
how come I never heard or seen any threads about this game here or on /vg/? its releasing in a few days in europe after being an american only game for years and I'm having lots of fun with it (albeit mostly because the devs gave free premium to all beta players, so this game is less F2P and more mandatory monthly fee to accomplish anything without tearing your penis)

I'm wondering, did the full loot pvp filter people? I see shit-tons of players ingame and frankly its the most fun mmo I've played since guild wars 1 because there's no forced YOU ARE LE SAVIOUR main quest and its pure sandbox without quests to babysit you. What are Ganker's thoughts on it, did you burgers play it

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  1. 3 months ago

    Ganker doesnt like games that have missable content or items you can lose

    • 3 months ago

      from what I understand the itemization is to be considered "consumable", people told me to go into black zones with tier 4 gear or shit that I can lose and just buy back if I die even

      I tried it once, one of the very first quests bugged out, then one where you had to get to a snow biome. It was tough as frick to get there from where I started so after 2 back n forths with the quest staying broken, I uninstalled

      filtered I see

  2. 3 months ago

    I tried it once, one of the very first quests bugged out, then one where you had to get to a snow biome. It was tough as frick to get there from where I started so after 2 back n forths with the quest staying broken, I uninstalled

    • 3 months ago

      The snow zone was adjacent to the zone you were in but I agree, the world map is hard to read at first. You were filtered by an optional tutorial lol.

  3. 3 months ago

    Yes full loot filters people. Even PvP without you losing anything is only liked by a minority (see red man bad in elden ring).

    • 3 months ago

      man Ganker is a lot more casual than I thought, welp it explains it, thanks

      • 3 months ago

        You have to understand that mmorpgs haven't pandered to the actual mmorpg audience anymore for the past 20 years. As a company, you want everyone to be your audience, and the most common denominator is a person who wants to play a single player story game without the chance of other people obstructing that. That's why mmorpgs like FFXIV are successful, why WoW went that way and why every other mmorpg is just a "move from npc to npc for story bits and then you're done". Albion Online like Runescape exists in a niche. Like maybe Ravendawn Online is something between casual and traditional mmorpg gameplay that could be liked by casuals.

        • 3 months ago

          >You have to understand that mmorpgs haven't pandered to the actual mmorpg audience anymore for the past 20 years
          and I thought I had gone insane trying to find an MMO I liked, god damn. grew up playing lineage 2 and guild wars 1 and was never able to find anything like them EVER

          who the frick plays an mmo for THE STORY? absolute moronation frick

          • 3 months ago

            Casuals have ruined the genre.

    • 3 months ago

      I think it depends on the balancing. If there's full loot PVP, then it needs to be pretty easy to reobtain what you lose. If it takes days or weeks to get really good items and then you can lose them in a few seconds, no one is going to play a game like that.

      • 3 months ago

        funny because there's thousands of people playing albion maybe you are just a little b***h that thinks digital fake goods are "owned" and you should stick to troony wars 2, spend 300$ on the cash shop then cry at guild wars 3 comments because youre purchase is now "invalid" somehow

        • 3 months ago

          I don't spend money on microtransactions
          And I don't want to spend weeks grinding to get one item only to lose it and have to do it again
          I don't have that sort of time

          • 3 months ago

            Albion PvP is like Poker. You get to choose your limit.
            Lots of players run around in T4 gear and only fight other T4 players. You don't need more. One good chest and you can buy twenty more T4 sets. There's no gameplay difference. T4 has access to the same skills as T8. At the end it's still just Poker no matter how much you are risking. Risk is part of the fun.

            • 3 months ago

              you aren't supposed to bring your strong stuff to full loot zones you can bring tier 4 which is cheap as hell and still stomp people with pure skill, morons that use mommy's credit card will get all their items stolen in 5 minutes

              That doesn't sound too bad; might give it a shot later
              What is the crafting like?

          • 3 months ago

            you aren't supposed to bring your strong stuff to full loot zones you can bring tier 4 which is cheap as hell and still stomp people with pure skill, morons that use mommy's credit card will get all their items stolen in 5 minutes

  4. 3 months ago

    the first like year or 2 of this games life was having GMs sell Gold to chinese bots who bought out every land slot in zones like Caerleon, while banning anyone who complained about it on their forums/plebbit

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Wrong. You were able to report bots to GMs in-game and they would kill and ban them on the spot for you to loot. They don't do that anymore unfortunately.

  5. 3 months ago

    there have been a few threads on /vm/ over the years

  6. 3 months ago

    Depends on how Brazillian you are. If you genuinely conatian no huehuehue then you may never have heard of it.

  7. 3 months ago

    buy an ad

    • 3 months ago

      you sound mad

  8. 3 months ago

    dead mobile game that's why

  9. 3 months ago

    It's one of the most successful MMORPGs in recent years and it's not even a new game.

