Baldur Gate

The combat in this game is boring as frick.
Martial combat consist of left clicking on enemies and then watching for 2-3 minutes as they mindlessly wail on their enemies. Positioning, tactics, formations? None of that shitter matters. Just have your mages and clerics buff em up, then have your martials run in anf cleave the enemies apart.
Magic combat consists of spamming skull trap, magic missile, and fireball. If the enemies are "tough" then you simply cast the dispel magic that removes their buffs, then you cast web, slow, spook, or blindness (all of which are fundamentally the same spell: a disable that makes the enemy a useless cripple in battle) to disable them.
Why is the combat so beloved in this game?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >Why is the combat so beloved in this game?
    because boomers played it a lot in middle school and are nostalgic

    • 1 week ago

      Incorrect, I mostly played it in high school.

  2. 1 week ago

    ah yes , BG2 , the famous tactics game

  3. 1 week ago

    I forgot to mention, that none of the martial classes matter. They all play exactly the same.

    Figher - Skilled martial that kills all of his enemies by mashing the left click button
    Berserker - Fighter except you do more damage and you're immune to CC
    Paladin - Fighter except with some buffs and immunities
    Inquisitor - Fighter but you can use dispel
    Cavalier - Fighter but you have some buffs and bonus damage versus Dragons
    Ranger - Fighter except you have some buffs
    Cleric - Fighter except you have full spellcasting in exchange for less damage with melee
    Monk - Fighter but you're not wearing armor

    All of these classes play exactly the fricking same. Spellcasters are guilty of this as well.
    All arcane casters for example will just be spamming skull trap, web, sleep, magic missile, and then the high tier spells like Stop Time. There's never any nuance, tactics, or need to switch up on what spells to use. Every encounter, you will mindlessly use the EXACT same spells every fight

    • 1 week ago

      >Clerics are martial classes because they wear le armor
      Come on now

    • 1 week ago

      Imagine the worlds that will awaken when you click the special ability button.

    • 1 week ago
  4. 1 week ago

    CRPGs don't have good combat

  5. 1 week ago

    BG3 unironically has better combat

  6. 1 week ago

    >Plays game on 'easy, but have played a CRPG before' difficulty
    >"Why is this so easy?!"
    Oof anon, there are tougher difficulties and even moreso, difficulty mods the community considers default. Also, I can tell you never killed Kangaxx by the moronation in your fingers.

  7. 1 week ago

    I would lay my criticism at even more fundamental issues, like the use of d20 system and mechanics like AC: the linear probability-distribution where the most extreme outlier event is as likely as any other is just bad, and besides the issues that result from the roll system (leads to all-or-nothing burst, race to hit the caps, value of modifiers differs dramatically depending on how close to the cap you are, etc), AC fundamentally fails even at differentiating between hitting a sleeping adamantite-scaled dragon and a fly.

    If you want a dice-based system actually fit for computers, Dominions (with its "DRN" system - opposed rolls with exploding 2d6 dice) would be a good example. I don't think D&D (any version) is good for tabletop, but implementing it in computer context is simply disastrous.

  8. 1 week ago

    >The combat in this game is boring as frick.
    >Why is the combat so beloved in this game?
    Another moron filtered by real-time combat and D&D 2E mechanics.

    Get gud.

  9. 1 week ago

    BG1 and 2 are really not very good. The stories and quests are interesting, but the gameplay is absolute dogshit. People always go on how Planescape: Torment has shitty combat you need to put up with to experience the amazing rest of the game (and it's true), but the same should be said about the BG games, with the caveat that their story is merely good to great rather than amazing.

    BG3 is ultimately a mediocre game as well, but at least the combat is a lot more fun and it's true turn-based, which all DnD-based vidya should be.

    • 1 week ago

      >which all DnD-based vidya should be

      • 1 week ago

        >Why yes, let's take this turn-based system and turn it into an ugly mongrel of a fake real-time system that's ultimately still turn-based at heart anyway
        It's shit and people who like RTwP need to real-time themselves off a building, without pause.

        • 1 week ago

          IMO, the ideal DnD game would be a mix of Baldur's Gate 3, Persona, and Fire Emblem.
          Environments should play a factor in combat. Concepts like high ground, rivers, cover etc. should have an impact on AC and Attack. Much like im BG3, environmental effects and Status Effects (like Burning, Wet, Cursed, Shocked, Tarred, Blinded etc.) should matter.
          Much like in Fire Emblem, positioning and Formations should matter. If you like your martials side by side, they'll support each other, which means they should perform better in combat and be more resistant to mental effects, especially concepts like fear and frightening spells, which famage morale.
          Much like in Persona, animations should be crisp, smooth, immersive, and fast like they are in persona. Shuffling from menu, to stances, to different attacks, should be accompanied with your character's animations changing to reflect this.

