Blizzard delusions. Thought they'd get a Twitch cut b/c streams w/ their games

Is there a company on planet Earth more delusional than Blizzard?

There have also been reports that Blizzard will offer new hires up almost $30k less a year in salary as compared to their competitors and will try telling their potential employees, "You can't put a price on prestige." People would rather play a 15 year old version of their biggest game rather than the trash they've released since and still they have the hubris of a company that cured cancer and transmuted lead to gold.

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  1. 4 years ago

    Is having blizzard on your resume really any better than any other AAA company? None of their games are technically or artistically impressive. Is "I was a programmer on overwatch" better than "I was a programmer on the latest ass creed game"?

    • 4 years ago

      >Is having blizzard on your resume really any better than any other AAA company?

      I was only at Blizzard for two years as an artist (this is years ago now), but it literally set me up for life work wise.

    • 4 years ago

      no, because you can't eat "prestige" or use it to pay your fricking rent

      I don't know anything about video games as I work in the film industry, but it's literally how you continue to find work on projects that have an end date.

      Not everyone here is a programmer or artist or any shit like that. All working at Blizzard will do if you're an accountant or someshit like that is railroad you into "tech". The job I interviewed for, years ago, is still posted to this day. They can't get anyone because they believe something other than "money talks and bullshit walks".

    • 4 years ago

      >None of their games are technically or artistically impressive
      are you kidding? Blizzard are a shit company headed for destruction but their technical and artistic skills were absolutely top of the line, they defined an artstyle for a whole generation of games

      • 4 years ago

        >they defined an artstyle for a whole generation of games
        Stealing the art style of Warhammer in repurposed games after GW pulled out of contracts barely constitutes defining. It was all stolen assets.

    • 4 years ago

      it would probably look good on a resume which is the exact reason why blizzard is fricking moronic because lowballing people in exchange for a resume boost is a great way to have everyone you hire quit after a year

    • 4 years ago

      Depends when you were there. Everyone knows the latest Blizzard refugees are junior hires brought on because they were cheap.

    • 4 years ago

      No. In fact I look down on Blizzard as a AAA hiring manager. Particularly in the game design space, where cookie cutter variable schedule design has become the norm and is quickly making itself obsolete as a core mechanical paradigm.

      I would only advice colleagues to consider their artists, as artists are always the most ripe for exploitation via impostor syndrome, while actually having the talent to insinuate the need for it.

    • 4 years ago

      It used to be, once upon a time.
      Hell, I'm sure if your resume says something like
      >Blizzard Entertainment 1998-2003
      It will still all but set you up. That said something like
      >Blizzard Entertainment 2010-2020
      Is probably worthless.

    • 4 years ago

      Art I could see it being worth it.

      Saying "I was a character artist/designer/modeller/animator on Overwatch" will grab attention considering how fricking insanely popular the cast is nowadays for porn, fanart, and cosplay even after three years with barely any story and a shrinking playerbase.

  2. 4 years ago

    dude every company is evil and looking to maximize profits
    yes, even your beloved bethesda

    wholesome companies arent big companies, big fish eat smaller fish

    grow the frick up OP

    • 4 years ago

      >yes, even your beloved bethesda
      >grow the frick up
      >reddit spacing
      This post reeks of reddtit. Drink more onion-lent you Black persontroony

      • 4 years ago

        can you speak english

      • 4 years ago

        why in the everloving frick do you guys hate formatting, honestly?

    • 4 years ago

      Even EA doesn't do salary lowballs like Blizzard does. In fact, NOBODY in the industry does it as hard as Blizzard does. Your argument is a pure whataboutism and is therefore garbage.

      Blizzard employees cannot afford places of their own well into their 30's in Irvine, California. If a company cannot provide mid career skilled labor enough funds for them to buy their own place to start a family, then that company is not paying enough, simple as that.

      • 4 years ago

        Its not whataboutism, because Im not defending blizz, im merely stating that OP notion of thinking gaming companies are somehow saints till proven otherwise is fricking moronic

        but it was to be expected when posting that it would be taken the wrong way
        as Ganker is largely underage and emotional in its reasoning

        • 4 years ago

          >im merely stating that OP notion of thinking gaming companies are somehow saints till proven otherwise is fricking moronic
          Nowhere is it stated in the OP that other companies are saints, it states that Blizzard lowballs salaries compared to their competitors. It is a whataboutism because you dove to Blizzard's defense by claiming that other companies are just as bad as if somehow that absolves Blizzard of being cheap c**ts.

