Based Orc Thread

No greenskins, no noble savages, no morally gray, no females, no anime, ... you know the drill.

Thread question: How many different orc types exist in your setting and what are they like?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I like the idea of Orc's being a family of green-skinned creatures, often in parallel to the races of 'men'.

    Elf=Dark Elf

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, seems to cliche.

      • 2 years ago

        Seconded. That just sounds unnecessarily bureaucratic and uninspired

        • 2 years ago

          One of the major themes tolkien had was that evil is fundamentally uninspired and lazy.

          • 2 years ago

            citation needed
            Also the hobbits are the lazy ones. Orcs are always busy pillaging and fricking shit up. Tolkiens whole shtick is comfy village people against bustling industrialized forces.

            • 2 years ago

              speaking of industry, people forget that orcs make things too, have this crafts and trades list of skills from Orcs Vengeance of Morgoth.

              Repair – Fixing and temporarily fixing weapons and armor
              Treasures – Making objects of craft out of gold silver and platinum
              Skinner – Removing the skins of animals and victims to make attire and leather
              Butcher – Slicing and dicing a corpse until it’s food
              Stringer – Making objects of craft with textiles, including mithril-weave
              Cook – Cooking and knowing what parts are safe to eat
              Weaponry – Making weaponry & arrowheads at a forge or anvil
              Armory – Making armor & shields at a forge or anvil
              Bowyer – Making bows, crossbows, arrows, and bolts
              Brew – Making horrid tasting grog (equal to a light beer), filthy tasting broth (equal to a dark beer), disgusting sludge (equal to a whiskey), and atrocious gruel (equal to a liquor).
              Catcher – Make any of a variety of small animal traps, either of wood bone stone or metal
              Sticks – Making objects of craft with wood or bone
              Pickler – Pickling meat, heads, eggs, frogs, toads, rats, eyes, slugs, brains, hooves, birds, flies, bees, bats, snakes, snails, humanoids, mushrooms, herbs, fish, worms, organs, tripe, and arthropods
              Cheeser – Make a barf-smelling cheese (light cheese), an intensely B.O. smelling cheese (dark cheese), and a grotesque looking runny cheese.
              Trainer – Training a mount or security animal
              Tooling – Making any of a variety of workshop, specialty, and torture tools.
              Coinage – Making crude, simple coins with a set of tongs and a hammer
              Picker – Picking Herbs, Foraging, recognizing herbs and using them for the right purposes
              Melter – Smelting furnace operation and maintenance
              Burner – Wood furnace operation and maintenance
              Glasser – Glass Kiln operation and maintenance
              Potter – Clay kiln operation and maintenance
              Shipsaw – The woodworking components of making a ship
              Hanger – The sails/ropes components of making a ship

              • 2 years ago

                If it didn't come from tolkiens mouth I don't care

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Human=black orc

  2. 2 years ago

    >How many different orc types exist in your setting and what are they like?
    I just use Tolkien as a basis.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Thread question
    5 types: anime, women, morally greens, honourable primitives and grayskins.

  4. 2 years ago

    Some cool anon made those for me in the drawthread. Thought they might fit the topic since they are two examples for the not!orcs in my setting.

    • 2 years ago

      Boar heads for Pigorcs is pretty neat.
      Honestly surprised it's not more common, come to think of it.
      What's the story behind the two?

      • 2 years ago

        They are two examples of the same species. Which is particularly used by dark wizards to carry out their dark machinations for them. They are born from the so-called mother's soup. The mother soup is a half alchemical, half black magic invention from which these beings called Homuncles emerge. The exact composition of the mother soup is unknown to the public but one essential substance is virgin blood. The black magicians add other secret essences to this and heat the mixture in a huge pot of underworld ore. Now various creatures of the most different forms of existence, as well as human corpse parts are put into it. The cells dissolve and reconnect with repeated boiling, but in a different combination. This is how these artificial hybrid creatures came into being. The Homuncel are a simple-minded race that serve as minions. They form the main part of the entourage and the armies of black magicians and are a practically lawless underclass.
        The two specimens depicted are inspired by two of the goons from the Sleeping Beauty animation movie.

        • 2 years ago

          I use that same for my orcs haha. I made a threat about them last week. Nice to meet another one who enjoys Maleficent goons.

  5. 2 years ago

    Hill and Steppe orcs.

    Pic unrelated, something I drew for a game in another setting.

  6. 2 years ago

    What do you lads think about orc rogues? Too big of a deviation from the core concept or cool?

    • 2 years ago

      some fun skills a backbiter (an orc rogue or thief) might have. This was taken out of the vengence of morgoth link, a more detailed explanation can be found there, as well as inventory one might have among other things.

      Pickpocket – Steal right out of a victim’s travel pack/pocket/container.
      Sneak – The art of moving very quietly. Some armors have penalties for this action if they are worn during it.
      Bribe – Knowing how when and where to give a person a bribe.
      Detect Coward – Figure out by body language, tone of voice and facial tells who is or isn’t a coward
      Detect Impotence – Figure out by body language tone of voice and facial tells who is the weakest fighter
      Bully – Intimidate a target with minimal actual violence
      Terrorize – Extract information by “convincing” someone to tell you
      Extort – Extract supplies by demanding tribute
      Surprise – Instant-execute a target with a devastating sneak attack
      Poison consumable – Poisoning food and drink, making poisons to go in food and drink
      Poison Weaponry – Poison weapon, thrown weapon, bolt, or arrow, making poisons for those things
      Assassin – Instant-execute a target with a thrown weapon, crossbow bolt, or arrow
      Hide – The skill of concealing oneself
      Spy-suit – The skill of making a temporary Ghillie suit disguise
      Lockpick – Pick locks rather than simply bashing them off with a weapon

      • 2 years ago

        orc skills, all taken from the vengeance of morgoth paste in this thread.

        speaking of industry, people forget that orcs make things too, have this crafts and trades list of skills from Orcs Vengeance of Morgoth.

