

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    I haven’t played yet

    • 1 week ago

      Same. I never ever buy games day 1 anymore

      • 1 week ago


        Staggerslop was meh but the rollslop in the dlc is much worse.
        plus the worm was ludokino.

  2. 1 week ago

    Plays like shit when compared to Verdict Day

    • 1 week ago

      Gen 5 plays like shit even in context alone to Gen 5. You people really can’t help defend the last title of something when a new one drops regardless of how dogshit the previous was.

      • 1 week ago

        Gen 5's only flaw is in the RPS builds, but even that works in forcing you to make more than one AC. Ignore MP and VD's hard mode still goes HARD. The gritty industrial aesthetic is also something it does better than 6.

        • 1 week ago

          >The gritty industrial aesthetic is also something it does better than 6.
          Oh frick off, V is peak "I can't see shit because everything is the same shade of muted rusty grey."

    • 1 week ago

      gen v is fricking awful
      6 isn't perfect but at least the boosters work

      • 1 week ago

        More like "6 is utter fricking garbage but at least the boosters work".

        • 1 week ago

          right, so it's an improvement over 5

  3. 1 week ago

    I'm sorry you are boring as frick and the entire highlight of your experience consists in 4 PVE bosses
    I'm sorry Shadow of the Erdtree clearly syphoned your budget

  4. 1 week ago

    ac6 has trash customization and the majority of missions are just filler
    ac4a still the best

    • 1 week ago

      >The game where most of the missions are AC fights or fights against the piss easy arms forts, mission variety is down compared to 4

      • 1 week ago

        post old king ending clear

  5. 1 week ago

    >Got a job for you 621, this one is from Blackrock.

  6. 1 week ago

    Bad game

  7. 1 week ago

    But I liked it.

  8. 1 week ago

    >Bro, just play thought the game 50 times if you want to have cool parts

    • 1 week ago

      The cool parts aren't cool unless you have the context of the prior parts.

    • 1 week ago

      you can get almost all parts on your first playthrough
      some of them on your second, and the last ones on your third
      the game isn't long either

  9. 1 week ago

    *beep* *beep* *beep*

  10. 1 week ago

    Easily From's best game

    • 1 week ago

      >Easily From's best game
      >posts a cutscene

  11. 1 week ago

    I apologize for not playing you yet.

    Thing is, I recently upgraded my PC with a new GPU that should fulfill you, but my processor is so old I wonder if that's going to be a problem.

  12. 1 week ago

    No as someone who's been a fan of this series since the PS2 days this game was garbage and an AC game in name only

    • 1 week ago

      They just had to make the fricking lock on work like in AC4 but I guess that was too much for slulsbabbys

      • 1 week ago

        >They just had to make the fricking lock on work like in AC4
        You mean where it didn't work at all?

    • 1 week ago

      They just had to make the fricking lock on work like in AC4 but I guess that was too much for slulsbabbys

      AC5 is nothing like AC4. Every gen is different
      cope and seethe

    • 1 week ago

      do the older ones have a bunch of mech customization like 6 does? id play 6 if it wasent made by fromsoft

      • 1 week ago

        The whole point of the series is action with autistically customized mechs

      • 1 week ago

        >id play 6 if it wasent made by fromsoft
        got some rough news for you then buddy about this entire series

        • 1 week ago

          are they bossrush rollshit like all of their other games? because it sounds like this one is a huge departure from the rest of the series

          • 1 week ago

            They're mission based boostshit
            No iframes
            The boss rush is just a colisseum

          • 1 week ago

            >are they bossrush rollshit like all of their other games
            No AC and fromsoft used to be very different

      • 1 week ago

        >do the older ones have a bunch of mech customization like 6 does
        the older ones have way more customization, 6 is pathetic compared to the older ones

    • 1 week ago

      As someone who has been a fan since the PS1 demo disc, AC6 is the best entry in the series, by fricking far. The boss fights alone trash any super MT mission. The level layouts, secrets, mission structure, art design, voice acting, controls, mecha customization - it’s all the best the series has ever been. An AC game where you can actually craft and pull off combos is insane and make previous games feel under-designed. That isn’t to say I now hate the previous games, but I’m very happy with AC6.

