Are there any good tactics games on Steam I can play on my Deck?

Are there any good tactics games on Steam I can play on my Deck?
I was interested in Tactics Ogre but from the reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.
Are there any other tactics games like Final Fantasy Tactics or something?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    if the deck can run psp emulator you can play the better version. The steam version is still great especially if you don't have the other version to compare it to

  2. 11 months ago

    The deck can play basically anything you want and with the track pads, radial menus, and community control schemes, you can find a way of even making rts games feel good without a mouse and keyboard.

  3. 11 months ago

    War groove
    Military madness
    South Park FbH
    Metal gear acid
    Shining force

  4. 11 months ago

    i don't know who in their right fricking mind would call reborn the shittiest version of the game when the psp's crafting system exists

    • 11 months ago

      PSP vrsion is better
      PSP version also has the mod Tactics Ogre.

      You can also play FFT on the PSP too (or the original on PS1). If you play FFT get the patched version to remove slowdown

      The problem with Reborn is, apart from it being a fricking full priced game, is that it relies a lot on RNG to a certain extent
      It depends on how loose you are with the 'tactics'.
      You could even accept something like Pillars of Eternity

      The cards being RNG and builds being far, far more limited now really made it seem like they were scared to balance it properly

      • 11 months ago

        >PSP vrsion is better
        in what way

      • 11 months ago

        >PSP vrsion is better
        it was biggest disappointment ever, I specially bought PSP for it and it was shit
        >class levels
        and that mod isn't that much better, it fox some things but break another

  5. 11 months ago

    Divinity Original Sin 2 works well on the deck. I haven't played BG3 yet, but same devs so I'm sure it works well also.

  6. 11 months ago

    >reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.
    It's literally the best version of the game and anyone saying otherwise is an idiot. Anyone crying about the PSP version being better just grew up with the PSP version and should not be refereed to as "fans of the series".

    • 11 months ago

      Anon, taking away player choice and customization in favor of rng cards is moronic
      it just is
      there's no fricking excuse for it

      >b-b-b-but muh grinding
      you don't fricking need to grind
      >b-b-b-but le crafting
      You don't need to craft either

      The PSP version, ideally with One Vision is the superior version, tho the base is fine if you don't become a moron

      • 11 months ago

        >in favor of rng cards is moronic
        Having some element of RNG is not a huge deal when it doesn't control the entire flow of the game. You sound like the kind of moronic homosexual that screams about tactics rpgs not being "real tactics" games because everything doesn't boil down to a series of perfectly reproducible decisions like a flowchart.
        >b-b-b-but muh grinding
        >b-b-b-but le crafting
        You too moronic to keep replying to seriously but at least no one will take you seriously now.

        • 11 months ago

          >xe/xir doesn't know the RNG is in te base game

          Well I tried

          OP if you want a RNG focused game where it's decided if you win by RNG then go with the 'remake'

        • 11 months ago

          NTA but this is how you defend RNG? You didn't even provide an argument, you just stomped your feet.

          • 11 months ago

            >how you defend RNG?
            RNG doesn't need defending as a concept. It's something that's a part of pretty much any single player game. There's shitty RNG and there's good RNG, but saying "This game is bad because it has RNG" is too stupid to argue with. The cards aren't gamebreaking in any way and you come off like a mixmaxing homosexual if you get mad about them.

          • 11 months ago

            The anon has already decided that the RNG cards = all RNG

            RNG exists in the base game. Using the rewind feature and altering how you do things can have different results, moving 3 squares instead of 4, can make it so you have a higher/lower chance of recruiting, for example.

            Fundementally RNG in tactics games isn't bad, no (or any game) but the cards gimmick in the remake just destroys the conept and it becomes a game of 'get the card asap'

            • 11 months ago

              >the cards gimmick in the remake just destroys the conept and it becomes a game of 'get the card asap'
              Wrong and moronic.

    • 11 months ago

      This this and THIS. SNES version is good too.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's literally the best version of the game and anyone saying otherwise is an idiot.
      somewhat agree, its the best visually, have dubbing and great plot but I miss building OP characters from generics in OG game

      This this and THIS. SNES version is good too.

