Broken Arrow

Is it going to be a good alternative to Wargame, whenever it gets released?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Hopefully yes, surely can't be worse than WARNO and Eugen so I'm giving it a try

    • 1 year ago

      assuming this is not a post made in bad faith - WARNO is alot better now, probably shaping up to the best in the series

      • 1 year ago

        This is /vst/, almost every post on the board is made in bad faith.

      • 1 year ago

        >alot better
        lol, lmao even

        • 1 year ago

          im serious, check it out its really fun and the latest update has really realized the game

        • 1 year ago

          Fricking satanist

      • 1 year ago

        >assuming this is not a post made in bad faith

      • 1 year ago

        I still think the deck system is hell and most of the GUI is hard to navigate but you'd be stupid to say it hasn't improved over time since EA launch.

        I think Broken arrow will be more of a successor to Wargame however after playing its demo for better or for worse.

    • 1 year ago

      It actually is, it feels like an unresponsive version of World in Conflict at this current build. However I'm not giving either game credit, WARNO has really pulled it's self out of being in the gutter and I've actually had fun in the most recent skirmishes. As for Broken Arrow it needs a lot and is still rusty around the edge. Hell it struggles with the unload mechanic.

      • 1 year ago

        What Broken Arrow is really telling me is Eugen needs to hire like 3 guys to work full-time on polish, visual effects, UI, and unit responsiveness, because Warno is a straight up better video game based on what I am seeing of Broken Arrow

        Also, kind of makes me want to replay World in Conflict

    • 1 year ago


      assuming this is not a post made in bad faith - WARNO is alot better now, probably shaping up to the best in the series

      It actually is, it feels like an unresponsive version of World in Conflict at this current build. However I'm not giving either game credit, WARNO has really pulled it's self out of being in the gutter and I've actually had fun in the most recent skirmishes. As for Broken Arrow it needs a lot and is still rusty around the edge. Hell it struggles with the unload mechanic.

      Are you kidding? WARNO is fricking garbage. It's basically steel division 3. Eugene is beyond moronic, their most successful game is WRD and they ignore what made it fun and keep trying to do the same stupid shit over and over.

      You can't even build a deck in WARNO. Only pre chosen for you dumbed down shite. Absolute no sale.

      • 1 year ago

        honestly its better than WGRD and SD2, I think over time its going to become the main game, its really good. Why do you think it's garbage?

        • 1 year ago

          WGRD is easier and less autistic but requires knowledge, WARNO is autistic

          • 1 year ago

            how so? I find Warno a bit more in depth regarding the divisions, but the rest of it feels alot better than WGRD. truthfully, I like divisions better than nations

            • 1 year ago

              >truthfully, I like divisions better than nations
              Good paypig.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't get it

              • 1 year ago

                Wargamers have been seething since the SD 1 how they cannot build a jack-of-all-trades meta deck and instead are forced to balance the strengths and weakness' of divisions (if they would play that is)

              • 1 year ago

                >forced to balance the strengths and weakness' of divisions
                Why bother when you can buy a strong meta division and effortlessly rape poorgays?

              • 1 year ago

                In competitive strengths and weaknesses don't matter since everyone plays the same couple meta jack-of-all-trades divisions.
                Like, why the frick do you think they have ratings? C-rated divisions are comically inferior to B and A-rated divisions. Now while not every B-rated division is bad and not every A-rated is good because Eugen is moronic and doesn't know how to play their game, the same also applies to some extent here, with many divisions just being pointless to play if you intend to win. The only argument here might be that it allows Eugen to balance stuff more often and on a granular level but the truth is they could still do that with nation decks if they wanted to, they just don't patch their games with nation decks anymore.
                Of course you can not care about all that and just play how you like for fun, but so can you with nation decks which is where I think the main reason behind preferring nation decks comes from - I can play goofy ass decks in WG:RD, focus on weird gimmick units and overall have more fun with deck building and casual play but SD and WARNO just extremely limit your possibilities.
                The point is meta slaves will meta slave no matter what and everything you do to prevent that just punishes everyone else and forces them closer to meta slaving themselves.
                Of course you can mod WARNO to not have limits on what you can take but it's half-assed and the UI doesn't support it, which makes the experience worse, not to mention that excusing the flaws of a game because modders have fixed it is just wrong.

              • 1 year ago

                You're right, but you're wasting time arguing with a sdtard.

              • 1 year ago

                Anyone with more than one braincell has already moved on so it's actually good that you are contained playing your game. Just stay the frick away from any other RTS, please

              • 1 year ago

                This. The limitations imposed by division system mean warno will have much less longevity than wrd.

          • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            no way lmao are you kidding
            I like both games but Warno is basically a combined arms warfare simulator with relatively balanced decks. you win by playing exactly how you'd expect; a combination of armor, infantry, artillery, and air to trade with your enemy and push them back.
            WGRD for a new player is 'get raped by longbows or ATACMS or over 9000 helicopters, because you don't know how to build a meta deck with the unicorn meme units, and you don't have over 9000 hours of map knowledge to know the 1 pixel forest map spots to park your recon tank with a buggy line of sight, and you dont know exactly where to target on the map with perfectly timed artillery at game start to kill all the units on move fast order, and also you don't have muscle memory knowledge of all the hotkeys because there are no quality of life tools line unload at location, and you lose all your tanks in an engagement because can't intuit exact map line of sight like Neo in the Matrix because there's no line of sight tool'
            for new players the only way WGRD is fun is if you are also playing with absolute shitters so it doesnt matter lol

            • 1 year ago

              >no quality of life tools like unload at location
              Bruh. Just right click your location, then shift unload and that's it. You can even do it to logi trucks. Fast move left click fob, then shift right click where you want them to go back. Fricking sitter wartroony

            • 1 year ago

              None of that matters in 10v10, which is the most fun, which is what most players new and old play.

      • 1 year ago

        >their most successful game is WRD
        Sure, but now all their fans want WRD over and over again and they don't want to do that. Well, I say all their fans, in reality it's just the compBlack folk b***hing about stupid shit.

  2. 1 year ago
  3. 1 year ago

    Can't fricking wait to see more. If the game delivers, it's definitely upgrading time

  4. 1 year ago

    I still haven't watched the gameplay videos because I don't want to get disappointed

  5. 1 year ago

    I don't think so, it looks pretty though

    • 1 year ago

      Why not?

  6. 1 year ago

    >New trailer for the Russian mobik deck
    >They rely on massed numbers of low quality infantry and IFV's
    Good to see the devs are paying attention. I'm looking forward to it, lads. I'm thinkin I'm gonna go Javelin heavy.

    • 1 year ago

      Better to go to NLAW or something like that; as Javelin today are overhiped.

      • 1 year ago

        don't you mean TOW-2?
        nlaw and javelin performance has been embarrassing to say the least. TOWs and domestic atgms have remained the best anti-tank systems in afu hands

        • 1 year ago

          >nlaw and javelin performance has been embarrassing to say the least
          According to whom?

