Air Combat/Ace Combat

This game is fantastic.
I know Electrosphere is well regarded and seems generally to be thought of as the best of the PS1 Ace Combat games, but something about the arcade simplicity in this game is perfect. Straight to the point. What minimal plot there is is there to get you hype.
Sick soundtrack.
Competently establishes series conventions.
Very high energy game.

Thread for Ace Combat and your favorite airplane games, I guess

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    I'm with ya. The simple and to the point nature, along with the great musical score makes it a great and fun love letter to top gun.

    One of the few games I don't feel too mentally exhausted to play after coming home from work.

    • 2 years ago

      >One of the few games I don't feel too mentally exhausted to play
      This is such an underrated quality of games. There really are games that leave you feeling refreshed versus games that drain you, and it might have to do with how seriously they want you to take them.
      Quite a few arcade games have this refreshing quality (while being designed to suck quarters out of your pocket), while most of the classic console games are trying to be these epic cinematic experiences (Metal Gear, Silent Hill, etc). Console games with that fresh feeling arcadey quality are rare and underappreciated.

      can someone explain what the game of dogfighting is, how I should be trying to do it skillfully? I kind of just spam at shit and then do a turn when I have a lock on, and muck my way through the game.

      I just recently played Ace Combat 7 as well, so I was using strategic stalls to maneuver behind targets. Wouldn't describe myself as a good Ace Combat player by any means, but looking up some basic irl dogfighting maneuvers will help, and then I need to read up on this more myself but there's some ideas about gaining "energy" for maneuvers (example: you lose "energy" during a climb, and gain "energy" -basically speed, during a fall, which can be converted into a faster banking turn, [insert maneuver of choice] etc.)
      also one of the most important things is to know when to slow down, which is generally a lot more than you'd think.

  3. 2 years ago

    can someone explain what the game of dogfighting is, how I should be trying to do it skillfully? I kind of just spam at shit and then do a turn when I have a lock on, and muck my way through the game.

    • 2 years ago

      I played aerowings 2 on the Dreamcast after seeing it recommended here for this exact reason. It teaches you dogfighting maneuvers in excruciating depth, but I found it fun in its own way. It's more simmy than ace combat so not everything is completely relevant

    • 2 years ago

      since every jet in every AC game has shit tons of thrust, always use the vertical component to turn when it makes sense too, and even maybe when not. otherwise most of the issue with any AC game (again because you have so much thrust) especially these 3 early ones is overshooting a jet your tailing...MOSTLY if you're going for a gun kill for the fun of it, but your basic missiles in AC tend to strongly benefit from proper positioning.

      learning some actual lag displacement, high yo-yos and understanding the basic differences between lag and lead pursuit will go a long way in making you feel like a bad ass vs an awkward struggle.

    • 2 years ago

      You pull back and perform infinite turns while launcing infinite missiles, because in case you didn't realize, you're playing an extremely easy arcade game for children.

      • 2 years ago

        >t. didn’t turn off novice controls
        the anons itt complaining about the auto leveling mechanic didn’t either

        • 2 years ago

          You might want to play something like aero elite or over g fighters to understand what the issue with ace combat's flight mechanics are, chief.

  4. 2 years ago

    I really love the cool ace's paintjobs in these series. I wish in real life warfare could've been at least a bit more colorful and glorious. I mean, hell, it was just several centuries ago, and now it is just as fricking boring as anything else.
    Still haven't played any AC but the second one though. I'm so looking forward towards the first one, want to complete it with F-117.

  5. 2 years ago

    I didn't play the first one, but I like AC2 for being more arcadey than the other titles. The arcade more in AC5 is also fun and super overlooked.

  6. 2 years ago

    I cant decide between 2 and 3, they excel at different things

    • 2 years ago

      3 feels real special, the atmosphere, the story, the aesthetic, music and the physics are completely different from the rest of the series

  7. 2 years ago

    >and your favorite airplane games, I guess
    Air Combat is great. Tons of fun and a stellar soundtrack. People really have slept on the game and it's a pity. Best AC1 plane has to be the F/A-18C. Beautiful plane in both game and real life, give me a Hornet or Super Hornet in Ace Combat and I'll give one hell of a show with it. My plane of choice in AC Infinity, I was a terror in the skies with it.

  8. 2 years ago

    I hated it, it plays like shit and way too simple. And it doesnt even feel like an Ace Combat game. AC2 is fricking great tho.

