Age of Decedance

How do people find this game? I'm about to try it for the first time, all I know is people reccomend with not straying from your characters initial stats.
Also how is their next game, Colony Ship shaping up to be?

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  1. 2 years ago

    it's garbage, and this is the only board shilling this turd
    the contrarian homosexuals shilling this trash are the same autists shilling Fear & Hunger (an equally garbage indie RPG if not worse)

    • 2 years ago

      What's garbage about it

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but I hated it because the only real interaction outside of combat is stat checks, the stat checks are hard limited, and you can bank level up points indefinitely. So if you pre-invest right when you get points to create a build, you will miss out on most of the content. You have to try stat checks, fail, reload, invest points exactly high enough to succeed, then proceed.
        It's not really an RPG, it's an adventure game where important items are experience points and money, which you save up to use in specific places to proceed along one of like seven different character story paths.
        The entire reason I play RPGs is to engage in problem solving, lateral thinking, and role playing. Making a character with abilities I choose to cohere to a theme, and seeing him succeed due to my pre-planning is what makes an rpg narrative satisfying. Turning it into a limited-resource puzzle makes it disengaging.

        • 2 years ago

          That's the optimal way to play it. Granted, in some paths, it's the only way to play it. Looking at you, moronic boring ass talker builds. I suppose I already know everything to the point I can metagame the frick out of things for fat skill points and victories, but you can't breeze through most combat situations until you reach the endgame.

          i will never stop bragging about actually pulling this fight off

          • 2 years ago

            honestly the palace guard fight after you frick up the assassination in act 2 is harder.

            • 2 years ago

              Against the nephew?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah. I've never had to reload so many times after you kill him and try to escape from the palace, I failed the sneak check to get out. That fight you linked was a breeze in comparison but it might have just been my character's build as well.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you mean Gaelius? Or is this some option I haven't come across?

                I am very confused. Assassinating Gaelius' punk nephew on the Boatmen path was a piece of cake as a knife-happy murder machine.

              • 2 years ago

                sorry my memory was shit, yeah its when you kill gaelius and betray/double cross the boatman guild leader and try to escape after.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, right. I normally don't go that far through the boatmen path. And when I do, I never accept the homosexual thief leader's deal, even if I make it. His wagon ambush ain't fricking shit.

                Boatmen, Daratan Praetor, Commercium, and Thief loyal paths just have you be the most used fricking tool. Even the traitor paths (except for thief's, where it's probably the worst ending in the entire game) aren't so good because anyone whose played the game enough times knows what Meru's going to do.

            • 2 years ago

              I've never heard of that.
              How did you get that fight?

          • 2 years ago

            >i will never stop bragging about actually pulling this fight off
            Its literally impossible to win this fight without 10 Dodge or 10 Block lmao
            But well done man you did it without an Axe build.

            • 2 years ago

              I've done it with 8 dodge, needs a lot of alchemy and luck though.
              i neglected it being a challenge in my writing because the jump from chapter 2 to 3 combatwise is insane to the point if you were to go back to that fight, it'd be a cakewalk

              • 2 years ago

                >the jump from chapter 2 to 3 combatwise is insane to the point if you were to go back to that fight, it'd be a cakewalk
                You litterally unlock a Power Armor and enough sky metal to make your desired weapons. Sure it will be a cakewalk and thats the thing I actually dislike in AoD. Accessing a Power Armor that litterally put the game on easy mode. Would've been interesting to have only 3 Magic Module instead in the game. Choosing between skill points or the best armor.

        • 2 years ago

          You're not wrong. AoD is surprisingly limited. There are few paths to take, and in many, many cases you NEED to have a very specific set of skills to succeed. If you try to role-play, you'll hit a wall and be utterly unable to continue.
          Calling it a puzzle adventure game is quite accurate.

          • 2 years ago

            >If you try to role-play, you'll hit a wall and be utterly unable to continue.
            This is completely untrue though. You still can beat the game even when you've completely failed, when you've been kicked out of all guilds, having betrayed your masters, etc. - in fact, you can even reach the most powerful ending as a complete loser.

            • 2 years ago

              >in fact, you can even reach the most powerful ending as a complete loser
              Yes, but only if you invested in the right attributes at the beginning of the game, which goes right back to the point that that other anon made.

              • 2 years ago

                The role playing part is where you decide to do certain things and have your character make an 'attempt' at them. But an RPG is not a game of pretend where whatever you envision just happens, your character also needs to be capable of doing said things. If you're too dumb or too frail to survive the hardship, then even though you 'want' to succeed, you will still fail.

              • 2 years ago

                >If you're too dumb or too frail to survive the hardship, then even though you 'want' to succeed, you will still fail.
                Not that anon. How do you know how much of those stats you'll need?

              • 2 years ago

                the magic number is 7
                above average

              • 2 years ago

                Is that a universal rule or just something specific to this game? Does the game make that breakpoint clear?

              • 2 years ago

                Univseral rule but you do need 7 con and 7 int for the god ending
                and 8 per i guess

              • 2 years ago

                You don't know that beforehand, of course. But just like in real life, not everyone can achieve everything. You can still beat the game though, even if you fail at everything and fail to make an impact. These particular stats are just necessary to unlock a special ending, where among other things, your character needs a certain level of intelligence and constitution to survive.

              • 2 years ago

                You're not wrong. AoD is surprisingly limited. There are few paths to take, and in many, many cases you NEED to have a very specific set of skills to succeed. If you try to role-play, you'll hit a wall and be utterly unable to continue.
                Calling it a puzzle adventure game is quite accurate.

                Thats totally untrue, my very first character was a talker and when I tried to join the merchant guild and do their job I didnt had enough points to convince Mercato to tell me what's happening with the Imperial Guard.
                Then Cado came along and tried to trick me into betryaing my guild for info I said no.
                I didnt had any info and got kicked out of the Merchants Guild.
                I did some questing on the side and got enough points to be a sneaky thief, I turned in a life of crime and joined the Thieves Guild and got revenge on them.
                Later on, things went nice until I had to assassinate Gaelius, I tried and I had neither the stats or equipements to win. I decideded to snitch on my Guild and join the Aurelians.
                I sucked as a Praetor but I brought Meru's head on a dinner plate because I fricked up his ritual and had enough charisma and persuasion to said to him to trust me on the ritual.
                I decieded to not open the box in the Ziggurat and finished the game as shitty talker. I had a shitty ending but the whole game was possible.

              • 2 years ago

                sounds kino. I still need to do a playthrough where I join as many factions as possible.

          • 2 years ago

            You've really hit the nail on the head here - I downloaded it and really didn't enjoy it but couldn't work out why. This is it - your choices are incredibly limited and based mostly on stats, so roleplaying is next to impossible. Shame, could have been much better.

            • 2 years ago

              If you're stuck in combat you can always use combat equipements like nets, bolas and liquid fire to get the edge on others.
              I personally got no issue my first time roleplaying a Mercenary/Imperial Guard with moderate Streewise and Trading.
              I never had a consistent good outcome but when I knew to back down or to look away I looked away. I found my first playthrough to be maybe the most immersive on in any RPG I ever played where I actually was random shmuck maybe strong against 2 or 3 but quickly overpowered by a whole gang like in Aemolas and there is no easy way out than to let an Old Man die to save your skin.
              Failure is an outcome and makes a compelling story. Thats something I rarely found in RPG where failure drives the story foward.

            • 2 years ago

              >based mostly on stats, so roleplaying is next to impossible
              Role playing is not about playing pretend though, there is an underlying logic of the game which limits your actions. A game where you can do everything regardless of your ability makes the character build meaningless.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure but when the game is hard coded to make you reload because you missed a stat to continue that’s not roleplay. There is no immersion to roleplay because the game never lets you forget that you’re playing a game. There is no alternative paths if you don’t have the stat a lot of times other than moronic combat the game knows you’re not built for and going to struggle. A good fix would be that combat isn’t its own path but can supplement another where you fail with stats. In truth, the game shouldn’t have stats at all and just pick a character to play for that journey sense the game doesn’t really want anything else.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sure but when the game is hard coded to make you reload because you missed a stat to continue
                The majority of checks don't force you to reload. More often than not you have the option to continue playing after failure.

              • 2 years ago

                >A good fix would be that combat isn’t its own path but can supplement another where you fail with stats.
                But combat isn't its own path. Pretty much all of the routes through the games have more or less violent ways of solving things.

                >In truth, the game shouldn’t have stats at all and just pick a character to play for that journey sense the game doesn’t really want anything else.
                But that way you couldn't play different character archaetypes, e.g. you can play a thief who is all sneaky and hardly ever has to fight, or you can play an enforcer for the guild. In the same sense you can play a praetor who is more of a diplomat or a military man, an assassin who sneaks in, kills his target and then leaves unseen or a terminator who leaves nobody behind, and for each of these various in-betweens. If you didn't have all these stats and opportunities you'd be missing out a lot of routes through the game - and that is actually where the real strength of the game is: it is an actually branching RPG, where you don't have a common route that occasionally gives you a different choice to solve a quest differently, or which branches in two every not and then to meet at a common point only shortly after, but where you actually have different routes through the game that exist completely in parallel (and which even intersect).

                I don't think you've spent enough time with the game yet.

              • 2 years ago

                most of the progression in the game is based around guild shit and if you dont have the skills to complete anything you can get fricked hard, my thief used critical strike more than sneak and im glad because i specced into it

              • 2 years ago

                >if you dont have the skills to complete anything you can get fricked hard
                Yes, but isn't that what you would expect? If you try to take a dangerous profession yet you lack the ability to accomplish your goals, you will fail. If you allowed everyone to be able to do everything, your character build would be meaningless and if you introduced chance to the equation it would only result in even more safe-scumming.

                Also, it's not like failure always results in death.

              • 2 years ago

                You dont need to spec in CS to finish the Thives Guild. Its uselful for a characther that fights more than he talks but besides that its very up to you.
                Failure doesnt mean you cant continue the game, the first time I played a Thief as an Enforcer for the guild. My character couldnt steal or fight his way through the guard in the Aurelian palace.
                I couldnt assassinate Gaelius and Levir threw me out of the guild, so the only logical thing to do was to either go to Ganezzar and staying low because the Thieves dont want me or going to Gaelius and working for the most powerful man in the region.
                Failling that quest actually lead to a better outcome so no problem.

        • 2 years ago

          talker is so simple in terms of points that you can just guess at future checks and be fine, e.g. you're in maadoran so it's time to pick up some etiquette to deal with richies
          zero combat thief (or near enough to it) is the only thing that really requires full pointbanking autism besides trying to hit a bunch of secondary checks with a mainly combat character

        • 2 years ago

          Age of decadence is cool but like this poster said it's actually a puzzle game where you have to juggle your xp so you can do the stat checks to allow you to get the true ending (tm)

          using guides is for gays btw

          • 2 years ago

            I've just experimented so much I know every skill check.

          • 2 years ago

            >the true ending (tm)
            Correct - the Imperial Guard Centurion ending.

            • 2 years ago

              >dying of radiation, starvation, and mutiny
              >not fricking over the top god and waging a war against the entire world for dominion over it

          • 2 years ago

            but i wrote my own guide when i did my hybrid run
            i think i still have it saved somewhere

          • 2 years ago

            That's exactly it. If you build however you want to build you'll hard lock yourself. I remember a point in the not dark brotherhood storyline where you needed really high crit to do a series of statchecks to make the next fight easier.
            The kicker is the very first run I did I left the first zone as soon as a guy told me to. But apparently this isn't cool, I had no way to go back, and locked myself out of the "main" story on top of now having too low stats to do anything. It's not an rpg in any way, shape, or form. But I did find it very entertaining to play the first time(I paid 3 euro, which helped). But oddly enough for a game with multiple very different paths I felt no desire to play through it again because of all the minmaxing bullshit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Age of decadence is cool but like this poster said it's actually a puzzle game where you have to juggle your xp so you can do the stat checks
            You could make the argument that that's what ever RPG is.

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >using guides is for gays btw
            Last time I played there wasn't a good guide for the best ending.

        • 2 years ago

          Let's hear what's really a RPG, homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        Controversy. Every thread is ripe for farming yous and bait from both sides. The game itself is largely unimpressive, I had a decent time playing the various outcomes but that's about all the novelty it's capable of. These threads are more entertaining than the game ever will be, that's why they are so numerous.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Unironically the most based opinion I have seen on this website.

    • 2 years ago

      fpbp. The devs of this game get so assmad over criticism that they are nonstop over all social media websites and even Ganker promoting this garbage.
      They will write paragraphs in reply to anyone that just says "I dont like it".

      The game was in development for like 15 years which is why it looks so terrible and the devs put too much time into it just accept the game was a flop and it sucked ass

      • 2 years ago

        >The devs of this game get so assmad over criticism
        More like the devs dont aknowledge certain criticism.
        When you're used to play RPGs where its very easy to be an hybrid like in Fallout and you complain that you cant do the same thing in AoD well, they simply provide an answer and most people dont like the answer they get on forums or any social media.
        But if you bring up that certain quests in Ganezzar for some of the faction you choose is shit they will agree or understand the criticism.
        The only person I saw saying that these devs are assmad is the most viewed youtube video on a AoD review which begs the question, do you play games or you watch vidya reviews like a zoomer ?

    • 2 years ago

      I honestly got bored after playing it for a couple of hours. Maybe one day I'll give it a second chance. But overall, Expeditions Rome ended up being the superior Roman RPG, depsite it being simpler.

      • 2 years ago

        >Expeditions Rome ended up being the superior Roman RPG
        AoD isnt a "Roman" RPG, its inspired by it but its far from it.
        Its a post apocalyptic world where knowledge was reduced to zero and the survivors interpret their world inner workings with Magic and Spirituality.
        Why is it Roman and Arab inspired? Its for you to discover (or not).

    • 2 years ago

      fpbp. The devs of this game get so assmad over criticism that they are nonstop over all social media websites and even Ganker promoting this garbage.
      They will write paragraphs in reply to anyone that just says "I dont like it".

      The game was in development for like 15 years which is why it looks so terrible and the devs put too much time into it just accept the game was a flop and it sucked ass


  2. 2 years ago

    Love and hate it.
    i don't know nor care much

    pic is me with a hybrid build, my favorites
    ignore whatever person tells you real hybrids invest a lot in the social skills after teron because they fricking don't and don't have to

  3. 2 years ago

    How much do Backgrounds matter in this? I was thinking of being a Thief, Grifter or Loremaster.

