Both SF6 and T8 suck

Come home white man

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    sorry I meant to post this pic

    • 1 week ago

      I'm poor so I'm sticking with blazblue

      • 1 week ago

        You literally can play 3s for free with fightcade

        • 1 week ago

          I'm too stupid to set up fightcade
          Also, I find street fighter boring tbh

          • 1 week ago

            Nowadays FC is basically plug&play, there's no setup involved

            • 1 week ago

              that's still too many buttons for me to press

      • 1 week ago

        blazblue skill floor is too high for most people (read: me included) when you can just mash buttons against thirdies on fightcade

        • 1 week ago

          But blazblue has peak grappler design in the form of Iron Tager (read: grappler with magnetism)

          • 1 week ago

            grapplers suck

            • 1 week ago

              (you) suck too, anon

              • 1 week ago

                Says the person resorts to playing grapplers...
                Especially in blazblue in a game with character archetypes you wouldnt see in any other game, you pick the grappler. And you're right. A grappler with magnetism peak grappler design. It's a grappler that's somehowneven more annoying to fight.

      • 1 week ago

        blazblue definitely has some interesting character archetypes. what the frick do you even call characters like jubei or bang. i've over 100 hours in that game and i still don't know half the matchups in that game

        • 1 week ago

          I don't know what Arcsys was on during that era but I miss it. As fricked up as P4A is as a game, Kanji is still one of the coolest grapplers I've ever played.

          • 1 week ago

            junpei looks really fun in p4aU.

            • 1 week ago

              I like him, he has a couple weirdly decent top tier matchups. One problem I have with him and most of the cast, there's no reason to pick him when the shadow version is just better.

            • 1 week ago

              everyone is really fun in p4a. The main problem it has is when the other person gets to have fun then you don't get to.

    • 1 week ago

      >jivegay trying to push the narrative.
      I have both SF6 and SFV and i will never touch SFV again.

      Okay but Alpha 3 is the best street fighter and we all know it

      • 1 week ago

        this but Alpha 2

    • 1 week ago

      Actually pathetic. I'd rather play USF4 than 5.

      Also this for free on fightcade with roll back.

    • 1 week ago

      Is there any SF games worth checking out after 3?

      • 1 week ago

        Ultra 4 is fun

        • 1 week ago

          There are still some contrarians who disagree, but UIV is great.

      • 1 week ago

        What's with all the SFVBlack folk recently? Did someone got BTFO in /sfg/ and now wants to come here to cope?

        Ultra 4 and 6 are fun casually with friends. Also the Ex series is fun.

      • 1 week ago

        ultra IV is fun casually
        6 might be the best in the series

  2. 1 week ago

    worst street fighter ever

    • 1 week ago

      Street Fighter 6? Yep, it is realy shit.

    • 1 week ago

      >t. i played it at launch and it sucked and i never picked it up again in the decade that has followed, even though it genuinely became a good game over time

      • 1 week ago

        >Even though it became good over time
        The last season actually being good doesn't make up for every other season being trash

        • 1 week ago

          It's more than the last season, but it depends on what you mean by "make up for." Certainly it doesn't excuse the horrible state that the game launched in - that was inexcusable - but I'm still glad that they took the time to improve the game rather than just bailing on it. And in the end, I think the final version of SFV is certainly better than the final version of SF4, so that's worth something.

      • 1 week ago

        It was still trash, just because last season was decent doesnt mean that the whole ass game remained stagnant and dumbed down.

    • 1 week ago

      that would be 4

  3. 1 week ago

    >im now old enough to have seen idiots wanting sfv back

    • 1 week ago

      People have been jacking off 5 since season 3

      • 1 week ago

        just fgg schizos

        • 1 week ago

          /fgg/ots only jacks off the current Capcom fighters and constantly bully other fighters off the general. Not a single jiveposter in 2024 is from that shithole.

  4. 1 week ago

    greatest street fighter ever

    • 1 week ago

      it is actually impressive how much worse than sf5 even sf4, sf6 looks, it is just so fricking ugly and all the characters are just ugly, not weird ugly like Hugo or Abigail, they are just disgusting troony freaks

      • 1 week ago

        Sir please delete this bloddy b***h

        • 1 week ago

          >Stree Shitter V

        • 1 week ago

          Why are there so many indians working at Capcom?

          • 1 week ago

            They told the community they will only get 4 chars per season instead of 6 and then outsource it all to India while keeping the price the same, pocketing the savings. Capdrones are fine with this.

            • 1 week ago

              They had videos of character creation and its all done by a small team of in-house designers over months, you lying c**t. The Indians worked on some World Tour background shit nobody cares about

      • 1 week ago

        >every character looks greasy because of the terrible light
        >every character has a deformed chest
        >no soulful big hands and big feet
        >slime everywhere, what is this, splatoon?
        >SA3 are cutscenes
        >Akuma looks like a bunch of rotten meat in a transparent plastic bag
        i'm just not gonna play it

        Its funny to me how its only contrarians on Ganker who think SF6 looks bad where everyone else in the internet rightfully thinks SF6 looks amazing.

        • 1 week ago

          the internet is a full of shills and consumers too ashamed to admit they bought a shit product

          • 1 week ago

            If Capcom catered to ignorant morons like you they would go bankrupt lmao.

            • 1 week ago

              you stupid fricking ape, street fighter is too big to fail, just look at street fighter 5 launch, capcom could serve you a plate of literal shit and you would buy it

              • 1 week ago

                everyone shat on SFV for its entire run dumbass

              • 1 week ago

                objective lie, street fighter 5 is great game now, the only bad thing is the netcode, and surprise, it was a pajeet in charge of it and their pajeet code can't be fixed witout having to relaunch the whole game

              • 1 week ago

                And Capcultists still played it en masse, because they're subhumans who can't not consoom and worship Street Fighter/Capcom and don't play anything else.

              • 1 week ago

                >street fighter is too big to fail,
                morons really need to stop using this phrase incorrectly. What exactly do you think this means? There aren't going to be any bailouts for a product on a free market. On the contrary, the bigger a video game is, the more LIKELY it is to fail because it has to make back that much more money to be a success. The frick are you even talking about?

              • 1 week ago

                you're fricking stupid ape, you know very fricking well all of you fricking drones will buy any fricking street fighter game that comes out because capcom made super turbo 30 years ago

          • 1 week ago

            >the internet is a full of shills and consumers too ashamed to admit they bought a shit product
            This literally never happens on a large scale. Look at Tekken 8. Its playerbase cant stop talking about how much they hate Tekken and Harada.

            • 1 week ago

              yeah everyone hated shit fighter v too

              • 1 week ago

                and rightfully so. People love SF6 because its a genuinely good game.

        • 1 week ago

          >Its funny to me how its only contrarians on Ganker who think SF6 looks bad where everyone else in the internet rightfully thinks SF6 looks amazing.

          • 1 week ago

            >intentionally create awkward face pose
            >zoom in camera uncomfortably close
            >weird lighting
            Take your disingenuous shitposting elsewhere

            • 1 week ago

              homie, that's the face from Aki's level 3. You don't even play the game, yet you go out of your way to defend it, why?

              • 1 week ago

                because you're wrong.

              • 1 week ago

                Nah, it's her CA. At least play the game homosexual.

                Seething bamco drone. You're fricking cuck imagine defending bamco's mashy overpriced garbage. You deserve your dying game lmao

                I don't even own T8, so I don't know why you're bringing it up.

          • 1 week ago

            >everyone else in the internet rightfully thinks SF6 looks amazing.

            Stop lying.

          • 1 week ago

            God you're stupid.

            • 1 week ago

              Seething captroony

              • 1 week ago

                Seething bamco drone. You're fricking cuck imagine defending bamco's mashy overpriced garbage. You deserve your dying game lmao

        • 1 week ago

          it's genuinely such an ugly game

        • 1 week ago

          But it is objectively ugly, say what you want about SFV but I liked its style better, it had more color, a better roster, OST and for all "muh clay" jokes the women were much hotter in SFV than in SF6. The RE Engine alone killed what could've potentially been a nice looking game.

        • 1 week ago

          >everyone else in the internet rightfully thinks SF6 looks amazing
          This is the only place on the Internet where you are allowed to point out how fricking hideous SF6 is.
          Go and make a thread about that in reddit, your thread will be buried by homosexuals downvoting it or it will get flat out deleted by homosexual shill mods.
          That is why """everyone else in the internet rightfully thinks SF6 looks amazing"""

          • 1 week ago

            >This is the only place on the Internet where you are allowed to point out how fricking hideous SF6 is.
            Because Ganker is full of contrarians in all things. When Dark Souls got popular anons here "coincidentally" started shilling it.
            When Dark Souls 2 release anons here shat on it until they found out everyone else also hated it so anons here decided to change their tune and start saying it was great.
            Basically what everyone in the world loves anons on Ganker will find a reason to hate it. And if everyone in the world hates something everyone on Ganker will find a reason to love it.
            This is how this place works.

            • 1 week ago

              Sounds like you're on cope mode, little shill. He's right. It's not just SF6. Capcom games are way overly wienersucked online for merely existing. The astroturfing puts fricking Nintendo to shame.

              • 1 week ago

                >Sounds like you're on cope mode,
                I know you're probably new here but what I said is the truth. You'll see it eventually if you stick around.
                In Gankers twisted logic popular = bad, unpopular = good. The typical anon on this site is just an edgy hipster.

              • 1 week ago

                FINALLY someone fricking said it. Ganker is just full of pretentious contrarian hipster homosexuals and I'm tired of pretending its not.

              • 1 week ago
                Shadaloo Grunt

                Hurt cuz gay.