    • 2 years ago

      >it doesnt even feel like an Ace Combat gam
      Do you mean the arcade ones instead? Because the first PS game is basically the prototype for the whole series. It even has the canyon level and the giant plae superboss.

      • 2 years ago

        Not that anon but probably the controls, AC1 has a really annoying auto-level thing that you can't turn off IIRC.
        >It even has the canyon level and the giant plae superboss.
        All the PS2 games pretty much just remake/rehash stuff from the originals. The ZOE plane becomes Pixy and his Morgan (yes I know the actual Falken is unlockable regularly but not fought). Air Combat's flying fortress becomes the Arkbird, and later the Arsenal Bird. Chasing the cruise missile in 2 is reused regularly and upgraded as the falling satellite thing in 5, and 2's final fortress tunnel run level is literally reused 1:1 in AC4. Not that it's a bad thing, I get they wanted to remake stuff properly, but I feel a lot of the hubbub about the PS2 trilogy is from people who hadn't played the PS1 games and so don't realize how many set pieces are rehashed.

        • 2 years ago

          >AC1 has a really annoying auto-level thing that you can't turn off IIRC
          I noticed this. Isn’t it slightly more realistic though? Don’t planes level out provided they have thrust, due to lift?

          • 2 years ago

            The thing about AC1 is that even if you put your plane in a nose dive that should be unrecoverable without pilot intervention, it'll still auto level.

          • 2 years ago

            >Don’t planes level out provided they have thrust, due to lift?
            If you fly upside down it should "lift" you downwards unless the wing was attached at an angle, so I don't think that's the case.

            • 2 years ago

              I don’t mean when flying upside down obviously, just generally.
              Having played 7 and Air Combat back to back, it was just nice to notice some attention was paid considering how cartoonishly maneuverable you can get with a top tier aircraft

              • 2 years ago

                That was just an extreme example. I meant to say that "lift" should always be perpendicular to the wing, no matter how it is oriented with respect to the ground.
                Which doesn't mean there aren't other aerodynamic factors at play (let alone gravity) that might or might not level the plane.

              • 2 years ago

                >"lift" should always be perpendicular to the wing
                Yea, that makes sense.
                I have very little understanding of this stuff, all I know is some of the stuff you can do in the SU-57 in Ace 7 with full maneuverability mods seems like cheating. Then again I guess I’m not knowledgable enough to say whether that kind of hyper maneuverability isn’t realistic, either.

          • 2 years ago

            No. As long as you are introducing equal or more thrust, the plane will continue to go forward in the direction of the nose. Leveling out is a feature that is available to fighter pilots as an auto-pilot feature however, even then they aren't that aggressive because the designers figured in an emergency a pilot wouldn't remember to flick the switch off when performing evasive maneuvers.

  9. 2 years ago

    Every game in the series is awesome. Didn't play the weird americanized one everyone hate though.

  10. 2 years ago

    I always take the Eurofighter wherever I can

  11. 2 years ago

    How do I fix this?

    • 2 years ago

      software mode

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Yea, you should remember this solution. A number of games still have severe graphical glitches in PCSX2. Ridge Racer V, Ace Combat 4... Sometimes switching to software mode and then back to hardware actually helps as well (Burnout series).

          • 2 years ago

            will keep that in mind, thank you

    • 2 years ago

      original hardware

      • 2 years ago

        don't be a poorgay

        >How do I fix this?
        Buy a PS2, set up OPL, get good component cables, build a gbs control, and buy a proper DAC/amp.
        PCSX2 is so fricking bad it turned me into a hardwaregay for life.

        Guys, you really could just switch to the software mode.

    • 2 years ago

      don't be a poorgay

    • 2 years ago

      >How do I fix this?
      Buy a PS2, set up OPL, get good component cables, build a gbs control, and buy a proper DAC/amp.
      PCSX2 is so fricking bad it turned me into a hardwaregay for life.

      • 2 years ago

        PCSX2 has been improving constantly for years now. It takes a shitload of time for emulators to go from "good enough" to "actually good" (and the PCSX2 devs wasted a lot of time in the past).

