Are genwunners actually a thing, or are they just a bogeyman in the Pokemon community?

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  1. 2 years ago

    More like a scapegoat to whine about really

    • 2 years ago

      it’s a boogieman

      gen 5 zoomers are far more annoying that “”genwunners”” ever were

      Actual genwunners don't post about genwunning online - they asserted their numbers/dominance around Pokémon Go's release but are mostly quiet. You've got a ton of insecure anons and the trolls that 'genwun' them in abundance though.
      It's kind of like how reddit has a Christian-hating athiest population that can't shut the frick up for some reason.
      In both cases the majority group is pretty chill and happy to share what they love but pretty removed from the day-to-day giga-autism in online bubbles.

      TLDR: try being a genwunner or loving Jesus sometime, it's chill.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd say the constant sperging about 'KANTOOOO' and 'CHARIZARD' even when neither of those are mentioned is more obnoxious

      • 2 years ago

        >Christian-hating athiest population
        It just has to be 14 year olds right? People can't keep thinking that way past this stage?
        I never say I'm an atheist because of these fricking edgelords

        • 2 years ago

          i frequently interact with people like that in their 20s, but they only start screeching when they're around a christian

          • 2 years ago

            >People only get upset about a thing when they are exposed to that thing
            Sounds pretty normal. I only b***h about mayonnaise when its on my food.

      • 2 years ago

        You're not religious. Why the frick are there so many homosexuals on this website that pretend they are?

        • 2 years ago

          because the people we don't like are atheists so being their opposite is le based

  2. 2 years ago

    it’s a boogieman

    gen 5 zoomers are far more annoying that “”genwunners”” ever were

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a kantokid and gen5 is by far my favorite.
      you don't have to have started with unova to appreciate it.

      in my opinion, the most annoying are the ones that try to defend gen4 out of nostalgia without acknowledging it.

      diamond was so bad it made me quit the series which led me to discover black and white way too late.

      my point is, nostalgia is a powerful thing and most people don't realize it. also frick gen4.

    • 2 years ago

      Considering the current state of this board, the johto one needs to be changed.

      • 2 years ago

        Unironically this, I genuinely love Johto but Johtogays on /vp/ are insufferable

    • 2 years ago

      homie, if you havent interacted with one you were born yesterday.
      There's plenty here even.

      here you go OP

      I really don't understand people like this, regardless of generation. I started with Blue. Some Pokemon I don't like, other do and that goes for all generations.

      Its not really about liking or disliking pokemon

    • 2 years ago

      >calls something a boogeyman while posting about the unova boogeyman

  3. 2 years ago

    I really don't understand people like this, regardless of generation. I started with Blue. Some Pokemon I don't like, other do and that goes for all generations.

  4. 2 years ago

    The eternal genwunner

    • 2 years ago

      >wojakhomosexual can't comprehend people liking what they don't while writing a long winded passage psychoanalyzing it
      Checks out really

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody should have a “vested interest in a franchise” unless they work on it or at least own stock in the company that does. Don’t make your consumption of specific product a lifestyle.

      • 2 years ago

        Best post of the thread. Genwars are a cancer killing the board because people try to absorb their favorite gen as a personality trait.

      • 2 years ago

        It is always funny how autists biggest criticism of genwunners is that they aren't obsessed about it.

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody should have a “vested interest in a franchise” unless they work on it or at least own stock in the company that does. Don’t make your consumption of specific product a lifestyle.


  5. 2 years ago

    The only good gens are 3, 4, 5.

  6. 2 years ago

    Being ten years old when Pokémon hit the US I have grown up with it. Blue version along with the anime were my introductions to the franchise so I am probably the closest thing to a Genwunner there is. I prefer the older gen designs and aesthetics but I believe it's rooted more in childhood nostalgia than any accurate measure of quality.

    There are more recent Pokémon that I love with gen 7 being an overall quality addition to the franchise in my opinion. Even when I absolutely hate a region or it's Pokémon I still try to focus on what I like and enjoy the expansion of the world. I think this is true for the majority of people.

    However, I do have to say Gen 8 is absolute trash for the most part. SV looks like a welcomed and refreshing addition which I am hyped for.

  7. 2 years ago

    They were online back in the late 00s to like 2014, but now they're gone. The internet fanbase is always dominated by whatever generation the late teen through early twenty crowd grew up with and at the moment that's either gen 4 or gen 5, which is why you currently see so much homosexualry coming from those two generations.