          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              >check pic source
              >its a russian propaganda site with no link to said documents
              come on dude

              • 1 year ago

                Go easy on him, can't be easy seeing your entire military evaporate from a handful of old Western weapons. Especially from the same countries you insisted were full of Blacks and trannies.

              • 1 year ago

                More like Western militaries evaporated on their own after handing out a handful of weapons.

              • 1 year ago

                >oy vey goy we're running out of ammo need mo money fo dem rearmament pograms
                Imagine unironically falling for the MIC's tricks in 2023.

              • 1 year ago

                Ah, so you're saying that it's a scheme to leech even more tax money? Nice deflection attempt, vatnik, we all know which country is corrupt and which is not.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, I'm sure Rheinmetall revealing their new MBT last year has nothing to do with the massive push to send Leos to Ukraine. Definitely just a cohencidence.

              • 1 year ago

                the Mossad leak is saying otherwise

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                What's (S)iHA? UAV?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >2,458 dead Nato soldiers
                How? By an heroing themselves?

              • 1 year ago

                wienerroaches probably meant western volunteers.

              • 1 year ago

                Ah yes, the Mossad an Anti-semetic Turkish blog...Parroting the same "NATO officers" line said by vatnik propaganda.
                Are you even trying anymore?

              • 1 year ago

                Imagine actually believing this
                Kiev would've been run over in a week like everyone expected had these numbers been factual

              • 1 year ago

                >Vietnam would've been run over in a week like everyone expected had these numbers been factual
                >North Korea would've been run over in a week like everyone expected had these numbers been factual
                Just because a side is suffering disproportionally more casualties doesn't mean the other side can achieve its goal

              • 1 year ago

                150k dead hohols is sustainable, they are cconscripting 16 to 50 year olds

              • 1 year ago

                >trusting the israelites

              • 1 year ago

                >a literal who roach blog
                >"dude trust me bro" mossad intel that no one can see except the blogger
                come on dude

              • 1 year ago

                >302 aircraft
                >212 Helicopters

                How the frick? Seems like complete bullshit unless they;re counting the drones

              • 1 year ago

                drones are siha
                >Acronym of silahlı insansız hava aracı: armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UCAV)
                the text is translated from turkish
                ukraine get plenty of vehicles and aircrafts from other former Warsaw pact members

              • 1 year ago

                I'd believe it if it was tanks, but there's no way that the other former warsaw pact countries or what was lost in Afghanistan could make up that number. The only other idea I could come up with is if that included civilian aircraft too

              • 1 year ago

                Why disent putin just kill the ciaBlack person Ukrainian government? Idgi, unless it's just a goal to kill a bunch of goys

            • 1 year ago

              Just anecdotally watching a frickload of ciaBlack person Timber Sycamore videos in Syria, those missles have a much better kill rate vs shit 50 year old Russian armor than that graph suggests.

        • 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    incidentally i heard about this game today for the first time, looks really good, though ive been out of the loop for RTS games for over a decade. Eugen games are for me the guys who did Ruse (which i enjoyed a lot)

  8. 1 year ago

    As long as they make it easy to use cheat engine so I can spawn infinite tanks and soldiers.

  9. 1 year ago

    Kind of weird that the units are from 1990+, but I guess that gives players a large arsenal to choose from. I'm curious as to how good the F-35 and F-22 will be.

    • 1 year ago

      All vehicles in the game are vehicles that are in use today. I think they said they did that specifically to avoid the Wargame problem.

  10. 1 year ago

    >made by russians
    It will be complete dogshit. Ready for a T-72 to kill an Abrams and soviet conscripts managing to kill US marines? I hope so because that is all this game will be.

    • 1 year ago

      The devs are French, my dear schizo. They're ex Eugene devs.

      • 1 year ago

        Wrong, they're Russian.

    • 1 year ago

      It's 2023, anon. It's time to accept the fact that the US military is a laughing stock.

      • 1 year ago

        >the US military is a laughing stock.
        entirely false statement

        • 1 year ago

          >those manpower numbers
          Based Volkssturm enjoyer.

    • 1 year ago

      Finally a game with some realism then, if thats true ill buy at least 2 copies

    • 1 year ago

      >soviet conscripts managing to kill US marines?
      Killing Marines is no feat, both Achmed and Ho Chong Bing manged to do that fine.

    • 1 year ago

      Finnish conscripts mog marines and cav troops yearly in joint exercises. US infantry is very average

      • 1 year ago

        This was just my personal experience, but partner nations are usually allowed to "win" exercises with American forces, to keep up partner nation pride and morale.

        It leads to some silly headlines, like that Swedish coastal sub that "sunk" a US aircraft carrier, but all of that is scripted into the exercise for the most part. If it doesn't go the right way, they reset the exercise til it gets done according to plan.

        • 1 year ago

          Holy cope.

        • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          Holy shit, someone who actually knows how these work. I remember playing OPFOR for British Paras a couple years ago at JRTC. My squad went out on a patrol, almost instantly found their scout section and "killed" them. One of the guys in charge dropped by and said "Yea you weren't supposed to do that" and reset the whole thing. Honestly, even when they stormed the compound itself, they weren't that great. They totally missed a soldier kneeling behind a connex and he mag dumped a squad of them. And their smoke grenades smelled like vanilla which was super weird.

          • 1 year ago

            Literally the scene from Heartbreak Ridge.

    • 1 year ago

      It's 2023, anon. It's time to accept the fact that the US military is a laughing stock.

      Konkurs can be used against infantry, engagement range is bullshit. Smaller squads are harder to spot and in the first mission the enemy can spam reservist which literally come out of no where.

      • 1 year ago

        Skill issue

    • 1 year ago

      Afghani peasants strike from the grave and suicide 120 000 US vets
      And those are the numbers without troony commisars

    • 1 year ago

      >a T-72 to kill an Abrams
      I mean, why couldn't it?

      • 1 year ago

        Every reddit military expert knows that it's physically impossible.

      • 1 year ago

        T-72, the main tank of the MODERN russian military was from the fricking COLD WAR.
        The main tank of the US military is a MODERN TANK

        • 1 year ago

          I'll assume this is you making a joke anon, since the Abrams is from the cold war too.

          • 1 year ago

            Here is the thing: The US has been modernizing the Abrams every few years. All the newest upgrades and unlocks in tech.
            The Russians are still using the exact same T-72s from 1972.

            • 1 year ago

              >What is T72B
              >What is T72B2
              >What is T72B3
              >What is T90A
              >What is T90M

              • 1 year ago

                Well they're shitty frickin tanks, for starters. T-90 is literally a rebranded T-72 because they got such a bad rap when NATO scrapped them by the hundreds in the Gulf Wars.

              • 1 year ago

                I know that's why I listed it along with the other T72s. It was T72BU originally.

                The Russian tanks are not bad tanks at all, they're incredibly reliable and more than capable of destroying modern western tanks. Most of which were also designed in the 70s/80s and use the same basic hull (Abrams and Leopard 2). We'll see how it goes when the western armour arrives in Ukraine.