        Repair – Fixing and temporarily fixing weapons and armor
        Treasures – Making objects of craft out of gold silver and platinum
        Skinner – Removing the skins of animals and victims to make attire and leather
        Butcher – Slicing and dicing a corpse until it’s food
        Stringer – Making objects of craft with textiles, including mithril-weave
        Cook – Cooking and knowing what parts are safe to eat
        Weaponry – Making weaponry & arrowheads at a forge or anvil
        Armory – Making armor & shields at a forge or anvil
        Bowyer – Making bows, crossbows, arrows, and bolts
        Brew – Making horrid tasting grog (equal to a light beer), filthy tasting broth (equal to a dark beer), disgusting sludge (equal to a whiskey), and atrocious gruel (equal to a liquor).
        Catcher – Make any of a variety of small animal traps, either of wood bone stone or metal
        Sticks – Making objects of craft with wood or bone
        Pickler – Pickling meat, heads, eggs, frogs, toads, rats, eyes, slugs, brains, hooves, birds, flies, bees, bats, snakes, snails, humanoids, mushrooms, herbs, fish, worms, organs, tripe, and arthropods
        Cheeser – Make a barf-smelling cheese (light cheese), an intensely B.O. smelling cheese (dark cheese), and a grotesque looking runny cheese.
        Trainer – Training a mount or security animal
        Tooling – Making any of a variety of workshop, specialty, and torture tools.
        Coinage – Making crude, simple coins with a set of tongs and a hammer
        Picker – Picking Herbs, Foraging, recognizing herbs and using them for the right purposes
        Melter – Smelting furnace operation and maintenance
        Burner – Wood furnace operation and maintenance
        Glasser – Glass Kiln operation and maintenance
        Potter – Clay kiln operation and maintenance
        Shipsaw – The woodworking components of making a ship
        Hanger – The sails/ropes components of making a ship

        some weapon skills from vengeance of morgoth

        Axe Wielding – wielding either a 1 or 2 handed axe
        Spear Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed spear
        Mace Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed mace
        Pick Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed pick
        Hammer Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed hammer
        Scythe Wielding – wielding a sickle-dagger or a scythe sword
        Bow & Arrow – Wield a bow and quiver of arrows
        Crossbow – Wield a crossbow and quiver of bolts
        Whip – Wielding a combat whip, even the lowest of officers have this
        Twins – Wielding 2 of the same weapon type, both are 1 handed
        Friends – Wielding 2 weapons of 2 different types, both are 1 handed
        Throw Axe – skill with throwing small fast projectile axes
        Throw Spear – skill with throwing javelin type spears
        Throw Mace – skill with throwing small fast projectile maces, a throwing mace has a striking weight at both tips and resembles a 1 handed dumbbell in shape
        Lock Bash – Destroy a key lock with a weapon hit
        Wear shield – Use a shield
        Wear Armor – Use armor
        Fatality – Knowing where to strike for immediate death on one specifically named enemy race

        All of the skills except black cloak do combinations, and combination selection is only done during character-gen, but may be done between games as well. Thats how I tried to answer the balance issues.

        Powdering – Knowing how to make the smoke powder, flash powder, and bomb powder.
        Linguist – Speaking some other language besides orc-tongue
        Escapist – You’ve escaped many near-death situations already, you have a 6th sense about impending doom.
        Shadow – You are a member of an elite intelligence-gathering force commanded by balrogs or nazgul
        Ritual – You have regularly assisted in evil demented horrible rituals for at least 1 year.
        Veteran – You are already a decorated veteran.
        Touched – You survived a direct mind contact by either Morgoth or Sauron, giving you much dark lore knowledge (historical/cultural/language/storyline knowledge, not magic).
        Torturer – You know the ‘fine art’ of torture.
        Close servant – You were the menial of someone very high up, start knowing a lot more dark lore knowledge than the average orc.
        Cruel – You are so full of hate and malice that you don’t know fears, only hatreds.

        these are the black cloak skills.

        and now 'gory saw' aka medical skills for orcs

        Staunching – Very painful wound treatment with a hand full of rock salt, it stops bleeding nearly immediately
        Sawing – Amputating limbs with a sawtooth blade
        Sloughing – Using a razor-sharp blade to remove dead flesh by excising it
        Soaping – Making primitive soap out of fatback and plants
        Scalding – Sealing wounds with a red-hot branding iron, it doesn’t have a symbol, it’s simply a red hot flat metal plane
        Pulling – Pulling teeth with a tool
        Pressing – Treating a wound with a salt and medicine covered bandage
        Bracing – Use an extremely tight salted bandage to force metal ‘staples’ into an injury to close it
        Medicine – Make a sickening tasting syrup (internal medicine), a grotesque tasting fluid (pain killer), a ghastly salve (wound/burn treatment), and a shudder-inducing powder (wound/poison treatment)
        Constricting – Use metal straps and barrel casing to make a painfully rigid arm or leg cast
        Gouging – Using a painful tool that is meant to remove an injured or diseased eye
        Feared hammer – using a needle and tiny hammer to whack-evacuate STD blisters and buboes, a small hole is poked in them, then they are given a hard whack with the feared hammer
        Drugging – Make a delirium drug, a sleep drug, a bowels-easing drug, a cramps-easing drug, and an opioid drug.

  7. 2 years ago

    And now I present, ORCS: VENGENCE OF MORGOTH.

    set to expire in 2 days

    • 2 years ago

      saved. thanks!

