Age of Sigmar

How would you fix the lore /tg/?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I wouldn’t, I’d just expand it and fill it out.

    • 2 years ago

      What said. The only thing that really needs any kind of fixing at this point is a better sense of time. Like, the Realm Gate Wars were apparently hundreds of years ago at this point, but how long were the Soul Wars going on? They keep the time vague, and I'm fine with not being hyper specific, but are we talking decades, centuries, etc. for these major events?

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly, I prefer just not knowing. GW is terrible with dates. I'd rather have event A->event B instead of precise times.

    • 2 years ago

      There not really anything that need to be change really except like get rid of COS or rework them as actual empires and kingdoms in the mortal realm rather then a blip in the map where none of these cities will ever interact with each other and they basically copy and paste pseudo-renaissance city that all have democracy for some reason?

      The flesh eater Court has interesting & diverse kingdoms in their backstory from sun worshiping theocracy to chivalrous tech-knight kingdom. Way better then Hammerhald #45 but green and don't be afraid to have other culture influce them as the best cities are based on different culture that not just generic Medival fantasy. Have them be more then just cities so you have them interact with one another and each land having multiple cities that add to the realm flavor

      this it the biggest part as there is various interesting idea thrown up and never expanded because GW the more broad they go the more imaginative the setting will be? Like frick that there so much that can be explore/expand on
      >The return of Kurnoth return
      >Expanding on the various different Stormhost and play up their gimicks (Vindicator-->sigmar berserkers, Astral templar--->barbarian hunters etc.) and not relying on the hammer of sigmar who are the most boring of them all
      >The Crone Herald heresy brewing in the DOK
      >The three dwarven faction and their sense of both kinship to one another but their grudges keeping them apart
      >The race war that the twins of slaanesh are brewing across the land of order
      >The religion of not just Sigmar Unberogen church but the other's Patheon gods and what is their after like for such as The orks, the dwarves, the elves (especially the Lumineth) & the Nagashites
      >The god beast,. What exactly are they?
      >Give us a bestiary of the monster and animals of the realm like in the thodia book it gives more dept to the realm then just being the setting for the faction to duke it out

  2. 2 years ago

    yeah the lore is actually shaping up in interesting ways

    • 2 years ago

      >yeah the lore is actually shaping up in interesting ways
      How so? Like book writers actually care about the lore of AoS?

      I still think that AoS suffers from the ghost of the End Times.

      • 2 years ago

        Josh Reynolds is usually considered the best AoS writer, and we've got lots of great stories from a variety of authors, many about stuff entirely unique to the setting. Pic related was the first AoS book I read and I absolutely loved it.

  3. 2 years ago

    Burn it and go back to actual lore.

  4. 2 years ago

    Ask /tg/ what it should do, then do the exact opposite.

  5. 2 years ago

    I see several problems:

    1. Free Cities are somehow still only presented as advanced as the Empire of Man. I say presented, when it's established in the lore that they have far more advanced technologies, but on the tabletop and novels they're still just dudes with muskets. This needs to change. The Cities of Sigmar need to break from their low-fantasy roots, which I understand is because we have leftover minis, but I'm not liking the new witch hunter warband that's just guns and axes. Well, actually I am gonna buy it anyway, but it's not the direction I wanted.
    2. They really need to explain what's up with the realmspheres. Are they planets, are they parallel dimensions, are they even in the same reality as the world-that-was?
    3. Limiting the setting to just eight realms is seriously limiting. Soulbound suggested that the eight winds may not be all-encompassing, so why only eight realms?
    4. Shyish as a setting is wayyy too dominated by Nagash. The realms are supposed to be practically infinite in size, yet Nagash has his fingers in every inch of the setting? Nagash himself is cool in a lot of ways, but Shyish can be so much more than him.
    5. We need better displays of civilizations across the realms. Lethis raven priests were nice, but they don't show up outside a few campaigns. We should have a better look at what this setting can be beyond what's in the battletomes.
    6. We need much more creative representations of Ghyran. It's always either trees or rotten trees. The realm of life somehow being 99% the same life isn't much of a realm of life. Ghur I think is presented well, from wild plains to boneyards to the very land wishing to devour itself.
    7. I think at some point, the notion of Grand Alliances needs to be retired. It's really a legacy of GW trying to organize their minis.
    8. Whatever it is they're planning for Malerion, it better be something really out there. Age of Sigmar shouldn't be Warhammer Fantasy, so we shouldn't be getting Dark Elvesv2.

    • 2 years ago

      So, several of yours are answered.
      They're planets, and they do take place in the same reality as the world-that-was. The winds of magic solidified into the realm spheres, which float around each other in the aetheric void. The Seraphon are able to fly from one realm sphere to the next through the void, making them function like planets.
      There are more realms than the eight, the eight are just the largest. See Eight-Points or Shadespire for examples.
      The realms aren't infinite in size, they're just several times larger than planet Earth. Nagash dominated Shyish because he killed all the other death gods that inhabited them years ago. However, there are still pockets of Order, Destruction and Chaos, even with Nagash being the dominant power.
      Every major Order city in the realms has had their culture fleshed out across several books. Soulbound is also great for this.

