Any Hearts of Iron 3 players?

Hearts of Iron 3 is much better than HoI4. I just need some questions answered though.

1. Can a V1/V2 rocket destroy a naval base? How do I do that?

2. My spies all disappeared one day for some reason. I had thousands I think. Why?

3. Embarrassingly I got invaded 3 times now since 1942 (North Germany) and they took Berlin the first time before I was thankfully able to push then back. I do not have a navy at all and my airforce is only useful when there are barely any enemies/when the enemy is low on fuel. What do? I keep getting sea invaded. and I need time to defend all the coasts.

>Inb4 filtered

I actually conquered USSR in 1940 on October 10 after invading in 1939. There was no way to actually get myself a proper navy.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Also, how much % does my party need in another country to coup?
    I have over 50% in England with 42 points and it doesn't work.

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on national unity

    • 1 year ago

      You can't coup a faction leader.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Embarrassingly I got invaded 3 times now since 1942 (North Germany) and they took Berlin the first time before I was thankfully able to push then back. I do not have a navy at all

    Yeah the AI can actually successfully naval invade in this game rather than just throw divisions away in arbitrary spots like in hoi4.

    A token navy with heavy hitting ships, heavy cruisers, battle cruiser, battleship, and a few screens is usually enough, if it’s the allies invading you they definitely have carriers that will shread a weak naval force, so make sure you have like 2 wings of interceptor in a nearby air base, you absolutely have to send interceptors to the naval region there’s a battle at if you don’t have carriers yourself. Carriers are very expensive to build I wouldn’t bother until late game when you need to get to America if you’re Germany. I always build some carriers as Italy and japan though. An invasion takes a good bit of time to happen and navies usually move at high km/hour if you have upgraded engines. Note that engines and main armament don’t get upgraded on old ships, you have to build the new class to take advantage. Only stuff like radar, anti air guns, and sub fighting equipment will be added to old classes of ships as upgrades.

    If you stack garrison divisions(very cheap to mass produce as a high manpower nation) you can hold any invasion for long enough to get a navy over there.

    If you don’t want to build frick tons of garrison and a token navy with interceptors to kill carrier air groups your other option is using decent troops at all ports you’re worried about and building costal forts. It would be very very difficult to get a landing going if you have like two infantry divisions and a light armor stacked in a coastal fort. They’ll hold for many days so you can get any reinforcements you need. Probably would cost about the same ic as a token navy. The navy will have more uses than a static fort, kinda a waste in IC.

    • 2 years ago

      The AI can do naval in OWB mod and is pretty decent at it but doesn't know how to make uber OP divisions

      • 2 years ago

        Wanna talk about mods and naval invasions?

        BICE hoi3 USA is nightmare fuel. If they land you have to alt F4 and delete your save, because there’s no chance after that lol

      • 1 year ago

        >AI can do naval in OWB mod
        Isn’t that the Fallout universe mod? How do they even do navies?

  3. 2 years ago

    >1. Can a V1/V2 rocket destroy a naval base? How do I do that?
    I’d check the wiki. I never ended up using my those. I think it’ll damage a naval base if anything. Port strikes can damage naval bases, but they don’t disappear they just momentarily can’t repair any ships, and cost the AI ic points in reinforcement to rebuild.

    >Also, how much % does my party need in another country to coup?
    I have over 50% in England with 42 points and it doesn't work.

    Espionage and diplomacy are afterthoughts in this game. The most you can do is influence unaligned nations into your faction, like Brazil. Trying to launch a coup in the Uk, the leader of the allies faction since the game starts, will do very little. You can probably get unaligned USA to join the axis by supporting YOUR ruling party and launching a coup. By far the most useful espionage you can do is “steal technology”. You don’t really need that as Germany though with the most research points in the game.

  4. 1 year ago

    HoI3 expert player here
    >1. Can a V1/V2 rocket destroy a naval base? How do I do that?
    do a port strike mission or whatever it is called
    >My spies all disappeared one day for some reason. I had thousands I think. Why?
    The game punished you for being a moron. It's a waste of leadership to save up so many spies. Just make sure you put enough in them, that it doesn't go below 10 spies and reduce it a tick, when you see it rising too much.
    >Embarrassingly I got invaded 3 times now since 1942 (North Germany) and they took Berlin the first time before I was thankfully able to push then back. I do not have a navy at all and my airforce is only useful when there are barely any enemies/when the enemy is low on fuel. What do? I keep getting sea invaded. and I need time to defend all the coasts.
    Put infantry divisions on every single port you own. As Germany you should have enough manpower to do that. Use your airforce defensively to protect your IC. Use the interception mission. Use them on territory you control, not over enemy territory. And if you want a cheap navy for naval invasion missions, build a ton of Light Cruisers and hope to not get intercepted by enemy navy. You are not experienced enough to know more about navy, so I won't tell you more than that.