      • 1 week ago

        >That isn’t to say I now hate the previous games
        You just never much liked them in the first place. Anyone who says "it's all I ever wanted AC6 to be" is the same -- they never particularly wanted it to be an AC game, and it just so worked out that it effectively is not. Would have been acceptable if it had any other title like how they turned a new Tenchu into Sekiro early on.

        • 1 week ago

          >man can’t comprehend that the series that has drastically changed twice before has changed yet again
          I would rather play AC6 50 times over before playing AC4 again. That game was a fricking rape more than AC6 ever can be.

          • 1 week ago

            >I would rather play AC6 50 times over before playing AC4 again.
            Meaningless statement coming from someone who actually likes 6.
            They're both shit, but AC4 was still AC. And what never drastically changed was that you always had turn speed as a stat and actually had to fricking aim, even in 4th gen. Now that's gone, instead you get a bunch of moronic mechanics designed for a generic action game with human(oid) characters, because Yamamura is a one-trick pony.

            • 1 week ago

              > actually had to fricking aim
              In armored core? The auto lock action shooter? I could see maybe what you meant if you weren’t talking about in Armored Core 4 specifically??? Fricking lmao. Now I know your mask is slipping. Especially dropping Yamamura name specifically. You can stop pretending you want to do anything but b***h about AC6 and specifically Yamamura. No need to pretend you’re this massive fan betrayed because Fromsoftware made a game and they’re popular now which is a big no no. You people just really want to live with such hatred for things you’re really not actually invested in.

              • 1 week ago

                >In armored core?
                >arbitrary boogeyman
                Typical, might as well stop wasting my time. You never liked AC.

              • 1 week ago

                Whatever you want to say to help pretend otherwise. I look forward to your shitposting next thread.

    • 1 week ago

      I've been a fan of AC since the PS1 days and I can tell you AC6 is fantastic and you're a homosexual

  13. 1 week ago

    For what? It was still a game that conditioned you into enjoying being a bottom b***h.

    • 1 week ago

      In due fairness you can kill bosses before they start their moronic spazzing in this game

  14. 1 week ago

    >two flops in a row
    from is finished

  15. 1 week ago

    Favourite Gen?

    • 1 week ago

      Last Raven is peak, so 3.
      Formula Front was really cool too.

      • 1 week ago

        True, FF has a great aesthetic.

        • 1 week ago

          Is FF just AC3 but not a dystopia? I haven't played it myself.

      • 1 week ago

        Formula Front was an awesome idea, awful execution. I’d like to have seen a better try at this in the form of AC6 DLC but it looks like From is all out of bones to throw us.

  16. 1 week ago

    laser lance supremacy

  17. 1 week ago

    >tfw no disembodied fairouz ai sapient energy gf

    • 1 week ago

      People when a disembodied energy waifu who just wants to live and does everything she can to help you otherwise
      >I don't trust her she must be evil and trying to manipulative you!

      Meanwhile when a doll-possessed spirit waifu who is shady as frick, has caused tons of grief, possibly has her own servants killed and makes you do everything to help her
      >Perfect doll waifu can do no wrong I would give everything for lady Ranni!

      • 1 week ago

        People who don't like Ayre are just gay. Have you seen how gays react to the game? They immediately start obsessing over Rusty and Walter.

        • 1 week ago

          Ayre isn't a woman, it's just a thing using the voice of a woman which pretends to care about you so it can use you for its own ends. Never once does it do anything else but ask you to do things for it and express "compassion" for you. As soon as you turn against it, it's more than happy to try and kill you.
          Coral is basically an organic version of gray goo and if it escapes Rubicon, it will infinitely propagate across the universe until it consumes everything. In the ending where it wins, it's in the process of doing just that. Symbiosis is impossible. Coral might not even be sapient, it just needs to be sentient enough to copy human behavior and ensure its continued existence.
          It has to be burned.

          • 1 week ago

            > People who don't like Ayre are just gay.

