Are people actually just stupid? Like no joke. But genuinely and seriously, like flawed mentally.

Are people actually just stupid? Like no joke. But genuinely and seriously, like flawed mentally. Not even just mentally ill. Just like a very simple and fundemental flaw?

I just watched this video. How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2 for not being "tense". Not being "survival horror" because it never forces you to "make decisions" between leaving an enemy alive or not because you don't return to areas...or calling the game a walking simulator or "interactive art"...while praising one of the easiest, most braindead games, where not ONLY can you avoid being forced to use resources because you can use a melee weapon. Where NOT ONLY do you have infinite inventory space. Where NOT ONLY are ammo and resources constantly abundant and require no thought to use, where NOT ONLY are levels and areas linear as frick, where NOT ONLY is all "tension" even MORE superficial than Alan Wake 2 because it all comes from the radio and there are barely any enemies to threaten you let alone threatening enemies...

When I watch reviews like this. And see people make claims that indicate such a lack of critical thought applied to their own "criticisms" because, all of these things I proposed should have been abundantly clear to anyone who isn't biased...I get a bit depressed. Because it means, if the basic principle of at the very least trying to be logically coherent can't be fulfilled when talking about subjective things...then discussion becomes meaningless.

Somebody is going to misunderstand and think this means I hate Silent Hill 2. No. I actually find it really compelling and engaging, moreso on a psychological level than mechanical. But I genuinely commend how good the sound design and presentation is. That I think it's a more valuable experience as a videogame than any other medium.

Do you guys get me tho? My point?

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    didin't read, just get a filter if you hate review channels so much or are you stupid too?

  3. 7 months ago

    >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Anal Woke 2

    • 7 months ago

      Oh shit a wojak, OP is ruined for life haha! Put me in the screen shot!

    • 7 months ago

      I feel you, anon. Sorry but you are not gonna get a real dicussion here. Look at these morons

      >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2

      Who can't even quote the entire phrase.

      • 7 months ago

        can't tell if you're being ironic. I never can here but thanks I guess. the little reassurance keeps me sane. I'm a bit hard on myself at times, and will sometimes extrapolate that "if people don't understand me, I must be wrong" even if I've done everything I could to lay out clearly what I mean.

        godspeed anon. I'm off to go play resident evil 2

  4. 7 months ago

    >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2 for not being "tense"
    I love the game but it's not tense. If enemies were an actual threat then sure it would be tense

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like you're stupider than you even realize.

      • 7 months ago

        I feel like you should go back, homosexual

  5. 7 months ago

    I like how whenever any big post on Ganker is made. You can almost guarantee nobody will actually engage with the point. Give up on this place. For your own good.

    • 7 months ago

      I would have, if he was talking about a non-pozzed game.

  6. 7 months ago

    Alan Wake 2 isn’t tense because the game is uninteresting and makes Seth Macfarlane look like the Spierig brothers. You know what game was more tense than Alan Wake 2? You’re gonna hate the answer; that’s right it’s Elden Ring.

    • 7 months ago

      >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2 for not being "tense"
      I love the game but it's not tense. If enemies were an actual threat then sure it would be tense

      The shadow enemies are unironically more tense than anything in every Resident Evil game ever. Stronger too. You morons didn't play the game.

      • 7 months ago

        nah they're easy like your mom. get gud

  7. 7 months ago

    Are people actually just reading all this shit?

  8. 7 months ago

    Raoul Duke and Buk
    They are my crowd
    Fit together like the shotgun fits
    In Heminway's mouth
    I carve down my plot
    I write with your blood
    I created this world
    First came the word
    You have no light in sight
    Just endless darkness to fight
    The horror story come true
    I'm dark, twisted and cruel

    >HURR RAP I HATE Black folk I DON'T READ
    Get out of here while you still can, motherfricker, it's the Dark Place.

    • 7 months ago

      >Raoul Duke and Buk
      How many brainlets do you think realized this was referring to Hunter S. Thomspson and Bukowski? Sam Lake and the people he hires really are on another level, gays who hate this game are the same gays that flunked out of high school literature.

      • 7 months ago

        How much are you getting paid, bootlicker?

  9. 7 months ago

    I think udder mayonnaise is a bait channel.

