, there is ZERO reason to pop them.

      • 1 year ago

        The cornerstones that allow you to spy in glades if you get it early is ungodly good. Sacrifice a half an agitation bar to see if dangerous/forbidden even worth popping. Marshes atleast incentivize you to pop forbiddens with essentially limitless gathernodes.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not talking about seeing into forbidden glades, I'm talking about forbidden glades in general giving some organic hint as to what they contain; so with experience you learn how to prepare for them and make them worth it.

      • 1 year ago

        While two months late, they do have a graphical difference in the forbidden glade icon based on how dangerous they are. Things like Stormbirds have a larger / more dangerous looking icon before you open it.

        • 1 year ago

          Danger isn't the issue. Of course they're fricking dangerous. But the kind of danger is the question. You can easily beat each map without popping them, so why pop?

          • 1 year ago

            >You can easily beat each map without popping them, so why pop?
            They've got better resources.
            Opening one forbidden can win you the game.
            There's almost zero risk to opening them once you've stockpiled some combo of resources.
            Opening ONE forbidden glade scales better with hostility than multiple dangerous or small.

          • 1 year ago

            On harder difficulties I actually prefer to open dangerous glades rather than safe ones. The resource to hostility ratio is far better. I'll usually even open one before the first year is over.
            If I open a safe glade, it'll give me a small resource node that might be what I need, and some permanent hostility.
            If I open a dangerous glade, it'll give me multiple large resource nodes of different types, a glade event that might give me a permanent resolve bonus or other resources, and even possibly some buildings for production I don't have. All for less permanent hostility than if I'd opened the equivalent number of safe glades.
            The rewards are well worth the risk, if you can handle it.

            All that said though, to tie it back to the different dangerous icons. The rewards do scale with the danger. Extremely dangerous glades tend to have extremely valuable resources. Like for instance infinite grain/mushroom nodes, or rainpunk foundries that can manufacture parts.

            • 1 year ago

              >I'll usually even open one before the first year is over.
              Always open a dangerous glade on year 1. I do embarkresources to minimise the risk of being wrecked.

    • 1 year ago

      There's glade events and then there's the storm bird that's way worse than anything else in the game.
      But you're right, forbidden glades aren't worth opening. That's because they barely have any more rewards than dangerous glades while being a good deal more hazardous with a chance to end your run (stormbird).

  23. 1 year ago

    Im having way more trouble than I was expecting recently. Guess I am supposed to really slam down the makeshift kitchen near the start. By the time I stabilised and was self sustaining on prestige 15 I was slammed by the yearly hostility without a source of coal to reduce it and lost to cloudburst (which triggers on too low hostility, 3, should be like 4-5 at least). Even with two people working fulltime with a 2* I wasn't able to sustain enough clothes to even have a surplus.

    • 1 year ago

      >Guess I am supposed to really slam down the makeshift kitchen near the start.
      you need some kind of advanced food. ideally this isn't 0* jerkey, but needs must

    • 1 year ago

      were you forbidding consumption of the clothes? I do agree cloudburst is a bit too punishing, mostly as you don't get any clothes production at all most runs.
      Ditto the early timed order you get for clothing people. The timed orders really ought to be based on what is actually achievable. Orders in general, in fact. One game I got the "accept lost villagers into your town" order and later got Mist Piercers, there were no lost villagers on the map.

      The cornerstones that allow you to spy in glades if you get it early is ungodly good. Sacrifice a half an agitation bar to see if dangerous/forbidden even worth popping. Marshes atleast incentivize you to pop forbiddens with essentially limitless gathernodes.

      Yeah they're game changing, though it's annoying that you either need to memorise what glade events require what resources or look it up. Any sort of mechanic that begs for metagaming is bad, in my opinon.
      I don't pop forbidden glades unless it's marshes or I have a glade vision cornerstone anymore.
      The giant mole and stormbird having training gear as a resource option makes me laugh, I imagine the vils bobbing the creature on the head until it leavesis tamed.

  24. 1 year ago

    >poking through
    holy crackers that's a lot of stuff to remember

    • 1 year ago

      just play the game, zoomzoom

  25. 1 year ago

    >Only forbidden glades found in this region
    do you even dare?

    • 1 year ago

      hell yes, guaranteed good time

      • 1 year ago

        Welp. I got fricked. First glade destroyed my coal. Decided to take queen rep to get more BP's fromt he wildfire. Fricked up picking Deserted Caverns as cornerstore right after not realizing the implications of not having many ways currently to solve forbidden glades. Next glades?
        this all could have been avoided. Dammit.

        • 1 year ago

          >Fricked up picking Deserted Caverns
          i wouldn't go so far as to call it a trap option, but it's certainly a dangerous early pick. rewarding, but dangerous.

          • 1 year ago

            It was a trap option for me because it meant that I had no traders and since wildfire event burned through all my coal (of course it would choose to burn coal first instead of wood), I was left with zero ways to complete forbidden glade events. I probably could have survived though like I said if I had taken the oil instead of the amber + rep.

    • 1 year ago

      Done it on Viceroy. Was okay.

  26. 1 year ago

    Didn't see a single plank, brick, or fabric building until cycle 10. I pulled through, but what a shitfest that was

  27. 1 year ago

    When should my dumb ass pop into lolPioneer difficulty? I've played maybe 5 games past the tutorial in Settler.

    • 1 year ago

      Unless you're a certified moron you shouldn't be picking anything below veteran. Getting unlock that lets you upgrade hearth to level 3 is good enough entry for viceroy. Even without any upgrades it's really hard to lose on anything below viceroy.

      • 1 year ago

        Sure. I was just curious since I'm still a low level. I haven't even dealt with blight yet.
        Also is the entirety of every game trying to constantly expand into new glades and discover new resources/constantly clearing out wooded areas? Because I feel like it's a thing I'm constantly having to monitor 24/7.

        • 1 year ago

          >Also is the entirety of every game trying to constantly expand into new glades and discover new resources/constantly clearing out wooded areas? Because I feel like it's a thing I'm constantly having to monitor 24/7.
          Yes, chopping and opening glades is core of the game. Highly recommended to set woodcutters to only open marked glades by default in options, so you just place woodcutters near trees and only need to mark a few trees to open glades when you are ready.

        • 1 year ago

          >Also is the entirety of every game trying to constantly expand into new glades and discover new resources/constantly clearing out wooded areas? Because I feel like it's a thing I'm constantly having to monitor 24/7.
          I've done a prestige game where I only opened one Forbidden Glade. Sometimes the RNG blesses you just right.

    • 1 year ago

      Veteran = start immediately after unlocking trade. It's the first real difficulty because it has all ingame mechanics enabled.
      Viceroy = start when you stop dying in Veteran.
      Prestige = start when you unlock kitchen.

  28. 1 year ago

    I almost have 100 hours already since buying this during the holiday sale.

  29. 1 year ago

    >three hunger mysteries
    >with rotten rain
    I think the game was trying to save me by giving an early bp for a greenhouse. Though not sure if that avoids rotten rain. If it does, that would have been a 10/10. I will have to check next time I play. I had gotten greedy and took the BP for small farm and got an early fertile field.. but didn't check mysteries to see how doomed I was.

    • 1 year ago

      >If it does
      it does

      • 1 year ago

        I was probably still screwed regardless by hunger. Could barely keep everyone fed with three upgraded forages camps, two small farms, an upgraded trapper camp, and a small herbalist camp due to all the hunger mysteries. Also didn't get a drizzle geyser. But not sure how much it would have used either.

  30. 1 year ago

    I've been getting stuck on Prestige 16 with double duration storm. Even had a blessed Greenhouse + fungal guide +granary and was mass producing hundreds of bags of crops between traders. Guess I went on too long as it approached year ten and hostility got so high that I couldn't burn enough coal to keep hostility from causing a cascade of perishes. I don't even see the point of luxurys once they consume twice as many. You will never be able to keep up with providing them unless you bank them and then use them during the storm.

    • 1 year ago

      Forbid the luxuries until they push you above the rep gain threshold. You should be winning around year 7 or 8 at the latest if you don't get royally fricked by RNG. Producing luxuries is usually a waste of time and the effort would be better spent on something that helps you win, like tools. I almost always buy my luxuries, unless I happen to make the ingredients for some other reason and happen to have a building to make some in.

      • 1 year ago

        You can forbid luxuries? Interesting.

        i make luxuries and win from reputation just fine. more important is deciding HOW you want to win and committing to it - what cornerstones do you see that function as a wincon? pick them early, and pick others that synergise with them

        by default every option sucks, tools included.

        I had gotten firekeepers armor (Which seems nessecary if you're going to blight up -- otherwise every third year you need to stop all blight production) since even 4 blightroots can kill you. If you product 10-12 and then have the ten spawn on top of that every third year? Instant death. But I really needed either the cornerstone for protected trade or the one for popping the roots to reduce my hostility. The hostility just kept ramping and I couldn't keep it together by the end.

        • 1 year ago

          FKA is great, but it's for making you lose slower - you need to win faster, too.

          • 1 year ago

            How much hostility do you get per year (aside from villagers)? I wonder if baptism by fire or the protected trade could manage self sustaining.

  31. 1 year ago

    i make luxuries and win from reputation just fine. more important is deciding HOW you want to win and committing to it - what cornerstones do you see that function as a wincon? pick them early, and pick others that synergise with them

    by default every option sucks, tools included.

  32. 1 year ago

    Also I am not sure the rain engine woodcutting speed is working. Usually when you get +40% woodcutting you see forests evaporate. I got rain engines early on and was running lots of stuff. Enough that four automatons and a rain collector could barely keep up. I was still always low on wood. Didnt see a stacking buff present either.

    • 1 year ago

      >Usually when you get +40% woodcutting you see forests evaporate
      that's not my experience - most of a woodcutter's time is spent hauling, not chopping

      • 1 year ago

        Either way I should have been looking at +100% or something speed. It still felt normal speed. The cornerstone for cooking but not using drizzle water also seems bad.

  33. 1 year ago

    I really like the game but I feel like it's been declining in quality for the last few patches. Since the camps update to be precise.
    Every new feature is horrendously balanced, which I suppose is fine if it gets fixed. but it's really been piling up. I think the devs need to take a step back and just focus on balance for a few patches instead of adding new things.
    The game also gets easier with every single patch, which I find very frustrating as you trivially win 100% of your runs at prestige 20 by just playing it sort of safe and sort of smart. Any good synergy or perk or cornerstone is just a bonus that makes your run instantly won, but you don't need it at all.
    >Scarlet orchard is ridiculously easy since they reworked the archeologist
    >Resource scarcity is a non-issue since the camps update, since you are guaranteed to get a lot of stuff from every node even with 0 upgraded camps
    >Overall efficiency is much higher with the new rainpunk engines giving you +25% prodcrit on everything
    The only exception to this inverse difficulty creep is the set of new blightrot events, which are ridiculously difficult. Completely out of line for how hard dangerous glade event should be. But of course this is just the other side of this trend of lack of polish and balance.
    The game has also been literally unplayable on patch day for multiple patches in a row, which I find a bit concerning. Feels like their plan is to just do 0 QA, ship a broken build on thursday and then fix is by friday.
    Even the quality of the music has dropped, I wish I could disable like 80% of the new tracks.

    For reference I have 150 hours in the game and like 50 prestige 20 wins, so I think I have a decent grasp of balance. Thanks for reading my rant.
    I hope the devs pick up their shit and go back to making the game as beautifully polished as it was when it first came out on steam.

    • 1 year ago

      The devs are trying to do too large changes in too little time. Even now they're trying to remove favor juggling, but there is nowhere near enough time to address the larger issues with resolve like it only having three states which leads to resolve bombing being the strat. Why let the humans use coats if it only gets them from 15 to 20 rep so you end up wasting all the coats and gain nothing out of it?