      SNES and Knight of Lodis is pretty good, I think KoL have best system

  7. 11 months ago

    i think most the Disagea games are on steam.
    Banner saga is also on steam, but those games are pathetically easy compared to other tactical rpgs, still fin though.

  8. 11 months ago

    I've finished Fell Seal recently and it's fricking great. I didn't care for the art style or the main characters at first glance so it took me a long time to get around to it and pick it up, but holy frick was it a pleasant surprise. Absolutely loved it.

    Game design wise it's basically an FFT fan game but with a lot of QOL features. I think it's a much better game than TO Reborn.

    • 11 months ago

      The art is 100% gay. I would never touch this.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I thought the same. But I fell in love with the game anyway.

        The fact that the main characters are two ugly women didn't help either. But the game no SJW shit at all, surprisingly.

        • 11 months ago

          >ugly women protagonists
          >no sjw shit
          The slippery slope is real.

    • 11 months ago

      The art is 100% gay. I would never touch this.

      Art is turbogay and the story is... passable at best, but the gameplay absolutely makes up for both of them. It's insanely good, there is so much fun and variety in the builds.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I thought the same. But I fell in love with the game anyway.

        The fact that the main characters are two ugly women didn't help either. But the game no SJW shit at all, surprisingly.

        >Yeah, I thought the same. But I fell in love with the game anyway.
        I will share protip:
        >if you expect great game and find that its mediocre you will hate it
        >when you expect shit game and find it mediocre you will love it
        >hype is the enjoyment killer

        • 11 months ago

          What are you, a child?

          • 11 months ago

            a human bean that speaks the truth

    • 11 months ago

      I will never play Farmville Tactics

    • 11 months ago

      I was wondering what bugged me about the art. Everyone has realistic proportions but enormous heads. If you want them to look properly chibi they need big hands too at the very least.

  9. 11 months ago

    >I was interested in Tactics Ogre but from the reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.
    don't listen to them. it's EASILY the best version of the game.

  10. 11 months ago

    As we can see from the anon's trolling and attempt at a flame war, there is no counter-argument to the facts I've posted.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you the guy who started his argument by posting stuttering greentext with the word "le" to try to make a point? A simple yes or no answer will do fine.

  11. 11 months ago

    It's the best version of it, those are just casuals who got filtered.

    • 11 months ago

      Ironically the new version is built for casuals

      • 11 months ago

        Ironically the newer version is built for people who prefer the original version to the PSP version.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not sure how it plays like the SNES version
          please explain 🙂

          • 11 months ago

            Skill availability and usage which was watered down and bloated in the PSP version
            No grinding
            No shit crafting
            You seem like a shitposter, though. If you're the idiot sperging about tarot cards I won't reply to you again.

            • 11 months ago

              >PSP vrsion is better
              it was biggest disappointment ever, I specially bought PSP for it and it was shit
              >class levels
              and that mod isn't that much better, it fox some things but break another

              >same arguments
              >my sides

              • 11 months ago

                Yes? Because those things are obvious to people who've played the different versions. This is like getting upset that everyone makes the same complaints that the Grandia HD port on Steam doesn't have shadows like the Saturn version.

  12. 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    play x piratez

    • 11 months ago

      If I felt like playing a Xcom mod it'd be Files, not autismo kitchen sink mode.

      • 11 months ago

        >not autismo kitchen sink mode
        if anything x files are more a kitchen sink mode than piratez and both gameplay and writing is much worse
        still basic idea is great to bad solar is just gay idiot and not like dio who is autistic idiot

        • 11 months ago

          >x files are more a kitchen sink mode than piratez
          Anon, please.
          >both gameplay and writing is much worse
          >and writing

          • 11 months ago

            no mercy
            x files is just all cryptid shit mashed together and hold by duck tape, some plots have no sense(t. OG zombie plot) full of bloat and newb traps
            and yes writing is much worse in x files

            • 11 months ago

              >and yes writing is much worse in x files
              Anon I'm begging you, stop shitposting.

              • 11 months ago

                its not shitpost
                you would know if you played both
                but I will admit that dio need to touch grass, i don't mind boobs but seriously

              • 11 months ago

                I can see how an ESLgay might think the incoherent mess of ideas in Piratez is better written.

