aight tg im running a game.

aight tg im running a game. its a bit of a sandbox campaign with the players largely limited to the borders of one kingdom so we can return to areas we visited and so i can make more fleshed out npcs. so i got this paladin player in my group. he is one of those black and white morality 'you gotta slay all the monsters' kinda paladin.

anyway the party started hearing rumors of undead in the northern part of the kingdom so they travel to the village of brookhaven. in the village there were a few shady characters like the drunkard that reeks like death, the creepy ditch digger, and this pale skinned woman (victoria) who has white hair and red eyes. the paladin wanted to smite her right away because she screamed obvious vampire to him but one of the other players talked him out of it because she could have been just an albino. next day i decide to have her outside gardening. paladin decides to investigate but when he sees her out in the sun he defaults to the albino hypothesis. he starts getting friendly with her. i flesh her out some more, leaving in hints like wanting her steaks bloody and little things like that. players figure out the ghost of a necromancer possessed a teenager and was raising the undead but thats neither here nor there.

over the course of the campaign whenever theyre in the northern part of the kingdom the paladin is insistent we detour to brookhaven so he can see victoria. last week paladin player tells me he wants to propose to her and move her into the central part of the kingdom where the players have houses. im kinda conflicted because i always had her set up as a dhampir so i would have to tell him eventually. im kinda worried he would just smite her and get mad at me for pulling some subversive shit to force his character to go through an arc or something.

should i just change her into an albino or should i tell him the truth?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Stick to your guns. When you reveal the truth and he flips out it will 100% be his own fault. Why? because instead of acting to new information like a normal human being he defaults to MAIM KILL BURN. And if he gets butt hurt and says you pulled a fast one point out all the times you dropped hints and foreshadowing as to what she really is. And finish it by saying even if she is part undead, should that condemn her when her soul is good?

  2. 2 years ago

    Paladins can't resist the Vampussy, it's just nature. The more pure the paladin, the more fun it is to corrupt them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Paladins can't resist the Vampussy, it's just nature.
      No, they can. How else are they Paladins?

      • 2 years ago

        A true paladin is fully capable of resisting the Vampussy. But willingly chooses to fail in his will and succumb

      • 2 years ago

        A true paladin is fully capable of resisting the Vampussy. But willingly chooses to fail in his will and succumb

        >"My Child, you have completed your apprenticeship and soon you will be inducted into our halls a true Brother-Paladin."
        >"With that said, I believe it's time we discuss one of the most important aspects of being a Paladin. Namely: being corrupted and losing your divine spark."
        >"I'm sure you've heard stories of Paladins having to deal with Goblin infants and whether to kill the poor thing or not. That, I must tell you, is sadly a lie."
        >"The Truth is that 9 times out of 10, when a Paladin falls, it's because some monster pussy or wiener has them acting unwise."
        >"Do you remember the story of Saint Ophelia, who fell slaying a Mindflayer and his minions? Well truth is she immediately submitted when she saw the thing. All for hours and hours of kinky tentacle sex. The thing literally fricked her brain, it was wild."
        >"And Ser Cuthbert, the Orcslayer? He was taken hostage by a tribe of Amazonian Orc women and turned into their breeder."
        >"I myself once stumbled into a coven of Warlocks and faced off against their Succubi and Incubi minions. Gods, you should've been there. It was a constant orgy. I'd fricked so many demon women and red-skinned lady boys that by the end of it I was squirting dust."
        >"You'll face many temptations as a Paladin, my son. Whether it be a days' long breeding session with some tentacled monstrosity or a night with a vampire queen. Be prepared. May the gods protect you."

        • 2 years ago

          Doesn’t read refute what they say.

        • 2 years ago

          Post more.