    • 3 months ago

      you'd think people would talk more about the game considering how many people play it, im guessing they don't want homosexuals to pollute it since it has proper genders and fully breasts out enemies like back in the good old days

      • 3 months ago

        >fully breasts out enemies
        Ill be installing this game later to find out if you fricking lied or not

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            btw these spirits unironically moan when idle and you can harvest them for flax as they bend over when defeated

            • 3 months ago

              I understand and agree completely. I always pvped but was never the best and it didn't matter. You couldn't chump me unless you were good while I was gathering or doing anything else.

          • 3 months ago

            For me, it's the Morgana faction.

        • 3 months ago

          You aren't even given the option to have a flat chest on a female character.

  10. 3 months ago

    Isn't it mostly played by Brazillians and Chinks? Aka the usual griefer audience?

    • 3 months ago

      there's only one server and in EU hues and chinks don't come because of the high ping

  11. 3 months ago

    If you don't want to die to groups as a solo player, literally don't go to the zones where groups play.
    There are zones that can only be entered by solo players.
    In the end it's all just PvP.

  12. 3 months ago

    EU players are on 150ms ping and forced to play around NA timezones. I'm expecting to see a lot more discussion about Albion in a few days when the EU server opens. Maybe the /vg/ threads return and we can have a guild again.

  13. 3 months ago

    I forgot what it was but I stopped playing when I found out that I have to pay money to maintain something regarding islands.

  14. 3 months ago

    Every time I hear about this game it's "we have a million billion players but no one talks about the game also why don't PVE players play it"
    What happened? A community of nothing but PKers can't function as a community?

    • 3 months ago

      you are moronic that's what happened
      the people playing the game are busy PLAYING THE GAME and they don't need to parade it around as wow trannies do because the game itself is the reason to play, the stories that happen withing with the guilds fighting each other and people risking going out in the black zones

    • 3 months ago

      Where are all those Roblox, Dungeon Fighter Online, PUBG and Fortnite threads? Most of us probably don't even know what you do in Apex Legends.

    • 3 months ago

      PvE in this game is very basic. You have seen most of it on your first day. It's just that thing you do until you find someone to fight with.
      It still has all kinds of dungeons, bosses and even a 20 man raid.

  15. 3 months ago

    Ultima Online is the best mmorpg ever created and the same guy created this game so I hope he succeeds. I played UO since 1997 on and off since then with my childhood best friend and I'm 38 years old. I played WOW, guildwars 2, anarchy online, ever quest, dark fall, fallout 76 all of them paled in comparison to Ultima online in 1997 and ultimately UO outlands freeserver that's currently running and a solid game. Ultima outlands is ran by an absolute homosexual that puts troony flags up in a mideval game in 2024 or I'd totally recommend it still. The original creator richard Garriot that made Albion online is an amazing human being and friends with elon musk but nothing else he ever made truly caught fire like the original UO.

    I wish him and this game the best of luck and I hope this catches on but I'm done with the franchise but he is the goat and original mmorpg godfather I just feel like he started copying trends instead of offering the original hard-core pk lose everything you own experience that was UO but I'm willing to listen to anons that like this game to sell me on it.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ultima Online is the best mmorpg ever created and the same guy created this game
      well he's fricking based, compared to ultima you don't lose all your cash on death but losing all equipment is close enough

      basically it works like this, you work your way up in tiers of equipment but the real endgame is leveling up your individual skills and proficiencies

      -your quipment decides what abilities you have, you can be a fully armored guy with a mage staff or a cloth wearing dual sword homie that deals moronic damage because light clothes = more damage
      -each zone has a color, red zone and black zones have the best loot but are fully hostile PVP if you meet someone they can attack you but you won't ever be sure unless its gankers, there's people that fight gankers as a job and there is a specific reason why which brings me to the next point
      -the black market: every item created in the game is put back into the loot pool of the dungeons and enemies once it is sold at the black market since it yelds better prices but it exists only at the center of the world in a city surrounded by red zones so you will have literal player made caravans of them transporting items for sale which can get raided by gankers so you can literally hire people to cover your ass and since the game has one server people will remember your name and piss on it if you try and be a smart ass and gank people constantly, you will build fame in the server be it negative or positive and people will frick you up if you become a nuisance, wars will be started between guilds just because someone dared to chop a tree in the territory of a hostile guild, this is the shit that pumps the adrenaline when playing
      -my favourite is the mists, these temporary zones hide your name so you can go in, kill people or harvest rare materials then get out or do side missions like carry a wisp to a portal etc for more exp and money

      shit's genuinely fun to play, its like diablo but with pvp

    • 3 months ago

      this is the most honest review you will see

    • 3 months ago

      UO was great and conceptually still is great. The fact no one has managed to just take that core gameplay style and soup it up ever so slightly, expand it just a bit, is incredible. As you pointed out, Outlands almost got it right, but it went totally overboard on a lot of fronts and became something bizarrely detached from UO to its detriment and yet because it's still grounded just enough in UO's core mechanics, it's decent. All of these games that look at UO and take inspiration from them tend to miss the point that PvP was one minor little aspect of UO, but it was done so well that people over-focus on it. The key thing about UO was the sheer sandboxiness of it and the emergent/unpredictable experiences every time you logged in.

