Battle Brothers

Frick greenskins. But I kinda wish you could play as Orcs.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      When you squeeze her fun bags they shot out maggots.

      • 1 year ago

        >Nurglites will give you every STI known to man and even those only known to the Gods themselves
        >Slaaneshites are guaranteed to get you hooked on some kind of drug that is both extremely hard to obtain and very self-destructive; will probably just move onto the next poor guy once you inevitably shut down from the overstimulation
        >Tzeen- chaos spawned
        >Khornettes WILL break your pelvis and your pain WILL make her more excited (bad if you want to keep your innards in)
        Chaos girls aren't worth it anons.

        • 1 year ago

          > Sexually repressed sororitas hands typed this post.

          No anon chaos girls are best.

  2. 1 year ago

    It would be neat especially if they had their own little shitty orc huts and quests

  3. 1 year ago

    this op is completely unrelated to the game

    • 1 year ago

      you're irrelevant

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      There are orcs in the game

      • 1 year ago

        thats not an orc tho. and not a healthy shade of green.

  4. 1 year ago

    That's not an orc, that's a rotting daemon of nurgle

    • 12 months ago

      yes, that's what i thought

  5. 1 year ago

    >beginner/beginner because I'm noob
    >caravan start, trading and questing in the south
    >bros are coming along fine, got mostly level 4-6
    >decent frontline of shieldbros interspersed with two 2h bros
    >backline of 2 archers, a slingshot a bannerman and a bill hook
    >3 skull contracts go well so pick up another one, asking me to kill some nomads
    >fine whatever
    >my bros suddenly miss every single attack and have frick all hitchance despite not getting pocket sanded and not being surrounded
    >get whittled down because these dumbfricks just can't hit shit despite hitting shit well in previous battles

    What the frick
    The nomad raiders or whatever had shields but other than that had no better armor or gear or anything, and I've easily won against similar line ups before. It's like my bros collectively got nerfed

    • 1 year ago

      on day 70 all nomads get buffs including nimble, it becomes a complete pain in the ass to hit them.

      • 1 year ago

        Fuuuuuck it might have been day 70 then
        Shit what do I do about that?

      • 1 year ago

        Fuuuuuck it might have been day 70 then
        Shit what do I do about that?

        Its day 40 and they dont gain collective nimble thatd be way too broken and nimble doesnt make you harder to hit anyhow. Outlaws get dodge and the leader gets nimble, the game is sometimes stupid about which enemy perks you can see and which you cant but it does at least show those 2
        To win vs big blobs of nomads post day 40 you lean more on hitchance in what you equip than in other fights since theyre still not well protected or have a 100 health. Area of effect attacks are good, fire pots are good (make their backline shuffle around instead of pressuring you with polemaces), accuarcy perks will provide value even on people who usually wouldnt have too much trouble hitting as is the case in a few other situations, etc

        • 1 year ago

          I figured I should bring some firepots or maybe a handgonne or those fire spears as backup weapons.. also at what point should I start buying better armor and weapons? I'm usually sitting on about 3-5k now from trading and missions but not sure if I should buy some decent pieces or hire a better bro instead

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah nomads actually scale up to be a threatening fight in the lategame unlike brigands so a big camp or a three skull contract should be taken seriously
            If you havent used it before the handgonne is kind of a strange weapon in that it greatly desires more guns, 1 gunner doesnt feel like he does much whilst 2 are impactful, and 3 and above are really good. When youre able to converge more firing arcs together the wildly inconsistent damage and poor armor effectiveness sort of doesnt matter against the factions where the gun dominates, and for those other cases you can just use a crossbow since shared mastery
            As for when to buy equipment and when to buy brothers its kind of a complicated matter based on the situation
            Most people will tell you to only buy brothers and live off only loot but this is not going to always or even often be the best decision. Say you have a good early hire whom youre turning into a backliner but the best polearm you have gotten off enemies is a farming tool. If theres a cheap castle marketplace billhook or a swordlance in a southern weaponsmith, buying that thing and giving it to the guy will make your fights go a lot smoother right away since he'll be able to put his abilities to better use. That means more profitable cleaner fights since you're winning a lot easier and the ability to take harder battles as well, both which result in making more money
            Or say you've looted some good body armor but lack a helm. Just buying one if you have the money and have the man to give them to is a better idea than trying to hope the game gives you an opportunity later point
            Sometimes you can do both if a brother on hire has some equipment you want
            Also whilst village armorsmiths have a poorer selection than the castle ones, the prices will also be far better especially after you do a few contracts and get them to friendly. Small town weaponsmiths, though, can spawn all the same stuff as a castle, its just that the selection wont be as rich

  6. 1 year ago

    excuse me but who's the artist

  7. 1 year ago

    man, i wish the game had no level scaling
    that is all, it would be a 10/10 perfect masterpiece then if they did and i am allowed to be comfy and roleplay rather than race time or be obliterated
    have harder enemies be in harder sections of the map, and have harder contracts say that they are harder instead of having the world change with you
    i want to feel like part of the world not the world itself man WHY DOES NO GAME DO THAT RIGHT

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder if it's possible to make a mod like that

      • 1 year ago

        it would be if they would allow the game to be moddable
        afaik devs intentionally lock the code or whatever to sell dlc

        • 1 year ago

          There are lots of mods for this game

          • 1 year ago

            yes, which isnt close to 10% of its potential
            it could be as moddable as rimworld or skyrim if the devs did something simple on their end

            • 1 year ago

              It doesn't really work that way. The game is actually quite moddable due to how the scripting language works, but that freedom also causes many shit mods that are not compatible with each other
              But yes the devs have given 0 modding support and things could be better

    • 1 year ago

      Battle Brothers are very gamey instead of being simulationist. So enemies have to rise in power in order to provide challenge. Just like enemy nations in 4x games do.
      Try Kenshi if you want to frick around on your own pace in squad based game that leans more into simulation

      • 1 year ago

        have played kenshi, but i want to roleplay as a battle brother in a world filled with challenges where i can make a story for myself rather than everything changing with me which is not good at all

        • 1 year ago

          >in a world filled with challenges where i can make a story for myself rather than everything changing with me which is not good at all
          that's kenshi

    • 1 year ago

      What are you talking about? What you're asking for is literally the standard of game design and 99.9999% of games are like that. I hate it. What you're asking for is just what a basic game has always been - you just keep playing until you win. Are you really complaining about the 0.0000000001% of games out there that you can actually lose because the game is designed in such a way that you can actually lose? Frick off, dude. Leave my 0.0000000001% of games alone and go play the rest of them.

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      You should've been chucked off a cliff the moment you were out of your mother's womb

  8. 1 year ago

    How do I stop getting filetered? Is this set up wrong
    >back line and front line equel
    >backline mix of archers and pole arms
    >front line has a spear and shield man on each end and axe man in the middle
    >almost always take colossus
    Also undead are almos always what wipe, which is ironic since I call my company The Dead Men each time

    • 1 year ago

      Just keep playing. I was getting filtered too but just had a run finally gain traction.

      I might not be doing that ideally but I run shields and swords/spears on frontline. Have a 2h axeman in backline to support whatever side the enemy tries to overwhelm.

      Also I run 7 frontline and 5 backline. 2 ranged, 2 pike, 1 is said 2h axebro. I just focus on maneuvering the frontliners to get surrounds on the enemy. Only on day 45 though so maybe I will get filtered again soon

      • 1 year ago

        Also, I take colossus and gifted on every bro.

        • 1 year ago

          >gifted on every bro
          dont do that,gifted is only for shitty bros that are not going to survive until late game, when your bros get to higher levels +3 mdefence or hp is not going to be much of diference,you could instead use that perk point to give him shield mastery if he is a tank, or reach advantage for a two hander that will give him much more survivability,its very smart to give your bros with less mattack swords and spears,but try to give a few of them maces or hammers to help you stun hard hitting enemies like possesed zombies and help you get rid of armored enemies faster.

          • 1 year ago

            good advice, I have been doing this so far since it is still early game and all of my bros have shit backgrounds

          • 1 year ago

            good advice, I have been doing this so far since it is still early game and all of my bros have shit backgrounds

            Wrong. Gifted is a very solid perk and is good on any character, not just the trash. It provides a big chunk of Mattack and Mdef that is otherwise hard to get. Other perks such as Underdog, Reach Advantage, Backstab or Fast Adaptation MIGHT provide more mattack or mdef but only on specific situations while Gifted is active all the time.

            >Gifted: 3 full level ups all the time
            >Reach Advantage: 1.6 level ups usually, sometimes 0. Might provide 3 to 5 level ups sometimes with setup
            >Underdog: 1.6 level ups usually, might go to 3.3, rarely above that
            >Backstab: 1.6 level ups usually, might go to 3.3, rarely above that
            >Fast Adaptation: Hardly equates to 1.6 in level ups overall, even on trash brothers with low matack

            >Colossus: An excellent perk, provides more stats but isn't matack or mdef
            >Dodge: An excellent perk, is better than Gifted for suitable characters

            >when your bros get to higher levels +3 mdefence or hp is not going to be much of diference
            The opposite, that +3 mdef becomes BETTER at high levels not worse. This is because mdef becomes better the more you have of it. see the following exaxmple:

            Brother with 0 mdef is tanking Chosen with 75 matack. 75% chance to hit
            With Gifted, it's 3 mdef against 75 matack, 72% chance to hit
            Here Gifted is an effective 4% damage reduction

            Shieldbrother tank with 65 mdef is tanking Chosen with 75 matack. 10% chance to hit
            With Gifted, it's 66.5(not 68 due to soft cap) mdef against 75 matack, 8.5% chance to hit
            Gifted here worked as an effective 15% damage reduction

            >you could instead use that perk point to give him shield mastery if he is a tank
            If you want a tank, then you really want Gifted in addition to shield mastery. See above

    • 1 year ago

      Are you making sure that your bros aren't getting surrounded during combat? Maintaining a proper frontline is very important.
      How many archers are you using? Personally I'm not a huge fan of them. I've found my biggest success in BB only after ditching archers completely. But for the early-mid game they should be working fine.
      Are you properly upgrading your company to at least raider gear level?
      Also, most importantly, roughly what level are your bros, on average, when you wipe?

    • 1 year ago

      >Also undead
      Make sure your polearm bros are using the slashing versions of polearms for more beheadings. It would probably be a good idea to have your spear bros use slashing weapons during those fights too. Don't bring archers against them. You really only need one archer at most for the necromancers though you could always just grind down the undead with melee bros and finish off the necromancer later.

      Usually the undead bases have a lot of chokepoints too so exploit them.

    • 1 year ago

      seach souther cities or raid tombs for the unique Handgonne.
      Bring lots of ammo.

  9. 1 year ago

    >2 skulls : 1 bandit leader, 3 raiders and 3 thugs in fortified base on a hill
    >3 skulls : 10 thugs and 3 poachers on plains
    This game is weird sometimes

    • 1 year ago

      The skulls are meant to be the quest givers expected difficulty and payment. There is meant to be variance as the skulls are just a rough expectation. Reading the quest description is a better judge of difficulty.

      I really don't understand why people have a hard time with simple concepts like this. It must be a low iq thing.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes... What I'm saying is that sometimes lower difficulty contracts are harder than higher difficulty contracts

        • 1 year ago

          >this game is weird sometimes
          Nothing weird about a mechanic that is easily inderstood if you are capable of thought.

  10. 1 year ago

    Ironman filters me so hard, I need to stop being greedy

    • 1 year ago

      its all about positioning,send your shittier bros to the more dangerous positions (edges of the formation) and keep your main bros in safer positions where they will only fight 1 on 1. also if you get the necromancer and thief event just run away and cancel contract.its not worth it.

      • 11 months ago

        Necromancer event is easy as frick dude. Just bring cleavers and decapitate the weedergangers. Those butcher cleavers show up in used condition at marketplaces for sub 100

  11. 1 year ago


  12. 1 year ago

    How do mace and hammer duelists differ from cleaver duelists? Cleaver bro is wiping light to medium armor but chunkier enemies leave wanting for something else.

    • 1 year ago

      Define chunkier.
      Duelists aren't great at dealing with heavily armored enemies, no matter the weapon. This is because damage that ignores armor is reduced by 10% of current armor. If you want pure damage, maces will do better vs more heavily armored enemies, though as armor is stripped, cleavers become better, and orc cleavers are surprisingly good at stripping armor.
      It might be worth taking a hammer, using it to strip armor, then switching to cleaver, but that makes the duelist perk somewhat redundant anyway.
      Imo, if you're going for a mace duelist, just go 2h mace. You'll do about the same damage, but it's better vs armored enemies since it's not getting reduced twice.

      • 1 year ago

        Its nice to have at least one mace duelist because he can stun 2 enemies and deal respectable damage even if its not the satisfying thwonk of a 2h mace. And your 2 hand bros shouldnt be wasting time/fat on those 2nd skills since its hard to get a guy with enough fat to really use them.

  13. 1 year ago

    Are they gonna keep making DLC or do you think we'll get a sequel.

    • 1 year ago

      They're working on a new game but not much is known beyond it being similar (tactical combat, some kind of strategic overworld layer)

  14. 1 year ago

    Battle Bros, I need advice on a fight.
    I'm facing 11 ancient auxilliary on Day 4. I have 8 bros with the following equipment:
    2x two handed axes
    2x spears
    2x shields
    1x flail
    1x crossbow
    2x knife
    1x dagger
    1x prong (idk the name, like a 2H 2tile reach spear)
    1x net
    armor ranging from 35 - 70, mostly in the 40-55 range.
    Shitty helmets

    Is this fight even winnable? I figured my best bet is to set up a spear wall with the 3 spearmen, then set the other two up into teams. Crossbow + 1 axeman and dagger + 1 axemen work on either side to pick off a skelly each turn while my spear line (hopefully) holds some formation. Don't really know what to do with the flail guy.

    I know pierce weapons suck vs undead, but I figure if I can just keep them at bay for a few rounds and then shield wall, I can let the axes do most of the work.

    Finally, when the ranks do close, should I be using my axemen to break shields so they can't get the shieldwall bonus, or should I just be cleaving at ~50% hit chance and hoping to actually kill them. I'm kind of worried that breaking a shield just means more damage coming my way by the double grip.
    Any advice?

    • 1 year ago

      its better to jus retreat and cancel contract bro,even if you get good rng you will still lose too many bros and its not gonna be worth it.

      • 1 year ago

        Most of your weapons are useless against skeletons due to their resistance to piercing so i dont think you should take this fight

        I ended up trying it and killed 9 of them before they got me. I think the plan would have worked if my guys didn't rout as quickly as they did; lost two guys to running away through 3 Skellies apiece. It was only day 4, so nothing substantial was lost.
        Anyway, thanks for the advice. Turns out you were right to retreat from that one

        • 1 year ago

          thats because skellies have an skill called fearsome, getting hit and losing hit poits has a chance of making your morale go lower and this chance is bigger when youre hit by calcium boys

    • 1 year ago

      Most of your weapons are useless against skeletons due to their resistance to piercing so i dont think you should take this fight

  15. 1 year ago

    Need advice from you guys. It isn't a mistake to start building this guy as a battleforged 2hander right?

