
When Kenji "Mega Man" Inafune backs something, you know it's the real deal. When he puts his mind to it, he completes a task "Inafune style!"

The legendary game creator just gave an interview about his new Beastroids IP and how it's gonna be a hot new ticket item for the next gen. Using revolutionary NFT marketing and crowdsourcing to kickstart the IP Beastroids will appear in everything from video games, anime, film, to even lunch boxes!

You should probably "get in" on Beastroids before it's too late! Launching late quarter 2023! 😉

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    He fell so far and crashed so hard I almost feel baf for laughing at him.


    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        >KAH I JI inafune

        • 11 months ago

          how the fug are you supposed to say it?!

          Man what happened to NFTs?.I remember they were like all the rage last year and before and then all of a sudden just gone..

          Idiot execs gushed at the idea that people would spend money on pictures of no value and got greedy. They all bought into this as something new and shiny and they had to get in on it before everyone else did. Everyone knew these made no sense so they didn't buy them and they died.

          I thought this already flopped months ago

          Also, Inafune's Beastroids... got delayed. DELAYED. It hasn't launched yet. lelIt was supposed to launch 2022 but it's going to launch later in 2023.

          • 11 months ago

            Its pronounced Keh-ji

  2. 11 months ago

    I thought this already flopped months ago

  3. 11 months ago

    Man what happened to NFTs?.I remember they were like all the rage last year and before and then all of a sudden just gone..

    • 11 months ago

      The scam ran its course and the rug got pulled.

    • 11 months ago

      It was nothing but investor bait.

  4. 11 months ago

    Now that's just pathetic.

  5. 11 months ago

    he needs to be stopped

    • 11 months ago

      >fantasy life: the girls who steals time, brought to you by the man who steals money

      • 11 months ago

        "Time is money" proven correct once again.

    • 11 months ago

      >new fantasy life

      is this real or are you guys trolling?

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          I'm not seeing "L5 Comcept" anywhere in these promos. I think the team was internally disbanded and distributed among L5 now. Ergo "Comcept" doesn't even exist as a team at L5 anymore.

          btw their original website is still up, but no updates since 2016.

          • 11 months ago

            >Mn9 never gets the cartoon
            >red ash gets a one episode animation and no game
            Genius inafune

            • 11 months ago

              He thought crowdsourcing was an instant cash machine for endless money. So each ep of the Red Ash anime series was a stretch goal... and it reached 1 ep and not the 26 planned. And they had a separate crowd sourcing for the game as well. But people were wary about a new project when the old one wasn't out yet.

              In fact, Inafune should have just made Red Ash first without Mn9.

              Konami did the same thing when they did that NFT Castlevania event awhile back where they sold the NFT 'rights' to certain artwork but then put in small print that you actually have no claim to the artwork at all and it's still property of Konami and don't you fricking dare say you own it or post it anywhere without permission.

              You own the blockchain code associated with that work. That's the word game they're playing. So you own "it" but it's so vague as to what that means - a blockchain code for a specific jpg and hold no legal rights to anything. Utterly worthlesss cam.

          • 11 months ago

            >Click on Red Ash
            >Page no longer exists
            Every day I thank god I wasn't moronic enough to back Mn9 or Red Ash

        • 11 months ago

          my god. and this was announced months ago. why am i just finding about this now?

  6. 11 months ago

    getting those furry bucks i see

  7. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      oh fug that's literally pride parade Zero. I literally thought it was zero from the thumbnail.

    • 11 months ago


      Holy shit he does look like he is dying
      >he is 58
      Yeah like the other anon says he might have cancer
      Or a cocaine addiction

      • 11 months ago

        If you check out old office footage of anime, mnaga, video games, etc everyone is chain smoking. Even if someone isn't smoking, they're around it all the time. That catches up with people so you see a lot of these nerd creative types dying of cancer in their 50's.

    • 11 months ago

      >Why family guy won't be in Kingdom Heart's 4

    • 11 months ago

      >sword and shield
      >also another sword on the back

      • 11 months ago

        It's also a lightsaber, why the frick is it on his back

  8. 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago

    He either has autism and doesnt realize how cringe this is or he is a huge butthole that needs even more money for his drug habits

    • 11 months ago

      He is an idiot clueless exec who dreams of these get rich quick big schemes. He also seems to be progressively losing weight in each new appearnace, so I think he has cancer.

      • 11 months ago

        Shouldnt he be rich already is my point.

  10. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >29 subscribers
      >inafune's rather plane looking apartment with seemingly few furnashings
      >Inafune looking skinny and sickly
      >like 1000 views tops for their vids
      >Seichi Ishii in the next vid

      So... sad. Everything about this is just so sad.