  5. 1 year ago

    man this game is clunky as frick, but its the only game that actually comes close to anything that deserves to be called a proper strategy. Im both intrigued to pick is up again, as well as put off by the amount of bloat I need to endure with the GUI design

  6. 1 year ago

    BICE was nice

  7. 1 year ago

    Any recommended mods? I tried downfall. Don't like it. It messes with the unit balance in ways I don't like. BICE is way too bloated.

    • 1 year ago

      HPP is my preference. Its how the game should have been.
      Very similar to base but a myriad of improvements.
      -Gar and Mil no longer have their own tech trees
      -Custom difficulties per faction, so if you want to play on hard there's no flat combat debuff which effects unit composition
      -Custom settings for the Trade Ai, like setting stockpile targets
      -Resource storage problems making resources actually matter
      -Removal of support brigades as AI cant tell difference between them and replaced with a “support brigade”
      -Revamped China civil war
      -Lots of ahistorical but plausible paths that countries can take, as either player or AI
      -Revamped naval stats, I cant tell much difference but there is an option to see navel models in game in order to build very specific hx ships
      -Specific tech so you can build long range CA for convoy raiding
      -Can specialise CAG roles down one of three paths
      -Revamped doctrines, multiple paths
      -Revamped requirements for nukes and V1/V2, need level 5
      -Revamped leadership, its off the map and based on army size, industrial strength now
      -Revamped conscription / standing army mecanics

      I haven’t played vanilla in like 10 years (no joke). So Im probably forgetting more features than Im including.
      -Downside, need to autosave weekly. Crashs a little bit, particularly in early years. Used to be a lot worse for me. When I got a new PC 5 years ago crash diminished significantly. Modders never had any issues with crashs tho.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks I'll try the mod this week when I have some free time.

  8. 1 year ago

    Used to play this game a lot when I was younger. Finally did a full playthrough recently as Germany.
    I defeated the Soviets in 43.
    I took like a year off the war just preparing to invade North America.
    Invaded in 44; started by landing in St. John's and Nova Scotia and made it up to Boston when I realized how I fricked myself by sending over a million troop. Immediately had supply issues and the invasions lasted about a month before I had to retreat.
    Also the navy that I built was overwhelmed by the US Navy and Canadian Airforce.

  9. 1 year ago

    A question for HOI3 players. Are you actually supposed to move your entire army devision by devision or group of devions at a time from province to province to conquer something? That's how I do it at least. And why I don't play big nations

    • 1 year ago

      >Are you actually supposed to move your entire army
      Yes, you are supposed to play the game. It’s not Hoi4 where it plays itself after you look up a division template.

      There is a 100% functional “AI control” feature, and you can set wargoals for the AI, but the AIs objectives and play style will always differ from what you probably actually want. I find that AI control works well in defense when you have a superior force. Like for example if you’re the uk and can’t look at 6 fronts at a time you can AI control North Africa, or AI control India assuming you have the better force and focus elsewhere. Still its always better to control them yourself and play on the slower speed.

      Another example of where AI controlled armies can be useful is expeditionary forces. For example if you’re player Italy and want to help out Germany in the eastern front without micro managing the troops you send, AI control an army and set thier war goal to soviet major cities. They will effectively be under the German ais controll and will fill in gaps in thier line and attack when they have the advantage.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes that's the way the game is played.

    • 1 year ago

      No, of course not. You simply select your entire army by drawing a big box around everything and then click on the capital city of the enemy. That's sufficient to win the game.

  10. 1 year ago

    Any HOI3 mods that are less about war and more about politics?

    • 1 year ago

      Look up the Schliessmuskel mod. It has what you are after.

      • 1 year ago

        got a link? simple google search only yields me random german shit

        • 1 year ago

          My bad, the link appears to be down. Another good politics focused mod is the Schweineficker mod

          But it starts in 1914, not 1939.