              • 1 week ago

                >Capcom makes good games again after a decade of shit
                >everyone starts sucking them off
                Shocking development. Did you happen to be defending MvC:I and DmC at the time?

              • 1 week ago

                Capcom peaked 2004-2010. After that it's all been shit. This RE Engine era of games have been them at their absolute worst.

              • 1 week ago

                Sex with Maddie and Symone

              • 1 week ago

                Madeline and Mercedes are the only cute girls in DDDA. I went back to play it again and every other woman ais ugly as hell, but at least you can make your pawns cute.

            • 1 week ago

              You are conveniently ignoring the most important part of my post: plenty of people fricking hate this ugly game, you'll just never see those comments because they get literally deleted.

              • 1 week ago

                >plenty of people fricking hate this ugly game
                Name 20

              • 1 week ago

                >you'll just never see those comments because they get literally deleted.
                Lol what is this victim complex no they don't. The few comments complaining about the graphics usually just get ignored or a couple of replies telling them they're moronic. It never goes beyond that because people who dislike SF6's graphics are such a small minority out side of Ganker as to be completely irrelevant.

              • 1 week ago

                >plenty of people fricking hate this ugly gam
                Name 10 people who actually matter in the FGC who feel this way.

              • 1 week ago
                Shadaloo Grunt

                tourneyBlack folk will drink any slop developers shit out you colossal buffoon. They're literal npc aspirants irl

              • 1 week ago

                >can't even name 10
                How sad.. Meanwhile one of the greatest Tekken players ever says that Tekken 8 is dogshit.

              • 1 week ago

                >posting edited SFM images because Cammy looks like el horror anglo in-game

                Please ignore the fact that this game drops 80% of its playerbase when Japan goes to sleep!

              • 1 week ago

                That's vanilla Cammy in game with modded hair, my moronic friend

              • 1 week ago

                Everything is modded and the lighting is fake.

              • 1 week ago

                >Everything is modded
                How is her face or body modded?
                How can lighting be "fake"?

              • 1 week ago

                >modded images with manipulated lighting and modded models
                Holy hell how desperate

                cope and seethe b***h, it's literally in-game screenshots of SF6.exe. Here's one with zero modifications to the character

              • 1 week ago

                I wish they would give her her breasts back

              • 1 week ago

                I like petite Cammy but I agree, she should have bigger breasts.
                The only girl that looks fine with smaller breasts is Juri.

              • 1 week ago

                She looks like a slouching goblin in 6. Bring back the meat truck that was Cammy in 5. Unfffff

              • 1 week ago

                People will look at that neanderthal on the right and her moronic expression, and they will still tell you, without a hint of irony, that she looks better.

              • 1 week ago

                None of these goblins look anything like actual cammy design. Crapcom needs to stop outsourcing character models to western zBrush freelancers. The results are appalling.

              • 1 week ago

                >not liking SFV Cammy
                >the iteration that is known by Ganker as "Cummy"
                What the frick is wrong with you?

              • 1 week ago

                >I dont like her idle animation
                that's nice but her actual face is hot

                >not liking SFV Cammy
                >the iteration that is known by Ganker as "Cummy"
                What the frick is wrong with you?

                That's SF6 Cammy now

              • 1 week ago

                What the frick is that coming out of her hat?

              • 1 week ago

                Thats vanilla Cammy but with just different hair. But thanks for admitting you were full of shit about the game being "ugly" and you were just cherry picking images this whole time.

              • 1 week ago

                >modded images with manipulated lighting and modded models
                Holy hell how desperate

              • 1 week ago
                Shadaloo Grunt

                Where's the Tekken porn then? Oh right...

              • 1 week ago

                >where's the tekken porn then
                Holy fricking shit you're right. I never thought about it. I've rarely ever seen any on model Tekken 8 3D porn. But I've seen far more on model SF6 3D porn.
                What the frick.

              • 1 week ago

                There are a few really good animations with the new tekken models but it's mostly Lili and Asuka.

              • 1 week ago

                >mostly Lili and Asuka.
                The Karin ripoff and the Sakura ripoff.
                Even in Tekken porn Street Fighter wins. Embarassing. Not even Tekken 8's Juri ripoff Reina is included?

              • 1 week ago
                Shadaloo Grunt

                Game is good masturbatory material but has more fricking magic than Skyrim

              • 1 week ago

                >fricking magic than Skyrim
                Its called Ki and Psycho Power and has been in the franchise since day 1. Is this your first street fighter game ever?

              • 1 week ago

                I repeat. Not even one of the best Tekken players ever likes Tekken 8..

              • 1 week ago

                Launch T8 had whack balance but they've been adjusting it in the proper direction with the latest patches. I'm not going to continue argue with you because you're not even playing the game. Just a gamewarring shill.

              • 1 week ago

                this post is from march and this video is from 2 months ago.

                "I want to win EVO just to say Tekken 8 is bad"

              • 1 week ago

                Yes and before the two latest drastic patches that toned down heat and buffed sidestepping. It's ok that you're clueless about the game but don't pretend that you know shit, Black person.

              • 1 week ago

                You mean like AngryBird shitting on sf6 after winning a championship,right?

              • 1 week ago

                I didnt start attending tournaments until sf6 because it's that good.

              • 1 week ago

                >n-name 10 e-celebs who agree with you or your argument is invalid!
                Holy kek zoomers are so fricking dumb.
                As if people who literally live off shilling would willingly shoot themselves in the foot that way.

              • 1 week ago

                >plenty of people fricking hate this ugly game
                wouldn't call you replying to yourself every single day since Akuma launched, people but ok

              • 1 week ago

                >plenty of people
                OK name some.

          • 1 week ago

            That's just what happens when you say something outrageous that's also insulting the taste of the massive majority you're disagreeing with, at least in most social media formats

            • 1 week ago

              SF6 looks fricking abhorrent and if you think it looks good you deserve to have your taste mocked.

              • 1 week ago

                It looks fine, and if it is actually this offensive to you then there unironically is something wrong with your taste and you need to shut the frick up pretending like you speak for anyone else besides like 3 other anonymous shizos

      • 1 week ago

        never talk shit about ultra, ultra is criminally underrated. the character diversity was fricking insane

      • 1 week ago

        I agree, of course 4 doesn't look as good since it was developed on much older hardware but even from a style standpoint, I like SF4 better. SF6 has no excuse looking this ugly with all the new tech we have now.

      • 1 week ago

        SFV looks like dogshit. I can let SF4 maybe slide, but anyone who defends SFV has their fricking eyes broken. All 3D street fighter games look like shit, but SFV is the worst of them all

    • 1 week ago

      it is actually impressive how much worse than sf5 even sf4, sf6 looks, it is just so fricking ugly and all the characters are just ugly, not weird ugly like Hugo or Abigail, they are just disgusting troony freaks

      Looks like dogshit compared to 6

      • 1 week ago

        >every character looks greasy because of the terrible light
        >every character has a deformed chest
        >no soulful big hands and big feet
        >slime everywhere, what is this, splatoon?
        >SA3 are cutscenes
        >Akuma looks like a bunch of rotten meat in a transparent plastic bag
        i'm just not gonna play it

        • 1 week ago

          >no soulful big hands and big feet
          this is what I miss the most from SFV, I liked making jokes about how huge Karin's hands were in SFV

  5. 1 week ago

    it has the same number of players as SF4 HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    • 1 week ago

      yup never seen a street fighter die so fast after the new one is out. what a piece of shit lmfao

      • 1 week ago

        SF4 doesn't even have rollback and it's competing with SFV
        literally nobody wants to play V even OP or anybody on this poser board

  6. 1 week ago

    >jivegay trying to push the narrative.
    I have both SF6 and SFV and i will never touch SFV again.

  7. 1 week ago

    i'm just not gonna play pajeet fighter 6 sorry sar, no rupees for you

  8. 1 week ago


  9. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Esg isnt re-

    • 1 week ago

      Well, /sfg/, is it true? Is this really the world of Street Fighter?

  10. 1 week ago

    Street Shitter 6

    • 1 week ago

      Sir please delete this bloddy b***h

      OH NO NO NO

      Street Fighter 6? Yep, it is realy shit.

      Sir please redeem the chipotle coins thanks sar

  11. 1 week ago

    That's a black man

  12. 1 week ago

    is it me or is SFV fast as frick compared to 6? I have to rewind a billion times on any YT video to understand wtf just happened

    • 1 week ago

      They're approximately the same speed. Maybe you're just not as familiar with SFV?

    • 1 week ago

      sfv was more demanding mechanically and had a decent roster. Sf6 is mostly slime rush into throw loop or slime rush into 50/50 with a shallow roster so it's easy to follow

      • 1 week ago

        sf6 is literally just drive-rush at each other over and over. even tekken 8's worst issues with heat done come even close to this

        >infamous for sucking off SFV even at its worst
        >everyone and their mother calls him a Duty V shill
        >towards the end of the 5 era he explains himself, claiming he likes 2 and 5, but not 3 and 4 because of he's a diehard neutralgay
        >completely understandable opinion at the time considering 2 and 5 have the best neutral and the latter mellowed out in the later 3 seasons
        >suddenly sucking off Slime Rush 6
        There is some serious [X] Doubt with this take. How on earth could anyone look at 6'S """neutral""" and go "Yep, this game is way better than 5".

        >slime rush this, slime rush that
        Have you guys ever considered just picking Modern and hitting the EX DP shortcut whenever you see green?

        You are obviously not good to begin with, so what's the problem of picking the "beginner" scheme and make people seethe with it?

        • 1 week ago

          good way to burn yourself out, moron.