    • 2 years ago

      Not much. They determine your starting quest and gear. Sure, they give you recommended stats, but they're often suboptimal. Only a few backgrounds can unlock the secret ending. though.

      • 2 years ago

        So it's just a different intro to the main plot, starting stats and equipment?
        All I mainly hear about this game when someone asks for advice is to stick to whatever your starting stats are.

        • 2 years ago

          They're good for getting you by your preselected playstyle. If you want all the goodies as I got in

          Love and hate it.
          i don't know nor care much

          pic is me with a hybrid build, my favorites
          ignore whatever person tells you real hybrids invest a lot in the social skills after teron because they fricking don't and don't have to

          you'll have to do your own thing.

        • 2 years ago

          >So it's just a different intro to the main plot, starting stats and equipment?
          It's not just the intro; they also affect faction and NPC affiliations. e.g. when you're a Loremaster and thus the disciple of Feng, he will give you information without passing certain checks (how to navigate the Abyss). Other characters, without the Loremaster background, need to be charismatic for that.

          • 2 years ago

            You need 7 perception though. 8 if you want to do it without his hint and to get the secret ending.

            • 2 years ago

              It's not unreasonable to expect a Loremaster to have high perception. I think the default build also recommends it. But yes, that's what the game is like - not everyone can do everything.

              • 2 years ago

                you're simply not dumping charisma
                also, doing the last minute moronic plays (seriously, they're all fricking moronic) are not only not worth it: they're inefficient with SP

      • 2 years ago

        what secret ending?

        • 2 years ago

          It's a secret.

          • 2 years ago

            God Ending?

    • 2 years ago

      Not much. They determine your starting quest and gear. Sure, they give you recommended stats, but they're often suboptimal. Only a few backgrounds can unlock the secret ending. though.

      But Praetor is kind of unique amongst all of them by having you already in service to a big name and letting you do a quest or two completely away from the other ones.

      • 2 years ago

        Is praetor good for a first playthrough?

        • 2 years ago

          Not really.

        • 2 years ago

          It's kind of just not good in general, while the other factions have a line up of exclusive endings depending on the reputation you've built with them by the end of the game, the one exclusive ending House Daratan has is Antidas being disappointed in you and banishing you on a fetch quest to a distant land, and it happens no matter what you do unless you activate one of the endings that overrides the faction ending

          • 2 years ago

            There is one more faction ending though where you end up getting crucified by the legion, if you killed the other lords. Also, you make the ending sound a bit more negative than it is. It is actually the good ending that preserves the status quo ante; House Daratan still exists despite the troubles surrounding it, Teron is fine and Antidas has no bigger worries but to send you chasing after myths and trinkets.

    • 2 years ago

      It depends, some start you in a faction but you can still do whatever with all of em so outside of your intro you're good.

  4. 2 years ago

    It's a fricking terrible cyoa. It's as much a game as Disco Elysium.

  5. 2 years ago

    If you can't get the god ending in your first run delete all your vidya, because you aren't a Gamer.

  6. 2 years ago

    It's an interesting story told kinda poorly. With good xp mods it's a lot more serviceable.

    Love the setting, the factions are cool, I really like some of the characters, especially the more wily butthole ones. I felt a little annoyed at the commercium ending until I got passed over for a job because of seniority and then I related HARD to what that faction exemplifies. A lot of faction questlines actually reflect the exploitative nature of institutions to the point of relentlessness with initiates, that almost never happens in RPG guilds. The story is fricking great if you build for it, or cheat.

    The art direction and equipment are good. I love the ancient roman and conan the barbarian aesthetics merged together.

    Combat would be great if you could build an actual party and/or remove initiative for playerthrun/enemyturn. Dungeon rats is actually pretty fun so that they didn't do this is a little depressing. Or if the consumables had better effects. Combat is kinda moronic considering how many stupid fricking unfair fights you get put into across the factions, and it feels dissonant when you play a combat scenario from both sides of the fight with certain quests. Makes the game feel kinda janky, although I love the way it presents you as a potential shatterpoints-kind of character. Honestly if you could do more initial setup or have tactical control of your party and made it like a fantasy jagged alliance 2 would be a massive fricking GOAT of a game but it ends up feeling a little too obnoxious in design.

    Overall it's kinda middle of the road in how it's great concepts are executed. But I didn't hate it, honestly I got back into Conan the Barbarian because of the storytelling and direction.

    • 2 years ago

      I think you just needed to invest more into combat skills. If you're going to make a character that's going to see combat, their skills should be up to 4 in the three major skills before you leave Teron and your defense skills should be buffed along with your crafting at Maadoran.

      Honestly, you don't even need to max out any of them but your defense skill. The screenshot I posted all the way up is me in the endgame after having slaughtered my way through Ganezarr, the ambushes, the makeshift arena, and the final round of arena fights.

      Either that or learn how to exploit weapon types and aimed attacks.

      • 2 years ago

        I did all of those things on my combat playthroughs, it's still kind of annoying to play.

        • 2 years ago

          What weapons did you use? None are made equal, just like in actual life.

          • 2 years ago

            Axes, I didn't say the combat wasn't manageable, axe+shield is fricking easymode, just unsatisfying.

            just use a hammer so you can beat a god to death.
            best weapon 10/10

            Hammers also fun

          • 2 years ago

            Dagger + Dodge. Arbiter is enough to kill everything in the game, its high %chance to hit enables maxing dodge and crit strike first, before putting points in daggers.

            • 2 years ago

              Can conform. AOC and low AP costs makes daggers great

            • 2 years ago

              Can conform. AOC and low AP costs makes daggers great

              Daggers being accurate weapons that are actually super deadly is a realistic thing. Like, even if you're armored, it doesn't matter if the guy goes for your throat.

              • 2 years ago

                Daggers being good weapon in an actual battle is nothing but an rpg fantasy. Real daggers were only usable either for parrying in duels or for mercy killing exhausted knights. For all your LE EBIG ASSASIN weak points attacks armor such as gougets and shields existed which made them useless. Not to mention that armor was so good it was nearly impenetrable even for lances and longswords and actual best weapon for dealing with armor was a mace.

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't say anything about battles. And it was the weapon you used against a fully armored knight, Throw him to the ground, lift his visor, and stab him right in the eye. A warhammer is the only really effective thing against plate though, yeah.

              • 2 years ago

                You wont throw him on the ground because hes a massive knight in a full plate. Same as in actual history, one of the best weapons in that case are xbows or some sort of burning tar bombs, which are ahistorical. Daggers are just a side arm for a poors which made into the games because "lol we need to give that weapon to someone to make it useful so lets make le sneaky rogue fantasy". Even most desperate dex relying pirates which rarely had any armor whatsoever fought with bucklers and sabers (hence the name swashbucklers) instead of daggers.

              • 2 years ago


                where the frick are you getting pirates from?
                knives are just as deadly now as they were then
                armor merely existing didn't invalidate them at all

              • 2 years ago

                someone's been watching too many medieval fantasy and revisionist shit

                a man in full armor using a shield was extremely redundant
                and he was wasted using anything other than a polearm

              • 2 years ago

                But you are right when armor evolved enough all knights ditched shields.

              • 2 years ago

                Knights weren't what you think they were and more than just them used armor.

        • 2 years ago

          just use a hammer so you can beat a god to death.
          best weapon 10/10

          • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >I felt a little annoyed at the commercium ending until I got passed over for a job because of seniority and then I related HARD to what that faction exemplifies.
      You stuck with Strabos.
      not sure what you were expecting

      i mean, you hand him the most powerful governmental position in the world and he tells you to frick off

    • 2 years ago

      >I felt a little annoyed at the commercium ending until I got passed over for a job because of seniority and then I related HARD to what that faction exemplifies.
      You stuck with Strabos.
      not sure what you were expecting

      i mean, you hand him the most powerful governmental position in the world and he tells you to frick off

      >go IG after shekelburg run
      >Strabos makes a deal with Maadoran Guard for protection in exchange for informaton
      >mfw his plot fell right on to his fricking face because he's an idiot
      and then i either leave him to die and join gaelius or trick him into telling me the info before letting him die

    • 2 years ago

      >It's an interesting story told kinda poorly
      I like the idea that you have to piece everything together. Yeah, you don't get a clear picture since everything is a second hand account at best but that's part of what makes it unique. In my first playthrough, it didn't hit me how well crafted the lore was until I got to the Ordu. That was a pretty good wtf moment.

      • 2 years ago

        on my first playthrough I went with all muscle moron and didn't realize it's a postapocalyptic world until very end of the game, as I didn't read any spoilers. It's pretty good worldbuilding.

      • 2 years ago

        >I like the idea that you have to piece everything together.
        I like the lore and worldbuilding but like half the characters are just slobbering incompetents with no redeeming features so going down that route is a chore.

        • 2 years ago

          just like in real life

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't take issue with it when playing it 4 years ago, but in retrospect, almost every single character in the game is the same deadpan tough guy with very little distinguishing features besides their portrait, and everyone else is the same "tricky israelite" archetype like Feng and Miltiades. I feel like AoD has very solid writing in terms of character motivations, but the way the characters speak and their mannerisms just feel way too dry

          • 2 years ago

            they also cuss like children
            i mean, there's a difference between how a teenager cusses and a military hardass does to the point it doesn't register in your mind

          • 2 years ago

            I really like Bass being the one guard who's actually pretty chill but fricking hates being stuck in his current situation.

            • 2 years ago

              Cado was my favorite, dude's chill

              • 2 years ago

                He's alright if you're a thief, like most of the thief stuff.

                The entire guild can meet the business end of my khopesh.

              • 2 years ago

                game kind of made me fall in love with that weapon
                i mean, it's got style

              • 2 years ago

                I should have mentioned that by comparison, Levir in Maadoran actually pissed me off

              • 2 years ago

                You know how he gives you that entire speech about nobles being delusional and relying on advisors? Man should listen to himself.

                As said before, the entire thieves guild can die as far as I care.

  7. 2 years ago

    >join the imperial legion
    >put all points into disguises
    It's the same shit every thread. Hate you morons.

    AoD is GOAT.

    • 2 years ago

      back to the hugbox forums where you can ban anyone who critiques the game

  8. 2 years ago

    Also seconding OP's other question, how is Colony Ship to anyone who tried the demo or got the early access? I like the concept of it being on a generation ship midway through its journey.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a great game if you liked what AoD had to offer, since it is pretty much more of the same. The most significant change mechanics-wise is that you now have access to an entire party to follow you around and that speech-related options are no longer an instant success button, instead having to work with some "disposition" mechanic.

      Oh goddammit. Haven't they learned their lesson from Dungeon Rats? Do you at least get to customize all members' stats and skills form the onset?

      No. But you do get the option to respec them later down the line.

      • 2 years ago

        >instead having to work with some "disposition" mechanic.
        Makes sense. In AoD you're a stranger who is essentially a blank slate to people and the reason you convince them is because of words and looking like you get shit done. In Colony Ship you're all stuck in a ship where everyone got real cozy and tribal.
        Do party members interject/"lend" their attributes during conversations though?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, and there are a few situations where havin a specific person in your party that can improve your disposition score towards other people. Your party members can also help with some skill checks around the map. (e.g if you want to hack a computer but lack the skill points for it and your party member does, the game will use them to do it.)

  9. 2 years ago

    Autistically mapping the progression of a hybrid build is the most fun I've had with this game. Can talk through most checks yet still do every single combat encounter including fully powered final boss.

    • 2 years ago

      the single hardest fight for me as hybrid was the introduction fight in the assassin start because i didn't have any combat skills during character creation except for critical strike.

      • 2 years ago

        This game has guns?

        • 2 years ago

          It's a crossbow.
          It's actually a bolter but you're too primitive to understand that so you modify it to shoot crossbow bolts. And that's a power armor, look at the fancy energy shield.

      • 2 years ago

        If you had 4 and enough dex, you would've instant killed him.

        It's a crossbow.
        It's actually a bolter but you're too primitive to understand that so you modify it to shoot crossbow bolts. And that's a power armor, look at the fancy energy shield.

        ackshully, you understand it well enough if you have a high enough lore

        >hybrid character named Maximus
        My Black person


        It's good to see some people here still try.

        >he didn't realize why first screenshot anon named his character Coatl

        • 2 years ago

          Why is charisma always a dump stat? Will humanity ever fix this?

          >Why is charisma always a dump stat?
          Because RPGs have always been combat-focused games. Charisma is the only stat primarily focused on non-combat interaction.

          If your prioritize feeling and appearance over cold hard practicality, you will lose in actual life or death situations.

          You are locked into shit endings on any faction route without good charisma

          • 2 years ago

            Who cares, join Balzaar and be his favorite slave.

            • 2 years ago

              >not becoming an eldritch abomination yourself

              • 2 years ago

                >An Eldritch Abomination that will have the same fate as the lobotomized dude in the Ziggurat
                No thanks

              • 2 years ago

                >>An Eldritch Abomination that will have the same fate as the lobotomized dude in the Ziggurat

              • 2 years ago

                You only live to serve Agathoth, as soon as you're not useful you will be thrown away since he doesnt value you as a competant diplomat (his gift does everything for you) or even as a fighter since he doesnt know that.
                You are replaceble and when he is bored, killed off or lobotmized.
                Its cool to have everything in the worl but at the price of your free will ? No thanks.

              • 2 years ago

                >he doesn't know about the god ending

              • 2 years ago

                I was wondering what you were talking about but turns out you don't know about the true(tm) loremaster ending.

                I know about this ending, Im only talking how anyone thinks Agathoth's ending is a good ending for the player.
                While ascending is cool, you dont get to hang on wall the head of a God and watch your slaves build your own Pyramid because you are that cool.

              • 2 years ago

                >he likes the talker god Balcuck
                >he doesn't half conquer and half charm the world after absorbing his godliness into your worthier being

              • 2 years ago

                The better ending is based Paullus going in a war against God himself.
                But everyone knows thats the best ending.

              • 2 years ago

                That's just Paullus being more moronic than dirt.

