Are you a shitter or a real gamer?

Are you a shitter or a real gamer Ganker?

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    >No Captain Commando
    Shit list

    • 2 weeks ago

      >already includes two harder Capcom arcade beat 'em ups
      shut the frick up moron

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >Zelda II
    >hardest games of all time

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >Evil Within
    >Jak 2
    >Literally any Fromsoft game

    • 2 weeks ago

      Go on, post your Akumu clear, your God Hard and Tactical Challenge 6 clears, and your SL1 clears for all the FromSoft games.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Has to purposely cuck himself to make a shit game like Dark Souls hard

        • 2 weeks ago

          Souls is also really hard just for a standard first time playthrough. It's funny to see the narrative change and zoomer history revisionism that Souls is now easy due to the playerbase having thousands of hours of experience and every aspect of the game explored and the meta/OP build/route complete known and explored. If Souls never got mainstream, people would still be clamoring it one of the most brutally hardcore games of modern times.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I played DeS the first time on fricking released. I barely struggled with the game until I reached either Flamelurker or Maneater, but even those were piss easy due to how buggy the game was on launch
            DS1 was by far the easiest because you could poise tank everything. You didn't need to a moronic zoomer who watched Dark Souls content 24/7 to realize that. Big number = good outcome and DS1 followed that to a tee

            • 2 weeks ago

              >it was easy except for the parts that weren't
              >but then I ran to a walkthrough and cheesed them
              >all in all, the 2 hour game was so easy that it only took me 50+ hours to finally beat it
              sure thing moron.

              There is like 30 games on there easier than Souls, so it's blatantly obvious you barely play games and are just a little poser homosexual.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Keep coping zoom zoom. I played both DeS and DS1 on launch, when walkthroughs didn't exist. I didn't to watch a israelitetuber and be brainwashed into thinking a game was good, unlike you

              • 2 weeks ago

                >but even those were piss easy due to how buggy the game was on launch
                You outright admitted to it moron. I don't care how you cope about it, you used the cheese strategies for Maneater and Flamelurker (which are both brutally hard normal, but easy with the cheese).

                >walkthroughs not existing in 2009
                >message boards not existing in 2009
                >Ganker not existing in 2009
                >youtube videos not existing in 2009
                just more full moron zoomer revisionism. Makes your whole story sound like complete bullshit honestly

              • 2 weeks ago

                >impling I was terminally online
                Project harder homosexual. Not my fault AI's would constantly break and get stuck on actual pebbles.
                >brutally hard normal, but easy with the cheese
                So let me guess what your definition of normal is. SL1, no upgrades, no armor, no spell, no anything, right? If I use any of those, I'm 'cheesing' the boss, right?
                Further proves that the only way to make FromShit games hard is by gimping yourself from everything

              • 2 weeks ago

                >now trying to act like he didn't know the cheeses
                >uhh uhh I meant uhh sometimes they uhhh get stuck on uhhh terrain!!!
                >immediately starts strawmanning about muh "WHAT DO I NEED TO BEAT THEM AT SL1 FISTS ONLY FOR IT TO BE LEGIT!!??"

              • 2 weeks ago

                >he didn't know the cheeses
                Further proves that you didn't play either of the games on launch, which they were buggy as frick. You didn't need speedrun hacks to break the AI because it would shit itself naturally.
                And don't try to pretend that I was the one who started with the whataboutism, you did. I was just adding to it

              • 2 weeks ago

                >still playing dumb about using the cheeses
                lmao, whatever helps you sleep at night man. You cheesed a video game so you could lie on the internet about it being easy years later. It's really not a big deal.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's not a cheese if it's part of the game

                >I BEAT Dark and Demon's Souls ON RELEASE!
                >And let me tell you
                >They are SHIT and EASY

                What is it that you have to prove, homosexual? This reads of someone so highly insecure it's hilarious.
                And every time it turns out your favorite games are shit like Zelda OOT and some Mario garbage kek

                I don't play garbage Nintendo games

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I don't play garbage Nintendo games
                Yea yea you 1CC Galagakaruga with your arms behind your back and that's still easy for you.

                Literally nobody cares.

              • 2 weeks ago

                So is this the best Fromdrones can come up with when they can't handle criticism. No wonder you have a reputation for being an insufferable fanbase

              • 2 weeks ago

                You literally come here to tell us how SHIT and EASY that games are and that you DEFINITELY beat them on release WITHOUT GUIDES.