            • 1 week ago

              Anon, you can't frick the microorganism, it isn't possible and it's not female. I could replace Ayre's voice with a man's and it'd still be accurate. "Ayre" is arguably not even a living thing.

          • 1 week ago

            This isn't Dark Souls, tertiary LARPer. Ayre is a benevolent being and your soul mate because that's mecha as a genre. This is basic giant robot plot 101.

            • 1 week ago

              Yup, that's definitely what ending 3 implied.
              combat systems online

              • 1 week ago

                >Dumb moron completely forgot the COM system just five seconds ago revealed it was a plant working for ALLMIND
                Ayre replaced your COM, you silly homosexual. It's an autistic Japanese way to say Ayre will always be with you in that AC.

        • 1 week ago

          > People who don't like Ayre are just gay.


        • 1 week ago

          It's mostly trannies and men trying too hard not to be simps for the obvious waifu. I remember when I was looking through streams and anytime I'd see a guy get to the crossroads there'd be some trannies in chat spamming about how Ayre is a space parasite that wants to enslave humanity and how you should respect daddy Walter's will.

          • 1 week ago

            Ayre doesn't have physical form and the "woman's voice" was chosen to manipulate 621, a simp.

            • 1 week ago

              >Ayre is so dedicated manipulating you that even when she kills you she is trying to make you think she didn't want to, despite there being no reason to do so at that point
              Truly devious

            • 1 week ago

              >she manipulates you by being nice and honest and saying she likes spending time with you and feels bad when you take missions for her without pay and tries her hardest to be useful to you
              Incel. She doesn't even know what coral release is and doesn't push you to it when she does find out, she just tells you that she'll support you like always

              • 1 week ago

                Her goal is to prevent another fire. Everything she says and does is in service of that, which mostly involves manipulating you away from Walter and the corps towards the Coral-loving Rubiconian hippies.

              • 1 week ago

                She doesn't even know that Carla planned to burn the coral until she tells you otherwise she would've fricked off a long time ago and wouldn't have stuck with you during the xylem defense or try and sabotage the ship. Ayre is the most naive character in the game she doesn't know shit.

              • 1 week ago

                >wants to genocide sentient space oil, destroying a planet which will kill the however-many humans and cause damage to the surrounding system

              • 1 week ago

                he kills millions to save billions
                after coral release there are no humans left in the universe

              • 1 week ago

                >every human gets a cute brain waifu/husbando that loves them and gives them technomancy powers
                Sounds based

              • 1 week ago

                >after coral release there are no humans left in the universe
                You're equating metamorphosis into a new species with Walter's genocide plan, which is moronic.

            • 1 week ago

              > To prove that I'm not a simp, I'll join a doomsday cult and destroy a whole planet, because I'm not a simp.
              Elliot Rodger energy right here.

          • 1 week ago

            >looking for streams
            Looks like they're not the only trannies

            • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      People who hate Ayre are unironic incels, she's saccharinely sweet and even when you threaten to wipe out her entire race she still believes in you with her dying breath. Best Fromsoft girl, I will do anything for my gasoline girlfriend and I will be justified in doing so

    • 1 week ago

      >Doesn't even have a body
      >Basically a schizophrenic voice
      >Proceeds to Mohg every ER waifu

      • 1 week ago

        It is ironic that a female voice without body is superior to most female characters in recent AAA.

      • 1 week ago

        >Proceeds to Mogh every ER waifu
        Now that sounds like a spicy Yuri doujin

    • 1 week ago

      >i need le waifubait because i am le cumbrain porn addict!!!!
      Lol, so epic reddit!

  18. 1 week ago

    2 pulled off the strange alien power mechanic off way better. Also boss rush slop

  19. 1 week ago

    too cinematic and it would be better if you played as giant sexy robot girls.

  20. 1 week ago

    Bloodborne/Sekiro>>AC6>DeS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all the other soulsslop

  21. 1 week ago

    Very fun game but i wish it was harder

  22. 1 week ago

    ac6 makes me wish gen 5 released during the prime FROMgay years so the verdict war would've had more than 40 people playing outside of japan

  23. 1 week ago

    Had no concept of pacing or difficulty scaling. The first 1h30m were press-W-to-complete, and then a total wall. Lucky for me it was still within return window on steam.