    • 7 months ago

      Many such cases. Video essays are the most pathetic, autistic shit, especially when they drag for more than a few minutes. The padding is so obvious every time, too:
      >Instead of using one or two good examples to illustrate your point, use fricking ten.
      >Bring up a big philosophical idea, read the entire fricking author biography, and then read one quote that barely applies to the thing you're talking about.
      >Talk about yourself as if anyone fricking cares (Noah Caldwell-Gervais should kill himself).
      >Instead of saying something like "the controls are responsive," say something like "I felt this game's synchronicity in my veins, it was a beautiful experience and a triumph of the medium - to those expecting me to-"

    • 7 months ago

      >I think udder mayonnaise is a bait channel.

      Okay but why does he act like such tough shit? Dude is a legit moron. If you watch the beginning of the video he's literally like "i haven't played the prior games blah blah blah. If you're expecting someone more familar with these games you can go watch a bunch of other reviews from people who eat this shit up" Why is he preemting from the get go as if his opinion is some divine hard truth gospel that people won't be able to accept? The frick? He literally concludes in the video that doesn't understand it, after calling some of Alan's parts "repetitive" about the dude who lost his memory a dozen times over and is in a loop.

      If he ACTUALLY wanted to criticize "repetitiveness" he should have criticized the fact that Alan will often say dialogue during the gameplay about "I need to use the plotboard" blah blah blah. And even then it's not even as if its detrimental to the story which he tries to imply.

      • 7 months ago

        >Okay but why does he act like such tough shit
        because it makes morons like you watch his shit and then promote it on discords and Gankers. You watched his bait and ran here screeching "DUDE HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAYO GUY BEING A moron?????".

        Good fricking job promoting his shit for free for him. That's literally how every single moden social media works these days
        >this chick just put 1 kg of sugar in her tea lmaaao watch her channel
        >wow this dude made the most moronic tweet just look at it!
        all these people are baiting and morons with no self control promote their shit for free giving them views and ad revenue.

      • 7 months ago

        >If you watch
        You dumb motherfricker you generated money for him. You talk about him obsessively. He won, you lost.

        • 7 months ago

          >You talk about him obsessively. He won, you lost.

          Dude. This is literally like my first time talking about him or even watching one of his videos all the way to the end. I'm not "obssesed"...lmao. But sure. He won. Good for him. I won in my head for affirming that I wasn't delusional about how moronic he is by how many others seemingly think so and were able to notice the contradictions aswell. Assuming that one dude isn't lying about RE2 having weapon upgrades.

  10. 7 months ago

    Learn how to properly use punctuation, OP

  11. 7 months ago

    i'm guessing aw2 gays are gunning to take the title of "biggest pretentious butthole on Ganker" from tlou2 gays?

    • 7 months ago

      Seems like it, I can tell the OP is the same shill who was replying to all the shitposts and criticisms when the game first came out

  12. 7 months ago

    >Under the Mayo

    Alan Wake 2 is pozzed cringy shit, but Under the Mayo is somehow worse because of how much of an insufferable midwit he is.

  13. 7 months ago

    >Are people actually just stupid?
    >I just watched this video

  14. 7 months ago

    >i tried playing the first game, but i got bored of the constant combat
    >alan wake 2 isn't survival horror, it's a walking sim where you go around the map solving puzzles and shooting people! ??????
    The dude is legitimately a moron.

    • 7 months ago

      You realize it's legitimately moronic when you realize that he's using an incredibly narrow definition of "survival horror" that basically only applies to resident evil. But he later on calls Silent Hill more of a true survival horror than Alan Wake 2...when it doesn't even have a fricking inventory to manage.

      Legit midwit, that's gets away with being moronic for...who the frick knows why man. He just does I guess? He comes across as if he thinks he's some authority on "survival horror"

      • 7 months ago

        I lol'd when he said RE2 didn't have weapon upgrades. Even the original PS2 games had Leon's pistol, shotgun and magnum getting upgrades. It's just terminal contrarianism and oppositional defiance syndrome

        • 7 months ago

          >I lol'd when he said RE2 didn't have weapon upgrades.

          It did?

          >Even the original PS2 games had Leon's pistol

          He mentions that and discounts it because "Action Horror not Survibal Horror" That's the excuse he comes up with atleast.