                You are a fricking joke dude

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Uhhh how do I beat this game???
                >There's a path in front of me, but I don't know where to go????
                Have you tried using your brain?

              • 2 weeks ago


                Pick both

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Do I go to this graveyard where the skeletons are immortal and I get killed in one hit or do I go to this other area where the enemies have drain damage and can't aim for shit
                >it's a tough choice
                >I need 15 guides to tell me what to do and where to go

              • 2 weeks ago

                Did Dark Souls rape your sister?

              • 2 weeks ago

                From how much you're defending the games, it sounds like it raped you

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, it didn't. I've beaten it countless times with multiple builds. Even SL1. Not because it's so hard because I have something to prove (like you), but because it's so good.

                Great game. 10/10.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's not a cheese if it's part of the game
                I don't play garbage Nintendo games

                Hahaha, homosexual fell for the PREPARE TO DIE!!! psyop like the brainlet she is, hahaha.
                Go fricking die, moron.

                post your five most difficult clears and five very difficult clears you've never done.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Solo UW
                Solo FoW
                Solo DoA HM
                Solo Deep
                Solo Urgoz

              • 2 weeks ago

                >this game is so easy XD
                >well except the parts that weren't
                >but I cheesed those from glitches I heard online
                >oh wait no, I didn't do that, uhh I just meant I uhhh got them uhh caught on terrain :^)
                >it only took me 50 hours and many weeks to beat this 2 hour game
                >it was so easy for a pro ebic gaymer like myself
                >btw I have zero clears and zero proof of anything

              • 2 weeks ago

                Keep writing those fanfictions. At this point, it's not even projection it's actual delusion

              • 2 weeks ago

                How can you be old enough to play this stuff at release but still talk and act like a salty little butthurt kid online?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Keep coping zoom zoom. I played both DeS and DS1 on launch, when walkthroughs didn't exist. I didn't to watch a israelitetuber and be brainwashed into thinking a game was good, unlike you

              >I BEAT Dark and Demon's Souls ON RELEASE!
              >And let me tell you
              >They are SHIT and EASY

              What is it that you have to prove, homosexual? This reads of someone so highly insecure it's hilarious.
              And every time it turns out your favorite games are shit like Zelda OOT and some Mario garbage kek

          • 2 weeks ago

            No this is completely wrong.
            The fact that Souls became mainstream is the definitive proof that it isn't hard at all.
            The fact that an average person can accomplish something just with pure time investment is proof positive that thing isn't difficult.
            There are things out there that people try their whole life to accomplish and still don't make it. That is the sign of something truly difficult.
            The simple truth about Souls games that Fromdrones don't want to acknowledge is that they are specifically design to be beaten by an average player and that is why they became popular at all. Everybody can just brute force the game eventually and feel good falsely believing they've accomplished something that was difficult.

            • 2 weeks ago

              There are tons of mainstream games that are difficult. Honestly most games regarded as difficult is just because they aren't mainstream and thus don't have well known strategies and walkthroughs, and also players don't typically stick to them long enough to actually learn and master the game. Most zoomers will play Contra for 15 minutes then proclaim it to be an absolutely bullshit hard unfair game, when in reality it's significantly easier than Souls, and you can learn and master the game to the point of being able to do a deathless starting gun only run in significantly less time than it takes the average player to even finish their first Souls playthrough.

              >There are things out there that people try their whole life to accomplish and still don't make it. That is the sign of something truly difficult.
              SL1 runs with restrictions in this case. Just like arcade and console games are never this hard unless you throw a bunch of restrictions or WR tier scoring on top.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Everything about this post is completely untrue and just ridiculous headcanon really. Well except Contra being relatively easy that is true. And people will quit games that don't waste time getting to the difficulty which is also why Souls is popular because it's an RPG that eases the player into the difficulty at a glacial pace.
                Most of these games have plenty of guides and walkthroughs but walkthroughs are just less helpful for these games compared to Souls. And that's because they are indeed harder (which is also why they're less mainstream) and a walkthrough doesn't make you a more skilled player it just tells you the optimal strategy which makes Souls a lot easier but not most of these other games.
                Most of these games you can't even impose the same level of restriction as SL1. Plenty have difficulty modes but that's an intentional challenge by the devs not a lazy self imposed challenge where the player just gimps themselves but the game stays the same. It's obvious people only play SL1 because the game is too easy otherwise but most of these other games are much more difficult to just beat playing normally and that's how they should be judged because you can do ridiculous self imposed challenges in a lot of games even ones that are really easy played normally.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Almost everything you typed here is wrong and you are a zero clears moron.

