
What would you like to see in future updates?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Ai improvements.

  2. 1 year ago

    Can someone explain the circle in the middle for me.
    Also, i want MTs for all the dwarven holds. Especially the obsidian legion. And more MTs and general content for the ruinborn.

    • 1 year ago

      Walls of the great crater left after elven magic city has fallen and caused day of ashen sky

    • 1 year ago

      Some moronic elf made a big bomb and castellos, looking out for his human chads, decided to shield the place so only the elves on the inside get holocausted.
      It cost him his life tho.

      • 1 year ago

        Heretic. Castellos is alive.

        • 1 year ago

          >No way to be a Castellos fundamentalist, get a unique reilgion that focuses on him like with Corin, and crusade all those who declared him dead
          >No way to do something similar with Balgar for dwarven nations, and Munas for elves
          >Instead we only get Corin, same ol' boring pantheon, or redditors who heckin love science and then do a complete 180 and become catholics

          • 1 year ago

            I bloody hate the ravelians and how prevalent they are in the late game. I think corinism is fine, its the adeanic league that sucks, lore-wise.
            There's also a few underdeveloped religions, like the Mystic Accord, the Death Mask cults, the Dragon Cult and whatever the frick the degenerated elves do in their lands. The aelnar region in general will need a rework, eventually. Most countries still need MTs and the southern continent is very empty. I doubt its high on the priority list, though.
            >No way to do something similar with Balgar for dwarven nations, and Munas for elves
            The closest we have to that ingame is the dude from Venail, Jaher, Hilderion from Azkare and Durrin Blueshield. It sucks that these guys usually die so quickly because of how seemingly random EU4's ruler lifespans are.

            • 1 year ago

              >The aelnar region in general will need a rework
              You mean a work. There's almost no content there to rework. Seems like they're getting to it though. It's been getting attention slowly for about 6 months now.

              • 1 year ago

                Theres kheion, Ynn River and the Eordand region, with only the latter being decent. And also the adventurers and settlers, some of which are quite good. But yeah, a lot of countries need to have events/MTs crafted from the ground (dragon dominion!)and the degenerate elves still need a nation or two.

              • 1 year ago

                >degenerate elves still need a nation or two
                RIP Leechmen, you were too good for this mod

              • 1 year ago

                What? Are they cutting the leechmen nation? Been waiting for those goofy homies to get content forever.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon... the leechmen have been deleted for a few months now. They were deemed "Too different" and that any content created for them would have to be too tailor made for too little gain.
                They still exist as natives in uncolonized provinces, but not as any playable tag

              • 1 year ago

                never heard of them, qrd?

              • 1 year ago

                >Leechmen are a hematophageous race of degenerated elves that live in the Leechdens region. Their oily, black skin, double-lidded eyes, and gills make them among the least recognizable as having once been elves. Their horribly betoothed maws render them unable to speak in any intelligible language, but a surprisingly-detailed written tradition catalogs every important event for each tribe dating back to its inception—primarily, these "manuscripts" detail the methods of hunting and consumption of various marine and land-dwelling creatures.
                >The Leechmen are only found in Effelai.
                They look like humanoid leeches, live in Leechdens and worship giant sea monster called Leechfather, which might be just Aboleth from DnD (pic related).

              • 1 year ago

                I will breed them, then they'll become HUMAN!

              • 1 year ago

                leech elves worshiping a swamp monster that got removed from the mod

                were they supposed to have a tag? why would the devs remove them? i'd rather have a unique degenerated elf nation than more human nations or whatever. the religion descriptions for all of them are cool as frick but i guess itll never mean anything gameplaywise.

              • 1 year ago

                >were they supposed to have a tag?
                They did up until the last update
                >why would the devs remove them?
                It'd take a ton of work to properly portray how alien they're supposed to be and no one was willing to put in that amount of work for a single nation.

              • 1 year ago

                D*vs just removed them in the last major steam update because making them was too difficult

              • 1 year ago

                leech elves worshiping a swamp monster that got removed from the mod

              • 1 year ago

                I mean, some of the people there still use animist.

                Like, what is this? Launch day EU4?

              • 1 year ago

                I thought it was only a small portion of the southern continent, some of the uncolonized land.

                >No way to be a Castellos fundamentalist,
                Who is the most likely to be like that in Escann?

                Count’s League, Marrhold or that one Adeqnnic country formed by the sons of Cameron,guess. Most adventurers will be corinite.

              • 1 year ago

                Would actually make sense for that be the road they take for Castellyr/Count league rework. Though I guess that would basically just make them Adencia with less cavalry modifiers.

              • 1 year ago

                >No way to be a Castellos fundamentalist,
                Who is the most likely to be like that in Escann?

                Marrhold and Count's League both have starting rulers who were personally involved with Corin's band, they'd be hard Corinite.

                They only canon RC adventurers are Iron Hammers, Araionn, and whoever you form Adenica with.

          • 1 year ago

            >No way to be a Castellos fundamentalist,
            Who is the most likely to be like that in Escann?

            • 1 year ago

              People who wouldn't want to rock the boat and disturb the status quo. Like the Magisterium, or the Anbennar emp.

            • 1 year ago

              Unironically that Infernal Court formable that got scrapped.

              • 1 year ago

                Not scrapped actually. The main dev just got a bit looney from reading esoteric nazis texts for 'inspiration', but the concept was just shelved until someone took it over. In fact, there's a proposal right now for reworking IC and Moredhal, I can post some more details if anyone's interested

              • 1 year ago

                Sure, do it

              • 1 year ago

                Basically, IC will be based around 7 archdevils who used to be part of the Regent Court pantheon, but were expelled after Agrados's rebellion and the Godswar. Each roughly corresponding to one of the 7 deadly sins, and the cults of such deities will be spread throughout cannor, with event chains and whatnot directing you towards becoming IC.

                Kazraiel (Wrath) - A shard of Agrados, all about beating the shit out of everything. Located in Cannwic
                Ildran (Pride) - All about rejecting the rules of the world and replacing them with a perfect reality. Located in Castonath with the patricians.
                Hedine (Lust) - Run of the mill sex cult. Located all throughout Esmaria
                Forsara (Greedy) - Gambling and risks. Located in Esmarainé. Because they share location with the cultists of Hedine, these cults have a rivalry but help each other in doing their cult stuff.
                Ibberal (Gluttony) - About consuming and creating power. First through magic, but when artificer spawns through industry. Located somehwere in the Alen river.
                Mesner (Sloth) - Apathy and prophecy. Located in Dostanor (Leading to the unintended association of the not-gypsies with the cult of laziness, but that's not here nor there)
                Canturian (Envy) - Envy of long lived races and embracing vampirism/lichdom as a way to acquire eternal life. Located in Corvuria/Asheniande/Luciande/vampireland

                Moredhal will be THE IC tag, focusing on ildran and Kazariel, and it will probably be related to the Escanni wars of consolidation, but other nations may also have IC content if it's appropriate (and someone wants to do it). So far, the only other nation(s) other than Moredhal that have IC content planned specifically for them are Esmarainé and Esmaria.

              • 1 year ago

                No content for Corintar?
                Pretty cool, it looks like a something that could be utilized in many places. Exploit the elven arrogance, dwarven greed, halfling gluttony, wrath of warring Corinists and Adeanics and whatever fits Gawedi and Lorentish the best.

              • 1 year ago

                >No content for Corintar?
                None yet
                > Exploit the elven arrogance, dwarven greed, halfling gluttony
                In theory IC is a very human supremacist religion, since humans are the descendants of Agrados unlike most other races, so any exploiting of other races would be pretty agressive/one sided.
                Though, there are other races that are other considered spawn of Agrados, like Gnolls, Harpies, Harimari, etc,

              • 1 year ago

                Corintar has its own MT since forever tho?

              • 1 year ago

                Read the context moron. There is no Corintar content related to the IC rework

              • 1 year ago

                >In theory IC is a very human supremacist religion, since humans are the descendants of Agrados unlike most other races
                Aren't Gnolls and all the other (non-playable) beast races children of Agrados?

              • 1 year ago

                Literally the line below the one you quoted acknowledges the other Children of Agrados

              • 1 year ago

                >Hedine (Lust) - Run of the mill sex cult. Located all throughout Esmaria
                Of course

              • 1 year ago

                Even if it is a bit predictable, the Cult of Hedine (and by association the cult of Forsara) is the one that has most amount of lore defined for now, because if the proposal is approved Esmaria will probably be the first region to receive any custom content.

                I'd do the lore dump here, but it's over 2000 characters long and I don't want to clog the thread up

              • 1 year ago

                >Main dev plotting a demonic faction went insane reading texts written by the closest the real world has to demons.

              • 1 year ago

                He didn't read troon communist literature though

              • 1 year ago

                Nah, those are actually based and fun to read even if you don't agree with them.

              • 1 year ago

                frick off

              • 1 year ago

                *Frick off.

                Also, no.

              • 1 year ago

                >*Frick off.
                you dont always need proper capitalization, esl commie

              • 1 year ago

                *You don't always need proper capitalization, English as a second language communist.

              • 1 year ago

                For someone who hates Nazis so much, you certainly are a grammar nazi. Blow up the dikes, flood the Netherla-

              • 1 year ago

                Wow, he actually got taken out by the Dutch Secret Police.

              • 1 year ago

                He only went insane, not mutilated and killed himself.

              • 1 year ago

                >not mutilated and killed himself.
                Which is funny considering that is what most Nazis did.

              • 1 year ago

                That's cool but i don't care about nazis. Your obsession is pretty funny though.

              • 1 year ago

                Only the latter part.

              • 1 year ago

                >Only the latter part
                I know it's hard to tell because they all already looked like evil Orc people. But they did plenty of drugs and other forms of self harm.

                That's cool but i don't care about nazis. Your obsession is pretty funny though.

                >That's cool but i don't care about nazis.
                Neither do I. I just want them all dead so I can stop caring about them.

                >Your obsession is pretty funny though.
                Fair enough.

              • 1 year ago

                commies don't obsess over politically irrelevant people for five minutes challenge
                modern nazis are jokes and/or members of intelligence agencies

              • 1 year ago

                >commies don't obsess over politically irrelevant people for five minutes challenge
                Well, yeah, they just kill them. Like we should.

                >modern nazis are jokes and/or members of intelligence agencies
                Correct. But they should still die.

                It's like killing vampires in this game. Yeah, most of them are irrelevant but you know. Might as well do the job.

              • 1 year ago

                You should probably forgive your mother and do something about this seething hatred you've got inside you that you're redirecting to acceptable targets.

              • 1 year ago

                >commies don't obsess over politically irrelevant people for five minutes challenge
                Well, yeah, they just kill them. Like we should.

                >modern nazis are jokes and/or members of intelligence agencies
                Correct. But they should still die.

                It's like killing vampires in this game. Yeah, most of them are irrelevant but you know. Might as well do the job.

                Don't you have a discord to be trooning out in?

              • 1 year ago

                Don't you have a cyanide pill to eat?

                You should probably forgive your mother and do something about this seething hatred you've got inside you that you're redirecting to acceptable targets.

                >You should probably forgive your mother and do something about this seething hatred you've got inside you that you're redirecting to acceptable targets.
                Hatred implies I view them as human beings. This is a question of pest control. Like killing Gnolls or Kobols.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, no, you're fricking fuming at some random chucklefricks you've never even met IRL.
                Are you one of God's Chosen? Not judging, just asking.

              • 1 year ago

                >Yeah, no, you're fricking fuming at some random chucklefricks you've never even met IRL.
                Again, I don't view them as people

                I'm Dutch, so no.

              • 1 year ago

                What drives a Swamp German to seethe so hard?

              • 1 year ago

                I mean, they did bomb Roterdam.

          • 1 year ago

            >same ol' boring pantheon
            I mean that's the point no. Even if Castellos was alive he's not going to become the sole god just continue being the head of his pantheon. Since he's dead his son is now the head instead.

            • 1 year ago

              That's what the anon meant. Castellos forming into a cult from those who refuse to believe he is dead, alienating them against the 'regular' court who just continue on and try to repress them with the succession.
              I'm actually surprised it's not an option. Seems completely logical that there would be a heresy that would keep Castellos in place, and since that is eschewed, they would heighten his importance even further. Christianity and the Roman paganism both had numerous heresies, why are the only ones that emerge after Corin does her sacrifice? Hell, there are even entire temples dedicated to some Gods. Makes no sense that everything in squeaky clean.

            • 1 year ago

              Like the guy above said, i want there to be more heretic religions within the regent court that focus on specific gods, like we have with Corin right now.
              Like the dwarves focusing on the dwarven god, and the elves focusing on the elven god. And of course Castellos fundementalists.
              Would be really cool to play a highly zealous Castellos worshipping faction, focused on undoing the popular consensus that Castellos is dead. Especially since Castellos is a pretty great guy in the lore. A nice mix of misguided good intentions, and destructive religious fanaticism.

              • 1 year ago

                A "Castellos Resurrected" faction, that Castellos beat death, would be a cool narrative. Might get too close to Jesus resurrected but it would also be cool to go Mesoamerican with it, and have the Castellan zealots need human sacrifices fueled by the flower war CB. Is the Doom mechanic used anywhere in the mod currently? The reforms would need to be rebalanced to be worth it, and the trigger to reform as well, but Nauhatl mechanics in Cannor would be cool.

              • 1 year ago

                doom is going to be used by lizardmen and ogres and represent a real and magical hunger

              • 1 year ago

                There are Lizardmen in this game?

              • 1 year ago

                Not yet. They are planned in Sarhal. Right now, you have only kobolds.