              • 1 year ago

                >more than capable of destroying modern western tanks.
                but they never have. Ever. They saw extensive use in the middle east over multiple decades and never once has one scored a kill on a western tank.

              • 1 year ago

                >and never once has one scored a kill on a western tank
                Why would you post lies like this?

              • 1 year ago

                >trusting Iraqi or Iranian data
                almost as bad as trusting ruzzian data

              • 1 year ago

                They definitely have.

              • 1 year ago

                >We'll see how it goes when the western armour arrives in Ukraine.
                I bet vatniks will surrender, heck even M113 is enough to fill their hearts with fear, imagine REAL TANKs

              • 1 year ago

                Damn, you're actually dumb enough to fall for this B-roll propaganda film?

              • 1 year ago

                what are you moronic or something?
                I made it(I add subtitles, its pretty clear they are hauling captured M113)
                like wtf anon, what is the wrong with you?

              • 1 year ago

                Sorry, if you pretend to be moronic I'll assume you are.

      • 1 year ago

        Lower quality ammo not designed to penetrated Chobham armor.
        Fact of the matter is, the US Abrams has taken hits from T-72's and survived very easily.

    • 1 year ago

      >Ready for a T-72 to kill an Abrams
      Yeah because T-72 can't kill an AMBRUHMS
      I hope this is bait
      Tanks fighting against tanks is cringe by the way, tanks should be throwing HE 85% of the time, then it's fun and cool

      • 1 year ago

        Gay. I want big tank battles.

  11. 1 year ago

    Wargame this, wargame that. I just want a modern successor to combat mission.

    • 1 year ago

      this...god this even if it was shit it would at least force combat mission to step out of the rut it's glued itself in simply because its the only "dealer" on the block

    • 1 year ago

      Go away turn based gay

      • 1 year ago

        >turn based
        Combat Mission is WEGO, you moron.

  12. 1 year ago

    >not release date yet
    We'll probably see full NATO involvement in the Ukraine war before this comes out.

  13. 1 year ago

    I don't know how good it's going to be, but I'm still hype for more cold war/modern war kino

  14. 1 year ago

    Demo out tomorrow gentlemen, streamers have it early. Honesty, it's looking much better than WARNO. Never send a Frenchman to do a Russkies' job

    • 1 year ago

      Actually kinda looks decent. Are the devs even based in Vatnikstan anymore? They portray the Russian army as relying on massed numbers and generally inferior to their American counterparts and I'm pretty sure that's illegal there nowadays.

    • 1 year ago

      >What does this mean? It means that everyone starting on February 6th at 10 am Pacific time will be able to download and play the Broken Arrow demo, consisting of one playable scenario from the single player story campaign.
      I was hoping for multiplayer, but least it's something.

      • 1 year ago

        Multihomos btfo’d again. Great.

    • 1 year ago

      You realise that they have ex-Eugen developers?

  15. 1 year ago

    Demo is out

  16. 1 year ago

    I currently have no time to play the game, but it looks promising.
    Demo is a single mission from a story campaign. The first major difference between BA and Wargame, instead of regular skirmishes you have missions with set tasks. Another one, lots of content. You can customize vehicles and that included changing weaponry or armour.
    Probably a lot of people are streaming now so you can see gameplay there. However, first impressions are really nice.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        I like that they don't give too much of a shit about "We want the most contemporary accurate this or that adhering to doctrines and OOBs" but are still military hardware nerds who sperg out about what loadouts you can take on your plane and what attachment packages to put on your tanks and IFVs.
        Demo feels more akin to WiC than it does wargame though. That's probably a good thing that they're going in a different direction than Warno.

        • 1 year ago

          Meant to add:
          >"Why is there a tomcat in the future?"
          >Based dev: "Because it's fricking cool thats why."

  17. 1 year ago

    now that the demo is out and its fricking dogshit is it time to move on to regiments

  18. 1 year ago


    regiments is made my a slav and is infinitely better than this pos trash fire

  19. 1 year ago

    Hows the broken arrow demo boys?
    Isnt it made by some random russian guys or something?
    Is it any good?
    From a polish / UI / graphics / unit voice acting perspective its kind of embarassing how hard they lapped Eugen, reminds me of World in Conflict
    But is the *game* actually good?

    • 1 year ago

      it's alright, its more of a different game than something like Warno or SD2, more in the vein of WiC. So far, definitely positive reviews, although the UI functionality sucks and not much is explained in the game. It's definitely fun, but maybe more arcadey than people thought it would be

    • 1 year ago

      Well, so far so good. Russians can be a little squirrely if you let them catch you off guard, but keep the Dragons supplied with ammo, mortars on hand for fire missions and scouts out to spot manpads and ATGM's, you'll be fine.
      Took a peek in the armory though and noticed a distinct lack of Abrams in the M1A2 variant, but that may be because they haven't been added yet.

      • 1 year ago

        I suspect they will give the M1A2 to the Tank/Cavalry specialization; same fo the T-90.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I'm pretty underwhelmed
      First of all it 'feels' much more like WiC than Wargame, which is fine, but
      >Barely functional demo, poorly optimized, crashed at the end screen. Running on a 3080 btw
      >No line of sight tool or unload at location
      >Or at least unload at location doesn't work properly with buildings
      >Weird unit behaviors, like my units in a building won't shoot back at enemies shooting at them from a building
      >Is it a range question? It's close enough for them to shoot, so I don't think so, I could check unit ranges BUT there's no range tool
      >Resupply doesn't seem implemented? Or at least doesn't work how I expected it; supply truck doesn't seem to replenish units at all
      >Needs "command issued" lines
      >Tabbing through selected units doesn't work right, weirdly doesnt go left to right but starts at the very right then cycles left to right
      >Hard to select individual units when they stack on top of each other
      A lot of these are "this isn't what I'm used to" but, overall still kinda meh. Pace of combat is very slow and doesn't feel punchy
      One thing I will say is that presentation wise its way better than Wargame, especially the voice acting.
      I swear one of the transport guys voice also did unit voices in World in Conflict

      • 1 year ago

        just replayed the demo and am actually concluding feels like shit
        None of the tactical control of a eugen game, none of the punchy fun arcade action of World in Conflict
        A failed merger of the two

      • 1 year ago

        >Barely functional demo, poorly optimized, crashed at the end screen. Running on a 3080 btw
        Yea, optimization is lacking but the devs know it and said they're working on it.
        >No line of sight tool or unload at location
        Dunno about the LOS tool but it definitely has Unload at location.
        >Resupply doesn't seem implemented?
        You need to drop off the supplies. Works the same as infantry in carriers
        >Needs "command issued" lines
        What, like arrows pointing to where a unit will go? Seems superfluous.
        >Hard to select individual units when they stack on top of each other
        Yea, that one is fair.

        All in all, it seems like you're suffering from the typical Wargame player symptom of hating everything that isn't Wargame.

