Billion dollars ideas that don't make sense not existing

I will never understand how Nintendo and Game Freak never released a "Pokemon Crossing" game.

They could literally just reskin the villagers as Pokemons and that would be enough and would easily sell 1 gazillion dollars.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I had the same idea, but it was crossover between Nintendo and Illusion to make a Rapelay x Pokemon game. They could literally just reskin Manaka, Yuko, and Aoi as ten-year-old pokegirls and that would be enough and would easily sell 1 gazillion trillion billion dollars.

    • 7 months ago

      ick, anon!
      you are giving me the creeps.

    • 7 months ago

      That's terrible anon, nobody would buy that as-is. Throw in some of the popular fapmons too, and you've got a REAL winner.

    • 7 months ago

      For me, it'd be Corruption of Champions x Pokemon. You can put in whoever the frick you want and it'd still sell.

  2. 7 months ago

    bro i expected legends arceus
    to pretty much be pokemon x monster hunter
    i still want that

  3. 7 months ago

    >Why won't gamefreak release a game that goes against their tried and true formula

    Because whenever they do this, it is the worst selling game in the franchise.
    They should let someone like tencent use the license to make one for mobile.

    • 7 months ago

      >why should gamefreak release a spin-off
      ??? anon, gamefreak has released pokemon puzzle, mobile, moba, AR, rpg, vn, adventure, fighting game, photographer simulator, hey you pikachu... and so on.

      >I will never understand how Nintendo and Game Freak never released a "Pokemon Crossing" game.
      Why would they do that? Then you wouldn't need to buy 2 different games anon. Nintendo is a business, they like money.

      Huge market of people into AC and a huger one into Pokemon, it doesn't take two neurons to realize people would be into it.

      • 7 months ago

        >Huge market of people into AC and a huger one into Pokemon
        and if they combine both IPs into one they only have one product to sell instead of two, do you not understand?

        they want you to buy AC for $60 and Pokemon for $60, $120 total
        they don't want to sell you AC:Pokemon Edition for $60, it doesn't make sense financially

        • 7 months ago

          >and if they combine both IPs into one
          homie, who said to combine both IPs. are you deranged? How the frick do you even come up with this conclusion?
          >what if we released a fighting game that is a crossover between every major Nintendo IP?

          A spin-off, moron! It could even be a DLC if they were too lazy to come up with AC with a Pokemon spin in every mechanic.

          • 7 months ago

            they wont make your stupid dream game because you're a stupid consumer and will happy buy both games individually
            if anything they might give you a dlc costume, a carrot on a stick to give you the illusion that your opinion still matters

            • 7 months ago

              So mad after being proven a moron.
              The thread is about billion-dollar ideas that don't exist, moron. Poketards and ACgays will gladly buy 3 games, for the same reason Gamefreak releases each statement twice. that is how fans operate

              • 7 months ago

                ignorance is bliss, but that's not how the real world of business works, it's much more complicated than simply making product that you "know" will sell

                if product is too good, why upgrade? why by version 2? single moms with 3 kids can only afford so many games per year, combining 2 IPs into a single package is shooting yourself in the foot

              • 7 months ago

                >single moms with 3 kids can only afford so many games per year,
                Do you live in the third world? People with money consume. And the people that are into AC and Pokemon don't care about other video games, they will gladly spend their money on every new piece of shit the company releases.

                That is why from every single Nintendo mobile games, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is still getting new content (and that gatcha fire emblem). Even their Mobile Mario Kart was dropped.

                You talk a lot of shit for someone so clueless. Other anons came to a much simpler conclusion, the Gamefreak problem.

              • 7 months ago

                >Other anons came to a much simpler conclusion, the Gamefreak problem.

                ignorance is bliss, but that's not how the real world of business works, it's much more complicated than simply making product that you "know" will sell

                if product is too good, why upgrade? why by version 2? single moms with 3 kids can only afford so many games per year, combining 2 IPs into a single package is shooting yourself in the foot

                >it's much more complicated than simply making product that you "know" will sell
                you sound like a projecting homosexual you know that? a tendie even

    • 7 months ago

      Legends Arceus blows the last 5 generations of mainline Pokemons out of the fricking water just by being different than the tired and insipid formula

  4. 7 months ago

    >I will never understand how Nintendo and Game Freak never released a "Pokemon Crossing" game.
    Why would they do that? Then you wouldn't need to buy 2 different games anon. Nintendo is a business, they like money.