  10. 1 week ago

    >web, slow, spook, or blindness (all of which are fundamentally the same spell: a disable that makes the enemy a useless cripple in battle)
    web can't be used with melee because it affects everyone in an area so you have to shoot the webbed people instead
    slow is countered by a lot of enemies in BG2 who auto-cast haste before fights
    spook doesn't really work well against stronger enemies because they have much higher saving throws
    blindness can't help you if the enemy has negative thAC0 (see spook above)
    They're all different in their own ways.

  11. 1 week ago

    OP, you need to remember that in its day that game was cutting edge. It was a huge achievement for rpgs and story telling.

    It’s also chronologically closer to the release of ET on Atari than it is to baldur’s gate 3 on modern consoles, and by several years.

    It’s a 26 year old game, man.

    • 1 week ago

      >It was a huge achievement for rpgs and story telling.
      Hahaha, what the frick?
      No, it wasn't. Fallout is older and better in all aspects.

  12. 1 week ago

    It's funny that you complain that tactics don't matter and then mention magical combat is spamming fire traps and fireballs. Because for both those spells tactics DO matter so the explosions don't accidently damage your fighters and friendly NPCs.

    • 1 week ago

      >tactics is when you don't friendly fire
      Biggest biodrone brain.

      • 1 week ago

        >Just cast a fireball into a tight corridor where your fighter is at 20 hp, what could go wrong?

        • 1 week ago

          Who are you quoting?

  13. 1 week ago

    Wait til you find out the entire game is shit and AD&D butchery.

  14. 1 week ago

    >tfw the gay bear got an entire generation of zoomers filtered by BG1 and 2

    • 1 week ago

      >Tfw I remember all the party member voicelines while looking at this pic.

    • 1 week ago

      >sneaking in one EE companion
      Delete this image.

    • 1 week ago

      The AI enhanced portraits are better.

      • 1 week ago

        I like how you just randomly added in new portraits on the bottom for no real reason at all.

        • 1 week ago

          don't insult my heckin bearino

      • 1 week ago

        These look OK for AI-slop, shame the colours are washed out

  15. 1 week ago

    You now remember the elf queen

  16. 1 week ago

    DnD also has no real tactics. pnptards are just tricked into thinking it does because it's slow.
    Once you pick up the pace to a video game level, it's more noticable.

  17. 1 week ago

    it was a much different era back then. everything was new. no one knew any better because better didnt exist. once upon a time they were pretty cool. they paved the way. they inspired newer and greater versions of themselves. hate them if you want but you should respect them

    • 1 week ago

      >they inspired newer and greater versions of themselves. hate them if you want but you should respect them
      such as?

      • 1 week ago

        >such as
        Dragon Age Origins, Neverwinter Night 2 (especially Mask of Betrayer), Pathfinder Kingmaker and WoTR, and Baldur's Gate 3

  18. 1 week ago

    Gearing up and buffing before fights is where you do most of your martials decisions.
    In combat is all about magic dispelling shit so you can rape them wich gets old fast holy shit, everytime I have to pierce magic x2 + breach I die a little inside

  19. 1 week ago

    DND is turn based because its all threather of the mind, to limit video games this way is retaded and fatherless behavior.

  20. 1 week ago

    I’ve experienced similar frustrations as well trying Baldur’s Gate: Enchanced Edition. I’d try to position my party but the AI kept messing things up. I’d try to get my martials to stay behind so they don’t get hit by an AOE spell but they charge forward anyway. When I played with AI spellcasting enabled I kept getting stuck for several minutes after any fight because the AI ran into its own entangle spells. Very annoying.

  21. 1 week ago

    d&d has never had good combat mechanics because tabletop players are moronic homosexuals who consider themselves above considerations like well designed rulesets. if a game has tactical combat with deep and challenging mechanics that's a bad thing as far as they are concerned because good gameplay is for board games and rpgs are supposed to suck so players are forced to be more creative to compensate. as long as rpgs continue to chase this audience of horrendous Black folk they will never be good games.

  22. 1 week ago

    >Martial combat consist of left clicking on enemies and then watching for 2-3 minutes as they mindlessly wail on their enemies.
    If your fighters aren't gibbing enemies in 1 or 2 swings you're doing something wrong

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