      I hope they'll fix all that stuff in time for 1.0

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, and they're also working on the 5th species. I do kinda wonder why resolve is such a binary system instead of giving bonuses to move speed / work speed / prodcrit so there's an actual reason to give your villagers resolve above 0 but below the reputation cutoff. Did you know that villagers will eat one of each desired complex food when taking a break? It's like the coat thing but even worse.

        Well, I am hopeful that they will get it together. The devs are really smart, it's just a matter of what they focus on.

        • 1 year ago

          >Did you know that villagers will eat one of each desired complex food when taking a break? It's like the coat thing but even worse.
          Wow that's awful.

        • 1 year ago

          Ah no wonder I sometimes feel like I never have enough food. I think rainpunk is mostly fine. Some tweaking to some could be in order but pretty happy with state of it. I do wish the game would give me a warning of years that I am going to get blightbombed. Resolve definitely needs balancing. Id also like coral forest and royal woodlands to not be so boring.

  34. 1 year ago

    i'd like coral forest to not be so ugly

    • 1 year ago

      i'd like to not be so ugly in general to be honest tbh

  35. 1 year ago

    What's this game is like?

    • 1 year ago

      Frostpunk but without the hamfisted morality.

      • 1 year ago

        also with actually interesting gameplay

    • 1 year ago

      Roguelike aspects are well designed and fun to engage with. Core gameplay can leave much to be desired involving resolve currently and devs are targeting the wrong aspect. They want to reduce micro from favor juggling.. But at the core resolve you have only three states
      >negative, bad
      >above zero, good
      >arbitrary threshhold above zero, great
      So getting harpies to 13 wont matter.. But if you get them to 15 thats great since it will give you reputation. But you shouldn't waste resources to keep them anymore positive than +1 unless you are going to get them to their threshhold which is stupid. Especially not multiple types of food since they will eat one of every type when they rest.

      • 1 year ago

        Reducing favor juggling micro is a fine thing to do and will improve the game, but I'm afraid it'll come at the cost of needing some other kind of microing. Such as needing to assign all your harpies or lizards to rainpunked buildings and switching on the resolve boost for those.
        But we'll see. I'll wait for the update before passing judgment.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah thats how I am seeing rainpunk right now. I like the flexability but its too powerful also force excessive micro too.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you know the point in a colony builder where you've built every building and the game starts to get unfun because there's nothing left to do but spam the same functional block of buildings? Well that's when you win a round of Against the Storm... but you don't get the same buildings or environment every time, so it keeps each game fresh.

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but I'm having a tough time imagining it not getting stale even with randomisation. Having to build your production and logistics back up again every time sounds tedious.

        • 1 year ago

          > Having to build your production and logistics back up again every time sounds tedious.
          That's, like, the point of the game,

          • 1 year ago

            Yes, I'm saying the game sounds tedious.

            • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Filtered by furries

  36. 1 year ago

    >foxes win the poll
    yiff in hell furgays

    • 1 year ago

      the other options were shit, frankly

    • 1 year ago

      Foxes gonna be sone moronic shit like hates housing that will be more micro. Frogs were the right choice. Bats were too edgy.

  37. 1 year ago

    >now have to contend with furgays in addition to b*av*rgays
    it's over

  38. 1 year ago

    >Chicken or Egg? removed from the game

  39. 1 year ago

    >With 11,197 votes (~57% of total votes), Foxes won against Frogs (~31%) and Bats (~12%).
    Democracy was a mistake.

    • 1 year ago

      implying bats and frogs are not "furries"

    • 1 year ago

      I hate furries so much holy shit

    • 1 year ago

      Foxes got all the furry votes, frogs the anti-furry (and anti-women?) votes, bats got everything else.

      • 1 year ago

        Frogs would have offered an alternative to beavers that does more physical labour and engineering. Humans also probably need an alternative. Perhapd not for farming though, probably brewing. Though I guess its not super common to need brewing since you typically have complex resource requirements for brewing to pay off a lot of time. Scribes being one of the most diverse and useful brewing building early on.

        Also: please make the warning bold dor woodcutter prayer and other capstones that dump your warehouse of certain goods.

      • 1 year ago

        must be nice to be unaware of the utter degeneracy of bara-furs

    • 1 year ago

      This entire vote was over the minute they decided to include anything with the word "fox" in it.

      • 1 year ago

        Going to be annoying little shits like the harpies.

    • 1 year ago

      I hate furries so much holy shit

      implying bats and frogs are not "furries"

      Foxes got all the furry votes, frogs the anti-furry (and anti-women?) votes, bats got everything else.

      This entire vote was over the minute they decided to include anything with the word "fox" in it.

      >muh furry
      foxes won because they are the most aesthetic species, if fact they are happen to be furry bait because of said aesthetic, but 100% most non-furries also picked fox

      • 1 year ago

        >if fact they are happen to be

  40. 1 year ago

    >Woodpecker Technique - no longer gives 1 Insect for every 2 trees. Now gives 2 Insects for every tree cut during the Storm.

    • 1 year ago

      Wanted it to have a downside

      • 1 year ago

        Lots of cornerstones are pure positives.

        oh hey it's utterly worthless

        Yeah it's garbage, almost never chopping during storm.

    • 1 year ago

      oh hey it's utterly worthless

    • 1 year ago

      >goes from being an always take to being a never take unless the other choice won't help you at all
      Great change thanks.

  41. 1 year ago

    Whats everyones starter for each biome? I feel like a farm is needed on everything but marshlands and that my other prep is coal/oil with preference for oil. Clan hall has to be busted on marshlands tho. Get to a forbidden glade and just pile on the camps. Bonus points if you get the cornerstone prayet for bonus to camp yield.

    • 1 year ago

      Blueprints are nice but having the guaranteed resources to clear your first dangerous/forbidden glade is even more important. Then I just round it off with extra population.

    • 1 year ago

      oil or coal, whichever is cheaper so I can do an early glade event. Then I'll take a farm or a supply line luxury depending on cost and what the biome is like.

      • 1 year ago

        I am finding that building an early rain collector to be important by clearance season so you can get 35 clearance water for certain glade events. Then also work it for storm since some events use storm water (if I recall)

    • 1 year ago

      Coal or Oil plus an upgraded gathering camp depending on the biome and pop types. I find farm buildings to be a bit overrated. They're good but not absolutely mandatory like many people make them out to be. I regularly play prestige 10+ games without ever building a single farm.
      >Clan hall has to be busted on marshlands tho
      Clan Hall is busted period, really.

      • 1 year ago

        I find camps to be hit or miss. Certain biomes favour them though but I havent worked out the exact list. One biome I know has a lot of forgeable goods while in the marshlands you definitely want harpies and herbalist camp.

  42. 1 year ago

    >Cursed Woodlands
    >Have 8 beavers starving!
    >also everyone else must be starving too

  43. 1 year ago

    Just had a blessed run from based beavers
    >humans, beavers, harpies
    >get granary early on
    >get metal bar-cosmetics-wine building
    >take order needs guildhouse
    >get it finally
    >+10 to beavers from the wine
    >capstone providing +resolve per amount of wine
    >monastary + brewery
    >mines, geysers pumps, smithy, tinkerer
    My beavers were giving resolve during the last storm. I definitely would like a warning during +10 blight years. Or just give +3 or something every year. Lost 6 villagers from +10 blight while producing a bunch suprising me.

  44. 1 year ago

    The game is much simpler once you start focusing on just some food chains instead of trying to get them all and starving since villagers are fat

  45. 1 year ago

    >tfw I just play on Viceroy and make some cool towns
    I think the higher prestige levels would just stress me out too much.

    • 1 year ago

      I never get a good fuel to make a second town early. Always end up relying on chopped wood seemingly. Or no good hearth locations. The logistics update so far hasnt changed how I play.

      • 1 year ago

        chopped wood is fine as long as you got beavers. lets you support a second hearth without issue unless you have a plank building that gets production bonuses. under those production bonuses you can't achieve an equilibrium of wood produced by 6 beavers and wood consumed by planks + 2 hearths. aside from that, kiln is by far the best fuel building from my experience. it also makes any fuel based wood recipes go crazy, because you're increasing their efficiency by 1000% or some moronic number.

      • 1 year ago

        >Or no good hearth locations.
        Game spawn is literally set to never offer you a perfect location. You always either have to clear the event or to chop some wood first to open up the optimal spot.

  46. 1 year ago

    How fast are you guys heading out to do dangerous glades? I feel I am a little too cautious in the beginning, focussing on building up food/securing some tools just in case I can't solve the danger.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't frick with dangerous glades until I get tools/fabric/planks and have a trader active so I can buy anything I'm missing. I tend to open my first one right around the beginning of year 3/end of year 2.

    • 1 year ago

      early year 2 at the latest

    • 1 year ago

      Literally the moment I start the game. 90% of glade events can be solved with either coal or oil from embarkation bonuses, and most other ones can be solved with other stuff on hand (or don't need anything but labor). In the very rare case you get a dangerous event that requires stuff you don't have and can't quickly produce, you can just build a trading post and quick call a trader and they'll stock one of the dozen things you can use.

      Anyone know where this effect comes from?
      I don't have any active glade events and it's not part of the modifiers or mysteries

      Read your cornerstones, preferably before you pick them next time.

      • 1 year ago

        >Read your cornerstones
        Oh yup that was it

    • 1 year ago

      Year one.
      I also never open normal glades, the hostility just isn't worth it.

  47. 1 year ago

    I struggled a bit with veteran.
    How much harder is viceroy?

  48. 1 year ago

    Anyone know where this effect comes from?
    I don't have any active glade events and it's not part of the modifiers or mysteries

    • 1 year ago

      some of the larger buildings that can be rebuilt/salvaged like the temple and monastery have their own events. this is one of those.

  49. 1 year ago

    >Your fricked up moments that completely ruined your decent run, resulting in an inevitable game over

    • 1 year ago

      no such thing, no single blunder is unrecoverable

      t. regularly win drunk after a series of terrible decisions

  50. 1 year ago

    What killed the hype?

    • 1 year ago

      The recent changes have made the game a lot easier. I'm waiting before playing more since the balance is just way out of whack and there's little challenge.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        God I wish I could lay on the grass and sleep carefree.

      • 1 year ago

        Frick those things, they kill my chickens

  51. 1 year ago

    Look at this smug homosexual.

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw about to NTR some poor loser

  52. 1 year ago

    Veteran seems kinda easy now and im only on my second cycle. Is normal? Is Viceroy the only difficult difficulty?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Past viceroy there's prestige levels.

    • 1 year ago

      20 level of prestige.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Past viceroy there's prestige levels.

      20 level of prestige.

      prestiges get kinda moronic after a bit. they also don't give you any more citadel resources than viceroy, but you do get more score out of them for faction competition purposes.

  53. 1 year ago

    >cant favor a race if they are the only race
    >if there is even one person from another race you can favor the one with the majority
    >implying people get off and feel better about bullying the minority

    • 1 year ago

      people get off and feel better about bullying the minority

  54. 1 year ago

    got to -50% traders prestige
    i can't fricking beat it anons, what should i do

    • 1 year ago

      rely on trade less. Consider robbing the first one if you don't have a clear path into your first few prestige points. Aim for a just few production chains to optimise your resource usage, as you have less slack available to fill in gaps.
      Get lucky. Git gud

      • 1 year ago

        If you rob the trader make sure you keep a human on firekeeper. Otherwise you might spiral out from frustration before you get resolve pumping.

    • 1 year ago

      Rev up those trade routes.

    • 1 year ago

      running out of crutches anon, time to git gud

  55. 1 year ago

    What do you think the next upgrade over t3 hub is going to be?

    • 1 year ago

      do we really need another one? getting 2 tier 3 hearths is already enough of a rarity. most of the time you'll finish the game before you get a second tier 3 hearth unless you're stalling for deeds.