          • 1 week ago

            That's a silly complaint that only shitters say

            >opponent DR
            >I react with shortcut EX DP
            >DR behind it
            >poke once, poke twice, if he blocked both end up in a true blockstring special or make him guess with something else, instead of confirming into more damage
            >more than 1 bar is already back, while I'm at neutral range

            People who burn themselves a lot in this game are the SFV widows who mash into DR every single blockstring. Or those who play characters that need to waste meter to get significant damage on their BnBs.

            Reaction with EX DP against neutral DR in this game is the right answer, because of how easy it is to rollercoast people

            • 1 week ago

              >I react with shortcut EX DP
              >DR behind it
              man if I can get you to burn drive bars for my one bar thats objectively favorable on my end.
              you are bad at this game.
              whats your MR?

              • 1 week ago


                The point is that you didn't just lost "one bar", you lost health, you rolled over closer to the corner, and now you have to guess on my agression. You see pros wasting 3 bars on a just to get a throw, but you're afraid of wasting less than three to get the same amount of guesses plus damage? Meter recharges FAST if you're on the agression side

                Also, don't forget the M on top of my health, I'm not afraid of DR in the corner, I have one button supers too.

    • 1 week ago

      Really? Most matches just seem straightforward. Someone got a poke into special, now they dash up and do some shimmy throw, crush counter, big damage, repeat, now they're dizzy or something

  13. 1 week ago

    guys tekken 8 sucks but its the only fighting game series I really even like, what the frick do i play now?

    • 1 week ago

      SoulCalibur.......whenever the series finally, FINALLY receives netcode that isn't dogshit.

      • 1 week ago

        does anybody even play sc6 anymore, i played it for like a week at launch then i think everyone forgot about it

        • 1 week ago

          I'm playing the stories. And watching replays because I wouldn't stand a chance against other players.

    • 1 week ago

      It's OK lil bro I'm sure you can still play t7 since it's so good right

      • 1 week ago

        tekken 7 is alright, not great imo but now the only people playing it are gonna be like morons or third worlders

  14. 1 week ago

    For such a dead game Tekken sure seems to occupy a lot of headspace of these SF '''chads'''

  15. 1 week ago

    Tekken is such a garbage ass game holy shit

    • 1 week ago

      If you think Tekken is bad just wait till you play SF6.

      • 1 week ago

        SF6 is fun and everyone loves it. Nice try mashengay

        • 1 week ago

          I've played both and SF6 is just objectively the superior game of the two.

          >its objective that my ps4 mickey mouse slime game is the best fighter of all time sar! dont forget to redeem your nickelodeon avatar bundle sar!

          • 1 week ago

            Yep. Stay mad, and go play your dead game lmao

            • 1 week ago

              somehow they managed to make sf6 look worse

              • 1 week ago

                >look worse
                By who's standards? The entire FGC and gaming community thinks SF6 looks amazing visually.

              • 1 week ago

                >everyone whose career depends on it agrees this looks gawdlike sar!

              • 1 week ago

                not him, but this pic looks like a very good poster

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah its drive impact its supposed to be flashy so the players on screen know whats happening. Its called game design and it lasts literally 1 second.

              • 1 week ago

                This looks nicer to me than Tekken 8's random vomiting of generic particle effects.

              • 1 week ago

                This looks like shit. Just a vomit of particle effects.

            • 1 week ago

              If you're calling Tekken "dead" then you're pretty much saying the whole genre except SF is dead.

              • 1 week ago

                nta but Tekken is dying. Strive has a smaller player base but I wouldn't say its dying. Strives community is is optimistic towards their game and their player base is stable.
                SF6's community is optimistic towards their game and their playerbase is stable.
                Tekken's "community" hates both the game, each other, and their devs and their player numbers are constantly falling.

              • 1 week ago

                compared to sf6

              • 1 week ago

                Remember that Tekken also launched this year.
                SF6 is more than a year old.

              • 1 week ago

                nta but Tekken is dying. Strive has a smaller player base but I wouldn't say its dying. Strives community is is optimistic towards their game and their player base is stable.
                SF6's community is optimistic towards their game and their playerbase is stable.
                Tekken's "community" hates both the game, each other, and their devs and their player numbers are constantly falling.

                STFU CapBlack person! As if that fricking garbage ass gave GuiltyGay Strive is doing any better than based Tekken.
                Makes sense that both troony communities like dix and strive would stick together! LOL

              • 1 week ago

                Mental illness on display.

              • 1 week ago

                This is why every other fighting game community hates tekken fans..

                Remember that Tekken also launched this year.
                SF6 is more than a year old.

                >SF6 is more than a year old.
                That makes it so much worse for Tekken.

              • 1 week ago

                >makes it so much worse for Tekken
                Yeah that's my point

              • 1 week ago

                I know I was agreeing with you.

              • 1 week ago

                Frick off.

              • 1 week ago

                >seething strive troony posting his troony characters lmfaaoo
                I can see why you and dixgays love each other KEK!

              • 1 week ago

                STFU CapBlack person! As if that fricking garbage ass gave GuiltyGay Strive is doing any better than based Tekken.
                Makes sense that both troony communities like dix and strive would stick together! LOL

                Holy falseflagging SlimeBlack person is going all out

              • 1 week ago

                Stop making your damage control so obvious..

              • 1 week ago

                CapBlack folk always throwing shit at everyone else

              • 1 week ago

                What is it about reina that has made tekkengays extra obnoxious since she came along?

              • 1 week ago

                cringe edgy tranime shit

              • 1 week ago

                It's the only marginally good thing their game has to talk about.

              • 1 week ago

                Reina is an rare example of a good newcomer (unlike recent failures Kim, Marisa, Manon, etc)

              • 1 week ago

                Kim is the only failure you listed. Marisa, and Manon are of middling popularity and have their own fans.
                Also Reina is just rip off Juri, Just like like Lili is just ripoff Karin, and Jin's cousin in Tekken (forgot her name) is just rip off Sakura.

              • 1 week ago

                >Guilty Gear consistent 2,000-3,000
                >Juggle is losing players by 2 thousand near daily.
                Give it until November and Jug8 will be dead.

          • 1 week ago

            Yup. The entire FGC agrees Tekken 8 is pure trash and that SF6 is goated. Its over.

      • 1 week ago

        I've played both and SF6 is just objectively the superior game of the two.

        • 1 week ago

          sf6 is literally just drive-rush at each other over and over. even tekken 8's worst issues with heat done come even close to this

          • 1 week ago

            >muh drive rush
            Who cares. It can easily be delth with. Tekken's highest level gameplay is literally just mashing.

  16. 1 week ago

    >the same autist keeps making these threads since sf6's launch
    lol, lmao

  17. 1 week ago

    T8 is great though, its just more aggressive than people were ready for (and the recent update even dialed up defense)

    last good SF was ultra, 5 was fricking trash, 6 is fricking green-slurm trash

  18. 1 week ago

    I don't care for slime fighter so I'm just not going to play it. Capcom could hire 1000 vtubers and I still won't play it. We'll see how sf7 turns out.

  19. 1 week ago

    I don't know what the white man's fighting game is. I just know that it's definitely not Tekken.

  20. 1 week ago

    It's an ok party masher but as a fighting game i wouldn't recommend it.

    • 1 week ago

      Bro Tekken 8's whole gameplay is build around mashing. What do you think the heat system is?
      Thats not mashing. Those are deliberate moves and combos. crowching jab canceled into EX forward kick special into back heavy drive cancelled into back heavy into falcon punch special cancelled into lv3.
      Nothing about that was "mashing". Its called a fricking combo.
      I don't think you know what mashing is.

    • 1 week ago

      >those reaction faces at the end
      Holy shit what is this garbage

  21. 1 week ago

    I play SFV sometimes, even with some EU pros who want a break from SF6.
    The situation isnt great though. I dont dare touch ranked because all the good connections left and the netcode is wonky so its all setting up playdates.

    Its a bit sad. Its not even that I think SFV is gods gift to man, I just think that SF6 is irredeemable dogshit.

  22. 1 week ago

    16ers are pathetic

  23. 1 week ago

    sorry brother i'm playing kof xv

    no mames

  24. 1 week ago

    I miss V-Trigger and crush counter

  25. 1 week ago

    Strive wins yet again

    • 1 week ago

      Sorry bud but we aren't competing for the highest count of trannies

  26. 1 week ago

    Yeah, I can wait. Not gonna play your slimeslop.

    • 1 week ago

      >Not gonna play your slime-

      • 1 week ago

        >Tekkengays already turning on COTW
        >They think any cancelling of moves is "bad gameplay"
        You're all idiots I swear.

        • 1 week ago

          I know tekken lives rent free in your head but come on.

          • 1 week ago

            Who else would it be anon? This is how tekken players act. Strive players don't act like this. SF6 players don't act like this. Not even Mortal Kombat players act liket his. Its always tekken players for some reason.

            • 1 week ago

              >for some reason
              Fricking moron. Its not "for some reason" the reason is obvious. They don't understand fighting games in the slightest and instead of trying to get better they just call what they don't understand to be "shit".
              First it was drive rush, now its this.
              Tekkengays have acted this way towards strive, sf6, and Garou 2 is next.
              Be ready for tekkeBlack folk to become extra obnoxious come release.

      • 1 week ago

        >TekkeBlack person see's moves being cancelled into

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah this is what slime fight was supposed to be. Sorry not sorry, dixtroony.

      • 1 week ago

        >SNK's supposed big breakout is just slime fighter 6

        • 1 week ago

          snk always copies SF

      • 1 week ago

        >this is the game Ganker is shilling
        Looks like shit you guys.

      • 1 week ago

        This is DoA and no amount of shilling will change this.
        You'll see more people playing Terry on SF6 than this game as a while.