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks for wasting my time, homosexual

          • 1 year ago

            >Schveineficker mod
            I dunno why I clicked a hoi3 thread since I'm a 4 chad but my rudimentary german from hoi4 and wolfenstein was enough to make me kek heartily knowing anon looked that up lmao

            • 1 year ago

              Reddit awaits

            • 1 year ago

              >He hasn't heard of the Hosenscheißer mod.

  11. 1 year ago

    >1. Can a V1/V2 rocket destroy a naval base? How do I do that?

    Yes. Select the "attack naval base" option. Good weather ( low wind, clear skies ) improves the chances of a successful attack

    >2. My spies all disappeared one day for some reason. I had thousands I think. Why?

    The enemy can convert them into double agents, which basically makes them into his spies. Not sure why this would happen all at once though, usually it takes months.

    > I keep getting sea invaded. and I need time to defend all the coasts.

    Keep spamming "Request Armistice", then stall the negotiations. That usually buys you enough time.

  12. 1 year ago

    >Hearts of Iron 3 is much better than HoI4

    there is literally no point to playing this game when the AI is even more braindead than 4

    • 1 year ago

      Its MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to beat the French army

      • 1 year ago

        Wow you’re mad still lol

        • 1 year ago

          Wow you're so easy to bait lol

          • 1 year ago

            >mentions MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE unprompted whenever he can
            >l-lol i'm baiting u!
            autists and their hyperfixations are cute

            • 1 year ago

              He also still has yet to prove 12 starting ships gaining naval supremacy over 150+ being mathematically possible. He’s just seething at this point his made up bullshit got called out like two years ago lol rent free, I bet he thinks about me every time he goes to sleep

              Patrols /vst/ 24/7/365 on the look out for bait!
              Instantly bites!

              • 1 year ago

                >people who play strategy games are on the strategy game page!!! AHHHHHHH

                Yes and?

                You file for government disability yet? You can literally be paid to act this retarted rather than do it for free.

              • 1 year ago

                Spastic, tell us again how its....



              • 1 year ago

                Or better yet, prove its not. You’ve failed to do so, you just look like a spastic tard

              • 1 year ago

                Look at you squealing again like a little pig. Because you are so buttblasted.
                Tell your grandfather to easy on your ass tonight!

    • 1 year ago

      This video is funny and broadly proves his point and all but it is pretty amusing how he has to autistically edit the theatres the whole time to prevent the AI from bugging out while trying to prove that HoI3 is "not a clickfest" and "doesn't have as much micromanagement" as 4. Also, no AI OOB will be anywhere near as good as a player-made one so its sort of irrelevant if the AI CAN do it because no true gamer would leave all that value on the table, and as well it doesnt really prove much being able to kill Jan 1 1936 Benelux and France because of how frickin weak they are at the start.

      If anything the thing that makes HoI3 better than 4 is that you DO have to click a lot and move divisions around optimally and make an OOB and actually pay attention to the game and not just battle plan everything so this is a self-defeating argument lol

    • 1 year ago

      This guy is basically the best hoi3 player in the world btw

  13. 1 year ago

    Hoi3 or Darkest Hour?

  14. 1 year ago

    He also still has yet to prove 12 starting ships gaining naval supremacy over 150+ being mathematically possible. He’s just seething at this point his made up bullshit got called out like two years ago lol rent free, I bet he thinks about me every time he goes to sleep

  15. 1 year ago

    I turned this photo into an HOI3 loading screen and it makes me happy. I keep one division of INF/INF/INF/ART at every port from Bayonne to Frederikshavn and it's literally only 25 divisions. Let the AI land in the other provinces but rush in the corps in that area to deny them the port and they will starve. You could also attach a corps of five panzer divisions to race up and down the coast to put out any fires but that would only be necessary post-1941 if the Americans were attacking in force.

    As for me, I've been having fun playing as a rogue US for the first time. Before they had the chance, Pearl Harboring the Japanese has been an interesting inversion of history. With 8 carriers split evenly between 4 carrier task forces I was able to invade 8 port islands simultaneously. By October I'll have another 8 carriers and have the home islands surrounded! Until then the Japs are putting up a good defense of Hokkaido and Saipan, and even launched determined amphibious assaults that would have taken Wake, Guam and Midway had my carrier task forces not been able to beat them back.

