botw > totk. and it's not even close

botw > totk

and it's not even close

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    4 Ganon’s bosses >>>>>> 4 blights
    4 temples >>>>>> 4 divine beasts
    Zelda time travel plot >>>> Zelda sealing Ganon for 100 years
    In all ways that matter, TotK is better. Change my mind.

    • 5 months ago

      Both have their strengths. BotW has that nice comfy 'at-one-with-nature' tranquility as you make your way through the world. It's almost therapeutic to play.

      TotK turns things up to 11 by adding a frickton more content and mechanics which can make BotW seem empty and undercooked by comparison.

      Both amazing games though.

      • 5 months ago

        what the frick is this ""content""? the mmo tier crap??

    • 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Haven't played either because I'm not some gay that plays nintendo

  4. 5 months ago

    TOTK has way more cool shit, BOTW sucked

  5. 5 months ago

    BotW was amazing 7 years ago. But TotK makes both look like a rough first draft.

  6. 5 months ago

    ill be honest its pretty close
    theyre like the same game

  7. 5 months ago

    Correct. TotK is just a shitty expansion that barely brings anything new to the table. Compared to Skyward Sword, BotW was lightyears ahead. TotK is only marginally ahead of its predecessor in some departments, while retaining a ton of the flaws. And the runes, while technically very impressive, ultimately provide a worse experience because they aren't designed to go hand-in-hand with the world, which was obviously deliberately crafted for the BotW runes. Exploration was fun in BotW because you always saw something new and interesting. In TotK once you leave the sky islands you see 80% of the same shit you've already seen. Going off the beaten path feels pointless at best, and a tedious detour at worst, whereas in BotW the exploration itself was its own reward. Puzzle-solving is garbage TotK. Shinres are 10x easier and there are many cases where it seems like the devs didn't even consider the full ability set because they're so easy to cheese in boring ways (compared to the cool and creative ways people discovered to cheese BotW shrines). It's a very technically competent game, but that's about it.

  8. 5 months ago

    Totk is objectively the better game overall but it couldn't replicate the same sense of wonder and amazement we all felt when we played our first true open world Zelda game.
    If Totk had been released instead of Botw, this would no doubt be the game of the decade.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know, the whole story shit in totk felt like it was exclusively for toddlers, like some disney version of marvel shit, it was just embarassing, not to say that botw is muh mature or anything but at least it's not offensive on the eyes

  9. 5 months ago

    I roll my eyes when people parrot the generic claims about totk somehow being the more fleshed out game, there's literally nothing that makes it more fleshed out

    wow they pasted in an undercooked building system that's next to useless

    • 5 months ago

      >I roll my eyes when people parrot the generic claims about totk somehow being the more fleshed out game

      TotK improves on BotW in every single way.

      >expands the world
      >better main quests.
      >better side quests
      >better content
      >better dungeons
      >better shrines
      >better rewards
      >better enemy variety
      >better boss battles
      >better music
      >better combat
      >better exploration
      >better abilities

      wrap it all with a level of polish and technical wizardy which baffles and stuns the entire industry.

      Nothing generic about it.

      • 5 months ago

        >better because I say so
        nope, for example the quests are literally the same tier of fetch quest/mmo shit

        • 5 months ago

          >because I say so

          The Hateno Mayor side quest
          The Kakariko Rings sidequest
          Hudson's niglet daughter sidequest
          The Hateno School sidequests
          The various newpaper rumors
          The Stable Trotters
          The 3 Hebra springs
          The Goddess Statue Quest
          The Typhlo Ruins Quest
          Misko's treasure quests

          And many many more come to mind, with many featuring time sensitive daily rountines.

          Go ahead and name Zelda games with better quests.

          • 5 months ago

            majora's mask...

            • 5 months ago

              >majora's mask

              Sidequests: The Game. You do nothing else in MM. It doesn't have a world. The dungeons are shit. Its one of my least favorite Zelda games personally. Wouldn't even put it in my Top 10.

              • 5 months ago

                I see you're trolling

              • 5 months ago

                >no answer

                Thought so.

            • 5 months ago

              Name a quest from MM that's better than any of the quests in TotK.