              • 1 year ago

                That's what the anon meant. Castellos forming into a cult from those who refuse to believe he is dead, alienating them against the 'regular' court who just continue on and try to repress them with the succession.
                I'm actually surprised it's not an option. Seems completely logical that there would be a heresy that would keep Castellos in place, and since that is eschewed, they would heighten his importance even further. Christianity and the Roman paganism both had numerous heresies, why are the only ones that emerge after Corin does her sacrifice? Hell, there are even entire temples dedicated to some Gods. Makes no sense that everything in squeaky clean.

                Which goes back to my point of why. If this cult is claiming Castellos lives they're not going to hyperfocus on him "for the memez", that's not how religions work and certainly wasn't how the mid-Imperial cults functioned that you're thinking of. They're just going to keep him as the head of his already extant court. Nothing would change and tbh the Adenics wouldn't oppress them either because if they can prove it all that means is that Adean isn't king of the gods yet which isn't a biggie to them as most didn't want Castellos dead anyway. It's a funny scenario but makes no sense and would just be yet more religious bloat.

              • 1 year ago

                >Which goes back to my point of why.
                Because it could be fun.
                >If this cult is claiming Castellos lives they're not going to hyperfocus on him "for the memez", that's not how religions work and certainly wasn't how the mid-Imperial cults functioned
                Why wouldn't they hyperfocus on Castellos? Because you said so? It's a fantasy world, you can write whatever the frick you want. It's not meant to be realistic
                >B-but akschually-
                Bitch, shut the frick up. You act like cults dedicating themselves to a specific god within pantheons isn't a generic fantasy trope. Take Warhammer, for example. We already have that in this very mod with Corin.
                It's a mod made for larping and fun, if enough people find a coping religious faction clinging to their dead god fun or interesting, then that's enough reason to include it.

              • 1 year ago

                Well then continue to seethe at it never getting implemented. Calling for an expansion of Adenic content makes more sense for what you want. Your moronic idea is thankfully never seeing the light of day.

              • 1 year ago

                >Bitch, shut the frick up. You act like cults dedicating themselves to a specific god within pantheons isn't a generic fantasy trope. Take Warhammer, for example. We already have that in this very mod with Corin.
                Corinism isn't dedication to Corin specifically or anything like that, literally the only difference between them and RC purists is that they think she's the rightful successor to the Godsthrone and RC thinks it's Adean. They both still worship all the other gods and different locales have their own patron deities. This is why e.g. Ryalan Temple and the other theocracies don't get renamed when they convert to Corinite but they do when converting to Ravelian - Corinites still worship Ryala just the same as RC does, Ravelians don't.

              • 1 year ago

                Appealing to authority makes your argument primo-onions weaksauce friend. Another anon already proposed some ideas that could add flavour to the religion. Considering the regular Regent Court is about status quo, and Corinites are about libshit turning the multiculturalism to a magnum T, and Ravelians are basically communists, Castellos would represent a reactionary force of human supremacy.
                Also, you are mythologically illiterate. Greco-Romans did hyper-focus on individual Gods, Emperors, and the like. That is why the Orphic mysteries were suppressed, as well as Christianity in it's early years, as they were deemed dangerous cults. But there were many that co-existed and were well observed. Read up on Mithras, Isis, Cybele. The Romans even had a religious upheaval themselves in their pre-republican phase, where the Capitoline Triad replaced the Archaic Triad. It was not a particularly violent change, but it was one made during huge civilizational upheaval. And yet Mars and Quirinus remained recognized figures, the former going on to being greatly revered and taking on a new aspect.

                So I say to you gay, 'moronic' idea seems like a misnomer. You just seem like you want to win some internet argument over a fricking fantasy setting. It's clear as day with anyone with eyes that there would still be countries that revere Castellos, particularly the fricking country that shares his name in Castellyr. The idea that they would be outcast, particularly sticking to the fringe border of Escann, is to appeal to the religious dynamism in the region. Hell, I'd be fine with it was your idea and it was simply that a single country or few got to keep him as a figure and just operated with a few event modifiers.
                But you're probably a troony who is impossible to conceive of anything besides furryshit so feel free to shoot down actually interesting ideas in the interesting region. Hope you enjoy more gnolldick.

              • 1 year ago

                Fun police go back to Discord

                holy shit trannoids just keep taking L's
                i dont get what they have against fun and larp, its the most awesome thing in map games, nobody wants your gay balance

              • 1 year ago

                Well, I don't 100% agree. Balance does also matter, it's just that it's a secondary criteria that supports the primary objective to make a fun and interesting mod. If everything interesting gets wiped out in the first couple decades and can only exist if the player goes out of their way to make it happen or preserve it, that's also a problem.

              • 1 year ago

                what i meant by "balance" is everything being super boring and lame, instead of adding fun stuff while making it consistent with the other elements, but thats too hard it seems

              • 1 year ago

                With regards to this specific perspective on balance, I agree, but "balance" does have a way broader meaning than that.

              • 1 year ago

                Nah balancegays can frick off to the Discord as suck Wishpig's barbed wiener.

              • 1 year ago

                Cults of specific deities within polytheistic religions are pretty ubiquitous. Even in modern times, if you look at the Orisha faith, there are cults of Shango and occasionally Oyá/Yansa throughout the new world, the Ifá cult of Orunmila is ubiquitous in Cuba and many other places and even usurps the other parts of the religion by being more structured, and the Nigerian version of the religion is just a huge mess of local cults like it has been since time immemorial.

              • 1 year ago

                >Appealing to authority makes your argument primo-onions weaksauce friend.
                have a nice day. Of all the gay ways to reply to me. Explains the troony accusations as nothing but projection at least.
                >Another anon already proposed some ideas that could add flavour to the religion. Considering the regular Regent Court is about status quo, and Corinites are about libshit turning the multiculturalism to a magnum T, and Ravelians are basically communists, Castellos would represent a reactionary force of human supremacy.
                And no that's not what the religions are at all. The Regent Court is exactly that, a court. The difference between the Corinites and the "Adenics" is purely one of who is the head god. The structure is the same, how they're organised is the same and each individual god still possesses their own domain. Ravelianism is the only one with a completely different theological basis. And ironically it's the one closest to what you want. To reiterate for the third time if Castellos is alive, the Adenics (and most likely the Corinites) would be perfectly happy with him continuing to be king of the gods anyway. No one is oppressing these Castellites all they'd have to do is prove he was alive and even if they couldn't they'd just be ignored until they can.

                You went off on some tangent about the path from Polytheism to Monotheism through Henotheism which was completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. All the mid-Imperial mystery cults that anon was thinking of and you gloss over with the example of Orphism were either foreign importations/reimaginings of foreign already monotheistic gods or not even henotheism talk about monotheism, Orphism not denying or condemning the existence of other gods nor their right of worship no different to the Rylani temple in-game with its ritual diety. Before accusing people of illiteracy actually think through your argument and read the discussions before you chimed in.

              • 1 year ago

                > But you're probably a troony who is impossible to conceive of anything besides furryshit so feel free to shoot down actually interesting ideas in the interesting region. Hope you enjoy more gnolldick.
                I literally only ever play Castellyr to Castanor. And considering the gay way you started this post chances are you're the dickless troony tbh. Unlike the rest of you, I'm not mentally buckbroken by discord mods to think and form my opinions based on and in opposition of what they do.


                I actually concede on Atenism being the obvious example of what you gays want. But in being so this just further reinforces my point that what you want (and would realistically get) is Ravelianism. You can't seethe when the moronation you want is already in game. If you want to LARP as a human supremacist you do it on the state level by killing other species in your provinces which is the intended form of population control and culture conversion by the devs anyway.

                >If Castellos is le alive
                Black personhomosexual, the setting straight up tells you that Castellos is dead in no uncertain terms. The entire conversation is about some countries disrespecting this.
                I don't give a shit what you play or what you think you do, you're a discord homosexual which automatically makes you a troony. Shouldn't be hard to understand redditor.
                Why are you talking about proof like we're talking about the setting in-universe? I get that you freaks talk about the lore and salivate over what the devs give you, but the original concepts presented by Jaybean are extremely modular.
                Why don't you just go back and seethe at the heckin anons not playing what you want them too and being happy about it.
                >I-I'm more based than you, infact, YOURE THE troony..!
                >The homosexual cries out as he hits you

              • 1 year ago

                Cope harder Elftongue
                CASTELLOS LIVES

              • 1 year ago

                here's the thing, troons HATE people doing what they enjoy, everything has to fit in their gay graphic novel (see: TNO). if you go against their set parameters you get told to frick off
                the solution? make your own fork, that way you will break the monopoly discord has on anbennar, and maybe jaybean will wake the frick up

              • 1 year ago

                and yeah, anbennar's only unique contributions to the D&D copycat formula is the genocide and the stupid furry sex pest shit, and genocide is for chuds, so gay furry shit it is

              • 1 year ago

                Alright. Unironically where do I learn to mod this piece of shit game.

              • 1 year ago

                + Checking the mod code for stuff similar to what you want to do

              • 1 year ago

                Do it.

              • 1 year ago

                hey, I also started modding because of an anbennar thread in /vst/, so you wouldn't be the first.

              • 1 year ago

                hey, I also started modding because of an anbennar thread in /vst/, so you wouldn't be the first.

                Yeah unironically just do it. All the ideas guys and b***hing at what trannies are or aren't doing in these threads is pathetic sometimes. If they can do it, you can definitely do it.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop calling me out you little shit

              • 1 year ago

                I believe in you. You can be a modder too.

              • 1 year ago

                use chat gpt to get a grasp on how to do events, mission trees, complicated stuff, using generic vanilla shit, then transfer it to anbennar
                i would be down to write loc, so hit me up if you need me k thx

              • 1 year ago

                Well then continue to seethe at it never getting implemented. Calling for an expansion of Adenic content makes more sense for what you want. Your moronic idea is thankfully never seeing the light of day.

                Fun police go back to Discord

              • 1 year ago

                > But you're probably a troony who is impossible to conceive of anything besides furryshit so feel free to shoot down actually interesting ideas in the interesting region. Hope you enjoy more gnolldick.
                I literally only ever play Castellyr to Castanor. And considering the gay way you started this post chances are you're the dickless troony tbh. Unlike the rest of you, I'm not mentally buckbroken by discord mods to think and form my opinions based on and in opposition of what they do.

                holy shit trannoids just keep taking L's
                i dont get what they have against fun and larp, its the most awesome thing in map games, nobody wants your gay balance


                >If this cult is claiming Castellos lives they're not going to hyperfocus on him "for the memez", that's not how religions work
                Religions don't have some specific set of rules that they have to abide by. A real world example of hyperfocusing on a single deity to the detriment of all others would be the cult of Aten in ancient Egypt. Even Yahweh is likely the result of an autistic focus on a specific deity of the Canaanite pantheon. A reactionary focus on Castellos is perfectly plausible.

                I actually concede on Atenism being the obvious example of what you gays want. But in being so this just further reinforces my point that what you want (and would realistically get) is Ravelianism. You can't seethe when the moronation you want is already in game. If you want to LARP as a human supremacist you do it on the state level by killing other species in your provinces which is the intended form of population control and culture conversion by the devs anyway.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                go back to your discord troon

              • 1 year ago

                >If this cult is claiming Castellos lives they're not going to hyperfocus on him "for the memez", that's not how religions work
                Religions don't have some specific set of rules that they have to abide by. A real world example of hyperfocusing on a single deity to the detriment of all others would be the cult of Aten in ancient Egypt. Even Yahweh is likely the result of an autistic focus on a specific deity of the Canaanite pantheon. A reactionary focus on Castellos is perfectly plausible.

          • 1 year ago

            >No way to do something similar with Balgar for dwarven nations
            Hammerhome and Silverforge both basically do this. They don't get a unique religion but they modify the effects of Balgar in the Regent Court pantheon and are basically locked to having him as their patron

          • 1 year ago

            Adenica is the closest to what you want but it's old as shit

    • 1 year ago

      >Can someone explain the circle in the middle for me.
      Uh oh stinky.

  3. 1 year ago

    The most pressing change that needs to happen in the mod is a general revision of the Empire of Ambennar and Western Cannor in general. Countries like Verne, Wex, Wesdam and Lorent are supposed to be hugely important, but have horrible MTs and are rather sparse in the event department.
    Also, opening up the badlands region between Haeless and the plains would make playing in the region much more dynamic, imo. Maybe giving some core cost maluses to the plain in order to punish The Command from blobbing into there too much, but allowing the horde blob to harass them and make the early game in the east more dynamic.

    • 1 year ago


      >No way to be a Castellos fundamentalist, get a unique reilgion that focuses on him like with Corin, and crusade all those who declared him dead
      >No way to do something similar with Balgar for dwarven nations, and Munas for elves
      >Instead we only get Corin, same ol' boring pantheon, or redditors who heckin love science and then do a complete 180 and become catholics

      Yeah. Reformation doesn't really work with polytheistic pantheon.

  4. 1 year ago

    Just finished an adventurer-> adenica campaign. Finished up in 1600 with +110% cav combat ability, its bizarre in battles seeing morale tic along equally until the enemy stack just bleeds down to 0. Would recommend to anyone looking for a fun mission tree to go through

  5. 1 year ago

    Is the Trollsbay Union fun? How do you form them?

