All memes aside, why did Rebirth flop? I thought people loved FFVII, and the reviews were great.

All memes aside, why did Rebirth flop? I thought people loved FFVII, and the reviews were great.

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  1. 2 months ago

    boring game.

  2. 2 months ago

    no ps4 port

    • 2 months ago

      I fricking loved it, but as said, getting a "current" gen console puts it out of reach for a lot of people currently.

  3. 2 months ago
  4. 2 months ago

    Its a 140 dollar game. If you didn't play Remake or like it, you won't buy Rebirth. If you see reviews for Rebirth are good and like e-celeb opinions you still are required to play through Remake because most of what makes Rebirth good is the characters and missing 40-50 hours of interactions would be a big loss.

    • 2 months ago

      I never played remake. I just watched cutscenes on youtube (not the whole game just the important clips) and watched that "THE STORY SO FAR" shit on the main menu. I don't feel like I missed much.

      • 2 months ago

        You won't miss the major story beats but small character moments that really build up the relationship between the characters.

        • 2 months ago

          Okay like what? What critical character moments did I miss?

          Is this what FOMO does to a person?

          • 2 months ago

            If you don't see why missing out on character development matters, I can't help you. No one recommends people watching S2 of Game of Thrones and watching a 10 minute sparknotes of Season 1 for instance. Its literally fricking stupid to.

            To be fair they gave out free copies of intergrade with remake so we can throw out this excuse.

            >free copies of a DLC with the first game
            I think you mean they bundled Remake+Intergrade+Rebirth at 100 bucks. Might've been discounted near launch. Even then, you have people needing to play a 4 hour section stretched out to 40 hours to start Rebirth.

            • 2 months ago

              remake with intergrade was free for a long time before this new version of psn. now its still free but you need ps plus extra.

            • 2 months ago

              Dude you can watch maybe 20 minutes on youtube and know all about the character development and plot. Am I supposed to give a single frick that I have no idea who that one merc girl's mom or aunt or whatever is? Between a quick summery vid and the recap within Rebirth itself I never felt lost at all. They even have anime flashbacks all the fricking time in the game.

              I'm pretty sure you're just autistic and being strange.

    • 2 months ago

      To be fair they gave out free copies of intergrade with remake so we can throw out this excuse.

    • 2 months ago

      the twin pack is $100, was $70 a few months ago

    • 2 months ago

      There's always going to be diminishing returns for the buy-in of episodic releases.
      How many people bought the first episode of a given Telltale game, then didn't bother with the rest?
      What proportion of an audience doesn't come back for DLC/ expansions?
      Then you have people who played the first one and didn't like it.
      Then you have people who wanted to see what a FFVII remake would be like, and had their curiosity satisfied.
      Then you have the bandwagoners who picked up yhe first instalment because of the hype train, and the FFVII cultural cache.
      That's a huge drop in potential customers between releases.
      Not to mention the fans of the original who feel slighted by the direction of FFVII: R, or those who feel they can wait until it's all released before playing.
      It really is the most comically mismanaged property I've seen in a while.

  5. 2 months ago

    They alienated fans of the original by fricking around with the main plot when they didn't have to. They alienated new players by being the continuation of a PS4 game.

    I was a huge fan of the original. Loved everything Rebirth did right up until the end where they fricked it up. The Zack bits didn't need to exist. Another thing that annoyed me was how much Chadley wouldn't shut the frick up. I didn't like that the most boring content (running around a region getting towers, lifesprings, summon info, etc) was required if you wanted fun materia such as auto cast, auto ability, synergy, etc.

  6. 2 months ago

    my main issue with rebirth is it felt like i was doing busy work half the time.

    • 2 months ago

      exactly. this game feels like a chore to play.

      I never played remake. I just watched cutscenes on youtube (not the whole game just the important clips) and watched that "THE STORY SO FAR" shit on the main menu. I don't feel like I missed much.

      I liked the remake despite thinking it too had major pacing issues (frick you changing water filters and sneaking i to jessies home section) but rebirth is truly boring slog.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know. I liked the non-chadley content. I found most of the side quests charming in a very japanese way that I feel you don't see much anymore. I thought the minigames were decent (I was surprised by how much I liked the card game). I liked how the game wasn't afraid to slow down a little and let the party just chill together. I think the only thing I didn't like was the ending but that was because it felt like it came out of nowhere and made no sense to me. Overall though I liked it a lot. It held a charm that I haven't felt in jrpgs in a long time.

  7. 2 months ago

    -ps5 exclusive
    -part 2 to a game that people found out isn't actually a remake of ff7
    -yuffie got censored in part 2
    -part 1 just got censored in an update to make it match part 2 censorship (cowgirl tifa)

  8. 2 months ago

    You can't mod all the women to be naked.

  9. 2 months ago

    >no slap fight between scarlet and tifa

    • 2 months ago

      you dont arrive at this point in rebirth. if I remember correctly doesnt this happen after aeriths death and when you return to junon a second time? if yes then itll be on part 3.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't care. At this point the story has changed so much that it probably won't happen anyways. Not to mention that a sexy catfight wouldn't make it past the ethics committee.