      • 1 year ago

        >he doesnt want to build a ghetto for harpies

        • 1 year ago

          ghetto? it's a fricking spa resort

  56. 1 year ago

    > bought the real game in the sale after playing the demo for months
    > run out of fuel on every other biome since everything I've learned is calibrated on the Royal Woodlands' wood chopping bonus
    Frick musselsprout trees

    • 1 year ago

      There's a demo and I didn't realize? Gonna try this asap.

    • 1 year ago

      just use 2 woodcutter camps. it's not that complicated.

      >Win 100% of my games.
      >hit +50% consumption
      >0% win rate

      I almost always take small farm to start with so I can abuse things like ranch with it. always end up with a shitzillion food as a result.

      • 1 year ago

        2 woodcutters is really the only way to start. Sometimes you need the wood. Half the time its more sbout the speed setting up a glade.
        >small farm
        Frick that though. Too often I get stuck without a chain to use the grain. I always take oil though and then decide based on the map my next step. Honestly contemplating taking incense on cursed royal woodlands since it completes some glade + ghost events.

        • 1 year ago

          nah incense isn't really worth unless you go herb garden instead of small farm. even if you're on cursed royal woods all the spirits can be calmed with clearance water.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah.. I guess theres that too which simplifies things a lot. A year one rain collector now comes in clutch.
            Just had an assumed cursed but ended blessed marshlands
            >expand into dangerous, not much
            >year 3 open up forbidden
            >its a large boy I can farm with lizards
            >but the event gives blightcysts
            >i also receive 10 from third year
            >started off year with blood contract
            >6 villagers die before I get blight under control
            >everythings snapped back now and progress being made

  57. 1 year ago

    I feel like Marshlands got its roll generation changed. Forbidden glades are now very far from each other. Sometimes getting ones where you can cut through small ones and get there but overall they are further apart than last time I played. Which is a problem if you pop a forbidden but don't have the right harvesting building for that one.

  58. 1 year ago

    >cursed royal woodlands
    >red spirit
    >attack the trader!
    Frick I dont know which one I want to attack. Got the beaver one now which could be good for all the building materials but I dont have much in the way for increasing resolve to deal with queen impatience. Might just pull the trigger anyway since he gives tools which I can open a cache and hopefully roll a flour building.

  59. 1 year ago

    >Win 100% of my games.
    >hit +50% consumption
    >0% win rate

  60. 1 year ago

    I did not know I had to unlock deeds in the menu. I was wondering where the walls were. Too bad you don't need hardly any harmony stuff.

  61. 1 year ago

    Fun game, I've sunk about 80 gametime hours in 3 weeks, tackling Viceroy 4 right now. It's starting to feel the same each run. As I am leveling up, there seems to be an abundance of three 2-star buildings being introduced which defeats the difficulty and decision-making part of the game. Missing a specific resource or product that you need should be supplemented by trade or quest reward. Most of my runs end with all 3 races having enough of their needs filled to have tons of blue resolve for all. Not sure if the timeline of the game needs to be slowed down, or if these 3x 2star buildings need to just be deleted from the game, but making every resource/product available to manufacture makes the runs feel the same.

    Another thing: housing is way too simple. Most other city builders had a desirability rating which really made it feel like you were building a city. Some areas were ghetto with fewer food and luxury routes while other spots were ritzy as they had access to everything. Here you just construct the better houses once you have a maintainable supply of construction materials. So, there are really only three levels: unhoused, basic housed, and luxury housed. If housing were a scale instead, there is way mor oppurtunity for This seems like an "easier" developer feature. You can apply this same train of thought to resolve as well, but that is probably more difficult to fine tune as resolve is the superset to (or affected by) everything you do. Also, having this 3-tiered housing system eliminates any desire to make a pretty city. Just place industry near Hearth/warehouse, and housing can literally be anywhere in the Hearth radius and facing in whatever direction. Road access is not even necessary. Though I guess it fits the "new village/outpost" theme, it doesn't feel very true to the city builder genre.

    • 1 year ago

      As you punp difficulty the problems will mount. One of them reduces bp choice to two. Trade goods 50% less. Glade event time increased to take a while year. Storm as long as clearance. Etc. Id say the slightly more frustrating thing is not knowing your third race immediately.

    • 1 year ago

      I have to agree, being flooded with the 2* buildings has made playing less interesting. I think the 3* + 1* + 1* ones make for much more interesting choices since you often want to even pick another 3* building just to get a better recipe for one of the 1* items. Meanwhile, going from two to three stars is meh.

      • 1 year ago

        >Meanwhile, going from two to three stars is meh.
        It's more of a choice to get a buff for specific workers than recipe efficiency. 2*x3 don't usually have racial buffs.

      • 1 year ago

        >-5 copper per hostility or we burn 3 random buildings down
        >1 coat per village or -6 resolve
        >same time
        I think the polacks want to end this blessed run. Though I think queen agitation will do it first. I have all the building blocks to run a resolve victory but may not have the time.

        One star buildings are fine. 3* just offers extra gravy on top.

      • 1 year ago

        the big problem is getting saturated with fertile soil requiring buildings and shit like the enhanced rainpunk engine. dilutes good production choices.

        >Meanwhile, going from two to three stars is meh.
        It's more of a choice to get a buff for specific workers than recipe efficiency. 2*x3 don't usually have racial buffs.

        >2*x3 don't usually have racial buffs
        every other 2x3 has racial buffs; the frick do you mean? half of them buff lizards/harpies.

  62. 1 year ago

    > First viceroy game
    > Down to -50 resolve at storm time
    Thank god I took the thing that gives you 10 amber when a villager leaves or dies.
    At least I learned the trick of firing all my woodcutters for one season. I'M LEARNING

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like you had some other problem. But your ability to chop during storm is based on your extra resolve to the storm. Basically frees them up for other jobs. Like if you have beavers storms are great times to move them from chopping to work the mines. Id say theres not enough worth though to micro resource allowances. I am on prestige 20 and I dont frick with allowing/disallowing premium goods I do turn off some basic foods if they are important to orders/chains

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but after lurking this thread for a bit, I played my second viceroy game and won for the first time quite handily on that difficulty. The most useful advice from the thread was definitely starting with oil and open only dangerous or higher glades. I didn't realize a lot of my hostility problems were just hostility from small glades. Whoopsie.

        • 1 year ago

          Small glades are best when you need the space next to hearths. Or when you know whats in them by cornerstones or to fill orders.

          • 1 year ago

            NTA but after lurking this thread for a bit, I played my second viceroy game and won for the first time quite handily on that difficulty. The most useful advice from the thread was definitely starting with oil and open only dangerous or higher glades. I didn't realize a lot of my hostility problems were just hostility from small glades. Whoopsie.

            Small glades are worth the bother of opening them on maps with the modifier that negates the hostility.

            • 1 year ago

              >maps with the modifier that negates the hostility
              What fricking modifier removes small glade hostility?

              • 1 year ago

                Royal Watchtower? There's not one specifically for small glade, only for ALL glades.

                You can also sometimes combo cornerstones for infinite hostility reduction.

                DEEPEST LORE

                I am wondering if the devs will ever step up their lore game.

      • 1 year ago

        >Sounds like you had some other problem
        I had some sort of Lightning Rod glade event that increased hostility by 600 points while working lol, it pushed me up to Lv14 when the storm hit.
        Incidentally that's the game where I discovered that if you win via reputation from a glade event, the glade even that you just finished counts towards your "Finish a game with X glade events still active" Dice With Death deeds. Which is stupid but there you go

  63. 1 year ago


  64. 1 year ago

    > It's "update made the game literally unplayable again" Day
    aaaaaaaa I wanna abuse harpiesssssss

  65. 1 year ago

    >twitch integration

    • 1 year ago

      These days whether your game is good or not is secondary to whether it's a good stream game. We're in the worst timeline.

  66. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      So the queen is a blight spawn?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Scarlet Orchard is the most loreful biome so far.

      • 1 year ago

        SNIB SNAB :-DDD

        • 1 year ago

          > Those cornerstones
          Wait a minute... does building multiple hearths and upgrading them give twice the upgrade bonus? To all villagers?
          I never bothered building a second hearth because I thought it was superfluous, but if you can use them to get double the effects then I'll build hearths fricking everywhere

          • 1 year ago

            yes, but with the pop requirements you're unlikely to get more than two T3 hearths, and unless you're playing on babby difficulty you won't have the wildfire for more than a few T1s

          • 1 year ago

            Yes, it stacks.

            >turn off lumberjacks during storm
            >favour juggle
            >housing/food/complex food/services
            >put different races in buildings +resolve for them
            >rainpunk +resolve tech
            >+resolve perks/cornerstones

            Well I do all of those things and I still lose 5 villagers to low resolve in storm, FRICK

            I managed Prestige 3 last night - not because I did any better on resolve, but because I lucked out and got 2x Wood Tax cornerstones so I could just buy 1 million tools and sprint to cache victory before impatience killed me

            Post some screenshots, you are obviously doing something wrong if all that's not enough to keep you steady at single digit prestige levels.

  67. 1 year ago

    Been playing the game for a cool 24 hours, pretty content to play on lower difficulties. Is the Rainwater/punk tech actually becoming important at the higher levels? It seems such a huge investment and I am unsure if it is ever worth it?

    • 1 year ago

      >Is the Rainwater/punk tech actually becoming important at the higher levels? It seems such a huge investment and I am unsure if it is ever worth it?
      the only really big investment is the pipes and those are irrelevant outside maps where you don't have mines so you might as well make use of them. around the midgame the resolve bonus you get off rainpunk in the higher difficulties is very important to maintain resolve in storm. in viceroy and up looming darkness is -4 per hostility on top of the standard -2 per hostility. also, everything makes you deal with more hostility points in general so storm is giga fricked and you take any resolve bonuses you can get.

  68. 1 year ago

    I am enjoying this game, but so far on P1 the winning strategy seems to be
    >get a steady supply of coal (kiln or mine)
    >survive the storms, micromanage resolve/sacrifice coal if hostility is too high
    >do whatever until you stumble across some money-making method
    >just buy whatever complex food or services you need
    >everyone is happy, resolve goes zoom

    you always hit a threshold somewhere around year 10 where you can just let the game play itself until you win

    • 1 year ago

      Where is your queen now?

      >you always hit a threshold somewhere around year 10
      even in this giga demented run I just made I won in year 9 lmao. Normal runs should be won around year 7-8 even on p1.

    • 1 year ago

      >year 10
      What are you doing? P5 and I have even reached year 9. The winning strategy is to play bold, hostility starts stacking too much otherwise.

      • 1 year ago

        You're not wrong I guess, but maybe you are forced to win quick because you play bold? I've always been more of a tall player, so I'm content opening just one or two dangerous glades and run a tight ship with a smaller crew. Even if it gets to double digit years I never have trouble with resolve - and even if I lose someone the game just shits out newcomers

        Honestly, the one thing I have trouble with is getting vessels for my ales and pickled goods - there's just never enough clay. And luxuries seem to have such a long chain of production I feel they aren't worth bothering with

        I'm climbing up prestige every cycle and so far haven't lost a game

        • 1 year ago

          >And luxuries seem to have such a long chain of production I feel they aren't worth bothering with
          >ale is just vessel + wheat/root
          >wine is just vessel + berry/reed/shroom
          >training gear is just planks + rock/copper/dew
          >incense is just fuel + herb/resin/root/insect
          the only really demanding luxury goods are scrolls and cosmetics. even then, if you have wine you have scrolls by extension since the other half can just be wood. cosmetics are also really easy to get a hold of in royal woods. you get resin from trees there so you really only need a reliable oil source.

          • 1 year ago

            i wonder why you can't recycle barrels or pots

    • 1 year ago

      how cute

  69. 1 year ago

    P19 is such a ballbuster
    Small glades shouldn't even be in the game at that point

    • 1 year ago

      yeah you should avoid royal woods like the plague on p19. I've found that it's always saturated with small glades that surround your starting zone. the amber embark bonus is almost mandatory on p19 unless you get lucky and find one of the starting caravan selections with initial amber. worst case scenario you can also be liberal about selling parts.