    • 1 year ago

      With hp stars like that make him a nimble bro.

    • 1 year ago

      Only a mistake if you don't make him fat neutral.

      How do I trade to make money? I don't have any DLC

      buy low, sell high. Alternatively
      You don't
      You just can't trade at a high enough volume to make any significant amount of money.

    • 1 year ago

      nimble bro for sure anon with relentless and dodge. with 3 stars in hp, i would have waited on giving him colossus until level 11 to see if i can give him a reliable health(80+) without it. If you find a good two handed sword, i will give it that but if you think it can go harder go for two handed mace. don't neglect resolve either anon, take him to the coliseum and if possible give him a +5 necklace until he reaches 50. Also hunt those lindwurms for their +60 pelts, they are very, very good!

      • 1 year ago

        actually scratch that, go fatigue neutral mace Black person.

    • 1 year ago

      Fat nuet battle forged. You dump everything other than matack and mdef into hp anyway so this guy will be a tank. He probably didnt need gifted with those sats but its still fine. Get his relove up to 50 or so, could get away with 40 if you do arena fights. You can sacrifice some health rolls for resolv since he will get more than enough anway. Take steel brow, mace or axe mastery fearsome and killing frenzy, underdog. He'll be an unkillable monster.

  16. 1 year ago

    when a hexen charms a direwolf how do you think she deals with it trying to mount her all the time? i can easily see an hexen dying a horific death after charming an unhold or a barbarian.

    • 1 year ago

      it's implied they can handle orcs rutting with them so I doubt the wolves are much more of a problem

  17. 1 year ago

    How do I trade to make money? I don't have any DLC

    • 1 year ago

      the games not m&b:w, the main focus is on fighting so take trading as a side gig you make inbetween fighting, fighting and more fighting

    • 1 year ago

      well you-
      > I don't have any DLC
      oh, uhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  18. 1 year ago

    Brehs I fricked up. I now have two suits of armor, 325+, and I have no candidates to put them on.

  19. 1 year ago

    Suffered a big wipe at day 40. Lost 6 of my 12 bros. Do you gents reset when this happens or do you keep going?

    • 1 year ago

      I would reset because i like to play my runs perfectly with little losses, however its possible to come back from this, you can put the high level survivors in the front and newbies in the back with reach weapons, give them student and get the experience retinue

    • 1 year ago

      im pretty sure the game lowers contract difficulty when shit like this happens so yeah.

      • 1 year ago

        so yeah you its possible to recover*

  20. 1 year ago

    >this is my legendary weapon selection on day 180
    No game, I don't want to run cleavers, stop dropping them

    • 1 year ago

      you really should take the butcher pill. Bleeds and lopped off heads oh my.

    • 1 year ago

      Update: my named weapon selection on day 300
      At least I have full named armor for literally every bro

      • 1 year ago

        the frick?

        Im at day 380 and have like 5 named items total and 2 of these are shitty goblin variants.

        Where the hell do you get all these?

        • 1 year ago

          >Where the hell do you get all these?
          Hire a bounty hunter, check tavern rumors, venture deep into the wilderness

  21. 1 year ago

    I want a fricking orc origin, slapping together crude equipments with my bros while we go plundering villages upon villages, let out battlecries and charge headon like a moron into every battle!

    • 1 year ago

      >slapping together crude equipments with my bros while we go plundering villages upon villages, let out battlecries and charge headon like a moron into every battle!
      You can do that in the game already.

  22. 1 year ago

    I feel like Battle Brothers has oddly good writing but don't know how to describe it. it does a good job of painting an image in your head through its writing? the gameplay mechanics go hand and hand with it too.

    • 1 year ago

      It's call good writing. Concise, down to earth with enough local lore built up over dozens of encounters to give you a good picture of the world. Doesn't quite work with most origins but otherwise very good to make you immerse.

      Check out the grave keeper comic and the Witch Hunter novel for more.

    • 1 year ago

      I hardly read anything to be honest
      What draws me in is the brutal hardcore gameplay and the gorgeous 2d graphics, neither of which you can find anywhere else

    • 1 year ago

      Never saw anyone use pursed lips so fricking much in my life lol

  23. 1 year ago

    Man I really hope this game gets a remake with usable graphics at some point. I swear I'm not a graphicsgay but those bust figures just look so incredibly bad.

    • 1 year ago

      Massively filtered. The visual assets of the game are kino.

    • 1 year ago

      the fact bros have no legs bothered me at first but i got used to it fast and now i think its cute. I do think it hurts popularity of the game amongs the normies.

    • 1 year ago

      I get the feeling, I also thought the game was unbearably ugly at first. Then I ended up pirating it one day and it really grew on me to the point that I love it and would never change it.

  24. 1 year ago

    Does the party members actually have any personality? Or are they just stat bots fighting?

    • 1 year ago

      they have backgrounds and traits that sometimes proc events

      • 1 year ago

        Sounds better than most games i've tried. I don't expect fully developed backgrounds and dialogues with units that is randomly generated for you to hire, but most games don't even try to give them a little bit of personality.

    • 1 year ago

      they have personality but it's mostly emergent aside from, as the other guy mentioned, trait interactions with events

      you're generally not gonna notice the guy with "fat" except when you hire him, but you're gonna notice when you get an event where a fat bastard comes in handy, or when the "gluttonous" boy loses "fat" from running around and then gains it back a week later cause he can't stop eating

      mostly though you're gonna notice some people perform, or perform at certain tasks, more or less than their stats would seem to indicate - this is just the spectre of randomness tricking your brain but it's what makes me get invested in people honestly

  25. 1 year ago

    Just got a random event where a dog starts following the company and you can either chase it away/kill it or try to take it in. Tried to take in the dog and my best mercenary got his finger bitten off. Seriously?

    So the event outcome is either you get a dog worth less than 200 crowns or a random character gets a permanent injury? Fricking dogshit game design.

    • 1 year ago

      that's what happens when you get greedy, learn from your mistakes next time. some events are worth the trouble like some contracts.

      • 1 year ago

        The event option isn't a "mistake", it's just a shitty gotcha. The risk is so disproportionate to the reward anyone who knows what the possibilities are will never pick that option ever again.

        • 1 year ago

          this and butcher special action during hangman event remind me FTL giant alien spider event

    • 1 year ago

      never had the permanent injury before so you probably just got very unlucky, normaly you just get split/pierced hand or something like that

  26. 1 year ago

    >get named goblin bow
    >stats worse than a regular war bow

    • 1 year ago

      >expecting anything good from bow for hardgainer manlets

  27. 1 year ago
    Battle bros general - Fuck spiders edition

    I cannot overstate how much I hate spiders. I can handle almost any other enemy in the game, but I've now lost two consecutive midgame runs to spiders. At this point, I'd rather face 3 unholds than 20 spiders. Give me 10 orcs. IDC, just no more spiders.

    I know the answer is 'git gud,' but how do I get good vs spiders? Eventually my guys get fatigued and I lose to action economy where we all get to attack once per turn, but my there are 2 of them for every one of me, and if they hit me once Itake 5 damage for turn across 3 turns whole we take turns jacking each other off with misses on 70% swings. Oh, and I can't even use the fricking antivenom because you can't use it in melee.
    Seriously, what's the strategy to beat groups of spiders that outnumber you by 1.5 or 2 to one?

    • 1 year ago

      You are worse than the guy that preferred to fight lindwurms to schrats.
      >but how do I get good vs spiders?
      Any high damage weapon will squish them, demoralize and eliminate them, if you go using spears other than to funnel them to your 2h bros you won't do shit.

      >with misses on 70% swings
      Literally git gud bros before facing spiders. Level up on bandits and you will be golden as spiders are the easiest non-human to face.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, spiders are easy. I would say good formation against them would be something like that:
      two spearmen on the flanks (with the dog in their inventory) with one space between them and other frontliners,
      three-five other frontliners, ideally with two-handed swords, but one-handed swords or cleavers will also do the job,
      then the backline, ideally with swordlances (probably), but pikes or javelins also will do just fine, bows too can be surprisingly good here
      That's assuming you are fighting them in favourable terrain, plains, open deciduous forest or something like that. If you were to fight them in the thick forest, weapons mostly stay the same (you can drop the spears). Try to get the surround and high terrain bonuses and deny it to the spiders and just kill them fast and move your men around when necessary.
      Spiders, like most low-level monsters, are fricking pussies with crap resolve. After you kill a few, the rest will shit their hairy eight legs. Dogs can be helpful chasing them, blocking the strategic position and whatnot, but in thick forests they will make maneuvering harder and if you release them too quickly, they can die to poison.

    • 1 year ago

      don't use shields dummy they are worthless, keep a tight grouping. archers a honestly near useless. give your shitters swords and spears for accuracy preferably swords. with this you can take 40+ spiders.

    • 1 year ago

      >Eventually my guys get fatigued
      Just don't use one-handed weapons without ever taking Recover. Also, do not bring shields

    • 1 year ago

      TLDR no shields, 2hand 1handers & moar polearms, prioritise kills and tearing nets

      pic not super relevant cause this save is day 3 but it's to show concepts, I will revisit it when I hit a 20 spider fight midgame later if you want

      generally I approach spiders very defensively, I want to break their morale through kills then push out in force to kill the eggs

      to this end I present a small frontline who've got their front and one side exposed each (1&2). may or may not have shields depending on their mdef but ideally not so they can still output kills too (in midgame, not early like this)
      their main job, to the exclusion of all else in earlygame, is to look like a softer target, get surrounded and netted, sapping actions and tearing nets off each other as long as their fatigue lasts

      the rest present a much stronger defensive line 1-2 tiles further back, using spearwalls (5&6) and encirclements (1,4,5) to persuade the spiders that they don't want to step into these spots, and that they should wait their turn, by which point you have hopefully freed up spots in the killzone that they want to move into rather than flanking you

      the polearms and flankers (3,4) of the front guys are trying to kill a spider a turn each, but it's more important to secure kills on wounded enemies than to spread out damage and inflict injuries like it would be against stronger opponents

      if your defensive line can cover both sides well, you can go for a V formation to present the most surface area

      here, early, swords and spears up their accuracy but pretty much any tier 2 weapon will do the job
      noone is 2handing in this pic because I forgot before screenshotting but if they were 3,5,6 would be and 7 would have a polearm
      ideally 4 is a quickhands polearm/1h hybrid in this scenario as well, because a polearm user is usually enough to lure them into the encirclement then they get smushed with the 1h from 3 sides

      • 1 year ago

        Cheers! Not op but thanks for the detailed guide friend.

        • 1 year ago

          np mang hope it helps

  28. 1 year ago

    If you get ambushed by spiders in the forest it might get ugly, i suggest baiting them out of it if possible

    • 1 year ago

      most of the time my guys end up in tight spaces with chokepoints all over, so it's just a matter of plugging the holes and get your backline boys in before the spider comes, which is arguably easier for me if I have an undersized company with single target weapons than fighting in open spaces.

  29. 1 year ago

    >beat barabarian king
    >get named 2h rusty axe
    >min roll armour pen and damage
    a-at least it requires less fatigue

  30. 1 year ago

    what fou you like to hear when the game background music gets old? for me is

  31. 1 year ago

    Please rate my build. Also I'm struggling with what to do on Day 100. I've got 6.4 k, and I'm not sure on where to look or what to look for to complete my party. Part of me feels guilty for spending 14k gold on the axe in the pic, but sometimes the sheer power of it makes me feel like it was all worthwhile. Should I have spent it on brothers, equipment, etc.?

    • 1 year ago

      i cant see how much hp this guy has but it would be good to give him a better helmet unless you want him to get rekt by a lucky orc,in my opinion it would have been better to get two bros to help fill your ranks to protect your archers and polearms and to avoid getting your two hander mace surrounded and raped ,but as long as you dont get wiped its good.

  32. 1 year ago

    Level one Witch Hunter with average stats, roughly equal melee and ranged, one star in mdf, one star in ranged attack and two stars in health. What do?

  33. 1 year ago

    So it releases tomorrow, you guys want a new thread or do enough of you want to merge to keep on top of page counts?

    >WTF is it
    It's a slightly more casual Merc simulator than Battle Brothers but in a fixed world with its lore and history and more camping stuff. Also, you get to play pokemon with every single enemy (Pigs, zombies, bears, any human etc) you encounter if you feel like it and it's suprisingly deep if you build that way.

    • 1 year ago

      >f*male characters

      • 1 year ago

        just dont hire them, or just bench them forever and roleplay her as the companys private prostitute.

        • 1 year ago

          >and roleplay her as the companys private prostitute.
          So you "roleplay" as a prostitute getting fricked daily by a bunch of burly men? Ehem, I see, anon. And how does that make you feel?

          • 1 year ago

            I dont roleplay as her freud i roleplay that she is the companies private prostitute,now go back to your grave and stop trying to get my kids hooked on coke please and tnx

      • 1 year ago

        Sick with this sausage fest
        If armour mods...

        • 12 months ago

          you're such a coomer, the only thing you can think about is sex

    • 1 year ago

      >It's a slightly more casual Merc simulator than Battle Brothers

    • 1 year ago

      Tell me more about the pokemon aspects. Any dinosaur types?

      I dont roleplay as her freud i roleplay that she is the companies private prostitute,now go back to your grave and stop trying to get my kids hooked on coke please and tnx


      • 1 year ago

        No, only ghost and snow type variants but animals get about half the skill tree of normal people and you can spam frontline full of them because you don't pay them money.

        Enemy can be taken prisoners & be recruited and although they only have 2-3 perks compared to your 15, these perks are extremely powerful and they cost half wages.

        • 12 months ago

          I got it a week ago and find myself enjoying it a lot. I have a few gripes about it, but on the whole it's good.

          >almost outsold Battle Brothers
          The power of 3D, I guess. Not to mention it's just marginally more expensive

          A lot of people just don't like RNG aspects of it too.

    • 1 year ago

      >lore and history and more camping stuff
      sounds homosex

    • 1 year ago

      >almost outsold Battle Brothers
      The power of 3D, I guess. Not to mention it's just marginally more expensive

  34. 1 year ago

    >hear people in here talking about barbarian king being a beast and decapitating full armor/health bros in one hit
    >fight one in a mission
    >has shitty 2hcleaver misses two turns in row and gets stunned and raped
    you guys lied to me

    • 1 year ago

      In the end, he's still just a single guy that can get locked by a tank and stunned by a shitter with a polemace. Though he's scary when he comes 8+ Chosens.

  35. 1 year ago

    >you get a mission to kill barbarian king
    >go out to get him
    >a bus pulls up by and the door opens, the barb king says,
    >"Hey bro get in we're fighting the ancient dead"
    Do you go? I always do because ancient dead loot is worth more and I appreciate having disposable meat shields to soak up damage before my line crashes in.