        • 1 week ago

          Who fricking cares. Steamchart/player-count posting always was a thing, but I swear jerking off about player-count and judging a Fighting Game based off how many are playing increased like tenfold since SF6 released. I fricking hate it.

          • 1 week ago

            As stated before Caphomies have nothing else but popularity to jerk off about in their new game. Also, SF6 bought in a lot of casuals/people who care about things like popularity. Popularity especially matters the most for Fighting Games because some don't deem it worth it to play/care about a FG if the player-count is considered low. They're already hard to some, so being hard and having lower-numbers is a dealbreaker.

      • 1 week ago

        It that was SF6, Rock would have had time to land from his kick and counter Preecha's impact.

      • 1 week ago

        Way better than Slime Black folk. What's the problem?

      • 1 week ago

        >SF6 but worse
        This is guaranteed to flop.

        • 1 week ago

          a flop thats still better than the alive chipotle slop you play

        • 1 week ago

          >Capgay already coping about a better Fighting Game 7 months before it even releases
          It's okay. You don't have to be so scared and upset over better games. You can still jerk off SF6's steamcharts and sales since they'll be higher.

      • 1 week ago

        >slime, capcom >:(
        >slime, snk :O
        This board is full of third worlders.

  27. 1 week ago

    >current game bad
    >last game good
    Will this cycle ever end

    • 1 week ago

      Outside of one schitzo on Ganker people agree that 6 is better than 5

      • 1 week ago

        >people agree that 6 is better than 5
        Tell that to Daigo

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            daigo is a shill

            • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            >infamous for sucking off SFV even at its worst
            >everyone and their mother calls him a Duty V shill
            >towards the end of the 5 era he explains himself, claiming he likes 2 and 5, but not 3 and 4 because of he's a diehard neutralgay
            >completely understandable opinion at the time considering 2 and 5 have the best neutral and the latter mellowed out in the later 3 seasons
            >suddenly sucking off Slime Rush 6
            There is some serious [X] Doubt with this take. How on earth could anyone look at 6'S """neutral""" and go "Yep, this game is way better than 5".

            • 1 week ago

              the japanese pros see themselves as ambassadors of street fighter now.
              been that way since late SFV. they started building up events and infrastructure. tokido is leading some esports organization as an example. they wont ever talk shit about the game that creates their bottom line again.

              you can still listen to them when it comes to game advice, but their opinions will always be fake from now on.

    • 1 week ago

      Why has nobody thought to just make last game but with better graphics and more characters and more modern technology? Oh yeah, because ESPORTS memes

      • 1 week ago

        Because street fighter 5 was ass and half the characters sucked

      • 1 week ago

        because they said the last game was bad when it came out and the previous game was good

  28. 1 week ago

    >street fighter thread
    >every criticism met with B-BUT TEKKEN!!!
    kek rent free

    • 1 week ago

      Tekken is basically the new Elden Ring for Captrannies. They always find a boogeyman.

  29. 1 week ago

    What is the slowest recent fighting game? I don't want to brick my controllers...

  30. 1 week ago

    All current fighting games suck dick
    When are we getting a new Virtua Fighter?

  31. 1 week ago

    the current state of fighters is depressing man.
    out of all SF6 was the biggest letdown though.

  32. 1 week ago

    >SF thread on Ganker
    >tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken tekken
    Cultural victory

  33. 1 week ago

    If Tekkenfans didn't exist would the rest of the FGC be able to exist in harmony?
    I'm beginning to understand why tekken is considered the worst community next to mortal kombat and smash.

    • 1 week ago

      delete arcsysfans and maybe

      • 1 week ago

        Strivefans are chill compared to Tekkenfans. I have nothing inherently against Arcsysfans.
        I hate tekkenfans because they're loud and obnoxious while also being bad at games. Its no coincidence that when a professional tekken player tries to play ANY other fighting game they always get destroyed then end up running back to Tekken.

        • 1 week ago

          >Strivefans are chill compared to Tekkenfans.
          Leffen exists. Trannies exist. Smash players exist.

        • 1 week ago

          The problem with Tekkenfans is that they eat Harada's bullshit and they love it.
          SF6 only exist because SFV almost killed the series, so they had to do an actual good game. Yes SF6 is a good game, eat my dick if you disagree

          • 1 week ago

            >Yes SF6 is a good game
            It's not, it's ugly as shit and SFV didn't "kill" anything, it had a rough launch due to Capcom rushing things like idiots, eat by balls if you disagree

            • 1 week ago

              cry 16er, it was garbage.

        • 1 week ago

          >I hate tekkenfans because they're loud and obnoxious while also being bad at games
          Describes Capgays. Tekken fans aren't the ones who shit on every single Fighting Game nor use Steamcharts for why their game is actually better than everything else, because they know talking about the actual gameplay is a bad idea. Also, SF players suck fricking dick at every Fighter. Their "top players" like Punk sucked wiener when KOF 15 released and use the excuses of "wasn't really trying", and they sucked dick even at GG Strive. They haven't played Tekken because how could they even when they can't even play other 2D Fighters. They will suck major fricking dick at COTW too. Even with SNK dumbing down everything it's likely still be too much for them.

          • 1 week ago

            Mental illness on display

            • 1 week ago

              Nice retort. Go jerk off about your 30K steamcharts and how many of your favorite vtubers are playing. That's all you guys have.

            • 1 week ago

              Before Tekken 8 came out was Ganker able to have decent fightan discussion or is this awfulness just a new phenomenon?

              • 1 week ago

                It's been awful ever since Ganker became a Capcom shilling ground. Which has been for some decade now to be honest.

              • 1 week ago

                Mental illness on display

              • 1 week ago

                >making/saving this collage
                you have some deep seated mental issues.
                I think anon is right that tekken fans are the problem. Like what is actually wrong with you people?

              • 1 week ago

                Why are you defending horror engine abominations?

              • 1 week ago

                You homosexuals will never answer that question honestly, will you? Fricking coward.

              • 1 week ago

                Lol no, there's a mental Ill anon that hounds fighting game threads and Capcom threads and makes it shitty for everyone involved, he has been going for a few years now.

              • 1 week ago

                Not really. Tekken is the latest cope for slime fighters, but before that it was a jive VS did holy war.

              • 1 week ago

                >jive VS did holy war.
                Not even street fighter fans liked Jive..
                >Tekken is the latest cope for slime fighters
                Judging from all these threads it seems to me at least like its always tekken fans instigating problems. It feels like they're just bothered by how well recived sf6 is in comparison to tekken 8. Like its weird. they're two different styles of fighitng games.
                SF6 has more in common with strive and Garou 2 than Tekken yet I see more friendliness between SF6, Garou 2, and Strive than between Tekken and SF6.

              • 1 week ago

                >yet I see more friendliness between SF6, Garou 2, and Strive than between Tekken and SF6.
                Can't speak for the strive part but Street Fighter and SNK go way back to the very beginning. Lots of oldgay street fighter fans have played SNK games and vice versa. There will be SF6 players who will play Garou 2 and the devs at Capcom seem to only be encouraging it.
                As another anon said Tekken players can only play Tekken nothing else. Not even virtua fighter properly translates from tekken players.

    • 1 week ago

      Tekken is eventually going to get ostracized from the FGC just like Smash, and Mortal Kombat.
      They have no one on their side. Virtua Fightergays hate them, Street FIghtergays hate them, MVC2gays hate them, GuiltyGeargays hate them. Undernight Inbirthgays hate them.

      daigo is a shill


      >infamous for sucking off SFV even at its worst
      >everyone and their mother calls him a Duty V shill
      >towards the end of the 5 era he explains himself, claiming he likes 2 and 5, but not 3 and 4 because of he's a diehard neutralgay
      >completely understandable opinion at the time considering 2 and 5 have the best neutral and the latter mellowed out in the later 3 seasons
      >suddenly sucking off Slime Rush 6
      There is some serious [X] Doubt with this take. How on earth could anyone look at 6'S """neutral""" and go "Yep, this game is way better than 5".

      >most influential man in the FGC has an opinion Tekkengays disagree with
      >h-he's just a shill
      embarrassing behavior.

  34. 1 week ago

    SF6 doesn't have a single character I like, but It's really hard to come back to SFV or SF4 because of the facilities SF6 added

    >how fast it is to rematch, SFV takes a fricking year
    >wifi indicator, by refusing them my online experience is absurdly better

    Even one of the two complaints I have about Street Fighter 6, how I need to "get on the menu, select fighting ground, go into training, select a character" to get into training will get solved in the next patch. I will be able to press one button in the main menu to just teleport into training with my main. The other complaint is obviously how I can't just auto deny every wifi APE, I have to deny rematch against them manually.

    I obviously don't "love" the game though. Hard to love it when Sakura isn't in it. But only a contrarian would deny that as a package, it absolutelly shits on every other street fighter game. I tried to replay SFV, and not only I only played laggy PS4 players SFV is free on PSN, so every opponent will be a PS4 player on wifi I hated real time how it took almost 15 seconds to get back into the match.

  35. 1 week ago

    >SFV is now a good game
    Man the contrarianism here never stops. Eventually every shit game will be good here lol

    • 1 week ago

      >muh contrarianism
      Not for me, I like SFV and think it's better and I've said this before and after SF6 released

  36. 1 week ago

    I'd make a lobby for SFV but I'm occupied right now I'm sorry.

  37. 1 week ago

    dixxies are fricking mentally ill.
    aggressively lashing out at any game that isnt their slime simulator.
    go make a thread for your shit game if you think its so great. or even better go play it, which you obviously wont, because its shit.

  38. 1 week ago

    >can't ever have a Tekken thread that lasts beyond 100 posts on this board
    >can have threads made back to back by some frick assmad about sf6 with people always bringing up Tekken to both attack and defend sf6
    It's strange because 8 was literally fricked up to be the most casual friendly Tekken's ever been specifically for morons like Ganker.

