Against The Storm

Against the Storm, the rougelike city builder game where each map is randomly generated and you lose your entire food stockpile to Living Matter twice in a row. You ARE fulfilling the Queen's orders, right anon?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >City building game
    It's more like a Warcraft 2 roguelike and instead of fighting enemies you fight your people autistic needs.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's more like a Warcraft 2 roguelike
      it's like if someone modded warcraft 2 to be anno + banished, and a roguelike

    • 2 years ago

      >It's more like a Warcraft 2 roguelike
      it's like if someone modded warcraft 2 to be anno + banished, and a roguelike

      What's a roguelike? Also search turns up pages calling this game a "roguelite".

      • 2 years ago

        it normally means a platformer with permadeath, where you collect modifiers that make your character exponentially more powerful, while fighting exponentially more powerful or numerous enemies

        • 2 years ago

          So Diablo II clones? With ironman always on? Why the strange name then? Diablo II didn't even retain the rogue class as a playable one, you only meet her in Act I.

          • 2 years ago

            weak bait

            • 2 years ago

              Bait? How is that bait? I guess Diablo II isn't really a platformer, at least if that definition hasn't changed.

              • 2 years ago

                >How is that bait?
                >Doom-clone? Don't you mean Halo-clones?
                This is what you sound like.

              • 2 years ago

                So you're implying that there is a game called Rogue and that the game in the OP pic plays like Rogue.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes that is what "Roguelike" means, genius. Games like Rogue. The first Diablo was inspired by one of the original Rogue clones.

      • 2 years ago

        >What's a roguelike?
        See 'Berlin Interpretation'. Classic roguelikes include Rogue, obviously, or NetHack. Some people use -like and -lite interchangeably, which drives purists nuts.
        Likewise, 'roguelite' is an immense category of games that don't perfectly resemble these classics. Some have very loose connection to conventional roguelikes.

        So Diablo II clones? With ironman always on? Why the strange name then? Diablo II didn't even retain the rogue class as a playable one, you only meet her in Act I.

        >So Diablo
        No, but the inspiration is obvious and it includes some elements. If it came out today, no doubt it would've been marketed as a roguelite.

        • 2 years ago

          >Classic roguelikes
          >don't perfectly resemble these classics
          That's all well and nice but currently there is one (?) anon here that is driven nuts for some reason except it's over comparison to Diablo II instead. I mean, would it really be wrong to call League of Legends a non-classic DOOM-like? Or is it Halo-like? I'm starting to get a bit confused.

          • 2 years ago

            you're really desperate for someone to talk to, don't you?

        • 2 years ago

          The berlin interpretation is an absolute abortion only defended because it has a name that makes it sound significant.

          • 2 years ago

            What's wrong with it? It's a good way to differentiate between -likes and -lites.

            • 2 years ago

              Genres are not a spectrum. The berlin interpretation treats them (well actually just the genre of roguelikes specifically) like one.
              And roguelites aren't a genre. If you're gonna try to tell me that the binding of isaac and FTL are in the same genre I want you to stop for a moment, take a look at the two of them side by side and consider whether or not you might be saying something very stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                >Genres are not a spectrum.
                >And roguelites aren't a genre. If you're gonna try to tell me that the binding of isaac and FTL are in the same genre I want you to stop for a moment, take a look at the two of them side by side and consider whether or not you might be saying something very stupid.
                Do you deny that jRPG is a genre? If no, then would you be mad enough to say all jRPGs are the same? Same with roguelikes. I would agree it's not a very useful genre as it is so wide but that is the same for jRPGs as well.

              • 2 years ago

                Jrpgs are a decently enough defined genre. I'm not saying all games in a genre need to he the same, but they need to share more than one characteristic. If you apply the same kind of logic people apply to roguelikes to other genres no one would take you seriously. Imagine saying that world of warcraft is a jrpg. And that's way more accurate than saying that OP's game is a roguelike or anything vaguely similar to one.

              • 2 years ago

                To be fair, op said rougelike which means no one should be taking him seriously but rogueLITE was literally made to be the bastard genre of many fathers so fits well enough for Against the Storm.

              • 2 years ago

                Roguelike is a genre, while roguelite is a quality. You can properly say a platformer, an RPG, or in this case, a city-builder, is roguelite. Roguelike, on the other hand, is specific enough to describe games of a certain type like Brogue, ToME, Angband, and so on. Once the game in question differs enough from rogue, you can call it a roguelite something (usually a roguelite RPG, because the genre of roguelike is a subset of RPGs).

                Also, I prefer the term "rogueish" to "roguelite" because "rogueish" captures the idea of qualities and mechanics found in rogue rather than "roguelite." Roguelite suggests that the game is like Rogue, but just missing some features. If such a game existed, it would be pretty boring, because Rogue is a simple game as it is, but also, you would just call it a roguelike. Roguelites always add some new type of mechanic not found in rogue and usually found in some other genre of game. Rogueish, on the other hand, is an adjective, and thus you can say some game is a rogueish adventure game (FTL), a rogueish deck-builder (Slay the Spire), or a rogueish colony-builder (Dorf Fort). Because "roguelite" is a word that works better as a noun and not as an adjective, the term, as you say, suggests that all roguelites are part of the same genre. This is just as wrong as saying "Indie" is a genre of music when it is actually a quality. Also, "roguelite" sounds silly.

              • 2 years ago

                >Roguelike is a genre, while roguelite is a quality
                This I can kind of agree on. I do think that the "rogue" part should really be replaced by something else, since I don't consider restarting on death to be specific enough to bind a ton of games to it, but I can't come up with anything better so I won't argue too passionately for it.

              • 2 years ago

                >but I can't come up with anything better

              • 2 years ago

                >but I can't come up with anything better


              • 2 years ago

                >Roguelike is a genre, while roguelite is a quality
                This I can kind of agree on. I do think that the "rogue" part should really be replaced by something else, since I don't consider restarting on death to be specific enough to bind a ton of games to it, but I can't come up with anything better so I won't argue too passionately for it.

                I use the term "ReRPG" for a lot of things "Random element Role-Playing Game", but it doesn't really apply to Against the Storm, since its not an RPG.

      • 2 years ago

        A game with turn based simultaneous movement and at least some rpg like progression.
        Roguelite is not a genre. It came about because people started calling any game where you restart when you die a roguelike and some people desperately tried to define a different genre for all those games instead of stating the obvious reality that those games do not belong to the same genre. They share one (1) mechanic. It's like if I told you that GTA 5 is a platformer because it has jumping and is consequently in the same genre as Doom, which also has jumping.

      • 1 year ago

        a game that is very similiar to rogue
        a game with procgen world generation, permadeath and a lot of replay value

    • 1 year ago

      unironically this. i feel like people saying this game is a psyop. games where you do X anytime Y happens aren't strategy, they are skinner boxes. where's the fun?

      • 1 year ago

        >games where you do X anytime Y happens
        that's about the furthest thing from this game, the core mechanic is letting you have freedom in how to reach your goals. have you even played it?

  2. 2 years ago

    Good game but I'm mostly done with it at 80 hours. On prestige 17 and I just play on prestige 3 until I get an easy-mode modifier like watchtower to try for 18. Hopefully they add more variety in updates.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Living Matter

    • 2 years ago

      rape in a can

      • 2 years ago

        So let's some up what makes this game great AND unique:
        >spaghetti production chains
        Honestly, it blows my mind that more games haven't done it this way: multiple buildings with various inputs and efficiencies can build the same products. Which feeds into
        >unstable equilibrium is the entire game loop
        RNG can be a b***h but it hasn't made me rage yet over being unfair. There was always a route to save the disaster.

        I used to think it's mostly harmless till I upped the difficulty

        By the way, turns out it is possible to be top scoring faction, you just have to up the difficulty AND blitz the map.

        • 2 years ago

          >you just have to up the difficulty AND blitz the map.
          i saw some dude on reddit posting about his prestige 20 win where he cleared the map by year 6
          i have no idea how people do this - i'm on prestige 15 and have never opened more than half the glades on a map, nor won a game in less than 9-10 years

          • 2 years ago

            >and have never opened more than half the glades on a map
            I've won a Viceroy game by year 6 with only two dangerous glades opened and nothing else.

            • 2 years ago

              How? Everything lined up perfectly?

              • 2 years ago

                What is it that lets you increase the difficulty? Pioneer is about as difficult as I can handle without modifiers to build around. Is there some particular upgrade that makes it easier to get going or is it more that you increase choices for all selections? Or something else entirely?

                I'm only halfway up the meta unlocks.

                Things didn't line up perfectly but just right enough
                >first dangerous glade didn't wipe me out
                >got blueprints for at least ** and * buildings for what I need
                >chose orders I could actually fulfill, including timed ones
                Then it was just a matter of buying out traders with the raw resources I had an excess. The prices were terrible but a perk is worth a bad deal. Also, I cheesed the storm by micromanaging favour boosts to resolve and sacrificing fuel I had stockpiled.

                Pioneer is full of noob-traps. Avoid it and learn:
                >Royal Woods is the worst map, zero biome-specific op synergies
                >spamming hearths and storehouses next to production buildings in other glades is key
                >pay attention to efficiency and alternative materials for producing what you need
                >SACRIFICE everything, if it will keep the absolute bullshit storm debuffs from activating

                You still get some bullshit like pic related
                >1 minute of clearance left, humans finally hit the threshold for the last order
                >storm hit, turns out I needed to hold them at 34 resolve for TWO minutes
                >oh shit, time to sacrifice everything, reassign woodcutters to coal-miners AND favour humans
                >barely manage to make it
                It's a damn shame I missed beating a Viceroy map in less than 5 years by one goddamned minute. If I had seen I was that close, I would have dropped everything and just bum-rush opened caches to make it work on time.

              • 2 years ago

                Woods is the worst map, zero biome-specific op synergies
                this is complete nonsense, it has great resources (bring a trapper) and +1 wood is absolutely huge
                t. p20

              • 2 years ago

                >+1 wood is absolutely huge
                There's a repeatable cornerstone for that.

              • 2 years ago

                no there isn't. why are you just making shit up?

                there's +1 production from rooty ground, which has a significant downside, and woodcutter's prayer, which is indeed fantastic - good luck finding it when you need it

              • 2 years ago

                >woodcutter's prayer, which is indeed fantastic - good luck finding it when you need it
                That's what reroll charges are for.

              • 2 years ago

                please post the odds of finding it at 2 picks per, and an apology for being such a fricking moron

              • 2 years ago

                I counted after reading his post earlier. There are about 73 perks

            • 2 years ago

              What is it that lets you increase the difficulty? Pioneer is about as difficult as I can handle without modifiers to build around. Is there some particular upgrade that makes it easier to get going or is it more that you increase choices for all selections? Or something else entirely?

              • 2 years ago

                When you unlock about 2/3 the city upgrades you can probably move up to viceroy. I find viceroy pretty easy and if I want to just have a straightforward win which just requires a little effort I play prestige 3 now. Just play where you find it comfortable, the bread etc rewards don't matter in the long run.

          • 2 years ago

            There are those perks that give you bonuses for opening glades; perhaps he used those.

        • 2 years ago

          >it is possible to be top scoring faction
          You can also build on top of where whoever is leading is going to put their next town.

          Glades very rarely give me BPs.
          I don't care about perfect efficiency I just want an option. Mostly my problems stem from choosing the complex food chain. Pies / biscuits or skewers / jerky is the most important selection to me so far, and farms are just so much more reliable.
          I can brute force a win as long as I focus on humans and their Chad lifestyle. It's just too good to have ale coming from grain.
          I'm also slowly learning that rushing danger glades is the best choices 4 times out of 5.

          >Glades very rarely give me BPs
          the "see into unopened glades" cornerstones are really good.

          When you unlock about 2/3 the city upgrades you can probably move up to viceroy. I find viceroy pretty easy and if I want to just have a straightforward win which just requires a little effort I play prestige 3 now. Just play where you find it comfortable, the bread etc rewards don't matter in the long run.

          >2/3 the city upgrades
          I swapped from the experimental branch to the normal one recently so lost all my citadel progress. I started going into Prestige straight away, it's actually easier in some ways as the blueprint and cornerstone pools aren't polluted with junk yet as

          He's wrong on low difficulty but not on high. On high you only get 2 choices of 2 buildings each to start with and expecting traders to have BPs is itself about a 50/50 coinflip, much less having what you specifically want. The main problem is once you unlock everything the BP pool gets polluted with a dozen buildings which aren't especially useful, making 3 things at 2* that are intermediate products.

          But yeah just play at whatever difficulty you want.

          • 2 years ago

            >You can also build on top of where whoever is leading is going to put their next town.
            Absolutely devilish! However, it sounds like an exploit that will get fixed.

            • 2 years ago

              You do lose out on a trading partner, so there's a small trade off. Not like the faction scoring stuff matters much anyway. I do hope they do a bit more with the overworld and factions

            • 2 years ago

              It's not a big deal, they just settle elsewhere. Better is to settle next to them so you steal 2 of their tiles, maybe I'm wrong but I think this lowers their overall score significantly.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's not a big deal, they just settle elsewhere
                no dude, they lose the entire settlement. try in on turn 0 and you'll see that they don't have a town at all after you win the map

        • 2 years ago

          oof you lost me.

