>be me. >play Resident Evil 2 (1998). >want to play remake immediately after just to see the changes. >hate it

>be me
>play Resident Evil 2 (1998)
>want to play remake immediately after just to see the changes
>hate it
>go back to classic RE games
>...i can't play them???

Is something wrong with me? Even though I don't even like Resident Evil 2 Remake. I legit cannot go back to tank controls and fixed camera. Everything is so fricking slow and awkward, and fixed camera angles are LEGIT moronic. STOP making me guess whether my shots are hitting in a game about conserving ammo, for fricks sake. There's no finesse, no skill expression, I can't fricking do this anymore, I thought I could but I can't.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I liked the remake

  2. 7 months ago

    Remake is only good for the nude mods

  3. 7 months ago

    just spend 30 minutes playing it

    • 7 months ago

      >playing it

      playing what exactly?

      • 7 months ago

        the game through a emulator
        >he thinks I'm gonna spend whatever amount to play on plastic boxes

  4. 7 months ago

    Same goes for me. I can't play the old REs anymore. And I grew up with them.
    Imho the RE2 remake is better.

    • 7 months ago

      >Same goes for me.

      Honestly just glad I'm not the only one. It's hard to get some perspective on here sometimes.

      I didn't like the remake, but yeah, I'd probably say it's better than everything I've played other than REmake. It's hard to judge against RE4, but I can definitely say RE2R is the more interesting game, even if less fun.

      RE2R could have legit been the perfect RE game if the RPD wasn't braindead to explore and railroaded as frick.

  5. 7 months ago

    go have a nice day troony

  6. 7 months ago

    I just booted up RE2R to do a quick run through the campaign yesterday. Always blows my mind that you can finish it pretty easily in under 4 hours even while getting every weapon upgrade, pouch upgrade, etc. It's a fun game, but it reminded me just how much better re4r is. Much more fleshed out, a wider range of enemies, better boss fights, & more open exploration while still being a linear experience. Re4r really is a masterpiece.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's a fun game, but it reminded me just how much better re4r is. Much more fleshed out, a wider range of enemies, better boss fights, & more open exploration while still being a linear experience. Re4r really is a masterpiece.

      It's crazy that you say that because I've basically been playing both games back and forth inbetween eachother, and I cycle between each one when I get bored of the other.

      >Much more fleshed out

      Depends on what you're focusing on. RE4 actually has like way less meaningful...everything.

      Ink ribbons, Shit weapons that need to be focused for effectiveness, Noise alerting zombies, Tight Corridors, Slow movement, Secondary items (knives and grenades) Etc. Every single aspect of gameplay means much more because of how much weaker you are and how punishing everything is.

      There was this feeling I got while playing RE4R "wow this is REALLY fun but...it always feels like something is missing". And I literally think it's that tension and unpredictability/unsureness of what to deal with.

      In RE4 when I die. I know and can almost guarantee that if I play well the next time I can win. Because Leon is powerful enough and in enough control that I know I can do anything aslong as I just...do it.

      With Leon, who knows next time, if the zombie is going to randomly move faster than I expected, or if the headshots are going to take 7 shots this time instead of 4, or if I use this grenade this one time but don't kill them, will the next dudes just frick me? Or what if I have to come back here, do I REALLY want to come back here? It's a game that wears much more on your mind, than your ability. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling the game smart, the level design is incredibly braindead. It just feels different.

      Like getting a headshot in RE2R is SO much more satisfying than in RE4R. THATS what I mean by "meaningful".

      I actually think RE4R is a very fun game, almost objectively. But is it good? That's a harder question for me to answer.

  7. 7 months ago

    All remakes are better than the OG except for RE3 which was a travesty

    • 7 months ago

      Every single DEmake is a massive downgrade from the originals.
      Too much cut content, absolutely butchered atmosphere, OST, story and characters. Casualized as frick run & gun gameplay without Ink Ribbons and spoonfed puzzles. Next to no replay value.