          • 7 months ago

            >>I lol'd when he said RE2 didn't have weapon upgrades.
            >It did?
            Yeah. A common complaint about the first game was that the pistol is fricking useless, so they gave Leon the 3 round burst pistol, shotgun with more damage and more capacity, and the deagle with more damage. Claire gets the grenade launcher with 3 grenade, fire and acid rounds. RE3 has nemesis dropping better weapons, and if you mix enough pistol and shotgun rounds Jill learns to make P+ rounds. Code veronica also had the burst pistol, explosive crossbow bolts, etc etc. Just terminal fricking contrarianism.

            • 7 months ago

              >so they gave Leon the 3 round burst pistol, shotgun with more damage and more capacity, and the deagle with more damage. Claire gets the grenade launcher with 3 grenade, fire and acid rounds. RE3 has nemesis dropping better weapons, and if you mix enough pistol and shotgun rounds Jill learns to make P+ rounds. Code veronica also had the burst pistol, explosive crossbow bolts, etc etc. Just terminal fricking contrarianism.

              Honestly, all this shit sounds pretty cool and gives RE a pretty distinct identity. They should just abandon the whole "horror" part and go all in on the survival part, but make you have to get stronger through exploration to progress. It shouldn't be like RE4. Because RE4's formula basically makes it impossible to have interesting level design or interesting encounters, since the game can only spam enemies at you.

              idk, maybe I sound insane saying this, but the games already barely seem to be survival horror. Just put a bigger emphasis on survival, and Return to cool puzzlebox level design that feels complex and like you actually have to think a bit about where to go.

              But yeah. Based on this. Calling Resident Evil survival horror, but not Alan Wake 2? Sounds disingenuous.

  15. 7 months ago

    UnderTheMayo is a massive moron, you didn't need to type out all that garbage, just block his channel and move on.

  16. 7 months ago

    Alan wake wasn't survival horror why would Alan wake 2 be?

  17. 7 months ago

    >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2

  18. 7 months ago

    Keep your slop. Not even watching any reviews

    I learned the ability to smell out slop from infinite distance away. An this is slop of the highest order

    • 7 months ago

      Do you guys not ever wonder if you're narrow minded to a detrimental factor?

      • 7 months ago

        Go play your black wymyn musical simulator if it's so good instead of shitposting here

  19. 7 months ago

    Alan Woke

  20. 7 months ago

    alan woke

  21. 7 months ago

    >plays Alan Woke
    >watches pretentious review channels
    I can clearly characterize you from these points alone and can say with confidence that you probably eat shit voluntarily in your free time as well.

  22. 7 months ago

    >Are people actually just stupid? Like no joke. But genuinely and seriously, like flawed mentally. Not even just mentally ill. Just like a very simple and fundemental flaw?
    Who the frick talks like that? You sound dumb as shit.

    • 7 months ago

      He probably has redd*t and imgur open in another tab

      • 7 months ago

        What did i miss about imgur? It's literally just pictures isn't it, how is it söy?

  23. 7 months ago

    Videos like this are cancer.

    All they ever do is summarize the events of the games in the most drawn out way possible to pad their video lengths so that they can farm ad revenue.

    Any reviewer who has any talent or integrity can summarize their thoughts about a game in three or four minutes.

    • 7 months ago

      >All they ever do is summarize the events of the games in the most drawn out way possible to pad their video lengths so that they can farm ad revenue.

      Lol. Ironic that you say this. I won't even point out the irony of Ganker constantly need to reduce everything to this one singular narrow view they want to have of the world because it's easier to "think" when you don't actually need to understand what you're thinking of and can just apply a blanket perception to it.

      Anyway. Part of the entire problem with this vidoe is that he doesn't actually summarize "anything" so there's no actually proof or reference for a large part of his points for them to be attacked. He says something like "There are like 20 scenes where Alan is repeating himself saying "I gotta get outta the dark place, I gotta find a way!"" He says. In an ironic voice. But if you've actually played the game, you have zero idea what the frick He could be referring to. Does he mean the times you can see a past Alan in the televisions in the Dark Place where the entire point is to reinforce how torturous of an experience it has been in the Dark Place losing his memory, and never knowing what the frick is going on? Which would suggest he's a moron that doesn't even pay attention to the story...or does he mean random dialogue? Who the frick knows. Because he never actually substantiates any of his points.

      Something tells me you're a moron tho that won't get this.

  24. 7 months ago

    Yes, they are stupid. There are people on this board who think DMC is a high IQ game. The irony of their reality is lost on them.