  8. 2 years ago

    Reminder that the same person who made this praised hisuian voltorb

  9. 2 years ago

    Genwunners are a thing, but only because it's cool to root for them now that they're a widespread boogeymen. You got ironic genwunners who only shill and praise Gen 1 just to shit on another gen and make their fans mad, and that's especially prevalent here in this shithole known as /vp/.

  10. 2 years ago

    it was really common 10+ years ago
    but it was mostly people who didn't have any involvement with Pokemon since their casual interest as a kid
    it would just be an annoying parroted opinion people loved to throw out in conversation

  11. 2 years ago

    Just a scapegoat from younger fans, i would say I am a genwunner as Kanto is my favourite region followed by Jhoto, but i am an original fan that grew up during pokemania.

    Having said that I like every gen i its own way, including the Galar region and I will like the new one also. I just like pokemon but have a big old softspot for the original 151 and simple designs. I also think Unova is the worst gen, as do many original fans, it was when i took my first big break from pokemon and I believe that is the greatest cause of the rift between new and old fans. I dont hate gen 5 and i like some of the mons, even unpopular ones like trubbish but i think its the weak link in the series and many people gen mad at gen 1 fans for this.

    The other reason people scapegoat gen1 is that with it being the original it is obviously going to get the most amount of attention, references and throwbacks as it is what the majority of the fans want (the majority of the fans are not super fans who post in places like this guys, be honest) casual fans, old returning fans and new fans alike can appreciate Kanto, whether it be pokemon cards, anime or games. The success of pokemon go was thanks to them not vomiting 1k pokemon out instantly and instead having people hunt for starmie and kingler.

    • 2 years ago

      man, I was so done with kanto after yellow, its second remake.
      gold / silver added even more to it with its emptiness.

      I guess I'm glad there are remakes for those that missed the first episodes and I get that it could be a way to finally do what you envisioned as a developer...but they have not done that and releasing it more than five times (green, blue, yellow, leaf green, let's go plus silver/soulsilver) is crossing into skyrim territory... just do a good game instead.

      • 2 years ago

        >its second remake
        Please don't tell me you bear the weight of such massive and uneducated autism that you think Blue was a remake.

        • 2 years ago

          that's why it only started to wear me down at yellow. blue is objectively a remade version for the non Japanese public.
          please, don't call people that were there uneducated in matters of history... or autistic about pokemon for that matter...

          • 2 years ago

            Holy frick, I hope this is a falseflag. There's no way someone can be this fricking hopelessly stupid. Take your meds.

            • 2 years ago

              leaving aside pointless insult since this is how we say hi to eachother here, would you argue that you must have played the original for a game to be called a remake ? or the fact that every single pokémon sprite, including the one you couldn't get, was made anew (re-made if you will) doesn't count as the game being a remade version ?

              • 2 years ago

                It's a translation you fricking autist. You're fricking hopeless, do you see two copies of a game on the shelf in gamestop and think "wow I can't believe they released this game twice!" Seriously what fricking autism do you have? How are you this lost?

              • 2 years ago

                so, translation is a process that involve making a game anew, with new sprites for monsters and npcs as well as fixing bugs ?
                I'm glad it's not my job to translate for you, it seems exhausting...

              • 2 years ago

                Learn what a remaster is and how it's not a remake. Then, learn that Blue wasn't either one.

              • 2 years ago

                so your point is that kanto was only shoved down our throats six times instead of seven ? I guess I can settle with that...

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, and that you're a fricking turbo moron for ever thinking that. Never breed, not that anyone needs to tell you that.

              • 2 years ago

                Red/blue were not remakes you dumb weeb. The western audience does not touch green.

              • 2 years ago

                I am western audience, it doesn't prevent me from seeing things, you should try...

                Yes, and that you're a fricking turbo moron for ever thinking that. Never breed, not that anyone needs to tell you that.