  16. 1 year ago

    Only took me the best part of over a dozen separate attempts, a year of touching on and off with burnout.
    Aside from trawling the wiki, forums and oob websites endlessly, watching dozens of hours of tutorials, let's plays and play tests learning mechanics.
    Yet I think I can safely say, that I can reasonably play this game to an enjoyable capacity as a minor nation.
    Talk about a steep learning cliff aha amirite.

    Being unable to run hoi4, I'm glad I pirated this game as I'm having a whale of a time scratching a WW2 strategy itch I didn't know I could.
    Needless to say I'm a noob full of stupid questions, so I'm going to fire away.

    >Why does my IC randomly drop from 21 to 19 roughly half way through 1936, it's not the prepare for war decision could it be random political events or something else?
    >Do the theory techs with 10 percent less theory decay make up for their time investment, for example 1 or 2 points in electronic engineering if I currently have 0 and want all the associated radio tree techs and radar unit upgrades and what's the maths for future calculation?
    >Is ignoring armour completely in favour of a 1/4 ratio of Infantry divisions with AT, supported with air interceptor and Stuka air units a viable strategy for low IC nations.
    >OOB wise is following a strict rule of 4 with a quarter in reserve at HQ a good move, or should it be highly situational and flexible?
    >Are cavalry without research an ok ish replacement for armoured break through units, or are they only good for MP paired anti-partisan operations?
    >Do cavalry pair well with mountain units in rough terrain?
    >Are engineers a viable return on investment and if so should 1 every corp or army be enough?
    >Are 3 unit sub flotillas, and destroyer spam flotilla navy's viable?
    >The additional units in the Black ice mod look like they could be fun for historical RP campaigns, however beyond that is it just over convoluted bloat and are their better mods for units?

    • 1 year ago

      >Why does my IC randomly drop from 21 to 19 roughly half way through 1936
      Great Depression modifier?

      >Do the theory techs with 10 percent less theory decay make up for their time investment
      They can. But if you’re a small nation probably better to research something else with such limited leadership. I like the theory techs for unit types I don’t build much of. Divisions become cheaper to build the more of them you build but over time they creep back up in price unless you have the engineering decay techs researched or constantly keep a type of unit building.

      >Is ignoring armour completely in favour of a 1/4 ratio of Infantry divisions with AT, supported with air interceptor and Stuka air units a viable strategy for low IC nations.

      If you’re a low ic nation you’re also a low leadership nation. Enemy aircraft will btfo anything you can put out. There’s a ton of aircraft technologies, and even more training and attack strategy techs. Enemy aircraft are going to have much higher organization than yours and they’re going to hit much much harder. better to get some armor, armor have high air defense and won’t get hurt as much from bombings. One anti aircraft per corp should be enough to slow down enemy aircraft. Aircraft and navies are expensive to build and keep up to date.

      >Are cavalry without research an ok ish replacement for armoured break through units

      Without research? Hell no they’re trash. With research they’re just okay. The tech that’s going to matter is “motorization of cavalry” which essentially means they turn into light vehicles, much increased attack and defense with lower softness they just use fuel now and become more expensive to build. Still worse than light armor but a good idea if you’re like a Chinese minor and just can’t build tanks at all.

      >Are engineers a viable return on investment

      I always find them very useful. Good attack and defense and they negate terrain penalties.

      • 1 year ago

        >Great Depression modifier?
        That would make sense, as there are hidden buffs and debuffs that get lost in the scouring endless UI tabs like weather, supply and other overlooked factors.

        >They can. But if you’re a small nation probably better to research something else with such limited leadership.

        It's interesting to get an answer that's situation based on IC , rather than black and white as there seems to be 2 schools of thought.
        One which says avoid completely, the other saying they make up their investment if you're going to be researching lots of the associated techs.

        >If you’re a low ic nation you’re also a low leadership nation. Enemy aircraft will btfo anything you can put out.

        Intriguing I guess a lot of it becomes a numbers game, especially when faced with the zerg rush onslaught in which even the best air units will crumble.
        Knowing this sponging with armour and perhaps even militia trash, to protect elites sounds like a viable strategy.
        Of course not neglecting heavy AA guns on resource regions to protect industry and dampen the blow of enemy air superiority.

        >Without research? Hell no they’re trash.
        Good to know as the cavalry tech generally seemed a waste of IC.
        Field unit upgrades of existing cav into motorised piqued my interest, yet weighing up the IC and fuel investment I guess a couple wouldn't hurt.