    The most chaotic fight I had was one where another barbarian band inexplicably joined the battle so it was a three way between them, my band and the king's band, and the ancient dead. Just a complete clusterfrick.

    • 1 year ago

      I always say yes because barbs are based tundrapilled chad alpha wolfpackmaxxing trad southerner-hating permaculture-engaging noble warriors of the NORTH, while the untowads canonically are degenerate brown sissies.

  36. 1 year ago

    me? i dont take the barbarian king quests

  37. 1 year ago

    He literally does it for free.

    Always check out indebted guys.

    Btw did anyone of you EVER saw a gladiator, hedge, oathtaker etc who had good stats? They are never worth it for me.

    • 1 year ago

      I've had a couple hedges who did the business

      how in the FRICK do I not get filtered by this game

      if you're getting filtered by combat?
      set a timer for 2 minutes and try to look at every possible move, how it plays into the next guy's move, what advantages you can leverage
      when the timer goes off, move 1 guy then do it again for the next guy
      don't ever move before the timer goes off

      if you're getting filtered by overworld stuff, run away more often and spend less money

  38. 1 year ago

    how in the FRICK do I not get filtered by this game

  39. 1 year ago

    Almost never played Ironman in 400h but I'm trying to change, what's a good origin for that, Deserters ?

  40. 1 year ago

    >start as ork
    >beat some orks to gain respect
    >add them to your warband
    >kill stuff and beat other warbands to gain more respect
    >make big warband
    >launch WAAAAAAAGH

  41. 1 year ago

    >still no Legend compatible mod to remove the whole "veteran gets +1 to stats and no perk point because lol" bullshit

    • 1 year ago

      ? didnt you get every two levels after 11 one pextra perk point?


      • 1 year ago

        I just want the fricking veteran system to go away.
        I want my full stats and perk point at every level up to 99, balance be damned - if i can grind to 40-50 level i deserve a goood fricking pawn.

        • 1 year ago

          at the end you just have a bunch of copy pasted dudes with every perk.
          Sounds boring

          • 1 year ago

            >what are random perk trees

          • 1 year ago

            >not playing legends
            Didn't know homosexuals were in this thread.

  42. 1 year ago

    So what is battle brothers? it seems just like mount and blade but 2D and turn-based, and what about this new game wartales?

    • 1 year ago

      BB is basically Jagged Alliance, but in medieval Germany and without any story or rpg elements

    • 1 year ago

      BB is basically Jagged Alliance, but in medieval Germany and without any story or rpg elements

      More or less. BB has little to objectives besides keeping your Mercenary Company's numbers on the black and having them not all die to Orcs, Barbarians and Swordmasters.

      Wartales is like BB but everything all of the budget that went into giving the game content and features went into making the game 3D instead.

      • 1 year ago

        It concerns me that the next game by the BB devs is going to be BB.

        • 1 year ago

          is going to be 3D

  43. 1 year ago

    If I wanted to get into this game, what DLCs I need to get? Or is the base game enough?

    • 1 year ago

      Just pirate everything and see for yourself what you want

    • 1 year ago

      I waited 4 months for a fricking steam sale because i didnt wanted to spend 100 bucks for the whole game.

    • 1 year ago


      Just pirate everything and see for yourself what you want

      I waited 4 months for a fricking steam sale because i didnt wanted to spend 100 bucks for the whole game.

    • 1 year ago

      just rip open your optic fiber cable and steal the data straight from the source.

    • 1 year ago

      Blazing deserts is best, the other two are slightly less so but also good. You don't need any of them, but they do expand the content and mechanics of the game nicely.

  44. 1 year ago

    new game never ever

    • 1 year ago

      menace will save us surely

  45. 1 year ago

    Guys, i hate raiding goblin camps sooo fricking much. Especially the ones on hills.

    I just wanted to say that

  46. 1 year ago

    Grandfather Nurgle provides

  47. 1 year ago

    I did it guys, I reached day 40 on V/V Ironman and am actually able to clear camps.

    • 1 year ago

      Nice, post your lineup

      • 1 year ago

        MvP are my two 1h shield maces, my backline of throwers and this madlad with no good stars whatsoever who still manages to stay alive and kill. This is D52 peasant milita.

        • 1 year ago

          bro... did you name your company "Deadmen" too?

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah I wasn't expecting those peasants to make it alive

            • 1 year ago

              bro... I've been naming all my companies the "Dead Men" since day one

  48. 1 year ago

    Are they finished with development on BB or are they planning more updates / DLC?

  49. 1 year ago

    Which version of the Legends mod should I use? The latest stable or the latest in dev?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        What exactly were you expecting you degenerate e-girlcon.

        Now answer my question, which version of Legends should I play, latest one or latest stable.

        • 1 year ago

          latest one from the d*scord

          • 1 year ago

            Dicksword it is then.

  50. 1 year ago

    I have 600 hours in Rimworld. Should I give DF a try?

    • 1 year ago

      Wrong thread
      >Should I give DF a try?

  51. 1 year ago

    Why many of you homosexuals name your bros by their weapon type? Can't bother just a little to properly name and remember your bros names?

    • 1 year ago

      i dont change my bros names

    • 1 year ago

      i dont change my bros names

      because its their story

    • 1 year ago

      >Why many of you homosexuals name your bros by their weapon type?
      I never do that. That's a homosexual way to treat your bros.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't change my bros' names. I remember them and their deaths, glorious or not.

    • 1 year ago

      There's a field to give them a title, which is perfect for information.

    • 1 year ago

      >people are enjoying their singleplayer experience wrong

  52. 1 year ago

    yes i rename my bros to "86/31 mace"
    yes i sell the golden goose
    yes i take gifted and fearsome on every bro
    yes im a trans woman who loves anime
    no they do not correlate with eachother
    grow the f*ck up

    • 1 year ago

      >yes im a trans woman who loves anime
      Based beyond belief. So when are the ceremony going to be?

  53. 1 year ago

    How the frick do I build my bros? I just pick Colossus, crippling strike and executioner on every bro, then make them specialize in one weapon and that's it. Idk how to make builds at all..

    • 1 year ago

      easy everyman build

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno, I just do whatever. Is even worse in Legends, as there's even a medium armor perk.

    • 1 year ago

      Collosus, underdog, gifted, nimble/battle forged, killing frenzy+berserk.
      These are more or less standard picks on any bro. Add student if its a permanent member, skip it on cannon fodder. Weapon spec if also usually a good idea, brawny on those in heavy armor.
      Quick hands on those that need to switch weapons, pathfinder on those that need mobility, bags and belts on throwers.
      Steel brow, shield expert, and rotation on tanks, taunt optional.
      Recover is good on those who need a lot of stam or struggle with it.

      Executioner+crippling strikes can work, but some enemies are immune to injury. Footwork can be useful on ranged that get exposed a lot. Duelist is great for when you find legendary 1-handers. Dodge only on those with ridiculous initiative.

      Fortified mind and rally go on your bannerbro only.

      The rest of the perks are mostly not worth it. There you go.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are you asking other people how to play your game? Are you into cuckoldry?
      Just do what this

      I dunno, I just do whatever. Is even worse in Legends, as there's even a medium armor perk.

      homosexual does and enjoy your game instead of minmaxing everything you imbecile

      • 1 year ago

        >don't ask people how to play
        >play like I tell you to instead

        • 1 year ago

          >Do whatever you want
          >Telling him how to play
          You can't be this moronic, anon, right? right?

          • 1 year ago

            You literally told him not to minmax.

      • 12 months ago

        >guy asks for advice in a video game
        >somehow links it to cuckoldry
        the brainrot on some of the people who use this site, I swear

    • 1 year ago

      Here's a few builds
      >Zero stam builds:
      All levels into mdef, matk. Resolve 50. Only need at most 25-30 usable stam in armor. Only need a little bit of rdef if lacking. Rest into HP.

      Student (if mid-to-late game, otherwise pick up colossus first and take pathfinder at lvl 2) > colossus > quickhands > axe spec > underdog > battleforged > pathfinder > killing frenzy.

      Heaviest armor possible in equip slots. Take Brawny if you don't have enough starting stam to get 25-30 stam with armor+weapons. Take gifted if you need stat points. You can drop colossus if you can get high enough hp without it and take something else. You have 3-4 free perks with the build to taylor it for your campaign.

      Put greataxe in main hand and poleaxe in pocket. Switch to poleaxe if you can move 1 and the enemy is two squares away. Switch back when they're close again.

      >Backline polearm/whip
      Even easier to build

      Pathfinder > quickhands > recover > polearm spec > cleaver spec > berserk > killing frenzy

      Slashing polearm in mainhand. Whip in pockets for disarm utiliity. You have 3 free perks. Can drop recover for another low level perk if you have iron lung and a low stamcost famed polearm.

      >Shield tank
      Colossus > fortified mind/dodge > brawny/relentless > shield spec > underdog > battleforged/nimble > taunt > rotate > recovery

      You have two free perks to distribute as needed.

      Needs 40 + mdef with heavy armor version and 60+ usable stam. Needs 35+ mdef and 100+initiative after armor for light armor version. These are without shield def accounted for. Stamina requirements for shield are included with min stam.

      Can get away with 60-70 matk only for zone control. Point of the character is to control what the enemies attack and to rotate other characters out of danger.

      Needs fairly high hp and high resolve. Nimble version needs 100+ hp. Don't run more than two or three of these.

      • 1 year ago

        shill me on 0stam, I always thought those were cope builds for retired soldiers and swordmasters, I mostly build my guys INI duelists and it just felt "better" that way, if I used 2h frontline I'd then build INI greatsword or swordlances to delete backlines, or flail if I'm feeling lucky or have a holdover raider farming bro.

        shieldtank can additionally go for flail mas, backstab and 3h flail for support, delete nimble armor and forge stamina, also doesn't let anybody save swordmasters through. indom is also nice if you feel the heat on the brother after rotating or are out holding a flank alone.

        also I always pick CS and EX on my best and brightest bros, I know they're meaningless against most enemies but getting a split hand and cut hand sinew really kicks the engagement off nicely, plus dogs, 11 dog's bound to be chasing down backliners and hopefully bite them in the face, or plug any hole in the frontline if the company had to stretch out and defend a hill or something.

        • 1 year ago

          Generally, BF bros are tankier than nimble bros. Makes them more reliable lategame. When you consider that every frontliner needs matk and mdef, you're only left with one stat increase per level to split between fat/health (and maybe resolve).
          Fat neutral means you can take out the fat level up, letting you pump health so you don't get bodied by goblins and barbarians(or really any enemy with high armor pierce)
          Resolve is weird since you can mostly patch it up with hexe trophy and arena grinding, but that might not always be an option

        • 1 year ago

          You only need 105 fat which allows you to ignore this useless stats and put points into important stuff like res(40+ before fortified mind) and HP(80+ before Colossus).

          You also get to save 1 perk by not picking brawny.

          This make a very consistent dude who doesn't lose steam mid fight, will he kill more than nimble Berserkers ? Nah, but he will make it to the end of the fight even if rng hates you.

          I would only take 4 of those maximum tho

    • 1 year ago

      Your first round of bros arent going to be gigga chads and you probably wont have good enough armor for battle forged so for frontliners take colossus, gifted, quick hands, dodge, underdog nimble and fearsome. Tanks should take shield expert and fortified mind, archers are easy, as long as you take the right mastery who cares. Fodder bros with shit stats need fast adaptation and probably even backstabber just to hit shit give em 9 lives if they somehow live to lvl 4.

    • 1 year ago

  54. 1 year ago


  55. 1 year ago

    Is Legends any good?
    It looks like it just adds a lot of bloat shit but there dont seem to be any other interesting mods

    • 1 year ago

      >Is Legends any good?
      Try it and find out. In my opinion Legends is the true BB experience, vanilla homosexuals exist in every community, don't listen to them.

  56. 1 year ago

    this game is on sale should i try it. I like x-com and total war games and crpgs but battle bros looks kinda diff from other strategy games

    • 1 year ago

      It's a very good game with lots of replay value and with shit ton of mods. A must have for everyone that likes turn based combat.

      • 1 year ago

        could you recommend some mods

        • 1 year ago

          >could you recommend some mods
          Legends mod for total overhaul once you are done with the base game + dlcs.

          Then add whatever legend compatible mod
          Recommend using latest dev version

          Is the base game fine or should i get the dlc too

          >Is the base game fine or should i get the dlc too
          You should totally get the DLCs.

      • 1 year ago

        Is the base game fine or should i get the dlc too

        • 1 year ago

          i played base game and got bored quiet fast, very barebones

  57. 1 year ago

    > Spend a fking hour battling the fricking kraken
    > Tentacle_porn.jpg
    > Game crashes when i kill it


    I hate this game so much sometimes

    • 1 year ago

      You hentai'd too hard.

  58. 1 year ago

    I find it a bit sad how this game has so many talented modders but almost no artists.

    • 1 year ago

      >but almost no artists.
      Funny enough the Legends mod is having problems of not enough programmers and enough artists.

      • 1 year ago

        The legends codebase is years of spaghet mixed together with no regards for standards, mod compatibility, documentation, etc.It's shit to work on and attempts to get some proper organization going to unfrick it led to drama and failed

        • 1 year ago

          >led to drama
          Tell me more.

          • 1 year ago

            Embarrassing episode, but sure. I have contributed to legends in the past, but eventually left due to the aforementioned issues but also because b***h guy that you'll soon learn more of annoyed me. I was invited to the proceedings as a sort of neutral third party.

