Are the Command and Conquer games any good?

Are the Command and Conquer games any good?

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  1. 1 year ago

    alright assuming you dont work for ea i'll bite
    i boought these for $1.99 on the EA store instead of $19.99 on steam
    and i feel GUILTY about it because this is worth at least $50
    it's the best remaster i've ever played
    both c&c1 and c&c:ra are fantastic
    the new music / remixed music is amazing
    they got the original guy to do it
    all the extras you can unlock, like the earlier takes / blooper reels for some of the fmv are absolutely delightful
    the graphics are tasteful and soulful, instead of most remasters that look like shit and lose the visual appeal, the C&C remasters look "how i remember the old game looking" and being able to swap to the old graphics is really nice
    it's definitely worth playing these and picking them up.
    the only thing that might give you trouble is they changed/tweaked the airstrike AI in the nod campaign so a couple missions can be pretty tough

  2. 1 year ago

    All good
    Except c&c4. C&c3 and ra3 are generals reskins anyway trying to ape starcraft

  3. 1 year ago

    1 is good
    Red Alert is ok
    Tiberian Sun is trash and Westwood/EA's 2nd lowest rated game only behind Sole Survivor (C&C 1 online-only battle royale that came out in 1997)
    Red Alert 2 is good
    C&C Generals is top tier
    everything else in the franchise is ass

    then everyone gave up on the C&C/Red Alert games when Generals 2 was supposed to be a shitty mobile game

    • 1 year ago

      >C&C Generals is top tier
      Opinion discarded

      • 1 year ago

        just admit that you got filtered by The Tigress lol

        • 1 year ago

          Quite the contrary
          Your mom was filtered by my wiener

    • 1 year ago

      This picture is beyond moronic, don't listen to this anon.

    • 1 year ago

      >Tiberian Sun is trash
      Is this an accepted opinion now?
      I've been saying it since release but people always accused me of being too casual.

      • 1 year ago

        its been the opinion always, but in recent years zoomers trying to pretend to be millennials have started worshipping TS out of nowhere for some fricking reason

        • 1 year ago

          I always liked it, shut the frick up homosexual.
          Still upset they somehow towned down the otherworldly feel in C&C3 despite it having fricking aliens.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not that good, but I don't think it's "trash". Considering only the single-player, I think it's a better game than C&C1 (although it has better cinematics) and RA1. Depending on taste in music, C&C1/RA1 have better music though.
        The missions are more diverse in terms of objective and scripting in TS, the atmosphere and graphics excellent, the neutral units and mutants make the maps more interesting than just "us vs. them" unit placing with pointless civilians, and the units are varied in form and function. TS has a random map generator, so you have diversity in skirmish environments.
        I replayed C&C1 a couple years ago and enjoyed it for the most part, but the shallow gameplay and story were very apparent. RA1 seemed like a big step back balance-wise and I didn't even end up finishing it; they made tanks fast as frick and I couldn't really see the point of making any other unit.
        Why do people hate TS so much?

        • 1 year ago

          >Why do people hate TS so much?
          Big departure in ton e and visual style with a noticeably different gameplay feel.
          It's why I wasn't a big fan of it back then at least.

          • 1 year ago

            The gameplay felt very similar to me, but that's subjective. I agree that the tone feels very different, which is a little strange because C&C1 is also fairly campy/goofy and features a semi-apocalyptic setting. I think the music and brightness levels make a huge change; I'd be curious to see how TS feels with amped-up music and brighter tilesets/lighting.

            I really liked the story in C&C 1. On the GDI side at least. It starts off as a pretty generic army men "Sir, yes Sir!" deal and gradually morphs into horror territory as the campaign plays out and you learn more about Tiberium.

            Looking back, it's strange that the tiberium thing doesn't really go anywhere. I doubt they were planning on a sequel with high confidence, so the game just sort of ends with "anyway, the bad guy is defeated. Oh, the strange alien presence killing everyone and terraforming the planet? That we've been highlighting and developing this whole time? Nah, that's just setting fluff, don't worry about it. Game over, you won!".
            The Nod briefings show that they are more knowledgeable about tiberium, and it's fun to compare/contrast that big report video between the two campaigns, but that difference doesn't really manifest in any interesting way story-wise. The whole purpose and structure of Nod is underwhelmingly vague when you play through it, whereas the GDI relationship with the UN and its member nations actually plays a role in the plot and even level design.
            I think the shallowness of the C&C games is part of why I prefer Blizzard RTS games. It doesn't always show up in meaningful ways, but in the latter, you can usually tell that they did some work to design their setting and geography, establish factions with histories and goals, characters with motivations, etc.