  4. 2 years ago

    >You ARE fulfilling the Queen's orders, right anon?
    there's a cheevo to win without doing any

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      cosmetics are very important

  6. 2 years ago

    >There's always a way
    I don't see it. It's far too easy to end up in a scenario where you are missing one step in the process (small farm + bakery + rain mill but no herb garden or any fricking thing to do with insects on a forest map). Going for anything other than a majority population of white human male is a mistake.
    It's realistic though, the harpy population really likes to b***h and the beta male lizards can't survive a little rain.
    Also, the scorched queen is an absolute c**t.

    • 2 years ago

      harpies give me most of my rep, they're oh so grateful when you please them. sorry to hear you're a beta

      • 2 years ago

        >Spending his time pleasing pleasing the shrill feminists with cosmetics and clothing for them
        >Calling others beta
        Harpies are well suited to tame a cuck.

        • 2 years ago

          i take care of them and oh do they take care of me. what is it they say about pioneers going their own way, can't fail if you've already given up?

          or is this more of a boys will be boys situation?

    • 2 years ago

      >It's far too easy to end up in a scenario where you are missing one step in the process
      Order give blueprints.
      Traders give blueprints.
      Glades got ruins with buildings.
      All three are repeatable and abusable.
      AND you do not need the perfect efficiency buildings, 2 stars is enough most of the time. Even a single star ingredient can suffice if everything else is perfect.

      If you cannot brute force a "lucky" win with all these factors under your control, then are you even trying?

      • 2 years ago

        Glades very rarely give me BPs.
        I don't care about perfect efficiency I just want an option. Mostly my problems stem from choosing the complex food chain. Pies / biscuits or skewers / jerky is the most important selection to me so far, and farms are just so much more reliable.
        I can brute force a win as long as I focus on humans and their Chad lifestyle. It's just too good to have ale coming from grain.
        I'm also slowly learning that rushing danger glades is the best choices 4 times out of 5.

      • 2 years ago

        He's wrong on low difficulty but not on high. On high you only get 2 choices of 2 buildings each to start with and expecting traders to have BPs is itself about a 50/50 coinflip, much less having what you specifically want. The main problem is once you unlock everything the BP pool gets polluted with a dozen buildings which aren't especially useful, making 3 things at 2* that are intermediate products.

  7. 2 years ago

    This game is not going anywhere unless they bring in combat.

    • 2 years ago

      Like most city-builders, I hate combat in my comfy but I would trust these devs to give it a try!

      • 2 years ago

        What are the appeal in these kind of games? Like Anno for instance, all you really do is place a bunch of production buildings and daisy chain them to make one final product. Where's the strategy or fun in that? I just can't get into them, they're neat on the surface but really boring

        • 2 years ago

          In both games the biggest aspect is managing population. Both anno and against need workers in buildings and you must supply your population with goods so there are drawbacks to simply boosting population.

          • 2 years ago

            Once you figure out the formula there's nothing left really. I did enjoy Anno for what it's worth just lost interest fast.

    • 1 year ago

      Yup. I dosent need to be amazing total-war tier in-depth, it just needs to exist. A good example of simplistic but satisfying combat are zeus/caesar3/rise of the middle kingdom. Combat itself is pretty simple nd automated, but building up your military infrastructure to deal with threats and conquer neighboring cities was a lot of fun, especialy on zeus.

      • 1 year ago

        Given the small population, instead of troops, it would be more organic to turn some of your pops into adventurers/heroes.I was thinking the other day how ATS reminds me of Majesty and it would be nice if instead of people just sitting in city buildings, they could be trained into heroes to fight against some negative events and clear lairs reducing hostility.

        • 1 year ago

          Yup. I dosent need to be amazing total-war tier in-depth, it just needs to exist. A good example of simplistic but satisfying combat are zeus/caesar3/rise of the middle kingdom. Combat itself is pretty simple nd automated, but building up your military infrastructure to deal with threats and conquer neighboring cities was a lot of fun, especialy on zeus.

          For small scale fantasy-builder combat, you cannot outdo Settlers 7. Yes, it's arcade and simplistic but NOT annoying!

  8. 2 years ago

    not that the other guys's score actually matters. if anything you want them around for trading

  9. 2 years ago

    The guys in the Ixion thread think that game is a puzzle game because muh limited options.
    This game has a bunch of options but it feels way more like a puzzle game and is scarcely a citybuilder.

  10. 2 years ago

    10 amber for every villager that leaves
    -6 resolve for every 10 amber

    • 2 years ago

      just cancel the glade event? solves your amber problem, too

      • 2 years ago

        i lost 15 people in less that 3 seconds, not enough time to react or figure out what caused it

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Stop, you gonna crash amber!

    • 2 years ago

      That blue skin girl is hot

      • 2 years ago

        >chicken noises

        • 2 years ago

          >monkey screeching
          >the sound of a rock falling into a well
          >record scratch
          >the small, faint noise of a cigarette bieng lit

  11. 2 years ago

    Based game, although I've gotten to a point where I win every run at prestige 20. The last update made the game a lot easier I think, you always have food in glades instead of sometimes getting fricked by nodes that you cant gather from

    • 2 years ago

      Any tips? Only at prestige 6 and i wanna skip to the part where im good, seems like im doing all the right things. Barely any people leave my settlements, get dangerous glades always, blueprint game good. Maybe need to reroll/pick cornerstones better

      • 2 years ago

        >Any tips?
        build more blight posts, and turn off coal at your hearth at the start of a game, in case you need it for a glade event

        • 2 years ago

          Sure, I've got a bunch of tips.
          >you can juggle species preference to increase mood for 2 species, because it rises much faster than it drops. same idea with sacrificing for a few seconds
          >you can start oil and rush a dangerous glade right at the start which greatly accelerates your game
          >95% of the time, open glades at the end of the storm so you can work them for the 8 minutes where high hostility isnt nearly as bad
          >dont open small glades unless you really need the resources
          >forbid raw food if you need it for cooking
          >oil is really good if you have a large supply of meat or grain (usually from +1/+2 cornerstones and large nodes)
          >if you cant beat a dangerous glade event right now, its fine to just wait and let it trigger once
          >make sure you always upgrade hearth, you can get +2 resolve on first storm and +10% production speed when first villagers join if you started with 9+2 villagers.
          >keep building hearths (-30 hostility each) and upgrading them
          >complex food should be your first priority to make food last much longer
          >tools production is really good
          >harpy firekeeper is really good
          >beavers can solo carry you with resolve if you get a steady supply of containers (leather or pottery is easiest usually). Wine + pickled food is 18 resolve alone
          >build upgraded roads when you can
          >trade routes > amber > buy cornerstones is a great way to improve your settlement
          >if you have one order or blueprint choice and dont want to take it immediately, its good to wait
          >build a second blightpost when you reach ~15 cysts

          >always play around biome mechanics:
          >on coral forest, max out hostility outside of storm for +productivity
          >on royal woodlands, use the extra wood from trees for jerky (can rush field kitchen), incense, training gear, scrolls etc
          >on maps with low wood (coral forest and marshlands), try to get oil or coal
          >on cursed royal woodlands, you can start scroll or incense delivery line to please the ghosts

  12. 2 years ago

    best strategy i found so far is to go for tools production in some manner,
    use them to scour the glades for reputation points or trade them for perks and materials

    • 2 years ago

      >rain collections not next to the blight po-
      wait where's your blight post bro?

  13. 2 years ago

    >used Mist Piercers
    You didn't beat the game.
    It's balanced, I have no idea what most of these events even do so I'm stuck struggling to decide what to open.

  14. 2 years ago

    Just lost my first game to the no orders/no trading Daily Expedition
    >open up an early forbidden glade, what could go wrong?
    >have absolutely NOTHING that can resolve the event
    >pop open glades left and right trying to find grain so I can do the event
    >jack and shit
    >end up up getting two stacks of the debuff (which stacks every storm and never goes away)
    >hit -48 resolve on all villagers and they all frick off
    I got too wienery, lads. It was only Prestige 1 too.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >no orders/no trading Daily Expedition

      • 2 years ago

        well, that's what you get for opening a glade without a plan b

    • 2 years ago

      >no orders/no trading Daily Expedition
      why did you do this to yourself

  15. 2 years ago

    Am I missing something? Is there a reason to build another hub. I build production buildings outside of the hubs area and just reserve it for houses and decos. I've only started playing on vet and the corruption and blight doesn't seem to give me a reason to make another hub.

    • 2 years ago

      Each tier of hub adds global resolve, this is very important on higher difficulties.

      • 2 years ago

        Not quite. Each hub decreases hostility, first level hub decreases resolve, second increases workspeed, third increases chance for double production. All levels also increase the ancient hearth's bligh threshold.
        They also look nice, since they tend to be more cramped than your starting area so you can do more interesting things with building layouts

    • 2 years ago

      Each hub you build decreases hostility and also stacks the buff of whatever level you upgrade it to. I don't even think you need to keep them fuelled to get the hostility reduction, just as long as they are built. However, I don't believe a house counts as housing if its hub has no fuel. You should try to build no more than 20 housing per hub in order to maximize your bonuses.

      For me, it ends up working out the best when I build hubs as close together as possible because if you put one service building in each hub, workers working near one hub can quickly access a service from another hub. Also, if you build more hubs, you will have used more dangerous glade space for building instead of wasting your woodcutters on clearing area in your starting hub.

      Sure, I've got a bunch of tips.
      >you can juggle species preference to increase mood for 2 species, because it rises much faster than it drops. same idea with sacrificing for a few seconds
      >you can start oil and rush a dangerous glade right at the start which greatly accelerates your game
      >95% of the time, open glades at the end of the storm so you can work them for the 8 minutes where high hostility isnt nearly as bad
      >dont open small glades unless you really need the resources
      >forbid raw food if you need it for cooking
      >oil is really good if you have a large supply of meat or grain (usually from +1/+2 cornerstones and large nodes)
      >if you cant beat a dangerous glade event right now, its fine to just wait and let it trigger once
      >make sure you always upgrade hearth, you can get +2 resolve on first storm and +10% production speed when first villagers join if you started with 9+2 villagers.
      >keep building hearths (-30 hostility each) and upgrading them
      >complex food should be your first priority to make food last much longer
      >tools production is really good
      >harpy firekeeper is really good
      >beavers can solo carry you with resolve if you get a steady supply of containers (leather or pottery is easiest usually). Wine + pickled food is 18 resolve alone
      >build upgraded roads when you can
      >trade routes > amber > buy cornerstones is a great way to improve your settlement
      >if you have one order or blueprint choice and dont want to take it immediately, its good to wait
      >build a second blightpost when you reach ~15 cysts

      >always play around biome mechanics:
      >on coral forest, max out hostility outside of storm for +productivity
      >on royal woodlands, use the extra wood from trees for jerky (can rush field kitchen), incense, training gear, scrolls etc
      >on maps with low wood (coral forest and marshlands), try to get oil or coal
      >on cursed royal woodlands, you can start scroll or incense delivery line to please the ghosts

      Some more tips for the start of the game when you don't have much to do:
      >if you don't have a harpy, you can burn coal or marrow and juggle your firekeeper by only assigning him when you need to stoke the fire. the extra 2/3rds of a builder is better than anything but the harpy bonus
      >juggle free-move camps by moving them close to storage when they are full and if they are far from any other storage

      • 2 years ago

        >if you put one service building in each hub, workers working near one hub can quickly access a service from another hub
        someone in the last thread said that service building location is irrelevant, workers just go fulfill their service need at wherever the nearest hearth is to them

        • 2 years ago

          I've witnessed workers in a service building regularly walk to that building for SOME purpose, usually when I restore a ruin way off in the middle of nowhere, so there must be a reason. It's definitely not every single villager though, so I wonder if the consumption of service goods operates by different rules.

          • 2 years ago

            workers at the services need to restock the luxury good. no one else needs to go there.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, that's my impression. I've got beavers all over the place but their service building in only one hub yet all of them get satisfied despite not walking all the way there.

    • 2 years ago

      It's so your villagers working camps or ruins in far off dangerous glades don't have to walk all the way back to the main hearth just to take a break.

    • 2 years ago

      >and the corruption and blight doesn't seem to give me a reason to make another hub.
      blightrot starts out as a nothingburger, but once you get up in prestige you'll hit 100% blightrot from just two cysts if you're not careful.

  16. 2 years ago

    When the pieces all come together.

  17. 2 years ago

    I want to say that this lizard lady in the loading screen is really cute and I want to help her.

    • 2 years ago

      I want to frick the fish she's carrying.

    • 2 years ago

      I kept thinking this was another type of harpy since the mouth looks like a beak.

    • 1 year ago

      >TFW no cute lizard fishmonger wife to hold her hand and look out the window as everyone fricking dies in the rain.

  18. 2 years ago

    boy i sure hope the next trader has some sea marrow

    • 2 years ago

      These photofinishes are the worst.

  19. 2 years ago

    I want to wait for it finished before jumping in, about how far away is it?

    • 2 years ago

      The game is much more finished and polished than 95% of actually released games. Just go for it if you think it looks interesting.
      If anything, you will get more out of the game by getting into it now. I have 100+ hours in the game, enjoyed every minute of it and now I get to relearn it when it updates every 2 weeks.