  25. 7 months ago


    I didn't bother reading all of OP mindbroken rant but this guy has some of dumbest takes I've ever seen like he genuinely believes that the OG godwar games have better and deeper combat than dmc5 and bayonetta

  26. 7 months ago

    Alan Wake 2 might be my favorite game released this year if I didn't get pulled out of it constantly by Saga being racebent to nig. It just absolutely shatters my immersion anytime she tries to speak in a vaguely Swedish accent, or one of her relatives (all white swedes) talk to her as if she's related. To a lesser degree, the fact that a black woman, even mixed, could be a competent let alone "better than all the others in the department" detective at all is also jarring. She just wouldn't have the IQ for it unless she was 3 sigma above the standard.

    The game does SO much else right that it has me torn. It's genuinely great outside of that one thing, but that one thing is omnipresent because you play as Saga so much and her family is so tied in with the story.

  27. 7 months ago

    U wasted your time writing some wall text because u got mad about literal who review.

  28. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago

    >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Anal Woke 2

    • 7 months ago

      >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2

      >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2 for not being "tense"
      I love the game but it's not tense. If enemies were an actual threat then sure it would be tense

      >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Anal Woke 2

      Why do morons think they're clever only quoting this specific part but leaving the part directly after that is the entire point? And recontexualizes the statement? I know the answer is just dishonesty, but why do people even think being moronic and disingenuous is even remotely even meaningful or worth it???

      • 7 months ago

        Because you're speaking nonsense. Or the real phrase is "schizophrenic rambling".

      • 7 months ago

        it still devolves into you not being able to stand a critic, worse than that is comparing it to a game from more than a decade ago (most part of your argument)


        • 7 months ago

          >worse than that is comparing it to a game from more than a decade ago (most part of your argument)

          I'm not sure whether you're a moron or not. But HE made the comparisons to old games and HE tried to suggest that Alan Wake 2 isn't legitimate enough like those games.

          Man, why am I even responding to this obvious moron shit.

          • 7 months ago

            same gay in all its splendor

            >HE tried
            you should also try to have a nice day right now

            • 7 months ago

              HE didnt even TRY to hide IT

          • 7 months ago

            >how can someone POSSIBLY etc, etc
            >but HE
            >and HE
            people will always ignore your points and just throw wojaks at you if you keep talking like this, moron.

            • 7 months ago

              why should I care at that point? isn't that literal willful ignorance? if somebody is so shallow and superficial that a simple difference of expression prevents them from engaging reasonably. then they were never going to provide anything worthwhile in the first place. just is what it is. I'm not going to appeal to morons who don't even have the good faith to tolerate my shit when I constantly tolerate their garbage and engage honestly regardless. genuine subhumans on this dogshit board.

  30. 7 months ago

    Why did you even play it? Are you moronic?
    Rhetorical question.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why did you even play it?

      What do you mean? Why wouldn't I? What's wrong with playing Alan Wake 2?

  31. 7 months ago

    >Are people actually just stupid?
    >youtuber thread
    You are a prime example of how stupid people are.

  32. 7 months ago

    You expect us to read you rant about some YouTube essay? Tell us, who told you to like Alan Wake? Because clearly you are not in control of your life.

  33. 7 months ago

    Now you understand that gamers are fricking stupid teens and manchilds.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah. but I didn't expect it to be so fricking blatant. it's like the dude has zero self awareness. it's unbelievable. I almost genuinely can't believe it, especially because of how fricking "I'm above you" he acted in the beginning by implying everyone that would have a problem with his review just likes to "eat shit up" but then his review doesn't even end up being that coherent or even valid?

      • 7 months ago

        That's video game essayists for you. Experts at sniffing their own farts.

      • 7 months ago

        to be fair to mayo, you're batting for a game that literally huffs its own jenkem

  34. 7 months ago

    >How can somebody POSSIBLY criticize Alan Wake 2

    holy shit have a nice day homosexual

  35. 7 months ago

    The fact that you write some words in caps makes you a moron.

  36. 7 months ago

    Yeah, well, where's your Youtube video with thousands and thousands of views? You're nothing, he's something.

  37. 7 months ago


  38. 7 months ago

    Yes anon people are really stupid, in the case of that homosexual, he probably played the game on easy. Those morons blame the game because of stupid decisions they took just to say the game is bad.

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