>all units have memorable personalities that are not just for show but actually affect gameplay. >complex economy

>all units have memorable personalities that are not just for show but actually affect gameplay
>complex economy
>no micro required
>voiced by William Wallace
>campaign has a good difficulty curve which makes you get better at the game just by playing it, without throwing sudden walls of difficulty at you
>there are many strats and the levels are varied in such a way that all units are useful somewhere
This is the best RTS ever made

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    >all units have memorable personalities that are not just for show but actually affect gameplay

    >be 9 lvl wizard
    >have magic missile, fireball, fire missile, METEOR STORM at your disposal
    >spot a giant rat coming out of the server
    >holy shit better escape to the safety of my guild
    >die because there were trees on the way and rat is faster

    But yeah I agree. This game had soul and I have fond memories of it from my childhood.

    • 1 year ago

      For me, the best example are the rogues. They will attack ANYTHING if it has a bounty on it, even their own guild. This can make for some funny moments in sp, even tho they're detrimental in mp

  2. 1 year ago

    Did this ever got a remake or just a HD remaster?

    • 1 year ago

      Remaster, there wasn't a remake, but a shitty sequel.

      • 1 year ago

        Delet this, I liked the sequel, just wish it was longer.

        • 1 year ago

          the sequel is pretty long factoring in the three expansions

          • 1 year ago

            plus there is also that fan patch that makes the game extra hard and adds new heroes

  3. 1 year ago

    There's a little indie Majesty tribute called Heroes of Orn: Darkness currently under development. It is only a two-person team so it looks like doodoo and plays like a jankfest. It's not going to be a proper successor but I played the demo and it did catch something of what made Majesty fun.

    • 1 year ago

      >crappy 3d
      I sleep
      i play remaster of Eador and it have 3d graphics instead of old 2d like in genesis and its awful

  4. 1 year ago


  5. 1 year ago

    Which race is the superior one?
    Elves, dwarves or gnomes?

    I say Elves. Elegant, fast, bring more money, will kill monsters, steal from a lair, buy potions and frick inn maids all while dwarf was busy hauling his ass to the flag and gnomes are desperately rebuilding their slums after the Sovereign decided to get rid of them.

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on the map but I like dwarves because I prefer turtling.

    • 1 year ago

      I like gnomes because they're cheap and I can always use more builders

    • 1 year ago

      Gnomes in the first game, dwarves in the second.

      • 1 year ago

        There is no second Majesty game.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't even remember using elves in Majesty 2 besides in the Ogre scenario where they're already on the map.

        Dwarves just seem so ridiculously powerful with their towers and ability to build/repair any building on the map to let you just spring a base out of the ground if you've got the cash to spend. Plus having guys with a lot of magic resist is nice. Too bad M2s resistance/armor system doesn't scale up since it's a flat damage reduction.

    • 1 year ago

      Thats whats so good at the game: they're all useful in certain cases, and due to the way the levels were made, you'all get to use them all at obe point or another

    • 1 year ago

      >This is the best RTS ever made
      >no unit control
      >mage commits suicide by vampire
      Shitter cope
      But it IS the best SIM

      Opinion on elven bungalow?

      Bitches and prostitutes
      Good only for sex-appeal and cheating in casino with saves.

      • 1 year ago

        >mage commits suicide by vampire

    • 1 year ago

      Gnomes and it‘s not even close. Gnomes make you into an economic powerhouse. Just build inns. Maybe a second and third marketplace too, if you want, but with gnomes and inn spam you are in a better economic position than with Elves. With the added benefit of no elven corruption.

      • 1 year ago

        You can build more inns and marketplace with peasants, virgin gnomes will then frick off to die while chad elves will continue providing you with more benefits.

        And the elven corruption issue can be easily solved with the same solutions used to get rid of gnomes - apply flag/lightning.

    • 1 year ago

      Dwarves, most of the times. Their towers are a must if I'm under siege.

      Elves are rarely needed, only when I'm dirt poor.

      Gnomes? I hate them and their randomly appearing damned houses that's impossible to wipe out.

      • 1 year ago

        >Elves are rarely needed, only when I'm dirt poor.
        How you can even become a dirt poor in this game?
        Two trading posts in the corner behind your city (so it won't be attacked too often) and maxed out marketplace for that sweet tripled gold bonus will make you fricking filthy rich in no time. Even if you are go fricking batshit crazy with spells from temlpes and ressurecting ded gays in mausoleum

    • 12 months ago

      Gnomes, all the economic power of the elves, the repair power of the dwarves and the defensive stats of paladins.

      • 12 months ago

        What economic power

        >The useless unit is less useless when paired with not just useless, but outright obsolete units
        >This totally makes sense, trust me, bro
        Let me guess - you play PDX games.

        You are fricking stupid, healers are often what carries me through hardest missions when you have to face a lot of powerful monsters. Healers are cheap and magnify staying power of everyone, but especially warriors, greatly. I would take warrior + healer every time over 1 paladin.

        • 12 months ago

          >healers are often what carries me through hardest missions
          Nta, but that's speaking about you, not the Healers usefulness
          >Healers are cheap and magnify staying power of everyone, but especially warriors, greatly
          Warriors are utterly useless, especially given the discussion is about Paladins and how getting them perma-locks you with a "choice" of Monks and Healers, two of the most useless hero classes. Priestess of Krypta are Healers on steroids, with fantastic staying power and if you obsess so much about Warriors, they should be your unit of choice:
          - saps health from enemy units, dealing damage
          - uses it to heal nearby units
          - skeleton spam, offering great cushion
          - can fight on their own
          Compared to that, Healers are worthless, for ALL they can do is healing.

        • 12 months ago

          The economic power of never having to pay for a destroyed building, and the low low cost of a full complement of gnomes.

  6. 1 year ago

    Opinion on elven bungalow?

    • 1 year ago

      If you can't figure out how to deal with the downsides of having elves, it means you didn't finish the baseline campaign

  7. 1 year ago

    Best RTS I had ever played, I wish more RTS games incorporated personal life, desires and fear of units. Too many RTS make them into mindless drones.

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    >complex economy
    Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and other points are spot on, but this one has to be a joke

    • 1 year ago

      Compared to most other RTSes where you just send worker units to harvest resources, in this game, your heroes have to get gold from chests, lairs, monsters, etc.(which you don't own), then you have to build buildings where they can spend that gold, and then you have to make sure that your tax collectors don't die while collecting VATs(or you could let the thieves guild handle it and make less money)
      Or you could huff glue all day and build some trading posts

  10. 1 year ago

    The missions that limit the number of heroes you can have are shit.

  11. 1 year ago

    It is unique
    but is it fun?

    • 1 year ago

      For me it is a game that I happily binge on for day or two every 1.5 year, beating whole campaign again.

      • 1 year ago

        I was gonna post the same thing
        I can return to this game every year and know I'm in for a good time
        Gonna also mirror the anon above me and wish we got a spiritual successor that didn't suck one of these days

    • 1 year ago

      >Zoom zoom?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Some of the campaign missions are blatantly ridiculous in difficulty, but maybe I'm just a shitter

      • 1 year ago

        Name FIVE missions that are like that
        I'll wait

  12. 1 year ago

    Anyone else prefer to play this game at the original 800x600 resolution? I think it looks better not so zoomed out like it is on higher resolutions

  13. 1 year ago

    This is going to sound mega gay but this game is like a favor from my younger self who randomly bought it. This game cheers me up more quickly than any other game.