            The setup:
            >3-4 people that have been contributing to the mod for a while want to fundamentally unfrick things, 3 of them good programmers and another that does solid design work
            >b***h guy, fifth dude working on it the longest, mostly does writing, dabbles in programming causing more work for others fixing his shit than it's worth, also a total drama queen that caused trouble with basically everyone else at some point over insignificant shit, kept pushing his depression into peoples faces as an excuse for b***h behavior etc.
            >generally unprofessional and unenjoyable to be around in any productive capacity, without any capacity to admit that maybe he's the issue when multiple different people were pissed off by him at various points in time. The term 'toxic' is overused, but fits for him, just poisons the athmosphere and doesn't even have the decency to be competent enough to compensate for it
            >finally, one of the owners/starters of the mod hanging around in the background, not having contributed in years but still being really possessive and authoritative at times, having already shut down a previous initiative to unfrick things and holds onto dumb things like that godawful black filter over champion enemies


            • 1 year ago

              The drama:
              >3-4 guys were finally fed up with the codebase, b***h guy, previous owner mucking about etc, and want to unfrick things to continue working on the mod
              >unfricking would be a large effort, going through all the code, rewriting much of it, adapting it to modern modding standards
              >would also come with actual organisation- leads for programming, design, art, contributing standards so you can't just push broken code or ridiculous design like that greed perk, some coherent design to the mod so it's not just a bunch of people working on whatever they feel like, removing the fugly unfitting art etc, just generally a fresh start
              >essentially, former owner would have to give up any semblance of reigns so he can't just come in after 3/4 of the work is done and go "no nvm lamo", or later come in and muck about again
              >b***h guy would need to submit to the new standards so he wouldn't cause more work for everyone else and clean up his act so he wasn't such an unpleasant person anymore, he didn't disagree entirely but still nearly fricked the proceedings multiple times with his shit attitude and remarks
              >a conversation was started to talk about what could be done, including previous owner and b***h guy
              >b***h guy extremely negative and annoying from the getgo as expected, talking about how the 3-4 guys were trying to take away the only thing that brings him joy and melodramatic stuff like that
              >after many hours of conversation an agreement is reached, somehow, b***h guy kinda just threatened to resign at some point in his usual attempts at garnering pity but oh well
              >even an announcement was written on the discord
              >confusion happened, there was a conversation between one of the guys and b***h guy where some misunderstanding happened, b***h guys perms to the codebase were removed because other guy thought he would leave as has been stated

              • 1 year ago

                >previous owner immediately shuts down, cancels all agreements, kicks people out, removes the announcement, goes on the submod channel to tell some really distorted version of the story which frankly disgusted me as I kinda figured him to be more leavelheaded
                >3-4 guys finally leave the project for good, b***h guy stays on and looks for new meat for the grinder
                >and that's the end of it

                So yeah, just the dumb kind of modding and discord drama that I usually avoid

              • 1 year ago

                >discord drama
                It looks more like your ol' Open Source Drama.

              • 1 year ago

                I guess so, yeah

              • 1 year ago

                >had codebase
                >had programmer
                >had designer
                >had chatgpt
                >didn't just fork the mod into Legend2™ and work on it themselves
                shame, I wanted to like Legends so hard but the female mercs and art, primarily art filtered me, thank god there's the mercenary mod and a host of rebalance/content mod from some sato guy turned the game upside down without any undue modifications

              • 1 year ago

                wait, PLEASE dont tell me this cringy female brothers mod is IMBEDET in legends. Fricking Please.
                I wanted to play legends after im done with my first vanilla run but i sure as hell dont play with b***hes.

              • 1 year ago

                It is, but you can disable female bros, with the sole exception of one unique event bro that you really wouldn't want to disable anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                Legends biggest asset is their straight up assets, ie all the art they've gathered over time. For example, creating all the layered armor was a huge manual effort.
                The codebase isn't worth keeping, though, due to all the issues mentioned above. Even some of the cooler parts like layered armor can and have been rewritten rather easily in a much more readable and extendable way
                Forking it was a consideration at some point, but I don't remember why that didn't go through. Probably because at that point you might as well just start fresh

                Also yes ChatGPT and other ML things are promising. For making art, too, people have already dabbled in it and started to pump out some pretty neat results. Though generally speaking, there's a wealth of art out there that the creators really want integrated into some mod
                Also yeah Sato makes cool mods that are quite faithful to the base game

                It's a shame the modbase is so tiny, the game is really quite moddable. Most of the game systems are accessible through the Squirrel side, and much of the UI is rendered through js/css/html so that's a very common thing to know and somewhat easy to work with.
                But you rather need people that already know how to program to make the good stuff. Due to the game being so wide open and the community being so small, there's few instructions and standards to making things. It's hard to get started and easy to wiener up. We wanted to make a proper tutorial but never really got around to it
                Plus the devs have provided about zero support which is just a huge missed opportunity. Just a few changes could really explode the modding potential. For example, since the BD release the mapsize is fixed, so many potential mods go right out of the window and the map will feel cramped real soon. Lots of functions run in the .exe and we have to kinda reverse engineer them to figure them out. The JS version is ancient, a newer one would be much appreciated. And so on.

            • 1 year ago

              I know who you're talking about, generally agree with you. But by god, some of the people looking to unfrick things were absolutely not the types I'd want in charge of redoing Legends.
              An egotistical code monkey with no head for reasonable design and a dickriding writer who spends his time jerking off said code monkey. Their idea of redoing legends involves stripping out key parts of Legends, some of which are already optional toggles.
              The best future for Legends would be stopping any development beyond basic bugfixing, giving other modders a somewhat stable base to make shit.
              Now there's two major revamps, with a third on the way. Other genuinely interesting mods have died because they can't keep up with constant inane updates from either.

              • 1 year ago

                >I know who you're talking about, generally agree with you.
                Yeah I mean the modbase is tiny you can probably figure out who I am, too. I can see where you're coming from regarding the two guys even if I don't really agree

                >Their idea of redoing legends involves stripping out key parts of Legends, some of which are already optional toggles.
                At some point you need to trim the fat, where others can recreate them as submods if people really want them. Many of these optional toggles and stuff are mashed into the rest of the code, making everything cumbersome. The legends codebase really just overwrites any file where they want to change a little thing, which makes it tough to work out what gets changed where and bugs just hang around, being hard to spot.
                Plus there's of course going to be disagreements on what should stay and what shouldn't for a coherent experience. I for example think the camping system is inelegant, but it's here to stay.
                Frankly it's for the better like this. Legends can stay a lighthearted free for all moshpit, and other mods can do things in a more directed way. Many people like their naked beggar cheese and such, even if I might personally think that it doesn't fit the game at all. The journey to get there was embarrassing, though

            • 1 year ago

              The drama:
              >3-4 guys were finally fed up with the codebase, b***h guy, previous owner mucking about etc, and want to unfrick things to continue working on the mod
              >unfricking would be a large effort, going through all the code, rewriting much of it, adapting it to modern modding standards
              >would also come with actual organisation- leads for programming, design, art, contributing standards so you can't just push broken code or ridiculous design like that greed perk, some coherent design to the mod so it's not just a bunch of people working on whatever they feel like, removing the fugly unfitting art etc, just generally a fresh start
              >essentially, former owner would have to give up any semblance of reigns so he can't just come in after 3/4 of the work is done and go "no nvm lamo", or later come in and muck about again
              >b***h guy would need to submit to the new standards so he wouldn't cause more work for everyone else and clean up his act so he wasn't such an unpleasant person anymore, he didn't disagree entirely but still nearly fricked the proceedings multiple times with his shit attitude and remarks
              >a conversation was started to talk about what could be done, including previous owner and b***h guy
              >b***h guy extremely negative and annoying from the getgo as expected, talking about how the 3-4 guys were trying to take away the only thing that brings him joy and melodramatic stuff like that
              >after many hours of conversation an agreement is reached, somehow, b***h guy kinda just threatened to resign at some point in his usual attempts at garnering pity but oh well
              >even an announcement was written on the discord
              >confusion happened, there was a conversation between one of the guys and b***h guy where some misunderstanding happened, b***h guys perms to the codebase were removed because other guy thought he would leave as has been stated

              i regret reading those homosexual drama walls of text
              everyone involved in that shit mod seems really unsavory people including you

              • 1 year ago

                >explicitly bullshit drama
                >still reads it
                only you are to blame

  59. 1 year ago

    i was watching a yt video on this game and they recommended starting on the highest difficulty to learn the game, troll or what?

    • 1 year ago

      >troll or what?

      • 1 year ago

        i bought battle bros with all the dlc, what game settings should i use?

        • 1 year ago

          Beginner/Beginner/high funds until until you finish all the game content.
          Is very hard to frick up with that settings. Also if you want to save scum, do it before picking up a contract.

        • 1 year ago

          Veteran fight difficulty, beginner economy, Greenskin Invasion. This should be perfect to teach you how to fight, while giving you more room to experiment with weapons, armor and hire wide variety of bros from different backgrounds. Greenskin Invasion also should teach you flexibility, since Orc and Goblin fighting styles are pretty different.

        • 1 year ago

          What others said but also pick "a new company" (regular or southern) origin until you get comfy with the game.

        • 1 year ago

          All the lowest/easiest settings in the game. Economy is ass and very restrictive unless you specifically know what you're doing.
          If you pick Holy War or Nobles at War Crisis for your crisis you can ignore them or engage with them at will so your playthrough will not be disrupted until you feel ready to take on them.

          Savescum before picking contracts. The game is best without savescumming/ironman, but it's very hard to learn the necessary strategies to survive when you're constantly being wiped.

          If you want to taken on an enemy but don't feel very secure about being able to beat them, try luring them onto a friendly patrol or even another enemy party. They will fight each other and give you an easier time beating them.
          You can also do this with enemy camps. You lure an enemy party that's also aggressive to the camp's owners (Luring a party of monsters, undead, or orcs onto a bandit camp), then engage the camp when the enemy party is close enough to join.

          • 1 year ago

            What a b***h

          • 1 year ago

            I savescumed before every hard battle. Playing them over and over until I just got better.
            Would recommend it for everyone else's first time too. It was kinda like a fun puzzle. Figuring out how to avoid loses/minimize damage.

  60. 1 year ago

    1h mace nimble tank was the build i never thought i needed in my life. Those guys are way too good.

    • 1 year ago

      Why 1h?

      • 1 year ago

        mobility without QH, one-two punch for EX synergy, can spread important injuries around, very cool in general, come in both southern and northern flavour for fashion, doesn't rely on ugly southern polemace to strike first turn, berserk chains into recovery nicely, can net valuable/durable targets and keep them there for as long as needed

        • 1 year ago

          >EX synergy
          >berserk chains into recovery nicely

          • 1 year ago

            executioner thrives on injuries, mace are good at dealing injuries due to high armor but 1h can especially exploit this without the help of another brother or Duelist/QH/Dagger mastery to use qatal deathblows, which is extremely expensive to build properly for a single target burst build

            beserk gives 4ap, 1h attack costs 4ap, killing an enemy at the cusp of your stamina pool with a single attack allows you to use recover to drain fat, much like with duelist machete, axe or hammer

            Didn't mean mace duellist

            okay choice but the stat required for the bro would make him a pretty strong fighter in his own right, which means other offensive builds would suit him better than the stagnant tank build, given he already has good stam and matk for mace, and mdef for tanking, tank roles are generally given to cheap deadends who happens to roll good on defense and ini, like thieves, merchant, ratcatcher or even cripples, nobody you would miss throwing into a chosen or orc horde and die.

            • 1 year ago

              Cool, I will remember to consider executioner next time I'm building a macebro. I know how berserk perk works, but I've read "berserk chains" and got confused what they have to do with 1h mace build .

            • 1 year ago

              I like to build above average bros for this but you can take the usual "ok dude with shit MA / good MD" (basically the usual tank candidate) and patch him with fast adaptation. It's not ideal but it works.

        • 1 year ago

          Didn't mean mace duellist

      • 1 year ago

        1h+Shield, can stun twice and doesn't need god stats like a 2h hammer bro for guarding edges of formation. Also I dislike pure tanks, they only seems relevant for Legendary locations and dumb shit like fighting 3+ lindwurms

  61. 1 year ago

    Anons, not sure if I got filtered.
    Or maybe the mechanics just didn't click for me. I can be quite fussy about it.
    I just kept thinking "man, I wish this thing was more role-play oriented".

    • 1 year ago

      >Frog poster is moronic and can't create their own headcanon while playing
      What a shock

      • 1 year ago

        Just roleplay trying to stay alive

        >Just be a homosexual
        No thanks

    • 1 year ago

      Just roleplay trying to stay alive

    • 1 year ago

      what you talking about, you got 12 brothers in roster, each of them an unique background, skillsets and ablity, you travel the world through various biomes, doing a variety of quest, which may bring about combat, each bout of engagement, your brothers would be fighting the enemy, in group, individually, ganking by the sides or getting ganked themselves, each of them would be a story worth telling, if you were a proper GM with imagination, prose and shit, and not a pleb player waiting for handouts.

    • 1 year ago

      >I just kept thinking "man, I wish this thing was more role-play oriented".
      No, you're absolutely right. Battle Brothers is a game. A skill-based challenge with 'solved' strategies. It's not a roleplaying sandbox where the way you play changes depending on the decisions you take.

      You can still pretend in your head you're playing a particular way, but it's entirely part of how you interpret your actions to affect characters and events in-game.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe is because I use this type of game to write stories, but I find really easy to roleplay in Battle Brothers

  62. 1 year ago

    Is there a mod that removes Goblins? I hate them so much I've stopped playing

    • 1 year ago

      Literally just get some dogs, my dude.

  63. 1 year ago

    How do I into Peasant Militia late game? I just axed my latest run at the tail end of Noble War, when I lost 7 dudes + 2 permanent injuries over the course of 3 contracts and the final battle. Number advantage doesn't work against Khomies and 1-turn-kill Arbalester homosexuals.

    • 1 year ago

      everyone gets backstabber/colossus/steel brow, go nimble for most lads and only the most deserving/fatigue boys get battle forged, your recruits are so cheap that you can hire whole villages to get some decent farmhands/butchers/thieves/woodsman, everyone gets a net for maximum battle control

  64. 1 year ago

    It's been quite a while since I played BB, is there any new interesting mods ? I remember there was a hideout building one. What about map size mods ?

    • 1 year ago

      Map size mod not possible I'm afraid, at least not without DLL injection or other nerd stuff
      I've asked the devs like three times to make em possible but their only coder is autismal and shuns social contacts

      • 1 year ago

        I see, but at least is it possible to affect map generation in any way ?

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, map generation can be entirely changed, you could make it a cyberpunk megacity if you wanted

  65. 1 year ago

    What tips can you give me with dealing against a necromancer? I can't figure it out.
    > too far to efficiently target with range
    > killing all the zombies is not feasible, they will eventually damage my dudes enough times
    > running around the zombies will make them chase my dudes which more likely will result in them dying

    • 1 year ago

      ways to deal with a necro
      outgrinding him, kill the zombies faster than he can resurrect them, decap with cleavers so he cant rez
      good enough ranger bros will eventually get him, bow bros with that perk that reduces penalty from enemies being obstructed + aimed shot
      punch a whole in the zombie line and send one of your underdog, high enough mdef bros through the gap and get into contact with the necro, he cant cast if you have someone beside him, also zombies have shit stats if they dont have a spear you can gamble with attack of opportunity to get in the face of the necro, shieldbros with shieldwall work
      duelist bros with a fencing sword/footwork to dance around the zombie body guard
      the dog gamble, combine with 3. and have your storming bro drop a dog near or beside the necro, near is always a gamble since the dog has to actually jump on the necro after that

      • 1 year ago

        >punch a whole in the zombie line and send one of your underdog, high enough mdef bros through the gap and get into contact with the necro, he cant cast if you have someone beside him, also zombies have shit stats if they dont have a spear you can gamble with attack of opportunity to get in the face of the necro, shieldbros with shieldwall work
        This is my go-to because I find it the fastest way to dealing with them.

      • 1 year ago

        >decap with cleavers
        Yoooo, I didnt know this. Game changer
        >dog gamble
        Also something I had no thought about. Thank you, game changing advice here!