      • 2 years ago

        No problem, my good anon. The work was born out of the question; 'what would the game shadow of mordor be like if you played as an orc instead of the guy you play as'.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty cool! Is this finished or still open for suggestions?

      • 2 years ago

        It's finished but also open to suggestions.

    • 2 years ago

      This is very cool, thank you anon.

      I'm gonna post something too as thanks:

      It's a list of orc races from LOTR that I made for a TOR game years ago, to have more variety of enemies. It's raw and unfinished and maybe useless, but maybe someone can use it as inspiration or something.

      • 2 years ago

        And it's just fluff, no stats.

      • 2 years ago

        Pretty cool anon thanks for making this! Is the heraldry based on the books or did you make it up?

      • 2 years ago

        Very nice anon! Found a mistake though only Isengard Uruks are called Uruk-Hai.
        Mordor Uruks are just called Black Uruks

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks, I will correct.

          Pretty cool anon thanks for making this! Is the heraldry based on the books or did you make it up?

          About half of them based on the books, and the others from semi-official material like the ICE game, if I recall correctly.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      did someone archive this?

      • 2 years ago

        Orcs: Vengeance of Morgoth

        this version contains a small amount of stuff the previous one in this thread didn't have, and is again set for 2 days. I am the creator of both versions and am monitoring.

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks man!

          • 2 years ago

            No problem.

        • 2 years ago

          The main difference between the two is that this one has the sites that can be found in mordor and other such areas, as well as the orcs information and skills and so forth.

  8. 2 years ago

    just ignore that guy

    • 2 years ago

      I for one don't mind green women. The real problem I have with them is that simply put; they're to strong. I wouldn't want to date one of them for the same reason I wouldn't want to date chun li or power girl. I don't want to get my ass kicked when some dumb thing I did pissed them off, and I don't want to deal with them being insanely aggressive after I get them pregnant for the 8th time.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not taming his amazonian wife with the power of mind-blowing sex

        • 2 years ago

          I know something about women you don't know. They don't really ever tame like that until you've spent a long time (years) fricking them steadily. Also I know that when women get so physically strong like that, they become like men and just frick whoever they want regardless of what you think.

  9. 2 years ago


    I do try sir to make this board a worthwhile place to be. Have an orc character.

    Ugthac the shadow - thief orc
    Crimes: Extortion, Assassination, Arson, Rape, Strong-arm robbery, Fencing stolen goods, Manufacturing poison, Murder for hire, Spying on behalf of foreign powers, Pillaging, Despoiling graves, Setting forests on fire, Buying and Selling Slaves, routine torture of prisoners
    Distinguishing features: Slouch-back with numerous knife, whip, and axe scars, one eye was burned out with an occult-symbol branding iron, self-flagellation scars, orc heritage.
    Advance warnings: Many connections with many different monstrous humanoid mobs, approach with care.

    • 2 years ago

      Unfathomably based. Since you seem to be a really cool dude have some sneak peak into a orc cyoa I'm currently working on and will post here on /tg/ at some probably very distant point in the future. Pic related are the orc species I've decided on so far but I might still change some of them since it's still very much a work in progress. A lot of writing still has to be done and I'm somewhat autistic with selecting the art which complicates this by a lot. It's heavily inspired by Tolkiens orc concept but not strictly lotr themed. I was wondering if I could potentially use some of the stuff you posted in Vengence of Morgoth since I find it to be very inspiring. I would obviously credit you if you want to give me some name or alias. Cheers and thanks for keeping the spirit of /tg/ alive!

    • 2 years ago

      Greentext please

  10. 2 years ago


    Unfathomably based. Since you seem to be a really cool dude have some sneak peak into a orc cyoa I'm currently working on and will post here on /tg/ at some probably very distant point in the future. Pic related are the orc species I've decided on so far but I might still change some of them since it's still very much a work in progress. A lot of writing still has to be done and I'm somewhat autistic with selecting the art which complicates this by a lot. It's heavily inspired by Tolkiens orc concept but not strictly lotr themed. I was wondering if I could potentially use some of the stuff you posted in Vengence of Morgoth since I find it to be very inspiring. I would obviously credit you if you want to give me some name or alias. Cheers and thanks for keeping the spirit of /tg/ alive!

    I don't have a widely known alias, but I do have a pair of youtube channels, 'a putrid pile of b movies' and 'a burning landfill of bad movies', one of my side-playlists is a dungeons and dragons series of quicky talks you might gain some benefit out of. I also once used as a trip the phrase 'mandala of fortune'.

    • 2 years ago

      Sick I'll look into them.
      >mandala of fortune
      I'd just use this one in case I end up using some of your stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        The putrid pile of b movies channel exploded, I don't update it any more or log into it anymore, the burning landfill channel is the one I steadily use and update, forgot to mention that. The D&D talks are on the putrid pile channel, but will eventually be on the burning landfill channel too.

        • 2 years ago

          Cool checking them out right now. Big ups pal.

          some weapon skills from vengeance of morgoth

          Axe Wielding – wielding either a 1 or 2 handed axe
          Spear Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed spear
          Mace Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed mace
          Pick Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed pick
          Hammer Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed hammer
          Scythe Wielding – wielding a sickle-dagger or a scythe sword
          Bow & Arrow – Wield a bow and quiver of arrows
          Crossbow – Wield a crossbow and quiver of bolts
          Whip – Wielding a combat whip, even the lowest of officers have this
          Twins – Wielding 2 of the same weapon type, both are 1 handed
          Friends – Wielding 2 weapons of 2 different types, both are 1 handed
          Throw Axe – skill with throwing small fast projectile axes
          Throw Spear – skill with throwing javelin type spears
          Throw Mace – skill with throwing small fast projectile maces, a throwing mace has a striking weight at both tips and resembles a 1 handed dumbbell in shape
          Lock Bash – Destroy a key lock with a weapon hit
          Wear shield – Use a shield
          Wear Armor – Use armor
          Fatality – Knowing where to strike for immediate death on one specifically named enemy race

          Good shit!

