Are the boomer Persona games worth playing or they're old crusty garbage with no redeeming qualities?

Are the boomer Persona games worth playing or they're old crusty garbage with no redeeming qualities?

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  1. 7 months ago

    starts at 3
    peaks at 5

    • 7 months ago

      It starts at stupid homosexual little wienersucker.
      Ends with you.

  2. 7 months ago
  3. 7 months ago

    You won't miss anything by not playing Persona 1 and 2.

  4. 7 months ago

    Gameplay is like water boarding, just youtube Hitlers theme and leave it at that

  5. 7 months ago

    The encounter rates are pants on head moronic, just watch them on YouTube if you're curious about the stories.

  6. 7 months ago

    starts at 3
    peaks at 3
    ends with 3

  7. 7 months ago

    2 was good for it's time.
    1 was shit even for its time.
    Don't bother, they have frick-all to do with modern Persona anyway. It's like playing the first two GTA games, the series started with 3 for all intents and purposes.

    • 7 months ago

      Except that GTA 1 and 2 are actually fun.

    • 7 months ago

      >2 was good for it's time.
      most jrpg released prior to it were much better

  8. 7 months ago

    The gameplay is dreadful and the graphics are a bit shoddy, but everything else is good.

  9. 7 months ago

    2 and its sequel are great games full of soul, but you gotta play the PSX versions if you want any challenge. You'll miss out on PSP's QoL but at least it won't be a complete visual novel, although on SMT standards Persona 2 on PSX is still one of the easiest games of the franchise.

    First one is mediocre. I really hated how you can't get new demons until you are the same level, and that always meant grinding. Positioning system is garbage and just adds more tedium.

  10. 7 months ago

    1 and Inoccent Sin are pretty bad, Eternal Punishment is okay, but unfortunately continues the story from Innocent Sin.

  11. 7 months ago

    Starts at 4

  12. 7 months ago

    more like stupid homosexual little wiener sucker

  13. 7 months ago

    1 not so much but the 2 duology is. The gameplay isn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be imo but you do need to take time and get to grips with it.

  14. 7 months ago

    The characters in 1 are fun but the encounter rate is awful
    Thank god for emulator turbo
    Don't regret playing it at all though

  15. 7 months ago

    I like the P1 PSP soundtrack

  16. 7 months ago

    Don't play Persona, play Soul Hackers.

  17. 7 months ago

    I dont know about 1 but 2 is definitely old crusty garbo.

    The Tarot stock system forces you to S L OW L Y grind and the overly obtuse Demon Negotiation shit doesnt help either meanwhile the default personas can barely stay ahead of the power curves. This is made even worse because EVERYONE has the ability to change their persona so the game is balanced around that. The story is pretty shit too, its like FF8 where the game just expects you to simp for Riona AKA or be a nice guy and youre like... "why?" To which the fanbase will answer "BECAUSE SHES HEXXIN CUTE!" except worse because you get REWARDED when you are a nice guy and/or simp for Maya.

    If youve played at least 3 then youve seen everything worth seeing IMO.

    • 7 months ago

      The PSP remakes were significantly easier to the point where you can go the whole game with starting Personas until they get their endgame versions. Pretty sure I cheesed the entirety of IS with fusion spells.

      • 7 months ago

        Liar btw, Persona 1 PSP is hard because your team building options suck. Persona 2 IS is the easy one with ultimate persona being essentially part of main story that no one can miss. And Persona 2 EP PSP isn't translated so you don't know the PSP version is difficulty wise. PS tell me how you cheesed Thanatos tower in Persona 1 PSP oh right no ultimate persona

        • 7 months ago

          I wasn't referring to 1, I was responding to the criticisms of 2. I rather enjoyed mixing up different Personas in 1, they felt distinct due to the weird positioning system.

        • 7 months ago

          >Persona 1 PSP is hard
          Persona 1 PSP is baby easy tier even on it's hard mode. you can get access to megido spells as early as level 18 or so, and that will nuke 90% of encounters in one hit for you until you can get megidola around level 25, which nukes 90% of encounters for the rest of the game.
          >Persona 2 EP PSP isn't translated so you don't know the PSP version is difficulty wise
          EP has been translated on PSP for like two years now. It retains the difficulty of the PS1 version though so he is wrong about all the PSP remakes being easier. Also EP PSP uses the exact same combat system from the PS1 version instead of the changes made in IS PSP.

