And over here is the Jarl's Hall, you know, our king?

And over here is the Jarl's Hall, you know, our king? And right there is the bar, and uh, that's the shop, and uh...

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  1. 1 week ago

    No wonder the Nords were pissed off snowBlack folk and Mages had a higher I.Q to buy a a castle rather than being lucky enough to live in the Bar Basement

  2. 1 week ago

    >province's major commercial hub
    >19 buildings including jarl's hall and barracks

    • 1 week ago

      In game scale does not represent the actual in lore scale.

      • 1 week ago

        you can suspend the disbelief only so much

      • 1 week ago

        >In game scale does not represent the actual in lore scale.

      • 1 week ago

        If they can't get the scale right, then maybe games should have stuck with Morrowind graphics. That way at least they wouldn't have to resort to constant halfassed shortcuts like map markers, menu fast travel and yellow paint. Every Bethesda game is just worse and more limited than the last.

        Oblivion was much better, dumb Morroboomer scum

        >Ruined because Todd saw the LotR movies
        >Ruined because Todd saw Game of Thrones on TV
        It's just so tiresome.

      • 1 week ago

        You know how you deal with this? Facades. Just put in inaccessible buildings in the background to give a sense of scale.
        Like imagine if filmmaking worked on the same logic Bethesdrones do.
        >scene is set in New York
        >it's three small shacks on an island
        >"Uh, isn't this supposed to be a massive fricking city?"
        >"IT'S NOT TO LORE SCALE, moron"

        • 1 week ago

          you'd complain about invisible walls

          • 1 week ago

            No. I wouldn't.
            You dipshit.

            • 1 week ago

              yes you would. I know your kind

          • 1 week ago

            I'd complain about invisible walls until mods helped finish the fricking city.

    • 1 week ago

      In game scale does not represent the actual in lore scale.

      I've always imagined that there are districts of the city that we just don't ever have any reason to go to. I know that's harder to do with Whiterun and Winterhold but in Solitude I pretend there's more to the city tucked away. The Solitude mod that adds buildings around the city and harbor helps a lot even though there's absolutely nothing there.

      Starfield's """cities""" like New Atlantis and Akila City were a step in the right direction (New Atlantis at least) but still fell short due to Bethesda's limited talent.

      • 1 week ago

        >even though there's absolutely nothing there.
        what's the point of it then? also populating skyrim with more npcs always leads to more jank.

        • 1 week ago

          >what's the point of it then?
          make Solitude look like an actual city.

          • 1 week ago

            you only need your imagination. sometimes more is less.

            • 1 week ago

              >sometimes more is less.
              Yeah, well, not in this case. When trying to create massive locations, more is literally more

        • 1 week ago

          If you're a thief, entering random buildings in the middle of the night is much more enjoyable if you just know it's mostly junk

    • 1 week ago

      In game scale does not represent the actual in lore scale.

      I've always imagined that there are districts of the city that we just don't ever have any reason to go to. I know that's harder to do with Whiterun and Winterhold but in Solitude I pretend there's more to the city tucked away. The Solitude mod that adds buildings around the city and harbor helps a lot even though there's absolutely nothing there.

      Starfield's """cities""" like New Atlantis and Akila City were a step in the right direction (New Atlantis at least) but still fell short due to Bethesda's limited talent.

      Morrowind had a far better sense of scale (not counting the proto-Oblivion Mournhold). Balmora, the second-biggest city, feels the part. Sure, most buildings don't have anything of interest in them, but it's not like Oblivion or Skyrim were any better in that regard (just smaller).

      • 1 week ago

        Oblivion was much better, dumb Morroboomer scum

        • 1 week ago

          Here's your (You), scum.

    • 1 week ago

      I can't believe there's 19, looks and feels more like 6 or 7.

    • 1 week ago

      >This is so big for the creation engine that it has to use loading screen
      Seriously. How did they sit through making these and never going "yeah this is too small for anyone" were they really hinging that bad on players being too distracted by walking through it to notice how small it actually is?

    • 1 week ago

      Let me guess, you need more

  3. 1 week ago

    I like how Underrail does it. Every location is concise and there aren't a ton of people, then by the endgame some mentions that the population of the entire Southern Rail is a few thousand total and it goes from a thing you overlook to cool as frick coherent world building.

  4. 1 week ago

    the overhaul mods which "improve" the cities suck as well. they just make the small empty, lifeless cities into big empty, lifeless cities which is worse.