                Souls difficulty is very frontloaded and it's very unforgiving and crushing for a new player.

                Walkthroughs are EXTREMELY effective for vast majority of retro games as many of them are very memo-heavy and have safespots, cheese strats, obscure mechanics, or hidden secrets that completely trivialize large swathes of the game.

                A game being easy or hard has very little correlation to its popularity. Players are much more likely to learn and improve for games they perceive as high quality and fair.

                Playing through on SL1 is no more an arbitrary restriction than playing for no-miss or score in an arcade game or restricting your weapons in a NES or SNES game. It shows good fundamental game design that the game is balanced in such a way that SL1 is fair but challenging for experienced players without being cheap or overly grindy

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Walkthroughs are EXTREMELY effective for vast majority of retro games as many of them are very memo-heavy and have safespots, cheese strats, obscure mechanics, or hidden secrets that completely trivialize large swathes of the game.

                Good post.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Souls difficulty is very frontloaded and it's very unforgiving and crushing for a new player.
                This is just not true in the slightest. You're trying to tell me that a basic hollow at the beginning of the game is harder than end game bosses which is nonsense. The player has less at the beginning of the game but it's easy regardless.

                >Walkthroughs are EXTREMELY effective for vast majority of retro games as many of them are very memo-heavy and have safespots, cheese strats, obscure mechanics, or hidden secrets that completely trivialize large swathes of the game.
                This is true to an extent but even with these tips and tricks most of these games are still harder than Souls even without a walkthrough. With a walkthrough some people would even say Souls becomes trivialized which is an even more definitive sign that it's not a hard game.

                >A game being easy or hard has very little correlation to its popularity. Players are much more likely to learn and improve for games they perceive as high quality and fair.
                There's no way to prove this one way or another but I just believe it's not true at all. Because in the end I think the average player automatically equates anything they can overcome as being "high quality and fair" and anything they can't overcome is poorly designed and unfair. This is why people think Souls is good when in reality much of the design is very easy to criticize and point out the flaws.

                >Playing through on SL1 is no more an arbitrary restriction than playing for no-miss or score in an arcade game or restricting your weapons in a NES or SNES game. It shows good fundamental game design that the game is balanced in such a way that SL1 is fair but challenging for experienced players without being cheap or overly grindy

                Yes it is because that's obviously not the way the game was designed to be played. If a game has a scoring or ranking system then it was designed to be played that way. Difficulty by design vs. difficulty in spite of design.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not reading any of that garbage until you post clears.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >another delusional anti-fromsoft troony who lives in an alternate reality
                >Souls is le easiest game ever!!! a walkthrough would make the game a cakewalk!! my three year old cousin beat the game blindfolded!!! retro games that I've never played and know nothing about are the hardest games ever in comparison!!
                >but can't name a single harder game or post any of the hardest games he's beaten because it would expose him as a poser moron talking out his ass

              • 2 weeks ago

                > It shows good fundamental game design that the game is balanced in such a way that SL1 is fair but challenging for experienced players without being cheap or overly grindy
                No it fricking doesn't. All it shows is that the game is easy when played normally. If a game suddenly becomes a "fair challenge" when you heavily restrict yourself it's just an easy game because literally nothing about the game changed. The levels and enemies are all the same. If Barbies Horse Adventure suddenly becomes challenging when you try to beat it without collecting any coins or whatever that doesn't mean it's an amazingly designed game you idiot.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's about having gameplay density, and the challenge and balance to back it up. Souls has that. SL1 creates interesting and difficult challenges that feel like an intuitive extension of play for an experienced player. Compare that to something like those restricted meme runs in pokemon or whatever where you just have to rely on RNG and glitches and all kinds of stupid shit, or where the harder difficulty modes involves just spamming the same strategies, just repeated over and over.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No you have it backwards. Souls LACKS gameplay density which is the whole reason you need a self imposed challenge run to force it into the game. Of course the game becomes more interesting and difficult this way but I'm sure so does Barbie Horse Adventure. And Souls is just as prone to spamming the same strategies as any other game even more so in many cases.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The simple truth about Souls games that Fromdrones don't want to acknowledge is that they are specifically design to be beaten by an average player
              And the average game is designed to be beaten by the dumbest person imaginable.
              What's your point?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Hahaha, homosexual fell for the PREPARE TO DIE!!! psyop like the brainlet she is, hahaha.
            Go fricking die, moron.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I've been playing Souls since 2009 and played Demon's and 1.00 Dark Souls at launch. The "le git gud!!!" "PREPARE TO LE DIE!!!" didn't really start until Dark Souls PC release and then Dark Souls 2 (which is still a good game, but the community was absolute cancer at this point)