          • 2 years ago

            Thank you, one interesting aspect of skills in vengeance of morgoth is that they combine to make completely new skills that do a lot of stuff, each combined skill covers it's source skills and several new tasks, so orcs probably would start out with one or more combination skills if a player picks the right skills to have initially. Only black cloak skills don't combine, but black cloak skills are so hard to get you only get 1 (usually) and it's typically both subject to approval and explained in your background.

            • 2 years ago

              Noticed that about the professions aswell. Really like this approach even if it probably makes balancing things out a little bit harder. Kinda reminds me of the Hero class system from HoMaM4 which I always found to be very interesting.

              • 2 years ago

                All of the skills except black cloak do combinations, and combination selection is only done during character-gen, but may be done between games as well. Thats how I tried to answer the balance issues.

                Powdering – Knowing how to make the smoke powder, flash powder, and bomb powder.
                Linguist – Speaking some other language besides orc-tongue
                Escapist – You’ve escaped many near-death situations already, you have a 6th sense about impending doom.
                Shadow – You are a member of an elite intelligence-gathering force commanded by balrogs or nazgul
                Ritual – You have regularly assisted in evil demented horrible rituals for at least 1 year.
                Veteran – You are already a decorated veteran.
                Touched – You survived a direct mind contact by either Morgoth or Sauron, giving you much dark lore knowledge (historical/cultural/language/storyline knowledge, not magic).
                Torturer – You know the ‘fine art’ of torture.
                Close servant – You were the menial of someone very high up, start knowing a lot more dark lore knowledge than the average orc.
                Cruel – You are so full of hate and malice that you don’t know fears, only hatreds.

                these are the black cloak skills.

              • 2 years ago

                Very innovative way of doing things. I bet this took quite a while.

              • 2 years ago

                Admittedly some of it was taken from fragments of previous things but yes it took a while (months I think) to get to where it is now.

              • 2 years ago

                Damn can't really say I'm surprised since that's just how these things go if you want to get them right. Thanks for putting in all the effort!

              • 2 years ago

                Have you heard of Dwarf Fortress? A lot of the skill modeling was taken almost directly from that game.

              • 2 years ago

                I've heard many good things about it and watched some lp's but could never bring myself to play it since the ascii always managed to scare me off.

              • 2 years ago

                It's less complex than people make it out to be, but complexity ramps up significantly when you start getting a lot of dwarves in your settlement.

              • 2 years ago

                Even this isn't as true as it used to be. Standing orders are the best thing Toady One has put into the game in years, at least in terms of usability.

              • 2 years ago

                Definitely a must, especially when your Fort starts hitting double and triple digits.

      • 2 years ago

        some weapon skills from vengeance of morgoth

        Axe Wielding – wielding either a 1 or 2 handed axe
        Spear Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed spear
        Mace Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed mace
        Pick Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed pick
        Hammer Wielding – wielding a 1 or 2 handed hammer
        Scythe Wielding – wielding a sickle-dagger or a scythe sword
        Bow & Arrow – Wield a bow and quiver of arrows
        Crossbow – Wield a crossbow and quiver of bolts
        Whip – Wielding a combat whip, even the lowest of officers have this
        Twins – Wielding 2 of the same weapon type, both are 1 handed
        Friends – Wielding 2 weapons of 2 different types, both are 1 handed
        Throw Axe – skill with throwing small fast projectile axes
        Throw Spear – skill with throwing javelin type spears
        Throw Mace – skill with throwing small fast projectile maces, a throwing mace has a striking weight at both tips and resembles a 1 handed dumbbell in shape
        Lock Bash – Destroy a key lock with a weapon hit
        Wear shield – Use a shield
        Wear Armor – Use armor
        Fatality – Knowing where to strike for immediate death on one specifically named enemy race

  11. 2 years ago


    It's sad to see, isn't it?

    • 2 years ago

      It is but there are still enough cool people on this board to make it worth coming back.

      • 2 years ago

        and now 'gory saw' aka medical skills for orcs

        Staunching – Very painful wound treatment with a hand full of rock salt, it stops bleeding nearly immediately
        Sawing – Amputating limbs with a sawtooth blade
        Sloughing – Using a razor-sharp blade to remove dead flesh by excising it
        Soaping – Making primitive soap out of fatback and plants
        Scalding – Sealing wounds with a red-hot branding iron, it doesn’t have a symbol, it’s simply a red hot flat metal plane
        Pulling – Pulling teeth with a tool
        Pressing – Treating a wound with a salt and medicine covered bandage
        Bracing – Use an extremely tight salted bandage to force metal ‘staples’ into an injury to close it
        Medicine – Make a sickening tasting syrup (internal medicine), a grotesque tasting fluid (pain killer), a ghastly salve (wound/burn treatment), and a shudder-inducing powder (wound/poison treatment)
        Constricting – Use metal straps and barrel casing to make a painfully rigid arm or leg cast
        Gouging – Using a painful tool that is meant to remove an injured or diseased eye
        Feared hammer – using a needle and tiny hammer to whack-evacuate STD blisters and buboes, a small hole is poked in them, then they are given a hard whack with the feared hammer
        Drugging – Make a delirium drug, a sleep drug, a bowels-easing drug, a cramps-easing drug, and an opioid drug.