    • 1 week ago

      Lel, this fricking loser couldn't beat the first boss. Kek.

      • 1 week ago

        Whatever you think a boss is. To me the first few times the big healthbar showed up I pressed left mouse button and the boss fell. I did absolutely nothing and just waltzed through. Suddenly some actual boss shows up and no matter what you do you're instantly squished.

        That just smells of super bad game design. Sure, if all bosses were incredibly difficult, or the difficulty scaled up as you played I'd be fine with that. But it was just 0->100 instantly.

  24. 1 week ago

    post your designs
    I need ideas

    • 1 week ago

      He's not the most beautiful but this lad carried me through the end of NG, NG+ and NG++ on release.
      Having replayed recently I'd say the VE-60LCB (the huge back-mounted laser cannons) are superior to the stun needle, mostly due to the nature of laser weapons not needing to reload.
      I don't have the game installed right now but my preferred lightweight build had 2 VE-66LRAs and 2 laser orbits. For bodyparts I think I used
      IB-C03C: HAL 826
      EL-PL-00 ALBA
      BC-0200 GRIDWALKER
      IB-C03F WLT 001
      The engine is a little heavy and recharges slowly but has the best energy gun output. I'll tell you now, this build is dogshit against the chapter bosses. It's not even about survivability, you genuinely just don't have the damage output to kill most of them before running out of ammo. If it's an AC boss you'll be fine but Ibis and Spider are grueling. Ibis is probably impossible, I think it just doesn't have the ammo.
      That said, on any other mission it's the most fun I've had in the game. Ridiculously fast, the rifles are high damage and borderline hitscan and the laser orbits will just keep chipping away at enemy load limit while swatting away trash. It also looks great, I should have screenshotted it when I was still playing.

      • 1 week ago

        I really like the colour scheme
        it reminds me of something but I can't tell

        • 1 week ago

          80s miami vice was the goal. There's a little design you can't see on the knees that's a couple palm trees and a sunset.

          • 1 week ago

            then that's fricking cool

    • 1 week ago

      >4-leg mech chad (rare)
      >wipeout chad (rare)
      i don't even play this shit-ass stagger-meter-is-everything game, awful game design. but your post is why i clicked on this thread

      • 1 week ago

        thanks anon
        I'm just in love with wipeout
        >shit-ass stagger-meter-is-everything
        I wonder if they'll keep this thing if they ever make another AC game (hopefully not)

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      took some getting used to but this thing's a nasty ass build when you get used to it
      >stagger with the double ducketts
      >rush in, shiv em with the 3-hit laser dagger combo
      >unload on whatever poor bastard pissed you off with the songbirds, by this time the dagger's ready to use again so you can go in for ANOTHER hit if the enemy's still staggered
      >rinse and repeat
      The spring chicken legs are really fun too, I feel like most people use them for medium/long-range builds but they're pretty good for closing the gap and staying mobile on a short range build. If you play it right, this thing turns the sea spider, the Ibis boss, Arquebus Balteus, PCA heavy calvary and the depth 2 enforcer into a joke.

      • 1 week ago

        I thought dual Zimmermans were frowned upon. Why would you display them proudly?

        • 1 week ago

          Worse combos have been discovered.

        • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          those are ducketts

    • 1 week ago

      Based Wipeout enjoyer
      For my playthrough I did Mirage with the green and white

  25. 1 week ago

    Those three numbers. Why couldn't they choose a different set of numbers.

    • 1 week ago

      what's wrong with 621

      • 1 week ago

        Maybe a reference to monosodium glutamate

      • 1 week ago

        divide it by 9

      • 1 week ago

        furry porno site

  26. 1 week ago

    RedGuns DLC when?

  27. 1 week ago

    >AC game released after Last Raven
    >Worse in every way
    Grim tbh

  28. 1 week ago

    I think AC6 is the most unfun game I finished.

    I hope SotE hasn’t taken any wrong lessons from this game.