      It was like the 90s/early 2000s equivalent of hanging out at the mall. There was always shit going on. It's not a hard thing to pull off, but it's astounding how consistently people who try to pull it off end up failing because they end up emphasizing the wrong component at the expense of the whole or they put some dumb twist on it. UO's perfection was in the balance of its components and how they all fit together. And again, it's hard not to emphasize the PvP aspect of it because the game's PvP experience was absurdly well designed (at least in the mage dueling sense), but that was only one little aspect of the game.

      • 3 months ago

        Outlands completely breaks my immersion.

        They went overboard with the piles upon piles of crap in pve.
        Also they went autistic rage with the
        > NO CHANGES TO UO PVP!!!
        As if the original UO pvp was somehow the perfection of balance (which was not).
        Having a combat system that works differently for PVE and PVP is the epitome of immersion breaking.

    • 3 months ago

      check out moonring, free on steam

  16. 3 months ago

    I played this at launch and really wanted to enjoy it. I didn't want to suck some Guild penis and funnel all my resources to other people, so I stopped playing.

    I hope they rebalanced the game. It wasn't really fun for a player that didn't want to engage in PVP. If you aren't fighting, you're guild probably won't give you anything. It felt like a peasant simulator for crafters. I remember the town building fees and taxes and the whole crafting system being terrible.

    • 3 months ago

      >It wasn't really fun for a player that didn't want to engage in PVP
      wow no shit almost like it was the main selling point

    • 3 months ago

      Then don't play in a guild. They added Mists which is open world only for solo players. It's some of the best fame/loot in the game.
      Guilds provide group content and a mount skin at the end of the season. Nothing else. You can progress even without a guild.
      You never craft your own gear. You craft for the marketplace. It would take way too much time transporting resources to craft an entire loadout by yourself.

  17. 3 months ago

    >how come I never heard or seen any threads about this game here or on /vg/?
    cause its poop
    it's fun for a few days then it just becomes pvp grind shit

    • 3 months ago

      >check it out thinking it's a f2p diabe-girlke
      >it's just an isometric mmo with forced pvp

      looks like a fortnite inspired mobile game mmo aka trash

      ok broomer

  18. 3 months ago

    >check it out thinking it's a f2p diabe-girlke
    >it's just an isometric mmo with forced pvp

  19. 3 months ago

    Reminder to avoid Jammno aka SwoleBenji if you want to look up guides on YouTube.

    • 3 months ago

      I knew I bullied him ingame for a reason

  20. 3 months ago

    looks like a fortnite inspired mobile game mmo aka trash

    • 3 months ago

      It has those EPIC 100vs100 fights that would make your GPU melt if the player models had individual fingers.

  21. 3 months ago

    The end game gameplay loop didn’t seem to appealing to me. I love raids and dungeons type od group content and pvp if it’s a pvp game not just straight up pvp and this game seems like it’s just normal pvp for end game. I do want to try it though

    • 3 months ago

      the game seems very group oriented for the endgame shit, not the ff14 kind where you farm a raid 200 times for a small boost to your stats but more like "we gotta frick up those homosexuals on that hill" type

  22. 3 months ago

    > Still trying to get people to play this scam of a game.

    • 3 months ago

      provide arguments as to why its a scam then

  23. 3 months ago

    Tried playing it for a while. Explored the world and dungeons. Got bored. The world is boring and feels unimmersive. Player interaction consists of pvp and guild circlejerking. The game lacks content either dev or player created.
    Wake me when its becomes more than a grindy moba with a huge arena.

    • 3 months ago

      >muh mmmershun
      >sandbox mmo
      you are wildly moronic and too stupid to play videogames tbqhwyf

      • 3 months ago

        >i-its a sandbox okay?!
        frick off Black person. Good sandbox games should have varied content to engage in. What can players do, create, or build that ISN'T guild wank, pvp, or bare bones repetitive pve?

      • 3 months ago

        To be fair Albion isn't a real sandbox MMO. I don't know why the devs claim it is one but I guess I'm missing something because Eve does it too.
        If you can't build a sandcastle, it's not a sandbox game.