      • 2 years ago

        Hmm, sounds good. I worry about getting burned out before full release, but if it's full enough I'll give it a go.

  20. 2 years ago

    I never frick with species housing I just build a massive commie block of big shelters and focus on complex food production

    • 2 years ago

      Based. Commie blocks are comfy.

      • 2 years ago

        I can hear the crying babies and late night wall drilling from here.

        • 2 years ago

          no such thing comrade
          night drilles and crying babies were send straight to gulag

          • 2 years ago

            that's not the gulag?

    • 2 years ago

      Species housing is nice to gain an extra immediate resolve point or two to keep it above zero or to meet a threshold for reputation or orders. It's becoming very hard to justify for me after the construction cost increase though.

    • 2 years ago

      Food and Services scales to population size or am I going crazy?

      Housing is a flat +3 resolve if everyone is housed. So it's not worth the resources past year 4 and/or for large populations.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, food and services are per capita. I'm not sure if it scales globally(like all or nothing), but if half your people aren't getting food/services you wont be getting their full resolve bonus from them.

        • 2 years ago

          Over on the top left, you can expand the species resolve and hover every item to see how many pops are covered by amenities and what the max resolve can be.
          Housing is the easiest way to get them happier and you don’t need to sustain it, like constantly making jerky for instance.

      • 2 years ago

        resolve is an average of the individual resolve of each member of the species, they get food and services when they take a break, and get +/- resolve then

      • 2 years ago

        Mass housing is fine if you have 3 star building material production and a healthy supply of the raw resources. Harpies are pretty easy to house since there's not much competition for cloth and cloth ingredients.
        The resolve gain certainly isn't worth steering towards a building material industry for its own sake, though

    • 1 year ago

      >Implying you can do racial housing at all without the 3 stars building mat recipes

  21. 2 years ago

    you can make a lot of jerky for the labor involved in building a b**ver house

    • 2 years ago

      Hardly, I almost never pull smoke house and a reliable form for insects or meat.
      Also should I be rolling for 3 star bricks, planks, and fabric for my initial blueprints?

      • 2 years ago

        learn to enjoy that field kitchen, you'll be using it a lot

    • 2 years ago

      beaver houses are fine if you've got an alternative fuel source. And you aren't mass producing barrels and tools.

      Hardly, I almost never pull smoke house and a reliable form for insects or meat.
      Also should I be rolling for 3 star bricks, planks, and fabric for my initial blueprints?

      >Also should I be rolling for 3 star bricks, planks, and fabric for my initial blueprints?
      There is no 3 star brick recipe. But yeah you usually want at least two out of three, otherwise once you hit double building prices you will have a very slow start. The carpenter or lumber mill are great, the brick and cloth buildings it depends on how well their other products work with your existing or planned industry.
      Weaver + harpies can get you some early harpy resolve which is nice, also not having to use wood at all to house harpies can be really useful.

      Is there layout autism in this game?
      Can there be layout autism in a game where you rebuild over and over anyway

      You can do some fun things. Some of the buildings look like they should line uptessellate and don't though, so it's less layout autism and more layout aneurysm.

  22. 2 years ago

    Is there layout autism in this game?
    Can there be layout autism in a game where you rebuild over and over anyway

    • 2 years ago

      >Is there layout autism in this game?
      your workers can noclip through most (all?) buildings so no, not much

      • 2 years ago

        >your workers can noclip through most (all?) buildings so no, not much
        mind you they'll still take the long way around if they can

    • 2 years ago

      >Is there layout autism in this game?
      No. You don't need to sweat over building placement because resources go from source to storage, and all products draw their starting materials from storage, so there's no obsessing over how to position all of your buildings to minimize resource porting time. Just put everything as close to the storages as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is there layout autism in this game?
      The best kind, the completely optional kind.
      Placement matters in terms of distance between warehouse/hearth/production/building/resources but many building can be moved after placement or fully refund the build costs if you destroy them. So you can go crazy.

      My cities are always slap-dash shanty towns because games end way too fast and you do not need to make pretty towns. It's not like Anno where you are practically obliged to follow the One True Optimal Layout™.

      • 2 years ago

        >+3 plank production
        >THREE lumbermills

        • 2 years ago

          I was blitzing for the timed order that gave me the +planks.
          Then turns out almost every trader was buying planks from me.
          >3 wood into 5 planks while burning 3xOil permanently
          One of my best runs ever.

          >your workers can noclip through most (all?) buildings so no, not much
          mind you they'll still take the long way around if they can

          That's the trap. If you're a no roads lad, you must really make it impossible to go the long way round. So roads everywhere, especially copper ones, is best.

          • 2 years ago

            >you must really make it impossible to go the long way round

            >build decorations between main warehouse and hearth
            >build in spiral pattern around them, shelters closer to hearth, production buildings closer to warehouse
            I don't really see the problem.

            • 2 years ago

              >shelters closer to hearth
              Villagers NEVER visit their houses. Free time is spent 100% at the closest hearth, even if the house is in a different hearth.

          • 2 years ago

            >le grids bad meme
            Grids are used because they are mathematically the most efficient layout possible

            • 2 years ago

              That's hexagons

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                You can't make a grid of spheres

              • 2 years ago

                smart autists i can stand. stupid autists, god you're tiresome.

              • 2 years ago

                But by implication you can stand me you tsundere b***h 😉

            • 2 years ago

              Grids are only efficient for simple systems where speed is a constant, grid or not grid. Like walking speed, hence why even the Romans used them.

              Once you introduce variables speeds (AKA vehicles AND pedestrians AND bicycles AND other bullshit) and distances (not everybody needs to go the same distance) your complex system grinds down to a complete stop because of gridlock. It's mathematically impossible to introduce green waves in a grid system.

              • 1 year ago

                ugh can you imagine a game with the session variance, decisionmaking complexity and challenge of AtS but with transport tycoon style trains and vehicle systems for the logistics?!?!?

                uuugh i'd coom

              • 1 year ago

                >transport logistics
                Sounds like my idea of hell but even I have to admit that it would be a super challenging game.

  23. 2 years ago

    If you stack buildings on top of each other so your workers can phase through them, you didn't beat the game. Genuinely.

  24. 2 years ago

    I dont fricking care what the game type is called. I just like games like this and enter the gungeon and FTL where every game is different through procedural generation and drafting "perks"
    It also helps that they're all incredibly stable compared to the current state of AAA gaming

  25. 2 years ago

    Let me get this straight, its the SMALL glades you should try to avoid unless you're desperate for resources and you should tackle the dangerous ones instead?

    • 2 years ago

      That's right. Small glades don't give the same compensation that dangerous glades do for the hostility that is generated. If you don't need a small glade, don't open it, and use up whatever is in there before you move on to the next small glade. Trade it away if you have to.

    • 2 years ago

      It's good to open one sometimes if you need the resource nodes but otherwise it's not worth the hostility and amber to open them.
      They really should give 10 hostility instead of 15

    • 2 years ago

      yup, they're overpriced and best avoided. never contain anything interesting either

      • 2 years ago

        >never contain anything interesting either
        Sometimes villagers. Or you've already stocked on tools and just need caches to blitz the last resolve before the endstorm comes.

  26. 2 years ago

    Roguelike is just a buzzword all the indie shitters latch on to since the first indie shitter decided to call his game that.

    • 2 years ago

      Buzzword or not, it's a surprisingly descriptive term since it gives you a decent idea of what you're getting (or what what to avoid).
      It's also rather resilient in terms of semantics unlike most jargon that gets thrown around carelessly until it gets completely cucked out of its original meaning.

  27. 2 years ago

    Help i suffer choice paralysis and this game has a lot of choices

    • 2 years ago

      m8 the very core of the game is picking the superior option out of a few alternatives. do that, pick the option that wins.

  28. 2 years ago

    How many fields per farm? Is it worth putting a farm next to 4 fields for 1 worker?

    • 2 years ago

      depends on your production speed. at 1x you'll work something like 5-6 fields per worker.

      • 2 years ago

        >production speed
        That's subject to the distance your workers have to travel to the warehouse and the hearth. If they're far away, even 4 workers wouldn't be enough for a 10 farm field.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, each worker has a hard limit of 5 fields? i saw 10 get serviced then went Idling before the storm season came

      • 2 years ago

        nevermind that one was just a lazy bastard

        depends on your production speed. at 1x you'll work something like 5-6 fields per worker.

        would it still be economical to post one worker for just 4 fields? i guess the building cost is negligible

        • 2 years ago

          >would it still be economical to post one worker for just 4 fields?
          Yes if you have a spare worker, fewer than 4 fields I wouldn't bother

      • 2 years ago

        >Oh, each worker has a hard limit of 5 fields?
        There are no hard limits, everything is a function of time. Once you start adding perks to the mix, you can get ubermensch farmers that do 10+ fields solo.

  29. 2 years ago

    Can i not spam complex food for export? I dont see them in the goods screen

    • 2 years ago

      not all traders want all items

      • 2 years ago

        you tellin me this turtle kappa lookin bastard doesnt want good food

        • 1 year ago

          Why would he when he has delicious anus beads and cucumbers

    • 2 years ago

      if you have it unlocked, check trade routes. You'll need to produce provisions packs, too.

  30. 2 years ago

    Im starting to feel like placing warehouses every "two glades" from the city center is good for logistics but is it worth also fitting an extra hearth everywhere i put a new warehouse?

    • 2 years ago

      As soon as you've cleared a dangerous glade that's far enough away from your main hub, you should slap down a hearth. But you'll probably want to put down more warehouses than hearths. If I have the tools, I'll even put them in small glades because they increase production by so very much.

    • 2 years ago

      entirely down to how many cogs you have. if you have plenty, consider placing a couple of extras in your main hub even.

      and if you don't have any spare, well, what can you do? can't very well skimp on blight posts

    • 2 years ago

      I literally never make extra hearths or warehouses and I've almost unlocked every citadel upgrade

  31. 2 years ago

    in practice i build one early second hearth and a late third one, both generally next to some reclaimed building, with the third one going up at 40 pop or so.

    ideally i'd place as many as i have wildfire for, but a hearth that no one uses isn't very urgent. getting hearths to 20 pop for the extra production chance easily takes priority.

  32. 2 years ago

    Oh shit, will villagers eat a complex food even though its not one of their favorites? What happens if i ban all raw foods but the only things for beavers to eat are pies and jerky?

    • 2 years ago

      yes, but only as a last resort. They will eat the pies and jerky in your example.

      • 2 years ago

        well thats good
        i often cant assume common sense in these things and instead assumed they would starve themselves and get mad

    • 2 years ago

      There's nothing wrong with doing that since cooking complex food always creates more food than it consumes

  33. 2 years ago

    I'm getting filtered on prestiege 9 (reduced trade) now that I can't sell my parts to the trader to rush dangerous glaives early. Will try again, but I'm going to have to rethink my starting items and maybe not just spam small farms,

  34. 2 years ago

    What the frick just going from settler to pioneer is kicking my teeth in
    this game is legit

    how often are you expected to crash out vs finish a town while you learn this

    • 2 years ago

      you have to get a bunch of citadel perks to reasonably expect to win even at viceroy. just keep grinding.
      you're not actually playing the real game until you get to max citadel perks and level 20 prestige

      • 2 years ago

        Git gud. Gonna try Viceroy next.

        What the frick just going from settler to pioneer is kicking my teeth in
        this game is legit

        how often are you expected to crash out vs finish a town while you learn this

        On pioneer you don't even need to bother with getting high resolve.
        >choose the easiest orders to be able to finish them ASAP (but don't finish them ASAP)
        >finish your oders only when you stand to gain something from them, either blueprint or victory
        >avoid small glades, they're useless
        >most dangerous glade events let you get away with planks, coal or resin (which you always have in forest biome)
        >always choose reputation+amber when doing glade events (unless it gives you simple tools)
        >use amber to buy simple tools, use those to clear caches/more forbidden glade events
        >use queen's impatience and extra hearths to keep hostility down
        >limit your wood production in storm season to keep your hostility below the bad things happening threshold

        • 2 years ago

          >most dangerous glade events let you get away with planks, coal or resin (which you always have in forest biome)
          and those that don't generally aren't any worse than +1 impatience and losing a good you didn't have any of anyway

          there is one that just fricks you if you open it year 1 though. can't remember exactly what it was.

          • 2 years ago

            You've been playing babymode biomes. Some glades will MURDER you (pic related). Then there's Living Matter which turns from a joke on Viceroy into
            >gg no re
            on Presitge

            • 2 years ago

              i outright mentioned the one exception, jfc. and a single lm is not a big deal, it's the events that spawn 3+ that hurt - and even then an early warbeast isn't that bad. let them go hungry.

              i play p20 so don't try that talking down shit, very obnoxious

    • 2 years ago

      >he played on settler
      Top kek I started the game on pioneer right after tutorial

  35. 2 years ago

    >forest gives +3 mushroom
    >keep rolling cornerstones that give +mushroom

    >no mushrooms

    i dont know how you people have the willpower to not alt-f4

    • 2 years ago

      Meta unlocks give you choices. And rerolls.