          • 4 years ago

            The notion that these activities are somehow odd implies it
            Blizzards fricking shit, and so are the other big names
            this is just bandwagoning trying to find new small things, I hope they crash and burn but be real

            Its not whataboutism. again, Im not defending them, Im merely stating that every comany does this. Im not saying its good, Im saying OPs looking glass is idiotic.

            why do I even have to explain this? You can google it, and I already explained it last post. You dont understand what whataboutism is, its not every single mention of a related thing, its important to know the CONTEXT its placed in.

      • 4 years ago

        Yeah it's a pretty fricked up situation. I've read about how they'd hire whole new crews to do pretty much every expansion, after which they'd lay off the vast majority of them. Which is why every expansion felt so different, it was whole different teams pretty much tossing out the last game to build up a new based on the old corpse.

        The only people sticking around being some vaguely defined "lead designers" who probably judged everything based on spreadsheets, hence the obsession with WoW with making all classes do nearly the same damage and homogenizing the shit out of everything. Those people at the top probably feel like they can hire whoever and train them up in a few months to do their games rather than bother trying to keep anyone around.

    • 4 years ago

      Yes we know. OP's point is that Blizzard missed out on a lucrative market due to their own lack of foresight, then acted entitled to money from it. Hence the first sentence calling them delusional.

  3. 4 years ago

    I interviewed for a job at Blizzard in Texas and they lowballed me so fricking hard I laughed. They called me up months later asking me if I was still looking.

  4. 4 years ago

    Why is Blizzard so evil

    • 4 years ago

      Because you stole their money by pirating their games.

      • 4 years ago

        There esports shit is the most hilariously delusional thing they have done.
        Instead of making a good game and waiting for it to get popular then growing an esport scene.
        They apparently went straight to the actual major investors like the sports industry and said they can make an esport game. Then took all the investment.
        Now what? they are absolutely fricked. Overshit literally cannot fail so they will do and say anything to keep that alive. Including exploting the porn psyops industry to do it.

        its basically impossible to pirate blizz games. All their old ones are basically given away and their new ones are online only.

    • 4 years ago


      >In February 2019, non-profit organisation As You Sow ranked Kotick 45th in a list of the 100 most over-paid chief executive officers of the United States. According to the report, Kotick made $28.6 million in the year prior, equal to 306 times more than the average Activision Blizzard employee.
      what a super garden gnome

  5. 4 years ago

    Could you imagine if Blizzard spent all the time and resources they use to try and take other people's money and screw their employees to instead make good games? I can't.

  6. 4 years ago

    >being the reason twitch got popular
    lmao it was the stupid LoL and DoTA homosexuals that blew up twitch.

    • 4 years ago

      Blizzard is responsible for >90% of Dota, from assets to mechanics. And League is just a shitty clone of it. Activision was just too shortsighted to capitalize on it despite how popular it got. Prior to that Blizzard was too busy developing WoW to give a shit about a WC3 mod.

      • 4 years ago

        blizzard isn't responsible for the part of dota that matters, the gameplay

      • 4 years ago

        the balancing in the wc3 version takes it out of blizz's hands.

        And now in 2020, dota 2 is far removed from what it started out as.

        They squandered the opportunity to work with Icefrog and just ignored his offers, they fricked up sc2 esports by allowing koreans register as Americans, they are just moronic.

        They should have listened to Destiny's rants and they would be putting in Legacy of the Void cosmetics and casual modes in 2011/2012 instead of when it was too late.

  7. 4 years ago

    >There have also been reports that Blizzard will offer new hires up almost $30k less a year in salary as compared to their competitors
    good fricking riddance
    you don't need to earn 100k a year for coding 6 weeks a year or answering the same questions over and over again

  8. 4 years ago

    is it really that easy to fool investors? The calculation they did to come up with revenue was fricking childish. They just assumed league attendence numbers

    • 4 years ago

      >is it really that easy to fool investors?
      didn't you hear about Elizabeth Holmes?

  9. 4 years ago

    >There have also been reports that Blizzard will offer new hires up almost $30k less a year in salary as compared to their competitors and will try telling their potential employees, "You can't put a price on prestige."

    That's true for game dev industry in general. You get paid less for your skills than if you worked at some boring enterprise thing than work unholy ours for some shit game.

    • 4 years ago

      that was true 15 years ago, game industry pays just as well as any other tech job now

  10. 4 years ago

    It must fricking SUCK for Blizzard to see this. Reminder that only ONE FOURTH (25%) of all money spent on DotA 2 during a specific period of the year goes to The International prize pool. So that means Valve made well over ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS off of DotA 2 during only one third of 2019. Meanwhile, every Blizzard esports is dead in the water, and they flat-out REFUSED to work with IceFrog to make DotA 2 themselves, and they flat-out tried to SUE Valve for making DotA 2 and even that FAILED. What a fricking SHITSHOW for Blizzard.