    • 1 year ago

      nah I get it, those are the best games

    • 1 year ago

      agreed it has unmatched atmosphere

    • 1 year ago

      This game has the weirdest atmosphere out there. On a surface, it's a plucky comedic fantasy. But the more you ponder on it, the more grimdark it gets, while everyone in-universe being so used to it, they just roll with the suck

      • 1 year ago

        >But the more you ponder on it, the more grimdark it gets, while everyone in-universe being so used to it, they just roll with the suck
        IMHO, this only really applies to the peasants(and maybe also the gnomes)

    • 1 year ago

      Completely straight and true

  14. 1 year ago

    Sadly it gets stale early.

  15. 1 year ago

    Imagine the freestyle mode but you can actually add AI kingdoms.

    • 1 year ago

      Majesty needs a sequel or spiritual successor with all of the quality-of-life improvements a modern game could have.

      Personally, I'd love for a Majesty-like Sim with elements of castle-building from Stronghold.

      • 1 year ago

        Appaerently there's Majesty 2. I've never played it tough, so I can't tell wether or not it's good

        • 1 year ago

          >Majesty 2

          Yeah, there's a reason nobody brings it up. The start of missions are hard as hell, no skirmish or sandbox mode... and let's just say the overall character is different. For example, you can have whatever temples you want because they're not exclusive anymore, but you can only build them on specific, very limited sites.

          I opened this thread about to say that this game is alright but very repetitive. Then I realized that I only played Majesty 2, not the original one, which apparently is much better than the sequel. Am I moronic? Should I try Majesty 1 if I kinda liked the second one?

          It is absolutely worth a shot, yes. 1 doesn't have some things 2 introduced like parties, but it's better in virtually every way.

          • 1 year ago

            Majesty 2 being super difficult is mostly just a meme caused by spawns and shit going haywire if you aren't limiting the framerate to 60fps or lower.

        • 1 year ago

          Whenever I lay my eyes upon Majesty 2 I get disgusted, a zombie with its soul sucked out.

      • 1 year ago

        Basically a western isekai simulator, maybe sometimes a nihonjin could reincarnate

  16. 1 year ago

    Imagine a sci-fi spin off, manage an outpost at the edge of explored space and invite explorers of various species to join your cause.

    KINO, I'm telling you lads.

    • 1 year ago

      What classes would you include?
      How would you include religion?
      What races are you thinking about?
      I'm just curious, not trying to say that your idea is shit

      • 1 year ago

        >How would you include religion?
        Use ideology instead?

        • 1 year ago

          Why? Religion is not going anywhere. Just look at the modern revival of Inanna cults and Gnosticism.

          • 1 year ago

            Religion in Majesty wasn't about faith or belief. It was about the gods and their powers. If you include it in the game you need to have the gods actually do something, not just their followers.

            • 1 year ago

              differing tech paths, m8
              AI map vision, grey-goo chain lightning, so on

              • 1 year ago

                That shit would absorb the whole planet, including your building and units

            • 11 months ago

              then corporations

          • 11 months ago

            >look at the modern revival of Inanna cults

            • 11 months ago

              Ishtar/Inanna had transvestite prostitute-priestesses. There really is nothing new under the sun.

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but :
        >first 3 classes would be analogies Cadet-Warrior (upstarting brawler that likes to patrol the station), Spacer-Ranger (likes to explore surrounding space), Bounty Hunter - Rogue (likes to do missions for cash)

        >do it in semi-comedic way like Majesty using futurist ascension ideology:
        Cyberfreaks - believe in transhumanist ascension through cyberware and unity with AI, buy a LOT stuff from market
        Biomutants - want to become perfect by constant change in bodies, experimental monsters constantly escape their labs
        Ecumenic Unitarism - hated by all ascentionists, they reject shortcuts and bash in everyone that tries them, go together to "guild" every 7th cycle (nobody even remembers why)

    • 1 year ago

      >Startopia but every denizen is an adventurer and most of the station is abandoned wilderness and "dungeons" that you need to explore and loot
      Fund it immediately

    • 1 year ago

      weird west or urban fantasy could also work, but yeah space exploration would be incredible

      What classes would you include?
      How would you include religion?
      What races are you thinking about?
      I'm just curious, not trying to say that your idea is shit

      let me introduce you to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

  17. 1 year ago

    I opened this thread about to say that this game is alright but very repetitive. Then I realized that I only played Majesty 2, not the original one, which apparently is much better than the sequel. Am I moronic? Should I try Majesty 1 if I kinda liked the second one?

    • 1 year ago

      >Am I moronic?
      >Should I try Majesty 1 if I kinda liked the second one?

  18. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Spam mages. Spam a LOT of mages No, seriously, these frickers are glass cannons to the extreme, but if they manage to land a shoot on medusas/gorgons these b***hes will die.
      Also, frick the healers, embrace Temple of Krypta (2 at a minimum) - these skeletons might seems weak, but they gave you a free map reveal and in numbers they can seriously maim even an ice dragons

      • 1 year ago

        >Unpatched Temple of Krypta where priestess can continue spamming skeleton warriors endlessly until you have hundreds of them.
        Good times.


      • 1 year ago

        Medusas have 80% resistance to magic, shit tip

      • 1 year ago

        >spam mages in serpent valley

        Lmao, moronic. They have magic resist. Spamming mages is a sure losing strategy, a the dead wizrds will pile up without killing a single medusa, and eventualy the cemeteries that spawn from the dead wizrds will start spawning vampires, that have reflections, ensuring whatever wizrds are left kill your own units with reflected spells.

        Best strategy for valley of serpents is paladins+ healers or barbarians. Fervus works wonders too if you can level up your cultists a bit they can snchant the medusas as midslaves like hey do wild animals.

  19. 1 year ago

    Spires of Death and Legendary Heroes are the two most difficult ones for me.

  20. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Now that's a good joke.

  21. 1 year ago

    There's a steam workshop for majesty 1
    any good mods in it?

    • 1 year ago

      Just quests

  22. 1 year ago

    I tried playing this just now and immediately became the "ooohh the clunkiness" emoji; even tho it was the HD version.
    >font is tiny at modern resolutions
    >moving the camera is strangely sluggish
    >zero tutorials so I have no idea what I'm supposed to even do
    It's me, I'm the zoomer wojack

    • 1 year ago

      Have you ever played an RTS? If yes, it's just like one, except that you don't need to control your units (if you really want them to do something, you can put a bounty on it). If not, then what are you even doin on this board?

      • 1 year ago

        I play plenty of RTS games.
        I mean I sort of get how to order people, but I have no clue how to make money, for example.