          • 5 months ago

            >I roll my eyes when people parrot the generic claims about totk somehow being the more fleshed out game

            TotK improves on BotW in every single way.

            >expands the world
            >better main quests.
            >better side quests
            >better content
            >better dungeons
            >better shrines
            >better rewards
            >better enemy variety
            >better boss battles
            >better music
            >better combat
            >better exploration
            >better abilities

            wrap it all with a level of polish and technical wizardy which baffles and stuns the entire industry.

            Nothing generic about it.

            nta but I can't tell if you're trolling as this feels too outrageous to take seriously, so I wont bother replying in earnest.

            Sorry if you were serious though.

      • 5 months ago

        Are you 15?

      • 5 months ago

        >polish and technical wizardy
        Nothing polished about that framerate

        • 5 months ago

          >Nothing polished about that framerate

          Frame rate is fine. What's PS5 and Series X excuse? SNES games all used to suffer from slowdown and sprite flicker, never stopped me enjoying Super Mario World.

          Do you just hate ALL video games?

      • 5 months ago

        >because I say so

        The Hateno Mayor side quest
        The Kakariko Rings sidequest
        Hudson's niglet daughter sidequest
        The Hateno School sidequests
        The various newpaper rumors
        The Stable Trotters
        The 3 Hebra springs
        The Goddess Statue Quest
        The Typhlo Ruins Quest
        Misko's treasure quests

        And many many more come to mind, with many featuring time sensitive daily rountines.

        Go ahead and name Zelda games with better quests.

        sorry about your dad abandoning you, but that's no excuse for being such a gigantic homosexual

  10. 5 months ago

    There is literally no reason to go back to BotW now that ToTK exists, it is simply the superior game. I knew Ganker would be contrarian central about this shit, I foresaw this ages ago when ToTK got announced. I KNEW you stupid motherfrickers would do it, you can't help yourselves.

    • 5 months ago

      botw has better shrines, better dungeons, better bosses

      • 5 months ago

        >better dungeons, better bosses

        HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Ohh man, okay thanks for the laugh OP, good bait thread. You got me.

        Seriously though, have a nice day. Blight ganons are elemental copypastes and the divine beasts are the same copypasta'd themed puzzleboxes.

        Next you'll say the guardians are better minibosses, even though they get cheesed by parry spam LOL. Contrarian little b***h. Tell me more.

        • 5 months ago

          the boss battles in totk are literal baby tier, people kept hyping the flying snake boss as the best in the game yet it was a fricking joke that I first timed with zero damage to the point where it was over before I realized

  11. 5 months ago

    100% agreed.
    botw is more of an adventure where you find out all this shit first hand and have to make a name for yourself.

    Totk is just clearing up loose ends and there's hardly any story with the 4 regions as well as shit to do with them. There's very few quests or anything meaningful to do on the side.
    Totk also relies on combining and building shit too much.

  12. 5 months ago

    >muh old is good no matter what contrarianism is now applied to botw/totk
    burn this place to the ground

    • 5 months ago

      It's fricking hilarious that after 7 years of seething and farting blood over BotW, Gankertrannies now call it a masterpiece just so they can have a game to compete with TotK.

  13. 5 months ago

    I've been playing TotK for the first time over the past week and I want to say I'm probably 40-50% done with it (I've got Tulin and Yunobo, Gerudo next). My thoughts so far:
    The good:
    >Ultrahand/Fuse feels like a much more realized version of the tablet abilities in BotW, a lot of BotW's puzzles feel pretty linear (aka anything with water probably needs Ice, anything with metal probably needs Magnesis, etc.) but with TotK you can solve anything in a frickton of different which encourages a lot more experimentation
    >Fuse nerfing remote bombs while also bringing back proper fire/ice/shock/bomb arrows feels much better game balance wise
    >Zonai building is very fun, I haven't really done much outside of dedicated sections but being able to build contraptions and then ride them around is satisfying
    >Fuse and the better level scaling makes weapon durability and feel way less like a chore, pretty much every weapon can be made worthwhile unlike before where you just had a frickton of clutter and didn't want to waste your good weapons
    >Fire Temple was great
    >I appreciate having actual new boss design (+ Gleeoks and that fricking Frog for enemies harder than Lynels)
    The bad:
    >The alternate worlds feel really wasted, maybe the pick up but big sky islands are few and far between and pretty much the only way to get their is via tower which is boring
    >Game fricking chugs a whole lot, I don't remember BotW being this bad
    >The weapon system is definitely improved but the menu-ing problem from the first game is even worse now
    >Wind Temple was meh, didn't feel much different from a Divine Beast
    >I miss Stasis (yes I know it was broken as frick but it was fun)
    >Tulin stop fricking blowing everything away I'm trying to pick them up
    My main worry with buying it was that it was going to be like buying a $70 DLC but I haven't felt ripped off yet. Maybe the alternate worlds get better or the puzzles get stale so my opinion isn't final but as of now I think it's better than BotW is