      • 7 months ago

        >Too much cut content, absolutely butchered atmosphere, OST, story and characters.
        I agree there should've been content included but I thought gameplay was more fun in the remakes than in the originals. Agree with you about the OST and the original OST shouldnt've been behind a fricking paywall.
        I don't get the complaint about the story and characters though, the original isn't exactly shakespear

        • 7 months ago

          >thought gameplay was more fun in the remakes
          Well I didn't. It was exactly ALL the worst fears and all the Ganker memes of "old game in [current year]" memes come true. Literally on par with shit like the SH Homocoming, but I guess kids love that sort of brianless jank nowadays.

          >I don't get the complaint about the story and characters though, the original isn't exactly shakespear
          But the de-makes make them SEEM like it.
          Every single nu-MC is unlikable brick, that barely even interact. Chief Briar is instantly outed as a max-level pedo-rapist villain, where as the OG keeps his true nature hidden for quite some time, only dropping hints of his madness before the big reveal.
          Every single side character is downgraded into a flat one-off "literal who" that is killed off / walks off in the very scene they pop up (Ben, Kendo).

          Not gonna even touch upon the DEmake3's character rape, since most folks already seem to agree that it sucks.

          you can use the og soundtrack with re2 remake. you can also use the old costumes (even the low poly ones) and i might be wrong about this one but on higher difficulties you have to use ink ribbons

          >you can use the og soundtrack with re2 remake
          If you pay 10 bucks. Frick that shit.
          It also does not fix the cut content, implement the Zapping system in, or cure the butchered nu-designs in general.

          >higher difficulties have to use ink ribbons
          you mean the ONE and ONLY "Hard" difficulty, the "Hardcore", makes you use Ink Ribbons, no?
          Sorry kid, but that stuff should be MANDATORY on ALL difficulties. It is a crucial part of the Resident Evil formula, and it's no surprise that the franchise started declining when it was removed.

          • 7 months ago

            Didn't read your post but I've seen that image before and it's a disingenuous characterisation of nu-Claire. Now I may be biased as I find her attractive. But she is not that ditsy or bizarre in RE2make and what really brings my piss to a boil is the suggestion that nu-Claire was only reluctantly helping Sherry when to my mind that became the focus of her scenario.

            • 7 months ago

              She is an annoying dumb c**t, who thinks shes gods gifth to humanity.

            • 7 months ago

              >nu-Claire was only reluctantly helping Sherry when to my mind that became the focus of her scenario.

              NTA, but I don't like both her and Leon's characters, because they're too determined and nice. They don't feel like real people, just characters in a circumstances that's depicted more realistically. I have zero idea why Claire would be so eager to help Sherry as if she's a superhero. I'm not saying she SHOULDNT help at all. It's more so weird how one dimensionally focused on it she seems like she's a mother or something. I would expect more "come the frick on man, why are you being so obnoxious" everytime sherry randomly scuttles away

      • 7 months ago

        you can use the og soundtrack with re2 remake. you can also use the old costumes (even the low poly ones) and i might be wrong about this one but on higher difficulties you have to use ink ribbons

      • 7 months ago

        for me, it's reddit character comments
        >Stay the frick down, zombie type-B body!

        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >Casualized as frick run & gun gameplay without Ink Ribbons and spoonfed puzzles.

        Is this a joke? The game is like 10x harder than the original's hard mode on its own hardcore mode. What?

        Also what is this webm supposed to show? not being hostile, just genuinely curious

        • 7 months ago

          >Is this a joke?

          >The game is like 10x harder than the original's hard mode
          It's not.
          You got a literal Mission Objective planted on your screen.
          You got a literal puzzle cheat guide booklet in your pocket.
          All items and interactive objects are highlighted for you with a magical button prompt.
          Your inventory is twice larger than in the OGs.
          On 2 out of 3 difficulty modes, you don't even need to worry about Ink Ribbons.
          ALL difficulties have check-points sprinkled around.
          ALL difficulties do have the idiotic auto-balance difficulty, which pampers shitty players, punishes actually normally functioning human beings by cranking up enemy aggression and HP + lowering gained ammo from pick-ups.