  70. 1 year ago

    Should there be a win condition for actually playing the long game if the player chooses to do so? I know that being aggressive is the easiest and the Hostility gets comically bad very quickly, but I'd like if there was some way to solve a mission by going big and actually making a huge city.

    • 1 year ago

      Wdym? There's always a win condition. It's just you are likely to win or lose due to impatience before you reach a huge city stage.
      I think just adding +5-10 to both blue and red bars would make for a decent extended mode. And maybe more orders that unlock after more years or 100+ pop, that reduce hostility instead of other rewards.

    • 1 year ago

      Playing the long game is the easy way to win. By just sitting in your starting glade waiting you get
      > Extra cornerstones for every year that passes with >1 reputation
      > Hostility suppression from Queen's Impatience
      > Hostility suppression from just not cracking glades
      > Just slowly increment your pops via caravans
      Playing aggressive is a false economy, slow is the way

      • 1 year ago

        Higher prestiges you have to get aggressive to start getting resources to furfill orders or pump resolve to prevent impatience out or else one bad storm and you wont be able to recover. Harpies are fine early but you have to switch over to humans if losing villagers ever.

  71. 1 year ago

    >Order asks for having a certain service fulfilled x amount of times
    >The reward is a building that produces said service item

    • 1 year ago

      bootstraps, bithc

    • 1 year ago

      Buy tech then make your own.
      It worked for China.

  72. 1 year ago

    I bought this game and played for 2 hours, it seems really good, but I am afraid to play it anymore knowing that it's in early access (since it's so good). Should I just wait for a couple months or whatever for the 1.0 release to drop?

    • 1 year ago

      It's in early access but to be fair it feels pretty complete.
      Anything they're adding from here on out is just icing on the cake.

  73. 1 year ago

    Is this game any good? Looking for something to play, the voice acting on the trailer sounded cringe

    • 1 year ago

      I've never seen this trailer but in-game the people just speak sims-style gibberish.

  74. 1 year ago

    As I rise through prestige levels I'm starting to think that small glades are just not even worth venturing anymore.
    They up your hostility way too much for what little they give (usually nothing)

    • 1 year ago

      They're not really worth it even in viceroy. Only worth opening for orders and small hearth positioning.

    • 1 year ago

      you are correct

    • 1 year ago

      It's been a complaint for a long time now

    • 1 year ago

      i think they're a noob trap but i'm fine with the way they are - you only open them up tactically, if they let you easily access a bigger glade or connect a key route

  75. 1 year ago

    dead game

    • 1 year ago

      not an rpg

  76. 1 year ago

    This new update is kinda ass

    • 1 year ago
      Eugene Love

      Glad it's not just me that feels this way
      I have only been playing for a few hours but it feels like I can't get reputation from most of the glade events now

      >get glade event early on that requires either tools (which I couldn't get) or 15 packs of building materials
      >timeout penalty destroys all packs of goods in the warehouse

      At least trying to complete it in the time limit before losing everything was kind of exhilarating

  77. 1 year ago

    I couldn't stomach this game at all and refunded it.

  78. 1 year ago

    I just managed my first Prestige 2 game, and I almost died to impatience because something like 5 workers left me every Storm season as resolve plunged to -20.

    Does it get to the point where eventually you want to just refuse to accept the new-pops caravans? I still had a bunch of unfilled jobs but the pops were doing me more harm than good this game.

    • 1 year ago

      >Prestige 2
      It's not normal to be losing villagers every storm at such low level. You've obviously not mastered some basic mechanics.Do you
      >turn off lumberjacks during storm
      >favour juggle
      >housing/food/complex food/services
      >put different races in buildings +resolve for them
      >rainpunk +resolve tech
      >+resolve perks/cornerstones

      that's fair. I just feel like I'm not experiencing the game if I don't, I don't know, "beat" it. But I'm legitimately not having fun. I tried to frick around and play in different ways but it just means I lose and its not very enjoyable. Even if I figure out another "strategy" then it'll be the same thing.
      I guess I'm just going back to like Prestige 6 or whatever it was that I last enjoyed and try to self-impose challenges
      Its a shame the randomness in this game is more about cause and effect rather than unique experiences.
      I have a friend who only plays Viceroy and he seems to always have fun.

      why is prestige such an unfun mechanic
      I'm only on 14 and its just not enjoyable anymore
      it feels like everything I do is the same "strategy", am I just being stupid? I've won the last few prestiges in a row without failing but its just not fun. I play on a lower one and I can frick around, design a cool place, take pointless risks. But it feels like I'm playing a mechanically lacking puzzle game on anything over prestige 10 or so.

      Swallow your ego, you're not reaching max prestige while having freedom to frick around.

      • 1 year ago

        >turn off lumberjacks during storm
        >favour juggle
        >housing/food/complex food/services
        >put different races in buildings +resolve for them
        >rainpunk +resolve tech
        >+resolve perks/cornerstones

        Well I do all of those things and I still lose 5 villagers to low resolve in storm, FRICK

        I managed Prestige 3 last night - not because I did any better on resolve, but because I lucked out and got 2x Wood Tax cornerstones so I could just buy 1 million tools and sprint to cache victory before impatience killed me

        • 1 year ago

          Why is your hostility so high? Are you opening too many glades or what?

  79. 1 year ago

    why is prestige such an unfun mechanic
    I'm only on 14 and its just not enjoyable anymore
    it feels like everything I do is the same "strategy", am I just being stupid? I've won the last few prestiges in a row without failing but its just not fun. I play on a lower one and I can frick around, design a cool place, take pointless risks. But it feels like I'm playing a mechanically lacking puzzle game on anything over prestige 10 or so.

    • 1 year ago

      Well high Prestige is basically setting the game to "Very Hard, Unfun Challenge Mode", so it seems odd to complain that "Hey, this is very hard unfun challenging". It's supposed to be for tryhard autism / skill play, not fun.
      Unless I'm cheevo hunting I never play on anything above Veteran.

      • 1 year ago

        that's fair. I just feel like I'm not experiencing the game if I don't, I don't know, "beat" it. But I'm legitimately not having fun. I tried to frick around and play in different ways but it just means I lose and its not very enjoyable. Even if I figure out another "strategy" then it'll be the same thing.
        I guess I'm just going back to like Prestige 6 or whatever it was that I last enjoyed and try to self-impose challenges
        Its a shame the randomness in this game is more about cause and effect rather than unique experiences.
        I have a friend who only plays Viceroy and he seems to always have fun.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah as a guy that beat the game on Prestige 20 I think there's definitely a point where it stops being fun and just becomes frustrating.

    • 1 year ago

      >am I just being stupid

    • 1 year ago

      >play challenge 'try harder' mode
      >why can't i frick around
      >am I just being stupid?

  80. 1 year ago

    Did they take infused tools out of the game entirely with the latest update? I never see them either for sale by traders or as options in cache requirements

    • 1 year ago

      I believe they did if I remember the patch notes correctly. They never did anything anyway except for being 'tools but better' so it makes sense.

  81. 1 year ago

    well i guess its nice you don't instantly lose

    took only 1 stack of the +5sec cyst removal event

    • 1 year ago

      protip: build a firestation next to your warehouse / industry district

      then build a second one

  82. 1 year ago

    fox update drops tomorrow with hunger now being lethal and some initial bonuses to species
    it has been a while since i played the game, lets see if the game is actually difficult now

  83. 1 year ago

    >furry update
    it's ogre

    • 1 year ago

      This game gets more convoluted the more races they add. The overlapping needs would get more and more complicated.
      I don’t think the other races are being added. It’s over.

    • 1 year ago

      no, it's foxes

  84. 1 year ago

    I folded my first P1 playthrough. Opened too many mini-glades for the orders, then the impatience did the rest.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like Prestige difficulty will get a lot easier after you've unlocked all the Citadel Upgrades.
      Not because the Citadel Upgrades are good, but rather because once I've got them all I won't be obsessively conserving my citadel resources and I'll be able to spam Forsaken Temple bonuses.

      • 1 year ago

        Truth is, I unlocked most of the upgrades in the Citadel. The other locked upgrades came from the past updates like rain engines and revamped glade events.

  85. 1 year ago

    i love trading

  86. 1 year ago

    I enjoyed the two towns i created in the demo, but i'm afraid the short length of each run might get boring fast
    Are you having fun, Anons?

    • 1 year ago

      i had fun until i ran out of new challenges (beat p20). the short length of each run is a good thing, once you get to that stable point the game lets you just... win. it doesn't drag things out.

      • 1 year ago

        They cut out the boring end phase of most civ games.
        I got all the achievements and then moved onto something else but that’s still a solid 200 hours of gameplay

    • 1 year ago

      >the short length of each run
      I like it that I can beat a map in a single evening. Too burned out on city-builders and 4X that need days to win.

      • 1 year ago

        >I like it that I can beat a map in a single evening.
        Yeah i like that, but doesn't it feel repetitive quickly? That's my biggest concern

        • 1 year ago

          It will get repetitive within 10 runs.
          >map designs are all the same ie same flat hexagonal terrain
          >no rivers, no mountains, no glade events that will manipulate the terrain permanently (or a few cycles)
          >the same goes for the weather
          >which you barely interact with
          >you will always spawn in the middle of the map
          >while surrounded by trees with no way out nor in
          >why and how, is not explained
          >biomes are just glorified recolours with some stat changes
          >prestige again is just a numbers game to cripple the player, to lengthen gametime in the disguise of "challenge"
          >instead of just making the game more stuff to do and manage
          >zero story beyond the tutorial
          The game idea is good I believe. But the execution is rather poor. Pirate it first.

          • 1 year ago

            Idk there’s not much to do in your moms pussy but I still hit it after ten times

          • 1 year ago

            > prestige again is just a numbers game to cripple the player, to lengthen gametime in the disguise of "challenge"
            Prestige dramatic changes how the game is played.
            The queens impatience matters, you can’t pop open glades recklessly,
            Storm phase will frick you hard up if hostility is too high.
            Your design selection is more limited so you need to know which combos you can pull off to get a functional economic engine.
            It doesn’t make the game longer, you die so much faster.

  87. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >1000 charges
      That's a lot. I don't remember mine having that many.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm on Prestige 5, maybe it gets cut on higher levels?
        Or maybe they buffed it in the recent patch, idk

  88. 1 year ago

    played the fox update for about 17 hours update
    it was nice but i think im done with the game unless they release any meaningful update

    • 1 year ago

      > On Prestige 6, played for about 100 hours
      > Only realised today that jobs boost resolve if you match the species to the building specialisation
      I might be moronic
      The worst part is that I always noticed the blue haze it puts over their icon when they're in the appropriate building, but I just thought it was an EA bug or something

      • 1 year ago

        there is plenty of "obvious" shit that you can easily miss on this game

  89. 1 year ago

    I only play on Pioneer

  90. 1 year ago

    I sort of liked the demo but it started to get overwhelming neat the end. Is it worth to get it in EA?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, there's tons of content and they keep adding more like clockwork.

      No gamebreaking bugs either.

  91. 1 year ago

    >120 hours in this game
    >beaten prestige 20
    >have yet to find a single Rainpunk Foundry in dangerous glades
    Where the frick are these things, I just want the deed

    • 1 year ago

      Didn't one of the updates make them obsolete? No more infused tools for them to produce.

    • 1 year ago

      The only time I ever saw one was with that perk that shows you what's inside glades. There was one on the opposite side of the map from me and there was no way I was getting to it.

  92. 1 year ago

    Just managed Homesick 2 (win within 3 years), wasn't nearly as hard as I expected.
    Lucked out with a Foresters Hut and a Toolshop in my first 3 building picks, allowing me to go straight into crystalline dew and mass produced tools, then I just cracked every single glade in the land and took the caches. Still had 2 minutes of Storm III to go.