                I would advise you to follow your own advice but it would be rude of me

                Just because you have played it 6 or 7 times doesnt make it bad, Kanto is Pokemon

                Gen1 fans also played 2,3,4 and many played the rest also. Dont be narrow minded.

                and skyrim is elder scrolls, it's still wasted dev time on already seen stuff

                Started playing in '99, dropped the franchise in 2007 after the disaster that was DP

                this one gets half of it

              • 2 years ago

                Autistic weebs are not the majority, youre like trannies

                Rare but vocal, 99%+ people here have not played green or japanese only titles you weirdo, why would you when you can play red or blue, or even yellow? Japs dont play english games either because they cant read English.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know what you are projecting here, I didn't speak either japanese nor english as a kid.
                you are just ignoring the fact that kanto pandering is overdone and tiring. anyone who wanted to play it has done it by now, fr/lg was a bit too soon but the lack on backward compatibility could excuse it but let's go ? no excuse.
                the partner thing was dope and the rides were cool enough but it could have been way better in another, new region... or, even, as a sequel to red/blue, I don't know, the world is your cloyster, just stop rehashing the same lack of plot in empty maps already, I know I am a fully grown adult at this point and I have cash but I also have played other, better games by now

              • 2 years ago

                >but let's go ? no excuse

                Hmm maybe, just maybe Kanto is the most popular region and they knew it would sell better than rehashing a modern region. Youre just mad its not lets go Unova or something, the fans wanted lets go Pikachu. Not talking about die hards who live ans breathe boarda like this, because we all know they will buy anything no matter what anyway. The masses wanted it to be Kanto, TPCI knew it would sell best as it was on the back of pokemon go, yet another phenomenon that went viral due to Kanto

              • 2 years ago

                They could've at the very least made it just 3D Fire Red but with new stuff but instead it feels more like a 3D romhack of RBY.
                Also, stop being a homosexual.

              • 2 years ago


                >but let's go ? no excuse

                Hmm maybe, just maybe Kanto is the most popular region and they knew it would sell better than rehashing a modern region. Youre just mad its not lets go Unova or something, the fans wanted lets go Pikachu. Not talking about die hards who live ans breathe boarda like this, because we all know they will buy anything no matter what anyway. The masses wanted it to be Kanto, TPCI knew it would sell best as it was on the back of pokemon go, yet another phenomenon that went viral due to Kanto

                Btw, i'm not that anon you were talking to.

              • 2 years ago

                You know its the truth, I agree it shouldnt have been a 1:1 remake, but that is not a Kanto problem its a gamd freak problem and a you problem for playing every single iteration of a game including japanese releases for 25 years.

                The 1:1 remake issue is also BDSP greatest flaw.

      • 2 years ago

        Just because you have played it 6 or 7 times doesnt make it bad, Kanto is Pokemon

        Genwunners aren't super vocal on the rest of the internet either, they have grown out of the franchise for the most part. The audience for this series comes and goes because it's for children.

        Gen1 fans also played 2,3,4 and many played the rest also. Dont be narrow minded.

  12. 2 years ago

    They exist for sure but they’re not actually into Pokémon so they’re pretty rare here

  13. 2 years ago

    They do exist, but are not as active as they used to be. The real problem now is johto fans taking their place but with even less self-awareness somehow.

    • 2 years ago

      it was really common 10+ years ago
      but it was mostly people who didn't have any involvement with Pokemon since their casual interest as a kid
      it would just be an annoying parroted opinion people loved to throw out in conversation

      Wrong, they are still around but generally appreciate pokemon as a whole rather than only loving gen1 and becoming the boogeyman you want them to be.

      You can love all generations and still have a favourite, its just that many "gen1 fans" now prefer another region, some Kanto fans may even switch to this new generation when it comes out, they didnt all disappear from the internet, but many new fans (gen5 onwards) dont even consider Kanto or try to love it, they hate it out of pack mentality reflex just as is now happening to Johto.

  14. 2 years ago

    They exist but they aren't super active, the normalgays who grew up playing only Gen 1 are adults in their 30s who aren't constantly on the internet and don't give a shit about Pokemon so they don't discuss it. Maybe you can find some on Facebook.

    • 2 years ago

      Id argue the majority of pokemon fans are genwunners, but the majority of pokemon fans dont hang out on websites and forums like this, they consume the franchise without lwtting it consume them

    • 2 years ago

      You dont realize how /vp/ isnt the voice of all fans, i like it here but this is not a good perspective of the pokemon community as a whole

      • 2 years ago

        Id argue the majority of pokemon fans are genwunners, but the majority of pokemon fans dont hang out on websites and forums like this, they consume the franchise without lwtting it consume them

        Genwunners aren't super vocal on the rest of the internet either, they have grown out of the franchise for the most part. The audience for this series comes and goes because it's for children.

  15. 2 years ago

    They exist, but they generally don’t hang around shit-posting 24/7 on vp, reddit, and other platforms. Gen 4/5 gays are far more annoying at this point.