        • 2 years ago

          Literally unfixable variable lag up to a staggering 10 fricking frames, even more on Linux. Check the bug reports. That's not including your controller and screen too.
          I was dumbfounded when I breezed through normal mode godhand on real hardware with my gbs control but it took like 20 tries to even get past the 2 gay Black folk on PCSX2.
          It's fricking unusable. It's sad because I want these games to be preserved forever without needing a 20 year old console to play them but that's just the reality.
          The PS2 Ace Combat games are fricking masterpieces and deserve to be played on the best possible setup.
          Once you hear comona through a nice amplifier with nice headphones and get through that hairball with perfect fricking controls, you can't go back.
          It doesn't even cost that much. I don't know what PS2 prices are like but I got mine set up 2 years ago and it was about 50 bucks all in with an old HDD for OPL.
          Building a gbs control costs around 60 bucks, add maybe another 30 for a pinecil and other soldering equipment if you have nothing. If you call yourself a retrogay without basic soldering skills gtfo /vr/ you're not wanted here.
          The fx audio DAC x6 is perfect for gaming and entry level listening, and has all the inputs you could need, you can also get a topping for a bit more but it's also much better.
          There, about 300 bucks all in and you have a perfect modern PS2 setup. You can easily add more consoles to this and all you would need is a cheap component switcher.
          I might consider making some youtube videos on shit like this to redpill you gays, channels like MLIG miss the point and drone on too much about stupid shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Once you hear comona through a nice amplifier with nice headphones
            Literally the moment when I coom

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty sure the input lag has been fixed a long time ago. It's mostly a meme people will keep complaining about: a lot of PS2 games have a shitload of input lag to begin with. Now add the software emulation layer, and the modern display lag. Then consider how some people will use it in an unoptimal way (wrong video render, weak CPU, bluetooth controller,...). Here's your 10 frames, easily.
            If it's a deal breaker, then use original hardware (but you will do it anyway since you're one of those massive hardwaregay). You won't see the input lag disappear completely on PCSX2 without run ahead.

            • 2 years ago

              No it hasn't and I'm sick and tired of you pcsx2Black folk defending this pajeet tier code.
              Fixing the massive latency would require an entire rewrite.
              Lemme guess, you saw this "closed" bug report on it kek

    • 2 years ago

      Turn on deinterlacing cheats, they fix the black planes as a side effect. Head over to /vg/'s /aceg/, they have an emulation guide that covers that. It's not updated to the latest PCSX2 versions, but it should still do the trick, UI changes aside

      • 2 years ago

        did ace combat's 7 multiplayer mode ever amount to much?29kaa

        • 2 years ago

          No. They killed Ace Combat Infinity and put out trash dogfighting MP for a lackluster game. Still mad about it.

  12. 2 years ago

    What are some games that are tight little packages like this
    any genre

  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    I've got some fond memories of playing the first game back in the day (originally on something like a 12" TV heh) as it has that true namco arcade style that put their games at the top of the world for a time. Playing it these days the weakness of the first game is more evident but that doesn't interfere with the fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Older Namco games definitely had a style of their own. It's funny they've got so many great games but the average Joe knows only old Pac Man. Guess it shows just how popular it was.

      AC3's horizon line on the HUD is great and I wish someone else would steal it.

  15. 2 years ago

    Hottake, the cut version of Electrosphere is far better paced the the jap one. It is a shame there are no voice overs, but not having to deal with the boring cutscenes is worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      It's been a while since I played original 3 but doesn't it also let you use more planes compared to the JP version?

    • 2 years ago

      Ace Combate 3 is literally the only part I want to skip. Not trolling, I'm just in AC series for cool planes and awesome paintjobs. If I'll ever play AC3, it's just because I want to pilot SR-71. And even then I might pick Tom Clancy's HAWX.
      I have tons of other games I want to play for the sake of cutscenes and story.

      • 2 years ago

        >he thinks AC3 doesn't have cool planes

        • 2 years ago

          The kick is in the paintjobs though, and as far as I'm aware, Electrosphere got none, so I'm passing that one.

      • 2 years ago

        US version of AC3 cuts out story shit and is just mission after mission, so basically like AC1/2. Play it for the OST.

    • 2 years ago

      Just a dumb golem take.

      Ace Combate 3 is literally the only part I want to skip. Not trolling, I'm just in AC series for cool planes and awesome paintjobs. If I'll ever play AC3, it's just because I want to pilot SR-71. And even then I might pick Tom Clancy's HAWX.
      I have tons of other games I want to play for the sake of cutscenes and story.

      You would play HAWX, fricking loser.

      • 2 years ago

        >fricking loser.
        I plan to win and complete that game though.

  16. 2 years ago

    >we'll never get anything this kino ever again


  17. 2 years ago

    is there an english patch for the japanese version of Ace Combat 3?

    • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago


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