  24. 3 months ago

    >ask questions
    >people answer
    >shit on them because they answered the question
    Why even ask the question then

    • 3 months ago

      you did not answer you shitposted, ironic shitposting is still shitposting because you cannot be real when you b***h that a sandbox mmo doesn't play like fricking world of cuckcraft, its like asking a woman to have a penis, you would love to suck wieners but no we frick women here and you need to get real

      • 3 months ago

        >What did you think about it
        >I did not like it
        >Well you're moronic
        Come on man. Are you being shitty to drive more engagement with the thread? You don't think having a real conversation would give you more thread traction?

        • 3 months ago

          >OH NO NO NO
          still not an argument

  25. 3 months ago

    If I learned anything from the East server it's that fresh start in Albion is a really shitty experience.
    The economy needs time to normalize. Guilds will run around in 6.3 on day two but it will take weeks before the average solo player can afford to do the same.
    If you got decent ping on the NA server I would stay there for at least a week.
    Albion isn't the kind of MMO where you can fall behind. Nothing is locked behind levels and it's very easy to catch up to veterans.

  26. 3 months ago

    With so many equipment choices there's inevitably going to be a meta for everything. That's like playing a moba and complaining about why not all 300 characters are viable midlane.
    The only reason they don't rework the Broadsword is because it's meta in one specific HCE boss fight that maybe twenty players care about.

    • 3 months ago

      >That's like playing a moba and complaining about why not all 300 characters are viable midlane.
      mobas ENFORCE meta gaming and funnel people into troony roles, which is why asshomosexuals sucks dick

      • 3 months ago

        It's the devs responsibility to make sure the current meta is fun. Most players are too busy figuring out what's overpowered because it's a PvP game and they want to win.

  27. 3 months ago

    homosexual janny muted me for "off topic" so I'm switching to phone, the day has come that a video game thread is off topic so I have only one thing to say to you and it's suck my fat Black person wiener homosexual janny, you will never be a woman

    • 3 months ago

      I knew you would show up, swole.

      • 3 months ago

        literally fricking who

  28. 3 months ago

    I tried it because I heard it had robust PVP, including invasions, while being similar to OSRS. I personally have no problem with full loot.

    The issue was that the game world was so thoroughly devoid of charm. WoW has a fantastic, atmospheric soundtrack and one of the greatest MMO maps ever designed. OSRS also has a great soundtrack, but it also has a unique design philosophy and quests. I've never played them, but there are also people who swear by LotR Online, GW2, etc. as far as the feeling of comfort and immersion go. Albion was soulless in contrast, and I hated it because I really wanted it to be better.

    I also think it's very difficult for a game with an emphasis on PVP to thrive in today's information economy, where there are legions of content creators and fan sites ready the suck any and all off-meta fun out of the experience. This is doubly true when there are actually consequences for losing in PVP.

    • 3 months ago

      It's definitely lacking the for-fun LARP stuff.

  29. 3 months ago

    I love albion I just hate having to pay a monthly fee, I like to play games when I want to and sometimes that means only one night per week.
    Then I feel like I'm losing money

    • 3 months ago

      Premium gives you no combat advantage whatsoever. You should play without it if you struggle to buy it as a f2p.

  30. 3 months ago

    I just got bored and dropped it

  31. 3 months ago

    Loot pvp is the most cancerous thing you can have in a mmo. I used to play on Ascension's hardcore PvP realm years ago and this shit was the most unfun, boring and toxic experience you can imagine. Everyone was sitting in cities and only leaving the gates with their circle jerk parties and guilds, thus casual 1v1s encounters were nonexistent. Everyone was minmaxing the frick out of their builds, even more so than on retail, because death meant losing items. Everyone was extremely overgeared, because again the meta was to sit with your guild in raids and battlegrounds and only leave safe spots when you're absolutely BIS with runes, items and talents that allowed you to bully newer players 1v5.

    Like with everything else in mmorpgs, ideas get ruined and the fun gets minmaxed by the garbage community

  32. 3 months ago

    I would play it if I had friends to play it with / had infinite free time.
    Also playing without premium feels miserable with them fricking kneecapping your progression speed.

  33. 3 months ago

    Remember how americans cried about how they would never add a EU server because "it would kill the game"?

  34. 3 months ago

    Is this anything like runescape?
    I get the same vibe from it

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine if the wilderness was actually good with fun skill based combat.
      That's Albion Online.
      I don't get why people like wildy in osrs, it's fricking dogshit cause the pvp in that game is garbage and wildy just ends up being people who want to pve or skill being annoyed by autistic degenerates constantly.

      The EU beta gives everyone free premium and boosted fame/resource gain, so you can try out the open beta tomorrow to see if you like it. Do note all progress gets wiped after it ends however.

  35. 3 months ago

    This a mobile game and we don't like you tappers around here.

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