          • 2 years ago

            (Very well)

            >"Brother, a word."
            >"As I understand it, you and a party of adventurers are going to investigate a traveling faire that you suspect is a front for a Demonic Cult."
            >"I'll pray for your success as you do battle with these demons. By the gods, you must be careful."
            >"Should these clowns be the servants of dark powers and principalities, they will do whatever they can to get you to fall. Prepare for everything."
            >"They may summon vile androgynous demons to tempt you. Your master, as you already know, once faced a hoard of infernal Incubi and Succubi alone. These beasts have no honor, so you must be prepared to take on multiple at once. We're talking extreme personal danger."
            >"You can't even imagine it, brother. If they disarm you, you'll find yourself tongue wrestling with a mostly nude woman with lips that taste like cinnamon and cherry. And even if you think you can resist that, her sick brother will probably be sucking you off down below."
            >"It's horrifying brother! Horrifying! You'll have your wiener pleasured by someone with such an androgynous face you can't even tell if you're straight or gay anymore! All the while their sister-Succubus will be tonguing at your ear, edging you to deposit your HOLY SEED in the vile creature's mouth!"
            >"And don't discount the danger of their mortal servants, either! These harlequins of theirs are highly dextrous and flexible. They could disarm your blade with ease and suffocate you between their flies!"
            >"And their humor, they'll humiliate you by making honking sounds as they grope your balls! You'll never be able to speak with your comrades again after that!"
            >"Be careful, brother! Do be careful!"

    • 2 years ago

      You say this until you see her picking up rats and slurping them down like juice boxes and then you remember, that's where your dick has gone.

      • 2 years ago

        God thats hot

      • 2 years ago

        Every time she goes down on you you feel the brush of her fangs. You're that close to wiener exsanguination - where the literally drains you dry.

        It only makes it better.

        • 2 years ago

          What a thrill. The fang brushes send shivers of excitement through you, knowing if she wanted to, your manhood would be gone in an instant. But she just keeps going. Perfection

      • 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    Making her not a vampire is one thing, but don't puss out and just make her *just* an albino. Make her some other monster in disguise, which isn't naturally evil like a vampire.

    Hell, even go the albino route but she's an albino werewolf, even likes her steaks bloody.

  4. 2 years ago

    You're fault for playing with stupid players who never think about the consequences of their actions. I'm sure your players will find another reason to kill her.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'd fricking do the truth, this sounds like some bigot becomes tolerant development. Besides, the character seemed to have been the one pushing to see her more, you didn't force an arc.

    I wouldn't have Victoria pull a gotcha though, the reveal should be horrifying to both, maybe Victoria really wanted to hide it out of fear and love.

    • 2 years ago

      Even better would be if she didn't think it was hidden at all.
      She's eating bloody steaks in front of him, apparently doing a lot of little things that dhampirs do, as far as she's concerned he already knows she's a dhampir.

    • 2 years ago

      >this sounds like some bigot becomes tolerant development
      You people are the fricking worse. If I lived in a world where there are monsters and vampires running around, decimating villages and torturing people without remorse you goddamn right I am going to be bigoted and racist towards vampires and goblins. It's like the time my player decided to play an orc which are known to be barbarian raiders and nothing else in the setting then gets mad and calls the entire village racist after the shop keeper tells the orc to frick off for trying to swindle him with a failed diplomacy check.

      • 2 years ago

        The way you run games is boring

        • 2 years ago

          I can make it exciting and have the orc be a butt buddy sex slave if that is what you find fun.

          • 2 years ago

            I'd rather if you werent an inflexible butthole

            • 2 years ago

              Ok can you explain exactly what I did wrong? This is a small village which has accepted this orc in to do business. Sure he gets some odd looks but that is also because he is an outsider and there is one other orc that is known to travel to the village time to time and he is treated fairly and the other players know this. Seeing as this race is known to only be raiders, particularly raiders of small villages and farm towns such as this one the player is already doing good just being allowed to walk in. Seeing as people are still willing to do business with him and only refusing to when the orc tried so scam somebody because of a bad roll, which he would have refused business anyway if it was a human outsider trying to scam him I would say that also went well. The only "racist" thing is the way people would try to describe him or how they look like they are on edge when talking to the orc which is fair seeing as orcs are only known for killing and raiding.

              The player was still able to do everything and play as normal just with some flavored interactions and the same course of action would have happened with any outsider human or otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                If this is real you did fine, 5e shitters just have brain rot and think orcs as a concept are racist.