      • 1 year ago

        >my units in a building won't shoot back at enemies shooting at them from a building
        That's cos they're NATO trannies

        • 1 year ago

          your subhuman relatives and friends are getting their tiny little russian dicks and balls exploded by landmines right now

      • 1 year ago

        just replayed the demo and am actually concluding feels like shit
        None of the tactical control of a eugen game, none of the punchy fun arcade action of World in Conflict
        A failed merger of the two

        I completed the demo and have some feedback. Some of it is 'nitpicky', but I have a 'big picture' concern about the game as well.

        >Unload at location does not deploy troops into buildings, you have to unload next to a building then manually select them then put them in. But units stack on each other.
        >The game desperately needs a line-of-sight and range tool, defending the fort it was really finnicky to get my guys on the highground of the Star Fort so they can shoot down at the VDV
        >Weird issues on either LoS, range, or unit behavior - E.g. my Marines in a building seemed to not be shooting against the Reservistys in a nearby building. I checked the armory and MAYBE its the RPK having 650M range as opposed to everything else's 600M, but it's unclear
        >Poorly optimized and buggy obviously (It's a demo, but the whole 'clear the air' segment broke on me twice, game hang on the restart screen)
        >Pathfinding issues (running around buildings the long-way rather than shortest path)

        Big picture concerns:
        >Bigger issue the game has with its overall 'feel' is that the game seems to want to BOTH have the 'fast, arcade-y' action of World in Conflict, AND the 'tactical seriousness' of a Eugen game
        >This presents a problem because the game seems to want you to use units aggressively, micro unit abilities, etc., but punishes you hard for any sloppy play (high time-to-kill; Recon and LoS are more significant than in WiC), but the game doesn't give you the tools (LoS tool, range tool, unload at location, etc.) to do that micro, and also the maps are tight and compressed, AND with a higher unit count than WiC
        >So it feels like the two things are working at 'cross-purposes' to each other. It doesn't feel like it's coming together.

        But, want to end with positive things about the game:
        >Overall good presentation, especially unit cards etc., and great voice acting
        >I like the way buildings / transports work with model #'s
        >Some units like mortar vehicles feel very snappy

        It actually is, it feels like an unresponsive version of World in Conflict at this current build. However I'm not giving either game credit, WARNO has really pulled it's self out of being in the gutter and I've actually had fun in the most recent skirmishes. As for Broken Arrow it needs a lot and is still rusty around the edge. Hell it struggles with the unload mechanic.

        I also agree

        Ok I just beat the demo.
        >the voice acting is good, it sounds more like professional voice actors and not random homeless people it really helps with immersion
        >it's hard to pick units out when they're all stacked together, and I don't like how small the icons are
        >I don't understand how line of sight works, there's no way to see if your units can shoot something unless you select the unit in question and hover over an enemy
        >several times I thought that I was getting shot through buildings and saw my own vehicles shooting at enemies through buildings?
        >all the light vehicles like LAVs seem to die extremely fast, it's instantaneous death for a vehicle if it's exposed to a launcher for even 1 single second, I was mostly without vehicles the whole time because of this, I'm bad though
        >it took me a while to figure out that you can choose what type of vehicle the squad gets brought into battle with, I kept spawning marines without their LAVs
        >it also took me a while to figure out that if you want to resupply your units, you have to pick a truck/helicopter and then load it up with supplies the same way you would pick infantry and then the vehicle it comes with, THEN you have to unload the supplies like infantry
        >impressed by the urban combat aspect. Every single building could be entered by infantry, and there were lots of buildings as you would expect in a city, unlike some other games, it was treacherous as frick running from building to building dodging bullets, really cool
        >at some point I figured out that you can bring multiple infantry squads in by helicopter, then send the helicopter back to base to refund the points and get the chopper back, then bring more infantry
        Absolute KINO of the highest order when helicopters were buzzing around dropping off marines and supplies and spamming flares to not get shot down. I like where this is going

        voice acting is shit. I'm not an American but those are some of the worst American accents ever. Couldn't they hire an actual American?

        • 1 year ago

          Voice acting is better than the OG trailer. Then it was literally just some fricker with a thick Russian accent speaking english.

        • 1 year ago

          People don't want authentic American accent. They want what they think authentic American accent is. Same with things like Chinese food, Paris, etc. You get the idea.

          • 1 year ago

            as a burger this is funny. what do foreigners expect us to sound like? john wayne type accents?

            can euros tell canadian and american accents apart?

            • 1 year ago

              >can euros tell canadian and american accents apart?

  20. 1 year ago

    I played and yes; is a good game with tons of potential; they probably will put every weapon used by USA and Russia to the game; even the prototypes ones; lol.

  21. 1 year ago

    >You can order fire missions to fire in one spot, in a line or from target to target
    I love what they did to artillery and air support. Now you can order a wall of smoke or HE, or order a plane to dump all it's ordinance across a fortified position. Made good use of it when some Russian Naval infantry were pinned in a ditch and wiped their entire platoon with mortars.

  22. 1 year ago

    >mfw I'll have to deal with propagandized NATOtroons online whining that the wunderwaffe doesn't work
    Actually that will be fricking hilarious.

    • 1 year ago

      >implying they won't make nato overpowered

      • 1 year ago

        If Wargame taught me anything it's that NATO players (with some exceptions, mostly among certain minor nations) are fricking shit, so they'll need all the help they can get.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. posting from my stallinium coated vatnibunker

  23. 1 year ago


    Man...I remember being 16 too.

    • 1 year ago


      Shoulda posted the one where the Russian tanker was on fire and full bore sprinting across a field, followed by a T-72 just exploding.
      Funniest shit I've seen this entire war.

      >haha is le bad
      >is le hiv
      >is le pidors

  24. 1 year ago


    Shoulda posted the one where the Russian tanker was on fire and full bore sprinting across a field, followed by a T-72 just exploding.
    Funniest shit I've seen this entire war.

  25. 1 year ago


    >I don't have counterarguments but I do have videos of dying soldiers saved on my PC because I'm a mental case
    Don't give up.

    • 1 year ago

      I actually really enjoyed the demo. They got some actual voice actors unlike Eugen's "grab the nearest tourist from that nation off the street".

      Only encountered one bug, too where an Osprey just spazzed out and refused orders after cancelling a boarding action. Graphics are a bit of a hit & miss, though.

      it's okay, russians aren't people

      • 1 year ago

        >I actually really enjoyed the demo. They got some actual voice actors unlike Eugen's "grab the nearest tourist from that nation off the street".
        Enjoyed the unit voices too. Abrams guy is hilarious:

    • 1 year ago

      >don't have counterarguments
      >to "dude trust me bro" sources
      I wonder why

  26. 1 year ago

    >first thing I see when I open the game is "Made with Unity"

    • 1 year ago

      >"Made with Unity"

      • 1 year ago

        it's fine Black person

  27. 1 year ago

    Any Jannies here? Just purge this thread, it turned into a shit flinging fest.

    • 1 year ago

      >Any Jannies here?