  16. 2 years ago
  17. 2 years ago

    Started playing in '99, dropped the franchise in 2007 after the disaster that was DP

  18. 2 years ago

    What /vp/ doesn't understand is that gens 6, 7, 8, and especially Pokemon GO were such massive successes that they brought most of those 30+ year old genwunners back into the series hence why almost none of them exist anymore. The new genwunners are instead the gen 3/4/5 diehards who won't shut the frick up about how anything after the DS era is an affront to the franchise while conveniently ignoring all the problems of their own personal favourite generation. They've become just as insufferable as the genwunners they used to argue against.

    • 2 years ago

      No, they never existed in the way that people would like you think.Genwunners became a scapegoat used by Gen 5 fans to strawman anyone who said anything negative about their games, and if you dare criticize anything about it today, you'll still be met with the classic "GENWUNNER MAD ABOUT ICE CREAM?" defense.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry, didn't mean to reply to you.

    • 2 years ago

      The real answer is that all pokemon fans are insufferable to each other, gens 1 and 2 stick together, 4 and 5 stick together with 3 being a halfway of both 1/2+4/5 and you will see these new gens will also do the same, once those kids grow up. Give it 5 years and they will be the new unovabortions.

  19. 2 years ago

    Out of the new Pokémon, the dragon on the right is the only cool one.
    The three headed dragon on the left is a cool idea but the heads look like flowers.
    The other two look like humanoid trash.

    All the top Pokémon look cool enough to use. And this is me ignoring the fact that on used 3 basic Pokémon to compare to 4 fully evolved Pokémon.

    • 2 years ago

      humanoids were a thing since RBY

    • 2 years ago

      >humanoid trash
      Go back to jacking off to Hypno porn.

  20. 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    >cherrypicks the worst designs of G1 and compares them to some of the better designs of later generations

    • 2 years ago

      It's a derivative of the original image that did the same thing but with Gen 5.

    • 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    I think that genwunners is basically just a term to refer to all the people that doesn't know a single thing about all the generations post johto.

    You know, the kinda folks that say "Wow, so pokemon is still a thing? I really liked Charizard as a kid", or stuff like that.

    I mean, among all the people i know that still plays pokemon sometimes literally nobody has Kanto as their favorite gen, it's usually 3, 4 or 5.

    • 2 years ago

      Ive played every gen except Alola, and Kanto is my favourite region, to me it is pure Pokemon world, as I remember it untouched. I also like Johto, but much of my love for gen2 comes from the fact that it just feels like an extension of Kanto and you can even visit Kanto post game.

  23. 2 years ago

    They exist but you will rarely find them on pokemon-related forums/websites. They are mostly normies who started with Gen 1 and stopped playing the series (aside from maybe Pokemon Go) for whatever reason and moved on.
    Most people in the fanbase who love Kanto and still are active aren't genwunners or else they would have just left (aside from a few trolls). You will find most of them IRL while discussing about Pokemon and they will say something like:
    >Oh yeah I used to play Pokemon as a kid! Charizard is my favorite and I loved watching the anime. Have you seen the trash bag and the ice cream pokemon? They look so shit lmao. GF has no imagination anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      Youre an ignorant human being and not much of a Pokemon fan if you think there are not many many hardcore fans who, whilst enjoying the other gens, favor generation 1, or 2 because it is 1+

      • 2 years ago

        There are a ton of fans on here who can't fathom that people can enjoy other gens but still prefer Kanto as their favorite. Even though Kanto has gotten the most remakes, gen 1 Pokemon tend to the most merch in both the east and west. Kanto isn't just popular with the stereotypical normie.

  24. 2 years ago

    If you think genwunners aren't real then you are underage. The Pokemon fandom completely changed after Go.

  25. 2 years ago

    They used to be very vocal in the communities in the late 00's, but I haven't seen one in years. It was annoying because Pokemon hadn't even gone downhill yet when they were whining.

    • 2 years ago

      There are still people who would enjoy gen 1 the most, its just that your perception of them has changed. As you even admit you see them as whiners, the truth is everyone has a favourite gen and many peoples is gen 1. You cant just discredit their opinions as not real pokemon fans, when if you include the casual market Kanto has the biggest fan base, and even in the hardcore circles like this board you still see many threads and even posters in this very thread now claiming to love gen1 the most.