    • 1 year ago

      Impressive! I nearly did 5 years without even trying but 3 years seems a major stretch.

      • 1 year ago

        Obviously you need to do it on settler for the higher production yields and lower reputation win requirements.
        I did it on Royal Woodlands but in retrospect it would probably have been easier on Coral Forest because there you can get crystalline dew "for free" from tree chopping, then I wouldn't have needed the foresters hut, just the toolshop

        • 1 year ago

          Impressive! I nearly did 5 years without even trying but 3 years seems a major stretch.

          Again, Viceroy difficulty. If I hadn't run out of coal for the last 40 seconds I could have done the 5 years achievement without even aiming for it.

          I have to say, the last month updates seem to have really upped the difficulty, especially the changes to clearing events. It's not longer safe to pop a Forbidden or Dangerous glade on year 1 on ANY prestige level, even Viceroy is dicey. I doubt I'll ever reach P20 now.

          How have the veterans been handling the updates?

          • 1 year ago

            >How have the veterans been handling the updates?
            I beat P20 about a few months ago and since then just casually play on P8 since P20 just too stressful for me to play regularly. At least on P8 I haven't had any difficulties breaking open Dangerous glades on year 1, but then I usually play cautiously and only open one Dangerous or Forbidden glade per year unless I'm hunting for a specific event for achivements.

          • 1 year ago

            I notice that your small hearth hasn't been upgraded. Putting 1 park within it's range would have given everyone +2 global resolve, probably pushed the harpies over the edge into rep gain and thereby let you get the Deed

            • 1 year ago

              I started building it too late, lazy workers couldn't get it done on time. Really, what fricked me most was a stormbird event that totally surprised me.

              Also, the threshold for rep seems to increase dynamically just to frick you over, it was 27 at that point. It has nothing to do with population size. Anyone figured out on what it scales? Amount of resolve already earned?

              What really pisses me off is I never start the games with the intention to blitz it. Then near the end I so often realise I have a chance and miss it by an inch.

              • 1 year ago

                Stormbird is a game ogre event if you get it and its not damn near the first event you pop.

              • 1 year ago

                >Also, the threshold for rep seems to increase dynamically just to frick you over, it was 27 at that point. It has nothing to do with population size. Anyone figured out on what it scales? Amount of resolve already earned?
                IIRC it's a flat increase that varies by race.

  93. 1 year ago

    You guys think I'll like this game if I didn't like Frostpunk? I just got Frostpunk on the steam sale and after ~3 hours I'm already bored of it.
    >not into the grimdark/moralizing themes and story
    >morality system is boring, unimpactful and underwhelming
    >game isn't even hard at all despite all that (though I assume it will get harder)
    >too much waiting for resources, micromanagement is simple and barely needed
    Even if this game is easier Frostpunk is just not very engaging for me, the lack of micro especially kills my interest, and I do have a thing for the WC3 artstyle.

    • 1 year ago

      Against the storm can be much more difficult and unforgiveing if you don't know what you are doing.

    • 1 year ago

      there's way more RNG in against the storm, whereas frostpunk is a story puzzle game. they really don't play that similar, and tone is different despite some surface similarities

    • 1 year ago

      Against the storm is lightly dark, no morality shit, lots of micro, and dynamic difficulty/gameplay. All of your “tech” choices are randomized draft style, limited rerolls, and reset each settlement (1-4 hours).

      • 1 year ago

        >no morality shit
        That's getting added bit by bit. We have the Old Gods (bad), the Queen (nu-bad), the choices in events (loyalty/corruption/empathy/cruelty...) and some dark deeds done cheap.

  94. 1 year ago

    we need to ally with the moderate furries against the fox furries

  95. 1 year ago

    >playing ATS while a storm rages outside
    maximum overcomfy

  96. 1 year ago

    Just won my first P9 game.
    Reading elsewhere it seems like everyone's always b***hing about P9 because "AAAAA MY TRADERINOS" but I never used traders much all the way from Settler to P8, so the fact that they get a step-function in israeliness at P9 didn't bother me at all.
    It was still pretty difficult though, just for the same reasons as P8: my resolve always crashes to -20 for every species in Storm and I just keep unstoppably haemorrhaging pops hand over fist until Drizzle rolls back around, even at 0 woodcutters and 3*wood, 3*coal hearth sacrifices.
    If I hadn't drawn Hidden From The Queen as a cornerstone (so the lost pops don't raise impatience) I'd have lost in about Y4, as it was I survived until Y16 when I'd finally made enough tools to pop enough caches to win that way.

    • 1 year ago

      >my resolve always crashes to -20 for every species in Storm and I just keep unstoppably haemorrhaging pops hand over fist until Drizzle rolls back around, even at 0 woodcutters and 3*wood, 3*coal hearth sacrifices.
      What the frick is jacking up your negative resolve? Do you just not give your villagers food, shelter or services?

      • 1 year ago

        >Do you just not give your villagers food, shelter or services?
        Well, I give them shelter.
        But I'm basically always teetering on the edge of starvation and I never even attempt to produce service goods... because, as previously mentioned, I can't even get basic food working.
        Any general tips here would be appreciated, but on that P9 run the only food building I ever even drew was the smokehouse and I didn't find a meat or insect node the entire game so that's not exactly helpful

        • 1 year ago

          If you're having mass starvation in every single game, you are doing something very, very wrong. Do you not have gathering camps for raw food? No farms? Trading for food? Actually, what are your villagers even doing if they're not producing food, service goods, or stuff to trade for the above? They can't all be busy making building materials or chopping wood.

          • 1 year ago

            > Do you not have gathering camps for raw food? No farms? Trading for food?
            I have all of these things, except trading for food. I had 4 fully staffed herb gardens through the bulk of that P9 run, plus a handful of miscellaneous camps (though not as many as I'd like because of limited machine parts) whenever I found food nodes.
            It is nevertheless still insufficient to keep my villagers fed

            • 1 year ago

              Finding an advanced food chain should be a priority. Figure out what raw food you can get, then try to get buildings to process it. It's a huge help.

              • 1 year ago

                Also: Make sure you only focus on ONE advanced food chain early. Your villagers will eat one of every advanced food because they are fat frickers.

              • 1 year ago

                If only they could build up fat stores from gorging themselves.

              • 1 year ago

                >ywn rub a chubby harpy's tummy while telling her you didn't realise this game had added pig girls
                why even live?

              • 1 year ago

                Also: Make sure you only focus on ONE advanced food chain early. Your villagers will eat one of every advanced food because they are fat frickers.

                I don't get it anons. I tried to follow your advice but there's simply not enough food on the map to feed everyone. I have 3 small root nodes available to me and that's it. There's one eggs node but I don't have enough machinery to build a trapper camp. As for complex food, I haven't drawn a single complex food building option all game. I turned all of my starting meat into jerky in the field kitchen but then that ran out right quick.
                Are you guys just popping glades 24/7 and getting food nodes that way? But in that case how do you deal with hostility?

              • 1 year ago

                >As for complex food, I haven't drawn a single complex food building option all game
                >rep is 0
                >five years in
                Have you maybe considered fulfilling those orders so you can actually get some building rolls

              • 1 year ago

                I need the impatience-based hostility reduction

              • 1 year ago

                Victory goes to the bold. No joke, opening glades is the safest way to win. Sure, you may get ONE bad even but you are certain to get resources, maybe even a critical building ruin you can rebuild.

              • 1 year ago

                You are five years into the game
                You have not fulfilled a single order or gained a single reputation point
                You have done zero trading (evidenced by the Amber Trade order showing 0/16), whether for anything to help with those orders or just food to not starve
                You must have barely opened any glades for you to only be at hostility 2 five years in with that villager count and multiple woodcutters

                What have you even been doing all this time? Where on earth are all your villagers assigned if none of them have been contributing to doing ANY of the above for five entire years? Near as I can tell your problem is playing entirely too passive and not doing anything to advance at all. It's no wonder you're running out of food if you're not even playing the game to begin with.

                I need the impatience-based hostility reduction

                >I'm gonna sit on my thumbs and do absolutely jack shit because the forest is scawy
                Are you fricking kidding me? Fulfilling orders gives you perks, resources (including FOOD), building rolls from reputation and sometimes just rewards blueprints directly. Sitting on orders to lower hostility is at most delaying the inevitable. Play the game you dumbass! You're a viceroy! Do viceroy things!

              • 1 year ago

                Are you trolling lol or are you just this clueless? Also why don't you delete some camps you are not using to get some extra parts back? Each of those camps is worth 3 parts.

                You are five years into the game
                You have not fulfilled a single order or gained a single reputation point
                You have done zero trading (evidenced by the Amber Trade order showing 0/16), whether for anything to help with those orders or just food to not starve
                You must have barely opened any glades for you to only be at hostility 2 five years in with that villager count and multiple woodcutters

                What have you even been doing all this time? Where on earth are all your villagers assigned if none of them have been contributing to doing ANY of the above for five entire years? Near as I can tell your problem is playing entirely too passive and not doing anything to advance at all. It's no wonder you're running out of food if you're not even playing the game to begin with.

                >I'm gonna sit on my thumbs and do absolutely jack shit because the forest is scawy
                Are you fricking kidding me? Fulfilling orders gives you perks, resources (including FOOD), building rolls from reputation and sometimes just rewards blueprints directly. Sitting on orders to lower hostility is at most delaying the inevitable. Play the game you dumbass! You're a viceroy! Do viceroy things!

                This is the problem with this game, it's not a city builder. It's not meant to relax and enjoy. It's constantly pause and sweat. But yeah, that guy's colony is in dire straits.

              • 1 year ago

                >year 5
                >no rep
                Replay the tutorial.
                Learn what the *, **, *** mean = efficiency, three stars is most efficient so always try to produce stuff through 3 star buildings

            • 1 year ago

              herb gardens are just awful for growing edible food without boosters

              • 1 year ago

                Herb garden is pretty meh. The building that grows herbs+mushroom for green water is much better.

            • 1 year ago

              Advanced food is pretty much essential on higher difficulties. Not just because of the resolve bonus, but because it's more efficient in terms of food supply.
              For instance, jerky (**) only requires 5 meat but gives you 10 jerky. In nearly every case, producing advanced food gives you at least 20% more food than what you put in to produce it. If you upgrade the buildings with rainpunk and use compatible species, you also massively increase the chance of doubling the food during production.
              So my strategy is usually to start the game with at least one advanced food building that doesn't require flour or containers (jerky or skewers). Then I normally forbid all basic food types and force everyone (including beavers) to eat the jerky and skewers. I rarely have food problems doing this.

  97. 1 year ago

    Noob here. I just unlocked prestige 1 and I'm level 9 with much to explore in the game. Only lost one scenario which was my first one when I was learning. Here are a few of my thoughts:

    The Smoldering city upgrades and deeds really only serve as one function which is to introduce the player to the various production chains and advanced functions of the game slowly so that the player can learn how to play for the more challenging section of the game. The progression system in terms of an end game really does not excite me. I think that they should set up a tutorial campaign so to speak where players naturally progress and are given the deeds, tech ect.. slowly for a certain amount of games but they shouldn't have this tedious grind just to have access to the full game. There needs to be more of a standard play mode that actually keeps track of your wins and losses and has everything unlocked with some sort of goal throughout a cycle that is fun to repeat over and over like FTL or something. Maybe a condensed tech tree for X amount of games or cycles and resets that you must pick and chose wisely. I just wish there was something more equal and standard because the smoldering city upgrades actually seem like they would make the end game easier which makes no sense to me since you can just take them all. I could keep going up the prestige ladder but I still won't have some of the very end upgrades even if I can get high in prestige by going up each new difficulty unlock.

    • 1 year ago

      >the progression system in terms of an end game really does not excite me.
      It is a roguelike citybuilder. Not much room for progression beyond the player simply getting good enough to consistently win.