  28. 1 year ago

    Ok I just beat the demo.
    >the voice acting is good, it sounds more like professional voice actors and not random homeless people it really helps with immersion
    >it's hard to pick units out when they're all stacked together, and I don't like how small the icons are
    >I don't understand how line of sight works, there's no way to see if your units can shoot something unless you select the unit in question and hover over an enemy
    >several times I thought that I was getting shot through buildings and saw my own vehicles shooting at enemies through buildings?
    >all the light vehicles like LAVs seem to die extremely fast, it's instantaneous death for a vehicle if it's exposed to a launcher for even 1 single second, I was mostly without vehicles the whole time because of this, I'm bad though
    >it took me a while to figure out that you can choose what type of vehicle the squad gets brought into battle with, I kept spawning marines without their LAVs
    >it also took me a while to figure out that if you want to resupply your units, you have to pick a truck/helicopter and then load it up with supplies the same way you would pick infantry and then the vehicle it comes with, THEN you have to unload the supplies like infantry
    >impressed by the urban combat aspect. Every single building could be entered by infantry, and there were lots of buildings as you would expect in a city, unlike some other games, it was treacherous as frick running from building to building dodging bullets, really cool
    >at some point I figured out that you can bring multiple infantry squads in by helicopter, then send the helicopter back to base to refund the points and get the chopper back, then bring more infantry
    Absolute KINO of the highest order when helicopters were buzzing around dropping off marines and supplies and spamming flares to not get shot down. I like where this is going

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, the doomsayers came in with expectations, and when they weren't immediately met they started shitposting. I'm really hype now.

      I also struggled with using light vehicles; Smoke didn't really seem to do much. They can obviously outrange RPGs, which is obviously difficult in an urban setting as you'd expect, so the map is probably just giving a poor impression of their capabilities. I also really enjoyed the generous ranges of most equipment, unlike so many arcade-y RTS games where a MANPAD has the range of a baseball.

    • 1 year ago

      I noticed that when planes get shot down sometimes the crew ejects and can be controlled like any other unit. Is this necessary? idk but it's cool I guess

      • 1 year ago

        It's so you can refund them, which is a really cool detail

      • 1 year ago

        They are blowing up the Nordstream pipe I see.

      • 1 year ago

        >Is this necessary?
        A little late, but yes. You get to evac the pilot, which returns the points and/or plane to your unit pool. There are Search and Rescue teams you can call in as well to head behind enemy lines and rescue them

    • 1 year ago

      The final game is gonna ships I guess. You get to shoot Tomahawks at any enemies you want. These objective markers fricking suck by the way. The circle is all you get. No floating icon or anything. I had to look for these rocket launchers for like a minute before I found the stupid red painted circle on the ground. This is a minor thing though I'm sure it will get changed

      • 1 year ago

        Actually looking at this screenshot again I just saw there's a minimap and it has the objectives marked on it. In my defense though the minimap is almost fricking transparent.

    • 1 year ago

      Btw if you make it to the second half of the mission where the amphibious force lands on the beach and you get all your units killed because you're a complete brainlet (like me) you have to bring more reinforcements in via helicopter because there's no spawn point for land units on the beach. You can actually watch the helicopters taking off from the deck of the light carrier if you go look at it. Really based detail. Don't get them shot down though.

      • 1 year ago

        >tfw keep fricking up on defending the fort because my muttoids get chewed up by the stream of veh deh veh and reinforcements shot down unless i waste time landing them at the back, forcing the marines to jog up the hill

  29. 1 year ago

    Really wish this game had two buttons for Unload and Unload at position. Other than that, the game seems pretty good so far.

    • 1 year ago

      Things I found out:
      >infantry can be called without vehicles
      >vehicle and building capacity are actual numbers, if you have understrength squads or multiple smaller ones you can put them in a vehicle that would otherwise only carry one bigger squad
      >vehicle lifting capacity is also an actual number, which means your CH-53E can lift your LAV-25s, HMMWVs and bunch other units, pic related
      >you can use the HEMMT (LVSR) to move soldiers as well, if you want troops cheap and fast you can call them in the truck
      >no, sadly you can't put vehicles on the HEMMT
      >most of your infantry can use the sprint ability to move quicker and temporarily break suppression slowdown
      >mortars are good and you need to use them more, also you can pick what ammunition and type of bombardment you want, but I don't think that any units with laser designator are available in the demo mission
      >infantry WILL fire their AT launchers at helicopters if they're close enough
      >the osprey you get has a minigun under it and will absolutely shred infantry if it's not threatened with anti-air (and you don't fly too close, see previous point)
      >flares save lives, helicopter/plane usage is possible when threatened by AA missiles if you micro them heavily
      >the IL-76 planes that drops the VDV can be shot down and it drops an enemy US crew down (I assume they're just missing RU crew for time being and didn't think someone would do it)
      >you can put your army on hold fire and not destroy the last SAM launcher in the first part of the mission, giving you plenty of time to regroup and buy things
      Overall I really like what I see. It's like a more realistic WIC, I like it more than WARNO but I'm somewhat afraid that the finished game won't have the content to back it up.

      Press the hotkey (U) twice.
      But favorite annoyance is that when you mash unload button a bit too much (which happens a lot in helicopter landings) you're stuck with unload command on cursor which stops you from selecting anything else.

      • 1 year ago

        >Press the hotkey (U) twice.

        Double-tap U and they drop out immediately

        >Double-tap U and they drop out immediately
        Thanks bros.

    • 1 year ago

      Double-tap U and they drop out immediately

  30. 1 year ago

    I completed the demo and have some feedback. Some of it is 'nitpicky', but I have a 'big picture' concern about the game as well.

    >Unload at location does not deploy troops into buildings, you have to unload next to a building then manually select them then put them in. But units stack on each other.
    >The game desperately needs a line-of-sight and range tool, defending the fort it was really finnicky to get my guys on the highground of the Star Fort so they can shoot down at the VDV
    >Weird issues on either LoS, range, or unit behavior - E.g. my Marines in a building seemed to not be shooting against the Reservistys in a nearby building. I checked the armory and MAYBE its the RPK having 650M range as opposed to everything else's 600M, but it's unclear
    >Poorly optimized and buggy obviously (It's a demo, but the whole 'clear the air' segment broke on me twice, game hang on the restart screen)
    >Pathfinding issues (running around buildings the long-way rather than shortest path)

    Big picture concerns:
    >Bigger issue the game has with its overall 'feel' is that the game seems to want to BOTH have the 'fast, arcade-y' action of World in Conflict, AND the 'tactical seriousness' of a Eugen game
    >This presents a problem because the game seems to want you to use units aggressively, micro unit abilities, etc., but punishes you hard for any sloppy play (high time-to-kill; Recon and LoS are more significant than in WiC), but the game doesn't give you the tools (LoS tool, range tool, unload at location, etc.) to do that micro, and also the maps are tight and compressed, AND with a higher unit count than WiC
    >So it feels like the two things are working at 'cross-purposes' to each other. It doesn't feel like it's coming together.