              • 2 years ago

                >I swear to god this time is the good time please, lets wait and make the Ordu and Noble Houses stronger please we just have to wait please we shouldnt broke old Imperial laws too please not right now please

              • 2 years ago

                you don't understand
                if they, like, do anything, the horse people will invade

              • 2 years ago

                The Imperial Guard already whoop their ass on most battles, the thing is Paullus doesnt want to fight uncertain fights or ones that can doom him and his army. He picks his fight and take his time.
                Which frustrate a lot of men who dont see the bigger picture. The more he waits, the more his ennemies and rivals become stronger and he is now more and more in a position where he cant fight without risking too much.
                Thats why he accepts Gaelius offer, because he cant have anything better or why he goes with Meru for similar reasons.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really. Imperial patrols are hardened fighters thanks to the wastelands being such shitholes. Through practice and discipline, they become capable soldiers. But as warriors they are complete shit. It's not that they're a bad fighting force: they're just unoptimized for anything other than formation combat as the legions of old were. Ordu are different. Like the mongols they're based off, they live hard lives with constant fighting and little time for peace. Each man needs to know how to fight because they can't be in a group forever. The Imperial Guard is different in mindset with them being all powerful as a cohesive force.

                This difference is enough for Bass to outright tell you the only way the pass is going to survive is if they hide inside like little b***hes and wait for reinforcements to come while you hold the line.

                You are right about Paullus though.

              • 2 years ago

                >Through practice and discipline, they become capable soldiers. But as warriors they are complete shit
                Sure, but general Carbo dealt a lot with the Ordu and keep them at bay.
                Besides, if they literally just one more battle, the Ordu would've been finished since Thorgul said his people would never survive another winter.
                >the only way the pass is going to survive is if they hide inside like little b***hes and wait for reinforcements to come while you hold the line
                I legit thought Bass wits and how he made his men in formation was legit impressive and intelligent.
                Sure he doesnt win a fair fight like warrior but he made sure that he excellent siege defense and use the strength of his men and his weapons to hold as long as possible the Pass.
                Brass is the perfect exemple of an excellent officer cursed with free thoughts and a big mouth.

              • 2 years ago

                That's the point. The Imperial Guard can't win in a straight up fight against them as a collective force. And all they go for are straight up fights.

              • 2 years ago

                I was wondering what you were talking about but turns out you don't know about the true(tm) loremaster ending.

    • 2 years ago

      >hybrid character named Maximus
      My Black person

    • 2 years ago


      It's good to see some people here still try.

    • 2 years ago

      You didn't go thief, and that's a shame, but still homie I want to know your path that shit looks dope.

      • 2 years ago

        He's likely using the Bolter with the power armor.

  10. 2 years ago

    I like it and replayed multiple times, but I understand why some people hate it. Try it OP, maybe you'll get captivated, and maybe you will return here, posting that it's utter shit.

  11. 2 years ago

    How hard is it to get the secret god ending? Is it as fricking annoying as it was for Wrath for instance?

    • 2 years ago

      It's much easier because the game isn't as long and you can also do it as a non-combat character.

      • 2 years ago

        It should also be noted that you don't get access to the sphere and the Al-Akia location in all routes.

  12. 2 years ago

    Dogshit game. Shows why having a game be open ended can be bad since it's just wandering around doing shit until you stumble across the ending, you have no actual goal.

  13. 2 years ago

    It's a puzzle game pretending to be an RPG.
    The puzzles consist of figuing out a path through increasingly strict skillchecks: it's mostly trial and error, but it can be somewhat interesting to find a way to squeeze out just enough skill points mid-path to open the way forward.
    The fanbase is also extremely obnoxious, thankfully interacting with it is optional.

    • 2 years ago

      >The fanbase is also extremely obnoxious
      Is it true the dev lurks forums just to argue with people who criticise his game?

      • 2 years ago

        Check the steam reviews that are negative.

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't be too surprised, a LOT of modern devs seem completely incapable of going two weeks without sabotaging their own sales.

      • 2 years ago

        Properly not as much due to working on Colony Ship but he was like that with Age of Decadence.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sneaking into building
      >Try and take out guard
      >Fail check
      >"You creep up on him and at the last second he notices and disemboweled you, eat shit and reload the game"

  14. 2 years ago

    Does Colony Ship play the exact same where the game pushes you to spec only into one path, unless you know the system well enough for a hybrid?

    • 2 years ago

      Is it even out yet?

      • 2 years ago

        Still early access.

    • 2 years ago

      kind of yes. my other gripe is that it is designed as a party game. There is a lone wolf perk option but still.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh goddammit. Haven't they learned their lesson from Dungeon Rats? Do you at least get to customize all members' stats and skills form the onset?

  15. 2 years ago

    >tfw roleplaying an axecrazy proto-mexicana

  16. 2 years ago

    The only game along with disco elysium that reached planescape level of kino

    • 2 years ago

      I think you should play NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer if you haven't already.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll check it out actually i started NWN EE just a week ago i like it so far but i would love more focus on dialogue

        • 2 years ago

          >playing wailing death
          play shadows then hordes, hordes of the underdark is similar to planescape torment too.
          Then if you like bg 1 you can play Darkness over Daggerford. Nwn 1 main campaign is just a tech demo

          • 2 years ago

            what other modules would you recommend?

        • 2 years ago

          The main campaign of NWN is pretty weak; it's pretty much D&D Diablo. The addons, Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark are much better - also, you create a new character for those, so no need to force yourself through the main campaign in case you get bored. NWN2 has a better maing campaign, albeit a bit generic. The addon, Mask of the Betrayer, is great though.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks i'll check them out

  17. 2 years ago

    you're making a mistake reading this thread
    in aod you sometimes fail.
    Just like in real life you can be too short, too stupid, or too ugly to succeed
    however this doesn't mean you're doomed. You frick up and get back up again
    losers here see vidya as escapism only and AoD is hard - you made a warrior who can't fight? you die
    play it blind, lose, get better, change something
    free tip -poison is great, get 4 alch for combat char if possible

    • 2 years ago

      >you're making a mistake reading opinions other than my own
      >see, this game is for gigachads only because it introduces the radical concept of game overs
      How convincing

      • 2 years ago

        Success at absolutely everything at all times being impossible is indeed a radical concept for most local posters - when their characters simply cannot see, kill and loot something, they interpret it at "losing content" and resort to minmaxing, metagaming, sequence breaking and every other trick on the book just to get that sliver of XP/skillpoints/someone's dirty pair of socks, and call themselves masterful players for doing that. If the game still doesn't allow them to do everything, they declare it to be a bad game.

  18. 2 years ago

    I don't know what's more fitting. Battleburg who becomes a god or a traitorous omega battleburg who uncovers all the lore and becomes a god.

  19. 2 years ago

    It was shilled to me as the best writing ever, but you just had to choose between two extremes.
    Uninstalled it after about an hour.

    • 2 years ago

      Meh. As a writer, it's mediocre at best and uninspired trash at worst. They still haven't fixed the Elixir quest typo where you come out and get confronted by the village.

      "I don't take anything."

      fricking ugh

  20. 2 years ago

    dialogue (ie 90% of the game) is dry and sort of bland. could never make it more than 10 hours into the game.

  21. 2 years ago

    Where is Caius Amerius after getting the armor and killing Valla? Can't seem to find him anywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      He waits in front of the house, if you haven't told him to frick off. If he's not there you probably told him to frick off because you're working with Valla now. He would reward you with an energy tube in case you made a deal with him, but you can get quite a few of those elsewhere in case you're missing one.

  22. 2 years ago

    AoD has some original concepts I've never seen anywhere else, like Impersonate skill. I was really surprised with quest where you have do assassinate nephew of the ruler for schemed against him. I learned that my target is a coward. So I disguised as traitor's soldier, covered myself in blood and managed to convince him that his forces was ambushed and decimated and his uncle is on the way to crucify him. Coward lost his shit and drank the poison. Kino.

  23. 2 years ago

    By the way, does anyone know what happened with Sunfire? He was the person maintaining the community patch and bugsfix patch, but recently deleted his forum account(?) and the mod

    His patches fixed a lot of problems with game, they were/are pretty good

  24. 2 years ago

    I haven't played this game in a while, could some champ give me a quick, like 2 or 3 major things I need to do, to get the "best" ending? I think it's the one where you have to go to the abyss, since it's the only place I haven't fully explored yet. At least I'm 70% sure of it

    • 2 years ago

      you have to start as a loremaster and do some meta gaming shit like quests for feng to have enough points.

      these are the major things you need to do in order to start the ending

      • 2 years ago

        there's no need to start as Loremaster, more backgrounds get grooved sphere. And even if you miss it, there's another one in Ordu Pass iirc.

    • 2 years ago

      Start as Drifter, Assassin, Thief, Mercenary, or Loremaster for the grooved sphere. You need 8 perception to get the medical kit. You need 7 CON not to die and 7 INT so you cannot be a complete moron against the thing you face. Also, you need to go to Al-Akia, limiting you to either Aurelian Praetor or Imperial Guard

    • 2 years ago

      Start as Drifter, Assassin, Thief, Mercenary, or Loremaster for the grooved sphere. You need 8 perception to get the medical kit. You need 7 CON not to die and 7 INT so you cannot be a complete moron against the thing you face. Also, you need to go to Al-Akia, limiting you to either Aurelian Praetor or Imperial Guard

      It's been a while since I've done it, but I think you can also get there by blowing up Maadoran in the abyss. I wouldn't advise because you lock yourself out of a frick ton of content unless it's absolutely the last thing you do during act 2.

  25. 2 years ago

    I hate that when a homosexual on the internet decides to hate something now they immediately go to the wiki and spoil the shit out everything just to guarantee they could never like it if they did play/read/watch it

  26. 2 years ago

    Are pure combat builds fun? I actually hate steamrolling through combat. It becomes less about strategy and more click the attacks that will do the maximum amount of damage.

    • 2 years ago

      Being a full battletard tends to get you into fights, and those fights are worthy of a battletard

      • 2 years ago

        yeah, that's the thing
        i've done fights battletards wouldn't be capable of winning as a hybrid

        • 2 years ago

          Alchemy is pretty much a combat skill
          Crafting is somewhere in there too

    • 2 years ago

      pure combat is fun, especially when you go dodge. Why? Block has flat chance of blocking a hit. Dodge is modified by empty spaces around you - the more ampty spaces, the more likely you are to dodge. It makes positioning, using alchemist fire, feints, avoiding getting cornered etc. rewarding and fun. Dex weapons like sword and dagger are best suited for it, as dodge is dex based skill, but 2h hammer or axe will do too. Axe is a good choice also if you ignore crafting, as final arena champion wields the best 2h axe possible to craft. That allows you to put all social points in alchemy, to make potent berserk potions and poisons, that further increase your combat capability.

  27. 2 years ago

    you got drip, right?

    • 2 years ago

      Sheeeesh, my man with that ice cold drip, could freeze all the forges in the game.

  28. 2 years ago

    Turns out you can get the godhood ending as a Praetor. You just have to kinda frick up with the Ordu situation and loot Bass' corpse for the sphere. Why he has it, I have no fricking idea.

  29. 2 years ago

    Explain what you took away from the game's story and/or the questlines you did.

    • 2 years ago

      >Imperial Guard
      You may be the best man, but your leader still and will always see you as a tool.
      Everything's a business. You get played, you play, you win, you lose, and one day you die.
      Loyalty is for idiots. You either play for the winning side or you lose.
      You should keep what you take. Playing second fiddle won't get you anywhere in life, except if you can't step up.
      Don't take it personally. You either play others or they play you.

      Using everything, everyone, and putting yourself first will serve you best in the long run.

  30. 2 years ago

    >go to the bridge and enter the temple
    >decide to leave the sarcophagus alone
    >can't leave the temple grounds
    >no save before it

    • 2 years ago

      I'm fairly certain leaving the sarcophagus alone is a choice you can take when interacting with it; but this typically ends the game.

  31. 2 years ago

    Game looks pretty good. I liked the trailer I watched.

  32. 2 years ago

    So the Praetor background can become god. Well, all of them can. All you have to do is go Aurelian and frick up the ordu thing

  33. 2 years ago

    which faction questline is your favourite?

    • 2 years ago

      I only played few but my favourite is assassins guild i just love how brutal it is just like grimdark classics

      • 2 years ago

        Merchant, if only because it was the first questline where I successfully finished the game and if only because of the sheer awesomeness of rolling into Cado's Tavern with 10int and getting Mercato a 1000 gold into debt in a fricking dice game without cheating

        Finished Assassin and Merchant lines, I was wondering if another have the same quality

        I really hate warrior-types, but Imperial Guard was the most fun playthrough to me. Mongol populace control on that outpost was KINO.

        thanks, I'll try it on the next run

        • 2 years ago

          i played loremaster and its great if you wan't to learn about game lore

    • 2 years ago

      I really hate warrior-types, but Imperial Guard was the most fun playthrough to me. Mongol populace control on that outpost was KINO.

    • 2 years ago

      Merchant, if only because it was the first questline where I successfully finished the game and if only because of the sheer awesomeness of rolling into Cado's Tavern with 10int and getting Mercato a 1000 gold into debt in a fricking dice game without cheating

    • 2 years ago

      For me, it's starting as a loremaster only to go Assassin and then annihilating the entire Teron chapter all on your own instead of killing Carrinas because blindly following people is moronic. Then I Nothin Personul Antidas and Dellar as a sort of payback for paying me jackshit over the raider and smelter tasks instead of making him an Emperor with my 8 INT. When I get to Maadoran, I let Hamza kill Strabos because frick him before having a talk with Gaellus.

      By the end of the game, I am the most hated man by every power save Aurelian and there is nothing they can do about it because I have killed an entire branch of Assassins, two noble houses, two villages, two demons, literally every hotshot the thieves guild could throw at me, an entire experienced Imperial Guard garrison, a nascent god, an actual god, every arena challenger, and have destroyed half a dozen constructs made of meteor metal.

      • 2 years ago

        >instead of making him an Emperor
        It's possible to do that? I thought the best ending you could get for Daratan without Agathoth's intervention is assassinating Gaelius and having Antidas swear fealty to his moronic nephew. On that note, is it possible to have Agathoth bless the moronic nephew if Gaelius is dead?

        • 2 years ago

          It's just a title. You convince Carrinas to play nice instead of going full moron and turn two armies into one actual valid fighting force. Unfortunately, the game tells you this will open up a path for him, but it doesn't.

          I don't understand how Teron lacks strategic importance when there are literally only three cities in the entire game and pretty much the entire world, at least the side of it you're on.