  6. 1 year ago

    >Jaybeaner is delusional and expects Sarhal to be ready to release by June
    >main lizardmen dev is a moronic ESL who doesn't actually care and hasn't made any progress on it in months despite the flood of proposals from people enthusiastic about it
    >he only keeps his position due to seniority and nepotism even though his contributions peaked with Grombar and he hasn't done anything else in years
    >Mod development has become more obtuse and autistic over time and you have to go through like 6 different layers of review to be allowed to develop stuff now
    >several major contributors and devs left or were banned in the past few months
    >jannies are completely out of touch and had to create a "community rep" role to listen to complaints and shit, still no positive change
    >instead of trying to fix the systemic issues they add pronoun roles and try to turn the discord into a "community" server first, modding server second and ban anyone who isn't being nice enough
    >the "canon" timeline is the most boring shit imaginable and the CK3 and Vic3 mods are stalled and basically dead anyway
    >no steam update for EU4 planned until June which is when Sarhal is planned to come out (it won't be ready by then and will have to be delayed)
    >Jaybeaner's attempts to capitalize on the setting with his novel going nowhere

    It's actually over for Anbennar.

    • 1 year ago

      Which troony did they let in?

    • 1 year ago

      I believe so, Jaybean is delusional and every fricking lead is mentally ill. If there was an alternative Anbennar would be bleeding players.

    • 1 year ago

      The problem keeps happening with other mods too, people think that players want mods with lore and write 30 paragraphs that nobody gives a damn about. You know a mod that did the story right? Lux Invicta, they gave you a world full of opportunities and they kept the story almost completely separate. After the End initially was about offering the gameplay, the story stays flexible and the player unburdened
      People make a fun mod with a story, and they think the STORY is what made it popular, then you get homosexuals trying to sell books as if that's the selling point, ideas guys get too wild

      • 1 year ago

        The funny thing is that a ton of people make the same complain about RPG settings, which anbennar effectively has become. The authors shove in so much lore in the very corner of the maps that it removes agency from the players and the GM.

        • 1 year ago

          There's too many dumbasses who just write idea loc and force lore onto countries for the sake of it. They have no intention or skill to make the missions, they're just stifling creativity for anyone who actually wants to work on them.

          Furries need to calm the frick down.

          • 1 year ago

            tfw not gonna get kicked in the head and killed instantly

    • 1 year ago

      t. Seething chud that got banned because he sperged over his nazi larp MT getting denied

      • 1 year ago

        >reee nazis
        meanwhile, the most popular nations:
        >Aelnar, litteral nazis
        >Jaddari, religious fanatic murdering the heathens
        >Centaur, litteral genocide of everything else
        >Castanor, turn the entire world to your culture
        >Black Demesne, necronazis
        >Roadwarrior, kill everyone you meet
        >Ogres,eat everyone you meet
        Everyone loves nazis, and if Aelnar's remaining paths were finished, you'd suddenly see a spike in engagement that no other updates could match.

        • 1 year ago

          Learn what literally means.

          Though I do like how you associate "Nazi" with "Mindlessly murdering everything and anything". It's like how people claim the Imperium is Nazi but actually it's Chaos because they want to end reality.

          • 1 year ago

            go outside

          • 1 year ago

            >Nazi but actually it's Chaos because they want to end reality.
            Meds + take a shower troony

            • 1 year ago

              No. And Nazis are that crazy.

        • 1 year ago

          >even remotely popular
          No one likes the Forbidden Plains. And the Jaddari are literally the most racially tolerant nation in the game, being jihadists is a separate matter, and given that Anbennar does have plenty of outright evil religions like Xhaxobkult and Lefthand Path being religiously intolerant is arguable justifiable.

        • 1 year ago

          Jaddari and Castanor are religious and cultural nationalists rather than ethno-nationalists, though.
          Doesn't change that EU4 is a game about expansionist blobs, and expansionist ideologies best enable immersive expansionist blobs and have the most appropriate gameplay styles.

        • 1 year ago

          Americans have such an infantile view of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how child-like they are

        • 1 year ago

          Third Worlders have such an infantile view of the world. Never ceases to amaze me how child-like they are

    • 1 year ago

      >and ban anyone who isn't being nice enough
      I found the problem. You forgot you weren't on Ganker and now you're seething. If you wanna go to reddit and discord, fine, but don't talk about them here.

      • 1 year ago

        If spending time on Ganker taught me anything it's that basic politeness is the perfect filter.

      • 1 year ago

        It becomes a problem when you need to turn down shitty ideas and people become afraid to call them out as such

    • 1 year ago

      major contributors and devs left or were banned in the past few months

    • 1 year ago

      >>the "canon" timeline is the most boring shit imaginable and the CK3 and Vic3 mods are stalled and basically dead anyway
      One day I'll start modding CK3 again but it's just so boring.

    • 1 year ago

      The biggest problem is that content leads are spread too thin. When it comes to making a MT, the leads are really important because they're the ones who enforce standards and provide direction.
      I tried contributing and making a MT, only for it to fall apart because nobody gave feedback.

  7. 1 year ago

    Remove Command. They're just fricking boring.
    >avoid for 100 years
    >either spend the next 100 piecing them up, or trucebreak repeatedly

  8. 1 year ago

    >Conquer Verkan Gulan from the AI
    >50 dev, but only 4 in production.
    >Mission tree require me to pump that to 25
    Jesus fricking christ

    • 1 year ago

      It has more dev, but their mission tree estais up in order to give them bonus, I think. The first one removes like 10 production.

  9. 1 year ago

    Redpill me on this mod, is it essentially eu4 on a different map or did they add new mechanics and stuff

    • 1 year ago

      New mechanisms:
      >Magic, either cast by a mage ruler or by a mage estate
      >Artificiers in 1650+, with technologies to research
      >Race feature, so you can finally enslave nigg-orcs, i mean orcs.
      >Sending adventurers into dungeons to reap rewards
      >A very complex Raj system in order to have another kind of HRE that works a bit differently
      >A less complex Lake federation mechanism for some shit place that is a bore to play and do nothing before 1600
      And a ton of new stuff made from the old pot:
      >Tons of disasters
      >Gigantic MT, often with specific mechanisms
      >Regional particularities (Escann starts in a battle royal between adventurers and orcs, dworf mountains that are a pain in the ass to re-colonize, centaur thunderdome, etc etc
      >Tons of flavour (for some countries)
      >A bunch of very unique experiences

      And, of course, troony devs, because they're everywhere.

      • 1 year ago

        How would you improve the lake federation?

        • 1 year ago

          Remove the entire area + the centaurs, and dump the asians and poos in there.

        • 1 year ago

          external threads that aren't horseblob

          • 1 year ago

            Beikdugang is supposed to be the external threat, but the AI never conquers Tianlou, much less survive the bianfang/birds. Maybe it will be stronger when the Intsyaa update comes out in 10 years.

        • 1 year ago

          Add countries to the east of it and a disaster. Also, maybe make it like Ming and Azkare, with governing cost maluses.

        • 1 year ago

          Delete the entire area from the mod and remove any references to it

        • 1 year ago

          I have some ideas but I haven't actually played a tag in the area yet so I can't be too sure what to make of it. Its clearly the weakest part of the map though.

          • 1 year ago

            >Its clearly the weakest part of the map though.

            How do you know
            You haven't played it

            Me, I had fun with centaurs but they are all the same so it's a done deal really

            • 1 year ago

              >How do you know
              >You haven't played it
              Hence me not blathering on about something I haven't tried for myself.
              >Me, I had fun with centaurs but they are all the same so it's a done deal really
              Hence me thinking it is the worst part of the map. Ogres, centaurs, and the Lake Finns all have a single playstyle from what I've seen.

        • 1 year ago

          Delete the whole thing along with the horrible looking landstrips they're sitting on
          Or at least just get rid of the landstrips

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know, but "sit on your ass for at least 80 years while performing a shitty rat race against the AI for leadership within a super obfuscated system" doesn't cut it.

          I have a lot of grievance for very passive starts (basically, adventurers, dwarfs, venail and new world spawnables), but at least these involve some degree of gameplay (most for venail & adventurers, less for dwarfs, and in the middle according to how much the player want to min/max for spawnables), while the lake federation is just pure stagnation.

        • 1 year ago

          Severely cut down on the Serpentspine so it's not completely isolated from the rest of the world. People are saying FP should be deleted but the real problem is that the Serpentspine is just shit map design, the massive frickhuge mountain range makes every region way too localized, FP just has the worst of it. Haless barely ever interacts with Bulwar which barely ever interacts with Cannor and none of them interact with Forbidden Plains and it's all a product of the Serpentspine, there needs to be way more mountain passes.

          • 1 year ago

            In the 2 mountain passes that exist between the plains and Bulwar, the centaurs almost never colonize enough land to get to them. I have never seen them interact with anyone other than the finns, the ogres or the odd dwarven empire that blobs into the FP, smashing them.

            Marrhold and Count's League both have starting rulers who were personally involved with Corin's band, they'd be hard Corinite.

            They only canon RC adventurers are Iron Hammers, Araionn, and whoever you form Adenica with.

            Knowing Corin personally is not the same as believing in her divinity. It might just lead to the opposite, really. A paragon of virtue but most definitely mortal in her deeds, denying the tales about her divinity.

            >Bitch, shut the frick up. You act like cults dedicating themselves to a specific god within pantheons isn't a generic fantasy trope. Take Warhammer, for example. We already have that in this very mod with Corin.
            Corinism isn't dedication to Corin specifically or anything like that, literally the only difference between them and RC purists is that they think she's the rightful successor to the Godsthrone and RC thinks it's Adean. They both still worship all the other gods and different locales have their own patron deities. This is why e.g. Ryalan Temple and the other theocracies don't get renamed when they convert to Corinite but they do when converting to Ravelian - Corinites still worship Ryala just the same as RC does, Ravelians don't.

            This is true. Sad that the mechanics dont reflect it. Corinism pseudo-buddhist system sucks ass. The regular polytheism of the RG is a lot better.

            • 1 year ago

              >This is true. Sad that the mechanics dont reflect it. Corinism pseudo-buddhist system sucks ass. The regular polytheism of the RG is a lot better.
              That's true, but having Corinite just be RC but with Corin as an option would also be really boring.

              • 1 year ago

                The best path would be to include the gods, but with different modifiers. Whereas RC interpretations of the gods and pantheon are more tolerant, Corinites are more militant and puritanical.
                e.g. Balgar might give fort defense rather than construction time

              • 1 year ago

                That'd be a great change. At current I just never convert Corinite unless a MT forces me to because I hate the mechanics so much.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, something like that would be good.

                I feel like there should be few settled states in southern Forbidden Plains. Ogres are already exist in the western borderlands, why not human some human traders and shepherds? Or maybe even trader centaurs. I would make the whole area slightly more interesting.

                The traders are the finngolians. Probably part of the reason as to why they are so wealthy. They also start expanding into the plains very early, representing that. The alternate centaur path

                >I feel like there should be few settled states in southern Forbidden Plains. Ogres are already exist in the western borderlands, why not human some human traders and shepherds?
                The plains are supposed to be extremely hostile and near-impossible to live in.
                >Or maybe even trader centaurs. I would make the whole area slightly more interesting.
                This is being developed right now as an alternate path for the centaurs so that they have a little bit more depth than just rape and murder machines.

                mentioned is also a big way to make the region more dynamic, but I still stand by the idea that there should be a land bridge straight into northern Haless for the centaurs to fight the Command.

            • 1 year ago

              I feel like there should be few settled states in southern Forbidden Plains. Ogres are already exist in the western borderlands, why not human some human traders and shepherds? Or maybe even trader centaurs. I would make the whole area slightly more interesting.

              • 1 year ago

                >I feel like there should be few settled states in southern Forbidden Plains. Ogres are already exist in the western borderlands, why not human some human traders and shepherds?
                The plains are supposed to be extremely hostile and near-impossible to live in.
                >Or maybe even trader centaurs. I would make the whole area slightly more interesting.
                This is being developed right now as an alternate path for the centaurs so that they have a little bit more depth than just rape and murder machines.

    • 1 year ago

      It's EU4 on a different map with new mechanics and stuff. Most are just repainted, remixed, and expanded vanilla mechanics, but new things are also present. Especially dwarves and dwarven adventurers play differently, but there are others, like adventurers in Escann, Lake Federation, or Azkare. Mod also has magic and artificiery mechanics, which can grant you powerful military and economic bonuses, as well as a racial system with populations of different races coexisting in the same province. You can either tolerate and integrate them, expel them, or purge them.

      >reee nazis
      meanwhile, the most popular nations:
      >Aelnar, litteral nazis
      >Jaddari, religious fanatic murdering the heathens
      >Centaur, litteral genocide of everything else
      >Castanor, turn the entire world to your culture
      >Black Demesne, necronazis
      >Roadwarrior, kill everyone you meet
      >Ogres,eat everyone you meet
      Everyone loves nazis, and if Aelnar's remaining paths were finished, you'd suddenly see a spike in engagement that no other updates could match.

      Proof that those nations are the most popular? I'm sure Aelnar and Jaddari are, but Ogres or Black Demesne?

      • 1 year ago

        I've done multiple BD runs because why not?

    • 1 year ago

      New map and new mechanics, but if I'm being honest almost every run turns into a map paint simulator at the end of the day.
      That's no fault of the mod, its just the nature of EU4 tbh

  10. 1 year ago

    >What would you like to see in future updates?
    More Gnoll content
    The Hyena riders and only settled gnoll 'kingdom' focussed on settling the plains around them look fun on the bitbucket, shame they only have national ideas and nothing else so far.
    Overall, looking at the map in the bitbucket, Sarhal is sarting to look like a very fun region to play in/interract with

  11. 1 year ago

    The lakefed is just some fingolian self inserting, its completely boring to play and just annoying in general.

  12. 1 year ago

    I’m playing as feitan and got the ogres from Azjakjama as mythic conquerors. Oops. Hope the artificery comes early or the command gets pissed off at them soonish. Bianfang is already gone.