      • 1 year ago

        I still don't understand what the hell roguelike means, genre gets way overused, I don't like attaching it to this game personally... it's just a city builder. In terms of progression, I don't want progression. There isn't progression in Caesar 3, Pharaoh, or Zues for example, but impressions games feed you the production chains and core game functions scenario by scenario so that you can learn in their campaigns. That's what this game needs. Just replace the whole unlock grind with a campaign that makes sense. Then it should be all random generated scenarios with statitics. What I mean by progression, they should have something like Faster Than Light where you have an end game score system with a common objective. It's the mortor that game together. This game has nothing to bind it all together. It's just really good on an individual scenario level but the way you have to frick around with experience and materials really is not fun and only reason to do it is to unlock stuff that should be available to everyone when they buy the game

  98. 1 year ago

    >keep starting runs and leaving them unfinished
    >then the game gets updated and my run gets force-completed
    A new P20 run in the Royal Woodlands, this time for sure. No ragequitting or leaving the game for 2 weeks.

    • 1 year ago

      My embark:
      >8 beavers and 5 harpies, I usually like to take caravans that have 2/3 of the species already revealed
      >since this is p20 I have to embark with amber because opening glades costs either amber or lives and you really can't afford to spend lives since queen's impatience is doubled for dead villagers
      >I also took the 42 oil but idk if this is still good anymore because in the last major update they rebalanced all the glade events to have more options for completing them
      >my final embark bonus was +3 villagers because I had 1 point left over and didn't think bringing an extra 28 food would matter too much
      >this wound up revealing my 3rd species which is lizards
      First thing to do when starting the run? Instantly turn off all the luxuries that came with the caravan. Nobody is getting any fricking biscuits or clothes or anything. I want to save those items for later, I don't care about the resolve bonus for them right now (except maybe for harpies because they have a very low threshold). I also turn off the meat that came with the caravan because 2/3 of my species eat Jerky. It would be better to turn that meat into Jerky than to let them eat it raw.

      • 1 year ago

        First glade has berries and clay. Typically I start by laying out a grid of roads around the warehouse and the hearth. 2 woodcutting camps is my standard, plus 1 camp to gather whatever food resource I started with. Since I have Harpies I'm going to be using a Harpy firekeeper because that gives me +5 global carrying capacity which is quite important, it means people spend less time walking back and forth carrying shit around. If resolve becomes an issue during the storm or whenever then I will switch out the harpy for a lizard for +1 resolve.

        • 1 year ago

          I get 2 blueprints to choose from. First blueprint is either Grill or Brickyard. The Grill makes copper bars (can't mine copper in this biome, can only get copper from clay), skewers (only one of my species eats skewers) and Ale (only one of my species can drink Ale). Therefore I don't care about the Grill. The Brickyard on the other hand can make bricks at max efficiency, pottery at good efficiency, and crystal bars. All of those things are potentially very helpful so I take brickyard. Second choice is Forager's camp or bathhouse. Since only one of my species can use the bathhouse I'm taking the forager's camp.

          • 1 year ago

            the trolling has already begun. My choice of cornerstones are 2 things that I can't see helping me in the near future. If I knew that I was getting the farm building then I would take grain bags, but I don't, so I'm going to sit on this for a while.

            • 1 year ago

              I built a rain collector and put 2 of my harpies in there. I didn't use to build rain collectors at the start of the game but I started doing it because of all the changes they made to recipes and glade events and shit. Might as well get that process started. I manually designate the trees I want my woodcutters to chop down, I never just leave them. I'm not opening a dangerous glade immediately because solving the event takes 33% longer after one of the prestiges and I've already lost a lot of time just setting everything up. Having a glade event active during the storm could be a game ending situation so I avoid it.

              • 1 year ago

                My first 3 orders came up and the choices were pretty hard. With orders I always try to pick things that can be completed easily and in the near future as opposed to complicated things that might take a while. The reputation gain from a finished order is usually more valuable than the reward. Worst case scenario is having multiple orders sitting unable to completed even into the mid or late game.
                >15 lizard resolve, this is pretty easy once a luxury or two gets turned on or the lizards get put inside a warm building
                >build a forager's camp and have 25 broccoli. while I do have a forager's camp I have yet to find broccoli and it's possible that I won't find any for a while, not super comfortable about this one
                >the final one was a choice between handing over 5 tools in exchange for a bunch of building materials, or making 7 packs of crops and getting some farming related perks and some money. very hard choice actually. 7 packs of crops is a huge amount of resources to give away this early in this game and especially if I get no building with an efficient recipe for crop packs. the farming perk would be useful, but I have no farm buildings at this point. on the other hand, I could give away 5 of my tools, but I don't want to do this because I might need them to solve an event or open a cache or something. I wound up picking the 7 crops order.

              • 1 year ago

                >next priorities are building shelters for everyone and placing down 4 decorations inside the hearth radius. placing the decorations down instantly upgrades the hearth to an encampment which gives +2 global resolve, that plus giving everyone shelter should hopefully keep everyone's resolve high enough that the first storm won't frick me over
                >I'm using my woodcutters to clear space to put buildings and inch a little bit closer to the dangerous glade that I plan to open next year

              • 1 year ago

                the field kitchen has been placed and I'm turning the meat I started with into jerky. even though it has shit efficiency it's still turning 8 food into 10 food, or a 20% profit. however I turned the jerky off for now because the resolve boost isn't necessary to survive the storm and I probably still have enough berries and roots to eat for a while. once next year comes I will turn the jerky on
                >had to unassign a bunch of woodcutters so I have unemployed people now. built a stonecutters camp to start mining the clay that I started with, put 2 villagers in the makeshift crafting station to make wooden planks, and built a trading post

              • 1 year ago

                newcomers are here but it's during the storm, so I won't accept them because it would raise my hostility and frick my shit up. I don't really accept newcomers unless I have lots of jobs that need filling usually

              • 1 year ago

                It's the new year. INSTANTLY I re-assign some woodcutters and cut into the dangerous glade that I started next to, there's not a second to lose. I also activate the jerky that I was saving. I cut into the glade and I see this:
                >2 giant meats
                >4 small roots
                >1 giant flax
                >some fertile soil
                >a cache
                >an artisan
                >and the fallen scientists dangerous glade event
                There is so much shit going on in the space of like 5 seconds that I have to pause the game and think. What am I thinking?
                >2 giant meat nodes. I want an advanced trapper's camp BADLY rn. the small version cannot gather those meats. I have 2 species that jerky and that meat could make a lot of jerky, but I have no way to gather it...
                >I must build the forager's camp to gather those roots. Once I start gathering the roots, then I can go make the 7 packs of crops to fulfill my order since roots can be used to make crop packs.
                >the giant field of flax + a damaged artisan I can repair. holy shit what luck. I can build a harvester to gather the flax, and then turn it into cloth. then I can use the cloth to make coats for my villagers. 2/3 of my species demand coats. this is an amazing find
                >what to do about the harpy scientist event? if I rob the dead, that's a -12 resolve penalty for the duration of the event being worked on. I would have to turn my luxuries back on for the harpies to stop them from leaving (this is why I saved my luxuries)
                >I would get a perk for +5 items carried to glade events...not bad
                >I would get 20 wine, I don't really care about that
                >and I would get a perk that lets me make barrels in 2 buildings that I don't own. don't care about that either
                But if I pay for the funeral
                >costs me 15 amber and 30 oil (I'm very glad I embarked with oil right now)
                >get 0.5 reputation for that
                >I'm nervous about spending the money because opening glades costs money (or lives if u have no money) after p19
                I think I will pay for the funeral because idc about the other option.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm getting trolled again by the cornerstone lottery. I wound up taking the grain bags from the last one (even though I have no farm) because I didn't feel like the perks were bad enough to reroll.
                >mushroom seedlings? what the frick do I care about mushroom seedlings when I still don't have a farm building anyway?
                >and then there's this weird alarm bells perk that gives you extra chance to double production when your hearth is corrupted. I don't really care for this perk either tbh

              • 1 year ago

                I decide to spend a reroll this time.
                >a perk that gives +5 resolve to villagers that fulfill brawling. I don't care about this perk because only one of my species has the brawling need, and it's so early in the game that I have no idea if I will ever set up the necessary buildings for this. this perk is worthless, frick this.
                >other option is rooty ground, which gives me +1 wood from trees but makes planting and harvesting crops slower
                Well, rooty ground it is. I guess I'll never fricking run out of wood since I'm in the royal woodlands with beavers and this perk. I'm not rerolling again.

              • 1 year ago

                The harpies have been assigned to the glade event and are on the case. each of them was carrying 11 oil, only 1 more trip is necessary and then they will start working on it. Look at how long it takes to solve this event, 6:27 without any modifiers. In 9:41 seconds, the event fails and spawns blood flowers. This is why I waited one year to open a dangerous glade. Six and a half minutes is a long time to be working on one of these events. You also have to factor in travel time from walking back and forth carrying the shit you need to solve the event. If you waste too much time then you risk getting fricked. What if it rolls over into storm season in the middle of the event? Then you're double fricked. The harpy firekeeper giving +5 global carrying capacity really helped here.

              • 1 year ago

                In order to fulfill my 15 lizards resolve order I'm favoring my lizards temporarily. The favor bonus + the jerky resolve will push them over 15 for long enough to fulfill the order.

              • 1 year ago

                The order is finished which gives me some reputation and another blueprint. My choice is plantation or alchemy hut.
                >plantation is a farm type building that uses fertile soil, it's the first one I've seen. grows berries or plant fiber at good efficiency
                >alchemy hut makes crystal bars, but I already have a brickyard that can do that
                >it can also make tea or wine, which are used to fulfill luxury needs
                My choice is the plantation because I have no idea if I will ever see a farm building again, and because you can grow plant fiber with these things. I can feed my harpy textile mills forever with one of these things, in theory. Basically it already has a synergy with what I'm working with. Unfortunately my grain bags perk will probably be totally worthless this run because even if I see a small farm now I'm probably not gonna take it since I just took this building. As far as the alchemy hut was concerned, yes it has recipes for luxury needs that my villagers have but when it comes to fulfilling luxury needs in this game I always prioritize needs that are shared by multiple species first. If 2/3 villager types like something then I try to get it for them. But if only 1/3 types like something, it's not a high priority for me at this point because I need to be efficient.

              • 1 year ago

                don't forget to put down new warehouses in the glades you discover. minimizing walking time is important. the artisan is being rebuilt and my woodcutters are clearing the trees off of the fertile soil so that I can start farming there. I'm starting to gather the roots now so I can finish my other order. I got 30 meat as a reward from that lizard order so I went and turned that into jerky.

              • 1 year ago

                More Order theory. Orders that can be easily and quickly completed are better than ones that are ambiguous.
                >I don't have 20 coal, nor do I have any buildings that make coal like the kiln, nor can I mine any, so I would have to buy it
                >the packs of building materials aren't really a problem, I have basically infinite wood so I can make shit efficiency building packs all day long with my planks if I had to, but it would still be time consuming and it would eat up a lot of planks that i could use for other shit
                >OR, I can just cut into 2 glades in the span of 150 seconds at any point in the game
                one of these options is way less effort and thinking.

              • 1 year ago

                This one is a really good order.
                >have 12 villagers eating jerky at the same time and get a permanent +2 jerky production for the rest of the game
                Well my villagers are already eating jerky so this is literally free and hugely beneficial. No reason not to take this

              • 1 year ago

                finished my crop pack order and got a blueprint.
                >advanced rain collector (lol)
                Tinkerer can make tools (very useful) so long as I have metal bars, plus training gear if I end up giving my lizards brawling. Maybe somebody uses the rainwater stuff enough to want an advanced rain collector but that somebody isn't me.

              • 1 year ago

                I decided to take this cornerstone (already forgot what the other one was and didn't screenshot sorry). But this one will give me ancient tablets for completing glade events. Tablets can be sold for money or are sometimes used for orders so I think it will come in handy.