        • 1 year ago

          You just need to have a lot of heroes and some places where they can spend money, like a marketplace(protip: put the marketplace right in front of your keep doors so that tax collectors won't have to travel a long way). Your tax collectors will go to those places and collect the money spent by the heroes. If they don't die on the way back to the keep, you get that gold. If you have a corner or a large area of the map safe or you can protect it, build a trading post there(make sure you keep it as far away from the marketplace as you can without endangering it). It will send caravans to the closest marketplace. The caravan contains an amount of gold directly proportional to the distance to the marketplace. If you need more peasants/tax collectors, upgrade your keep. If you still need more builders, get gnomes. If you need more gold and don't mind your heroes being less efficient get elves. If you need to defend a certain area, get dwarves, a guardhous, more warriors, and a temple to krypta. If you want to play offensively, build one temple to Dauros and as many as you want to Agrela(monks suck, but paladins are strong and healers are cheap). If you want to play very offensively, build temples to Krolm. Helia and Lunord are so similar that they may as well be one god. To Fervus you build a temple when you've built a temple to Krypta and realize that the only other temple that you can build until you unlock Helia/Lunord.
          Get more rangers if you need to reveal more of a map. Don't get wizards if you cannot afford a fully upgraded library. If keeping your tax collectors alive is too hard for you, you can let the thieves guild collect the taxes, but they will take a significant cut. The magic bazaar, sorcerer's abode and hall of heroes are all a waste of money. The embassy is only useful in legendary heroes and when the cost of a guild has reached more than twice the cost of it.
          Also, upgrade your marketplace as much and as early as you can.

          • 1 year ago

            >The magic bazaar, sorcerer's abode and hall of heroes are all a waste of money.
            Shitty tip. Numerous times I have been thankful that my 7+ level wizard bought medusa potion and speed potion as those play significant role in wizard surviving. Every potion is useful to almost every hero. And it gives you a way to squeeze more money out of heroes.
            The hall of heroes is useless? It's the most op shit ever if you are on a map with many monsters of single type, you can pay 800 to significantly boost your economy. Also useful if there are invading waves.
            >The embassy is only useful in legendary heroes and when the cost of a guild has reached more than twice the cost of it.
            I think the best usage for it is when you don't care for reviving heroes, to just keep it open forever to replace the dead ones instead of clicking each individual guild.
            >Also, upgrade your marketplace as much and as early as you can
            Another shit tip, you should upgrade to level 3 but asap but then ignore research for amulet of teleportation till you have more important things covered, like palace lvl2 temples.

            • 1 year ago

              I didn't say that you should research the amulet, just to upgrade your marketplace

              • 1 year ago


                >Build as many inns as you can around your castle
                Markets are not worth their costs and upgrades in the end. Or rather - their return only starts to add up when you woud already made bank with inns. It's the biggest intermediate trap - overreliance on "big bucks" from markets.

                Inns are a valid gold generator, but they also serve a useful function of gathering your heroes in one place. I often have one inn, usually in place that faces most assaults or is a forward base.

              • 1 year ago

                >I am moronic beyond help

                How does stats work?
                What are the tresholds for creatures to start doing usefull shit?

                Read the manual, gaylord

                How to beat legendary heroes mission? I fricking hate it.

                If you can't beat that mission, which is properly described as Easy, you might need your IQ reevaluated. Chances are, it's two-digits. Maybe not moron levels, but close

              • 1 year ago

                >described as easy
                it's expert dificulty

              • 1 year ago

                Sorry, my bad: it's Beginner, not Easy.
                You are still a moron if you can't figure it out on 3rd retry

              • 1 year ago

                homie Legendary Heroes is Expert, you're probably thinking of Scions of Chaos

                How to beat legendary heroes mission? I fricking hate it.

                You probably want elves for money, Dauros/Agrela for heals and embassies for extra heroes

              • 1 year ago

                I already googled abot the lame wizard tower strategy, this mission is gay and lame i fricking hate it. Its like let us limit the heroes with shitty ai and also swarm the map with monsters and all of this in on a time limit.
                I basically built 2 outposts and an embassy and went krypta and the green dude, and then just forgot about my base and started building million wizard towers so i can scout around(wich was megafun considering they are building pretty slow and revealing like 10 meters aorund them which you have to pay for). Basically rush elves with 3 markets? build some creature buildings so they will defend you base against goblin waves, build an embassy and a couple of outpost and then forget about your base and just build wizard towers to scout the map and then destroy all cryps with lightning at the same time. Also delete helia temples because the Blackse love to go destroy them crypts from time to time.

                >I am moronic beyond help

                Read the manual, gaylord

                If you can't beat that mission, which is properly described as Easy, you might need your IQ reevaluated. Chances are, it's two-digits. Maybe not moron levels, but close

                Frick you and you shitty manul that is made in shitty font.

        • 1 year ago

          If you can't figure this game out of just playing it, given all starting missions are tutorial, you might be brain-damaged.

        • 1 year ago

          Build 3 Markets around your Castle at the start. One near the Castle entrance and give the other 2 a Guard Tower so the tax collectors don't need to walk so far.

          You can't build them right next to each other but you can still fit 3 around your Castle or wherever you please.

          • 1 year ago

            >Build as many inns as you can around your castle
            Markets are not worth their costs and upgrades in the end. Or rather - their return only starts to add up when you woud already made bank with inns. It's the biggest intermediate trap - overreliance on "big bucks" from markets.

    • 1 year ago

      >zero tutorials
      The Bell, The Book and The Candle is right there, man

      • 1 year ago

        you expect too much from modern smoothbrain

  23. 1 year ago

    How to unlock secret quests in hd?
    It teels that i need to finish some quest like barrow lands and some other one, buti cant find them on the map/

    • 1 year ago

      I'm pretty sure you just need to finish every other quest on the map
      Just look for parts of the map that don't have a completion star next to them

      • 1 year ago

        The only unfinished quest that is left is the one where you have one hero per building and needto destroy crypts. I am either blind or there is some trick to find the quests that unlock the secret quests, its say in the requirements the names of quests that you need to complete, the two i dont have is barren lands and some other one the name of which i dont remember, and i could not find them on the quest map.


        • 1 year ago

          Nevermind, it looks like the map is actually bigger and i never tried to drag the camera.


          • 1 year ago

            Well I hope you have fun with those secret missions, anyway

  24. 1 year ago

    I love Majesty to death, but unfortunately I got everything I could out of it. Every quest and even the workshop mods. Nothing else is like it and that makes me so sad, I need to scratch the itch again

  25. 1 year ago

    How does stats work?
    What are the tresholds for creatures to start doing usefull shit?

  26. 1 year ago

    How to beat legendary heroes mission? I fricking hate it.

  27. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      KROLM!!! KROLM!!! KROLM!!! KROLM!!!

  28. 1 year ago

    What is the hardest mission?

    • 1 year ago

      The one where your city gets damaged non-stop by an earthquake can be absolute misery depending on the RNG.

  29. 1 year ago

    Does upgrading temples do anything for the heroes themselves? Or is it just to unlock spells for you to use?

    • 1 year ago

      AFAIK, only the temple to fervus grants it's units stuff if you upgrade it

  30. 1 year ago

    One of my favourite games, ever.

    Although paladins are pretty op and I rarely use Krypta priestesses or those little Chaos dudes.

    Krom's temple, on the other hand, can be really handy, you just need good income to use it on the long run.


    • 1 year ago

      Krypta gives you Animate Dead for infinite skeletons and Fervus cultists are absolute monsters if they live long enough
      >Perma berserking rapid fire knife throwing green hellbears that auto charm every animal they come across and shit healing/poison mushrooms everywhere
      They're great if you want to cover the map with stuff instead of focus on a few individual heroes
      Pretty satisfying drowning a hard map in skeletons and spiders while the rest of your ranged guys kill the distracted monsters

    • 1 year ago

      Paladins are extremely overrated. As the other anon pointed out, Fervus cultists alone are great, and Krypta skelly spam only adds to it.
      Also, I wish Solarus weren't so aggressive. They would be the ultimate melee unit, being the golden middle ground between all of them... except they are absurdly aggressive

      • 1 year ago

        Paladins tank like little goddesses, are fast, have big hp and armor. I agree solarii are good, but better than paladins? I don't know.