    • 5 months ago

      For the wind and water temples, I feel like you need to treat the quest/climb up to them as part of the temple itself. Just a lot of parkour before getting to the second part of the "temple" which is activate the things.

  14. 5 months ago

    Garbage > Reheated Garbage

    and it's not even close

  15. 5 months ago

    Both not on playstation
    Feels good

    • 5 months ago

      posts like this remind me that literal kids post here

  16. 5 months ago

    Both of these game are a chore to slog through with the insane amount of reused content.
    Like not even Ubislop games have you repeat the same mission types more than 20-30 times.
    nuZelda has you do 80-100 instances if the same 5-6 activities and most of that in TOTK is flipped assets from the BOTW.

    Just adding some sandbox shit and outsourcing the content to the player instead of actually making meaningful and fun content is a terrible way to design games, especially adventure games like Zelda that are about dungeons and magic swords and saving the world, not Minecraft gmod

    • 5 months ago

      >Both of these game are a chore to slog through with the insane amount of reused content.

      Meaningless drivel. You're playing video games for all the wrong reasons.

      Look at all this unique content

      >No that doesn't count!

      The experience of actually playing this is so unlike anything else.

      >it's not doing anything other developers haven't done!!

      • 5 months ago

        NTA but there is no wrong way to play a video game.
        Honestly find it fricking insufferable how nu-Zelda fanboys always insist that disliking BotW/TotK is some kind of personal failing. The absolute worst way to deflect an opinion and speaks to a deep insecurity.

        • 5 months ago


          Nice page 10 bump, Eric the troony.
          >22 posters in 5 hours
          subhuman cope thread

          Erictroony, posting once ever 30 minutes makes you even more pathetic and troony-pilled.

        • 5 months ago

          >Honestly find it fricking insufferable how nu-Zelda fanboys always insist that disliking BotW/TotK is some kind of personal failing.

          People who hate BotW/TotK are routinely identified as low IQ morons with terrible taste in games. This hypothesis is reinforced when they give their reasons for disliking the games - which are usually infantile or indicative of a Nintendo hate disorder.

          There is utterly no way any video game enthusiast could play either title and not admit - at the very least - they are good games.

  17. 5 months ago

    They're both shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Both of these game are a chore to slog through with the insane amount of reused content.
      Like not even Ubislop games have you repeat the same mission types more than 20-30 times.
      nuZelda has you do 80-100 instances if the same 5-6 activities and most of that in TOTK is flipped assets from the BOTW.

      Just adding some sandbox shit and outsourcing the content to the player instead of actually making meaningful and fun content is a terrible way to design games, especially adventure games like Zelda that are about dungeons and magic swords and saving the world, not Minecraft gmod

      Nice page 10 bump, Eric the troony.
      >22 posters in 5 hours
      subhuman cope thread

  18. 5 months ago

    zonai fans + recall = fly over everything. invalidates a lot of traversal options and makes exploration extremely boring
    bow + fuse is incredibly overpowered and you can obliterate almost any boss using just the bow including phantom ganon

    • 5 months ago


      see [...]
      Erictroony, posting once ever 30 minutes makes you even more pathetic and troony-pilled.

  19. 5 months ago

    >10 posts in 2.5 hours
    Erictroony is SEETHING

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