  5. 7 months ago

    execution matters, you can't just shit out a game as polished as AC. game freak in particular don't work to make quality products but to shit out acceptable games on a schedule.
    they'd have to outsource it which presents dangers of its own

    • 7 months ago

      That would be the only problem, game freak shitting the bed. There is a reason why Nintendo just let Game Freak do Pokemon on their own.

    • 7 months ago

      >you can't just shit out a game as polished as AC
      >don't work to make quality products but to shit out acceptable games on a schedule
      funny that you say that

      • 7 months ago

        I love this series, but the game at release and the updated game now are almost two different games.

        • 7 months ago

          not really
          the only major change is they went full on dollhouse designer with the DLC

  6. 7 months ago

    Monster Boy Quest

  7. 7 months ago

    Hey you Pikachu and Pokemon Channel was the Pokemon slice of life games. I had pokemon channel growing up, and it is not a good game. I am nostalgic for it though.

  8. 7 months ago

    misty my beloved

  9. 7 months ago

    >no Pokemon MMORPG
    >no Monster Hunter rogue-like
    >no Taimanin Yukikaze 3
    copyright is ruining the world

    • 7 months ago

      >no Pokemon MMORPG
      >copyright is ruining the world
      Wut? I thought the main reason Gamefreak never did the dream "all regions mmo rpg" it's because it would massively overshadow their main series.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, exactly. If people could just take the Pokemon IP and make their own games Gamefreak would literally fricking die, but the way things are right now they can keep producing slop and make billions while sueing anyone that makes a better Pokemon product. Shit like PokeMMO or Pokemon Revolution Online would be massively popular with real full-time devs and actual money behind it.

        • 7 months ago

          >Shit like PokeMMO or Pokemon Revolution Online would be massively popular with real full-time devs and actual money behind it.
          Gamefreak could actually rival WOW at its peak with a paid subscription.

          Legends Arceus blows the last 5 generations of mainline Pokemons out of the fricking water just by being different than the tired and insipid formula

          and yet didn't sell nearly as much as one of those lazy remakes on Switch. I feel for Pokemon fans who care about the games, it appears that the vast majority don't care at all.

  10. 7 months ago

    Classic Mega Man fighting game in the style of MvC with all the robot masters. There are some small MUGEN-based projects that attempt this on a tiny scale already but I want to see them all in UMvC3's style especially.

    • 7 months ago

      I will never get why Megaman was basically dead at the SNES. My first guess was not transitioning to 3D, but Kirby exists.

      Megaman had everything to be Capcom's Mario/Sonic.

      • 7 months ago

        my guess would be capcom got the idea that they should reboot the series every generation with a few games from past iterations splashed out
        NES had the OG
        SNES had some OG games too but it was clear they wanted X to be the flagship
        things sorta slowed down in N64/PS1 but i guess transitioning to 3d and also making games for the Gameboy spread Capcom a little thin during this period. But Legends was a thing
        GBA had Battle Network AND the Zero games, and even some spin-offs of OG and X and there were X games on the PS2
        DS had Star Force and the ZX games and the later OG games and even Powered Up on the PSP

        i guess things slowed down now and it's kind of a shame we never got a flagship reboot on the 3DS or on the Switch now but Megaman fans are always acting like the series got less attention than it really did

      • 7 months ago

        >Heat Man
        >Fire Man
        >Flame Man
        A lot of these guys are redundant.

        • 7 months ago

          I dunno Man. Heat Man feels different from Fire/Flame Man. They could have easily worked around this by simply naming them as "fire man MK2"

  11. 7 months ago

    pokemon aren't supposed to be villagers, they're not people with animal bodies. They're monsters and thus a comfy pokemon game should try to take inaccount how raising pokemon is thought to work in universe
    so it could have animal crossing dna in it but needs to really be its own thing and make you feel like a pokemon rancher, breeder, professor or trainer on their off time

    • 7 months ago

      I've been playing AC and I noticed that the whole world is about a Japanese child living in a city of animals, you fish and catch bugs as a way to earn money to play dollhouse with their friendly animal neighbors.