              • 11 months ago

                both are made by esl gays tho, and solar treat himself to seriously
                just admit that you get sacred by boobs and didn't played piratez

              • 11 months ago

                >just admit that you get sacred by boobs
                >[Saint Seiya (Saint Shiro)] Tomodachi no Muchimuchi na Okaa-san to Zupposhi Asedaku Otomarikai [Digital]
                >(C102) [Zetsubou Shiromuji (Shousan Bouzu)] Kyonyuu no Oyako ni Osewa ni Nattemasu. ~Oyako Hen~
                Here are my 2 favorite new works from C102. You're just a fricking idiot.

              • 11 months ago

                good way to prove that you are both tastelet and idiot

              • 11 months ago

                >You're just afraid of risque boobs!
                >No I'm literally not
                >Haha well you just proved me right!
                It was my fault for replying to an ESLmoron at all.

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, we're not all that bad.

              • 11 months ago

                flaunting shitty porn doodles to prove your 'superior' taste is the most moronic thing that i seen recently
                talking to you was really waste of time
                >claim to hate esl morons
                >thinks that files are best x com mod even if it was made by esl moron who is bad at writing
                pic related

              • 11 months ago

                >thinks that files are best x com mod
                In terms of writing neither are great. You'll notice that my first post on the subject has to do with the kitchen sink style content and not the story telling in either mod. You tried turning this into me just being afraid of 2D boobs, and you were objectively wrong so now you're trying to say I was talking up the writing in Xfiles, which is also wrong. Learn to read English before you reply again, subhuman.

              • 11 months ago

                >kitchen sink style content
                and x files is still better example of this than x piratez
                you lack any arguments and so you screech about esl but its not gonna save you
                you should be ashamed of yourself(if you are capable which I doubt you are)

              • 11 months ago

                >and x files is still better example of this than x piratez
                Wrong, which is expected of an illiterate ESLmonkey.

              • 11 months ago

                still no argument you moron
                not even mention that solar admired that frick balance and everything and he is adding shit just to have it
                but whatever you have no taste and no brain
                frick off

  14. 11 months ago

    Reborn is fricking fine, autistic spergs reee over nothing. Great game to play on Deck, would recommend.

  15. 11 months ago

    I actually kind of like the english voices but holy frick Arycelle's makes me wanna switch to jap or mute.

  16. 11 months ago

    >all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game
    It is. No random battles for recruitment/money making/etc purposes. Cards show up randomly on the battlefield for some moronic reason which increases the RNG. In the PSP version you collect them after defeating enemies that can be used for buffs later on. The skill system is dumbed down for downies. Idiots say its a QoL change but it actually gives you less freedom to make your units how you wish. Emulate the PSP version on the Deck. Trust me.

    • 11 months ago

      >The skill system is dumbed down for downies.
      You're an idiot. More skills where half of the skills are either useless or "you need to equip this" isn't customization, it's pointless bloat. If you can't tell the difference between good customization features and pointless numbers bloat then you have no place arguing about quality of a game.

      • 11 months ago

        My point still stands, clown person. Its robbing you of freedom regardless of skills you need and don't need. You could also equip like 8 or 10 in the PSP version. In Reborn its a measly 4 or something and I know most of the skills have been blended to the classes but I don't give a shit.

        • 11 months ago

          >pointless bloat is good
          >forcing the player to actually make specialization choices is bad

        • 11 months ago

          >Its robbing you of freedom regardless of skills you need and don't need.
          It's really not doing anything of the sort, if anything you have more versatility due to how the game reworked equipment so you can stack a lot more skills through your equipment compared to the PSP version.
          By the way, the PSP version was the one that actually robbed you of freedom since it reworked the class and equipment system to be locked so you can't equip items freely anymore like in the original version of the game, I don't see you recommending the SNES/PS1 version though, so much your that freedom.