  13. 1 year ago

    >Mission gives me a buff that says dwarves dont give a frick about corrin and -100% reformation resistance
    >My 40 dev dwarf province decides to swap over to corinite from an event anyways

  14. 1 year ago

    Room is a shit mechanic they deserves to b left behind. If they want something like that, they should look at the new Mushasha MT from Missions Expanded.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        iraqis in vanilla eu4

  15. 1 year ago

    Why did nobody tell me how fricking unique the Oni ogres are?
    They have lots of unique content, despite their MT being rather slow, its 1600 and i just slwoly crawled into the chomora tree since conquest in that area is slow.
    This also made me realize how much dev bloat this mod has, they need to cut all devving in half or reduce the number of provinces/cut out tags.

    • 1 year ago

      >This also made me realize how much dev bloat this mod has
      Afaik the devs are making some analysis regarding Dev to reduce the average dev. Surprisingly, other than Cannor and Rahen, no region is absurdly above vanilla levels of dev, at least on game start. In fact, the average dDev i per province in anbennar is lowe than the average dev in vanilla, though that is in part due to Serpentspine caves/roads

      • 1 year ago

        Starting dev isn't even the main issue here, it's how dev bloats as the game goes on. The main offender here is probably the racial system and the fact that every single province with a human majority gets a -10% dev cost bonus no questions asked. And there's more stuff too, of course

        • 1 year ago

          I think it's really due to terrain. If you look at places like the Empire of Anbennar or Haless, you see that the terrain is 50-80% farmlands with 10% urban, all of which gives strong dev cost reductions.
          Combined with the AI tendency to develop like crazy, you get more and more dev compared to vanilla. Doubly so when mages give all powers cost, meaning that AI can develop and develop and develop.

          The only Cannorian region with terrain similar to vanilla Europe is probably Adshaw, which has terrain comparable to Brandenburg and eastern Germany. Even the poor backwater of Gawed has tons of farmland and grasslands.

          >no serpentspine sections included
          Regardless, this does display a few nails that need to be hammered down I think. If the average dev of wescann was brought down by just 1.4, making it still higher than vanilla china, that's subtracting more than 50 dev right there since it has so many provinces.
          I'd also be interested to see what the Escann number looks like 100 years into the game.
          also jesus frick, how does the forbidden plains have almost as many provinces as Bulwar and the Salahad combined, holy fricking BLOATMAXXX

          Agreed that dev increase is most likely the bigger issue, and there is also an analysis of total dev in later points of the game that was also run, but I couldn't find it in 15 seconds of searching so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

          >no serpentspine sections included
          Regardless, this does display a few nails that need to be hammered down I think. If the average dev of wescann was brought down by just 1.4, making it still higher than vanilla china, that's subtracting more than 50 dev right there since it has so many provinces.
          I'd also be interested to see what the Escann number looks like 100 years into the game.
          also jesus frick, how does the forbidden plains have almost as many provinces as Bulwar and the Salahad combined, holy fricking BLOATMAXXX

          the analysis also includes recommended dev changes, though I disagree with a few of them (like escann)

      • 1 year ago

        >no serpentspine sections included
        Regardless, this does display a few nails that need to be hammered down I think. If the average dev of wescann was brought down by just 1.4, making it still higher than vanilla china, that's subtracting more than 50 dev right there since it has so many provinces.
        I'd also be interested to see what the Escann number looks like 100 years into the game.
        also jesus frick, how does the forbidden plains have almost as many provinces as Bulwar and the Salahad combined, holy fricking BLOATMAXXX

      • 1 year ago

        The problem is that fails to account for some guaranteed dev blot, like, escann getting settled by adventurers.

    • 1 year ago

      >This also made me realize how much dev bloat this mod has
      Afaik the devs are making some analysis regarding Dev to reduce the average dev. Surprisingly, other than Cannor and Rahen, no region is absurdly above vanilla levels of dev, at least on game start. In fact, the average dDev i per province in anbennar is lowe than the average dev in vanilla, though that is in part due to Serpentspine caves/roads

      I think it's really due to terrain. If you look at places like the Empire of Anbennar or Haless, you see that the terrain is 50-80% farmlands with 10% urban, all of which gives strong dev cost reductions.
      Combined with the AI tendency to develop like crazy, you get more and more dev compared to vanilla. Doubly so when mages give all powers cost, meaning that AI can develop and develop and develop.

      The only Cannorian region with terrain similar to vanilla Europe is probably Adshaw, which has terrain comparable to Brandenburg and eastern Germany. Even the poor backwater of Gawed has tons of farmland and grasslands.

      • 1 year ago

        Don't forget the racial pop modifiers. Human majorities are by far the most common and are tolerated in almost every country, and that's a -10% dev cost modifier. That means nearly every province in the mod just has a flat -10% dev cost applied to it regardless of terrain, that doesn't exist in vanilla.

    • 1 year ago

      Ogres are awesome, yes. On one hand, you eat the entire world as skurkokli. On the other, you make a literal Demon Kingdom with Azkajama.
      As for the dev, whats the issue with having it so high? Curbing expansion/AE? I doubt it has a meaningul impact in game performance.

    • 1 year ago

      the corrupting temples mechanic makes them decidedly unfun with how luck based it is (and how slow) and I think it is why nobody talks about them. you are right they have a lot of interesting stuff going on beyond that and it's a shame they aren't mentioned more though.

    • 1 year ago

      Their unique set of estate spells alone is worth playing for. Pulling 45% construction cost/time out of your ass or 60%+ defensiveness on your home region is unique if nothing else and it actually incentivizes you to keep high influence on all estates for a while, instead of deleting them all for abso.
      But I'm also with

      the corrupting temples mechanic makes them decidedly unfun with how luck based it is (and how slow) and I think it is why nobody talks about them. you are right they have a lot of interesting stuff going on beyond that and it's a shame they aren't mentioned more though.

      because seeing my diviner-led party wipe to another set of traps (the one thing he was meant to see coming) followed by being fricked by RNG when trapping the spirits gets old real fast, even if the rewards are great.
      There's also the fact that you start next to 3 most annoying blobs in the game (Command, Bhuvauri, Jadd), which are spaced perfectly for you to have to fight each of them at their peak if you don't get lucky, because your MT has a schizo moment and asks you to conquer 20 provinces near Sarisung inbetween 2 missions focused on Tianlou, for some fricking reason

      • 1 year ago

        Picking necromancers exclusively to find the temple hearts yielded me about an 80% success rate.

        • 1 year ago

          I've discovered that too, but it still randomly fails even if he had 1 raise dead left, 2 rests left and the full party with him. It just feels weak without any player agency other than clicking the bottom option every time.

  16. 1 year ago

    empire moment

    • 1 year ago

      >forgot pic

      • 1 year ago

        >Crown land ownership under 20%
        >Half-Elven Minority
        >~~*Gnomish*~~ Lectures encouraged
        >~~*Gnomish*~~ Minority
        Least pozzed Anbennarian province

        • 1 year ago

          You forgot
          >seat of strong aristocrats
          The king married a globohomosexual plant

          • 1 year ago

            I believe you meant globognomo

            • 1 year ago


  17. 1 year ago

    The way I see it there should be 3 types of centaur tags and at least 2 types of ogres.
    >Rape and Murder Centaurs
    Whats already in the mod
    >Reconquista Centaurs
    Centaurs that find out about the greentide and decide to reclaim their homeland
    >Fey Centaurs
    Centaurs that brought the Fey forest with them and plan on turning the Forbidden Plains into the Forbidden Forest.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty sure changing the terrain of the map is a big no-go. Vanilla EU4 already seemingly goes to shit when we build the bloody canals in Suez, Panama and Kiel. Eordand already has missions related to terraforming and its just for flavor.

      • 1 year ago

        I know that, I didn't mean actually changing the plains into a forest, but adding province modifiers and indicating that several centuries after EU4's timeframe the forest would have taken over the plains.

      • 1 year ago

        The way I see it there should be 3 types of centaur tags and at least 2 types of ogres.
        >Rape and Murder Centaurs
        Whats already in the mod
        >Reconquista Centaurs
        Centaurs that find out about the greentide and decide to reclaim their homeland
        >Fey Centaurs
        Centaurs that brought the Fey forest with them and plan on turning the Forbidden Plains into the Forbidden Forest.

        I know that, I didn't mean actually changing the plains into a forest, but adding province modifiers and indicating that several centuries after EU4's timeframe the forest would have taken over the plains.

        they already do something like this with Corvuria too IIRC so it's not like there isn't precedent either. just add a modifier representing how they've changed the landscape

  18. 1 year ago

    biggest tell someone is a subliterate moron is if they hate Corinite/Buddhist mechanics, they're actually great you just have to play a little different.

    • 1 year ago

      If you have positive stability, like you will 99% of the time, you will literally always drift towards max karma, and even if you're blobbing at a monstrous pace you'll never offset the karma gain. It's shit.

  19. 1 year ago
  20. 1 year ago

    what countries have the longest mission trees? outside aelnar and corvuria most i've done so far i got finished quite early

    • 1 year ago

      Esthil>Black Demesne
      But the escanni adventure nations in general have MT's, and then later become a formable with an even larger MT. Castanor is so big people complain about not being able to finish it before 1821.
      Ovdal Lodhum, Jadd and Orlghelovar also have some meaty ones.

      • 1 year ago

        Castanor and the Command are the top 2

        Besides aforementioned nations, Adshaw, Azkare and Eordand (even longer if you start as Pelomar or Arakeprun). Manchu Terrorbird Riders have another long one.

        Beikdugang goes all the way to the revolutions


    • 1 year ago

      Castanor and the Command are the top 2

    • 1 year ago

      Besides aforementioned nations, Adshaw, Azkare and Eordand (even longer if you start as Pelomar or Arakeprun). Manchu Terrorbird Riders have another long one.

    • 1 year ago

      Beikdugang goes all the way to the revolutions

  21. 1 year ago

    >Elftard seething and coping at the mere THOUGHT of someone believing Castellos, savior of mankind and BTFO'er of *lves might still be alive
    It is only natural they fear the ruler of the gods after the reverse uno card he gave them.

  22. 1 year ago

    There is not one but many atheist religions in the game and many others that deny the existence of every entity in the Regent Court (including Corin) in favour of Surakel or whatever the frick, yet there are still people saying that having a pro-Castellos sect within the RG is outrageous.

    • 1 year ago

      >There is not one but many atheist religions in the game
      Has nothing to do with monotheism
      >and many others that deny the existence of every entity in the Regent Court (including Corin) in favour of Surakel or whatever the frick
      The bulwar sun cults don't deny the existence of other gods, they just believe they all died and Surakel/Surael is the last. That's a very clear distinction between actual monotheism.
      >yet there are still people saying that having a pro-Castellos sect within the RG is outrageous.
      Because it doesn't make any damn sense. Ravelianism is the first and only monotheistic religion in the game for a reason. "Castellos isn't actually dead guys" would just be what the RC is pre-Corinite split, not some new religion.

      • 1 year ago

        >"Castellos isn't actually dead guys" would just be what the RC is pre-Corinite split, not some new religion.
        It effectively would be with the context that most people now believe your prime deity is dead.
        People saying god had a son had massive consequences for Judaism.
        Corin becoming the new ruler of the gods should also just be the same religion since they don't just stop believing in the rest of the pantheon, yet they get a religion mechanically centered around Corin only. I don't see how this is so hard for you to understand. It wouldn't be people only believing in Castellos, just people mainly focusing worship on him and having a mechanically seperate religion to reflect this, like with corintism.

      • 1 year ago

        >That's a very clear distinction between actual monotheism.
        It is most definitely not. "There is one God" and "there used to be other gods" are not mutually exclusive. You're getting thrown off in your definitions because the most widespread monotheists irl are Abrahamic

      • 1 year ago

        Atheism is a monotheistic religion.
        Have you ever been around atheists?

        They constantly babble about their science and its prohpets who are funnily enough making false prophecies 80%of the time.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah reddit atheists are fundies but they apply that personality trait to irreligiosity rather than religiosity. Often they are former fundies or from very religious families.
          Just like progressives and conservatives alike are into censorship, they just want to censor different shit.

        • 1 year ago

          >They constantly babble about their science and its prohpets who are funnily enough making false prophecies 80%of the time.
          Only in America.

  23. 1 year ago

    Castellos Death Deniers are already canon, whether or not they'll get something acknowledging their existence in game is entirely dependent on someone creating a concept people like. If you write a cool piece of fluff about them and people talk about it in the discord it will probably get in. (see: harpy/goblin compatibility)

  24. 1 year ago

    >orc province with elven forebears religion
    Happened in my game, what would that society even be like?

    • 1 year ago

      we wuz elves n shiet

    • 1 year ago

      After realizing Dookanson was an elf they decided to worship elves.

  25. 1 year ago

    How many of you are on the discord?
    How can we recognise each other?
    Should we add like a "/" at the end of our server nick?
    If we are enough we can shill for certain issues to be addressed

    • 1 year ago

      i'm trans btw idk if that matters

      • 1 year ago

        Knew this was a gayops
        Frick off troony

        • 1 year ago

          kek schizo instantly backs out when some non-troony troll posts bait, very funny

    • 1 year ago

      > How many of you are on the discord?
      > How can we recognise each other?
      Hopefully we won't. I was already ousted as being /here/ before due to me being moronic and I don't plan on doing it again

      • 1 year ago

        Are you that guy?

        • 1 year ago

          No, but I respect the dude for going straight for the horsewiener argument, very powerful debate tool

          • 1 year ago

            he even doubled down.

            • 1 year ago

              Damn, the guy is genuinely obsessed

        • 1 year ago

          he even doubled down.