    • 1 week ago

      sorry sweety. Ganker doesnt play and only follows ecelebs and those decided that tekken8 is a nono while slime sim is doubleplusgood.

      • 1 week ago

        You don't seem to understand my post moron. I hate you and the rest of the morons who can't stop seething about street fighter 6 and then bring up Tekken as a name to use in their gay little gamewar. Because at the end of the day you don't want to actually talk about Tekken, you just want to shit on street fighter, the same way one homosexual obsessed with Tekken used to bring up SF for the sole purpose of shitting on Tekken 7.

        • 1 week ago

          Why are you using Tekken images when you're actually an asshurt CapBlack person?

          I don't even play Tekken. I played 500 hours of SFV and 4 each and I can say that Dix is repulsive.

          • 1 week ago

            I use Tekken images because I like Tekken. I never said anything about you playing it either just people using it for these Black person child tier online game vs game arguments while I can't even get an actual Tekken thread going here.

            >I hate you and the rest of the morons who can't stop seething about street fighter 6
            Not him, but it's a shit/mediocre game that's the most popular. Of course normal people who don't like shit things succeeding don't like that. Also, Street Fighter is objectively the franchise most undeserving of its praise. It actually only gets by on it's brand-name and not because it actually does anything better than any of Franchise. Shit like that is even worse for Fighting Game than everything else since majority suck at them so they flock to the ones with the bigger numbers and that are the easiest.

            >normal people
            Do you think posting the same things over and over like a machine about how a game you think is shit is the worst thing ever is normal? And you saying it's "undeserving of praise" is as moronic as when I used to see other 3d fgposters say the exact same kind of shit with Tekken. I hate dnf duel and regret spending the money I did on it, but I'm not gonna go on a crusade against it because they fricked up my one chance for a dfo fighting game.

            • 1 week ago

              Sounds more like you're using images you saved from /tekgen/ when you're over there doomposting like a slimeBlack. How about you post your T8 play time?

              • 1 week ago

                Ok here. Also I go there because there are good Tekken images posted there and I got some tips on how to play my character better there. Not everyone who thinks your flame war is moronic has to be a fan of the game you made a mission to hate dumbass.

              • 1 week ago

                Your steam hours and a timestamp. Nobody cares about the shit you cropped from /tekgen/.

              • 1 week ago

                I am console fat and you can look up the image in the archive if you need to

                why are you bothering with fgg schizos. its pointless its like arguing with a brick wall.

                Yeah you're right I should just focus on actually trying to get better at Tekken instead of coming here to prove I do to some schizo

              • 1 week ago

                Good option select there buddy

              • 1 week ago

                why are you bothering with fgg schizos. its pointless its like arguing with a brick wall.

        • 1 week ago

          SF6 is dogshit man I dont know what to tell you.

        • 1 week ago

          >I hate you and the rest of the morons who can't stop seething about street fighter 6
          Not him, but it's a shit/mediocre game that's the most popular. Of course normal people who don't like shit things succeeding don't like that. Also, Street Fighter is objectively the franchise most undeserving of its praise. It actually only gets by on it's brand-name and not because it actually does anything better than any of Franchise. Shit like that is even worse for Fighting Game than everything else since majority suck at them so they flock to the ones with the bigger numbers and that are the easiest.

          • 1 week ago

            >Of course normal people who don't like shit things succeeding don't like that.
            >He thinks he's a "normal" person.
            You're not normal at all. You're straight up an obsessed weirdo and anyone outside of Ganker would tell you the same.

        • 1 week ago

          >A Tekkenfan that isn't a schizo
          I'm genuinely shocked.

    • 1 week ago

      miss t7 so much

      • 1 week ago

        Same, it handled DLC much better and gave you more for less compared to T8

    • 1 week ago

      OP here, I'm just shitting on both games. I didn't make the last thread, or any of the other SF6 hate threads this week.

      You're right that there is someone who is particularly butthurt about this game. There's been nonstop flow of hate threads since the season 2 lineup reveal.

  39. 1 week ago


  40. 1 week ago

    >decide to boot up Tekken
    >have to look at Eddy's face and ass and I navigate to ranked
    How much fricking longer is this going to last

    • 1 week ago

      Until Lidia's patch. Which is soon (trademark)

  41. 1 week ago

    SF6 is great. In 3 days!

  42. 1 week ago

    >Yes SF6 is a good game

    I swear to God when SF7 hits, the shills will turn on Dix just as they turned on Jive

    • 1 week ago

      I don't see the issue here, ElChakotay won that match

      Also, Lily has poor defense against DR because of how shit her mediuns are. At round start you SHOULD DR against her, since with no stock she can't convert a special from a single cr.lp, only DR cancel preemptively. Lily player btw

    • 1 week ago

      how is what you showed not neutral? Lily didn't check Luke and got punished for it. Thats neutral if you don't stop the enemy they will get in and can get a combo off on you.

    • 1 week ago

      >this video is the "gotcha"
      Tekkengays are really grasping at straws...

      • 1 week ago

        how is what you showed not neutral? Lily didn't check Luke and got punished for it. Thats neutral if you don't stop the enemy they will get in and can get a combo off on you.

        Mashing slime is not neutral. Sorry to tell ya dixgays

        • 1 week ago

          >mashing slime
          Thats not how drive rush works but of course you didn't know that because you don't actually play fighting games.
          But to explain it to you there are two tipes of drive rush. Parry Drive Rush and Drive Rush Cancel.
          Parry Drive Rush makes your character run forward (similar to a sprint like in an SNK game) and you can throw out an attack that can give plus frames to help give you an advantage.
          But while rushing you can be countered simply by being hit by any attack, or jumped over.
          Cancel Drive Rush is when you cancel a cancelallable normal into drive for 3 bar (half your entire drive bar) allowing you to make another attack. Its used to "take another turn" if your last move would have been too minus.
          Get it now?

          • 1 week ago

            Sounds like complete cancer neutral skips crutches.

            • 1 week ago

              because thats what they are.

            • 1 week ago

              How is that skipping neutral? Also btw every 2D fighting game has some form of "neutral" skip since the very beginning are you new to the genre?
              SNK has sprinting, Strive has air dash. Are you just new to fighting games is that what this is?

              • 1 week ago

                What was the neutral skip in SFV? Enlighten me?

                And air dashes are not neutral skips you prostituteson. They're part of the neutral.

              • 1 week ago

                >What was the neutral skip in SFV? Enlighten me?

              • 1 week ago

                Look, Vega had slime shit before it was a universal mechanic.

              • 1 week ago

                >think SFV was the first game to have invincible specials
                You really don't play any fighting game other than Tekken 8 huh?
                Let me guess is this "slime" too? Or are you going to change your argument again.

              • 1 week ago

                >A character having a specific EX move is the same as a universal mechanic that every character can use at any time
                Bravo Slimeshill!

              • 1 week ago

                So you are going to move the goalpost again. As expected.
                Is this slime as well?

              • 1 week ago

                >They're part of the neutral.
                And Drive Rush is part of neutral :). Whats so different about Air Dash vs Drive Rush? Explain using logical reasoning and not bias.

                It has five times more players than T7 did five months past launch. You just tried to force a narrative that is failing, Capcom shill. The same way you're burying any competing fighting game with false negative narrative.

                >It has five times more players than T7 did five months past launch
                And? Barely anyone played T7 despite it being a better game than T8 in every way.

              • 1 week ago

                >slimeBlack person now downplaying player numbers when it's not convenient to his narrative
                You can't win against the SlimeBlack folk

              • 1 week ago

                Whats to downplay? 10 is a bigger number than 9? Sure it is but its nothing compared to 30.
                Tekken 8 may have more players than Tekken 7 but this isn't about Tekken competing with Tekken its about it competing with Street Fighter.
                And no one likes Tekken 8 not even Tekken fans.
                If I search for stuff about Tekken 8 I will find far more posts b***hing about Tekken 8 than praising it.

              • 1 week ago

                >Tekken its about it competing with Street Fighter.
                No it's only about that because you're a schizophrenic looking for boogeymen. I wonder, when T8 presents itself with higher lifetime sales than Dix, will you still claim the same?

              • 1 week ago

                >It doesn't matter that Tekken 8 is having more players than Tekken 7, it only matters that it does worse than SF
                Holy homosexual literally kys you game warring slimeBlack person

              • 1 week ago

                I thought you said player numbers didn't matter. Look at the reviews for Tekken 8 then look at the reviews for Tekken 7.
                Is Tekken 8 a better game than Tekken 7 because of player numbers? If so then you concede that SF6 is a better game than Tekken 8 because of player numbers.
                T7 has very positive reviews while T8 climbed back to "mixed" after plummeting to mostly negative.

              • 1 week ago

                But Black person, you JUST said that it doesn't matter that T8 is five times more popular than T7, while in the second sentence saying it matters that Slime Rushers Dix is two times more popular. Do you see what a hypocrite wienersucker you are?

              • 1 week ago

                I am a hypocrite but so are you. And the fact that I got you to admit it means I won.
                Enjoy getting fleeced by Bamco and your ever dwidling player numbers.
                Oh and word of advice. Best not record any of your modded Tekken 8 gameplay on youtube or Bamco ninjas will have your head.

                Have fun.

              • 1 week ago

                I am glad you finally admitted to being a hypocrite wienersucker. It was well overdue. But now since you admitted it, I think you should also admit that Slime Trannies is hard carried by the Japs because Capcom is paying their vtuber streamers like a motherfricker.