  36. 2 years ago

    I guess this is a weird way to frame it bc its a citybuilder... but if you wanted to slowroll things and go citybuilder mode then all your victories should be resolve focused?
    The obvious thing would be to eschew tools early bc you dont care about caches nearly as much?

    • 2 years ago

      caches are still good for the goods and especially cornerstones. But yeah if you want to play for as long as possible keep a human firekeeper and only get reputation from resolve. The first couple points can be hard to do though, need to get lucky with your initial blueprints andor ruins.
      Having complex food in your caravan and rationing it to lizards or harpies can do it, if you have some other resolve source. Lizards are pretty easy since you can just build blight posts for them to chill out in.

      You've been playing babymode biomes. Some glades will MURDER you (pic related). Then there's Living Matter which turns from a joke on Viceroy into
      >gg no re
      on Presitge

      i outright mentioned the one exception, jfc. and a single lm is not a big deal, it's the events that spawn 3+ that hurt - and even then an early warbeast isn't that bad. let them go hungry.

      i play p20 so don't try that talking down shit, very obnoxious

      you can mitigate living matter a tiny bit by having your harvesterscook make food until their building's internal storage is full, then take them off. Only food in your main storage gets eaten. Doesn't help while you're still working on it, but can maybe save you a villager or two leaving once it's over.

      • 2 years ago

        >internal storage
        Especially with the perks that increase it!

  37. 2 years ago

    Is the Smoldering Queen a giant turtle? Is that why the humans wear something that looks like a turtleback?

    • 2 years ago

      >Is that why the humans wear something that looks like a turtleback?
      traditional japanese mino

      • 2 years ago

        is that why i sometimes here "nan de?" when i click on them

        • 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    >Rooty ground
    >Into sawmill blueprint
    >into +2 planks
    >into x2 export spec

    6 lumber translates to 4 Packs...
    and i have beavers and humans


    • 2 years ago

      Some times runs start tense then turn absolutely perfect.

  39. 2 years ago

    >Forsaken God's Temple
    >Shattered Obelisk
    Is there a more nightmarish combo?

    • 2 years ago

      Did you do it?

      • 2 years ago

        >Forsaken God's Temple
        >Shattered Obelisk
        Is there a more nightmarish combo?

        I beat it, it was amazingly fun
        >Coral Forest so +double production chance per hostility
        >beavers, set up tool production with lumbermill and toolshop (3stars each) by year 2 two
        >could have blitz opened glades and ended the game before year 5 if I had noticed that I had produced over a HUNDRED tools by then
        >no pause button but trader window pauses the game and every time a timed order pops up, which was often due to Forsaken God's temple so I could abuse it a bit.
        First time I ever had a shortage of caches to open.

        • 2 years ago

          >Forsaken God's Temple
          >Shattered Obelisk
          Is there a more nightmarish combo?

          I strongly recommend the combo to everyone.

          • 2 years ago

            I beat it, it was amazingly fun
            >Coral Forest so +double production chance per hostility
            >beavers, set up tool production with lumbermill and toolshop (3stars each) by year 2 two
            >could have blitz opened glades and ended the game before year 5 if I had noticed that I had produced over a HUNDRED tools by then
            >no pause button but trader window pauses the game and every time a timed order pops up, which was often due to Forsaken God's temple so I could abuse it a bit.
            First time I ever had a shortage of caches to open.

            >Forsaken God's Temple
            >Shattered Obelisk
            Is there a more nightmarish combo?

            I nearly missed out on 1st spot but, damn, these are some mighty fine rewards!

            • 2 years ago


            • 1 year ago

              Are the influence rewards and competing factions from a city unlock? I completed my first cycle and didn't get this screen.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, it's a meta upgrade that you need to unlock. Seems more of a hindrance than help honestly.

                Also how the FRICK are you supposed to deal with living matter? Wiping out my food supply and starving my pops every year seems ridiculous. Also FRICK the broken cage of the warbeast event.

                Timing is super important
                >clear it so the food loss doesn't happen during the storm, on top of all the other resolve bullshit
                >food stored in buildings (for the production of complex food or the gatherers) doesn't get destroyed so stockpile it there till the event is done and then make use of it
                >call a trader as soon as the event is done and buyout the food, even if you have to pay impatience for it
                Yeah, it's still the single biggest killer event. Well, that and the 600% hostility one with extra duration due to prestige...

                Whatever you do, do NOT try to bruteforce gather food while you're clearing 2 or more living matters at a time, it's mathematically impossible so just tank the resolve by sacrificing at the hearth if necessary as that may be enough to prevent a doom-spiral.

  40. 2 years ago

    >Each tree in coral forest has decent chances to cough up cloth mats, meat, stone, incense, or fricking dew bars

    the frick is the catch of this place?

    • 2 years ago

      the general resource distribution is kinda ass, trappers hit 3/3 but foragers and herbalists are both 1/3 and largely wasted.

      the broadleafs also suck ass unless you've got a ranch, and they're the by far most common tree.

      • 2 years ago

        or press, i suppose.

      • 2 years ago

        is a glorious cloth textile mill empire not attractive enough

        • 2 years ago

          who are you, richard roberts? building materials are pretty much worthless outside of the amount you need for construction

          • 2 years ago

            Bricks are yeah, but fabric into clothes and planks into tools, training gear and barrels. If you have too many of any given construction material you may as well make construction packs to maximise trade routes.

            >Each tree in coral forest has decent chances to cough up cloth mats, meat, stone, incense, or fricking dew bars

            the frick is the catch of this place?

            The catch is since your woodcutters can only cart one kind of good back to storage at a time they spend a lot more time doing logistics than cutting trees. You don't feel it until later prestige difficulties. Having guaranteed dew bars without a production chain is incredible tho yeah

            • 2 years ago

              sells for jack shit, only need to cover consumption
              >planks into tools, training gear, barrels
              planks are never the limiting factor
              >construction packs
              now this is peak wasting labor time, the absolute pinnacle

              • 2 years ago

                >sells for jack shit
                spotted the commie that can't into capitalism
                2 fabric turns into 10 cloth even before perks. It's easy to get 1 fabric into 16 clothes as the perks are common which would be a license to print amber if it wasn't for the long production time. Your profit is in selling large volumes of clothes.

              • 2 years ago

                >oh yeah it's very profitable except for the labor cost
                >calls other stupid commies
                if i get to pick two perks to sell shit for amber, let me tell you, i'm not getting extra clothing production. only an utter idiot would.

              • 2 years ago

                >if i get to pick two perks
                Money earns you money to buy out the merchants every time they come out. Have fun staying poor.

  41. 2 years ago

    Beavers = Dorfs
    Birbs = Elves
    Lizards = Orcs (muh honor version)

    Next race should be some sort of gobbie or gnome analog. maybe a squirrel?

    • 2 years ago

      a cat

      • 2 years ago

        Spotted the incel weeb that can't but help self-insert his toxoplasmosis into every single facet of his life
        Fish are next

        • 2 years ago

          I see people suggesting fish on the steam forums and i got confused, because i got the impression its the fish people that either cause the rain or actively worship it coming

        • 2 years ago

          >t. salty dog fricking canadian

        • 2 years ago

          >Fish are next
          Mermaids, to balance out the fishmen.

    • 2 years ago

      It already leaked out that it's a platypus or whatever that thing on the right is.

      • 2 years ago

        The one on the right is the crow from tutorial and the platypus on the left is in the immigrant screen. Going by this logic, might as well be frog people like one of the traders.

      • 2 years ago

        harpy a cute

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >4 manlet races out of 6
        Giraffes confirmed! The Queen demands it!

  42. 2 years ago

    someone in the last thread said it would be a race that would have the traits luxury, trade, carnivore, cleanliness

    does sound like cats to me

    • 2 years ago

      they can't eat jerky though. 3 races already eat jerky. but maybe it's beneath their taste

      • 2 years ago

        ive got 2 cats, they dont eat jerky

  43. 2 years ago

    When was the last time any of you even bothered making pickled food?

    • 2 years ago

      I pickled carrots and daikon a few months ago for making banh mi, shit was cash

      • 2 years ago

        Bahn Mi sandwiches??

        • 1 year ago


    • 2 years ago

      any time i have a source of waterskins or pottery, shit's fricking great

    • 2 years ago

      Whenever I have both beavers and lizards. Containers are very easy to come by even without producing them normally.

  44. 2 years ago

    Is this game fun? I'm not great at city builders.

    • 2 years ago

      It's more of a colony builder, if you get the difference

    • 1 year ago

      It's a survival rogue-like.
      You play as a viceroy and try to not get executed for failure.

    • 1 year ago

      Had fun with it for a few games, but got bored with perk grind. Best pirate and try it out yourself.

  45. 2 years ago

    Why does this soiboi-furry garbage keeps getting shilled here?
    I swear the OP pics are always the same and the OP text always some LE QUIRKY ad text written in the same style

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      any game with b**v*rs gets threads like this


      go back to jacking off to dammed rivers you sick frick

      • 1 year ago

        I will b***h
        Cry me a river

  46. 1 year ago

    ...why do birds like working with clothes if they cant even wear them?

    • 1 year ago

      They like threading the needle, if you know what I mean...

    • 1 year ago

      They like making nests in them.

  47. 1 year ago

    16 eurodollaridoos is a bit steep for what it seems to be, especially for an early access title
    Is this really worth the price of half a factorio while on discount? Twice a discounted rain world? 3 times more than a discounted hollow knight? All of those not suffering from the disease of early access
    Shill your game to me anons, I did try the demo a few months ago but it seemed really shallow

    • 1 year ago

      It's one of those rare """Early Access""" games that already has enough features to be considered a full game. If development were to stop literally right as I type this sentence it would still be more than worth the price, assuming this type of game is up your alley. Though I did not play the demo, so I can't tell you what the difference between it and the full game is.
      As always, pirate it if you're unsure.

    • 1 year ago

      >especially for an early access title
      It's been out on EGS for over a year.
      It's got a ton of content.
      It's getting updates like clockwork every 2 weeks.
      It's polished, without gamebreaking bugs and a ton of features, including quality of life.

      The only legit complaint is if you just want to play it when it's absolutely finished but then you miss out on influencing development. Latest update was over 80% of features requested by the community.

      This game is early access done right. Also, why compare against Factorio and not Rimworld? For 50% of the price of baseline Rimworld, you're getting more content than Rimworld + 2 expansions. Unlike Rimworld, all the content is actually stuff people wanted, not some brainfart by the dev.

      • 1 year ago

        It's one of those rare """Early Access""" games that already has enough features to be considered a full game. If development were to stop literally right as I type this sentence it would still be more than worth the price, assuming this type of game is up your alley. Though I did not play the demo, so I can't tell you what the difference between it and the full game is.
        As always, pirate it if you're unsure.

        >why compare against Factorio and not Rimworld?
        Because the rimworld dev is a lazy c**t who charges way too much for his lazy work, he's not a good example of an indie game done right and certainly not an example of good value since his game costs like 70 euros nowadays (even 30 was already pushing it)
        Thanks for your opinions, I guess I'll buy it with such glowing reviews

      • 1 year ago

        Another complaint is the game balance.
        Small glades are worthless, forbidden glades can just end your run no matter how well prepared you are, and barely have any more rewards than dangerous glades.
        Trading is also broken as frick. You can buy out whole caravans without too much effort in the mid to late game.
        Then there's the cornerstones. While I understand that there should be situational ones, good ones, and not as good ones, right now there's nigh useless ones and a few that trivialize the game like mist piercers or woodcutter's blessing - or, combined with the trader frickery, the one that gives you rep based on value of goods sold.

        • 1 year ago

          Prestige means those op items are barely enough.
          Agreed with small glades being worthless, they add too much hostility for frickall resources.

          any reason to buy on steam over gog version?

          None, both platforms get the same content the same day.

        • 1 year ago

          >You can buy out whole caravans without too much effort in the mid to late game.

    • 1 year ago

      I got 84 hours out of it. I'll play it again when they add some more content, which they are doing. There's a diminishing return on the difficulty cap in my opinion, but reaching the upper prestige levels was fun. If you like games like 'the settlers' or the difficulty increase like 'say the spire' you'll probably like it. I think it's good value for money and they seem like affable indie devs.

    • 1 year ago

      Its a full game, really.
      Its a full game in early access like Satisfactory is in early access still

  48. 1 year ago

    any reason to buy on steam over gog version?

  49. 1 year ago

    Just got the game yesterday, really enjoying it. A few questions:

    -How do I get the other upgrade resources for the citadel? (besides the foodstuffs)
    -Villagers will eat both of their preferred food if available to them. If you aren't at their resolve threshold for rep, and you can stay above 0 resolve, is it a good idea to limit their food to only 1?
    -Do the trees in coral forest have less wood? I was hurting for wood the entire game I played on that biome.

    • 1 year ago

      -There are monuments in the maps that give modifiers to your settlements when you deploy there. Some will give Food stuff or Machinery or Artifacts as a reward for beating the settlement. Sometimes said resources can be found inside caches or events/orders in higher difficulties.
      -If they eat multiple types of food, they get a resolve bonus out of each of them and will keep having that bonus up as much as they can. The higher their resolve, the faster your reputation bar will go up.
      -Coral trees have less lumber but have different resources in exchange according to their different tree types. Some can give crystalized dew or incense for example, which you can use really early on to tackle Forbidden glades.
      I've been playing this game for a little while and probably some other anon can shed more light into the 2nd answer, but I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the game.