          • 2 years ago

            I think it's an unfinished route they ended up abandoning and then made up a lame excuse for it. It makes even less sense in the context of you being able to blow up Maadoran

            • 2 years ago

              It feels a lot like it. Really poor writing. They make such a big deal about how hard it is for villages to last. Teron being a functional city, albeit rundown in comparison to the other two, is a massive strategic advantage. Antidas lacks men and funding. The Emperor route eliminates these issues by having him team up with Carrinas and get Linos to fund him.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Emperor route eliminates these issues by having him team up with Carrinas and get Linos to fund him.
                I'm fairly certain that Carrinas and Linos are exclusive paths. Carrinas only wants to rely on his own men, which is why Linos needs Carrinas out of the way so he can provide the troops for Antidas' ambition.
                Also, it's not like the route is completely abandoned, after all, you can convince Carrinas to break the siege of Ganezzar if he's still alive and join Meru's cause.

              • 2 years ago

                They're different storylines, but making Antidas emperor leaves the potential alliance with Linos in play. Convincing Carrinas made no sense and treats Antidas as if he died during the meeting.

                Huge missed chance to have a triumvirate going between Antidas' right to rule, Linos' cold cold hard cash, and Carrinas' power of arms.

              • 2 years ago

                Perhaps so, but it doesn't seem like either Carrinas or Linos were willing to share their power. It literally is the plot of Linos to kill Carrinas, after all - and I'm fairly certain they succeed in any route that doesn't involve player intervention, so it's not like Carrinas was particularly resourceful. And most of Cae-Tor agrees.

              • 2 years ago

                None of them has a choice if you proclaim Antidas as Emperor. Carrinas will look like an even bigger c**t than if he just up and killed Antidas and the guard would turn on Teron if Linos has Carrinas killed since he'd be the first suspect.

                All three perfectly balance each other out, which is where you could come in to even the odds.

              • 2 years ago

                >None of them has a choice if you proclaim Antidas as Emperor.
                At the point where Antidas is proclaimed Emperor Carrinas has already taken over Teron and established a foothold. He's a sitting duck but he is also in a fortified position that isn't easily taken.

                >the guard would turn on Teron if Linos has Carrinas killed since he'd be the first suspect
                Linos has Carrinas killed in literally every route outside of the IG route. If you join the merchant guild you're the guy responsible for seeing it though. The Imperial Guard doesn't turn on Teron because Carrinas went rogue and his assassination is backed by Antidas himself whom you have to convince that it is justified. Linos doesn't want Carrinas around and Carrinas clearly isn't the type of guy you want to have around because he's ambitious but lacks the strategic mind for it.

              • 2 years ago

                He's still a sitting duck.
                >Linos has Carrinas killed in literally every route outside of the IG route. If you join the merchant guild you're the guy responsible for seeing it though. The Imperial Guard doesn't turn on Teron because Carrinas went rogue and his assassination is backed by Antidas himself whom you have to convince that it is justified. Linos doesn't want Carrinas around and Carrinas clearly isn't the type of guy you want to have around because he's ambitious but lacks the strategic mind for it.
                In this scenario, Linos still needs the okay from Antidas, which would be denied as the deal makes either of them turning on the other suspect. Carrinas might be hasty, but he's not an idiot.

                The thing with the Guards turning on Teron is that's literally the first thing they do if Daratan is the only house left. They're regarded as vultures because for all intents and purposes they are.

              • 2 years ago

                >In this scenario, Linos still needs the okay from Antidas, which would be denied as the deal makes either of them turning on the other suspect.
                As I said: Antidas is the local prince, he has any right to put Carrinas to death if he suspects him attempting to take over his town. Antidas would only have to justify himself if he did so unjustly, but even then, the Guard would have a hard time acting, since it is still kept in check by the other princes who would possibly not tolerate one of their own getting killed by the guard because they need him to keep the guard in check.

                >The thing with the Guards turning on Teron is that's literally the first thing they do if Daratan is the only house left. They're regarded as vultures because for all intents and purposes they are.
                Yes, but this only happens if the other two Houses are gone. The Guard alone cannot challenge more than one of them - and Daratan is also the weakest.

              • 2 years ago

                That's the point. The Emperor declaration puts them all in a potentially good albeit restricted position. Linos wants to support and puppet Antidas, Antidas wants to reign over everything, and Carrinas wants to puppet and absorb Antidas. The Emperor Act 1 ending slide itself says Antidas and Carrinas strengthen each other's position while limiting Linos'.

                They all can't afford to squabble, so they look out to their closest enemies: Gaelius and Cae-Tor. Or at least they should've

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, but Linos and Carrinas don't see eye to eye. Linos wants Carrinas out of the way - and there is no reason for him to have it any other way. Linos can't control Carrinas because Carrinas has his own men. And Carrinas clearly is a loose gun.

              • 2 years ago

                And Linos can't do anything about Carrinas because Antidas. And Carrinas can't do anything about Linos because Antidas. And neither can do anything without Antidas. And the only one with the authority to do anything about Antidas at that point is Gaelius or Cae-Tor disputing his claim.

              • 2 years ago

                Linos kills Carrinas in every route, so he's clearly well capable of convincing Antidas to give his okay. Carrinas is irrelevant to his plans. And Cae-Tor alone lacks the authority to question Antidas. Gaelius could do so, but Gaelius sees the Guard as a greater threat than Daratan - which is the whole reason why he wants the Ordu to replace them.

              • 2 years ago

                That's the thing: Linos succeeds in all scenarios in which Antidas has no stake in Carrinas surviving. In this one, he does. As impatient and egomaniacal as Antidas may be, he still doesn't have Carrinas killed after you make the alliance and leave them alone together for however long the events of the game take place with Linos suffering under the IG's new taxes.

              • 2 years ago

                Antidas doesn't really have a lot of agency. He has a kind of ambition, but he's not a gifted man with a lot of strategic foresight. He doesn't really do anything on his own and whether Carrinas lives or dies depends exclusively on the player or rather: whether Carrinas lives, since without the player intervention he always gets killed by Linos.

              • 2 years ago

                That's where Carrinas comes in. And where Carrinas fails, that's where Linos comes in.

              • 2 years ago

                As I said: I think you're overestimating Carrinas. The only way for Carrinas to get alive out of this is if you as a player make sure of it. Linos doesn't want him around, Antidas has no agency of his own, and the only reason you acted in Carrinas favour was due to the fact of him being your commanding officer - as soon as you get to Madoraan everyone confronts you with the reality of what a moron Carrinas is.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, yes. Because the man who trusted fricking Strabos of all people and the men who are perfectly fine being slaves in all but name are such great judges of character. Just like their boss. What did he do again? Oh right, he sent Carrinas to Teron.

                wait a minute

              • 2 years ago

                That might all be the case, but they're all more capable than Carrinas who literally dies in every route without your intervention.

              • 2 years ago

                The man who can lift an Aurelian siege with the paltry forces he has in comparison to the other factions?

              • 2 years ago

                First of all Carrinas is a capable military man - he's just not a capable politician and therefore not good at staying alive outside of a battlefield and he also has the player character around during that siege.
                Also, I'm fairly certain you can also break the siege with the mercenaries of Linos if Carrinas isn't around.

              • 2 years ago

                None of them has a choice if you proclaim Antidas as Emperor. Carrinas will look like an even bigger c**t than if he just up and killed Antidas and the guard would turn on Teron if Linos has Carrinas killed since he'd be the first suspect.

                All three perfectly balance each other out, which is where you could come in to even the odds.

                Antidas would be suspect, I mean.

    • 2 years ago

      Imperial Guard

    • 2 years ago

      If you mean purely one guild.

      Assassin. Even though they're played by pretty much every other faction, theirs is the most satisfying in terms of story and combat.
      Praetor. Almost purely because this route turns you into a god and gives you access to a lot of shit you'd miss in most playthroughs if you don't know your lore. The lord interactions are great though.
      Imperial Guard. Really fun combat. Good story too. Downside is being everyone's fricking b***h because seniority and your guild leader being a power-obsessed c**t more so than any other person he's willing to enslave literally fricking everyone.
      Merchants. You get to be a greedy long-nose. But you're still pretty much everyone's b***h.
      Thieves Guild. You are everyone's b***h, but you're also a limp-dick pussy or a hard-headed moron.

  34. 2 years ago


    >Sure would be a shame if you put 4 points into x and 5 points into y instead of the other way around
    >I'd soooo hate to have to force your talking character into combat because of that
    >Combat starts
    Great RPGing!

    • 2 years ago

      This is why hybrids are superior.
      because talking builds are pretty fricking boring when the novelty of playing people like fiddles wears off and you're stuck being a pussy

  35. 2 years ago

    >How do people find this game?
    I just typed the name into Steam's search bar

  36. 2 years ago

    1. It's a very well-written interactive novel.
    2. It's replayable yet very linear within your selection. Meaning, once you pick Loremaster, you best stay on the Loremaster route and max out the Loremaster stats. The more you switch between paths the less viable your build/playthrough becomes until eventually you'll reach a point you can't progress. There's an illusion of choice only. Once you have chosen a faction to back you must stick with it.
    3. There's a very limited combat system and you're punished for engaging in combat. Avoid it.

    As for Colony Ship, it's only a demo at this point, trying to get development money to complete. I wish them the best and if you want to fund its' development you can buy its' early access version. The combat's already fun which's a tremendous improvement of AoD and the writing's just as good. IF it's completed it'll positively be worth a buy and potentially one of the best rpgs yet made.

    • 2 years ago

      >As for Colony Ship, it's only a demo at this point, trying to get development money to complete. I wish them the best and if you want to fund its' development you can buy its' early access version. The combat's already fun which's a tremendous improvement of AoD and the writing's just as good. IF it's completed it'll positively be worth a buy and potentially one of the best rpgs yet made.
      I heard it was another team management game.

      in other words shit
      because aod's combat system is not suited for teams and dungeon rats was dogshit

      • 2 years ago

        Oh come on. Didn't you enjoy twirling your sword around like a complete dumbass and watching everything die?

      • 2 years ago

        you can play the demo for free anon so you may as well try it. The demo's their equivalent of the gladiator arena quest all rpgs have. They emphasized testing the combat from the beginning and it shows in the best way.

        Yes you can have companions in combat if that's what you mean by "team management". If you find having a 2nd party member beyond your skill level then you are a unique, special type of noskill I have not encountered before.

        Colony Ship's combat system's BETTER THAN AoD's as in, solid. It's more fun than Underrail's or Encased's if those references mean anything to you.

        • 2 years ago

          your shilling needs work

  37. 2 years ago

    For me, it was Dungeon Rats having an entire prison be filled with top tier soldiers, steel, blue steel, a fricking meteor steel forge, and Gaellus being in charge while it existed.

    What the actual frick?

    • 2 years ago

      >What the actual frick?
      "Lol, gotcha"

    • 2 years ago

      The prisoners were more in charge of the prison than the guards at that point.
      my issue with dungeon rats is there's no real curve where you finally feel like you're on top

      the beginning is also such a fricking drag on every difficulty

  38. 2 years ago

    Finished the game for the first time after it set in my library for years. Took the game's advice and made a started build who invested into 2 combat skills + crafting.
    Join the Imperial Guard, followed orders, killed everything. Fun times.

    Any spoiler-free build advice for the second playthrough? I was considering Thief for mixing combat with some utility and streetwise, and because it would be very different from the shield/spear centurion. Also I think he could actually be a competent tomb robber. Felt like I had to leave behind too many maps because I couldn't do anything with the machinery.

    Or maybe I should go full social, and serve the interest of one of the houses? Seems like going with Meru would have had very different results.

    • 2 years ago

      Thief has perhaps my favorite first act of the game and Cado is fricking based, but the act 2 and 3 storylines are all about being a tool for some of the worst dipshits you'll see in the game, and act 3 has you comb through the Ganezzar catacombs, which I remember being a huge pain in the ass to go through. Since you haven't quite seen what the typical experience of min-maxing social skills is like, you may be interested in giving Merchant a try, it's a consistently high-quality storyline and definitely one of my favorites. By the way, you may be interested to learn that even the IG has plenty of use for various social skills if you know where to look. For example, you can end act 1 by convincing Carrinas to establish a diumvirate with Antidas so he can tell Paulus to frick off

      • 2 years ago

        Ah that sounds great. I'll try for a full social merchant then.

  39. 2 years ago

    Been a while since I killed Agathoth without poisoning him. Forgot how bullshit it was as anything less than a blocker with full power armor.

    • 2 years ago

      I forgot to post stats.

      Wait for him to come to you. Slash at his arms because that's the only way you'll survive shit. Bleed will do most of the work for you but won't finish him off.

      • 2 years ago

        Like, he can't die from bleed damage.

  40. 2 years ago

    I'll never not laugh at how the creator of this game is such a sperg that he regularly replies to reviews critiquing the game to seethe and have meltdowns and ban them from the forums. Really says all you need to know about the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >he got filtered and is still butthurt about the game after all those years

      • 2 years ago

        Actually, I simply never bought and have never played the game after seeing the developers behavior.

        I do not support anti consumer developers, much less ego driven sperglords who are so sensitive they ban those that disagree with them.

        • 2 years ago

          >I do not support anti consumer developers
          Making a good game is the only service a developer owes the customer. If you care about a developer's private life you're the equivalent of a tumblrina and most certainly not a Chad but a complete cuck who cucked himself out of playing a good game.

          • 2 years ago

            >regular public spergouts in the review section = private life
            Nice shilling, still not buying your game

            • 2 years ago

              >schizo moron thinks devs are shilling their decades old game game that regularly goes for $2 on sale

              • 2 years ago

                The lead dev (the very same one who spergs out over negative reviews) literally has been caught multiple times making threads to shill this game on Ganker. I'm serious, you can look it up.

              • 2 years ago

                I can't find any evidence of this, could you provide a link?

  41. 2 years ago

    >discussion ends because anon ops out of le argumentative circle
    very sad
    it was nice

  42. 2 years ago


    you are shilling
    it doesn't matter if it's free if you advertise

  43. 2 years ago


    >he doesn't plan for everything and murder his way to heaven

    • 2 years ago

      see we have a K6BD fan here. Shame Lancer's author corrupted Abaddon so he ruined his comic.

      • 2 years ago

        I have no idea what that is. I just think one can attain metaphorical apotheosis through murder.

      • 2 years ago

        How are you posting on this board and have played AoD but not Morrowind?

    • 2 years ago

      Why is charisma always a dump stat? Will humanity ever fix this?

      • 2 years ago

        >Why is charisma always a dump stat?
        Because RPGs have always been combat-focused games. Charisma is the only stat primarily focused on non-combat interaction.