  11. 11 months ago

    Holy kino.... we fricking won NFTbros...

    • 11 months ago

      Imagine being famous for virtua fighter and tekken and then doing this
      Why wouldnt you just enjoy your retirement instead of smearing your name with trash, I dont get it.

      • 11 months ago

        He probably got paid a lot to do this. You see Hollywood athletes and soccer players do this all the time. Cashing out at the end of their career to do things or play on teams they never would have in their prime. It's smart.

        • 11 months ago

          But they shouldnt need money at this point unless they blew it all up on underage prostitutes, its so pathetic and sad.

          • 11 months ago

            >But they shouldnt need money
            It's not about need its about the fact that they can. When you are rich all you care about is being richer. Also some of these guys maybe don't want to retire and like working and this is work.

      • 11 months ago

        Game developers are total shit, so devs don't get ANY residuals rather just a standard salary. You make some hot new game series that makes your company billions? Maybe you get a little bonus but that's it. You are expected tos tay at the company forever if you want to be rewarded with a comfy exec position.

        Oh you left? Well tough. They can't start collecting proper retirement until 65, and they aren't earning cash anymore from their game dev days, so they get desperate.

        Also, Brain Fighter is at least cute/creative, and holds my interest. Remove the NFT angle, and give it a proper budget and it'd be a good game.

        • 11 months ago

          >Game developers are total shit, so devs don't get ANY residuals rather just a standard salary. You make some hot new game series that makes your company billions? Maybe you get a little bonus but that's it. You are expected tos tay at the company forever if you want to be rewarded with a comfy exec position.
          Yes the people that actually put up all the financial risk reap the awards. You don't like that? Risk your own investment then.

  12. 11 months ago

    I sometimes get beast haemorrhoids myself

  13. 11 months ago

    When is Yuji Naka coming out with his own blockchain game? It's not like he has any other options left at this point.

    • 11 months ago


      LMAO he's got an actual chain and ball on his leg instead.

      • 11 months ago

        After he gets out of his prison block and chains

        He's not in prison, he got a suspended sentence. He does however have a 2 million yen fine that he's going to have to pay back somehow!

        • 11 months ago

          thats like $20k, should be fine

    • 11 months ago

      After he gets out of his prison block and chains

  14. 11 months ago

    Why do they keep trying to make these games? Has there been a singe NFT game that has been a success and is still a success today?

    • 11 months ago

      Japanese execs just look at numbers on pages and know nothing about video games. They just see the idea of people paying thousands for pictures and go nuts thinking htey hit the jackpot.

    • 11 months ago

      >Has there been a singe NFT game that has been a success
      Nope. Ubisoft's rugpull is a particularly sore point for nftshills

    • 11 months ago

      An "NFT" game is broken from conception.
      It's intention is to sell the idea of NFTs, and then build something around that rather than actually making a game or any other product.
      Theoretically it should be simple since you're just assigning items a unique ID that can be transferred. The issue is that you would have to create the marketplace itself and have people that would actually want to buy/use these things instead of a small handful of speculative investors trying to cash out after the ponzi scheme grows large enough.

      • 11 months ago

        but... think of the profits! THink of hte executive bonuses!

      • 11 months ago

        I don't even understand the NFT part of the game? What does NFTs add to a game like conman is trying to sell?

        • 11 months ago

          Think of gacha games but instead of rolling for a specific character, your generic template NFT is what you use in the game.

          • 11 months ago

            You have it backwards, the NFTs are the product, not the game. The game is just there to create artificial hype for their blockchain project and make it stand out. The actual audience for these types of projects isn't gamers, but NFTbros who already drank the kool-aid.

            IIRC this dude was selling his own version of monkey jpegs except they were all "beastroid" characters. Which makes no sense because the game isn't even out yet.

            Ok I understand this is bullshit but what do they actually say is the benefit for this? For example I thought NFTs in gaming were like I earn an emblem title in Resident Evil and then I could go play COD and that emblem which is the NFT carries over to COD for me to display. Is that right?

            • 11 months ago

              >Ok I understand this is bullshit but what do they actually say is the benefit for this? For example I thought NFTs in gaming were like I earn an emblem title in Resident Evil and then I could go play COD and that emblem which is the NFT carries over to COD for me to display. Is that right?

              There's been some speculation of using blockchains to create some kind of universal gaming currency. None of this has gone anywhere.

              • 11 months ago

                So basically up to this point, NFT has been an empty buzzword placeholder for a system they haven't figured out yet?

              • 11 months ago

                They figured out the system: market for selling "unique" copies of pictures. That's it. They thought it was free money and few people bought into it.