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I've been playing Souls since
                Who the frick asked about your sad blog story?

  4. 2 weeks ago

    i play games to have fun, not to brag online about something nobody gives a shit about just because you spent a lot of time on it

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Singleplayer games aren't hard. Get to FaceIt level 10 on CS and I'll admit you're good at games, otherwise, I don't care how much time you wasted memorizing super meat boy levels.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I think I have shit taste

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Why does your autism compel you to make this thread every day?

  8. 2 weeks ago

    This pic with 100 tiny game covers mostly on nes is dumb.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    all the souls games are there but elden ring is absent. whoever made this did so because they're mad at elden ring.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I finished Episode 1 of Blood on Extra Crispy

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >can't use saves
    Speed running trannies aren't gamers.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    didnt you post this early today and everyone made fun of you then as well?

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I dunno, define "hard" and should that include any jank licensed games released in the NES/SNES days that played like trash or arcade beatems that implored the user to dump $5-10 in to beat the game?

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Why is ds2 on that list?

    • 2 weeks ago

      dead space 2? Prolly cause of the hardest difficulty to get the meme foam finger weapon.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >soulscucks are once again seething and hurling monkey shit at each other

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's literally one guy insisting on how SHIT and EASY the games are.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I wouldn't say it's shit, janky yes, but it's also easy. You can beat it naturally without any issues

        • 2 weeks ago

          >You can beat it naturally without any issues
          (If you know what you are doing)

          Which games are hard by this definition?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >(If you know what you are doing)
            The first time I played Dark Souls I did it with my cousin. He barely plays games and doesn't use the internet I forgot the disc in his house and he made it to New Londo all on his own
            A game I'd say is difficult for the skills and not using iframes and heavy armor would be God Hand on Die Level

            • 2 weeks ago

              >and he made it to New Londo all on his own
              This take like 30 seconds from Firelink shrine! And he did all of that BY HIMSELF? What an easy game!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it took him weeks but he managed to beat one third of the game therefore it's easy
                lmao, the amount you frickers have to reach to act like Souls is an easy game is insane.

                And there are 6 year olds that could beat Contra without dying, what's your point moron?

                New Londo for the Four Kings soul, idiot. After he already collected the other 3 souls.
                You people really like to circlejerk each other, don't you? I'm gonna ditch this thread before you start seething and bringing back the monkey poop

              • 2 weeks ago

                See ya.

                It's always funny when newbies come into these threads and SPECIFICALLY single out Dark Souls for being SHIT and EASY, when there are a multitude of games being far easier on this image in the OP alone. Says a lot about yourself.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Dark Souls is SHIT and EASY

              • 2 weeks ago

                I've speedran it in under 2 hours. Was pretty EASY once I figured out how to do it.

                Why did I do it? Because it's FUN.

                Why are you b***hing like a little girl?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >spends the entire time seething like a moron
                >n-no, it's f-fun!
                Also, nice redditspacing

            • 2 weeks ago

              >it took him weeks but he managed to beat one third of the game therefore it's easy
              lmao, the amount you frickers have to reach to act like Souls is an easy game is insane.

              And there are 6 year olds that could beat Contra without dying, what's your point moron?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >A game I'd say is difficult for the skills and not using iframes and heavy armor would be God Hand on Die Level
              Nobody played God Hand tho so nobody can argue that it's easy.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's funny because these people are never even actually that good at these games, and don't have any clears or challenge runs. It's just them misinterpreting the reputation of a game that is regarded as being much more difficult than the average mainstream game and a game that rewards careful planning and observation as some sort of ultra-hard kaizo IWBTG bullshit.