      • 1 year ago

        >Sometimes said resources can be found inside caches or events/orders in higher difficulties.
        you can safely sell these btw, they're worth a lot of amber and you'll have plenty once you start climbing in difficulty

      • 1 year ago

        >The higher their resolve, the faster your reputation bar will go up.
        as long as they're over the threshold you'll get reputation, but the rate depends (entirely? mostly?) on how large the population is - ten happy harpies at 15/15 resolve will give reputation much faster than one harpy at 25/15

        and every time you get a full point of rep from a race their resolve requirements go up. harpies have the lowest both base requirement and increase size, while lizards have by far the largest, getting more than a few rep out of them is hard. humans and beavers are inbetween but have a much higher initial threshold so you're not really getting anything out of them without setting up a luxury chain

        tl;dr harpies give a lot of resolve, lizards get spoiled and decadent, and humans and beavers are for lategame gains

        3 star production material buildings are overkill. 2* bricks/planks/fabrics fine. Simple tools is the most common road block to progression early on. Like why the frick do they give you a mine and tons of copper on maps when hardly any recipes use the raw ore and you havent unlocked the smelter yet?

        if you've ended up getting spread out some copper roads can be a worthwhile investment. especially if you've got excess labor during the storm

        • 1 year ago

          though lizards do have the advantage that if they're a minority population it's not unreasonable to have all of them working somewhere warm for +5 resolve

          • 1 year ago

            Does the game average that? If I have 3 lizards in warm and 2 in not warm I get ~3 resolve? Or is it an all or none deal.

            • 1 year ago

              each pop has his own individual resolve, which then gets averaged

    • 1 year ago

      Forbidding a complex food you have in your storages gives the races who want to eat it a -1 resolve penalty. If that's not a problem, then yes, you can do it and instead save up for a sudden burst of resolve later.

  50. 1 year ago

    What's the exact formula for getting rep from high resolve? Why is favoring one faction which should be net negative overall seems to boost or barely affect rep gained?

  51. 1 year ago

    3 star production material buildings are overkill. 2* bricks/planks/fabrics fine. Simple tools is the most common road block to progression early on. Like why the frick do they give you a mine and tons of copper on maps when hardly any recipes use the raw ore and you havent unlocked the smelter yet?

  52. 1 year ago

    Why is this thread still alive? This game, is it such a good game?

    • 1 year ago


      >The higher their resolve, the faster your reputation bar will go up.
      as long as they're over the threshold you'll get reputation, but the rate depends (entirely? mostly?) on how large the population is - ten happy harpies at 15/15 resolve will give reputation much faster than one harpy at 25/15

      and every time you get a full point of rep from a race their resolve requirements go up. harpies have the lowest both base requirement and increase size, while lizards have by far the largest, getting more than a few rep out of them is hard. humans and beavers are inbetween but have a much higher initial threshold so you're not really getting anything out of them without setting up a luxury chain

      tl;dr harpies give a lot of resolve, lizards get spoiled and decadent, and humans and beavers are for lategame gains

      if you've ended up getting spread out some copper roads can be a worthwhile investment. especially if you've got excess labor during the storm

      >tl;dr harpies give a lot of resolve, lizards get spoiled and decadent, and humans and beavers are for lategame gains
      Damn, I never noticed that! Only that harpies and lizardmen are easy to please.

      I am praying the 5th race is something interesting, not elves or even notelves.

      • 1 year ago

        Wdym? What it's like? I am starving for good strategy games.
        Elaborate on that matter please.

        • 1 year ago

          there's not any more strategy to it han any other city builder, like Anno, Settlers, Ceasar etc.
          It feels fresh because it's not trying to copy any of those and still plays well - good UX design and not having to agonize over changing your layout with each new unlocked building makes it so much more pleasant to play than a lot of similar games.

    • 1 year ago

      Its pretty good
      at the same time comfy and can be qute challenging if you want as you choose your own difficulty

  53. 1 year ago

    Also how the FRICK are you supposed to deal with living matter? Wiping out my food supply and starving my pops every year seems ridiculous. Also FRICK the broken cage of the warbeast event.

    • 1 year ago

      cheese it
      click the glade event over and over until you spam enough living matter to have room to force every single villager except the hearthkeeper onto it
      you cant go below 0 food so a few or a lot of living matter doesnt matter
      but while everyone is working on an event no one actually loses resolve from hunger except for one guy which you can tank the resolve hit from

      you can reboot right away from zero food by removing raw food from your food production buildings in

      Yes, it's a meta upgrade that you need to unlock. Seems more of a hindrance than help honestly.
      Timing is super important
      >clear it so the food loss doesn't happen during the storm, on top of all the other resolve bullshit
      >food stored in buildings (for the production of complex food or the gatherers) doesn't get destroyed so stockpile it there till the event is done and then make use of it
      >call a trader as soon as the event is done and buyout the food, even if you have to pay impatience for it
      Yeah, it's still the single biggest killer event. Well, that and the 600% hostility one with extra duration due to prestige...

      Whatever you do, do NOT try to bruteforce gather food while you're clearing 2 or more living matters at a time, it's mathematically impossible so just tank the resolve by sacrificing at the hearth if necessary as that may be enough to prevent a doom-spiral.

      and also prioritizing transporting any food rewards in the glade event

      • 1 year ago

        >but while everyone is working on an event no one actually loses resolve from hunger except for one guy which you can tank the resolve hit from

      • 1 year ago

        >but while everyone is working on an event no one actually loses resolve from hunger

        • 1 year ago

          They also do not consume any other goods or services. I'm not certain they can even be killed by the events themselves triggering.

          Arbeit macht frei...

          • 1 year ago

            the threat that kills 5 people at random reminded me of this

            imagine that they can't find anyone to kill because they're all busy cleaning up some goo.

            • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Warehouses are really important and roads. I've really stopped popping dangerous glades until I have enough for a warehouse and a small hearth there. Warehouses + paved roads drastically cut down on the time to delivery.

    • 1 year ago

      if you've got a nice +yield cornerstone just feeding the damn thing works pretty well

  54. 1 year ago

    I am currently playing on veteran but I rarely feel like corruption/blight play a nig role in my decision making. It seems the more important choices are figuring out a basic supply chain and producing simple tools to pop caches and to win before I run out of something (food usually) and the whole system breaks.

    • 1 year ago

      Blight is more of a buff than a hindrance till you start hitting prestige. Even on Viceroy it is super easy to manage.

      Alright just bought the game and obviously skipped the tutorial, what's a good difficulty to start playing on? Pioneer? Veteran?

      You will regret skipping the tutorial.

      • 1 year ago

        Viceroy is giving me more of a challenge. Was too easy to rush orders. But now I just want to grind city levels so I can unlock more buildings.

      • 1 year ago

        >You will regret skipping the tutorial.
        NTA but real strategists dive right into the deep end blindfolded! jus sayin'

        its a damn shame that VHard is locked until the low-tier difficulty is completed!

      • 1 year ago

        Just beat my first map on viceroy after restarting once when I figured out there was some resources I simply didn't have access to at all (copper, those blue bricks, tools being the biggest offenders) which means I was on my way to losing due to picking shit I couldn't use
        I got level 2, discovered there's a billion upgrades in the citadel, discovered deeds, and unlocked prestige 1
        I am now hesitating to bump up the difficulty to prestige for my second game, prolly will now that I have access to sparkdew and therefore blue bricks and therefore tools, wish me luck nerds

        I don't regret skipping the tutorial, I bet it is supremely boring and teaches only obvious things

        • 1 year ago

          Prestige 1 was easier than I thought, granted it seems royal woodlands is an easy biome, especially since I have to use the kiln for coal
          Having access to tools through sparkdew made reputation gain near the end much easier so the +4 reputation needed from prestige didn't matter much, it was a b***h with no tools in my first game it felt like it took forever

          Got like 10 deeds at once which is funny
          Also unlocked religion and education I believe, the mine and the first trader too apparently, now surely I have access to all the mechanics/resources?

          I just burn blightrot cysts every single storm because I'm not sure how much corruption is too much and I'm scared to find out
          Onwards to prestige 2 I guess, game's pretty fun thanks for shilling it to me and thanks for reading my blog post whoever actually did

          • 1 year ago

            >consumption control
            Holy shit why is this not default, finally those dumbasses will stop eating raw ingredients when I'm trying to make pie and skewers

          • 1 year ago

            >it seems royal woodlands is an easy biome
            We've been over this, it's the noob trap because there are no crazy combos you can do with its mechanics.

            • 1 year ago

              Well at least it made my only option for coal easier, my first game was on marshlands and I kept running out of wood (lizards were happy with all that meat tho) because my kiln kept gobbling it all
              Now that I have the mine coal shouldn't be an issue, next up is something called coral forest iirc because that's the biome near that levitation modifier that gives amulets I need for upgrades
              But first, gotta do this week's elite deep dive

              • 1 year ago

                I find generally two woodcutters to do well enough with planks + coal need. However, have been times even then I struggled keeping up with demand.

            • 1 year ago

              other way around, poser, extra wood is invaluable when times are tough

          • 1 year ago

            Nice, doing viceroy/P1 for your first two games is impressive. I'm haven't tried prestige yet and I'm like level 8.

  55. 1 year ago

    Alright just bought the game and obviously skipped the tutorial, what's a good difficulty to start playing on? Pioneer? Veteran?

    • 1 year ago

      always play on the highest difficulty

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I just picked viceroy when I saw the highest is locked since I'm assuming it's locked behind it

        • 1 year ago

          Beat Viceroy once to unlock prestige difficulties.

  56. 1 year ago

    If i can't rely on RNG to give me the three-building production chain for a certain complex food then how do i properly strategize around it? Like, clothes or service building chains you can survive without ever establishing it but complex food is foundational imo bc you *need* food and also is resource efficient anyway

    I saw discussion saying that the Plantation was actually the best farming building bc you can eat berries right away so you dont get assfricked by bad rng by picking Small Farm and then waiting for a flour building *and* a bakery that never come
    is it standard to select like two or three different Large Camp blueprints to make damn sure you have food?

    • 1 year ago

      yes. i try to bring a camp and a soil building every run.

      at least until you start to need early amber...

    • 1 year ago

      >i can't rely on RNG
      You are supposed to brute-force it
      >buy blueprints from traders
      >unlock rerolls through meta unlocks
      >find ruins in glades
      >settle for inefficient buildings and compensate with +production perks
      >timed order rewards
      >cornerstone that lets you handpick your blueprint
      There are so many ways to break the game.Also, game is easy mode after the small camps update made them essential buildings. The Field Kitchen is also a lifesaver essential building you need to meta unlock.

      • 1 year ago

        Sure, you can get a lot of buildings through traders eventually, but being one of the most obtuse chains still makes it one of the worst/last to go for.
        And I don't know what level of city is field kitchen on, but why is it so far up if after 2 full cycles on viceroy I don't see it anywhere close to what I can get.

        • 1 year ago

          FK is invaluable for prestige runs. you don't need it every game, but when you need it you REALLY need it

        • 1 year ago

          Level 13, devs have a sense of humour.

          Now, I'm not denying that flour is a nightmarish chain. Even brute-forcing it, you aren't guaranteed a working chain, much less an efficient one. But it's not that impossible. Although, even when you get it working it has no special bonuses to make it worth it. Other than humans are the most numerous race so if you ever get it working, you'd be drowning in resolve between the complex food and the tavern.

          My personal pet peeve is anything that requires pots/barrels/waterskins. If there weren't perks to gift you these intermediaries, I would NEVER touch them as the production buildings for them are mostly inefficient AND do not have any racial bonuses. Flour chains at least have racial bonuses at every stage.

    • 1 year ago

      Frick flour in general. Have to rng grain nodes or fertile soil near start, need to rng farm, have to have additional resources for cooking.
      While jerky only needs meat/insects, wood and 1 cooking building. Even starting supply of meat can last you for a while if you save it for cooking.
      Basic flour production and grain farm should really be basic buildings or embark bonuses in the first levels of unlock tree, otherwise the more shit you unlock just makes it harder and harder to employ it.

  57. 1 year ago

    flour rocks, pielets seething & malding

  58. 1 year ago

    a 0-star flour recipie would just be a noob trap, not worth the labor

  59. 1 year ago

    >in the swamp
    >trees produce mushrooms
    >get a +2 mushroom production perk very early
    >find fertile soil in 1st glade opened
    >get small farm
    >get the mushrooms for grain produced perk soon after

    Dude, shrooms, lmao.

    • 1 year ago

      They can be used as ingredients for surprisingly many things.
      >'shroom flour

    • 1 year ago

      >in the swamp
      >get +wheat production per 25 harvests
      >find a protowheat
      i ended the game with 3000 wheat stored

  60. 1 year ago

    >-4 resolve dangerous glade, -8 for forbidden
    didn't think I was going to survive that one bros. Didn't see a living matter behind a building and it replicated which ruined my food supply and about was game ogre for me

    • 1 year ago

      >Didn't see a living matter behind a building and it replicated
      I have a new paranoia. Neat.

