Bayonetta 3


Haters need not apply.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I hope the mystery characters in part 1 and 2 are Jubileus and Sheba.
    Some part of the old leak line up, but others don't. But I love this design so hopefully she is like the bayonetta of London or France. She looks like her appearance compliments the new Jeanne too.

    • 2 years ago

      Mind posting the leak you're refering to, anon? Also in the Bayo 1 art it definitely looks like Jubileus, but she's holding something strange. No clue who's in 2 and 3.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          and this.
          we know multiplayer is out. but this is obviously drawn by Shimazaki and Kamiya responded to it with ah 'oh...' on twitter instead of ignoring it.

        • 2 years ago

          and this.
          we know multiplayer is out. but this is obviously drawn by Shimazaki and Kamiya responded to it with ah 'oh...' on twitter instead of ignoring it.

          Interesting, doesn't seem like a lot of this is in line with what they've shown off so far. Maybe it was a much earlier build? Art seems real for sure though.

          • 2 years ago

            possible, this art leaked like 2 years ago. And considering Hashimoto left maybe this is remnants from his version.

            • 2 years ago

              Oh shit that's right I totally forgor Hashimoto left, hmm... well it certainly sounds like a very interesting concept. Wonder how close the final release will be, gonna hold onto these leaks in the meantime.

  2. 2 years ago

    That it won't be anywhere near as bad as 2.
    Well, I'm hoping this is a dream because nothing shown so far looks good. Just look at what they did to Jeanne.
    It'll be even worse than 2.

  3. 2 years ago

    huge boobas

  4. 2 years ago

    No co op mode?

  5. 2 years ago

    Don't care about your dodge simulator to be quite frank

    • 2 years ago

      Awful lot of fancy movements (and dodges) to do no damage.

    • 2 years ago

      >dodge simulator
      >playing nu-monster hunter where 90 percent of the weapons have a perfect evade/dodge counter move
      >LS at that

      you can't be serious with this post

  6. 2 years ago

    the giant sword character in the Bayo 1 era is Bayonetta with China Bayo's train Demon Masquerade. The sword has a train theme.

  7. 2 years ago

    Is that artbook that comes with the special edition supposed to be The Eyes of Bayonetta 3?

    • 2 years ago

      No that will probably be released separately. The first two cost around $50 on their own. The Trinity Masquerade book also has stuff from Bayo 1 and 2 probably stuff relating to the cameos from those games.

  8. 2 years ago

    hey broskis, a while ago when I got Bayo2 it had a code for Bayo1 but the game is european and my region's Shop doesnt recognize the code.
    what's the proccedure to download Bayo1?

    • 2 years ago

      how flush is your cash situation and can you move in a hurry?

    • 2 years ago

      change your system to the european region in the settings, it will let youaccess the european eshop.

  9. 2 years ago

    Them to not frick up the combat again. I want them to not require witch time to effectively fight enemies. I want to have it be an option to disable witch time on NSIC or not. Weapons that don't feel like fricking shit and have a purpose. Bosses don't break out of combos just because they feel like it and immediately counter making combat with bosses a stupid game of dodge and punish instead of being able to effectively combat them normally.
    3 Playable characters all feel different instead of Jeanne just being Bayo with tighter timings.
    Each character has their own weapon sets and stages
    NO FRICKING MINIGAMES, please Kamiya. Can I just have an action game with no SHMUP sequence?
    Director to frick it up again, doesn't understand attack queues, completely shits all over temp weapons. Super mode that is pretty much required to be able to play the game effectively, instead of an interesting modifier for the character. Scoring all over the place, with some fights against a big enemy being stupid easy to get plat, but a fight against two of the same enemy IN AN EARLIER STAGE to be 3x as hard to get the point requirement for.

    Not buying it new, waiting for reviews to decide if I get it. PLATINUM ARE FRICKING HACKS! Capcom kicked Kamiya to the curb for a reason.

    • 2 years ago

      One third of your dream is already chattered, there was a minigame shown with that tank.

    • 2 years ago

      >NO FRICKING MINIGAMES, please Kamiya. Can I just have an action game with no SHMUP sequence?
      Did you even watch the trailer? This game is going to be full of gimmicky bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Alternate gameplay types are a core part of the Bayonetta series. Sounds like it just isn't for you. Also the combat changes in Bayo 2 are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be. Just learn how to play the game. At the end of the day it's just people complaining you can't do glitches and exploits like in Bayo 1.

      • 2 years ago

        yes instead you exploit the game by spamming witch time and umbran climax since the highest difficulty doesn't remove witch time

        • 2 years ago

          I agree it should have removed it or at least had a toggle.

          Bayo 1 came out at a time when bullshit gimmicks like QTEs and turret sections were popular but there's no need for that now.

          >Bayo 1 NSIC: I hope you did your homework because witch time is disabled and basicallly you get hit once your fricked

          >Bayo 2 NSIC: I hope you know how to hit the umbran climax button because if so YOU WIN AUTOMATICALLY

          If you don't like being challenged Bayo 2 is great.

          You both have no idea what you're spouting on about. Just more evidence these threads are invaded by irrational haters.

          • 2 years ago

            >No rebuttal
            fine, go have a watch if you prefer a video reference

            • 2 years ago

              Frick that autistic homosexual. He's probably white too.

      • 2 years ago

        Bayo 1 came out at a time when bullshit gimmicks like QTEs and turret sections were popular but there's no need for that now.

      • 2 years ago

        >Bayo 1 NSIC: I hope you did your homework because witch time is disabled and basicallly you get hit once your fricked

        >Bayo 2 NSIC: I hope you know how to hit the umbran climax button because if so YOU WIN AUTOMATICALLY

        If you don't like being challenged Bayo 2 is great.

      • 2 years ago

        >Also the combat changes in Bayo 2 are nowhere near as bad
        They are.
        Angel Weapons were nerfed, making them pretty much useless.
        With AW being nerfed, Torture Attacks lost the only purpose they had remaining.
        Dodge Offset is also useless because enemies will constantly block/dodge your attacks.

        They made everything useless, so you have no option but to abuse UC. Not exactly what you would want out of an action game.

        • 2 years ago

          You have no clue how to play the game

          • 2 years ago

            Post your pure platinums then, oh master of bayonetta 2's combat

          • 2 years ago

            Well, maybe. I finished it once on NSIC and never touched it again.

    • 2 years ago

      >attack queues
      What's that?

  10. 2 years ago

    >tfw pre-ordered Bayonetta 3 in December 2017 shortly after it was announced

  11. 2 years ago

    For the game to have less cutscenes and less interruptions in general. Bayonetta 2 is borderline unplayable to me because of how often the gameplay is interrupted for a cutscene to play and Bayo 1 has those shitty on rail sections that last forever.

    I doubt they can really top Bayo 1 or 2 in terms of spectacle so a "best of" type approach with curated and polished levels with no shit parts would be great.

    Even more cinematics, even more gameplay interruptions, annoying gimmicks and minigames.

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Tried to be hype but the trailer killed everything.
    Sorry to be a "hater" homosexual, the game looks bad and Nero Viola sucks.

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