        • 11 months ago

          if anything they should full return to OIG specializations with strictly defined classes(and limited male female access)
          same for striping most of the customisable and weapon skills and it would make only game better

    • 11 months ago

      if anything they didn't strip enough of PSP bloat

    • 11 months ago

      >No random battles for recruitment/money making/etc purposes.
      You can still enter places like Phoranpa if you want random battles, that's not an issue.
      >Cards show up randomly on the battlefield for some moronic reason which increases the RNG. In the PSP version you collect them after defeating enemies
      Clearly you haven't played the game because the new card mechanic ISN'T tarots, which are still in the game by the way.
      >The skill system is dumbed down for downies.
      The skill version is better purely because they got rid of all the pointless bloat in skill levels that did nothing but force you to grind for hours and hours.

      • 11 months ago

        You are regurgitating other idiot's stupid, wrong opinions. Phoranpa Wilds? Whoopty doo. I want variety and that means random battles throughout the map. You have b***h, subpar standards when it comes to games and maybe thats why you are so accepting of Reborn's goody changes.

        • 11 months ago

          >I want variety
          clearly you do not given you want to play the PSP version and not the original.

  17. 11 months ago

    Unironicly a good game, the translation is a little rough though

    • 11 months ago

      That art looks like an AI ripoff of generic Japanese art. Is the game Chinese?

  18. 11 months ago

    >I was interested in Tactics Ogre but from the reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.

  19. 11 months ago

    Does elemental armor even do anything in Reborn? In PSP it buffed some shitty augment element bloat skill that was removed from Reborn.

  20. 11 months ago

    >haha remember how you had a unit that was literally meant to stop enemies moving past to get to your casters?
    >haha we stopped that so now you can kinda do it
    >but like for funny moments hahaha we made it so you can only do a few skills haha
    >yeah you can't get good defense anymore haha
    >but like you have rampant aura so it works but you die in two turns haha

    no get fricked

  21. 11 months ago

    More classes are actually useful as opposed to being irredeemable garbage like in the PSP which was just lol archers for everything

  22. 11 months ago

    >Actually defending auto skills in Reborn

    • 11 months ago

      Auto skills were a thing in the original version of the game too, the PSP version turning everything into manual skills was one of the reason several classes like Terror Knights became completely useless.

  23. 11 months ago

    Haha we're going to leave you with just 4 skill slots but not get rid of weapon skills so you really just have 3 slots because weapon skills are mandatory for non mages.

    • 11 months ago

      This and the buff cards are inexcusable. What a shit remaster.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't forget how the only reliable way to raise loyalty for beast units is to feed them charms because they have no skills that can be grinded.

        • 11 months ago

          the whole loyalty system is remnant of old times
          there is plenty of shit that either should be remove or re designed

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, I wouldn't mind less obscure shit like loyalty or chaos flame tbh

    • 11 months ago

      >I need 8 slots of bloat
      >don't make me specialize
      >I NEED to be able to reliably become over powered!

  24. 11 months ago

    Imagine playing demakes

  25. 11 months ago

    >I was interested in Tactics Ogre but from the reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.
    lol, lmao even. It's easily the best version of the game.

  26. 11 months ago

    here's the deal anon I'll explain it and you should listen because I doubt you will get another anon to actually do so.

    the SNES and PS1 versions has a chance for game ending bugs if you use the translation patch. not to mention they are pretty different in terms of content anyway and not overall as fun or interesting to play. feels like a good first draft, but nothing more.

    PSP version is decent but still has almost all of the issues reborn has as far as balance goes, but the biggest crippling issue is the grind. it takes no exaggeration about 10 times as long to do anything in the PSP version compared to reborn. that means if grinding a fight takes 20 minutes in reborn, expect yourself to need to grind it for 3 and half hours for similar results in the PSP version. this issue is exacerbated due to the game already being quite long. reborn is easily a 700 hour game for one thorough play through if you want to fully explore it you could go well over that easily into the 1000s. This means the PSP version will be dragging you into the tens of thousands for the same content. it is a slog. avoid it. don't listen to these hardcore gays who dislike reborn.

    one vision is a mod for the PSP version that rebalances classes and abilities across the board. it would be the best version to play and definitely had the best balance if not for once again the instancely slow grind of the PSP version.

