Arbitology: Dei Gratia Rex

thoughts on it? seems kino

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    how about a demo you fricking devniggger

    • 1 year ago

      Didn't devanon mention that he wanted to make a demo?

    • 1 year ago

      dont tell the janny but i made the thread to summon that moron, Ive been bored with my games I could play this lol.

      • 1 year ago

        I hate to say it, but it does work. Seeing shit I'm involved with in the catalog is resistible bait. I kind of hope I never get over that.
        I'm going to post an update tomorrow. The first in a long time.

        how about a demo you fricking devniggger

        Didn't devanon mention that he wanted to make a demo?

        Still want to get something testable in people's hands. I don't know if that's in demo form or what, but something.
        In a roundabout way, I did recently get some anons (ok, 2 anons total) on /vrpg/ to report some bugs in the underlying engine.
        You'll know the context for the forthcoming post.

        • 1 year ago

          >hate to say it, but it does work
          knew it would kek, I made a thread about it a while back, didnt know the dev was a shitposter here.

          >I'm going to post an update tomorrow. The first in a long time.
          looking forward to it

          • 1 year ago

            I've actually had to chill a bit in my shitposting on here.
            I learned that some topics are a bit too spicy even for a Burmese yodeling forum and get you banned.
            Anyway, an update is up. Not one of my best, but I probably should try communication instead of just disappearing from the internet.

            • 1 year ago

              Wishing you all the best in finishing up the game anon, also I'm gonna try your gamejam game when I have some time to kill

              • 1 year ago

                well that was pretty meta, I do like the modifier stacking gameplay as a rpg buff/modifier prostitute myself

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks. It definitely will be finished, one way or the other.

                well that was pretty meta, I do like the modifier stacking gameplay as a rpg buff/modifier prostitute myself

                Does that mean you got the real ending? If so, I know of only one other person who did, an anon on the /vrpg/ CYOA general. I sort of had to spoil the last step, but he had over 2000 score vs. the roll again the Dead King.
                I wanted that part hidden, but it might be too well hidden.
                Bringing it back around to DGR, you noticed on later cycles you got different events at the same juncture in the story sometimes, right? The same applies if you start a new game. Dreams of Gold uses the DGR event system under the hood. I thought that would be a neat way to make sure people see most of the content I wrote, even if it's somewhat out of order.

                Ill check out the other game, get a demo out my homie. how much of a cut do those sites get btw?

                It's kind of complicated, like everything touching money unfortunately.
                With itch I can set whatever I like, even 0%. I went with the default, which is 10%. But for them, tax-inclusive territories (basically everywhere except USA; prices there are tax-exclusive and the tax is added on at the end) take that out first. Also payment processors take their cut. After that's done, itch takes their cut, then passes the remainder on.
                Similar for Steam, but they fold the payment processor into their cut. Their cut is 30% though. Unless of course you do 8 figures then it's lower.

              • 1 year ago

                >Does that mean you got the real ending?
                idk, I beat the final boss after a few cycles of fricking around and fast traveling all over the place, then went back to the beginning and used the option to not go on the adventure that then takes you to the "real world" and the credits roll.
                >you noticed on later cycles you got different events at the same juncture in the story sometimes, right?
                definitely, semi-random events KoDP style right? I liked that a lot, made replaying interesting.
                Also I liked the little disco elysium reference at the end, though having the final boss mention "trad memes" when I played a religious character was a little jarring, even though I know it's supposed to be completely fourth wall breaking. Is his summary of how you played the only way that those sort of lifestyle/outlook choices matter in the game?

              • 1 year ago

                That's it! Pretty cool, I'm glad at least two people have reached the end. Zero of my friends have, and only two played it at all.
                Yeah, those choices were originally intended to work just like they do in DGR, with high values locking you out of certain actions. Like the kind character being locked out of cruel actions, etc. But in DGR there is also the willpower system that lets you act out of character to a limited extent, and doing so has significant effects on personality. In the end, there wasn't enough content or time for the jam game to do that though. The jam game is ~30k words. I ran the counting script against DGR, which undercounts a fair few things, and ended up with ~220k. Definitely a lot more room to do things there.
                Oh, and the end boss talks shit about whatever choices you make. He quotes Sheng-Ji Yang if you go all in on collectivism heh. The point of the character, besides being intensely unpleasant, is to be a bridge between in-game and out-of-game. No one has commented on him guessing the name of the player by pulling the Windows username yet. I was sort of hoping that would be good for a laugh.
                Anyway, thanks again for playing it. This is the most I have been able to talk about it anywhere.

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm glad at least two people have reached the end. Zero of my friends have
                these kinds of games are for the sort of person who not only can read but also finds reading enjoyable, and as terrible as it sounds that is sort of a niche audience

              • 1 year ago

                >gamejam game

              • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              Ill check out the other game, get a demo out my homie. how much of a cut do those sites get btw?

  2. 1 year ago

    Seems fun can't wait. I can't really say much more than that I guess but I've wishlisted it on Steam at least.

    • 1 year ago

      same, I dont buy games anymore but Ill buy this if it turns out decent.

  3. 1 year ago

    What's the core gameplay?

    • 1 year ago

      Think King of Dragon Pass. Alternating simulation-driven random events and player-chosen actions.
      Now add a Paradox-style province map, with at least a mild encouragement to reunify.
      It really was a conscious attempt at doing KoDP + Ck2.

      same, I dont buy games anymore but Ill buy this if it turns out decent.

      Seems fun can't wait. I can't really say much more than that I guess but I've wishlisted it on Steam at least.

      Thanks, bros.
      And yeah, there's honestly not much new to talk about right now.
      I haven't shilled it anywhere in months because of that.

      • 1 year ago

        Are the drawing yours?

        • 1 year ago

          I worked with an artist to make the miniatures, bas-de-page illustrations, majuscules, borders, etc.
          I did some texture work and the coats of arms.
          Basically, the artist did the good stuff, the less than good stuff is my fault.

          >Paradox-style province map
          Is paradox style really unique?

          Nahh, not really unique, but it is a particular thing.
          It's a lazy way for me to get across the concept of a clickable map divided into provinces rather than squares or hexes.

      • 1 year ago

        >Paradox-style province map
        Is paradox style really unique?

  4. 1 year ago

    Join us my friend


    • 1 year ago

      Is this better than /agdg/?


      • 1 year ago

        Yes, of course.

  5. 1 year ago

    I don't trust angloids or mutts to make a good historical game. Has to be an european team.

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