          >light mode on discord

    • 1 year ago

      Afaik one of the lead devs used to come here, but he's left the project for his own things. But I assume there's plenty of frickers here

    • 1 year ago

      put in #%%/ in your profile, and i will find you out

      • 1 year ago

        put it at the beginning btw

        > How many of you are on the discord?
        > How can we recognise each other?
        Hopefully we won't. I was already ousted as being /here/ before due to me being moronic and I don't plan on doing it again

        just send me your tag and i will add you
        hell i can even send mine first

  26. 1 year ago

    What's the deal with that 1400-year-old angel hanging out in Sarhal?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        the mengi (I think that's their name anyway) who will inhabit that part of sarhal right below Rahen people have a literal angel that fell from the sky as their religious head - IIRC they worship one god who's a sky god or something and the Angel is his herald. I believe the plan is to have all the various mengi culture group states following their religion as tributaries of the angel "state" at the crater.
        they also apparently considering slavery as a religiously sacred function lmao

    • 1 year ago

      Castellos alive and well in Sarhal.

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      It’s castellos and he’s coming back to save Cannor from r*velians

    • 1 year ago

      >Angel as old as the day of ashen skies chilling in Sarhal
      Castellosisters we are SO BACK

  27. 1 year ago

    more sex with harpies
    I love my winged wives so much it's unreal

  28. 1 year ago

    >having a comfy railskulker game
    >heatgrinder declares war on me
    >they bring in their allies bladebreaker and severed ear, each with +20k for a total of 70k
    >unlike all other green freaks, heatgrinder is on time with mil tech
    >they have +5 morale, the best in the world
    >+10% from great dookan, +10% from national idea, +10% from advisor, +20% from some "raised morale" modifier, +15% from army tradition, +5% from power projection, -5% from poor uniforms
    >for comparison, the 2nd and 3rd best morale in the game are jaddari and tugund-darakh, both in the 3.90s
    >try to fight them im mithradhum before noticing this, get nearly stackwiped defending it
    >have to maneuver around them to pick off their allies and siege them
    >peace them out separately for max money, now it's an 1v1 vs heatgrinder
    >mithradhum falls, siege race their capital while they try to siege my 90% defensiveness capital
    >carpet siege them
    >peace out for max money, war reps, alliance breaks and as many return cores as I can
    >they're down to 3 provinces because they really wanted a single cave goblin cavern leading into my mountains
    >check how much it'll cost to fix mithradhum
    >1411 crowns and 150 mana of each type
    I will never feel bad about purging orcs again holy shit
    literally stopped expelling them and started purging them after this

    • 1 year ago

      I have to roleplay what my country’s opinion on a race is in game like I started genociding gnomes when I saw they were genociding fellow ruinborn

  29. 1 year ago

    reminder that ravelians are anbennar version of communism

    • 1 year ago

      is ravelianism also a gnomish invention?

      • 1 year ago


  30. 1 year ago

    I disable the forbidden plains in literally every game I play
    doesn't matter where
    I always post screenshots with it clearly missing too
    whoever made that dumpster fire need to know their creation is absolute dogshit

    • 1 year ago

      Wasn't it made primarily for MP?

      • 1 year ago

        who would ever want to play the fricking lake fed in mp, a region so dependant on time sensitive clicks its impossible to play without careful pausing
        or perhaps you'd like the dice roll of a centaur game where an ai next to you ends up with a war wizard leader and your game is over immediately

        • 1 year ago

          > " ' "
          >check tag with the war wizard
          >tag "insert tag code"
          >never open the console for the rest of the playthrough again
          Fixed it for you. But the centaurs are still boring as shit.

          • 1 year ago

            yeah dude totally possible in multiplayer

            • 1 year ago

              People play (modded) EU4 multiplayer?

              • 1 year ago

                read the reply chain you're responding to you absolute moron
                and yes, they do

              • 1 year ago

                Absolutely. Anbennar MP is comfy as frick, and filled with fun role-play when you have a good lobby.

                that's because the people in charge are morons and the way they handle development is moronic
                they assign "leads" by region, thereby guaranteeing that there is zero cross-region functionality or interaction unless someone who decides to make a mission tree deliberately puts it in.
                this mod still has zero overarching vision, its just a haphazardly stitched together patchwork of independently made mission trees and concepts

                I honestly blame the fact that many of the region leads are SP-only gays. In SP, you unite the region, complete the mission tree, then quit the campaign and play a new nation. Cross-region functionality barely matters.
                In MP, it's another story. No cross-region functionality means that an area consolidates and then does nothing all game long, which is incredibly boring.
                Incidentally, the most fun region in the game, Cannor, also has the most dynamic gameplay in MP.

  31. 1 year ago

    >try Elikhand
    >dang it's a pretty fun tree
    >Hit the requirement of "0 devastation in any province"
    >25 years of stab hit when declaring a war
    >wonders that take 20 years to build
    >need to release opm to have the required amount of different tags following my religion
    >need to wait for ravelianism to spawn
    Ah frick it i'll turn castanor as soon as the wonders are done.

  32. 1 year ago

    Who are the best Dwarves to play as for restoring the old Dwarven Empire?

    • 1 year ago

      Blueshield Company>Amhildir. Their MT is less impressive than the newer ones, but it's focused on restoring old empire and their capital state can be extremely rich, with four holds and the end trade node. You might want to wait, I know there were some plans to rework Dwarven Empire and give them a mission tree, but I don't think it's already in the game.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I figured they’d be a good choice since they start right by Amhildir, wasn’t sure if it was better to play one of the adventurer companies or one of the surviving holds. Has there been any indication on when that rework might come out?

      • 1 year ago

        It pissed me off so much that the AI never forms Amhildir. They always settle on the side hold of Orlodum or whatever and end up blobbing through the entire region anyways. Either them or the goblins.

      • 1 year ago

        I tried to make it work, but restoring the 3 holds (if you can get it before the 4th is colonized) put you so far back, by the time you're competitive again, you can barely expand before all your neighbours are fellow dwarves, and then you're screwed, because you can only claim a few povinces at a time. Ahmldir MT's don't provide enough except a handful of roads and holds.

        • 1 year ago

          In my game I was able to restore all 4 holds before the 1480s, I had to go massively into debt to do it but they immediately start paying for themselves, I also rushed getting a bunch of colonists and I've been able to take most of my surroundings with little trouble, there's still a couple goblin nations on my borders too that I plan to take once my colonization slows down a bit.

    • 1 year ago

      Is there a formable dwarf empire?

      • 1 year ago

        Aul-Dwarov, need to own 25 holds (iirc)
        Has NI, a really shitty mechanic with the Amlharaz, there's an MT in works

  33. 1 year ago

    Does the new continent have any content yet?

    • 1 year ago

      Sarhal? Not really. Countries are in place, but many still don't have flags, let alone mission trees. Lots of placeholder graphics, no new mechanics, just leave it turned off if you're on the bitbucket version.
      Insyaa? Maybe in 2025.

      • 1 year ago

        The giant fricking Insyaa is a fricking disgrace. They should years ago have mapped that shit out and thrown in some basic stuff, colonizable provinces at least, and some culture names, and then worked on it piecemeal without it just being a looming nonsense that at this rate won't even be started before EU5.

        • 1 year ago

          Insya is the continent between Aelantir and Haless right?
          I think it was in Feitan's events/MT it implied that the continent was surrounded by a barrier that couldn't be breached - I forget the nature of it at the moment though.

          Literally none of the new regions feel connected to the world. Like 99% of them that aren't island continents are connected by one province usually being defensive terrain like a mountain turning it into a chokepoint. Then there's also the fact that none of the old regions reference the new shit either.

          They actually do seem to be planning to counteract this somewhat with Sarhal. From what I can gather from whats in the latest bitbucket Kheterata and central Sarhal are linked together, they have Khet culture group countries and others whose religion is supposed to be heavily Khet influenced. The Mengi seem to be setup to interact with Rahen through the coastal Rahen merchant republics. Western Sarhal seems setup for some Cannor colonials to interact through coastal colonies.

          that's because the people in charge are morons and the way they handle development is moronic
          they assign "leads" by region, thereby guaranteeing that there is zero cross-region functionality or interaction unless someone who decides to make a mission tree deliberately puts it in.
          this mod still has zero overarching vision, its just a haphazardly stitched together patchwork of independently made mission trees and concepts

          it's honestly pretty baffling how the Command and other Haless blobs are supposed to not blob west of Rahen at all and just conquer Haless and Rahen. The Command especially, like you mean to tell me they won't deal with gnolls or knife ears larping as rising empires hungering for their territory?

          • 1 year ago

            >I think it was in Feitan's events/MT it implied that the continent was surrounded by a barrier that couldn't be breached
            That’s exactly it.

  34. 1 year ago

    Literally none of the new regions feel connected to the world. Like 99% of them that aren't island continents are connected by one province usually being defensive terrain like a mountain turning it into a chokepoint. Then there's also the fact that none of the old regions reference the new shit either.

    • 1 year ago

      that's because the people in charge are morons and the way they handle development is moronic
      they assign "leads" by region, thereby guaranteeing that there is zero cross-region functionality or interaction unless someone who decides to make a mission tree deliberately puts it in.
      this mod still has zero overarching vision, its just a haphazardly stitched together patchwork of independently made mission trees and concepts

      • 1 year ago

        So, nu-TNO syndrome?

        • 1 year ago

          yes, and precisely like TNO, the discord is concerned first and foremost with trannies rather than actual development

        • 1 year ago

          How long until your entire country gets decolonized for attempting to play outside the railroaded VN experience the "devs" envisioned for you?

          • 1 year ago

            if you play luciande and lucian dies you get a game over screen

            • 1 year ago

              i mean, why wouldnt a vampire country be entirely based on one single vampire?

            • 1 year ago

              That sounds cool but Luciande doesn't have a MT right?

              • 1 year ago

                yeah it does moron play the bit bucket

      • 1 year ago

        That's pretty much how it works for most mods, sadly. It's a shame, but it is what it is.

      • 1 year ago

        Which on one hand makes sense because paradox and the modding community realized that people want to play their country like one of those overpowered isekai anime. They want to paint map, do cool missions and frick the international balance and historical flow of the game. Anbennar is perfect because it's already geographically compartimentalized so you get to leisurely dominate your region first, your continent and then do a WC if you can be bothered. Nothing else matters.

  35. 1 year ago

    Gnoll dick

    • 1 year ago

      Hyena Gnoll dickpussy.

    • 1 year ago

      Hyena Gnoll dickpussy.

      This is how I imagine design discussion for this mod looks like

      • 1 year ago

        This is what

        What's the deal with that 1400-year-old angel hanging out in Sarhal?

        Castellos alive and well in Sarhal.

        Has been doing for the past 1400 years, getting that gorilla grip gnoll pussy.

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Gnome gnussy

            • 1 year ago

              no, gnome gommusy

  36. 1 year ago

    All this thread did was convince me that Castellos lives and that his """death""" was a plot by Gnomohomosexual to undermine Cannor

    • 1 year ago

      An elf found the Ravelian cube so in actuality it was a plot for the knife ears to undermine human gods and get them to worship one of their ancestors trapped in a cube.

      • 1 year ago

        Notice how every single huyman controlled nation except for Gawed fails to rise to the major power status because of corinism and ravelianism. Its almost like there is a concerned effort made by some dark forces to keep the humans down...
        Me? I play Dartaxagerdim.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


  37. 1 year ago

    I wanna start as a weak, insignificant underdog nation then grow to wreck face. Which nation is best for this? Ideally they would have some lore to RP with that makes their ascension more meaningful/impressive.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Either the western kobolds redscale/bluescale/greenscale or eastern kobols in Balrijin

      • 1 year ago


        what is the kobold lore

        • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      Goblins, especially once you start getting the goblin-only artificery inventions

    • 1 year ago

      Azkare starts with like 2 provinces, but has a mission tree about recreating the eastern half of the old Phoenix Empire and ultimately conquering all of Haless. Also extremely dense with events and missions.

  38. 1 year ago

    Why does the Sunrise Empire have to have the worst mechanic in the game? Unironically unplayable

    • 1 year ago

      you only really have to do it once for each culture group

    • 1 year ago

      How does it works? I gave up when I saw the convocation menu.

      • 1 year ago

        each culture group has several cultures,each of which will expect to have a certain percentage of representation based on their share in the development of all the culture groups' provinces that you own
        this representation is calculated from the development of provinces with that culture group with parliament seats assigned
        the highest respresentation culture in each group will give you a special bonus (kinda like mughal culture group bonuses), with its strength scaling off how much representation they have
        also, the heigher the cultures' representation, the more autonomy their provinces have, and the more cultures you have represented, the higher you administrative capacity, meaning you can blob really hard really early and get sweet bonuses as you go

      • 1 year ago

        You assign parliament seats which increase local autonomy, but grant you a bunch of local buffs. Each culture demands x representation based on development and if they get it, they give you buffs including one very powerful from most represented culture in each culture group. You need to balance the representation, if one culture gets too much other cultures from the same group will demand more. There is an option to remove all seats from each culture or culture group, but it makes everyone angry. As I said buffs can be really powerful, starting culture group has +33% manpower or -20% warscore cost.

        • 1 year ago

          each culture group has several cultures,each of which will expect to have a certain percentage of representation based on their share in the development of all the culture groups' provinces that you own
          this representation is calculated from the development of provinces with that culture group with parliament seats assigned
          the highest respresentation culture in each group will give you a special bonus (kinda like mughal culture group bonuses), with its strength scaling off how much representation they have
          also, the heigher the cultures' representation, the more autonomy their provinces have, and the more cultures you have represented, the higher you administrative capacity, meaning you can blob really hard really early and get sweet bonuses as you go

          A'ight, but how do you do it in practice?
          Is "Add every province to parliament to maximize gov capacity" viable? Must Do you wait until you got a full (or nearly full) culture group and do some balancing? Do it on the fly and go back to that clusterfrick after every war to adjust the balance?