              • 1 year ago

                >accumulated dew
                >gives 2 crystal dews for every 10 berries produced
                And guess which gamer picked the farm building that grows berries? My choices have been wise so far because I just got handed another cool synergy. This is gonna give me free crystals for the entire rest of the game so long as I'm growing or gathering berries. Of course those crystals can be used for making tools at the tinkerer that I just picked, or for selling on a trade route, etc. In order to afford this I have to sell a lot of my shit and now I can't open any glades for a while. I think that it will pay for itself though and I really can't ignore it

              • 1 year ago

                Frick moron moment. I forgot about the swarm of blightrot cysts that spawn and had to scramble to build the blight post

              • 1 year ago

                It's not looking good for me right now bros. I can't make any advanced food recipes right now and the only thing to eat is berries. I opened another dangerous glade earlier (plus 2 small glades which I usually don't do but I had that order for opening glades quickly and I'm feeling a little desperate). I forgot about the paying money thing to open glades so I lost a couple villagers which put the queen's impatience quite high. The giant meats are still there, but there are also some giant bird's nest in the new glade I just opened and I can't gather those either because I don't have the trappers camp which is starting to really piss me off a lot. I've made a lot of tools thanks to the crystal perk, some of which I sold and some of which I'm using to open a few crates to get more money and reputation. I also got a carpenter so I'm mass producing planks right now which I'm starting to use to make packs of building materials in the Tinkerer which I also plan to sell. I'm gonna need to start growing plant fiber if I want to be able to mass produce coats so that's not working right now either. We shall see what happens next but I'm feeling the burn.

              • 1 year ago

                Coats should be able to push Harpies into High Resolve if you continue to keep your hostility low (plus possibly Harpy Housing if you get enough cloth). If you still have that flax from earlier then that'll give you the cloth you need before your plantations can get their first plant fiber harvest.

              • 1 year ago

                I actually blew through all the flax at lightning speed but I'm starting to grow plant fiber now.

              • 1 year ago

                in order to win this game I need to complete both of these events. this should also trigger my final uncompleted order, the one for choosing 2 empathy decisions

              • 1 year ago

                I can't really explain in a concise way how bad this is or every step I had to go through. I tore down every single building in my entire settlement that cost wood. I sacrificed every single wood that I had at the hearth to keep hostility low during the storm, no wood left anywhere. I removed all wood stored in the stockpiles of all buildings that use it. A bunch of my production chains were fricked up and everyone is homeless. I sacrificed literally everything I had

              • 1 year ago

                It's over. I barely won at the last second. I don't think this would have been nearly this fricking bad if I hadn't made the mistake of accidentally opening a glade earlier and then later not having enough firefighters to clear the cysts in time. I didn't post about it but I got overwhelmed by cysts at one point and the hearth was extinguished which killed a few villagers. Those two (2) mistakes almost cost me the game because I got like 4 or 6 impatience points or something for getting villagers killed.

              • 1 year ago

                things I had to do to save it:
                >get lucky
                >quickly set up a production chain for scrolls using the sawmill and the tinctuary
                >I had the explorer's lodge which uses scrolls for education and gives +1 global resolve when it's fully staffed
                >the combined resolve boost barely kept my harpies and beavers from leaving
                >previously made production chains for jerky and skewers
                >had to open 1 forbidden glade and 1 dangerous glade at the same time, and got lucky with having 2 events that had empathy decisions which resolved my unfinished order
                >had 2 stone mines mining bone marrow so I could continuously sacrifice bone marrow at the hearth to speed up the events
                >even though I had like 600 wood stockpiled when I realized I needed to sacrifice, I spent every single wood I had and then had to dismantle every building in my settlement to get more wood
                >placed all my villagers that I could in their comfortable buildings, all lizards inside warm buildings, harpies inside the cloth building with pipes hooked up and the +10 resolve boost from the pipes
                >I accepted a caravan of villagers (even though I didn't want to) because I had only 11/12 harpies needed for one of my orders, this gave me the harpies I needed but it almost fricking killed me from the insanely massive hostility boost from all the villagers and that's why I very rarely accept caravans when I play this fricking game
                Ok that's enough of prestige 20 for another month.

              • 1 year ago

                Btw I also opened 4 caches this game and picked the money and resolve choice every time. That was thanks to my tool production which was only possible because I got the crystal dew + berries perk, and THAT was only possible because I picked the plantation way back at the start of the game. What else is there to say? Some of it was good decisions but most of it was luck. If I hadn't gotten lucky at multiple points here it would all come crashing down.

              • 1 year ago

                I think I just got fricking scammed. The corrupted caravan event I did had an "empathy" option (which is the one I picked) but when it completed it didn't count for my order. I didn't screenshot the event either

              • 1 year ago

                Yep, I'm thinking that we're back.

              • 1 year ago

                earlier I picked the butcher but couldn't use it. now thanks to getting the upgraded trapper's camp and the cornerstone "lost supplies" that gives 40 meat and 40 grain for each completed dangerous event, jerky production can be restarted

            • 1 year ago

              Grain Bags is really only useful for the Forager's Camp in biomes with wild grain. The perk scales very poorly with the Small Farm.

              • 1 year ago

                it's hilariously good with protowheat

      • 1 year ago

        >Instantly turn off all the luxuries that came with the caravan.
        Doesn't this reduce resolve? I thought consumption control for luxuries pissed people off. Better to not have the luxuries at all than have them but say to the villagers "No you can't use them", especially on high prestige where every resolve point counts

        • 1 year ago

          Reduced resolve doesn't matter as long as it remains above 0. The extra resolve you'd gain from the luxuries would also make no difference since it wouldn't push anyone above the reputation gain treshhold.
          The way to win is to forbid absolutely everything but one complex food until you're ready to push everyone into blue resolve, do just that, and gain a frickload of reputation in a very short time and usually winning the game.

          • 1 year ago

            you can reach some early resolve threshold at low hostility early and mid game with favoring for some species if you have the goods and service. It can also help for storms. Saving for a home run isn't always best.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, that was an exaggeration. The main point is that using luxuries is pointless if it doesn't get you into rep gain territory and isn't needed to stay above 0. So, in that case, it's best forbid 'em.

      • 1 year ago

        >>I also took the 42 oil but idk if this is still good anymore because in the last major update they rebalanced all the glade events to have more options for completing them
        That change really wrecked me. There are no longer any safe starts at all.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, oil/coal used to be amazing. I'm thinking luxury supply line scrolls/incense may be better for glades now. Not sure though.

  99. 1 year ago

    I always call the fricking beavers dwarves. Anyone else have this problem? Now that I think about it, the foxes and harpies are basically wood and high elves.

  100. 1 year ago

    Noob here
    Like 5 times in a row i got humans beavers and harpies as colonists.
    Where did the other races go?

  101. 1 year ago

    Is the perk that gives a 10 % chance for more resources but doesnt't allow for consumption control a trap?
    I've almost been fricked because a vengeful ghost wanted 8 statving beavers and I couldn't deliver.

    • 1 year ago

      it's great but as you noticed it does have downsides. but pissing off a ghost usually isn't a big deal.

      remember that 10% bonus production chance means way more than 10% net surplus production over labor costs.

    • 1 year ago

      Some maps you have an abundance of food. It's good there. If you have an average or scarce food supply, it's bad.

  102. 1 year ago

    So this game shares some icons with Thea 2, what's up with that? I guess it's some kind of unity asset bundle?

    • 1 year ago

      New Spellforce 4x too, probably some public access asset pack. Hardly a problem, even AAA devs still use public assets sometimes, the same sound packs as the games from the 90s

  103. 1 year ago

    >experimental update adds seals to the world map that act as a target and finale of a cycle
    I like the idea, tho I won't try it out until it's closer to being finished.
    Now I just hope they also add some sort of a story to the game, even if it's mostly a tool to explain the lore and setting. 'cuz the game does a piss poor job at that right now.

  104. 1 year ago

    I have literally never seen this building before in 150 hours of play.

    • 1 year ago

      What doth it be?

      • 1 year ago

        It's a yuuuuuge farm with radius 10, damn

        • 1 year ago

          Is this unlockable or is it available just as a ruin?

          • 1 year ago

            I've only ever seen it (now, once) as a ruin so I think that's all it is

        • 1 year ago

          Wow that is very nice

        • 1 year ago

          Massive radius though even with four people it's difficult to fully utilize more than two fields unless you've got perks.

        • 1 year ago

          I've seen trees on top of fertile soil before, but never nodes. The Homestead must have scripted fertile soil which spawns differently to the usual stuff on map generation

          • 1 year ago

            nah it happens

  105. 1 year ago

    >The negative effect when you gain impatience each time a villager bites it/leaves.

  106. 1 year ago

    I don't like this...

    • 1 year ago

      There's a deed for no orders on prestige 1 I think, so this kills 2 birds with one stone

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah... But I have failed it 2 times already.
        I can't get enough points over time without Orders.
        Except for foxes, Coral Reef sucks when trying to get favor from races.
        Also no fricking copper ore meant I had to use Crystal Bars for making Tools. And it kept fricking me up because instead of getting caches to open and get Favor every single small glade had FRICKING GEYSERS.

      • 1 year ago

        Fricking hell finally did it.
        Lucked out with the Cornerstone that gives Prestige from trading good worth 60 Amber.

        • 1 year ago

          Well done! I will give it a try one of these days...

  107. 1 year ago

    >55 Fox Resolve

    • 1 year ago

      Very nice anon, what difficulty?

      • 1 year ago

        Prestige 2

  108. 1 year ago

    I went from fricking up my first P1 run to completing P20 first try. Feels good bros.
    Was initially worried about the mystery that kills your people if you have no services, but I got a carpenter and started shipping crates to the citadel. Also got trade contract so the amber started flowing in, despite having the city and a settlement as a trade city.
    P20 is another kind of fun, but I think I won't play this too much.

    • 1 year ago

      And I got that achievement.
      The conversation back at the Throne with Renwald must be hilarious.

      • 1 year ago

        Tell me your secrets.

        • 1 year ago

          Is it for resolve-only rep. points or just winning the game in general?

          • 1 year ago

            Both are good.

            • 1 year ago

              Okay, I'll start with general stuff.
              I don't think it's a secret, but half of the game is decided in the early game. Your success is dependent on how you would exploit the biome's resources plus modifiers, with the species.
              Pop a danger glade too early? Good luck chasing that resolve as you work on the event. Picked a bp too early? Stare at the large leech broodmother you can't harvest.
              As you go up in Prestige, know that each decision matters more.

              Next, understand your mysteries. Aside from what you can do, the game is also decided by what you can't do. Understand what each mystery does, and from there, you can further refine your decisions.
              Blightrot Cysts burning 5 seconds longer means you have to ease it with the rain engines, or build more posts.
              Alluring lights means that you gotta get those services up or your people will have a 20% chance of doing nothing.

              Third, cover your bases. Higher Prestiges start to demand you do a little bit of everything, like upping your trade game (P9) or doubling storm duration, to 4mins (P15). Making sure that you are seeing to their needs without compromising your income or vice versa opens up more decisions for you to take.
              A good way to keep this in mind is that, when you open a glade, think about what can you get from it, and how can it help you make or do other stuff. Are these meat nodes for making jerky, or could you use some of them for provisions? Will these stones be used for making bricks for now, or opening that large cache?

              Finally, turn off your complex consumption at the beginning (except maybe jerky idk), and time your resolve pump. It's only when I visited this thread that I learned how to properly resolve pump. Build up your complex products, then when you know the next few minutes won't be a storm, pop them. The best resolve pumps are those that last for a good while. Consumption of complex goods at the beginning has little impact.

              I'll post my tips for the achievement tomorrow.

