Are fighting games pure garbage?

You fight the controls of the game more often than you fight the actual player. How the frick do people play fighting games when they're objectively garbage like that?

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  1. 3 years ago

    git gud

  2. 3 years ago

    Do you mean doing special move inputs? That's the easiest part of fighting games. You should follow this video.

    Also, if they require 5iq to play how do you mess up so much? Sounds like you just need to spend more time practicing the basics.

    • 3 years ago

      >Do you mean doing special move inputs? That's the easiest part of fighting games.

      If you have to fight the game to play the game then its garbage, it doesnt matter how easy or how hard it may seem to you.

  3. 3 years ago

    After watching a video on option selects I've already lost interest.

  4. 3 years ago

    Sorry to say, but you got filtered. A literal dog is better at fighting games than you are

    • 3 years ago

      and i thank god i got filtered. i cant be bothered to play such a smooth brain degenerate genre of games.

      durr lemme just play le meta shit durrrr fighting the games controls isnt totally fine!

      • 3 years ago

        Keep seething.
        An animal without opposable thumbs can do what you can't.

  5. 3 years ago

    i had a more fun time on smash ultimate than any fighter I've ever played

    • 3 years ago

      Take a shower you pedo

  6. 3 years ago

    Fighting games are moronic in that they have next to no fricking content for single player
    and yet even the best fricking fighting games out right this very minute in this the year of our Lord 2021 have fricking abysmal netcode
    >Hurrdurr your supposed to play locals, online is always shit
    And this is why fighting games are niche, shut in losers who spend 23 hours a day in the lab aren't likely to go to locals, and the ones who do are so disgusting and smelly that normies who want to play at locals are put off

    • 3 years ago

      >Fighting games are moronic in that they have next to no fricking content for single player
      Arcade modes
      >and yet even the best fricking fighting games out right this very minute in this the year of our Lord 2021 have fricking abysmal netcode
      thats a dev problem, not a genre problem
      >>Hurrdurr your supposed to play locals, online is always shit
      nobody says this
      >And this is why fighting games are niche, shut in losers who spend 23 hours a day in the lab aren't likely to go to locals, and the ones who do are so disgusting and smelly that normies who want to play at locals are put off
      there exists this really cool thing that has you playing fighting games locally with people you like: Its called having friends you dumb gay

      • 3 years ago

        >Hurr durr just have friends
        Even my closest friends don't play fighting games for longer than maybe 1 hour before wanting to do something else. This is a shit argument btw. Fighting games should have better netcode than cowadooty, and yet even Capcom, the biggest of the big guys in fighting games can't give their flagship fighter decent netcode

        • 3 years ago

          >Even my closest friends don't play fighting games for longer than maybe 1 hour before wanting to do something else.
          Not my fault you got gay friends

  7. 3 years ago

    Tekken 7 is garbage

  8. 3 years ago

    Yeah it's just patterns following rhythms
    I don't like it since it's all largely the same. Even the 'impressive' perfect wins don't look impressive at all

    • 3 years ago

      >Yeah it's just patterns following rhythms
      >I don't like it since it's all largely the same. Even the 'impressive' perfect wins don't look impressive at all
      Nobody who has actually played and understood fighting games would say this.

      • 3 years ago

        This is a rhythm game

        • 3 years ago

 its not

  9. 3 years ago

    I love these threads.

    So much cope. From start to finish there's some guy trying to cope with the fact that's he's not able to do a QCF motion.

    Fighting the game controls? Just get some practice in. Or what? Has your attention span deteriorated so much that you can't even sit down 5 minutes to learn some motions? The motions aren't even the hard part. And SFV it's on the easy side when it comes to execution, anyway.

    • 3 years ago

      it's easy. I'm probably a bit better than the average player but it's not hard to see that most of the recent fightan are garbage. i did enjoy fighterz quite a bit though. sfv tekken soulcal are trash and other indie fighters are either dead, trash and/or populated by people who've put a lot of time into the game. i only have 1 friend in my group who plays fightan and he also says the genre is dead.

      • 3 years ago

        >genre is dead
        Since when was it ever alive outside of maybe SF2 and Mortal Kombat?

        • 3 years ago

          never, i suppose. I'm not a boomer so i wasn't around for the arcade fightan boom

    • 3 years ago

      Massive cope right here. Imagine defending fighting a games controls.