          • 1 year ago

            Yes, but you need to balance culture bonuses and gov capacity. No, but I think there was some minimal development (50? 100? 0? I don't remember) floor, and some balancing is required. You don't need to balance it after every war, just check it every thirty to fifty years, unless you are snowball really hard and want to minmax those bonuses. There is in-game tutorial that explains everything.

  39. 1 year ago

    how does this mod run compared to vanilla? after the shitty natives update i cant play past 1500 due to fps death

    • 1 year ago

      It runs well for me. And if you play on the bitbucket version you can disable regions

    • 1 year ago

      Lag is definitely a problem

    • 1 year ago

      in most games you can delete aelantir, sarhal, and even haless without noticing, which will improve the game speed greatly

  40. 1 year ago

    >New Havoral is also having it's tree worked on in the bitbucket
    Damn looks like the cannor block didn't make anyone wanna work on shitty sarhal

  41. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      big red blob

  42. 1 year ago

    >Commit from Aeriic
    >(39f074a) PR #4219 Replacement icons for Magisterium mission about the tower
    what's this? Magisterium MT hasn't been touched for a millenia, could this be it? magisterium bros??

    • 1 year ago

      no moron there's a lock on cannor mt development

      • 1 year ago

        dont be rude

  43. 1 year ago

    Which gobbos got content? Railskulkers, Chaingraspers, is that all? Any formable?

    • 1 year ago

      Almost everyone in Serpentspine has something
      Allclan had a mission tree, but it was removed. Marblehead and Greeysheep have MTs too and can form Overclan, but Overclan doesn't have one. Even Escanni and Undergrowth goblins have small mission trees.

  44. 1 year ago

    what is the least "based" nation? you know one that is "cringe" and "onions" like the kids always say nowadays

    • 1 year ago

      Rogieria or Grombar

    • 1 year ago

      Most escann adventurers turn out to be quite gay (figuratively and literally). Grombar is "orcs rape humans and that's a good thing" the nation. There's that stupid gnoll faction that becomes civilized and accepted as of the latest update. Tellum.

      • 1 year ago

        >There's that stupid gnoll faction that becomes civilized and accepted as of the latest update
        Which tag? Do they have an MT?

        • 1 year ago

          Or maybe Dovesworn Gnolls that spawn in the south as a march of local Alenics, if the Hill Gnolls get annexed. They don't have a mission tree, but they convert to Regent Court and serve the Empire.

        • 1 year ago

          I think he means Tluukt but they're not really accepted they just get humans to help them sell elven slaves as they recreate the age of monsters in Bulwar

  45. 1 year ago

    What mission trees would benefit a lot from being more involved with all regions?

    • 1 year ago

      All the colonizers, so Gnomes, Kobolds, Lorent and their vassals, Halflings, Pearlsedge, Moonhaven, Busilar and Eborthil. Some of them already have something, most notably Moonhaven. Most nations bordering Escann and Kheterata should have something to get involved there, or maybe support their adventurer band in Escann. That entire marsh region between Corvuria and Reuvel could use more invasions, maybe a late game dynamic mission that grants neighbouring empires permanent claims to the region. Haless is very self-contained, apparently by the design. It makes sense for some Asian empires to be somewhat isolationist.

      >There's that stupid gnoll faction that becomes civilized and accepted as of the latest update
      Which tag? Do they have an MT?

      It must be Tluukt

      • 1 year ago

        >or maybe support their adventurer band in Escann.
        I honestly prefer this idea. Or at least being given a option. The likes of Cobalt company would make sense to eventually try to ally with Gawed or for Gawed to try and vassalize them.

  46. 1 year ago

    I wish there were more goblin formables. Maybe I should learn how to mod them lol.

  47. 1 year ago

    Goddamn fighting dwarves mid to late game is just an annoying slog, hopefully they find some way to fix it soon.

    • 1 year ago

      Personally it feels like you can just blitz them with carpet sieges since they never build forts

      • 1 year ago

        It's not the forts it's the fact that the ai decides to develop the frick out of certain caves and roads, so you fight this massive war with tens and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, usually they'll bring in multiple allies as well, and at the end of it you can only take half a dozen provinces and it's just that over and over, I guess this is less a dwarf problem and more a development problem with this mod like people were talking about earlier in the thread. Reforming the dwarven empire seems like it would be such a chore and I don't even want to try it.

  48. 1 year ago

    Man, I totally wish we got a Suikoden Mod with Anbennar mechanics

  49. 1 year ago

    do I do it, should I lich it up

    • 1 year ago

      Go for it and form Black Demesne

    • 1 year ago

      >Legendary Necromancy, Evocation, and Abjuration
      >15 years old
      If ever there was a time to lich up, this would be it.

  50. 1 year ago

    >Autonomous vassals get their own AE separate from overlord
    This shit is busted wtf

  51. 1 year ago

    I'd really like to re-do this campaign (it was going great but is very out of date now) but I'm kind of afraid because I haven't played euiv in a good while

    • 1 year ago

      >late 2021
      you should be fine, almost nothing has changed since then

      The Eborthil borders with all of Busilar and Akan conquered looks ugly as hell, wish you could just stay on the island and play tall with colonies and stacked navies.

      Do the missions that require conquering them and release them as vassals, roleplay it as some kind of collapse of internal authority and federalization process.

  52. 1 year ago

    The Eborthil borders with all of Busilar and Akan conquered looks ugly as hell, wish you could just stay on the island and play tall with colonies and stacked navies.

  53. 1 year ago

    What happened here? How did Railskulker decolonize all this?

    • 1 year ago

      there's a government reform for adventurers that allows you to purge warband regardless of how many provinces you have, maybe the guys who formed kozenad messed with that

      • 1 year ago

        Oh damn never even looked at what came after tier 3, that must be what happened, kinda cool.

  54. 1 year ago

    wake up honey, new mulen content just dropped

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine, goldclad alcoholic harpies obsessed with guns... They can polish my cannon, if you know what I mean

      • 1 year ago

        Womanlet, short tempered, hairy tomboyish harpies obsessed with guns. Someone's into that

  55. 1 year ago

    I had a dream where there was a new piece of land between Sarhal and South Aelantir. It was populated by Grombar exiles and sun elf country called "dustriders" or something like that. I can say with 100% certainty that they will add something like that because my dreams are prophetic

    • 1 year ago

      absolutely moronic
      even in your dreams you have no talent

      • 1 year ago

        Don't shoot the messenger

  56. 1 year ago

    >Adventuring Company Take Our Tribal Land!

  57. 1 year ago

    I just unlocked the final part of the Chaingrasper MT and I've got to say I'm pretty disappointed with it. It doesn't have any really interesting ideas, doesn't build towards anything, and there is a real lack of flavor. I designed my own mission tree for Dak months ago just for fun and I feel like my half baked effort turned out more interesting than what we actually got. Should've known this is how it'd turn out when I saw they got rid of his 6/6/6 legendary mage status.

  58. 1 year ago

    What tag has the most flavor? Looking for a big mission tree, tons of flavor and a lot of events.

    • 1 year ago

      that elven island in front of the big red blob, forgot the names

    • 1 year ago

      Venail, Azkare, Jaddari, New Wanders into Elikhand into Castanor, Pelomar/Arakepun, Fengwuzhe, Adshaw to name a few

  59. 1 year ago

    What religions do anons think is the most interesting from a mechanical perspective? Which ones actually impact the way you play your game, rather than just providing neat bonuses?

    • 1 year ago

      I really like Lefthand Path and the resistance stuff

    • 1 year ago

      I think Regent Court has some good buffs at different points of the game.

    • 1 year ago

      New Sun Cult with incidents. I liked the Mountain Watchers with Holy Sites system; it's a simple yet satisfying mechanic, and I liked that three or four of the patron giants are related to a particular holy site, so even there is a tiny opportunity to roleplay. I don't like Corinism. I feel like trying to balance it properly is a waste of mana, so you are going to inevitably gravitate toward one end of the spectrum. Islamic system in vanilla is more interesting than that Buddhist crap and both of them get a few events, while I don't recall Corinism having anything like that. Choosing between the two extremes is better than trying to stick to the golden mean.

      • 1 year ago

        Funny how eordand elves of all people ended up with the muslim mechanics. Curious about those dark swamp trolls with doom as well.

        What religions do anons think is the most interesting from a mechanical perspective? Which ones actually impact the way you play your game, rather than just providing neat bonuses?

        Xhazobcult is pretty interesting, specially as Mykx.

        • 1 year ago

          >Xhazobcult is pretty interesting, specially as Mykx.
          It is a neat religion. I think Orthodox mechanics are just naturally interesting, since they provide passive bonuses based on your gameplay that can be actively turned into short-term (i.e. 10-year) buffs. Giving it a decay system and costs was also pretty cool.
          It's a shame Orthodox buffs are defined statically, so only Xhazobkult nations can properly use it.

          I really like Lefthand Path and the resistance stuff

          Can I have a qrd? Last time I looked, Lefthand Path seemed like it was just Protestant buffs with some weird drawbacks.

  60. 1 year ago

    Planning to do third Aelnar run, should I go Calassandrus or Dahvar?

    • 1 year ago

      Calassandur. Dhavar is cool, but
      >-14% admin eff because of purges (tbh why I altered the files and remove all the admin eff penalty from purge/expulsion)
      >Special religion takes forever to unlock and is underwhelming
      Meanwhile Cal got more flavor, and if you want to min/max, lithiel is probably the strongest.

  61. 1 year ago

    Just popping in to ask if the frostpunk gnomes are in the mod yet

    • 1 year ago

      Literally the only Gnome content is Ravenmarch being able to release a delta gnome tag in north sarhal

    • 1 year ago

      No, and it'll probasbly take a while, The guy who's responsible for Nortiochad has a bunch of other projects that are more important (like basically being responsible for all of Insyaa), and no one else can work on the tag because apparently not being allowed to call dibs on a tag is just for the rabble

      • 1 year ago

        Redpill me on them

        • 1 year ago

          Gnomish scientific exploration to the far north of Aelantir discovers an apparent perpetual motion machine, which they use to power their colonization efforts. The machine one day starts to fail and the gnomes realize it feeds on people, and thus they start feeding it increasing volumes of people to keep their civilization powered

  62. 1 year ago

    >Try to make a Centaur Empire in the Serpentspine
    >Lose to the first Goblins

    • 1 year ago
      Masked Birdrider


  63. 1 year ago

    I want to play as one of the 1500 Aelantir adventurers on the bitbucket but I don't want to play in nor near the empire, what country gives the most pre-1500 dopamine with the least amount of mental effort?

    • 1 year ago

      If it's one of the new ones you can just play anyone in Gerudia and have a colony in Dalaire in 1520s so you can play the jank ass Freemarches. If its an old one you could just play Viakkoc for Mykx

    • 1 year ago

      Elizna --> Jaherian exemplars

  64. 1 year ago

    tfw the exemplars/rezekand will probably never get a rework that make their MT more interesting, or add more incidents for them.

  65. 1 year ago

    Wish the kobolds up in Dragon Coast could retreat into the mountain, leaving behind a bunch of 1-1-1 Dev provinces, if they start getting their ass beat, with flavour about digging deeper, making peace, playing tall or get shit on, etc.

    >prebuilt castle, and ramparts at the entrance
    >into -2 cave
    >across a river
    >good luck :^)

  66. 1 year ago

    Can somebody explain to me how the frick in 1508 Corvuria has become the economic hegemon?

    • 1 year ago

      probably that dumbass trade integer overflow bug
      check the trade map and their income, they're likely making tens of thousands a month right now
      how paradox hasn't fixed it in literally over a decade by now is beyond me

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe the trade is bugged again
        >5k soldiers at peace
        You can check their income and other economic things in the ledger (button next to the options menu). Whole thing looks weird.

        Yeah something fricky happened, looks like it may have fixed itself. As for their troops I don't know, I haven't been paying attention to them, they're back up to 16K with 7K manpower now though and also have a powerful mage ruler.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe the trade is bugged again
      >5k soldiers at peace
      You can check their income and other economic things in the ledger (button next to the options menu). Whole thing looks weird.

    • 1 year ago

      This dumbass bug is STILL in the game? God damn I hate paraBlack folk

      • 1 year ago

        Uninstall and shut the frick up, then.

        • 1 year ago

          ddrjake will never frick you lil bro

        • 1 year ago


  67. 1 year ago

    >Play Krakazol (le beer xd dwarves)
    >King and heir die through event
    >Get a random king a year later
    >Now i can't access 2/3 of the MT because the interregnum didn't last 2 years
    Epic. Who the frick comes up with these moronic perquisites? Does anyone know the event id for "a new challenger appears"?

    • 1 year ago

      flavor_krakazol.6 . You can just look up the localization files for event names (that's how I get magical heirs and other RNG bullshit that lock a bunch of missions)

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks a ton.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks a ton.

        Goddamnit, forcing the event did frick all.
        Frick this mod, i'm going back to vanilla.

        • 1 year ago

          You could try editing the mission requirements in the mission files

  68. 1 year ago

    >want to play with spiderwretch for their dumb OP 100% cav armies
    >no real mission tree
    >only formable is the allclan which doesn't have a tree anymore
    what do I play instead

    • 1 year ago

      If you still want cavalry there's Great Ording, Verne, Adenica, Marrhold, Jadd and Centaurs. Also Ramsteel Dwarfs and maybe Arbaran.