  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Dugthog cracked the whip loudly and suddenly as he hobble-walked along beside the orc column. "Stead! Even! Pace!" whip crack, "March! toward! face!" whip crack, Dugthog looked proudly at his fellow warriors, hoisting high the colors and armed and armored, big brutes and little sneaks, veterans who have given limbs to the dark lord's war, eyes, ears, noses, evil psychos who burned the dark lords marks and runes into their bodies, scars and stabs all, fresh and bristling points all, and ready for the bloody weapons and the big fires that were to be, and soon too, for they were heading to war, glorious war, Dugthog relished the idea, "Where there's a whip!" Dugthog called, only to hear the loud discordant response that sounded like 100 black metal fan-boys stuck in a wind tunnel yelling as hard as they can, "There's a way!" to which Dugthog called back, "Where there's a whip!" Whip crack, To the same response as before, but this time, the hoard of brutes and villains sang further, if such words can be called music, "We wanna go to war today, so the lord of the whip says yea yea yea, cause where there's a whip, there's a way! We're gonna trudge all day all day all day!" to which Dugthog called back "Cause where there's a whip there's a way!" Whip crack. Norome the elf, watching from a place of expert concealment, wasn't exactly expecting this, he had been always told that orcs were dumb and violent, so he wasn't expecting them to come marching in a column singing a vulgar song about raping and burning and slaying with standardized weaponry armor and a formal colors standard. Norome was even more surprised and for the first time in his life a bit frightened in actual fact when he say a big ugly brute with burn scars practically everywhere on it's body suddenly bellow "I hate forests!" and break ranks to throw a torch at a tree so hard the torch broke and fell into a bush, where it caught flame and started burning, but Dugthog simply marched them on.

      • 2 years ago

        Based, I wish this was a real book I was reading. I WANT MORE

        • 2 years ago

          >Dugthog knew there was something, someone, out there in these blasted neverending woods of this pithy green stinkhole, all that they had been doing was looking on but when Gagluch suddenly yelled "There!" and a lot of archers fired an arrow they had standing ready, several arrows hit... a big boar that was rooting, not whoever was spying. Cracking the whip loudly, Dugthog suddenly said "Looks like meats back on the menu, lads. Get that boar and string it up, it's rest time, see." to which the smelly, exhausted creatures began to stagger around tiredly and make a makeshift camp zone, the whole pace of the orcs much lazier now than before. meanwhile the greedy and least tired managed to wrestle the boar into submission and hang the frightened and noisy creature head downwards from a big branch. Norome watched in abject horror as Dugthog ordered a few things done and then casually held the just barely red hot captain's helmet under the boar in a pair of tongs while using a hook shaped sword that looked almost like a sickle to tear the animals neck open and led a flood of blood pour out into the helmet, which immediately produced a bad smell and a cloud of visible vapor before Dugthog turned and placed the still very hot fluid filled helmet on Gagluch's head, the monster howling in rage as he is proclaimed an officer and immediately given an officer's whip. Dugthog looked at Gagluch, "From here on, your job is to screen our movements at the front, and make sure we know they're coming before they know we're coming. Go pick out your gang of 10, you start the next time we march." Then came a steady long low sound of orcs in a camp punctuated by the occasional thunderous belch or putrid smelling giant fart, the orcs eating meals of cheese that smells like sweaty leather, maggot and mold riddled bread, pickled slugs and flies, and raw pork. No hygiene was attempted, and the occasional upset stomach just produced gales of evil laughter.

          • 2 years ago

            >Norome the elf aimed his longbow carefully at Dugthog after Dugthog walked out from some bushes with a small animal, broke it's neck so completely it's head fell off, then squeezed it like a towel to drink the blood in a big gross guzzle. Norome suddenly found himself hit by a tree branch and the arrow hitting a big stone instead of Dugthog, an alarm horn blowing suddenly only a few minutes later as Norome found himself in another deadly combat with the Orc that had been tracking him without his knowing for days already, Thagdrob, wearing a solid black cape and armor made from shattered pieces of human, elf, and dwarf armor, Thagdrob was a large, formidable opponent, Norome drawing his sword, the sword glowing slightly blue and the two engaging in a fierce, prolonged swordfight in the woods, concealed from all by the trees, bushes, and total darkness. Norome knew that orc blades were usually no match for his elf-make sword named Sparkling Branch, but Thagdrob wasn't using an orc sword, he was disgracing an elven tomb-sword, wielding the very sword Norome's great grandfather had used in Thangorodrim, which meant that Thagdrob had been breaking into elf tombs, & probably other tombs as well, Norome's heart sickened with revulsion at the thought that this hideous beast had profaned the armor and weapons of ancient dead, as both ran along side by side swinging rapidly at one another & their swords making TING! TANG! TING! sounds. Sparkling branch broke from the ancient sword hitting it one more time than it could bear, but by then the two combatants had run all the way to a river, which Norome elf-jumped over, Thagdrob vanishing into the darkness of the woodland night before Norome had time to look back & see where the villain went. Norome looked up at the sky for a moment to catch his breath & an orc's arrow shot into his side in a treatable serious injury, Norome fleeing, managing to meet Legolas before collapsing, his message making it to Rivendell.