              • 11 months ago

                So in Inafune's game is he creating jpgs of characters that only x amount of people can own and that's it? That's the game? He will keep adding in new jpgs later on to sell rinse repeat?

              • 11 months ago

                For Beastroids he's creating an NFT market place for pictures of characters and there's some vague allusions that this may one day become a video game series. But right now it's an NFT series. And one that got delayed from its 2022 release to sometime in 2023 as well.

              • 11 months ago

                God this is so stupid.

                NFTs always came off to me as normies and israelites mad that they missed the Bitcoin fad and tried to brute-force and create a new bitcoin like fad

            • 11 months ago

              There is no benefit. It's a pump and dump scheme to get rich off desperate people gambling with what little they have

              • 11 months ago

                I understand this all my question is what are they trying to tell normies the benefit is? There has to be some hustle to the scam? Like how pyramid scams try to sell normies on some benefit, what's the benefit?

              • 11 months ago

                normies aren't the target audience, they're targeting people who are already invested in NFTs as a concept. It doesn't matter to them in the slightest how it looks to you or me.

              • 11 months ago

                The reason for the disconnect is because these marketers dont play games and think MMOgays grinding thousands upon thousands of hours for that one piece of equipment is the funnest shit ever since that's all they ever hear about

              • 11 months ago

                >The year is 2030

                Oh nice. I'm gonna save this and make a note to post this in 2030 and see how no one knows what the fug this is even about.

                Even this is just trying to create some "unique" gamer currency that could be passed between games. Which we already have: it's called money. And even then, every platform has their own currency. It's all utter waste.

              • 11 months ago

                There's an even more glaring problem in that example.
                Those other games rely on the rarity of Obsidian ore which is why the stuff is used for powerful upgrades and equipment. Obsidian ore is also something you can farm fron a fricking match-3 phone game and transfer into the others.
                The result? An economic crash and meta shift in 3 games following which Obsidian ore becomes so mainstream that grinding for it in a match-3 game becomes almost mandatory

              • 11 months ago

                At first I thought an item having a 5% chance of appearing with only 4 in existence was ridiculous, but considering how empty the average online NFT game seems to be, this might actually be quite accurate

              • 11 months ago

                Always makes me laugh how he describes what's basically a horrific corporate nightmare scenario and the death of vidya in such an upbeat way, as if it's some amazing future to be excited for. It's just as tone-deaf and out of touch as "you will own nothing".

              • 11 months ago

                In principle why would a mobile game that is huge implement a feature that rewards people for playing other smaller games? The whole point of these games is they want the maximum amount of time being spent in their game. This sounds moronic and beneficial for smaller games not bigger ones.

              • 11 months ago

                I believe the idea is:
                >All gaylord's crypto games provide him with NFTs representing each of the things he earns
                >gaylord then is able to use his crypto wallet to trade these NFTs from game to game
                >gaylord is able to make use of these NFTs in other games to suit other purposes, generating other NFTs he can then use in other games
                >gaylord thinks not only that all major companies would somehow do this out of the kindness of their own hearts, but that the crypto needed to generate all of this at once would have no sort of significant impact when it's already causing parts of the world to burn in pollutants due to the massive energy drain crypto mining generates

              • 11 months ago

                >5% chance of dropping
                >only 4 in existence
                Holy shit this guy never played a game in his life. I have played gacha games where I have multiple copies of shit that has a .001% chance of dropping and I know thousands of autists have the same thing

              • 11 months ago

                It really is scary how out of touch people that make decisions are.

              • 11 months ago

                >youve finished mining
                >a HUGE upgrade
                >that should keep your village safe for now
                >(and great loot)
                >grinding for better weapons

                Man Im sure glad I only play arcade style games and that RPG shit never got to me outside a couple of them that have cool stories.
                People that play any grinding games are soulless sad fricks and I want nothing to do with them, as far as Im concerned we are in different hobbies.

        • 11 months ago

          You have it backwards, the NFTs are the product, not the game. The game is just there to create artificial hype for their blockchain project and make it stand out. The actual audience for these types of projects isn't gamers, but NFTbros who already drank the kool-aid.

        • 11 months ago

          IIRC this dude was selling his own version of monkey jpegs except they were all "beastroid" characters. Which makes no sense because the game isn't even out yet.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah you cant create something like magic the gathering secondary market without decades of good will and a game people want to play
        They are trying to do it in reverse order, create the market first and then come up with a game but that is never going to work, people dont value things just because you tell them they have value.

      • 11 months ago

        The idea was flawed immediately and anybody with half a brain could see it.
        >game one has NFT "super special sword" you paid big money for
        >somehow and for some reason this completely different company is supposed to let you use that super special sword in their game as well instead of charging you money to get THEIR version of the sword

        Like why would companies collude like that when they don't get any profit from it themselves? There's no benefit on putting other games' data in your own unless you're getting paid to do it (and you'll make more just selling your own sword).