          >Also what is this webm supposed to show?
          That these undead zombies literally DROWN if they get exposed to water.
          Where as in the OGs, water was one of their go-to methods of hiding from players.

          Didn't read your post but I've seen that image before and it's a disingenuous characterisation of nu-Claire. Now I may be biased as I find her attractive. But she is not that ditsy or bizarre in RE2make and what really brings my piss to a boil is the suggestion that nu-Claire was only reluctantly helping Sherry when to my mind that became the focus of her scenario.

          >I've seen that image before and it's a disingenuous characterisation of nu-Claire
          How exactly?

          >in my mind
          I wouldn't trust such sources.

          • 7 months ago

            Given the aura of autism that surrounds your posts and the reflexive defensiveness of your response I'm going to assume with some confidence that you created this image. Your assessment of the Claires is simply false and you're going to need to replay the games before posting about them again otherwise you'll just have to suffer the consequences of being wrong and stupid.

            • 7 months ago

              >m-muh ad hominem no arguments!!
              Okay scrub. Sadly, I wish I was that good of an artist with pen and paper.

              >you need to replay the games
              I've replayed 1998 RE2 some 50+ times since 98. On like 6 different systems.
              I did both A & B runs + Hunk run of the 2019 demake, only on Hardcore mode, because no Ink-Ribbons = no RE. There really is no chemistry at all in nu-Claire's campaign, where as Leon's hilariously cranks up his juvenile cuckoldry to 11.

          • 7 months ago

            >ALL difficulties have check-points sprinkled around.

            I don't understand how it's possible to be so confidently wrong. I could pick apart at everything else you said and how it's like the most midwit argument presentation where you just say unironically moronic shit out of context like "puzzle cheat guide????" when there's literally only a single "puzzle" that tells you the solution because it'd be moronic trial and error otherwise, and the OG game also told you shit through notes and whatnot??

            Or this:
            >All items and interactive objects are highlighted for you with a magical button prompt.

            When you can literally constantly miss shit and even speedrunners will mention missing items and such. Not to mention the fact that RE2 gives you way more ammo still on its hardest difficulty so it doesn't even fricking matter.

            >Your inventory is twice larger than in the OGs.

            When there have been times I've legit filled my inventory in the Remake, but that NEVER happened in the OG game because all resource and inventory management is braindead. Also doesn't the cog in the original game literally take up like 1 inventory space, but in the remake it takes two? I can't imagine being this disingenuous and moronic.

            >ALL difficulties do have the idiotic auto-balance difficulty, which pampers shitty players, punishes actually normally functioning human beings by cranking up enemy aggression and HP + lowering gained ammo from pick-ups.

            I agree. This is shit and moronic. Game would be better off without it. But if I'm not mistake...doesn't the OG RE games have random zombie damage values too????

            Only thing I agree with you on is dynamic difficulty, and the navigation being braindead.

            Otherwise, if we return to the very first point that spurred this on:

            >ALL difficulties have check-points sprinkled around.

            You are LITERALLY moronic and obscenely biased or have never even touched the game on hardcore mode because there are NO checkpoints EVER in hardcore

  8. 7 months ago

    >Is something wrong with me?
    I've "gone back" to the classic trilogy RE and SH games dozens of times since the late 90s.
    I've played to me brand new games with similar style and controls for the first time in the past few years alone.
    I've witnessed a total RE-noob who started with the RE2 de-make, go and start playing the franchise from the very beginning, in release order, and love the living frick of the RE1 1996 and up.

    >stop making me guess!
    They aren't. You just got some sort of ADHD and got too stuck on "muh shooting!!!".