            • 2 years ago

              >Bagshrog hobble-walked along dragging a big struggling sack behind him, a hook for one hand, one eye burned out of his head and a sauron-eye burn-scarification there instead, Gagluch and his gang were following, but at a distance, and sneaking around rather than openly walking along. Suddenly Bagshrog came through some bushes and had to narrowly prevent himself being decapitated by Dugthog, blocking the orc scythe-scimitar with the hook hand, an intense moment of mutual growling between Dugthog and Bashrog before Dugthog relaxed the blade and Bashrog flung it back, "We caught us an intruder we did, he says he ain't a deserter but he looks like a runagate menial droghusnagarag to me." the compound word meaning 'slave who is feeble and clumsy'. Dugthog selected a guard gang of 12 then had Bagshrog open the orc-make rags sewn together bag, to reveal Smeagol, squeezing down against the ground frightened. Gagluch suddenly said, "He was caught trying to desert and trying to steal! You know what we do to maggots like him?" Gagluch used his captain's whip with no warning to strike, but only struck near Smeagol and didn't actually hit him, Dugthog shouting, "What company did you desert from?!" Smeagol screeching that he didn't desertseses from any company, to which Dugthog roared so intensely that Smeagol scrunched down into the ground again while Bashrog and Gagluch laugh in a peter jackson having a bit of fun with the audience very obvious beavis and butthead way for a moment. Despite seeing all of this from a hiding spot of supreme skill, Gandalf was aware there was nothing he could do but gather information, Nazgul had been seen flying above by that elf ranger Norome, if that was true... Smeagol screeched and protested and whined and wailed and wiggled and wobbled but there was nothing he could do when a pair of just barely red hot manacles were put on Smeagol's wrists by a orc with a goiter and such a fat body that he looked like he ate hobitseses for fun.

  13. 2 years ago

    I always liked Rodney Mathews' Orcs as well.

  14. 2 years ago

    A bit of an acquired taste, but for 1960's children's book style illustrations, I like Cor Blok's Orcs a lot as well.

    • 2 years ago

      Would look cool in a Bayeux Tapestry form.

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    What do you guys think about the rop orcs so far?

    • 2 years ago

      pretty decent

    • 2 years ago

      The legit only good looking thing we've seen so far.

      I wouldn't mind Galadriel's armour in a vacuum, but we've seen both High Elven and Galadrim armour before in the Jackson movies and it just doesn't fit.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are they pink with blue eyes?
      They are described as brown green black and grey in the books.
      And don't give me that tripe about his son's fanfiction unrelated to the books.
      This reeks.

      • 2 years ago

        Grishnak had blue eyes aswell and he's from the original trilogy anon. Complaining about that orc is just cherry picking. He looks perfectly fine and was clearly designed in the spirit of the jackson films. Honestly he also looks way better than that white orc from the hobbit movies imo

        • 2 years ago

          >cherry picking
          There's literally one picture and it is bad.
          The jackson trilogy isn't mentioned anywhere.
          He looks entirely different from all of the other orcs throughout even your "totally not cherry picked" single example.

          • 2 years ago

            you're cherry picking "blue eyes" as a something to get offended about even though it's nothing new and the orcs look true to the tolkien style so far. just because you don't like the new series happening doesn't mean you have to pretend every single aspect about it is bad. I peronally really disliked the hobbit trilogy and weta still made some really kino concept art for the movie so if the series leads to some cool orc artwork I'm cool with it. nobody is taking the original trilogy or the books from you

            • 2 years ago

              Only you know why they made him pink with blue eyes. I recall another still where all orvs shown had lighter complexions.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you seriously getting offended over the pantone chart rating of a fantasy creature?

              • 2 years ago

                >backpedals this hard
                Your denial is weak, anon. Just admit you're racist and take the 'L'.

              • 2 years ago

                Not the same anon, and not the answer to my question.
                Are you actually buying into this "Fantasy races are racist charicatures" bullshit for the sake of being offended?

              • 2 years ago

                >still backpedaling
                Your premise is false, anon, and your troll-fu is weak.
                Be racist somewhere else.

              • 2 years ago

                so you're telling me that if I give a simple logic task test to an ork a troll a tiefling an elf a centaur a human and a minotaur, I will get the EXACTLY SAME answer for all of them? Sounds a bit racist to me, "anti" fascist.

              • 2 years ago

                >sperged out
                I see why you are confused, kid.
                That's ok, you're still learning how to /misc/ - you'll get there.
                Keep going!

              • 2 years ago

                So you ARE offended, and you don't want to hear how stupid the reason sounds when you say it out loud. Cool. Thanks for tangentially answering the question, dipshit.

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks for feeding me, racist fool.
                Oh, and thanks for being offended.

              • 2 years ago

                >Thanks for feeding me
                So you're trolling now? You're "pretending" to be moronic?
                >Thanks for being offended
                NO U has never and will never be an argument.

              • 2 years ago

                >NO UUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!
                >completely loses his shit
                >desperately hurls memes
                >grammatical errors
                All too easy, racist.
                Keep trying. Come back when you're better at this, kiddo.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, so it is "pretending" now. 'K. Thanks for Streisanding your failed argument, you can get back to trying to save face now.

              • 2 years ago

                >trying to save face now
                Oh, anon! Y-you're still projecting!
                I love your seething racist butthurt, but your cope is failing hard.
                Go fetch some warm milk for yourself. It will help you to calm down.

              • 2 years ago

                >still backpedaling
                Your premise is false, anon, and your troll-fu is weak.
                Be racist somewhere else.

                >sperged out
                I see why you are confused, kid.
                That's ok, you're still learning how to /misc/ - you'll get there.
                Keep going!

                >muh rayciss
                >m-muh /misc/!
                Actually go back and then have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                It's hillarious how utterly stupid reddit is.

              • 2 years ago

                First time here, chuckles?

                It's hillarious how utterly stupid reddit is.

                Dam, sun, you weren't paying attention.

        • 2 years ago

          Why is it always weird redditgays who defend all corporate shlock who overuse the phrase “anon” in every reply. It’s become a bit of a tell for me

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not defending it and I'm not gonna watch it either I'm just saying the got the orcs right. hating things especially an aesthetic for ideologial reasons is moronation

          • 2 years ago

            jumping on a popular hate train is peak reddit

            • 2 years ago

              Reddit: The NPC'ing. To me really reddit seems like it really actually is a hoard of NPC's. I don't go there myself but the impression I get from people who come here from there is that they express little or no thought and simply parrot popular opinions.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks pretty great actually!, still not watching that pile of globohomosexual homosexualry. There is nothing they could do to bring me back.