      • 2 years ago

        Videogames are made and enjoyed by the least charismatic people imaginable. They did fine without charisma, so they assume no-one really needs it.

      • 2 years ago

        If your prioritize feeling and appearance over cold hard practicality, you will lose in actual life or death situations.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why is charisma always a dump stat?
        Because RPGs have always been combat-focused games. Charisma is the only stat primarily focused on non-combat interaction.

        In the best rpg (FNV) Speech solves almost every single quest in the game. Bleed me Dry is a noteable exception.

        • 2 years ago

          You have enough fricking skill points in NV to max literally everything that you want. If you could only max a couple skills speech would be a liability.

          • 2 years ago

            >solves every quest

            • 2 years ago

              >solves every quest
              Black person you can't complete the game without combat. It literally doesn't solve every quest.

        • 2 years ago

          FNV is not the best rpg.
          My answer stands. Charisma is a dump stat because it's a non combat stat and RPGs are about combat. That someone was either autistic enough to code in a non combat route to ultimate victory or is just lazy and sloppy with systems, doesn't change anything.

          • 2 years ago

            Games like Disco Elysium or Planescape Torment run counter to your narrative.

            • 2 years ago

              No, because they are outliers.

              • 2 years ago

                >they don't count... because they don't ok!!!!!

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn't understand what an outlier is
                If you find a tree in a Nevada, it doesn't mean you're in a rainforest climate.

            • 2 years ago

              hop in an oven.

              Planescape Torment's good and it has entertaining combat despite being mostly visual novel.

              Don't mention that commie propaganda in the same sentence as P:T. You're probably the tankie raider who started the thread pretending they go together.

              • 2 years ago

                >entertaining combat
                Didn't even read anything after, make better bait shitposter kun.

  44. 2 years ago

    thinking of writing q fanfic breeze of the game
    yes, i am autistic, i think at least

    • 2 years ago

      I really probably am.

  45. 2 years ago

    You can also turn Miltiades into a prophet.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate how you have an ending for that shit-eater who nearly gets you killed multiple times but you can't make your grifter bro the prophet instead

  46. 2 years ago

    Basing this off my current re-re-replay of my super traitor murderer run. Legit the easiest fight I had thanks to a lucky headshot knocking out the ordu.

  47. 2 years ago

    don't mind me, continue the discussion, please

  48. 2 years ago

    You would not believe how so much fricking easier this fight is without the goddamn archers and literal spear-chuckers alive to surprise erase a big chunk of your health with their bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      And in the end it's just you and me, Ferrata.

      • 2 years ago

        >those textures
        what the actual frick I'm not even a muh graphics gay but that looks absolutely shameful

        • 2 years ago

          wait until you see the arena audience models

    • 2 years ago

      And in the end it's just you and me, Ferrata.

      What was your build ?
      I tried to make a specific build to beat those guys as shield + axe tank full blue steel but couldnt win because of those pillum fricks by passing armor.

      • 2 years ago

        Pillum are a frick, yes.

        Also, the sword passive causes them to do at least 1 damage if they happen, regardless of your actual armor. Have fun.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cellular Regen
          Frick me, you're an actual chad. Have you beaten tentacle daddy with this setup ?
          Why do you have 4 Streetwise and 3 persuasion ?
          And why not go for 6 Crit for that sweet bonus from Agatai ?

          • 2 years ago

            Earlier in the thread, I posted my tentacle daddy kill with Coatl.

            As for streetwise and persuasion, to trick Esbanus into attacking the Aurelian outpost so I can just pay him for the sacrifices at the Arch later on for that sweet sweet SP from conversing with Balzaar
            >And why not go for 6 Crit for that sweet bonus from Agatai ?

            • 2 years ago

              >Earlier in the thread, I posted my tentacle daddy kill with Coatl.
              I never thought of increasing Dagger and Spear to boost Sword, I usually just increase Dagger for more bonus but I'll have to try.
              >As for streetwise and persuasion, to trick Esbanus into attacking the Aurelian outpost
              So no Terminator trait, thats the only thing missing for Coalt. Isnt it better to go with the Merchant Guilds and then join the guard if you have that much social skill ? Iirc, they give a lot of SPs too with this route.
              Yeah, if you manage to have 6 crit skill before doing the very fist AG quest, you get a +10 bonus in your crit skill which is an equivalent to a +1 point in Crit.

              I normally do the fight with 4 alchemy, but I was saving up civil SP for coming out with 10 lore. Didn't really need it. Also, 2 is enough for the bleed and alchemy combo. Hell, you can do the fight alone.

              This is me doing it on my first try after being away playing Colony Ship without poison.

              >Also, 2 is enough for the bleed and alchemy combo.
              Yeah, but the poison isnt strong enough to beat the constitution of some dudes and you do only 2 poison damage per round.
              (thats just roleplaying rambling dont bother to read if you want) which I build to be a fan of Al-Sahir when he was a kid and copied his playstyle and became a loremaster to learn of his battles, skills and glory started out by going with the Imperial Guards only to be ashamed of their lack of honor and sticked with the Boatmen as means to gain skill and money and later on revenge on these fricks
              So this character had very good alchemy skills and even the bulkier characters couldnt win with bleeding + potent poison. So 2 or 4 seems a little light for poison.

              And this is to confirm the last guy didn't lucky crit me to death.

              I never saw this dialogue prompt, I absolutely need to this. Now.
              Thanks Anon, I wanted a reason to replay this gem.

              • 2 years ago

                Dagger gives more points than spear but you don't have enough SP to invest that much, so you have to split it between them to boost your sword enough to consistently hit Agathoth. I prefer the Boatmen because of the training you get for combat after the first mission, free alchemy, and the branch into IG makes a lot more sense and is a lot more fun.
                i actually didn't know that
                kind of a lot for relatively little, huh?

                Coatl means snake in Nahuatl. The Qantari are Not!Aztecs, so I decided he was the descendant of those soldiers left behind who didn't get slaughtered after the apocalypse. His skin is distinct as a sign of his lineage but his blood is diluted to the point he looks Imperial enough. While the full language and customs of the Qantar are lost, he knows names, though his' meaning is lost to him.

              • 2 years ago

                Boatmen are my all around favorite guild in the game so I usually stick with them even in a pure talker run.
                Despite how the guild is built on decieving, plotting and murder. Its strangely the guild with a proud history and honorable warriors. Way more than the Imperial Guard ironnically, which are glorified raiders with military discipline.
                I only betrayed them once, for the "Burn it!" achievement and that was a tough fight.
                Anyway, thank for your build I'll try to tweak it a bit and make some fun stuff but keep most of it intact. Thanks fren.

              • 2 years ago

                Same. It's fricking weird how the organization of paid killers is more professional than a trained army.

              • 2 years ago

                >kind of a lot for relatively little, huh?
                Forgot to say, but if your 6 crit skill and talk to Hamza for training, you can have another +10 in Crit too, its only Varro's training that need a 8 or more crit skill.

            • 2 years ago

              >I can just pay him for the sacrifices at the Arch later on for that sweet sweet SP from conversing with Balzaar
              You know you can just activate the Arch and even if you fail the checks, you still get the SPs, the only bonus you get are civil points in persuasion with the one eyed elder.
              By the way, its not Balzaar but just another being from another plane.

              • 2 years ago

                No, it's Balzaar. You get the other being if you walk into it.
                i don't care about being a terminator: i want my lore

        • 2 years ago

          >Cellular Regen
          Frick me, you're an actual chad. Have you beaten tentacle daddy with this setup ?
          Why do you have 4 Streetwise and 3 persuasion ?
          And why not go for 6 Crit for that sweet bonus from Agatai ?

          Also why negleting Alchemy for the insane poison stacking bleed ?

          • 2 years ago

            I normally do the fight with 4 alchemy, but I was saving up civil SP for coming out with 10 lore. Didn't really need it. Also, 2 is enough for the bleed and alchemy combo. Hell, you can do the fight alone.

            This is me doing it on my first try after being away playing Colony Ship without poison.

            • 2 years ago

              And this is to confirm the last guy didn't lucky crit me to death.

  49. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Didn't the lead dev have a meltdown in the comments section of that video+literally got forum and discord shills to back them up when they got mocked too hard?

      • 2 years ago

        Bait. No dev comments there.

  50. 2 years ago

    >start gaem
    >complete tutorial
    >enlist into army
    >first two missions (bandits and capture tower) are piss easy, basically extended tutorial with lots of friendlies around
    >third mission (assault some manor) is anal rape with all of the friendlies dying in the first two rounds of inescapable, forced combat to super overleveled enemies who then one-shot your ass.
    >"Okay, the tutorial is finally over, its time to step back, go and explore the world for a b... Wait, why cannot I leave the building?"
    >turns out the game locks you inside faction HQ after the second quest (or maybe even the first one?) so the only thing you can do is continuing with the questline
    >there is no choices that can get you out of this, no side quests, no ways of improving your character, not a single usable object around, literally nothing else you can do but start the anal rape quest or restart the game


    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. Sometimes that happens. I usually just reload to a previous save beforehand, but it doesn't warn you.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe you shouldn't have enlisted if you weren't up for it.

    • 2 years ago

      The fight in manor is easy, level your crit and slit the mf’s throat. Then retreat to backlines and help your buddies by aiming torso, then throw a few bombs in the middle and the encounter is cleared. Iron weapons/armor is a must, helps if you’ve done it yourself and they’re buffed

    • 2 years ago

      yeah I sympathize. From Act 1 to Act 2 I wanted to get in the governor's mansion to examine a Lore item he had. But taking that path would mean my dude gets ambushed on the trail in a combat he can't leave and dies.
      >have to take merchant path to get a safe escort to the city
      >now can't access governor's mansion
      >locked into merchant's scheme
      >can only complete merchant's quest if you have the appropriate stats at the appropriate levels

      I like the storytelling and branching but as other anons have said it's even more of a visual novel adventure game than Planescape during the Brothel of Slavering Intellectual Tastes quests.

      You are hard-locked out of paths if you don't have exactly the right build. There is no alternative. There is no wiggle-room. You either have the # to pass the check or the game dead-ends.

      It's worse too because despite what other anons on here have said, you can't simply bank points and spend them per-check. This too will lead you into blind alleys where you are out of points and can no longer progress. You need to commit to 1 path per playthrough and follow a guide to know exactly what skill values you need for each step of that storyline.

      • 2 years ago

        >You either have the # to pass the check or the game dead-ends.
        The game actually has a lot of room for failure. e.g. failing a check doesn't necessarily kill you but very often you simply fail the quest and get to continue. Sometimes failure even opens up new routes, e.g. if you fail to get the gold from Levir in the AG quest, you can make a deal with him, which later gives you the opportunity to betray your guild for him. And when it comes to skills it's really a lot less hard than people make it out to be. As a talker you have so much excess experience that you can easily max your social skills and pass any check the game throws at you. The game only gets hard if you try to play a hybrid character since you need to balance somehow between your fighting skills and your social skills, i.e. you'll be riding on the edge of 'just' being capable of passing your checks.

  51. 2 years ago

    It's great if you are looking for a cool branching narrative story.

  52. 2 years ago

    It's not great, but not bad either. More than a couple cool ideas, few well executed, the rest end up forming the weird mess that will be your first pt. And there's, in fact, the catch: play it more than once. Not even talking about the different backgrounds, you just gotta repeat the same storyline multiple times to learn how to squeeze the most out of the experience. That is, if you find the patience to do so.

  53. 2 years ago

    The story is interesting but the worldbuilding is fricking godawful at times, same with a lot of the character writing. Like good lord take a shot every time a questgiver is a stoic older person who got the job by being ruthless and literally nothing else. They're all really unlikable too, so everyone feels kinda flat, like oh man I can't wait to join this faction of selfish cynics who ally with the status quo unless I make a successful [peepeepoopoo] [streetwise] check to deal with the other faction of selfish cynics who also ally with the status quo unless I make a successful [etiquette] [cuckoldry] check wow such choice much roleplay. Plus all the factions are fricking moronic relative to where they are like ah yes Aurelian super stwong big bois uwu but can't deal with fricking bandits hole up in their own city right in front of the giant nuclear hole with a goddamn alien at the bottom of it even though Gaylius seems real fukken intent on sealing that shit away forever. Real strong house even though they're holed up in the middle of some shitass desert with no resources while the weak houses actually have cities in a place that could sustain agriculture and crazy techno moron shit. I like that there's a nuclear launch ending given how so many people in this game are just too moronic to live.

    Like the idea of the setting though, just could have been executed way better. At least let me bang the prostitutes in Maadoran. Something to immerse me in this 40k ripoff.

    • 2 years ago

      I think some of it was inspired by Mark Lawrence and his Broken Empire trilogy

    • 2 years ago

      While I like the worldbuilding, story and the game, I really hate how almost all of the characters are pretty much how this anon describes them. Everyone seems like some kind of an butthole you won't be that sad to stab to death. Well, there's also the farmer at the Maadoran bazaar. He is just a good man who farms, truly the most compelling character in the game.
      Will really like if the devs make the sequel. One of them talked about what it can possibly be about on the Steam forum: the game is set roughly during the events of the first game, one of the sea colonies of House Aurelian sends a ship to explore the Quantari continent and the PC is on that ship. The Qantari lands weren't wrecked by the war as the Empire's continent was so it's not going to look like Aztec Fallout. They learned everything they wanted from the Magi about the interdimensional technologies but invented their own way to use them. Instead of connecting a human to one of the gods and using seals to keep the human host in control, they just periodically take parts of the gods' powers and transfer them to their rulers, who rule them as demigods, dividing their lands between themselves.

      >Real strong house even though they're holed up in the middle of some shitass desert with no resources while the weak houses actually have cities in a place that could sustain agriculture and crazy techno moron shit
      Maadoran is just a significant hub and a place of power or something. House Aurelian is so strong because it rules the Empire's island colonies which weren't destroyed by the war.

      • 2 years ago

        >Maadoran is just a significant hub and a place of power or something. House Aurelian is so strong because it rules the Empire's island colonies which weren't destroyed by the war.
        Pretty sure that's just how they maintained their initial power. I don't see any water on the world map.

        Deserts aren't completely barren of resources though. The old lady in Infaerie tells you as much. Only city morons would think everything needs to be green for there to be life. Maadoran, like any other city, just imports it from neighboring rural villages. It isn't rocket science.

