As it turns out, Atlus was completely justified in never releasing anything on PC

As it turns out, Atlus was completely justified in never releasing anything on PC

Pathetic. PChuds had their chance and now it's over.

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    lul imagine paying full price for a remaster

  2. 3 years ago

    >that all-time peak
    Holy shit, that's 1,892 players more than the amount of people that actually give a shit about SMT

  3. 3 years ago

    If you care about good JP games, you are a PlayStation only gamer. Plain and simple.

    • 3 years ago

      Based and truthpilled

    • 3 years ago

      >being this much of a gay

    • 3 years ago

      >Games don't sell on non PS platforms
      How can we stop Sony, bros...

      • 3 years ago

        As a genuine Xboxgay that loves Japanese games way more than Western ones, seeing shit like this is so blackpilling... Capcom's still way better at Xbox releases than other big Jap companies like Bamco and SE at least

      • 3 years ago

        Pretty sure selling 300k units is still well above breaking even on the costs to port the game to it.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah SIE care so much about Japanese games they shut down their Japanese studio just to give a frenchman a cushy Tokyo office!
      They also made it so everyone uses the proper American means of Confirm/Cancel because as Americans they know better than the Japanese.
      They also spent a long time going "JAP asiatic FRICKS BETTER KNOW ENGLISH IF THEY WANT THEIR GAME ON PLAYSTATION AND IT BETTER MEET OUR SENSIBILITIES OR GO FRICK YOURSELF" because they just really care so much about Japanese games.
      We should all be on our knees sucking their californian wieners for caring about JP games so so huggy buggy bunches that they're actively trying to gentrify the entire PlayStation platform and brand.

      In case my blatant sarcasm isn't obvious, go frick yourself you braindead zombie of a consoomer. PlayStation is the worst place for JP games now.

    • 3 years ago

      You used to just need a PlayStation but it's inarguable at this point that you also need a Switch in addition to it. PS5 + Switch is all you need to play every worthwhile Jap game released in the last 8 years and in the future. A pc is totally unnecessary. Hell, even a Series X is more worthwhile than a pc since there's tons of older Japanese exclusives you can play through backwards compatibility on it.

      • 3 years ago

        >A PC is totally unncessary
        >when it can play more jap games through native releases and emulation than the swich and PS5 put together
        why are consolegays so deluded? its insane

        • 3 years ago

          It's literally just Snoys, they worship the ground a bunch of literal californian homosexuals walk on.

        • 3 years ago

          Good point, I'll consider getting a gaming PC when I want to jerk off to anime girls.

    • 3 years ago

      its not april fools anon, you're a couple of months late

    • 3 years ago

      what case is that from IKEA?

    • 3 years ago

      Based and truthpilled

      >the one company that told japanese to die and that they would make games SOLELY for trannies and tumblr femcels
      >the one where every game now must be a walking fat lesbian simulator
      >samegays your own paid marketing because no one was gonna buy into it
      Nice try, paid sony shill, now have a nice day, even buying sony products now is to put money on destroying japanese games and culture which is why every single sony fanboy is either femcel or trannie

  4. 3 years ago

    >p4g is already well known because persona is massive so it being cheap at $20 just helps it even more
    >nocturne being relatively obscure in comparison and being full price at $60 just screws it even more

  5. 3 years ago

    Full price for a shitty unity of old game WITH fricking DLC and denuvo, frick you and atlus.

  6. 3 years ago

    why do you morons use steamcharts for singleplayer games

  7. 3 years ago

    The remake was garbage, the fricking mangled compressed to hell music was fricking HORRIBLE and it should've been fixed

  8. 3 years ago

    >60$ for a remaster that barely added anything new
    >Also has DLC
    Nocturne is one of my favorite games of all time and I still didn't buy that sad excuse for a remaster.

  9. 3 years ago

    To be fair, that game sucks

  10. 3 years ago

    >asking $50 for a 20 year old PS2 game, ignoring regional pricing and even putting more expensive DLC on top of it
    >Wahhh why isn't my game selling?

  11. 3 years ago

    good i want them to know we dont want shit shoved down our throats i hoped every game would get treated like this but 3rd world pajeets and little kids outweight the common man when it comes to "voting with your wallet"

  12. 3 years ago

    Nobody actually likes this game except for approximately 30 obese basement losers. We call this the Fatlus curve.

  13. 3 years ago

    I don't pay for late ports or remasters.
    That's for white people.

  14. 3 years ago

    >SMT is a shit series in general
    >PC gamers has taste
    >They don't buy it
    >Atlus stops porting SMT games to PC
    I don't see any problem with that. Hell, only reason SMT is still popular is because of Switch copers who can't play Persona on their favorite platform and jaded Pokemon converts.

    • 3 years ago



      >>SMT is a shit series in general
      >>PC gamers has taste
      >>They don't buy it
      >>Atlus stops porting SMT games to PC
      >I don't see any problem with that. Hell, only reason SMT is still popular is because of Switch copers who can't play Persona on their favorite platform and jaded Pokemon converts.

    • 3 years ago

      Only a pcgay would have tastes this bad. Please return to your boring RTS games and generic shooters. Kino Japanese games just aren't for your kind.

  15. 3 years ago

    Glad the Nvidia leak was fake, they don't deserve V

    • 3 years ago

      This. Frick pcgays. Hopefully after SMT Nocturne bombed, Atlus realized P4G was a fluke. pcgays literally don't buy games unless they're priced moronicly low.