          • 7 months ago

            >It retains the difficulty of the PS1 version though so he is wrong about all the PSP remakes being easier
            Pretty sure EP PSP has a hard mode too though.

            • 7 months ago

              It does and that's what I played on. It makes zero changes to anything, except you now don't regenerate SP when walking around. Honestly really not worth bothering with since it just makes the early game grind really tedious since you have to keep running back to refill SP.

  18. 7 months ago

    2 is worth playing if you also like SMT games. If you're just a Persona 3+ fan, you probably won't like it.

  19. 7 months ago

    1 is easily missable. I really liked the music in 2 however and the dumb concept of rumors coming true so nyarlethotep pretends to be hitler wielding the spear that killed jesus. It's just such a ridiculous thing its funny

  20. 7 months ago

    Play the PSP versions with hard mode enabled for a decent time. tbh 1 is great.

  21. 7 months ago

    I thought 1 was pretty fun

  22. 7 months ago

    You should play them once for completion's sake but that's it. They're hard to recommend. Persona 1 can basically be played on autopilot. Persona 2 IS is piss easy and the menu frickery is REALLY annoying though it might be better in the PSP versions, I don't know. Persona 2 EP isn't as piss easy anymore but still has the faults of IS. Also I hope you like reflecting enemies. Lots of them.
    The upside is that you will probably finish all three in less time than it takes to get through P5 once.

  23. 7 months ago

    PS1 or PSP? I'm assuming PSP. Persona 2 PSP is a super easy game when you get the Ultimate Persona for the party which happens around the time you get the last party member. Persona 1 is more SMT adjunct, the Snow Queen Questline is a different route than the main story of Persona 1. If you must play any to get a feel for the older games it should be Persona 2 PSP and then tryout Persona 1 and go into the Snow Queen route. Standard route is pretty boring in P1. If you somehow liked both entries the "sequel" of Persona 2 is called Eternal Punishment and that's an untranslated PSP remake which leaves you with the raw PS1 original that's aged pretty badly in terms of gameplay. When you get the option to punch Philimon, always punch him.

    • 7 months ago

      EP has a fan translation now

  24. 7 months ago

    >le Persona series started with 3 meme
    Who gives a frick? The question was, are they good for what they are. Everyone knows they don't have shitty dating sims mechanics for virgin losers who didn't frick during high school, BUT, are they good RPGs?

    • 7 months ago

      No, you arrogant midwit. They are not good for what they are. Read the thread.

      • 7 months ago

        They are. You're reading the opinions of Gankerdittors that haven't actually played the games or bothered to analyze them critically echoing the thoughts of their favorite ecelebs.
        If you're into old school SMT, and there are lots of reasons to be into it, then 1 is a fun time. 2 flounders at parts but its ambition is commendable and it's still a fun time, bad parts and all.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not basing my opinion on morons on Ganker. I played Persona 1 and it sucked as a whole.

  25. 7 months ago

    I've only played 4 and 5, but I regularly go into Persona threads and pretend my favourite is 2 and shit on people who like the later ones

  26. 7 months ago

    It's amazing how as soon as P3 became old enough to have its flaws erased and be propped up as a perfect game for clout that everyone began turning on Oldsona.

    • 7 months ago

      People generally always shat on old Persona. 2 has a good story and dear God do I fricking love the music. But that's really all there is to the game. I could never genuinely recommend it to anyone.

    • 7 months ago

      P3s main complaints were always extra whiny horse shit to begin with

      >You cant control the party!
      Yep, different from quite a few RPGs isnt it? Use tactics and play around with your party members, the valuables stick out.
      >Tarterus sucks because its just long randomized mazes
      Most turn based RPGs are just long mazes. The randomization keeps it spicy.
      >Theres months where you do nothing but the grind
      Its a game where you play as a high schooler with a full on school sim attatched, yeah some days are gonna be mundane or like "nothing" is happening.
      >if the MC dies or he eats a random death spell its fricking game over back to your last save
      Choose your fights carefully. Its all part of strategy

      • 7 months ago

        My main complaints with P3 are the majority of your Persona summons are locked with a mandatory Dating sim machinic and on one else being allowed to swap Personas other than the MC; anyone who thinks this was fine started with P3 and you can't tell me otherwise.