        • 1 year ago

          with cleavers
          >Yoooo, I didnt know this. Game changer
          quick headsup, dont open if you dont want a spoiler decap doesnt work on fallen heroes as in even without a head they will come back

        • 1 year ago

          necromancer can still res headless ones they just wont get up on their own

  66. 1 year ago

    pathfinder more like defeatfinder

    • 1 year ago

      >people who say pathfinder goes on everybody
      >people who say that steel brow goes on everybody

      • 12 months ago

        to bee fair, nimblebros don't really need it.

  67. 1 year ago

    Is this bugged? cant use Javelins cause it says im engaged in melee, it happened to my archer even when he was 2nd row behind tanks, thought maybe im blind or theres some weird rule but this is clearly not in melee range, i tested by moving away from bodies i can use my ranged weapon, theres clearly something fricked.

    • 1 year ago

      Probably something with the mods you're using

      • 1 year ago

        i already found it, it was improved console log mod

  68. 1 year ago

    >hard but fair

    • 1 year ago

      so? that berserker probably had a bazillion berserk stacks from killing and getting hit AND a mansplitter

      • 1 year ago

        come to think of it, this berserk would be a god mode by the end of the battle, it was inevitable

    • 1 year ago

      >doesnt hide on high ground with clear view
      >playing with berzerkers
      >no afp
      okay lmao

    • 1 year ago

      >be a lone mercenary
      >know that you are facing orcs
      >sit on your ass with no knowledge of your surroundings

    • 1 year ago

      should have had a falcon, high ground, or at the very least be on the open field dumb moron.

    • 1 year ago

      >Didn't even bother to get high ground or get on a bush

  69. 1 year ago

    I really need help with this game, I've lost three companies already playing on easy. I wasted a bunch of time on my last one looking for some fricking grave for this contract and got murdered by nomads. 5 hours played so far

    • 1 year ago

      some basic b***h tips
      >spears and shields, spears because + chance to hit, shields because your dudes are defensive shitters
      >two tile weapons, get some pitchforks for backline polebros
      >dont do beast quests early, depending on the beast you will get got
      >brigands are your level up enemies, they drop gear you can use and can be shanked with daggers if you get the chance to do it
      >look at prices in towns, buy cheap trade goods and sell them high, use a shield at 100% as a price tool since base shield is worth 100 gold so if you can sell it for 21g you got really good prices, 18g is mid and 15/16 is shit prices
      >good cheap early backgrounds to hire are farmhands, thieves, monks for bannerman, butchers, woodcutters, brawlers, militia but any lowborn is alright if the stars and starting stats are in the right place
      >keep your promising recruits in the backline before they go front until they have enough mdef etc.
      >get colossus, gifted and student on every single bro
      >as soon as you hit the defensive perk tier of battle forged or nimble, immediatly take it, nimble for hp low fatigue bros, battle forged for lategame big fatigue bros

    • 1 year ago

      disable the dlc in the main menu and play the vanilla game for a bit until you get the hang of it

  70. 1 year ago

    why are there so many recommendations to just start on expert in this game when looking up stuff for beginner players on yt/internet? Should I just play on expert?

    • 1 year ago

      The logic goes that having more numerous and better equipped enemies right from the start also gives you a chance to loot good gear earlier than on easy.
      Which is all well and good, except as a newbie you'll inevitably get demolished in some fight and the game doesn't really respect your time. If your company even survives some dangerous encounter you haven't seen yet, those replacement bros have to be geared and (especially) leveled up again from scratch.

    • 1 year ago

      don't listen to them they're idiots, play on beginner for at least 5 attempts

  71. 1 year ago

    noob here
    game is fun, just lost my company to 3 of those white demon things in a 1 skull mission
    greybeard put up a good fight though, killed 1 and nearly got a second while allowing the other survivors to flee

    • 1 year ago

      Have some advice for later:

      Buy nets.
      You see something new, you throw net.
      Net is cheap.
      Net is never a bad choice.
      Net will save your bros life.
      Net is fren

  72. 1 year ago

    day 73 and only 4 of my 10 bros are usable, the highest level is 8 rest are tanks or useless shitters i hired to die, I have only 3k gold left. Is this recoverable or i should restart?

  73. 1 year ago

    How many bros should I buy at the start and what kind of gear do I need to give them? daggers, spears and nets? what about shields?

    • 1 year ago

      I usually go with 2 or 3 but you might want more, give them whatever you can but until you learn more you're best off giving everyone a helmet, shield, and spear or sword

  74. 1 year ago

    Man, this is going to be fun.

    • 1 year ago

      remember to run back and let the caravan hands take the aggro for your guys, losing them has no effects on your payment.

  75. 1 year ago

    Tell me again why the spears were nerfed.

    • 1 year ago

      >Tell me again why the spears were nerfed.
      they funny, and can break the balance of the entire battle by denying half of the frontline for you advantage

      • 1 year ago

        >they funny, and can break the balance of the entire battle by denying half of the frontline for you advantage
        B-but in muh real life spears are OP. I wish there was a mod that unnerfed spears.

  76. 1 year ago

    >check tavern rumors
    >oi guv some dead dude took some famed weapon to the west
    >oh boy finally some famed!
    >clap some hobo necro and his two dozen zomboids + ghosts
    >get his bdsm whip

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I rarely use whips, but isn't that pretty crappy named weapon? It's worth so little

      • 1 year ago

        whips are great last time i played this game don't know if they got nerf again after the action point nerf. they are still solid against really crazy super champions and assassin Black folk.

      • 1 year ago

        lowered fatigue per use is pretty nice on whips, which in general I mostly use to squeeze some value out of high mAtt but otherwise poor bros via high chance disarms
        if you get one that rolled armour pen, take mastery + duelist, you'll almost always be tickling through armour and dealing mad bleed
        that's also a build that really benefits from fearsome
        obviously that's not great against everything but I find they put in work a solid 80-90% of the time and against anything else I just get them to run interference with a shield

  77. 1 year ago

    8 hours in battle bros so far, still haven't made it past what i assume is the early game. My latest company was attacked by 3 groups of 6-8 raiders on day 5 and i lost everything again. cool game

    • 1 year ago

      >My latest company was attacked by 3 groups of 6-8 raiders on day 5
      hot damn how?
      >I rarely use whips, but isn't that pretty crappy named weapon? It's worth so little
      famed whips are a meme, you use whips to disarm and to slap ghosts, damage and all stats apart from maybe reduced fatigue is useless on famed whips

  78. 1 year ago

    So what is legends all about ? Is it just base game but bigger or is the core gameplay somewhat different ?

    • 1 year ago

      >Is it just base game but bigger
      Mostly this. The game scales in both directions, with a few weaker enemies and a lot of stronger ones. Your brothers can also become stronger to accommodate it. Major differences include a reworked camping system, layered armour (now you can combine a helmet and a scarf to make a helmet with a scarf), battle sisters (fully optional), and a unique perk tree for each, depending mostly on background. There is also magic, support skills, and the option to turn some bros into non-combat followers who can help you earn money in one way or another. In spite of all of these, the core gameplay stays largely the same. One other major difference is that party size increases with renown, so it might be wiser to recruit from middling backgrounds instead of hiring every shitter early on.

      • 1 year ago

        *for each brother

      • 1 year ago

        nta but how stable is this mod ?

        • 1 year ago

          I don't think it ever crashed on me, but I've only played a few games with it.

    • 1 year ago

      Legends allows for a true happy merchant run, unlike the first game where it was more of a side thing, only real reason I like it.

  79. 1 year ago

    >turn on the game after a year
    >load up an old save from that time
    >right near a barbarian place of power I was too pussy to fight back then
    >immediately charge at it
    >12 vs 26 barbars with unholds
    >put some dogs to hold a flank against the scary barbar hammers
    >AI moronic as always is desperate to attack my archer in the front rows so it wastes turns
    >decide to play it safe and slowly whittle them down crushing their morale
    >forgot what unholds can do so take unneeded damage but it works out as they position themselves in the worst way just to take a swing at my weaklings
    >moron barbar beastmaster too busy doing 1 damage to my armor so one unhold turns against them
    >kill all the humans and finish off the unholds
    >only minor injuries and a few dead dogs as casualties
    >retire immediately after
    >good ending with my captain tending to a garden with servants while a gladiator started an uprising and is lynching slavers and viziers
    I forgot how fun this game can be

  80. 1 year ago

    new game fricking never

    • 1 year ago

      Menace will be announced this year, trust the plan

  81. 1 year ago

    what's everyone's favourite origin in legends?

    • 1 year ago

      I liked trader till they introduced the pacifist thing

  82. 1 year ago

    And why does lone wolf keep coming up as a brown person?

    • 1 year ago

      I just read up on dev diaries while deciding which DLCs to buy (new to the game, kinda shit wage) and it was added for free with Blazing Deserts so that might be why.
      Blazing Deserts is also the only DLC I don't have yet, because it feels the most like an "expansion" and not like great additions to the base game, but I might be wrong here.
      Beasts and Exploration seems like the most important one to have tbh.
      Also, frick Orc Warriors they're the biggest threat by far that I've encountered so far (at around day 30-40 on veteran/ veteran with medium funds).
      Most of my frontline is decked out in mail with blunt weapons and is level 4-5 (Colossus, Dodge, Gifted/ Adrenaline/ Shield expert depending on each bro) and I still lose one of them on average because frickers get double cleaved or some shit. One time I saved one but he bled out before I could end the fight.
      They are fun to fight though.
      My comp is 7 frontliners (1 x 2H Axe, 1 x Flail, 2 maces, 2 spears + shield for positioning, 1 sword, all blunt bros equipped with daggers too) and 2 crossbows, 2 polearms and bannerman/ sergeant in the back.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd rather one archer in the front with footwork than 2 crossbows in the back. The only problem is you need a named warbow to really be effective.

  83. 1 year ago

    Are Geist supposed to spawn so early now ?

    • 1 year ago

      i got attacked by orcs in my first caravan quest

      • 1 year ago

        I got berserk'ed on the day six in one game

    • 1 year ago

      bad rng anon, i had to kill 8 gheist on 1 skull contract on day 1 before.

  84. 1 year ago

    is there a mod that removes stars? always hated that mechanic of fishing for the perfect recruits

    • 1 year ago

      one star is +5 to attribute, it doesnt change much you should be looking at starting value which can vary by a lot, then add 5 for each star

      • 1 year ago

        >+5 to attribute
        On average. However, starting at say 60 atk and getting unlucky with one star for 80 atk is better than getting unlucky with no stars for 70 atk.
        >it doesnt change much
        At the best odds, enemy def is low enough that you don't need it. With some of the worst odds, you hit twice as often with that extra +5.

  85. 1 year ago

    Which faction do you guys consider the hardest?

    For me its the Nobel army with marksmen.
    After that goblins on a Hill and then Nomads.

    I mean yeah, orks and barbs hit hard but they come to you so you can create chockepoints.
    24/7 shieldblock footmen that even block 90+matk hits that cover for the sniper in the back is bad.

    I hate it. I happily fight a camp full of choosen but this shit is annoying.
    Same thing with a goblin camp on a hill. They fricking hit everything. EVERYTHING. even at night. By the time you reach the top, half of your guys are half dad or injured.

    • 1 year ago

      southern armies with guns and assassins, fricking shileldwalling shitc**ts, overwhelm spamming, nimble abusing, banger music blasting, fire bomb throwing, flashbanging, gilder worshipping, slave trading frick bozos, I rather go schrat or lindwurm hunting

      • 1 year ago

        May your path ever be gilded frend 🙂

        Pd: Try a southern mercenaries start and farm the shit out of the south early game to build relations with the city states, then go noble war/ crusade in favor of the cities. By the time you get to sell the loot you will be swimming in gold like nobody's business

    • 1 year ago

      hardest, in my opinion, the southern army with assassins(two or more). but i do consider a group of chosen more deadly and scarier. BUT hexens are the only enemies I religously avoid, what is scarier is watching my aces get mind control and watch them haywire on my other brothers, which always happens.
      >but anon you can just give a one handed wea-
      the problem is because i avoid them every time then the only times i actually have to fight them is when i get ambushed by them.

  86. 1 year ago

    any comments on how to find a hunting ground? I know its in the tundra, but where

    • 1 year ago

      it only spawns after you clear the cave. so you should double back to the tundra parts you already explored, it might have popped up there.

      • 1 year ago

        it was on the other side of the map, its kinda like the west side tundra doesnt have anything going on for it, is why I didnt check it earlier

  87. 1 year ago

    can some end game crisis happen only one time?

    im at day 700 and all i ever get is orcs and undead. i got 2 noble wars and the holy war was my first criisis where i was severly underprepepared.

    I want a holy war again and fight against southern armys

    • 1 year ago

      I didn't even know end crises could repeat.

  88. 1 year ago

    Last run i've got almost entirely beast and caravan quest no bandits 🙁

    Give me some good seeds please

    • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      >my middle name fits the seed field perfectly
      >use it exclusively, refuse to play on anything else
      I'm still noob at the game, but it seems decent enough, weak noble house in the north, very strong one in the south, ok-ish one in the middle, harbors in both north and south, wilds in the east.
      Got an anatomist with really good starting stats in first settlement, made him a polearm bro and he pretty much carried me through the first 20 days. I did lose my start crossbowman to some raiders though, but I did get several sets of mail and 110+ helms so it's ok.

  89. 1 year ago

    >just want to play a pretty boy character via attaching female head to male body

    • 1 year ago

      >no female mercs
      yep time to try wartales

      swear to gilder i would decapitate you manure-filled head and feed it to nachzehrers if i ever met one of you mentally ill pederasts in my game

      • 1 year ago

        Having women in your battle brothers is cringe but I just want to self-insert when playing long sandbox games. It doesn't need to be horny.

        • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        You wouldn't say no to female recruits if it meant you could recruit tall muscular Orc women or sexy undead liches

        • 1 year ago

          NTA but yeah that would sell me on them 100%

        • 1 year ago

          i'd install a mod that removes them

        • 12 months ago

          Not him but I admit I'd make an exception for tall orc women or tall lizardwomen.

  90. 1 year ago

    >no female mercs
    yep time to try wartales

    • 1 year ago

      Battle Brothers? More like Battle Homos

    • 1 year ago

      >female mercs
      Anon those are called war prostitutes. I'm sure they can wield a mean crossbow when pushed to shove though.

    • 1 year ago

      There needs to be female mercs, the game wouldn't have been forgotten.

  91. 1 year ago

    How can i get a second Holy war.

    Im so sick of Undead and Orcs
    Do i have to stay in the southern region? for it to appear?

    • 1 year ago

      It is completely random

      • 1 year ago

        i dont belive you. Im at day 800. Now way im this unlucky

  92. 1 year ago

    so Im trying to take on the witch hut (4 hexes, 19 enemies total), so far I wasnt able to survive longer than 5 rounds. I already gave all my bros maces, attack at night, pumped up resolve, I also scatter all my bros on the map. And yet up until this moment I did not manage to land a single (1) hit on a hexe. I remember trying a tactic of running away and hiding in the bushes, is there an approach that is better than that?