        They also completely fail to understand that a game becoming easier as you play it and master it is literally a hallmark of a difficult game. No shit the game becomes easy TO YOU to beat after you've practiced it for 200 hours. The fact that it took you that long to learn and master is why it's difficult in the first place.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Will it ever be explained how Jak 2, a childrens game, made the list?

  17. 2 weeks ago

    You're really trying hard to push this, huh? You've forgotten a ton of games which are actually difficult - Godhand, The Super Star Wars Trilogy, Maximo, Maximo vs Army of Zin, Ootgi, Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze, ThunderForce, Deathsmiles, etc. Also, if you apply limits on yourself, anything can become difficult - Pikimin without losing a single Pikimin and completing the game in 6 days. How about things like I Wanna Be the Boshy? As I said, 6/10 bait.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The only games that would belong there are Godhand, and maybe Super Star Wars (and maybe Otogi, haven't played that one).

      The rest are not really difficult enough to mention their omission.

      • 2 weeks ago

        As I said, you can apply any conditions to make anything difficult. Also, have you not played the Maximo games? Enemy Zero is another game which springs to mind - particularly, it is hard mode.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >obscure shit nobody played
          >"NOW THAT'S A HARD GAME"

          every single time

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm sorry your taste in video games is so limited. But that isn't my problem.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I've beaten Digimon World (as a kid). Most people b***h about how UNFAIR it is to get a good Digimon.

              So yea. You are talking to a literal pro gamer here. Lower your tone.

              • 2 weeks ago

                And? That's a game a lot of people have because Digimon was popular. Congrats for completing it, but I'm sure what your point is.

              • 2 weeks ago

                That nobody cares.

                If you're such a hardcore gamer, make a youtube channel and see how many people care.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It seems I ruffled your feathers. Calling Enemy Zero obscure is a bit odd because it isn't. It's about as obscure as something like D or Clock Tower. It's a cult classic on the Saturn, same with Deep Fear.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Also, if you want an obscure and brutal game (though primarily because of how stiff it controls), I can recommend something like Chakan for the Megadrive.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I don't care about HARD GAMES as my primary interest. Hard game ≠ Good game

  18. 2 weeks ago

    i played the lego underground rockmen game
    AND the fricking captain crunch crunchberry island adventure game where the CD-ROM came in a fricking box of captain crunch's crunchberry where you raise a troggle? to fight some fricking purple freak lizard pirates by throwing rocks over a volcano and ropeclimbing

    THAT WAS A REAL GAME - not your shit quarter-munching arcade cabinet
    if you played tekken 2 at the laundromat instead of picking up chicks and playing tekken 2 downtown with friends while your chick and his chick go get smokes - homie YOU a shitter WITH NO REAL GAME

  19. 2 weeks ago

    having an optional hard mode != being a hard game

    hard games cannot be cheesed into an easy mode. easy games aren't automatically hard for having a hard mode.

    also let's all laugh at the homie that thought vanquish was a hard game

    • 2 weeks ago

      >also let's all laugh at the homie that thought vanquish was a hard game
      I remember trying to go for the platinum trophy and one of the challenges was so fricking hard I gave up. Even with a youtube guide it was too hard for me.

      So I'd say it's a pretty hard game

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good action games are universally balanced around the hardest difficulty, with the easier difficulties just being an introduction to the mechanics and learning/practicing the mechanics and stage layouts.

      Vanquish for example, Tactical Challenge 6 and God Hard are extremely difficult while the standard difficulty is a cakewalk.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >Hardest games of all times
    >All action games
    >No strategy or mentally challenging games
    I'm sorry "thinking" doesn't even compute as a possible gaming activity to you, OP

    • 2 weeks ago

      >puzzle game
      >look up the solution on youtube

      wow so hard

    • 2 weeks ago

      Some games are hard at first like galactic civilization. Then you realize how to counter the ai and you are then free to do whatever you want because you’re rolling through the galaxy with high class ships than everyone else.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Zoomer trannies reveal themselves by crying about Souls when those are actually some of the hardest games on that list lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      >DeS spells, greatswords. bow/arrow
      >DS1 use any heavy armor, big sword or magice like it's your typical RPG or JRPG
      >DS2 press start
      >DS3 made for literal normalgays
      You don't need to be a turbo gay to realize those things make the game easy. It's common knowledge if you've played any action game in your life
      So can you explain to me why the game is hard exactly, because I didn't play it as a lobotomized patient?