      Anyways, of all the game genre's out there, fighting games will always be for smooth brain morons that cant think past hadouken spam.

      • 3 years ago

        Except ive never needed to fight a games control, if you do its your fault for being braindead
        >Anyways, of all the game genre's out there, fighting games will always be for smooth brain morons that cant think past hadouken spam.
        You're saying you're too moronic to do motion inputs but somehow people who can are the moronic ones? Even then hadouken spam isnt going to get you anywhere unless your opponent is really dumb

        • 3 years ago

          >its your fault for being braindead

          Im not the one that plays fighting games lmao. Probably every single other genre of video games other than maybe battle royales requires more brain cells than fighting games.

          • 3 years ago

            >Probably every single other genre of video games other than maybe battle royales requires more brain cells than fighting games.
            RPGs take less brain cells
            FPS games take less brain cells
            Walking sims take less brain cells
            Platformers take less braincells
            Rythm games take less braincells
            Idle games take less braincells

            Fighting games are unironically one of the higher iq genres, if you dont understand them, its your fault for being a brainlet. There is more strategy and skill involved in fighting than any other genre.

            • 3 years ago

              >There is more strategy and skill involved
              Tell that to an RTS player.

              • 3 years ago

                RTS requires strategy, but not so much skill. FPS are all skill and no strategy. Fighting is the perfect mix of both.

              • 3 years ago

                >but not so much skill
                Ever heard of micro and macro?

              • 3 years ago

                RTS mainly involves clicking and pointing with your cursor, besides being fast there isnt much technical skill being utilized in RTS

              • 3 years ago

                FGs only involve pressing buttons, besides being fast there isn't much technical skill being utilized in FGs

              • 3 years ago

                You have clearly never played an RTS or FPS at a high level so of course you think that.

                Fighting games all come down to how well you can react. You do no thinking in fighting games whatsoever.

              • 3 years ago

                >Fighting games all come down to how well you can react. You do no thinking in fighting games whatsoever.

              • 3 years ago

                Yeah whatever you say. Doesnt change the fact that fighting games are literally for moronic people.

                Notice how people that play fighting games fail to play any other genre of video games? Its fricking hilarious really.

              • 3 years ago

                >Notice how people that play fighting games fail to play any other genre of video games

              • 3 years ago

                >You have clearly never played an RTS or FPS at a high level so of course you think that.
                And you have never played a fighting game at a high level. FPS are objectively the most braindead genre, its entirely based on reacting quick and shooting first, not even dodging projectiles anymore since arena fps is dead, calling fighting games braindead while defending fps is laughably moronic
                >Doesnt change the fact that fighting games are literally for moronic people.
                Weird that you are too moronic to play them then, could it be you are even more moronic? :^)
                >Notice how people that play fighting games fail to play any other genre of video games? Its fricking hilarious really.
                nice headcanon, lmao

              • 3 years ago

                >>Notice how people that play fighting games fail to play any other genre of video games? Its fricking hilarious really.
                >nice headcanon, lmao
                he cant even refute this point which means im right lmao. i really got your dumbass huh

  10. 3 years ago


    the funniest part is these people probably make posts about journalists asking for easier modes while simultaneously being terrible at video games.

  11. 3 years ago

    >chess is garbage because it has no single player

    • 3 years ago

      if thats your analogy then you probably have autism

    • 3 years ago

      Kinda playing chess widit too a little bit

  12. 3 years ago

    Learn how to use a dpad, zoom zoom. They weren't designed with sticks in mind.

  13. 3 years ago

    >You fight the controls of the game more often than you fight the actual player.
    The people who've put even a tiny bit of effort into fighting games don't fight the controls at all

    • 3 years ago

      >The people who've put even a tiny bit of effort into fighting games don't fight the controls at all

      Show me a person that has less than 10 hours into a fighting game that is entirely comfortable using every single combo of a single character.

  14. 3 years ago


    >If you dislike fighting, you are shit at gaming

    But thats the complete opposite. No has and no one ever will acknowledge people that play fighting games. It is the single most autistic genre of video games and no one will ever acknowledge you.

  15. 3 years ago

    Saying the controls of fighting games are bad is an utter plebeian tier opinion. They have the best controls of almost any genre, with an extremely high skill ceiling. They require very exact inputs, precise timing, and also very fast inputs.

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