      • 1 year ago

        Paladins tank like little goddesses, are fast, have big hp and armor. I agree solarii are good, but better than paladins? I don't know.

        My go-to is paladins plus adepts. Solari are great units, but they trade defense for offense compared to paladins and it personally feels like defense works better in most scenarios, since with enough defenses you can take no damage and just grind down enemies, while if your defenses are lax you get ground down or suffer a random one-shot.

        I love adepts, especially in the expansion where they gain a map-wide teleport and a doublestrike for burst so you can just tag whatever and watch them warp in to murk it.

        • 1 year ago

          Solaris level up really fast, it is always one of the most experienced units along with healers. They also have funny lines.

      • 1 year ago

        >Also, I wish Solarus weren't so aggressive. They would be the ultimate melee unit, being the golden middle ground between all of them... except they are absurdly aggressive

        Agreed. That's why I always use the speedsters. They are excellent base guards while they weak, and godlike teleporters later, executing marked monsters literally anywhere on the map.

      • 12 months ago

        Paladins tank like little goddesses, are fast, have big hp and armor. I agree solarii are good, but better than paladins? I don't know.

        Solarii are better on one condition:
        You've lucked out during recruitment. If they have Int of 6, they are FAR less aggressive and back down, rather than charging forward until falling dead.

        • 12 months ago

          Can't you build libraries and get the INT upgrade to increase the odds of that happening? I remember doing this to try to get Warrior of Discord to use potions.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, but you need to build them before you recruit WoD, and for WoD especially you need some ridiculous number like 8 libraries before they're affected since their INT is so low

            • 12 months ago

              Library cost doesn't scale with quantity. Another building that has this feature is Blacksmith. I use them as placeholders so cancer like sewer grates and houses doesn't take up critical space.

              • 11 months ago

                8 libraries = 4560 gold
                Plus Warrior's Guild
                Plus Wizard's Tower
                Plus Temple to Fervus
                Plus not being able to recruit WoDs until all those libraries are finished

                It is possible but not really practical

              • 11 months ago

                I've just been confirming that anon's guess.

              • 11 months ago

                >Invite Elves
                >? ? ?
                >Never need money again
                You only ever need to concern yourself with money in maps where elves can't be recruited

              • 11 months ago

                >have to build a marketplace and an inn
                >gotta upgrade the palace for which you need 4 heroes
                Elves require significant investment. Sure, they make a lot of money but if anything stronger than Ratmen come knocking, you are fricked.

              • 11 months ago

                >I need to prop up the most basic financial infrastructure
                >That is needed in each and every single fricking game
                >On every single fricking map
                >But I will pretend this is some super-special investment, and not the very first shit to do on any given map
                Elves require squat. If you aren't building marketplace and at the very least 2 inns right off the bat, you are moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                So let me get this straight. You build a marketplace and two inns. Then some guild to get to palace tier 2. Then elves. Then a wizard tower and 8 fricking libraries. Then temple to fervus and a warriors guild. Only then your start recruiting Warriors of Discord.

                Black person, what scenario are you playing? One goblin camp? 30k starting gold? If you try that shit on any map with dragons, you are dead right around the time that wizard tower finishes building.

              • 11 months ago

                >Only then your start recruiting Warriors of Discord.
                I never said anything about that. You did. And God only knows why would you want to get that trash hero class
                My point was that money is not a restriction. Never was. I bet you struggled with that "earn enough money in 30 days" map, failing to grasp that this game is the epitome of "spend money to get more money back".

              • 11 months ago

                Because that's the fricking point of the whole scenario. Make Warriors of Discord smarter by building libraries prior to hiring them.

                How can you even play the game when you lack basic reading comprehension? I bet you failed that "earn enough money" scenario because you couldn't read what you were supposed to do.

  31. 1 year ago

    Thanks OP, your thread inspired me to research, purchase, and enjoy this product.

    • 1 year ago

      Cyberlore has been defunct for how long now?

  32. 1 year ago

    >Start freestyle master difficulty
    >See this
    What do?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      The moments before LEAVE MY GOLD ALONE

    • 1 year ago

      Temple of Krypta asap

    • 1 year ago

      Use cheat codes and turned the game speed way down of course.

    • 1 year ago

      turn 360 degrees and walk away

    • 1 year ago

      I honestly have no idea how to even start with expert random maps, also two ice dragons in day 2 is honestly not that bad comparing to what most of these maps will throw at you.

  33. 1 year ago

    Krolm is absolutely broken. Almost every single mission in the game can be beaten by Krolm + Elves and spamming the speed boost.

    • 1 year ago

      Krolm is useless against dragons, so-so against gorgons and woe betide you if a rat shaman comes along and puts plague on your units and it spreads. No heal = everyone has a green orb and moves at a snail's pace.

      • 1 year ago

        Spamming Wrath solves all issues.

        • 1 year ago

          >have to use thieves guild to pay for wrath because tax collectors can't do their job now
          >heroes now move at slightly above average speed
          Sure, you can finish the scenario but it's basically a game over for enjoying the game

          • 1 year ago

            Why would the tax collectors not be able to do their job? Any time a peasant is in danger the barbarians will swarm them in seconds.
            >heroes now move at slightly above average speed
            The speed boost is enormous. Even warriors become useful with it.

            • 1 year ago

              >Even warriors become useful with it.
              But warriors are useful. Nothing sparkly and special buy they are more reliable than moronic warriors of discord and even with ability to train paladins I often have one guild full of warriors for the sole purpose of them becoming instoppable tanks when Agrela's healers decide to follow them.

              • 1 year ago

                No. They're too slow.

              • 1 year ago

                You don't know shit then, a 6 to 7 level warrior with upgraded equipment can dispose of demontrees often

              • 1 year ago

                Doesn't matter since he takes ages to get anywhere.

              • 1 year ago

                They are pretty good but not by themselves. Once they reach some lair or whatever and start whacking, others like rangers and elves eventually start gathering around and helping because they are no longer spooked by someone rushing them.

              • 1 year ago

                >They are pretty good but not by themselves.
                Yes, they're good when boosted by KROLM

            • 1 year ago

              >Why would the tax collectors not be able to do their job?
              Because they are too slow due to the plague which halves their already snail's pace

          • 1 year ago

            >Wrath of Krolm isn't fun

            • 1 year ago

              The only thing left to do when plague hits and spreads is finish the lairs by putting high-ass bounty on them and Krolming. Not fun.

              • 1 year ago

                >The only thing left to do when plague hits and spreads is win the game. Not fun.
                That's rough buddy.

  34. 1 year ago

    our magic bazaar now offers fine new elixirs, your majesty!

    • 1 year ago

      Get out of my head

    • 1 year ago

      Sire! A building has been upgraded!

      • 1 year ago

        The local blacksmith offers ~new~ services!

        • 1 year ago

          The marketplace now offers healing potions, your majesty!