  69. 1 year ago

    >Form my own country asap by rushing administrative and reforms.
    >Most of my allies abandon me.
    >Random one province adventure states can muster more troops than me.
    Do I just suck or should you wait a while?

    • 1 year ago

      are you forgetting to settle your tribal dev

      • 1 year ago

        Nah. I think the main issue is mostly just that Marcher lord + Warcamp allows small factions to punch stupidly above their weight. Escann is basically dirt poor.

        • 1 year ago

          *That and Escann is basically dirt poor

  70. 1 year ago

    >Form Aelnar
    >First mission requires below 3% inflation
    >I have 32%
    It's over

    • 1 year ago

      How the frick did you do that one/

      • 1 year ago

        I was just having fun

        • 1 year ago

          The frick are you...

          If it works? I guess?

          • 1 year ago

            Well obviously it doesn't.

            Priotizing Eordand is a weird one tbh. Aelnar struggle with gov cap when formed, there's little to gain in conquering the land that won't help with your missions too early.

            The isles, Antiruan and Dalaire would have made better targets to monopolize early and prevent adventurers from spawning.

            • 1 year ago

              >prevent adventurers from spawning
              The only way to prevent adventurers from spawning is tp leave those areas alone until 1500

        • 1 year ago

          We do a little colonizing

  71. 1 year ago

    >Doing a Centaur migrating to Haless campaign
    >mfw first country I find is Mythic Conqueror

    • 1 year ago

      >Playing with MC on
      >Complains about MC

  72. 1 year ago

    The land of moon and sun, united in blood, divided in soul.

  73. 1 year ago

    What's a good country for playing tall?

    • 1 year ago

      Obrtrol, Azjakuma, Maghargma, Mire Maw

    • 1 year ago

      Dwarves in general (Still need to do my one state Amldihr run), Varainé, Feiten

    • 1 year ago

      no MT but these guys are ridiculous
      AW religion with inno also gets you -85% advisor cost, more dev cost and more idea cost

  74. 1 year ago

    Are the western kobolds straight up impossible?

    • 1 year ago

      Greenscales might be. Blue/Redscales are hard and play differently than anything in vanilla. You need to build border forts, use everything that makes them stronger, edict and maybe something else, let attrition to kill Gawedi army and then go on the offensive. Som luck might be required. After that war, the hard part starts. You might go bankrupt or borderline bankrupt, since you need larger army (and forts) than you crappy economy can support and Lorent will be even stronger threat than Gawed. Kobolds ain't easy.

      no MT but these guys are ridiculous
      AW religion with inno also gets you -85% advisor cost, more dev cost and more idea cost

      >-25% dev cost and -15% idea and tech cost from national ideas alone
      insane, but also sounds like a lot of fun

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, and wait for the right moment with that mission that gives you military bonuses. As I said, you need to win bigly your first war with Gawed and Nimscodd is also willing to frick you up if they see an opening.

  75. 1 year ago

    >Get out of rianvisa
    >Reveria declares war
    >Wesdam declares war
    >Lorent declares war

    • 1 year ago

      Just defeat their fleets one by one. You DO have superior fleet, right?

      • 1 year ago

        No I don't have 40 heavies

        • 1 year ago

          git gud
          As Aelnar you should have more than enough dosh to pump out a navy

          • 1 year ago

            The problem is not having weak navy, the problem is losing 5 years and tons of manpower and money just for a white peace.

            • 1 year ago

              Endless as Aelnar, not a concern
              You can actively conquer while your fleets guard Aelantir

              • 1 year ago

                >not a concern
                Not in 1540
                >You can actively conquer while your fleets guard Aelantir
                Your fleet is not fast enough to protect two continents 24/7

  76. 1 year ago

    Do you get any special flavor forming Castanor as Elikhand?

  77. 1 year ago

    Cool mod, but these clunky overly specific MT's really hold the mod back.

    • 1 year ago

      Unique mission trees are kind of the point, it's one of the few ways to build upon the fantasy world without going outside the game.
      If you mean overly specific requirements for the missions, totally. The estate % requirements for example really annoy me since one random event can stop you from progressing for decades.
      And it's not just the requirements but also the order in which you have to complete missions hardly ever makes sense; though the latter is really a problem with mission trees in general.

    • 1 year ago

      >If you mean overly specific requirements for the missions
      That is exactly what i mean. So many MT's i never get to see the end of because i need 25% trade power in an area or some other inane shit.

      • 1 year ago

        If you're getting filtered by shit like that you're just a moron.

      • 1 year ago

        Most of the time those mission requirements are there as speed bumps to keep the player from finishing the MT before 1600. At least thats what I tell myself to make me feel better about having to wait for universities, again. The real awful missions are the ones that make you do stupid shit like conquer places you don't want or betray your allies.

        >Yeah, no, you're fricking fuming at some random chucklefricks you've never even met IRL.
        Again, I don't view them as people

        I'm Dutch, so no.

        Black person.

        • 1 year ago

          >make you do stupid shit like conquer places you don't want or betray your allies
          Man, I'm halfway through Feiten's MT, and this shit is really pissing me off.

          >go conquer this city because the story says so
          >never mind that it's been controlled by one of your allies for over a century, the story says so
          >you need to dominate all of these trade nodes across the continent, including this one that's right in the middle of rahen
          >also you need to get trading in bonuses for tea, silk, paper, cocoa, cotton, sugar, spices, furs, precursor relics, and ruinborn anuses
          >you need to make one of the dwarves like you enough so that you can set up a skyport
          >except not the ones closest to you
          >you should be friends with people so you can set up more skyports
          >you also need to go to war constantly because globogommo said so
          Shit's just annoying, I'm going to shelve this campaign because this isn't fun.

    • 1 year ago

      I like the MT's, but I do agree the specifications can be a bit... annoying. You really need to take your time looking them over.

  78. 1 year ago

    >artificery academy as hold wonder from specializing capital
    >national ideas talk about artificery
    >mission taken that give artificer capacity
    >literally have both damestear and precursor relics in my lands
    >it's 1520
    >still only allowed to get artificery as non-goblins/kobolds/gnomes in 1650

  79. 1 year ago

    Obtrol is such a hidden powerhouse
    >kobold tier fort defense
    >morale goes up from 0 to 100% in one turn(means you can keep losing the fight and keep coming back in the next turn
    >good pips on units, deals lots of casualties
    >if you focus on gaining lots of manpower, you will absolutely dominate everyone through sheer attrition->attack 200k deathstack with 60k trolls->deals more casualties->lose->come back straight away with full morale->deals lots of casualties->lose->keep repeating until anything you fight dies through sheer attrition
    >one of the strongest zero to hero economic growths(easy to expand east and syphon all the money your way, I have stronger economy than bhuvauri)
    Best of all, not even once did I feel the need to demonsterize myself because I lacked allies.

    • 1 year ago

      damn that deranne really got to the 1600s unmolested

    • 1 year ago

      The only problem with the trolls is that every other run the fog of war fricks things up and you have Lorent in Gaweton by 1500

  80. 1 year ago

    any clue how far out the next update/Sarhal is?

    • 1 year ago

      I asked recently on the Discord and they said "About April."

      Honestly, I mostly just want reworked Khet. Doing Elikhand made me hungry for some egyptkino but that MT is not good.

  81. 1 year ago

    Why isn't Bahar a contested region when it's the crossroads between Cannor and Bulwar? Why does no one in the area really mention how they are this crossroad

    • 1 year ago

      >Why isn't Bahar a contested region when it's the crossroads between Cannor and Bulwar?
      Daravan's Folly basically cut off that place as a land route until the game begins. Mind you, it does eventually become a crossroad. But even then it's still pretty minor compared to other places unless you end up with a resurgent Castanor and a resurgent Phoenix empire clashing there.

  82. 1 year ago

    >*You don't always need proper capitalization, English as a second language communist.

  83. 1 year ago

    Sometimes I wonder what the implications of racemixing is and how many have died during the very act of sex. Not only am I thinking of humans and elves dying trying to take centaur or tiger wieners, but also how many goblins and kobolds died tried to take human and elven wieners. Normally these thoughts wouldn't exist, but then the creators decided to come up with "half-orcs" which essentially enables this kind of degeneracy in my brain. Can you imagine, differently coloured, ripped 6ft10 and single digit IQ beings being able to just normally procreate with humans? And then it hit me, the odds of content creators adding "half-x" to their racial bibliography has only ever risen, specially in the past few decades. There is almost no chance anyone would have written this garbage in the 1950s and definitely 0 chance when it comes to before the 1950s.
    These thoughts become terrifying once it hit me just how many people this mod has reached. Has it been tens of thousands of people? How many have dreamed of copulating with le cute harpy monstrosity? How useful would this mod be as a tool of propaganda? Can you believe how many people have come fine with racemixing in the very core of right wing culture (map painting games) because of this shitty mod?
    I reached the point of despair once I realised how much judaism has influenced these outcomes. Just think about how the religions are portrayed: in not-Europe, you have backwards polytheists, but in the not-middle east, the rising sun of the monster frickers are somehow the monotheists, as well as the ones with the most fleshed out content. And even in backwards-ass not-Europe, "half-elves" exist as a modifier for LITERALLY NO REASON EVERYWHERE.
    The mod you're playing is trash neo-communist propaganda.

    • 1 year ago

      New pasta just dropped.

    • 1 year ago

      i just want you to notice how there is no half-dwarves, half-gnomes and the half-elves dont reproduce, meanwhile half orcs get regular events where they increase their numbers
      just food for thought for anyone lurking

      • 1 year ago

        >the half-elves dont reproduce
        It's the opposite, half-elves are so prolific that they're barely even elven at this point, and the few remaining elves in Anbennar are those from the conservative factions who were reticent to intermarry with humans and still maintain that today.

        • 1 year ago

          half-elves reproduce so much to the point they're one of the 3 races that provide dev cost even

        • 1 year ago

          half-elves reproduce so much to the point they're one of the 3 races that provide dev cost even

          the half elf pops dont grow in size tho, nor are new ones created where there is elves and humans

          • 1 year ago

            I think the justification is that true half elves and not 1/128th Cherokee esque half elves like Anbennar or Lorent's nobility aren't large enough pop wise to warrant a pop in most places.
            though tbh I think mainly it's just the fact they barely deal with half elves in game and couldn't be assed to script it unlike with orcs where you had to bring that in due to escann. Though I think that's an oversight given the potential of mixing in Bulwar if the Jadd win

            The leader of Count's League is literally a homosexual with an adopted child. He ended his bloodline for gay sex.

            >muh bloodline
            IIRC don't the Castanorians not really care about that in general? with the noteworthy exception of the patricians I guess

            So the only Silmunas left are Rogier, a gay man (nothing wrong with that) and an orc lover (absolutely disgusting) and then actual orc rape babies.
            And Jaher's bloodline also dies out because his grandson cucks himself by only fricking harpies.
            Are there any cool families that can actually make it?

            You have the Silmunas in Wesdam though if you don't like ORC'd Silmunas you probably wouldn't like LORENT'd Silmunas either.
            I may be wrong but it's not actually 100% confirmed that Jaddar is even a descendant of Jaher. Isn't it basically a
            >yeah trust me bro I'm totally a son of Jexis who just popped up in the desert
            situation? At least that was my takeaway from the descriptions and such.
            As for other families Istralore, Lorent, Eborthil, Busilar, and Arbaran are all ruled by members of the fames Silver Families (of which Silmuna is one). While Istralore are basically Silmuna/Damerian simps the others are pretty noteworthy. There's also the Vivin's in Corvuria/Asheniande . Plus the Vanbury's in Telgeir.they historically briefly held the throne of Gawed before the norfgays chucked em out for being a little too loving of elves for their liking. a big part of telgeir's MT is building up to retake Gawed.

            • 1 year ago

              >I may be wrong but it's not actually 100% confirmed that Jaddar is even a descendant of Jaher
              From the Jaddar events, it certainly reads as if Jaddar himself belives he is Jaher's grandson.
              Of course, this doesn't confirm it as true, but at least Jaddar isn't intentionally lying for brownie points.

            • 1 year ago

              >I may be wrong but it's not actually 100% confirmed that Jaddar is even a descendant of Jaher
              From the Jaddar events, it certainly reads as if Jaddar himself belives he is Jaher's grandson.
              Of course, this doesn't confirm it as true, but at least Jaddar isn't intentionally lying for brownie points.

              It's worth noting that Jarael, Jaher's son that died quickly, with his only legacy being ideas behind the Azkare and their Sunrise Convocation, married a Harimari princess. I guess love for the monstergirls runs in the family.

              What would, logically, be the least orc friendly state? Count's league?

              Marrhold has short and early branch of the MT about revenge on the neighbouring orcs. You also should genocide, or at least expel, the orcs, since you need to reach 400 dev in Escann, in provinces with your primary culture.

              Which hold is the 'beer hold'? My friend keeps trying to tell me how great they are but is terminally incapable of clarifying which one this is.


    • 1 year ago

      >the very core of right wing culture (map painting games)
      good post

    • 1 year ago

      Just become a monster girl gay like normal people, christ. I'm sure the Touhou fandom could use you around.

    • 1 year ago

      Human hybrids are one of the oldest tropes in history you spastic. Just because your 1950s puritan idol didn't write about it that doesn't mean le communists are behind everything.

      • 1 year ago

        that 1950's puritan idol invented modern fantasy you little shit

        • 1 year ago

          And Anbennar perfected it.

          • 1 year ago

            nice delusion, all you will ever perfect is tying a rope so you can ACK!

    • 1 year ago

      >Has it been tens of thousands of people? How many have dreamed of copulating with le cute harpy monstrosity?
      Look man, it is not normal to play as Mulen or whatever and start thinking about harpy sex. Same with Escann and orc blacked fetish.

