Been obsessed lately with street fighter 6 for some reason, I don't even play the games so this year has been first time watching any street figh...

Been obsessed lately with street fighter 6 for some reason, I don't even play the games so this year has been first time watching any street fighter related anything and...

What the frick is up with this dude?:

>loses to mena
>looks like he sucks and can't do shit
>wins every match of losers and gets revenge on mena up to kakeru
>straight up almost 3-0's kakeru
>gets 2-3'd instead?

I swear I don't get this guy. Sometimes he seems unstoppable and you're surprised when he 3-0's someone's you thought was good, or just beats them. And then sometimes he just randomly starts losing like he just forgot how to play the game? He's DEFINITELY the most entertaining fighter to watch because of it, but it's so weird. So for my street fighter watching veterans...what is up with this guy?

I'm a newb, so I know like absolutely nothing, but the amount of times he whiffs throws, and dive kicks etc. Because of how short range Cammy is, seems to rank up in the final sets. That's all I've got.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Punk is a jobber, he'll never win CPT or any big tournament.

    • 11 months ago

      >he'll never win CPT or any big tournament.

      I believe. but I know it's foolish. I'm still shocked that he was even able to beat mena. I don't think ANYONE expected that at all, but he did it anyway. stuff like that is why I still believe, but yeah, it's unlikely regardless.

    • 11 months ago

      Facts and your feelings are not matching up.

      • 11 months ago

        I can't tell exactly, does he have a better record than mena then?

        • 11 months ago

          Punk has won many more majors and regional tournaments than Mena, yeah

  2. 11 months ago

    >I'm a newb, so I know like absolutely nothing, but the amount of times he whiffs throws, and dive kicks etc. Because of how short range Cammy is, seems to rank up in the final sets. That's all I've got.

  3. 11 months ago

    It's easy to psyche yourself out in fighting games. You can be in a perfect flow state, making expert reads and executing perfectly, but something just knocks you out of it and you shit the bed trying to get back into that state.

    • 11 months ago

      damn, I've heard this so much but I just can't believe how hard it can be real. it's really the only way to explain punk going from godlike to scrub, don't get how he's so inconsistent about this man, nobody else seems as inconsistent about it, but at the same time they don't seem to have that bulldozer effect as consistently where he can just unlock in tournaments sometimes where he just almost completely rolls someone or comebacks no question.

      maybe I'll find it out when I'm finally done with the character guides lmao

      • 11 months ago

        I imagine it's like poker when all your percentage plays are panning out and you feel like an unstoppable megamind. Then when the hotstreak ends for whatever reason you're in the hole in the blink of an eye and you start second guessing all your decisions.

    • 11 months ago

      Being "in the zone" really is just the most powerfully thing for anything competitive. I've been getting into Jujutsu Kaisen and I love that even with all the crazy techniques and powers that series has, one of the most powerful moves that anyone can do, the Black Flash, is just hitting someone while being "in the zone." Gives it a cool, grounded element to it.

      Been obsessed lately with street fighter 6 for some reason, I don't even play the games so this year has been first time watching any street fighter related anything and...

      What the frick is up with this dude?:

      >loses to mena
      >looks like he sucks and can't do shit
      >wins every match of losers and gets revenge on mena up to kakeru
      >straight up almost 3-0's kakeru
      >gets 2-3'd instead?

      I swear I don't get this guy. Sometimes he seems unstoppable and you're surprised when he 3-0's someone's you thought was good, or just beats them. And then sometimes he just randomly starts losing like he just forgot how to play the game? He's DEFINITELY the most entertaining fighter to watch because of it, but it's so weird. So for my street fighter watching veterans...what is up with this guy?

      I'm a newb, so I know like absolutely nothing, but the amount of times he whiffs throws, and dive kicks etc. Because of how short range Cammy is, seems to rank up in the final sets. That's all I've got.

      Punk is one of my favorite players to watch, it just sucks he can never clench it at the finish. Always getting 2nd and 3rd. Always a bridesmaid

    • 11 months ago

      It happened to me too when i tried to reach legend in hearthstone it made you focus on things that would happen thinking about winning instead of focus on things thats happening thinking about what you your opponent play

  4. 11 months ago

    da alpha

  5. 11 months ago

    You now understand why commentators talk about shit like 'weak mental' and how important breaking momentum is, returning to character select, and regaining composure, etc. People don't seem to realize the kind of mental fortitude it takes to compete in tournaments. Even if you aren't getting tilted, it's easy to just exhaust your brain power and start autopiloting.

  6. 11 months ago

    Punk is just a b***h. Also it's not just him who goes from 3-0'ing to getting 0-3'd. I feel like that's the nature of the game right now. Maybe all the systems make it easy to get frustrated and become "tilted". Very rarely have I seen someone comeback from a 0-2 situation in this game.

    • 11 months ago

      >Also it's not just him who goes from 3-0'ing to getting 0-3'd.

      its not that it's just him. it's that he does it the most frequently, he'll suddenly have these incredibly one sided moments where he's just stomping and making it seem like the opponent can't do anything. If you watched gamer 8 you'd see what I'm talking about. yes, sure, maybe it's more frequent due to the mechanics in general, but my point stands, he legit almost 3-0'd kakeru, he 100% could have beat him, likely would have lost to angry bird, especially since he'd need to win 6 sets, but still.

  7. 11 months ago

    punk is really good he just chokes a metric frickton.

  8. 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      It was worth bumping this thread to make such a high quality post.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah I know

  10. 11 months ago

    Street Fighter is a game that you can win on feeling instead of book smarts so there's a bunch of players that go on hot streaks when they're feeling it and then die in the ass when they start tilting.

  11. 11 months ago

    Serial choke artist

  12. 11 months ago

    he literally got ptsd from tokido stealing his soul in grandfinals. he has not recovered since. and it is questionable if he ever will. he needs professional help. otherwise he will never win major tournaments like evo or capcom cup

  13. 11 months ago

    I was a Street Fighter pro, at one point. I'll give you some insight.

    There are a couple reasons for what you're saying. The first one is that Mena has some of the best mental I've ever seen from a pro player. No matter how badly or convincingly he's losing or winning, the guy is almost never effected by the pressure and keeps playing as if he's playing a casual set. The dude is almost unbreakable.

    The next reason is that the opposite it true of Punk. Once he gets into a top 4ish position his mental goes down the drain. He can keep it together for a bit, but if anyone shows him resistance he just crumbles and gets ran over. A large part of it is because he's so stubborn and unflexible. So once someone shuts down how he likes to play he gets mental'd that he's getting outplayed or he gets too stubborn and refuses to change.

    That is why he's eternally second place. That's why he has never won EVO or capcom cup. He's been one of the most influential players of all time, due to his style, but he's never been the best player in the world.

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    >always the bridesmaid
    >fricking a cutie
    punk is just NA Fuudo

  16. 11 months ago

    >plays cammy
    im glad he jobs everytime

    • 11 months ago

      Cammy is overrated.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      cringe non Cammy enjoyer

      • 11 months ago

        he probably plays Luke tbh. Luke's hate Cammy and don't realize how privileged they are.

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