    But, want to end with positive things about the game:
    >Overall good presentation, especially unit cards etc., and great voice acting
    >I like the way buildings / transports work with model #'s
    >Some units like mortar vehicles feel very snappy

    • 1 year ago

      >Bigger issue the game has with its overall 'feel' is that the game seems to want to BOTH have the 'fast, arcade-y' action of World in Conflict, AND the 'tactical seriousness' of a Eugen game

      yea i agree w this. the second stage of the demo mission where you control the amphibious landing troops didn't feel good. it was like the devs wanted this to be the 'cavalry has arrived' moment but then it was really tedious inching forward recon squads with tanks behind them micro because units die so fast. it wouldnt be so bad if there was more forest cover or open field at that part but its tanks going through urban area so you have to be super super careful. it was an inching slog and me trying to constantly see if my units could fire or get sight on them and then attack-move and then reverse and then attack-move and then reverse.

  31. 1 year ago


    >haha look we kill them with isis tactics!
    >nooo dont nuke my shitholebourg pls

  32. 1 year ago

    It's not bad but I don't understand how Russians can make the worst fricking RTS missions of all time. The gameplay is good and fluid. Feels better than WARNO.

  33. 1 year ago

    >Eugenetards are once again trying to make every RTS that takes place on a big map into Wargame
    Same shit with Regiments, same shit with WARNO and now it's the same shit with Broken Arrow. Wartrannies need to frick off back to Red gayon.

    • 1 year ago

      >developer says ‘we are making wargame meets world in conflict’
      >its worse than both with the charms of neither
      >people dont like it

      Quelle surprise

      And for frick’s sake id love for someone actually competent make this style of game again. We’re trapped with eugen because everyone else who tries fumbles the ball even worse

      • 1 year ago

        Actually it was very well received. It's literally just Wartrannies who are seething it's not Wargame 2.

        • 1 year ago

          >very well received
          by whom

          • 1 year ago

            Normies. You know, the ones who actually buy and play games and not just compBlack folk who b***h about them online.

            • 1 year ago

              Prove it

            • 1 year ago

              Ayo dis homie the dev point and laugh
              Shouldnt you be receiving a summons in the mail soon?

              • 1 year ago

                I can't get conscripted because I'm so autistic it counts as a disability.

            • 1 year ago

              Normies don't play autistic cold war military wargames.

              • 1 year ago

                Luckily it's neither autistic nor a wargame.

          • 1 year ago

            which normies play RTS?

          • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          >Actually it was very well received

  34. 1 year ago

    >Is it going to be a good alternative to Wargame
    I hope but I doubt it even Eugen hasn't been able to live up to Red Dragon.

  35. 1 year ago

    >Shit talking Unity
    This oppression will end. One way or another.

  36. 1 year ago

    Just got done taking my first crack at the demo. Lot of the pros I was seeing, the voice acting for example is pretty good (except the actual campaign guy, he clearly sounds like a Russian pretending to be American). Overall it felt like Wargame but less micro-heavy, which is what I'd hoped for. If they let you dick around with the arsenal in singleplayer and keep the options it has now, this has potential for an excellent strategic Barbie game.

    • 1 year ago

      >felt like Wargame but less micro-heavy
      did anyone in this thread even play wargame?
      how the frick is this less micro-heavy when you have unit abilities and infantry squads where they refuse to pick up the AT weapon if the designated AT guy dies
      it shows how moronic marines are I guess
      Im surprised there isnt a damage model for vehicles where you have to change tires

      • 1 year ago

        Also wargame has proper shift commands, which alleviates a lot of microing. In BA you have no choice but to babysit your units.

        • 1 year ago

          thinking about it the only micro I could come up with is turning of radar AA

      • 1 year ago

        >Im surprised there isnt a damage model for vehicles where you have to change tires
        You jest but when I played the demo one of my Abrams tanks got damaged in some way that it wasn't able to move until I airdropped supplies by helicopter directly on top of it. There was no information or feedback at all for this happening to my unit besides a microscopic red circle underneath floating nameplate for the unit.

      • 1 year ago

        >Im surprised there isnt a damage model for vehicles where you have to change tires
        You jest but when I played the demo one of my Abrams tanks got damaged in some way that it wasn't able to move until I airdropped supplies by helicopter directly on top of it. There was no information or feedback at all for this happening to my unit besides a microscopic red circle underneath floating nameplate for the unit.

        Yes, mobility kills are in fact a thing, surprised me too.
        But yeah, I'm not sure why people say it's less micro heavy than WARNO. It might be less micro-heavy than World in Conflict, considering that units actually fire all their weapons without you needing to use a magical regenerating "shoot missile" ability, but some stuff like sprint, smoke and flares on air vehicles are still manual.
        The UI is worse than WiC tho, I sort of hate that it seems the art of making an understandable and intuitive UI has been lost.
        It's hard to directly compare it to WARNO when we have a single scripted campaign mission here and at best bot skirmish in other, but I sort of lean into this being more fun than WARNO. WARNO against AI boils down to fast moving infantry into forests and buildings in the middle, bunch of tanks and ATGMs in openings, recon overlooking all of it and an AA net in the back, with maybe bunch of artillery set to automatically fire.
        From what I have seen the way this game handles armory and possibly deck building is superior. Being able to choose your plane loadouts manually is good, even if WARNO itself is superior to Wargame:RD in this respect actually giving you a couple of pre-set options for many vehicles.
        Broken Arrow also has lot of interesting novelty features like transporting vehicles with helicopters, laser designation and cruise missiles.

        • 1 year ago

          I think less is more is key. One reason why Wargame was so good was on a base level it was simple mechanics, nothing too over complicated.
          >bring in troops from a deployment zone
          >rock paper scissors
          >need cv to capture points
          But then the game went into depth about each of the things the units. Tanks can't fire on the move without stabilisers, units get shell shocked and more.
          They're natural additions, but BA has added things to a lateral level which has over complicated the game. Helicopters can do all these cool things, units can do all these cool things. There's almost too much a unit can do, then add the incontinency with UI and micro control and the games is kinda average

          • 1 year ago

            Using helicopters to transport vehicles is really neat though. A lot of W:RD mods had that.
            Like you don't get to use it a lot in the mission and even looking at the armory there aren't many interesting things you could do but you can use your helicopters to take cars and trucks that aren't amphibious over the water. Having features like those isn't necessarily bad, I mean AoE2 is considered one of best RTS games and it had siege towers which are almost never used outside of maybe arena matches.
            The small things also make factions feel more unique from each other - without stabilizers mattering French tanks in W:RD would just feel the exact same as Leo 1s, but since French were moronic you have to play their tanks more like a Warsaw Pact faction and actually stop your vehicles for firing. East Germany in WARNO almost universally receives a big morale buff because it sort of makes sense historically but also gives them anything that makes them not discount Soviet Union.
            I will give you that a lot of nuance gets lost or becomes annoying and bothersome in Broken Arrow because the UI is pretty shit.
            Like, sure, flares on air vehicles are cool and all (though they should probably also fire automatically, maybe with a cooldown) but the game doesn't warn me at all that my aerial vehicle is under attack and gives me no way to quickly swap to the unit outside of traditional control groups.
            Lack of feedback about what's happening somewhere you're not directly looking at is one of bigger problems even, sometimes in the latter half of the mission I would lose units and then wonder where they went for couple of minutes.
            WARNO does this in a really annoying way with voice calls from units which get repetitive and some of them are extremely irritating (I will NOT give you morphine) but at least you know shit is going on because people start screaming.