      I think "Pokemon Crossing" would be in the same vein, no battles. Pokemon wouldn't be pets but equals, and you wouldn't play as a trainer but one of those child Pokemon fans that wear Evee costumes.

      You would think indie devs would’ve made a billion clones of FTL and Into the Breach by now but somehow they haven’t.

      FTL is not a billion-dollar idea, anon. Binding of Isaac is, and has a billion clones.

      • 7 months ago

        How is FTL not a billion dollar idea? It was just as successful as Isaac was if not more

        • 7 months ago

          Anon, do you live in a bubble? As much as I like FTL, the game is niche, it isn't easy to pick and play and the creators moved on.

          Binding of Isaac got a remake, 3 DLCs, and a card game, and is still being updated to this day.

      • 7 months ago

        >I think "Pokemon Crossing" would be in the same vein, no battles. Pokemon wouldn't be pets but equals, and you wouldn't play as a trainer but one of those child Pokemon fans that wear Evee costumes.
        I understood what you meant by Pokemon Crossing, I just think it'd be redundant and if we'd get a comfy Pokemon game the mons should be treated like how we think of them in the universe, not just people with pokemon heads

  12. 7 months ago

    Competitive pokemon people ruin everything.

  13. 7 months ago

    Earthbound remake in the style of the Link's Awakening remake. Or better yet, in claymation

    • 7 months ago

      that's a really good way to destroy Itoi's entire legacy
      you really want a soulless remake of Mother?
      do you even understand what the game was trying to tell you? or are you just part of the fandom?

      • 7 months ago

        Oh yeah I forgot that Giygas was based on Itoi's traumatic experience where he walked into a game studio and saw his game getting remade

        • 7 months ago

          nintendo has become porky moron

      • 7 months ago

        Oh yeah I forgot that Giygas was based on Itoi's traumatic experience where he walked into a game studio and saw his game getting remade

        Both Undertale and Mother will be remade in your lifetime.

        • 7 months ago

          Mother 2? maybe
          Mother 3? lmao even
          i don't care about undertale, remake that as much as you want, it doesn't have a soul, it's just a clone

          • 7 months ago

            >Mother 2? maybe
            >Mother 3? lmao even
            Wjat about Mother 1? It's the one that would matter the most.

            • 7 months ago

              honestly i'd be ok with a mother 1 remake, since that's almost what mother 2 is anyways
              it's kinda like evil dead 1 and 2

              • 7 months ago

                wait wtf am i saying? no, frick all remakes, give me a new game

        • 7 months ago

          Technically Undertale got a remake.
          It was shit made by a pedophile secondary that didn't actually play the game in the first place, and "canonized" a bunch of fan shit.
          But it did get a remake.

    • 7 months ago

      With Nintendo remaking TTYD and Mario RPG, I can see this happening in the future.

  14. 7 months ago

    You would think indie devs would’ve made a billion clones of FTL and Into the Breach by now but somehow they haven’t.

    • 7 months ago

      people are making FTL clones

      • 7 months ago


        You would think indie devs would’ve made a billion clones of FTL and Into the Breach by now but somehow they haven’t.

        try mine?

  15. 7 months ago

    You realize Nintendo doesn't fully own the Pokémon Company, right?
    Why would they want to split their profits? Animal Crossing sales are already big enough without Pokémon.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why would they want to split their profits? Animal Crossing sales are already big enough without Pokémon.
      this guy gets it

  16. 7 months ago

    a GTA V battle royale

  17. 7 months ago

    I want a Smash Bros. spin off that has only Pokemon characters

    • 7 months ago

      Pokemon Stadium?

  18. 7 months ago

    they simply need to go all in on the pet sim aspect of pokemon. A game that focuses on actually raising them instead of fighting and watching numbers go up would probably do twice as well

    • 7 months ago

      pokemon chao garden

  19. 7 months ago

    Why give money to other people's IP when they can breed their own animals that are just as successful?
    I think Nintendo should take the Animal Crossing engine and make a Harvest Moon-style farm game (SNES).

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