      • 2 years ago

        >If I
        Anon, you can run games the way you want to, why are you so mad that others might want to run things differently?

    • 2 years ago

      Also equally interesting would be a quest to find a way to cure her.

      If he strikes her down then have his god abandon him and inflict him with a divine punishment. By killing this innocent woman for what she is, rather then who she is he is going completely against the entire idea of what a paladin is. Which is a noble paragon of virtue. He should be the one saving her from a witch burning, not throwing the torch to ignite her pyre. It dosent matter WHAT she is, what matters is what she does as a person, and she sounds pretty fricking harmless and cute to me.

      Try not to do this. The player doesn't want to kill her even if his character does, have his god or one of his god's followers intervene before she is killed and give her a chance to escape. By no means make killing her impossible, but there should be some guilt tripping obstacles in the way. If she escapes heartbroken it's just as tragic, and leaves opportunities for him to still change his mind, or even more brutally track her down and kill her.

  6. 2 years ago

    If he strikes her down then have his god abandon him and inflict him with a divine punishment. By killing this innocent woman for what she is, rather then who she is he is going completely against the entire idea of what a paladin is. Which is a noble paragon of virtue. He should be the one saving her from a witch burning, not throwing the torch to ignite her pyre. It dosent matter WHAT she is, what matters is what she does as a person, and she sounds pretty fricking harmless and cute to me.

  7. 2 years ago

    If your player gets mad, can I take his place?

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm going to assume DnD because of Paladins but he likely has some sort of detect alignment/ supernatural power. Then it entirely on him for never using it up to this point.

    • 2 years ago

      i used the denizens of dread book for how they did dhampirs. she doesnt consume humanoid blood so she doesnt have any supernatural abilities and her alignment is true neutral leaning towards good. really the only thing that would be an issue is her transformation into a full vampire upon death.

      if he flips out i could salvage it with

      Also equally interesting would be a quest to find a way to cure her.
      Try not to do this. The player doesn't want to kill her even if his character does, have his god or one of his god's followers intervene before she is killed and give her a chance to escape. By no means make killing her impossible, but there should be some guilt tripping obstacles in the way. If she escapes heartbroken it's just as tragic, and leaves opportunities for him to still change his mind, or even more brutally track her down and kill her.

      idea of finding a cure. i could also twist the knife and have her assassinated only for her to raise as a vampire spawn for him to slay but thats a little too harsh for my tastes. i have to admit for as cruel as that would be, since she would rise as a spawn she would be under the control of her "father" which could make for a great revenge plot.

      • 2 years ago

        If she reads as TN and she isn't hurting anyone then its on the pally for any actions taken against her.
        But everything posted in the second half of your post are good hook ideas.

        • 2 years ago

          so last night the paladin proposed to victoria and i decided to stick to my guns and reveal she was a dhampir. the paladin player got out of his chair, pointed his finger at me, and exclaimed "I KNEW IT!". he took it better than i thought. he did ask me if he had to kill her because i explained to him that when she dies she will rise as a vampire. we took a 15 minute smoke break while he weighed his options. he decided he was going to still marry her but wont consummate the marriage in case his children are born dhampirs. his plan now is to go back to his church and research a cure and if there is no cure then they will wait until she passes away, he or a cleric from his order will stake her, and cremate her to prevent her from rising. in his words "she has the capability of becoming a monster but she never consumed human blood so its not like she is giving me much of a reason to see her as a monster".

          i was thinking for a cure you needed to drink a potion on a sunny day made from the dust from her sire, holy water, and blessed salts from a high level priest. slaying the sire would give him a satisfying arc while letting him stick to his ideology of 'killing all the monsters'.

          its a grey area. he put it best when he said if she had any powers then it would mean she consumes human blood which would give him a reason to stake her because its monstrous behavior.

          I thought Paladins had to keep a vow of chastity or something. Player preferer imagibary power over imaginary pussy, so idk why he would do that.

          his oaths were to slay evil, pay tithes, and celibacy outside of marriage.