      • 3 years ago

        Nocturne bombed on all platforms.

      • 3 years ago

        meanwhile, in reality

        Developers favor PC over any platform
        Steam hits record high revenue
        Steam has more MAU than PSN
        you will continue to seethe about your insignificance

      • 3 years ago

        PC players aren't going to spend 60$ for either bad ports or multi year old releases that suddenly get ported. If you want to treat it like a sideshow platform, you can enjoy your sideshow sales numbers.

        If fatlus wants to make that sweet sweet 60$ per copy and have good sales, they need a multiplat release of their products.

        If persona 5 suddenly had a release on steam for 60 buckerinos, it's sales would bomb too.

  16. 3 years ago

    They botched this port on all platforms though.

  17. 3 years ago

    It was overpriced, lacked a lot of QoL features at launch and had to wait for patches to add them in, and they made Dante extra $10 DLC. Is it really a surprise no one supported this bullshit? Especially when P4 Golden was priced so well a few months prior.

  18. 3 years ago

    I was tempted to pick it up on sale for like $30, but even that feels steep for a remaster when P4G dropped at around that price or maybe even lower, I don't really remember.
    I get that they went through the trouble of voicing the whole game, but I still can't justify full price for a game that's not only pretty fricking old at this point, but while also having DLC on the side too. Plus I've heard that the port itself is mediocre, and what other QOL stuff the remaster introduces just isn't enough to make me consider shelling out that much for a game I can just get on my PS2 for free.

  19. 3 years ago

    it's a piece of shit port and you're legit better off emulating it

  20. 3 years ago

    this game is fricking shit. i wouldn't want it for free i actually pirated it in the PS2 days and couldn't bother to waste my time with it, back when i was a teenager with nothing better to do

  21. 3 years ago

    Fatlus is dying right alongside Sega anyways so I don't care.

  22. 3 years ago

    Catherine Classic flopped bros, Sega themselves said that it sold well but they were totally lying. We're now never going to get SHitsona 5 ported to pc...

    • 3 years ago

      Because it launched a month before Full Body.

    • 3 years ago

      But I've already played Persona 5 on PC. It wasn't very good.

      • 3 years ago

        does it still run like ass?

        • 3 years ago

          PS3 emulation's improved a decent amount, I mean frick I can finally play .hack//Versus

        • 3 years ago

          Runs at 60 fps (patched) at 4k on shit hardware.

  23. 3 years ago

    The fact the first post wasn't the equivalent but for Persona 4 without any text added and then the thread didn't just die off unceremoniously is why Ganker is fricking dead.

  24. 3 years ago

    Yes pc chads dont play troony anime bullshit. What is exciting to you exactly?

  25. 3 years ago

    Unfortunately for these israelites, on pc they have to compete with the community that has kept their abandonware alive. Why would anyone buy this full price remaster that includes no fixes to anything, runs poorly, and is a 1:1 conversion, instead of emulating it and having access to gameplay mods for free?

  26. 3 years ago

    >release a subpar """remaster""" for full price
    >people say they wont buy it because of how it lacks basic things they expected from a remaster
    >get none of those and refuse to pay for a remaster that they could play for free in the form of emulation
    inb4 fatlus defense squad shows up

  27. 3 years ago

    Daily reminder that Chud = Chad + Stud

  28. 3 years ago

    >all-time peak
    This doesn't seem like an accurate metric at all.

  29. 3 years ago

    >and dlc
    just lmao

  30. 3 years ago

    >moronic bait thread with replies

  31. 3 years ago

    I have no idea about this
    More like their PR/advertising team is fricking stupid

  32. 3 years ago

    more like Atlus realized they couldn't get away with shitty ports at full price on PC
    see picrel for what happens when they do it right

    • 3 years ago

      it sold as many copies as Bloodborne kek

  33. 3 years ago

    I'm amazed it didn't get a PS5 re-release, just improved loading times when the PS4 version is played on PS5, without any graphical upgrades or added content. Maybe a PC release is on the horizon. However, P4G took like 8 years to hit PC. Wake me up when September ends

    • 3 years ago

      That's not the same guy.

  34. 3 years ago

    > nobody bought a 50 dollar remaster of an ages old nip game that 99% of people haven't ever heard about
    woah, truly, PC gaming is dead

  35. 3 years ago

    What were the numbers for Persona 4 Golden?

  36. 3 years ago

    That's a lot of sales for a shit game.

  37. 3 years ago

    >full price plus DLC for an HD remaster, not even a remake
    atlus can suck my fat greasy balls

  38. 3 years ago

    Nobody wants to pay $90 for shit ports that go on sale for $89.94. It doesn't matter if it's KH3 or Persona. FRICK that shit.

  39. 3 years ago

    Release the good games and i'll buy them. I bought P4G, I would buy P5R even tho I got P5 on ps4. I'm expecting it to take another 8 years.

  40. 3 years ago

    I bought two copies on switch and ps4.

  41. 3 years ago

    >Release game people actually want on PC
    >It sells

  42. 3 years ago

    >Release P4G for just 20
    >Release this for 50 and 70 for the full package
    Did they hit their heads on the table simultaneously right after P4G?

  43. 3 years ago

    What is up with japanese publishers?
    Square enix charging over $200 for kingdom hearts on PC. Atlus charging full price for an ancient port. Do they hate money that intensely?

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