  29. 1 week ago

    For Answer was better

  30. 1 week ago

    Nineballer and Patches need to return for the inevitable dlc. I'm sure even if SotE flops FS will still have revenue to shit out another AC game before dying.

  31. 1 week ago

    >turning speed
    >hard lock
    >arena multiplayer

    Release verdict day on PC.

    • 1 week ago

      >removed turning speed*

  32. 1 week ago

    Are 4, FA, V, and VD good for emulation? Why did people shit on 4 but praise FA?

    • 1 week ago

      4 and FA run perfectly on RPCS3. 5 and VD were fricked the last time I tried.
      4 is an L game because it only has one good mission, whereas FA is mostly bangers.

    • 1 week ago

      4 is painfully bland and barebones, 4A was a massive improvement in a few aspects (not all of them) but is arguably overrated.
      They're all emulatable, but for 5th gen you'll want Xenia. Look up some guides.

  33. 1 week ago

    Apologize for what? It's a fantastic game that I put 200 hours into.

    • 1 week ago

      those rubicon scientist were geniuses

  34. 1 week ago


  35. 1 week ago

    >All discussion around AC6 was positive right up until Elden Ring DLC's release window where it suddenly turned into the same repeated posts about how it's slop, how ACV (a game everybody fricking despised) was better, how it doesn't have good customization yet it has the highest number of parts ever seen in a numbered title that wasn't an expansion etc.

    • 1 week ago

      Positive? There have been no threads for a while until now. But yes soulsgays are indeed gays, anon.

    • 1 week ago

      >yet it has the highest number of parts ever seen in a numbered title that wasn't an expansion etc
      Literally false.

      • 1 week ago

        Literally correct

    • 1 week ago

      Just soulstrannies seething again

    • 1 week ago

      >>All discussion around AC6 was positive right up until Elden Ring DLC
      Do you seriously expect this kind of revisionism to work for a game that came out last year?

      • 1 week ago

        There is no revisionism, I was in almost every thread from its release in August up until they petered off in about February when everybody had finished the story. It was basically a general. The worst flak it got was how many parts were garbage on release month before the updates started correcting them.

        • 1 week ago

          You are so full of shit you're more shit than man at this point.

          • 1 week ago

            I'm not going to argue against someone with a vivid imagination not bound in reality.

            • 1 week ago

              Take your moronic gaslighting to twitter.

              • 1 week ago

                Using the word "gaslight" doesn't make your gaslighting attempt invisible, homosexual.

        • 1 week ago

          >There is no revisionism, I was in almost every thread from its release in August up
          Then you would have know that I and other old AC fans were in those threads shitting on this trash game

          • 1 week ago

            You vanished after a week because everybody was sensible enough to ignore you.

            Funny how I never see you gays in the /m/ AC general.

            • 1 week ago

              >funny how I never see you in my safe space

              • 1 week ago

                >Funny how I never see you gays in the /m/ AC general.
                Because there's no point going into a general full of gays like you

                The AC general is more critical of this fanbase than you teenage morons could ever hope to be. Literal daily arguments about which game is better. The difference between them and you is they explain their points instead of posting buzzwords

                >my game soul
                >your game slop

              • 1 week ago

                > AC 6 fans critical
                maybe in the typical mindless zoomer fashion of "old bad latest thing good"

              • 1 week ago

                >maybe in the typical mindless zoomer fashion of "old bad latest thing good"
                Literally never once been said outside of the usual suspect games that the majority of the fanbase didn't like long before AC6, which is ACV and Verdict Day. Two games so notorious they're continuously pointed to as the games that killed the series for a decade. A two-pair that actually fricked the entire mechanics of the franchise up the ass with scan mode, limited-to-no-flight, no boost recovery outside of scan mode, and the damage triangle.

                You gays are delusional.

              • 1 week ago

                As opposed to
                >my game KINOOOOOOO
                All the arguments against have been mentioned and ignored/dismissed/downplayed so many times there's not much left to actually argue about. Even then, people still do. Here as well.