    • 1 year ago

      I have beaten a viceroy map with a single forbidden glade opened. Nothing else.

  61. 1 year ago

    For some reason i can't remember the last time i didn't roll humans as one of the three species
    Is that actually impossible?

    • 1 year ago

      no, you can get a beaver/harp/lizard town

      • 1 year ago

        which is a fricking b***h if you have something driving up impatience, i'll add. that human firekeeper bonus is important.

        • 1 year ago

          Maybe it is at higher prestige. At viceroy, the must have keeper is a harpy for the carry bonus.

  62. 1 year ago

    I remember playing a month ago and during the storm seasons the danger gauge would increase, but now it doesn't. It this a recent change or not always happens?

    • 1 year ago

      It's a factor of hostility. If you have no lumberjacks working, it's normal to be low.

      >impatience bar almost filled
      >can't seem to fulfill tasks or get tools to open caches for like 10 minutes
      >out of food
      this is the most I've been stressed out in a long time

      summon a trader, unload your trash for tools

  63. 1 year ago

    >impatience bar almost filled
    >can't seem to fulfill tasks or get tools to open caches for like 10 minutes
    >out of food
    this is the most I've been stressed out in a long time

  64. 1 year ago

    I hate harpies so fricking much

    • 1 year ago

      Why? They have by far the best firekepeer bonus and give you boatloads of rep if you please them a little bit. They're not hard to please either.

      • 1 year ago

        Pleasing them is the problem
        I run into situations where everything falls apart early on if I have harpies in abundance. Second storm even I am micromanaging fuel to keep them from leaving.

        • 1 year ago

          just make some jerky

          • 1 year ago

            Been trying to learn maps now and take in account resource availability but still struggling to get complex food going early enough.

            They're the pickiest and definitely need housing and +resolve workplace even the first year. If you're unlucky with the first dangerous glade, even the first storm can wreck you.

            Yeah I dont have their house automatically. That would be very effecient if starting with resources to make cloth and you get a fabric building.

            • 1 year ago

              >Yeah I dont have their house automatically.
              It's a meta unlock, go and get it.

              • 1 year ago

                Working on it but these crazy b***hes keep crashing my settlements with no survivors

        • 1 year ago

          They're the pickiest and definitely need housing and +resolve workplace even the first year. If you're unlucky with the first dangerous glade, even the first storm can wreck you.

          • 1 year ago

            I guess that's the drawback of having low reputation threshold.
            NTA but I never really had that problem that some favoring can't fix, since beavers and humans have 30 threshold, I always end up prioritizing on bringing up resolve of harpies or lizards first, but if you had 3 of such races that would certainly be a problem.

        • 1 year ago

          >Second storm even I am micromanaging fuel to keep them from leaving
          are you cutting wood during the storm? if so, don't

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah the games got quite a lot of complexity in micromanagement. Love it. Based poorchads shilling it during steamsale.

  65. 1 year ago

    About that exploding machine thing, I really thought "everything" meant only the buildings in radius. Well, it does what it says, blew up a passage to next glade through the trees too. Somehow 2 people working on it didn't seem to die.

    • 1 year ago

      Did the new glades opened with the explosion count as opened by you, meaning extra hostility? Or are they "free"?

      Villagers working on events are for all intents and purposes outside the game.

      • 1 year ago

        Glade triggered as usual. I guess those working on event were teleported to hearth, I just wasn't sure if they could disappear without any notification.

  66. 1 year ago

    Anyone made BIG cities after beating the initial settlement?

  67. 1 year ago

    When should you build additional hearths? Is one storage in each dangerous glade overkill?

    • 1 year ago

      Depends I think how quickly you get a servive building Youll actually build. If you are on 22+ population with no service building planned soon yet start a second hearth.

      • 1 year ago

        What do service buildings have to do with that?

        When should you build additional hearths? Is one storage in each dangerous glade overkill?

        >When should you build additional hearths?
        When you need to lower forest hostility and have a worker to spare. Theoretically you could juggle firekeepers but I find that way too tedious.
        >Is one storage in each dangerous glade overkill?
        As long as you can afford it, go for it.

    • 1 year ago

      As soon as you find a good place near resources you are going to use, usually it requires a bit of space clearing first. Warehouses per glade seems the way to go, you can always salvage them if they are not needed or you need extra part

    • 1 year ago

      i like to build a storage facility in a glade if its got good space and has items I will need to pick. Dramatically reduces travel time if the storage is right outside the glade event.

      What do service buildings have to do with that?
      >When should you build additional hearths?
      When you need to lower forest hostility and have a worker to spare. Theoretically you could juggle firekeepers but I find that way too tedious.
      >Is one storage in each dangerous glade overkill?
      As long as you can afford it, go for it.

      The t3 hearth requires 20 people and a service building. If I have 22 people I could have a t2 hearth and a tier 1 proxy hearth instead of just a crowded t2

    • 1 year ago

      just build as many as you have stones to afford and space to fit.

      make sure to bring them to t3 asap for that double yield bonus, it increases net productivity a lot more than 10%.

  68. 1 year ago

    Which race in against the storm are you?
    >beaver chads ww@?

  69. 1 year ago

    >get the Safe Haven cornerstone
    >get the cornerstone for -10 hostility for every 3 burned cysts or however many it is
    >enjoy a game of no hostility

  70. 1 year ago

    RNG is so mean. I had a game where I was getting copper ore in like every glade but I couldn't roll a bar blueprint to save my life

  71. 1 year ago

    i make sure to separate the races, build a harpy community around one hearth, a lizardtown around another, and a be*ver ghetto by the third, with production buildings to match

    • 1 year ago

      Beavers do love them some hennesy. Harpy brothel in the humietown

  72. 1 year ago

    >Woodcutter: DO NOT OPEN G:LADE
    >harpy new hire
    >opens glade in middle of summer
    >its fishmen
    >totems keep popping up
    >Storm hits
    >Storm murders 7 villagers because its mad
    i hate women

    • 1 year ago

      >moron fricks up
      >blames women
      i'm from kazakhstan and i still think this is your fault

  73. 1 year ago

    >Warbeast moved to Forbidden Glades
    Thank you Jesus

    • 1 year ago

      As it should be. Also they are going to be revamping blightrot, I have a feeling it's going to become 10x more cancer. Better get your prestige ranks while you can.

      After a bunch of cycles I just now realized you can move your warehouse at the start when game gave me this moronic spawn.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh it's because of the levitating stone. I'm so going to teleport warehouses to newly discovered glades

      • 1 year ago

        >. Also they are going to be revamping blightrot, I have a feeling it's going to become 10x more cancer. Better get your prestige ranks while you can.
        Blight is more of a buff right now. Max it out on your key production buildings (toolmaker/complex food/services consumable) and enjoy the stacking production bonus.

        • 1 year ago

          on Prestige 2 one full corrupted lumber mill, rain collector and 1st step blight on crude workstation has put me over 100% before 2nd storm. I didn't even have pop for next level hearth. Wildly different from most viceroy games where I didn't bother building blight post until I'm about to win if at all. It's still easy to manage in current form.
          Even with that burning cysts perk for -10 hostility still ramps up pretty slow, protected trade is a lot better. It's really hard to manage hostility on prestige games without it, you get so much just from population and time.

          • 1 year ago

            One of the prestiges drastically increases corruption rate so you can't really have more than one building fully corrupted or people die every storm.

          • 1 year ago

            One of the prestiges drastically increases corruption rate so you can't really have more than one building fully corrupted or people die every storm.

            at full prestige if you get the -200 heart resistance mod you die to two cysts. prestige blightrot does not frick around.

    • 1 year ago

      The modifer to cause living matter to spawn on fields during storm season is cancer

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but fricking hell I know, I swear I've gotten it every run since that last patch. RIP food every storm.

      • 1 year ago

        It wouldn't be as bad if they had the common decency to repair the field after finishing out the slime.
        Now not only I lose food to that frick, but also because i lost muh one vegetable tile because I forgot to fix it.

      • 1 year ago

        just delete the fields and rebuild them in spring. works great.

  74. 1 year ago

    Is there are will there be a function to show idle/low productivity workers inside buildings? I had it so many times that production completely dried up because the smokehouse workers can't get any damn meat

    • 1 year ago

      You get an exclamation point if workers cannot produce anything in their building because of whatever reason.

  75. 1 year ago

    or drizzle. whatever

  76. 1 year ago

    >first glade opened
    >fallen harpy scientist
    >-12 HARPY resolve
    >2 living matter spawn
    do I just restart? I feel like in eight minutes the living matter will pop during the next storm and cause a hunger chain. If I try and pop it now I lose 3 of my starting harpies.

    • 1 year ago

      Rush shelters. Harpy base resolve (5) + shelters (3) + species favor (5) = 15 resolve which is enough to tank the hit from the event, then try to compete it before the living matter spawns. You will need to keep hostility at 0 or less for this to work (though you can also build decorations for the first hub upgrade, which will give you 2 more points to work with and can let you push hostility to 1).

      • 1 year ago

        >15 resolve
        Frick me I meant 13 resolve. It's still enough to tank the hit. It's midnight and I need to go to bed.

      • 1 year ago

        thank you game dev-san

  77. 1 year ago

    Does the direction/placement of homes matter outside as long as they are in range of a hearth? I find myself just clustering homes together on the outskirts of hearths since it doesn't seem like people actually go to them at all so road access doesn't seem to matter. Similar with the trader minus the hearth requirement.

    • 1 year ago

      They do not path to homes, so technically home placement does not matter. I have defaulted to making fences around the hedge of the hearth

  78. 1 year ago

    Is attacking the trader ever worth?

    • 1 year ago

      How much annoyance does it give the queen? I could see attacking them if you needed tools to pop open caches to finish maybe?

    • 1 year ago

      How much annoyance does it give the queen? I could see attacking them if you needed tools to pop open caches to finish maybe?

      if you;re close to finishing you tend to be able to go the rest of the way by yourself fine, it's more right at the start when you're struggling to get enough rep for you first few blueprints where it's worthwhile.

      • 1 year ago

        Basically hailmary to save your run instead of abandoning?

  79. 1 year ago

    >living matter
    like a slime girl? can i frick it?

    • 1 year ago

      Next race would be difficult to balance

    • 1 year ago

      in against the storm living matter fricks you

  80. 1 year ago

    I remembered wrong, it was scarlet orchard not coral forest, the modifier near coral forest looks a bit too much for me yet (forbidden glades only)
    Prestige 2 was a success, thought I'd lose at first but hunger turned out not to be too much of an issue like it usually is in most colony type games so I eventually managed to stabilize by making everyone eat biscuits with a combination of all 3 of the secondary ingredients juggled desperately to keep the biscuits going
    Losing 3 buildings to lightning every storm was annoying but other than that pretty smooth sailing to the end after the hunger issues

    I apparently unlocked harpies, neat, and a smelter to actually use the copper (still had to set up sparkdew tools in endgame to get the last rep, that archeologist skeleton thing helped a lot giving 3 whole rep points), also a ton of deeds again and a bunch more shit thanks to their exp

    I'm feeling the diluted blueprint pool, it was hard to get ANY food going (cont.)

    • 1 year ago

      (cont.) because the game refused to offer me any flour producing building, farm or the building to harvest berries

      First thing I picked up in the citadel afterwards is the blueprint reroll, trading seems extremely strong so I guess I'll start caring about amber now and use it to reroll blueprints

      The game actually tells you when you have too many blightrot cysts, as prestige 2 kindly showed me by making blightrot worse, so I'm no longer worried about leaving it on a building or two, I shall use this newfound power next game

      Prestige 3 tomorrow, I'm having fun, can't wait to see which difficulty setting will humble me

      Nice, doing viceroy/P1 for your first two games is impressive. I'm haven't tried prestige yet and I'm like level 8.

      First game on viceroy was a pain because of all the limitations I had but prestige is fun so far, try it out anon

      I find generally two woodcutters to do well enough with planks + coal need. However, have been times even then I struggled keeping up with demand.

      I just cut a ton of wood with 2 woodcutter huts, even during storms if I can afford it, I don't know how to get to the next glade in time for the next year and how to have enough wood/coal to sacrifice during storms otherwise

      • 1 year ago

        Prestige 3 worried me at the start because I got a negative modifier that straight up kills people, thankfully I got the cornerstone that gives -10 hostility per 3 cysts burned and all the other modifiers buffed blightrot so I farmed cysts to keep it low (ended with 6, rushing glades open for the last order, 7 would have killed people)

        I fricked up hard by taking 3 cornerstones that buff cosmetics and multiple recipes to make pigments, only to realize I needed an oil recipe and a bathhouse I never got but trading saved my ass by allowing me to make enough complex foods to buff human and harpy resolve just enough for the victory combined with religion and education (I made packs and sold my billion pigments)

        Coral forest is nice, I was able to make a lot of tools just by cutting trees for blue bricks
        I like harpies, they frick blightrot cysts extra hard and don't seem as annoying to please as lizards though their resolve seems to go down faster

        Prestige 4 here I come

        • 1 year ago

          The fact there are backup strategies you can try even when you invest way too much into a production chain RNG does not complete is what makes the game a favourite of mine.