        >I always find them very useful. Good attack and defense and they negate terrain penalties.
        I hear the upgrades are relatively pointless, yet as a base unit they seem great especially the terrain negation I'll definitely be getting some.

        Regarding convoy hunting 3 sub flotillas sounded great to me, as a means of increasing admiral skill plus the added low visibility.
        3 destroyer sub hunter flotillas I wasn't sure about, as they would only really stand up against subs.
        As for mainstay carriers screened with destroyers, supported with naval bombers sounds the most optimal yet expensive mid to end game goal.

    • 1 year ago

      >Are 3 unit sub flotillas, and destroyer spam flotilla navy's viable?

      To beat other navies or keep convoy lanes open? Absolutely not.

      3 subs together will do great against convoys and disrupt supply and resource chains. Subs get shredded by screen ships, and naval bombers/carrier air groups. Subs can be fine if assisting a larger navy in a big battle but will do poorly against ships by themselves. Cruisers and destroyers have very high sub attack, and by the time radar is researched they destroy subs very easily. Battleships and battlecrusers have very low sub attack, but you won’t catch those ships out in the open with our destroyers and light cruisers guarding them. Destroyer spam navies will stand absolutely no chance agains enemy surface fleets. But destroyers are the best at hunting subs so a destroyer group will always be good to counter enemy subs and help keep your supply routes open. Destroyers are also the cheapest screens to keep your big expensive ships fireing and alive. For an effective surface fleet there’s a few different ways to put them together. Depends on who the enemy is. I like going 3-5 capitals and 8-10 screens per navy. Carrier groups can be built differently.

    • 1 year ago

      I find HOI III easier than 4. Less holistic computer junk to learn. Isnt micromanaging units the point of the game?

      • 1 year ago

        Must have not played very much 4. The ai suicides it’s divisions every opportunity they get.

    • 1 year ago

      You still don't know how to exploit reserves. As soon as you can in 1936 set your conscription and training lows as low as you can to volunteer army and minimal training. This will enable you to build 25 divisions of quarter-strength CAV/CAV/CAV/CAV very cheap and fast. That's right, one full cavalry army. Later you can upgrade the cavalry to armor and motorized and mechanized infantry for cheaper than building them outright. As a minor nation one full armored army will be more than enough to accomplish your goals, and you can keep them together or split off corps to support you main infantry armies on other fronts if you choose. I like to upgrade half of my cavalry army to LARM/MOT/SPART/TD and the other half to ARM/MECH/SPART/TD, or something along those lines. Maybe have one elite division per corps with HARM. Depending on how much manpower you have as a minor, you can also build 25-100 divisions of INF/INF/INF/ART as reserves before the war. Disband any regulars on day one. And just make sure to mobilize a few months before the war and set your reinforcement slider accordingly. This comes at the cost of a low officer ratio and less manpower per day, so you want to build the core of your army as fast as possible, usually between 1936-38. Once everything or mostly everything is built and upgraded, you'll want to switch the conscription and training laws to their maximum available. Switch laws before mobilizing and your 25% strength reserve divisions will have elite training for the 75% of their reinforcements. You can't cheese navy and air forces so it's best to build those after the core of your army is built.

      Had a fun playthrough as Nationalist Spain where I did just that and held out against the US while the rest of the Axis collapsed.

      I turned this photo into an HOI3 loading screen and it makes me happy. I keep one division of INF/INF/INF/ART at every port from Bayonne to Frederikshavn and it's literally only 25 divisions. Let the AI land in the other provinces but rush in the corps in that area to deny them the port and they will starve. You could also attach a corps of five panzer divisions to race up and down the coast to put out any fires but that would only be necessary post-1941 if the Americans were attacking in force.

      As for me, I've been having fun playing as a rogue US for the first time. Before they had the chance, Pearl Harboring the Japanese has been an interesting inversion of history. With 8 carriers split evenly between 4 carrier task forces I was able to invade 8 port islands simultaneously. By October I'll have another 8 carriers and have the home islands surrounded! Until then the Japs are putting up a good defense of Hokkaido and Saipan, and even launched determined amphibious assaults that would have taken Wake, Guam and Midway had my carrier task forces not been able to beat them back.

      Typical vst thread where no one cares.