        • 2 years ago

          >I don't see any water on the world map
          Doesn't mean it's not there, somewhere.
          >Deserts aren't completely barren of resources though
          Of course, if it was just a barren desert they would just stay in their colonies. That and they don't want someone else to unearth some forgotten secrets and become stronger than them/frick up the world even more.

      • 2 years ago

        I fricking love AoD's lore

      • 2 years ago

        >Everyone seems like some kind of an butthole
        I dont know about, the Assassin guild is full of bros (except for Darista and Varro), some dudes in the Imperial Guard are very enjoyable like Brass or Carbo. And when I think of it, Linos is a very cold but helpful mentor very glad to teach the main character about the trade since it let him breathe a bit from the mountain of paperwork.
        While sure the game is full of buttholes, the main appeal of the game is to be an butthole in a world where trickery are common and close friends are few. If the game was a bit more light hearted it would of lose its appeal and make the world less interesting. Its like in Fallout 1 where you found Shady Sands and despite the raiders all around the area its a thriving community in this desert. The only place that made sense was all the others only the Hub didnt really went into the details with the Underground or the Merchant's buisness.

        • 2 years ago

          You're forgetting to mention the biggest bro of the MG storyline, Mercato, dude is chill and helps you break the siege of Ganezzar if you convince him to work for the Merchant's Guild of his own volition instead of blackmailing him

          • 2 years ago

            Letting him join the MG mercenary company from his own volition is the only way for me to finish the Teron questline, then I usually help the Aurelian Miners, Strabos can go frick himself.
            Honsetly, he was done dirty by Carrinas, and I love how he somehow always have wine when he is drilling his men or when he talks to you.
            Too bad that in most endings he becomes a sword for hire and part time raider.

            • 2 years ago

              >Too bad that in most endings he becomes a sword for hire and part time raider.
              That's not a bad thing in AoD's world. Beats the fricking Imperial Guard sending your ass out into the wastes.

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, and then you end up either dead on the battlefeild or you eventually work for a lord like Dellar or Darista, rise with them and fall with them.
                Best case scenario Mercato lives long enough to have Esbenus ending and becomes a wine trader.

                >Beats the fricking Imperial Guard
                Never enlist in the army.

              • 2 years ago

                Dellar chose fricking Antidas of all people. Man is an INTlet. Takes you fricking nine INT to win at chess against Mercato.

              • 2 years ago

                >Takes you fricking nine INT to win at chess against Mercato.
                To a drunk Mercato

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I agree, that guy was so fun he was put on the most dangerous assignment with no prospects of promotion. There are likeable guys, like assassins for hire, that caravan guard/raider and his raider boss acquintance, that noble woman plotting against Gaelius is nice, Gaelius...
          I guess it's also the general dryness of the writing. Makes exploring various options easy but makes it hard to invest in a character, like a lord the game allows you to pledge your loyalty to.
          Unrelated but the devs sure buffed the sleeping beauty a lot. I remember taking him down rather easily with my shield+spear+craftsman build in the early version but in the latest one he is just impossible for that one, somehow much harder than that Maadoran bandit ambush event (the one you get for upsetting the Thieves really bad and then visiting the slums). And they also expanded the endings where you side with him just enough to make you start regretting picking them :^).

          • 2 years ago

            Kemnebi was nice. The bit where he said anyone who's anyone tends to know each other after a while holds true.

            lorenza was a b***h
            i kill gaelius for her and offer my sexual services and she says i'm the help

            • 2 years ago

              Blame the dev! Who puts Decadence in the title and doesn't even let you frick? How can you even be decadent if you spend all your time in different types of battles or in preparation for those battles?

              • 2 years ago

                It's more like the aftermath of the age of decadence.
                We're in an age of decadence right now. The gods are almost here.

              • 2 years ago

                >lovecraftian elder gods are real
                god I wish

  54. 2 years ago

    i regret purchasing colony ship

    • 2 years ago

      You purchased a videogame?

      • 2 years ago

        supporting creators and so on
        it's just colony ship is unfinished and horribly designed

  55. 2 years ago

    Not quite my thing gameplay wise, but it's interesting enough. Post apocalypse but antiquity, with some themes I like.

  56. 2 years ago

    Kek I cheated the frick out of it. Was great, I did not care to upgrade my stats to find a specific ending: so I can't comment on how the rolls/combat works.
    The writing was great: besides standard post apocalypse themes I think it depicted a bronze age society well. Each city is out for each other, might makes right, and everyone so bitter and hateful. One of my favorite moments is everyone gives you shit for stopping the huns from invading cause it makes the Imperial Army look like shit, a very grim look at how people are expandable

    • 2 years ago

      Oh yeah. You're given shit for even questioning your first order before you're even an actual legionary.

  57. 2 years ago

    deaaaaaad threaaaaaaad

    • 2 years ago

      more like dead website
      what's that pic from?

      • 2 years ago

        something i'm writing
        it's alive again

        a 100% pacifist scheming and plotting happy merchant run was a blast
        even "bad" stuff like having to actually pay some bandits for "protection" for once instead of just wiping them out with a fart feels fresh

        It's actually really funny if you're totally fricking rich to the point 1k is nothing.

        • 2 years ago

          sure, it's mostly the novelty of it
          in most games if a highwayman demands 50 out of my $max_int_value coins the though of actually giving it to him wouldn't even cross my mind

  58. 2 years ago

    a 100% pacifist scheming and plotting happy merchant run was a blast
    even "bad" stuff like having to actually pay some bandits for "protection" for once instead of just wiping them out with a fart feels fresh

  59. 2 years ago

    I think it's pretty good. I wish it was a little longer though.

    • 2 years ago

      most of the fun is in the replay value
      sure and individual run may not be very long but the branching storylines and the amount of choices are staggering and can net you easily 50+ hours of playtime

  60. 2 years ago

    I find the game very good, its one of the few games I really enjoy roleplaying and where the combat is challenging and fun.
    The world building is my favortite and its personally the best post apocalyptic game that I played.
    Im looking foward for Colony Ship.
    Pavola may be my fav character personally with Gaelius and Militades.

    • 2 years ago

      Pavola is too much of a tool. Carrinas might be a tard, but I love that he's the only IG fed up with their situation. Also, the brass balls on him for walkling in on you slaughtering your guild and acting like every legionary does that for their initiation.

      • 2 years ago

        >on you slaughtering your guild and acting like every legionary does that for their initiation
        I didn't even know there were multiple ways to join the IG. thought you had to get recruited at the very start

        • 2 years ago

          When you go to see him as a praetor to pretend you're siding with him, you can actually side with him. Same with merchants IIRC. If you take the final mission with the boatmen in Teron, you can choose to ice Dias. Carrinas orders you to kill Neleos to prove your loyalty. You end up killing the entire fricking guild. Why no one ever brings it up or isn't terrified of you is a mystery.

          • 2 years ago

            There are some things that people just shouldn't believe. One dud wiping out an entire assassin's guild is one of those. Killing an eldritch god is more believable.

            • 2 years ago

              >There are some things that people just shouldn't believe.
              The fight in itself is the hardest in the game, especially in the early game.
              Sure you can chug the vial at the start and kill Neelos and Agatai in dialogue, but its actually more fun to kill Neelos in dialogu and deal with the rest.
              If you win this fight, you can solo Antidas with ease.

      • 2 years ago

        >Pavola is too much of a tool
        Yeah but he is chill, someone who is actually smart and the only error he did was bitting more than he can chew.
        >Carrinas might be a tard, but I love that he's the only IG fed up with their situation
        He is not the only one, he is just the only one moronic and high ranking enough to act and going against Caer-Tor.
        The only other one we know that had a divergent opinion was Brass and for his free thinking thoughts was rewarded to guard the front line, forever.

        • 2 years ago

          And I love that motherfricker.

          >the jump from chapter 2 to 3 combatwise is insane to the point if you were to go back to that fight, it'd be a cakewalk
          You litterally unlock a Power Armor and enough sky metal to make your desired weapons. Sure it will be a cakewalk and thats the thing I actually dislike in AoD. Accessing a Power Armor that litterally put the game on easy mode. Would've been interesting to have only 3 Magic Module instead in the game. Choosing between skill points or the best armor.

          Eh, it's pretty useless at that point. It would've been great in Maadoran and broken in Teron, but it's lukewarm in Ganezarr.

  61. 2 years ago

    Corr, loved playing that. Went through the whole game as some dude who was really sick of working for a bug so he went out into the wider world and ended up being a key part in Mr Constantinople's rise to power. Very kino setting tbh.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't understand a thing from what you're saying but glad you liked it anon

      • 2 years ago

        History man starting role or whatever it is, you work for Mr. Feng, a bugman. You will end up going out to the wider world as basically the world's greatest handyman and most likely end up working for the guy running Maadaran, which has Constantinople vibes. Course, I ended my game by nuking a god.

  62. 2 years ago

    Colony Ship's difficulty makes AoD look like a punk b***h. I like it.

    • 2 years ago

      how far along is this game? I have it in my steam library but haven't played it yet

      • 2 years ago

        They're partially into chapter 2. Best play it to familizarize yourself with the new combat system at the very least.

    • 2 years ago

      Have you become fricking invincible yet, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        I beat the combat demo solo as a knife-wielding dodger, but I felt the combat system kinda lacked "impact". In AoD, hitting people, smacking them around, etc. feels really satisfying but in Colony Ship that aspect was missing. I bought the game but I couldn't really be bothered to play yet.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah. The new animation does that. Also, not including different ones for being hit by bullets or melee attacks.

          You have to try really hard to frick up melee.

          • 2 years ago

            Really, really hate the artstyle. Cold tron-ish outlines with low contrast everywhere else plu nuXCOM ui.

            • 2 years ago

              It matches the setting. Did you want more rust?

              • 2 years ago

                Setting is all over the place, even got 40k shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but so was Age of Decadence and ATOM. So maybe that's just their style.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm hoping the Razer gas mask does something in conversation in the full game. homosexual threatens to gas the entire room? Stops because he realizes that you have a mask, or maybe you have it in your backpack so you just pull it out casually. Love it when games think of your equipment.

  63. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed the spinoff game quite a lot for the pure, back-to-back, combat scenario solving gameplay. Only downside is that after they nerfed what INT does, there is mostly only 1 reliable way to play hard solo runs (weapon skill - block - alchemy.

    • 2 years ago

      >axes still damage strength for their passives
      >blindly swinging your weapon around has massive critical chance
      >int gives you bonus points rather than an overall increase in them
      i just can't fricking play it for long without rolling my eyes at the stupid design choices

    • 2 years ago

      I hate how everything in that game had either poison or bleed effects, even the random mooks have poison coated weapons.

  64. 2 years ago

    I hated it. Yes I was filtered, but filtering is a good thing. I filter my coffee and my water. I prefer my beer and vodka to be filtered.

  65. 2 years ago

    >tfw faster than the speed of thought
    i used to hate pistols

  66. 2 years ago

    Never heard about it.

  67. 2 years ago

    >play colony ship
    >meet mutie
    >she's an arrogant b***h who thinks being a dysgenic mongrel makes her superior
    >make the cross to ward off evil
    >she fricks right off
    holy based

    • 2 years ago

      kek, nice one. how is the game as whole? and is there any news on when it will release? I refuse to play early access.

      • 2 years ago

        It's intended to be played as a party since there are some interactions that require them, but you can play it solo. Being a combat talker is also really fricking hard in comparison to AoD, since you get XP in skills based on their use. Going full INT lets you bypass that though with Mastermind. You need at least 5 CHA to actually convince people, kind of like in AoD. As for release, give it another year or two. They still need to finish its version of Maadoran.

      • 2 years ago

        It's intended to be played as a party since there are some interactions that require them, but you can play it solo. Being a combat talker is also really fricking hard in comparison to AoD, since you get XP in skills based on their use. Going full INT lets you bypass that though with Mastermind. You need at least 5 CHA to actually convince people, kind of like in AoD. As for release, give it another year or two. They still need to finish its version of Maadoran.

        Forgot to post my build.

      • 2 years ago

        It's intended to be played as a party since there are some interactions that require them, but you can play it solo. Being a combat talker is also really fricking hard in comparison to AoD, since you get XP in skills based on their use. Going full INT lets you bypass that though with Mastermind. You need at least 5 CHA to actually convince people, kind of like in AoD. As for release, give it another year or two. They still need to finish its version of Maadoran.

        Forgot to post my build.

        And this is me doing arguably the hardest fight of Act 1. The final courthouse fight and the delta tower fight upfront are tied with it though. Mercy is a fricking cakewalk in comparison because she lacks a meleegay that are completely unaffected by smokes and carve through your armor like paper.

  68. 2 years ago

    Ambitions but kinda boring?
    I went trough the game 2 times and it's basically choose your own adventure book, except you are very railroaded depending on your character build to the point where there are almost no choices at all and you have to heavily specialize unless you wanna get stuck, there are some rumors about creatures who finished the game with mixed builds, but I still have to see it.
    Lore is pretty interesting, but the writing is very bad. Characters for the most part exist just to spew out lore and exposition.
    The combat is also kind of boring turn based affair ala fallout classics with some extra options and no visual flavour.
    I respect the developer for trying to do something bit different, but it's not very good.

    • 2 years ago

      >there are some rumors about creatures who finished the game with mixed builds, but I still have to see it.
      Its not that hard, you get so much skill points at the start of Teron and especially in Maadoran that the situation you cant deal with words you deal at the end of a dagger.
      The best way to do an hybrid is to start out with the thieves or with the loremaster background. Hell you can even combine both, by going loremaster, have 6 charisma and trick Feng to give you his training and then Cassius to get his other training (10 Daratan Rep requiered).
      Then you join the thieves and you can benefit from their various trainers. After Teron you can join House Aurelian or stick with the thieves and later on you can even side with Crassus if you wish too.
      The game is full of choice for the person who seeks it.
      >except you are very railroaded depending on your character build to the point where there are almost no choices at all and you have to heavily specialize unless you wanna get stuck
      Only true for the Merchant Guild and the Imperial Guard, and even then you have plenty of choice to double cross or even change side if you wish to.

  69. 2 years ago

    So after thoroughly playing through Colony Ship, allow me to give you the weapon rankings.


    You can aim a shotgun at close range, which is a massive boon. Add in the second-highest damage range of ranged weapons and second-lowest AP cost and it's just fricking unbeatable. Downside is the lack of range and ultimately lack of cover, which are perfectly offset by not being an evasion-let.