    • 2 years ago

      Surprisingly ok

    • 2 years ago

      Why are they pink with blue eyes?
      They are described as brown green black and grey in the books.
      And don't give me that tripe about his son's fanfiction unrelated to the books.
      This reeks.

      Grishnak had blue eyes aswell and he's from the original trilogy anon. Complaining about that orc is just cherry picking. He looks perfectly fine and was clearly designed in the spirit of the jackson films. Honestly he also looks way better than that white orc from the hobbit movies imo

      >lotr orc lore
      ok anon, tell me HOW EXACTLY do you make orcs out of elves??

      • 2 years ago

        Torture. You can't go to far though, or they just poof like what happens when you try to rape them.

        • 2 years ago

          4 looks more healthy than step 4.
          Also there´s a step missing between 2 and 3.
          >also they poof
          kinda weird, honestly elfs should be way more daring if they just respawn in the west.

  17. 2 years ago
  18. 2 years ago

    Some phrases and words orcs use.

    “Thraggha” – slur that refers to halflings, implies stupidity and obesity
    “Hagk” – slur that means “female orc”, implies hideousness
    “Nisbat” – slur that refers to elves, similar to calling someone a “gay”
    “Tarkh” – slur that refers to humans, implies brittleness and physical incapacity
    “G’nish” – slur that refers to dwarves, implies cowardice, means something similar to “hole-hider”
    “Drekkha” – slur that implies being a yes-man
    “Shreg” – exclamation that means something similar to “shit!”
    “Drubh” – insulting name for trees that means “withered” or something similar
    “Raga” – Insult that means “clumsy/stupid”
    “Snaggha” – insult that means “small/weak”, casual term for “slave”
    “Droghu” – means something similar to “menial work”, disparaging when used of a task
    “Thrug!” – A one word exclamation that means ‘someone is dead’.
    “Nizgak” – A slur meaning ‘black skin tone’ and referring exclusively to non-orcs
    “Agsug” – A slur meaning “weakling”, also used in some official documents when referring to orcs who have deformed limbs
    “Shach!” – A one-word exclamation that means ‘sow!’ and is used similar to b***h
    “Ukjag!” – A one-word exclamation that means ‘deserter’
    “Gusht!” – A one-word exclamation that means ‘flee’
    “Shekt” – An insult meaning ‘bent/weak/old’
    “Shloch” – A very insulting word equal to calling a person a ‘pussy’
    “Ush’ta” – An extremely insulting word equal to calling a person a eunuch
    “Lugnag” – A word meaning ‘drunk/intoxicated’
    “Uguch-nasrach!” – A two-word phrase that means ‘May a knife strike your back’
    “Mugush-skaj!” – A two-word phrase that means ‘may you catch an STD!’
    “Shuglag Uzgha!” – A two-word phrase that means ‘I challenge you’ (formal, as in to a duel)

    This and more can be found in the vengeance of morgoth paste.

  19. 2 years ago

    I'm about to run an Elder Scrolls campaign, so my Orcs will mostly be following the Code of Malacath. So, well organized savages but once in a while you'll find some foppish orc who decided to run off and join the Mages Guild.

    • 2 years ago

      If I may inquire, what system are you using for your campaign?

  20. 2 years ago

    Im DM my second sesion of The One Ring 2E next week, so orcs Tolkien's style. But this thread is very informative

  21. 2 years ago

    I'd tell you, but they violate all of your stupid caveats.

  22. 2 years ago

    Live, live damn you, don't YOU KNOW WE'RE AT WARRRRRR?!?!?!

  23. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      You're alone.

  24. 2 years ago

    >How many different orc types exist in your setting and what are they like?
    Only one, really. They're basically a mix between uruk-hai and Somalians. There's different tribes, of course, but they are all essentially the same.

  25. 2 years ago

    >ow many different orc types exist in your setting and what are they like?
    they are basically goblins, lotr orcs and uruk hai

    • 2 years ago

      So they're all LOTR orcs.

      • 2 years ago


  26. 2 years ago
  27. 2 years ago

    My orcs are basically Gankerizens- they were made from the sweat of Kraudh, god of anger, and served him until they lost a really important battle & realised that actually, none of the gods were omnipotent, so at the end of the day the only being worth putting your faith and works into is yourself. So now they're dedicated to a kind of religious, Ayurveda-based form of bodybuilding.
    Which leads me on to this guy: Rakhar Ghri- Aenir, Half-Orc ascetic of the Path of the ten mile shot. He's been known to help out my players with his venerable book of herb lore, which allows him to make potions that temporarily raises their strength and endurance attributes by 2 at the expense of temporarily removing d20 hit points, & can give them advantage on d6 combat rolls if they spend 24 hours training with him. He wears a Hobgoblin surcoat, a modified lobster helmet, & simple breeches.
    He's also the most blatant real-world reference in my game, but my players, being dyels, haven't noticed.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >did not add to thread
        >did not post body
        opinion discarded.

        • 2 years ago

          he's right though

          • 2 years ago

            Not at my table he aint

    • 2 years ago

      >did not add to thread
      >did not post body
      opinion discarded.

      Not at my table he aint

      Anon this thread is for based *orcs*, not based *posts.*

    • 2 years ago

      I like the lore, but I think you've confused "orcs that are based on based people" with Based Orcs.
      Based Orcs= traditional, Tolkien Orcs. At least in the context of this thread.
      Basically, if they're not sword fodder- or even worse, if you could play as one- then this is not the thread for them.

      • 2 years ago

        Might be a bad time to mention he bakes.

  28. 2 years ago

    Swine tier is pretty good.

  29. 2 years ago


    >freaks out again
    >back pedals
    You really got me now.
    What will you cope with next? More racism?