  17. 1 year ago

    great game but vanilla AI is dumb as hell

    • 1 year ago

      Not really. Much better then hoi4s ai. 3s can actually naval invade and threaten the player if you make a mistake.

      • 1 year ago

        i played hoi 4 for 30 minutes, i play AoD

  18. 1 year ago

    Who wants to see my wiener

  19. 1 year ago

    HoI2 DH & AoD are probably the best paradox games after Vic2 IMO. I bought HoI3 when it came out but never played it for more than an hour because it would constantly crash whenever I ran it back in the day. How does it compare to Darkest Hour? Is it worth buying on sale or should I stick to DH?

    • 1 year ago

      >never played it for more than an hour because it would constantly crash whenever I ran it

      Is your processor a modern multi core with terrible single core performance? Probably the reason.

      I have issues with hoi2 running like absolute garbage. It’s never worked well on any of my systems. Lags horribly and stutters. The mouse moves across the screen in slow motion skipping around. Buttons are unresponsive and take seconds to register.

      Old paradox games are picky with hardware. I’ve always had luck with hoi3. But to this day I’m still playing it on my windows 7 rig which does an amazing job with older programs. Main reason I still have it. Also it refuses to break.

    • 1 year ago

      >How does it compare to Darkest Hour?

      It’s darkest hour, for big boys. The eastern front is no longer 6 providences long, most DH kiddos hate how much more complex hoi3 is and get filtered by the increased micromanaging rather than just doomstacking.

    • 1 year ago

      Tell me about it running Hoi3 is a clusterfrick of incoherently, like many early titles bridging the virtual memory gap I believe it suffers from being set to an older optimised engine.
      To say it's a question of entirely random black magic that varies machine to machine, would be an understatement.
      My decade old intel integrated graphics notepad runs it mostly fine, give or take a few screen tearing issues on long run-time sessions.
      However on my all bells and whistles work PC, it has a hissy fit and inevitably almost always shits the bed.
      Whilst 4gb patches do exist for modern optimization, they are undoubtedly finicky and a sub-optimal form of necromancy.
      Like imagine letting a prize winning pedigree Arabian pull the work load of a shire, that's 4g patches in a nutshell.
      Like it'll somewhat work to an ok standard with less crashes, yet don't expect miracles.
      They aren't an optimal set in stone solution, just a bodge job like letting a Romanian near your plumbing.

  20. 1 year ago

    >tfw wangblows updates broke something and now I can't play my autistic OOB simulator

  21. 1 year ago

    moronic game played by morons

  22. 1 year ago

    Love me some HOI3 OOB's. Simple as.

  23. 1 year ago

    How do I sink the Allies navy as an Axis minor?

    • 1 year ago

      Abuse saves when moving your navy, and start building your navy and researching navy tech day one in 1936, I was building ships while still land locked . Always have up to date interceptors to counter enemy carrier air groups, so you need to force battles close to shore.

      • 1 year ago

        Haha! You moron, roflmao!

      • 1 year ago

        Forgot to add, you can production license build light cruisers and destroyers from axis majors like japan and Germany. You should always do that for your screens. and focus on capital ship research

      • 1 year ago

        How do you build ships as Hungary? The game just lets you produce them without a port and you deploy them after taking a port from Romania? How have you had so much success when your fleet composition is lacking in escorts and is so outdated?

        • 1 year ago

          >How do you build ships as Hungary?
          You have a few options. It’s true that you need a naval base to start a lot of the ship research trees. You can align to axis at the start of the game and build at least Italian cruisers and destroyers with production license. When you’re closer to joining axis Japanese and German ships are better tech wise. You will definitely need capital ships to have any sort of success, easiest way to get a port is from Yugoslavia, they have a decent military so you need to use lots of encirclements since this is going to happen early game and you won’t have much of an army yourself. Hungary has a starting Air Force which will help battles that drag on. Balance preemptive ship building with military building so you can properly take over your neighbors. Hungary starts with a decent IC base, but if you take Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, and bonus points for Austria/Romania, you will be on the level of Italy and be a true power and have the potential to do whatever you want if you’re smart. Second option for capitals(you still need a port obviously) is to steal technology from another major power. I always go France since thier Unity is so low they don’t focus on counter espionage. They also have lots of good technology. Shame stealing tech is random, it’s rng if you get to steal battle cruiser or battleships.