  35. 1 year ago

    This image entered my head and I had to make it real.

  36. 1 year ago

    Anybody else play Majesty Heroes of Ardania?
    I don't remember when or how I stumbled onto it, but I've never seen it mentioned.

    • 1 year ago

      I played it around 12 years ago according to the amount of turns my heroes accumulated since last login

      • 1 year ago

        >Male Paladin
        >Male Sister of Krypta
        'old on now

      • 1 year ago

        >had to make a mod to get male heroes because female heroes are the most overpowered in the game

    • 1 year ago

      yeah i played it for a bit, these kinds of games get boring pretty quick in my experience

  37. 1 year ago

    I played through the whole game in 2022, finished the last scenario 7/23 (or if you count the Wrath of Krolm also, then 7/24).

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot pic

      • 1 year ago

        It truly was a different time.

  38. 1 year ago

    Going Fervus + Krypta into Lunord is my favorite aesthetically. The cultists going bear mode are surprisingly tanky, skellys swarming the map are nice meatshields against dragons, and I really like the ziggurat architecture and dropping speed boosts on units. However, I am perpetually haunted by my urge to disregard all that for The Button.

    • 1 year ago

      What's The Button?

      • 1 year ago

        This one

        KROLM!!! KROLM!!! KROLM!!! KROLM!!!

  39. 1 year ago

    Your majesty, the palace is under siege!!

    • 1 year ago

      >It's a single ratman that was trying to attack a tax collector
      Can you call me when the dragons start burning down the trading posts instead? Thanks

      • 1 year ago

        don't worry.
        it's already burnt down

  40. 1 year ago


  41. 1 year ago

    Who is the best hero and why is it the thief?
    >More effective tax collector.
    >Projectile murderer
    >Most inclined to respond to rewards
    >”Leave my gold ... alone ....”

    • 1 year ago

      >Play Elven Treachery
      >Set attack flags on the elven settlements
      >Their own Rogues destroy them for 100 gold per building
      I'm more of a Cultist guy but Rogues are the best at making me laugh.
      >Rogue (Level 1)
      >Charges deep into daemonwoods and goblin fortresses to snipe a 100g explore flag
      >Gets surrounded by dragons and stone golems
      >"I'm outta here."
      >Does not get 1000g spent on their resurrection

    • 1 year ago

      The thief is horrible in multiplayer since it will attack your own buildings. Also, if you let tgem collect the taxes, they will take a significant cut.
      IMHO, the best hero has to be either the paladin or the priestess

    • 1 year ago

      All around it's Paladins. High defense, can take down basically anything that has melee attack, after lvl 3 they can basically be left alone without any babysitting.

      However, Sisters of Krypta are more important. Because of dragons. Skellingtons are just too necessary in that case.

      • 1 year ago

        My sisters are always under leveled and die fast.

        • 1 year ago

          spawn more skeletons

        • 1 year ago

          This is why you level the temple to 3 before using them. It doesn't matter when they die if you can bring them back. Also yes, more skeletons and babysitting them a bit before you get Reanimate.

  42. 1 year ago

    >find Gold Edition
    >install and launch
    >everything seems fine, the intro plays perfectly and all
    >in the main menu music sounds like nails being dragged across glass
    >nothing comes up from searching for solutions online

    • 1 year ago

      Nevermind, I'm moronic and should have tried converting the MP3s into WAVs despite it being suggested for different sound problems.

      • 1 year ago

        Wtf what system?

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            I also ran it on 7 and didn't have any problems...

  43. 1 year ago

    I fricking loved this game.

    It's heartbreaking when your favorite heroes end up doing stupid shit/bad RNG and die.

    • 1 year ago

      >Daemonwood exists on the map near treasure
      >"I join... the wild spirits....."
      >"Leave my gold aloooooone..."
      >"Pretty bright light ergghh....."
      >"At laaaaast...."

  44. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      BASED Krolm

      My dream Majesty game:
      >Map is divided into nine maps, one being occupied by your kingdom
      >You can build walls over your city, build all temples and invite all other non-human races you can welcome in your kingdom (dwarfs, elves, halflings but also some additional new races)
      >However you need to plan your city layout since putting temples and races that don't like each other too close will cause religious and race wars
      >Same goes for alignment-based heroes (you don't want Fervus and Dauros-aligned warriors in the same barracks...though hilarity would ensue)
      >Heroes now are more complex personality and skill-wise as they, apart of unlocking skills with leveling, can be put in situations where they can learn skills (both from other hero classes or completely unique ones) they normally don't have (like a Rogue learning how to cast an anti-magic shield, a Krypta Priestess learning how to brew poison...or a Wizard learning a Vampire's anti-magic shield)
      >Heroes can now evolve as characters (gain character traits that affect their AI, including stuff like being more tolerant towards individuals of a opposite alignment, or interact with npcs and even go so far as to establish families with them)
      >Skill and tech trees for your kingdom (technology divided into economy, military, magic, etc) and sovereign skills and traits (ruling methods, to which god the sovereign is closer and so on)
      >Monsters are even more complex and will have certain AI patterns that makes them act differently depending on the situation, how many heroes there are, if there are any tax collectors (and this time all monsters have a pathological hate of them), etc
      Also make some interesting quests, add in the other stuff from Majesty, add in the party creation stuff from Majesty 2 (which is one of the few good things M2 did) and voila.

      These actually sound like fun ideas, something like Darkest Dungeon's perks could work well for Majesty I think. Don't really understand what you mean by the 9 maps though

      • 1 year ago

        As in the map is divided into nine regions each their own map. Think like that one Three Kingdoms RTS where players had their own bases that were whole individual maps and there was one map that was no-man's land. Each map had points of exit/entrance where people could exit/enter and the no-man's land map connected everyone else.
        This could make use of the Outpost buildings to their utmost and allow you establish frontier villages that heroes would use as bases of operations.
        Also in case of heroes interacting with NPCs to the point of establishing families, there would be also a chance that if the hero dies then their kid would take up their mantle. You then end up with a free hero if the father/mother dies and you don't rezz them in time.

  45. 1 year ago

    My dream Majesty game:
    >Map is divided into nine maps, one being occupied by your kingdom
    >You can build walls over your city, build all temples and invite all other non-human races you can welcome in your kingdom (dwarfs, elves, halflings but also some additional new races)
    >However you need to plan your city layout since putting temples and races that don't like each other too close will cause religious and race wars
    >Same goes for alignment-based heroes (you don't want Fervus and Dauros-aligned warriors in the same barracks...though hilarity would ensue)
    >Heroes now are more complex personality and skill-wise as they, apart of unlocking skills with leveling, can be put in situations where they can learn skills (both from other hero classes or completely unique ones) they normally don't have (like a Rogue learning how to cast an anti-magic shield, a Krypta Priestess learning how to brew poison...or a Wizard learning a Vampire's anti-magic shield)
    >Heroes can now evolve as characters (gain character traits that affect their AI, including stuff like being more tolerant towards individuals of a opposite alignment, or interact with NPCs and even go so far as to establish families with them)
    >Skill and tech trees for your kingdom (technology divided into economy, military, magic, etc) and sovereign skills and traits (ruling methods, to which god the sovereign is closer and so on)
    >Monsters are even more complex and will have certain AI patterns that makes them act differently depending on the situation, how many heroes there are, if there are any tax collectors (and this time all monsters have a pathological hate of them), etc
    Also make some interesting quests, add in the other stuff from Majesty, add in the party creation stuff from Majesty 2 (which is one of the few good things M2 did) and voila.