        • 1 year ago

          TS was full of ideas that sound fun on paper but are terribly unfun in practice

      • 1 year ago

        >Is this an accepted opinion now?
        I've always thought Tiberian Sun was a mix of really good ideas, some decent execution, and some poor design decisions. It's probably the hardest C&C for me to personally rate as good or bad, since for every bad aspect of the game I can also find excellent points as well. But in any case I do like it overall, and I always have fun playing TS.

        HIgh-level Tiberian Sun multiplayer is very interesting to me though, as someone who only ever plays TS casually. It's very different from RA1, RA2 or C&C3. It's such a weird beast.

        • 1 year ago

          I like the original artillery sounds better. Before it was a bang with some punch, now it sounds like a pop.

          • 1 year ago

            The sound was a major missed opportunity, yeah. It should be well-recognized throughout the gaming industry by now that the Big Guns have to sound punchy. An anemic shotgun or something destroys the gaming experience.


            I didn't even play C&C3 and thought that was a neat watch. Clever solutions and very iffy level scripting.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah i agree
          i'm the anon that was shitting on it earlier
          at the time of release it got really bad reviews mostly cuz it ran like shit even on the fastest PCs at the time.
          other complains were the artstyle looking fricked and destructible terrain being shitty because one attack on your base meant you couldnt rebuild anything.
          it had some cool ideas though and the lighting/color was nice.

    • 1 year ago

      >Supreme Commander FA that tiny

    • 1 year ago

      This image is offensively outdated and reeks of 2010s opinion

    • 1 year ago

      >wait for dawn of war 3

      cursed image

    • 1 year ago

      terrible opinions

    • 1 year ago

      This aged very poorly

      • 1 year ago

        terrible opinions

        This image is offensively outdated and reeks of 2010s opinion

        This picture is beyond moronic, don't listen to this anon.

        imagine samegayging this hard

        • 1 year ago

          It's old as frick, there is nothing to deny there.

          • 1 year ago

            and so's the RTS genre
            all the best RTS games are well over 15 years old at this point.
            Age of Empires 2 is the best in the genre and has a pro scene and its older than most of the people on this website

            • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      tiberian sun frightened me as a child

      • 1 year ago

        Why? The atmosphere? The scary mutant creatures?

    • 1 year ago

      a shame the netcode from c&c generals sucks, was ever only able to play in lan, the game desyncs after 5 minutes when over the internet

    • 1 year ago

      >Tiberian Sun is trash

    • 1 year ago

      I'm going to RMA you

    • 1 year ago

      Hold on, this is an edit of an old outdated version, with Shit take

    • 1 year ago

      >shittalking renegade
      Man frick you cracka, I'll bite your bait

      • 1 year ago

        its not an RTS

  4. 1 year ago

    Yes and the pictured remaster is phenomenal.

  5. 1 year ago

    I loved Red Alert back in the day, but after playing stuff like Warcraft 3 and Starcraft, I can't go back to it anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      They really are perfect

  6. 1 year ago

    NOD will be crushed under the mechanized boot of GDI.

  7. 1 year ago

    Gentlemen. There is a nuclear device. Time is running out.

  8. 1 year ago

    Mean. Green. Unseen.

  9. 1 year ago
  10. 1 year ago

    So does CnC Remastered on steam have all the games?

    • 1 year ago

      it's just red alert 1 and CnC1

  11. 1 year ago




    • 1 year ago

      >reddit spacing
      >cruise control caps

    • 1 year ago

      This seem some false flagging operation, because even I don’t believe zoomie are this moronic. Here’s your (you)

  12. 1 year ago

    >k-ongay is moronic

  13. 1 year ago

    The only good game in the series is C&C 4 which is pure sovlfvl kino

  14. 1 year ago

    red alert 2 was my childhood jam... played the soviet campaign repeatedly

  15. 1 year ago

    I always fricking hated generals, it's not a command and conquer game.

    • 1 year ago

      I used to be anti-Generals back when it first came out because I was a C&C loyalist back then and hated the addition of (non-harvester) workers, but after going back to it I actually think it's a fun game.