    • 1 year ago

      >felt like Wargame but less micro-heavy
      did anyone in this thread even play wargame?
      how the frick is this less micro-heavy when you have unit abilities and infantry squads where they refuse to pick up the AT weapon if the designated AT guy dies
      it shows how moronic marines are I guess
      Im surprised there isnt a damage model for vehicles where you have to change tires

      Also wargame has proper shift commands, which alleviates a lot of microing. In BA you have no choice but to babysit your units.

      You Black folk ought to actually try WARNO at some point if you were bothered by the micro in Wargame, they actually got around to adding a ton of QoL stuff, like a "move to location while staying in cover whenever possible" order. A lot less micro in practice.

      • 1 year ago

        A lot of the features were already in the first Steel Division but Wargays just shit and pissed themselves because it wasn't a direct sequel

      • 1 year ago

        I want to try WARNO at some point, but preferably when I don't need to spend money. Demos are a gift and I wish more devs used them.

    • 1 year ago

      >Overall it felt like Wargame but less micro-heavy
      Shit opinion, you need to do so much more Micro than wargame. Only super heavies require good micro and it's easier to understand.

      • 1 year ago

        All I know is I almost won my first go at the demo mission with minimal input beyond telling my guys where to go, as opposed to autistically turning weapons off and back on again.

        Also, the mission consisting of something other than spawning your units, taking up position, turtling until the AI lose, and repeating. Wargame's approach to difficulty and mission design sucks fricking donkey dick.

  37. 1 year ago

    Weird they made the mission so much harder for the demo.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >They took away the Marines Corps Javelins

      • 1 year ago

        The corps can't afford javelins.

      • 1 year ago

        they still hav javs, labeled dragon units

        • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nooo

  38. 1 year ago

    >Play wargame RD
    >Join tactical 10v10
    >Buy 2x T72BU
    >Nuked by homosexual airplane

    As long as this gay shit dosent happen then im sold.

    • 1 year ago

      So you invested 350 points in tanks, skipped smoke, skipped aa, skipped infantry, skipped recon, and you lost the tanks. I'm not sure about the gay ass tacticals, but this exact shit that you described ironically won't happen in Broken Arrow because tanks have built-in smokes.

      • 1 year ago

        Was hoping my team would sort all that out.

        >but this exact shit that you described ironically won't happen in Broken Arrow because tanks have built-in smokes.

        Well thank frick for that 😀

        • 1 year ago

          >Was hoping my team would sort all that out.
          >I wanted to be the special boy with the coolest shiniest toys while my team pulls my weight
          go play something for FAS children or something homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      Doesnt happen in Warno my friend

      • 1 year ago

        I bet it does you fricking paid shill

        • 1 year ago

          minute 0 air, heli, and arty spam are legitimately much less a thing in warno than in wgrd
          the forward deploy and recon mechanics mean forces at opening are more spread out so harder / less rewarding to try and hit the main road with artillery at the exact right time to get the cheeky 500 points kill
          easy to bring in an ASF at start to deter any opening gambit cheeky A-10 or SU-25s
          most divisions have either AA helicopters, fast-moving MANPADs, or even decently speeded SPAAGs which mean that helicopter all-ins are much more risky

  39. 1 year ago

    >start downloading demo
    >38 (thirty-eight) gigabytes

    • 1 year ago

      It’s mostly for flexing with the size of the armory

  40. 1 year ago

    Can I mod or cheatengine the starting points?

  41. 1 year ago

    was hyped but after playing the demo im kinda bummed. seems shitty tbh

    • 1 year ago

      I'm starting to wonder if I like strategy games tbh.

  42. 1 year ago

    >vatBlack folk ruined war games forever with their abject ineptitude
    /wgg/ bros...
    it's over
    the HATObabbies won

  43. 1 year ago

    Nice but the shit is janky as frick. I lost way too many troops to incorrect pathing and weird line of sight. the fact that hotkeys seemingly don't work and unloading is such a pain with helicopters barely functional.
    doesn't help that the AI is really obviously input reading for like five minute and then braindead for another and then input reading again.

    the starting mission is also really odd. seems like suicide in any case.

  44. 1 year ago

    anyone know a way to play the demo after it got pulled? I have it on my disc.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, this person cracked it
      PW is

      • 1 year ago

        I hope the devs make russia units reflect their real-world (lack of) performance to spite the crackers.

        • 1 year ago

          Unironically, almost seems to be the case. Russian units rely on mass numbers and expendable infantry waves and are inferior to US units almost across the board.

          WG's campaigns are so unfun because they AI is so predictable. It will always fast-move all of its units until contact, and then attack-move towards your spawn. It's too easy to figure it out and just grind it to dust.

          A scripted campaign isn't as """"""""""emergent""""""""", but at least the missions are different. I welcome BA's approach, and I hope that there's going to be a lot of missions, and a lot of fanmade missions.

          They said the Demo mission was made with the mission maker tools that will be there at launch, so I'm looking forward to some autists 30 mission long campaign detailing the destruction of the entire 3rd Guards.

          • 1 year ago

            >mass numbers and expendable infantry waves
            I love RTS factions possess these characteristics.

        • 1 year ago

          the devs are russian, no chance lol
          wasnt one of the devs sperging out on twitter about evil hohols or whatever incomprehensible shit gets in the russians' craw?

          • 1 year ago

            They may be Russian, but they're currently bowing to their Swedish masters.
            Dunno how they manage to tard wrangle them so well.

            • 1 year ago

              Paid in money or vodka.

        • 1 year ago

          >game is Russia vs NATO
          >threads are going to be full of shitflinging
          >forums are probably going to be full of Redditors who think the game should be balanced around whatever propaganda they've consumed recently
          >in-game is going to be a bunch of slavs at each-other's throats constantly

          the devs are russian, no chance lol
          wasnt one of the devs sperging out on twitter about evil hohols or whatever incomprehensible shit gets in the russians' craw?

          >devs are Russian
          Thank God, I was worried they'd be some butthurtbelters or some shit.
          >uhm achskually sweetie r/worldnews and Snopes have confirmed that 1 Abrams can defeat 50 T-90s and is also immune to Russian ATGMs, also costs less than any Russian tank because 50 million Russians have died so they can't produce more tanks

          inb4 if you don't believe my ridiculous propaganda you're brainwashed by/one of "them"

          • 1 year ago

            >calls others butthurt
            >immediately spergs out at the mention of shit russian performance

          • 1 year ago

            The only one butthurt so far seems to be you, tbh.

  45. 1 year ago

    >Is it going to be a good alternative to Wargame
    No, because it just borrows elements from Wargame and is actually a very heavily scripted mission-based World in Conflict successor with a story-heavy campaign. This is not a problem for me, but I went in expecting something like Wargame and it was really different.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are Wartrannies so delusional?