          • 2 years ago

            well that sounds like he did not rage quit or anything. He is ready to life with her and tries to cure her but has a response for when she dies so she does not turn into a monster.

            Then again i always hated the idea of "vampires are always evil and they cannot change that" but if thats what you roll with its what you roll with.

            I hope this turn into a great ark and a fulfilling end!

          • 2 years ago

            Well done OP. Your player is probably going to remember completing this quest and marrying his vampfu as one of the highlights of his TTRPG experience.

          • 2 years ago

            Your campaign sounds awesome, OP. Do all the PCs have their soap opera side stories too? Or was it just the paladin that got into romance?

          • 2 years ago

            You're a cool DM with a cool campaign, OP. I jelly.

  9. 2 years ago

    Change her to an albino and bide your time. There will be a better plot twist than vampire down the pipe - and playing her character as "vampire tropes but not a vampire" is cute in the meantime.

  10. 2 years ago

    You need a bit more work to make this convincing as an actual game going, rather than make-beieve excuse to post an image and general shitposting.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do No Games project their no game bullshit onto other people? Like half the stories Ive told on this site Ive been accused of making shit up because it doesnt fulfill some homosexual's idea of what an actual game should be like.

      • 2 years ago

        Because a good quarter of the people here genuinely dont believe you when you say your game isnt a nonestop onslaught of combat encounters and foaming at the mouth racism against fantasy races and creatures.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, it’s pretty obvious.

  11. 2 years ago

    >should i just change her into an albino or should i tell him the truth?
    Stick to your guns.

  12. 2 years ago

    You should definitively grow some balls and keep it that way. Drama is great. Plus it is not like if she was a full-fledged Vampire.

  13. 2 years ago

    You know, it feels to me like you should talk to the player about where this goes, because it's clearly way past "it's just a game " territory. He seems very emotionally invested in this story and it's better to break immersion a little than to break your player's heart.

    And who knows, maybe your player will be interested in getting his paladin conflicted about he beliefs he was raised into. I don't think he'd go so far as to question his whole life so far, but maybe this is when he abandons his smite-crazy life.

    Also, just because his church abandons him, doesn't mean his god does. Maybe he's excommunicated, but not fallen.

    • 2 years ago

      >You know, it feels to me like you should talk to the player about where this goes, because it's clearly way past "it's just a game " territory.
      lol, lmao even

  14. 2 years ago

    I thought Paladins had to keep a vow of chastity or something. Player preferer imagibary power over imaginary pussy, so idk why he would do that.

  15. 2 years ago

    wait until after the wedding when she tries to bite him and convert him

  16. 2 years ago

    This could be a development in his character morality. Stick to your guns, he can be ass mad all he wants if his character is a forehead.

  17. 2 years ago

    Anyone here willing to explain what a dhampir is? Is it separate from a vampire or is it a new spelling?

    • 2 years ago

      You see, when a vampire and a human love eachother very much...

      • 2 years ago


        A vampire fricks a human, 9 months later a dhampir comes out. So her father is a vampire.

        Ah, I see. We’re going the Twilight route.

    • 2 years ago


      A vampire fricks a human, 9 months later a dhampir comes out. So her father is a vampire.

    • 2 years ago

      there are a variety of ways a dhampir can come to exist. in this instance it was a vampire killed her actual father and drank from her pregnant mother which resulted in victoria being born a dhampir.

      Your campaign sounds awesome, OP. Do all the PCs have their soap opera side stories too? Or was it just the paladin that got into romance?

      i try to cater to my players depending on what theyre looking for in a game. some players want to be the main character, some just want to kill things and follow along, and some want a mixture of both. its difficult to balance at times but thats part of the job. ive gotten better at managing it because in my early days i was very prone to favortism.

      using my group as an example the fighter is the one primarily calling the shots because he wants to become a noble and marry a noblewoman his character had a crush on since he was a child. the paladin is largely content to follow along but will interject when a plothook interests him. the wizard just wants to level up and get new spells. once in a while he will speak up but not often. the bard just tags along, plays songs, casts buffs or heal spells, and acquire money. last game he was more proactive but this time he just wanted to be a supporting character.

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