              • 1 week ago

                Capnigs used to make fun of and shit on GG Strive for being a braindead experience that casuals and Smash players play and love. But then Casuals and Smashers love and play SF6 en masse, and they now say how it's a good thing. What changed? Well other than 1 being called Street Fighter and the other not.

              • 1 week ago

                >SF6 gets comfy cute japanese vtubers
                >Tekken gets ugly westoid men and the occasional ugly westoid woman
                Is this post supposed to be insulting?

              • 1 week ago

                >>SF6 gets comfy cute japanese vtubers
                They're troons or even worse

              • 1 week ago

                >They're troons
                False. They're japanese not american like the tekken fans are.

              • 1 week ago

                >Whats so different about Air Dash vs Drive Rush?
                I hope someone screencaps this. This is what Capdrones actually believe. No wonder Capcom gets away shitting in their mouths.

          • 1 week ago

            >Thats not how drive rush works

            • 1 week ago

              I'm convinced all the fg threads here are made by this guy for him to post his whole bullshit schizoset over and over.

  43. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >completely mindbreaks schizos into making conspiracies why the game has so many players
      Crazy shit

      • 1 week ago

        Apparently it’s all bots and the other games have a million more players on consoles

    • 1 week ago

      There are 13k online for Dix now and will only go further down as Japan goes to sleep. Why are you lying?

      • 1 week ago

        homie it's 3 am there, they're already sleeping.

        • 1 week ago

          It's at its lowest players when Japan hits its dead hours. So 5-7 AM Japan is when Dix goes to die.

          • 1 week ago

            So you moved the goalposts, really smart.

            • 1 week ago

              What goalposts? When Japan enters its dead hours, Dix also dies. You posted a chart with 40k online, which is false since during western hours, it's more like 10k (still inflated by NEET Japs)

              • 1 week ago

                The size of your cope should embarrass your whole family tree.

          • 1 week ago

            More people would be awake then than now if it was all Japan. Sorry about Floppen 8.

      • 1 week ago

        I haven’t seen Tekken be above SF6 since release. And Tekken 8’s peak was half of SF6’s. That’s the thing. SFV was so ass that Tekken and Guilty Gear were temporarily considered valid competitors. That’s over now, which is what mindbroke you. When Akuma came out SF6 once again reached almost twice the peak of Tekken 8.

  44. 1 week ago

    Man did Capcom frick this dude's mother in front of him? Holy shit.

    • 1 week ago

      Apparently, this dude can be traced to DMC5 threads way back then, I also wouldn't be surprised if he's the one that said the "actually it won't sell" line for MHW.

  45. 1 week ago


  46. 1 week ago

    Anyone got that webm of this abomination visiting Capcom HQ?

  47. 1 week ago

    >he's posting his schizofolder

  48. 1 week ago

    This dude is truly unhinged jesus, it's been sometime since I saw this kind of complete no sanity posting.

  49. 1 week ago

    >3 AM in Japan before the dlc even comes out
    It’s over tekkensisters… It’s over. Street Fighter won everywhere…

  50. 1 week ago

    >Literally no other argument for Slime Trannies Dix but player numbers inflated by Japs
    Want me to post Dota player numbers now, DixBlack folk?

    • 1 week ago

      >Slime Trannies Dix
      The triforce of schizo posting.

      • 1 week ago

        >noooo not the bad words
        cope and seethe b***h

    • 1 week ago

      >Japan bad!
      Why are you so racist? The japanese made the Masher known as Tekken 8 you love so much.

    • 1 week ago

      It's literally all they do. Against Guilty Gear, KOF, Tekken, MK, Granblue, etcetera. Especially KOF. "Street Fighter/SF6 IS POPULAR SO IT'S BETTER" is all they can cling to. They can't argue nor pretend SF6 is amazing nor good otherwise, so they don't even begin to try. I already hating Caphomosexuals before, but I do 1000x more now than I ever did.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah they're not even trying to paint SF6 in a positive light. Somehow we're supposed to like it because it's...popular on Steam? But then actually not because the playerbase nosedives during western hours. They can't argue for gameplay, graphics, music and content because they all SUCK. This is an awful fighting game in every way.

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah they're not even trying to paint SF6 in a positive light. Somehow we're supposed to like it because it's...popular on Steam? But then actually not because the playerbase nosedives during western hours. They can't argue for gameplay, graphics, music and content because they all SUCK. This is an awful fighting game in every way.

        Honest question.
        If Tekken 8 is a good game why does everyone hate it?

        • 1 week ago

          It has five times more players than T7 did five months past launch. You just tried to force a narrative that is failing, Capcom shill. The same way you're burying any competing fighting game with false negative narrative.

  51. 1 week ago

    >Slimepajeets falseflagging as Tekken players to shit on other fighting games
    Man, I've seen it all now

  52. 1 week ago
  53. 1 week ago

    all I've gathered from this thread is that SF6 is in fact terrible and that SFV was based.

    • 1 week ago

      >SFV was based
      correct, for all his fault Ono was a proponent of sexiness unlike the cucks in charge now

  54. 1 week ago

    This game sucks ass with stubby normals and spamming your crush counter
    Vtrigger is the only interesting thing and it's complete aids because the game is overbalanced around it

  55. 1 week ago

    These threads are such hit or miss

  56. 1 week ago


  57. 1 week ago

    It seems like SF6 is also suffering from success like ER kek
    These people are moths to the flame of good games.

  58. 1 week ago

    As a casual SF fan all I will say is that locking a big chunk of a characters kit behind a comeback mechanic is simply terrible un-fun game design and drive is simply more fun even if more ungabunga

    • 1 week ago

      > a big chunk of a characters kit
      literally never happened. was always a cope complaint.

      • 1 week ago

        The V-System was ass and everyone hated it, and everyone still hates it. No amount of historical revisionism will change this.

        >Whats so different about Air Dash vs Drive Rush?
        I hope someone screencaps this. This is what Capdrones actually believe. No wonder Capcom gets away shitting in their mouths.

        Screen cap it all you want but please explain. What is so different between Air Dash and Drive rush aside from the fact that Drive Rush costs a resource to use.

        • 1 week ago

          dont reply to me dixxie subhuman

          • 1 week ago

            Reply 🙂

  59. 1 week ago

    6s success warped some sad lil fellas' mind LOL

  60. 1 week ago

    SF4 era was easily the most fun and entertaining to watch and play, even though some characters were blatantly broken.

  61. 1 week ago

    ITT : 16ers mad that SF6 killed their first fighting game.

    • 1 week ago

      the irony coming from someone who is obviously still seething about SFV killing his first fighting game

    • 1 week ago

      the shift in quality of excellent adventures solely because of how bad SF5 was before it got decent was sad to see

    • 1 week ago

      Has a single fighting game completely mindbroke (not even joking) people as SF5 did? Only one I can think of is Tekken 4 with koreans

    • 1 week ago

      SF6 is literally the baby's first Fighting Game for tons though. I mean there's tons of casuals/vtubers and actual Smash players who are playing it as their First Fighting Game. Said smash players like Riddles also get decent to good results in it. Which really speaks volumes to SF6's state as a Fighting Game. That being a not very good one.

      • 1 week ago

        Sounds like you're losing and desperate for any reason other than you just not being as good as you thought. I suggest getting the frick off Ganker and playing more matches you fricking scrub.

        • 1 week ago

          Cope more capdrone. Can't wait till you homosexuals try to play COTW(which you will since it's Street-Fighter adjacent and Street Fighter is all you guys play) and get destroyed, running back to Slime Fighter because it's still an SNK and you need actual skill and fundies to play, and can't party-game your way to victory. Don't worry though, they co-opted moron controls just for you guys so you all shouldn't struggle THAT much.

  62. 1 week ago
  63. 1 week ago

    >that little spike before everyone realized it only affected Kazuya and Paul and no more big patches until Early 2025 + 3 DLC characters that were all hated in 7

  64. 1 week ago

    SF6 was developed for casual gamers. It is slow and so easy that it is no longer fun for the demanding player.

    T8 has gotten bad with the patches, it always adapts to whoever has the slowest internet speed, but is good in single player.

    • 1 week ago

      >It is slow
      This is quite literally the first time I've ever seen anyone call SF6 "slow". If anything I've seen some people complain that dix is too fast.

      • 1 week ago

        It kinda makes sense to call SF6 slow because half of the match is always someone freezing the screen by using drive mechanics. It's almost like a quick time events fighter. Absolutely the worst thing I've ever played.

  65. 1 week ago

    Damn...what a healthy western community Slime Fighers has!

    • 1 week ago

      Please ignore the fact that this game drops 80% of its playerbase when Japan goes to sleep!

  66. 1 week ago

    The V-system is the single most actively anti-fun fighting game mechanic in the history of the genre, and just that on its own makes SF6 a better game by default. Yoshinori Ono is a fricking dunce, and anyone that thinks they like SFV just has stockholm syndrome.

  67. 1 week ago

    what possessed Harada to copy SF5 of all fighting games for his new mechanics?

    • 1 week ago

      he decided it was his turn to make trash like sfv. notice everyone hates 8 just like sfv

  68. 1 week ago
  69. 1 week ago

    >muh western streamers
    kek is that really your angle you nerd

    • 1 week ago

      Both Steam numbers and Twitch viewers are highly telling that Slime Mashers is pretty much a Japan only game by now.

  70. 1 week ago

    Why are 80% of SF6 streams in Japanese? No other fighting game is like this.

  71. 1 week ago

    What happened? Japan is sleeping right now why isn't down to 200 players or something?

    • 1 week ago

      >It goes down 70% in mere hours and will drop even further as Asia goes to sleep

      • 1 week ago

        11k players are amazing numbers for a fighting game thats a year old how is this a win for you?
        Mean while Tekken 8 is sitting on 6k players despite it bieng a 5 month old game..
        Are you not embarrassed?