        • 2 months ago

          Stop being auch a moronic homosexual. They already included basically everything and more in this game. Even fricking yuffie is lewd and has so many inuendos in this game. Not even counting her bikini and she talking about her body.

        • 2 months ago

          Not that guy but I think it won't happen based on the previous two boss fights against scarlet were in her mech suits. Also with the proud clod being a mech also later on I think we will get a boss fight with her in her latest mech while she tries to stop us from escaping. When we defeat her we may get a cutscene of Tifa slapping the shit out of her to knock her out best case scenario. Maybe Scarlet will stumble out of her mech, slap Tifa, and then get laid out in return type of scene.

          But no drawn out slap fight. Tifa is so much stronger than Scarlet that it makes no sense.

  10. 2 months ago

    it's the middle child
    no big hype around the cult classic being remade
    no big hype around the conclusion of the story
    normalgays don't care enough to get invested in something knowing that the payoff isn't immediate

  11. 2 months ago

    PS5 exclusive, that's literally it. If SE cared about sales, they would have released it on Xbox & PC. They shot their foot, making it exclusive.

  12. 2 months ago

    Honestly the combat. People hate any type of complexity now.

    • 2 months ago

      its literally the same combat as Remake and that sold 10 million copies

  13. 2 months ago

    I see the nint3nyearolds are posting bait again

    • 2 months ago

      >game is literally stagnant on sales and hasnt broken even yet

      all you drones that can only afford a single platform are dumb asf. PS5 sucks switch also sucks. Gaming sucks in general now so crying about what you cant afford is just fricking moronic and making excuses for all this trash is even worse you corperate wiener sucking c**t muffin

      • 2 months ago

        You got any proof for any of these claims

        • 2 months ago

          >simple google search is to hard for me

          its ok mate. Life gets easier

          • 2 months ago

            >No I will not provide a source
            You made it up. I see.

            • 2 months ago

              absolute bliss

  14. 2 months ago

    >I thought people loved FFVII
    Do you remember Duke Nukem Forever? When you take fricking forever, people just sort of stop giving a shit.

  15. 2 months ago

    They called it Rebirth instead of Remake 2.
    SquareEnix's entire marketing department and their families should all be executed.

  16. 2 months ago

    holy shit that cait sith duct box section. when will this fricking game end already

  17. 2 months ago

    Because the remake games are intentionally sabotaged with ESG/DEI subversion. And such games give many gamers "the ick" and a strong desire to stay away from them. Why would they want to pay money for what they know will be an unpleasant experience?

    • 2 months ago

      werent people spamming about how FF7 Rebirth was antiwoke though?

      • 2 months ago

        >cares about pol shit

        just have a nice day 56%er

        • 2 months ago

          Says the 41%er

          • 2 months ago

            >cares about pol
            >cares about trannies

            seek professional help mate. Remember if you pretend they dont exist the actrally cease to exist but dont let that stop you from being angry and shooting the place up

            • 2 months ago

              See above.

      • 2 months ago

        Those people were cope-lying, trying to wish such a reality into existence. Japan is controlled by the same banking elite as the West is, and Japanese companies will go along with all the subversive warfare and demoralization agendas until the day the global economy is intentionally brought down by the banking cartels.

  18. 2 months ago

    Annoying and stupid minigames all over the game. The story is childish and unnecessary and I skipped nearly all cutscenes. The only fun is the fighting.
    I want to finish this game and uninstall it as soon as possible. Maybe I'll try some hard difficult fighting challenges but I don't know.

    In general, I hate the game. Considering the stupid minigames, it felt like work.
    Last but not least, behead Chadley and bully his VA to suicide.

  19. 2 months ago

    >first remake is garbage

    why even bother at all? The game is dead now. If I want to play Ill just play the original

  20. 2 months ago

    Because it didn't need to be an episodic remake spanning ten years and 3 games.

  21. 2 months ago

    It didnt come out on ps4. a lot of people out there don't see a need for a PS5 so they don't have one. FF7 rebirth is not worth buying a ps5 over.

  22. 2 months ago

    odd number PS gens perform worse than even

  23. 2 months ago

    It honestly deserved to flop, and I say this as someone that thinks Remake was good. Rebirth was so egregiously padded that, despite enjoying the story up until the temple, I was actually fricking dying for it to be over. Open world collectathon games are fricking garbage and I will absolutely not play part 3 if it's open world again.

    • 2 months ago

      i thought FF7 Remake was average, i liked to watch the story with good models and voice acting but i didn't like the temporal bullshit and it was weird to fight Sephiroth in that apocalyptic
      dimension. I also hated all characters added from the original, that 3rd class soldier on moto was moron as frick, and that kind of kid scientist that is helping you felt like he didn't belong to that universe (some kind of shota furgay if you want my opinion and they dared to call him "chadley").

      The gameplay wasn't fun and they removed the funniest honey bee scene in the bathroom to not be considered homophobic.
      For some reason i was also annoyed to not be able to go in the hidden room under the Seventh Heaven Bar.

  24. 2 months ago

    >I thought people loved FFVII
    They do and that's why they hate rebirth.

    It's just a cringe anime with bad writing. square burned all their remaining bridges for any fans with standards and the only people left who are still buying this shit are the most moronic, boot licking fans, the type who buy kingdom hearts mobile games.

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