    • 4 years ago

      But they did get Valve to rename some heroes, that sure showed them

  11. 4 years ago

    >telling their potential employees, "You can't put a price on prestige."
    Now that's funny. I remember all those day at the peak of WoW when all the MMO flops came out and every one proudly proclaimed that X developer previously worked at Blizzard/on WoW.

    • 4 years ago

      That whole era taught me the value of teamwork. Those people were clearly lost on their own, they needed each other.

  12. 4 years ago

    In the devil's defense, don't they handout free crate shit and the occasional skin for Twitch subscribers? Or was that only after prime became a thing on there.

    Still sounds moronic for them to ask for something directly in a buyout. But I imagine there's a contractual agreement for their freestuff beyond free advertising that they could be concerned about with the new management.

  13. 4 years ago

    That’s not old blizzard, that’s Activision.
    Replace every “Blizzard” with “Activition” and it will make a lot more sense

  14. 4 years ago

    You might laugh at them, but they used their reputation as god-tier at everything to gain a sponsorship deal with fricking Coca-Cola and they also got billionaire team owners to invest into their dogshit league.

    All by pretending that it was gonna be the next big thing, the thing that takes esports 10 times higher than it was then. So yeah, cheating investors is pretty easy and Blizzard are good at it.

    • 4 years ago

      >they used their reputation as god-tier at everything to gain a sponsorship deal with fricking Coca-Cola
      It had nothing to do with their games. Bobby Kotick is literally on Coke's board of directors.

  15. 4 years ago

    Wasn't Blizzard a relatively small, self-owned, company full of passionate people before Activision bought it and gutted it?
    By all means correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I'm aware of it sounds like this is more of a 'Rare' situation: some massive, distant, company that literally knows nothing about making or play video games, buys a company that makes good video games, and then runs them into the ground by applying their "advanced marketing strategies".

    • 4 years ago

      no it was a big company, activision was/is also a videogame company

  16. 4 years ago

    Blizzard and Activision are brands owned by Blizzard-Activision
    They are not separate entities.
    I can't believe even now, after all this, delusional blizzdrones are still trying to do it for free.

  17. 4 years ago

    richard lewis might be a gay with a pet troony but his journalism is top notch

    Actually his pet troony died recently

    • 4 years ago

      oh so that's why he didn't put out any video content for so long lmao

      hope he got enough value out of his 50 grand or whatever it was investment while the abomination was still alive, rip in peace

  18. 4 years ago

    >just lets the esport scene grow by itself
    >millions of viewers, millions in cash prizes

    >tries to control literally every aspect of everything
    >50k viewers on twitch, now moving on to YouTube since no way is twitch giving them another moronic $90 million contract for their shit product
    How long can they keep getting away with it?

    • 4 years ago

      A long time I'd imagine. They can keep getting kids into their shit while they milk old fans with promises of restoring their faith.

  19. 4 years ago

    >Twitch executive: “Internally, that deal is referred to as the worst in the company’s history,” “And action has been taken to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” about the $90 million Twitch deal
    Oh no no no no

  20. 4 years ago

    >crying about esports and blizzard
    richard lewis wrote this i can smell the resentment

  21. 4 years ago

    >After the failure of Heroes of The Storm, several sources informed me that Blizzard conducted their own post-mortem and, unlike most of the community around that game, concluded that they were mostly without fault. It was the market, the fans, the players and the organizations that were as much to blame for the game failing to reach the heights Blizzard felt it should.

    I don't know man, tell me.

    • 4 years ago

      hots is fun though.

      • 4 years ago

        How? It's just not as good as the competition at all. Sure it's easy to pick up, but it's also shallow and stripped down

    • 4 years ago

      Hahahahahaha how are people that dumb? Hots was mediocre at best, I don't know what they were thinking with that game. Making a dumbed down moba fit for kids(that don't give a rats ass about blizz games) with no redeeming qualities.

    • 4 years ago

      shit matchmaker and automatic punishments are what killed hots, and OW as well

  22. 4 years ago

    >Is there a company on planet Earth more delusional than Blizzard?
    No. They unironically think this is acceptable and so do their beta orbiters

  23. 4 years ago

    You mean Kotick asked for a cut, i doubt anyone at Blizzard did

    As michael patcher said, Blizzard likes making games, Activision likes making money

    • 4 years ago

      Activision's influence has been seeping into Blizzard over the years and growing more pervasive to the point where all the original talent has left and Blizzard is essentially just Activision Irvine.

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