                >No you weren't

                >no one was saying anything bad about the game until now!
                >no, not on Ganker, I actually meant the /m/ general
                Comical? Fricking moronic if you ask me. Also, you're contradicting yourself constantly so drop the act already.

              • 1 week ago

                >>no one was saying anything bad about the game until now!
                >>no, not on Ganker, I actually meant the /m/ general
                Who are you quoting? I said you gays stopped posting after a week, and then in a completely separate statement, pointed out you supposedly hardcore AC fans don't frequent the one place where the games are continuously discussed. You're posers, fake fans, you don't give a shit about AC.

              • 1 week ago

                I literally stopped coming there because of AC6 gays, as I had no desire to constantly read their posts let alone interact with them, nor did I want to constantly complain how shit the game is like I have nothing better to do.
                Ganker threads are transient and more divided, so doing it here once in a while is fine.

            • 1 week ago

              >Funny how I never see you gays in the /m/ AC general.
              Because there's no point going into a general full of gays like you

            • 1 week ago

              So you want people to go out of their way to complain in what is effectively an AC6 general full of newbies? What would be the point exactly?

              Using the word "gaslight" doesn't make your gaslighting attempt invisible, homosexual.

              >NO U!!!!
              Just have a nice day, you moronic subhuman, no one's falling for your bullshit. Your souls DLC is irrelevant.

              • 1 week ago

                >No you weren't

    • 1 week ago

      It's a combination of souls fans (likely hating AC6 for taking any attention away from their series) and a bit of Nintendo fans as well (they despise ACgay, so they trash the game in revenge. hence why you'll hear people call AC6 "cinematic")

      Ganker just loves conflict.

      • 1 week ago

        Slightly smaller pool, but I know Daemon X Machina fans have a chip on their shoulder about AC6 because a lot of original devs for the AC games went and made that title.

        • 1 week ago

          Daemon X Machina is a really strange game. It was good, but it was also shit. I don't know how to explain it. I enjoyed the game a lot though.

          • 1 week ago

            Kinetic weapons sounding like shit, legs being borderline useless, and the near absolute lack of weight in the movement were my main issues with it. Also the looter bullshit.
            Why the frick are there two teasers for the sequel but still no info or any footage of the actual gameplay, what are they even doing.

            • 1 week ago

              Rumor is it's a Switch 2 launch title and so Nintendo has them gagged on all media.

            • 1 week ago

              Hopefully the sequel patches up all the half cooked ideas and poor equipment balance.

          • 1 week ago

            Maybe I'm alone but I really liked the bosses in DxM. They had some cool ideas.

            Hopefully the sequel patches up all the half cooked ideas and poor equipment balance.

            I believe in them. They took a lot of problems that people had with the Demo and addressed nearly all of them.

            • 1 week ago

              Nah, the bosses were all great aside the final boss imo. Just always ran out of ammo and it took me a bit to figure out you can throw canisters for the last bit of it's health.

    • 1 week ago

      Why would you post something so obviously false?
      Anyone who looks at the archives of AC threads for the past 7 months would see that this isn't true.

  36. 1 week ago

    For me it's casting the die, allowing me to serve both ALLMIND and Ayre, and dunking on that little b***h Iguazu

  37. 1 week ago

    I like every single AC gen and I have no idea what the frick this fanbase's problem is

    • 1 week ago

      it's a Ganker thing anon, if something is too popular then it fricking sucks and it's the cancer that killed the franchise

    • 1 week ago

      It’s literally shitposters that misconstrue the complaints of people who played AC pvp and blow it up for hyperbole sake since they haven’t played any of the games seriously. Like someone could say “Stagger is overly focused on and limits the interactions of a 1v1 environment” and they would take that and screech how the entire game is souls slop, frick hard lock, frick no turn speed and frick whatever like it killed their baby when they especially didn’t play the pvp to these games. Applying complaints from a pvp perspective to its pve experience. Which I don’t need to say is moronic. There was actually a big video that got a bunch of, pretty much discord users and some actual content creators and outside of a very very select few, most who didn’t like AC6 didn’t even sound like the mentally ill here.