  16. 1 year ago

    I hate generals too but Ganker generals

  17. 1 year ago

    I really liked the story in C&C 1. On the GDI side at least. It starts off as a pretty generic army men "Sir, yes Sir!" deal and gradually morphs into horror territory as the campaign plays out and you learn more about Tiberium.

  18. 1 year ago

    CnC + RA 1 was too weird and clunky for me but I am an RTS bab who only played WC3, SC1 and SC2. I picked up CnC 3 on sale and it's kicking my fricking ass on normal campaign. It feels like I'm getting attacked constantly and can only just fend them off so I never have anything to counter with.

  19. 1 year ago

    For real I'm surprised EA remastered this but not Red Alert 2 and Generals.

    You know, the actual RTS games that most boomers and millennials grew up playing.

    • 1 year ago

      >Remastering generals
      They couldn't get away with that shit even if they wanted to. Come on man, do you really think "modern audiences" would be cool with an entire faction based on terrorist cliches and stereotypes? We could get away with it when generals was made because of politics at the time, but now having a suicide bomber unit that says "I love a crowd!" Is not going to be seen in the same light.

      • 1 year ago

        The way I see it they're no different from the goblin sappers in Warcraft III and that
        Anyway my point is they need to stop being pussies and remake it.
        Frick Zoomzoom feelings give me RTS

    • 1 year ago

      I was expecting RA2 and Tiberian Sun remasters as a package. They use the same engine don't they?

  20. 1 year ago
  21. 1 year ago

    Always sad how dead these threads are, RTS are truly beyond the little shits outweighing us old people these days.

  22. 1 year ago

    C&C was good until 4, which is arguably the worst game I ever played and literally the worst $5 I have ever spent.

    Red alert 1 and 2 are good. The third one was too cheesy and really started to mark the end of C&Cas a whole. The dumbing down of resource collection was the beginning of the end, what would they take next, base building?

    • 1 year ago

      Can you even play 4 anymore these days? Didn't the game require some sort of log-in or always online shit? I bought the game on sale waaaay back in the day but never bothered to even play it.

    • 1 year ago

      what would they take next, base building?
      Are you being sarcastic? That's exactly what happened in 4

      • 1 year ago

        It was foreshadowing of the horrors to come...

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah but you/that anon also mentioned hating 4 so, you/he have/has seen it at the time of that post.
          Anyway, RA3 was still kinda fun even if definitely a step down from RA2 and even 3.
          4 was an unfathomable pile of shit I tried playing a few times even out of disbelieve how shit it was just to be reassured again how horrible it is, what the frick happened there?

    • 1 year ago

      this pretty much
      i got every C&C game as part of some $10 bundle on Origin years ago and shit gets fricking cringe after RA2 and Generals.
      C&C3 was tolerable but 4 and RA3 were awful

  23. 1 year ago
  24. 1 year ago

    Is there a mega of all the games pre-patched, ready to go?

  25. 1 year ago

    Command and conquer: zero hour aged like wine, it's tied with warcraft 3 for my favorite rts of all time

  26. 1 year ago

    Where the frick is the Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 port/remake

  27. 1 year ago

    >be infantry with a rifle
    >commander paid 100 tiberium for you
    >have 50 other infantry with you
    >flamethrower burns the leading infantry
    >grenadiers start lobbing grenades into the group trying to damage the tank that is smooshing groups of five men at a time
    >survive with red health, no being trained this mission
    >get a purple heart but no survivors guilt because half the deaths were friendly fire
    Infantry bros. Wtf.

    • 1 year ago

      >train five flamethrower units
      >attack enemy infantry
      >backmost flamethrower burns through the front ones
      >enemy infantry mops the surviving flamethrower guy up
      fricking meme unit

    • 1 year ago

      >train five flamethrower units
      >attack enemy infantry
      >backmost flamethrower burns through the front ones
      >enemy infantry mops the surviving flamethrower guy up
      fricking meme unit

      >computer uses flamethrower troops
      >effortlessly wipes out your infantry
      >you use flamethrower troops
      >effortlessly wipes out your infantry

  28. 1 year ago

    Is it done, Yuri?

  29. 1 year ago

    I'm a mechanical I'm a mechanical I'm a mechanical man.

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