      • 1 year ago


  84. 1 year ago

    >Start near a dwarf hold
    >Puppet them fast
    >They racist (based) as frick against goblins and orcs
    >Accept a steady stream of goblin gold and orcish slaves for the rest of the game as they foolishly flee to your country for protection

    Orcs who enslave other orcs are the most based group in the Anbennar setting, and i want a nation focused around that dynamic. Btw how come there isn't a half elf half orc ethnicity in the game? I would assume the green/emerald orcs would do a lot of rapes against the wood elves like they did with the Cannor/Gerudia humans. Or does they fey stuff make them less rapey? But then again, there are satyrs there and they make people horny as frick.

  85. 1 year ago

    >A DnD fanfic setting made as a mod for EU4 is modern fantasy in its perfect form

  86. 1 year ago

    I can only view Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings as actual people in Anbennar. I purge/enslave everyone else.

    • 1 year ago

      I am always nice to trolls and ogres since they are pretty much an endangered species. Also the events with bridge trolls made me smile.

    • 1 year ago

      this but with goblins and kobolds instead of elves and dwarves

    • 1 year ago

      I play as humans and purge everyone but gnomes.

    • 1 year ago

      Goblins got shit on coming and going, afaiu. Driven out as greenskins by dwarfs, enslaved by orcs, literally just frick my shit up tier.

    • 1 year ago

      there really shouldnt be a diplo rep penalty for purging monstrous

  87. 1 year ago

    >Finally try out expeditions
    >The regular ones are simply lootbox that you can't fail once you get a general idea of how much you need to invest & which options to pick during events
    >Try the "labyrinthian" ones
    >It's actually shorter & require less investment than regular expeditions
    >Keep failing no matter which options I pick
    >Check the files to understand why
    >It's simply a matter of a 60% chance to fail, no matter what.
    Very impressive system. I feel so stimulated.

    • 1 year ago

      Expeditions are kinda boring, yeah. Playing on the serpentspine in general gets old really fast. Having colonization hostility events is fine, but randomly having a 50k black orc doomstack randomly spawn in the center of Amhildir when the entire region has been "pacified" for decades is fricking bullshit.

  88. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >he plays jadd
      that's what you get for abandoning Surael

    • 1 year ago

      >using cav past 1550

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. Get 15% cav combat ability from your government mechanic, then 30% more from espionage + aristocratic. Never have i stack wiped the ai so regularly.

      • 1 year ago

        >Laughs in insane Adecia cav.

  89. 1 year ago

    >cant marry harpies because muh Castellos bla bla
    what document do I need to edit to correct this because this is cringe and not realistic

    • 1 year ago

      You convert to the jadd

      • 1 year ago

        erm *scratches hair follicle* no
        i will not play as a m*slim

        • 1 year ago

          No bird pussy for you, then.

    • 1 year ago

      convert them to your religion dummy

    • 1 year ago

      >Wanting to fricking one of Agr*dos's spawn
      You sound like a corin shit

      • 1 year ago

        Joke's on you, humans are also spawns of Agrados

  90. 1 year ago

    Count's League bros where you at!?

    • 1 year ago

      Here bro


      • 1 year ago

        Seethe Greenskin.

        • 1 year ago

          The leader of Count's League is literally a homosexual with an adopted child. He ended his bloodline for gay sex.

          • 1 year ago

            Not him but where does it say that?

            • 1 year ago

              Carleon used to have a male consort but I guess they removed it because starting as Count's League your consort is female now.

              • 1 year ago

                That was a bug IIRC. Something to do with PDX changing country definition files and the Anbennar missing the Count's League file by mistake. The consort was a dude but had a woman's name for example.

              • 1 year ago

                Same for Rogier. Instead of actually producing an heir, he preferred fricking underage Escanni boys.
                tfw a half-orcish, actual rape baby is the "legitimate" head of the silmuna family because Rogier couldn't continue his bloodline as a result of his homosexualry
                Escann is a cursed land and the best that could happen to it would be complete razing, more total than the Greentide.


          • 1 year ago

            Same for Rogier. Instead of actually producing an heir, he preferred fricking underage Escanni boys.
            tfw a half-orcish, actual rape baby is the "legitimate" head of the silmuna family because Rogier couldn't continue his bloodline as a result of his homosexualry
            Escann is a cursed land and the best that could happen to it would be complete razing, more total than the Greentide.

            • 1 year ago


  91. 1 year ago

    Who is good to play for a witch king/lich playthrough? Mostly looking for missions and whatever else to hold my hand because I'm not that used actually doing anything with magic and want to learn it more.

    • 1 year ago

      Chaingrasper, Order of the Iron Sceptre into Esthil into The Black Demense, and Aelnar with Lithiel.

      • 1 year ago

        Damn, I just realized in theory you could turn Chaingrasper into the Black Demesne

        Order of the Iron Scepter -> Black Demesne
        Dartaxagerdim -> Having a 6 6 6 immortal ruler with legendary in all magical stats.

        >Dartaxagerdim -> Having a 6 6 6 immortal ruler with legendary in all magical stats.
        Really? Sounds nice

      • 1 year ago

        Order of the Iron Scepter -> Black Demesne
        Dartaxagerdim -> Having a 6 6 6 immortal ruler with legendary in all magical stats.

        You know what? It might be the most simple and straighforward one but I think I'll try Esthíl. Off to a good start.

        • 1 year ago

          Bro, I just started off a game as iron sceptre 20 minutes ago and the start screen does NOT look like that.

    • 1 year ago

      Order of the Iron Scepter -> Black Demesne
      Dartaxagerdim -> Having a 6 6 6 immortal ruler with legendary in all magical stats.

  92. 1 year ago

    Rogier was raised by gnomish merchants from the pioneer's guild for the purpose of destroying the Silmuna legacy.

  93. 1 year ago

    So the only Silmunas left are Rogier, a gay man (nothing wrong with that) and an orc lover (absolutely disgusting) and then actual orc rape babies.
    And Jaher's bloodline also dies out because his grandson cucks himself by only fricking harpies.
    Are there any cool families that can actually make it?

    • 1 year ago

      There's Silmunas in Wesdam but people will sperg and tell you they aren't TRVE Silmunas because they survived the Lilac Wars

    • 1 year ago

      Siloriel (Lorentish Royal House, one of the Silver Families) survives, I think ta'Lutien family from Ibevar makes it. Vivin house from Corvuria defenitely does and they build some sort of empire there, it seems to be inspired by Austria. House Marr of Marrhold is still around in Vic 3, even if they haven't achieved much, just restored their pre-Greentide borders. I bet the rest of the Silver Families is still around in Vic 3, we know that Busilar builds colonial empire and Arbaran still exists in some form

  94. 1 year ago

    So, was Rogieria written by some kind of orc fetishist?

    • 1 year ago

      It's the classic fan project problem. The only people willing to spend so much of their time making mods for free are autists, and autists are disproportionately disgusting perverts. So it follows that mods will disproportionately cater to disgusting perverts.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but other Escanni countries are alright-ish.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean it makes sense to me they'd be one of the most orc friendly states. Shitposting aside if you accept your sisters rapebaby as one of your family and hand the throne of your kingdom to one of his sons it's only logical you're more willing to accept orcs provided they're willing to be civilized.
      Of course the obvious retort is "but they could've made Rogier straight and made him have kids", but imo it makes sense to utilize an already existing character and partly set the stage for Rogieria converting to Corinite.

      • 1 year ago

        What would, logically, be the least orc friendly state? Count's league?

        • 1 year ago

          Esthil are pretty nasty to orcs. Hammerhome because muh grudges against greenskins. Count's league would def be up there, though.

          • 1 year ago

            >Hammerhome because muh grudges against greenskins
            Mission tree doesn't require you to purge anybody. Though, like Ekilhand, the religious unity requirement is pretty annoying.

            • 1 year ago

              >Mission tree doesn't require you to purge anybody
              Sure, but from a lore perspective a dwarven lead Cannor would brutally enslave orcs at best, and kill them on sight at worst.
              We do get a mission which clarifies their views on half orcs. They are seen as an abomination created by the greentide, and are all rounded up to rot away in ghettos in a single province.

              • 1 year ago

                That's fair.

                Honestly, I tend to integrate orcs for mechanical reasons. But I am torn to start purging for roleplaying reasons during my next Hammerhome campaign.

                I did enslave Orks as Elikhand because 1: I wanted the money. 2: Made sense considering my Egyptian theme.

        • 1 year ago

          Probably Esthil or Hammerhome as the least orc friendly.
          I actually feel like Count's League could go either way. Their resentment of the Greentide could be somewhat offset by their friendship with the Corintari and pragmatism.
          tbh they seem like they'd be a country that definitely needs branching paths for their MT. Their ideas already imply a split between older traditionalists and Young Turks willing to shake things up somewhat - although that happened during the Greentide.

          • 1 year ago

            >Their resentment of the Greentide could be somewhat offset by their friendship with the Corintari and pragmatism.
            To be fair, right now Corintar generally ends up being a fairly major foe basically the moment the Orcs are dealt with.

            >they seem like they'd be a country that definitely needs branching paths for their MT.
            Agree. They should either try and aim to restore their old kingdom at all cost or try to carve out a new path alongside the Adventure states.

            It's worth noting that Jarael, Jaher's son that died quickly, with his only legacy being ideas behind the Azkare and their Sunrise Convocation, married a Harimari princess. I guess love for the monstergirls runs in the family.
            Marrhold has short and early branch of the MT about revenge on the neighbouring orcs. You also should genocide, or at least expel, the orcs, since you need to reach 400 dev in Escann, in provinces with your primary culture.

            >You also should genocide, or at least expel, the orcs, since you need to reach 400 dev in Escann, in provinces with your primary culture.
            Honestly, I prefer just culture converting most of the time. Yeah, it costs a lot of diplomacy points but it's not like I'm spending them on much in Escann. Still, for RP reasons and for convenience It does seem like a good idea to purge when playing Marhold. Also Adecia, but there it just feels wrong.

        • 1 year ago

          Esthil, Luciande, and Hammerhome.

        • 1 year ago

          they don't have a MT but I'm pretty sure that one Esmari adventurer band only exists to kill greenskins and party

      • 1 year ago

        >if you accept your sisters rapebaby as one of your family and hand the throne of your kingdom to one of his sons
        any kingdom would collapse if you tried that shit

        • 1 year ago

          They're not an established kingdom though, they're explicitly made up of people loyal to the Sillmuna dynasty not to a state itself. and they're the only people with Silmuna blood left besides the Wesdam ones they explicitly consider traitors

          • 1 year ago

            IIRC Anbennar practices absolute cognatic succession and Silmuna dynasty has been around for over four hundred years. At this point, half of the empire should be able to claim divine descent from Munas and the Dame and have a claim to the Dove Throne.

    • 1 year ago

      worse, it was written by an arg*ntine

    • 1 year ago


  95. 1 year ago

    China + Banana?


  96. 1 year ago

    Which hold is the 'beer hold'? My friend keeps trying to tell me how great they are but is terminally incapable of clarifying which one this is.

  97. 1 year ago

    I'm playing as jaddari and I'm maxed out on government capacity, I didn't even get to expand west yet and it still very early game, did I frick up or am I meant to sit around for a while before expanding?

    • 1 year ago

      The tier 1 government reform for Jaddari gives you -25% government capacity. You are a roaming horde of horse archers, only when you form the Jadd Empire do you get the government capacity to actually core your shit. And even then i would advice you to take administrative ideas and give land privileges to your estates.

  98. 1 year ago

    There's no adventurers near Hul-az-Karakazol and there's no inhabitants at start. Is there a way to play Ovdal Kanzad and switch to it when you get it, or is there some other gimmick to play as them?

    • 1 year ago

      The red raj-something nation that starts just south of the Hul-az-Karakazol hold gets an event some decades into the game of a dwarven adventurer band forming. You can then choose to play as them.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you friend. May your blobs be aesthetically pleasing.

  99. 1 year ago

    are female goblins hot this is very important to whether or not I regret booting them off my lands

    • 1 year ago

      Do you like cucumbers?

    • 1 year ago

      all female goblins are thicc qt3.14 shortstacks with huge breasts trust me bro

  100. 1 year ago

    >playing Esthíl
    How the FRICK do I pay my armies
    Why do zombies even need so much money?

    • 1 year ago


  101. 1 year ago

    I see I'm getting the necromancer experience.

    • 1 year ago

      Eventually you'll get so big with your zombie armies the pussies will be too scared to make a coalition. That is when the true blob can begin.

  102. 1 year ago

    Is there any nation that's ruled by a dragon or another being that's not one of the general population races?

    • 1 year ago

      Balrijin can get a dragon near the end of their mission tree

    • 1 year ago

      Some shitheads in the Ynn worship a dragon who rules their region.
      Also, there's an event for Eordand where you make a half dragon heir to rule your lands

    • 1 year ago

      >another being that's not one of the general population races
      A popular way to Castanor is to start as Ibevar and culture-shift into an escanni (human culture), leading you to a "Humanity Empire" ruled by an immortal elf.

  103. 1 year ago

    Any dworf that don't have too much trouble going a bit wide (special CB, lots of claims, etc)? I get really annoyed when I end up bordering other dwarfs and can only claim a couple of road/caverns at a time

    • 1 year ago

      >can only claim a couple of road/caverns at a time
      just ignore claims

      • 1 year ago

        >just ignore claims
        except on holds for obvious reasons

    • 1 year ago

      Who gives a frick about claims just blob into them

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah don't bother with claims. When you go to a ware with a dwarf just take every road you can, then fabricate only on the holds

    • 1 year ago

      Krakdhumvror gets claims all the way down to arg ordstun

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