        • 1 week ago

          >11,500 players in SF6
          >6,400 in Tekken 8
          Kek Are you moronic? What do you even have to be smug about?

          >p-please ignore the fact that T8 has five times more players than T7 did five months after launch
          >you must only and only compare to Slime Trannies Dix, inflated by the Japs
          Is this what unhinged schizophrenia looks like?

          • 1 week ago

            >T8 has five times more players than T7 did
            This cope again..
            Do you know how to read charts? This is not a healthy trajectory for your game kid.
            These are not stable numbers. Its decreasing basically every month.

            • 1 week ago

              Your chart clearly shows it has hit a stable platueau the past month and a half though. Or are you too much of a dumb slimeBlack person to even read a basic graph? Literally every single game in existence has a playerbase trajectory like that.

              • 1 week ago

                So you DON'T know how to read charts is what you're saying. It spiked (a little bit) cus of Nina news then immediately started dropping again.
                Meanwhile look at SF6's numbers.

              • 1 week ago

                >T8 has five times more players than T7 did
                This cope again..
                Do you know how to read charts? This is not a healthy trajectory for your game kid.
                These are not stable numbers. Its decreasing basically every month.

                Jesus christ its like night and day.. If vidya were stocks Tekkengays would be losing their house and dixgays would be buying a second house..

              • 1 week ago

                I'm saying you're a third-world slimeBlack person that is unable to make a geniune argument. The trajectory you posted is literally the same for every game ever. Or will you also call Helldivers a flop?

                Your image shows a downward trajectory for Slime Rushers aswell, that get temporary boosts by DLC.

              • 1 week ago

                >Too dumb to understand charts immediately resorts to buzzwords and insults
                Nice fight or flight response. Even a rat will squeak, and shit and gnash its little teeth when cornered.
                >y-you're chart shows a downward trajectory as well
                Holy shit you really don't know how to read charts. What the frick are they teaching you kids in school these days?
                Frick my tax dollars.

            • 1 week ago

              Is Harada finally going to get fired? If I was a bamco CEO seeing this would piss me the off beyond measure.

              • 1 week ago

                >Is Harada finally going to get fired?
                We're not that fortunate.

              • 1 week ago

                Harada is our guy still. Remember how pozzed SF got after Ono got fired? Just ESG shit, endless amounts of it.

              • 1 week ago

                This is what cope looks like.
                Oda was a hack and SFV died in disgrace. While SF6 has only been a huge success since day 1. While Harada is destroying Tekken more and more with every major decision.
                I sure hope whatever Bamco is paying you to shill is worth it.

              • 1 week ago

                Shill frick backstabber. Your time will come.

              • 1 week ago

                >Y-y-y-your time will come!

                Will high quality 2D sprites in fighting games ever make a come back? All of the "2D HD" JRPG remakes that are happening gives me a glimmer of hope...

                No 2D sprites for fighting games are both ridiculously fricking expensive to make and have less appeal for audiences than 3D models. There is no incentive for any company to make 2D sprite fighting games anymore.

            • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >11,500 players in SF6
        >6,400 in Tekken 8
        Kek Are you moronic? What do you even have to be smug about?

    • 1 week ago

      Makes more sense to compare slime 6 to a similar party masher like Multiversus:

  72. 1 week ago

    >Japanese people don't count because........ they just don't ok!!

  73. 1 week ago

    If there's one problem I have with both games, I'm sick of this fricking Shimmy Fighter design that's based around either taking the throw or losing half your life. It's so obnoxious and low risk, high reward.

    • 1 week ago

      woshige game design. in 4 it was fine

  74. 1 week ago

    champion edition v is like $5 on cdkeys. base 6 is still at $60. if you want akuma and dlc it's $100. i really want to play 6 but i won't pick it up for another year. maybe

  75. 1 week ago

    Why are slimeBlack folk so obsessed with player numbers, and more specifically T8 player numbers?

  76. 1 week ago

    Imagine defending Tekken 8. Just imagine the state of denial you have to be in.

    • 1 week ago

      Look at how bamco gays are shilling and defending Eldenrings DLC. BamcoBlack folk are a unique brand of mentally ill.

      Why did you crop out the overall reviews though?

      nta but the initial positive reviews were just because of "new toy syndrome" the reviews for Tekken 8 plummeted more and more as time went by.

  77. 1 week ago

    >open SF thread
    >it's hundreds of posts seething about tekken
    kek every time

    • 1 week ago

      OP made it about both though?

    • 1 week ago

      Slime Black folk have found a new enemy after KOF15.

      • 1 week ago

        that shit couldn't even outlive sfv lmaoooo

        • 1 week ago

          which makes it so much worse that sf6 is an even worse game than kof15 and garou

        • 1 week ago

          How does that change that it's a better game than Jive(and SF6)?

  78. 1 week ago

    ooga booga booga where da lobbies at? SF6, T8, SFV, T7, idc. Just post a lobby.

    • 1 week ago

      K. Tekken 8 lobby: /vee/
      I'm EC NA but anyone can join so long as they're 4 bars and above.

      • 1 week ago

        Welp no one joined don't know what I expected. This board should be limited to talking about SF and Tekken once a week.

    • 1 week ago

      K. Tekken 8 lobby: /vee/
      I'm EC NA but anyone can join so long as they're 4 bars and above.

      >no responses
      Whats wrong tekkengays I thought you loved tekken 8

  79. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Why did you crop out the overall reviews though?

  80. 1 week ago

    Don't care. Still button mashing with my gf in Tekken 7.

  81. 1 week ago

    >Tekken fans during 7 run
    >Tekken fans since SF6 dropped and Capcom didn't shit their own bed and can't even surpass SF6 tournament numbers
    >hmmmm doesn't count this time

    • 1 week ago

      But Tekken fans should be bragging since T8 has five times more players than T7 did relative to time. But they're not because it's known fact that Tekken is the best selling fighting game franchise.

    • 1 week ago

      >Street Fighter fans during Tekken 7
      >Street Fighter fans since SF6

      • 1 week ago

        when did that happened?

        • 1 week ago

          >Tekken's "best selling game T7 can't even beat Street Fighters worst game SFV in EVO engagement
          L after L after L for Tekkengays.

      • 1 week ago

        >b-b-b--b-b-but in the past!
        The future is now kiddo.Stop obsessing over Tekken one and ONLY victory of street fighter with T7 vs jive

    • 1 week ago

      Tekkengays are beyond pathetic.

  82. 1 week ago

    Franchise killer

  83. 1 week ago

    strive will get even bigger with the anime.
    Now if only i can get some gio figures

    • 1 week ago

      Well they announced one they just didn't show it yet. Probably soon since they just showed the baiken figure

      • 1 week ago

        >Probably soon
        it took two years from the baiken figure announcement to them showing the painted prototype meanwhile they keep churning bridget crap

  84. 1 week ago

    SFV looks so good. It's a shame what happened to the artstyle in SF6. Not to mention SFV roster is 100% better.

  85. 1 week ago

    Why did SNK have to kill it with incompetence?

  86. 1 week ago

    i always liked sc more. The 3d movement was done way better

    • 1 week ago

      SC6 launch was the last time I really enjoyed a fighting game competitively. Seong Mi-na main btw.

  87. 1 week ago
  88. 1 week ago

    so, when's the SF5 revival?

    • 1 week ago

      never. nobody did it for a good game like 4, why would they for a shit game?

    • 1 week ago

      Never because literally no one likes the game aside from schizo contrarians. We're more likely to see a SF4 revival and a SF6 revival 20 years from now than a SFV revival.

      >n-name 10 e-celebs who agree with you or your argument is invalid!
      Holy kek zoomers are so fricking dumb.
      As if people who literally live off shilling would willingly shoot themselves in the foot that way.

      Still not seeing any names.
      >As if people who literally live off shilling would willingly shoot themselves in the foot that way.
      Explain all the tekken e-celebs shitting on Tekken 8 despite "shooting themselves in the foot".

  89. 1 week ago

    SFV holiday Karin make dick hard. Therefore SFV better game.

  90. 1 week ago

    >playing street fighter or tekken after gen 6

  91. 1 week ago

    Will high quality 2D sprites in fighting games ever make a come back? All of the "2D HD" JRPG remakes that are happening gives me a glimmer of hope...

    • 1 week ago

      dumbest post of this thread by far

      • 1 week ago

        lose weight

        • 1 week ago

          after you learn how game animations work

    • 1 week ago

      They can't outsource 2D to Pajeets so no.

  92. 1 week ago

    Im tired of this PlayStation hate. If SFV would be on shitybox or nintendo everybody would like it , but noooo is a sony exclusive, sony le bad...

  93. 1 week ago

    so are there unironically people here that think that SFV was better than SF6 or is it just for (you)'s?
    Sometimes the contrarianism on this site is so bad that shit opinions and bait are almost indistinguishable.

    • 1 week ago

      you really really underestimate Ganker contrarianism

    • 1 week ago

      SFV looks miles better than SF6
      It also actually plays like a fricking Street Fighter. So yes.

    • 1 week ago

      Its a third mentally ill contrarians, a third shitposters, and a third falseflagging tekkengays desperate for a win.

      SFV looks miles better than SF6
      It also actually plays like a fricking Street Fighter. So yes.

      Found another falseflagging tekkengay

    • 1 week ago

      SFV starting with Arcade Edition was a good game. I will die on this hill.

      • 1 week ago

        the only thing i will concede is that arcade edition was better than launch SFV

      • 1 week ago

        boot up now and go vs SF5 Luke or take a time travel machine and go back vs S3 Abigail, G or Cammy and type that again

        • 1 week ago

          So top tier characters discard a Street Fighter game from being good?
          Because then there are literally no good SF games and that's moronic.

