Anybody play Mindustry? It deserves more attention, I see little to no content online about it.

Anybody play Mindustry?

It deserves more attention, I see little to no content online about it.

tl;dr it's a tower defense game on steroids with fully fleshed out RTS and factory building mechanics that mesh together very well.

>Tower defense
It's like those flash TD games but on steroids.
It's got land/air/sea variants of mobs on a shit ton of different maps and interesting physics combos (i.e. spray enemies with water then electrocute them, break enemy oil lines to cause a spill then ignite it)

On certain maps you go on the offense, and you build units which can be upgraded to become big ass kaiju ass mechs and you command them and can even pilot them directly. Think there's like 50 units you can build that cover all types of terrain as well as support and utility units which have special functions.

>Factory builder
Think Factorio but more accessible. You mine the planet for resources to use for building and ammunition (turrets can take different types of ammo which gives different effects).

Game also has co-op/pvp/team modes and mod support. All made by like one guy, with a free expansion that basically doubles the game's content and feels like it could've been a sequel/side game on it's own.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >Think Factorio but more accessible
    >but more accessible
    instant trash

  2. 1 year ago


    Never post again.

  3. 1 year ago

    i have opinions about this game but op's such a homosexual that i won't share them

  4. 1 year ago

    >It's like those flash TD games but on steroids.
    No it fricking isn't, jackass. Have you ever actually played one?
    Why do people keep saying this? Is it because there's more than 3 types of turret? Towers to use as defense exists, but you're not doing anything else related to the genre. "Tower Defense" in this game boils down to "make a wall and put some turrets in/behind it," which is the same for basically every RTS with towers and walls.

    It's an otherwise painfully scrawny RTS whose depth and enjoyment lies entirely on its factory/resource management aspects.

    • 1 year ago

      I played it and enjoyed it for a while, but I couldn't be bothered with the new tech tree on the new planet. New planet seems to have more destroy enemy base mission taking advantage of the newly introduced full RTS controls but it's a bit like is saying. It's an incredibly simplistic RTS on top of a casual base builder. I feel like I could be playing something better at either, or both instead.

  5. 1 year ago

    I used to play this game a lot on my phone, but outside of that, factorio exist

  6. 1 year ago

    When are zoomers going to realize these are just logistic management games and there's already a significant niche for this? I'm tired of waiting for them to figure it out themselves.

  7. 1 year ago

    have a nice day

  8. 1 year ago

    I don't know why homosexuals here are buttmad about the game being "accessible", but for me it wasn't accessible because the controls sucked dick. Afaik the game was made for mobile, so I tried it on my phone too and the controls still sucked ass. If this game had better controls everything else would be good. It seems like a good game to quickly pass time.

  9. 1 year ago

    that one song from the old version of Mindustry is fricking dope

  10. 1 year ago

    Idk why so many autists here got buttmad over "accessible", theres nothing wrong with it

    Factorio is for engineering autists with OCD, while Mindustry is basically a tower defense RTS with factorio-like economy. I played it for a fair bit when it was just survival on several maps where you could "extract" with your resources and buy upgrades, now it features a "planetary campaign" where you conquer maps and resource production from each map contributes to your "global income" and its pretty cool

    Also recently he added a second lava map that features a more campaign-like progression than the sandbox conquest in the "original" map

    Definitely a cool game

    • 1 year ago

      my issue with mindustry is its what I want, but bad.

      Like when I play factorio there is this utterly BEAUTIFUL open world to explore, and my factories and the train tracks are like little towns and roads in an rpg, and I always wished there was more to factorio. Factions to dominate, wars to start, factories to sabotage, vehicles planes, good combat and... I basically want some massive single player rts/rpg/civ hybrid. Kenshi, but good.

      then you find fricking mindustry... bleh. Its ugly, soulless, and sure, the game design is fire and innovative. but its missing so much.

      I would rather mod the shit out of factorio, which also isn't good, but at least its closer to what I want.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know why homosexuals here are buttmad about the game being "accessible", but for me it wasn't accessible because the controls sucked dick. Afaik the game was made for mobile, so I tried it on my phone too and the controls still sucked ass. If this game had better controls everything else would be good. It seems like a good game to quickly pass time.

      fr fr zoombro, nothing matters except muh QoL and how braindead it is!

      • 1 year ago

        Shut the frick up

      • 1 year ago

        Eat shit homosexual people need an entrance into the subgenre not everyone is an autist who's done nothing but dorf fort and spreadsheets for 20 years. Mindustry and riftbreakers being gateways to Factorio is a good thing no matter how much you want to jerk off about hours wasted optimizing single production lines.

        • 1 year ago

          >wa wa wa why won't the devs design the game for mouth breathing casuals such as myself

          have a nice day, I mean that 100%, everything in this dystopian late stage crapitalist world is made for consoomer cattle like you

          • 1 year ago

            >schizo /misc/posting about a simple td/rts game
            get off the internet

    • 1 year ago

      because you say 'accessible' to mean 'easy' in your context so frick off with your non-genuine bullshit word salad post

  11. 1 year ago

    The game is alright but I get tired of it pretty fast.
    My main issue is that it's really a puzzle game.

    Your resources are so limited that there's usually a single correct way to play a map.
    There's a few ore patches so obviously the correct move is to mine all of them. You put your few industry buildings down (which are the exact same every game) to process the ores. Then you either build turrets and send ammo to them or build factories and send building materials to them.
    If you have the tech for upgrading your mining output, the obvious correct move is to build it and connect it.

    And that's it - you have now won the map.
    As a result of this, the only real challenge is routing your belts (and pipes) in a way that they don't block each other. Which is a real fricking annoying challenge.
    Overall, it just feels tedious to play after a while. Maybe if you aren't a ~power gamer~ it will take you longer to figure out what the optimal move is. But if you have played similar games before, you will quickly solve the game in your head and then just go through the motions.

    At the end of the day, my opinion of this game is the same as any factory game. It's alright, but I would rather just play Factorio if I want to play that kind of game.

    • 1 year ago

      It's free and open source, so it's based. I appreciate the recipes are more varied than factorio's and you can't just slap upgraded assemblers on top of you existing setups, you have to design a new one.
      It does suffer a little from a wandering design scope. It's been in development for a long time and sometimes they're trying more for tower defence, sometimes for factorio production chain stuff, now it's trying to be an rpg. It's worth a play but ultimately I agree with , I'd rather play factorio.
      One thing I did like a lot was going back to an earlier map to scale up production of some resources for research. It reminded me of Earth 2150.

  12. 1 year ago

    Been playing this for five hours. So far it plays like factory with less autism, but I feel to see the difference. Runs like silk for a java game.

    • 1 year ago


  13. 1 year ago

    i started the game, launched a new game and there was no tutorial so i closed it, is it worth playing?

    • 1 year ago

      The campaign is the tutorial.

  14. 1 year ago


  15. 1 year ago

    >on steroids
    >but on steroids
    >factorio but more accessible

  16. 1 year ago

    imagine gatekeeping a tower defense game

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