      • 2 years ago

        >They're planets, and they do take place in the same reality as the world-that-was.
        There's a couple problems with that. First, we're told time moves differently in different realms, such as time moving more quickly in Shyish. This makes the notion of night-and-day cycles nonsensical, unless they're dimensions rather orbiting planets. Second, Slaanesh crawled from the Realm of Chaos into the Aetheric Void to digest the aelven souls and then was lured into Uhl-Gysh. If the Realm of Chaos that we all know is an alternate dimension, then why aren't the winds of magic also forming alternate dimensions. Or, why is the Realm of Chaos presented as realmsphere in the artwork? However, the adjacent dimension theory also has problem, like how did Sigmar and the Slann reach the Mortal Realms if they're an alternate reality.

        >There are more realms than the eight, the eight are just the largest. See Eight-Points or Shadespire for examples.
        We're gonna need more than that. GW writers should be a lot looser with these alternate realms and sub-realms.

        >The realms aren't infinite in size, they're just several times larger than planet Earth.
        *Practically* infinite. I'm aware they're not actually infinite, just infinite as far as a traveler is concerned.

        >Nagash dominated Shyish because he killed all the other death gods that inhabited them years ago. However, there are still pockets of Order, Destruction and Chaos, even with Nagash being the dominant power.
        It's fine for him to be the most powerful, but anything in Shyish is always 100% tied to him in some way. I'd like to for once see Shyish that isn't Nagash's Shyish.

        >Every major Order city in the realms has had their culture fleshed out across several books. Soulbound is also great for this.
        Agreed, but this needs to be shown where it matters most: the miniatures.

        • 2 years ago

          >There's a couple problems with that. First, we're told time moves differently in different realms, such as time moving more quickly in Shyish.
          I'm not sure where you heard that one. Soulbound has stated that each realm has roughly 30 hour days across all of them, give or take a few minutes depending on their position in the void. Second off, I'm not sure why the winds of magic would need to form alternate dimensions. End Times revealed they're not from the Realm of Chaos, they had just gotten bound to them and Teclis unshackled them from Chaos during End Times. Also, the Realm of Chaos being presented as a realm sphere is just artistic interpretation to show that it is a separate realm. It's not literally saying that it is a realm sphere and the artwork has varied.
          As for the Nagash thing... eh, as a Death player, I like Nagash being top dog in Shyish. It makes Death interesting as a faction because they're the most unified of all the Grand Alliances. They've got one boss everyone answers to ultimately and it allows them to pull off stuff like the Nighthaunt and Ossiarchs teaming up to invade Eight-Points. I'm really not interested in diversifying Death or Shyish in that way. Though, point of order, we do now have a vampire bloodline that isn't tied to Nagash but a godbeast instead.

          • 2 years ago

            the time moves differently on Shyish is from the first Gotrek Audi Drama.

  6. 2 years ago

    by making it inclusive for the modern era, the old shit had too much phobic content for anyone who's not a mouth breather

    • 2 years ago

      What is even meant by this comment?

      • 2 years ago

        he's attempting to pretend to be a kind of person that he's never actually interacted with

  7. 2 years ago

    What AoS books are worth reading?

    • 2 years ago

      I've heard people shill Scourage of Fate and some horror book about homicidal forest spirits, but i don't read Black Library, so i can't say myself

    • 2 years ago

      Found Plague Garden very nice if you're into Nurgle.

      I've heard people shill Scourage of Fate and some horror book about homicidal forest spirits, but i don't read Black Library, so i can't say myself

      Talks about Dark Harvest, which is pretty cool and shined some light on the other side of Sylvaneth. My personal favourite is Gloomspite, which was fun from start till finish. Eight lamentations and Callis 'n Toll are also pretty good books. Lastly you hvae Nagash Undying king, which is also very good if you're into LoN / SBGL. If you search well enough, you can even find the .mobi / epub / mp3 versions of those books via google.

  8. 2 years ago

    grimdark is a disease that nerdy stuff caught in the 90s and desperately needs a cure and inoculation against.

  9. 2 years ago

    Not sure if it's lore related but is there a reason why The Empire never got an update? Not trying to shit on the game just genuinely curious.

    • 2 years ago

      Because their leftover is still functional and they had leftover wfb stock to sell? Looks like tgey're running out, since they've announced they'll make more Van Helsings and Conquistadors for them

  10. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't. If something consists of 100% garbage, you don't try to fashion it into something useful or beautiful, you throw the garbage away.

  11. 2 years ago

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