  5. 1 week ago

    >half the city falls into the sea 80 years ago
    >don't fix shit
    >b***h about the college

  6. 1 week ago

    It’s hard to believe the werewolves aren’t top of the food chain in Skyrim

  7. 1 week ago

    >New archmage of Winterhold doesn't even know magic, he just uses staffs he finds on the ground
    This is bullshit I've been with the college for decades

  8. 1 week ago

    To be fair majority of the city collapsed into the sea.

    • 1 week ago

      To be unfair, it's fricking boring.

      • 1 week ago

        To be even more fair the engine at the time was some piece of shit made 15 years ago and making it any larger would kill the games code.
        Even more triple ultra super fair the playerbase was and is moronic and buy up any low effort slop they produce.

        They're literally blameless.

    • 1 week ago

      Everything except the college. The city was supposed to rest on the same shelf as the college and made of the same dark stone. It could've been a kino magic snow city. Another sacrifice on the altar of 11.11.11 I suppose

  9. 1 week ago

    If they would just drop the pretense that these are meant to be full cities it'd be a lot easier to swallow. The line about the cloud district is fricking hilarious, and is one of the most "millenial" lines of dialogue ever written
    >do you get to the other side of the living room often? Oh what am I saying...

  10. 1 week ago

    What do they eat?

    • 1 week ago

      You are to believe that there are farms and fisheries all around. They're just not in the game.

      • 1 week ago

        there are lots of farms though even some shacks have a couple of beds. what's bothering me is that there are absolutely no toilets

        • 1 week ago

          You are to believe those are there too.
          Pete hines have no interest in discussion toilets in a setting where everyone can become a wizard by reading a book.

          • 1 week ago

            >add toilets and poop
            >add character traits like in Fallout
            >add Coprophagia as a trait, that allows you to consume feces to heal but makes healing potions 50% effective
            >add "feces to snakes" alteration spell
            >make NPCs react to feces on the floor or character
            >able to sneak poop in other NPCs inventory

  11. 1 week ago

    >They were so anal about scale that they forced the online team to keep the cities true to skyrims scale.

  12. 1 week ago

    That's literally how big the settlement would be except it doesn't have a bunch of huts for farmers

  13. 1 week ago


  14. 1 week ago

    idgaf about this autistic shit
    game is abstract, it takes hours to run what looks like 200 feet, everything they've made since morrowind has been increasingly smaller
    >morrowind has vivec town and almelexia's shithole
    >oblivion has imperial city and sheogoraths shithole
    >fallout 3 has rivet city, which is supposed to be a huge hub in the DC area but it's just a tiny boat with 0 food or manufacturing
    >skyrim has solitude, which 1/3rd of it is 'castle wall and ramparts'
    >fallout 4 has 'diamond city' which is literally just a metal shack favela where the rich people live in shacks but HIGHER ALTITUDE instead of the FULLY INTACT CEMENT STADIUM STRUCTURES
    >good neighbour is bad because chems, but diamond city also has chems, multiple chem shops even, good neighbour is also bad for 'crime' but you only ever get accosted once and it immediately gets dealt with and nothing ever happens again aside from the silver shroud storyline, also good neighbour looks 100% better than diamond city with actual buildings and structures that are still standing
    >starfield's major space city is just an open courtyard with popular restaurants that are supposedly always full and the waiting time is 5ever but they have no entrances deeper in and barely have enough for 5-8 tables
    i seriously have 0 hope for the next bethesda game, i can only handle so much SLOP, i tried to play starfield i really did and it just didn't click
    playing fallout 3 for the first time and holy shit it's bad
    >barely any quests
    >barely any choices or outcomes, lucky to get two outcomes at most
    >undiscovered locations are hard to find because the markers that show them don't show up from far enough

    • 1 week ago

      >get to harold
      >Black person let a tree grow into his brain and didn't fix it
      >moron is now stuck in place because he let tree grow
      >i slap some plant food on his heart so more tree's
      >tell him the people need him
      >he goes 'lol okay, didn't realize they needed me so much' when they literally developed intricate ceremonies for tending the grove and worship him as a god

  15. 1 week ago

    Are people really so stupid that they can't understand that the cities are not to scale?
    It is a video game. If you want giant cities with nothing to do in them then play cyberpunk or gta.

    • 1 week ago

      how does stating the problem make it less of a problem?

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