  27. 7 months ago

    Persona 2 has best story and cast in the series, if you care about those go play it and Persona 2:2
    If you just care about gameplay play SMT instead

    • 7 months ago

      This is basically the only thing good about old Persona and the fact that the MC isn't a special snowflake, and your entire team can swap Personas and enter the Velvet Room.

      1 and 2 can benefit hard with a proper remake but will never happen because it doesn't have social link's which is the real reason why Persona 3 got so popular because I doubt everyone can say climbing Tartarus was fun.

    • 7 months ago

      This is such a load of shit and I can't believe how much I see it get passed around. Innocent Sin's story takes forever to even start getting interesting, and then when it does it still has you encounter the Shadows which are atrocious, with Lisa's just throwing out a bunch of shit that is way more interesting than what her overly long idol arc earlier in the game was about, but then never explores any of it at all or talks about it again so it feels completely superficial, and then Eikichi, who has also had nothing interesting about his character prior to now, has him learn a moral lesson with his Shadow which the game then doesn't go through with because they don't want to put him through actually dating a fat girl. Lisa and Eikichi have fine personalities, but their actual characters are extremely dull despite throwing out some ideas that could have worked well if they weren't so poorly handled. Maya also has a fine personality, but her backstory is so tied up in the shit story that her character ends up uninteresting, Jun is the same but without the good personality and Yukino never gets past feeling like a third wheel.

      EP's a step up and having Nyarlathotep set up right from the start does it a lot of good on top of having a much better cast, but that IS is its foundation still mars the whole thing, it has shit human antagonists like IS does, the whole thing with Maya not talking is moronic and it handles the returning P1 characters like shit. If you said EP has the best cast I'd disagree but maybe get where you're coming from, but I can't believe how many people think IS is even close to that and that either game is even close to the best story. I don't think any Persona has a great story, but the others at least tell their story better. All IS has going for it is an inventive concept, which is not enough.

      • 7 months ago

        I have to assume IS gets this treatment due to its age, as in the people who played it forgot some of the bad. It has the benefit of an interesting premise and a memorable climax, but the entire melodramatic middle always gets glossed over.

  28. 7 months ago

    if you've never played older games in general then p1/2 can feel rough.

  29. 7 months ago

    Kaneko >>>>>>>>>>>> Soejima

    • 7 months ago

      Only for persona designs. His humans are ugly

  30. 7 months ago

    Why the frick my replies won't show Black folk
    DS>P1/2 FRICK

  31. 7 months ago
  32. 7 months ago

    No, twists are super boring and 2 is easiest game ever made. Joker is a fun character but twist is spoiled in opening cutscene.

  33. 7 months ago

    They're good.
    I played through 1 last year and both 2s this year, after previously only having played 3-5.
    2EP became my new favorite in the series, and I liked 1 and 2IS more than 4 and 5.

  34. 7 months ago

    1 is better than 2 and both are miles ahead of nu-sona garbage

    1 is short as frick as well so there's no reason not to play it

    • 7 months ago

      >1 is better than 2 and both are miles ahead of nu-sona garbage
      lol I can detect the seething

  35. 7 months ago

    Yes from a narrative standpoint alone.
    PSP version isn't ideal as it fricks up the encounter rate from the PS1 and also removes the (better) OST which lessens the impact on certain scenes.

  36. 7 months ago
  37. 7 months ago

    I enjoyed P1 well enough, particularly in the Snow Queen Quest. Innocent Sin was shit and EP was better but not worth going through Innocent Sin to get to. Overall, I don't think they're among the best MegaTen games, or even the best Persona games, but I don't regret playing them as someone with an interest in the series. Purely based on how much I enjoyed the games, the only one I'd recommend is P1, and only if you're willing to do both SEBEC and the Snow Queen Quest, otherwise I don't think it's worth it.

    • 7 months ago

      How on Earth did Persona 1 get a low ESRB rating? Wasn't there a cutscene where a student has a monster come out of their stomach and fight you? It was clearly an Alien movie Xenomorph reference but really out of tone.

      • 7 months ago

        ESRB doesn't really play the games. The devs/publishers provide them with information about content and the ESRB rates it based on that. It's on a trust system.

  38. 7 months ago

    Oh boy another episode of "boomer means anything older than me"

  39. 7 months ago

    old crusty garbage with some redeeming qualities

  40. 7 months ago

    SMT1 is the only not gay persona game

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