          Games too hard, I kept getting filtered at vice roy and stopped playing a while ago.

          Play differently. Plenty of tips get posted in these threads, some are borderline exploits.

  81. 1 year ago

    >prestige 6 villagers have 50% chance to eat double food
    >first glade opened is living matter, all food gone
    >only one food node that I can gather from
    >cannibalism perk comes up
    >have harpies who have really low base resolve
    Looks like the bird brains are on the menu today.

  82. 1 year ago

    It was quite fun for a time but once I hit something like Prestige 7 I quickly lost interest. And it feels like I've seen everything the game has to offer. It's just going to get more annoying from here on out. But I got a good deal of fun out of this game. Definite recommend.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel much the same and I only reached prestige 4 before dropping it. Now I just play a comfy game every now and then, usually on P2 or just Viceroy.
      There's enough thrill of discovery to keep going, slowly.

  83. 1 year ago

    Games too hard, I kept getting filtered at vice roy and stopped playing a while ago.

  84. 1 year ago

    Do the devs browse this thread? Please optimize your crap, even Half Life 2 runs much better while looking more beautiful.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes we do, there's a FPS limiter in game for people playing on toasters, it works like a charm.
      >I NEED 240fps for a city-builder with pause
      t. dev
      not really but the FPS limiter is real and works

      • 1 year ago

        My computer is a real toaster, the game runs sub 30 FPS and only with zoom at max, otherwise it goes to 7fps.

        • 1 year ago

          consider getting something built the last decade, decade-and-a-half

  85. 1 year ago

    I really underestimated how OP trading is. Getting 4 perks/buildings every time one comes is insane for how cheap in amber they are. I was just drowning in 13 wheat per harvest and multiple stacks of planting/harvesting speed up

    • 1 year ago

      Higher Prestige nerfs it to a must-have crutch.

  86. 1 year ago


  87. 1 year ago

    wait wrong game

  88. 1 year ago

    p20 trade isn't a crutch but a nasty expense to get neccessities

  89. 1 year ago

    Where did this thread and these shills come from all of a sudden? More glowies working hard for that 0.025 USD, eh lads?

    • 1 year ago

      I got shilled the game on Ganker and I've already put 35 hours into it in a couple weeks. I will probably burn out on it in another 30 hours or so but that's not bad for a $20 game tbdesu

    • 1 year ago

      it's a fun game but i put in 60 hours in like a week and a half and burned out but i got my money's worth. maybe i'll play more later cause they keep updating

  90. 1 year ago

    I am starting to expect every nearby forbidden glade to have a dark portal and I am very upset

  91. 1 year ago

    Just beat Prestige 2. Blightrot finally felt like it was doing something which was nice. Although I am not sure how much positioning might matter with it. The workers go from the post to the buildings to burn them right? But if I build hydrants nearby they don't need to go back to the post after every building then so the posts location doesn't matter as much as and I can try and locate it between hearths?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, that is why you build hydrants, same with warehouses: reduce the travel time..
      What gave the devs the idea to use
      >hydro = water
      for the flamethrower ammunition, the world will never know.

    • 1 year ago

      >Although I am not sure how much positioning might matter with it
      quite a bit, finishing a night at 90%+ blightrot is common. and hydrants aren't free.

  92. 1 year ago

    I never feel like the 3* building material buildings are worth it. I guess sawmill is alright if you can harvest a ton of wood with beavers without too many negatives from storm. Still means you need a flourmill or tinkerer to process them. I rather just get a carpenter to get planks and simple tools early on

    • 1 year ago

      Planks is a must-have, too many recipes use them.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah -- on higher prestige I am experiencing that. Perhaps getting +plank bonus you can search for longer. Guess it also depends on what fuel you are going for. Mines if you have beavers and coal, kiln with lizards, or press with harpies ideally.

        >I guess sawmill is alright if you can harvest a ton of wood with beavers without too many negatives from storm
        sawmill is good when you're short on wood, not when you have an excess

        Re-roll prestige didnt hurt as bad as I was expecting. The build material one is rough though. Wildfire essences & parts especially. With orders have a good chance getting them though easier ones.

    • 1 year ago

      >I guess sawmill is alright if you can harvest a ton of wood with beavers without too many negatives from storm
      sawmill is good when you're short on wood, not when you have an excess

  93. 1 year ago

    Top 3 buildings:
    1. Workshop
    2. Kiln
    3. Ranch

    • 1 year ago

      >3. Ranch
      Really? Just don't start with lizards on maps without meat or insects.

      • 1 year ago

        Thots on new update?

        Ranch is incredibly good if you have farms. Leather makes effecient fabric too and you can get stacking meat yield cornerstone

        • 1 year ago

          You still need a good supply of fiber or reeds and without lizards or stacking meat bonus I wouldn't bother. Other 2 are always good and I almost always get Butcher.

  94. 1 year ago

    The new update looks very interesting, but I think I'll let it simmer for 2 weeks so I'll get the whole package in one go.

  95. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Well I lost a bunch of villagers but I had a shitload of bone marrow so I was max sacrificing the whole time this would have been extremely bad without sacrificing marrow I think

  96. 1 year ago

    >""small"" miasma cloud
    Good thing the effects while clearing the event are mostly harmless.

    • 1 year ago

      This made me wonder if you get an automatic game over if literally everyone is dead/gone or if the settlement just sits there until the next immigration wave

      • 1 year ago

        If you have no villagers left it's an immediate game over

  97. 1 year ago

    Whats everyones favorite map? I haven't ever build the archeologist on scarlet orchard. Is it worth?

    • 1 year ago

      I think archeology is always worth if you want to win faster, gives a ton of rep.

    • 1 year ago

      >I haven't ever build the archeologist on scarlet orchard. Is it worth?
      It's fun-tastic! Crazy, stacking bonuses. Easiest biome for P20.

  98. 1 year ago

    >first perk is Safe Haven
    >first glade has the hostility reducing totem in it
    Fastest win I've had for a long time. Despite only rolling a farm of any kind in year 5 when I'd embarked near the +60% fertile soil map item. I ended up chopping trees for plant fiber that I then fed into a ranch for meat.
    Also, I think the new water mechanics just aren't worth bothering with. Pipes are way too expensive since you can just use your metal to make tools and win.

    • 1 year ago

      Safe haven, the wood prayer, stormwalker tax those make for banger starters.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh I had the woodcutter's prayer perk too. And Trade Hub. Then I got a trader who buys wood when I had about 1600 stockpiled from just 2 woodcutter's camps filled with beavers. That game was kinda insane, apart the starvation.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pipes are way too expensive since you can just use your metal to make tools and win.
      It's a huge problem they are produced from the same buildings with the same resources. It's only worth building enough pipes to boost your tool-production chain. Otherwise, I like the more interacivity of the new system, it just needs balancing. Maybe dropping the pipes as input entirely and leaving the micromanagement to flow and cyst control?

      First time playing the cursed biome, it's fun. Made me kill a trader for the first time.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pipes are way too expensive since you can just use your metal to make tools and win.
      At least you start the game with some free pipes that can at least get you one geyser + engine for one building. Very rarely I sometimes make pipes for a second building if I have a pipe recipe somewhere (usually to make a tool-producing building more efficient since the engine also gives bonus production yield chance) but it's not worth going for more than that and absolutely not worth building pipes in the Crude Workstation under any circumstance.

      Be honest, do you design pretty cities or plop down aesthetics anywhere there's a free pace for the bonus?

      I generally try to build decorations to make my existing layout prettier but with so much that you have to do in this game it's not something I devote a huge chunk of time for. I do try to avoid the "just plop down 8 barrels in a square somewhere" thing, that's just not right.

  99. 1 year ago

    >villagers just fricking stand around doing nothing instead of working
    This is probably the 3rd time I've failed this Speedy Real Estate order because my villagers just stop working to go stand at the hearth instead of taking the last 5 pieces of wood to the house and building it.

    • 1 year ago

      Thankfully I found a living matter immediately in the next glade so their punishment will be no food for several weeks.

  100. 1 year ago

    It is not fricking worth it to build the race specific housing in this game once you reach the prestige level where all buildings become 50% more expensive. It's not really even worth it before that point either. Who has 180 planks and 40~ bricks and fabric to spare on building special houses for their fricking beavers, humans and lizards? It's not realistic especially when you have so many other more important things to spend those resources on. And all you get for this insane investment is a meagre +3 to resolve, when ANY single complex food gives you +5, and upgrading one hearth to an encampment gives you +2. They even hold one less villager than a shelter does. Why don't they house like 4 or 5 people? This mechanic makes no sense. I have never built these houses except in very rare cases where I have an order to do it.

    • 1 year ago

      I've found them situationally useful even with the increased construction cost, I sometimes build one or two early game if I have a small amount of harpies or lizards and want them to survive the first storm, or also late game if I get some obscene combination of perks or cornerstones that allow me to get fat stacks of construction material. Beaver houses in particular can go frick themselves though, I don't know why they made them twice as expensive as the other ones.

    • 1 year ago

      like most things at high prestige, they require a cornerstone or two to be a good investment. at 3+ housing, or with some kind of construction discount like +2 brick production they become a much better proposition

      there's also the fact that sometimes every single point of resolve really matters, and you have to build those houses and run that field kitchen no matter how inefficient it is

    • 1 year ago

      I'm halfway there bros, I just finished the game that I was complaining about in this post I still haven't washed out but there are 10 more ball busting difficulty modifiers ahead of me that I don't even know about yet

  101. 1 year ago

    Be honest, do you design pretty cities or plop down aesthetics anywhere there's a free pace for the bonus?

  102. 1 year ago

    Prestige 15 is kicking my ass bros

    • 1 year ago

      I dont know yet know what I am doing with pipes so I just ignored them. Conveniently my first two dangerous glades also didnt have any. I will say though Archeology did turn out to be based. Simple tool production line to start popping caches can be blueprint intensive while archeology essentially needed a surplus of stuff I already produce.

      Im scared of prestige 6 food consumption increase.

      • 1 year ago

        >Im scared of prestige 6 food consumption increase.
        you should be

        • 1 year ago

          Even with multiple complex foods running I still feel like its always on verge of complex food starvation.

  103. 1 year ago

    I'm warming up to small glades a bit. They're still not entirely worth it but at least the recent camps update made it so you can at least always harvest what you find in them. I think if they were to bump the hostility penalty down from -15 to -10 then they would be in a good place.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank god there's that modifier that eliminates hostility from opening glades. Then I go crazy on opening them.

    • 1 year ago

      I just hit Prestige 19 and wish to redact this statement.

  104. 1 year ago

    If you haven't really used trade routes mechanic before you better get used to it because once you hit the prestige where your goods are worth 50% less to traders it's bye bye easy money

    • 1 year ago

      Btw it's not just that your goods are worth less to traders but your money is worth less as well (I guess amber is technically a good) 24 amber after this prestige buys you a lot less than 24 amber before

    • 1 year ago

      trade routes are great if you are not in a dire position

    • 1 year ago

      I always forget to check the trader enough for new deals.

  105. 1 year ago

    >Hey instead of more content and unique challenges here's a scaling """difficulty""" system that adds nothing to the game, not even replay value, just makes it more tedious, fun?

    • 1 year ago

      I quite like how it's done. Prestige debuffs are severe and can prompt you to adjust playstyle quite a bit, but doing them entirely optional. If you want more unique missions - dailies have some stuff I never encountered in game like inability to pause and overall usually have a very unique set of modifiers.

      • 1 year ago

        >dailies have some stuff I never encountered in game like inability to pause
        That's in the regular game.
        >mfw I got both no pause button and more timed orders modifier

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, I quit once I realised this which happened very early on. Instead of crippling the player why not add more content to the game itself? Like variable terrain, more population types, a lot more food types and luxury items as well, more difficult production chains, special orders, special perks etc.

      I quite like how it's done. Prestige debuffs are severe and can prompt you to adjust playstyle quite a bit, but doing them entirely optional. If you want more unique missions - dailies have some stuff I never encountered in game like inability to pause and overall usually have a very unique set of modifiers.

      Its the same shit.

    • 1 year ago

      thanks for the bump midwit, go play frostpunk if you prefer wrote build orders only.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, you poor newbie...

        Yeah, I quit once I realised this which happened very early on. Instead of crippling the player why not add more content to the game itself? Like variable terrain, more population types, a lot more food types and luxury items as well, more difficult production chains, special orders, special perks etc.
        Its the same shit.

        Yeah, its just a very lazy way of doing things.

  106. 1 year ago

    >get bonus people
    >but now my settlement is drowning in people
    >cant produce enough though to keep people happy
    >people leave during storm
    I might get a queen irritation loss.

    • 1 year ago

      >he fell for the eternal growth psyop

    • 1 year ago

      literally how
      as long as you're not using nostar recipes, you can keep going. Unless there's a living matter.

  107. 1 year ago

    What causes impatience to go down?

    • 1 year ago

      Gaining reputation.

      • 1 year ago

        Ah that makes sense, thanks!