        • 1 week ago

          Not him, but I'd rather fight Luke than Bison.

  94. 1 week ago

    This thread was a wild ride. First it started with Jivegays and Tekkengays shitting on dix only to end up with dixgays completely turning the tables on both of them and destroying them completely and utterly.
    I should have made popcorn.

    • 1 week ago

      TekkeBlack folk have been getting uppity for no conceivable reason so it was satisfying seeing them get put in their place.

    • 1 week ago

      >completelty turning the tables
      >STEAMCHARTS STEAMCHARTS POPULAR POPULAR POPULAR for the 218579021578017509180591th time because that's all they can use
      Even used the same "argument" against SNK/COTW

      This is DoA and no amount of shilling will change this.
      You'll see more people playing Terry on SF6 than this game as a while.


      • 1 week ago

        Weren't nah it was more than that it was part of it but there was more to it.
        Tekkengays fricked themselves over in this thread
        >Compared any and all cancel animations including special cancels to "slime" including Garou 2's
        >Gets their narrative of ugly looks destroy by Cammy
        >Can't even name 10 people who hate dix despite claiming that people hate it. Meanwhile the SF6gays named people including one of the most prominent Tekken players openly shitting on Tekken 8
        Nah your side was absolutely slaughter by SF6gays

    • 1 week ago

      I didn't see a Capcom shill make a single argument for Dix besides steamcharts.

      • 1 week ago

        That is literally all they have.
        It's always "SF6 is the most popular fighter for a reason!" but they can not explain the reason, it's just numbers.

        • 1 week ago

          It's probably less popular than Brawlhalla but I'm not gonna bother to look it up

          • 1 week ago

            The depths of desperation from Kekkengays knows no bounds it seems.

            • 1 week ago

              >they're using f2p games to compare now
              You're embarrassing.

              Dix costs like $20 during sales. Hardly more than an F2P game.

          • 1 week ago

            >they're using f2p games to compare now
            You're embarrassing.

          • 1 week ago

            >n-no! don't point that out
            >popular = good ONLY applies when it serves my argument!

            >No easy-input bullshit

            Where can I select Modern controls in Strive?

  95. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >Gyaru juri

    • 1 week ago

      My wife Juri

  96. 1 week ago

    reminder he got the last laugh (with his bank account)

  97. 1 week ago

    Looks like there's a capcom drone itt who literally wont stop replying to every post to cry about tekken lol.

    • 1 week ago

      looks like someone is mad they got called out and is trying to play the uno reverse card

    • 1 week ago

      >Its just one guy
      Everyone hates tekken 8 and bamco now anon.

  98. 1 week ago

    >it's GOOD that Street Fighter 6 looks like an American made parody of itself
    >it's GOOD that neutral is non-existent and moves that cannot be slime canceled might as well not exist
    >it's GOOD that cool, classic characters are being replaced by shitty zoomer versions of themselves
    >it's GOOD that you are getting 4 characters per season pass and literally loads and loads of avatar shit instead of actual content
    >look at the NUMBERS! SF6 is the BEST Street Fighter to date!
    >you should celebrate!

  99. 1 week ago

    Why T8?

    • 1 week ago

      Depends on who you ask.
      Not enough new characters, too similar to Tekken 7 except with moronic, hyper aggressive mechanics, shitty barebones customization mode unless you spend money.

    • 1 week ago

      T8 is the worst fighting game out right now rival Mortal Kombat 1.

      We were right all along. You didn't listen.
      There were no shitty aggression mechanics. No endless ranked sets. No easy-input bullshit. S1-2 Strive was the last pure fighting game.

      >There were no shitty aggression mechanics
      You never played strive. You're literally punished for not moving towards your opponents in Strive.

      • 1 week ago

        That's not what I, no anyone else refers to when they say aggression mechanics. It refers to mechanics like drive rush, heat or wild assault which empower your offense for free to allow morons to mash. In S1/2 Strive you had to actually establish your offense normally, and take actual risks to pressure reset. It was comically strong offense, but it was still regular offense.

        Why would strive need a comeback mechanic when the comeback potential in this game is already absurdly high to begin with with?

        It wasn't, due to the strength of meter, positive bonus and okizeme. The complete lack of comeback potential is the biggest problem with current S3 strive.

  100. 1 week ago

    We were right all along. You didn't listen.
    There were no shitty aggression mechanics. No endless ranked sets. No easy-input bullshit. S1-2 Strive was the last pure fighting game.

    • 1 week ago

      >No easy-input bullshit

      • 1 week ago

        Yes. You have to do the full motion inputs for every move, and its motion input reader is stricter than SF6.

    • 1 week ago

      I'd sooner play either of these shitty sequels than that PoS Strive. At least those titles didn't assassinate their identity like Strive did.

    • 1 week ago

      s1 strive was just as bad as sf6. its only the newer seasons with more interesting characters and more moves that have made the game tolerable. sf6 will never be good though.

      • 1 week ago

        >sf6 will never be good though.
        Yeah you're right cus SF6 is already great 🙂

      • 1 week ago

        Bold of you to assume season 2 is any better.

      • 1 week ago

        >current Strive is good I swear
        No. I play both and I'm having more fun with S2 SF6 than Season 2 strive.

    • 1 week ago

      Oh, also no comeback mechanics.

      • 1 week ago

        Why would strive need a comeback mechanic when the comeback potential in this game is already absurdly high to begin with with?

        • 1 week ago

          >Why would strive need a comeback mechanic when the comeback potential in this game is already absurdly high to begin with with?
          Fiinally.. Someone in this thread who actually plays fighting games. Didn't think I would fine one.

          • 1 week ago

            Nobody who played the game for more than five minutes would say that there was comeback potential in a game dominated by characters like Ram, Leo, Nago, Zato, etc.

    • 1 week ago

      Strive is fricking sellout garbage. Frick off shill.

  101. 1 week ago

    Why are fightan gaems so stagnant? Is it because the main audience wants little changes?

    • 1 week ago

      But everyone is getting upset about how they're changing.

      • 1 week ago

        Social rejects on Ganker aren't "everyone" anon.

  102. 1 week ago

    I'n thinking about playing Under Night 2 or Granblue Rising. How's the netcode?

  103. 1 week ago

    >sfiv comes, gays say 3s is the best
    >sfv comes, gays say 4 is the best
    >sfvi comes, gays say 5 is the best
    Guess wich game will be the very best once 7 drops

    • 1 week ago

      sf6 because it actually is the best

      • 1 week ago


        Dix costs like $20 during sales. Hardly more than an F2P game.

        SF6 is $40 dollars during sales you larper. I fricking knew it you don't play fighting games or know anything about them you just wanna shit post.

    • 1 week ago

      This. Contrarians and nostalgiahomosexualry is a form of mental illness I swear.

    • 1 week ago

      The truth is that late stage SF is always better than new SF. The games take time post-release to improve.
      The exception to this was Ultra SF4 being dogshit but SFV being truly unplayable trash early on.

    • 1 week ago

      Street Fighter 7 WILL be even more rancid than this piece of shit but no, even by comparison 6 will not be good.

  104. 1 week ago

    Why don't Capgays just make their own Fighting game tournaments and community since they don't like nor play other FGs anyway?

    • 1 week ago

      >doesn't know what capcomcup is
      >doesn't know that most prominant street fighter players also play other games as well
      You're digging yourself further into a hole.

    • 1 week ago

      >since they don't like nor play other FGs anyway?
      This more than anything is proof that tekkengay hands typed this. Because this is quite literally what every other fighitng game community says about tekken lmao.
      Also Capcom cup is a thing and it was big.

      • 1 week ago

        Someone wants to pretend Capcultists did not shit their pants for a week straight (and continue to do so) when they announced Mai and Terry because "m-muh SNK slop! m-muh SF purity!" and other incredibly moronic, autistic remarks.

        • 1 week ago

          No ones pretending anything. Yeah SOME street fighter fans were shocked and disapointed doesn't mean they hate SNK lmao they just were sad that their fav wasn't in. Also because it was genuinely shocking because street fighter has quite literally never had guest characters before and thanks to Tekken and Mortal Kombat guest characters have earned a bad reputation.
          But way to ignore the equally large amount of Street Fighter fans who were excited to see Terry appear. Less so mai because almost no one cares about mai.

        • 1 week ago

          >tekkengays only play one game, so they demand guest characters and cannot fathom the idea of actually playing a different game for those characters
          People that play multiple games want each game to be separate. It's not that hard to understand.

          • 1 week ago

            Nice try cultist.

        • 1 week ago

          Load up Tekken 7 and go play as negan you fricking homosexual lmao

        • 1 week ago

          kek this. They were literally and unironically saying shit like how Street Fighter is too good for and "above" doing guest characters. Motherfrickers have SF on a pedestal.

    • 1 week ago

      This post proved it. All this shit is just tekkengays starting shit. You fricked up the moment you tried to use the thing everyone says about tekkenfans against street fighter fans.

    • 1 week ago

      have a nice day tekkeBlack person. Can't fricking wait until you get excommunicated from the FGC like smashgays, and Mortal Kombatgays did.

  105. 1 week ago

    sf6 has an f2p model with in game ads, battle passes, shops, etc. but they knew their simps would pay full price for it anyway

    • 1 week ago

      sf6 monetization scheme is the only valid complaint i've heard in this thread towards the game. it is mechanically superior to every street fighter before in almost every way.

      • 1 week ago

        nope. it just one piece of a full stinky turd. there are so many things wrong with the game, and they covered it all up with increased marketing.

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