    Now excuse me while I start working on my nu-survival horror backlog with the Tormented Souls and Signalis.

  9. 7 months ago

    This is how I feel about all old shit I grew up. I played Super Ghouls and Ghosts recently for the first time in like 20 years, and it's shit now. Loved it as a kid. Most of my old favorites I find to be almost quaint in how they play

  10. 7 months ago

    just a bad mood
    play later, at night, immerse yourself

    • 7 months ago

      >play later, at night, immerse yourself

      I was playing at night...I was playing Code Veronica and I think I just got triggered by the amount of inconveniences of the movement system, I was trying to be skilled and finesse all those zombies in the graveyard with movement and knife all of them but...the game just doesn't allow your movement to be...clean enough to do that. And the fact that fixed camera fricks with your perception of distance doesn't help. Just made me realize how much more I prefer being in complete control of my character AND the camera.

      Classic Resident Evil isn't like Tomb Raider where not only is the level design explicitly designed for the controls, but the controls are INCREDIBLY precise and skill expression. Like that little back hop you can do, is SO SO fricking meaningful, in a game that's ALSO harder than any Resident Evil.

      See that's the thing with classic Resi. I don't even think most of these features make the game harder, or more interesting. RE2 Remake basically did EVERYTHING about the classic games better, except for level design.

      I think when I played Code Veronica and tried to play as deliberately as I did in RE2R, it just dawned on me how restrictive the old games were.

      • 7 months ago

        i don't know what to say
        play something else then

        • 7 months ago

          Nah, they should just either make a resident evil 9, with RE2R gameplay + RE1 level design. Or remake Code Veronica, but with good level design

          • 7 months ago

            >RE2R gameplay + RE1 level design.
            This would not work.
            Just goes to show that the zoom zoom nu-RE homos don't get game design at all.
            The Narrow rooms and hallways were designed with the cinematic camera-angles in mind, allowing the devs to direct the player's focus and amount of information they got every passing turn. This results a gameplay that's more akin to a strategic board game than a zombie-shooter video game, which is why I suppose so many Halo-generation gamers hate the classics in the first place.

            • 7 months ago

              >The Narrow rooms and hallways were designed with the cinematic camera-angles in mind, allowing the devs to direct the player's focus and amount of information they got every passing turn.

              ...are classic resi fans moronic? do they not realize that your perspective around corners is also limited in third person, and anything that could be shown with camera angles, not only could still be shown...but rather, you could also just force the player to pay attention and be keen...like your argument literally has no coherence. Literally just making a circular "it had to be a puzzlebox level design because...that's never been done in any game other than resident evil and uhhh let me make up some moronic shit about cameras"

              man frick off, just give me RE1 levels of mental mapping and puzzlebox design combined with RE2R gameplay and it will literally be the best Resi game ever

            • 7 months ago

              Yes because halls, corners and doors don't exist to blind players from what's to come.

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, I'm also playing Core Veronica. That's the tradeoff of the knife being so fricking overpowered, you can easily cheese zombies and not waste a bullet if all goes right, but the restrictive movement (and rng of the zombies) means sometimes you'll get hit. That's the bet you're taking when using the knife to down them. Also there's a lot of handgun ammo, at some point I realized I could just shoot all fodder zombies even if my brain tells me it's not the optimal move.

        • 7 months ago

          >Anon, I'm also playing Core Veronica. That's the tradeoff of the knife being so fricking overpowered, you can easily cheese zombies and not waste a bullet if all goes right, but the restrictive movement (and rng of the zombies) means sometimes you'll get hit.