    • 1 year ago

      if you absolutely need to kill that witch, buy or make a shitload of lion's potion(+ resolve) and give it to the most important high ceileng brothers, the one you don't want to be mindcontrolled because they are beast. keep the close to the bannerman at all times, use +5 amulets on all your brothers, if you can snipe the witch then go ahead. use one handed weapons for your brothers and give them shields for less damage. good luck and don't bother fighingt those prostitute again, they are just not worth it.

    • 1 year ago

      Doubt they've patched it yet - Hexen in witch hut won't step forward at all, and only have the range to charm your frontline. You can just place your banner, Undead trophy guy, and a high resolve bro like a tank in your frontline in a 3/9 front/back formation and mop up all the beasts as they charge, and then send your designated Hexen killers forward.

  93. 1 year ago

    >There's a reputation mechanic that's clearly the leftovers of what was supposed to be a morality system, probably tying into background dispositions, noble house personalities, events, missions, etc.
    >It's used as a check for like, one contract (and one event which was only added in the oathtakers update)
    Reputation overhaul mod WHEN

  94. 1 year ago

    Sunken library is some grade A++ BULLSHIT

    Jesus Christ.
    Miasma spam, Morale check spam, Trashmob spawning to the point my Laptop runs at 10fps, Revives.

    I nearly had that fricker after a 70 minute fight surrounded him with my half dead and fatigued bros but then he ELEVETAT HIMSELF ON A PILLER and i got omega rekt because i desperatly gambled everything on that chance to end it this round.

    • 1 year ago

      its easy, the trick is to just kill all the philacteries and the librarian on the same turn

      • 1 year ago

        yeah no shit.
        Thats what i tryed to do in that run.

    • 12 months ago

      Library is tedious and slow, but not that hard. I'd said it still competes with goblin city for the second hardest legendary location, but the difference between either of those two and monolyth is massive.

  95. 1 year ago

    is it worth it?

    • 1 year ago

      for its price? i guess.

    • 1 year ago

      look at him like a disposable camera, if you're old enough to remember when those were all the rage
      he's got a very short expiration date, but if you know how to point and shoot you'll get your money's worth out of him

  96. 1 year ago

    man Oathbringers hit fricking HARD. How do I kill these buttholes? They just oneshot my starting Oathtaker like he was nothing and his best friend Radulf the love letter messenger.

    Also whats your company called? If it's just called Battle Brothers by Anselm I will break into your home, dress you up as a girl and start a loving relationship with you while your family wonders where you went or what happened to you.

    • 1 year ago

      Also whats your company called?
      King Crimson's Court or Gold Experience with either the Crow or mermaid banner as those are my favorite.

      • 1 year ago

        >Crow or mermaid banner as those are my favorite
        Kino. For my Oathtakers I named them the Pyrrhic Paladins with what I assume is the generic banner for them, although my most recent is called the Heartbreakers with the thorned heart banner.
        Oathbringers are definitely on some kind of drug to hit that hard

      • 1 year ago

        >Also whats your company called?
        Assiduous Drinkers.
        It has been my go-to since the start.

    • 1 year ago

      Also whats your company called?
      King Crimson's Court or Gold Experience with either the Crow or mermaid banner as those are my favorite.

      I usually play Merchant Caravan, name company Golden Griffons and get appropriate pseudo-Roman banner. My other reoccurring picks are Slayers for Beast Slayers, with spear-arrow-paw banner, Sworn Swords for Lone Wolf, with three swords banner, and Oathsworn for Oathtakers with religious banner, the one with Young Anselm's skull in the middle.

    • 1 year ago

      Band of the falcon.
      It's a cultist run.

    • 1 year ago

      Dragon Frickers

      We haven't seen one yet but when we do...

      • 1 year ago

        those desert serpents could count as dragons

    • 12 months ago

      I'm not very creative.
      Lindwurm Company, with the dragon flag.

  97. 1 year ago

    Which backgrounds added by the Legend mod have related interesting events? Just picked up an inventor and a shieldmaiden and am hoping some events have been added for all the new backgrounds

  98. 1 year ago

    Any tips to get filthy rich?

    • 1 year ago

      Play Merchant Caravan, keep traveling between southern city states and western port city, hire the Trader to your retinue as well as Scout and Cook (she allows you to reliably make money from buying and selling food), ally the western port city, but never fix their brigand problem (they always should have "raided caravans" status) and dump your loot there. Obviously fix and sell weapons (anything above first tier work tools), always buy cheap tools.

  99. 1 year ago

    should i get quality or quantity on my first recruits in a run?

    • 1 year ago

      Quantity is (almost) always better. You want to get full roster asap, because if one man of twelve misses attack, it's a small setback. If one man of three misses attack, or worse, gets hit, it can be game over. Decent recruits are only become cost effective later in the game. Still, don't hire every cripple and peddler and let really crappy recruits heroically sacrifice themselves or just dismiss them.

    • 1 year ago

      General rule is you want low cost but still kinda useful brothers early on
      Brawlers are my gold standard but miners, fishermen, farmers, messengers, gravediggers, monks and flagellants are all cheap and effective enough for most purposes
      even if they roll dogshit it doesn't matter, they're just gonna be further down the pecking order for gear and sacrificing them hurts less, they still give surround bonuses, throw nets, shield wall just like everyone else

  100. 1 year ago

    what do you guys think about all hunters squads? Are they viable starting from midgame? Some handgonnes would a cherry on top I presume

  101. 1 year ago

    new gaem fricking never

    • 1 year ago

      they will announce their new game towards the end of 2023

      • 1 year ago

        yea probably
        the gibs that they got from the goverment had 2024 as the end date

  102. 1 year ago

    What's the best company origin... okay, we all know it's peasant militia, how do anatomists and oath takers measure up to it?

    • 1 year ago

      All origins get MOGGED by northern raiders, but anatomists and oathboys got strong gimmicks, but you pay for those by not having confident anatomists not worth imo only if you go for meme super soldier gets all the potions or having very restrictive "ambitions" that can frick you over pretty hard.

      • 1 year ago

        What's so good about the raiders? More loot?

        • 1 year ago

          great starting lads, not as expensive as glads, fighting two factions for caravans is fun from the start, higher chance for barbars in the norths as recruits event

  103. 1 year ago

    How's the console edition

  104. 1 year ago

    lads... I can feel it... announcement at gamescom... release this winter...

  105. 1 year ago

    What would be considered the bare minimum to fight 6 orc berserkers safely?

    • 1 year ago

      2 decent archers and a whipman, plus enough bodies to screen them for 2-3 turns of contact
      this will vary depending on level and equipment and personal playstyle obviously, but I would say a level 6ish party of 10 should be able to do that pretty safely

      • 1 year ago

        I see, thanks friend.

  106. 12 months ago

    How should I build a lone wolf? What do you guys think of fat neutral?
    I really want to play but I'm so lost on what to do.
    I like playing lone wolf for roleplaying reasons but I'm not sure I want to make a standard fat neutral tank and battleforged berserkers seem suboptimal

  107. 12 months ago

    Has anyone played Wartales? Does it scratch the Battle Brothers itch?

    • 12 months ago

      It's extremely simplified compared to BB just to afford being 3D. I don't think it's worth it.

      I like its camping and professions system, but you can just play Legends if you want that in BB as well.

  108. 12 months ago

    I want to frick that greenskin.

  109. 12 months ago

    I watched this video and I have an idea.

    Whip could have his own version Hook ability. It could be amazing.

  110. 12 months ago

    What are the best midgame and late game recruits not counting hedge knights, sellswords, or swordmasters? Is that all of them?
    Not counting southern desertbois because I don't recruit them for rp reasons.

    • 12 months ago

      Raiders, Adventurous Nobles and Oathtakers. Beast slayers, militiamen and retired soldiers are decent for their price range. I don't know about Disowned Nobles and Bastards, I've heard they can be much worse than what's their price suggests

  111. 12 months ago


  112. 12 months ago

    I have always believed that if orcs/undead/vampires/werewolves were to be factions it would take battlebros to the next level

    • 12 months ago

      I'm surprised there are barely any mods for that tbh

  113. 12 months ago

    Why do the devs hate modding?

  114. 12 months ago

    Are greatswords ever worth using?
    Should I bother with non-nimble berserkers?
    Are fat neutral zombie bros a meme?

    • 12 months ago

      >Are greatswords ever worth using?
      Yes, but they are pretty situational. Two-handed Swords are useful against low armor, first tier enemies, so mostly in the early game. Thugs, skeleton auxiliaries, spiders, all die quickly to sword slashes. Later, when most enemies have armor, they are still useful against the beast swarms and their AOE works well with some perks.
      >Should I bother with non-nimble berserkers?
      I am not sure. Maybe if they have enough fatigue? Probably not worth it on 90% of brothers. Berserker works great with polearm backliners, but those usually aren't as heavily armored. Maybe on special, minmaxed sergeant?
      >Are fat neutral zombie bros a meme?
      What's a zombie bro?

      • 12 months ago

        >Two-handed Swords are useful against low armor
        Only against enemies without any kind of armor, like ghouls. Due low armor ignore greatswords do shit damage even to enemies in literal rugs. It's okay to use it if you got one from some raider early on, but they suck very hard compare to like any other two-handed weapon, I think even two-handed flails do better job, at least they can occasionally oneshot enemies on head hits.

    • 11 months ago

      Greatswords are ok but not great, they really struggle against armour.
      The top tier melee weapons are the 2h hammer, axes and mace. Everything else is a downgrade.
      You can get the barbarian 2h axe for free so that's good for advancing quickly instead of throwing money to buy a weapon like an idiot.

      • 11 months ago

        What about cleavers?

        • 11 months ago

          Cleavers are amazing, decap deals a shit load of damage and permanently kills zombies except fallen heroes. Khopesh are my favorite to horde for undead enemies but two handed cleavers are great too. Orc cleavers are the best and the worst depending on how they roll. One handed duelist orc cleavers are the hardest hitting meme build to have if you roll a good one. Whips are good too I guess.

        • 11 months ago

          Okay, mostly saved by the fact that 2h cleavers can proc berserk and recover.

          Cleavers are amazing, decap deals a shit load of damage and permanently kills zombies except fallen heroes. Khopesh are my favorite to horde for undead enemies but two handed cleavers are great too. Orc cleavers are the best and the worst depending on how they roll. One handed duelist orc cleavers are the hardest hitting meme build to have if you roll a good one. Whips are good too I guess.

          >Whips are good too I guess.
          Whips are the best "cleavers". Disarm is amazing.

  115. 12 months ago

    I also keep being filtered by this game. I actually love the premise, as well as the world building. This game, as well as Warband, feels lived in and competently built. The arms, armor, clothing, architecture and everything else just feel so fricking good and so spot on. It truly is a gem in the rough. I can't seem to get ahold of it though, not for the life of me. I keep getting rolled early game when enemies get harder, including brigands. My guys just fumble everything, eat shit and get wounded all the time even if I don't get surrounded. Every fight is so nailbitingly close I get a fricking stress headache and when I lose a fight I reroll it and it just kind of sours the victory.
    I think my issue with the game is the scaling/hidden perks that enemies get. I hate that shit so god damn much in any game I play. I know you can basically get around it via playing solo/lonewolf (and have done so successfully) but I keep getting mogged as soon as it ticks over and I have a decent company going.

    • 12 months ago

      Post your company if you want advice.
      > I know you can basically get around it via playing solo/lonewolf (and have done so successfully) but I keep getting mogged as soon as it ticks over and I have a decent company going.
      Wait so are you successful or are you getting mogged?

      should i get quality or quantity on my first recruits in a run?

      >over a month old post
      I'm going to reply anyway in case someone else has a similar question.
      Go for quantity until you reach a full roster. Then as you start getting more and more money you can start thinking about quality.
      Don't just hire the cheapest guy available, generally the best cheap but still good backgrounds are lumberjack, brawler, militia, thief, and farmhand.

  116. 12 months ago

    I'm fighting brigand battles in my dreams now. Send help.

    • 12 months ago

      Bring nets.

  117. 12 months ago

    I really struggle with knowing when and how much risk should I take. I always end up in one of these situations:
    -I play too safe and eventually every fight is way too hard for my party
    -I take way too many risks and my party gets fricked
    That said, I enjoy the challenge of finding a nice balance

    • 12 months ago

      >I play too safe and eventually every fight is too hard
      Playing safe is perfectl fine unless you are trying to speedrun monolyth in sub-X days.
      If you just want to play the game then it makes no difference.
      >inb4 difficulty scales with time
      Time does affect camp location difficulty (ONLY camp locations, not contracts) but its a minuscule modifier that caps out at like 250 days. What really determines difficulty is the combined level of your party.
      To put it simply, if you are doing well at levels 1-4 but then getting beaten at levels 5-8 that's not because you went too slow, it's because you are not building your bros properly

  118. 12 months ago

    Do you guys think the higher difficulties for economy and starting funds make the the game more challenging or just more grindy? I feel like all it does is bog you down a extra few weeks to rack up cash

    • 11 months ago

      I think in some ways it can make things easier since you can get access to better equipment earlier by taking it from enemies.

      • 11 months ago

        Eh? How does that work? Harder economy makes armored enemies more likely to spawn?

        • 11 months ago

          It doesn't.

  119. 12 months ago

    Has the legend team expended upon the legionnaire start?
    I liked how experimental it was

  120. 12 months ago

    I am looking for a webm with a Brigand Marksman entering a room and shooting a brother's hand as he tries to get up from bed. It's an edit of No Country For Old Men with Javier Bardem. It even has the pierced hand icon from the game.

    Does anyone have this webm? I tried looking in the archives for Ganker, /vg/, and /vst/ and found nothing.

  121. 12 months ago

    Can someone explain to me why long time players seem to have a myopic obsession with being strong against B. chosen? I don't get it, they don't even appear at any unique location. I don't see why I should ever bother fighting more than [many] B. chosen without cheesing it with a 3-way fight.

    • 12 months ago

      because its fun? but at the same time its a fair battle and its also one of the first time where it made me change my perks on my team and my first heavy loss. it also gave me the adrenaline junkies team which i love alot.

      • 12 months ago

        This is certainly an interesting explanation but I wish they acknowledged there is no need to make the whole party chosen-proof. Saying that all your battleforged guys need 80-100 Hp to be effective seems is insane to me.