    • 1 year ago

      My dream Majesty game is really just a Frankenstein mishmash of Majesty's Hero mechanics and Stronghold's castle-building and sieging and a tiny bit of ANNO's city-building and management.
      The kind of Fantasy Kingdom Sim where you NEED to build sewage to handle your population's defecation and avoid illness, but will inevitably be Swarmed by Rodents of Unusual size.

      • 1 year ago

        That would be nice. Bonus if the sewers become their own maps and you have to send heroes there to do some vermin stomping.

        • 1 year ago

          Stronghold had structures characters could walk inside and move up and down levels. Such as the inside of your Keep and other structures that are connected to walls.

          You could make it so that not only sewers but also monster lays behaved this way, so that Heroes actually had to transverse caves and dungeons to clear them up, rather than attacking the structure with their sword.

          • 1 year ago

            Now this is a fun idea. Adds in some immersion to it.

        • 11 months ago

          All I can think of now is a Majesty sequel where the sewers randomly generate tunnels 1 z-level lower as your city progresses with buildings above affecting placement below for lairs and treasure. And then 1-z level below that area randomly generates over time/progress based on the tunnels above as well. Each level is themed as catacombs, underground settlements, and eventually hell when you dig too deep.

          Sort of like a Diablo 1 where you control 0 characters. All this, as well as normal Majesty gameplay aboveground. I've made myself sad now, knowing this will never exist.

  46. 1 year ago

    What are the best ways to babysit a wizard till he starts rolling?

    • 1 year ago

      Imprison them in a tournament's grounds. Wizards are basically just shit though. By the time they get good you've already won.

    • 1 year ago

      They sometimes form kind of sort of parties with warriors and healers. Squishies tend to stay away from harm in those cases. You can tell if that happens with a hero's status being "supporting and following" or something like that.
      They are very erratic and die to anything including fricking ratmen so no idea how to get that reliably.

    • 1 year ago

      >muh wizards
      Meme units, just like paladins
      >b-but how
      Set a bounty of 400 on some mid-tier monster that isn't resilient to magic. A rogue (or rogues) and a wizard will instantly run in that direction. Consider the rogues disposable if they are low level, and if they are high level, then they will survive on their own. Wizard will piggy-back on them.
      Another option is to have temple of Krypta and skellington spam, since skellies will take all the brunt of it, while whoever follows just keeps pushing.
      Solari make pretty decent baby sitters, too.

      I mean if you are asking this question, you are a total fricking newbie, the kind that installed the game this Sunday and just learning the ropes.

      • 1 year ago

        >Meme units, just like paladins

        • 1 year ago

          >Has to be baby-sit non-stop
          >Requires extensive build-up and upgrades prior to hiring a single unit to make it even worth it
          >Still a massive coward, even when lvl 10 and maxed out gear
          >Still slow as frick
          >Still squishy, no matter what

          >Requires the most useless temple to be build
          >Locks you with Healers, too, which are just meh
          >Takes forever to get them
          >Isn't really that much better than other high-tier units
          >Charges blindly against "evil-doers", requires baby-sitting
          >Expensive to replace, expensive to babysit

          Wow, such great units! But hey, they deal so much damage if they get lvl 10 and max out gear! Much fight, so useful, wow!
          I'd rather have Krypta and Fervus and whatever else, than deal with semi-useful Paladins. And I pretty much don't build wizards, unless it's some custom map that requires from heroes maximum damage output, but then solely for the magic damage buff to weapons.

          • 1 year ago

            the most useless temple to be build
            Speed buff from Vigilance is okay and monks are decent for patrolling the base.
            you with Healers, too, which are just meh
            Make some regular warriors and wait until a few healers start tailing each.
            blindly against "evil-doers", requires baby-sitting
            I forget that they exist past around level 3-4, and only maaaybe need to resurrect a few over the course of a game. All you need is to keep building shit they can buy equipment from.

            The rest is true.

            >I'd rather have Krypta and Fervus
            Cultists fold like wet paper so unless you luck out with them having good shit to charm they're just worse version of priestesses + skellies.

            >Unit with a long list of drawbacks
            >But deal loads of AOE damage when somehow miraculously dragged to lvl 8
            >Anything but meme
            Let me guess - your brain is MELTING!

            Ask me how I know you are new

            I realized too late that I should've mangled the quote somehow to make sure someone doesn't interpret it as me thinking wizards aren't shit.

            • 12 months ago

              >Unlock Paladins
              >To hire Warriors
              >So Healers aren't useless
              Black person, the frick you are smoking

              • 12 months ago

                It just so happens that warriors are much lower on the tech tree, are cheaper, and are okay with level 1 healers. You might get this sooner than a sizeable force of modestly experienced paladins.
                I'm not saying that it's a good strategy to deliberately go for, just that they aren't completely useless.

              • 12 months ago

                >The useless unit is less useless when paired with not just useless, but outright obsolete units
                >This totally makes sense, trust me, bro
                Let me guess - you play PDX games.

          • 1 year ago

            Krypta and Fervus are both dog shit outside of like one or two maps where you can win by abusing skeleton damage resistances. Paladins are warriors but with none of the downsides. They're durable and, more importantly, fast as frick.

            • 1 year ago

              Not him, in fact the anon he was replying to, but priestesses are pretty good unless they get randomly ganked, which thankfully is rare, normally. Or if they're fighting against something with very high magic resistance. I didn't number-crunch this game because it tends to kill the fun for me, but it feels like priestesses have much better health point pool progression from experience levels than wizards.

            • 1 year ago

              Oh, and priestesses have this cool thing where they might Control Undead a vampire instead of bashing their head at its Magic Mirror and dying like morons. Lack of Change of Heart in the original can be a b***h.

          • 1 year ago

            You only need to babysit a Paladin if it's lvl 1. Once they lvl up, they are basically unkillable by anything that attacks in melee which is 90 % of monsters in the game. Paladins are good because you don't need to pay attention to them, they don't run, they kill reliably. Warrior of Fervus has to have lvl 7 or before you can let him go unsupervised.

            The only reason why they are not the most important unit in the game is that they suck against dragons.

        • 1 year ago

          >Unit with a long list of drawbacks
          >But deal loads of AOE damage when somehow miraculously dragged to lvl 8
          >Anything but meme
          Let me guess - your brain is MELTING!

        • 1 year ago

          Ask me how I know you are new

    • 1 year ago

      Just buy new wizards. I usually don't bother casting invisibility or change of heart unless it's already 4+ level wizard that knows good spells.

    • 1 year ago

      Also, a semi-reliable way:
      Set the bounty on a building, preferably enemy one. Again, 400. This will make wizards attack it and get exp without direct danger.
      Also: wizards are bad in general, but utter fricking shit if you didn't build and UPGRADE library before you even hire the first one, along with the obligatory "increase IQ" upgrade from the library.
      In other words: don't bother. Library is more useful for bumping IQ of other heroes, so they know when to fight and when to flee and when to use potions (barbarians especially), rather than to make wizards stronger.

    • 1 year ago

      The best way is to ignore them as a monumental waste of time, money and effort. When they are finally non-shit, the map is pretty much over anyway, and the work poured into making them good could be used to win it few days earlier.