    reborn rebalances some things from the PSP version and improves upon it, but due to some pretty shitty overlooking of status effects and wording some options, very fricking few, but still some are no longer worth pursuing. hit % does not matter anymore for example. you almost always hit in reborn. some interactions with very high level spells and content are not as intricate anymore due to these overlooked things. it really won't come up that bad but if it bothers you it is worth knowing. the tradeoff for the slightly worse polish is that the game plays faster and smoother

    • 11 months ago

      ran out of text.

      the other controversial thing in reborn is the cards. in the PSP version you collected cards that had a chance to drop from enemies these cards gave you a random stat boost or sometimes even detracted from your stats and were then added to your inventory as items that you could use to increase certain stats. more than half of which were almost always worthless. reborn still has these cards for the random stat ups and down, but there are other cards on the field for flat bonuses that are not RNG. when you or an enemy pick these up they are instantly buffed. they provide an incentive to move certain places aside from just closer to the enemy or standing on high ground as the bonuses do matter. it is for me a welcome addition of non RNG depth. haters of the system are die hard PSP fans and they are not really fans of the series, they just really like their version of the game and that version alone.

    • 11 months ago

      As of the last patch 2-ish months ago almost all of these were fixed, there's one glaring one still there that was carryover from the PSP version, and the other one the fanbase is no longer sure if it was ever an issue

      • 11 months ago

        >there's one glaring one still there that was carryover from the PSP version, and the other one the fanbase is no longer sure if it was ever an issue

  27. 11 months ago

    >Does away with all the titles related to not relying on the chariot crutch mechanic
    Casual slop

  28. 11 months ago

    gays were coping with the fact that you couldn't level grind anymore when the game came out. Reborn is the best version easily and it brought back a lot of the uphill battle gameplay the SNES version had that the PSP version dumpstered to make a more modern PSP RPG where you can do whatever you want by grinding for hours like other games Square was putting out at the time.

  29. 11 months ago

    I'm not sure what these 'fans' are thinking but after 200+ hrs in this game I would be surprised if I'm playing the shittiest one. I highly suggest playing reborn.

  30. 11 months ago

    I'd never played another version of TO before Reborn, but I was genuinely shocked when I saw the Steam reviews after finishing the game for the first time. No way in hell is the game a "Mostly Positive". It's completely possible there's technically better versions, but I would still stake my value on Reborn being a good game. No tactics title has ever made me feel quite like I'm a shitter rebel against impossible odds like Reborn did.

  31. 11 months ago

    There's no definitive version of the game but this one is the most comfortable to get running since it's native to PC and not running off an emulator. It's a toss up between this version and a total conversion mod for the psp version, which had some bad design decisions.

  32. 11 months ago

    >I was interested in Tactics Ogre but from the reviews all the fans of the series says it's the shittiest version of the game.
    It's morons who got filtered because they couldn't grind and over level. Honestly though they should've made the level up an optional difficulty mode so people wouldn't throw a big stink.
    Some people don't like cards but they're fine. All of the balance changes are better and anyone telling you "but only 4 skill slots!" And "no multi classing!" Is a total fricking moron

  33. 11 months ago

    I, as a fan of final fantasy tactics, can I assure you that tactics ogre it is, and by a huge margin, one of the best tactics games (if not THE best tactics game) atm, more even if you are playing it on a Steam Deck (i'm playing it for the first time from my deck). Holy frick it's just too fricking good.

  34. 11 months ago

    I loved Tactics Ogre but it felt really unbalanced, at least the PSP version did. Archers were too strong while a lot of other classes felt too weak, it also didn't help that a new class started at level 1 even on NG+.

    • 11 months ago

      >Archers were too strong while a lot of other classes felt too weak,
      Reborn tunes down the archer's overpoweredness.

    • 11 months ago

      That's why I prefer reborn, getting a new beast unit wasn't pure misery. I liked gathering a wide assortment of monsters.

    • 11 months ago

      What you just expressed were changes made SPECIFICALLY for the PSP version. Reborn is based on the SNES version which does not have that issue.

  35. 11 months ago

    It's ogre

  36. 11 months ago

    >says it's the shittiest version of the game.
    so you're baiting Ganker into replying to you. I get it.

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