  108. 1 year ago

    >I made a trade heavy settlement last time, this time I'll try something different
    >blueprints are garbage, trash, and junk
    >no food
    >in the marshland, trader brings the +1 insect for every 2 mushrooms produced
    >insects into jerky
    >get offered prosperous settlement (+global resolve per 40 amber's worth sold)
    >get offered prosperous settlement again
    >well ok then
    Happy merchant truly is the greatest ally.

    • 1 year ago

      and that is why bandit camp modifier is awful
      no trade = death 90% of the time

      • 1 year ago

        >no trade and no fertility modifies on the same tiles
        >AI piles up on them
        Should I stomp them?

        • 1 year ago

          good luck if you try

      • 1 year ago

        i've beaten high-prestige no-trade runs several times. not a big deal.

  109. 1 year ago

    >avoid this game because I dislike roguelikes
    >see cute harpy girl
    >instant buy
    I am not disappointed.

  110. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Looks fine to me.

      • 1 year ago

        I've lost 6 pop and it's only half way through storm

  111. 1 year ago

    I am not getting enough water tbh lads. I guess they wanted people opening up more glades rapidly or something. Even after opening 3 dangerous glades, a forbidden, and two small I had one water and it wasn't the type any of my buildings needed.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I don't know why they have 3 different types of water. Some games I play I never even find one type of water. Haven't really been using the system at all honestly even when I do have the necessary water.

      • 1 year ago

        I am not getting enough water tbh lads. I guess they wanted people opening up more glades rapidly or something. Even after opening 3 dangerous glades, a forbidden, and two small I had one water and it wasn't the type any of my buildings needed.

        100% a rogue-like diceroll problem. The only solution is to either give freebies guaranteed or to simplify the concept.

        • 1 year ago

          I think they need some exploration RNG mitigation. An explorer's building that takes a season or year but will tell you what's in a glade before you pop it. They kind of have it with the archaeology office and a couple of cornerstones already.
          The waterpipes system is good in general and I prefer it to how blightrot worked before, the player has more interesting decisions to make. For instance using it to increase resolve is a fun interaction between previously only loosely-related subsystems. I like that you can just cease all the engines if you're getting more corruption than your blight fighters can handle, though I wish they added a new filter view to easily see what buildings are using water.

          Yeah I don't know why they have 3 different types of water. Some games I play I never even find one type of water. Haven't really been using the system at all honestly even when I do have the necessary water.

          > I don't know why they have 3 different types of water.
          I can sort of see why from a balance perspective, but I think it'd be better if there was one water source and you had to run a distillery to make it into one of the three different types, or something like that.

          • 1 year ago

            I think rather than RNG mitigation (which just opens up a Steam Community/Discord rabbit hole of "STOP TRYING TO MAKE THE GAME EASY, IT'S ROGUELIKE"), the water starts out neutral and you get two choices to reroute the flow or whatever. So there is RNG, you may not get the exact one you want, but you won't get totally fricked by a 1/3 bad luck roll.

          • 1 year ago

            Distillary might work better. It would make harpies a little better in that regard. Water might need to be maybe 10-15% more common. Or as you said some exploratory building for it.

      • 1 year ago

        I did end up needing it on my last run to help boost plank production & coal production but it was really late in that I got the water. Clearance water seems like the WORST to get though since its mostly the trade/trash buildings that get it.

        100% a rogue-like diceroll problem. The only solution is to either give freebies guaranteed or to simplify the concept.

        They're just too rare as is. I will say even with just two buildings on max engine and multiple hubs my hearth did get to 70% corruption so maybe working as intended.

      • 1 year ago

        I am not getting enough water tbh lads. I guess they wanted people opening up more glades rapidly or something. Even after opening 3 dangerous glades, a forbidden, and two small I had one water and it wasn't the type any of my buildings needed.

        Next patch changes rainmakers to produce whatever water you choose. Doesn't seem balanced with natural geysers still needing workers but they'll fix it eventually.

        I'm entering the big leagues!

        • 1 year ago

          > Doesn't seem balanced with natural geysers still needing workers but they'll fix it eventually.
          the patch is also adding an automaton you can build to work the geyser.

          • 1 year ago

            We Frostpunk(Rain) now.

  112. 1 year ago

    Total newbie here. How the frick do I win in Royal Woodlands? I can in in Coral Forest because of all the extra resource drops, but Royal Woodlands may as well be the Royal Desert. Can't get shit for Tools.

    • 1 year ago

      Start increasing the difficulty to grind levels to unlock recipes. Theres one that uses farmland and grows resin/crystallized dew. Otherwise most likely need a backyard.

    • 1 year ago

      Win through resolve, not tools. Make complex food whenever you can to get resolve. Upgrade your hubs to level 2. Pick the service buildings even if you can't produce the luxury goods - they're not worth producing most of the time anyways, it's best buy them from merchants.

      • 1 year ago

        service buildings are worth it just to get your hubs up to T3 for the productivity boost anyway

        • 1 year ago

          Absolutely. Many of them are worth having just for the passive buff they give when they're fully crewed.

  113. 1 year ago

    I dislike the mushroom forest. Just spent an entire game running at around 100 wood or less in my storage for most of the game. I actually ran out of wood near the end and had to start demolishing buildings and turning off all my production that used wood to keep the hearths burning, and then I find some coal deposits inside a glade so I set up a mine but I had basically won by that point anyway. It seems like I just never have any fricking wood in that biome which I guess is a map generation thing, the glades in the mushroom biome seem to be bigger on average so they take up more space on the map which means less space for trees which means no FRICKING WOOD.

    • 1 year ago

      The low wood biomes have coal deposits, you want to get those going as soon as you can.

      I think rather than RNG mitigation (which just opens up a Steam Community/Discord rabbit hole of "STOP TRYING TO MAKE THE GAME EASY, IT'S ROGUELIKE"), the water starts out neutral and you get two choices to reroute the flow or whatever. So there is RNG, you may not get the exact one you want, but you won't get totally fricked by a 1/3 bad luck roll.

      That's still RNG mitigation

      • 1 year ago

        I opened 4 (or was it 5?) large glades that game and I only found the coal in the very last glade that I opened. That entire run was fricked up and I only barely got away with it. Now it's prestige 16 time.

        • 1 year ago

          Did you have a lot of shrooms?

  114. 1 year ago

    I'm moronic. How does rainpunk work? Am I too low leveled?

    • 1 year ago

      You build an extractor building on one of the geysers (costs pipes), man it with a worker, then go to the new tab on a production building with the same water type and use more pipes to connect the building (just click connect, you don't actually have to build out pipe infrastructure). Then you get a couple sliders to improve production in a few different ways

      • 1 year ago

        >just click connect, you don't actually have to build out pipe infrastructure
        I have the feeling that will not last. Pipes are already ingame assets anyway.

        In unrelated news, walls are my new jam! I will try to build a fully walled city next time.

        • 1 year ago

          I really can't see that happening. There isn't a lot of room for buildings as is and the game already abstracts out some things common in the genre (workers never actually rest in their homes for example)

          • 1 year ago

            giving the player reason to spread out their workshops more would be a good thing, half the reason it's so crowded is that you don't have any reason not to just cram everything in next to the warehouse

        • 1 year ago

          I did that once, it was comfy indeed. This town had 13 stacks of Wealth from the Guild, and reduced 525 points of hostility through Armoured Trade.

          High prestige people, do you build cities with reasonable roads or abuse the noclip of workers?

          The issue with clipping is you need to ensure you keep things blocked off, or they'll walk around the long way. I'm not sure exactly what the criteria for clipping is but it seems the pathfinder disincentives it.
          I like the roads for aesthetics anyway, and if you end up with enough stone or copper to make the upgraded roads its well worth it.

          • 1 year ago

            I typically do a industrial highway-line from the starting main warehouse along with a connection to the hearth since villages go from work-warehouse-hub. On the warehouse side of the street I typically put the 3/4 size buildings while the two wide buildings I place on the other side with a row of houses butted up against it. So far has worked out really well and keeps the resource cost low for roads. Which typically only leaves farms as potential bottlenecks

  115. 1 year ago

    High prestige people, do you build cities with reasonable roads or abuse the noclip of workers?

    • 1 year ago

      p20, I just use dirt roads. Stone/Copper roads take too damn long to build and I never have the manpower to spare.

      • 1 year ago

        p20, i do the opposite, only build dirt roads if there's some particular reason (idle labor, some penalty mod, extremely high traffic area) but make sure to build advanced roads whenever i have some spare resources

  116. 1 year ago

    >just found out you can favor pops to increase their rep and win that way

    • 1 year ago

      Open building.
      Look at top tabs, it's the rightmost.

      • 1 year ago

        I see nothing. Like the bakery. It claims it uses drizzle water, but it has three tabs: the production tab, ingredients tab, and what seems to be an upgrade tab with no options.

        • 1 year ago

          Did you install pipes into the building? It's a button that then opens the tab. By default, you start with enough pipes for 1 geyser and 1 building.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't get pipes. I think I'm too low leveled.
            This is a bit of a problem with the game. Yeah, it's fair that it's a rogue-like and you get new shit as you go, but as a new player I am utterly confused by mechanics I only partially have access to.

            • 1 year ago

              I think you need to play on at least veteran because it's tied to blight rot mechanics

              • 1 year ago

                Nope. Just found out. It's a Scorched City upgrade.
                Why the frick give you rainpunk collectors if you can't use them?

              • 1 year ago

                Probably just an early access oversight. They split the full feature into 2 patches so it's going to change again on Thursday

  117. 1 year ago

    What do the stars signify?
    How fast a building produces/gathers something?
    Or is there more to it?

    • 1 year ago

      general quality of the recipie. x -> 1* is usually a very large jump, while the others are more incremental.

      • 1 year ago

        More stars just use fewer inputs. Like the other guy said 1 star is a big boost but each extra one is usually just one less of an input each upgrade

        Thanks, I just finished my first settlement and I just realized another moronic thing was that I was destroying and rebuilding my buildings like woodcutters instead of using the relocate function like a moron lmao.

    • 1 year ago

      More stars just use fewer inputs. Like the other guy said 1 star is a big boost but each extra one is usually just one less of an input each upgrade

  118. 1 year ago

    >see an acidic soil map tile and decide to settle next to it to get the deed and achievement finished
    >there's a single tile of Coral Forest so embark on that
    >Beavers, lizards, and harpies
    >get +1 meat production from an order
    >get +2 crystallized dew production from a trader
    >got fricking +4 packed goods production in total from various orders and cornerstones
    >all the money I could ever want from trade routes
    >unlimited production of training gear and tools thanks to getting 3 crystal dew from mussel trees
    >unlimited production of jerky (got a +5 bonus to jerky from a timed order that was literally just "chop down 60 trees")
    >since I had unlimited free meat all bugs could go into making pigment for scrolls
    >got Zhorg's secret ingredient cornerstone which gives you 10 free skewers for each 10 pickles, start producing barrels and pickles
    Literally a free win. My only troubles were not producing enough planks fast enough, which was rectified once I got the Workshop blueprint lmao. Prestige 17 completed, almost made it to 20...

    • 1 year ago

      Getting good orders is so damn important to get bps rolling from early resolve.

  119. 1 year ago

    Wish there was a way to make the trader's arrival more noticeable.
    I often miss them quite a lot.

    • 1 year ago

      check the options, you can autopause when they arrive. Would also recommend autopausing at the start of storm so you can pull woodcutters and sacrifice if needed to dodge nasty effects.

      • 1 year ago

        >using ezmodo options

  120. 1 year ago

    i started on viceroy
    took me 2 games to figure out how the wincon works and win
    gonna move on to prestige asap

    • 1 year ago

      Prestige gives a ton of experience to level faster and get more options.

  121. 1 year ago

    If you keep playing after the win, can you still get shit like artifacts for meta progression?

    • 1 year ago


  122. 1 year ago

    >Get great food modifers/production buildings
    >just lacking Bricks, whatever
    >3 hostility burns 200% more fuel on top
    >Spend all game perpetually out of wood
    >Pop a forbidden glade in desperation
    >fishermen lightnouse
    >ends my run with +600 hostility and a stacking debuff that makes it impossible to delay

    • 1 year ago

      Coal mines, anon. Coal mines.

      • 1 year ago

        I was going slow popping glades because my fuel crisis haplened suddenly. I was going for a bunch of blueprints because I had good resolve. I built a third woodcutter in a rush before getting back to back kiln-grill. In that time though my third woodcutter popped the forbidden and set off a lose condition danger

  123. 1 year ago

    I voted for bats

    • 1 year ago

      You did good. It's not as good as sphinx but at least the devs didn't give an elf option. Although, foxes are such coomerbait, I fear for the future...

      • 1 year ago

        The batgirl had way more sex appeal imo

      • 1 year ago

        Bats have human features and they are also steampunk inspired

  124. 1 year ago

    I haven't been able to beat a game past couple days. Getting stuck on prestige 8.

    • 1 year ago

      I did it! I lost half my settlement first before I could bounce back. I think in the future no matter what the other choices are I am getting an effecient fuel building immediately even if its not even that good or I lack the race bonus. Twice had my flame almost go out.

  125. 1 year ago

    >rotten rain
    I didn't wanna win anyway

  126. 1 year ago

    I've made a new thread if any of you guys are still interested


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