    • 1 year ago

      I usually park my first wizard guild next to the first sewer that spawns. Then use high-value bounties on low-threat enemies to baby them so they can buy better spells.

      Lol the amount of wizard haters in this thread.

      You newbs should learn to respect the power of lightning bolt into the wizards' guild. Also no other way to defend from, say, horde of rock golems or yetis. Obtaining high level wizards is bothersome but nothing beats wizard in destructive power once he reaches 5. And I don't even mention meteor storm.

      Mid-level monks will frick up yetis and golems. Their iron hands ability also grants some sort of critical hit thing that will instantly kill most things and severely chunk yeti and golems. It's poorly explained in the game.

      Otherwise you just have to have a high parry unit like a paladin or adept tank it while someone else whittles it down. Poison helps, especially if you're an adept.

      • 1 year ago

        >I usually park my first wizard guild next to the first sewer that spawns. Then use high-value bounties on low-threat enemies to baby them so they can buy better spells.
        Build the library on the opposite side of your base. This will literally force the lazy fricks to get out of their basements.

  47. 1 year ago

    Paladins are the BEST unit period. How expensive they are or the meme temple are irrelevant facts, they don’t even need to level up before being useful, unlike the majority of heroes. And you have the nerve of calling others noobs lolmao.

  48. 1 year ago

    Gnome Champions will inherit the earth

    • 1 year ago

      What do they get when they become champions beside guts?

  49. 1 year ago

    Lol the amount of wizard haters in this thread.

    You newbs should learn to respect the power of lightning bolt into the wizards' guild. Also no other way to defend from, say, horde of rock golems or yetis. Obtaining high level wizards is bothersome but nothing beats wizard in destructive power once he reaches 5. And I don't even mention meteor storm.

    • 1 year ago

      >You newbs should learn to respect the power of lightning bolt into the wizards' guild.
      It's a spell the guild itself provides, and with limited casting range. No shit everyone builds a wizard's guild and upgrades it to the max if possible, the enchantments alone are worth it.
      >Also no other way to defend from, say, horde of rock golems or yetis.
      Nah, I stopped golems in that 7 waves quest some other way. Definitely spammed Lightning Storm some because I had the money to spare. But about half of the golem HPs were taken away by heroes. Went with Krypta to tard wrangle the early goblin horde so didn't even have paladins, just warriors. Didn't even lose worthwhile buildings until the last wave.

      I usually park my first wizard guild next to the first sewer that spawns. Then use high-value bounties on low-threat enemies to baby them so they can buy better spells.

      Mid-level monks will frick up yetis and golems. Their iron hands ability also grants some sort of critical hit thing that will instantly kill most things and severely chunk yeti and golems. It's poorly explained in the game.

      Otherwise you just have to have a high parry unit like a paladin or adept tank it while someone else whittles it down. Poison helps, especially if you're an adept.

      >Their iron hands ability also grants some sort of critical hit thing that will instantly kill most things and severely chunk yeti and golems.
      Yeah, from what I remember it deals 1/6 HP damage to those it can't instakill. But that chance is not very high. I think it's dependent on an attribute or two.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's a spell the guild itself provides, and with limited casting range. No shit everyone builds a wizard's guild and upgrades it to the max if possible
        On most missions I never bother with wizards at all. They're not worth it. The only good heroes are rogues, rangers, krypta, fervus, krolm and solarii.

    • 12 months ago

      >meet a vampire
      >I'M MELTING!

  50. 1 year ago

    >Lol the amount of wizard haters in this thread.

    >You newbs should learn to respect the power of- AHHHH I'M MELTIIIIINGGGG

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        so that's why they melt

  51. 1 year ago

    I use mages because I think they're cool.

  52. 1 year ago

    FRICK trolls, medusae, ratmen

    They always come and frick things up in early game

    • 12 months ago

      >FRICK medusae
      only cultists of Fervus get to do that.

    • 12 months ago

      >FRICK medusae
      only cultists of Fervus get to do that.

      Actually, why can't cultists charm every other low to mid intelligence monster if they can charm medusae? Muh balance?

      • 12 months ago

        They have a snake girl fetish

  53. 12 months ago

    huh majesty 1 and 2 are both on discount, bought them

  54. 12 months ago

    you now realize majesty has a 4x spinoff

    • 12 months ago

      they were ok budget 4x games but overall Paradox really fricked the Ardania IP. Impire, Defenders of Ardania, Majesty 2.

      • 11 months ago

        I've seen a few indie attempts at Majesty remakes or spiritual successors but they never seem to pan out. There are a few nuances to the game but I do think it's ultimately carried by the quality of its art and flavour. The "light touch" management sim genre has succeeded by Dorf Fort-likes, for better or worse.

        It was fun. Nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it being blatantly military-focused.

        Played it a few months ago
        Was basically playing custom maps most of the time
        What should I say, easy is too easy, often I don't even need to build staff, just hire heroes from the starting building
        But advanced is too hard
        After a few hours, I get already rushed by enemies

        But I must admit, I suck at strategy games

        >After a few hours, I get rushed

        >look at the modern revival of Inanna cults

        Got any better games to play?

        • 11 months ago

          A DF/Rimworld-like game with scenarios could be fun.

  55. 12 months ago

    Can't Daemonwoods be charmed? I remembered it being possible, but I tried both Krypta and Fervus and didn't get a result

    • 12 months ago

      Cultists can only charm Roc, Giant Rat, Giant Spider, Varg, Medusa, Hell Bear, Rust Spitter, and Werewolf. Priestesses can control Skeletons, Vampires, and Zombies.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe the cultists have to be a certain level to do that.

  56. 12 months ago

    >no micro required
    LOL u suck

    • 12 months ago


  57. 11 months ago

    hopefully this thread dies soon cause otherwise I'll reinstall this again, seeing it every time I visit, and I don't wanna waste time playing something I already played 5 times

  58. 11 months ago

    >try the Dragon King expert mission
    >dragon up my ass within 3 minutes
    >ok not too bad, skeletons tank him easily
    >at like 5 minutes there's 2 of them
    >still handle it
    >few minutes later a horde of at least 6 (probably 8) dragons shows up
    What the frick man, how are you supposed to handle that?
    Either I put the money into recruiting new heroes as they die and don't use spells, or I use the money on spells and end up without heroes.

    • 11 months ago

      More skeletons. They take no damage from dragons.

      • 11 months ago

        Lightning storm is decent if they clump up and you can afford to spam it. Until you get to dwarves and flood the map with towers.

        Moar Krypta. Also, WIther the dragons that are attacking important stuff

        >3 temples to Krypta
        >level 3 mage's guild for storm
        >triple layer wall of dwarven ballista towers (at least 20 in total)
        >finger on the ready to spam animate bones and wither
        In the end I didn't even use a quarter of that, 5-8 lightning storm did it, wiped out the entire horde of dragons in one go.

        • 11 months ago

          That's more or less how I won when I played the game recently. I'm the one who mentioned Lightning Storm, which seems to be underappreciated among the fans who have kept playing this game since it was new (I have only revisited it recently).
          Although I did forget to mention Wither. It is indeed great, especially for its low cost.

    • 11 months ago

      Lightning storm is decent if they clump up and you can afford to spam it. Until you get to dwarves and flood the map with towers.

