Animal/Anthropomorphic characters

How to properly convey the difference between a human and something that is more akin to an animal that isn't just "durr, he dumb" or "what if person but also dog stereotypes"?
I've been thinking at this for a while with stuff like how birds will steal food from each other and still hang out like nothing wrong happened and thought about translating it into more complex behaviour, but ultimately it feels like it's just a bunch of buttholes.

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  1. 3 months ago

    I think you should properly convey what you're asking, before you get any help for whatever moronation you're having trouble with.

    • 3 months ago

      This, backspaced my comment of "I don't understand the question, could you please elaborate?" You want beastpeople that are more beastly in your game, or what?

    • 3 months ago

      This, backspaced my comment of "I don't understand the question, could you please elaborate?" You want beastpeople that are more beastly in your game, or what?

      I want beastfolk that are more believable beast-like instead of just another flabour of human, but without getting into moronic territory.

      • 3 months ago

        Your threshold for what's "believable" isn't going to be the same as other people's, so, once again, you should try to convey what you're after in a less moronic way.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, no shit, anon. Every description I can give will invariably be subjective, as that's how language works. Obviously I'm asking people to give what they believe would work.

          • 3 months ago

            >Every description I can give will invariably be subjective
            Then don't use objective qualifiers like "properly" in your request. There are numerous proper ways that would be appropriate and correct, regardless of an individual observer's feelings and suspension of disbelief.

            To be more clear on my end,
            >"I want people to spoonfeed me beastfolk they find believable"
            shouldn't be framed as
            >"what is objectively required to convey the difference between beastfolk and humans"
            and you should neither expect people to be mind readers nor get mad when they misunderstand you.
            So, I reiterate: I think you should properly convey what you're asking before you get any help. I also think you should remove terms with objective connotations from your vocabulary, since you're incapable of using them properly.

      • 3 months ago

        If you want them to not be another flabour I think you'll do well to look inwards and ask yourself what exactly defines a "beast" and what do you feel like a beastly person should be in your world. What are you trying to accomplish with these creatures, what reaction should people have when they encounter them, and are they beasts in body or spirit?

        Yeah, no shit, anon. Every description I can give will invariably be subjective, as that's how language works. Obviously I'm asking people to give what they believe would work.

        Like in here you say you want people to "give what they believe would work" but you haven't expressed system, setting, or tone. A beastman in textbook CoC is going to be very different from a beastman in a cartoon interpretation of the Forgotten Realms played in dnd3.5.

      • 3 months ago

        The thing is that some behaviors of different intelligent species would seem moronic to us.
        Like if you do copy how birds steal food but don't really care, and that makes the bird-people seem like buttholes to humans and results in conflict, then that's a good thing. Humans see birds as thieving magpies and the birds see humans as greedy and overly territorial.

        They simply have a different system of morality entirely, and you should embrace that.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah but that's just "what if person but also bird" stereotype and I can't believe that.

  2. 3 months ago

    Gallahs and corellas are lovely little guys, its just wieneratoos that are buttholes

    • 3 months ago

      My guy they're all wieneratoos

      • 3 months ago

        Only in the sense that they share a subfamily. We're more closely related to chimpamzees than a galah is to a sulfur crested wieneratoo

        • 3 months ago

          Everything in op's pic is literally a different breed of wieneratoo.

          >Whites and Asians are nice it's those humans that are buttholes!

  3. 3 months ago

    >I've been thinking at this for a while with stuff like how birds will steal food from each other and still hang out like nothing wrong happened and thought about translating it into more complex behaviour, but ultimately it feels like it's just a bunch of buttholes.
    I'm not sure lacking property behaviors could define birds or any group of animal, it would probably be the opposite, really. Most animals won't gut a member of the same social group or even an outsider just for stealing a very small amount of food. The wolf might try to scare something away from his prey but he probably won't decide to murder it because it managed to steal a small bite.

  4. 3 months ago

    Scale up animal behavior to a societal level.

    Cats are territorial, but have neutral lands between their domains. Feline feudalism.

    Beavers build lodges that are way too spacious for themselves, and allow other animals to live there. Beaver landlords.

    I won't give you more. Frick you.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah but are those believable enough for OP? He's very picky about what ideas he leeches.

  5. 3 months ago

    >what if person but also dog stereotypes
    No, that's actually correct.

  6. 3 months ago

    Anthropomorphic baleen whale time.

  7. 3 months ago

    The most annoying thing about furgays is that they all use "anthropomorphic" wrong, it means human-shaped you tards.

  8. 3 months ago

    Well, it might help if you use animals other than the more common ones like lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!, lol), though it would also depend a good bit on how anthropomorphic you like your beast-men.

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