    Blades are just too cost-efficient. The fact strength gives flat bonus damage rather than percentage means high-damage yet high-cost blunt weapons are trash in comparison. Max dex, max str, and start with juggernaut to start as space Jason. The Habitat tomahawk giving you a fricking 12% extra chance to crit along with its high damage for just a single extra AP cost is icing on the cake.

    Rifles would be number 1 if they dealt enough damage to offset their AP cost but they don't. Still totally viable. Just don't expect to be killing things every round with anything less than an AR burst specialist. Absofrickinglutely love using bullseye with dedicated rifles though.

    Pistols aren't bad by any means, but they're less effective than the above weapons in the grand scheme of things. They start off pretty shit with some of the lowest damage and accuracy. Manageable but really annoying. Then you get automatic pistols. Let me fricking tell you, I did not expect the second best burst weapons in the game to be fricking pistols of all things. Tripleshot makes them what SMGs should be. Add in decent enough damage and they're a good enough alternative to shotguns and rifles if you don't like getting too close or being too far. pic is druggunbunny

    SMGs are just shit. Lowest accuracy and lowest damage. They're supposed to make up for it with the lowest burst cost, but they can only burst and they can't hit shit. When they do, they only graze (which deals half damage). There are feats that give bonus graze damage but why bother

    • 2 years ago


      When you get to the habitat, you will be doing no damage. I can't stress enough, SMGs can't do fricking shit against actual armor.

      And then we have blunt, blade's moronic grug brother. Blade is strong and fast. Blunt is strong and unwieldy. Blunt fails. It's just too subpar. Penetration and stagger be damned: you don't need to focus on getting past armor with max STR blade and you can't attack enough times with heavy blunt weapons for stagger to stack when a critical headshot with a blade can stagger for a solid 8 ap.

    • 2 years ago

      i forgot to share this beauty

      god made man and women
      colt made them equal as well as hard

      headcanon this character got high on super soldier and fricked the heavy energy pistol while it was still hot after murdering someone with it

      • 2 years ago

        Is that something visible layered clothing? Getting the game right now.

        • 2 years ago

          I meant the M1911: the most beautiful semi-automatic handgun in the world.

          But yeah. The game has layered clothing. It's all visible too.

  70. 2 years ago

    i actually really like how the church is shaping up to be in this game

  71. 2 years ago

    Reached more or less the end of content of Colony Ship as a talker fighter. 5 CHA is enough to convince anyone so far so long as you meet the dialogue checks. STR gays, PER gays, and CHA gays may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

    • 2 years ago

      And colony ship just got updated.

      and i was trying for a healing factor talker build


      AND THIS!

      >The ECLSS (Environmental Control and Life Support System) is now available, bringing the number of locations to 8 out of 12.
      the pace at which they're working is way quicker than AoD. I remember AoD being in development for like a decade or so

      They have capital now, so yeah it's gonna go fast.

      • 2 years ago

        One hundred percent it's going to turn out either the colony ship is at the planet it was aiming for this whole time, in orbit, landed or just about to approach.

        • 2 years ago

          Vince has made comments about a sequel still about the ship, so don't hold your breath. I do wish you could tell some people in game to shut the frick up about it and their pissing and moaning.

          If they weren't going to have problems on the ship, they'd just have problems back on Earth.

          • 2 years ago

            Steady on Frodo, I think Vince needs to finish this game first before getting sequel fever.

            • 2 years ago

              can't blame him for that
              i get weird creative boners when i write stuff too

  72. 2 years ago

    Going all offense and no defense is perfectly viable

    • 2 years ago

      This looks like a slavjank version of Neverwinter Nights in 2022.
      I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, which tells you something about the state of this industry.

  73. 2 years ago

    Glass Cannon builds dont work at the Pass

    • 2 years ago

      Even Widowmaker would die in that encounter thanks to the DR reduction and bypass

      • 2 years ago

        It is a Widowmaker build, I think if I had a fully upgraded Blue Steel Imperial Armor and Meteor Skegox I would've win but you can only go so far with what I have. I already finished the game but I was wondering if I could beat Harran Pass with my 10 Black Powder bombs. Turns out the best I can do is kill the Decanus then kill one archer.
        I've did some testing and calculation with Al-Sahir and I'll try to copy his style of fighting (High Con, High Dex, High Crit and High sword with very high Alchemy and Crafting) since it seems to be the best playstyle in the game.
        I had a very good Impaler spec too I'd have to try this one out on Harran Pass.

  74. 2 years ago

    not that much left after this since the third act is the shortest if you do all the side stuff in the second

    • 2 years ago

      >Colony Ship relies on random numbers vs AoD's chance on THC
      >get situations where I am sheathed by smoke, disrupter field, and have poisoned the frick out of my enemies yet hit every fricking time because they rolled a 20 and under
      needs work but i still like the game

  75. 2 years ago

    And colony ship just got updated.

    and i was trying for a healing factor talker build


    • 2 years ago

      >The ECLSS (Environmental Control and Life Support System) is now available, bringing the number of locations to 8 out of 12.
      the pace at which they're working is way quicker than AoD. I remember AoD being in development for like a decade or so

  76. 2 years ago

    wienerblocked by bugs

  77. 2 years ago

    Make a separate thread for Colony Ship shit, I'm doing the same thing I did with AoD which is not play until 1.0 and I know some Codexer from Eastern Bulgaristanovik is going to spoil shit

  78. 2 years ago

    Just finished the Assassin's questline Ganezzar and it might be the weakest point in the game.
    >You have to kill Meru
    >Way to see him or even get an audience from him
    >Forced to help Varro
    >No way to actually see through his bullshit
    >No way to prevent the Legatus' death
    >No way to report back to Darista
    >Only way you can stay true to the guild is by betraying the guild, killing the Legatus and only when you meet Hamza you can finally kill Meru
    I killed Hamza in the end because I like Varro and it was the only dialogue that actually reflected my high honor Assassin.

    • 2 years ago

      >high honor Assassin
      >killed hamza

      Make a separate thread for Colony Ship shit, I'm doing the same thing I did with AoD which is not play until 1.0 and I know some Codexer from Eastern Bulgaristanovik is going to spoil shit

      get over yourself

      you kill the robo by killing the left turret and taking cover behind robo as you ride out your panic

      • 2 years ago

        My Assassin wasnt loyal but had a lot of Honor
        I killed Gaelius and Darista because I gave my word and even Hamza himself told me that I should respect the word I gave to Hamza.
        I tried to talk him down and let him go but he couldnt, the only honorific thing to do was to fight him and his men, no tricks, no crit check.

        • 2 years ago

          >I should respect my word I gave to Levir

        • 2 years ago

          >I should respect my word I gave to Levir


          • 2 years ago

            Keeping a promise to someone doesnt mean you're loyal to your institution or leaders.
            You can betray people if honors demands it.
            Killing both Gaelius and Darista was a gentlemen agreement between Hamza, Levir and the Player Character.
            If you warn Hamza that he can go and agree to fight is deemed honorific.

            • 2 years ago

              >You can betray people if honors demands it.
              Salaam alaikum.

  79. 2 years ago

    It's a point and click adventure that pretends to be an RPG.

  80. 2 years ago

    Whenever I scroll past this thread and see the thumbnail, my brain thinks it's seeing Odo in the center.

  81. 2 years ago

    all this talk about the ordu makes me want to play it again as imperial guard, barely interacted with them as a thieves guild member going megakiller mode
    i assume combat stats are the most important for IG?

    • 2 years ago

      >No Crafting
      Mad lad
      Well in the Imperial Guard you have plenty of moment where secondary stats like Streetwise, Trading and Persuasion can be used.
      My original build for Imperial Guard without lore is :
      Spear/Sword + Block and Alchemy (for strong poison, strong black powder bombs and berserk potion), get 10 Block asap while having a 2/3 ratio with Spear/Sword. The rest goes to Alchemy (and Crafting if you wish too but I prefer Streetwise and Trading). My usual gear is Kadmos' spear/Dreamwever and Impenetrable Shield from the Shield merchant (or Kadmos Shield is very good in 1vs1 fights) + Either Al-Sahir's Armor or the Lorica Blue Steel from the merchant and Kadmos' Helmet.

      6 Intelligence is very useful to get an early promotion early on. And you can trade one point of Perception to go in Strength or Constitution for more damage but keep Perception high for better THC and to get the Air Mantra in Teron.
      Keep your Power Modules, you need 3 of them to have a fully upgraded Power Armor (1 from the Aurelian mines, 2 from Harran Pass you need 300 gold, 1 from Curio merchant you 1500 gold, 1 from Ancient Site where there is Flying Machine, 2 if you have 4 Lockpicks in the Well in Maadoran).
      If you dont want Power Armor, Widowmaker armor is the best and combine it with Impenetrable.
      If you want a better Cellular Regen, get 10 Alchemy asap and craft your own Lich potion.

      Have fun lad, there is also another way to play but its more min maxxing and more frustration.

      • 2 years ago

        >2 from Harran Pass you need 300 gold

      • 2 years ago

        Heres my character upon completion of Teron
        Hoard on all the Alchemy components so you have enough quicksilver, bomb powder and shrooms to finish all the hard fight.

  82. 2 years ago

    So is the implication behind the sphere you need for Godhood being at Harran's Pass (in the routes that don't go through the inn clusterfrick) that Gracius survived the events at Teron only to get raided by the Imperial Guards when he was travelling with a caravan later?

    • 2 years ago

      I dont think so, in my Aurelian Loremaster playthrough I had 2 spheres.
      Gracius dies in all background, my take is that there was many sphere and that key was meant to be used in a last emergency if the Gods ever return, since the Library was a post-war place dedicated to store knowledge and to never do the same mistakes ever again.

      • 2 years ago

        the gods did return
        except it was me
        and i fricked over the top god

        • 2 years ago

          >he didnt read the warning in the Labrary

          • 2 years ago

            blah, blah, blah, go frick yourself weak ass b***h ass slaves

            • 2 years ago

              The kind of ending that suck your dick like Balzaar's tbh, not the best and require a specific build, so not that fun in terms of experiment.
              Burn it, Triumvate or Aurelian total victory endings are far more satisfying and better than that. Being a litteral God with no drawbacks is kinda shit.

              • 2 years ago

                ogligarchy is supremely cucked
                assisting an absolute autocrat and not being the absolute autocrat is beyond cucked

                i will be a god or i will be nothing

              • 2 years ago

                It is still an easy cope out and a power fantasy, but still if you read between the lines its maybe the worst ending for mankind since they bassically got nuked again and start anew under a God like being with glowing eyes and a new anatomy that can withstand any type of attack.
                I personally prefer the one where the player is Athanasius' second and basically is religious gurou and Chosen One who control Ganezzar with religion and money, a perfect Theocracy backed by the Paullus' Templar.
                Weird fun endings are more fun that your ascend, which totally goes against the theme of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                there is no theme to the game

              • 2 years ago

                The main theme of the game is survival. Both in a social and fighting sense.
                Its a tale about society vs nature, man vs wild, civilisation against barbarism, occultism vs realism and God against Man.
                All of these factions in game neither represent or incorporate one theme or the other, they encompass many themes and wears layers of masks that hide each concept.
                For exemple Paullus, while being a moderate and cautious man who firmly believes in chain of command and order but proove to be as barbaric and cruel as the very enemy he foughts, his ideal society is one where everyone is either a fighter or a farmer, who obey a strict chain of commanding officer while he is a the top.
                It might be the only game I played who borrowed much from Nietchze and express many of his views throughout his writing and gameplay but utimately, fails by giving the player to be a litteral God, just for power jerking the player and tell him how good he is.

              • 2 years ago

                becoming a god was nietzsche's conclusion

                the ubermensch is beyond good and evil
                creators does the creator seek

              • 2 years ago

                Nieztche's Ubermensch is essentially replacing the divine essence by strength and will of character.
                Its not being a God, the Ubermensch replace Godhood and dogma by imposing his real thoughts and his strength.

              • 2 years ago

                human essence becoming godly essence, yes

              • 2 years ago

                No its the reverse, Nietzche whole point is that God and the divine essence didnt mattered and that men actions and will were the only real strength in our world.

            • 2 years ago

              The ending that actively makes the game worse by virtue of being everything the game is about, created solely because the developer homosexual wanted to cater to manchildren incapable of separating RPGs from power fantasies. You are the greatest affirmation of this statement.

              • 2 years ago

                all vidya are power fantasies, dude

              • 2 years ago

                In practice, yes. But a game that was specifically created and originally pitched to avoid being a power fantasy deserves to be called a homosexual game when it actively betrays itself, cause only homosexuals do anal while actively trying to ban anal. AoD is a gayoot game made by homosexual dev and you should feel bad for trying to defend it.

              • 2 years ago

                take your meds

  83. 2 years ago

    Feels good to pay these homies back for what they have done to me in a pacifist playthrough

    • 2 years ago

      wow if only this game was designed in not such a shitty way where you can't experience this and get your revenge in one playthrough

      • 2 years ago

        You can with a specific build with lore and then you activate your defenses or you can just take the rope and get all of these motherfrickers at night.
        I just went with a Scorpion build (Spear and Alchemy) and waited for these homies to take me just to rain them with Strong Bombs and Strong Poison.

        • 2 years ago

          >Spear and Alchemy
          but why though?

          spears honestly kind of suck
          broken irl but sucky ingame

          • 2 years ago

            Tbh, they might be the very best weapons in game.
            They can attack from all directions and only need space to be totally overpowered. Not to mention the Impale mode, lets you, on a crit, stun and cripple the enemy while giving you 100% chance for any next attack. Combine that with a dagger or a sword and you are instoppable.
            With Shield and Spear, you cant be hit and you keep your distance from the enemy. Combine that with a strong poison, some liquid fires and all your foes dies over time with 5 to 7 damage per turn. The key is to not be greedy and not spend to much of your poisonous attacks in one turn.
            You can put crit in this build with Arterial Strikes and here you go. Best combat build.

            • 2 years ago

              but can it beat haran pass?

              • 2 years ago

                Surely, my character already had 127 Block with the Swordbreaker so I guess that he could've soloed the Pass and tanking the Archers and Pillum throwers.
                As rule of thumbs, Block is stronger than Dodge but can be countered by heavy critical hits.