      • 1 year ago

        Has Wargame fricked your sister or something?

    • 1 year ago

      I think ultimately the final game will be less scripted, but I do expect it not to be a direct competitor to Wargame/WARNO, it's more of it's own thing

    • 1 year ago

      Wargame campaigns are mostly ass. You get the same experience by just playing single player skirmish. EEs campaigns were the best with proper objectives even if some where hilariously broken.

      • 1 year ago

        I honestly enjoyed the shit out of Airland Battle campaigns. Red Dragon had way too moronic scenarios, forced you into the half-assed naval battles and had really cheesy presentation.

        • 1 year ago

          The naval battles in RD fricking sucked and even after resorting to guides and youtube videos i never quite fully grasped it besides spam long-range anti-ship missiles
          The Busan Pocket campaign is genuinely really very fun though

          • 1 year ago


            I never played ALB but I did replay some of the RD and EE campaigns not that long ago, main problem with the EE campaigns is they are painfully slow. I mean, really really ploddingly slow. Especially that first German campaign, shit you spend an actual 15 minutes just ticking points to spam leopard 1a4's and then attack move all of them to win the objective. It's like the whole game is running on 60% speed

            That said I really enjoy conventional RTS campaign design with linear mission orders and introductions of new units and mechanics, and wish Eugen (and other devs) did more of that.

            The Army General mode in SD2 was really novel and cool (but I'm not the biggest SD2 fan in general so my mileage was limited), so I am excited to see it put into Warno, but frankly my issue with it is the same as like Total War Warhammer 2 which is I don't necessarily always want to do a huge long campaign, and think 3 moves ahead. It would be nice if Warno had like a conventional 10 or so mission campaign even in place of a tutorial and then the Army General mode but that's not happening

            WG's campaigns are so unfun because they AI is so predictable. It will always fast-move all of its units until contact, and then attack-move towards your spawn. It's too easy to figure it out and just grind it to dust.

            A scripted campaign isn't as """"""""""emergent""""""""", but at least the missions are different. I welcome BA's approach, and I hope that there's going to be a lot of missions, and a lot of fanmade missions.

      • 1 year ago

        I honestly enjoyed the shit out of Airland Battle campaigns. Red Dragon had way too moronic scenarios, forced you into the half-assed naval battles and had really cheesy presentation.

        I never played ALB but I did replay some of the RD and EE campaigns not that long ago, main problem with the EE campaigns is they are painfully slow. I mean, really really ploddingly slow. Especially that first German campaign, shit you spend an actual 15 minutes just ticking points to spam leopard 1a4's and then attack move all of them to win the objective. It's like the whole game is running on 60% speed

        That said I really enjoy conventional RTS campaign design with linear mission orders and introductions of new units and mechanics, and wish Eugen (and other devs) did more of that.

        The Army General mode in SD2 was really novel and cool (but I'm not the biggest SD2 fan in general so my mileage was limited), so I am excited to see it put into Warno, but frankly my issue with it is the same as like Total War Warhammer 2 which is I don't necessarily always want to do a huge long campaign, and think 3 moves ahead. It would be nice if Warno had like a conventional 10 or so mission campaign even in place of a tutorial and then the Army General mode but that's not happening

  46. 1 year ago

    There was a stream on Slitherine twitch channel about Broken Arrow
    >Total Summary of livestream interview:
    >Statistics: 150k+ demo downloads, 100k+ unique demo players. Only 60% of units were in the demo.
    >Feedback: 80% of people said they would buy on launch, 15% hesitant, 5% didn't like. Performance and stability were an issue, and will be addressed.
    >Demo was considered quite difficult by players, but this was because it was a more diverse mission to try and showcase as many features and aspects in one mission as possible. Mechanics will be better explained in tutorials in the future to help with difficulty.
    >QoL will be included to reduce hardcore micro, such as automatic flare deployment.
    >What's next: Multiplayer testing and deck building, with a focus on trying to release multiplayer beta sometime in the spring, possibly May.

    • 1 year ago

      that all sounds fair and reasonable, esp. QoL, but im not sure where those feedback numbers are coming from. i dont wish the game ill or anything but i was in the 5% and a lot of anons here were too. i think they are making it up lol

      • 1 year ago

        A window with a link to a survey appeared after the end of the mission, or if you failed it.

  47. 1 year ago

    Are there anime mods?

  48. 1 year ago

    I watched the live Q/A on twitch and I swear to God this man is French, not Russian.

    • 1 year ago

      >french devs
      Oh god it's wargame all over again. Rafale will rape everything, perfectly balanced.

      • 1 year ago

        I would rather have the French than Russian Vatniks or American glowies.

    • 1 year ago

      That was ex-Eugen dev.

  49. 1 year ago

    What's the point of all the fancy graphics and scale if it's just APM asiaticclick? Why not make a real wargame (not Wargame™)

    • 1 year ago

      Here is the beta for gigabrain not-"asiaticclick" game for you, master general

    • 1 year ago

      Because (You) wouldn't play it.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think I can play this. There's too many things I need to take attention in such a large map which can be countered by play hours, but good luck tho. It's legit a good game even if I barely scratched the surface. Will be waiting for MoW2 instead.

      I don't know what you anons want. It's a real time game, time will always be a factor, not sure how it could be slower than this without being turn based. The devs are adding autocast for stuff like defensive smoke too.
      You've never played MoW against humans, have you? The micro is insane and I'm sweating my ass off constantly having to micro guns to hit weakpoints, snipe, pop smokes, etc. Assaulting is even worse with grenade micro deciding if your squad is wiped without firing a shot or if you take that trench. Gates of Hell is even worse because you can now cook grenades, so you're gonna be cooking them too because that can easily wipe half a squad.

      • 1 year ago

        >Gates of Hell is even worse because you can now cook grenades
        You could always cook them in direct control.

  50. 1 year ago

    I don't think I can play this. There's too many things I need to take attention in such a large map which can be countered by play hours, but good luck tho. It's legit a good game even if I barely scratched the surface. Will be waiting for MoW2 instead.

    • 1 year ago

      You sound like you didn't play the game. Compared to Wargame, in this demo mission, there were very few units to control. Up to ten infantry squads and several vehicles.

  51. 1 year ago
  52. 1 year ago

    so what are the differences between WRD, WARNO, and Broken Arrow?

    • 1 year ago

      Broken Arrow is in between WiC and Wargame in terms of how it plays

  53. 1 year ago

    >You can customize the ammo loadout of vehicles
    >New fire mission controls make it super easy to call in walls of smoke
    I'm super stoked about the way they did artillery. It feels so useful and responsive and easy to use.
    It's one of those things where you look at it and think why it's neve been done before.

  54. 1 year ago

    Does Broken Arrow have the Chimera?

  55. 1 year ago

    squad types not being represented with NATO symbology is the big flaw for me.

  56. 1 year ago

    >Well over 100 units
    >Almost every units has multiple variations of itself
    >They all look really good
    This game is gonna be a chunky b***h, I can already tell.

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