    • 11 months ago

      Moar Krypta. Also, WIther the dragons that are attacking important stuff

    • 11 months ago

      The dragon king is without a doubt my least liked base majesty scenario. You can get fricked very hard by the placement RNG, much more than any other mission

      • 11 months ago

        Nah worst one is the two headed dragon.
        >can't build any guilds or temples
        >guilds/settlements you find are spread all over a large map
        >peasants and tax collectors take 15min journeys to reach them
        >shithead dragon might show up at any moment and level one of those guilds you found without you being able to do much
        >high level heroes you get are fricking morons that will run around without potions and die to bears

        • 11 months ago

          Frankly, my track record of slapping Vendral's shit in is much better than TotDK

        • 11 months ago

          In that mission you really, really want to rush to the dwarven guild. Probably while building elves because why not. If things go well enough you can have a lot of otherwise impossible combinations.

    • 11 months ago

      Build more temples to Krypta.
      There are never enough

  59. 11 months ago

    Considering buying this on gog. Is that version any good?

    • 11 months ago

      >buying game was under the old threshold of /vr/
      Let me reitterate - you are planning to pay money for a game that is older than you and widely accessible in circulation, from a studio that doesn't exist for longer than you are alive.
      You fricking moron.

      • 11 months ago

        2 things.

        1. I was born before the studio started
        2. My skin tone isn't black (unlike you). So yeah I think I should pay for things that are enjoyable.

        Are you going to answer my question or am I going to have to get the moron squisher?

        • 11 months ago

          get a steam one instead, some fan-made quests and mods are nice

        • 11 months ago

          >I think I should pay for things that are enjoyable

          • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I already answered your question. You are just too pent up on being a moron throwing around dough (what next, since you already went "I'm not blacl"? "I'm not poor"?) to notice you've been answered

  60. 11 months ago

    Played it a few months ago
    Was basically playing custom maps most of the time
    What should I say, easy is too easy, often I don't even need to build staff, just hire heroes from the starting building
    But advanced is too hard
    After a few hours, I get already rushed by enemies

    But I must admit, I suck at strategy games

    • 11 months ago

      You should play through a few of the scenarios and learn how you can rush certain builds. And also how to defend against dragons.

  61. 11 months ago

    >Debriefing say that whatever hero you still go left alive will Forever have PTSD of that thing
    come on now you frickers fought worst missions

    • 11 months ago

      If I was a medieval dude I'd be pretty put off by John Carpenter's The Thing as well, powers or not

  62. 11 months ago

    Expansion missions fricking suck, they tried way too hard to make "unique" scenarios and in doing so just made them annoying. Majesty is at its best when it lets you develop your kingdom and complete a goal, and at its worst when you're doing some shitty timed scenario which randomly earthquakes you and spawns 50 trolls on your market.

    • 11 months ago

      Which missions are you referring to? I didn't have any issues with any expansion mission at all, although it's been a while.

      • 11 months ago

        NTA, but it's pretty obvious that he's referring to Legendary Heroes. It's the worst level in the entire game.

  63. 11 months ago

    1 market, and 2 inns or some other start for most optimal gold collection?

    • 11 months ago

      Depending on mission, either rushing to elves, or just building gnomes as your very first thing. But yeah, market + 2 inns is all there really is.

      • 11 months ago

        4 inns is optimal.

        Thanks anons. Currently clearing the base missions with a combination of these starts. Never knew how fast gnomes are at starting the economy (tfw 20 years of ignoring gnomes).

    • 11 months ago

      4 inns is optimal.

  64. 11 months ago

    >pick Scions of chaos as my first map since its marked as beginner
    >immediately a level 35 wizard walks into my town and kills my builders before I can even get a single dwelling up

  65. 11 months ago

    I'm surprised no one has tried to make a copy of Majesty yet. That game MMORPG Tycoon reminds me a lot of it and really makes me want to reinstal.

    • 11 months ago

      That's because no one knows how.
      Everyone wants to add to it. Perfectly sensible on the surface, but everyone wants to add more gameplay like stronger unit control, or more depth like industry, which inevitably moves away from the heavily hands-off approach Majesty used to perfection.

      • 11 months ago

        NTA you replayed to, but I agree. Adding to the game will only move away from its core.
        All Majesty anons what QOL features you would like to have?

        • 11 months ago

          If I had to pick just one, it'd be that heroes can actually enter dungeons instead of wailing on them from the outside
          >Hero gets to dungeon
          >Waits outside for other heroes to show up to help
          >They enter the dungeon as a party
          >You can see a little cutaway/diorama view of the interior where the party is exploring
          >They fight monsters that would be generated by the dungeon
          >They find appropriate treasures
          >There's traps and puzzles the heroes have to solve or evade depending on their party comp
          >The really big/important dungeons involve camping and taking breaks
          >When they're finished with the dungeon it either collapses as they leave or it becomes empty and takes time before reactivating later
          >If there's no room in the exploring party, other heroes can attack the dungeon from the outside in case there's time limits or some other factor to consider
          There is something to be said about the charm of the usual
          >Smack dungeon
          >It breaks
          >Monsters/treasure fall out
          But even as a kid it felt kind of lame that every monster lair was completely identical
          I think there's a lot that could be fleshed out well before you get into things that really involve the player
          Shame that other thread about an anon making his own Majesty game fell off the board, I could've just linked to my posts there

          There's probably still ways you can add things. Like, Majesty 2 added a heal spell to a tier 1 building so it kinda expects you to keep your heroes in good health. Lets not do that.

          Instead have some hospital/temple that automatically collects fallen heroes to revive the recently slain (if they or their guild can afford it, they're running a business here) and inter the rest for you to revive as you please.

          Would help me not have to worry about my heroes all the time.

          Maybe healers could visit cemeteries and revive your heroes on their own time for their own money/XP?

          • 11 months ago

            He should've just posted it in this thread instead of making a new one. That way, not only will we not split out replies, making the thread less likely to die, but also won't occupy the space of two threads for no real reason

            • 11 months ago

              >we should do generals, and just not call them generals
              No. Especially on a slow board where more specific conversation is acceptable and even desired, FRICK no.
              The thread anon is talking about ran its course with a good number of replies, and died naturally. Unlike these "pseudo-general" zombies that can go days with no replies and still last for months.

              • 11 months ago

                >"pseudo-general" zombies that can go days with no replies and still last for months
                u mad?

          • 11 months ago

            >Shame that other thread about an anon making his own Majesty game
            Yoooo like same visuals 'n shit?

            • 11 months ago

              The thread was more about mechanics, I don't recall the guy talking much about the art style
              I remember people saying they'd prefer the old school look at least

      • 11 months ago

        There's probably still ways you can add things. Like, Majesty 2 added a heal spell to a tier 1 building so it kinda expects you to keep your heroes in good health. Lets not do that.

        Instead have some hospital/temple that automatically collects fallen heroes to revive the recently slain (if they or their guild can afford it, they're running a business here) and inter the rest for you to revive as you please.

        Would help me not have to worry about my heroes all the time.

        • 11 months ago

          bro, have you never built a mausoleum?

          • 11 months ago

            Too bad that it's not available on the old maps and the northern maps are too hectic to worry about reviving heroes.

            Only time I can use it is in custom games.

  66. 11 months ago


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