          Yeah. I get that but...In RE2 Remake I can stunlock clickers with the knife, and knife dead enemies, all while having tighter resource management than most resi games (on hardcore) and a tradeoff (knife durability) I didn't stop playing because it was hard. I stopped playing because the game didn't make me feel incontrol. Knife durability doesn't actually prevent you from using the knife how you want, it just limits how much you can. The slow awkward movement in Resi, disallows me to do things I SHOULD be able to do. Like walking up an appropriate distance behind a zombie that lost me and knitting him from behind as a surprise! But because tank movement stops you, the zombie can walk out of range, and if you walk too close they'll just turn around.

          After playing RE2R. I just didn't want to bother with ANY of it, at all. And I HATE RE2R btw. It's a game I'm addicted to, but I hate it immensely, It's an absurdly random game and that triggers me but...there's still just a touch of an element of skill, it's just that the limited saves emphasizes the randomness over the skill in aiming and focusing your shots because of how punishing the game is.

          I might try code Veronica again, who knows, I've heard some stuff that sounds like they appeal to my taste, but it'll be a while since I've still got RE2R and RE4R to finish, and I like those games more (even tho I hate RE2R) right now.

    • 7 months ago

      >play later, at night, immerse yourself

      I was playing at night...I was playing Code Veronica and I think I just got triggered by the amount of inconveniences of the movement system, I was trying to be skilled and finesse all those zombies in the graveyard with movement and knife all of them but...the game just doesn't allow your movement to be...clean enough to do that. And the fact that fixed camera fricks with your perception of distance doesn't help. Just made me realize how much more I prefer being in complete control of my character AND the camera.

      Classic Resident Evil isn't like Tomb Raider where not only is the level design explicitly designed for the controls, but the controls are INCREDIBLY precise and skill expression. Like that little back hop you can do, is SO SO fricking meaningful, in a game that's ALSO harder than any Resident Evil.

      See that's the thing with classic Resi. I don't even think most of these features make the game harder, or more interesting. RE2 Remake basically did EVERYTHING about the classic games better, except for level design.

      I think when I played Code Veronica and tried to play as deliberately as I did in RE2R, it just dawned on me how restrictive the old games were.

  11. 7 months ago

    I played RE1R for the first time after playing RE2make and it took a bit to adjust but after a while I was fine with the tank controls. I do prefer over the shoulder in general but it isn't always better in the series. But I agree to an extent, the controls were so fricking awkward for a bit after the smoothness of RE2make.

  12. 7 months ago


    oh it's this moron again
    this board is so boring

  13. 7 months ago

    I replayed both og re 1-2 and respective remakes and I had no problems doing so.
    Youre just a spastic zoomer
    Also re2 og holds up incredibly well.
    Story, writing and atmosphere is incredibly superior to the shallow troony american demake.

  14. 7 months ago

    RE2gays, I finished Leon's campaign but now in the save it says ClaireB, what is that and why should I bother trying that if it's anything but playing the game over again?

  15. 7 months ago

    >and? they are not off-topic

    • 7 months ago

      friendly fire, Black person

  16. 7 months ago


    I'll just never understand how morons like this get away with terrorizing threads and diverting discussion so blatantly and conveniently with moronic long replies like this, or linking to other threads that have no relevance to the discussion at hand. Is the board really just that shit? That nothing is ever done, that could remotely set a standard of discussion? That any moron can just act...moronic? People think the coomer and pol threads are the problem. But its not the people making the threads. It's mentally ill obsessive anons like this that always derail them.

  17. 7 months ago

    It just means you're moronic.

  18. 7 months ago

    No. The old games just play like shit compared to the new ones but are missing content and don't nail the atmosphere. If you like better gameplay, you'll like the new ones. Simple as.

  19. 7 months ago

    oh okay. so we're just going to mock and shit up discussion, and nothing is going to happen cuz mods are moronic and the board is shit? okay...

  20. 7 months ago

    >I *LITERALLY* can't play this
    Yes you can. Stop being a baby.