      It would be like me saying nobody likes gen 5 as it was too controversial, clearly wrong as many younger fans enjoyed it.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, we're talking about genwunners, not Kanto kids. Genwunners don't have Kanto as their favorite, it's the only region and gen they like. Learn your terminology before spouting this ignorance at me.

  26. 2 years ago

    They exist but they're mostly normies on Facebook or maybe a few on Twitter. You'll rarely see a genwunner in a dedicated pokemon space.

  27. 2 years ago

    Does having the opinion that Gens 3, 4, and 5 are the best means I am a genwunner?

    • 2 years ago

      No, you're definitely a zoomer if you don't know what words mean to that extent.

      • 2 years ago

        proud zoomie here.

  28. 2 years ago

    They were a lot more common a decade ago when this image was created. Though I guess most of you guys were still in diapers back then.

    • 2 years ago

      >Though I guess most of you guys were still in diapers back then.
      They were. A lot of /vp/ users don't even know what a genwunner is and will go on long rants about it like

      There are still people who would enjoy gen 1 the most, its just that your perception of them has changed. As you even admit you see them as whiners, the truth is everyone has a favourite gen and many peoples is gen 1. You cant just discredit their opinions as not real pokemon fans, when if you include the casual market Kanto has the biggest fan base, and even in the hardcore circles like this board you still see many threads and even posters in this very thread now claiming to love gen1 the most.

      It would be like me saying nobody likes gen 5 as it was too controversial, clearly wrong as many younger fans enjoyed it.

      . Even if you try to correct them they'll continue to spout this nonsense.

      • 2 years ago

        It's kinda funny because when /vp/ was made genwunners were an actual issue on the internet as a whole. They're effectively the biggest reason the no genwarring rule was made. But the zoomzooms who joined in the last 5 years don't remember that era.

  29. 2 years ago

    Genwunner was a term that only showed up after the 90s, and usually came from the Gen 3/4/5 kids who still enjoyed the series after the GameBoy.

    Genwunners themselves may or may not be invested in Pokemon, but the brand itself is invested in them. They make a pretty consistent effort to grab their attention with fanservice and cameo appearances. Kanto Pokemon are the familiar, friendly faces of the franchise. This absolutely triggers the fans of later gens, and is where all the "KANTOOOOOOO" posts come from.

    • 2 years ago

      They really should've continued what they were doing between gens 1 - 4, not really favoring one gen or the other. Kanto just so happened to make a lot of appearances back then due to the remakes, but when they intentionally started to put the Kanto mons in the spotlight over the other mons consistently it became obnoxious. I was able to look past Origins, Go starting with the og mons, and even the bias in XY, but when regional variants were only Kanto mons in gen 7 it was annoying.

      • 2 years ago

        They have always favored Kanto over the others. Gen 6 and beyond was just more upfront about it.

        • 2 years ago

          Sinnoh isn't called Mountain Kanto for no reason

  30. 2 years ago

    they were a thing for a while, then they became an exaggerated boogeyman. the only genwunners left are normalgays on facebook.

  31. 2 years ago

    They are real on normie sites. Go look up any facebook meme on facebook and you’ll find a ton of them. They don’t really exist on any other fan site except maybe reddit

  32. 2 years ago

    Absolutely. They're just so accepted in certain circles that it's hard to pick them out.

  33. 2 years ago

    They're really, but the Sinnohzoomer is the biggest problem in the fanbase

  34. 2 years ago

    Genwunners back then would make fun of Gen 3-6 pokemon usually targeting objectmon and things like Bidoof and the Gen 4 fatmon. Eventually, they either dissipated onto GO and disappeared into their own world, or rejoined the franchise during the hype of the 3DS era. Today, genwunner is a word used by Gen 5 fans to strawman people who don't like the games -- not knowing (or not caring) that it was never exclusive to that generation in the first place.

  35. 2 years ago

    I started with diamond. But nowdays I would unironicly call me a Gen oner (or better gen oner and twoer)
    Most designs after gen 4 are unbeareble, even many gen 4 mon are shit.
    When I was child playing white for the first time I was hyped. The pokemon all looked pretty cool. Until the normal gym. Where pokemon like Snivy (still one of my fav staters) evolved in to a ugly mess. And most new mon were just so damn ugly.

    Even you only showed 2 are good ones (Haxarous and Bisharp)

    • 2 years ago

      You type like a Facebook normie.

    • 2 years ago

      >When I was child playing white for the first time I was hyped
      Oh no . . .

      • 2 years ago

        she was only 17 years and 364 days old

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