              • 1 year ago

                >Finally, turn off your complex consumption at the beginning
                The biggest hidden mechanic is that villagers will eat one of each complex food they like if you let them.
                I will repeat: if you have two kinds of complex food that a species likes and you allow them both, then that species will consume twice as much food as normal. Resulting in your economy going into the shitter.
                Related to this mechanic is the preference for simple food over dislike complex food. If you have very efficient skewers, your humans would rather eat raw food than skewers.
                Thus: Allow exactly 1 complex food that you can produce efficiently and forbid all simple food. If you have no efficient complex food, you can still allow 1 and use it as a decent resolve bonus for the species that like it, but allow eating of simple food for the other species.

                Another really important mechanic is the hearth upgrading. You really want to always have as many hearth upgrades as your population count allows, they stack if you have multiple hearts.
                E.g. if you have 28 people you would ideally have a 20 pop hearth and one 8 pop hearth. Move houses around if you have to and make sure it doesn't get fricked up if you build species housing. Alternatively if you have no service building yet, go for 2x 14 pop hearths. It's free stats and you need them.

              • 1 year ago

                Good point, forgot to mention these. I usually do not turn off raw food consumption at the start because my manpower goes to gathering. I might try dedicating at least one guy for jerky duty later.
                The hearth upgrades at the beginning are also very helpful in getting shit done. 10% might seem small, but it adds up.

                How do you deal with storm resolve loss?

                Assuming that you remove your woodcutters and you can't make another hearth for any reason, build your species housing and at least have your hearth at lvl1.
                Try to calculate your final resolve value before the storm hits. If you think removing your woodcutters won't clear you out of the red, think of a backup plan.
                You can either get enough fuel to sacrifice through the storm, or you might chance with a trader for some complex goods to eat during the storm.
                However, if you made it through the first (or two), start looking for ways to increase the average resolve of your people.
                My favorite way of dealing with storm resolve loss is to remove hostility altogether, or second to that, power through with raw resolve.

                Perks like:
                >Protected Trade (-15 Hostility/25 Amber of goods sold)
                >Baptism by fire (-10 hostility/3 cysts, but no sacrificing while corrupted)
                >Prosperous Settlement (+1 Resolve/40 Amber worth of sold goods)
                >Prosperous Archaeology (+1 Resolve/2 looted caches)

                Silent Looting (-15 Hostility/looted cache) is alright. Calming Water (-10 Hostility/150u rainwater) is slow to build up, but better than nothing.

              • 1 year ago

                >I might try dedicating at least one guy for jerky duty later
                It just comes down to what resources you have and what you can produce efficiently. You probably don't want to crank out jerky in the field kitchen on a fuel-scarce map like marshlands or coral forest, but complex food is a very good way to stretch your food supply if you do have something efficient. If you get an early butcher or smokehouse for example, or some specific perks

              • 1 year ago

                >Finally, turn off your complex consumption at the beginning (except maybe jerky idk), and time your resolve pump. It's only when I visited this thread that I learned how to properly resolve pump. Build up your complex products, then when you know the next few minutes won't be a storm, pop them. The best resolve pumps are those that last for a good while. Consumption of complex goods at the beginning has little impact.
                Mind = blown

              • 1 year ago

                How do you deal with storm resolve loss?

              • 1 year ago

                Getting the achievement is more of a slog to go through. It would help greatly by listing the constraints of the run.
                14 (or 18 if you feel for a challenge) of rep. points that are purely from resolve, and NOTHING ELSE. So that means
                >no completing orders (go fishmen site modifier if you have a habit of checking the royal mail, but there are better mods)
                >no right side choices for most danger/forbidden events (those give rep)
                >no shipping caches, only looting (those give rep)

                So, what you can (and need to) do is
                >pump resolve (through complex products or cornerstones)
                >open caches
                >solve events with left choice

                With that out of the way, you can start deciding which biome and which species you'll be taking. For my run, I had the pleasure of picking a fox/lizard combo. I was going for a nearby Ruins modifier in woodlands to sidestep the lack of blueprints early game, but I took Coral Forest because I want to ruin Brass Order's year, lol.

                Fox/Lizard combo is perfect for this
                >Foxes finish events faster (we want to pop caches and solve dangers)
                >Foxes share 3 interests with lizards (kebab, pickles, brawling)
                >Foxes have an easier time resolve pumping (but not so much with lizards)
                >Lizards have a bonus to meat prod. and meat products, which extends to jerky, which makes kebab production possibly more efficient

                Now, embark bonuses. I was thinking of getting more stuff but not from orders. I had 8 points, so I took some eggs for provisions for trading. In hindsight, I could have taken the amber for instant money.
                I also wanted to open caches. I could take the stones, or...5 training gear/min, which is infinite. I am left with 2 points so I took some clay for early bricks.

                And there you have it.
                By knowing what you can and can't do, you have a better idea of what to do and don't, as well as pick and avoid.

                You can check

                And I got that achievement.
                The conversation back at the Throne with Renwald must be hilarious.

                for reference if needed. I got the cornerstones/perks from the bottom, left to right.

              • 1 year ago

                Suggested cornerstones in no particular order:
                >Prosp. Archaeo (open 2 crates for +1 resolve; carried me in the early game)
                >Prosp. Settlement (Sell goods worth 40 Amb. for +1 resolve; carried me for the rest of the game)
                >Secure Trail (25% faster newcomer arrival means you have more people, so you don't have to slow down prod. while completing glade events, but watch the consumption)
                >Calming The Forest (more completed danger events means lesser hostility, giving you a chance to fight off storms and mysteries if you need to)
                >Trade Hub (self explanatory. 60 Amb. for 1 whole rep. point)
                >Safe Haven (Good enough for hostility management)
                >Protected Trade (my beloved)
                >Rebellious Spirit (for when you really can't get those fricking reputation points)
                >Old Fedora Hat (this one slaps)
                >Frequent Caravans (diet prosp. settlement)
                >Exploration Expedition (double-edged sword, but a +10 net resolve increase pumps hard)

                Everything else can be built around it. Take the time to think through it before you pick.

  109. 1 year ago

    What went wrong?

  110. 1 year ago

    The "reveal the contents of glades" perk is just so good, you can do all your prep before you open anything and proceed with complete security. I'm crushing P11 with it, but I almost wish I'd drawn it on a harder difficulty instead because I get the feel it'll trivialise P20 just as much.

    • 1 year ago

      You mean the forsaken altar version that doesn't kill someone every time you open a glade? Yeah that's useful.

      • 1 year ago

        I forget what it was called but I'm pretty sure it was a regular drizzle season cornerstone option. Possibly Royal Mistwalkers? Anyway it reveals glades at the cost of 0.5 impatience for each opened glade.

      • 1 year ago

        Even if you lose a villager, getting to pick the juiciest glades is worth it.

        • 1 year ago

          A villager lost+impatience gained is not worth it. Most glades are not close to dangerous enough to warrant such a cost.

          • 1 year ago

            Losing villagers is great, it means you need less food

  111. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      > Stone paths
      I hate that order, I need muh bricks

      • 1 year ago

        >I hate that order,

        The what now? Never gotten that order (this was my second game in over 2 months)
        I just did stone roads because I has a frick load of stone. I mean, you can see the cornerstones (lmao) and the biome just gave me multiple large stone deposits.

  112. 1 year ago

    Capture or release Stag?

    • 1 year ago

      I always release because I can't afford to piss off the forest anymore than I have.

      • 1 year ago

        Capture, because I'm speedrunning victory to win competition between companies.

        Duality of man. I'd probably just capture unless I have orders for empathy.

        • 1 year ago

          I know but I chop wood like it's age of empires

    • 1 year ago

      Capture, because I'm speedrunning victory to win competition between companies.

  113. 1 year ago

    Game just got too boring for me after about 50 hours. The one thing that kept me going was the new race and some of the new buildings but I'm not interested in continuing to unlock the rest of the trees. I started doing prestige and I'm only on prestige 4 but I just am bored with the game. I was hoping it would really capture my interest longer.

    • 1 year ago

      >50 hours
      >prestige 4

      • 1 year ago

        It's all the same shit even if I went to prestige 20

        • 1 year ago

          Dont bother. Shills here will deny every negative opinion about the game. I dropped it after 20 hours or so. Maybe less, as I have seen everything it has to offer by then. The difficulty always boils down to crippling the player instead of making the building/sim management "harder" by introducing more mechanics or more stuff to care about. No charm, your villagers don't interact with each other, the "storm" is a numbers game, palette swapped biomes, the same old hexagonal flat terrain, "dead" buildings etc. After a while, everything feels the same.

          • 1 year ago

            Game just got too boring for me after about 50 hours. The one thing that kept me going was the new race and some of the new buildings but I'm not interested in continuing to unlock the rest of the trees. I started doing prestige and I'm only on prestige 4 but I just am bored with the game. I was hoping it would really capture my interest longer.

            >plays his full of the game, a reasonable amount of time
            >proceeds to complain how he got bored after playing a game for a long time
            No shit Black person, contrary to popular belief but games aren't usually meant to be played into infinity.
            >proceeds to complain that he needs MORE content after spending a sizable amount of time playing the game
            I mean, I agree, but that is kind of an asinine complaint.

            • 1 year ago

              It doesn't need more content, it needs a real gameplay loop

              • 1 year ago

                You need to post an argument before making such a claim. Baiter cuck.
                There shit in your previous post are either out-right wrong and/or non-sensical.

              • 1 year ago

                Are you a dev or something? Why are you so angry?

          • 1 year ago

            >palette swapped biomes
            This is why difficulty matters. You can treat the biomes like a cosmetic thing if you play on the babby difficulty, but on the higher prestige levels you have to play around the biome mechanics, resource nodes and trees.
            The same thing applies to most strategy games by the way. Games are at their best when the difficulty is high enough to force you to fully engage with all of their mechanics.

            Of course it requires good game design for difficulty to not be restrictive. Civ 6 is a perfect example of the opposite of this because max difficulty in Civ 6 forces you to either bumrush the AI at the very start with cheesy strategies or turtle up until the AI can't keep up with your superior city planning despite its buffs.
            You might think that Against the Storm's difficulty is also restrictive because it quite literally restricts your options, but that's not the case. You see, if you could pick from every building in the game, you would always go with the exact same strategy. With 2 choices for every building pull, you are forced to make your build up as you go, but it's still enough for you to have meaningful agency. (Don't forget that you can also reroll)
            It's not the Sims and if you want to play Sims then that's fine. Against the Storm is a pretty good game though. I can highly recommend getting up to Prestige 20 because the game is much more enjoyable when there's actual tension and you have to think.

  114. 1 year ago

    How many embarks can you even do in 50 hours? I can't imagine getting bored before you do at least 3-4 runs in each biome, because of all the different combinations of special and storm modifiers plus different races. Even unlocking most cornerstones that let you drastically change your strategy probably takes around 15-20 embarks.

  115. 1 year ago

    Just started this game today. Gotta say, love banging my head against the wall on my hardest difficulty (prestige 2 lol) with a handful of upgrades. Really appeals to the masochist in me.

  116. 1 year ago

    >wanted to get 3 fossils achievement
    >start p20 with cache pop strat with foxes
    >get prayer book, prosp. arch, prot. trade
    >picked lumber mill and manufactory
    >started getting provisions and setting up field kitchen
    >found a tinkerer in danger glade
    >notice on y2 storm that I am running out of basic food
    >drizzle season gives me cannibalism
    >pop orders, then allowed basic consump. until storm
    >get tightened belt and export contract
    >settlement just got food and the capability to trade hard
    >repair tinkerer, pump out building packs
    >harpy trader swings by, she has +3 to planks
    >sell building packs for more of it
    >trade for literally no provisions
    >hostility 0 even with 6 woodcutters
    >impatience at 13, so I popped more orders than I liked

    And that is how I failed yet another attempt at the achievement. In hindsight, I could've set a human as the main firekeeper. I should try this in lower prestige.

    • 1 year ago

      I got that cheevo on prestige 4.
      Is there a special one for p20?

      • 1 year ago

        No, but I thought more handicap means I will take longer to win, which means more time to excav fossils. I forgot to manage impatience.

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