      When it comes to AC6, people just have to explode minor problems or hell some shit that is literally preference, just to justify wanting to be irrationally angry at Fromsoftware because they are now very successful. They don’t want AC6 to be good. They wanted something to b***h about regardless of its actual quality.

      • 1 week ago

        stagger is relatively less important in pvp because they can activate forcefield or assault armor when they get staggered. also you usually kill people regardless of stagger
        it's most important in the single player boss fights where you can only cut through their overinflated health by abusing the 4x damage from stagger. otherwise they constantly run away to your Ricochet range and you'll run out of ammo

  38. 1 week ago

    I like the game but it's too hard so I stopped playing. Got to Operation Wallclimber and just gave up.

  39. 1 week ago

    For what? I loved it.

  40. 1 week ago

    im going to play this after elden ring

    • 1 week ago

      have fun, it's a great game hated by the most annoying kind of homosexuals on Ganker--people who hate slightly minute changes but can't put pen to paper on why change is bad beyond it being change.

  41. 1 week ago

    I wonder if they're going to build off the true end or toss it for the next game.
    I also wonder if these games would benefit from much larger maps in the missions.

    • 1 week ago

      >I also wonder if these games would benefit from much larger maps in the missions.
      No. The larger size maps in this are quite large enough.

    • 1 week ago

      Less about size and just deeper mission design. Silent Line still stands with the best missions in the series because of just how much mileage you can get out the missions in those games. Lots of variety, optional goals and just good depth to that variety. AC6 reminds me more of Another Age, lots of ideas, but not much explored to those ideas.

      • 1 week ago

        >Silent Line
        >best missions
        Yes I love walking down hallways for 5 hours.

      • 1 week ago

        Well, a sequel and/or expansion is confirmed, so I imagine we're gonna see a lot more zany parts and mission ideas. 6 played it very safe, and that's to be expected for what may as well be a soft reboot.

      • 1 week ago

        Silent Line is the exact same game as all the previous PS2 games. You're probably getting it mixed up with Last Raven.

        • 1 week ago

          I’m talking about mission design. Levels and objectives. Not ever Armored Core game has you chasing a tiny robot through a parking plaza like Master of Arena. Last Raven is not what I’m talking about because Last Raven outside of a few missions you’ll do on a normal run are essentially a gauntlet of AC encounters. Which is fine, but mission design in terms of what the mission entails, the level design, variables and complexity, hidden parts/objectives, isn’t Last Raven’s strong attribute. Its big strengths comes from other aspects of the game, but mission/level design isn’t one of them.

          • 1 week ago

            Like I said, SL's missions are the exact same as the previous games. All you do is massacre defenceless jobbers. Looking for hidden parts is a tedious chore.
            Last Raven stands out because the enemies can actually fight back.

            • 1 week ago

              >All you do is massacre defenceless jobbers.
              have you played these games for more than 5 minutes

              • 1 week ago

                Yes. I've finished 1, Arena, 2, AA, 3, SL, Nexus, LR, 4, FA, and 6. Nineball Seraph is the only enemy I remember from before LR.

                I’m glad your entire definition of design boils down to challenge. For Answer is exactly the same as the old games because you’re just taking down defenseless jobbers as well. This is why From pushes away from more creative designs especially in bosses, because nobody wants that. They want to be kicked in endlessly because they want to master the I frame button. Because having a creative boss is infinitely worse because it’s an easier fight than the boss that demands only of you pressing the button at the right time as many times as it demands. So they complain and then you get the Elden Ring DLC.

                Everybody hated 4 because the mission were designed like the old games even though the player was more powerful, and everybody loves FA because the missions were actually designed around the context of the game's mechanics.

              • 1 week ago

                >Yes. I've finished 1, Arena, 2, AA, 3, SL, Nexus, LR, 4, FA, and 6. Nineball Seraph is the only enemy I remember from before LR.
                the point is you usually have an objective besides killing things or reaching the exit. that's what a Mission is.
                6 sucks at this. you get a couple of decent ones on ng++. otherwise it's a shooting gallery

              • 1 week ago

                Ah, yes. I love protecting submarines. They really don't make 'em like they used to.