      • 2 weeks ago

        post clears

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't buy games, I pirate them and delete them.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >doesn't even know what a clear is
            well that's one way to out yourself as a zoomer shitter moron

            • 2 weeks ago

              >doesn't know how to read
              Glad to know you're an illiterate

            • 2 weeks ago

              Also, you didn't answer my question, and just deflected. So it's a good thing to know you're both lobotomized and illiterate

              • 2 weeks ago

                >doesn't know how to read
                Glad to know you're an illiterate

                Can't answer the question unless I have context on what you consider difficult and have done that is actually difficult. Maybe for someone who is an absolute beast at action games like horheristo or iconoclast, it's not hard, but in this case you are just a poser lying for social credit, see

                It's funny because these people are never even actually that good at these games, and don't have any clears or challenge runs. It's just them misinterpreting the reputation of a game that is regarded as being much more difficult than the average mainstream game and a game that rewards careful planning and observation as some sort of ultra-hard kaizo IWBTG bullshit.

                They also completely fail to understand that a game becoming easier as you play it and master it is literally a hallmark of a difficult game. No shit the game becomes easy TO YOU to beat after you've practiced it for 200 hours. The fact that it took you that long to learn and master is why it's difficult in the first place.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >horheristo or iconoclast
                No fricking clue who any of those are
                And I already gave you my example with God Hand on Die Level. Unlike the games Fromsoft makes that are filled with tools that make the games fricking easy, where you have to lobotomize yourself to make the game hard, God Hand just kicks your fricking ass on Die Level. Using your Furry mode and Roulette don't make the game easier, they just make it slightly less difficult

              • 2 weeks ago

                >only one example
                >it's a meme game that he can't even clear
                lmao, as expected. shut the frick up and leave.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I've beaten God Hand, unlike you homosexual

              • 2 weeks ago

                not KMS hard mode moron, now frick off shitter

              • 2 weeks ago

                As if you've ever beaten it

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't play that trash nor do I claim to.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I don't play that game
                >that game is actually hard
                HOLY KEK!! WAY TO OUT YOURSELF!

              • 2 weeks ago

                You haven't beat it either though?

  22. 2 weeks ago

    So this is just bait right? No one actually thinks MGR or DMC4 are hard at any difficulty right?

  23. 2 weeks ago

    It's an age old question.

    I can make 2D hoops game where you have to throw the ball in a PERFECT angle with PERFECT amount of power. Both variables have to be pixel perfect to beat a level.

    Will it be hard?

    Will anybody bother?

    Making a hard game is easy. Making a challenging game that people want to play endlessly? That's the hard part. Most of these old 2D platformes/shoot em ups/beat em ups are pretty hard when everything one hit kills you and most people won't even bother memorizing all the safe spots to beat it. It's not worth it.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Where's Darkest Dungeon and 100% Orange Juice?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Where's Darkest Dungeon
      Too fricking grindy

  25. 2 weeks ago

    I loved Cuphead and wouldn't compare it to NES slop which barely lets you control your character and forces you to start at the very beginning every time you die.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Where's Dick Tracy?

  27. 2 weeks ago

    Oh look it's this thread by the same moronic OP who never posts proof of his own wins

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >10 results in the past 2 weeks

    • 2 weeks ago

      What exactly are you trying to prove
      Of course people spam threads that generate discussion and get replies
      At least it's a vidya related thread for once
      I'm pretty sure this is an old image that got slightly updated over the years

      • 2 weeks ago

        >oldest post is 7th of Jun
        >spammed 10 times like an attention prostitute

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >GIVE ME ATTENTION!!!!
            >I NEED (YOU)S!!!!!

      • 2 weeks ago

        Mmmm, yes, all that discussion. It's totally not just a full thread of
        >I beat those games
        And then OhPee seething out
        >no you didn't! no proof! you didn't actually play on the hardest difficulty!

  29. 2 weeks ago

  30. 2 weeks ago

    This is trying way too hard to be bait

    • 2 weeks ago

      How is it bait? I mean some of these games are definitely way harder than others but the majority are at least harder than average and will filter an average player. I mean yeah there are some obvious "bait" games in there but I think that's just the image creators bias not that it's trying to be bait.

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