              • 2 years ago

                actually go through it, man
                let's see what you've got

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah maybe tomorrow, wagie duties, but I have a save before Hamza so I'll keep you updated.
                That character only died 2 times in my whole playthrough, against the Stone Demon of Zamedi and Hamza both of which done before the Pass.
                Before going their as an Imperial Guard I had maxxed out Alchemy (so maxxed out Lich Potion) and 8 Block so I think with that setup I can clapped them.

              • 2 years ago

                actually go through it, man
                let's see what you've got

                Tbh, they might be the very best weapons in game.
                They can attack from all directions and only need space to be totally overpowered. Not to mention the Impale mode, lets you, on a crit, stun and cripple the enemy while giving you 100% chance for any next attack. Combine that with a dagger or a sword and you are instoppable.
                With Shield and Spear, you cant be hit and you keep your distance from the enemy. Combine that with a strong poison, some liquid fires and all your foes dies over time with 5 to 7 damage per turn. The key is to not be greedy and not spend to much of your poisonous attacks in one turn.
                You can put crit in this build with Arterial Strikes and here you go. Best combat build.

                I managed to kill them all first try, Alchemy Spear build no crafting I had only what Kadmos had (Blue Steel Manica, Warrior's Crown, and Kadmos' Skewer). I used in total 3 Neurostimulents (extended) and 3 (Strong) Black Powder Bombs.
                My weapon had a potent poison, which means it dealt between 5 to 7 poison damage per turn.
                What I did was simple, hit once everyone and when things got crowded I used a bomb.

              • 2 years ago

                >no critical strike
                still impressed but bruh

              • 2 years ago

                No need for crit when you can weaken everyone and throw a bomb to clean this mess.

  84. 2 years ago

    the IG just raided Gaelius' palace

  85. 2 years ago

    Never tried to kill the IG guys at Haran Pass but surely it can't be harder than that generic ambush in the Thieves' turf with armor-penetrating crosssbowmen and nets.
    Unrelated, but the only guys with blue or, God forbid, meteor steel are various murderhobos. The top Guard or House officers and warriors are fricking broke. I doubt that it does, but does giving the Aurelians the fixed smelter somehow change that or not?
    Another unrelated thing but I think that unnamed IG legatus is the toughest bastard in Teron besides the right kind of PC, that fricker's Block and Spear must be very high.

    • 2 years ago

      that ambush is piss easy if you just kill the net guy first

    • 2 years ago

      >that unnamed IG legatus is the toughest bastard in Teron
      Him, Agatai, and perhaps fighting the Aurelian camp without poisoning their supplies are the hardest fights in Teron.

      that ambush is piss easy if you just kill the net guy first

      Thats a big "if", that ambush alone ruined my Ironman playthroughs to the point where I only angered the Thieves later when I have the right gear or even a Power Armor. These guys are so good that my first party members who finished Dungeon Rats were pretty much these dudes (One hammer guy, 1 crossbow guy, 1 Bow guy, One axe guy and me High Dex bleeding spec).
      Killing the net guy isnt enough, the guy with the Axe has crazy crit skills and the net guy has good dodge. Combine that with the Crossbowmen who lower your APs with their increased passive.
      The only way I found to kill the reliably and early is to shug a Neuro stim, throw two liquid fires to both guys behind you and finish off the Big Guy quick then go kill the crossbow men.
      Imo the hardest fight may be the Enforcer of the Thieves guild in Basil's quest or fighting Galbrio's men in a IG run, the only fights were they use Bolas against you.

      • 2 years ago

        lol, get gud

        meteor murmillo helmet ensures your enemies fail

        • 2 years ago

          Not a matter of getting good, it all boils down if you start first or not. As I said, the fight in it self isnt that hard, with the right setup, but being netted + low AP with crossbows and you dont start in a great way, that can be fatal in an Ironman playthrough.
          Add the big guy who destroys your DR and thus your CS defense, it leaves an opening for the Axe guy to do good crit damage.
          The guy who throws a net have high dodge and the Handar has the best penetration thanks to weapon hardness so it always does damage especially with your low DR.
          The Murmillo doesnt do anything btw, it only protects the head, the rest of your body is still at a mercy of any Crit damage.

          • 2 years ago

            when you're bolas'd they go for your head

            at least if you're wearing all meteor

            get gud, like i said

            • 2 years ago

              And there is just 2 encounters with Bolas which makes your point worthles anyway.
              I know my shit, and I already gotten gud, I talked about Ironman playthroughs which is the most difficult encounter you can have with the Assassin ambush if you dont have the first turn since its entierly RNG based.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                where is the gud getting, anon?

  86. 2 years ago

    I love AoD, but why this thread is bumped from 10th page so many times? Look at the post times, when it's about to be dropped, some irrelevant post appear. Like wtf, do devs really waste their time 'promoting' their game on Ganker? I thought it's some made up bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s a general, autism about the thread is a given

    • 2 years ago

      I like talking about the combat of the game personally, lore or stuff like these.
      You're not here complaining about Underrail threads that get bumped anyway so why do you care ?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not interested in those threads so I haven't noticed. I also posted multiple times ITT, but it seems weird to me that new posts suddenly appear en masse while thread is about to leave 10th page forever.

    • 2 years ago

      Some anons refuse to let certain threads die. It's not exclusive to AoD.

    • 2 years ago

      If the thread dies and you have to start a new one you have to go through all the drive-by shitposting all over again, so it's easier to just keep one alive.

  87. 2 years ago

    I wonder what you'd be seen as if the world were more reactive. Colony Ship has people genuinely be afraid of you and willing to back off because you'd kill at least one or three from the entire group, definitely the leader though. AoD straight up has you go through over a hundred men on a hybrid playthrough. Over three hundred potentially on an all combat one.

    • 2 years ago

      imagine being the guy that kills that guy though

      • 2 years ago

        you wish

  88. 2 years ago

    seriously, who the frick did i piss off?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        oh, that fricked up
        another 1

  89. 2 years ago

    I think of the game as an interesting concept but in terms of narrative, its instant teleports upon dialogue selection make it feel more like a CYOA than a video game; it's better if you force the player to move around no matter how inconvenient it may seem.

    I never managed to get a good grasp on its combat system which I found much much harder than, say, Underrail.

  90. 2 years ago

    >Also how is their next game, Colony Ship shaping up to be?

    Lost interest as soon I saw the fricking nu-XCOM interface. Torque engine was iffy but it had a lot of soul. Colony Ship is a game with zero identity.

  91. 2 years ago

    Does Colony Ship fix the lack of graphics, and every non-combat "system" being an insta-win stat check?

    • 2 years ago

      >lack of graphics
      i guess
      lot more color this time
      >non-combat "system" being an insta-win stat check
      uh, no
      Except for stealth, which I actually love.

    • 2 years ago

      >lack of graphics
      i guess
      lot more color this time
      >non-combat "system" being an insta-win stat check
      uh, no
      Except for stealth, which I actually love.

      >non-combat "system" being an insta-win
      Actually, you have several routes in which to convince people. Going through one may make it harder to convince them because you lower their disposition to you. At the minimum, you need 5 Charisma to talk out of any major situation as 4 CHA makes you an ugly motherfricker. There's one particular conversation you can have where cutting it short will lead to consequences rather than seeing what you can really get from the situation.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not very clear. A real persuasion system that's equivalent to combat, or Colony Ship's new stealth system, would be something like the emotion dialogue challenges in the new Deus Ex games, where it's not just a check and demands consideration.

        Sounds like you're instead saying it's still stat check but you have to be careful when to prioritise it, which was already the case in AoD.

        • 2 years ago

          >A real persuasion system that's equivalent to combat
          I don't think we'll ever see a persuasion system like that.

        • 2 years ago

          emotion dialogue stuff would be cool but even in deus ex it was pretty easy to talk people down if you arent an autist (besides the detroit cop who is an autist), didnt even know the skill existed until i saw a screenshot of it
          AoD was sorta similar in that people can get pissed off at how you act or demote you in the factions, hopefully it's more prevalent in CS

  92. 2 years ago

    One you've played every path, you soon realise it's a very shallow game.

  93. 2 years ago

    I think I fricked up in colony ship by focusing on melee weapons. They're so weak. Low damage and most armour seems to have high melee resistance.
    You would think the "engaged" status would have more effect on the enemy but they'll still shoot you in the face with no disadvantage.

  94. 2 years ago

    I hated this game so much for so many years, now I started a high dex dagger/dodge poison/bleeding build and I finally found something that I could get into (assassin's guild) which is kino so far, even though it's extremely difficult and so many things are fixed but I am finally enjoying it.

  95. 2 years ago

    Colony Ship AI is really good. What it does is the enemy pick the member of your team who has the lowest armour and evasion and then has every single enemy focus fire on them until they die.

    • 2 years ago

      Exact same as AoD and DR

      • 2 years ago

        It's really starting to frustrate me since the enemy doesn't seem to be affected by armour the same way as the player. I notice they seem to do more damage than their weapons should be allowed to do.
        Also, in what fricking game have critical hits even done LESS damage than the max damage value of a weapon?

    • 2 years ago

      It's really starting to frustrate me since the enemy doesn't seem to be affected by armour the same way as the player. I notice they seem to do more damage than their weapons should be allowed to do.
      Also, in what fricking game have critical hits even done LESS damage than the max damage value of a weapon?

      Colony Ship is actually a piece of cake with a full party. Assuming, of course, you made Jed and Evans into combat monsters with their paltry ass tags like you should've. My favorite thing was having Evans or me Bullseye a mother for either Jed to unload burst his Old Hammer on them or Faythe to fanning that motherfricker with her handcannon.

      Your armor just sucks. Either that, or they're aiming weak pointing you.

      • 2 years ago

        You underestimate just how much I suck at this game. Even with captain feat and squad leader implant giving everyone +15 acc, these useless bastards keep getting grazes that drop their damage down to 1-4.
        I've been abusing stasis grenades to cut half the enemy out of combat, and still struggle. I tried hero difficulty but that was far too easy. This is the fate of the midwit, too good for easy mode but too moronic for normal mode.

        • 2 years ago

          ....For the love of god, show me your characters. You don't even need Captain.

          • 2 years ago

            How do you dress Faythe? Too much armour and her evasion is wiped out so the enemy weak-points her to death (doesn't take much with her 35hp). Give her as much armour as she can wear without penalty, and the enemy seems happy to graze her to death (which also doesn't take much).

            And I think I know my mistake with Evans. I tagged evasion instead of armour.

            • 2 years ago

              No, you did good. Evans has a frick ton of health and a decent STR. He can take grazes and wear slightly heavier armor. Only outfit Faythe with what she can wear with no penalties but slap a Distortion Field on her. If Evans isn't your intiative gremlin, Faythe should be. Use her to toss flashes, smokes, and gas nades to set down the battlefield or kneecap your enemies for Evans to fullburst their ass away. Jed should be on the front lines at all time and taking attention away from Faythe, who is likely your midliner thanks to pistol range.

              • 2 years ago

                Fricked this one up in the opening turn. 3 power attacks from the melee dude, 2 of them crits.
                In a perfect world, I would stasis grenade the other two (maybe even flashbang them beforehand so they have a penalty when they wake up) so I could focus on the melee guy and heal up Jed. Continuing that fight would see the other public defender finish Jed off with one shot.

              • 2 years ago

                This fight' tricky. If you have the cloaking field from the armory, you can position Faythe behind them to light up the chopper. I prefer energy shield on Jed for the Pit. helps with melee gays. Chopper should be your priority followed by the sniper. Solomon's pretty easy to outlast. His shotgun limits his range, so stay out of the way and in cover. When his aggro stim wears off and he pops a regen, his synthetic heart won't be able to save him. Let loose with everyone else until he dies.

              • 2 years ago

                I actually did it. Extremely easily. Put the shield on Jed, took off Faythe's armour so she could chuck grenades early (poison+stasis) and crippled the chopper's legs with an energy pistol shot. Then everyone mopped up.
                Quite possibly the most functional I've ever seen this group perform. Also the most moronic the enemy has performed. When Solomon and the shooter woke up, the shooter threw one flash grenade at the party leader and jogged 3 tiles, and Solomon fired ONE shot at Jed without moving anywhere.
                This happens sometimes. The AI seems to gain or lose AP in a strange way.

              • 2 years ago

                Poison lowers your enemy's stats, this means their dex. I don't think you should've used Stasis nades, but it's your game.

        • 2 years ago

          I'll happily play on Hero because their mechanics for combat are a massive drag.

          • 2 years ago

            Hero is actually pretty fun for a lone wolf run. Enough bonuses to hold your own and still have a challenge.
            Some fights remain impossible because enemy numbers are simply too great.
            I would just like to be able to patch up and recover a party member who dies in combat. If I could do that then the enemy focusing fire wouldn't piss me off so much. I've got all this biotech skill and you're telling me I can't pull 5 bullets out of a guy's head and then patch him up with some bandages and cheap stims?

            • 2 years ago

              >Some fights remain impossible because enemy numbers are simply too great.
              you fricking sicken me

  96. 2 years ago

    Why would you ever play solo.
    Always collect all the party members I can in rpgs.

    • 2 years ago

      To destroy two turrets and a warbot that slaughtered hundreds on my own and ensure that I am the greatest being alive.

    • 2 years ago

      To destroy two turrets and a warbot that slaughtered hundreds on my own and ensure that I am the greatest being alive.

      wrong playthrough, but the point stands

  97. 2 years ago

    >play as a lone wolf
    >not much in speech skills because char dump stat
    >geared my guy up all game to join the church
    >get to the church
    >can't join because you MUST pass a speech challenge against a rogue priest

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried bringing up the machine to the chick in Admin center?

      just have 5 CHA and be a genius, bro

      • 2 years ago

        And if you want a more combat-focused talker rather than a do it all unlocker guy, have this build I guess. Made me put pistols above rifles.

        Decent characters, especially since combat skills that low and combat rep that high means you must be playing solo on underdog mode, you crazy bastard.

        • 2 years ago

          The game's just too easy with a full party. Too many mistakes can be made. Sure, I had to reload a frick ton of times because of bad RNG, but it made winning feel rewarding.

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried bringing up the machine to the chick in Admin center?

      just have 5 CHA and be a genius, bro

      And if you want a more combat-focused talker rather than a do it all unlocker guy, have this build I guess. Made me put pistols above rifles.

      • 2 years ago

        >level 12 stats

        • 2 years ago

          There's a guy after you side with a faction that gives your implants a tune-up. Turns out you're not really supposed to take hand-me-downs of hand-me-downs directly from corpses. Lowers your max health, but that's acceptable.

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