              • 1 week ago

                >Ah, yes. I love protecting submarines
                Unironically was a good mission must not have been braindead enough for you

            • 1 week ago

              I’m glad your entire definition of design boils down to challenge. For Answer is exactly the same as the old games because you’re just taking down defenseless jobbers as well. This is why From pushes away from more creative designs especially in bosses, because nobody wants that. They want to be kicked in endlessly because they want to master the I frame button. Because having a creative boss is infinitely worse because it’s an easier fight than the boss that demands only of you pressing the button at the right time as many times as it demands. So they complain and then you get the Elden Ring DLC.

    • 1 week ago

      >I wonder if they're going to build off the true end or toss it for the next game.
      If they do make a direct sequel, I'd figure they go with the Allmind ending but in reality not much would change since Coral are just people but abstract.

  42. 1 week ago

    wont buy it full price but it hasn't been on sale once lmao

    • 1 week ago

      It was literally on sale like two months ago.

      • 1 week ago

        Correction - I will not buy it for more than $30.

  43. 1 week ago

    Never needed to be sorry over this game. It's a fantastic game and Arquebus Balteus is one of my favorite bosses I've ever fought.
    Looking forward to the 30mms kits to create my own AC

    • 1 week ago

      >Looking forward to the 30mms kits to create my own AC
      Would be an absolute nightmare for me.

      >finally spend all this time perfecting my AC
      >spend the money to get the parts to build my little action figure
      >right as I finish, a new patch comes out
      >another part is now incredibly viable and replaces a part in my mainstay build
      >back to square one

  44. 1 week ago

    Hey cool an AC thread!
    Oh.. never mind

  45. 1 week ago

    For me, it's regular Steel Haze

    • 1 week ago

      juggernaut boss theme is underrated. tells us the aggressiveness of rusty's mech

  46. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      It doesn't have Denuvo, smart guy.

    • 1 week ago

      Bot post.

  47. 1 week ago

    stagger system they forced in to appeal to soulsgays ruined it

    • 1 week ago

      the stagger system that isn't in dark souls was added to appeal to dark souls gays?
      did the shadow people tell you that?

  48. 1 week ago

    Oh shit I'm sorry

  49. 1 week ago

    Apologize for what? It was my GOTY last year.

  50. 1 week ago

    From are absolute frauds for that speech about game difficulty experience in that recent interview but absolutely forbabby'd the shit out of AC6's game design. Still pretty alright though, hoepfully they fix people's complaints with the new sequelexpansion

    • 1 week ago

      6 is one of the hardest games in the series

      • 1 week ago

        They’re not ready to hear that. They don’t want to know the AC series for the most part is pretty easy after you actually learn the controls.

      • 1 week ago

        They’re not ready to hear that. They don’t want to know the AC series for the most part is pretty easy after you actually learn the controls.

        This. I can consistently beat Last Raven if I have the right loadout, and ACFA on hard mode can be dealt with without issue, but AC6 still causes me trouble even when I build cheese builds. Escorting the Strider hurts.

        • 1 week ago

          They’re not ready to hear that. They don’t want to know the AC series for the most part is pretty easy after you actually learn the controls.

          I'm calling BS, I've felt more pressed by random shit in AC2:AA

      • 1 week ago

        >6 is one of the hardest games in the series
        Lmao you can kill the bosses in in like 10 seconds with the right loadout

      • 1 week ago

        Bull, NB 9Ball is harder than any boss in 6.

  51. 1 week ago

    Why. I got every ending and thoroughly enjoyed the game. I just wasn't autistic enough to enjoy the PvP so I left it there. It's not complicated.

    • 1 week ago

      Same, I S'd every mission and left it at that.

  52. 1 week ago

    As a newcomer to mech games, I bought AC6 last week and have been having a lot of fun with it. Only completed the Strider mission today. The only difficulty I faced so far was defeating the 2 tetrapods. And had to watch a YouTube video to see how to avoid the laser in Strider.

    Extremely fun game though

  53. 1 week ago

    okay schizo

  54. 1 week ago

    thoughts on this?

  55. 1 week ago


  56. 1 week ago

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