        • 12 months ago

          There was a time where 54HP on battleforged was a viable team before it got nerf(indom got hit) but if its chosen proof then its probably X-proof against any other enemy in the game. I seen two handed orc deal 74 damage on 5% chance to hit if it lands on your brothers head one too many times. 80HP is just the bare minimum for this crazy shots which should be easy with colossus. You can spare a few points of fatigue for a bit of survivability, it is not a bad deal as you will be getting tag sooner or later. aka min-maxing got us.
          t.someone that said HP is for the weak a long while back

    • 12 months ago

      Becuase a plethora of barb chosen is the ultimate test for your company, if you can reliably beat that then you can beat everything else

    • 11 months ago

      when they mean chosen they actually mean white armored unholds, line battle against chosens is easy enough, kill them as they come, orcs battles are more difficult than that. the battles they talk about is those big camps where the script of the battle is to have your flank of 2-3 guys hold back 4 chosens each, while the rest haul ass and divide up betwen dispatching the remmaining assailants, hold back the unhold and keep your backline from being buttfricked by either of them swinging their way through your formation. it's very chaotic and demands that every brother be self sufficient, or possesses some form of "out" moves like rotate, footwork or QH greataxe.

  122. 12 months ago

    Lads, I am scared about Menace. JA3 got released and is pretty good. With the new game being 3D and being a small team I dont think Overhype will/can deliver.

  123. 12 months ago

    >do this little beast contract for us why don't you?
    >14 serpents
    I hate ~~*alchemists*~~

  124. 12 months ago


  125. 12 months ago

    What's the best weapon setup early game?

    • 12 months ago

      spear + shield

    • 11 months ago

      spear and shield, sword and shield, billhooks/pointy sticks, war scythes, crossbows and later two handed maces(they are cheap).

  126. 11 months ago

    New DLC when?

  127. 11 months ago

    The Total War general on vg unironically more actively talks about Battle Brothers the last few days than the /vst/ thread in ages, how is this so dead?

    • 11 months ago

      I reply to things as they come up, if I feel I have something to contribute. However, I'm not posting new stuff because I'm not actively playing at the moment due to irl commitments. I dunno about anyone else but I imagine most are similarly reactive, no point chattering on just to fill a thread.

    • 11 months ago

      Unlike /vg/, we have no reason to bump the thread. Discussion here usually involves actual conversations without the pressure.

  128. 11 months ago

    >manage to flawlessly win a battle against 5 webknecht ib the early game with no casualties
    >lose two of my bros when going up against shitty beginner bandits
    was it all luck or am I moronic

    • 11 months ago

      It's hard to say without further information, but spiders are basically equipment check battle. Just have some, even very light, armor and swords or spears to hit them reliably, and you can reap them by the dozen.

  129. 11 months ago

    >just adds some e-celeb pandering shit

    • 11 months ago

      What did it add?

      • 11 months ago

        A flag based off some streamer and some typo fixes

        • 11 months ago

          Could be worse, the banner actually looks quite nice. Wouldn't have known about the streamer shit if it wasn't mentioned here.

    • 11 months ago

      It's a prelude to the demon DLC they are releasing on Q4 this year

  130. 11 months ago

    Is removing steel brow from all enemies enough to stop flails from being a meme?

  131. 11 months ago

    I fricking hate this game

    • 11 months ago

      Why? It's kino

      • 11 months ago

        My party just got murdered a couple minutes before I posted that

        • 11 months ago

          skill issue

    • 11 months ago

      I switch between this and 'I fricking love this game' every 10 seconds. everything about it is gold but the difficulty and rng aspect of it really tick me off at times

      • 11 months ago

        >rng aspect
        I don't understand this complaint.
        How do you even make a game like this that has no rng? Even something as simple as determining whether you character hits or misses requires rng.
        The whole point of this game is becoming as reliable as you can so that you depend on good rng as little as possible.

        • 11 months ago

          It takes a while to get the tools you need to mitigate the RNG. Early-game in BB is brutal. It's the kind of game that is very hard at the start, then becomes much easier in the mid-game, and finally becomes hard again at late-game. If you're lucky at the start, then you can easily pick up momentum as you begin getting RNG fighting abilities and gear. If you are unlucky at the start, you may never get those anti-RNG tools.

          It can get extremely annoying if the game just keeps slapping you down before you can get anyone to the RNG mitigation point. But it can also be very satisfying when you do get there.
          In a way, that's probably the most realistic aspect of Battle Brothers: momentum. Victory leads to victory, while a string of defeats can quickly bury you in a hole you can't climb out of.

  132. 11 months ago

    >want to play Legends Peasant Militia
    >have elaborate RP scenario and everything
    >PM origin freezes the game on creation while others work fine

    • 11 months ago

      >>want to play Legends
      Only got yourself to blame.

      • 11 months ago

        >playing vanilla

    • 11 months ago

      >>PM origin freezes the game on creation while others work fine
      Are you sure it isn't an issue of messing with Map Generation sliders?
      Legends Map Settings have the issue of being unstable due to the game not being made to take them into account. if you move the sliders too much to one side or the other the new game loading screen gets stuck there forever.

      • 11 months ago

        I max out cities and factions, thats true. But other origins load even with maxed sliders.

  133. 11 months ago

    What are your thoughts on the Sellswords mod? Is legends better with or without it?

  134. 11 months ago

    So ive played this multiple times get to around day 70 and then wipe during the first noble war or to unholds/schrats/hexen

    i usually have a frontline with shields and onehanded maces/axes/swords and some two handers on the flanks with some archers in the back, but i tend to loose my most experienced bros and then never be able to recover since new bros are lvl 1. Besides git gud what should i focus on in the midgame? Is there anywhere i can read about which perks are best/how to build bros and what to prioritize etc? watching youtube videos takes too long

    • 11 months ago

      Beast fights are literally a meme in this game and generally require a gimmick strategy to beat them. As for noble war, that's a "legitimate" check of your character's level/gear/build, but there's absolutely no penalty for sitting it out if you're underprepared for it. (Compared to some other crisis in which you're practically forced to participate) Recovering is also incredibly difficult in this game. The tooltip calling it "part of gameplay" is semi-bullshit because enemy scaling also takes the day into account, so a true wipe to a couple level-1 characters will still face much stronger enemies than a fresh run. This makes some wipes a true restart scenario, although others can definitely be worth sticking out. If you insist on looking at build guides there's a lot posted on reddit although I think figuring it out yourself is a big part of the fun.

      • 11 months ago


        Here's the most picked perks from one of the best players out there.
        And here's the corresponding elaborate guide explaining the perks.
        I agree with most of the stuff here, though IMHO he overrates Fearsome (the most controversial perk in the meta community).

        Here's a perk tier list from another really good player, though I'm not so sure what exactly he was going for with the weapon masteries, other than that it's a good list.

        Also here's my spreadsheet comparing the backgrounds, to give you a general idea of what you are getting.
        It's ordered by the "weighted stat value" which is the stats the background has on average over the baseline (apprentice) but weighted to give more importance to some stats over others (fat, mdef, matk and res iirc).

        >Besides git gud what should i focus on in the midgame?
        As you start getting high level bros with nimble or battleforged start ditching the shields and equipping two handers on everybody. They are simply way better once you stop relying on shields just to survive. Nimble is amazing at helping taking your company to the next level, specially since it is so good even with simply early game armour. Heavy armour has a much worse durability/fatigue ratio, and battleforged only becomes comparable to nimble at about 300/300 durability, so imho nimble is the superior choice in the mid game.
        Goes without saying to loot equipment, don't waste money buying it. You can get the amazing axes from the barbarian chosen if you are able to fight them. Also, you can get the two handed axes from the orcs berserkers (mansplitters) which are insanely good if you put them on a bro with high fatigue and axe mastery (which compensates the extra fatigue cost per attack).
        >how to build bros and what to prioritize etc?
        stats wise, matk and mdef are the most important stats. Send bros with high starting mdef to the front, those with lower mdef to the back.
        >with some archers in the back
        This depends on the playstyle but imho ditch archers, they just suck against anything with a shield or armour.
        Throwing weapons are the best ranged choice (though they require a specialized build). Alternatively, billhooks and longaxes are great for the backliners.
        >but i tend to loose my most experienced bros and then never be able to recover since new bros are lvl 1
        Don't get so hung up on losing good bros, it happens eventually. Why exactly are you "never able to recover"?

        Some perks go well with others. Nimble pairs well with dodge, while it pairs terribly with brawny. Battleforged goes well with iron brow or brawny, but not good at all with dodge.
        You don't want the shield perk if you aren't going to use a shield or duelist on a bro with a two hander, you don't want bags and belts if the bro in question isn't a dedicated thrower.
        Some perks simply go well with everything, like pathfinder.


        i really wish there were more games like this, its so well made i enjoy it even when im getting ass beaten

        the only other game like this is probably mount and blade

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Here's the most picked perks from one of the best players out there.
      And here's the corresponding elaborate guide explaining the perks.
      I agree with most of the stuff here, though IMHO he overrates Fearsome (the most controversial perk in the meta community).

    • 11 months ago

      Also here's my spreadsheet comparing the backgrounds, to give you a general idea of what you are getting.
      It's ordered by the "weighted stat value" which is the stats the background has on average over the baseline (apprentice) but weighted to give more importance to some stats over others (fat, mdef, matk and res iirc).

      >Besides git gud what should i focus on in the midgame?
      As you start getting high level bros with nimble or battleforged start ditching the shields and equipping two handers on everybody. They are simply way better once you stop relying on shields just to survive. Nimble is amazing at helping taking your company to the next level, specially since it is so good even with simply early game armour. Heavy armour has a much worse durability/fatigue ratio, and battleforged only becomes comparable to nimble at about 300/300 durability, so imho nimble is the superior choice in the mid game.
      Goes without saying to loot equipment, don't waste money buying it. You can get the amazing axes from the barbarian chosen if you are able to fight them. Also, you can get the two handed axes from the orcs berserkers (mansplitters) which are insanely good if you put them on a bro with high fatigue and axe mastery (which compensates the extra fatigue cost per attack).
      >how to build bros and what to prioritize etc?
      stats wise, matk and mdef are the most important stats. Send bros with high starting mdef to the front, those with lower mdef to the back.
      >with some archers in the back
      This depends on the playstyle but imho ditch archers, they just suck against anything with a shield or armour.
      Throwing weapons are the best ranged choice (though they require a specialized build). Alternatively, billhooks and longaxes are great for the backliners.
      >but i tend to loose my most experienced bros and then never be able to recover since new bros are lvl 1
      Don't get so hung up on losing good bros, it happens eventually. Why exactly are you "never able to recover"?

  135. 11 months ago

    >Frick greenskins
    Don't have to tell me

    • 11 months ago

      Nice, You got a source for that?

      >>a lost battle with significant casualties spells the end of a run
      Just get new guys, use the money you have saved to get high tier recruit and use your good equipment for them to breeze over low tier enemies
      >>game has no end objectives
      Crisis and monolith.
      >>it's impossible to use actual tactics (like flanking or ambushing)
      What complex tactics do you hope to make with 12 dudes? Anyway careful positioning is essential in this game and making sure your brothers aren't surrounded.
      Maybe if you got btfo and lost all your bros was because you weren't even trying to play tactically.

      You're kind of missing his point. You can't use actual tactics because the scale of the game is too small + just about every battle you fight, you'll be outnumbered, therefore all you can really do is the same autistic positioning micromanagement bullshit.
      Crisises/Monolith aren't really endgame, they're pretty much midgame content that (in the case of monolith) just ends up being a grindfest. In fact, nobles are so easy that you can start raiding their lands/caravans before the first crisis.
      Losing bros lategame sucks because raising 3+ bros from lvl 1 to 11 is either a risky endeavour, or takes so long you might as well just start a new game.
      I like battlebrothers, but it doesn't at all encourage playing past day 150-200

      • 11 months ago

        >I like battlebrothers, but it doesn't at all encourage playing
        I feel the same, i spend a lot of time(especially with early versions) but 'finished' product disappointed me

      • 11 months ago

        >Crisises/Monolith aren't really endgame, they're pretty much midgame content that (in the case of monolith)

        What would you consider endgame content? Less but stronger enemies?

        • 11 months ago

          Kind of. Stuff like Ijirok, Black Library, are nice, but they're still one off battles. Chances are, you probably won't even come across the Ijirok on your average playthrough. I'm looking for more crisis style stuff, contracts and questlines that are meant to be for extreme lategame parties. The kraken questline is a pretty good example of that, but again, it's easy to miss.
          The stronghold mod is also pretty neat, gives a mid-to-late game goldsink along with tough defence missions every time you upgrade it. Once it's fully upgraded, it has a few repeatable challenge fights.

          • 11 months ago

            So, ideally you want something similar to the arena. An easily accessible building in cities that give you contracts but more late game oriented. Kinda like the arena tournaments but more accessible, harder and more world map oriented.
            I guess another option would be 4-5 skulls contracts or a new tier(or faction) above noble contracts.

      • 11 months ago

        >I like battlebrothers, but it doesn't at all encourage playing past day 150-200
        Dude that's the whole point, once you reach that you are meant to start a new company with a different origin and try something different.
        200 days is the lategame, the midgame of BB is 70-100 days.

        >Just get new guys, use the money you have saved to get high tier recruit and use your good equipment for them to breeze over low tier enemies
        If you lose three brothers in a battle, you're stuck having to find three decent recruits and then training them up from, at most, level three. If it's not too late in the game, it's tedious. If it is too late, it's impossible and very frustrating- and puts your other bros at risk of dropping at the same time. The world scales based on the time as well as your company's lethality.
        >Crisis and monolith.
        Let me rephrase that. The game has no end GOAL. It's the same problem Warband has- you play until you get bored and that's it. There's no satisfying end point... and unlike Warband, the game can very easily end in failure. Games emulating Xcom are always structured around an end goal for a reason; even Darkest Dungeon, grindfest that it is, has an ending.
        >Anyway careful positioning is essential
        Yes, it is, but it's the only thing you really control on the battlefield. It requires similar, meta builds to survive against the late game- or even mid-game- opponents because you are almost always outnumbered and are generally fighting foes of higher quality who can afford to suicide into your men.

        Take an early game example:
        >Company of six bros, one is a crossbowman, one is an archer
        >two are pikers with shields, one is a blademan, the last is a sword and board
        >you fight a gang of eight nachos
        >they immediately engulf your bros in two turns; they disproportionately target the ranged bros
        >you eventually win, but its a grinding battle that kills the archer, the blademan, and one of the pikers
        >only the archer survives, but now he's missing an eye
        >your reward is a set of horns, two sets of teeth, and 480 crowns
        As the player, your only option is to savescum or just not take the contract. The game is absolutely rife with these issues, which are only compounded by the fact that the company never grows as an institution.