  15. 11 months ago

    Is Inafune one of the dumbest frickers in the video game industry? He could have coasted entirely on the undeserved goodwill towards him from Mega Man but instead he just gets into progressively stupider schemes to bastardize any legacy he had. MN9, NFTs, etc., does this guy have a shred of real talent that isn't just trying to milk people for money?

    • 11 months ago

      >Is Inafune one of the dumbest frickers in the video game industry?

      Yes, him and Ben Judd are easily the stupidest people in gaming ever. Idiot conmen hypemen.

  16. 11 months ago

    tight budget

  17. 11 months ago

    >The Keiji Inafune DAO Offers A Unique Opportunity To Shape The Gaming Landscape. Led By Visionary Creator Keiji Inafune, Creator Of Legendary Titles Like Mega Man, We’re Building A DAO Where Members Collaborate To Create The Groundbreaking BEASTROID Game, Comic, And Anime.

    Does this motherfricker not remember what happened when he tried this with Mighty No 9? Holy shit dude, nobody is gonna want to consume media about a game that hasn't come out yet, especially when it's about NFTs.

  18. 11 months ago

    With all the money going in microtransactions, I never doubted NFTs that much. Consumers need just a little push anymore, it's gotten that bad.
    Something big like Pokemon would be enough to make them a thing.

    • 11 months ago

      pokemon actually did try a prototypical version of nfts in the past in the form of event pokemon. look how you obtained deoxys in rse, for example
      it's just not worth the trouble

    • 11 months ago

      God this is so stupid.

      NFTs always came off to me as normies and israelites mad that they missed the Bitcoin fad and tried to brute-force and create a new bitcoin like fad

      NFT's seem inspired by the market for collector cards mixed with crypto currency. Rather than a currency it's a unique card. But Pokemon, magic the gathering cards, are like from an acutal game, and they have value. People play them. They like them. They have popular designs.

      The companies realized these cards can be printed infinitely, so that can just be done digitally. So hwy not do make it all digital and make them collectables? But you can't "own" a jpg like you can a physical object. What's the difference between saving a jpg and "owning" an NFT that's a jpg? Nothing. You can look at them on a smartphone or tablet. That's it.

      So the biggest obstacle is they have never epxlained the value to customers, and use buzzwords to get people to have a FOMO on the "next big thing". But that hype died over a year ago and it's just not going anywhere.

      • 11 months ago

        >The companies realized these cards can be printed infinitely, so that can just be done digitally
        That's actually false. MTG for example had to STOP printing certain cards so that their value wouldnt depreciate and their buyers wouldnt get pissed off (trading cards like baseball cards was a very big thing back when mtg started out).
        In fact, they have an entire list of cards that will NEVER be printed again. You will never see another print of the black lotus for example.

        • 11 months ago

          They already printed the black lotus in magic 30 bro
          >but it has a different baaaack
          Who cares, baby steps, they are coming for the reserve list and you are a fricking moron if you think they wont, I hope you dont have money on that.

          • 11 months ago

            >I hope you dont have money on that.
            obviously not. Havent played mtg in like 10 years
            >reprinted black lotus in magic 30
            I had no idea. If they really are going back on the reserve list the fanbase and their artificially inflated market is gonna go nuclear. Fun times ahead!

          • 11 months ago

            >They already printed the black lotus in magic 30 bro

      • 11 months ago

        The NBA were one of the biggest to shill it first and my understanding of how it worked was you own something that happened in the NBA like some famous dunk Michael Jordan had you owned the rights to that dunk and anyone that showed it owed you royalty. Ok thats kinda interesting but no it's not that at all. You "own" a copy of that dunk that x amount of people also own and some blockchain I guess is what declares you and others as the owners but you aren't really a rights holder of that anyway. It's like those comics that grade comics and cards, that number really only holds a value to them and that's it. Another company could value it differently.

        • 11 months ago

          Konami did the same thing when they did that NFT Castlevania event awhile back where they sold the NFT 'rights' to certain artwork but then put in small print that you actually have no claim to the artwork at all and it's still property of Konami and don't you fricking dare say you own it or post it anywhere without permission.

          • 11 months ago

            Man thats funny, what a stupid world.

  19. 11 months ago

    Always remember that this fricking guy is responsible for capcom's dark age back in the late 2000's with garbage like DmC

  20. 11 months ago

    remember when he pissed everyone off by delaying Might No 9 and then trying to start a SECOND kickstarter for red ash kek

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