    • 2 years ago

      >Clearly this foul, base creature is meant to look like me!

      • 2 years ago

        As big a problem as bad genetics and receding hairline is in the transexual pedophile population, the redditoid probably does think that.

        • 2 years ago

          Well said.
          How moronic redditors are, looking at fantasy creatures and putting on a show of offence for internet points.

          • 2 years ago

            Basically the pedophile to transexual pipeline works like this; Go on reddit -> eventually get caught -> sit in prison for a while -> eunuchize self to change name legally -> start molesting again -> go on reddit -> get caught again eventually. This is why it's a safe bet that EVERY SINGLE reddit poster in EVERY thread on Ganker is a pedophile if not both a loony troon and a pedophile.

            • 2 years ago

              And these "reddit posters" are anybody telling you you're moronic for looking at this picture like a race-based Rorschach test?

              • 2 years ago

                No, they're you starting shit in an otherwise good thread on purpose because you hate normal white people so much you cut your own penis off. Stop being a b***h and go back to the garbage pit of dementia and leftism that is reddit. You will never pass as a woman. Join the 41%.

              • 2 years ago

                >normal white people
                I'm sorry to hear that anon, where I live they tend to look like this.

    • 2 years ago

      How many people do you see in the room, Lenny? We'll talk about the rabbits later, this is important.

  30. 2 years ago

    >How many different orc types exist in your setting and what are they like?
    Orcs, "pig orcs", goblins, bugbears, hobgoblins etc are all the results of humans, or sometimes other races, crossbreeding with demons. There are an incredible number of types as different varieties and rankings of demons will create different offspring and the different types sometimes mix and create new half breeds. No one short of a dedicated taxonomists could keep them straight.

    Generally, for ease of terminology people refer to man sized crossbreeds as orcs, smaller ones derived from imps and order demons as goblins. Larger crossbreeds are often mislabeled as Ogres or Trolls.

    (This is the autismo explanation I have for using whatever orc and goblin minis I feel like in games.)

    • 2 years ago

      bugbears never really seemed like an orc variant to me

  31. 2 years ago

    Tolkien orcs, or at least most of them in the third and fourth ages, were not actually a species or even an ethnicity, but just a catch-all slur used for foreigners and members of the non-peasant urban working classes. Both characters within the story and Tolkien himself treat orkishness as more of a failure to meet a proper English standard of behavior, something that makes someone "not our kind." It didn't matter where they came from or whether they shared a culture or language (which is why a professor of linguistics lazily claims that "Orkish" is one language whennclearly it is many different ones.) Most or all of them were human, which really shows the enduring kill-them-on-sight attitude in a new light.

    • 2 years ago

      And here we have another pompous idiot redditer who doesn't know what he's talking about. No, the orcs were a different race from men, your racist marxist re-interpreting of Tolkien's works to make a "social comment" about racist white people being bad doesn't count and is not part of the canon.

      • 2 years ago

        Says the guy who thinks that white people are disgusting vermin who only exist to get mowed down by Brohirrim.

    • 2 years ago

      Not canon, but an interesting interpretation none the less
      A fantasy story where the "bad guys" are actually just an industrializing foreign state slandered by the local feudal nobility would be a nice backdrop or sideplot for a game, but probably tedious as the main focus

      • 2 years ago

        No, no, 1,000 times no. We have enough cultural marxist purposeful destruction of lore, thanks.

  32. 2 years ago

    Going to shamelessly steal the Black Hand orcs from Goblin Punch for my next campaign.

  33. 2 years ago

    Do you prefer it when orcs are serious threat by themselves, or when they're simply slave-soldiers under the command of a greater power?

    • 2 years ago


  34. 2 years ago

    As i have seen a lot of Orc types in my tables, i also made them into 4 different subraces in my setting:
    Green - Wild orcs, living in forests and swamps, not evil, just chaotic neutral, a lot of druidic powers and rituals, know for zoophilia and incest, but these are only really done in very specific circunstances
    Red - Barbarian raging orc, with devil blood these beasts do to everybody what the mongols did to asia, ruthless and cruel, rape the houses and burn the woman type. There is only one moral guideline: NEVER abuse another orc's mount (sometimes animals as general), as their society is so connected and dependant of these animals, they developed a kind of respect/worship of these creatures.
    Black: Most developed Orcs, as orcs and Dwarfs were enslaved by giants, but the Dwarves got freedom, the Orcs stayed as slave/sons of the giants until their downfall, getting to know the arts of the forge with them and using for their society, they consider that maintain trade, craft and civilization are key-aspects to their society, and thus are the most unlikely to engage in war.
    These all tie back to the mythic Orc-Father, this legendary super-fertile creature was an adventure in the times were no human civilizations ever existed, and became famous for it various wifes, the first beign mother Earth (also it's own mother) from wich the green ones were born. The second was then he cucked a prince of hell and got balls deep in a succubus, giving birth to the red ones, at last he settled for a female giant (suprise, suprise, was also married before, but he killed the guy) giving birth to the black ones.
    After them, there was the Gray/White: With no known mother, these are despised by other orcs, their visual is just like the Tarkatans from Mortal Kombat series, they have no society, as they were made to be slaves by magical spells, this way they are more prone to mind control, but also to rage and just frickin murder everybody.

  35. 2 years ago

    Plains orcs - nomads raids the kingdoms of men from time to time. Used as mercenaries
    Dark orcs - Corrupted by the dark lands(tm), more organized and industrious, but more elaborate in their cruelty
    Blood orcs - breed for war by wizards (stolen from FR)
    Ice orcs - viking orcs (no gay horned helms tho)
    White orcs - one in a million orc is born like this, stronger and more inteligent than all other orcs, will rise to the top of the hierarchy

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