        >If you lose three brothers in a battle, you're stuck having to find three decent recruits and then training them up
        Yeah that's called playing the game.
        >If it is too late, it's impossible
        It is not. I have dismissed half a company and then rebuilt it in the past, with better recruits.
        >The world scales based on the time as well as your company's lethality.
        It doesn't. Contracts scale with the average level of your party. If you get new recruits the difficulty will drop significantly.
        >>you fight a gang of eight nachos
        >>you eventually win, but its a grinding battle that kills the archer, the blademan, and one of the pikers
        >>only the archer survives, but now he's missing an eye
        To put it simply, skill issue. Don't dismiss combat positioning because if you are getting rekt by nachos it's because you aren't paying enough attention to it mate.

        past day 40, most enemies evolve to their fully equipped form and get +5 stat and assorted perks like dodge
        past day 70 it's another widespread +5 stat buff
        do your new recruit get a +5 buff to their stat past day 70? thought so. you die in late gane you don't start fresh, you mooks are fighting fully grown, matured enemies in terms of stat, each of them take a level 7 equivalent bro to slay, and will handily out umber your company, quite difficult to catch up with a bunch of lvl1 farmer and fishermen innit

        homie that stat change makes virtually no difference. A shitty raider is a shitty raider. If regular run of the mill raiders are btfoing you it's, again, a skill issue.
        >each of them take a level 7 equivalent bro to slay
        also this

        Does your inventory reset and money disappear past day 70? Thought so.

        The game never needed scaling. Enemy power could have been entirely dependent on the contract, letting the player keep hunting bandits with sticks for as long as he wanted, or take the ultimate gamble against an orc warband with the starting peasant militia.
        The way to push the player would be to make it so higher level brothers expect more pay, to the point that low skull contracts aren't enough to keep them from leaving. Then you would also have the option to just let them leave if they want to, and you can replace them with a new bro and stay on the low level contracts.

        > letting the player keep hunting bandits with sticks for as long as he wanted
        You are free to do that if you want. Nothing is stopping you from doing 1 or 2 skull contracts or fighting raider camps.

        • 11 months ago

          Black person you're telling me crossbow marksmen and shieldwalling raiders are the weakest stepping stone for rebuilding your shattered shitty fricking company?

          • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          >Dude that's the whole point, once you reach that you are meant to start a new company with a different origin and try something different.
          That stopped being a thing once they started releasing dlcs. Shit like ijirok and sunken library can take time to find, especially since they're both on different sides of the map. To get the best ending, you need to complete two endgame crisises, the second of which can only start at like day 160, in an optimal run.Lasting 365 days is required for an achievement, meaning devs reasonably expect people want to continue for some time.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't like orcs- but

  136. 11 months ago

    Here's a perk tier list from another really good player, though I'm not so sure what exactly he was going for with the weapon masteries, other than that it's a good list.

    • 11 months ago

      i thought the whole point was specializing bros into different builds, then catering some perks to what their weapon/roles require. This make it seem like he's building bros that are way less specialized

      • 11 months ago

        >i thought the whole point was specializing bros into different builds
        You don't want to give the exact same perks to everybody, but you don't need to give something completely different to every bro either.
        Just choose what role you want to give them (frontliner/flank, tank, duelist, throwing weapon, banner, etc...) and then spec them accordingly.
        The truth is that some perks (or perks combinations) just work fine and better than others.
        Colossus, frenzy, pathfinder, quickhands and nimble/battleforged, for example, are perks that you can easily default to and give to everybody, unless you really know what you are doing and have a very specialized build in mind.

  137. 11 months ago

    Some perks go well with others. Nimble pairs well with dodge, while it pairs terribly with brawny. Battleforged goes well with iron brow or brawny, but not good at all with dodge.
    You don't want the shield perk if you aren't going to use a shield or duelist on a bro with a two hander, you don't want bags and belts if the bro in question isn't a dedicated thrower.
    Some perks simply go well with everything, like pathfinder.

  138. 11 months ago

    Who's the best player to watch to git gud?

    • 11 months ago

      I think it is best to just play the game for yourself.
      If you want to see some insane speedrunning, you can watch this though

      Reading pro guides and watching them play is good if you want to really know what works and what doesn't, and what you should be doing. Overall the main focus is to stop relying on contracts and switch to camp clearing as soon as possible in order to farm named items. Also to attack enemies stronger than you and win (git gud) in order to loot their gear and advance quickly.

      • 11 months ago

        that's so fricking dirty, I love it
        >my 3 starter raider + monk + dog jobbed to a single sargeant
        not so dirty anymore, I hate it

  139. 11 months ago

    god i can't quit savescumming when the good bros die

    • 11 months ago

      All bros are good bros.

  140. 11 months ago

    why of Legends dev hates Trader players T.T

    • 11 months ago

      fake and gay, pray today to get that shame out of your way

    • 11 months ago

      >~~*Trader players*~~

  141. 11 months ago

    who else loves pure weiderganger fights?
    I must admit I've gotten a little less fond of them since they tweaked their AI but it's just minorly immersion breaking, it's not a real issue
    they're still my favourite fights in the game by a long shot, I just wish late game it trended more towards hundreds of them rather than all the other shit getting mixed in

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        This, but unironically. Give me more fights where I have to slaughter or drive off tens of weak enemies. It's just a fun thing to do.
        That part is wrong.

        • 11 months ago

          Just do the indebted uprising contract for the southern cities, those are just killing a horde of shitters

      • 11 months ago

        yeah man do you not?
        I love horde battles where they're fearless, indefatigable and ignore wounds
        it's a battle of attrition rather than a DPS race, which like fine for those who enjoy it but I don't.

        • 11 months ago

          To me zombies showcase the greatest strength of Battle brother's mechanics which is the fatigue system and how every other system plays around it. In most games zombies are the lowest tier enemy fit to be slaughtered with ease.

          Here we get a somewhat realistic representation of what it would be to fight them with a sword and shield. It would be exhausting and its easy to imagine even hardened soldiers being dragged down by an endless wave of zombies. Of course in late game this falls apart but so do many of the other enemies when even chosen become fodder.

  142. 11 months ago

    I gave up on battle brothers because it was too hard.

    If the game would let me start with a high level party so I could skip the early game then I might have kept playing.

    Very, VERY poor decision on the developers part to force players to spend several hours repeating the early game just to get 1 single chance to practice a mid game battle. If that mid game battle goes wrong, well there goes your entire run.

    There's no sense to this at all.

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically lower the difficulty.

    • 11 months ago

      >if the game let me skip the game I might play it

      • 11 months ago

        Bad reading comprehension isn't an argument.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't care what you think or do, why would I try and convince you of shit? You've already outed yourself as both bad and stupid.

    • 11 months ago

      >If that mid game battle goes wrong, well there goes your entire run.
      just load your save homie. If you don't want the ironman autism don't play ironman. just untick the box homie i'm not gonna make fun of you

    • 11 months ago

      literally just don't play Ironman

  143. 11 months ago

    >always outnumbered or outqualitied
    >frequently both at the same time
    >brothers take ages to replace late game
    >a lost battle with significant casualties spells the end of a run
    >game has no end objectives
    >there's nothing to really interact with in the world
    >it's impossible to use actual tactics (like flanking or ambushing)
    Honestly, I get addicted to playing this game, but when I snap out of it I wonder why. There's just RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG, even with stuff like the legends mod. It's like you take the cardboard, procedural worldbuilding of Rimworld and splice it with all the worst parts of old Xcom and new X-com mixed together.

    • 11 months ago

      >>a lost battle with significant casualties spells the end of a run
      Just get new guys, use the money you have saved to get high tier recruit and use your good equipment for them to breeze over low tier enemies
      >>game has no end objectives
      Crisis and monolith.
      >>it's impossible to use actual tactics (like flanking or ambushing)
      What complex tactics do you hope to make with 12 dudes? Anyway careful positioning is essential in this game and making sure your brothers aren't surrounded.
      Maybe if you got btfo and lost all your bros was because you weren't even trying to play tactically.

      • 11 months ago

        >Just get new guys, use the money you have saved to get high tier recruit and use your good equipment for them to breeze over low tier enemies
        If you lose three brothers in a battle, you're stuck having to find three decent recruits and then training them up from, at most, level three. If it's not too late in the game, it's tedious. If it is too late, it's impossible and very frustrating- and puts your other bros at risk of dropping at the same time. The world scales based on the time as well as your company's lethality.
        >Crisis and monolith.
        Let me rephrase that. The game has no end GOAL. It's the same problem Warband has- you play until you get bored and that's it. There's no satisfying end point... and unlike Warband, the game can very easily end in failure. Games emulating Xcom are always structured around an end goal for a reason; even Darkest Dungeon, grindfest that it is, has an ending.
        >Anyway careful positioning is essential
        Yes, it is, but it's the only thing you really control on the battlefield. It requires similar, meta builds to survive against the late game- or even mid-game- opponents because you are almost always outnumbered and are generally fighting foes of higher quality who can afford to suicide into your men.

        Take an early game example:
        >Company of six bros, one is a crossbowman, one is an archer
        >two are pikers with shields, one is a blademan, the last is a sword and board
        >you fight a gang of eight nachos
        >they immediately engulf your bros in two turns; they disproportionately target the ranged bros
        >you eventually win, but its a grinding battle that kills the archer, the blademan, and one of the pikers
        >only the archer survives, but now he's missing an eye
        >your reward is a set of horns, two sets of teeth, and 480 crowns
        As the player, your only option is to savescum or just not take the contract. The game is absolutely rife with these issues, which are only compounded by the fact that the company never grows as an institution.

        • 11 months ago

          >There's no satisfying end point

          This complaint makes no sense to me.
          Do you want some type of cutscene?

          The official end point is after a crisis, the game even asks if you want to stop playing.
          The unofficial one is after the hardest unique fight, the monolith. Just press the retire button and get your end game screen.
          Unless the game roll credits or forcefully sends you to the main menu It doesn't count, it seems.

      • 11 months ago

        past day 40, most enemies evolve to their fully equipped form and get +5 stat and assorted perks like dodge
        past day 70 it's another widespread +5 stat buff
        do your new recruit get a +5 buff to their stat past day 70? thought so. you die in late gane you don't start fresh, you mooks are fighting fully grown, matured enemies in terms of stat, each of them take a level 7 equivalent bro to slay, and will handily out umber your company, quite difficult to catch up with a bunch of lvl1 farmer and fishermen innit

        • 11 months ago

          Does your inventory reset and money disappear past day 70? Thought so.

        • 11 months ago

          The game never needed scaling. Enemy power could have been entirely dependent on the contract, letting the player keep hunting bandits with sticks for as long as he wanted, or take the ultimate gamble against an orc warband with the starting peasant militia.
          The way to push the player would be to make it so higher level brothers expect more pay, to the point that low skull contracts aren't enough to keep them from leaving. Then you would also have the option to just let them leave if they want to, and you can replace them with a new bro and stay on the low level contracts.

    • 11 months ago

      >>it's impossible to use actual tactics

      • 11 months ago

        Movement speed is too slow, repositioning is a nightmare unless the majority of your units have the right skills, and you're almost always outnumbered. You position before the fight- if even that, forest maps are a fricking nightmare- and then you hope for the best. The AI is also a mongoloid that ruthlessly targets your weakest bro. Shieldwalls and Spearwalls consume all your action points and fatigue so you can't even funnel enemies into a killing field or poke them away from your backline. Not to mention the fact that spears fall off hard in the mid-game and the best defense is a good offense.

        • 11 months ago

          >Movement speed is too slow
          There's a perk for that.
          > repositioning is a nightmare
          So make sure you position yourself properly from the start.
          >The AI is also a mongoloid that ruthlessly targets your weakest bro
          In my experience AI attacks the closest bro, but if given the options they attack the weakest one that's good. What do you want? The enemies to be made purposefully moronic?
          > Shieldwalls and Spearwalls consume all your action points and fatigue
          Learning to ration your fatigue and use your ap efficiently -alongside positioning- is the whole point of this game's battle system.
          > so you can't even funnel enemies into a killing field or poke them away from your backline
          What do you even mean by this? Explain what did you actually attempt to do and failed to. I don't understand what's so complicated about giving your frontliners a shield and your backliners a weapon with reach.
          >the best defense is a good offense.
          This is just nitpicking.

          • 11 months ago

            >There's a perk for that.
            No there isn't. It makes you more mobile on rough terrain, but the most you can move is four squares per round. On flat terrain, it does nothing.
            >So make sure you position yourself properly from the start.
            Right. Which is all you do for the whole fight. Hence why it's not tactical- you don't suddenly forward the left flank to engulf the enemy or hold a reserve to dispatch when they're about to shatter. You hold position until the battle is won.
            >In my experience AI attacks the closest bro, but if given the options they attack the weakest one that's good. What do you want? The enemies to be made purposefully moronic?
            Enemies should make decisions based on their type. Orcs should be morons who get to the fight as fast as possible and don't care who it is they're killing. Barbarians should vary depending on what they are- berserkers want to get stuck in, but others might work around the corners to stick you with javelins. Bandits should keep their distance and only attack soft targets. Nobles should be headstrong and focused on charging. And so on. Basically, all AI plays pretty much the same which leads to tactics mostly being about switching weapon types instead of adapting tactics.
            >Learning to ration your fatigue and use your ap efficiently -alongside positioning- is the whole point of this game's battle system.
            It doesn't work effectively because A. you're always outnumbered and B. many enemy types have infinite stamina or fast enough regen that it might as well be infinite. It exists pretty much just to limit your ability to fight back.

            The game basically suffers from being too small and too big at the same time. You can't send swarms of untrained rookies like UFO Defense, but you can't use small unit tactics like X-Com.

            • 11 months ago

              But orcs are morons. They literally do charge straight in, even with that actual leap attack ability. It often puts them right in weapons range of so many brothers that they're turned into a green smear before their next turn. And barbarians generally do keep their distance with throwing weapons and try to get you to break ranks and come after them.

              I agree with your stamina criticism, though. The enemy has far too much. It is clearly just there as a limiter on the player.

  144. 11 months ago

    extremely based guide for moralgays and noobs

  145. 11 months ago

    >oh you decided to take on the three skull mission, then continue with it when you saw a brigand leader?
    >well have twice your number in nimble bounty hunters!
    >oh you don't want to throw your party away in a fight they couldn't win even if they were at full health and armour? guess you lose that extra payout so sorry goyim thanks for playing :^*~~

    • 11 months ago

      Skill issue

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >skull issue

    • 11 months ago

      old ass event
      bullshit 90% of the time

  146. 11 months ago

    so progression only exist for a predetermined amount of time, which means this game is not forever playable, most runs ends around day 150-200, how can this be fixed?

  147. 11 months ago

    Hey guys, I need some advice. I am kind of new to BB, I had a few playthroughs over the years but never got in depth or did any late game stuff. I mainly did solo-runs as a lone wolf so I could get over the difficulty hump and cap the enemy level scaling and play god.
    I want to start up a playthrough of only northerners, with nordic arms and armor like pic rel. Spearwalls, axes and precursor throwables. Any advice on how to go about it since I kind of suck dick with managing a party?

  148. 11 months ago

    Personally I don't consider myself anywhere close a top player and I can get away with no-deaths campaigns beating every legendary location, plus I have defeated kraken while taking zero damage.
    Approach the game more like a puzzle than an action rpg. Think of your positioning in battles as carefully as you would think about it in a game of chess.

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