          With a proper navy and access to the Mediterranean you can establish yourself as the true power of the region. To make kicking out the UK easy puppet turkey. You will get thier decent military to help you and you get supplied by them when you’re in the Middle East, meaning your convoys won’t constantly get sunk by the uk and your troops starve and surrender. Even with a decent surface fleet you have no chance of beating the uk. You can skirmish until they’re weak, but head on you will never win. Micro your navies to get in battles with Italy on your side as well. That’s the best way to ensure a win.

        • 1 year ago

          >How have you had so much success when your fleet composition is lacking in escorts and is so outdated?

          I haven’t had tons of success. I’m low on escorts/screens because I lose them frequently but my big ships still are able to get good kills and come out on top. The uk is very hard to deal with at sea, I’ve abused saves alot to avoid battles I get absolutely destroyed in.

          After taking Egypt go for Spain and Gibraltar if you can before Barbarossa. The war with the Soviets is where turkey really shows thier value as a puppet. They’ll tie up a ton of Soviets in thier mountain border and with a little help from you they’ll hold. Usually an easy win for ai axis when you do this. Launch a naval invasion and try to steal as many soviet industrial regions as you can as you’ll get to keep them all after they surrender. Then build up to take out the uk and USA. The real end game boss. Your troops experience at this point will counter the us tech advantage.

  24. 1 year ago

    Still no screenshot btw. Go and play the game kiddo it is not mathematically possible.

    • 1 year ago

      The screenshot from Hungary is here 🙂

      Abuse saves when moving your navy, and start building your navy and researching navy tech day one in 1936, I was building ships while still land locked . Always have up to date interceptors to counter enemy carrier air groups, so you need to force battles close to shore.

      It brings me joy every time you sperg out knowing how assmad you still are about being corrected online over a strategy game from 2009

      Did you try playing the game yet? Maybe you did and that’s why you never produced a screenshot, you saw I was right.

      God I love it, let my words stay in your head until death, rent irl is steep right now but I’m glad with you it’s always going to be free 😉

  25. 1 year ago

    what country should i play hoi3 tonight

    • 1 year ago

      Commie China, Nat China, axis Australia, Axis Belgium, or super blob South America as Brazil/Argentina

  26. 1 year ago

    Hoi3 sucks, you can naval invade Britain in 1936 as Germany with its starting military. Not even HOI4 is that pants on head moronic

    • 1 year ago

      Lol roflmao that is simply MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE! Listen kid I know I am living RENT FREE inside your head becasue I am smarter than you! Lololololol!

      • 1 year ago

        Sorry you get so trigged by facts about your shitty game

  27. 1 year ago

    Is 1x Inf, 1x MP, 1 art, 1 x AC a good build?

  28. 1 year ago

    Still haven't posted any screenshots yet kid. Lmfao! You haven't even played the game. lolololol

  29. 1 year ago

    Still sperging out years later when I proved you wrong kiddo! Roflmao! No screenshot! lolololo!

    • 1 year ago

      Still haven't posted any screenshots yet kid. Lmfao! You haven't even played the game. lolololol

      Lol roflmao that is simply MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE! Listen kid I know I am living RENT FREE inside your head becasue I am smarter than you! Lololololol!

      Hoi3 sucks, you can naval invade Britain in 1936 as Germany with its starting military. Not even HOI4 is that pants on head moronic

  30. 1 year ago

    Need expert advice
    Is 1x Gar, 1 x AA, 1 x Mil, 1 x Super Heavy Armor
    a good build?

    • 1 year ago

      Is 1x Inf, 1x MP, 1 art, 1 x AC a good build?

      No, here's what you do. Take Germany's panzer army (why would you play any other nation in this game?) and instead of wasting IC on MOT and MECH infantry you much a 900 IQ move and build 25-50 divisions of straight LARM/ARM/GAR/MP. Saves you so much IC you won't know what to do with yourself. Thank me after your blitzkrieb across Europa 🙂

  31. 1 year ago

    cant play HOI3 no matter how much i want to. my pc shits the bed with it (and i can run pretty much every game)

    • 1 year ago

      You have a processor with bad single core performance. Not your fault. I have an old rig that runs hoi3 wonderfully. Even though on paper my newer pc is better in every way it’s just the way they make processors now.

  32. 1 year ago

    I really liked everything in BICE, but they railroad you into historical paths too hard. And the homeland defense bonus is absurd.

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