  21. 7 months ago

    I cant believe that the moronic shitskin classic poser is actually fighting against the alan wake 2/tomb raider troony. Its like a kaiju fight in special ED. Cant wait for a real human being to enter the room and shotgun both of them in the face

  22. 7 months ago

    For me it's the opposite, tonight I downloaded the original re2 and played a couple hours since it's a rainy night.
    Get some headphones on, the game is atmospheric, and the skill expression is whether you manage to down zombies or lickers without getting hit (too much) or those moments you decide to run past enemies or not.
    Also auto aim is disabled by default in ps1, not sure about other consoles, change Control type to C.
    The Japanese games all have auto aim, you're supposed to hit your shots it was only disabled in the West.
    I'm playing the original games because the story is leaps and bounds better than the remakes, people who only played RE2R basically watched a high quality Hollywood adaptation of the original story. A damn good movie series that got most of the story right, yes, but still not quite the original script. re2 from the getgo mentions the STARS incident in the Spencer Mansion, when you find Marvin he tells you more about it, etc.. I'm sure you learn a lot more about Umbrella and the city's downfall with re2 1998. No need to even mention re3, the remake was completely different, so the newer generations didn't get the full Raccoon City lore which has been carrying this franchise for 20 years.

  23. 7 months ago

    Anyone complaining about tank controls is a genuine moron.

  24. 7 months ago


    On your REmake 1 plight... I suggest to just play the original, one of its many versions except dualshock (music is fricked).
    I bought REmake for the ps4 and also thought it was far too difficult and frustrating, IT DOES have a reworked start to be harder than the original. And they fricking added the burning corpses / reviving zombies mechanic. All in all it's a hardcore mod for RE1 and I personally dislike the visuals, I'm playing Resident Evil 1 Deadly Silence (ds) and having fun like a kid, although it's on the easier side you mostly play it to experience the story with good visuals and music.
    You probably shouldn't pick rebirth mode, it adds more enemies yes but also gives you like triple the ammo so you never really run out, if that bothers you... But I like it.
    I died like 2 times in the shark section this weekend in the DS version only because I tried to fight the shark, there's nothing electric you can just run past it to the door and empty the water from the room, and the save room was fairly close.

    • 7 months ago

      >there's nothing electric you can just run past it to the door and empty the water from the room, and the save room was fairly close.

      It's hard for me to remember since it's been so long, but I could swear there's like an electric something, then a shark randomly pops out when you leave that switch, but it didn't do that the first time I left that switch, which is why I called it trial and error, because there's obviously something I'm supposed to figure out there, but it's not a puzzle or anything, so I could only know by dying.

      Anyway, it might not be the same in the OG as the REmake.

      Maybe I'll play the OG 1 tho. Idk, I really don't like how simple the visuals are based on what I've seen, but I guess that's a shallow contention to have. I did here the level design was supposedly better in the original, so maybe that's nice

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I think that part is differently in the OG and remake.
        Also I'll add... I wouldn't have gotten very far in RE1 without looking up guides, but it doesn't sound like you'd like to do that.
        When I started playing both RE1 games I actually made multiple threads here complaining
        The mansion really is hard to follow at least at the start with all the possible items and rooms

        • 7 months ago

          >The mansion really is hard to follow at least at the start with all the possible items and rooms

          Substantially harder than REmake? Really? That sounds fun

          >but it doesn't sound like you'd like to do that.

          Nope. Only game I've ever done that for is Tomb Raider because those games can sometimes be very obtuse and complicated to navigate.

          • 7 months ago

            Actually I don't remember which start was harder, started them both years ago. REmake might be harder to figure out. They're just different at some points.

  25. 7 months ago

    There's a reason why ff7re isn't turn based

    • 7 months ago

      But BG3 succeeded.

    • 7 months ago

      and for that reason it's shit

  26. 7 months ago

    >samegayging with reddit spacing
    holy shit

  27. 7 months ago

    >LEGIT moronic
    >STOP making me guess
    lol you can't even figure out how to turn the character to face an enemy before firing because the camera isn't glued to their ass

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